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A. U. Thor

Me Too

Institute of Far Away Places

Abstract: We study the effects of warm water on the local penguin population. The
major finding is that it is extremely difficult to induce penguins to drink warm
water. The success factor is approximately −e−iπ − 1.

Keywords: Elsevier LaTeX sample document

INTRODUCTION expert. The typesetting format file was down-

loaded from the ?? and was also available from
SW doesn’t properly handle new environments the ?? web site. At the time this shell document
in the front matter. To avoid this problem, the was created, a link to the ?? was active (use
frontmatter environment is hidden inside the en- Ctrl+Click to follow each link).
capsulated fields above labeled [Begin fontmatter]
If you modify this document and export it as “El-
and [End fontmatter]. Also, there are various en-
sevier IFAC Proceedings.shl” in the Shells\Articles\SW
capsulated TeX fields inside the frontmatter en-
directory, it will become your new Elsevier IFAC
vironment. Use care when editing the contents of
Proceedings shell.
the encapsulated TeX fields.
The typesetting specification selected by this shell
document uses the default class options. There
are a number of class options supported by this
typesetting specification. The available options
include setting the paper size and the point size of
This shell document provides a sample layout of the font used in the body of the document. Select
the Elsevier IFAC Proceedings typesetting speci- Typeset, Options and Packages, the Class Options
fication. Replace the text in this shell with your tab and then click the Modify button to see the
own. class options that are available for this typesetting
For instructions in using the Elsevier typesetting specification.
specification, see the documentation file provided
with these typesetting specifications. The instruc-
tions can be found by following the appropriate
link in the document OptionsPackagesLaTeX.tex
that is in the SWSamples directory. 2. FEATURES OF THIS SHELL
Changes to the typeset format of this shell and
its associated LATEX typesetting specification file 2.1 Subsection
(ifacmtg.cls) are not supported by MacKichan
Software, Inc.. If you wish to make such changes, Use the Section tag for major sections, and the
please consult the LATEX manuals or a local LATEX Subsection tag for subsections.
2.1.1. Subsubsection This is just some harmless is the use of a book,’ thought Alice
text under a subsubsection. ‘without pictures or conversation?’
So she was considering in her own
mind (as well as she could, for the Subsubsubsection This is just some
hot day made her feel very sleepy
harmless text under a subsubsubsection.
and stupid), whether the pleasure of
making a daisy-chain would be worth Subsubsubsubsection This is just the trouble of getting up and picking
some harmless text under a subsubsubsubsection the daisies, when suddenly a White
(aka subparagraph). Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
There was nothing so very remark-
able in that; nor did Alice think it so
2.2 Tags very much out of the way to hear the
Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh dear!
You can apply the logical markup tag Emphasized. I shall be late!’ (when she thought it
You can apply the visual markup tags Bold, over afterwards, it occurred to her that
Italics, Roman, Sans Serif, Slanted, Small Caps, she ought to have wondered at this,
and Typewriter. but at the time it all seemed quite
natural); but when the Rabbit actu-
You can apply the special, mathematics only, ally took a watch out of its waistcoat-
tags BLACKBOARD BOLD, CALLIGRAPHIC, pocket, and looked at it, and then hur-
and fraktur. Note that blackboard bold and calli- ried on, Alice started to her feet, for it
graphic are correct only when applied to upper- flashed across her mind that she had
case letters A through Z. never before seen a rabbit with either
You can apply the size tags tiny, scriptsize, footnote-
a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take
out of it, and burning with curiosity,
Large, LARGE,
size, small, normalsize, large,
she ran across the field after it, and
huge and Huge. fortunately was just in time to see it
pop down a large rabbit-hole under
This is a Body Math paragraph. Each time you the hedge.
press the Enter key, Scientific WorkPlace switches In another moment down went Alice
to mathematics mode. This is convenient for car- after it, never once considering how in
rying out “scratchpad” computations. the world she was to get out again.
Following is a group of paragraphs marked as Use the Verbatim tag when you want LATEX to
Short Quote. This environment is appropriate preserve spacing, perhaps when including a frag-
for a short quotation or a sequence of short ment from a program such as:
#include <iostream> // < > is used for standard
The buck stops here. Harry Truman void main(void) // "main" method always call
Ask not what your country can do {
for you; ask what you can do for your cout << "Hello World."; // Send to output stream.
country. John F Kennedy }
I am not a crook. Richard Nixon
It’s no exaggeration to say the un-
decideds could go one way or another.
George Bush
I did not have sexual relations with
2.3 Mathematics and Text
that woman, Miss Lewinsky. Bill Clin-
Let H be a Hilbert space, C be a closed bounded
The Long Quotation tag is used for quotations convex subset of H, T a nonexpansive self map
of more than one paragraph. Following is the of C. Suppose that as n → ∞, an,k → 0 for each
beginning of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by P∞ +
Lewis Carroll:
k, and γn = P∞− an,k ) k → 0. Then
k=0 (an,k+1
for each x in C, An x = k=0 an,k T x converges
Alice was beginning to get very tired weakly to a fixed point of T .
of sitting by her sister on the bank, The numbered equation
and of having nothing to do: once or
twice she had peeped into the book her utt − ∆u + u5 + u |u| = 0 in R3 × [0, ∞[ (1)
sister was reading, but it had no pic-
tures or conversations in it, ‘and what is automatically numbered as equation 1.
2.4 List Environments Example 8. This is an example.

You can create numbered, bulleted, and descrip- Fact 9. This is a fact.
tion lists using the Item Tag popup list on the Tag
toolbar. Hypothesis 10. This is a hypothesis.
(1) List item 1
Lemma 11. This is a lemma.
(2) List item 2
(a) A list item under a list item.
The typeset style for this level is dif- PROOF. This is the proof of the lemma. 2
ferent than the screen style. The screen
shows a lower case alphabetic character Principle 12. This is a principle.
followed by a period while the typeset
style uses a lower case alphabetic char- Problem 13. This is a problem.
acter surrounded by parentheses.
(b) Just another list item under a list item. Proposition 14. This is a proposition.
(i) Third level list item under a list
item. Remark 15. This is a remark.
(A) Fourth and final level of list
items allowed. Summary 1. This is a summary.
• Bullet item 1
Theorem 16. This is a theorem.
• Bullet item 2
· Second level bullet item.
Third level bullet item. PROOF. [Proof of the Main Theorem]This is the
Fourth (and final) level bullet proof.
Description List Each description list item has
a term followed by the description of that term.
Double click the term box to enter the term, or
to change it.
Bunyip Mythical beast of Australian Aboriginal

2.5 Theorem-like Environments

The following theorem-like environments (in al-

phabetical order) are available in this style.
This style uses nonstandard theorem environment
names. This will only be a problem if you try to
import the contents of a document created with
this shell into another document.

Algorithm 1. This is an algorithm.

Assumption 1. This is an assumption.

Axiom 2. This is an axiom.

Case 1. This is a case.

Claim 3. This is a claim.

Conjecture 4. This is a conjecture.

Corollary 5. This is a corollary.

Criterion 6. This is a criterion.

Definition 7. This is a definition.

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