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I. Title. BOLD, CAPS LOCK, CENTER. Reflective of group of learning outcomes or course
outcomes. Starts with the –ing- form of the first word of outcomes-based learning objective. See
example below:
II. Module descriptor. Provide concise and clear coverage of the module based on given learning
Module descriptor: This module covers relevant nursing and non-nursing theoretical concepts
and principles used in providing nursing care grounded in caring science
III. Nominal duration. Refer to course syllabus for time allotment for the given learning
Nominal duration: 3 hours
IV. Program outcome. Refer to program outcomes (CMO 15. S. 2017) from which the learning
outcomes were derived or see alignment matrix in the course syllabus.
Program outcome: Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural, and health sciences and
humanities in the practice of nursing
V. Course outcome. Refer to course outcomes (CMO 15. S. 2017) from which the learning
outcomes were derived or see alignment matrix in the course syllabus.
Course outcome: Apply knowledge of nursing theoretical concepts and principles for
humanistic practice of nursing
VI. Learning outcomes. List learning outcomes based on course and program outcomes.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:
1. Integrate relevant nursing and non-nursing theoretical concepts and principles for
humanistic practice of nursing.
VII. Self-Directed Learning Activities and Output. Faculty-in-charge identifies list of offline and
online outcomes-based teaching and learning activities based on given learning, course, and
program outcomes. Self-Directed Learning approach may further enhance the learner’s creative
inquiry approach and responsibility over instructor’s structured OBTL plan for the course. This

Date developed: Reviewed by:

Outcomes-Based May 2020
Teaching and
Learning Materials Developed by:
for BSN Program
could serve as basis for development of rubrics and assessment criteria in the succeeding sections
of the module.
Self-Directed Learning Activities and Output:
The learner should perform and/or submit the following evidence of learning:
1. Post response on instructor-develop questions related to the course topics (may further
specify the questions including date of posting in FB closed group page)
2. Share peered reviewed article or any reliable references about the course of topics and be
able to summarize it key points. (faculty-in-charge should identify format for
summarizing key points and offline submission mechanism for learners with no internet
3. Online group debates/discussion on topics (rubrics?)
Note: May explore numerous options available in textbook references but must be fitted
to available resources of the students.
VIII. Performance indicators. Refer to performance indicators of program outcomes in CMO 15
s. 2017. For more specifics parameters, the faculty-in-charge of the course should develop
assessment criteria for expected self-directed learning activities and output.
Performance indicators:
1. Integrate relevant principles of social, physical, natural and health sciences and
humanities in a given health and nursing situation
a. Xxxxxxx
b. xxxxxxx
2. Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions holistically and comprehensively
a. Bbbbbbbb
b. cccccccccc
IX Conditions. See example below.
Learners must have the following:
1. Workplace location: simulate varied health care settings
2. Equipment: appropriate healthcare equipment; laptops, smart phone;
3. Tools, accessories, and supplies: Flowcharts, Facebook app, art materials
4. Outcomes-based teaching and learning resources: module, e-books, peer reviewed
article, course-syllabus.

Date developed: Reviewed by:

Outcomes-Based May 2020
Teaching and
Learning Materials Developed by:
for BSN Program
X. Assessment method. Specify assessment method for identified offline and online OBTL
Assessment method:
1. Portfolio: written output, postings on Facebook closed group page for the course
based on rubrics
2. Written test: self-check
3. Simulation videos: observation using rubrics
Learning outcome 1: Integrate relevant nursing and non-nursing theoretical concepts and
principles for humanistic practice of nursing.
Learning objectives: (may take from available references – edit a bit though!
1. Nnnn
2. Nnnn
3. Nnn
4. nnn
Content: (taken from course syllabus or identify essential topics if not specified)
I. Evolution of Nursing
A. Introduction to Nursing Theory
1. History of nursing theory
2. Significance for the:
. Discipline
. Profession
B. History and Philosophy of Science
1. Relationalism
2. Empiricism
3. Early twentieth century views
4. Emergent views


 If possible, info sheet should be a teacher strategy of structuring essential topics (OBE
concept) based on learning outcome to avoid unethical (without permission) use of

Date developed: Reviewed by:

Outcomes-Based May 2020
Teaching and
Learning Materials Developed by:
for BSN Program
learning materials from available course references – this way we can say we own the
module while crediting sources (references- see APA guide)
 And to expound learning – because we have only provided specific information which
could be limited – we need to specify additional readings and if possible link to required
reliable sources or references if available online.
Learning objectives: (based on learning outcome patterned from course and program outcomes)
Additional readings:
References: (follow APA format)
Written test: (Self-check)
Answer key

the template is inspired by TESDA but modified to fit the standard terminologies, regulations,
and processes of the new BSN program (CMO 15 s. 2017)
To develop more module, for now – Faculty in-charge may copy paste from available reliable
references for course content information sheet and focused more on identification of required
learning activities and output and development of rubrics.
Granting we have 18-hours of face-to-face session with 3 course-groupings for a total class size
of 45 learners, faculty-in-charge of the course may identify the coverage for the allotted hours so
they can focus on development of modules for home study approach. But at the end of the
semester, faculty should be able to submit draft of the face-to-face course module.
Footnote section: fill-in the required information. Reviewed portion if for the Instruction and
curriculum committee members only.

Date developed: Reviewed by:

Outcomes-Based May 2020
Teaching and
Learning Materials Developed by:
for BSN Program

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