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US 20020061279A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0061279 A1
DeGrado et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 23, 2002
(54) 18F-LABELED CHOLINE ANALOGS Related U.S. Application Data
(76) Inventors: Timothy R. DeGrado, Durham, NC (63) Non-provisional of provisional application No.
(US); R. Edward Coleman, Durham, 60/200,347, filed on Apr. 28, 2000. Non-provisional
NC (US); Steven W. Baldwin, Durham, of provisional application No. 60/231,303, filed on
NC (US); David T. Price, Greenwood, Sep. 8, 2000.
LA (US); Matthew D. Orr, Durham,
NC (US); Shuyan Wang, Durham, NC Publication Classification
(US) (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... A61K 51/00
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ 424/1.89
Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT
8th Floor The present invention relates to F-labeled choline analogs
1100 North Glebe Road and to methods of using same as imaging agents (for
Arlington, VA 22201 (US) example, as positron emission tomography (PET) imaging
agents) for the noninvasive detection and localization of
neoplasms and pathophysiologies influencing choline pro
(21) Appl. No.: 09/844,674 cessing in the body. The invention further relates to methods
of synthesizing F-labeled choline analogs and to compo
(22) Filed: Apr. 30, 2001 Sitions comprising Such analogs.
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002. Sheet 1 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1
F * Br2CH2 -- BrCHF
BrCH2'F HO(CH2)N(CH3); -- Ho (CH),N'-(CH3), Br"
Fig. 1






O 2 4. 6 8 10 12
Time (min)
Fig. 2
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 2 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

Fig. 3A UV (206 nm)

1 OO
40 F-radioactivity

Time (min)


UV (206 mm)

1 5O


50 'F-Radioactivity

Time (min)
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 3 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

Fig. 3C
UV (206 nin)

5, 150
5. 100
50 'F-Radioactivity

OO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 4 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

g 80 Fig. 4A
S - CCholine
e as FCH
5is 40
id :
O -
O O 10 15 20 25
Time (min)






Time (min)

Fig. 4C
- Coholine
60 - T. FCH



Time (min)
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 5 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

-o- 'CJCholine
------ FCH



O.OO1 0.010 0.100 1.000 10,000

choline (mM)

Fig. 5
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 6 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1
Fig. 6
-O- FCH - Blood
0.4 red-- Choline - Blood
-- FCH - Turnor
0.2 ---- Choline - Tumor
S, 0.08

93 0.06

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (min)
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 7 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

- Urine

- --- - Metastasis

O 2 4. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (min)
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 8 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002. Sheet 9 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 10 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

Fig. 10A

Fig. 10B
500 a- Urine
seepa Prostate Bed
rester Arteria ROl

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min)
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 11 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1

Fig. 11
- PET images in Patient with Hormonen Refractory Prostate Cancer - FDC5 N
FDC - PET SUV of right pubic ramus metastasis = 11.7

FDG - PE SUV of right pubic ramus metastasis = 6.5

Duke University Medical Center

Fig. 12
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2002 Sheet 12 of 12 US 2002/0061279 A1
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

18F-LABELED CHOLINE ANALOGS imaging agents for the noninvasive detection and localiza
0001. This application claims priority from U.S. Provi tion of neoplasms and pathophysiologies influencing choline
sional Application No. 60/200,347 filed Apr. 28, 2000, and processing in the body. The invention further relates to
from U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/231,303, filed methods of synthesizing F-labeled choline analogs and to
Sep. 8, 2000. The contents of both applications are incor compositions comprising Such analogs.
porated herein by reference. 0006 Objects and advantages of the present invention
TECHNICAL FIELD will be clear from the description that follows.
0002 The present invention relates to F-labeled choline BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
analogs and to methods of using same as imaging agents (for
example, as positron emission tomography (PET) imaging 0007 FIG. 1. Reaction sequence for synthesis of dim
agents) for the noninvasive detection and localization of ethylfluoromethyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium chloride
neoplasms and pathophysiologies influencing choline pro (FCH).
cessing in the body. The invention further relates to methods 0008 FIG. 2. Reverse phase HPLC radiochromatogram
of synthesizing F-labeled choline analogs and to compo of FCH. Sample was doped with 0.1 mg choline chloride.
Sitions comprising Such analogs.
BACKGROUND 0009 FIGS. 3A-3C. Cation-exchange HPLC radiochro
0003 Positron emission tomography (PET) is uniquely matogram of (FIG. 3A) FCH, (FIG. 3B) FEC (HARA-1),
Suited to evaluate metabolic activity in human neoplasms for and (FIG. 3C) FPC final products.
diagnostic imaging purposes. The glucose analog, "F) 0010 FIGS. 4A-4C. Normal phase, gradient HPLC
fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose (FDG), has proven Successful as a analysis (Promfret et al, Anal. Biochem. 180:85-90 (1989))
PET imaging agent for detection and localization of many of (FIG. 4A) FCH and 'CICH; (FIG. 4B) phosphoryl
forms of cancer. The elevated rate of glycolysis in many FCH and 'Ciphosphoryl-CH enzymatically synthesized
types of tumor cells enhances the uptake of FDG in neo using yeast choline kinase according to the method of
plasms relative to normal tissues (Weber et al, Strahlenther Ishidate (Methods Enzymol. 209:121-123 (1992)); (FIG.
Onkol. 175:356-373 (1999), Delbeke, J. Nucl. Med. 40:591 4C) hydrophilic radiolabeled metabolites in cultured PC-3
603 (1999), Hoh et al., J. Urology 159:347-356 (1998)). prostate cancer cells following incubation with FCH and
However, FDG-PET has been found to have less sensitivity "CICH. The close correspondence of chromatograms of
and/or specificity for assessment of Some types of cancer, FIGS. 4B and 4C indicate extensive intracellular phospho
motivating efforts to develop new oncologic tracers for PET. rylation of both FCH and 'CICH in the cancer cells.
Carbon-11 (T/3=20 min) labeled choline (CH, trimethyl-2- 0011 FIG. 5. In vitro phosphorylation of FCH and
hydroxyethylammonium) has shown potential utility in two 'Clcholine by yeast choline kinase. Incubations were
applications: brain tumors (Hara et al., J. Nucl. Med. performed at room temperature with 25 m U/ml choline
38(6):842-847 (1997), Shinoura et al, Radiology kinase over the range of choline concentration 0.001-10
202(2):497-503 (1997)), where FDG has suboptimal speci mM. Each data point represents results mean and Standard
ficity due to uptake by normal brain and Some post-therapy deviation of 3 samples. Similar inhibition of FCH and
responses (Marriott et al., J. Nucl. Med. 39(8): 1376-1390 'Clcholine phosphorylation at higher choline concentra
) 1998)), and prostate carcinoma (Hara et al., J. Nucl. Med. tions is indicative of competitive inhibition of FCH phos
39(6): 990-995 (1998)), where FDG shows inadequate sen phorylation by choline.
sitivity (Hohet al., J. Urology 159:347-356 (1998), Shreve et
al, Radiology 199:751–756 (1996)). CH was initially syn 0012 FIG. 6. Kinetics of FCH and 'Clcholine in PC-3
thesized and evaluated as a physiologic probe for choline human prostate cancer tumor-bearing mice.
uptake by normal tissues (Friedland et al., J. Nucl. Med. 0013 FIGS. 7A and 7B. FIG. 7. Attenuation-corrected
24(9):812-815 (1983), Rosen et al., J. Nucl. Med. 'FIFCH-PET image (coronal projections, 3-5 min post
26(12): 1424-1428 (1985)). The practical advantages of injection) of pelvis region of patient #1 having an untreated
working with the longer lived radioisotope fluorine-18 (T primary prostate carcinoma (P) and an osseous metastasis in
%=110 min) led Hara et al (J. Nucl. Med. 38:44P (1997)) to the left ischium (M). Slice thickness is 12.9 mm. In these
Synthesize and preliminarily evaluate the choline analog, early images, radioactivity had not yet arrived at the urinary
2-Ffluoroethyl-dimethyl-2-hydroxyethyl-ammonium bladder, allowing excellent delineation of the prostate gland.
(designated herein HARA-1). This analog showed similar The metastasis was also apparent on bone Scan, CT and
biodistribution of this tracer to CH in normal human subjects MRI. FIG. 7B. Time-activity curves for FCH in the same
with the exception of more prominent urinary excretion of patient, showing the arrival of radioactivity in the urine to be
radioactivity. The more rapid accumulation of radioactivity at about 8 min p.i.
in the urinary bladder with this 'F-labeled analog rendered
it leSS preferable than CH for imaging of primary prostate 0014 FIGS. 8A and 8B. Comparison of FCH (FIG.8A)
carcinoma and metastatic prostate carcinoma in the pelvic and FDG (FIG. 8B) PET images in patient #3 having
lymph nodes (Hara et al., J. Nucl. Med. 38:44P (1997)). advanced metastatic prostate carcinoma. Images are not
0004) The present invention provides "F-labeled analogs attenuation-corrected. The images are coronal projections
of choline for imaging, including oncologic imaging with having slice thickness of 12.9 mm. The patient had under
PET gone radical retropubic prostatectomy and limited pelvic
lymphadenectomy 12 years prior. The plasma PSA level was
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 4172. Bone Scans showed extensive OSSeous metastases.
0005. The present invention relates to F-labeled choline Both Scans reveal Soft-tissue and OSSeous metastases, but
analogs and to methods of using Same, for example, as PET FCH allowed detection of more lesions, and showed 2-fold
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

higher tracer uptake in OSSeous lesions as estimated by the pelvis metastasis, whereas FCH was taken up preferentially
SUV index (FCH=8.0, FDG=4.1). by the periphery of this tumor.
0015 FIGS. 9A and 9B. Coronal projections of attenu
ation-corrected FCH-PET images in patient having clinical DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
stage (FIG. 9A) hormone nave prostate cancer after radical INVENTION
prostatectomy and (FIG. 9B) in same patient two weeks
after initiating androgen deprivation therapy. Slice thickneSS 0020 PET can be used to detect and stage cancer because
is 12.9 mm. Emission imaging was commenced over the of its unique Strength in providing noninvasive assessment
pelvic region at 5 mm p.i., before the arrival of radioactivity of metabolic and physiologic rates through tracer tech
at the urinary bladder. Before hormonal therapy, FCH uptake niques. PET can also be used to monitor a patient's response
is high (SUV's exceeding 8) in several osseous and soft to therapy. Differentiation of malignant cancer tissue from
tissue metastases in the pelvic region and vertebrae. The neighboring nonmalignant tissues can be accomplished by
accumulation of FCH in metastases is leSS pronounced in the exploiting changes in biochemical fluxes that occur in
follow-up study showing SUVs that were 35-40% response to metabolic, genetic, or microstructural changes in
decreased. The Small focus of uptake (probably in lymph the malignant cells.
node) demonstrated by the arrow was not visualized in the
follow-up study. 0021 Choline is taken up by a high affinity choline
0016 FIGS. 10A-10C. (FIG. 10A) Attenuation-corrected transporter into tissues and utilized for Synthesis of phos
'FIFCH-PET image (coronal projection, 2-4 min post pholipids and Sphingomyelin. Intracellular choline is rapidly
injection) of pelvis region of patient #1 having biopsy metabolized to phosphocholine (PC) or oxidized by choline
proven recurrent local prostate carcinoma. Slice thickneSS is oxidase to betaine (mainly in liver and kidneys). Phospho
12.9 mm. In this early image, radioactivity had not yet rylation of choline, catalyzed by choline kinase (CK), is an
arrived at the urinary bladder, allowing excellent delineation obligatory Step for incorporation of choline into phosphati
of recurrent disease in the prostate bed (arrow). (FIG. 10B) dylcholine. Once phosphorylated, the polar PC molecule is
Time-activity curves for FCH in the same patient, demon trapped within the cell. Studies using magnetic resonance
Strating very rapid clearance of radioactivity from a region
of-interest placed on the iliac artery, rapid accumulation of spectroscopy (MRS) (Negendank, NMR Biomed. 5:303-324
tracer in the local prostate bed, and arrival of radioactivity (1992)) and biochemical analyses (Kano-Sueoka et al., Jpn.J.
in the urinary bladder after 4 min post-injection. (FIG. 10C) Cancer Res. 82:829-834 (1991), Macara, Mol. Cell Biol.
Attenuation-corrected whole-body Scan (coronal projec 9:325-328 (1989), Ratnam et al, Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
tions) showing several foci of high FCH uptake in the 323:313-322 (1995), Nakagami et al., Jpn J. Cancer Res.
mediastinum Suggestive of prostate cancer in hilar and 90:419–424 (1999)) have revealed elevated levels of choline,
para-aortic lymph nodes. PC, and phosphoethanolamine in many types of cancer cells.
0017 FIG. 11. FDC-PET imaging of patient with The activity of CK has been found to be upregulated in
advanced metastatic prostate cancer. malignant cells (Macara, Mol. Cell Biol. 9:325-328 (1989),
0.018 FIG. 12. A patient with biopsy-confirmed recurrent Ratnam et al, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 323:313-322 (1995),
anaplastic astrocytoma was imaged by T1-weighted Gd Nakagami et al., Jpn J. Cancer Res. 90:419-424 (1999)),
DTPA enhanced MRI, FIFCH-PET (5-10 min post-injec providing a potential mechanism for the enhanced accumu
tion) and FFDG-PET (30-36 min post-injection). The lation of radiolabeled choline analogs by neoplasms.
MRI showed nodular enhancement posteriorly at the post
operative cyst wall. The FCH scan demonstrated diffuse 0022. In one embodiment of the present invention, F
abnormal accumulation posteriorly and medially to the cyst labeled choline analogs are used as PET imaging agents. The
with focal areas of accumulation corresponding to the nodu PET imaging technique utilizes Scanning devices that detect
lar areas of enhancement on the MRI. Note the absence of the 511 keV annihilation photons that are emitted after
normal cortex accumulation that is seen with FDG. The radioactive decay of fluorine-18. PET scanners are widely
FDG Scan shows a thin rim of abnormal accumulation that available for imaging of human Subjects. In addition,
would Support recurrent tumor, but the abnormality is dif “micro-PET scanners that have high spatial resolution can
ficult to detect when compared to the FCH and MRI scans. be used for imaging of Small animals. In addition to PET
0019 FIGS. 13A and 13B. A patient with metastatic scanners, F-radioactivity can also be monitored using one
breast cancer underwent FCH-PET and FDG-PET scanning. or more radiation detector probes.
Myocardial uptake is only observed with FDG (FIG. 13A),
whereas more prominent uptake in Salivary glands, liver and 0023 Suitable choline analogs include those of Formula
kidneys is seen with FCH consistent with normal uptake of I and II (and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof):
choline by these tissues (FIG. 13B). Uptake of both FDG
and FCH were indicated in large metastases associated with
the Sternum, right hilar and paratracheal lymph nodes, and (I)
right anterior pelvis. The volume of the Submanubrial
metastasis was significantly larger on the FCH-PET scan.
Smaller regions of focal uptake were observed on the
FCH-PET scan in the right chest wall and left lung (see
arrows) that were not seen on the FDG-PET scan. The
uptake pattern of FDG was homogenous acroSS the anterior
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

the 'Ffluoroalkylating agent, allows efficient alkylation,

-continued and is readily removed following the reaction under a stream
(II) of inert gas. Examples of Suitable Solvents include acetone
Y and acetonitrile. The isolation of the final ammonium ion
product from the precursor tertiary amine can be achieved
using, for example, a cation exchange SEP-PAK. The SEP
18F(CRR), CRR' PAK can be washed with a suitable alcohol (e.g., ethanol)
B and water to completely remove uncharged molecules,
including the tertiary amine. The final product can be eluted
from the SEP-PAK using a sterile isotonic saline (NaCl)
0024 wherein Solution, however, other Suitable pharmaceutic Solutions can
also be used.
0025 B is a conjugate base of an acid (i.e., coun
teranion) 0040 More specifically, the invention includes a method
of Synthesizing a compound of Formula I or II
0026 Y-H, CHR or CXCX-OH
0027 Z=H, CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH, (I)
0028) X', X, X, X, X and X=independently, H
or deuterium
0029) R'=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH (II)
0030) R-H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH HO-CX2-(CX), P-Z
0.031) R=independently, H or 'F
0032) R'=independently, H or 'F
0033 m=1 or 2
0034) q=0-2 0041) wherein
0035) or 0042 B is a counteranion
0036 Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or 0.043 Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
(CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or 0044) Z=CHR, CH(CH), CH-CH=CH,
(CH),S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4. CXCX-OH, OCH, SCH, CHC=CH,
0037. The preferred analogs are of Formula I wherein Y CHC(CH)=CH, CH (CH), CHCH(CH),
is CHR or CXCX'-OH wherein R is H, F, Cl, Br, I CHOCH, or CH-SCH,
or CH, Z is CH, CHF, CHCl, CHBr, CHI, CHCH, 0.045 X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, H
CHCX-OH, CHCH=CH, CHC(CH)=CH, or deuterium
CHC=CH, CHCH(CH) or (CH), CH, or YZ is (CH),
wherein n=2-6, X', X, X, X" and X’ are, independently, H 0046) R'=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
or deuterium, Rand R" are H., m is 1 or 2 and q=0 or 2 (and
wherein B is a pharmaceutically acceptable counteranion 0047 R-H,
= 1, F,, Cl,s Br,
I, I,
I, CH, or
(such as CI or Br)). 0.048 R=independently, H or 'F
0.038. The more preferred analogs are of Formula I 0049) R-independently, H or 'F
wherein Y is CH or CHCX-OH, Z is CH, CHCH,
CHCX-OH, CH-CH=CH, CHC(CH)=CH, 0050 m=1 or 2
CHC=CH, CH-CH(CH4), or (CH),CH, X', X, X and 0051) q=0-2
X are, independently, H or deuterium, R and R' are H, m
is 1 or 2 and q=0 or 2 (and wherein B is a pharmaceutically 0052 COOSSprising
acceptable conjugate base). Most preferably, Y is CH and Z
is CH, X" is H and X is H or deuterium, R and Rare H, 0053 1) Synthesizing
hesizi a 18Flf uoroalkylating
lkvlati agent
m is 1 and q is 0 (and wherein B is Cl). of Formula III:
0039. The F-labeled analogs of the invention can be 19F(CR'R''),CRR-LG (III)
Synthesized using, for example, gas chromatographically 0054 wherein
isolated Ffluoroalkylating agents (e.g., 'Ffluorobro
momethane). Reaction of Ffluoroalkylating agents with 0.055 R=independently, H or 'F
appropriate tertiary amines affords readily isolatable F 0056 R'=independently, H or 'F
labeled choline analogs as quartenary ammonium Salts. The
reaction of an 'Ffluoroalkylating agent with tertiary 0057 LG=leaving group (e.g., Br, I, tosyloxy, mesy
amines can be performed in a Solvent that readily dissolves loxy or other Sulfonate ester)
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

0.058 by nucleophilic radiofluorination of a precursor of

Formula IV: -continued

0059) wherein
0060 R=independently, H or 'F
0061) R'=independently, H or 'F
0062 LG=leaving group (e.g., Br, I, tosyloxy, meSy 0070 wherein
loxy, or other Sulfonate ester)
0.071) B is a counteranion
0063) using Ffluoride or HF and a catalyst, such as 0072, Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
KryptofiX 2.2.2 or a basic tetraalkylammonium Salt (e.g.,
tetrabutylammonium bicarbonate), 0073 Z=CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH,
0064) ii) isolating the 'Ffluoroalkylating agent CHC(CH)=CH, CH (CH), CHCH(CH),
from the precursor and the catalyst (and any remain CHOCH, or CH-SCH,
ing Salts and Solvents introduced in Step (i)) (e.g., 0.074) X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, H
using gas or liquid chromatography), or deuterium
0065) iii) reacting the isolated "Ffluoroalkylating 0075) R'=H, F, Cl, Br.I or CH,
agent from step (ii) with the appropriate precursor 0.076 R-H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
tertiary amine (Formula I (e.g.,
0.077 R=independently, H or 'F
0078 R'=independently, H or 'F
0079 m=1 or 2
HO-CX2-(CXI) N-Z))
Y 0080) q=1 or 2
0081 comprising:
0082) i) preparing a hydroxyl-protected F-labeled
choline analog of the formula VI or VII:
0.066 or tertiary phosphine (Formula II (e.g.,
0067 alkylation substrate in a suitable solvent (e.g., (VI)
acetonitrile or acetone) to form the compound of Formula I
or II, and
0068 iv) isolating said compound of Formula I or II
from the precursor tertiary amine (Formula I) or
tertiary phosphine (Formula II), for example, by (VII)
evaporating the Solvent and transferring the com Y
pound of Formula I or II in a Suitable alcohol (e.g.,
ethanol) to a cation exchange resin cartridge and
washing the cartridge with a Suitable alcohol (e.g.,
ethanol) and Subsequently with Sterile water, and
eluting the compound of Formula I or II from the
cartridge with a pharmaceutically Suitable carrier
(e.g., Sterile isotonic NaCl Solution). 0.083 wherein
0069. The invention also includes a method of synthe 0084 B is a counteranion (e.g., bicarbonate)
sizing a compound of Formula I or II
0085) Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
0086) Z=CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH,
0.087 X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, H
or deuterium
0088 R'=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

0089 R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH 0111 iii) isolating the product resulting from step
0090 R=independently, H or 'F (ii) from the labeling precursor, catalyst (and remain
ing salts and Solvents introduced in Steps (i) and (ii)),
0091) R'-independently, H or 'F and

0092 m=1 or 2 0112 iv) formulating the product of step (iii) in a

pharmaceutically acceptable carrier for example,
0.093 q=1 or 2 involving the use of anion and/or cation exchange
0094 PG=hydroxyl protecting group (e.g., an acetyl resin cartridges to isolate the product from nonphysi
group) ologic Solvents or Salts remaining with the product
after step (iii) (HPLC can be used). In one embodi
0.095 by nucleophilic radiofluorinating of a compound of ment, the hydroxyl-protected, leaving group-SubSti
the formula VIII or IX: tuted precursor is 3-bromopropyl-dimethyl-2-ac
etoxyethyl-ammonium bicarbonate.
0113. The analogs of the invention can be present in a
composition together with a pharmaceutically acceptable
carrier. Advantageously, the carrier is Sterile and the com
position is Suitable for IV injection. An example of Suitable
carrier is a sterile solution of 0.9% NaCl in water. Analogs
of the invention can also be formulated with a chemical
stabilizer in order to reduce the likelihood for radiolysis
induced decomposition of the F-labeled choline analog
product at high radioactivity concentrations. Suitable Stabi
lizers include antioxidants Such as the pharmaceutically
acceptable antioxidant, Sodium L-ascorbate.
0114. In the context of PET imaging, analogs of the
invention are preferably administered as an intravenous (IV)
bolus. Typically, the patient is fasted at least 4 hours prior to
administration of the analog.
0096 wherein 0115 The present analogs can be used in the detection
0097 B is a counteranion (e.g., bicarbonate) and localization of a wide variety of neoplasms where
elevated choline uptake and choline phosphorylation occur,
0098), Y=CHR or CXCX-OH including but not restricted to prostate cancer, brain tumors,
0099 Z=CHR, CH(CH), CH-CH=CH, metastatic renal cell carcinomas and breast, lung and col
orectal tumors, melanomas and lymphomas. The analogs are
CXCX-OH, OCH, SCH, CHC=CH, particularly useful for imaging pelvic tumors (the pelvis can
CHC(CH)=CH, CH (CH), CHCH(CH), be defined as that region that extends from the bottom of the
CHOCH, or CH-SCH, ishia to the top of the iliac crest), including prostate tumors
01.00 X', X, X, X, X and X=independently, H and metastases thereof in the pelvic lymph nodes, ovarian
or deuterium cancer, cervical cancer and bladder cancer.
01.01) R'=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH 0116. In imaging the pelvis region using PET or another
external radiation detection technique, emission images of
0102) R-H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH the pelvis region can be acquired after injection of the
01.03 R=independently, H or 'F present analog but before the arrival of excreted radioactive
material in the ureters and urinary bladder. This method
0.104) R'=independently, H or 'F allows images to be obtained of the distribution of the
compound in the pelvic region without confounding radio
01.05 m=1 or 2 activity in the ureters or urinary bladder. The method does
not require additional interventions for clearing the radio
0106 q=1 or 2 active material from the bladder, Such as urethral catheter
0107 PG=hydroxyl protecting group (e.g., acetyl) ization and irrigation of the bladder, in order to obtain
diagnostically acceptable imaging information.
0.108 LG=leaving group (e.g., bromo-, iodo-, tosy 0117 The present analogs can also be used to guide the
loxy-, meSyloxy-, other Sulfonate ester) biopsy of malignancies and monitor the effects of various
0109) using Ffluoride or HF in the presence of a therapeutic regimens, including chemotherapy. In accor
catalyst (e.g., KryptofiX 2.2.2/KCO or a basic tetraalky dance with the present invention, neoplasms can be detected
lammonium Salt (e.g., tetrabutylammonium bicarbonate), and localized in the context of oncologic Surgical procedures
using an intraoperative radioactivity detection probes. The
0110 ii) deprotecting the alcohol functional group patient can be administered the F-labeled analog and an
to form the compound of Formula I or Formula II appropriately shielded radiation detector can be Subse
(the deprotection, for example, can be effected quently used during the Surgical procedure to detect and/or
through acid or base catalyzed hydrolysis), localize neoplasm(s) in the body, Such as to identify lymph
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

nodes that bear malignant tissue. When the method is 0.124 Certain aspects of the present invention are
performed in the pelvic region, the technique may require described in greater detail in the non-limiting Examples that
urethral catheterization and irrigation of the urinary bladder follow.
in order to remove the confounding radioactivity in urine
from the body. EXAMPLES
0118. The present analogs can also be used in the non 0.125 The following experimental details are relevant to
invasive assessment of the response of neoplastic tissue in a the Examples that follow.
patient to therapeutic interventions using PET Scanning or Equipment
another external radiation detection technique. The patient
can be Scanned at more than one time and the data from two 0.126 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were recorded
or more Scans are compared to determine potential differ on a Varian INOVA 400 MHz spectrometer. High resolution
ences in the tumor uptake of the analog. Comparisons can fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass measurements were
involve either qualitative image comparison (e.g. contrast of made using a JEOL JMS-SX102A mass spectrometer oper
tumor uptake from background) or quantitative indices ating at 10k resolution.
derived from the imaging or external radiation detection data
(e.g. standardized uptake values (SUVs)). Dimethylfluoromethyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium
0119) The present analogs can also be used in the staging chloride (fluorocholine chloride, 'FIFCH)
of neoplasms based on quantitative or qualitative measure 0127. To a 50 ml pressure tube containing 20 mL dry
ments of uptake of the present analogs by tissue. The tissue THF at -78°C. was added 5 ml (0.0498 mol) N,N-dimeth
uptake of the analog can be determined while the tissue is ylethanolamine (Aldrich). Chlorofluoromethane (Synguest
within the body or outside the body. The uptake measure Labs, Alachua Fla.) was bubbled through the solution for 15
ments can be performed in conjunction with pathologic/ minutes whereupon the tube was Sealed with a teflon Screw
histologic/histochemical/immunohistochemical assessment cap. The mixture was allowed to warm to room temperature
of the same tissue for classification and evaluation of over 18 hours, during which time a white Solid precipitated.
malignancy. The method of the present invention can be The solid was isolated by filtration, washed several times
used to determine the degree of malignancy of a tissue by with cold THF, and dried under vacuum. N,N-dimethyl-N-
quantitating the amount of F radioactivity present. fluoromethylethanolamine was isolated as a hygroscopic,
0120) The present analogs can also be used in the ana amorphous white solid. (1.386 g., 17.7%); mp 184-185 C.
tomical mapping of the distribution of neoplastic tissue in (dec.); H NMR (400 MHz, D-0), 3.08 (d, J=2.1 Hz, 6 H),
the body using PET or another external radiation detection 3.45-3.48 (m, 2 H), 3.90-3.93 (m, 2 H), 5.28 (d, J=44.9 Hz,
technique in combination with anatomical images obtained 2H); C NMR (100 MHz, DO), 47.18,55.28, 63.09,95.77,
using CT, MRI, or ultrasound. The anatomical images can be 97.97; 'F NMR (376.5 MHz, D.0) 106.45 (mt, J=45.2 Hz);
acquired using a dedicated CT/PET, MRI/PET, PET/ultra HRMS (FAB) Calcd for M C HONF: 122.0981, Found
sound scanning device or separate PET and CT/MRI/ultra 122.0984.
sound scanning devices. If separate PET and CT/MRI/ Synthesis of FIFCH
ultrasound imaging devices are used, image analysis
techniques can be employed to Spatially register the PET 0128 FCH was synthesized via the intermediate 'F
images with the anatomical imageS. The method can be used fluorobromomethane (FBM) (FIG. 1). The synthesis of
for intraorgan mapping of neoplastic tissue, for example, the FBM was essentially that of Eskola et al (J. Labelled Cpd
Spatial distribution of prostate carcinoma within the prostate Radiopharm. 42:S543-S545 (1999)), which was modified
gland can be determined for aiding in biopsy of the prostate from Coenen et al (J. Labelled Cmp Radiopharm. 23:587
gland or planning of radiation therapy of the prostate gland 595 (1985)). The alkylation with FBM of dimethylethano
either by external beam radiation or brachytherapy. Like lamine, isolation of the resultant FCH, and performance of
wise, the method may be used for guiding the biopsy or quality control BPLC were modified from the techniques
Surgical resection of lymph nodes. used by Hara et al (J. Nucl. Med. 38(6):842-847 (1997)) for
0121. In alternative embodiments of the instant inven synthesis and quality control of 'CICH from ''Climeth
tion, the above-described analogs can also be used in radio yliodide. FBM was produced by reaction of dibromoethane
labeling of neoplasms and in vitro counting of radioactivity. (0.05 ml) with no-carrier-added "Ffluoride assisted by
The tracer can be administered in vivo or ex vivo in tissue (Kryptofix 2.2.2/K)CO (10 umol) in dry acetonitrile (0.7
or cell culture experimental models. ml). Ffluorobromomethane was isolated by gas chroma
tography (Porapak Q, 80/100 mesh, 7.8x700 mm, 100° C.,
0122) In further embodiments of the instant invention, the helium flow =75 cc/mm, retention time=6 mm) and trapped
above-described analogs can be used in the assessment of in a solution of 0.1 ml dimethylethanolamine in acetone (1.5
choline processing in liver, Spleen and kidneys in patho ml) within a 2.5 ml conical glass vial kept at -5-0° C. using
physiologic conditions not related to cancer. Rates of cho a Peltier cooling/heating device (McKinney et al., Appl. Rad.
line transport and metabolism are relatively high in these Isot., 54.97-100 (2001)). The vial was sealed and heated to
organs, indicating an importance of choline processing path 100° C. for 10 mm. The solvent was evaporated under a
ways in these tissues. Abnormalities in phospholipid Stream of helium, and the residue taken up in ethanol (2x2
metabolism can occur in liver, Spleen and kidneys either ml) and transferred to a cation exchange SEP-PAK cartridge
directly due to diseases that directly influence lipid metabo (Walters, Accell Plus CM Light). After further washing of
lism or pathologies that indirectly alter choline processing the cartridge with ethanol (10 ml) and sterile water (10 ml),
through morphologic, histologic, or metabolic mechanisms. the product was eluted with Sterile isotonic Saline (>2 ml)
0123 The compounds and methods of the invention have and passed through a 0.22 um sterile filter (Millipore, Millex
use in humans and non-human animals (including dogs). GS).
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

0129 methyl-CICholine (CH) was obtained from NEN HPLC system described above. Furthermore, the stability of
Research (Boston, Mass.). In an analogous fashion to the FCH in blood was examined by incubating approximately
synthesis of FCH, Ffluoroethyl-dimethyl-2-hydroxy 100 uCi FCH in a 3 ml sample of heparinized whole blood
ethyl-ammonium (FFEC, HARA-1) was synthesized via taken from healthy human Subjects (n=5). After an incuba
the intermediate 1-Ffluoro-2-bromoethane (FBE) by tion of 2 hr at 37 C, the plasma was separated, the plasma
radiofluorination of 1,2-dibromoethane rather than dibro proteins precipitated by adding two Volumes of methanol,
momethane. For isolation of FBE, the temperature of the and the Supernatant was analyzed for intact FCH by cation
preparative GC column (Porapak Q, 80/100 mesh, 7.8x700 exchange HPLC.
mm) was maintained at 135° C. Ffluoromethylethylcho
line (FEtC) was synthesized by reaction of FBM with Accumulation of Radiotracers by Human Cancer
ethylmethylethanolamine (Pfaltz and Bauer, Waterbury Cells
Conn.) by the same procedure for synthesis of FCH. 'F)
fluoropropylcholine (FPC) was produced via the intermedi 0132) Cells (2 to 2.5x10/well) of ten different human
ate 'Ffluorobromopropane (FBP) which was synthesized cancer cell lines were Seeded on 6-well plates and incubated
and HPLC purified as previously described (Block et al., J. for 2 days at which time >90% confluency was reached. The
Label Comp Radiopharm. 24:1029-1042 (1987)). The syn incubation media utilized for the experiments differed
theses of FBE and FBP were not optimized, resulting in according to the cancer cell type (Table 1). On the day of the
poorer radiochemical yields of FEC (<3%) and FPC (<1%), Study, the medium was refreshed using a Volume of 1 ml in
respectively, than for FCH or FEtC (30-40%). each well. Cells were incubated in control conditions or with
0.130) Radiochemical purity of FCH was measured by the addition of metabolic and growth factor receptor inhibi
two independent analytical HPLC systems. The first was a tors to test the Sensitivity of uptake of the radiotracers to
reverse-phase system (C-18250x4.6 mm, 0.05M phosphoric specific inhibitions. The inhibitor of choline uptake and
acid and 1 mM 2-napthalenesulfonic acid in 80% water/20% phosphorylation, hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) (Research Bio
methanol, 0.5 ml/min, retention time=4.4 mm) using non chemicals, Natick, Mass.) was added to give a concentration
radioactive fluorocholine as a reference Standard. The
sample was doped with 0.1 mg choline chloride before of 5 mM. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3 kinase)
administration on the HPLC to avoid variable retention of inhibitor, LY294.002 (Calbiochem, San Diego Calif.), was
the high specific activity FIFCH on the column. The utilized at a concentration of 15 M. The epidermal growth
Second HPLC System was based on cation-exchange as factor (EGF) receptor kinase inhibitor, AG1478 (Calbio
previously described for measurement of CH metabolites chem), was added at a concentration of 50 nM. The con
(Roivainen et al, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 27:25-32 (2000)). The centrations of the inhibitors were 10 times their respective
column was Partisil SCX (250x4.6 mm) eluted by 0.25 M literature in Vivo ICso values for choline phosphorylation
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate Solution (pH=4.8):acetoni (HC-3) (Hernandez-Alcoceba et al., Oncogene 15:2289
trile (90:10) at a flow rate of 1.8 ml/min. Radioactivity and (1997)), PI-3-kinase inhibition (LY294.002) (Vlahos et al., J.
UV-absorbance (206 nm) of the eluent were measured Biol. Chem. 269:5241 (1994)), and EGF receptor kinase
in-line. The retention time was 5.0, 5.4, 5.5, and 6.0 min for inhibition (AG1478) (Osherov et al., Eur. J. Biochem.
FCH, HARA-1, FEtC, and FPC respectively. The cation 225:1047 (1994)). Following a 30-min incubation period,
exchange HPLC system was found to be preferable to the the radiotracers (e.g., FDG or FCH) were added (-2Ci/well)
reverse-phase HPLC System Since peak resolution was Supe and the cells were incubated for 2 hr. The cells were washed
rior, and there was negligible retention of radioactivity on three times with phosphate buffered Saline Solution, released
the column. from the plates by briefly incubating with 0.05% trypsin in
DMEM, transferred to test tubes, and counted for F-18
Stability of FCH radioactivity in a gamma counter. The amount of radioac
0131) The stability of FCH in its prepared form was tivity in the cells was normalized by the dose administered
evaluated by monitoring the radiochemical purity using the to each well.

Culture Media for Human Cancer Cells

Cell Line Medium

PC-3 prostate carcinoma RPMI 1640 + 10% BCS + antibiotics (penicillin/streptomycin)

MDA-MB231 ER neg. breast carcinoma RPMI 1640 + 10% BCS + L-glu + antibiotics
MCF7 ER pos. breast carcinoma RPMI 1640 + 10% BCS + L-glu + antibiotics
SKOV3 ovarian carcinoma DMEM + 10% BCS + L-glu + antibiotics
FaDu squamous cell carcinoma RPMI 1640 + 10% BCS + L-glu + antibiotics
HCT 116 colon carcinoma DMEM + 10% BCS + L-glu + antibiotics
H1080 colon carcinoma MEM + 10% BCS + 1% NEAA + 1% pyruvate + L-glu + antibiotics
HEP G2 hepatocarcinoma MEM + 10% BCS + 1% NEAA + 1% pyruvate + L-glu + antibiotics
#28.3 brain tumor MEM “zinc option” (Gibco Labs, #86-0194) + 10% BCS + antibiotics
#124 brain tumor MEM “zinc option” + 10% BCS + antibiotics
Abbreviations: BCS-bovine calf serum; L-glu-L-glutamine (1%).
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

Analysis of Hydrophilic Choline/FCH Metabolites incubated in 6-well plates with FCH (-100 uCi)/(''CCH
in Biological Samples (-2 uCi) for 2 hr., followed by removal of radioactive
0133. The primary hydrophilic metabolites of choline in medium and 3 rinses with phosphate buffered saline solu
mammals is phosphocholine and betaine. If FCH is handled tion. Methanol (1 ml) was added to each well and the cells
biochemically similarly to CH in cancer cells, then F were lysed by maintaining the temperature at 37 C. for 30
labeled phosphorylfluorocholine (P-FCH) and fluorobetaine min. The methanol phase was transferred to a glass test tube.
Each well was rinsed with an additional 0.5 ml methanol
(FB) may be formed. In order to measure the levels of FCH, which was added to the original fraction. To each tube, 3 ml
FB, and P-FCH in biological samples, a modification of the chloroform and 1 ml 0.25 M Sodium phosphate (pH=4.5)
gradient-HPLC method of Pomfret et al. (Promfret et al., were added to Separate lipids from water-Soluble molecules.
Anal. Biochem. 180:85-90 (1989)) was employed. 'C- After Vigorous mixing of the Samples for 1 min, the two
labeled betaine and phosphocholine where prepared enzy phases were separated, and a 0.5 ml aliquot of each phase
matically from commercially available methyl-"Clcholine was counted for F and 'C radioactivity. The aqueous
(NEN Research Products, Boston, Mass.), using choline phase was further analyzed for water-Soluble metabolites
oxidase (Roivainen et al., Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 27:25-32 using the gradient-HPLC method previously described.
(2000)) and choline kinase (Ishidate et al, Methods Enzy Radioactivity in the metabolite fractions (lipid, CH/FCH,
mol. 209:121-123 (1992)), respectively. The HPLC system betaine/FB, phosphocholine/P-FCH) was expressed as per
used a microprocessor-controlled Solvent delivery System centage of total radioactivity administered to each well.
and a silica column (Adsorbosphere Silica (101), 250x4.6
mm, Alltech, Deerfield, Ill.). The column was kept at room Biodistribution Studies in Murine PC-3 Human
temperature and the flow rate was maintained at 1.5 ml/min. Prostate Cancer Xenograft Model
Buffer A contained acetonitrile/ethanol/acetic acid/1.0M
ammonium acetate/water/0.1M sodium phosphate (800/68/ 0136 Androgen independent prostate cancer cells (PC-3)
2/3/127/10, V/v) and Buffer B contained the same constitu Suspended in matrigel (Collaborative Research, Bedford,
ents but in different proportions (400/68/44/881400/10, v/v). Mass.) at a concentration of 1x106 cells/100 ul were injected
Fractions of effluent were collected every 0.5 min and first subcutaneously into the flank of 4-6 week old male athymic
counted for F-radioactivity in a well-counter for experi mice (BALB/c nu/nu). The mice were maintained in patho
ments involving 'FIFCH, then transferred to scintillation gen-free conditions as previously described (Bullard et al.,
vials for counting for "C-radioactivity. The column was Neurosurgery 4:308-314 (1979)). Body weight and tumor
equilibrated for 6 min with Buffer Abefore injection. After Volume were measured weekly and tumor volume (mm3)
the injection (<100 ul), Buffer A was delivered for 6 min was calculated using the formula S2xL/2, where S and L
which eluted betaine (3 nin) from the column. Over a period represent the Small and large diameters of the tumor, respec
of 10 min, solvents were switched to 100% Busing a linear tively.
gradient, during which time FCH (12.5 min) and choline (15 0.137 After the tumor volume had surpassed 0.5 cm3, the
min) were eluted. Solvent B was then delivered for a further mice were anesthetized with pentobarbital (75 mg/kg)
9 min, eluting phosphocholine (19.5 min). Re-equilibration before injection of radiotracer, and remained anesthetized
of the column with 100%. A for 6 min preceded the next throughout the study. 18 FIFCH (20-40 uCi) and 'C)
choline (4 uCi) were simultaneously injected into a tail vein.
In Vitro Phosphorylation of FCH by Yeast Choline A prescribed duration of time was allowed before procure
Kinase ment of heart, liver, lung, blood, kidney, bone (femur), brain
(whole), prostate gland, tumor, bladder, and skeletal muscle.
0134) To determine whether FCH is a substrate for cho The tissues were weighed, and counted for F in a gamma
line kinase, 'FIFCH (25-50 uCi) and methyl-'Clcholine counter, then dissolved in Solvable (Dupont, Boston Mass.)
(CH) (2-4 uCi) were incubated in a test tube with yeast and counted for ''C in a liquid scintillation counter. For the
choline kinase (25 mu/ml), choline (1-10,000 uM), MgCl2 bladder, the percentage of the injected dose in the urine was
(12.5 mM), and ATP (10 mM) in Tris-HCl buffer (0.1 M, determined. For all other tissues, radiotracer uptake was
pH=8.75) for 10 min at 23 C. The test tube was gently calculated as:
agitated throughout the incubation period. The reaction was Uptake (% dose kg/g)=(CPM(tissue)xBody Wt. (kg)x
Stopped by placing the tube in a boiling water bath for 2 min. 100)/(Tissue Wt. (g)xCPM (dose)) (1)
To Serve as controls, Some Samples were placed directly in 0138 where CPM=counts per minute.
the boiling water bath after addition of all substrates. The
phosphorylated fraction of each radiotracer was isolated 0.139. In a separate experiment, the biodistribution of
from the nonmetabolized fraction by anion eXchange chro FFDG was determined in the same animal model with a
matography according to the method of Ishidate et al. time of Sacrifice of 45 min after injection.
(Methods Enzymol. 209:121-123 (1992)) and counted in a
well-counter. The percentage of radioactivity converted to Human Dosimetry Estimation
the phosphorylated form was calculated. Preliminary Studies
showed the phosphorylated fraction to rise linearly with time 0140 Tissue distribution data (% dose/g) obtained from
for incubations less than 15 min. the previously described mouse model after injection 'F)
FCH were converted to % dose/organ using the method of
Analysis of FCH metabolites in PC-3 Prostate Kirschner et al (J. Nucl. Med. 16:248-249 (1975)). The
Cancer Cells distribution was assumed to be Static after 10-min p.i.
consistent with the avid trapping of the tracer in tissue.
0135 Preliminary analysis of radiolabeled metabolites of These data were entered into the MIRDOSE 3.1 program (J.
FCH and CH in PC-3 cells was performed. Cells were Nucl. Med. 37:538-546 (1996)) to calculate dose estimates.
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

Urinary radioactivity was assumed to be retained within the Statistical Methods

urinary bladder. Thus, assumptions were made in these
calculations that would tend to overestimate the radiation 0145 Results are expressed as meant standard deviation.
dose in human imaging Studies in which urinary radioactiv Statistical analysis was performed using the Student's t-test
ity may be voided after the imaging Study is performed. and Statistical significance was inferred at p<0.05.
Since urinary excretion patterns in rodents are commonly Example 1
more rapid than in the human, the assumption of no urinary
clearance of radioactivity was precautionary. Bone uptake Synthesis of FIFCH
was distributed at the bone surfaces. The 70 kg adult male
ORNL phantom was used since this would best reflect the 0146 FIFCH was synthesized in 20-40% radiochemi
primary study population (prostate carcinoma). cal yield (not decay-corrected) in a Synthesis time of less
than 40 min. The radiochemical yield was determined pri
Toxicity Study marily by the yield of the intermediate synthon, "FIFBM,
since the yield of the alkylation reaction of FBM with
0141 Four unanesthetized BALB/c nude mice were dimethylethanolamine was >90%. Radiochemical purity of
administered 1 mg/kg 'FIFCH via tail vein injection and >98% of FCH was verified by analytical HPLC (FIG. 2 and
monitored for 48 hr. This dose represented an approximately FIG. 3).
300,000 fold excess of FCH in comparison to the normal Example 2
dose that a 70 kg person would receive in a FIFCH study.
The mice were euthanized at 48 hr.
Stability of FCH
PET Imaging Studies 0147 The radiochemical purity of the FCH preparation
was >99% as monitored by cation-exchange HPLC. The
0142. The distribution of FCH in PET imaging studies radiochemical purity remained >99% after maintenance of
was evaluated in 14 patients with prostate cancer, 14 patients the FCH preparation at room temperature for 7 hr. FCH was
with breast cancer, and 5 patients with brain tumors. Imag also found to be stable in a blood samples taken from healthy
ing was performed using the Advance PET Scanner (GE human subjects (n=5). HPLC analysis showed FCH to be
Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis.). The intrinsic resolu completely intact after 2 hr incubations in whole blood
tion of the scanner is 5 mm in all directions (DeGrado et al., Samples at 37 C.
J. Nucl. Med. 35:1398-1406 (1994)). In prostate cancer Example 3
patients, a transmission Scan of the pelvic region was
obtained before administration of radiotracer. FCH (2.5-5 In Vitro Phosphorylation of FCH by Yeast Choline
mCi) was administered intravenously, and dynamic imaging Kinase
of the pelvis region was commenced for 20-30 min. During
image reconstruction, the emission data in the pelvic region 0.148. To determine whether FCH is a substrate for cho
were corrected for photon attenuation using the transmission line kinase, 18FFCH and methyl-'Clcholine (CH) were
Scan. Immediately following the dynamic Scan, a whole incubated with yeast choline kinase (CK) (25 mu/ml) and
body emission Scan was performed without transmission choline (1-10,000 uM) for 10 min at 23 C. Samples
Scanning for attenuation correction. The images were recon quenched by boiling before incubation showed negligible
structed using an Ordered Subset Expectation Maximum phosphorylation activity. FIG. 4 shows that, after separation
(OS-EM) algorithm. Regions-of-interest were drawn manu from unreacted FCH and "CICH using an anion-exchange
resin (Ishidate et al, Methods Enzymol. 209:121-123
ally on the attenuation corrected images for evaluation of (1992)), a single, more polar chemical product is formed
FCH kinetics in tissues. Standardized uptake values of FCH from both FCH and CH. The 'C-labeled product exhibited
uptake in tissues were calculated using the attenuation the Same retention time as an authentic Standard for unla
corrected images according to the equation: beled phosphocholine, seen by in-line UV detection. The
presence of a single "F-labeled product, and the similar
relationship of retention times between FCH and CH (FIG.
Body Wt.(g)CFCH(nCi/ml) (2) 4A) and their phosphorylated products (FIG. 4B) suggests
Dose(nCi) that the F-labeled product is phosphorylfluorocholine
(P-FCH). FIG. 5 shows the dependence of phosphorylation
rate on choline concentration, displaying a similar Sigmoidal
relationship for both radiotracers typical of Michaelis
Menten type kinetics. The apparent IC50s for inhibition of
0143 where CFCH is the concentration of FCH in the phosphorylation of radiotracer by choline were approxi
tumor region of interest. mately 0.4 mM for both FCH and CH. The phosphorylation
0144. In breast cancer patients, whole-body PET scans rates were similar for FCH and 'CICH at all choline
concentrations. At a low choline concentration of 1 uM,
were obtained, beginning at 10 min post-administration of phosphorylation rates of both FCH and FEtC were equiva
FCH. In patients with brain tumors, PET scans of the brain lent to CH, whereas phosphorylation rates of HARA-1 and
were obtained, beginning at 5 min post-administration of FPC were approximately 30 and 60% less than for FCH,
FCH. respectively (Table 2).
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

Example 5
Structure-Activity Relationships for Uptake of
In vitro phosphorylation rate and cellular uptake of F-Labeled Choline Analogs by Human Cancer
radiolabeled choline analogs Cells
In vitro Uptake by PC-3 cancer cells 0150. The present work studies the structure-activity
phosphorylational % dose/2 hr/105 cells plated relationships for purposes of optimization of the molecule
Tracer (%) Control HC-3 for imaging prostate cancer. The two primary considerations
in Selection of an optimal analog are: 1) maximal uptake by
55.9 11.0
62.O 8.8
1.88 - 0.25
1.58 - 0.18
prostate cancer cells, and 2) minimal excretion of radioac
FEtC 55.2 - 6.6 O.74 O.O4** O.12 O.O2
tivity into the urine for imaging of the pelvis region without
HARA-1 43.4 3.4** O.32 O.OS** a. presence of confounding radioactivity in the bladder. A
FPC 22.1 3.1** 1.29 O.28 O.76 O.2O number of Structural analogs of choline were labeled as
N-Ffluoromethyl derivatives via the intermediate
Tracers incubated in 1 uM choline, 25 mU/ml yeast choline kinase at 23 Ffluorobromomethane (see Table 3). Uptake of the
C. for 10 min (n = 5 samples each). radiotracers was assessed in cultured PC-3 human prostate
*5 mM hemicholinium-3.
**p < 0.01 versus FCH cancer cells and in a murine PC-3 xenograft model. The
studies in cultured cells showed similar uptake (~2%/hr/100,
Example 4 000 cells plated) for Ffluorocholine (FCH), the monoet
hyl (FEtC) and monopropyl (FPr() analogs of FCH, F)
Accumulation of Choline Analogs by Cultured fluorohomocholine (FHC), and the C, C-dideutero-ethan-1-
PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells ol analogs of FCH, FEtC, and FPRC. All other analogs
showed lower uptake, indicating poorer acceptance for high
0149 Under control conditions, cultured PC-3 human affinity choline transport and/or choline kinase. Biodistribu
prostate cells accumulated FCH similarly to CH (Table 2). tion Studies showed prominent hepatic and renal uptake of
However, the fluoroethylated analog, HARA-1, showed all compounds. There were no significant differences in
only one fifth of the uptake of FCH (p<0.01). The fluorom tumor uptake of FCH, FEtC, FPRC, and FHC (-0.07% dose
ethylethyl analog, FEtC, showed accumulation higher than kg/g). FEtC and the dideutero analog of FCH (FDC) showed
HARA-1 (p<0.05), but lower than FCH (p<0.01). Uptake of low (<2% dose) excretion of radioactivity into the urine at
the fluoropropyl analog, FPC, was not significantly different 60 min. Urinary excretion of radioactivity was significantly
from that of FCH. Specific inhibition of choline transport higher with all other analogs (>12% dose). The low urinary
and phosphorylation by hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) resulted in radioactivity of FEtC and FDC make them favorable com
89% (p<0.001), 45% (p<0.01) and 41% decreases in uptakes pounds for imaging of the pelvis region in PET Studies of
of FCH, CH, and FPC, respectively. patients with prostate cancer.

Uptake of 'F-labeled Choline Analogs by Cultured PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells

18 Uptake by PC-3 cells
CHF % dose?2 hr? 10 cells
Tracer X Y Z. inhibitor plated
HARA-1 Ole 0.322 + 0.054
1. FCH CHCH-OH CH CH Ole 1574 O.O33
HC-3 O.16O O.O09
2 Ethyl (FEtC) (CH)OH CH CHCH Ole O.741 - O.O41
HC-3 O.122 O.O16
3 Propyl (FPrC) (CH)OH CH (CH)2CH Ole 1877 O. 115
HC-3 O.O62 O.OO1
4. Butyl (CH)OH CH (CH2)CH Ole 0.153 - 0.021
5 Pentyl (CH)OH CH (CH2)CH Ole O.O73 O.OO7
6 Allyl (CH)OH CH CH-CH=CH none 4.45 + 0.46
HC-3 O.11 - O.O1
7 Propargyl (CH)OH CH CHC=CH Ole 7.90 - O.S3
8 Isopropyl (CH)OH CH CH(CH), Ole O.147 O.O11
9 Isobutyl (CH)OH CH CHCH(CH) none 2.74 - 0.09
10 Sec-butyl (CH)OH CH CH(CH)CH, none O.28 O.O1
11 Propanol (CH)OH CH CH Ole 1.635 - 0.306
12 Ethyl-Prop. (CH)OH CH, CHCH, Ole 0.285 + 0.023
13 Propyl-prop. (CH)OH CH (CH)2CH Ole 0.234 - 0.050
14 Butanol (CH)OH CH CH Ole O.140 O.042
15 Diethyl (CH)OH CHCH, CHCH, Ole O.SO3 O.O91
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

TABLE 3-continued
Uptake of "F-labeled Choline Analogs by Cultured PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells

18 Uptake by PC-3 cells
CHF % dose?2 hr? 10 cells
Tracer X Y Z inhibitor plated
16 Diethanol (CH),OH CH (CH)OH Ole O.462 - 0.083
17 cyclic 5N (CH),OH YZ = (CH.) Ole O.355 O.O28
18 cyclic 6N (CH),OH YZ = (CH)s none O.144 - O.O14
19 cyclic 6NO (CH),OH YZ = (CH)O(CH), Ole O399 - O.O14
20 cyclic N-OH XY = CHCH(OH)(CH), CH Ole O.O77 O.O11
21 1-methyl CHCHCCH)OH CH CH Ole O.2O2 O.O21
22 2-methyl CH(CH)CHOH CH CH Ole O.182 O.O16
23 1,1-dideutero CHCDOH CH, CH, Ole 2.410 - 0.144
24 ethyl - D CHCDOH CH CHCH Ole O.720 OO65
25 propyl - D CHCDOH CH, (CH2)CH Ole 1864 - 0.307
26 propanol - D (CH),CDOH CH CH Ole O.763 O.O65
27 benzyl CHCH-OH CH CH2(CHS) none O.2O2 O.OO9
28 triethanol CHCH-OH CHCH-OH CHCH-OH none O.17O O.O45
Note: HC-3 - hemicholinium-3, a specific inhibitor of choline uptake and phosphorylation (5 mM); FCH - fluorocholine. FEC -
fluoro-ethyl-choline; FPC - fluoro-propyl-choline; FHC - fluorohomocholine: FDC - fluoro-dideutero-choline.

0151. Uptake of FCH was observed in all the human plates for 2 hr with radiotracers were thoroughly washed to
cancer cell types Studied, including those from prostate, remove all extracellular radioactivity. The cells were lysed
breast, ovarian, lung, colon, liver, and brain cancers (Table in methanol and the methanol Solution added to chloroform
4). These results indicate that FCH may be useful as a to solubilize all lipophilic metabolites. The hydrophilic
general probe for imaging of human cancers. Uptake of FCH metabolites were extracted with 0.25 M Sodium phosphate
was comparable to those of choline and HARA-1, although solution (pH=4.8) and subjected to gradient-HPLC analysis
differences were observed depending on cell type. Most for measurement of radioactivity in the form of FCH/CH,
notably, uptake of FCH was 3-fold higher than that of fluorobetaine/betaine, and phosphorylfluorocholine/phos
HARA-1 in PC-3 prostate cancer cells. The 3 choline phocholine. Table 5 shows the results expressed as percent
analogs showed Significantly higher uptake than FDG in all age of administered dose to each well. Both CH and FCH
cancer types except #28.3 brain tumor cells. were found to be undergo extensive metabolism within the
Uptake (% dose/2 x 10 cells plated/2 hr) of Radiotracers
by Cultured Human Cancer Cells
Cell Line 'Clcholine 'FIFCH F-HARA-1 1FFDG
PC-3 prostate carcinoma 3.170.27 3.290.24 1.130.06** 1490.17**
MDA-MB231 ER neg. breast 3.15O16 3.050.29 2.71.O.2O 1980.08% *
carcinoma 3.310.67 3.780.55 3.26O.47 1.44O41**
MCF7 ER pos. breast carcinoma 3.740.93 3.950.04 3.910.10 0.390.02**
SKOV3 ovarian carcinoma 3.340.53** 7.310.2O 6.280.60* 2.920.12* *
FaDu squamous cell carcinoma 3.250.31* * 2.270.28 3.650.31** O430.04**
HCT 116 colon carcinoma 3.110.65** 5.1OO.33 5.17O.12 6.390.47*
H1080 colon carcinoma 7.08O.92** 10.781.37 10.351.24 O840.16**
HEP G2 hepatocarcinoma O.760.16* O.32O.O2 0.2OO.O1** 1.16O.14**
#28.3 brain tumor 0.390.07* * O.150.05 O.08O.O3 O.230.12
#124 brain tumor

p < 0.05 versus FCH in paired t-test.

**p < 0.002 versus FCH in paired t-test.

Example 6 PC-3 cells. Approximately 72% of F-radioactivity was

indicated to be phosphorylfluorocholine, while 91% of 'C-
Analysis of Metabolites of FCH and 'CICH in radioactivity was found as phosphocholine (Table 5, FIG.
Cultured PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells 4). Radiolabeled lipophilic metabolites of FCH comprised
0152 A preliminary analysis was performed regarding 25% of the total F-radioactivity, while lipophilic metabo
the chemical form of radioactivity present in PC-3 cells lites of CH represented only 7% of the total "C-radioac
incubated with FCH and 'CICH. Cells incubated in 6-well tivity. There was a 5-fold higher incorporation of radioac
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

tivity into lipophilic species for FCH relative to "CICH. were comparable at 45-60 min after injection. However, the
Neither 'Cbetaine nor its F-labeled counterpart were tumor:blood ratio, a diagnostically important parameter, was
detected by HPLC analysis, indicating that oxidation of both higher (p<0.05) at 60 min for FCH (5.3+2.4) than for the
FCH and 'CICH in the cancer cells was negligible. other two tracers. Uptake of FCH by normal brain was one

Analysis of radioactive intracellular metabolites of 'CICH and FCH in cultured

PC-3 cancer cells

"C-labeled species F-labeled species

lipophilic hydrophilic metabolites lipophilic hydrophilic metabolites

Condition metabolites CH phosphocholine metabolites FCH P-FCH

Control O44 O.19 O.16 OO6 5.9 + 2.3 2.4 - 0.4 0.29 0.05 7.1 - 0.9
--HC-3** O.O6 O.O3 O.14 - 0.13 O.08 O.08 OO1 OO1 O.O4 O.O1 O.12 O.O3:

Tracers incubated for 2 hr in approximately 5 x 105 cells at 37 C. (n = 3 samples each). Values

expressed as percentage of administered dose of radioactivity following removal of radioactive
medium and 3 rinses with phosphate-buffered saline. Abbreviations: FB, fluorobetaine: P-FCH, phos
**Uptake and phosphorylation of CH and FCH inhibited with 5 mM hemicholinium-3.
*p < 0.01 versus control condition, same radiolabel and metabolite fraction.
p < 0.01 versus 'C, same metabolite fraction and condition.

Example 7 tenth that for FDG (p<0.0001) and one half that of CH
0153. Biodistribution of FCH in Murine PC-3 Xenograft (p<0.05). At 30 min, there was 1% and 10% of the injected
Model dose in the urinary bladder for CH and FCH, respectively.
Together with the observed slower renal clearance of radio
0154) Table 6 and FIG. 6 show the biodistribution of activity from the kidneys and lower blood radioactivity
FIFCH, 'CICH, and FFDG in the mice. The kidneys concentrations for FCH relative to CH, these findings are
and liver were found to be the primary sites of uptake for
both FCH and CH, similar to previous findings with radio consistent with leSS reabsorption and excretion of radioac
labeled choline (Hara et al., J. Nucl. Med. 38(6):842-847 tivity from the renal proximal tubular filtrate into the circu
(1997), Haubrich et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 193:246 lation for FCH. Liver uptake was lower (p<0.05) for FCH
255 (1975)). Tumor uptake of the choline analogs and FDG than for CH.


Uptake (% dose kg/100 g) of radiotracers in tissues of mice with PC-3 xenografts.

FCH (n = 5) FCH (n = 3) FCH (n = 5) CH (n = 5) CH (n = 3) CH (n = 5) FDG (n = 2)

Tissue 10 min 30 min 60 min 10 min 30 min 60 min 45 min

Tumor 3.6 O.6 7.1 2.1 7.9 S.O 3.2 - 18 4.8 + 1.6 6.7 - 2.5 8.9 O.7
Blood 2.7 O.9 3.3 O2 1.5 + 0.6 2.1 O.3 1.5 + 0.9 2.2 1.O 28 0.009
Heart 15.5 5.9 13.2 2.6 12.7 - 3.2 20.3 7.2 9.7 1.9 9.1 - 2.5 48.2 17.9
Brain O8 O.3 1.O. O.2 O8 O.1 1.4 O.7 1.O. O.8 17 O.6 8.0 O.7
Lung 18.0 - 5.3 17.1 - 1.4 21 4.4 26.0 9.6 9.6 6.6 16.7 - 3.7 7.4 3.1
Liver SO.7 15.3 56.7 - 13.2 58.4 40.6 52.3 - 11.9 65.2 + 19.4 67.1 - 49.7 1.5 + 0.4
Kidney 127.7 27.6 116 - 17 94.3 + 31.0 99.0 - 12.9 53.4 + 7.3 41.5 + 15.0 5.3 - 1.9
Skeletal 4.4 + 1.8 1.1 + 1.0 4.1 + 0.6 4.7 - 1.7 2.5 + 1.5 2.8 1.7 8.3 O.4
Prostate 6.6 2.2 7.1 2.1 7.1 3.0 9.0 - 6.8 5.9 2.5 5.5 - 2.6 2.3 O.4
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

O155 The biodistribution of five structural analogs of

FCH in PC-3 tumor-bearing mice are shown in Table 7. The TABLE 8-continued
Structures of the compounds tested are given in Table 2. Human radiation dose estimates for "FIFCH
0156 The general pattern of distribution was similar for
all of the analogs with high uptake noted by liver and kidney, Tissue
and moderate uptake by tumor. The tumor:blood and tumor
:muscle ratios were highest for the deuterated analog (FDC). Muscle O.O32
These ratioS are major determinants of tumor:background Red marrow O.O43
contrast in imaging Studies.
Uptake of "F-labeled choline analogs at 60 min after injection in PC-3 prostate
cancer Xenograft mouse model (n = 5-0 each group
Uptake (% dose kg/g
Tumor O.O670.043 O.O79O.OSO O.O66O.OO4 O.O65O.O26 O.O790.027 O.O53O.O13 O.0430.005
Blood O.O22O.O1O OO15O.OO6 OOO64O.OO28 O.O150.004 O.OO92O.OO39 O.OOSOO.OO25 O.OO82O.OO21
Lung O.1670.O37 O.21OO.O44 O.27OO.146 O.336O176 O.36OO.147 O.224.O.O72 O.1650.043
Brain O.O17O.OO6 OOO8O.OO1 O.O110.004 O.OO90.004 O.OO90.003 O.OO3SO.OO1O O.O1OOOO1
Liver O.6710.497 OS840.4O6 O.317O.130 O.5250.226 O.77.10.294 O8280.435 O.4940.103
Kidney 0.4150.150 0.9430.310 1.2180.441 10460.284 1.67OO.650 O.584.O.323 2.290.062
Muscle O.O28O.O17 O.O41O.OO6 O.O250.017 O.O4OO.O19 O.O51O.O23 O.O45O.O21 O.O23O.OOS
Heart O.O91O.O25 O.1270.032 O.17OO.O49 O.196O.O75 O.208O.O74 O.O79O.O22 O.1900.O38
Bone a. O.1840.039 O.O440.O29 O. 1130.053 O.O92O.O2O O.O63.O.O17 O.O22O.OO6
Colon a. O.1230.052 O.1410.085 0.1770.077 O.1950.051 O.2040.103 O.1270.043
Bladder + urine 2.00.04 8.29.7 1.81.4 2.171.99 11.90.8 21.614.6 1704
(% dose)
Tumor:blood 3.72.8 6.45.7 12.05.1 4.41.9 9.11.9 12.75.6 5.72.3
Tumor:muscle 1.81.1 2.OO.S 3.71.8 1.70.7 1.60.3 1.30.7 1.90.8

Example 8
TABLE 8-continued
Human Dosimetry Estimates
Human radiation dose estimates for "FIFCH
O157 Table 8 gives the radiation dose estimates to human Dose
organs as determined from calculations based on the mice Tissue (rads/mCi)
FCH biodistribution data. In order to produce conservative
estimates, the total body residence time was assumed to Testes O.O28
determined solely from radioactive decay (1.44xhalf-life= Ovaries
Bladder wall
2.6 hr). The effective dose equivalent (EDE) from a 10 mCi
administration was estimated to be 1.1 rem, which is below
the single-study FDA limit of 3.0 rem for research subjects.
However, the largest organ dose (kidney) was 8.1 rads/rems, Example 9
which is above the 5 rem Single organ dose per Study
established by the FDA. Therefore, it was determined that Toxicity Study
the maximum administered dose in the initial Studies with
FCH would be 6 moi. Refinement of these dosimetry 0158) Acute toxicity of 1 mg/kg body weight of 'F)
estimates is needed using biodistribution data in humans in FCH was determined in four untreated BALB/c mice. No
a Subsequent Study with larger numbers of Subjects. deaths were observed in the mice up to 48 hr after admin
istration of 'FIFCH. Neither were any behavioural/move
TABLE 8 ment abnormalities observed during the monitoring period.
Based on estimates of specific activity of the 'FIFCH (2
Human radiation dose estimates for "FIFCH Ci/mmol), the normal dose of FCH in the radiotracer prepa
Dose ration would be a factor of 300,000 times lower than the
Tissue (rads/mCi) dose given in this toxicity Study.
Heart O.O46 Example 10
Brain O.OO71
Lung O.O43
Liver O.30 PET Imaging in Patients with Prostate Cancer
Kidney O.81
Bone O.O38 0159) Patient 1: FCH-PET imaging of a 59 year old male
with untreated locally advanced clinical Stage T3 prostate
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

cancer (PSA=22 ng/ml, Gleason grade=44) demonstrated Scan (at ~1 hr after injection), the patient produced 70 ml of
accumulation of FCH in the primary prostate carcinoma and urine that was measured to contain 1.3% of the injected dose
an osseous metastasis in the left ischium (FIG. 7). The latter of radioactivity. The experience in the first three patients led
finding was correlated with Tc-99m MDP bone scan, CT, to modification of the Scanning protocol to allow for imag
and MRI findings of a single focus of metastatic prostate ing of the prostate gland with minimal chance of confound
cancer. PET images acquired at 3-5 min demonstrated ing activity in the urinary bladder: a Single whole-body Scan
accumulation of FCH in the prostate gland before the arrival would be acquired, commencing over the pelvis 4-5 min
of activity at the bladder. FIG. 7 shows the kinetics of FCH after injection of FCH.
in the prostate, metastasis, and a region-of-interest drawn 0.161 Patient 4: A 65 year old man with a history of
within the urinary bladder. Radioactivity concentration rose clinical Stage T3b prostate cancer treated by radical retro
rapidly in the prostate and metastasis and reached a plateau pubic prostatectomy was diagnosed with metastatic disease
by 5 min after injection. Radioactivity began to arrive in the by bone scan. FCH-PET imaging was performed before and
bladder at about 8 min after injection and the concentration after initiating androgen deprivation therapy. In the first
increased rapidly over the next 20 min. The SUV of both the Study, whole-body emission Scanning was Started 5 min after
primary tumor and the metastasis was 7.7 after 5 min. injection, beginning at the pelvic region in order to image
Radioactivity concentration in the brain of the patient was the pelvis and prostatic bed before arrival of urinary radio
measured to be <2% that measured in the prostate gland or activity. The images (FIG. 9) demonstrated FCH uptake
metastasis. However, the pituitary gland and choroid plexus, (SUV's>8) in several locations consistent with both local
which do not have a blood-brain barrier, showed relatively recurrence in the prostatic bed, pelvic lymph nodes and
high uptake as previously noted in 'CICH scans (Hara et bone. The osseous metastases seen on FCH-PET images
al, J. Nucl. Med. 39:990 (1998)). Also in agreement with CH were corroborated by recent bone Scan results. The patient
distribution (Hara et al., J. Nucl. Med. 39:990 (1998)), was reScanned 2 weeks after initiating androgen deprivation
kidneys, liver, Scalp tissue and Salivary glands showed therapy. The repeat scan showed 35-40% decreases of
notable uptake of tracer. Uptake in these normal tissues were SUV’s in the various tumors (FIG. 9). Of particular note, a
observed in all patients and considered normal sites of FCH Single lesion in the left pelvis consistent with a pelvic node
localization in correspondence with choline uptake by tis lesion was not visualized on the repeat Scan.
sues. The patient was rescanned with FCH at 2 months after
initiating androgen deprivation therapy at which time his 0162 Patient 5: A 66 year old male was initially diag
PSA level had decreased to 0.9 ng/ml. Both the primary nosed five years prior with locally advanced clinical Stage
tumor and OSSeous metastasis were visualized in the follow T3NOMO prostate cancer and underwent radical prostate
up study, however, the SUVs for FCH uptake by the tumors ctomy followed by external beam radiation to the prostate
were substantially lower than in the initial study (SUV=3.0 bed. His post-therapy serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
in primary tumor (61% decrease), SUV=2.4 in ischial was 2.0 ng/ml. The patient was then treated with Zolex and
metastasis (68% decrease)). Patient 2: Transmission and CasodeX. AS his Serum PSA began rising at approximately 1
FCH emission scans of a 79 year old male with hormone yr prior to the Scan, the chemotherapy was discontinued. The
naive clinical Stage T2 prostate cancer were commenced current serum PSA of the patient was 40.1 ng/ml. Recent
over the lower pelvis. The prostate gland was Subsequently radionuclide bone scans showed no abnormalities, while CT
found to be Superior to the initial Scans. Radioactivity uptake of chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed only Small lymph
was demonstrated in the prostate gland in the whole-body nodes (~1 cm) in pelvis and medistinum. FCH-PET images
PET image, but it was not quantifiable due to lack of acquired at 2-4 min demonstrated accumulation of FCH in
attenuation correction in this region. No metastatic lesions the prostate bed before the arrival of activity at the bladder
were detected in the PET images. A recent radionuclide bone (FIG. 10A). FIG. 10B shows the kinetics of FCH in the
Scan of the patient also showed no evidence of OSSeous prostate bed and regions-of-interest drawn within the urinary
metastases. Positioning of the prostate gland within the 15 bladder and iliac artery. The arterial concentration of FCH
cm field-of-view of the PET scanner in the initial attenua peaked early and fell rapidly to <5% of the peak level within
tion-corrected scans was made difficult by the obesity of the 2 min after injection, indicating extremely rapid blood
patient (height=1.8 m, wit=147 kg). clearance. Radioactivity concentration rose rapidly in the
prostate bed and reached a plateau by 3 min after injection.
0160 Patient 3: FCH-PET imaging of an 80 year old Radioactivity began to arrive in the bladder at 4-5 min after
male Status post radical retropubic prostatectomy and bilat injection and the concentration increased rapidly therafter.
eral Scrotal orchiectomy with progressive hormone refrac The whole-body images showed abnormally high foci of
tory prostate cancer (PSA=4,172) demonstrated extensive FCH uptake in the chest Suggestive of prostate cancer within
uptake of tracer in both bones and soft-tissue lesions (FIG. medistinal lymph nodes (FIG. 10C).
8). SUV values in osseous lesions of the pelvis region ranged
between 3.8-8.0. SUV values for Soft-tissue lesions could Example 11
not be quantified due to the lack of attenuation correction in
the corresponding regions, but their Signal intensities were FDC-PET Imaging in a Patient with Metastatic
Similar to those of nearby OSSeous metastases. The same Prostate Cancer
patient was scanned with FDG within the same week (FIG.
8). The FDG-PET images demonstrated fewer lesions and 0163 A 74 year old was diagnosed 4 years prior with
leSS pronounced uptake in the detected lesions. SUV values prostate cancer (Gleason Grade 3,4; PSA=213 ng/ml). He
for FDG were approximately one half those observed for began androgen deprivation therapy (Lupron). At 2 years
FCH in the same lesions. No radioactivity was observed in prior, a bone Scan was positive in the medial right Superior
the urinary bladder on the FCH whole-body scan obtained at pubic ramus. At 1 year prior, his PSA had fallen to 16 ng/ml.
approximately 25-29 min after injection. Following the PET He underwent a prostatectomy and orchiectomy at this time.
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

In the last 6 months PSA rose from 24 (6 months prior) to tumors: sternal mass (SUV=14.6), mediastinal and hilar
37 (3 months prior) to 56 (present) ng/ml. The FDC-PET adenopathies (SUVs-8.5), pelvic mass (SUV=6.5). The
Scan demonstrated multiple foci of uptake Suggestive of parasternal mass appeared Significantly larger on the FCH
metastatic disease. OSSeous lesions on the Sacrum and the PET scan relative to the FDG-PET scan. Smaller metastases
forementioned pubic ramus (SUV=11.7) were noted. Mul were indicated on the FCH-PET scan in the right chest wall
tiple lymphadenopathies were noted (right Supraclavicular, and left lung that were not seen on the FDG-PET scan.
bilateral paratracheal, Subcarinal, bilateral hilar, right infra Concerning the anterior pelvic tumor, there was observed a
hilar, and left inguinal areas). The FDG-PET scan showed homogenous distribution of FDG across the tumor in the
the OSSeous metastases Seen on the FDC Scan, however the FDG-PET scan, whereas the FCH was preferentially dis
extent and intensity of the lesions were relatively lower tributed on the periphery of the tumor.
(SUV=6.5). Several foci of increased activity seen on the 0.167 All documents cited above are hereby incorporated
FDC scan were not evident on the FDG Scan, including foci in their entirety by reference.
in the right Supraclavicular region, mediastinum, and hila
bilaterally. (See FIG. 11.) 0168 One skilled in the art will appreciate from a reading
of this disclosure that various changes in form and detail can
Example 12 be made without departing from the true Scope of the
PET Imaging in Patients with Brain Tumors
0164 PET imaging was performed in 5 patients with What is claimed is:
resected brain tumors for evaluation of recurrence of cancer. 1. A method of monitoring radioactivity in a tissue within
Dynamic images were obtained over the brain for the first 15 a patient comprising:
min after injection of FCH (2.5-6 mCi). Transmission scans i) administering to said patient a radioactivity monitoring
were acquired before injection of radiotracer for purposes of
attenuation correction. The results showed rapid accumula effective amount of a compound of Formula I or II
tion of FCH in neoplasms at the Surface of the Surgical
cavity; a plateau of radiotracer concentration in the tumor (I)
was reached by 5 min after injection. Radioactivity concen Y
tration in normal brain tissue was very low, allowing excel
lent delineation of the tumor. Comparisons of the FCH-PET
images with those from conventional FDG-PET scans
showed the FCH-PET to have Superior tumor-background 18F(CRR'),CRR'
contrast. (See FIG. 12)
Example 13 Y

HO-CX2-(CX), P-Z
PET Imaging in Patients with Breast Cancer
0.165. Thirteen patients with metastatic breast cancer and
one patient with both primary and metastatic breast cancer
were each imaged with both FCH-PET and FDG-PET within
a period of less than one month. Low levels of FCH uptake wherein
were observed in normal Subcutaneous tissue, axillary fat,
normal lymph nodes, breast, lung, bone, Skeletal muscle, B is a counteranion
and myocardium. High accumulation of FCH was demon Y=H, CHR or CXCX-OH
Strated in normal liver, Spleen and kidney. Primary and
metastatic breast cancer demonstrated markedly intense Z=H, CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH, CXCX,OH,
FCH uptake, with a high tumor:background ratio. In all OCH, SCH, CHC=CH, CHC(CH)=CH,
patients but one, the FCH-PET images were superior to the CH(CH), CHCH(CH), CHOCH or CH-SCH
FDG-PET images in that the FCH images typically demon
Strated more intense tumor:background uptake and greater X', X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hor deuterium
extent of tumor involvement. In Some cases, the FCH-PET R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
revealed additional metastases that were not identified by
FDG-PET. R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
0166 A50 year old female had undergone re-excision of R=independently, H or 'F
right breast intraductal carcinoma 4 yr prior, then right R"=independently, H or 'F
modified radical mastectomy 3 yr prior followed by tamox
ifen chemotherapy. Six months prior to the PET scans, m= 1 or 2
metastatic breast cancer was detected by palpation (right
breast Sternal mass) and CT (mediastinal and hilar adeno
pathies, mass in right anterior pelvis). Tamoxifen therapy O
was stopped. The FDG-PET scan showed uptake of tracer in
the sternal mass (SUV=5.0), mediastinal and hilar adeno Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or
pathies (SUVs-5.5) and the pelvic tumor (SUV=9.5) (FIG. (CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or
13). Uptake of FCH was also observed in the corresponding (CH),S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4, and
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

ii) detecting the presence of F-radioactivity in said Z=H, CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH, CXCX,OH,
tissue, OCH SCH, CHC=CH, CHC(CH)=CH,
wherein when said compound is of Formula I and Y and CH(CH), CHCH(CH), CHOCH or CH-SCH
Z are CH, X" and X’ are H and m is 1, said tissue is X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
not present in the brain, esophagus, lung, liver, kidney
or pancreas of Said patient. R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
2. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said com
pound is of Formula I. R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
3. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said com R=independently, H or 'F
pound is of Formula II.
4. The method according to claim 1 where Said tissue is R"=independently, H or 'F
neoplastic tissue. m= 1 or 2
5. The method according to claim 4 wherein said method
is effected during Surgery to detect or localize Said neoplastic
6. The method according to claim 4 wherein Said neo
plastic tissue is neoplastic tissue of the prostate, brain, Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or
kidney, breast, lung, colon, rectum, lymph, Ovary, cervix or (CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or
(CH),S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4,
7. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said tissue is
present in the pelvis of Said patient. under conditions Such that Said compound is taken up by
8. The method according to claim 7 wherein said tissue is Said tissue and Said tissue is thereby radiolabeled.
prostatic tissue, ovarian tissue; cervical tissue or bladder 15. The method according to claim 14 wherein said tissue
tissue. is neoplastic tissue.
9. The method according to claim 7 wherein said detect 16. A compound of Formula I
ing step (ii) is effected prior to arrival of F-radioactivity in
the urinary bladder or ureters of Said patient.
10. The method according to claim 1 wherein said tissue (I)
is cerebral tissue, renal tissue, breast tissue, lung tissue, Y
lymphatic tissue, colon tissue or rectal tissue.
11. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said patient
is a cancer patient that is undergoing or has undergone 18F(CRR), CRR'
cancer therapy and Said method is effected at more than one
time point to monitor the effectiveness of Said therapy.
12. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said detec wherein
tion is effected using positron emission tomography. B is a counteranion
13. The method according to claim 1 wherein Said patient
is a human. Y-H, CHR or CXCX-OH
14. A method of radiolabeling a tissue eX Vivo comprising:
contacting Said tissue with a radiolabeling effective amount Z=H, CHR, CH(CH), CHCH=CH, CXCX,OH,
of a compound of Formula I or II OCH, SCH, CHC=CH, CHC(CH)=CH,
(I) X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
R1=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
R2=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
R3=independently, H or 'F
(II) R4=independently, H or 'F

m= 1 or 2

Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or

(CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or
B is a counteranion (CH), S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4,
Y-H, CHR or CXCX-OH wherein Said compound is not of the formula
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

B is a counteranion
wherein q is 0 to 2. X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
17. A compound of Formula II R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
(II) R=independently, H or 'F
R"=independently, H or 'F
m= 1 or 2

Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or

wherein (CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or
B is a counteranion (CH),S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4.
20. The composition according to claim 19 wherein said
Y-H, CHR or CXCX-OH Stabilizing agent is Sodium L-ascorbate.
Z=H, CHR, CH(CH), CH-CH=CH, CXCX,OH, 21. The composition according to claim 19 further com
OCH, SCH, CHC=CH, CHC(CH)=CH, prising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
CH(CH), CHCH(CH), CHOCH or CH-SCH 22. A method of Synthesizing a compound of Formula I or
X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hor deuterium
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
R=independently, H or 'F
R"=independently, H or 'F
m=1 or 2

Z and Y together=(CH)n, wherein n=2-6, or

(CH), O(CH), wherein a=0-4 and b=0-4, or
(CH),S(CH), wherein a-0-4 and b=0-4.
18. A composition comprising the compound of claim 16
or 17 and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. wherein
19. A composition comprising a Stabilizing agent and a
compound of Formula I or II B is a counteranion
X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
R=independently, H or 'F
R"=independently, H or 'F
m= 1 or 2
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

ii) Synthesizing a "Ffluoroalkylating agent of Formula (II)
19F(CRR),CRR-LG (III) HO-CX2-(CX), Pt. Z.
R=independently, H or 'F
R"=independently, H or 'F
LG=leaving group
B is a counteranion
by nucleophilic radiofluorination of a precursor of For
mula IV: Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
wherein OCH, SCH, CHC=CH, CHC(CH)=CH,
R=independently, H or 'F X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
R"=independently, H or 'F R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
LG=leaving group R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
using 'Ffluoride or H'F and a catalyst, R=independently, H or 'F
ii) isolating said "Ffluoroalkylating agent from said R"=independently, H or 'F
precursor and Said catalyst, m= 1 or 2
iii) reacting said isolated "Ffluoroalkylating agent with q=1 or 2
a Formula I precursor tertiary amine or Formula II comprising:
precursor tertiary phosphine alkylation Substrate to
form said compound of Formula I or II, and i) preparing a hydroxyl-protected F-labeled choline
iv) isolating said compound of Formula I or II from said analog of the Formula VI or VII:
Formula I precursor tertiary amine or Formula II ter
tiary phosphine.
23. The method according to claim 22 wherein said
leaving group is Selected from the group consisting of a
bromo-, iodo-, tosyloxy- and meSyloxy-group.
24. The method according to claim 22 wherein said
catalyst is KryptofiX 2.2.2/KCO or a basic tetraalkylam
monium Salt.
25. The method according to claim 22 wherein said
isolating step (ii) is effected using gas or liquid chromatog
26. The method according to claim 22 wherein said
isolating Step (iv) is effected by transferring said compound
of Formula I or II in ethanol to a cation eXchange resin and
Washing Said resin with ethanol So that Said compound of
Formula I or II is eluted. wherein
27. The method according to claim 22 wherein q=0. B is a counteranion
28. The method according to claim 27 wherein said
"Ffluoroalkylating agent is 'Ffluorobromomethane. Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
29. A method of synthesizing a compound of Formula I or Z=CHR, CH(CH), CH-CH=CH, CXCX,OH,
(I) X', X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hor deuterium
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
HO-CX2-(CXI) N-Z R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
R=independently, H or 'F
R"=independently, H or 'F
US 2002/0061279 A1 May 23, 2002

m=1 or 2 30. The method according to claim 29 wherein said

q=1 or 2
hydroxyl-protected, leaving group-Substituted precursor is
3-bromopropyl-dimethyl-2-acetoxyethyl-ammonium bicar
PG=hydroxyl protecting group (e.g. acetyl group) bonate.
by nucleophilic radiofluorinating of a compound of For 31. The method according to claim 29 wherein said
mula VIII or IX: leaving group (LG) is a bromo-, iodo-, tosyloxy- or mesy
32. The method according to claim 29 wherein step (ii) is
effected using base-catalyzed hydrolysis.
Y 33. The method according to claim 29 wherein said
isolating step (iii) is effected using high performance liquid
PG-O-CX2-(CXI) N Z. chromotagraphy.
34. A compound of Formula VIII or IX:


B is a counteranion
CH(CH), CHCH(CH), CHOCH or CH-SCH wherein
X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, H or deuterium B is a counteranion
R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH Y=CHR or CXCX-OH
R=independently, H or 'F CH(CH), CHCH(CH), CHOCH or CH-SCH
R"=independently, H or 'F X, X, X, X, X and X=independently, Hordeuterium
m=1 or 2 R=H, F, Cl, Br, I or CH
q=1 or 2 R=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CH or CHCH
PG=hydroxyl protecting group R=independently, H or 'F
LG=leaving group R"=independently, H or 'F
m= 1 or 2
using Ffluoride or HF in the presence of a catalyst, q=1 or 2
ii) removing said PG group to form said compound of PG=hydroxyl protecting group
Formula I or Formula II, and
LG=leaving group
iii) isolating said compound of Formula I or II resulting
from Step (ii) from said precursor and catalyst.

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