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I created this plan specifically for the team that I coach, it is based on the needs of my team.

I needed to be aware of the space and

equipment that I have available. Feel free to use this cycle for your team. Whilst it is all non-contact training, I tried not just to have
isolated individual exercises and added some modified rondos and 1v1s. The rondos and 1v1s are as close to normality as possible.
With the finishing exercises, add an external pressure such as a time limit, or a required score in order to make it more realistic.

I coach with an assistant, so each session is designed for two small groups (6 or 7) and they will spend 35-40mins with one coach
before swapping over with the other group. (1hr 15-20m total)

There are 18 different exercises, and most have progressions.

Feel free to send me an email with any questions.



Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 1 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Complete finishing challenge​ - follow the order from 1 to
7. Shot inside ‘D’ (1) followed by 4 shots from cutbacks
on alternate sides (2-5) and then a cross and finish from
both sides (6-7).

● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)

Coaching ● Balanced body
Points: ● Composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Competition: ​Track each player's score and create a


Time: 25mins (3 attempts each)

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1 & 2 touch finishing exercise​, Coach calls a number; 1
or 2. Player called then does a skill move at cone and
plays a through ball to ‘striker’. Striker has made a U
shaped run on the same side, and times the run to collect
the pass and then shoots. This is followed by a cross and
finish. Must score within ‘scoring zone’.
Points: ● Timing of the run
● Weight of the pass
● Balanced body, composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: ​Alternate:​ Change side of cross

Make it harder:​ Lobbed passes

Time: 20mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: ​ eints​. Players dribble up to the
Isolated Skill Practice:​ F
pole at speed, and perform a feint past the pole,
completing the move and accelerating before passing to
the next player. To avoid contact, the player passes to
the player on one cone and runs to the other.
Points: ● Controlled touches when dribbling
● Match-like speed skill
● Realistic movement
● ‘Sell the move’

Progressions: Player on the far end decides which cone to stand on,
and the player performing the skill must complete the
skill to that side.
Time: 10-15mins

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 front on​ - Defender (​Blue​) passes the ball to the attacker
(​Green​) who then dribbles forward and tries to score in one of
the 3 goals. No players are allowed in or past the ​red zone​. If
the defender wins the ball they score by knocking over black
cone (3pts) or passing the ball through the middle (1pt).

● 1st touch controlled and with purpose

Coaching ● Change of direction and speed in order to beat
Points: defender
● Use of turns and skill moves to open up space for shot

Progressions: 2v2 with the field split in two, cannot go into the opposite half or
into​ zone​. ​Add another cone on both sides

Time: 25 mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 2 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Rondo 4v2​ Players must remain in their zone. Rondo
rules to suit players and ability.

● Body shape
Coaching ● Awareness of surroundings & movement to
Points: receive
● Correctly weighted pass

Progressions: 1 touch.

Time: 12-15mins - 2 x 2mins for each pair.

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 to pass forward​ - Players are numbered, coach calls
out a number and the player dribbles the ball around their
goal before trying to score in the oppenents. Players are
trying to be the first player to score to get a point.

Coaching ● Speed with ball when dribbling

Points: ● Controlled touches to allow for sharp turn around
● Accuracy of finish

Progressions: Make it harde​r: Add a scoring zone (close or far). Add

extra obstacles for player to dribble around

Time: 20-25mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: Forward runs and forward passes​ - 3 players per team.
Players combine and work from end to end. Players cannot
occupy the same box at ​any time.​ Once players have reached
the end they pass to the next group and run to spare cones.
With 6 players, when a team reaches an unoccupied end, the
player with the ball dribbles around the end cone and plays a
pass to the group on the opposite side.

Coaching ● Passing combinations

Points: ● Creative runs (overlapping with distance* etc)
● Awareness of space

Progressions: Make it harder:​ Ball must enter 5 squares before

completion, complete within time limit (10seconds)
Time: 15mins

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: Forward runs and forward passes + finish​ - Teams of 3
combine to score. Players cannot occupy the same box
at ​any time​. Cannot score in box with GK. Can complete
practice w/o GK, by using small goals.

Coaching ● Passing combinations

Points: ● Creative runs (overlapping etc)
● Awareness of space

Progressions: Make it harder: ​Ball must enter 5 squares before

scoring, score within time limit (10secs), first time finish,
cutback finish.


Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 3 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Ball Mastery/Coerver​ - One ball per player in a 3x3

● Toe taps
● Sole taps
● Brazilian tap
● Turns
● Juggling
● Turns
● Stepovers/Scissors
● Feints
● Etc

Make it harder : ​While completing these moves

players are bouncing a tennis ball with one hand,

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: Running with the ball relays​ - 4 or 3 teams of 2. One
inside the square, other players are outside cones.

1. Dribble around the entire square in the quickest

Coaching 2. Dribble around square, at each corner square,
Points: pass ball on the outside of the square and run
through the square

Competition:​ Add a tall cone or ball on cone to the

Progressions: middle of the area and after completing the relay, teams
must be the first to knock the cone over.

Time: 20mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: Rondo 4v2​ Players must remain in their zone.
Rondo rules to suit players and ability.

● Body shape
Points: ● Awareness of surroundings & movement to
● Correctly weighted pass

Progressions: 1 touch.

Time: 12-15mins - 2 x 2mins for each pair.

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: 1 or 2 touch finishing exercise​, Coach calls a number; 1

or 2. Player called then does a skill move at cone and
plays a through ball to ‘striker’. Striker has made a U
shaped run on the same side, and times the run to
collect the pass and then shoots. This is followed by a
cross and finish.

Coaching ● Timing of the run

Points: ● Weight of the pass
● Balanced body, composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Alternate:​ Change side of cross

Make it harder:​ Lobbed passes

Time: 20mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 4 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Rondo 4v2​ Players on the outside can move between
areas but ​only 1 allowed per corner​. Defenders (​Blue​)
must remain in the outer red diamond. Can not enter the
middle box with the attacker (​Green​). Rondo rules to suit
players and ability.

Coaching ● Body shape

Points: ● Awareness of surroundings & movement to
● Correctly weighted pass

Progressions: 1 touch

12-15mins - 2 x 2mins for each pair. Ensure the middle

Time: player is swapped every game.

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 Stop the cross​ - Defender (​blue​) passes the ball attacker
(​green​) and then runs around the pole. Attackers attempt to
dribble the ball and then cross the ball into the goal. Defender
tries to block the attempt

● 1st touch out of body (allow for acceleration)

Coaching ● Big touch to allow for cross
Points: ● Correct technique when crossing (touch inside, hips squared)
● Defender​ - Watch ball closely, close the space down (within
social distance rules)
● Create a bigger body shape to block cross, leg out, chest
facing cross, arms by side or behind back.

Progressions: Competition: ​10 attempts per player, tally score.

Make it harder: attackers - smaller goal, defenders - larger goal.

Time: 20mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Description: 1v1 RWTB & Cross​ -​ ​Players are numbered, coach calls
Activity 1 out a number and the player dribbles the ball around
their goal before trying to score in the oppenents. Players
are trying to be the first player to score to get a point.
This exercise works on accuracy of crosses.

Coaching ● Speed with ball when dribbling

Points: ● Controlled touches to allow for sharp turn around
● Accuracy of cross

Progressions: Make it harde​r: Add a scoring zone (close or far). Add

extra obstacles for player to dribble around

Time: 15-20mins

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: Cross and Finish​ - Work in pairs. ​One player allowed
near post side, one player allowed far post side.

● Correct technique and delivery of cross (touch in

Coaching front, squared hips)
Points: ● Timed run to meet ball
● Correct technique with finish, using power of
cross to help.

Progressions: Crossing pair start closer to the 18 yard box, and cross is
a cutback.
Competition: ​Keep score.

Time: 20-25mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 5 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 1. 2. Description: Playing out from the back exercise + finish​ - Different routines
on both sides. Players follow their pass, and the last player
ends with a finish in an opposed or unopposed net, collects ball
and sprints (dribbles) back to start. Ensure there is an extra
number at start.

Coaching ● Accuracy and weight of pass

Points: ● Body shape when receiving (1st touch)

Remove the cones, and ask players to create

combinations that get a player to finish, within a certain
amount of passes or time limit (15seconds)

Time: 20mins

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 front on​ - Defender (​Blue​) passes the ball to the attacker
(​Green​) who then dribbles forward and tries to score in one of
the 3 goals. No players are allowed in or past the ​red zone​. If
the defender wins the ball they score by knocking over black
cone (3pts) or passing the ball through the middle (1pt).

● 1st touch controlled and with purpose

Coaching ● Change of direction and speed in order to beat
Points: defender
● Use of turns and skill moves to open up space for shot

Progressions: 2v2 with the field split in two, cannot go into the opposite half or
into​ zone​. ​Add another cone on both sides

Time: 25 mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 1. 2. Description: Playing out from the back exercise + finish​ - Different routines
on both sides. Players follow their pass, and the last player
ends with a finish in an opposed or unopposed net, collects ball
and sprints (dribbles) back to start. Ensure there is an extra
number at start.

Coaching ● Accuracy and weight of pass

Points: ● Body shape when receiving (1st touch)

Remove the cones, and ask players to create combinations

Progressions: that get a player to finish, within a certain amount of passes or
time limit (15seconds)


Group 2 Activity 2 1. 2. Description: 1 - ​1 & 2 touch finishing​ - Starting on the right, player receives, controls
and finishes, moves on to a 1-2 with the middle player, through ball
and shot. Completes the sequence with a two touch finish with the
player on the left. Repeats 3 times (RMLRMLRML). Must score within
the box.

2 - ​1 & 2 touch finishing​ - Starting with a cutback from player 1, striker

attempts a 1st time shot, followed by a touch and shot with player 2,
and another cutback 1st time shot with player 3. Repeats 3 times
(123123123) Must score within the box.

Coaching ● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)

Points: ● Balanced body
● Composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Make it harder:​ Cutbacks are played in the air for a half volley
or volley finish

Time: 15mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 6 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Ball Mastery/Coerver​ - One ball per player in a 3x3 box.
● Toe taps
● Sole taps
● Brazilian tap
● Turns
● Juggling
● Turns
● Stepovers/Scissors
● Feints
● Etc

Progressions: Make it harder : While completing these moves players

are bouncing a tennis ball with one hand

Time: 10-15mins

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: Isolated Skill Practice:​ ​Stepover & Scissors​. Players
dribble up to the pole at speed, and perform a stepover or
scissor past the pole, completing the move and accelerating
before passing to the next player. To avoid contact, the
player passes to the player on one cone and runs to the
● Controlled touches when dribbling
● Match-like speed skill
● Realistic movement
● ‘Sell the move’

Progressions: Player on the far end decides which cone to stand on, and
the player performing the skill must complete the skill to that
Competition: ​Which group/side can complete 3 attempts
each in the quickest time

Time: 10-15mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: 1 Touch and finish​ - Starting with player A, player
receives ball 1st touch to create space/angle and shoot.
Then receives a pass from B, create space/angle with
1st touch and shoot, repeat with C. Repeat 3 times
(ABCABCABC) Must shoot from within ‘D’.

Coaching ● Controlled/Planned 1st touch that creates space

Points: and angle for shot, in front of body.
● Correct technique of shot (laces, side foot)

Progressions: Make it harder:​ A and B are flicked/thrown in the air.

Competition: ​Keep score and see who the champion is

Time: 20mins

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: 1 Touch and finish (angled)​ - Starting with player A,
player receives ball 1st touch to create space/angle and
shoot. Then receives a pass from B, create space/angle
with 1st touch and shoot, repeat with C. Repeat 3 times
(ABCABCABC) Must shoot from within green box

Coaching ● Controlled/Planned 1st touch that creates space

Points: and angle for shot, in front of body.
● Correct technique of shot (laces, side foot)

Progressions: Make it harder:​ A and B are flicked/thrown in the air.

Competition: ​Keep score and see who the champion is

Time: 20mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 7 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Rondo 4v2​ Players must remain in their zone.
Rondo rules to suit players and ability.

● Body shape
Points: ● Awareness of surroundings & movement to
● Correctly weighted pass

Progressions: 1 touch.

Time: 12-15mins - 2 x 2mins for each pair.

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 front on​ - Defender (​Blue​) passes the ball to the attacker
(​Green​) who then dribbles forward and tries to score in one of
the 3 goals. No players are allowed in or past the ​red zone​. If
the defender wins the ball they score by knocking over black
cone (3pts) or passing the ball through the middle (1pt).

● 1st touch controlled and with purpose

Coaching ● Change of direction and speed in order to beat
Points: defender
● Use of turns and skill moves to open up space for shot

Progressions: 2v2 with the field split in two, cannot go into the opposite half or
into​ zone​. ​Add another cone on both sides

Time: 25 mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: 1 & 2 touch finishing​ - Starting on the right, player
receives, controls and finishes, moves on to a 1-2 with
the middle player, through ball and shot. Completes the
sequence with a two touch finish with the player on the
left. Repeats 3 times (RMLRMLRML). Must score within
the box.

● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)

Coaching ● Balanced body
Points: ● Composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Make it harder:​ Cutbacks are played in the air for a half
volley or volley finish


Group 2 Activity 2 Description: 1 & 2 touch finishing​ - Starting with a cutback from player
1, striker attempts a 1st time shot, followed by a touch
and shot with player 2, and another cutback 1st time shot
with player 3. Repeats 3 times (123123123) Must score
within the box.
Points: ● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)
● Balanced body
● Composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Make it harder:​ Cutbacks are played in the air for a half
volley or volley finish

Time: 20mins

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

Team: Cycle/Week:

Date: Players:

Session number: 8 Coach:

Group 1 Activity 1 Description: Football tennis​ 1v1 - Ball is allowed to bounce once
before the ball must be returned over the middle zone to
the opponents square. As many touches as you want.

Coaching ● Juggling
Points: ● 1st touch

Make it easier: Two bounces, Make it harder: No bounce

Progressions: Competition:​ King of the court, winner of game moves
up a court, loser goes down a court.

Time: 15mins

Group 1 Activity 2 Description: 1v1 to pass forward​ - Players are numbered, coach calls
out a number and the player dribbles the ball around their
goal before trying to score in the oppenents. Players are
trying to be the first player to score to get a point.

Coaching ● Speed with ball when dribbling

Points: ● Controlled touches to allow for sharp turn around
● Accuracy of finish

Progressions: Make it harde​r: Add a scoring zone (close or far). Add

extra obstacles for player to dribble around

Time: 20-25mins

Alexander Pitt 2020

Group 2 Activity 1 Description: 1 & 2 touch finishing​ - Starting with a cutback from player
1, striker attempts a 1st time shot, followed by a touch
and shot with player 2, and another cutback 1st time shot
with player 3. Repeats 3 times (123123123) Must score
within the box.
Points: ● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)
● Balanced body
● Composure
● Awareness of GK position
Make it harder:​ Cutbacks are played in the air for a half
volley or volley finish

Group 2 Activity 2 Description: Complete finishing challenge​ - follow the order from 1 to
7. Shot inside ‘D’ (1) followed by 4 shots from cutbacks
on alternate sides (2-5) and then a cross and finish from
both sides (6-7).

Coaching ● Correct technique of finish (side foot, laces etc)

Points: ● Balanced body
● Composure
● Awareness of GK position

Progressions: Competition: ​Track each player's score and create a


Time: 25mins (3 attempts each)

Player comments: Coach Comments:

Alexander Pitt 2020

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