For Govind Pronouns

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1. I am sure.

2.       I am tall.

3.       Am I wrong?

4.       I am a boy.

5.       I am a man.

6.       I am happy.

7.       I am ready.

8.       I am taller.

9.       I am in London.

10.       Am I boring you?

11.       Am I making sense?

12.       Am I under arrest?

13.       I am 19 years old.

14.       I am afraid to go.

15.       I am the same age.

16.       I am not a teacher.

17.       I am a teacher, too.

18.       I am engaged to her.

19.       I am going to study.

20.       I am very dangerous.

21.       What am I to do now?

22.       I am a stranger here.

23.       I am afraid of bears.

24.       I am eating an apple.

25.       I am no longer tired.

26.       I am terribly hungry.

27.       I am here on business.

28.       I am near the station.

29.       I am no match for him.

30.       I am talking with Tom.

31.       I am tired of my work.

32.       I am too tired to run.

33.       Who do you think I am?

34.       I am leaving next week.

35.       I am no longer a child.

36.       I am taking a bath now.

37.       I am disgusted with him.

38.       I am disgusted with you.

39.       I am the fastest runner.

40.       Am I making myself clear?

41.       He is stronger than I am.

42.       I am able to drive a car.

43.       I am about to leave now.

44.       I am glad to be with you.

45.       I am interested in music.

46.       I am ready to follow you.

47.       I am willing to help you.

48.       I am your only friend

49.       I am able to read English.

50.       I am not a foolish person.

51.       I am not getting involved.

52.       I am through with my work.

53.       I am just going for a walk.

54.       I am never free on Sundays.

55.       My son is taller than I am.

56.       I am dying for a cold drink.

57.       I am going to buy a new car.

58.       I am interested in swimming.

59.       I am not certain about that.

60.       I am playing volleyball now.

61.       Be quiet while I am speaking.

62.       I am a student, but he isn't.

63.       I am doubtful of his success.

64.       I am familiar with his music.

65.       I am familiar with your name.

66.       I am not acquainted with him.

67.       I am not concerned with this.

68.       I am taking French next year.

69.       I am happy to hear your voice.

70.       I am never at home on Sundays.

71.       I am the tallest in our class.

72.       I am thinking of going abroad.

73.       I'll show you that I am right.

74.       My son is now as tall as I am.

75.       I am not sure but she may come.

76.       I am the happiest man on earth.

77.       I am accustomed to cold weather.

78.       I am accustomed to living alone.

79.       I am accustomed to working hard.

80.       I am acquainted with the author.

81.       I am afraid I ate something bad.

82.       I am familiar with this subject.

83.       I am not always free on Sundays.

84.       I am on speaking terms with Tom.

85.       I am thinking about my children.

86.       I am thinking about that matter.

87.       I am not the person I used to be.

88.       She's about the same age as I am.

89.       You're in better shape than I am.

90.       Bill is two years older than I am.

91.       He is two inches taller than I am.

92.       I am glad that you have succeeded.

93.       I am going to a concert next week.

94.       I am looking forward to Christmas.

95.       I am not about to pay ten dollars.

96.       I am supposed to meet him at four.

97.       I go to any party I am invited to.

98.       He's better at the piano than I am.

99.       I am able to swim across the river.

100.       I am accustomed to staying up late.

101.       I am afraid he will make a mistake.

102.       I am doubtful whether he will come.

103.       I am not always at home on Sundays.

104.       I am sure that he is an honest man.

105.       I am very tired from the hard work.

106.       I am waiting for the store to open.

107.       Susan is two years older than I am.

108.       I am a member of the basketball team.

109.       I am going to start a new job next week.

110.       I am going to the theater on the corner.

111.       I am hungry because I did not eat lunch.

112.       I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

113.       I am proud to be a part of this project.

114.       I am sending you a picture of my family.

115.       I am thinking of going abroad next year.

116.       I am thinking of going to the mountains.

117.       My brother is two years older than I am.

118.       I am going to do it first thing tomorrow.

119.       I am looking for a present for my mother.

120.       I am looking forward to hearing from him.

121.       I am going to take two days off next week.

122.       I am not accustomed to speaking in public.

123.       I am excited at the prospect of seeing her.

124.       I am going to play tennis in the afternoon.

125.       I am not accountable to you for my actions.

126.       I am saving money in order to study abroad.

127.       I am sorry I am unable to attend your party.

128.       I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

129.       I am disappointed that my friend is not here.

130.       I am going to stay here for a couple of days.

131.       I am staying at the hotel for the time being.

132.       I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

133.       I am not accustomed to walking long distances.

134.       I am tired of hearing the same thing so often.

135.       I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come to

visit us.

136. Excuse me.

137.       Let me come in.

138.       It's on me.

139.       Let me come out!

140.       Let me pay.

141.       Let me see.

142.       Look at me.

143.       Talk to me!

144.       Count me in.

145.       Come with me.

146.       She knows me.

147.       He spoke at me.

148.       She avoids me.

149.       Tom set me up.

150.       Do you hear me?

151.       Do you love me?

152.       Leave it to me.

153.       Leave me alone!

154.       Leave me alone.

155.       Can you help me?

156.       Come and see me.

157.       Did you miss me?

158.       Don't lie to me.

159.       Give me a break!

160.       Help me, please.

161.       Let me see that.

162.       Please, tell me.

163.       Don't tell me.

164.       He gave it to me.

165.       She is mad(angry) at me.

166.       She looked at me.

167.       She stared at me.

168.       Walk ahead(before) of me.

169.       Don't let me down(disappoint).

170.       Fry an egg for me.

171.       Give me five days.

172.       He helped me move.

173.       He lives above me.

174.       He made for me a suit.

175.       Judy looked at me.

176.       She made me hurry.

177.       Tell me the truth.

178.       They kidnapped me.

179.       Tom gave me a pen.

180.       You make me happy.

181.       Come along with me.

182.       Wake me up at eight.

183.       He kept me waiting till 5 pm.

184.       I looked around me.

185.       Nobody can stop me!

186.       Send me a postcard.

187.       She made for me a cake.

188.       She made me a star.

189.       She makes me happy.

190.       She sat next to me.

191.       Show me an example.

192.       Tell me what to do.

193.       That guy annoys me.

194.       They gave it to me.

195.       Would you teach me?

196.       Nobody speaks to me.

197.       Please wish me good luck.

198.       Pass the ball to me.

199.       She hit me, not him.

200.       Show me another bag.

201.       This novel bores me.

202.       Tom disappointed me.

203.       Tom doesn't like me.

204.       Tom found me a taxi.

205.       He is always with me.

206.       He lent me two books.

207.       It's all difficult for me.

208.       Ken beat me at chess.

209.       She served me coffee.

210.       Show me how it works.

211.       Tell me a true story.

212.       Call me at the office.

213.       Give me just a little rice.

214.       Guess what he told me.

215.       He gave me 10,000 rs.

216.       He gave me a bad cold and cough.

217.       He hit me on the head.

218.       He made me a new suit.

219.       Keep in touch with me.

220.       Nobody understands me.

221.       She loves pravin, not me.

222.       Show me another watch.

223.       Tell me what happened.

224.       Tell me what you want.

225.       They made me go there.

226.       Will you give me some tea?

227.       Write a letter to me sometime, OK?

228.       Can you lend me a rupee?

229.       Don't ask me for money.

230.       Everybody puts me down(hates).

231.       Give it to me straight.

232.       He went in place of me.

233.       It doesn't surprise me.

234.       Please show me another dress.

235.       Save for me some ice cream.

236.       She kissed me, not him.

237.       She showed me her room.

238.       Tell me which dress you want.

239.       The news made me happy.

240.       They didn't tell me so.

241.       This job is killing me.

242.       Tom held a seat for me.

243.       Tom made me a flower pot.

244.       Turn toward me, please.

245.       Will you do me a favor?

246.       Will you drive me home?

247.       Will you take me there?

248.       Won't you come with me?

249.       Would you play with me?

250.       Are you speaking about me?

251.       Ask me something easier.

252.       Could you do me a favor?

253.       Debbie! Can you hear me?

254.       Don't take your anger out on me.

255.       Give me a cup of coffee.

256.       Give me another example.

257.       I saw him looking at me.

258.       Is that a picture of me?

259.       It was she who told me.

260.       Let me introduce myself.

261.       My uncle gave me a book.

262.       Please keep me informed.

263.       Please pass me the salt.

264.       She is a stranger for me.

265.       Show me another example.

266.       Will you please help me?

267.       Would you do me a favor?

268.       Bring me some cold water.

269.       Give me a bottle of wine.

270.       Give me a coffee, please.

271.       Give me the same, please.

272.       Grandpa bought a chain for me!

273.       He invited me to a party.

274.       He really makes me angry.

275.       He wrote to me yesterday.

276.       I know he is watching me.

277.       My uncle gave me his car.

278.       She called me many times.

279.       This is driving me crazy.

280.       You have to come with me.

281.       Can you mail these for me?

282.       Can you pay me in advance?

283.       Come and see me right now.

284.       Come on! Give me a chance.

285.       Could you get me some tea?

286.       Could you tell me the way?

287.       Don't look at me that way.

288.       Give me a definite answer.

289.       Give that book back to me.

290.       He advised me to go there.

291.       He called me a stupid boy.

292.       He can run faster than me.

293.       He ordered me to go alone.

294.       He's almost as tall as me.

295.       Let me say this just once.

296.       Nobody would listen to me.

297.       Thank you for inviting me.

298.       This racket belongs to me.

299.       What do you want me to do?

300.       Why didn't you call me up?

301.       Will you show me the book?

302.       You've given me your cold.

303.       Your letter made me happy.

304.       Excuse me, but I feel sick.

305.       He advised me not to smoke.

306.       He invited me to his house.

307.       He invited me to the party.

308.       He let me stay for a night.

309.       He made me a box yesterday.

310.       He sent me a birthday card.

311.       He used me like a dog.

312.       Leave me a message, please.

313.       My parents let me go there.

314.       Pass me the salt, will you?

315.       Please give me a plate.

316.       Please give me some coffee.

317.       Please show me another shirt.

318.       Prem doesn't agree with me.

319.       This bicycle belongs to me.

320.       This book seems easy to me.

321.       Would you lend me a pencil?

322.       Would you lend me your pen?

323.       You remind me of my mother.

324.       A friend told me that story.

325.       Could you draw a map for me?

326.       He pretended(jatana) not to hear me.

327.       He's always been kind(dayaloo) to me.

328.       I wish you had told me that you lied.

329.       My mother made me a sweater.

330.       My parents told me to go there.

331.       My uncle gave his car to me.

332.       Please send it to me by computer.

333.       She brought me a cup of tea.

334.       Thanks for bringing me here.

They didn’t talk that much about me.

You can start by helping me move this furniture.

335. They gave me this

big opportunity.

336. You can stop

thinking of me.

337. You didn’t

tell me everything.

338. It wasn’t me.

339. Are you talking

to me?

340. This makes me want

to go home.

341. Stop
irritating me with your problems.
I went to Oxford.

ram doesn’t want this job to be wasted because of how

I decided to handle things.

Frank and I don’t think you should be coming here


I suddenly realized that people can be great!

ram doesn’t want this job to be wasted because of me.

Me and you were meant to be togather

John wants to get back at me.

It’s not my duty to inform everyone.

Tell my daughter to come down for breakfast.

My simcard doesn’t seem to work.

I rather tell my friends to join this game.

My relatives aren’t very content about this.

You always complain about my attitude.

My work was perfect.

Did you hear about my new project.

Stop wasting my time!

I didn’t expect him to believe in my ideas.

This house is not mine.

Your opinions might be heard, but mine is important as


All of these things are mine.

Mine is better than yours.

That prize was mine from the beginning.

They didn’t talk that much about me.

You can start by helping me move this furniture.

They gave me this big opportunity.

You can stop thinking of me.

You didn’t tell me everything.

It wasn’t me.

Are you talking to me?

This makes me want to go home.

Stop irritating me with your problems.

John wants to get back at me.

I wonder how much does this value from their point of

He wanted their opinion instead of mine.

You tried too much to earn their trust.

The book is over there.

There I was, standing in the middle of the rain.

I suggest you go there and try to settle things before it’s

too late.

They’re going to the film despite the bad reviews.

I don’t know if they finished or if they’re still thinking
about it.

They’re writing down every suggestion.

You can’t ask him to do your homework.

I can’t believe you did this.

You can never know what is inside someone’s mind

There are things for which you must work to get.

You should stop asking questions to get the answers.

There’s no way to get this work done.

He doesn’t really know you.

This dish was made so that you‘d learn something.

She’s going to help you with your essay.

You must learn in order to pass this exam.

They couldn’t tell if that was really your report.

Stop telling me your problems.

John can always count on your sense of humor.

There’s not enough room for your stuff.

I’m going to give your money back very soon.

Take this book. It’s yours.

Your next exam is scheduled for this friday.

Just give her your email.

I just voted for your photo.

Stop giving your facebook account to everyone.


He will ask for you when you’re ready.

I hope you’re sure about this.

You’re one step behind Tom.

I can’t say if you’re going to study or not.

You’re just trying to make a friends.

Your brother wouldn’t let me near his toys.

Just tell your friend to call me when he has a problem.

I don’t believe this is your call to make.

Just trust your heart.

And now you’re telling me that you decided to go to

New bombay?

It’s not mine, it’s yours.

Just give me yours instead.

They talked about mine, but I didn’t hear anything

about yours.

It's my CD.
      It's my job.

      My eyes hurt.

      It's my treat.

      My head aches.

   She's my type.

      That's my line!

      This is my car.

      You're my type.

      I hurt my elbow.

      I'll do my best.

      My father is in.

      My hat blew off.

      This is my book.

      Bob is my friend.

      He is my brother.

      It's my turn now.

      Let go of my arm!

      My eyes are paining.

      My father is out.

      My father smokes.

      My mother is out.

      My nose is itchy.

      My heartbeat is fast.

      My pulse is slow.

      She took my hand.

      Those are my CDs.

      Where is my book?

      I changed my mind.

      I owe him my life.

      It's my brother's money.

      It's not my fault.

      My eyes are tired.

      My father is tall.

      My stomach's full.

      This is my cousin.

      Where is my watch?

      He is about my age.

      He lied on my face.

      Here is my bicycle.

      I admit my mistake.

      I clapped my hands.

      I fractured my arm.

      I give you my word(promise).

      I made my decision.

      Leave my son alone.

      My car won't start.

      My eyes feel itchy.

      My legs still hurt.

      My nose is running.

      My parents are old.

      My stomach is full.

      She's my classmate.

      This is my bicycle.

      This is my brother.

      Those are my books.

      He accepted my idea.

      He is about my size.
      My pen was stolen.

      I'm proud of my son.

      My back still hurts.

      My sister has a job.

      My sister is famous.

      My wife is a doctor.

      She is about my age.

      She is my classmate.

      The dog bit my hand.

      The man took my arm.

      This is my daughter.

      Excuse my foolishness.

      He acted as my guide.

      He came to my help.

      He married my cousin.

      I had my watch fixed (repaired).

      I put (wore) on my trousers.

      It's my CD, isn't it?

      My eyes are watering.

      My father grows rice.

      My headache has gone.

      My mother can't come.

      My mother cooks well.

      Swimming is my hobby.

      That's my dictionary.

      Where are my glasses(specs)?

      Don't touch my camera.

      I am tired of my work.

      I broke my leg while climbing.

      I can't find my watch.

      I gave him my address.

      I gave gold to him.

      I have lost my camera.

      I have lost my wallet.

      I'd give my life to him.

      It's my favorite food.

      It's my favorite song.

      Leave my camera alone.

      My father loves pizza.

      My sister’s got engaged.

      My sister often cries.

      My uncle runs a hotel.

      My whole body is paining.

      She agreed to my idea.

      She asked for my help.

      That is my dictionary.

      That's not my concern.

      The soap hurt my eyes.

      This is my friend Tom.

      Those are my trousers.

      He accepted my present.

      I change my mind a lot.

      I contacted my parents.

      I had him fix my watch.

      I'm looking for my key.

      John ignored my advice.

      My daughter has braces.

      My father is a teacher.

      My father went fishing.

      My foot's asleep again!

      My son can't count yet.

      Can I eat my lunch here?

      Charge it to my account.

      Don't put it on my desk.

      Don't put it on my desk.

      He's my younger brother.

      Here's my email address.

      I had my watch repaired.

      I have to iron my shirt.

      I like my job very much.

      I wish to see my father.

      I'd better be on my way.

      I'm faithful to my wife.

      I'm proud of my brother.

      My arm is hurting badly.

      My father seldom smokes.

      My mother gets up early.

      My mother speaks slowly.

      My right shoulder hurts.

      My strength is all gone.

      My uncle gave me a book.

      My wife loves apple pie.

      Please let go of my arm.

      Tomorrow is my birthday.

      Could I park my car here?

      He looked over my report.

      I acknowledge my mistake.

      I feed my dog once a day.

      I have an ache in my arm.

      I put cream in my coffee.

      I'm serious about my job.

      It's for my personal use.

      It's in my jacket pocket.

      It's my duty to help you.

      It's none of my business!

      My father is in his room.

      My mother is sick in bed.

      My shoelaces came undone.

      My temperature is normal.

      My uncle gave me his car.

      My university has a dorm.

      Nobody came to my rescue.

      She rejected my proposal.

      That wasn't my intention.

      This is my email address.

      Charge this to my account.

      Charge this to my company.

      Come to my house at eight.

      Did you receive my letter?

      I am through with my work.

      I feed my dog twice a day.

      I got some sand in my eye.

      I had him repair my watch.

      I have to look for my pen.

      I invited him to my house.

      I'll show my album to you.

      I'm busy with my homework.

      It's my younger brother's.

      My apartment is near here.

      My father loves my mother.

      My father swims very well.

      My father was in the navy.

      My pet cat died yesterday.

      My wife is a good manager.

      She refused my invitation.

      The cat scratched my hand.

      There's a hair in my soup.

      What should I feed my dog?

      When should I feed my dog?

      Yesterday was my birthday.

      You should take my advice.

      Do you think it's my fault?

      He proofread my manuscript.

      I added a room to my house.

      I asked them to fix my car.

      I couldn't believe my eyes.

      I got him to repair my car.

      I had the boy carry my bag.

      I think I'm losing my mind.

      I'd like to change my room.

      I'm satisfied with my work.

      It's my turn to drive next.

They hated Tom.

   [T]   They quarreled(fought).

   [T]   They are actors.

   [T]   They are pretty.

   [T]   Are they friends?

   [T]   They got married.

   [T]   They are in class.

   [T]   They kidnapped me.

   [T]   They are both good.

   [T]   They gave it to me.

   [T]   They walked around.

   [T]   They have been busy.

   [T]   They have few books.

   [T]   What are they after?

   [T]   What are they doing?

   [T]   They are good people.

   [T]   They stopped talking.

   [T]   They stopped to talk.

   [T]   Are they all the same?

   [T]   They made fun of Mary.

   [T]   They made me go there.

   [T]   They're eating apples.

   [T]   When will they arrive?

   [T]   They admire each other.

   [T]   They agreed on a price.

   [T]   They are playing chess.

   [T]   They can speak Spanish.

   [T]   They didn't tell me so.

   [T]   They got into the boat.

   [T]   They live in this town.

   [T]   They say love is blind.

   [T]   They were very excited.

   [T]   They will be very glad.

   [T]   They're about to leave.

   [T]   They abandoned the plan.

   [T]   They adopted the orphan.

   [T]   They are about to start.

   [T]   They are gathering nuts.

   [T]   They will agree on that.

   [T]   Do you know who they are?

   [T]   They are very big apples.

   [T]   They caught him stealing.

   [T]   They have gone to Europe.

   [T]   They were seen to go out.

   [T]   They were taken prisoner.

   [T]   They are both in the room.

   [T]   They arrived at the hotel.

   [T]   They live near the school.

   [T]   They made us work all day.

   [T]   They named their son John.

   [T]   They smiled at each other.

   [T]   They were plainly dressed.

   [T]   They agreed to start early.

   [T]   They addressed me as doctor.
   [T]   They are both good teachers.

   [T]   They died one after another.

   [T]   They found the stolen money.

   [T]   They found Tom in the crowd.

   [T]   They teased the new student.

   [T]   Do they take care of the dog?

   [T]   They adopted the little girl.

   [T]   They agreed to work together.

   [T]   They each received a present.

   [T]   They forgot to lock the door.

   [T]   They have their own troubles.

   [T]   They invited me to the party.

   [T]   They speak Spanish in Mexico.

   [T]   They visited me occasionally(sometimes).
   [T]   They were lying on the grass.

   [T]   They will keep their promise.

   [T]   What do they call their baby?

   [T]   They acted on the information.

   [T]   They don't get along together.

   [T]   They have to repair their car.

   [T]   They invited me to play cards.

   [T]   They might be taller than you.

   [T]   They waited for him for hours(long).

   [T]   They were watching television.

   [T]   They're able to speak Spanish.

   [T]   When will they give an answer?

   [T]   They asserted that it was true.

   [T]   They drank two bottles of wine.

   [T]   They must have had an accident.

   [T]   They were school children then.

   [T]   Why can't I sing like they can?

   [T]   I wish they would stop fighting.

   [T]   They abandoned the sinking ship.

   [T]   They accomplished their mission.

   [T]   They admired the lovely scenery.

   [T]   They have access to the library.

   [T]   They started working right away.

   [T]   Every time they talk, they argue.

   [T]   I wonder if they'll get divorced.

   [T]   They agreed on a joint statement.

   [T]   They don't take care of that dog.

   [T]   They moved in just the other day.

   [T]   They talked over a cup of coffee.

   [T]   They were fighting on the street.

   [T]   They were scolded by the teacher.

   [T]   Do you know when they will arrive?

   [T]   They accused him of telling a lie.

   [T]   They must have known it all al

 [T]   They married when they were young

   [T]   They sell eggs at the supermarket.

   [T]   They had trouble finding the place.

   [T]   They went on a trip a few days ago.

   [T]   They concluded that he had told a lie.

   [T]   They spent the entire day on the beach.

   [T]   They are able to speak Spanish a little.

   [T]   They are always at each other's throats.

   [T]   They must have suspected me of stealing.

   [T]   They say that a large dam will be built.

   [T]   They seem to be in love with each other.

   [T]   They were all surprised to see me there.

   [T]   They won't allow us to enter the garden.

   [T]   Go say goodbye to them before they leave.

   [T]   These flowers are beautiful, aren't they?

   [T]   They accused him of stealing the bicycle.

   [T]   They really wanted to know what happened.

   [T]   They were not aware that I was not there.

   [T]   She first met him when they were students.

   [T]   They hurried to the scene of the accident.

   [T]   They seem to have had a good time in Rome.

   [T]   We shouldn't judge people by how they look.

   [T]   Do you know anyone who sings while they work?

   [T]   How much did they give you for your old car?

   [T]   They accused me of having broken my promise.

   [T]   They advised me to go to the police station.

   [T]   They are on good terms with their neighbors.

   [T]   They competed with each other for the prize.

   [T]   They fell in love the moment their eyes met.

   [T]   You shouldn't judge others on how they look.

   [T]   I'll look after my parents when they get old.

   [T]   She has known him since they were very young.

   [T]   They have English lessons three times a week.

   [T]   They regarded him as the best doctor in town.

   [T]   As far as I know, they always keep their word.

   [T]   I have no choice but to eat what they serve me.

   [T]   I'll take care of my parents when they get old.

   [T]   They advertised that they had a house for sale.

   [T]   They say that you never forget your first love.

   [T]   Who will look after the baby while they're out?

   [T]   They chatted over coffee for more than two


   [T]   She always lets her children do what they want


   [T]   Let's leave things as they are until he comes back.

   [T]   They agreed to look into the causes of the


   [T]   They stopped talking as soon as I came into the


   [T]   They insisted on my getting the work done by

   [T]   People tend to raise their voices when they get

   [T]   The train had already left when they got to the


   [T]   I complained, but they refused to take this

sweater back.

   [T]   These flowers aren't only beautiful,

but they smell nice.

   [T]   The faster we rub our hands together, the

warmer they get.

   [T]   They announced the date of their wedding in the


   [T]   I never thought that they would like their teacher

so much.

   [T]   Some dog owners wonder if they are feeding

their dogs enough.
   [T]   They failed to take into account the special needs
of old people.

   [T]   They had to change their schedule because the

train arrived late.

   [T]   They agree that they have no choice but to give

up the whole plan.

   [T]   I told the children to be quiet, but they just kept

on being noisy.

   [T]   People have the tendency to speak more loudly

when they get excited.

   [T]   I tried hard to make them stay home,

but they refused to listen to me.

   [T]   The children were so excited after the party

that they couldn't sleep.

   [T]   I don't think many people can say they are

satisfied with their salary.
   [T]   Everybody in the car said they wanted to get out
and stretch their legs.

   [T]   Tom asked me how long my parents had been

married before they separated.

   [T]   They say that girls spend more time worrying

about how they look than boys do.

   [T]   If students today had more free time, they might

show more interest in politics.

   [T]   If you leave your textbooks at school during the

break, they'll get confiscated.

   [T]   She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic

to dogs, so they had to give it away.

   [T]   They say that in America anyone can become

president, but perhaps that's not really true.

   [T]   I don't quite believe it when I hear someone

claim they can speak more than five languages fluently.
Identify the Common Nouns in the following sentences.
Click on the sentence for the answer.

1. They arrived early but at the wrong station.

2. We counted only six different colours in the rainbow.

3. The man was trying to steal a horse with a cart full of


4. They have gone to the zoo to see the black sheep.

5. She put her head on her arms and cried loudly.

6. My mother is singing a religious song in the kitchen.

7. He threw some salted nuts to the monkeys.

8. The children are kicking a ball around in the field.

9. That temple was built before my grandfather was

10. He bought balloons for his children and their

11. My father swims like a turtle.

12. She won a trophy for best dancer in the street.

13. Simply point your camera at the camel and press

the button.

14. We watched seabirds flocking above our heads.

15. He went to visit his homesick uncle at the hospital.

16. My brother wants to play hide-and-seek with us.

17. Let me look at your puppies and kittens.

18. The taxi broke down in front of my gate.

19. The boys are quarrelling noisily on the beach.

20. The monkey was hanging by its tail from a branch.

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