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Engineering Bulletin – EB 99013-A

Multiple Position Lock System


Background Review of current operational requirements show

that any one or a combination of the following
Hydril has constructed an 18 3/4 – 15,000 psi could effect MPL operator efficiency.
Ram BOP test cell. The cell has been created to
address the challenges that modern control • Lubricity and cleanliness of control fluid,
systems place on multiple position locking
systems, (MPL’s). • Hydraulic fluid flow rates and pressures,
• Hydraulic shock loading on the MPL system,
1) Operational requirements: operators must
function faster with higher pressures and • MPL nut material,
flow rates.
• Overhauling thread profile of screw and nut,
2) Environmental constraints: BOP fluids with • Coating of overhauling screw,
very low lubricity. Rigid piping requirements
to reduce leakage. • Coefficient of friction and durability of MPL
Nut and thrust bearings.
Test Results
Hydril MPL operators have been an industry
standard for the past 20 years and use common Hydril has built a test BOP and control setup to
parts in BOP sizes from 7 1/16 through 21 1/4 replicate the pressure and flow rate expected in a
and in all pressure ratings. New systems are modern control system. The test program
being required to operate faster with higher included MPL operator cycles at normal
pressures and flow rates. New systems are also operating pressures as well as elevated
being made with larger operator sizes. In pressures needed for rapid emergency
addition, the stacks are being assembled with disconnect procedures. Additionally, the
rigid piping instead of minimum pressure to
hoses, which stroke the operators was
absorbed shock. recorded on a periodic
Additionally, changes basis. This pressure test
in control fluids to has been proven to be a
make them more valuable diagnostic tool
environmentally to determine the MPL
friendly have been system condition.
mandated. These Current production
new demands have bearings and overhauling
resulted in increased screws were used
friction, higher loads, throughout the testing
and higher shock program.
loading on the MPL
operator system.

HYDRIL® is a registered trademark and service mark of Hydril Company

© 1999 Hydril Company.
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LATEST REVISION Printed on : Mon Sep 30 01:51:02 EDT 2013

Engineering Bulletin – EB 99013-A
Test Results: Continued • Use (Part no. 3128060) aluminum-bronze
nuts to replace beryllium-copper nuts,
Evaluation of test results, with the new operating
conditions, has resulted in an upgrade to the • Install new thrust bearings,
MPL nut.
• Replacement should be done using Hydril
The redesigned MPL nut is now a higher tested and approved lubricant, (Magnalube-
strength, tougher, Aluminum-Bronze alloy. G or Aqualube, Teflon filled grease)
Additional dimensional and processing changes
have been incorporated to reduce friction and • Hydril’s recommended break in procedure
provide increased life. should be followed each time a MPL nut is
replaced to insure that the MPL nut and
Additional findings indicate that MPL assemblies overhauling screw are properly mated, See
have performed satisfactorily for an estimated page 3.
service life approximating two years in low
lubricity BOP fluid when initially lubricated with • Periodically observe and record the
specific water resistant greases, and using minimum pressure to fully close and open
current production thrust bearings. the MPL operators. Comparison to prior
minimum pressure cycles can be used to
Testing has also shown that the current determine the relative operating condition of
molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) coating on the the actuator. If the minimum pressure
overhauling screw is very durable and provides a exceeds 200 psi the MPL assembly should
low coefficient of friction. The new Aluminum- be removed and component parts examined
Bronze alloy also reduced the coefficient of for the possible cause of the increase.
friction between the overhauling screw and the
MPL nut The ultimate reliability of the BOP's MPL system
is based on the fit of the MPL nut to the
Hydril has tested the new Aluminum-Bronze MPL overhauling screw. The MPL nut is designed to
nuts on overhauling screws that had some be the sacrificial component in the system. It is
material transfer build up from previous use. This also designed to be easy to replace. During
testing revealed that with proper initial lubrication normal BOP operations, BOP seals, MPL nuts
and break-in, there was little to no increase in and thrust bearings wear and therefore have
friction when compared to a new MPL nut and finite life. Replacement of these components
screw combination. Material build up was restores the BOP to near new condition. Hydril
reduced and visual appearance of the screw recommends that a preventative maintenance
actually improved with additional cycles and the program be established that is performed at 12
new Aluminum-Bronze alloy nuts. to 18 month intervals or every 100 cycles of the
MPL system. During this maintenance, MPL nuts
and clutch parts shall be thoroughly inspected,
overhauling screws re-lubricated and thrust
Recommendations bearings replaced. Hydril is designing a tool to
determine MPL nut condition. This will help to
Hydril recommends the following comprehensive determine if the MPL nut has reached the end of
upgrade, which will provide enhanced system its reliable service life. This tool will be available
performance. mid year, 2000.

HYDRIL® is a registered trademark and service mark of Hydril Company

© 1999 Hydril Company.
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LATEST REVISION Printed on : Mon Sep 30 01:51:02 EDT 2013

Engineering Bulletin – EB 99013-A
MPL Nut replacement and break-in

Whenever an MPL nut is replaced, the

overhauling screw should be thoroughly cleaned,
the overhauling thread, thrust bearings and the
MPL nut threads should be lightly greased with
Hydril approved grease (Magnalube-G or
Aqualube, Teflon filled grease)

. A new nut may be placed on an overhauling

screw in any one of the thread starts. However,
after a nut has gone through the break-in
procedure, the nut must always be timed to the
same thread start. The break-in procedure,
when installing a new MPL nut, is as follows.

• Using the minimum pressure, Cycle the

operator Closed and open three times.
Record the minimum pressure required. The
operator pressure required will typically be
less than 200 psi.

• Cycle the operator fully closed and open five

times with 500 psi operator pressure. Make
sure that pipe is in the bore when actuating
fixed bore pipe rams or variable rams.

• Cycle the operator fully closed and open five

times with 1000 psi operator pressure.

• Cycle the operator fully closed and open five

times with 1500 psi operator pressure.

• Cycle the rams fully closed and open one

time with minimum operator pressure. The
pressures should be recorded for comparison
with later minimum pressure cycles. If the
minimum pressure exceeds 200 psi the MPL
assembly should be removed and
component parts examined for the possible
cause of the increase.

HYDRIL® is a registered trademark and service mark of Hydril Company

© 1999 Hydril Company.
All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 3 03/15/00

LATEST REVISION Printed on : Mon Sep 30 01:51:02 EDT 2013

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