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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT G39 SenlaMe ws TIT TTIT sscsra4 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dee.2018/Jan.2019 Unix System Programming “Time: 3 brs. Max. Marks Note: Amswer any FIVE full questions, choosing one fll question from each module. Module-t @ 1a, Whatare major differences between ANSI-C and K and R C? Explain w} (Bias) bb. Mention the prototypes of syseont, pathconf, and thatheont funct a 1 demonstrate querying of mis by nee above functions. Marks) 2a. Diente beween ANSI Card C++ (3 Marks) ‘Explain the ANSI-C CPP symbols. And also write a progr bese symbols. (os Maeksp © Define API eee ee (Os Marks) 3. Wiha rea diagram expan tow UNDE Keres fo Rania 10 Mansy 'b. Explainthe following APIs. i) eek i) access. 46 Marks) ie 4 Whats the relationship berween fk sired used to convert them one ftom each other Explain fer API Givean example, file descriptor? Which functions are ie prototypes, (06 Marks) Hocking using fen APL. (10 Marks) Mi 5 a Explain witha neat diagram, how Wags eaif be initiated and ow it can be terminate. 108 Marks) ‘Explain wait and waitpid, APfoiorype. Menton the differences between wait and waitpid. “8 Marks) or 6 a Explain simp andi ith an example (os Marks) 1b Explain BSDs jap cor hanism with 2 neat diagram, (08 Marks) Module 7a. Explun siggetion API) a demonstrating program, (08 Marks) 1 progestes? Explain wth a neat diagram the enor loguing facility for a ow Marks) 3? Explain diferent ways 0 view a hal-duplex pipe. Write program to send data fiom parent process to child process using pipes (08 Marky ‘Why's FO? With a net dingram explain een server communication wig a FIFO. v" = eos) oR pin nesage queue APIS wih their proteypes ons Esplin semet and mop APIs wh te pels Oo ar) BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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