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The Effect of Remifentanil on the Bispectral Index Change

and Hemodynamic Responses After Orotracheal Intubation
Bruno Guignard, MD, Christophe Menigaux, MD, Xavier Dupont, MD,
Dominique Fletcher, MD, and Marcel Chauvin, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Hôpital Ambroise Pare, Boulogne-Billancourt, France

In order to examine whether changes in the bispectral (changes in MAP and HR) to intubation were deter-
index (BIS) may be an adequate monitor for the analge- mined by logarithmic regression. BIS values were not
sic component of anesthesia, we evaluated the effect of affected by remifentanil before laryngoscopy. During
remifentanil on the BIS change and hemodynamic re- this period, MAP and HR decreased significantly (P "
sponses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. Fifty 0.01) in the remifentanil 8 and 16 ng/mL groups.
ASA physical status I patients were randomly assigned, Changes in BIS, MAP, and HR were negatively corre-
in a double-blinded fashion, to one of five groups (n ! lated with remifentanil effect-site concentration (P "
10/group) according to the remifentanil target effect 0.0001). The number of movers in the remifentanil 0-, 2-,
compartment site concentration (0, 2, 4, 8, or 16 ng/mL). 4-, 8-, and 16-ng/mL groups was, respectively, 10, 9, 7,
The target-controlled infusion (TCI) of remifentanil 1, and 0. Hypotensive episodes (MAP " 60 mm Hg)
was initiated 3 min after the TCI of propofol that was were noted in 1, 2, and 5 patients in the remifentanil 4-,
maintained at the effect-site concentration of 4 !g/mL 8-, and 16-ng/mL groups, respectively. We conclude
throughout the study. After the loss of consciousness that the addition of remifentanil to propofol affects BIS
and before the administration of vecuronium 0.1 mg/ only when a painful stimulus is applied. Moreover,
kg, a tourniquet was applied to one arm and inflated remifentanil attenuated or abolished increases in BIS
above the systolic blood pressure in order to detect any and MAP after tracheal intubation in a comparable
gross movement within the first minute after tracheal dose-dependent fashion. Implications: Bispectral in-
intubation, which was performed 3 min after remifen- dex change is as sensitive as hemodynamic responses
tanil TCI began. A BIS value was generated every 10 s. after a painful stimulus for detecting deficits in the an-
Arterial blood pressure and heart rate (HR) were mea- algesic component of anesthesia. It may, therefore, be a
sured every minute, noninvasively. Measures of mean useful monitor of the depth of anesthesia in patients
arterial pressure (MAP), HR, and BIS were obtained be- who are incapable of HR and MAP responses to nox-
fore the induction, before the start of remifentanil TCI, ious stimuli because of medications or cardiovascular
before laryngoscopy, and 5 min after intubation. The disease.
relationships between remifentanil effect-site concen-
trations and BIS change or hemodynamic responses (Anesth Analg 2000;90:161–7)

eneral anesthesia combines several components: 50 and 100 ng/mL, alfentanil added to propofol did
unconsciousness, amnesia, and immobility in not decrease BIS (4). However, at larger alfentanil
response to a painful stimulus. An electroen- doses that decreased spectral edge 95, BIS decreased to
cephalogram (EEG) indicator, the bispectral index "50 (5).
(BIS) that measures interfrequency phase relationships BIS is a predictor of patient response to skin incision
in the EEG, was proposed as a measure of anesthetic during propofol/nitrous oxide anesthesia (1,6). How-
depth (1). In healthy volunteers, BIS values correlate ever, with the addition of opioids, the BIS correlation
with hypnotic drug concentrations (2,3). In contrast, with patient movement was less significant (7). In
alfentanil at a plasma concentration "300 ng/mL did contrast, the change in BIS after a painful stimulus in
not affect BIS (3). Moreover, at target concentrations of healthy volunteers is decreased by increased opioid
doses, suggesting that BIS variability produced by a
nociceptive input may be inversely correlated with the
Accepted for publication September 20, 1999. level of analgesia (4). We hypothesized that, under
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Marcel Chauvin, certain levels of unconsciousness, BIS variability may
MD, Department of Anesthesiology, Hôpital Ambroise Pare, 9 Ave.
Charles de Gaulle, Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100, France. Address reflect the degree of opioid-induced inhibition of nox-
e-mail to ious stimuli.

©2000 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

0003-2999/00 Anesth Analg 2000;90:161–7 161

The purpose of this prospective study was to eval- 150 mm Hg higher than systolic blood pressure, as
uate the effect of different remifentanil concentrations described previously (10). Vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg was
on BIS: 1) during a steady level of propofol when no administered. The trachea was intubated 3 min after
painful stimulation was applied and 2) with laryngos- the start of remifentanil infusion. A positive response
copy and orotracheal intubation. Throughout this was defined as a gross purposeful movement of the
study, hemodynamic values were recorded and move- arm within the first minute after tracheal intubation.
ments of the arm were noted. We then compared the The duration of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation
ability of remifentanil to prevent movements and to was noted for each patient. A hypotensive episode
decrease BIS and hemodynamic changes with endo- was defined as mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) "
tracheal intubation. 60 mm Hg. These episodes were corrected by the
administration of IV ephedrine as a bolus of 6 mg.
The study was terminated 11 min after the start
Methods of the propofol TCI.
After obtaining institutional review board approval Before the induction of anesthesia, silver/silver
and written, informed patient consent, 50 ASA phys- chloride pregelled electrodes (Zipprep®; Aspect Med-
ical status I patients, ranging in age from 18 to 70 yr, ical Systems, Natick, MA) were applied to the left and
scheduled for elective noncranial surgical procedures, right frontal (Fp1 and Fp2) regions and referred to a
were studied. Patients with known neurologic, car- vertex electrode (CZ). Electrode impedance was main-
diac, or metabolic disease, including those requiring tained "2 k$. The EEG was recorded continuously
anticonvulsant therapy and those taking cardiovascu- using an Aspect A-1000 EEG monitor (Aspect Medical
lar medication, were excluded. Systems), which also computed the BIS (revision 3.12)
Patients were randomly allocated, in a double- in real time. A BIS value was generated every 10 s.
blinded fashion, to five groups (10 per group) accord- MAP and heart rate (HR) were measured every
ing to which remifentanil concentration they received: minute, noninvasively, by using a Cardiocap (Datex,
0, 2, 4, 8, or 16 ng/mL. Figure 1 describes the time line Helsinki, Finland) and acquired simultaneously with
for the study. No sedative premedication was admin- the EEG by using multi serial interfaces between the
istered before surgery. After breathing oxygen, anes- monitors and the personal computer. All acquired
thesia was induced and maintained with IV propofol. data were stored on disk for subsequent analysis.
The patients’ lungs were ventilated to normocapnia BIS values before tracheal intubation were defined
with a mixture of oxygen and air fraction of inspired as the mean of six measures obtained 1 min before the
oxygen 0.4. The IV drugs (propofol, remifentanil) were induction, before the start of remifentanil TCI, and
administered via two computer-assisted infusion de- before laryngoscopy. BIS change with intubation (%
vices (Becton Dickinson Pilote!, Fresenius Vial Medi- BIS) was defined as the difference between BIS before
cal, Brezins, France) to target effect site concentration. laryngoscopy and the maximal BIS value obtained
A computer program, written in Visual Basic 5® (Mi- within the first 5 min after intubation. HR and MAP
crosoft Corporation, Santa Rosa, CA) by one of the changes with intubation (% HR and % MAP) were
investigators (BG), simultaneously controlled the in- defined as the difference between the HR and the
fusion pumps and acquired the other variables. The MAP 1 min before laryngoscopy and the maximal
pharmacokinetic sets used to calculate target effect- value within the first 5 min after intubation.
site concentrations of propofol and remifentanil were All statistical analyses were performed by using
those published respectively by Marsh et al. (8) and by NCSS 6.0 (Statistical Solution, Cork, Ireland). Demo-
Minto et al. (9). The Keo values used for propofol and graphic data, durations of laryngoscopy and tracheal
remifentanil were, respectively, 0.638/min and 0.516/ intubation, and maximal changes in BIS, HR, and
min (9). Propofol was administered at a target effect- MAP during the 5 min after intubation were analyzed
site concentration of 4 !g/mL (e.g., 2 mg/kg bolus by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The BIS, HR,
followed by 225 !g " kg#1 " min#1) during the period and MAP at each time and changes in BIS, HR, and
of study. Three minutes after the propofol target- MAP from baseline were analyzed by using ANOVA
controlled infusion (TCI) began, remifentanil was and repeated measures ANOVA. To attest to the sta-
given at a target effect-site concentration of 0, 2 bility of BIS, the coefficients of variation of the BIS
(e.g., 0.5 !g/kg bolus over 30 s followed by values obtained within the 1-min periods were calcu-
0.1 !g " kg#1 " min#1), 4 (e.g., 1 !g/kg bolus over 30 s lated for each individual. Fisher’s exact and "2 tests
followed by 0.2 !g " kg#1 " min#1), 8 (e.g., 2 !g/kg were used to compare the proportion of patients with
bolus over 30 s followed by 0.4 !g " kg#1 " min#1), or movement and hypotension in each group. When a
16 (e.g., 4 !g/kg bolus over 30 s followed by difference in proportions was found among the
0.8 !g " kg#1 " min#1) ng/mL according to a random- groups, pairwise comparisons were done, and a Bon-
ization schedule. After loss of consciousness, a tour- ferroni adjustment was made for multiple compari-
niquet was inflated over an arm to a pressure of sons. An # level of 5% (P " 0.05) was used to establish

Figure 1. Time line of the study.

statistical significance. In addition, the relationships MAP, expressed as the percentage of values obtained
between remifentanil effect-site concentrations and % before laryngoscopy. % HR and % MAP were inversely
BIS, % HR, and % MAP were determined by logarith- correlated with target effect-site concentration of
mic regression and Spearman’s rank correlation coef- remifentanil (P " 0.0001). % BIS correlated with %
ficient for each group. MAP (r2 ! 0.71, P " 0.0001) and % HR (r2 ! 0.41, P "
The number of movers in remifentanil 0-, 2-, 4-, 8-,
Results and 16-ng/mL groups was respectively 10, 9, 7, 1, and
No significant difference was found among the groups 0. Hypotensive episodes requiring ephedrine were
concerning age, weight, height, sex ratio (Table 1), BIS noted before and/or after orotracheal intubation in 0,
(Fig. 2), HR (Table 2), or MAP (Table 3) values during 0, 1, 2, and 5 patients in the remifentanil 0-, 2-, 4-, 8-,
the period preceding induction or the duration of 16-ng/mL groups, respectively. All patients had no
laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation (Table 1). recall of the procedure when questioned later.
In all patients, BIS values obtained within each 1-min
period before laryngoscopy were stable, with a coeffi-
cient of variation that did not exceed 12%. BIS values
before the remifentanil infusion began showed no sig- Discussion
nificant differences among the five groups (Fig. 2). BIS The results of this study demonstrate that remifen-
values remained comparable before remifentanil and be- tanil, even at the maximal target effect-site concentra-
fore laryngoscopy, regarding mean in each group and tion of 16 ng/mL, did not modify BIS values corre-
individual measures (Fig. 2). Maximal BIS values were sponding to a constant target effect-site concentration
significantly (P " 0.01) increased by laryngoscopy and of propofol 4 !g/mL. In contrast, remifentanil caused
orotracheal intubation in the remifentanil 0- and a dose-related decrease in the % BIS after the stimula-
2-ng/mL groups (Fig. 2). The maximal increase in BIS tion of laryngoscopy and orotracheal intubation.
was noted within the first 2 min in all cases. Figure 3 Blood concentrations of propofol and remifentanil
shows the logarithmic regression between remifentanil were not measured, but were calculated by using a
concentration and % BIS for each of the individual pa- pharmacokinetic model. The variable sets of Marsh et
tients. % BIS, expressed as the percentage of BIS value al. (8) selected for propofol and of Minto et al. (9)
obtained before laryngoscopy, was inversely correlated selected for remifentanil have been shown to perform
with target effect-site concentration of remifentanil (P " well (11,12). In the present study, and according to the
0.0001). findings of Wakeling et al. (13), propofol and remifen-
During the 3-min period of propofol infusion with- tanil were administered to a target effect-site concen-
out remifentanil, no significant changes occurred in tration rather than to a target plasma concentration to
HR and MAP for all five treated groups (Tables 2 and minimize the hysteresis between blood concentration
3). Before laryngoscopy, HR and MAP decreased sig- and drug effect, leading to rapidly achieving and
nificantly (P " 0.01) in the remifentanil 8- and 16- maintaining stable drug concentrations at the site of
ng/mL groups and remained unchanged in the drug effect. The Keo values that we selected for propo-
remifentanil 0-, 2- and 4-ng/mL groups in comparison fol and remifentanil probably do provide a rapid de-
with the preinduction values (Tables 2 and 3). Orotra- sired effect-site concentration. Wakeling et al. (13)
cheal intubation was associated with a significant (P " demonstrated that a Keo of 0.63/min for propofol
0.01) increase in HR and MAP only in the remifentanil determined a loss of responsiveness in 1.23 minutes,
0- and 2-ng/mL groups in comparison with the pre- and the simulation indicated that the desired effect
laryngoscopy values (Tables 2 and 3). The maximal site concentration was reached in a delay of 2 minutes.
increase in HR and MAP was always observed during All these delays are consistent with the timeline of our
the first 2 min after intubation. The logarithmic regres- study protocol.
sion between remifentanil concentration and hemody- We observed that remifentanil, even at large doses,
namic variables are shown in Figure 3 for % HR and % produced no modification of BIS obtained under a

Table 1. Demographic Data

Remifentanil effect-site concentration (ng/mL)
0 2 4 8 16
Age (yr) 39 & 17 42 & 15 54 & 15 54 & 15 43 & 19
Weight (kg) 69 & 9 67 & 16 65 & 12 66 & 16 62 & 11
Height (cm) 173 & 8 165 & 9 169 & 9 168 & 11 167 & 7
Sex (m/f) 8/2 4/6 6/4 5/5 3/7
OTI duration (s) 35 & 16 30 & 21 30 & 12 41 & 21 26 & 11
Values are mean & sd.
OTI ! orotracheal intubation.

Figure 2. Individual bispectral index values, before induction, 1 min before remifentanil target-controlled infusion (TCI), 1 min before
laryngoscopy and after orotracheal intubation (OTI) (maximal value) in each group. The horizontal bars denote mean values for each group.
*P " 0.01 compared with preinduction values. &P " 0.01 compared with prelaryngoscopy values.

constant level of propofol infusion. However, the In contrast, we observed a hemodynamic interac-
range of remifentanil concentrations that we studied tion between propofol and remifentanil when no no-
did not affect spectral edge (5,14). This confirms that ciceptive stimulation was applied (i.e., before laryn-
opioids, even combined with propofol, do not seem to goscopy and from two minutes after endotracheal
modify the BIS level when there is no painful stimu- intubation) in the two larger remifentanil concentra-
lation (4) and at doses that do not modify EEG fre- tion groups. Others have evaluated the hemodynamic
quency (5). These results are in agreement with other responses to the induction of large remifentanil doses
studies that reported a small reduction in sevoflurane with propofol. The amplitudes of the decreases in HR
(15) or propofol (16) requirements for loss of con- and MAP were similar to those observed by Thomp-
sciousness by fentanyl. The difference in sites of action son et al. (17) with a regimen of remifentanil of
between opioids and hypnotics may explain the dif- 1 !g/kg bolus over 30 s, followed by an infusion of
ference in the effect on BIS. Hypnotics affect the EEG 0.5 !g " kg#1 " min#1 started three minutes before oro-
by an action on the cerebral cortex, whereas opioids tracheal intubation. These authors reported an inci-
exert their analgesic action through an inhibition of dence of hypotension (systolic arterial pressure "
subcortical structures, including the spinal cord. 80 mm Hg), and bradycardia (HR " 50 bpm) of 50%.

Table 2. Mean (& sd) of Heart Rate (bpm)

Remifentanil effect-site concentration (ng/mL)
0 2 4 8 16
Preinduction 81.4 & 9.3 78.5 & 10.2 72.0 & 9.6 74.3 & 9.7 77.8 & 12.8
Preremifentanil TCI 74.4 & 13.4 83.6 & 12.8 72.9 & 12.8 71.4 & 13.0 67.7 & 15.1
Prelaryngoscopy 73.8 & 10.2 79.1 & 18.7 69.1 & 8.8 56.3 & 10.3*† 56.8 & 11.7*†
1 min postOTI 92.6 & 16.3‡ 97.5 & 18.7‡ 72.4 & 14.2 65.8 & 6.8 53.8 & 7.2*†
2 min postOTI 85.7 & 17.9 92.2 & 20.3 69.8 & 9.9 58.2 & 6.2*† 58.6 & 10.3*†
5 min postOTI 79.7 & 13.8 88.8 & 18.5 65.7 & 7.5 58.2 & 6.6† 57.3 & 8.2†
TCI ! target-controlled infusion, OTI ! orotracheal intubation.
* P " 0.05 compared with Group 0.
† P " 0.01 compared with preinduction values.
‡ P " 0.01 compared with prelaryngoscopy values.

Table 3. Mean (& sd) of Mean Arterial Pressure (mm Hg)

Remifentanil effect-site concentration (ng/mL)
0 2 4 8 16
Preinduction 99.3 & 9.8 98.2 & 13.5 91.7 & 10.8 98.7 & 13.3 93.9 & 11.4
Preremifentanil TCI 90.2 & 11.9 88.3 & 10.8 88.3 & 15.0 82.9 & 10.6 84.1 & 11.1
Prelaryngoscopy 85.6 & 16.8 80.4 & 13.8 74.7 & 12.8* 66.6 & 11.4*† 62.3 & 6.8*†
1 min postOTI 121.9 & 25.5‡ 113.0 & 26.3‡ 79.6 & 19.0* 67.9 & 12.2*† 55.7 & 8.2*†
2 min postOTI 119.2 & 25.0‡ 98.1 & 14.8*‡ 76.2 & 16.6* 67.8 & 12.3*† 57.8 & 10.2*†
5 min postOTI 94.1 & 11.9 89.0 & 22.5 73.3 & 10.9* 67.2 & 9.4* 62.5 & 5.4*
TCI ! target-controlled infusion, OTI ! orotracheal intubation.
* P " 0.05 compared with Group 0.
† P " 0.01 compared with preinduction values.
‡ P " 0.01 compared with prelaryngoscopy values.

Remifentanil 3 and 4 !g/kg, infused over 90 seconds, patients (16,22). In our study, this concentration was
before tracheal intubation produced a MAP decrease associated with BIS values included in a range provid-
of 28% and 26% without significant hypotension or ing a deep level of hypnosis. However, this concen-
bradycardia (18). However, patients received saline tration is notably insufficient in preventing patient
0.9% (7 mL/kg) before the induction of anesthesia. responsiveness to painful stimuli. Blood propofol con-
Although the administration of a crystalloid solution centrations to prevent movement in response to skin
(19) or of a vagolytic drug (17) may minimize the incision in 50% and 90% of patients have been re-
incidence of bradycardia and hypotension, it appears ported to be 14.3 and 20.6 !g/mL, respectively (16,23).
more appropriate to use smaller doses of remifentanil. Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation are much more
In the present study, the efficacy of the smallest painful than skin incision and require larger propofol
remifentanil concentrations to attenuate the hemody- concentrations (24). Also, it was not surprising that all
namic responses to laryngoscopy and orotracheal in- the patients in the group with no remifentanil moved
tubation with fewer incidences of hypotension sup- and increased HR and MAP at laryngoscopy and in-
ports this assumption. Indeed, remifentanil prevents tubation. BIS was also increased by this painful stim-
the movement and the increases in hemodynamic ulation with 57.0% & 21.1% increase, although before
variables associated with laryngoscopy and intubation laryngoscopy, no patient had BIS ' 60%.
in a concentration-dependent fashion with a signifi- Our results highlight the BIS limitations in predicting
cant reduction of % HR, % MAP, and % BIS observed movements and hemodynamic responses to a major
from the two smallest remifentanil target concentra- painful stimulus such as laryngoscopy and endotracheal
tions of 2 and 4 ng/mL. This marked effect produced intubation. The addition of an opioid to a hypnotic pre-
with relatively small concentrations of opioids was vents the somatic and autonomic responses to a noxious
well documented in other studies (18,20,21) that re- stimulus. One interesting finding is that BIS change with
ported attenuation or abolition of the cardiovascular laryngoscopy and intubation was comparable to hemo-
responses to intubation with the dose of remifentanil dynamic changes, indicating that BIS is a measure of the
1 !g/kg over 30 seconds, which corresponds to a depth of anesthesia during painful stimuli as sensitive as
concentration of 4 ng/mL cardiovascular variables. Our data and a previous study
Blood propofol concentrations of 4 !g/mL are ad- (25) that found no auditory-evoked response after intu-
equate to produce loss of consciousness in 90% of bation, whereas diastolic arterial pressure and HR

Figure 3. Correlation between remifentanil effect site concentration and changes of bispectral index value (% BIS), heart rate (% HR), and
mean arterial pressure (% MAP) after orotracheal intubation expressed in percentage of the values recorded before laryngoscopy, by using
the Spearman’s rank correlation. Each symbol represents an individual patient (X ! mover, O ! nonmover). Correlation coefficient (r2) was
used to express the correlation between the changes of the different variables and target effect site concentration of remifentanil. The
horizontal bars denote mean values for each group.

increased, suggest that BIS is a more accurate EEG pa- painful stimulation because of medications or cardio-
rameter. We also observed that % BIS had a higher cor- vascular disease during anesthesia, BIS variability
relation with remifentanil target effect-site concentra- with painful stimuli may be useful to titrate the anal-
tions than did % HR and was as effective in correlating gesic component of general anesthesia.
with remifentanil target effect site concentration as % In conclusion, our study demonstrates that, under a
MAP. These results may be explained by the parasym- constant regimen of propofol administration, remifen-
pathomimetic effect of opioids and/or the propofol- tanil does not affect BIS values but prevents the in-
induced reduction in the baroreflex control of HR (26). crease in BIS associated with laryngoscopy and oro-
According to these data, we conclude that the BIS value tracheal intubation in a dose-dependent fashion.
as a measure of the depth of anesthesia is a result of a Because % BIS is as sensitive as changes in hemody-
balance between the depression caused by anesthetics namic variables after a painful stimulus to detect a
and arousal caused by stimuli such as the painful stim- deficit in the analgesic component of anesthesia, it
ulation of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. Thus, may be a useful monitor of depth of anesthesia when
when under a constant level of an anesthetic regimen HR and MAP are no longer accurate indicators.
administration, BIS value suddenly increases to a noci-
ceptive stimulation, the BIS reflects a deficit in the anal-
gesic component of anesthesia that requires increasing
either the opioid or the hypnotic or both.
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