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International Business

Final Project
1. This project is a group work (4-5 Students).
2. Students from different classes can form a group.
3. Project will be submitted by only one student from each group, each student in each
group should write his/her name, ID, and the class he/she belongs to on the cover
4. It will be graded out of 40 marks.
5. Project must be written in ESSAY format. Avoid writing in first person tense. E.g. “I
suggest that …” or “In this assignment I am going to discuss…”etc.
6. Word count should be exact with 10% (More/less) tolerance.
7. Font type either “Times New Roman” or “Arial” and size is 12 and 14 for titles.
8. Project should be submitted in word format only.
9. You must acknowledge all sources of information using APA Referencing (In-text
referencing plus list of references at the end) Minimum of 5 references are required.
10. Wikipedia is not recommended as a reference.
11. Copy and paste- plagiarized work will be detected by TURNITIN and heavily penalized
(more than 35%; 50% from the mark will be deducted, more that 50%, the assignment
will not be graded)
12. From the marks there will be 5% for references and 5% for adherence to specified word
13. Due date : 16th June, 2020
Grading The assignment will be graded based on both content as well as presentation. You
may receive low marks due to poor presentation, even if the content is adequate. Presentation
includes spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, continuity and transitions
between paragraphs, headings, and other mechanics of expository writing.
The fundamental of competition has shifted significantly to the creation and assimilation of
knowledge hence, role of the nation has grown.
1. Assuming you are strategy and policy expert in Egypt, you are required to apply Diamond of
National Advantage and critically discuss how Egypt can attract and retain Foreign Direct
Investments (FDI). (600 words)
Relevant discussion of four policies in details with indication of how they can enable Egypt to
attract and retain Foreign Direct Investments-FDIs supported with examples.
The figure of Diamond of National Advantage MUST be presented and critically discussed
The answer should demonstrate that that student understands and engages with the question and
have the ability to apply the concept, not just describing the diamond of national advantage.

2. As a policy and strategy advisor in your country, critically discuss four basic policies that
government should adopt to enhance the capacity of its industries to innovate and upgrade. (300
Four policies discussed in details, with indication of how they can enhance the capacity of
industries in the country, to innovate and upgrade. Examples given.

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