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KE28 (Configure and) Execute Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data

Created by Jeffrey Holdeman, last modified on Jan 31, 2014

Top-down distribution of actual data is a periodic function that lets you distribute aggregated data to more detailed levels in CO-PA on the basis of reference information. Each of input fields on the
KE28 transaction screens are thoroughly explained in F1 help and in the SAP Help Library so these details are not repeated here. Rather we seek to provide an overview of the feature and to highlight
some of the recent improvements to the user interface which CO-PA users will be interested to learn.

Transaction KE28 is used to setup (configure) and execute CO-PA top-down distribution runs either online or in the background. The configuration of each of the four screens is commonly stored in a
variant which can be called up and used again in subsequent execution runs. A problem users experience with the original KE28 variant design is the bundling of the runtime parameters (like the test run
flag, the time period references, and the background job flag) with the main setup logic found on the processing instructions, selection criteria and value fields screens. By combining the runtime
parameters with the configuration, users have to maintain their variants each period and they also have to typically keep 2 copies of each variant (one for test runs and one for update runs). For
customers that create hundreds or even thousands of KE28 variants, this has been traditionally very difficult to manage. EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 has addressed this problem with a new
transaction KE28A to execute multiple variants with runtime parameters that overrule the runtime parameters stored in the variant. And with the new Technical Settings (tr. KE28T) transaction they can
control whether variants can be maintained after runtime. For control and audit purposes, users may not want variants to be changed after successful exection.

Initial Screen
Below is the initial screen of KE28 top-down distribution. It has not changed with the recent enhancement packs. Users indicate their actual data to be distributed by selecting time periods, records types
and valuation views. They select their reference data from either plan data or actual data. They also indicate whether to use periodic or cumulative reference data, among other options. The reference
base determines the distribution key, or driver, used to distribute the CO-PA amounts, along with several special options for handling negative values. Finally the runtime options for Test Run and
Background Processing are set on the initial screen. 1/7
9/13/2019 KE28 (Configure and) Execute Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data - ERP Financials - SCN Wiki

Processing Instructions
Below is a screen print of the original CO-PA KE28 Processing Instructions screen. The characteristics will vary depending on the definition of the operating concern. 2/7
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The following are the purposes of the four columns of radio buttons:

Column DLvl - This Distribution Level flag indicates which characteristics you want to have the system distribute. In the source data records, all fields selected in this column must be
blank/unassigned for the transaction to run successfully, otherwise the execution history log will indicate there are no records to process.
Column Cpy - This Copy flag tells the system the characteristic values in the source data are to be kept as they are posted without alteration. This is required for organization structure fields like
company code, controlling area, etc.
Column Sum - This Summarize flag indicates the values of this characteristic are to be summarized (which means to be cleared). However if this characteristic is defined by derivation, the system will
repopulate the field based on the derivation strategy. This option might be used for example if the source data posted at summary fields like material group or customer hierarchy, but you seek to
distibute to base level products and customers and have the system derive again the related summary fields.
Column Ref - This flag indicates the characteristic values of the selected characteristics are Copied or transferred directly from the source data. However, the Reference data should be determined
using different characteristic values. For example, you seek to keep (copy) Sales Organization 0001 in the source data, but you wish to use Sales Organization 0002 to determine the distribution key
of the driver value field. If you select to use the Reference column on this screen then you must enter reference values on the Selection Criteria screen of KE28.

The KE28 Processing Instructions screen in EHP7 is shown below. Observe that a table format with gridlines has replaced the list format used previously. Also note that the Ref (reference) column has
been removed from this screen because it really worked the same way as the Copy option, but was a point of confusion for users. Reference data is still maintained on the Selection Criteria screen. 3/7
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Selection Criteria
Below is a screen print of the original CO-PA KE28 Selection Criteria screen. The characteristics will vary depending on the definition of the operating concern. This screen is used to select the source
data records you intend to try to distribute and will match these against the same characteristics in the reference data. Notice that by default the system includes all chacteristics (shown by the wildcard
"*") unless a characteristic was marked as Reference on the Processing Instructions. In which case, then the system indicates "Copy Char. Val. with Ref. (such as with Sales Org. shown below) and the
source data characteristic values will not be changed, but the reference data selection will be based on filters set here. Note that multiple selections for each field can be made by clicking the yellow
arrow to the right of each characteristic. 4/7
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The KE28 Selection Criteria screen in EHP7 is shown below. Observe that a table format with gridlines has replaced the list format used previously. Also note that each Characteristic can now be filtered
using an interval or a complex (multiple) selection. Source data records can be selected using the wildcard "*" as previously available, but can also be filtered on unassigned "#" values. The Reference
Base selection column has been added to this screen for every field. As explained above, no longer is it necessary (or posssible) to indicate fields for reference on the Processing Instructions screen.

Value Fields
Below is a partial screen print of the original CO-PA KE28 Value Fields screen. The value fields will vary depending on the definition of the operating concern. 5/7
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The KE28 Value Fields screen in EHP7 is shown below. Observe that a table format with gridlines has replaced the list format used previously.

Related Content
Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data

KE28 (Configure and) Execute Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data 6/7
9/13/2019 KE28 (Configure and) Execute Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data - ERP Financials - SCN Wiki
KE28A - Variant Start

KE28T - Technical Settings

KE28L - History Log

KE28R - Mass Reversal

Related Documents
SAP Help | SAP Library | Example: Selection Criteria and Processing Instructions

Related SAP Notes/KBAs

SAP Note 1695850 : CO-PA: Technical enhancements for top-down distribution

SAP Note 1933479 : KE28 Enhancements

SAP Note 1928710 : KE28 Enhancements

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