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Empowering Poster
Phase 1: Build the foundation
It is essential to know what the goals and objectives of this project are.
Having goals and objectives will serve as a guide in building the significant
elements of the poster and will promote planning on how to achieve these goals.
These will also help in assessing whether the poster is effective or not.
Phase 2: Identify the poster’s audience
The target audience is everyone in general. Racial discrimination in one
country might be not as severe as in another country but raising awareness in all
areas of every country for everyone to see will not only help in uniting people but
will also reduce the harassment and bullying that is caused by such discrimination.
Phase 3: Define the message
A poster does not need a lot of words to say. However, a specific message
should be received by the audience. The message should also be clear and has
consistent information from a reliable source. It is also important to include a
Phase 4: Draft an outline
An outline ensures that every information presented is clear, clean, and
concise. This will limit what information will be added on the final output, and will
categorize and organize them in a way that it will not confuse and overwhelm the
Phase 5: Design the output
The design is important for it is one of the main factors that a poster catches
the eye of the audience. It is probably the first thing the audience will notice from
the poster, especially from afar. It is important to apply contrasting and appealing
color schemes, inserting the right images to give the poster a visual boost.
Everything from Phase 1 to Phase 4 is considered in making the final output.
Phase 6: Feedback check
After designing the poster, it is important for the team to give their critiques.
This phase will assess the errors made in the designing and the overall output. It
will also serve as a chance to correct any mistake made from the previous phases
before setting it out for the public to see.

Awareness Campaign- Print

Phase 1: Set the budget
The budget will be 500,000 pesos to 1,000,000 pesos. This includes the
printing expenses, dissemination expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses.
Creating a plan for budgeting and costing will determine how much money you will
have to work with and how to spend it. This is also to ensure that costs will be paid
and there is proper allocation of money.
Phase 2: Identify the channels to be used
The posters will be posted on bulletin boards, walls, announcement boards,
and billboards. It will also be produced as flyers and brochures that will be
distributed to schools and workplaces for them to disseminate to their students and
employees respectively. The poster will also be advertised in newspapers and
The variety of channels used will be helpful in reaching a wider audience
and spreading the information at a fast pace.
Phase 3: Determine the location
The posters will be posted in multiple cities of different countries mainly
focused in America, Italy, Japan, and Philippines. Also for bulletin boards, walls,
and announcement boards, it is important to consider that the color of the wall is in
contract with the poster for the audience to see it better.
It is also better to post and distribute the posters in a densely populated
area to make sure it reaches a lot of people.
Phase 4: Look for NGOs and volunteers
Manpower is needed to execute this campaign. Seeking help from other
non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations will make everything
easier. It is important to have a partner organization in every location that will help
in executing the project. Volunteers from organizations will serve as managers in
each location. They will spearhead the canvassing for print shops in their areas and
will facilitate the distribution to the public audience.
Phase 5: Canvass and print
Look for printing shops or publishing houses that could mass produce the
prints needed for the distribution in each location. Different printing shops have
different rates. Some offer discounts while others don’t. Not only prices should be
canvassed but quality, too. Research about the customer reviews of the print
shops and assess their portfolios. It is also better if they can give print tests for the
poster.It would be cost-efficient to hire one print shop for all the possible channels
that are to be printed.
Select only the reputable magazines and newspaper outlets that will feature
the poster. Do business with the highest bidder which is the outlet that offers the
least for an ad space.
Canvass billboard spaces. Choose an area where there is heavy traffic
during rush hours.
Find one who is easy to communicate with, offers a lot of support and cares
about giving the output and quality needed.

Phase 6: Distribute the printed outputs

Dedicate a team that will distribute the printed outputs. Post at least two
posters on each bulletin and announcement boards. Scatter the outputs as far as
Phase 7: Monitor the campaign
Always provide a contact address in case anyone has something to ask
about the campaign. This is also important because an audience might be
interested in taking part of the campaign or they might want to take an action about
the campaign.

Upholding Campaign- Digital

Phase 1: Identify goals and tools
Without goals, any strategy to be approached will fail and it will not work.
Defining goals that are suitable and measurable is the main task. Goals will serve
as a guide on what milestones are to be achieved.
Phase 2: Remember the audience and speak their language
The audience is the general public. Always remember to take the audience
at the center of the planning for the digital campaign. The digital persona taken by
the team should cater to the needs of the audience. Use information like age,
gender, career, likes, dislikes of the audience to create an online persona that they
can engage with.
Phase 3: Identify the budget
The overall budget for this digital campaign will be 200,000 pesos.
Budgeting will help keep track of costs and help assess the campaign later on.
Phase 4: Evaluate channels
Various social media platforms will be used as channels such as Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram. List down the pros and cons in using those as channels.
The evaluation should serve as a major consideration in choosing or deciding which
channels to use.
Phase 5: Set a plan
Organizing an online campaign requires a detailed and comprehensive
content plan. This includes brainstorming how to present the poster to the
audience. Plan out who will manage the engagements of the campaign and who will
manage the social media accounts for the campaign.
Phase 6: Create a hashtag
The hashtag should be short and simple yet unique. For it to stand out, it
should not be too vague nor common. Vaguely created concepts will most probably
not gain any traction because the audience will not know what to do with it. It is also
important to avoid using existing hashtags unless the campaign is set to add value
to the conversation in the hashtag. to come up with a hashtag that is catchy and
unique, then it should be:
● Short
● Memorable and easy to remember
● Relevant
● Rare
● Universal
Phase 7: Make it easy to reach you
Digital campaigns are all about connecting with the audience. Provide a
contact address like email or a social media account where the audience can
message and ask about the campaign.
Phase 8: Track engagements
Constantly monitor the progress and engagements to ensure that the
strategy used for the campaign is working. Measure the growth of the engagements
using tools that track and analyze the comprehensive insights and crucial
information about your campaign.


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