Jacob and Renesme Story.... Morning Star

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This is a story about Jacob and Renesme. How Renesme realizes that Jacob is perfect for her and the love
of her life. This is just a preview of the story. PLEASE COMMENT FOR MORE!!!!!!! AND I WILL UPLOAD


“Jake wake up,” Nessie said as she ran into my room. It was her first day at her new high school, and
apparently mine too. I opened my eyes; her face was just inches from my own. “My first day in grade 10,
and I might be late” she whispered her eyes wide. I laughed out loud. “Okay, okay I’m up” I said. She got
off my lap, and ran to the doorway. I snorted. She was still her in her pyjamas. She put her hands on her
hips, and looked at me like she knew what I was thinking, probably could. Then she ran out.

Nessie and I were best friends. She knew me more then I knew myself, and I knew her more then she
knew herself. But, that was it; we weren’t anything more than best friends. I got up from the bed and
got dressed a process that took longer here than in my regular home. I had a million clothes here,
literally, compliments of Alice. Ravensdale was as gloomy as Forks. It was right next door to La push so I
could easily come and go as I pleased. Whenever it was late I stayed over at the Cullens place.

After I finished getting dressed, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Esme prepared a huge feast as if
there were twenty people eating other than just two. “Morning Esme.” I said as I helped her put
everything on the table. “Good morning.” she said smiling sweetly. Esme always managed to remind me
of my mom. I looked around for Nessie. She usually beat me to the table. “Where’s Ness?” I asked as I
sat down. “Most probably upstairs, she seemed excited.” Esme replied as she left the kitchen. I got up
and went upstairs. “Ness.” I called as I stepped into the room. I usually didn’t knock. She was putting her
books into her bag, she looked brilliant, even her worried face. “And you thought I would never beat you
to the kitchen table.” I said brightly trying to literally, turn that frown upside down. She stuck her tongue
out on me, as she sat on the bed. I chuckled as I went to sit next to her. “Hey... don’t worry Ness; you’re
already done one year, just 2 more to go after this one.” I said calmly. “That’s just it” she said as she
curled up into a ball, she rested her head on her knees. “That’s the reason, I just don’t want it to end
because after that, what am I gonna do? Nothing! Who am I gonna be with? No one!” I stiffened. Luckily
she didn’t notice. “Ness, that’s not the point.” I said when I recovered. “Nessie, do you know what I see
you doing? You are a brilliant girl. You’re gonna go to college, university, graduate, work, become
successful. During everything, the person you’re gonna be with is probably gonna be your friend, a
person that sees you like I see you. You’re smart, funny, charming, and you always put others first. The
way that you laugh makes anyone feel better. You’re like the sun, bright and cheery.” I said

Her eyes filled with tears, she got up and hugged me. “Thank you Jake” she said. I wrapped my arms
around her too. “Anytime... told you I wasn’t lying when I said you were special.” I said as I pulled away
and winked at her. I grabbed her books and her book bag and headed downstairs. “Jake” she called
before I left. “Yea” I replied turning around to face her. She walked over and kissed me on the cheek. “I
love you Jake.” “I love you too.” I said my face feeling slightly hotter than it usually was.

I never said one lie to her... I did love her... more than she knew!

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