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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

Subsoil accumulation of mineral nitrogen under polyculture and

monoculture plantations, fallow and primary forest in a ferralitic
Amazonian upland soil
Götz Schroth a,∗ , Luciana Ferreira da Silva b , Rosangela Seixas b , Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira b ,
Jeferson L.V. Macêdo b , Wolfgang Zech a
a Institute of Soil Science, University of Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany
b Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (Embrapa) – Amazônia Ocidental, C.P. 319, 69011-970 Manaus-AM, Brazil
Received 25 May 1998; received in revised form 2 December 1998; accepted 20 April 1999

Central Amazonia is characterized by high and intensive rainfall and permeable soils. When rainforests are cleared for
agricultural use, the efficient nutrient recycling mechanisms of the forests are disrupted and the nutrient availability in the
topsoil is increased by fertilization, thereby increasing the potential for nutrient leaching. In this study, the distribution
of mineral N in the upper two meters of a ferralitic upland soil was evaluated as an indicator for nutrient leaching and
for the potential contribution of the subsoil to crop nutrition. A perennial polyculture system with four tree crops and
a leguminous cover crop at two fertilization levels was compared with a monoculture plantation of peach palm (Bactris
gasipaes), spontaneous fallow and primary rainforest. Mineral N accumulated principally as nitrate in the subsoil under all
agricultural crops and also under the primary forest, although to a lesser extent. Within the polyculture system, there were
significant differences in N accumulation between the tree crop species, and for one of the species (Theobroma grandiflorum)
also between fertilization levels. The principal sources of subsoil N were mineral fertilizer and presumably N from the
mineralization of leguminous biomass and soil organic matter. The N losses from the agricultural systems and the absence of
yield responses of the tree crops to N fertilization indicated that agricultural production was not limited by N at this site, or
that N was too rapidly leached to be taken up efficiently by the crops. None of the tree crop species seemed to be efficient in
capturing leached N. Strategies are discussed for reducing N losses from agricultural systems with perennial crops, including
the development of site- and species-specific fertilizer recommendations, closer tree spacing, and the encouragement of lateral
and vertical tree root development. ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bactris; Bertholletia; Bixa; Cover crop; Nutrient leaching; Pueraria; Single-tree patterns; Theobroma; Tree crop

1. Introduction

Ferralsols (oxisols) account for 50% of the soils
Corresponding author. Present address: Embrapa Amazô-
of humid tropical America and for 35% of the soil
nia Ocidental, C.P. 319, 69011-970 Manaus-AM, Brazil. Tel.:
+55-92-622-2012; fax: +55-92-622-1100 cover of the humid tropics of the world (Szott et al.,
E-mail address: (G. Schroth) 1991). In the Amazon basin, the natural vegetation of

0167-8809/99/$ – see front matter ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 8 0 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 6 8 - 7
110 G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

these soils is typically rainforest. By definition, Fer- soil and/or increase nutrient uptake from the subsoil,
ralsols are very poor in weatherable minerals and rich and that might be of use for the development of
in caolinitic clay and sesquioxides, resulting in a gen- resource-efficient, permanent land use systems for the
erally low chemical fertility (van Wambeke, 1992). region. The distribution of mineral N in the first two
Where the soils are deep and the plant roots cannot meters of a ferralitic upland soil of central Amazonia
reach the underlying rock or its less completely weath- was evaluated at the beginning of the rainy season.
ered residues, the nutrient supply of the vegetation Within a perennial polyculture system, the soil under
depends strongly on the humus-enriched topsoil and, four common tree crop species of the region and a
notably, on the nutrients in the biomass of the rain- leguminous cover crop was studied at two fertiliza-
forest vegetation which are effectively recycled from tion levels. The polycultures were compared with
decomposing organic materials by the dense, superfi- a monoculture plantation, spontaneous fallow and
cial roots and their mycorrhiza (Herrera et al., 1978; primary rainforest. The study was part of a larger
Stark and Jordan, 1978; Cuevas and Medina, 1988). research program on the recovery of abandoned land
When a rainforest is cleared for agricultural use, with perennial polycultures in central Amazonia.
these efficient nutrient recycling mechanisms are dis-
rupted, and nutrients released by burning the origi-
nal vegetation may be rapidly leached. As a conse-
quence, multiple nutrient deficiencies develop early 2. Materials and methods
in annual crop rotations (Cravo and Smyth, 1997).
Where the population density is too high for sustain- 2.1. Study site
able shifting agriculture, land use systems with peren-
nial crops, such as plantation agriculture and agro- The study was conducted on the research station of
forestry that provide a permanent soil cover and, to Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental near Manaus in Brazil-
some extent, mimic the natural forest vegetation, are ian Amazonia (3◦ 80 S, 59◦ 520 W, 40–50 m a.s.l.). The
considered more suitable for these conditions than an- climate is of the Köppen Am type, with an annual
nual cropping systems (Ewel, 1986). However, be- precipitation of 2622 mm, air temperature of 26◦ C
cause of the low chemical fertility of the soils, the cor- and atmospheric humidity around 85% (mean val-
rection of high acidity and initial nutrient deficiencies ues 1971–1993, O.M.R. Cabral and C. Doza, unpub-
(e.g., phosphorus, calcium and micronutrients) as well lished). The driest months are July to September, and
as the replacement of nutrient exports in the harvested the wettest months are February to April. The soil
biomass will normally also be necessary in permanent is a Xanthic Ferralsol, according to FAO/UNESCO
agricultural systems (Szott and Kass, 1993). (1990). It is well-drained despite a clay content of
As the nutrient availability in the topsoil is increased about 800 g kg−1 , has a very low cation exchange
by fertilization, intensive rainfalls may wash mobile capacity and, in the natural state, high aluminium sat-
nutrients, such as nitrates, into the subsoil, despite uration (see fallow and primary forest profiles in com-
the presence of the perennial root systems of the tree parison to the limed agricultural plots in Table 1).
crops. Some of this nitrate can be retained in the sub- Available phosphorus contents are very low except in
soil through sorption to positively-charged surfaces, the top 10 cm in the fertilized plots. Total C and N de-
thereby remaining within the reach of deep-rooting crease strongly with increasing soil depth, but are still
plants (Cahn et al., 1992; Hartemink et al., 1996). The detectable at 2 m depth (Table 1).
amount of nutrient leaching and the degree to which The study site was first cleared from primary for-
these nutrients can be recycled by the vegetation de- est in 1980, using heavy machinery for windrowing
pend obviously on the species of plants present (e.g., and the removal of tree stumps. In 1981, an experi-
their root distribution) and their management, espe- ment with rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) was es-
cially the fertilization rate and timing. tablished, which was abandoned in 1986 because of
The objective of this study was to identify com- heavy disease attack. The developing secondary forest
binations of perennial crop species and management was manually cleared in 1992 and the vegetation was
practises that minimize nutrient losses into the sub- burnt on the site.
G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120 111

Table 1
Soil fertility data from the study area on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazonia under agriculture, fallow and primary forest (means
of three replicate profiles)
Depth Bulk densitya C total N total pH pH P avail. ECECb Acidityc
(cm) (Mg m−3 ) (g kg−1 ) (g kg−1 ) (H2 O) (KCl) (mg kg−1 ) (cmolc kg−1 ) (%)

Agricultural plot (Brazil nut, full fertilization)

0–10 0.88 25.9 2.2 4.5 4.0 20.9 2.33 82.1
10–30 0.98 13.2 1.2 4.4 4.1 2.8 1.68 94.2
30–50 0.92 9.5 1.0 4.4 4.1 0.8 1.54 96.4
50–100 0.95 5.3 0.7 4.5 4.3 0.2 1.15 93.0
100–150 0.94 3.6 0.5 4.7 4.5 0.1 0.63 76.5
150–200 1.00 2.7 0.4 5.0 4.7 0.1 0.34 62.2
0–10 18.9 1.6 4.5 4.0 6.3 2.12 92.4
10–30 12.0 1.1 4.4 4.1 1.4 1.64 95.7
30–50 8.5 0.9 4.7 4.2 0.4 1.30 96.8
50–100 5.5 0.7 5.0 4.3 0.2 0.82 97.1
100–150 3.5 0.5 5.1 4.4 0.1 0.55 97.3
150–200 2.6 0.4 4.7 4.5 0.1 0.32 94.4
Primary forest (Oenocarpus bacaba)
0–10 27.8 2.0 4.2 3.6 3.9 2.89 95.1
10–30 10.8 1.0 4.4 4.1 0.9 1.62 96.8
30–50 7.7 0.8 4.7 4.2 0.4 1.31 96.8
50–100 5.0 0.6 4.9 4.3 0.2 0.86 97.8
100–150 3.0 0.4 5.0 4.4 0.1 0.56 97.6
150–200 2.3 0.4 5.4 4.6 0.1 0.33 92.2
a Measured in a soil profile under Pueraria in one of the agricultural plots.
b Effective cation exchange capacity.
c Exchangeable acidity in percent of ECEC.

2.2. Experimental plots

The total experimental area was about 13 ha. The

experimental plots were planted in February/March
1993. The centerpiece of the study was a polyculture
system with four tree crop species: the palm Bactris
gasipaes (peach palm, Arecaceae) for the production
of palmito (heart of palm); Theobroma grandiflorum
(cupuaçu, Sterculiaceae), a small tree related to cacao
whose fruit pulp is widely used in (and increasingly
outside) the region for the preparation of juice, ice
cream and sweets; Bertholletia excelsa, the Brazil nut
tree (Lecythidaceae), which, beside the well-known
nuts, produces excellent wood; and Bixa orellana (an-
Fig. 1. Layout of a polyculture plot with peach palm (P), cupuaçu
natto, Bixaceae), which is widely cultivated in the (C), annatto (A) and Brazil nut (B) on a ferralitic upland soil
tropics for its non-toxic red dye. The trees were grown in central Amazonia. The soil between the trees is covered by
in rows with 4 m spacing between the rows (Fig. 1). A Pueraria phaseoloides.
row with peach palm (at 2 m spacing within the row)
alternated with a mixed row of cupuaçu and Brazil nut of cupuaçu and Brazil nut, after which the next row
(at 6.7 m spacing within the row), a row of annatto (at of peach palm followed. Between the trees, Pueraria
4 m spacing within the row) and again a mixed row phaseoloides (tropical kudzu, Fabaceae) was sown as
112 G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

Table 2
Fertilization of four tree crops on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazonia with N, P and K in May 1996, December 1996 and May
1997 (the last three applications before the sample collection for the present study)
Plants per ha Na (g plant−1 ) Pa (g plant−1 ) Ka (g plant−1 )
May December May May December May May December May
1996 1996 1997 1996 1996 1997 1996 1996 1997

Polyculture, full fertilization

Peach palm 312.5 42 45 21 0 20 6 20 50 13
Cupuaçu 93.3 31 23 47 0 34 39 23 25 63
Brazil nut 93.3 23 23 21 0 20 11 42 0 25
Annatto 156.3 26 45 42 0 34 20 43 50 75
Sum (kg ha−1 ) 22 25 19 0 16 9 19 26 24
Polyculture, low fertilization minus N
Peach palm 312.5 0 0 0 0 6 2 9 15 4
Cupuaçu 93.3 9 0 0 0 10 12 7 8 19
Brazil nut 93.3 8 0 0 0 6 3 13 0 8
Annatto 156.3 8 0 0 0 10 6 13 15 23
Sum (kg ha−1 ) 7 0 0 0 5 3 7 8 7
Polyculture, low fertilization plus N
Peach palm 312.5 13 14 6 0 6 2 9 15 4
Cupuaçu 93.3 9 7 14 0 10 12 7 8 19
Brazil nut 93.3 7 7 6 0 6 3 13 0 8
Annatto 156.3 8 14 13 0 10 6 13 15 23
Sum (kg ha−1 ) 7 8 6 0 5 3 7 8 7
Peach palm 2500 42 45 21 0 20 6 20 50 13
Sum (kg ha−1 ) 105 113 53 0 49 14 49 125 31
a Fertilizer forms: N in 1996 as urea (45% N) and in 1997 as ammonium sulfate (21% N); P as triple super phosphate (22% P), except

in December 1996 (North Carolina Phosphate ‘Atifos’, 13% P); K as potassium chloride (50% K).

a cover crop, or developed from residual seed from the included in the study. The fallow plots were domi-
previous rubber plantation. This system was studied nated by the tree Vismia spp., which is a characteristic
at two fertilization levels — full fertilization accord- genus in the vegetation of young fallows and degraded
ing to local experiences and 30% of this fertilization lands in the region. The fallow vegetation was very
level with no more N fertilizer applied after May 1996 dense (1.95 ± 0.17 stems per m2 ) and approximately
(‘low minus N’, Table 2). The latter treatment was in- 5 m high. The peach palm monoculture was fertilized
troduced to test if the leguminous cover crop alone at the same rate per tree as the peach palm in the poly-
was able to supply sufficient amounts of N for the tree culture plots with full fertilization (Table 2), and the
crops in the system. In a further fertilization treatment fallow plots were unfertilized. In November/December
— ‘low plus N’ — the same fertilization was applied 1996, one year before the study, the fully fertilized
as in the ‘low minus N’ plots plus 30% of the N fer- plots and the monoculture, but not the low fertilization
tilizer applied in the full fertilization plots. The latter plots, were limed with 2.1 Mg ha−1 of dolomitic lime.
treatment was not included in the soil N study, but In addition, two tree species from a nearby primary
yield levels are given in Table 2. The fertilizer was rainforest were included in the study: Eschweilera sp.
applied in two doses per year in November/December (Matá-matá, Lecythidaceae), a dicot tree, and Oeno-
(beginning of the rainy season) and May/June. carpus bacaba (Bacaba, Arecaceae), a palm. Both
For comparison, a peach palm monoculture, planted species are relatively frequent in this forest and are
at 2 × 2 m, and plots with spontaneous fallow vege- of commercial interest — Eschweilera for its wood
tation of the same age as the agricultural plots were and Oenocarpus for its fruits that are collected by the
G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120 113

local population for the preparation of juice. For each In each of the 42 sampling positions, soil was col-
species, three well-developed, adult specimens were lected from the following depths: 0–10 cm, 10–30 cm,
included in the measurements. 30–50 cm, 50–100 cm, 100–150 cm and 150–200 cm.
The measurement plots with the exception of the For the first depth, a cylindric root corer was used to
rainforest sites, but including the fallow plots, were avoid loss of the fragile surface soil and to guaran-
arranged in a randomised complete plot design with tee representative sampling of all subhorizons. The re-
four replications, three of which were used in the N maining depths were sampled with an Edelman auger.
study. Plot size was 24 m × 32 m in the peach palm
monoculture and 48 m × 32 m in the polycultures and 2.4. Soil analysis
the fallow plots.
The peach palm in both polycultures and monocul- The samples were stored in plastic bags in the shade
tures was managed by cutting the main stem about 1.5 and were taken to the laboratory within a maximum of
years after planting and harvesting the palmito three three hours. In the laboratory, from every soil sample
times per year when the offshoots reached a diameter two subsamples of 20 g were taken for N extraction,
of 8 cm at 1 m height. The harvest residues were al- and two samples of about 50 g were taken for the deter-
ways left in the plot to decompose. The annatto was mination of the water content by drying at 105◦ C for
cut back at about 1.5 m height once per year after the two days. For N extraction, 150 ml of 1 M KCl solu-
harvest between March and May to increase fruit pro- tion was added to the samples, the solution was mixed
duction, removing all the leaves and small branches with the soil by manual shaking and the samples were
that were also left to decompose under the trees. left standing overnight to ensure complete wetting of
Hydrological information for the investigated tree aggregates, which facilitated the extraction. The next
species and vegetation systems are given by Schroth morning, the samples were extracted by mechanical
et al. (1999). shaking for 30 min. The extraction solution was col-
lected with a pipette without filtration after a sedimen-
tation time of 1–3 h. Filtration of the subsoil samples
2.3. Sample collection had been found almost impossible during preliminary
tests because of the high clay content of the soils, and
Soil samples were collected between mid-October was also a source of ammonium contamination.
and mid-November 1997, i.e., at the end of the dry The extraction solutions were either analysed the
season. In the six polyculture plots (two fertilization same day or were kept below 0◦ C (but not frozen) for
levels, three replications), five samples per plot were a few days until the analysis. Ammonium and nitrate
collected. One sample was collected at 50 cm from the (after reduction to nitrite) were analysed photomet-
trunk of a typical tree of each of the four species, and a rically with a segmented flow analyzer (Skalar, The
further sample was collected under the Pueraria cover Netherlands). The N contents were related to the dry
crop in the middle between a cupuaçu and a Brazil nut soil, taking into account the water content of the ex-
tree, i.e., at maximum distance from the trees in the tracted soil samples.
plots. The objective of this sampling design was not The samples for the general soil characterization
to measure an average situation within the polyculture (Table 1) were collected by the same method as the
systems, but rather to characterize the extreme points samples for N extraction in the same plots one year
within the plots and to relate these to the properties and earlier (dry season 1996). Carbon and N were mea-
the management of the different tree species present sured with a CNS analyzer. Phosphorus and basic
(single-tree patterns). In the monoculture plots, one cations were extracted by the Mehlich III solution at
sample per plot was collected at 50 cm from a typical a soil : solution ratio of 1 : 10 (Tran and Simard, 1993)
tree. In the fallow plots, one sample per plot was taken and were measured photometrically with a segmented
at a random position because of the close spacing of flow analyzer (P) or by atomic absorption spectrome-
the trees. In the primary forest, one sample was taken try. Exchangeable acidity was extracted with 1 M KCl
at 50 cm from each of the six tree individuals (two at a soil : solution ratio of 1 : 15 by 10 min shaking, and
species, three replications). a subsample of 25 ml was titrated with NaOH against
114 G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

a phenolphthaleine indicator. The cation exchange ca- The system types (or main plots of the experiment,
pacity was calculated by summing the basic cations i.e., polyculture plots at full and low fertilization,
and the exchangeable acidity. The pH was measured monoculture and fallow) were compared in a separate
by glass electrode at a soil : solution ratio of 1 : 2.5 in analysis for a randomised complete plot design (ref-
distilled water and 1 M KCl. ered to as ‘systems comparison’ below). For this anal-
For the calculation of N stocks per hectare, the ysis, it was necessary to calculate a mean value from
bulk density of the soil was measured with volumet- the different sampling positions in the polyculture
ric cylinders in a soil pit to 2 m depth under the cover plots, which could be compared with the values from
crop in one of the polyculture plots. Five cylinders the monoculture and the fallow. The sampling scheme
of 100 cm3 were collected at 10 cm intervals in the had been designed for detecting extreme values within
top 1 m and at 20 cm intervals between 1 and 2 m the plots and did not allow the characterization of the
depth. The results are included in Table 1 in the Brazil area around a tree (or, for the cover crop, between the
nut profile. In addition, cylinders were collected from trees) for which each sample was representative. For
the topsoil (1–6 cm) at 40 cm from the stem of one this reason, it was not possible to calculate precise
tree per species in three polyculture plots (three cylin- area averages for the different variables measured for
ders per species and plot), three monoculture plots the whole polyculture systems. Instead, the simple
(three cylinders per plot), three fallow plots (three arithmetic mean of the five sampling positions within
cylinders per plot), and the primary forest (six trees a plot was calculated for each variable and these val-
from two species, nine cylinders per tree). The mean ues were used in the comparison with the monoculture
bulk density of the topsoil of all species lay between and fallow plots. As before, means were separated by
0.82 and 0.96 Mg m−3 (mean = 0.89 Mg m−3 ), with- LSD test in case of a significant F-test at p < 0.05.
out significant differences between species (F = 1.20, The sampling positions in the primary forest were
p = 0.361). We, therefore, assumed that there were also only compared qualitatively with the other positions
no significant species effects on bulk density at greater and were not included in the analyses, because they
soil depths and applied the bulk densities from the were not part of the original experimental design and
profile to all sampling points of the N distribution were not spatially interspersed with the experimental
study. plots (Hurlbert, 1984).

2.5. Statistical analysis

3. Results
Statistical comparisons were conducted separately
for the different soil depths and for the sum of all 3.1. Crop yields and tree growth
depths. For summing the soil depths, the bulk den-
sity was taken into account, as explained above. Sepa- The crop yields in the polyculture and monoculture
rate analyses were calculated for (a) ammonium-N, (b) plots for the year 1997, during which the soil N study
nitrate-N and (c) mineral N (the sum of a and b). First, was carried out, are given in Table 3. From the fertil-
the five sampling positions (four tree species and the ization levels in Tables 2 and 3, only the levels ‘full
cover crop) within the polyculture systems at the two fertilization’ and ‘low fertilization without N’ were
fertilization levels were tested for significant differ- included in the N distribution study (see above).
ences, without taking the other systems (monoculture, The cupuaçu yields were slightly higher in the full
fallow and forest) into account (‘species comparison’). fertilization than in the low fertilization treatment, but
For this, a two-factorial analysis of variance for a ran- the difference was not significant. The comparison of
domized complete block/split plot design was calcu- the low fertilization treatment with and without N fer-
lated with the fertilization level as the main plot factor tilization showed that N alone had no effect on the
and the plant species as the subplot factor (Little and yields. Annatto produced significantly higher yields in
Hills, 1978). In case of a significant F-test at p < 0.05, the full fertilization than in the low fertilization treat-
mean separations were computed by least significant ment, but the comparison of the low fertilization treat-
difference tests at the same level of significance. ments with, and without, N fertilizer also showed that
G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120 115

Table 3
Crop yields in polyculture at three fertilization levels and in mono-
culture on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazonia during the
study year 1997
System Polycultures Monoculture F

Fertilization Low −N Low +Na Full Full

Peach palmb 0.62 0.67 0.62 0.68 0.50

Cupuaçuc 2.98 2.20 3.52 0.30
Annattod 0.59 bc 0.37 c 0.90 a 6.78e
a Treatment not included in the soil N study.
b In kg palmito cream per tree.
c In kg fresh fruit per tree.
d In kg dry seeds per tree.
e p < 0.05; values followed by the same letter within a row are

not significantly different at p < 0.05 (LSD test).

the yield response was not to the applied N. Peach

palm did not respond to higher fertilization. The Brazil
nut trees had a mean height of 6.5 m and a mean diam-
eter of 10.6 cm at breast height without significant dif-
ferences between fertilization treatments (C. Azevedo,
unpublished data). These data indicate that N fertil-
ization did not increase plant growth and yield at this Fig. 2. Profiles of mineral N under four different tree crop species
site. and a cover crop in a polyculture system at two fertilization
levels on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazonia (means and
S.E.). The area between the y axis and the circles represents the
3.2. Distribution of mineral N in the polyculture soil ammonium-N, and the area between the circles and the squares
(species comparison) represents the nitrate-N.

Table 4
Fig. 2 shows the profiles of mineral N for the five Mineral N forms in the soil under four tree crop species and
sampling positions within the polyculture systems at a leguminous cover crop in a polyculture system on a ferralitic
two fertilization levels. In all cases, most of the min- upland soil in central Amazonia (means of two fertilization levels)a
eral N in the profiles was nitrate. Significant amounts Nitrate-N Ammonium-N Mineral N
of ammonium were measured only in the surface soil; (g m2 )
they decreased to low values at 10–30 cm depth. This Peach palm 14.2b 1.1 15.3b
shows that nitrification was rapid despite the low pH Cupuaçu 26.2a 1.2 27.5a
values, in agreement with measurements at a nearby Brazil nut 13.2b 1.3 14.5b
site under rainforest (Vitousek and Matson, 1988). Annatto 14.1b 1.4 15.4b
Pueraria 26.1a 1.5 27.7a
Fertilization level and sampling position (i.e., tree or
cover crop species) had no significant influence on the F (Fertil. level) 0.66 7.17 0.61
F (Species) 3.98b 0.50 4.10b
ammonium concentrations in any of the six soil layers
F (Fertil. × Species) 2.11 0.76 2.20
(data not shown), or in the whole profile (Table 4).
a0–2 m soil depth.
The nitrate concentrations in the soil decreased in bp < 0.05; values followed by similar letters in the same column
all cases from the topsoil to a depth between 50 and
are not significantly different at p < 0.05 (LSD test).
150 cm, as would be expected. With further increasing
soil depth, however, there was an increase in the ni- As the ammonium concentrations did not differ be-
trate concentrations under all species (Fig. 2). Table 5 tween sampling positions, the results for nitrate alone
gives the results of the statistical analysis for mineral N (data not shown) were very similar to those for min-
(ammonium-N + nitrate-N) in the different soil layers. eral N. The fertilization effect was not significant in
116 G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

Table 5
Mineral N in the soil under four tree crop species and a leguminous cover crop in a polyculture system on a ferralitic upland soil in
central Amazonia per soil depth (means of two fertilization levels)
Soil depth [cm] 0–10 10–30 30–50 50–100 100–150 150–200
Mineral N (mg kg−1 )a

Peach palm 17.0 8.5 5.3b 4.2 6.1b 12.5

Cupuaçu 12.0 7.3 5.5b 8.8 18.8a 21.9
Brazil nut 27.4 6.9 3.1b 3.0 5.3b 12.5
Annatto 15.0 7.1 5.6b 4.5 6.4b 13.1
Pueraria 40.6 12.3 12.2a 7.7 12.3ab 20.0
F (Fertil. level) 0.00 0.75 2.61 0.06 1.27 0.62
F (Species) 1.78 0.96 4.85c 2.60 5.28c 1.79
F (Fertil. × Species) 0.48 0.39 0.36 0.64 4.01b 2.53
a Sum of ammonium-N and nitrate-N.
b p < 0.05; values followed by similar letters in the same column are not significantly different at p < 0.05 (LSD test).
c p < 0.01; values followed by similar letters in the same column are not significantly different at p < 0.05 (LSD test).

any of the investigated soil layers, whereas the species

effect was significant at 30–50 cm and at 100–150 cm
depth, and the fertilizer-species interaction was signif-
icant at 100–150 cm depth. At the 50–100 cm depth,
the species effect was significant at p = 0.076 for both
nitrate and mineral N. At 30–50 cm depth, the soil un-
der the cover crop had significantly more mineral N
than the soil under the four tree crops, which did not Fig. 3. Profiles of mineral N under peach palm monoculture and
Vismia fallow on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazonia
differ between each other. The mineral N concentra-
(means and S.E.). The area between the y axis and the circles
tion in the soil at 0–30 cm depth was also higher under represents the ammonium-N, and the area between the circles and
the cover crop than under the tree crops, especially at the squares represents the nitrate-N.
the low fertilization level, although this was not sig-
nificant. At 100–150 cm depth, the soil under cupuaçu 1997 and had also the highest accumulation of min-
with full fertilization had significantly more mineral eral N in the subsoil. Brazil nut received a low fer-
N than the soil at all other sampling positions of both tilization with N and had the lowest accumulation of
fertilization levels, including the cupuaçu in the low mineral N in the subsoil. However, the difference in
fertilization plots. The soil under Pueraria in the full subsoil N between the plots with full fertilization and
fertilization treatment had significantly more mineral those with low fertilization minus N was less than what
N than the soil under peach palm and Brazil nut at the might have been expected, probably because more N
same fertilization level. At 150–200 cm, the soil under had been lost below the sampling depth of 2 m in the
cupuaçu and Pueraria still had more mineral N than full fertilization plots.
the soil under the other tree crops in the full fertiliza-
tion plots, but the difference was not significant. These 3.3. Distribution of mineral N in the soil under
differences resulted in significantly higher mineral N different land use types (systems comparison)
stocks in the soil profile under cupuaçu (27.5 g m−2 )
and the cover crop (27.7 g m−2 ) than under the remain- The profiles of mineral N for the peach palm mono-
ing three tree crop species (14.5–15.4 g m−2 , Table 4). culture and the fallow are given in Fig. 3. In compar-
The spatial patterns of the distribution of mineral N ison to the sampling position under peach palm in the
within the polyculture plots were related to the fertil- polyculture plots (Fig. 2), the soil in the peach palm
ization level of the respective tree species (Table 2). monoculture tended to have less mineral N in the top-
Cupuaçu received the highest N fertilization in May soil. However, the nitrate concentration in the soil of
G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120 117

Table 6
Mineral N forms in perennial polyculture systems at two fertiliza-
tion levels (full and low minus N), peach palm monoculture, fallow
and primary forest on a ferralitic upland soil in central Amazoniaa
Nitrate-N Ammonium-N Mineral N
(g m−2 )

Polyculture full 20.8a 1.2 22.0a

Polyculture low −N 16.7a 1.4 18.1a Fig. 4. Profiles of mineral N under two primary forest species
Monoculture 20.1a 0.9 21.1a (Eschweilera sp. and Oenocarpus bacaba) on a ferralitic upland
Fallow 4.2b 1.1 5.3b soil in central Amazonia (means and S.E.). The area between the
Forest (Eschweilera) 12.7 1.9 14.6 y-axis and the circles represents the ammonium-N, and the area
Forest (Oenocarpus) 9.8 2.4 12.2 between the circles and the squares represents the nitrate-N.

F 10.24b 2.54 10.62b

the nitrate concentration in the soil increased again,
a 0–2 m soil depth. and the nitrate accumulation in the subsoil was more
b p < 0.01; values followed by similar letters in the same column
pronounced in the forest than in the fallow (Fig. 4).
are not significantly different at p < 0.05 (LSD test). The two
Also, the concentration of mineral N in the topsoil was
forest tree species were not included in the statistical analysis.
higher in the forest than in the fallow. For the whole
profile (0–2 m), the average mineral N accumulation
the monoculture plots also showed a pronounced in- in the soil (14.6 g m−2 for Eschweilera and 12.2 g m−2
crease below 1 m soil depth, and the total accumula- for Oenocarpus, Table 6) was intermediate between
tion of mineral N in 0–2 m soil depth under peach palm the fallow and the agricultural plots. In the topsoil un-
was even slightly higher in the monoculture than in der Oenocarpus, the highest ammonium concentration
the polyculture, although the difference was not sig- from all sampling positions was found (59% of the
nificant (Tables 4 and 6). total mineral N), possibly indicating that nitrification
In the fallow, in contrast, there was only a very slight was retarded in comparison to the agricultural plots in
increase in the nitrate concentration in the soil below the proximity of this palm species (Fig. 4).
1 m depth (Fig. 3). The concentration of mineral N be-
low 10 cm soil depth in the fallow soil was lower than
in all sampling positions of the agricultural plots (in 4. Discussion
0–10 cm, the monoculture soil had slightly less min-
eral N than the fallow, Fig. 3). This resulted in signifi- Substantial quantities of mineral N were found in
cantly lower accumulations of nitrate and mineral N in the subsoil of a ferralitic Amazonian upland soil un-
the fallow, compared with the agricultural plots, which der perennial crops at the beginning of the rainy sea-
did not differ significantly from each other (Table 6). son, shortly before the fertilizer application. Subsoil
Comparing the fallow with the individual sampling accumulations of mineral N have been reported from
positions in the agricultural plots, the accumulation different tropical regions under annual crops (Cahn
of mineral N in the top 2 m of soil was between 2.5 et al., 1993; Weier and Macrae, 1993; Hartemink et
and 7 times lower in the fallow (5.3 g m−2 ) than un- al., 1996), but leaching losses from perennial crops
der the tree and cover crops (12.4–37.3 g m−2 , Fig. 2). are often thought to be rather low (Santana and
Ammonium N did not differ significantly between the Cabala-Rosand, 1982; Seyfried and Rao, 1991; Bab-
systems (Table 6). bar and Zak, 1995). However, the accumulation of
2200 kg of nitrate-N per hectare at 1–5 m soil depth
3.4. Distribution of mineral N in the primary forest under a fertilized coffee plantation in Kenya has re-
soil cently been reported by Michori (1993, cit. in Buresh
and Tian, 1998).
As in most other sampling positions, the mineral N The significantly higher accumulation of mineral N
concentration in the forest soil decreased with increas- in the fertilized plots, compared with the unfertilized
ing soil depth near the soil surface. Below 1 m depth, fallow, indicates that part of the subsoil N was de-
118 G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120

rived from mineral fertilizer. This also explains why namics of the crops. Moreover, hydrological measure-
the tree species with the highest N fertilization within ments in the experimental plots of this study indicated
the polyculture systems (cupuaçu) also had the high- that no soluble fertilizers should be applied close to
est N accumulation in the subsoil, and why the N ac- the stem of species with high stemflow because of the
cumulation under cupuaçu increased with the fertil- increased water infiltration and consequently leaching
ization level. The rapid nitrification of the ammonium risk in these positions. Such species include Brazil
derived from the fertilizer facilitated N leaching into nut and peach palm for fruit (but not peach palm for
the subsoil (Robertson, 1989) where the nitrate was palmito; fruit palms were not included in the mineral
retained by anion sorption (Cahn et al., 1992). N study) (Schroth et al., 1999).
The high mineral N accumulation, especially in The mineral N accumulation under the unfertilized
the topsoil, under the cover crop within the polycul- cover crop in the polyculture system suggests that its
ture plots cannot be explained by N fertilizer, because potential with respect to the N nutrition of the tree
these positions had never been fertilized with N. Pre- crops was strongly underutilised. Better use could be
sumably, this N originated from the mineralization of made of this surplus N through reduced spacing of the
leguminous biomass and soil organic matter. Part of trees, either permanently or temporarily, by including
the N may have been derived from biological N fixa- semi-perennial crops. In addition, it is likely that a re-
tion, although the nodulation of the Pueraria was rela- duction of the N fertilization of the trees would not
tively weak. The same N sources may also explain the only reduce directly the N leaching, but would also in-
mineral N accumulation in the low fertilization plots, crease the competition between the trees and the cover
where no N fertilizer had been applied for about 16 crop for N in the intertree spaces. The advantages may
months before the sampling (Table 2). be severalfold: a reduced need for N fertilization of the
Due to the close spacing of the trees in the peach tree crops that may, in some cases, even become un-
palm monoculture and the fallow, these plots had no necessary; reduced nitrate leaching (and consequently
leguminous, and little non-leguminous understorey soil acidification) under the cover crop; and eventu-
vegetation. This and the more efficient N uptake by ally even an increased fixation of atmospheric N by
the closely spaced trees may explain the lower con- the cover crop when the availability of mineral N in
centration of mineral N in the topsoil of the monocul- its root zone is reduced by tree root uptake (Giller and
ture compared with the polyculture plots (Figs. 2 and Wilson, 1991).
3). However, even the dense palm stand of the mono- The inspection of the N profiles in the soil under
culture could not absorb all the applied fertilizer and the two rainforest trees shows that even the unfertil-
mineralized soil N, as evidenced by the pronounced ized and undisturbed natural vegetation lost nitrate into
nitrate accumulation in the subsoil. the subsoil (Fig. 4). Amazonian upland forests on fer-
The growth and yield data and the distribution of ralitic soils are limited by P, Ca and Mg, rather than
mineral N in the soil indicated that the applied fer- by N (Cuevas and Medina, 1986; Cuevas and Medina,
tilizer N was not efficiently taken up by the trees. 1988; Vitousek and Matson, 1988), and this may ex-
This may have been because the trees were not lim- plain why they have not evolved more efficient recy-
ited by N, or because the applied N was leached too cling mechanisms for nitrate. Much lower subsoil ni-
rapidly out of the topsoil due to the combination of trate contents than in the agricultural plots were found
high nitrification rates, intensive rainfalls and perme- only under the impoverished fallow vegetation (Fig.
able soils. This points to the need to develop scien- 3). This observation discourages expectations that a
tifically based fertilizer recommendations, which do vegetation with relatively high N availability (either
not exist at present, for the investigated (and many through fertilization, biological N fixation or, as in the
other) fruit tree species for central Amazonian condi- rainforest, rapid internal N cycling) could be made
tions. These would probably include splitting of the completely tight for very mobile nutrients under con-
annual fertilizer dose into more than two applications ditions of high rainfall and permeable soils. Under the
to keep the nutrient concentration in the soil solution pedoclimatic conditions of this study, productive agri-
low (Alva et al., 1998), and improved synchronization cultural systems will probably always lose nutrients
of the applications with growth and nutrient uptake dy- into the subsoil.
G. Schroth et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 75 (1999) 109–120 119

It has been hypothesized that in agroforestry sys- crop roots, especially in the case of older trees with
tems deep rooting trees could reduce leaching by form- well-developed root systems.
ing a ‘safety-net’ with their roots under shallower
rooted crops (van Noordwijk et al., 1996). From the
tree crops in this study, none was able to play this role, Acknowledgements
as all of them were sources of subsoil nutrients, instead
of being sinks. This may have partly been an effect This work was funded by the German Ministry
of systems design and management. Trees which are of Education, Science, Research and Technology
expected to intercept leached nutrients should proba- (BMBF) together with the Brazilian Conselho Na-
bly not be fertilized with these nutrients. In addition, tional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico
a certain amount of root competition in the topsoil (CNPq) as part of the SHIFT program, project
through close spacing with other trees or certain cover 0339641/ENV 45. José Pereira da Silva Junior made
crop species has been found to increase tree root de- helpful comments on a previous draft of the paper. We
velopment in the subsoil, and consequently the use of thank Luiz Gonzaga for careful assistance in sample
subsoil resources (Atkinson et al., 1976; Comerford et collection and processing.
al., 1984; Eastham et al., 1990; Neves et al., 1998).

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