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Clinical Chemistry 48:8

1147–1150 (2002) Cancer Diagnostics:


Cancer Biomarkers: Easier Said Than Done

Kenneth P.H. Pritzker

Background: Biological and technical advances have led science, technology, and regulatory and social factors as
to greatly increased research and development of cancer follows:
biomarkers. This overview lists some of the challenges
and barriers to developing novel effective cancer bio- • The success and utility of biomarkers such as human
markers and enablers to facilitate cancer biomarker chorionic gonadotropin, monoclonal immunoglobulin
development. peaks, and prostate-specific antigen have assisted the
Methods: Current scientific literature regarding devel- detection and assessment of cancer.
opment of biomarkers for cancer and other diseases was • Scientific advances in understanding cell and molecular
reviewed. biology, including the emerging science of genomics
Results: Challenges to developing cancer biomarkers and proteonomics, have generated a plethora of candi-
include better understanding of biological heterogene- date cancer biomarkers.
ity, including host/tumor heterogeneity; analytical fac- • Advances in analytical assay technology have made
tors, such as interferences and analytical sensitivity; possible simultaneous multiple (and even multitudi-
clinical pathologic factors, such as current histopatho- nous) assays. Advances in bioinformatics permit large
masses of apparently unrelated data to be mined for
logic standards; and health service and market factors.
correlations (1–5 ). A notable current example using
More standardized biomarker definitions, standardiza-
proteonomics is the application of surface-enhanced
tion of cancer biology terminology, and high-quality
laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) mass spectroscopy
reference materials (specimen and clinical data reposi-
of low-molecular-weight plasma peptides to segregate
tories) were identified as factors required to support
ovarian tumor from nontumor populations (6 ). Using
advances in cancer biomarkers.
the most sophisticated techniques and bioinformatics
Conclusions: With the above enablers, novel cancer currently available, that study describes patterns that
biomarkers may be useful, both for assessing early and discriminate tumor from nontumor patients, indepen-
established neoplasia more precisely and for contribut- dent of insight as to what aspect of disease the patterns
ing data toward development of novel practical concepts represent. Given the peptide concentrations studied, it
regarding cancer biology. is possible that the patterns represent acute-phase reac-
© 2002 American Association for Clinical Chemistry tants or other systemic features associated with disease
generally, but not ovarian tumors specifically. It also
Cancer biomarkers are firmly embedded clinically as remains to be determined whether these patterns can
essential diagnostic modalities to assess cancer. Human detect tumors in asymptomatic patients who are at risk
chorionic gonadotropin and ␣-fetoprotein for germ cell for ovarian cancer. Exciting as these findings appear,
tumors, monoclonal serum and urine electrophoretic there are many steps required for validation of this and
peaks for myeloma, and prostate-specific antigen for other “high tech on spec” approaches to cancer biomar-
prostate cancer represent only a few of the successful ker technology.
cancer biomarkers now used clinically. • Regulatory trends world-wide toward standard objec-
The explosion of research activity in cancer biomarkers tive means to compare the therapeutic efficacy of new
over the past decade can be ascribed to the convergence of agents have generated the need not only to measure the
efficacy of biomarkers, but have also created needs to
have similar markers for early detection, disease natural
history, and disease activity (7, 8 ). The requirement for
Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Surgery, biomarkers extends beyond cancer to many other dis-
University of Toronto, and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medi-
ease states, particularly those diseases that progress
cine, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X5 Canada. Fax 416-586-
8589; e-mail over relatively long time periods (9, 10 ).
Received February 21, 2002; accepted April 26, 2002. • Social and market forces have questioned the cost and

1148 Pritzker: Cancer Biomarkers

relative failure of cancer treatment strategies directed both among cells within a tumor at a given time point
toward advanced disease. This has generated an in- and in cells during the development of tumors from
crease in private and public funding directed toward earlier to later time points. This heterogeneity may be
biomarkers for early cancer detection (11 ). This trend affected by radiotherapy or chemotherapy and, pre-
has been supported by the aging, relatively wealthy sumably, by endogenous host factors.
post-World War II North American population, who Although almost any cancer can be used as an
believe that wellness and longevity can be achieved, in example, the presence and concentrations of estrogen
part, by extensive screening against the presence of and progesterone receptors in breast cancer are nota-
early disease. ble. Of interest, as tumors become more malignant,
• Accompanying this activity, there is a major shift in the phenotypic characteristics of tissue origin tend to
investigative strategy from an orderly inquiry into diminish with corresponding changes in the marker.
biological mechanisms toward a “brute force” approach For example, the benign neural tumor, neurilemoma,
that can be characterized as “collect the set, generate expresses S-100 as a specific marker, whereas neuro-
and mine data”. Formerly, in an often incidental man- fibrosarcomas, which sometimes grow out of these
ner, a substance would be discovered associated with a benign tumors, do not.
tumor or class of tumors. Subsequently, a hypothesis Biological heterogeneity includes multiple meta-
would be generated, tested, and if promising, lead to bolic pathways to the same endpoints and the vari-
further investigation, which after several innovations able metabolism of biomarkers, including posttrans-
would enlarge our knowledge of tumor biology. lational transmodifications. Some or all of these
• Perhaps the earliest example of a cancer biomarker is factors may affect the detection and concentrations of
urinary “Bence Jones protein” and the ␥-globulin peak the analytes.
associated with plasma cell myeloma. Subsequent study ▪ Variation with age, disease, and benign neoplasia
has determined that the peak is, in fact, a monoclonal Normal, reparative, aging, or other physiologic or
immunoglobulin or a fraction thereof (typically ␬ or ␭ pathologic processes may generate biomarker profiles
light chains). Specific classes of immunoglobulins or similar to that in malignancy. “Cancer” biomarkers
immunoglobulin fragments are associated with specific may also be present in benign neoplastic disease,
pathophysiologies. Furthermore, under some circum- which careful longitudinal clinical study has shown
stances, benign monoclonal peaks without plasma cell does not proceed to malignancy (13, 14 ). A vitally
neoplasia exist. important and humbling example is the demonstra-
• The current investigative strategy fashion, stimulated tion that oncogene markers such as c-erbB-2, p53, and
by the technical success of the genome project, is to cyclin D1, commonly thought to be cancer biomark-
accumulate vast libraries of serum, tissues, and DNA ers, are also present in patients with benign breast
with limited information about clinical history, disease disease who have been followed clinically for 15 years
state, or the location of tumor samples. These specimens or longer without neoplastic progression.
are then subjected to the current array assay technology, ▪ Exogenous substances that affect biomarker presence
producing “profiles” of analytes, some of which, after and concentration
application of bioinformatic techniques, may correlate Foods, drugs, and natural alternative therapies are
with tumor status. That “association is not necessarily “interferences” well known to clinical biochemists.
causation” is often not considered well. In the best-case Well known are the many medications and food
scenario, this “boiling the ocean” approach can be stuffs that interfere with vanillylmandelic acid or
construed as data looking for questions. 5-hydroxyindole acid, markers of pheochromocy-
toma and carcinoid tumors, respectively (15 ). These
Just as sorting out the genome provided a large data set examples render a cautionary note for gene expres-
to address scientific questions but by itself did little to add sion profiles. Undoubtedly, most expression profiles
to biological insight, we can expect little more from will be imitated by benign conditions or, alterna-
biochemical, molecular, or image analysis profiling by tively, enhanced/suppressed by medications for con-
themselves. current conditions.
The challenges to development of useful cancer bio-
markers must be recognized. These include: • Clinical pathologic factors

• Biological factors This requires defining more precisely and standard-

izing concepts of the biological events against which
▪ Biological heterogeneity biomarkers are to be measured. This difficult task
Like other organisms, among humans there is ex- includes defining normal variation, preneoplastic
tensive heterogeneity of biological expression. In neo- states, and neoplasia grade and staging with sufficient
plasia, progressive biological heterogeneity with tran- precision to make cancer biomarkers useful. For preneo-
sient characteristics of expression is a characteristic of plasia that is microscopically evident and for overt
tumor cells (12 ). Biological heterogeneity is present tumors, there is a long history of medical art and science
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 8, 2002 1149

that distinguishes classes of tumors with different prog- will facilitate the development of cancer biomarkers? A
nosis, e.g., a 50% five-year survival, based on morpho- short list includes:
logic and, increasingly, immunohistochemical and mo-
• Defining the biology of each cancer and the biology of
lecular diagnostic techniques. There is considerable
the cancer process with precision
need to refine the prognosis for individual cancer
patients who share tumor class as defined by current This involves not only defining what is known, but
techniques. Of particular interest, preneoplastic states also attempting to define or circumscribe what is un-
and states of early tumor recurrence need to be detected known. This requires enhanced interactions among
for which there is no tissue visible by imaging and for investigators of different disciplines, including clinical
which no systemic markers are currently available. biochemists, pathologists, and cell and molecular biol-
These needs can be judged best by past examples. ogists. It requires not just defending current tumor
Radiologic calcification as a marker of breast tumors assessment methodology or the cancer biomarker assay
and apoptosis or lack of apoptosis as tumor features are du jour, but continuing to challenge assumptions and
now well known. These marker features have always the rigor of studies.
been present but, formerly, were not recognized. Fur- An urgently needed skill set includes a greater appre-
thermore, as these markers became accepted, special- ciation of the biokinetics of both cancers and cancer
ized techniques for easier detection were developed. biomarkers. These skills, analogous to pharmacokinet-
ics, will show how biomarkers change in presence or
• Analytical sensitivity and detection limit concentration, thereby permitting more dynamic views
The advances in sensitivity of analytical technology of how cancers evolve.
are such that it is often possible to detect a cancer • Defining host biology: pharmacogenomics and pharma-
biomarker, whether it be a biochemical analyte, DNA, coproteinomics
or circulating cancer cells. Detection limits may be
Biological profiling does have the prospect of indi-
sufficiently low to allow detection below concentrations
vidualizing pharmacotherapy, maximizing efficacy,
that have biological importance. The biomarker may
and minimizing toxicity (19 ). It is likely that biomarkers
detect, appropriately, an important phenomenon, but
that simultaneously reflect both cancer activity and
endogenous regulatory mechanisms (not measured)
individual sensitivity to therapy will be developed.
may maintain the neoplastic process under firm control.
The implications are that clinical detection and mea- • Defining biomarkers and surrogate endpoints
surement of biomarkers of this type, at worst, could
Although concepts of biomarkers have been dis-
lead to unnecessary investigation and therapy or, at
cussed for decades (20 ), research and regulatory agen-
best, unnecessary chronic anxiety for the patient.
cies have recently taken an increased interest in devel-
• Health service factors oping consensus about definitions (7, 8 ). Biomarkers
have been defined from various viewpoints. For exam-
It is not sufficient for a cancer biomarker to detect a ple, one classification defines type 0 as a natural history
particular phase of neoplasia. To be successful, the marker, type 1 as biological activity markers, and type 2
biomarker must also fit within the profile of health as surrogate markers for clinical efficacy (21 ). Other
service factors with respect to cost-effectiveness, cost investigators looking at epidemiologic aspects reach
benefit, and the relative value of the cancer biomarker back even earlier in the neoplastic process, searching for
strategy for cancer burden reduction (16 ). biomarkers of exposure to carcinogens, familial genetic
predisposition, and individual sensitivity to cancer (22 ).
Given the above variables, it is indeed remarkable that Because cancer and nonneoplastic diseases may be
any useful cancer biomarkers exist (17, 18 ). Even after positively or negatively related, it is extremely impor-
more than 150 years of cell science, it must be recognized tant that the biomarker definitions that emerge from
that our conceptual framework of cancer biology remains consensus can be applied in a similar manner not only
inadequate to recognize the ideal or optimal biomarker to cancer, but also to other disease processes.
for most cancers. Furthermore, even if, as expected, our
perspectives will change over time, we need to under- • Standardization and stringency of analytical technology
stand what we are looking for before investments in the Extensive effort has been made to standardize pre-
search and evaluation for cancer biomarkers will be analytical, analytical, and postanalytical methodology
effective. for cancer biomarkers (23, 24 ). Standardization of bi-
Given the current reality, in the near future cancer omarker assay technology involves considerations be-
biomarker investigators will generate and be confronted yond analytical sensitivity and specificity. For example,
with analytes and data that are orders of magnitude in advancing toward standardized technology, the ad-
greater than were available even 1 year ago. Considering vantages of comparability between various studies
these theoretic and practical difficulties, what advances must be weighed against the desire and need for
1150 Pritzker: Cancer Biomarkers

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