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[APFC] Hindi Handwritten

Notes on minimum wages, ESIC,

Labour laws, Industrial
relations & other topics
Here is the collection of notes prepared by one of my associate

Mr.Chandra Deo for upcoming Assistant provident fund commissioner

(APFC/EPFO) exam

Following Topics are covered, for the syllabus topics- Industrial

Relations, Labour Laws

History of Labour laws in India- before independence and after

Provisions in Indian Constitution related labour welfare and
Major recommendations of National commission on Labour 2002
Workmen’s compensation act 1923: salient features, criticism
Employees State insurance act, corporation and fund
Maternity benefit act 1961- salient features, criticism
Payment of wages act 1936- salient provisions, scope, claims and
Minimum wages act 1948- origin, scope, revision of minimum wages,
types of wages, reforms suggested by first and second national
commission on labour
Industrial disputes act 1947- salient features related to lockout,
hartal, conciliation, layoff, retrenchment, closure
Factories act 1948: provisions related to safety, women, welfare,
working hours etc.
Trade unions- definition, types, classification.
EPFO and related current affairs
Language: Hindi

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