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HR Challenges in Recent Trends 

​Author; ​Shweta.T, ​, 

SSIET Anantapur 
​Co-Author​:​ ​Prof.Surendra Reddy, ​Bangalore 


Human resource management –it places emphasis on a continuous development

of people at the work. It is not only concerned with the present organization needs
but also anticipates future needs and it is accordingly.
The HRM function today is much more integrated and strategically involved, the
increased strategic importance of HRM means that HR specialists must show
managers that they contribute to the goals and mission of the firm. The actions,
language, and performance of the HRM function must be measured, precisely
communicated, and evaluated.
This article has written for understanding and takes precautions for facing the
various challenges influencing in HR.

Challenges influencing HRM:

➢​ Maintaining ethical policies and social responsible behaviour
➢​ Maintaining human values in the organization
➢​ Managing change
➢​ Sexual harassment
➢​ Environmental crisis
➢​ Cultural clashes
➢​ Motivating employees

Maintaining ethical policies and social responsible behavior

The human resource manager plays an important role in showing by example that
each employee is important and will be treated ethically. That is, any activity
engaged in by the HRM area will be fair, truthful, and honorable. People will not
be discriminated against, and all of their basic rights will be protected. These
ethical principles should apply to all activities in the HRM area, moreover it is
really a challenge to HR manager that to maintain ethical policies and social
responsible behavior. Maintaining ethical policies and social responsible behavior
may influence the brand value of an organization

IBM received the best corporate citizen award in the year 2004 because they
pay attention to customers, shareholders, the communities where they do
business, and employees. IBM, through its handling of challenging issues such as
creating a diverse and productive work environment and giving back to the
community, impress stakeholders and competitors.

Managing change
In the past decade, there have been rapid and tribulent
developments in the relationship between employees and employers. New trends
and changes have occurred in telecommunicating, outsourcing, HRM practices,
technology adaptation, pay for skills, and many other HRM areas of interest.
Nearly all of these trends and can be traced to the emergence of new lifestyles and
an aging population.
It is a challenge to the HR manager that to forecast the future regarding
changes in the organization and manage the change successfully. HR manager
must cope up with the trends and changes while still contributing to the

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is considered a form of sex discrimination under
title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 and is actionable when it occurs between
same as well as opposite sex individuals. There are two forms of sexual

a) quid pro quo

b) Hostile work environment

quid pro quo harassment is the exchange of sexual

favors for job benefits (the promise of a salary increase for a private dinner date).
Where as hostile work environment as a form of sexual
harassment may be “sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the
victims employment and create an abusive working environment”. For an
instance, making sexual oriented calendars or posters, and touching of a sexual
Find out and avoiding sexual harassment in the organization is the
major challenge and it is very crucial step to the HR manager. To run the
organization smoothly and to maintain a healthy environment, the HR manager
has to take it as a challenge to avoid sexual harassment by taking proper steps at
initial stages.
Employee counseling may help to avoid the problem at initial stages, so that the
organization may not be disturb.
Environmental crisis:

We all know that future is uncertain. One cannot be

predicting the future precisely. Even though there may be perfect planning in the
organizations, it may be face some critical situations suddenly which may not be
The crisis arises in the organizations may be due to the Political Reasons,
Economical Crisis, Technology Changes and may be Competitor Tactics. At those
critical situations, it is challenge to the HR manager to diagnose the problem and
taking corrective actions at a time.
​ okia ​faces
For an instance, in recent days N
many problems regarding improper working conditions of charging batteries. It is
really a challenge to the HR manager getting the customer confident again. They
follow ​“Transparence​” in their business to overcome the problem and again they
meet their targets by occupying 60% of the market share.

Cultural gap/ Cultural clashes​:

Organization culture refers to the pattern of beliefs resulting

from group norms, values and informal activities. The organization culture can
encourage or discourage effectiveness, depending on the nature of the values,
beliefs and norms.
Cultural clash is one of the challenges to the HR manager to
maintain a healthy environment in the organization for its success. Culture clash
occurs in the form of culturally speaking, and conflict arises in customs followed
by different countries.
For an instance, the Japanese culture is completely
different from French culture. Majority of the employees working in the plant are
French... It may arises culture clash, because to avoid cultural clash the manager
has to understand the cultural background of all the employees working in an

Motivation to the employees

Human beings need motivation to reach their goals. If human being is an arrow,
motivation acts like a bow. Motivation is nothing but identifies the inner talent
and shines it for individual success that leads to both organizational and
individual success.
A small praise if one can complete the task successfully.
A small recognition if one has reached their projects or goals…
Honesty appreciation in case of winning….creates a lot of positive energy to
every human being
​Shiv kheras​ “​YOU CAN WIN​” -it acts like an ‘energy tonic’
Many of the people through out the world has change their attitude in a right manner by
chanting the mantra ‘you can win’
Transfers to “yes-I can win”
“You can do each and every thing in the world….
Believe in that”
​-Swami Vivekananda
Every human being in the world are gifted by God with tremendous talent…there is no
individual with out having knowledge. However, why every one does not achieve their
targets. The main thing involves either they do not believe on themselves or the surroundings
impact on their nature negatively. At this time, one can encourage them in a right manner;
obviously, they can shine their talent, which they does not know before.
In the organization it is the responsibility of HR manager that to encourage and excellent
motivation to every individual employee in their career development to reach their targets
effectively. The HR manager should be very effective in case of using motivation techniques.
HR manager should treat employees as like a sponge…, which means that a sponge
is a thing that can absorb every thing as much as it can and when we press it, It reveals
immediately all the particles that it has absorbed…
Similarly, the HR manager should encourages and provides motivation
towards the employee that to learn new things and absorb /grasp new techniques,
technologies and when the time comes, he should be 100% use the employee talent that helps
to both employee and organizational success.

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