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According to recent surveys, a wide majority of students recognise that exams are

one of the most stressful situations they have to face throughout their academic
life. Most of them admit feeling under great pressure when preparing and taking
an exam. This essay is aimed at discussing the different methods schools and
universities should put into practice in order to help students to overcome stress
during the exam period. 

Finding the right time for rest and recreation as well as doing some leisure
activities, especially practicing some kind of sport, may be an excellent way of de-
stressing. Aside from burning some calories, it can contribute to free your mind
from excessive pressure and negative thoughts and as a consequence it will
improve your health not only physically but what is more important, mentally. 

Support from tutors can be another successful method to cope with this type of
situations. Firstly, they should tell them firmly that assessment is a relevant
aspect in their learning process and exams are an important technique to
evaluate their skills, knowledge and abilities but not the only one, so that their
final appraisal will not depend just on it. Secondly, they should teach and train
them in a great variety of “study skills” such as underlining, memorising, analysing
or summarising with a view to work on their self-assurance. 

To my mind both methods are interdependent and complementary nevertheless I

firmly believe that getting support from tutors will meaningfully increase students
´ likelihood of success in this arduous task since it may play a key role when it
comes to passing an exam: it will improve their self-confidence and consequently
it will make them feel more calm and relaxed.

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