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Name of work : Extension of retaining wall along the earthen bank at down stream RCC barrier
and RCC wall for dozer approach at river site.
Description of items Unit Qty
No Rate in (`) Amount in (`)
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means
(Hydraulic Excavator)/ manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.50M in width as well as 10
Sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead
1 CUM 120.00
up to 50M and lift upto 1.50m and disposed earth to be
levelled and neatly dressed - For all kind of soil (a)
In or under foul condition including pumping out water as
Filling available excavated earth / river bed materials in
trenches, plinth sides of foundation etc. in layers not
2 exceeding 20cm in depth consolidating each deposited CUM 100.00
layer by ramming and watering lead upto 50m and lift
upto 1.50m in all kinds of soil
Providing & laying in position cement concrete of
specified grade CC1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 river sand : 6
3 CUM 1.50
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) excluding the cost
of centering and shuttering all work upto plinth level
Providing & laying in position specified grade of
reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of
4 centering, shuttering and reinforcement - all work upto CUM 81.00
plinth level RCC 1:2:4 ( 1 cement :2 river sand : 4 stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size
Reinforcement for RCC work including streightening,
5 cutting, bending and placing and binding in position all Kg. 2750.00
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
6 etc. and removal of form for foundation, footings , bases SQM 346.00
of columns etc. for mass concrete
Engagement of manpower for miscellenous civil work
7 Each 10.00
as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge
Total without Tax
Add 9 % CGST
Add 9 % SGST

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