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Essentials of

Essentials of

Aravind Sivaraj BDS MDS

Professor and Head
Department of Orthodontics
Chhattisgarh Dental College and Research Institute
Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India

A Venkatesan


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Essentials of Orthodontics

First Edition: 2013

ISBN:   978-93-5090-329-2

Printed at
Dedicated to
My father
Mr K Sivaraj
Contents  vii


In recent years, orthodontics has become one of the most vital subjects for study in the
understanding of general dentistry. Due to varied reasons, the subject has remained largely
unexplored among general practitioners and undergraduate students. There has been a huge
hurdle for the general practitioners and undergraduates, who want to explore further in the
field of orthodontics due to unavailability of compact text, highlighting all the essentials in
I find, Dr Aravind Sivaraj has made an honest attempt to fill up this lacuna in elaborating all
the essentials of practical and clinical orthodontics.
What makes the book unique and hence worth possessing is its format and a large number
of illustrations and diagrams make the understanding of the subject easy. It is evident that a lot
of meticulous thinking and hard work have gone into this work and the labor would be fruitful
if the people for whom it is intended enjoy the book.
The interest and the efforts of Dr Aravind Sivaraj are highly commendable and the book
should stand as an example to other young teachers to emulate.
I am sure that the book would not only be accepted and appreciated by all, but also many
more editions of it, would be published with regular upgradation of the material contained in it.

A Venkatesan MDS
Former Principal, Professor and Head
Department of Orthodontics
Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Contents  ix


Essentials of Orthodontics is written in clear and simple language useful for the under­graduates
in dentistry, general practitioners and as a quick reference guide for the postgraduates in
This book is edited from various textbooks, study materials and manuals in orthodontics. THe
purpose of the book is to educate the students with clear thoughts on the subject with emphasis
on the deep understanding of the concepts and theories in orthodontics.
The text is written for rapid and easy uptake, with only a few classical illustrations and a
handful of carefully chosen references. Many topics are well covered in other texts, and do not
need a lengthy description, but where clinical precision or a new concept is involved, a full
explanation is provided.
The book is designed for the dental students, orthodontic residents and general dentists to
understand the basic concepts and essential procedures regarding the diagnosis, treatment
planning and treatment of patients, who have relatively simple malocclusion problems and to
consult the specialist in case of complex problems.
Readers will essentially learn about the mechanics of how appliances move teeth, the different
types of appliances, and the latest orthodontic materials in the market. A much-needed text
for the dental students and also an excellent resource for dentists, who want to expand their
practice. The book is not intended to compete with the major texts on the theory and techniques
that form the basis of contemporary orthodontic teaching and practice. However, the book will
be a valuable and welcome addition to the existing texts in orthodontics.
Orthodontics is constantly changing and has become a dynamic field in dentistry and
medicine. Rapid advancement in the orthodontic technology and techniques has transformed
the field into the first and best specialty in dentistry. Every possible step has been taken to
prevent any errors and mistakes in the subject; any such occurrence is highly unintended and
unfortunate. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

Aravind Sivaraj
Contents  xi


I believe that orthodontics is one of the finest professions, as it combines the best of both the
science and art of dentistry. The greatest appreciation, we can demonstrate to our profession is
to impart and pass on knowledge and expertise to students and fellow colleagues.
First of all, I wish to thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India,
for accepting my manuscript for publication into a book.
I sincerely thank all my teachers, well-wishers, colleagues, friends and students, who inspired
me to write the book.
My heartfelt thanks to my mother, wife, daughter and son. Their sacrifices and support have
been overwhelming.
I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all the people responsible
for the publication of the book.
Finally, I thank God Almighty for this wonderful science of orthodontics.
Contents  xiii


1. Introduction 1
Introduction to Orthodontics  1
• Definitions 1 • Orthodontist 2
History of Orthodontics  4
• Orthodontics in India 5 • Evolution of Orthodontic Appliances 5

2. Growth and Development 9

General Principles and Concepts  9
• Definitions 9 • Factors Affecting Physical Growth 10 • Concepts of Growth 11
• Types of Growth Data 17 • Methods of Gathering Growth Data 18 • Methods of
Studying Growth 19 • Mechanism of Bone Growth 20 • Osteogenesis (Mechanism
of Bone Formation) 20 • Theories of Growth 23
Prenatal Growth and Development  28
• Period of Ovum 28 • Period of Embryo 28 • Prenatal Development of Maxilla 32
• Development of Palate 32 • Development of Maxillary Sinus 33 • Develop­
ment of Tongue 33 • Prenatal Development of Mandible 34 • Meckel’s
Cartilage 34 • Endochondral Bone Formation 35 • Prenatal Growth of
Temporo­mandibular joint 35
Postnatal Growth and Development  35
• Neonatal Skeleton 36 • Postnatal Growth of the Cranial Vault 36 • Postnatal
Growth of the Cranial Base 36 • Postnatal Growth of Maxilla 38 • Postnatal
Growth of Mandible 40 • Mandibular Rotation 42 • Postnatal Growth of
TMJ 43 Summary of Facial Growth Changes 44
xiv  Essentials of Orthodontics

Development of Dentition and Occlusion  44

• Bud Stage 45 • Cap Stage 45 • Bell Stage 45 • Periods of Occlusal Development 46
• Predental Period 46 • Deciduous Dentition Period 48 • Mixed Dentition Period 50
• Permanent Dentition Period 53
Functional Development  57
• Normal Milestones of Development 58 • Puberty and Adolescence 59 • Masti­-
cation 59 • Deglutition 60 • Respiration 62 • Speech 64 • Trajectories of Force 65
• Wolff’s Law of Transformation of Bone 66
Psychological Development  66
• Psychology (Study of Psyche) 67 • Theories of Psychological Development 67
• Beha­vior in Orthodontics 72 • Behavior Development 73 • Behavior Mana­ge­ment 73
• Basic Approaches to Child Management in Orthodontics 77 • Ephebodontics 77
Clinical Importance of Growth and Development in Orthodontics  78
• Infancy and Early Childhood 78 • Juvenile Period 79 • Adolescent Growth 79
• Clinical Implications of Regional Development 79

3. Occlusion and Malocclusion 83

Occlusion 83
• Terminology 83 • Types of Cusps 84 • Arrangement of Teeth in Humans 84
• Imaginary Occlusal Planes and Curves 84 • Centric Relation and Cen­tric
Occlusion 85 • Centric Contacts 85 • Eccentric Occlusion 86 • Disclu­­­sion 86 • Angle’s
Concept of Normal Occlusion 87 • Begg’s Concept of Normal Occlu­sion (Attritional
Occlusion) 88 • Roth’s Concept of Functi­­onal Occlusion 88 • Andrews Six Keys to
Normal Occlusion 89
Classification of Malocclusion  90
• Malocclusion 90 • Classification 90 • Types of Malocclusion 91 • Systems of
Classification 93
Epidemiology of Malocclusion  101
Applications of Epide­mio­logical-Principles 101 • Study Designs 102 • Bias in
Research 104 • Statistics Measurement of Data 106 • Hypothesis Testing 106
Indices of Malocclusion  109
• Index 109
Anthropology 117
• Anthropology and Orthodontics 120 • Early Primates 121

4. Etiology 127
Etiology of Malocclusion  127
• Classification of Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion 127 • Etiology for Specific Types
of Malocclusion 133
Contents  xv

Habits 135
• Definition 135 • Classification of Habits 135 • Thumb Sucking and Finger
Sucking 137 • Tongue Thrusting Habit 142 • Mouth-breathing 147 • Lip Biting
and Lip Sucking 151 • Bruxism 151 • Finger Nail Biting 153 • Tongue Sucking 154
• Pillowing Habits 154
Nutrition in Orthodontics  154
• Effect of Nutritional Status on Tooth Movement and Tissue Response to
Appli­­­ances 154 • Dietary Counseling for Plaque Control and General Health in the
Orthodontic Patient 156 • Nutritional Considerations in the Orthognathic Surgical
Patient 156 • Nutritional Factors in the Etiology of Craniofacial Anomalies 157
Genetics in Orthodontics  158
• History 159 • Molecular Basis of Inheritance 159 • Genetics in Orthodontic
Perspective 161

5. Orthodontic Diagnosis 166

Orthodontic Diagnosis  166
• Esthetics in Orthodontics 166 • Golden Section 167
Diagnostic Aids in Orthodontics  171
• Essential Diagnostic Aids 171 • Supplemental Diagnostic Aids 172 • Case
History 172 • Clinical and General Examinations 173 • Functional Examination 180
• Orthodontic Study Models 185 • Total Dentition Space Analysis 193 • Inference
to Deficits and Decisions 195 • Radiographs Used In Orthodontic Diagnosis 196
Cephalometrics 198 • Facial Photographs 218
Computers in Orthodontics  236
• Characteristics of a Computer 237 • Uses of Computer in Orthodontics 238
Sterilization in Orthodontics  243
• Sterilization 243

6. Orthodontic Treatment Planning 246

General Factors in Orthodontic Treatment Planning  246
• Setting-up Goals 246 • Enlisting the Treatment Objectives 246 • Age Factor in
Orthodontics 249 • Treatment and Age 250 • Tooth Movement and Age 251 • Young
Versus Adult Patients 251 • Phases of Orthodontic Treatment 252 • Limitations in
Orthodontics 253
Methods of Gaining Space  253
• Proximal stripping (Reprox­i­mi­­zation, Slenderization, Disking and Proximal
Slicing) 254 • Expansion 255 • Types of Appliances Used 257 • Slow Expansion 260
xvi  Essentials of Orthodontics

• Extractions in Orthodontics 262 • Distalization 267 • Uprighting of Molars 269

• Derotation of Posterior Teeth 269 • Proclination of Anterior Teeth 269
Treatment Planning in Class I Malocclusion  269
• Clinical Features of Class I Malocclusion 269 • Midline Diastema 272 • Crossbite 275
• Impacted Teeth 281
Treatment Planning in Class II Malocclusion  284
• Class II Division 1 Malocclusion 285 • Class II Division 2 Malocclusion 287
Treatment Planning in Class III Malocclusion   288
• Clinical Features of Class III Malocclusion 288 • Skeletal Features of Class III
Malocclusion 289
Drugs Used in Orthodontics  290
• Prophylactic Antibiotics for Prevention of Infective Endocarditis 290

7. Biomechanics 298
Mechanics of Tooth Movement  298
• Newton’s Laws of Motion 298 • Types of Tooth Movements 299 • Types of Force 301
Biology of Tooth Movement  302
• Physiologic Tooth Movement 302 • Tooth Mobility 305 • Histology of Tooth
Movement 305 • Optimum Orthodontic Force 306 • Hyalinization 307 • Theories
of Tooth Movement 308 • Phases of Tooth Movement 309 • Biochemical Reaction
to Orthodontic Tooth Movement 310 • Bone Resorption 311 • Bone Deposition 311
Anchorage in Orthodontics  314
• Definition (Graber) 314 • Classification 314 • Sources of Anchorage 315
• Implants as Anchorage in Orthodontics 320 • Anchorage Loss 325

8. Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics 326

Preventive Orthodontics  326
• Definition 326 • Caries Control 327 • Oral Habits Check-up and Educating Patients
and Parents 328 • Space Maintainers 328
Interceptive Orthodontics  333
• Definition 333 • Serial Extractions 334 • Developing Anterior Crossbite Correction
337 • Preorthodontic Trainers 340 • Clinical Management 341 • Muscle Exercises 341

9. Orthodontic Appliances 344

• Classification of Orthodontic Appliances 344 • Ideal Requirements of an
Orthodontic Appliance 345
Contents  xvii

Removable Appliances  345

• Indications for Removable Appliances 345 • Advantages of Removable Appliances
345 • Disadvantages of Removable Appliances 346 • Components of Removable
Appliances 346
Fixed Appliances  364
• Advantages of Fixed Appliances 364 • Disadvantages of Fixed Appliances 365
• Banding 366 • Bonding 367 • Components of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances 368
I. Active Components 369 • II. Passive Components 372 • Fixed Appliance
Techniques 375 • Oral Hygiene in Fixed Appliance Treatment 379

10. Dentofacial Orthopedics 382

Orthopedic Appliances  382
• Basis for Orthopedic Appliances 382 • Biomechanical Consideration 383
• Headgear 384 • Protraction Face Mask Therapy 388 • Factors Governing
Variability in Clinical Response 389 • Chin Cup Therapy 390
Functional Appliances  390
• Definition 391 • Classification of Functional Appliances 391 • Advantages of
Functional Appliances 393 • Limitations of Functional Appliances 393 • Action of
Functional Appliances 394 • Visual Treatment Objective 395 • Vestibular Screen
(Oral Screen) 395 • Activator 397 • Management of the Appliance 400 • Wunderer’s
Modification 401 • The Reduced Activator or Cybernator of Schmuth 402
• Pro­pulsor 402 • Karwetzky Modification 402 • Herren’s Modification of the
Activator 402 • Function Regulator (Frankel Appliance) 403 • Bionator 407 • Twin
Block Appliance 408 • Herbst Appliance 409

11. Retention and Relapse 412

Retention 412
• Schools of Retention 412 • Theorems of Retention 412 • Raleigh Williams Six Keys
for Retention 414 • Theories of Retention 414 • Methods of Retention: Retainers 415
Relapse 421 • Failures in Orthodontics 423

12. Surgical Orthodontics 429

Minor Surgical Procedures  429
• Extractions 429 • Surgical Exposure of Impacted Teeth 430 • Frenectomy 431
• Pericision (Circumferential Supracrestal Fibrotomy or CSF Procedure) 431
• Corticotomy 432 • Orthodontic Implants 432
Orthognathic Surgery  433
• Etiology of Dentofacial Deformities 433 • Orthognathic Surgery 434 • Presurgical
Orthodontics 436 • Maxillary 437 • Mandibular Surgeries 440
xviii  Essentials of Orthodontics

Distraction Osteogenesis  442

• Definition 442 • Historical Perspective 442 • Indications 443 • Advantages 443
• Disadvantages 443 • Preoperative Clinical Examination 444 • Growth and Stability
after Distraction 446

13. Multidisciplinary Orthodontics 448

Adult Orthodontics  448
• Reasons for Increase in Adult Patients 448 • Biomechanical Considerations 450
• Diagnosis and Adult Orthodontics 451 • Treatment Aspects in Adult Ortho­-­
dontics 452
Orthodontics in Multispecialty Approach  455
• Multispecialty Ortho­dontic Treatment 455 • Orthodontic-periodontic Inter­
relation­ship 457
Orthodontic Management of TMJ and Occlusal Disorders  462
• Biomechanics 463 • Temporomandibular Joint Pathology 464 • Signs and
Symptoms of TMJ Disorders 465 • Orthopedic Dysfunction 466 • Diagnosis 468
Management 469
Orthodontic Management of Cleft Lip and Palate  472
• Incidence 472 • Embryological Background 473 • Family Counseling 480
Orthodontic Management of Craniofacial Syndromes  480
• Orthodontic Management of Cleidocranial Dysplasia 480 • Orthodontic
Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 482 • Orthodontic and
Temporomandi­b ular Joint Considerations in Treatment of Patients with
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 483
Orthodontic Management of Medically Compromised Patients  484
• Management of Physically Handicapped Child 484 • Management of Orthodontic
Patients with a History of Rheumatic Fever or Congenital Heart Disease 485
• Orthodontic Management of Patients with Bleeding Disorders 486 • Orthodontic
Management of Patients with Hematologic Malignancies 487 • Orthodontic
Management of Patients with Endocrine Disorders 488 • Orthodontic Management
of Patients with Diabetes 489 • Orthodontic Management of Patients with Cystic
Fibrosis 491 • Orthodontic Management of Patients with Juvenile Rheumatoid
Arthritis 491 • Orthodontic Management of Patients with Renal Failure 492
Forensic Orthodontics  493
• Forensic Dentistry 493 • Role of Orthodontist 494 • Dermatoglyphics 495

14. Community Orthodontics 496

Orthodontic Practice  496
• Ideal Orthodontic Services 496 • Typical Orthodontic Practice Organization 496
• Orthodontic Work Environment 499
Contents  xix

Medicolegal Considerations in Orthodontics  504

• Legal Precedents 504

15. Materials Used in Orthodontics 507

Orthodontic Materials  507
• Classification of Orthodontic Appliance Materials 507 • Orthodontic Arch Wire
Materials 509 • Bracket and Attachment Materials 517 • Bonding Materials 518
• TEGDMA 520 • Orthodontic Cements 520 • Sealants and Adhesion Promoters 524
• Conditioning and Crystal Growth Systems 525 • Elastics and Elastomerics 526
• Magnets in Orthodontics 526 • Soldering and Welding 528 • Other Dental
Materials 534
Acrylic Materials  542
• Ideal Requirements for Dental Resin 542 • Acrylic Resins 542
Finishing and Polishing Materials  545
• Commonly used Abrasives 545
Implant Materials in Orthodontics   546
• History 546 • Metals and Alloys 546 • Other Metals and Alloys 547 • Endosteal
and Subperiosteal Implants 548
Orthodontic Instruments  549
• Adam’s Pliers (Universal Pliers) 549 • Arch-forming Pliers (Arch-contouring
Pliers, De la Rossa Pliers) 549 • Band Burnisher (Beaver-tail Burnisher) 549
• Band-contouring Pliers 550 • Band Pusher (Mershon Band Pusher) 550 • Band-
Removing (Debanding) Pliers, Anterior 550 • Band-Removing (Debanding) Pliers,
Posterior 550 • Band Seater (Band Biter) 551 • Bird-beak (No. 139) Pliers 551
• Bracket-positioning Instrument (Bracket-height Gauge, Boone’s Gauge) 551
• Bracket-removing Pliers (Debonding Pliers) 552 • Conversion Instrument 552
Coon Ligature-tying Pliers 552 • Distal-end Cutter 552 • Elastic Separator Pliers
(Sep­arator Pliers) 553 • Facebow-adjusting Pliers 553 • Hard Wire Cutter 553
• Hemostat (Mosquito Pliers) 553 • Howes Utility Pliers 554 • Ligature
Director (Pitchfork Instrument, Tie in Tucker) 554 • Light-wire Pliers 554
• Mathieu-style Ligature-tying Pliers 555 • Parallel-action Pliers with
Cutter (Sargent’s heavy-duty Pliers) 555 • Pin and Ligature Wire Cutter 555
• Serrated Band Plugger (Serrated Amalgam Plugger) 556 • Steiner Ligature-
tying Pliers 556 • Torquing Key 556 • Triple-beaked Pliers (Three Prong Pliers,
Three Jaw Pliers, Clasp-adjusting Pliers) 556 • Turret 557 • Tweed Arch-adjusting
(No. 142) Pliers 557 • Tweed Loop-forming Pliers (Omega Pliers, Optical Pliers) 557
• Weingart Utility Pliers 558

Bibliography 559
Index 561

1 Introduction

INTRODUCTION TO Proffit (1975)

ORTHODONTICS “Orthodontics is the area of dentistry concerned
The term orthodontia was apparently used first with the supervision, guidance and correction
by the Frenchman Le Foulon in 1839. The name of the growing and mature dentofacial
of the specialty Orthodontics comes from two struc­tures, including those conditions that
Greek words “ortho” meaning right or correct require movement of teeth or correction of
“odontos” meaning tooth and “ics” meaning malrelationships and malformations of related
science. structures by the adjustment of relationships
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry between and among teeth and facial bones by
concerned with prevention, interception and the application of forces and/or the stimulation
correction of malocclusion and other develop­ and redirection of the functional forces within
mental abnormalities of the dentofacial region. the craniofacial complex.”

American Association of
DEFINITIONS Orthodontics (1993)
American Association of Orthodontics (AAO)
British Society for Study of renamed the specialty from Orthodontics to
Orthodontics (1922) Orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopedics in
“Orthodontics includes the study of the 1984. They modified the definition of orthod­
gro­w th and development of the jaws and ontics in 1993 as, “The area and specialty of
face particularly, and the body generally, dentistry concerned with the supervision,
as influencing the position of the teeth; the guidance and correction of the growing or
study of action and reaction of internal and mature dentofacial structures, including
external influences on the develop­ment; and those conditions that require movement of
the prevention and correction of arrested and teeth or correction of malrelationships and
perverted development.” malfor­mations of their related structures and
2  Essentials of Orthodontics

the adjustment of relationships between and Interceptive Orthodontics

among teeth and facial bones by the appli­ It is that phase of science and art of orthodontics
cation of forces and/or the stimulation and employed to recognize and eliminate
redirection of fun­ctional forces within the potential irregularities and malpositions in
craniofacial complex. Major responsibilities the developing dentofacial complex.
of orthodontic practice include the diagnosis,
prevention, interception and treatment of Corrective Orthodontics
all forms of malocclusion of the teeth and Corrective orthodontics recognizes the
associated alterations of their surrounding existing malocclusion and the need for
structures; the design, application and control employing certain technical procedures to
of functional and corrective appliances; and reduce or eliminate the problem and the
the guidance of the dentition and its supporting attendant sequelae.
structures to attain and maintain optimal
occlusal relations, physiologic function and Surgical Orthodontics
esthetic harmony of facial structures.” They are the surgical procedures that are
undertaken in conjunction with or as an
adjunct to orthodontic treatment.
Aims of Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontist (Orthodontic Specialist) The aims and objectives of orthodontic
A graduate of an accredited dental school who treatment has been summarized by Jackson
additionally has followed a postgraduate full- as Jackson’s triad, they are:
time academic program in orthodontics, in 1. Functional efficiency: The orthodontic
accordance with the requirements of his/her treatment should aim at improving the
national, state, or provincial law. The duration functions of the stomatognathic system,
of the postgraduate orthodontic training as many malocclusions tend to alter the
varies in different countries or areas of the normal functions.
world. For example, in the USA a two-year 2. Structural balance: Orthodontic therapy
full-time academic training beyond general should maintain a structural balance
dental school is required to obtain the title between hard tissues of teeth and bones to
of ortho­d ontist, whereas in the European that of soft tissues of muscles and tongue.
Union and India the minimum requirement 3. Esthetic harmony: Many malocclusions
is three years. are associated with poor facial appearance
and dental esthetics; hence orthodontic
Branches of Orthodontics treatment should aim at improving the
Orthodontics can be broadly divided into: esthetics of face and teeth.

Preventive Orthodontics Unfavorable Sequelae of Malocclusion

It is the action taken to preserve the integrity of Malocclusion leads to many problems that can
what appears to be normal at a specific time. be listed as:
Introduction   3

1. Unfavorable psychological and social 3. Reduction of susceptibility of dental

squeal. caries
a. Introversion, self-consciousness. 4. Elimination of pathological conditions
b. Response to uncomplimentary nick-­ of the gingival and periodontal tissues
names like Bugs bunny, Buckteeth caused due to malocclusion of teeth
or Bucky beaver. 5. Correction of malposed teeth prior
2. Poor appearance: Interference with to construction of partial denture or
normal growth and development and bridge­work
accomplish-ment of normal pattern 6. Elimination of harmful habits
a. Cross bites causing facial asym­ 7. Prevention and correction of tempo-
metries. romandibular joint abnormalities
3. Improper or abnormal muscle function 8. To correct speech defects
a. Compensatory muscle activities 9. Decompensation before taking up the
such as hyperactive mentalis muscle case for surgical correction
activity, hypoactive upper lip, increase 10. Additional treatment after surgical corr­
buccinator pressures and ton­gue ection of congenital deformities and
thrust that occurs as a result of spatial skeletal malocclusions
relationship of teeth and jaws. 11. As a result of accidental injury, loss of
These activities are unfavorable and teeth or interference with occlusions
serve to increase the departure from may make orthodontic treatment
normal. necessary
4. Associated muscle habits 12. To improve the personality of an
5. Improper deglutition individual.
a. Changed function as a result of
adaptive demands Scope of Orthodontic Treatment
6. Mouth breathing The scopes of orthodontic treatments are:
7. Improper mastication Orthodontic tooth movement: Application
8. Speech defects of forces are responsible for altering the
9. Increased caries incidence tooth positions, dental malocclusions are
10. Predilection to periodontal disease treated effectively by altering the tooth
11. Temporomandibular joint problems: positions. Orthodontics is mainly employed
Functional problems to alter permanently the tooth positions. Tooth
12. Predilection to accidents movement can be undertaken in all three
13. Impacted and unerupted teeth, poss­ible planes, transverse, vertical and sagittal.
follicular cysts, damage to other teeth Dentofacial orthopedic growth modification:
14. Prosthetic rehabilitation compli­c­ations: Malocclusions associated with skeletal dis­
Space problems, teeth tipped and rece­ har­mony can be corrected to normal by appli­
iving abnormal stress. cation of orthopedic forces which are capable
of redirecting, modifying and restraining
Need for Orthodontic Treatment skeletal growth patterns.
Orthodontic treatment is required to: Altering the soft tissue patterns: Favorable
1. Improvement of esthetics changes can be brought about in the soft
2. Restoration of proper function of teeth tissues by orthodontic treatment that are
4  Essentials of Orthodontics

responsible for normal development and Henry A Baker in 1893, introduced what
maintenance of dentition and skeleton. is called Baker’s anchorage or the use of
intermaxillary elastics to treat malocclusion.
Edward H Angle (1855–1930) (Fig. 1.1)
HISTORY OF ORTHODONTICS is considered the Father of Modern Orthod­
Orthodontics is considered as the oldest ontics for his numerous contributions to this
specialty of dentistry. Evidences suggest that specialty. Through his leadership, orthod­
attempts were made to treat malocclusion as ontics was separated from other branches
early as 1000 BC. Primitive appliances to move of dentistry to establish itself as a specialty.
teeth have been found in Greek and Etruscan Angle’s contri­butions include a classification
excavations. of malocclusion and orthodontic appliances
The Greek physician Hippocrates (460–377 such as Pin and tube appliance, E-arch, Ribbon
BC) is believed to be the father of medicine. He arch and Edgewise appliance. Angle also
is the first person to establish medical tradition started a school of Orthodontics in St. Louis,
based on facts rather than religion of rancy. A New London, Conn­ecticut in which many of
number of references on teeth and jaws are the pioneer orthod­ontists were trained. Angle
found in his writings. believed that the whole compliment of teeth
Aristotle (384–322 BC) was a Greek philo­ could be retained and yet good occlusion
sopher who gave medical science the first could be achieved. He thus advocated arch
system of comparative anatomy; he compared expansion for most patients.
human teeth with other species. Calvin S Case (1847–1923) believed that
The first recorded suggestion for active facial improvement was a guide to orthodontic
treatment of malocclusion was by Aulius treatment. Case also claims to be the first
Cornelius Celcus (25 BC–50 AD) who advocated orthodontist to use intermaxillary elastics.
the use of finger pressure to move the teeth. He was a critic of Angle and opposed Angle’s
Pierre Fauchard, a French dentist, is
considered the founder of modern dentistry
and he is known as Father of Dentistry. As early
as 1723, he developed what is probably the first
orthodontic appliance called a Bandelette that
was designed to expand the dental arch.
Norman Kingsley, an American dentist,
was the first to use extraoral force to correct
pro­truding teeth. He is considered as one of
pioneers in cleft palate treatment.
Emerson C Angell (1823–1903) was the
first person to advocate the opening of the mid
palatal suture, a procedure that later came to
be known as rapid maxillary expansion.
William E Magill (1823–1896) was the first
person to band teeth for active tooth move­
ment. Figure 1.1: Edward H Angle
Introduction   5

philosophy of arch expansion to treat most planes of space. This is considered a major
cases. He advocated the removal of certain advancement in improving orthodontic
teeth to achieve stable treatment results and treatment results with minimal possible wire
to improve facial esthetics. bending.
Martin Dewey (1881–1933) was an ardent
champion of nonextraction. Dewey also modi­
fied Angle’s classification of maloc­clusion. ORTHODONTICS IN INDIA
In 1931, Holly Broadbent and Hofarth inde­
pen­dently developed cephalometric radio­ In India, the first dental college, Calcutta
graphy, which standardized the positioning Dental College and Hospital was started in the
of the head in relation to the film and X-ray year 1920 by Dr Rafiuddin Ahmed in his private
source. This can be considered a major chamber. Dr Ahmed, the Father of Dentistry in
advance­ment in orthodontic diagnosis and India is also known as “The Grand Old Man of
treatment planning. Dentistry”. He is credited with the first edition
Buonocore in 1955, introduced the acid of “The Indian Dental Journal” in October
etch technique; this enabled direct bonding of 1925, foundation of the “All India Dental
orthodontic attachments to the enamel which Association” in the year 1927, drafting and
greatly enhanced esthetics. passing of the Bengal Dentist Act in 1939, and
Raymond P Begg of Australia introduced a the passing of the Indian Dentist Act in 1948.
light wire fixed appliance that was based on the Dentistry as a subject was introduced as a
concept of differential force. He also advocated 2 years diploma course to “Licentiate in Dental
the need for extraction of some teeth to achieve Science (LDSc). It was changed to the 3 years
stable results. course in the year 1926 and further modified
While American orthodontists were to the present 4 years BDS course in 1935.
show­ing keen interest in improving fixed
orthodontic appliances, their European
counterparts continued to develop removable EVOLUTION OF ORTHODONTIC
and functional appliances for guidance of APPLIANCES
Pierre Robin in 1902 introduced mono­ 1728 In his work Le Chirurgien Dentiste,
block, which protruded the mandible in cases Pierre Fauchard (Vannes 1678–Paris
of glossoptosis. 1761) laid the foundations of ortho­
Viggo Anderson in 1910, developed the dontic science. Among other things,
activator, which made use of the facial muscul­ he illustrated a number of orthodontic
ature to guide the growth of the jaws. treatises and a rudimental orthodontic
Rolf Frankel in 1969, proposed the function expansion device called a bandelette,
regulator to treat variety of skeletal malo­ the invention of which was without
cclusions. attribution because it had been use
Lawrance F Andrews introduced the for some time. This brace consisted of
Straight Wire Appliance in 1972; this was a a band of silver stabilized with metal
preadjusted appliance in which the brackets or plant—fiber bindings. He also
were pre-programmed to accomplish the descri­bed the surgical straightening of
desired tooth movements in all the three individual teeth.
6  Essentials of Orthodontics

1741 The term orthopedics in reference to the 1836 F Kneisel (1797–1883) published Der
stomatognathic apparatus appe­ared for Schiefstand der Zähne, the first work
the first time in L’ Orthopédie ou l’Art de in German on malocclusions.
Prevenir et de Corriger dans les Enfans 1839 The American Journal of Dental Science,
les Difformités du Corps by Nicolas the first journal devoted entirely to
Andry De Bois Regard (1658–1672). dentistry.
1771 John Hunter (Long Calder wood 1839 A French scholar, Jacoues Lefoulon, coi­
1728–London 1793), an anatomist and ned the term orthodontosie in a series
surgery teacher, devoted three cha­pters of articles on “Orthopedia dentaire”,
of his Natural History of the Human which appeared in the Gazette des
Teeth to malocclusions, even proposing Hopitaux.
a classifi­cation of them. 1840 C Goodyear (1800–1860) discovered
1803 A chin cup for nonorthodontic pur­ that natural rubber hardens when com­
poses was first described by Francois bined with a small amount of sulfur.
Cellier, who used it to prevent postex­ 1840 The initiative of Chapin Harris and
traction hemorrhage. Horace H Hayden (1769–1844), the
1803 Joseph Fox (1776–1816), a student of first school of dentistry, the College of
Hunter, published ‘The Natural History Dental Surgery in Baltimore.
of the Human Teeth—Describing the 1840 CS Brewster (1790–1870), an American
Proper Mode of Treatment to Prevent dentist living in Paris, constructed a
Irregularities of the Teeth’. rubber orthodontic device (Vulcanite
1809 JB Lamarck (1744–1829), a zoologist, plate or Regulierungs platte, according
wrote of the importance of function to Schnizer) equipped with springs,
in the development of organs and the introducing a material different from
species, forerunning Wilhelm Roux’s those used until that time.
theories on functional adaptation. 1841 JS Guinnell described the first ortho­
1819 Michael Faraday prepared the first pedic chin cap appliance.
iron— chromium alloy, a precursor of 1843 Malagan-Antoine Desiderabode (1781–
stainless steel. 1850) published ‘Nouveaux ele­ments
1826 LJ Catalan (1776–1830) utilized the com­plets de la science et al l’art du
principles and method of the inclined dentiste’, in which he intro­duced the
plane. concept of Leeway space and the balance
1826 CF Delabarre, (1777–1862), in his Meth­ of force between lips and tongue.
ode Naturelle de Diriger la Seconde 1848 WE Dwinelle (1819–1896) made an
Dentition, accurately des­cribed tooth orthodontic plate with screws to widen
transition, emphasizing the importance dental arches. The screws used were
of primary teeth. jackscrews.
1829 In his Manual of Human Anatomy, 1859 Lefoulon published a text entirely dev­
JF Meckel (1781–1833) described the o­ted to orthodontics.
cartilage of the first branchial arch. 1860 Englishman CR Coffin first introduced
1834 William Imrie named thumb-sucking the use of piano wire to expand the
as an etiologic role in malocclusions. maxillary arch.
Introduction   7

1864 T Ballard (1836–1878) reaffirmed the the Darwin school, founded the first
etiologic role played by prolonged research institute on development in
sucking (fruitless sucking) in maloc­ Germany. He devoted his life to the
clusions. subject, working out the theory of
1866 Norman Kingsley perfected occipital functional adaptation.
anchorage and extraoral forces. 1890 Walter H Coffin created a vulcanite
1876 AH Thompson (1849–1914) recog­nized orthodontic appliance with a W-shaped
the importance of occlusal forces in spring to expand the maxilla.
den­t oal­v eolar development and in 1895 The fundamental work by Wilhelm
orthod­ontic movement. Roux, devoted to the mechanisms that
1881 Walter Harris Coffin (1853–1916), an regulate development, was published.
English dentist and son of CR Coffin,
perfected the expansion technique 20th Century before and during
introduced years earlier by his father. World War–I
1887 Edward Angle (1855–1930), an American 1901 Edward Angle and a group of his
dentist, inaugurated fixed orthodontics, students founded the Society of
presenting a method based on precise Orthodontics in St Louis.
mechanical principles and introducing 1902 Pierre Robin (Charolles en Bourgogne
the use of gold multiband devices, the 1867–Paris 1950), a French doctor and
‘braces’ that would. He was the author professor of stomatology, described
of the term malocclusion and surely the the construction and properties of the
most important figure in the history of mono­bloc.
orthodontics, making contributions that 1908 Viggo Andresen (Copenhagen 1870–
were decisive for the birth of this new 1950) experimented with a removable
science. He fought to transform ortho­ retention plate following active multi­
dontics into an independent specialty band therapy in his daughter and was
and to have it officially taught. His surprised to obtain further clinical
classification of malocclusion, based on improvements. This device was named
the position of the first molars, remians an activator.
funda­mental even today. 1909 Emil Herbst (1842–1917), a German
1888 John Nutting Farrar (1839–1913), a dentist, designed a fixed appliance for
New York dentist, published the first forced mandibular advancement.
volume of a basic work, Treatise on 1911 In the wake of Sandstedt’s research, A.
the Irregul­arities of the Teeth and Their Oppen­heim discovered the damage
Corr­ection. In his orthodontic work, he done by excessive force and recom­
paid great attention to the physiologic men­d ed the use of light and inter­
and pathologic changes in tissues. His mittent pressure.
teachings also deeply influenced Viggo 1918 Alfred Paul Rogers, a professor at Har­
Andresen, whose writings show how vard Dental School in Boston, published
the activator fully respects the principles an article in which he defined muscles
Farrar established for intermittent forces. as “living orthodontic appli­ances”.
1888 Wilhelm Roux ( Jena 1850 – Halle 1922 Pierre Robin published Eumorphia, a
1924), an anatomist and follower of collection of his writings.
8  Essentials of Orthodontics

1926 Edmondo Muzj (1894–1994) intro­ ducing a metal slide curved on the
duced the teaching of orthodontics at mandibular par to expand the arch.
the University of Bologna. 1950 Wilhelm Balters (1893–1973) began to
1927 Studying craniofacial growth and modify Andresen’s activator together
anthropometry, M Hellman came to with dental technician Fritz Geuer in
the conclusion that malocclusions are order to re-educate orofacial disorders.
caused by growth disturbances. 1952 Hans Muhilemann created the propu­
1929 Studying growth and comparing lsion device similar to the activator but
humans with other mammals, W Todd without metal elements, which would
confirmed Heilman’s conclusions, later be perfected by Rudolph Hotz at
stating that growth leads to a modifi­ the University of Zurich.
cation in the proportions of the various 1953 Hugo Stockfisch created the kinetor,
parts. an interesting modification of the
1933 The Krupp company marketed the first acti­­va­tor equipped with elastic mastica­
stainless steel dental crowns, shortly tion planes.
followed by clasps, wires, and other 1954 H Van Thiel created an activator
materials. devoid of the upper part of the palate,
1934 Gustave Korkhaus invited FM Watry predating Klammt’s work.
to Cologne, where he expounded on 1960 Georg Klammt, a student of Bimler,
Robin’s idea and method. The text of this altered his teacher’s appliance because
conference was published in the journal he felt it to be too fragile and created the
Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie. elastisch-offene activator.
1936 After more than 10 years of close colla­ 1960 Melvin Moss, a professor at Columbia
boration, Viggo Andresen and Karl University, New York, formulated the
Haupl published a book on functional “functional matrix” theory together
jawbone orthopedics, Funktions- with his wife, Letty Salentijn.
Kieferorthopädie. 1960 Rolf Frankel published the first clinical
1938 Arthur Martin Schwarz (1887–Vienna results obtained with the function reg­
1963) published Gebissreinigung mit ul­ator.
Platten, entirely devoted to orthod­ontic 1960 Georg Schmuth created the kyber­
plates. nator, an appliance deriving from the
1939 HG Gerlach experimented with the Bionator with the addition of a classic
first open elastic devices, arousing maxillary vesti­b ular arch and two
the strong opposition of K Haupl, who mandibular vestibular cushions.
criticized the changes made to the 1967 Alexander Petrovic formulated his fun­
activator. da­­­mental theories about the different
1949 Hans Peter Bimler modified Andre­ types of cartilage involved in osteogen­
sen’s activator and created the elastic esis and individuated the peculiarities
occlusal modeler (Elastischer gebiss­ of mandi­bular condyle cartilage, which
former). also res­ponds to local external stimuli,
1949 Edmondo Muzi modified the activator, such as tensing of the lateral pterygoid
eliminating the palatal part and intro­ muscle.
Growth and

2 Development

GENERAL PRINCIPLES “Quantitative aspect of biologic develop­

AND CONCEPTS ment per unit time” (Moyers).
Orthodontic treatment requires a good knowl­ “Change in any morphological parameter
edge of anatomy, growth and development of which is measurable” (Moss).
head, jaws and face. It is almost impossible to Growth is generally a triad of events inclu­d­ing
plan the orthodontic treatment without having self-multiplication, differentiation and organi­
an idea about the growth and development of zation occurring in time as fourth dimen­sion.
an individual. Though growth is generally associated
with an increase in size, yet some conditions
involving regression are also considered to take
DEFINITIONS place during growth (e.g. atrophy of thymus
There is no universally accepted definition of Development
growth. Various clinicians have defined growth Development occurs along with growth and is
in different ways. inseparable from it.
“The self-multiplication of living substance”
(JS Huxley). “Progress Towards Maturity” (Todd)
“An Increase in size” (Todd). “All naturally occurring unidirectional changes
“Increase in size, change in proportion and in the life of an individual from its existence as a
progressive complexity” (Krogman). single cell to its elaboration as a multifunctional
“Entire series of sequential anatomic unit terminating in death” (Moyers).
and physiologic changes taking place from Thus, development encompasses the
the beginning of prenatal life to senility” normal sequential events between fertilization
(Meridith). and death.
10  Essentials of Orthodontics

Maturation normal physical growth and may lead to delay

Stabilization of the adult stage brought about in maturation.
by growth and development.
Differentiation There are six races in world, Caucasian,
Differentiation is the change from a generalized Negroid, Mongoloid, Alpine, Aboriginals, and
cell or tissue to one that is more specialized, Medit­erranean. Each of these racial groups
thus differentiation is a change in quality or shows characteristic growth patterns.
kind. In India the common racial groups are
Dravidian, Indo-aryan, Mongoloid, and turko-
iranian. Although the differences in growth
FACTORS AFFECTING PHYSICAL among different races can be attributed to
GROWTH other nutritional and environmental factors,
there seems to be some evidence that race does
A number of factors affect the rate timing and play a role in growth process. For example in
character of growth, they are: American Blacks, calcification and eruption
of teeth occurs almost a year earlier than their
Hereditary white coun­terparts.
Heredity is one of major factor affects physical
growth. Genes influences the size of parts, rate Socioeconomic Factors
of growth, and onset of growth and timing of Children brought up in affluent and favorable
events. Genetic studies of physical growth conditions show earlier onset of growth events.
make use of twin and family data. Differences They also grow to a larger size than children
between monozygotic and dizygotic twins are living in unfavorable economic conditions.
assumed to be differences due to environment.
Family Size and Birth Order
Nutrition Studies have shown that the first-born babies
Malnutrition during childhood delays growth tend to weigh less at birth and have smaller
and adolescent spurt in growth, catch-up stature but higher IQ. The smaller the family
growth appears when a favorable nutritional size, the better would be the nutrition and
regimen is supplied early enough. Malnutrition other favorable conditions.
affects the timing of growth and texture of
tissues. These effects are reversible to some Secular Trends
extent as when the effects are not very severe Changes in size and maturation in a large
and when proper nutrition is provided. population can be shown to occur with
time. For example, fifteen years old boys are
Illness approximately 5 inches taller than the same
The usual minor childhood illness ordinarily age group 50 years back. Although there is no
may not have a major effect on physical satisfactory explanation offered regarding this
growth. Prolonged and debilitating systemic finding it could possibly be due to changes in
illness however can have a marked effect on socioeconomic conditions and food habits.
Growth and Development   11

Climatic and Seasonal Effects there seems to be a rhythm during the growth
Seasonal variations have been shown to process. This growth rhythm is most clearly
affect adipose tissue content and the weight seen in stature or body height.
of newborn babies. Climatic changes seem to The first wave of growth is seen in both sexes
have little direct effect on rate of growth. from birth to the fifth or sixth year. It is most
intense and rapid during the first two years.
Psychological Disturbances There follows a slower increase terminating
It is seen that children experiencing in boys about the tenth to twelfth year and in
stressful conditions display an inhibition of girls no later than the tenth year. Then both
growth hormone secretion. Psychological sexes enter upon another period of accelerated
disturbances of prolonged duration can hence growth corresponding to adolescence that is
markedly retard growth. completed in girls between the fourteenth and
sixteenth year, but extends in boys through the
Exercise sixteenth or eighteenth year. Following this, a
Although exercises may be essential for a final period of slow growth is seen which ends
healthy body, strenuous and regular exercises between the eighteenth and twentieth years
have not been associated with more favorable in females but goes on in boys until about the
growth. Certain aspects of growth such as twenty fifth year.
development of some motor skills and increase
in muscle mass is found to be influenced by Growth Spurts
exercise. Growth does not take place uniformly at all
times. There seems to be periods where a
sudden acceleration of growth occurs. This
CONCEPTS OF GROWTH sudden increase in growth is termed “Growth
Concept of Normality The physiological alteration in hormonal
Normal refers to that which is usually expected, secretion is believed to be the cause for such
is ordinarily seen or is typical. The concept of accentuated growth. The timing of the growth
normality must not be equated with that of the spurts differ in boys and girls and are sex linked.
ideal. While ideal denotes the central tendency The greatest increments of growth are actually
for the group, normal refers to a range. Another at the 3 years age level. Second peak is from 6–7
aspect of craniofacial growth is that normality years. There is tendency for more boys to have
changes with age. Thus what is normally seen 2 or 3 peaks (Fig. 2.1).
or is expected for one age group may not be The following are the timings of growth
necessarily normal for a different age group. spurts:
Prenatal growth spurts: (Just before birth)
Rhythm of Growth Postnatal growth spurts
According to Hooton “Human growth is not a a. One year after birth.
steady and uniform process wherein all parts b. First peak (Deciduous dentition peak):
of the body enlarge at the same rate and the Boys: 3 years, Girls: 3 years.
increments of one year are equal to that of c. Second peak (Mixed dentition peak): Boys:
the preceding or succeeding year.” However 8–11 years, Girls: 7–9 years.
12  Essentials of Orthodontics

Growth spurt is best time for interceptive

procedures like, functional appliances,
headgear orthopedics, maxillary expansion
and chin cup therapy.
Malocclusion requiring surgical correction
can be undertaken after the growth spurts are

Differential Growth
The human body does not grow at the same
rate throughout life. Different organs grow
at different rates to a different amount and
at different times. This is termed differential
There are two important aspects of differ­
Figure 2.1: Growth spurts
ential growth:

Scammon’s Growth Curve (Fig. 2.2)

The body tissues can be broadly classified into
d. Third peak (Pre-pubertal peak): Boys: four basic types. They are lymphoid tissue,
14–16 years, Girls: 11–13 years. neural tissue, general tissue and genital tissue.
Each of these tissues grows at different times
Clinical Implications of Growth Spurts and rates.
Knowledge of growth spurts is essential for Lymphoid tissue proliferates rapidly in late
successful treatment planning in orthodontics. childhood and reaches almost 200% of adult
This helps us to decide the timing of orthodontic size. This is an adaptation to protect child from
treatment, whether to start the treatment at the infection, as they are more prone to it. By about
time of peak growth or after the active growth
is completed.
These are obvious for orthopedic correction
of maxillomandibular relationships. Very few
girls seem to show the mixed dentition growth
spurt, all show the pubertal spurt. Pubertal
increments still offer the best time for a large
number of cases, as far as predictability, growth
direction, patient management and total
treatment time are concerned.
Malocclusions of dental arches can be
treated taking advantage of growth spurts
during the active growth period.
Arch expansion and rapid palatal expansion
can be undertaken during maximum growth. Figure 2.2: Scammon’s growth curve
Growth and Development   13

18 years of age lymphoid tissue undergoes The head takes up about 50% of the
involution to reach adult size. total body length around the third month of
Neural tissue grows very rapidly and almost intrauterine life. At the time of birth, the trunk
reaches adult size by 6–7 years of age. Very little and the limbs have grown more than the head
growth of neural tissue occurs after 6–7 years. thereby reducing the head to about 30% of
This facilitates intake of further knowledge. body length. The overall pattern of growth
General tissue or visceral tissue consists of continues with a progressive reduction in the
the muscles, bones and other organs. These relative size of the head to about 12% in adult.
tissues exhibit an ‘S’ shaped curve with rapid The lower limbs are rudimentary around
growth up to 2–3 years of age followed by a the 2nd month of intrauterine life. They later
slow phase of growth between 3–10 years. After grow and represent almost 50% of the body
the tenth year, a rapid phase of growth occurs length at adulthood.
terminating by the 18–20th year. This increased gradient of growth is evident
Genital tissue consists of reproductive even within the head and face (Fig. 2.4). At the
organs. They show negligible growth until time of birth, the cranium is proportionally
puberty; however they grow rapidly at puberty larger than the face. Postnatally the face grows
reaching adult size after which growth ceases. more than the cranium. The growth of maxilla,
which is close to cranium, is completed first
Cephalocaudal Gradient Growth (Fig. 2.3) when compared to mandible.
Cephalocaudal gradient of growth simply
means that there is an axis of increased Growth in Height
growth extending from head towards the When a chart showing height for age is
feet. A comparison of the body proportions constructed from date taken from a large
between prenatal and postnatal life reveals that number of children variations in height can
postnatal growth of regions of the body that are be found out. When increments of growth
away from the hypophysis is more. are plotted on a chart to form a velocity
This concept may be illustrated by curve the rate of growth is seen to decrease
following. from birth to adolescence at which time a
marked spurt in height growth is seen in both
sexes at puberty. This is known as adolescent

Figure 2.3: Cephalocaudal gradient growth Figure 2.4: Cephalocaudal gradient in head
14  Essentials of Orthodontics

spurt, the prepubertal acceleration, or the 3. Genetically tall: These children are taller
circumpubertal acceleration. The earlier onset than average children and will be tall as
of the spurt in females is seen, at about 10.5–11 adults.
yrs in girls, and 12.5–13 yrs in boys. The spurt 4. Late maturing: These children are shorter
lasts about 2–2½ yrs in both sexes. During than average in childhood because of their
growth spurt boys grow about 8 inches in late maturing and will eventually be adults
height, whereas girls grow about 6 inches. of average stature.
In girls, menarche always follows the peak 5. Genetically short: These children are short
velocity of the adolescent spurt in height. as children and will be short adults.
The conclusion of the spurt is followed by 6. The sixth group of children is made up
rapid slowing of growth, girls reaching 98% of the children who start puberty either
of their final height by 16½ years and boys early or late and subsequently, have either
reach the same stage at 17¾ years. One reason much less or much more growth in height
the females are shorter on average than than expected. Those children who enter
males is that they grow for a shorter period puberty early finish growing much earlier
of time than males during postnatal growth than those entering puberty at a late age.
(Fig. 2.5).
Growth in Weight
Six Types of Height Growth in Children In comparison to height, there is much more
1. Average growers: They follow the middle variation in weight measurements. With
range of the distance curve and comprise height, only three components are measured:
about 2/3 rds of all children. the bones, cartilage, and skin. However, with
2. Early maturing: These children are taller weight, every tissue in the body is involved.
in childhood because they have matured Weight at birth is more variable than length.
faster than average. They are usually both At birth, full-term females are on the average
particularly tall as adults. about 5 oz. lighter than full-term males. Small
mothers have small babies. Later children in
a family are usually heavier than the first born
children. Weight gain is rapid during the first
2 years of postnatal growth. This is followed by
a period of steady increase until the adole­scent
spurt. At ages 11–13 years of age girls are, on
aver­age, heavier than boys. Following their
ado­lescent spurt, boys become heavier. The
velocity of weight growth decreases from birth
to about 2 years of age after which it slowly
acce­lerates until the onset of the adolescent
spurt. During the spurt boys may add 45
pounds and girls 35 pounds to their weight. The
average age for the adolescent weight spurt is
of less magnitude in girls compared with boys.
Figure 2.5: Height chart The peak velocity for weight spurt lage behind
Growth and Development   15

the peak velocity for height on an average of 3 Somatotypic Age

months. The adolescent first becomes taller In overall assessment of child, a general body
and then begins to fill out in weight. Similarly, type which is also called as somatotype is
body does not reach its adult value until after considered. Sheldon divides somatotype into
adult height has been attained. three categories; ectomorph, mesomorph and
Indices of Maturity The ectomorph (high development of
Several methods are used to assess the level ectodermal derivatives) is tall and lean with
of mat­urity attained by child during postnatal digestive structures are not well-developed. The
gro­w th. Children of the same age vary in endomorph (high development of endodermal
their maturity status a great deal, therefore, derivatives) is stocky, has abundant subcut­
several bio­lo­gic maturity indicators have been aneous fat and has digestive viscera that are
developed to assess the prognosis toward highly developed; somatic structures are relati­
full maturation of an individual at various vely underdeveloped. The mesomorph (high
times during growth. The dental age maturity development of mesodermal derivatives) is
indicator based on eru­p tion age because upright, sturdy and athletic, his extremities are
it is useful throughout the deve­lop­ment of long and slender with minimal subcutaneous
the teeth, not just during the narrow period fat and muscle tissue.
covered by eruption. In general, the ectomorph is a late maturer,
Maturity indicators differ for sexes, females whereas an endomorph is an early maturer
maturing earlier than males throughout in terms of chronologic age. Although
postnatal growth. somatotype may give a gestalt about the child’s
develop-mental pattern, it is not an accurate
Biologic Maturity Indicators predictor.
Morphologic Age
It is based on height. A child’s height can be Height and Weight Age
compared with those of his same age group Height has been considered as convenient
and other age groups to determine where determinant of developmental age. The
he stands in relation to others. Height or standard growth commonly employed to
morphologic age is useful as maturity indicator characterize a child’s height compared to that
from late infancy to early adulthood. of children of some chronological age is used
to assess developmental age. It is generally
Chronologic Age seen that after age 2 each child tends to follow
The most commonly and easily determined the same percentile on the growth curve
dev­e lop­m ental age parameter is the until the puberty, when deviation may occur
chronological age, which is simply figured because of timing of the spurt differs among
from the child’s date of birth. Since child has adolescents. Since each child’s height is related
his own characteristics growth time clock, to genetic and environ­mental factors as well
there is early, middle and late maturation as to chronologic age, it is clear that a single
chronological age, neither accurate indicators height measurement is limited as a predictor
of stage of development, not is a good predictor of developmental age. Not all the children have
of growth potential. same height at the same percentile.
16  Essentials of Orthodontics

Dental Age the developmental age assessment, the

Dental age is based on two different methods of most commonly used method of analysis
assessment. The most commonly used method between the normal versus abnormal facial
is the observation of age at eruption of the development is cephalometric analysis. Other
primary and permanent teeth. This might be measurements for assessing craniofacial
called tooth eruption age. The second method developments are, head circumference, eye
involves rating of tooth development from measurements, ear length and philtrum
crown calcification to root completion using lengths, and widths of the commissures.
X-rays of the unerupted and developing teeth.
Dental age maturity indicators are useful from Growth Assessment
birth to early adolescence. Growth assessment is done to identify
grossly abnormal or even pathologic growth,
Sexual Age recognition and diagnosis of significant
Sexual age refers to development of secondary deviations from normal growth. Planning
sex characters, breast development, and orthodontic or orthopedic treatment and to
menarche in females; penis and testis determine the efficiency of the treatment.
growth in males; and axillary and pubic Growth assessment can be done by:
hair development in both sexes. This type of I. Methods based on measuring animals:
indicator is useful only for adolescent growth. 1. Produces no interference with the
animals, e.g. Craniometry.
Skeletal Age 2. Growth is manipulated—may be
Skeletal age is determined by assessing destructive, e.g. Subhumans are
the development of bones in the hand and used like guinea pigs.
wrist. The development of bones from the II. Direct measurements:
appearances of calcification centers to 1. Measurements done directly on the
epiphyseal plate closure occurs in the hand subjects.
and wrist throughout the entire postnatal III. Indirect measurements:
growth period and therefore provides a 1. Measurements made on negative
useful means for assessing biologic maturity. replicas of the original material, e.g.
A total of 51 separate centers of bone growth X-rays.
are located in the hand and wrist. An atlas of IV. Three-dimensional facial measure­
hand wrist development has been developed, ments:
which is useful in rating the maturity status of 1. Stereophotogrammetry
an individual child. 2. Sassouni’s physioprints
3. Rabey’s morphanalysis
4. Holography
Facial Age 5. Moire topography
The ultimate goal of developmental growth 6. Contour photography.
assessment of children is the facial age in
order to identfy where they are on their Growth Predictions
own facial growth curve and use this as a Growth prediction involves an understanding
predictor of future growth. In addition to of normal growth process. On this possible
Growth and Development   17

effects of orthodontic or orthopedic therapy Opinion

must be superimposed. The starting point Opinion is the crudest means of studying
for growth prediction must be an estimation growth. Opinion is a clever guess of an
of growth changes that might occur without experienced person. This method of studying
orthodontic intervention. The dimensions of growth is not very scientific and should be
growth in which we are interested in predicting avoided when better methods are available.
the growth of craniofacial complex are the
following. Observations
The size of a part, relationship of parts, Another method of gathering growth related
timing of growth events, velocity of growth, information is by observation. They are useful
vectors of growth, effects of orthodontic in studying all or none phenomena such as
therapy on any one of the above parameters, presence or absence of Class II molar relation,
rate of growth and amount of growth. etc.
Growth predictions are usually guess work
based on the available data and individual Ratings and Rankings
growth based on genetic pattern. Actual Whenever quantification of a particular data
growth may or may not coincide with the actual is difficult, it is possible to adopt a method of
prediction of growth. rating and ranking.
Various methods of growth prediction Rating makes use of standard conventionally
are: accepted scales for classification. Ranking
• Allometry involves the arrangement of data in an orderly
• Cephalometrics sequence based on the value.
• Implants
• Facial and other bodily dimensions Quantitative Measurements
• Hand wrist X-rays A scientific approach to study growth is one
• Statistical methods that is based on accurate measurements. The
• Time series method measurements made can be of three types.
• Computers Direct data:  Direct data are obtained from
• Growth curves measurements that are taken on living persons
• Mathematical models or cadavers by means of scales measurement
• Genetic and familial studies tapes or calipers.
• Cervical vertebra and growth assessment Indirect data:  The growth measurements can
• Growth grids also be had from images or reproduction of
• Templates the person such as photographs, radiographs
• Visual perception or dental casts.
• Visual treatment objective (VTO). Derived data:  They are data that are derived
after comparing two measurements. These
two sets of measurements can be of different
TYPES OF GROWTH DATA time frames or of two different samples, e.g.
Mandible grew 2 mm between 7–8 years; here
The physical growth and development can be we measure mandibular length at 7 years and
studied by a number of ways. 8 years to derive the value.
18  Essentials of Orthodontics

METHODS OF GATHERING Cross-sectional Studies

GROWTH DATA A different individual or a different sample is
studied at different periods.
The various growth studies can broadly gro­ Thus one can measure a group of 6-year-
uped as: old boys and on the same day, at the same
place, measure a group of 9-year-old boys.
Longitudinal Studies Changes between 6–9 years of age in boys at
Longitudinal study is a type of study where that place are thus assumed after study of the
measurements made of the same person of data obtained.
group at regular intervals through time. Thus
longitudinal studies are long-term studies Advantages
where the same sample is studied by means These studies are of short duration and faster.
of follow up examination. They are less expensive than longitudinal
studies as they are completed in a shorter span
Advantages of time.
Variability in development among individuals It is possible to get a large sample, as the
within the group and developmental pattern duration of study is short.
can be studied and compared. It is possible to repeat the study in case
The specific pattern of an individual as of any flaw. This may not be possible with
he develops can be studied, permitting serial longitudinal study.
comparison with himself. This method is used for cadavers, skeletons
Variations in sampling are smoothed out and archeological data.
with time and any unusual event or a mistake
in measuring at a given time is seen move easily Disadvantages
and corrections are made at the same time. It must always be assumed that the groups
being measured and compared are similar.
Disadvantages Cross sectional group averages tend
Time:  If one wishes to study the growth of to obscure individual variations. This is
human face from birth to adult by means of particularly obfuscating when studying the
longitudinal data it will take him a lifetime to timing of developmental events, for example
gather the data. the onset of pubescence or the adolescent
Expense:  Longitudinal studies necessitate growth spurt.
the maintenance of laboratories, research
personnel and data storage for a long time and Semi-longitudinal Studies
thus are costly. (Overlapping Studies)
Attrition:  The parents of children in long­ It is possible to combine the cross-sectional
itudinal studies change their place, some and longitudinal methods so as to derive the
loose interest as a result; sample size gradually advantages of both the systems of gathering
reduces often reaches 50% in 15 years. growth data.
Growth and Development   19

In this way one may compress 15 years study the manner in which bone is laid down,
of study into 3 years of gathering data, each the site of growth, the direction, duration
subsample including children studied for the and amount of growth at different sites in
same number of years, but started at different bone. Dyes used are Alizarin red S (Alizarin S
ages. sulphonate), Acid alizarin blue, Trypan blue,
Tetracycline and Lead acetate. The nature of
the combination alizarin with bone is said
METHODS OF STUDYING GROWTH to be a chelation with divalent cation on the
surface of the crystal. Antibiotic tetracycline
Proffit lists two main methods of approaches is also vital bone marker.
to studying physical growth and development,
they are: Radioisotopes
Measurement approaches: They comprise of Radioisotopes of certain elements compounds
measurement techniques that are carried out when injected into tissue get incorporated
on living individuals. These methods do not in the developing bone and act as in vivo
harm the animal. markers. These radioisotopes can later be
Experimental approaches: These are destructive detected by tracking down the radioactivity
techniques where the animal that is studied is they emit by means of Geiger counter or
sacrificed. They are not usually carried out in by the use of autoradiographic techniques.
humans. They are: The radioisotopes used include: Technitium
33, Calcium 45, Potassium 32, and labeled
Biometric Tests components of proteins such as Tritiated
They are tests in which physical characteristics proline.
such as weight; height, skeletal maturation and
ossification are measured and compared with Implants
standards based upon the examination of large Bjork in 1969 first devised this method of
groups of healthy subjects. implanting tiny bits of biologically inert alloys
like tantalum into growing bones of animals
Vital Staining or human beings. These serve as reference
Belchier, in 1736 reported that bones of markers during serial radiographic analysis.
animals that had eaten madder plants were The metallic implants used for studying growth
stained red. In 1739 Duhamel fed madder are usually very small, around 1.5 mm in length
to animals and then with held it for a period and 0.5 mm in diameter.
prior to sacrifice, as a result bone contained The areas where the implants are placed in
a band of red stain followed by a unstained maxilla to study the growth are, hard palate,
band. Subsequently the dye in the madder below the anterior nasal spine, in zygomatic
plant, alizarin was identified and used for process, border between hard palate and
bone research. alveolar process medial to first molar. In
This technique involves administration of mandible they are placed in anterior aspect of
certain dyes to the experimental animal that symphysis, mandibular body, and or ramus in
get incorporated in the bones. It is possible to level with occlusal plane.
20  Essentials of Orthodontics

Natural Markers Genetic Studies

The persistence of certain developmental Genetic methods currently being used are
features of bone has led to their use as natural to study of parent-child relationship, sibling
markers. By means of serial radiography, similarities and twin studies.
trabaculae, nutrient canals and lines of
arrested growth can be used for reference to
study deposition, resorption and remodeling. MECHANISM OF BONE GROWTH

Comparative Anatomy Bone is a specialized tissue of mesodermal

Certain basic principles of growth that are origin. It forms the structural framework of the
universal to all species can first be studies on body. Bone is a calcified tissue that supports
laboratory animals, and later can be compared the body and gives areas of attachment to
with human growth. musculature. Body has 206 bones of which 22
are in the skull; of which 14 bones are facial
Radiographic Techniques bones and 8 are skull bones, but at birth skull
After Roentgen discovered X-rays different has 45 bones. Bone contains between 32–36%
radiographic techniques to study growth of organic matters.
and development were devised. The most Skull bones are:
commonly used techniques are: Cranial base bones:  Frontal, ethmoid,
Cephalometry:  It is a standardized radio­ sphenoid and occipital.
graphic technique of the craniofacial region. Cranial vault bones (Paired):  Parietal-2 and
Serial cephalograms of the same patient over temporal-2.
a period of time gives the direction, amount of Facial bones are:
growth. Cephalometry makes possible to study Paired bones:  Maxilla, nasal, lacrimal,
growth and valuable in orthodontic diagnosis, zygomatic, inferior nasal concha and palatine
planning and evaluation of treatment results bone.
for growth prediction. Unpaired bones:  Vomer and mandible.
Hand wrist X-rays:  Radiographs of hand
wrist region are used to study the biological
or skeletal age of a person. The hand wrist OSTEOGENESIS (MECHANISM OF
region has a definite schedule of appearance BONE FORMATION)
and ossification.
Microradiography:  A beam of X-rays at The process of bone formation is called osteo­
the microscope level is passed through an genesis. Bone formation takes place in two
undecalcified thin section of bone or tooth ways:
that has been placed over a sensitive emulsion.
The differential passage of the rays through Endochondral Bone Formation
the different areas of the tissue section is (Flow chart 2.1)
recorded on the film as varying blacks, grays In this type of osteogenesis the bone formation
and whites. is preceded by formation of a cartilaginous
Growth and Development   21

Flow chart 2.1: Endochondral bone formation Flow chart 2.2: Intramembranous bone formation

model, which is subsequently replaced by bone. Now another layer of osteoid is secreted
bone. Endochondral bone formation occurs and this goes on and on. Thus the calcified
as follows: matrix of cartilage acts as a support for bone
Mesenchymal cells condensed at the site formation.
of bone formation, some mesenchymal cells It is found in the bones associated with
differentiate into chondroblasts and lay down movable joints and some parts of cranial base.
hyaline cartilage, the cartilage is surrounded
by a membrane called perichondrium. This is Intramembranous Bone Formation
highly vascular and contains osteogenic cells. (Membranous Bone Formation)
The intercellular substance surrounding the (Flow chart 2.2)
cartilage cells becomes calcified due to the In this type of ossification, the formation
influence of enzyme alkaline phosphatase of bone is not preceded by formation of a
secreted by the cartilage cells. Thus the nutri­ cartilaginous model. Instead bone is laid
tion to the cartilage cells is cut off leading down directly in a fibrous membrane. The
to their death. These results in formation of intramembranous bone is formed in the
empty spaces called primary areolae. The following manner:
blood vessels and osteogenic cells from the At the site of bone formation mesenchymal
perichondrium invade the calcified cartilagi­ cells become aggregated, some mesenchymal
nous matrix, which now reduced to bars cells lay down bundles of collagen fibers. Some
or walls due to eating away of the calcified mesenchymal cells enlarge and acquire a
matrix. This leaves large empty spaces between basophilic cytoplasm and form osteoblasts.
the walls called secondary areolae. The These osteoblasts secrete a gelatinous matrix
osteogenic cells from the perichondrium called osteoid around the collagen fibers. They
become osteoblasts and arrange themselves deposit calcium salts into the osteoid leading to
along the surface of these bars of calcified conversion of osteoid into bone lamella. Now
matrix. The osteoblasts lay down osteoid that the osteoblasts move away from the lamella
later becomes calcified to form lamella of and a new layer of osteoid is secreted which also
22  Essentials of Orthodontics

gets calcified. Some of the osteoblasts get bone remains constant. If in case more bone is
entrapped between two lamellae they are deposited on one side and less bone resorbed
called osteocytes. on the opposite side then the thickness of
Bone growth in intramembranous is only the bone increases. Drift occurs in all areas
appositional, bone grows in the direction of of growing bones, and produces generalized
least resistance and soft tissue dominates bone enlargement as well as relocation of parts.
Mechanism of bone growth can be cate­ Displacement
gori­zed into: It is the movement of the whole bone as a
unit. It is as a result of the pull or push by
Bone Deposition and Resorption different bones and their soft tissues away from
(Bone Remodeling) one another as they all continue to enlarge.
Bone changes in shape and size by two basic Displacement can be primary or secondary.
mechanisms, bone deposition and bone Primary displacement:  If a bone gets disp­
resorption. The process of bone deposition and laced as a result of its own growth, it is called
resorption together is called bone remodeling. primary displacement. For example growth
Changes that are produced due to deposition of maxilla at the tuberosity region results in
and resorption are, change in size, change pushing of the maxilla against the cranial base
in shape, change in proportion, change in that results in the displacement of the maxilla
dimensions, change in relationship of the bone in a forward and downward directions.
with adjacent structures. Secondary displacement:  If the bone gets
displaced as a result of growth and enlargement
Growth Movements of adjacent bones, it is called secondary
Two basic movements involved during growth displacement. For example, the growth of the
are growth drift and displacement. cranial base causes the forward and downward
displacement of the maxilla.
Drift (Cortical Drift) (Fig. 2.6) Overall process of craniofacial enlargement
Direct deposition and resorption of bone tissue is a composite of drift and displacement.
and characteristic combinations of deposition
and resorption occurring in the different Directions of Growth
bones of the skull result in growth movements Surfaces oriented towards the actual direction
towards depository surface is termed drift. If of growth undergo new bone deposition,
bone deposition and resorption on either side whereas surfaces directed away from the
of a bone are equal, then the thickness of the course of growth generally are resorptive.
For example, posterior border of ramus
is depository and anterior border of ramus is

Soft Tissues Associated with Growth

The soft tissue matrix of bone is directly
respon­sible for many of the growth changes
Figure 2.6: Drift that occur in the bone itself.
Growth and Development   23

Growth Fields of the mandible. This theory also acknowledges

The areas capable of producing an alteration the genetic influence of growth.
in the growth of the particular bone are called A number of points were raised against this
growth fields. They are mosaic like patterns theory. The following are some of them:
of soft tissues, cartilage or osteogenetic When an area of the suture is transplanted
membrane. to another location, the tissue does not
continue to grow. This clearly indicates a lack
Growth Sites of innate growth potential of the sutures.
Growth sites are growth fields that have Growth takes place in untreated cases of
a special significance in the growth of a cleft palate even in the absence of sutures.
particular bone, e.g. maxillary tuberosity. Microcephaly and hydrocephaly raised
doubts about the intrinsic genetic stimulus of
Growth Centers sutures.
Growth centers are special growth sites,
which control the overall growth of bone, e.g. Cartilaginous Theory (James Scott)
epiphyseal plates of long bones. (Fig. 2.8)
This theory was put forward by James Scott.
According to him intrinsic growth controlling
THEORIES OF GROWTH factors are present in cartilage and periosteum
with sutures being only secondary. He viewed
the cartilaginous sites throughout the skull as
Genetic Theory primary centers of growth.
This theory simply states that all growth and Growth of the maxilla is attributed to the
development is controlled by genetic influence nasal septal cartilage. According to Scott, the
and is preplanned. This is one of the earliest nasal septal cartilage is the pacemaker for
theories put forward. growth of the entire nasomaxillary complex.
The mandible is considered as the diaphysis of
Sutural Theory (Sicher) (Fig. 2.7) a long bone, bent into a horseshoe shape with
Sicher believed that craniofacial growth occurs symphysis removed so that there is cartilage
at the sutures. According to him paired parallel
sutures that attach facial areas to the skull and
the cranial base region push the nasomaxillary
complex forwards to pace its growth with that

Figure 2.7: Sutural theory of growth Figure 2.8: Cartilaginous theory

24  Essentials of Orthodontics

constituting half an epiphyseal plate at the The functional matrix hypothesis claims
ends that are represented by the condyles. that the origin, form, position growth and
Points in favor of this theory include: maintenance of all skeletal tissues and organs
In many bones, cartilage growth occurs, are always secondary, compensatory and
while bone merely replaces it. necessary responses to chronologically and
If a part of an epiphyseal plate is transpl­ morphologically prior events or processes that
anted to a different location, it will continue occur in specifically related nonskeletal tissues,
to grow in the new location. This indicates the organs or functioning spaces.
innate growth potential of the cartilage. A number of relatively independent
Nasal septal cartilage also shows innate functional are carried out in the craniofacial
growth potential on being transplanted to region of the human body. Some of the
another site. functions carried out include respiration,
Experiments on rabbits involving removal olfaction, vision, hearing, balance, chewing,
of the nasal septal cartilage demonstrated digestion, swall­owing, speech and neural
retarded midface development. integration.
In cleft palate where midface is deficient Each of these functions is carried out by a
growth is taking place. functional cranial component. Each functional
cranial component consists of all of the tissues,
Functional Matrix Theory organs, spaces and skeletal parts necessary
(Melvin Moss) (Fig. 2.9) to carry out a given function. The functional
The functional matrix concept of Melvin cranial component is divided into:
Moss revitalized the studies on growth and
development at a time when the sutural Functional Matrix and Skeletal Units
growth theory of Sicher and cartilaginous All the tissues, organs and functioning spaces
growth theory of Scott were severely criticized taken as a whole comprise the functional
for their inadequacy. Moss introduced the matrix, while the skeletal tissues related to
doctrine of functional matrix complimentary this specific functional matrix comprise the
to the original concept of functional cranial skeletal unit. All skeletal tissues originate,
components by Van der Klaaw, the functional grow and function completely embedded in
matrix concept attempts to comprehend the their several matrices. Thus change in size,
relationship between form and function. shape and spatial position of all skeletal units
including their very maintenance is due to the
operational activity of their related functional
The skeletal unit:  All skeletal tissues asso­
ci­a ted with a single function are called
‘the skeletal unit’; the skeletal unit may be
comprised of bone, cartilage and tendinous
tissue. When a bone is comprised of several
contiguous skeletal units, they are termed
‘microskeletal units’. The maxilla and
mandible are comprised of a number of such
Figure 2.9: Functional matrix theory microskeletal units. For example, the mandible
Growth and Development   25

has within it alveolar, angular, condylar, gonial, of these capsules is an envelop which contains
mental, coronoid, and basal microskeletal a series of functional cranial components
units. In case of maxilla it is made up of orbital, (skeletal units and related functional matrices)
pneumatic, palatal and basal microskeletal which as a whole are sandwiched in between
units. When adjoining portions of a number two covering layers. In the neurocranial
of neighboring bones are united to function capsule, the covers consist of the skin and dura
as a single cranial component, we term this mater where as in the orofacial capsule the skin
a ‘macroskeletal unit’. The entire endocranial and mucosa form the covering.
surface of the calvarium is an example of a The neurocranial capsule surrounds and
macro­s­­keletal unit. protects the neurocranial capsular functional
The functional matrix:  The functional matrix matrix that is the brain, leptomeninges,
consists of muscles, glands, nerves, vessels, and Cerebrospinal fluid. The neurocranial
fat, teeth and the functioning spaces. The capsule is made up of skin, connective tis­
functional matrix is divided into periosteal sue, aponeurotic layer, loose connective
matrix and capsular matrix. tissue layer, periosteum, and base of the
Periosteal matrices act directly and actively skull and the two layers of dura mater. The
upon their related skeletal units. Alterations orofacial capsule surrounds and protects the
in their functional demands produce a seco­ oronasopharyngeal spaces, which constitute
ndary compensatory transformation of the the orofacial capsular matrix. The growth of
size and or shape of their skeletal units. Such the facial skull is influenced by the volume and
transformations are brought about by the patency of these spaces.
interrelated processes of bone deposition
and resorption. The periosteal matrices van Limbourgh’s Theory
include the muscles, blood vessels, nerves, A multifactorial theory was put forward
glands, etc. These tissues act directly on their by van Limbourgh in 1970. According to
related skeletal units thereby bringing about him the three popular theories of growth
a transformation in their size and shape. This were not satisfactory, yet each contains
transformation due to the action of periosteal elements of significance that cannot be
matrices is brought about by bone deposition denied. van Limbourgh explains the process
and resorption. of growth and development in a view that
Capsular matrices act indirectly and passi­ combines all the three existing theories. He
vely on their related skeletal units producing a supports the functional matrix theory of Moss,
secondary compensatory translation in space. acknowledges some aspects of Sicher’s theory
These alterations in spatial position of skeletal and at the same time does not rule out genetic
units are brought about by the expansion of the involvement. van Limbourgh listed five factors
orofacial capsule within which the facial bones that he believed controls growth.
arise, grow and are maintained. The facial Intrinsic genetic factors: They are the genetic
skeletal units are passively and secondarily control of the skeletal units themselves.
moved in space as their enveloping capsule is Local epigenetic factors:  Bone growth is
expanded. The kind of translative growth is not determined by genetic control originating from
brought about by deposition and resorption. adjacent structures like brain, eyes, etc.
The neurocranial capsule and the orofacial General epigenetic factors:  They are genetic
capsule are examples of capsular matrices. Each factors determining growth from distant
26  Essentials of Orthodontics

structures, e.g. Sex hormone, growth hormone,

Local environmental factors:  They are non­­
genetic factors from local external environment,
e.g. Habits, muscle force, etc.
General environmental factors:  They are gen­
eral nongenetic influences such as nutrition,
oxygen, etc.
The views expressed by van Limbourgh can
be summarized as following:
Chondrocranial growth is controlled
mainly by the intrinsic genetic factors.
Desmochondral growth is controlled by
any few intrinsic genetic factors.
The cartilaginous parts of the skull must be
considered as growth centers.
Sutural growth is controlled mainly by
influences originating from the skull cartilages
and from other adjacent skull structures. Figure 2.10: ‘V’ principle of growth

Periosteal growth largely depends upon

growth of adjacent structures.
Sutural and periosteal growths are add­
iti­o nally governed by local nongenetic
environmental influence.

Enlow and Bang’s Expanding ‘V’

Principle (Fig. 2.10)
Many facial bones or parts of bone have a
‘V’ shaped pattern of growth. The growth
movements and enlargement of these bones
occur towards the wide ends of the ‘V’ as a
result of differential deposition and selective
resorption of bone. Bone deposition occurs
on the inner side of the wide end of the
‘V’ and bone resorption on the outer surface
(Fig. 2.11).
Deposition also takes place at the ends
Figure 2.11: ‘V’ principles—deposition and resorption
of the two arms of the ‘V’ resulting in growth
movement towards the ends.
The ‘V’ pattern of the growth occurs in Neurotrophic Process in Orofacial
a number of regions such as the base of the Growth (Neurotrophism)
mandible, ends of long bones, mandibular Neurotrophism is a nonimpulse transmitting
body, palate, etc. neural function that involves axoplasmic
Growth and Development   27

transport and provides for long-term inter­ structural and geometric counterparts in the
action between neurons and innervated face and cranium.
tissues that homeostatically regulates the There are regional relationships throughout
mor­phological, compositional and functional the whole face and cranium. If each regional
integrity of those tissues. The nature of neuro­ part and its particular counterpart enlarge to
trophic substances and the process of their the same extent, balanced growth occurs.
introduction into the target tissue are unknown Imbalances in the regional relationships
at present. are produced by differences in, amounts of
The different types of neurotrophic mech­ growth between the counterparts, directions
anisms are: of growth between the counterparts, and time
Neuroepithelial trophism:  Epithelial mitosis of growth between the counterparts.
and synthesis are neurotrophically controlled. The different parts and their counterparts
The normal epithelial growth is controlled by are:
release of certain neurotrophic substances Nasomaxillary complex relates to the
by the nerve synapses. If this neurotrophic anterior cranial fossa.
process is lacking or is deficient, abnormal Horizontal dimension of the pharyngeal
epithelial growth, orofacial hypoplasia and space relates to the middle cranial fossa.
malformations, etc. occur. For example, the Middle cranial fossa and breadth of ramus
presence of taste buds is dependent upon are counterparts.
an intact innervation. The nerves are not Bony maxilla and corpus of mandible are
only important for the sensation of taste mutual counterparts.
but they also have a neurotrophic effect in Maxillary tuberosity and lingual tuberosity
sustaining healthy growth of the taste buds are counterparts.
and nearby epithelial tissue. If the taste buds
are deinnervated, they become atrophic and Petrovic’s Servosystem Theory
so also the nearby epithelial cells. (Flow chart 2.3)
Neuromuscular trophism:  Embryonic myog­ Through the language of cybernetics, inter­
enesis is independent of neural innervation action of a series of causal change and
and trophic control. Approximately at the feedback mechanics which determines the
myoblast stage of differentiation, neural inner­ growth of the various craniofacial regions, were
vation is established without which further
myogenesis usually cannot continue. Flow chart 2.3: Components of servosystem

Neurovisceral trophism: The salivary glands,

fat tissue and other organs are trophically
regulated, at least in part.

Hunter-Enlow Growth Equivalents

Concept (Enlow’s Counterpart
The counterpart principle of craniofacial
growth states that, the growth of any given
facial or cranial part relates specifically to other
28  Essentials of Orthodontics

explained. Control of primary cartilages takes PERIOD OF EMBRYO

a cybernetic form of command, whereas the
secondary cartilage (e.g. Mandibular condyle) This period extends from the fourteenth day
has a direct effect of cell multiplication and to the fifty-sixth day (second to eighth week)
indirect effects. No genetically predetermined of the intrauterine life. During this period the
length of the mandible was observed. Direction major part of the development of the facial and
and magnitude of growth are quantitative the cranial region occurs.
responses to the lengthening of the maxilla. The following events occur during the
This theory is useful in studying the role of embryonic period:
functional appliances in mandibular growth.
Development of Branchial Arches
(Fig. 2.12)
PRENATAL GROWTH AND In the fourth week after conception, the
DEVELOPMENT future face and neck region located under
the forebrain of the human embryo becomes
Growth and development of an individual segmented they are called branchial arches.
can be divided into prenatal and postnatal Six branchial arches are formed, appearing
periods. The prenatal period of development as rounded tubular enlargements and are
is a dynamic phase in the development of bounded by clefts and groove that help define
human beings. During this period, the height each arch. They are numbered beginning
increases by almost 5000 times as compared anteriorly. Only the first two arches are
to only three-fold increase during postnatal named, namely mandibular or first arch,
period. hyoid or second arch, rest are just called as
The prenatal life can be arbitrarily divided
into three periods:
• Period of ovum: Fertilization to 14 days.
• Period of embryo: 14th day to 56th day.
• Period of fetus: 56th day till birth.


This period extends for a period of approxim­

ately two weeks from the time of fertilization.
During this period the cleavage of the ovum
and the attachment of the ovum to the
intrauterine wall occur. At the end of this
period the ovum is only 1.5 mm in length and
cephalic differentiation has not begun. Figure 2.12: Branchial arches
Growth and Development   29

Figure 2.13: Face at four weeks

3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th arches, of which 5th arch

is rudimentary.
During 4th week, posterior boundary of the
oral pit comes into contact with the developing Figure 2.14: Face at five weeks
foregut. As the ectodermal oral plate meets the
endodermal lining of the gut, the membrane
disintegrates and continuity between the oral medial nasal process and those lateral to the
cavity and the gastrointestinal tract is first pit are called lateral nasal process (Fig. 2.14).
gained (Fig. 2.13).
Development of Cranial Structures
Development of Perioral Region The earliest evidence of formation of cranial
The face at the 5th week is about as thick as base is seen in the post or late somatic period
the sheet of paper and the whole face is about (4th-8th week of intrauterine life). During
1.5 mm. At this time oral pit is bounded this late somatic period mesenchymal tissue
above by frontonasal process, below by mandi­ derived from the primitive streak, neural
bular arch and rudimentary maxillary process crest and occipital sclerotomes condense
laterally. around the developing brain. Thus a capsule
is formed around the brain called ectomenix
Development of Nasal Pits or ectomeningeal capsule. The basal portion
At 5th week two small oval raised areas appear of this capsule gives rise to the future cranial
just above the lateral aspects of future mouth. base (Fig. 2.15).
In about 2 days centers of these raised areas The development of the skull and formation
become depressions, which deepen to form of the cartilages of the cranial base is dependent
the nasal pits. Tissue masses around the nasal upon the presence of many other cranial
pits forms the bridge and sides of the external struc­tures like brain, cranial nerves and eyes.
nose. The tissue between the nasal pits is called Thus evidence of skull formation is seen
30  Essentials of Orthodontics

Cranial to the pituitary gland, two pres­

phenoid or trabacular cartilages develop which
fuse together and form the anterior part of
body of sphenoid. Anteriorly, the presphenoid
car­tilage forms a vertical cartilaginous plate
called mesethmoid cartilage which gives rise to
the perpendicular plate of ethmoid and crista
Lateral to the pituitary gland chondri­
fication centers are seen which form the lesser
wing (orbitosphenoid) and greater wing (ali
sphenoid) of sphenoid bone.
Nasal:  Initially during development, a
capsule is seen around the nasal sense organ.
This capsule chondrifies and forms the
cartilages of the nostrils, which fuse, with the
cartilages of the cranial bone.
Otic:  A capsule is seen around the vestibulo­
cochlear sense organs. This capsule chondrifies
Figure 2.15: Face at six weeks and later ossifies to give rise to the mastoid and
petrous portions of the temporal bone. The
otic cartilages also fuse with the cartilages of
comparatively late after the primordial of many the cranial base.
other cranial structures have developed. The initially separate centers of cartilage
From around the fortieth day onwards, this formation in the cranial base fuse together
ectomeningeal capsule is slowly converted into into a single irregular and greatly perforated
cartilage. This heralds the onset of cranial base cranial base. The early establishment of the
formation. The conversion of mesenchymal various nerves, blood vessels, etc. from and to
cells into cartilage or chondrification occurs the brain results in numerous perforations or
in 4 regions namely parachordal, hypophyseal, foramina in the developing cranial base. The
nasal and otic. ossifying chondro-cranium meets the ossifying
Parachordal:  The chondrification centers desmo-cranium (cranial vault) to form the
forming around the cranial end of the neurocranium.
notochord are called parachordal cartilages. Chondrocranial ossification:  The cranial
Hypophyseal: Cranial to the termination of base, which is now in a cartilaginous form,
notochord, (which is at the level of the oro- undergoes ossification. The bones of the
pharyngeal membrane) the hypophyseal cranial base undergo both endochondral as
pouch develops which gives rise to the anterior well as intramembranous ossification.
lobe of the pituitary gland. Occipital bone:  The occipital bone shows
On either side of the hypophyseal stem both endochondral and intramembranous
two hypophyseal or postsphenoid cartilages ossi-fication. Seven ossification centers are
develop. These cartilages fuse together and seen in occipital bone, two intramembranous
form the posterior part of the body of sphenoid. and five endochondral.
Growth and Development   31

The supranuchal squamous part ossifies Greater wing and lateral pterygoid plate: Two
intramembranously from one pair of intramembranous ossification centers are
ossification centers which appear in the 8th seen in the alisphenoid cartilage. A part of the
week of intrauterine life. greater wing ossifies endochondrally.
The infranuchal squamous part ossifies Medial pterygoid plate: Ossifies endochon­
endochondrally from two centers, which drally from a secondary cartilage in the
appear at the 10th week of intrauterine life. hamular process.
The basilar part ossifies endochondrally Anterior part of body of sphenoid: Ossifies
from a single median ossification center endochondrally from five centers (two
appearing in the 11th week of intrauterine life. paired and one in the midline). The center of
This gives rise to the anterior portion of the ossification is seen in presphenoid cartilage.
occipital condyles and the anterior boundary Posterior part of body of sphenoid: Ossifies
of foramen magnum. endochondrally from four centers. The center
A pair of endochondral ossification centers of ossification is the postsphenoid cartilage.
appears in the 12th week forming the lateral The cranial base or chondrocranium is
boundary of foramen magnum and the important as a junction between the cranial
posterior portion of occipital condyles. vault and the facial skeleton, being shared
Temporal bone: The temporal bone ossifies by both. The cranial base is relatively stable
both endochondrally and intramembranously during growth compared to the cranial vault
from 11 centers. and the face. Thus the cranial base can be
Squamous part of the temporal bone taken as a basis against which the cranial
ossifies from a single intramembranous center vault and facial skeleton can be compared.
that appears in the 8th week of intrauterine life. The chondrocranium is relatively stable. This
The tympanic ring ossifies from four aids in maintaining the early eatablished
intramembranous centers that appear in the relationship of blood vessels and nerves
12th week of intrauterine life. running to and from the brain. The cranial
The petrous part of temporal bone ossifies base of a newborn is small when compared to
from 4 endochondral centers that appear in the cranial vault that extends beyond the base
the 5th month of intrauterine life. laterally and posteriorly.
The styloid process ossifies from 2 endo-
chondral centers. Flexure of the Cranial Base
Ethmoid bone: This bone shows only endo- During the embryonic and early fetal period,
chondral ossification. It ossifies from three the cranial base becomes flexed in the
centers. region between the pituitary fossa and the
One center located centrally that forms the sphenooccipital junction. The face is hence
median floor of the anterior cranial fossa. tucked under the cranium. This flexure of the
Two lateral centers in the nasal capsule. cranial base is accompanied by a corresponding
Sphenoid bone: This bone ossifies both intra­ flexure of the developing brainstem. Thus the
membranously and endochondrally. There are spinal cord and the foramen magnum that
at least 15 ossification centers. during the early stages of development were
Lesser wing: Endochondral ossification directed backwards now become directed
occurs; the ossification center is seen in the downwards. This downward directed foramen
orbitosphenoid cartilage. magnum is an adaptation seen man who,
32  Essentials of Orthodontics

unlike animals, stand erect. This flexure of the The frontonasal process thus overlaps
cranial base aids in increasing the neurocranial the stomodeum superiorly. The mandibular
capacity. Another consequence of the flexure arches of both the sides form the lateral walls
is the predominant downward rather than of the stomodeum. The mandibular arch
forward displacement of the face during its gives off a bud from its dorsal end called
growth from the cranial base. the maxillary process. The maxillary process
At around the 10th week of intrauterine life grows ventromediocranial to the main part
the flexion of the base is about 65o, this flattens of the mandibular arch that is now called the
out a bit at the time of birth. mandibular process. Thus at this stage the
primitive mouth or stomodeum is overlapped
Uneven Nature of Growth of from above by the frontal process, below by
Cranial Base the mandibular process and on either side by
The growth of the cranial base is highly uneven; maxillary process.
this is attributed to the uneven nature of growth The ectoderm overlying the frontonasal
seen in the different regions of the brain. Thus process shows bilateral localized thickenings
the cranial base growth resembles the growth above the stomodeum. These are called the
of the ventral surface of the overlying brain. nasal placodes. These placodes soon sink and
The anterior and posterior parts of the form the nasal pits. The formation of these
cranial base grow at different rates. Between nasal pits divides the frontonasal process into
the 10th and the 40th weeks of intrauterine life, two parts, the medial nasal process and the
the anterior cranial base increases in length lateral nasal process.
and width by 7 times while, during the same The two mandibular processes grow
period the posterior cranial base increases only medially and fuse to form the lower lip and
five fold. lower jaw. As the maxillary process undergoes
growth, the frontonasal process becomes
narrow so that the two nasal pits come closer.
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OF The line of fusion of the maxillary process and
MAXILLA the medial nasal process corresponds to the
nasolacrimal duct.
Around the fourth week of intrauterine life, a
prominent bulge appears on the ventral aspect
of the embryo corresponding to the developing DEVELOPMENT OF PALATE
brain. Below the bulge a shallow depression,
which corresponds to the primitive mouth, The palate is formed by contributions of the
appears called stomodeum. The floor of the maxillary process, palatal shelves of maxillary
stomodeum is formed by the buccopharyngeal process and frontonasal process.
membrane, which separates the stomodeum The frontonasal process gives rise to the
from the foregut. premaxillary region while the palatal shelves
The mesoderm covering the developing form the rest of the palate. As the palatal shelves
forebrain proliferates and forms a downward grow medially, their union is prevented by
projection that overlaps the upper part of the presence of the tongue. Thus initially the
stomodeum. This downward projection is developing palatal shelves grow vertically
called frontonasal process. downwards towards the floor of the mouth.
Growth and Development   33

Sometime during the 7th week of intrauterine ossifies from a single center derived from the
life, a transformation in the position of the palatal maxilla. The most posterior part of the palate
shelves occurs. They change from a vertical to a does not ossify. This forms the soft palate. The
horizontal position. This transformation is midpalatal suture ossifies by 12–14 years.
believed to take place within hours. Various
reasons are given to explain how this trans­
formation occurs. They are: DEVELOPMENT OF MAXILLARY
i. Alteration in biochemical and physical SINUS
consistency of the connective tissue of
the palatal shelves. The maxillary sinus forms sometimes around
ii. Alteration in vasculature and blood the 3rd month of intrauterine life. It develops
supply to the palatal shelves. by expansion of the nasal mucous membrane
iii. Appearance of an intrinsic shelf force. into the maxillary bone. Later the sinus
iv. Rapid differential mitotic activity. enlarges by resorption of the internal wall of
Muscular movements and withdrawal of maxilla.
the embryonic face form against the heart
pro­minence results in slight jaw opening.
This results in withdrawal of the tongue from DEVELOPMENT OF TONGUE
between the palatal shelves and aids in the
elevation of the palatal shelves from a vertical Because of its role in functional matrix and
to a horizontal position. its role in epigenetic and environmental
The two palatal shelves, by 81/2 weeks of influences on osseous skeleton as well as
intrauterine life, are in close approximation possible role in dental malocclusion the
with each other. Initially the two palatal development of tongue is of considerable
shelves are covered by an epithelial lining. interest.
As they join, the epithelial cells degenerate. During 5th week of intrauterine life rapidly
The connective tissue from the palatal shelves proliferating mesenchymal swellings, covered
intermingles with each other resulting in their with a layer of epithelium appear on the
fusion. internal aspect of mandibular arch. These are
The entire palate does not contact and referred to as the lateral lingual swellings. A
fuse at the same time. Initially contact occurs small medial projection rises between them,
in the central region of the secondary palate the tuberculum impar. Caudal to this is the
posterior to the premaxilla. From this point, copula which unites the second and third
closure occurs both anteriorly and posteriorly. branchial arches. Mesodermal tissue from 2nd,
The mesial edge of the palatal processes fuses 3rd and 4th arches out grows over the copula
with the free lower end of nasal septum and and contributes to the tongue structure. The
thus separates the two nasal cavities from each point at which 1st and 2nd arches merges is
other and from the oral cavity. marked by formation of foramen caecum just
behind sulcus terminalis. Foramen caecum
Ossification of Palate gives rise to thyroid, lingual swellings gives
Ossification of the palate occurs from the rise to anterior 2/3rds of tongue and copula
8th week of intrauterine life. This is an intra- gives rise to posterior 1/3rd of tongue. Papillas
membranous type of ossification. The palate of tongue are seen as early as 11 weeks of fetal
34  Essentials of Orthodontics

age. By 14 weeks taste buds can be observed in day of intrauterine life. It extends from the
fungiform papilla. By 12 weeks taste buds are cartilaginous otic capsule to the midline or
seen in circumvallate papilla. symphysis and provides a template for guiding
the growth of the mandible. A major portion
of the Meckel’s cartilage disappears during
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OF growth and the remaining part develops into
MANDIBLE the following structures, mental ossicles,
Malleus and Incus, Spine of sphenoid liga­
During the 4th week of intrauterine life, the ment, anterior ligament of malleus, and
developing brain and the pericardium form Spheno­mandibular ligament.
two prominent bulges on the ventral aspect of The first structure to develop in the primor­
the embryo. These bulges are separated by the dium of the lower jaw is the mandibular
primitive oral cavity or stomodeum. The floor division of the trigeminal nerve. This is followed
of the stomodeum is formed by the bucco- by the mesenchymal condensation forming
pharyngeal membrane, which separates it from the first branchial arch. Neurotrophic factors
the foregut. produced by the nerve induce osteogenesis in
The pharyngeal arches are laid down on the the ossification centers. A single ossification
lateral and ventral aspects of the cranial most center for each half of the mandible arises in
part of the foregut which lies in close approxi­ the 6th week of intrauterine life in the region
mation with the stomodeum. Initially there are of the bifurcation of the inferior alveolar nerve
six pharyngeal arches, but the fifth one usually into mental and incisive branches.
disappears as soon as it is formed leaving only The ossifying membrane is located lateral
five. They are separated by four branchial to the Meckel’s cartilage and its accompanying
grooves. The first arch is called the mandibular neurovascular bundle. From this primary
arch and the second arch, hyoid arch. The other center, ossification spreads below and around
arches do not have any specific names. the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisive
The mandibular arch forms the lateral wall branch and upwards to form a tough for
of the stomodeum. It gives off a bud from its accommodating the developing tooth buds.
dorsal end. This bud is called the maxillary Spread of the intramembranous ossification
process. It grows ventromedially, cranial to dorsally and ventrally forms the body and
the main part of the arch, which is now called ramus of the mandible.
the mandibular process. The mandibular As ossification continues, the Meckel’s
processes of both sides grow towards each cartilage becomes surrounded and invaded
other and fuse in the midline. They now form by bone. Ossification stops at the site that
the lower border of the stomodeum, i.e. the will later become the mandibular lingual
lower lip and the lower jaw. from where the Meckel’s cartilage continues
into the middle ear and develops into the
auditory ossicles, i.e. malleus and incus. The
MECKEL’S CARTILAGE sphenomandibular ligament, which extends
from the lingual of mandible to the sphenoid
The Meckel’s cartilage is derived from the bone, forms a remnant of the Meckel’s car­
first branchial arch around the 41st–45th tilage.
Growth and Development   35



Endochondral bone formation is seen only in Prenatally, condylar secondary cartilages

three areas of the mandible, the condylar pro­ grow out from the intramembranous body
cess, the coronoid process, and mental region. of the mandible bilaterally. These primary
Condylar process:  At about the 5th week growth centers grow against the pressure
of intrauterine life, an area of mesenchymal gradient generated by the developing
condensation can be seen above the ventral pterygoid-masseteric sling of masticatory
part of the developing mandible. This muscles. Periodic contraction and relaxation
develops into a cone-shaped cartilage by of the masticatory and suprahyoid muscles
about 10th week and starts ossification by rotates the developing condyle and moves it
14th week. It then migrates inferiorly and anteriorly and posteriorly. Pressure against
fuses with the mandibular ramus by about 4 the temporal bone and the wide range of
months. Much of the cone-shaped cartilage repetitive motion induces the formation of the
is replaced by bone by the middle of fetal temporal fossa. The interarticular meniscus is
life but its upper end persists into adulthood formed from interposed connective tissue. As
acting both as a growth cartilage and an the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) develops
articular cartilage. into a functioning joint, the meniscus and the
Coronoid process: Secondary accessory cartil­ articulating surfaces of the condyle and fossa
age appears in the region of the coronoid are composed of dense fibrous connective
process by about the 10–14th week of intrau­ tissue. Similar to other joints, the TMJ is
terine life. This secondary cartilage of coronoid enclosed in a capsule that is lubricated with
process is believed to grow as a response to the synovial fluid.
developing temporalis muscle. The coronoid
accessory cartilage becomes incorporated into
the expand­ing intramem­branous bone of the POSTNATAL GROWTH AND
ramus and disappears before birth. DEVELOPMENT
Mental region: In the mental region, on A large majority of the patients who seek
either side of the symphysis, one or two small treatment are of the growing age. The cranium
cartilages appear and ossify in the 7th month and orofacial regions are in an active phase
of intrauterine life to form variable numbers of growth and hence this has a direct effect
of mental ossicles in the fibrous tissue of the on treatment. Treatment modalities initiated
symphysis. These ossicles become incorporated during the growth period can modify abnormal
into the intramem­branous bone when the growth. A sound knowledge of the processes
symphysis ossifies completely during the first involved in the postnatal growth of the skull
year of postnatal life. and the jaws is thus very essential.
36  Essentials of Orthodontics

NEONATAL SKELETON the end of 5th year of life about 90% of

cranial vault growth is complete. The vault of
The neonate has 270 bones as compared to cranium is divided into segments by sutures
adult who has 206 bones. Skull bones in the which are sufficiently wide to be palpable at
neonate are 45 and in adult it is reduced to birth. The edges of the bone adjoining the
22. The ratio between the calvarial and facial sutures become approximated during the
proportion is 8:1 at birth whereas it is 2.5:1 first two years of postnatal life. Concurrently
in an adult female and 2:1 in adult male. The with growth in the sutures, opposition and
newborn is usually kept in a supine posture but absorption adjust the shape of each bone to the
can be literally folded to its most comfortable lessening curvature of the skull as the cranium
posture, the posture simulating the fetal is enlarging. Apposition of bone on external
posture of partial flexion. surface also increases thickness of these bones.
From third month to birth the entire The development and extension of frontal
cranium becomes longer and wider in its sinuses particularly about the age of puberty
relation to height. While the size of cerebral accompany rapid addition of bone to facial
cranium will increase by about 50% the surface of frontal bone in superciliary region.
facial skeleton will grow to more than twice
the original size. Cranial circumference is
an indicator of cranial volume and therefore POSTNATAL GROWTH OF THE
is often used in young infants for a rough CRANIAL BASE
measure of brain develop­ment. After four years
the growth is minimal, facial skeleton increases The maxilla is attached to the cranial base by
in all dimensions during this period, the means of a number of sutures. The mandible too
increase in height being the greatest, in depth is attached to the cranial base at the temporo­
the increase is somewhat smaller, Increase in man­d i­b ular joint. Thus growth processes
width is the smallest. The heights of upper and occurring at the cranial base can affect the
lower face are highly independent. The upper placement of maxilla and the mandible.
anterior face height seems to be primarily The cranial base growth postnatally by
correlated with cranial base changes. The complex interaction between the following
lower face height seems to be more dependant three growth processes, extensive cortical drift
on muscular function, environmental factors and remodeling elongation at synchondrosis
interfering with the airway and the posture of and sutural growth.
the head. Because of the above changes in the
craniofacial complex, general features of the Cortical Drift and Remodeling
head and the face are observed to be different Remodeling refers to a process where bone
at different ages. deposition and resorption occur so as to bring
about change in size, shape and relationship
of bone. The cranium is divided into a number
POSTNATAL GROWTH OF THE of compartments by bony elevations and
CRANIAL VAULT ridges present in the cranial base. These
elevated ridges and bony partitions show bone
Cranium grows because brain grows. This deposition, while the predominant part of the
growth is accelerated during infancy. By floor shows bone resorption. This intracranial
Growth and Development   37

bone resorption helps in increasing the intra­

cranial space to accommodate the growing
The cranial base is perforated by the
passage of a number of blood vessels and
verves communicating with the brain. The
foramina that allow the passage of these nerves
and blood vessels undergo drifting by bone
deposition and resorption so as to constantly
maintain their proper relationship with the
growing brain.

Elongation of Synchondrosis
Most of the bones of the cranial base are
formed by a cartilaginous process. Later
the cartilage is replaced by bone. However
certain bands of cartilage remain at the
junction of various bones. These areas are
called synchondrosis. They are important
growth sites of the cranial base. They are
Figure 2.16: Synchondroses
primary cartilages. The important synchond­
roses found in the cranial base are, Spheno­ synchondrosis in the midline of the cranial
occipital, Sphenoethmoid, Intersphenoid, and base. As endochondral bone growth occurs
Intraoccipital (Fig. 2.16). at the sphenooccipital synchondrosis, the
Sphenooccipital synchondrosis: It is the sphenoid and the occipital bones are moved
cartilagi­nous junction between the sphenoid apart. At the same time new endochondral
and the occipital bones. The sphenooccipital bone is laid down in the medullary region,
synchond­rosis is believed to be the principal and cortical bone is formed in the endosteal
growth cartilage of the cranial base during and periosteal regions. Thus the sphenoid and
childhood. It is considered to be the most occipital bones increase in length and width.
important growth site of the cranial base. The The structure of a synchondrosis is like
sphenooccipital synchondrosis is believed two epiphyseal plates positioned back-to-
to be active up to the age of 12–15 years. The back and separated by a common zone of
sphenoid and the occipital segments then reserve cartilage. The direction of growth of
become fused in the midline area by 20 years the sphenooccipital synchondrosis is upwards.
of age. It therefore carries the anterior part of the
The sphenooccipital synchondrosis cranium bodily forwards. The growth at the
provides a pressure or compression adapted synchondrosis continues till the obliteration
bone growth, in contrast to the tension of the same by formation of bone. Studies by
adapted growth seen in sutures. This is because various scientists have shown that the closure
the cranial base supports the weight of the of the synchondrosis occurs on an average at
brain and face, which bears down on the 13–15 years.
38  Essentials of Orthodontics

Sphenoethmoidal synchondrosis: This is a • Displacement

cartilaginous band between the sphenoid • Growth at sutures
and ethmoid bones. Cartilage between • Surface remodeling.
mesethmoid and frontal are equally important.
In addition, there is the growth of the frontal Displacement
bone itself increasing in thickness through Maxilla is attached to the cranial base by
pneumatization and creation of the frontal means of a number of sutures. Thus the growth
sinus. All except the frontal bone develops of the cranial base has a direct bearing on the
in chondrocranium. When exactly this maxillary growth.
synchondrosis closes is not known, it is A passive or secondary displacement of the
believed to ossify by 5–25 years of age. It is maxillary complex occurs in a downward and
likely however that its major contribution forward direction as the cranial base grows.
has been made by the time first permanent This is a secondary type of displacement,
molar erupts. Recent research indicates as the actual enlargement of these parts is
that growth or lack of growth at the spheno­ not directly involved. The nasomaxillary
ethmoidal synchondrosis may have important complex is simply moved anteriorly as the
ramification in cleft palate rehabilitation. middle cranial fossa grows in that direction.
Intersphenoidal synchondrosis: It is the carti- The passive displacement of the maxilla is
laginous band between the two parts of the an important growth mechanism during the
sphenoid bone. It is believed to ossify at birth. primary dentition years but becomes less
Intraoccipital synchondrosis: This ossifies by important as growth of cranial base slows.
3–5 years of age. In addition, a primary type of displacement
is also seen in a forward direction. This occurs
Sutural Growth by growth of the maxillary tuberosity in a
The cranial base has a number of bones that posterior direction. This results in the whole
are joined to one another by means of sutures. maxilla being carried anteriorly. The amount of
Some of the sutures that are present include this forward displacement equals the amount
spheno­f rontal, frontotemporal, spheno­ of posterior lengthening. This is a primary
ethmoid, frontoe­thmoid and frontozy­gomatic. type of displacement as its own enlargement
As the brain enlarges during growth, bone displaces the bone.
formation occurs at the ends of the bone.
Growth at Sutures
Timing of Cranial Base Growth The maxilla is connected to the cranium and
By birth, 55–60% of adult size is attained cranial base by a number of sutures, these
By 4–7 years, 94% of adult size is attained sutures are, frontonasal, frontomaxillary,
By 8–13 years, 98% of adult size is attained zygomatico-temporal, zygomaticomaxillary
and pterygo-palatine sutures.
According to Weinmann and Sicher,
POSTNATAL GROWTH OF these sutures are all oblique and more or
MAXILLA less parallel to each other. This allows the
downward and forward repositioning of the
The growth of the nasomaxillary complex is maxilla as growth occurs at these sutures. As
produced by the following mechanisms: growth of the surrounding soft tissue occurs,
Growth and Development   39

iv. Bone resorption occurs on the lateral

wall of the nose leading to an increase
in size of the nasal cavity.
v. Bone resorption is seen on the floor of
the nasal cavity. To compensate there
is bone deposition on the palatal side.
Figure 2.17: Surface remodeling Thus a net downward shift occurs,
leading to increase in maxillary height.
the maxilla is carried downwards and forward. vi. The zygomatic bone moves in a posterior
This leads to opening up of space at the sutural direction. This is achieved by resorption
attachments. New bone is formed on either on the anterior surface and deposition
side of the suture. Thus the overall size of on the posterior surface.
the bones on either side increases. Hence a vii. The face enlarges in width by bone
tension related bone formation occurs at the for­mation on the lateral surface of the
sutures. zygomatic arch and resorption on its
medial surface.
Surface Remodeling (Fig. 2.17) viii. Anterior nasal spine prominence
In addition to the growth occurring at increases due to bone deposition. In
the sutures, massive remodeling by bone addition there is resorption from the
deposition and resorption occurs to bring periosteal surface of labial cortex. As
about, increase in size, change in shape of a compensatory mech­a nism, bone
bone and change in functional relationship. deposition occurs on the endosteal
The following are the bone remodeling surface of the labial cortex and periosteal
changes that are seen in the nasomaxillary surface of the lingual cortex.
complex: ix. As the teeth start erupting, bone depos­
i. Resorption occurs on the lateral sur­ ition occurs at the alveolar margins. This
face of the orbital rim leading to lateral increases the maxillary height and the
movement of the eyeball. To compensate, depth of the palate.
there is bone deposition on the medial x. The entire wall of the sinus except the
rim of the orbit and on the external mesial wall undergoes resorption.
surface of the lateral rim. This results in increase in size of the
ii. The floor of the orbit faces superiorly, maxillary antrum.
laterally and anteriorly. Surface deposi­ Growth sites in maxilla are maxillary tuber­
tion occurs here and results in growth in osity, sutures, alveolar border, nasal septum
a superior, lateral and anterior dire­ction. and surfaces (Figs 2.18A and B).
iii. Bone deposition occurs along the To summarize maxillary growth:
posterior margin of the maxillary Length increases by sutural growth and
tuberosity. This causes lengthening of surface apposition at maxillary tuberosity.
the dental arch and enlargement of Width of maxilla increases by the midpalatal
the anteroposterior dimension of the suture and apposition at zygomatic bones.
entire maxillary body. This helps to Height increases by sutural growth, surface
accommodate the erupting molars. apposition and alveolar growth.
40  Essentials of Orthodontics

Resorption occurs on the anterior part of the

ramus while bone deposition occurs on the
posterior region. This results in a ‘drift’ of the
ramus in a posterior direction. The functions
of remodeling of ramus are, to accommodate
A B the increasing mass of masticatory muscles
Figures 2.18A and B: Surface remodeling of inserted to it, to accommodate the enlarged
mandible and maxilla breath of pharyngeal space and to facilitate the
length­ening of the mandibular body, which in
POSTNATAL GROWTH OF turn accommodates the erupting molars.
Body of Mandible
Of the facial bones, the mandible undergoes As observed earlier, the anterior border of the
the largest amount of growth postnatally adult ramus exhibits bone resorption while
and also exhibits the largest variability in the posterior border shows bone deposition.
morphology. While the mandible appears in That is, the displacement of the ramus results
the adult as a single bone, it is developmentally in the conversion of former ramal bone into the
and func­tionally divided into several skeletal posterior part of the body of mandible. In this
subunits. The basal bone or the body of the manner the body of the mandible lengthens.
mandible form a one unit, to which is attached Thus additional space made available by
the alveolar process, the coronoid process, means of resorption of the anterior border of
the condylar process, the angular process, the ramus is made use of to accommodate the
the ramus, the lingual tuberosity and the erupting permanent molars.
chin. Thus the study of postnatal growth of
the mandible is easy to study as separate units Angle of the Mandible
(Fig. 2.19). On the lingual side of the angle of mandible,
resorption takes place on the posteroinferior
Ramus aspect while deposition occurs on the antero­
The ramus moves progressively posterior by superior aspect. On the buccal side, resor­
a combination of deposition and resorption. ption occurs on the anterosuperior part while
deposition takes place on the posterosu­perior
part, this result in flaring of the angle of the
mandible as age advances.

Lingual Tuberosity
The lingual tuberosity is a direct equivalent
of the maxillary tuberosity which forms a
major site of growth for the lower bony arch.
It forms the boundary between the ramus and
the body.
The lingual tuberosity moves posteriorly
by deposition on its posteriorly facing surface.
Figure 2.19: Growth sites in mandible It can be noticed that the lingual tuberosity
Growth and Development   41

protrudes noticeably in a lingual direction of cartilage called the condylar cartilage

and that it lies well towards the midline of the covers the head of the condyle. The presence
ramus. The prominence of the tuberosity is of the condylar cartilage is an adaptation to
increased by the presence of a large resorption withstand the compression that occurs at the
field just below it. This resorption field joint. The role of the condyle in the growth of
produces a sizeable depre­ssion, the lingual mandible has remained a controversy. There
fossa. The combination of resorption in are two schools of thought regarding the role
the fossa and deposition on the medial of the condyle.
surface of the tuberosity itself accentuates the It is earlier believed that growth occurs at
prominence of the lingual tuberosity. the surface of the condylar cartilage by means
½ of bone deposition. Thus the condyle grows
Alveolar Process towards the cranial base. As the condyle pushes
Alveolar process develops in response to the against the cranial base, the entire mandible
presence of tooth buds. As the teeth erupt the gets displaced forwards and downwards.
alveolar process develops and increases in It is now believed that the growth of soft
height by bone deposition at the margins. The tissues including the muscles and connective
alveolar bone adds to the height and thickness tissues carries the mandible forwards away
of the body of the mandible and is particularly from the cranial base. Bone growth follows
manifested as a ledge extending lingual to secondarily at the condyle to maintain
the ramus to accommodate the 3rd molars. constant contact with the cranial base.
In case of absence of teeth, the alveolar bone The condylar growth rate increases at
fails to develop and it resorbs in the event of puberty reaching a peak between 12½–14
tooth extraction. years. The growth ceases around 20 years of
The chin is a specific human characteristic and Coronoid Process
is found in its fully developed form in recent The growth of the coronoid process follows
man only. In infancy, the chin is usually under- the enlarging ‘V’ principle. Viewing the
developed. As age advances the growth of chin longitudinal section of the coronoid process
becomes significant. It is influenced by sexual from the posterior aspect, it can be seen that
and specific genetic factors. Usually males deposition occurs on the lingual surfaces of
are seen to have prominent chins compared the left and right coronoid process. Although
to females. The mental protuberance forms additions take place on the lingual side, the
by bone deposition during childhood. Its vertical dimension of the coro­noid process
prominence is accentuated by bone resorption also increases. This follows the ‘V’ principle.
that occurs in the alveolar region above it, Viewing it from the occlusal aspect, the
creating a concavity. The deepest point in this deposition on the lingual of the coronoid
concavity is known as point B in cephalometrics. process brings about a posterior growth
movement in the ‘V’ pattern. Briefly the
Condyle coronoid process has a propeller-like twist,
The mandibular condyle has been recognized so that it lingual side faces three general
as an important growth center. A thin layer directions all at once.
42  Essentials of Orthodontics

Growth sites in mandible are mandibular increase of the anterior lower face height and
condyle, posterior border of ramus, lingual a reduction of the overbite.
tuberosity and alveolar process.
To summarize mandibular growth: Counterclockwise Rotation
Lengthens by surface apposition at (For­ward Rotation, Anterior Rotation)
posterior border of ramus and resorption at Rotation of the mandible in the direction of
anterior border, deposition at bony chin and mouth closing (counterclockwise, with the
growth at condylar cartilage. patient facing to the right), due to increased
Height increases by surface apposition at posterior, compared to anterior growth.
alveolar border, lower border of mandible and Counter­clockwise rotation of the mandible
condylar cartilage. would tend to cause a relative reduction in the
Width increase by surface apposition at anterior lower face height and a deepening of
outer surfaces. the overbite.

Intramatrix Rotation (External

MANDIBULAR ROTATION Rotation) (Fig. 2.21)
Rotation within the body of the mandible,
Clockwise rotation (Backward due to angular remodeling of the inferior
rotation, Posterior rotation) border rela­­tive to the core of the mandible
(Fig. 2.20). is called intra­matrix rotation (which affects
Displacement of the mandible in the direction the orientation of the mandibular plane with
of mouth opening (clockwise, with the patient regard to the cranial base).
facing to the right), due to increased posterior
vertical growth. Clockwise mandibular rotation Matrix Rotation (Apparent Rotation)
also can occur as a consequence of orthodontic Rotation of the entire mandible around its
treatment, when posterior teeth are extruded condylar axis is known as Matrix rotation.
in a nongrowing patient. Clockwise rotation (This affects the orientation of the mandible
of the mandible usually is accompanied by an as a whole relative to the cranial base).

Figure 2.20: Clockwise rotation Figure 2.21: Intramatrix rotation

Growth and Development   43

Total Rotation (True Rotation, the epiphysis of long bones. There are no
Internal Rotation) primary and secondary spongiosa in contrast
The actual rotation of the core of the mandible to metaphyseal growth plates in long bones.
(the part of the bone that surrounds the inferior Both articulating surfaces of the TMJ can
alve­olar nerve) relative to the cranial base, adapt but it is by different mechanisms. In the
which is a com­bination of the intramatrix and temporal fossa, the subarticular proliferative
matrix rotation. zone is the cambium layer of the periosteum.
It can support both anabolic and catabolic
bone modeling to change the shape and
POSTNATAL GROWTH OF TMJ position of the temporal fossa in response to
(FLOW CHART 2.4) environmental demands. On the other hand,
subarticular proliferation of the mandibular
Postnatally, the TMJ becomes a secondary condyle produces fibrocartilage, which is
growth site with two articular surfaces eroded at the endosteal surface and replaced
that can adapt to changing environmental with lamellar trabecular bone. Fibrocartilage
conditions. The temporal fossa can change has been reported on the articulating surface
position by apposition of cortical bone, of the mandibular condyle of aging cadavers.
which is an example of anabolic modeling. However, this is not the normal anatomy
The mandibular condyle changes its shape of the TMJ. Because of TMJ development
and length by subarticular proliferation of and its documented ability to adapt over
connective tissue cells that differentiate into a lifetime, a mandibular condyle covered
fibrocartilage. The fibrocartilage is eroded with fibrocartilage is probably a joint that
by osteoclasts at the metaphyseal surface has diminished or lost its ability to skeletally
and replaced by lamellar trabecular bone. adapt to environmental challenges. What
This process is similar to the ossification that distinguishes the TMJ from other joints of the
occurs beneath the articulating cartilage of body is the articular layer of dense fibrous
connective tissue with a subcondylar zone
of proliferating connective tissue cells. In the
Flow chart 2.4: Postnatal growth of TMJ fossa, the articular surface is analogous to the
fibrous and cambium layer of the periosteum,
which has a full range of bone modeling
capabilities. Beneath the proliferative zone
of the condyle is a layer of fibrocartilage that
can be eroded internally and replaced with
bone. Since the articulating surfaces of the
long bones are covered with hyaline cartilage,
which has no proliferative zone, there is limited
capacity for growth, adaptation, or healing. On
the other hand, animal and clinical studies
have demonstrated that normal TMJs have a
remarkable ability to heal and adapt over a
44  Essentials of Orthodontics

SUMMARY OF FACIAL GROWTH treatment period. Favorable growth changes,

CHANGES if they occur, make the treatment objectives
easier to accomplish.
The growth changes in the face are both Orthodontists should be familiar with the
complex and highly variable as has been effects of the mechanics used on the facial
demonstrated from the low correlations and dental structures. Therefore growth
between the changes in the various facial projections require careful attention to the
parameters. The same can be said about the mechanics used.
relationship between the changes in the facial
parameters to the various indices of skeletal
maturation such as standing height and wrist DEVELOPMENT OF DENTITION
X-rays. Contemporary methods are generally AND OCCLUSION
incapable of providing an efficient estimate Dentition is defined as a type, number and
of individual changes attributable to growth. arrangement of teeth. Dental formula for
The adolescent growth spurt in the mandible humans is 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 molars (Total 20)
occurs in less than 25% of the cases, but the in deciduous dentition and 2 incisors, 1 canine,
presence, onset, duration and magnitude of 2 premolars and 3 molars (Total 32) in
the pubertal growth spurt in facial dimensions permanent dentition.
cannot be accurately predicted for any one The embryonic oral cavity is lined by
individual. Substantial mandibular growth stratified squamous epithelium known as
occurs during adolescence over a number of the oral ectoderm. Around the 6th week of
years. Therefore in the presence of significant intrauterine life, the inferolateral border
skeletal discrepancies, treatment should not of the maxillary arch and the superolateral
be postponed in anticipation of the elusive border of the mandibular arch show localized
spurt, particularly if treatment is indicated at proliferation of the oral ectoderm resulting
an earlier age. in formation of a horseshoe- shaped band
At the present time the simplest method of tissue called the dental lamina. The
of predicting changes in facial dimensions is dental lamina plays an important role in the
to start with the facial types presented by the development of the dentition. The deciduous
patient and add the average growth changes teeth are formed by direct proliferation of the
expected for that face type. Obviously this dental lamina. The permanent molars develop
method has its limitations regarding the as a result of its distal proliferation while the
prediction of individual changes, but it is is permanent teeth that replace deciduous teeth
as good, or as bad as any other more complex develop from a lingual extension of the dental
method. lamina. Thus all teeth originate from the dental
In regards to the future changes in facial lamina.
relationships, treatment planning should be The ectoderm in certain areas of the
based on a worst case scenario. In other words, dental lamina proliferates and forms knob-
for individuals with unfavorable skeletal like structures that grow into the underlying
relationships, it is wiser to design a treatment mesenchyme. Each of these knobs represents a
plan with the assumption that the same facial future deciduous tooth and is called the enamel
growth pattern will be maintained during the organ. The enamel organ passes through a
Growth and Development   45

number of stages ultimately forming the teeth. more intercellular fluid and forms a cellular
Based on the shape of the enamel organ the network called the stellate reticulum. The
development of teeth can be divided into three stellate reticulum reveals a branched network
stags. They are the bud, cap and bell stage. of cells. The ectomesenchymal condensation,
i.e. the dental papilla and dental sac are
pronounced during this stage.

This is the initial stage of tooth formation BELL STAGE

where the enamel organ resembles a small
bud. During the bud stage the enamel organ Due to continued uneven growth of the enamel
consists of peripherally located low columnar organ it acquires a bell shape. The cells of the
cells and centrally located polygonal cells. The inner enamel epithelium differentiate prior to
surrounding mesenchymal cells proliferate, amelogenesis into tall columnar cells called
which result in their condensation in two ameloblasts, which lay down enamel. The cells
areas. The area of condensation immediately of the inner enamel epithelium exert a strong
below the enamel organ is the dental papilla. influence on the underlying mesenchymal
The ectomesenchymal condensation that cells of the dental papilla.
surrounds the tooth bud and the dental papilla A few layers of flat squamous cells are
is the dental sac. The dental papillas as well as seen between the inner enamel epithelium
the dental sac are not well-defined during the and the stellate reticulum. This layer is called
bud stage. They become more defined during the stratum intermedium. It is believed to be
the subsequent cap and bell stages. The cells essential for enamel formation. The stellate
of the dental papilla form the dentin and pulp reticulum expands further due to continued
while the dental sac forms cementum and accumulation of intra-cellular fluid. The
periodontal ligament. cells of this area are star-shaped; having
large processes that anastomose with those
of adjacent cells. As the enamel formation
CAP STAGE starts, the stratum reticulum collapses to a
narrow zone thereby reducing the distance
The tooth bud continues to proliferate resulting between the outer enamel and inner enamel
in a cap shaped enamel organ. This is chara­ epithelium.
cterized by a shallow invagination on the under The cells of the outer enamel epithelium
surface of the bud. flatten to form low cuboidal cells. The outer
The outer cells of the cap covering the enamel epithelium is thrown into folds, which
convexity are cuboidal and are called the are rich in capillary network. This provides a
outer enamel epithelium. The cells lining the source of nutrition for the enamel organ.
concavity of the cap become tall columnar and Before the inner enamel epithelium begins
are referred to as the inner enamel epithelium. to produce enamel, the peripheral cells of the
The central area of the enamel organ between dental papilla differentiate into odontoblasts.
the outer and inner enamel epithelium, which They are cuboidal cells that later assume a
initially consisted of polygonal cells, acquire columnar form and produce dentin.
46  Essentials of Orthodontics

The dental sac exhibits a circular arrange­ labiobuccal portion and the lingual portion.
ment of its fibers and resembles a capsule The two portions of the gum pads are separated
around the enamel organ. The fiber of the from each other by a groove called the dental
dental sac forms the periodontal fibers that groove (Table 2.1).
span between the root and bone. The gum pads are divided into ten segments
The junction between the inner enamel by certain grooves called transverse grooves.
epithelium and odontoblasts outlines the Each of these segments consists of one
future dentinoenamel junction. developing deciduous tooth sac.
The original groove separates gum pad
Root Formation from the palate and floor of the mouth. The
Root development begins after the dentin and transverse groove between the canine and first
enamel formation reaches the future cemento- deciduous molar segment is called the lateral
enamel junction. The outer and inner enamel sulcus. The lateral sulci are useful in judging the
epithelium joins and forms a sheath that helps interarch relationship at a very early stage. The
in molding the shape of the root. This sheath lateral sulcus of the mandibular arch is normally
is called the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. more distal to that of the maxillary arch.
At rest the tongue separates gum pads.
Vertical space exists between upper and
PERIODS OF OCCLUSAL lower gum pads, which are occupied by the
The upper and lower gum pads are
Occlusal development can be divided into the almost similar to each other. The upper gum
following developmental periods: pad is both wider as well as longer than the
mandibular gum pad. Thus when the upper
Predental Period and lower gum pads are approximated, there is
• Deciduous dentition period a complete overjet all around. Contact occurs
• Mixed dentition period between the upper and lower gum pads in the
• Permanent dentition period. first molar region and a space exists between
them in the anterior region. The infantile
openbite is considered normal and it helps in
This posture is not necessarily a precursor
This is the period after birth during which the to an anterior openbite. At birth gum pads
neonate does not have any teeth. It usually are not wide enough to accommodate the
lasts for 6 months after birth. developing incisors which are crowded
and rotated in their crypts. Later during the
Gum Pads first year of life gum pads increase in width
The alveolar processes at the time of birth are sufficient enough to accommo­date developing
known as the gum pads. The gum pads are incisors. Later the labio-lingual width and
pink, firm and are covered by a dense layer length of the gum pads increase moderately
of fibrous periosteum. They are horseshoe- and the second molar segment becomes
shaped and develop in two parts. They are the clearly defined.
Growth and Development   47

Table 2.1: Development of dentition

Tooth Tooth germ Dentin Calcification Crown Eruption Root complete

fully developed formation begins formation in oral cavity
begins complete
Deciduous 3–4 month IUL 4–6 month IUL 2–3 month 6–9 month 1–1½ year
incisors after eruption
Canines 9 month 16–18 month
First molars 6 month 12–14 month
Second molars 12 month 20–30 month
Permanent 30th week IUL 3–4 month 3–4 month 4–5 year 7–9 year 2–3 year after
maxillary eruption
Mandibular 3–4 month 6–8 year
Maxillary 10–12 month 10–12 month 7–9 year
Mandibular 3–4 month 3–4 month 6–8 year
Maxillary 4–5 month 4–5 month 6–7 year 11–12 year 2–3 year after
canines eruption
Mandibular 9–10 year
Maxillary first 1.5–2.5 year 1.5–1.75 year 5–6 year 10–11 year 2–3 year after
premolars eruption
Mandibular 1.75–2 year 10–12 year
first premolars
Maxillary 2–2.25 year 6–7 year 10–12 year
Mandibular 2.25–2.5 year 11–12 year
second pre­
First molars 24th week IUL Before birth At birth 2.5–3 year 6–7 year 2–3 year after
Second molars 2.5–3 year 2.5–3 year 7–8 year 11–13 year
6th month
Third molars 7–10 year 7–9 year 12–16 year 17–21 year
6th year

Status of Dentition grow rapidly per­mitting the incisors to erupt

The neonate is without teeth for about 6 in good alignment.
months of life. At birth the gum pads are Very rarely teeth are found to have erupted
not sufficiently wide to accommodate the at the time of birth. Such teeth that are present
developing incisors which are crowded in their at the time of birth are called natal teeth.
crypts. During the first year of life the gum pad Sometimes teeth erupt during the first month
48  Essentials of Orthodontics

of age are called neonatal teeth. The natal teeth on the bases of spacing in lower
and neonatal teeth are mostly located in the deciduous arches as follows.
mandibular incisor region and show a familial Crowding in deciduous dentition 10 in 10
tendency. cases develop crowding in permanent teeth.
No spaces—7 in 10 cases develop crowding.
Below 3 mm of total spacing—5 in 10 cases
3-6 mm of total spacing—2 in 10 cases
The initiation of primary tooth buds occurs develop crowding.
during the first six weeks of intrauterine life. Over 6 mm of total spacing—none develop
The primary teeth begin to erupt at the age of crowding.
about 6 months. The eruption of all primary
teeth is completed by 2–3 years, when the Primate Spaces (Ape Space, Simian Space
second deciduous molars come into occlusion. and Anthropoid Space)
Spacing invariably is seen mesial to the
Eruption Age and Sequence of maxillary canines and distal to the mandibular
Deciduous Dentition canines where the opposing canines
The mandibular central incisors are the first interdigitate, these physiological spaces are
teeth to erupt into the oral cavity. They erupt called primate spaces, or simian spaces or
around 6–7 months of age. The timing of tooth anthropoid spaces or ape spaces, as they are
eruption is highly variable. A variation of 3 seen commonly in primates. These spaces
months from the mean age has been accepted help in placement of the canine cusps of the
as normal. The sequence of eruption of the opposing arch.
deciduous dentition is A-B-D-C-E.
The primary dentition is usually established Flush Terminal Plane (Fig. 2.22)
by 3 years of age on eruption of the second The mesiodistal relation between the distal
deciduous molars. Between 3-6 years of age, surfaces of the upper and lower second
the dental arch is relatively stable and very few deciduous molars is called the terminal plane.
changes occur.

Spacing in Deciduous Dentition

(Physiologic Spaces)
Spacing usually exists between the deciduous
teeth. These spaces are called physiological
spaces or developmental spaces. The presence
of spaces in the primary dentition is important
for the normal development of permanent
dentition. Absence of spaces in the primary
dentition is an indication that crowding of
teeth may occur when the larger permanent
teeth erupt.
According to Leighton, it is possible to
predict the degree of crowding in permanent Figure 2.22: Flush terminal plane
Growth and Development   49

A normal feature of deciduous dentition is a molar develops. Following exfoliation of lower

flush terminal plane (FTP) where the distal deciduous second molar, whose mesiodistal
surfaces of the upper and lower second width is more than the upper deciduous
deciduous molars are on same vertical plane. second molar allows for the mesial migration
The mandibular second deciduous molar is of lower first permanent molar establishing
usually wider mesiodistally than the maxillary Class I molar relationship.
second deciduous molar giving rise to typical Early Mesial Shift: In human being the
flush terminal plane relationship. This flush forward movement of the lower posteriors
terminal plane develops into Class I molar mainly utilizes the lower space. Such spaces
relationship following exfoliation of lower originally described by Lewis and Lehman
second deciduous molar. are a normal feature of the permanent
On the other hand in some cases upper dentition in the higher apes and in the human
second deciduous molar is ahead of lower primary dentition are usually referred to as the
which gives rise to distal step. This distal anthropoid spaces or primate spaces.
step relationship can lead on to Class II
molar relationship in permanent dentition Deep Bite
(Fig. 2.23). A deep bite may occur in the initial stages of
Mesial step is a relation where lower development. The deep bite is accentuated
second deciduous molar is ahead of upper by the fact that the deciduous incisors are
second deciduous molar. This mesial step more upright than their successors. The lower
either can lead on to Class I molar or Class III incisal edges often contact the cingulum area
molar relationship (Fig. 2.24). of the maxillary incisors. This deep bite is later
Thus flush terminal plane relationship is reduced due to the following factors, eruption
normal indeciduous dentition, which will be of deciduous molars, attrition of incisors, and
converted into end on molar relationship in forward movement of the mandible due to
permanent dentition once the permanent first growth.

Figure 2.23: Distal step Figure 2.24: Mesial step

50  Essentials of Orthodontics

Variations in the Occlusion of the incisor relationship is a normal feature of the

Primary Dentition occlusion at this age.
Only 33% of the children had spacing between
all the incisors. In 3% no spaces existed in the
incisor teeth; 3% had crowding of the incisor MIXED DENTITION PERIOD
teeth. Remaining had spacing between some
of the incisors. The mixed dentition period begins at
The anthropoid space was absent in 13% approximately 6 years of age with the eruption
of the upper arches and 22% of lower arches of first permanent molars. During the mixed
of the children. This is the most common dentition period, the deciduous teeth along
constant feature in the primary dentition. with some permanent teeth are present in the
The incisal overbite was normal only in 19% oral cavity.
of the cases. There was a reduced overbite in The mixed dentition can be classified into
37%, anterior openbite in 24% and an excessive three phases:
overbite in 20% of the cases.
Only 55% of the children had flush terminal First Transitional Period
plane relationship, 26% had distal step and The first transitional period is characterized by
4% of children had mesial step relation. In the the emergence of the first permanent molars
remaining cases there was varied relation on and the exchange of the deciduous incisors
the either side. with the permanent incisors.
Excessive incisal overjet was present in 72%
of the children. Emergence of First Permanent Molar
The mandibular first molar is the first
Changes in Incisor Relationship permanent tooth to erupt at around 6 years
during Deciduous Dentition of age. The location and relationship of the
The mean changes include a reduction in first permanent molar depends much upon
incisal overjet and overbite. Reduction in the distal surface relationship between the
overjet is due to the forward growth of the upper and lower second deciduous molars.
mandible during this period, reduction in The first permanent molars are guided into the
overbite has been associated with the attrition dental arch by the distal surface of the second
of teeth, the differential growth of the alveolar deciduous molars. The mesiodistal relation
processes of jaws. Changes in incisal overbite between the distal surfaces of the upper and
were variable, i.e. 52% showing a decrease lower second deciduous molars can be of
44% showing an increase and 4% no change. three types.
Primary teeth undergo marked attrition; as Flush terminal plane: The distal surface of the
a result dental arches are relatively free to upper and lower second deciduous molars
move because of lack of cuspal interdigitation. are in one vertical plane, called flush terminal
This leads to an edge-to-edge occlusion, plane. Thus the erupting first permanent
while the buccal teeth are still in complete molar may also be in a flush or end-to-end
occlusal contact such a situation has led relationship. For the transition of such an end
to the misconception that an edge-to-edge on molar-molar relation to a Class I molar
Growth and Development   51

relation, the lower molar has to move forward Exchange of Incisors (Incisor Liability)
by about 3–5 mm, relative to the upper molar. During the first transitional period the per­
This occurs by utilization of the physiological m­a nent incisors replace the deciduous
spaces and leeway space in the lower arch and incisors. The mandibular central incisors
by differential forward growth of the mandible. are usually the first to erupt. The permanent
The shift in lower molar from a flush incisors are considerably larger than the
terminal plane to a Class I relation can occur decid­uous teeth they replace. This difference
in two ways. They are designated as the early between the amount of space needed for
and late shift. the accommodation of the incisors and the
Early shift occurs during the early mixed amount of space available for this is called
dentition period. The eruptive force of the incisal liability. The incisal liability is roughly
first permanent molar is sufficient to push the about 7 mm in the maxillary arch and about 5
deciduous first and second molars forward in mm in mandibular arch. The incisal liability is
the arch to close the primate space and thereby overcome by the following factors:
establish a Class I molar relationship. Since
this occurs early in mixed dentition period it Utilization of Interdental Spaces Seen in
is called early mesial shift. Primary Dentition
Many children lack the primate space and The physiologic or the developmental spaces
thus the erupting permanent molars are unable that exist in the primary dentition are utilized
to move forward to establish Class I relationship. to partly account for the incisal liability. The
In these cases, when the deciduous second, permanent incisors are much more easily
molars exfoliate the perma­nent first molars drift accommodated in normal alignment in cases
mesially utilizing the leeway space. This occurs exhibiting adequate interdental spaces than
in the late mixed dentition period and is thus in an arch that has no space.
called late mesial shift.
Mesial step terminal plane: In this type of Increase in Intercanine Width
relationship the distal surface of the lower During the transition from the primary
second deciduous molar is more mesial than incisors to the permanent incisors an increase
that of upper. Thus the permanent molars in intercanine width of both the maxillary
erupt directly into Angle’s Class I occlusion. as well as the mandibular arches has been
This type of mesial step terminal plane most observed. This is an important factor that
commonly occurs due to early forward growth allows the much larger permanent incisors
of the mandible. If the differential growth of the to be accommodated in the arch previously
mandible is in a forward direction persists, it occupied by the deciduous incisors.
can lead to an Angle’s Class III molar relation.
If the forward mandibular growth is minimal, Change in Incisor Inclination
it can establish a Class I molar relationship. One of the differences between deciduous
Distal step terminal plane: This is characterized and permanent incisors is their inclination.
by the distal surface of the lower second The primary incisors are more upright than
deciduous molar being more distal to that the permanent incisors. Since the permanent
of the upper. Thus the erupting permanent incisors erupt more labially inclined they tend
molars may be in Angle’s Class II occlusion. to increase the dental arch perimeter. This is
52  Essentials of Orthodontics

another factor that helps in accommodating

the larger permanent incisors.

Intertransitional Period
In this period the maxillary and mandibular
arches consists of sets of deciduous and
permanent teeth. Between the permanent
incisors and the first permanent molar are
the deciduous molars and canines. This phase
during the mixed dentition period is relatively
stable and no major change occurs.

Second Transitional Period

The second transitional period is characterized
by the replacement of the deciduous molars
and canines by the premolars and permanent
canines respectively.

Leeway Space of Nance (Fig. 2.25)

The combined mesiodistal width of the
permanent canines and premolars are usually
less than that of the deciduous canines and
molars. The surplus space is called leeway
space of Nance. The amount of leeway space Figure 2.25: Leeway space
is greater in the mandibular arch than in the
maxillary arch. It is about 1.8 mm (0.9 mm on
each side of arch) in the maxillary arch and
about 3.4 mm (1.7 mm on each side of the arch)
in the mandibular arch. This excess space is
available after the exchange of the deciduous
molars and canines is utilized for mesial drift
of the mandibular molars to establish Class I
molar relation.

Ugly Duckling Stage (Fig. 2.26) Broadbent’s

Sometimes, a transient or self-correcting
malocclusion is seen in the maxillay incisor
region between 8–9 years of age. This is a
particular situation seen during the eruption
of the permanent canines. As the developing
permanent canines erupt, they displace the Figure 2.26: Ugly duckling stage
Growth and Development   53

roots of the lateral incisors mesially. This Both overjet and overbite decrease thro­
results in transmitting of the force on to ugh­out the second decade of life probably
the roots of the central incisors which also due to relatively greater forward growth of the
get displaced mesially. A resultant distal mandible.
divergence of the crowns of the two central
incisors causes midline spacing. This situation Factors Affecting the Development
has been described by Broadbent as the ugly of the Occlusion
duckling stage as children tend to look ugly General Factors
during this phase of development. Parents
are often apprehensive during this stage and 1. Skeletal factors: The position, size and
consult the dentist. This condition usually relationship of the bone in which tooth
corrects by itself when canines erupt and the develops. The relationship of maxilla
pressure is transferred from the roots to the or mandible to other bones and to
coronal area of the incisors. each other is probably determined by
hereditary, but may also be influenced by
number of other factors namely hormonal
PERMANENT DENTITION PERIOD imbalance, traumatic and pathological
conditions which interfere with growth.
The permanent dentition forms within the The relationship of maxilla to mandible
jaws soon after birth, except for the cusps of is important in all the three dimensions,
the permanent molars which forms before as this bone relationship will have a
birth. The permanent incisors develop lingual marked effect upon the nature of ultimate
or palatal to the deciduous incisors and move occlusion. Alveolar bone and tooth
labially as they erupt. The premolars develop relationship may be different from skeletal
below the diverging roots of the deciduous relationship.
molars. 2. Muscle factors: The form and function of
The eruption sequence of the permanent the muscle which surrounds the teeth. The
dentition may exhibit variation. The frequently muscles of tongue, lips, and cheeks are of
seen sequences in the maxillary arch are: particular importance in guiding the teeth
6-1-2-4-3-5-7 or into their final position and variation in
6-1-2-4-3-5-7 muscle form and function can affect the
In case of mandibular arch the sequence is, position and occlusion of the teeth. The
6-1-2-3-4-5-7 or effect of these muscles is modified by the
6-1-2-4-3-5-7 position of their bony attachments.
3. Dental factors: The size of the dentition
Dimensional Changes in relation to the size of the jaws. The
Dental arch length decreases a surprising disproportion in size between the jaws and
amount during the late adolescent period. teeth is a feature of many dentitions, but
Fisk found that mandibular arch perimeter the main problem affecting the occlusal
decreased by 5 mm between 9–16 years development in this respect appears
whereas maxillary arch perimeter decreased when the dentition is too large for the
by about 2.5 mm. jaws. This can lead on to overlapping and
54  Essentials of Orthodontics

displacement of teeth, impaction of teeth premolars erupt vertically. But often

or mesial movement of teeth. On the other emerge in a position more buccal than
hand dentition too small for the jaw size deciduous molars. The permanent
rarely poses a problem. molars follow a curved path of eruption.
4. The position and relationship of the teeth The forces which guide its course after
within that bone: During eruption tooth eruption: At the time tooth erupts into
passes through four distinct stages namely, the mouth, its roots are separated by
preeruptive, intraalveolar, intraoral, and a considerable margin from the walls
occlusal. At the onset the position of the of its socket. This permits plenty of
tooth germ is thought to be determined latitude for its guidance by other forces
by genetic mechanism. During, intra- to its final position it is at this stage
alveolar eruption, the tooth’s position is that physical forces are most likely to
affected by presence or absence of adjacent influence the position of the tooth, e.g.
teeth, rate of resorption of primary teeth, thumb, finger pressure. These forces
early loss of primary teeth and localized which are continued by the tooth may be
pathologic conditions. During intraoral divided into buccolingual forces which
or preocclusion stages the tooth can be arise largely from the musculature of
moved by lips, cheek, and tongue muscles, the lips, cheeks bucally constituting the
by extraneous objects brought into the buccinator mechanism and the tongue
mouth, for example thumb, finger, etc. on the lingual side; mesiodistal forces
once the teeth occlude, i.e. occlusal stage are exerted through adjacent teeth.
a most complicated system of forces come Forces generated by the muscles may
into play. be either passive which is continuous
5. The path which the tooth follow to reach but very light or active forces associated
the mucous membrane before eruption: with muscle activity which are always
Several theories have been propounded to intermittent.
explain the mechanism whereby eruption   Buccinator mechanism: Buccinator
is achieved namely: mechanism is like a continuous band of
i. Vascular pressure muscles that encircles the dentition and
ii. Growth of the root is anchored at the pharyngeal tubercle.
iii. Epithelial coils Opposing this mechanism is a very
iv. Hammock ligament powerful muscle, the tongue. These two
v. Pulp growth theory muscles act in opposite direction and
vi. Bone remodeling theory maintain the position of teeth.
vii. Periodontal ligament, etc.   This buccinator mechanism is like
  It is probable that the eruption is a a curtain starting with the decussating
combination of all these factors. fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle,
  The permanent incisors erupt occlu­ runs laterally joining the fibers of the
sally and outward from position lingual buccinator muscle which are inserted
to their deciduous counterparts. The into pterygomandibular raphe just
canines erupt a little mesially as well behind the dentition. At this point it
as downwards and outwards. The intermingles with fibers of superior
Growth and Development   55

constrictor muscle and continues Vertical: The mandible moves from rest
posteriorly and medially to anchor at position into occlusion and applies direct
the origin of the superior constrictor vertical pressure to the upper teeth. In the
muscle, i.e. the pharyngeal tubercle of mesial direction there is a forward resultant
the occipital bone. force. The forward resultant of occlusal
7. The forces which start to operate when the pressure is absorbed partly by the lips and
tooth makes contact with its opponent. partly by the palatal curvature of the upper
When the tooth makes contact with its incisor roots. The roots of lower incisors resist
opponent a most complicated of forces lingual pressure because they are flattened
determines the position of the tooth. For the mesiodistally.
first time, the muscles of mastication exert Anteroposterior: Movement of the mandible
an influence through the interdigitation of in this direction is not used frequently in
the cusps. The upward forces of eruption mastication because the overbite of the
and alveolar growth are countered by the incisors causes the molars and premolars to be
opposition of the apically directed force of disengaged if any but the smallest excursions
occlusion; the periodontal membrane is are made.
designed to disseminate the strong forces Transverse: In the molar region, lateral
of chewing to the alveolar bone. excursions of the mandible at first cause the
The axial inclination of the permanent large mesiopalatal cusps of the upper molars
teeth is such that some of the forces of to guide up the buccal cusps of the lower
chewing produce a mesial result through molars and if movement is continued, the
the contact points of the teeth, the anterior cusp-to-cusp contact of the buccal cusps of the
component of force. The anterior component opposite side disengages the molars. Shearing
of force often is confused with the mesial drift action may be performed by premolars and
tendency. The anterior component of force canines.
is the result of muscle forces acting through
the intercuspation of the occlusal surfaces; Safety Valve Mechanism
while the mesial drifting tendency is an A theoretical explanation of the formation
inherent disposition of most teeth to drift and maintenance of the maxillary intercanine
mesially even before they are in occlusion. This width which inturn will determine the
anterior component of force is countered by intercanine with of the mandibular canines is
the proximal contacts of the teeth and by the called safety valve mechanism. Thus maxillary
musculature of lips and cheecks from moving intercanine width acts as a safety valve in
labially; mesially by the teeth of opposite determining and maintaining the intercanine
side. The lower incisors are also limited from width of mandibular canines.
moving labially by the overbite of the upper
incisors. ‘Rail’ Mechanism (Fig. 2.27)
A theoretical explanation of the transverse
Forces of Mastication expansion of the maxillary dental arch as an
The forces of mastication exerted upon the adaptation to advancement of the mandibular
teeth can be divided as follows for the ease of arch during physiological development or
description, namely, vertical, anteroposterior appliance treatment is called ‘rail’ mechanism.
and transverse. The mandibular dental arch acts as a rail that
56  Essentials of Orthodontics

Localized soft tissue anomalies, the labial

frenum: In the primary dentition the labial
frenum can frequently be seen to be attached
to the alveolar process between upper central
incisors. With normal dentoalveolar growth,
the upper alveolar process grows down
and the labial frenum attachment becomes
progressively higher on the jaw, occasionally,
however the low attachment persists and the
frenum apparently causes a midline space
between upper central incisors.
Figure 2.27: ‘Rail’ mechanism
Dental Arch Form
through occlusal contacts dictates the buccal Dental arch form is formed by the buccal and
movement of the maxillary posterior teeth. facial surfaces of teeth when viewed from
their occlusal surfaces. The importance of
Local Factors arch form particularly mandibular arch form
Aberrant developmental position of teeth: has been stressed by Richard Riedel and
The teeth most commonly affected are upper Donald Joondeph in their theorms for stability
canines, lower third molars, upper central of retention. In addition to improving the
incisors and lower lateral incisors. Aberrant occlusion when aligned in a proper arch form
developmental position is either due to trauma it also contributes significantly to the esthetic
or unknown etiology. value of the face.
The persistence of supernumerary teeth: They In 1885, Bonwill noted the tripod shape of
can occur in primary or permanent dentition. the lower jaw and declared that it formed an
But only those occurring in permanent equilateral triangle with the base extending
dentition have marked effect on occlusal from condyle-to-condyle and the sides
development. extending from each condyle to the midline of
Hypodontia: The congenital absence of certain the central incisors. He stated that this triangle
teeth. Hypodontia can modify the occlusion existed for the proper functioning of the teeth.
and position of the teeth by virtue of its Importantly, he noted that the bicuspids and
effects on form of teeth, position of the teeth molars formed a straight line from the cuspids
and growth of the jaws. Noticeable effects to the condyles.
on jaw growth only occur in the more severe In 1905, Hawley employed some of
types of hypodontia, when a large number of Bonwill’s principles in proposing a geometric
permanent teeth are missing. The growth of method for constructing the ideal arch form.
the basal parts of the jaws is not affected, but Hawley suggested that the six anterior teeth
the absence of much of the dentition causes be made to lie along a circle whose radius
reduction in growth of the alveolar bone. equaled their combined widths. From this
The effects of certain habit activities: Abnormal circle he created an equilateral triangle, the
habits disturb the normal balance of mus­cul­ base of which represented the intercondylar
ature thereby interfere with the development width. It was proposed that the bicuspids
of occlusion. and molars should be aligned along these
Growth and Development   57

extended straight lines. Hawley did, however,

advised against the strict use of this method for
determining arch form and that it is used only
as a guide in establishing arch form. Numerous
authors described other shapes for the dental
In 1902, Black stated that the upper teeth
are arranged in a semiellipse and that the lower
teeth were arranged similarly on a smaller
Broomell, in the same year, said that “the
teeth are arranged in the jaws in the form
Figure 2.28: Catenary’s curve
of two parabolic curves, the superior arch
describing the segment of a larger circle than
the inferior, as a result of which the upper teeth
slightly overhang the lower”.
Angle developed the concept of Line of
Occlusion in 1890. According to him the line
of occlusion is a smooth Catenary’s curve (Fig.
2.29) passing through the central fossa of each
upper molar and across the cingulum of the
upper canine and incisor teeth. The same line
runs along the buccal cusps and incisal edges
of the lower teeth thus specifying the occlusal
as well as interarch relationships once the
molar position is established.
In 1942, Gray’s Anatomy stated the
following about human arch form:
“The maxillary dental arch forms an
elliptical curve...The mandibular dental arch
forms a parabolic curve”. Figure 2.29: Brader arch form
The basic types of the dental arch form are
parabolic, hyperbolic, ellipsoidal, square and arch formed by the alveolar process and the
V-shaped (Figs 2.28 and 2.29). dental arch which is formed by the crowns
Factors that control the dental arch form of all the maxillary or mandibular arch (Figs
include, the dental development, forces 2.30A to C).
of occlusion, development of maxilla and
mandible and the surrounding soft tissues.
Factors that determine the dental arch FUNCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT
form include, the apical base arch which is the The orofacial region performs a wide range
arch formed by the roots of all the maxillary or of functions such as mastication, swallowing,
mandibular teeth, alveolar arch which is the respiration and speech. It is now an accepted
58  Essentials of Orthodontics

16 weeks: Lifts head and chest, head in

approximately vertical axis. Symmetrical
posture predominates, hands in midline.
Enjoys sitting with ful truncal support. Laughs
out loud and excited at sight of food.
A B 28 weeks: Rolls over, crawls, sits briefly, reaches
out for and grasps large objects. Transfers
objects from hand-to-hand polysyllabic vowels
sounds formed, prefers mother and enjoys
C mirror.
Figures 2.30A to C: Dental arch 40 weeks: Sits up alone, without support. Pulls
to standing position, walks holding on to
fact that form and function are interrelated. furniture. Grasps objects with the thumb and
Normal development of the orofacial region fore finger; pokes at things with forefinger.
is to a large extent dependent upon normal Repetitive consonant sounds. The child
function. responds to sound of name.
52 weeks: Walks one hand held raises
independently takes several steps. Realises
NORMAL MILESTONES OF object to other person on request or gesture.
DEVELOPMENT Increase in vocabulary by a few words, makes
postural adjustments to dressing.
1–4th week: In prone position child lies, flexed Preschool Period
turns head from side-to-side head sags on 15 months: Walks alone, crawls upstairs, inserts
ventral suspension. Motor response, gras pellet in bottle, follows simple commands, may
reflex are active. Baby shows visual preference name a familiar object. Indicates some desires
to human face. Face is round and mandible or needs by pointing and hugs parents.
small. Abdomen is prominent with relatively 18 months: Runs stiffly, walks upstairs with one
short extremities. hand held. Baby explores drawers and waste
4 weeks: Holds the chin up, head lifted baskets. Imitates scribbling, dumps pellet from
momentarily to the plane of the body on bottle. Vocabulary consists of about 10 words,
ventral suspension, watches person, follows identifies one or more parts of the body. Feeds
moving object. The child begins to smile. self seeks help when in trouble.
8 weeks: Head sustained in plane of body on 24 months: Runs well, walks up and down the
ventral suspension. Smiles on social contact, stairs one step at a time. Opens doors, jumps,
listens to voice and coos. circulating scribbling, imitates horizontal
12 weeks: Lifts the head and chest, lifts head strokes. Puts three words together, handles
above plane of body on ventral suspension. spoon well, helps to undress and listens to
Early head control with bobbing motion. stories with pictures.
Makes defensive movements and listen to 30 months: Goes upstairs with alternating feet.
music. Refers to self by pronoun ‘I’ knows full name.
Growth and Development   59

Helps us to keep things away, pretends in play. Predicting adult height and weight:
36 months: Rides tricycles, stands momentarily Adult height and weight are related as
on one foot, imitates a cross, copies a circle, follows:
and knows age and sex, counts three objects Boys : 2 × height at 8 years = adult height
correctly. Girls : 2 × height at 7½ years = adult height
48 months: Hops on one foot, uses scissors to Adult weights are related as follows:
cut out pieces, tells a story, plays with several Boys : 5 × weight at 2 years = adult weight
children, goes to toilet alone. Girls : 5 × weight at 1½ years = adult weight
60 months: Skips, dresses undress, asks
questions about meaning of words, domestic
role playing. MASTICATION

School Period (6–12 years) Mastication is a complex activity aimed at

6–10 years: Stedy growth until the prepubertal breaking down and insalivations of the food,
growth spurts. preparatory to swallowing. In infants, the
10–12 years: Usual peak height velocity in girls. food is taken in by suckling as their diet is
13–14 years: Usual peak height velocity in mostly confined to liquids. This is unlearned
boys. Lymphatic tissues are at their peak or automatic reflex in Homo sapiens. It would
development during these years. Girls reach be seen from the analysis that at no time of
their peak height velocities earlier than boys on life are more muscles involved in the intake
an average and have a lower peak. Growth rate of food than in newborn. Thus mastication
declines after the peak height velocity period to in true sense is not present in infants. As the
about the same as during the infantile period. infants’ switches on to solid or semisolid food,
it quickly learns to use the lip to keep the food
from being forced out of the mouth. The bolus
PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENCE of food is mixed with saliva by the action of the
tongue and is forced between the gum pads
There exists a considerable variability in the or the occlusal surfaces of the erupting teeth.
chronological ages in which this pubertal
period begins. Classic Pattern (Suckle-swallow) is
Puberty coincides with development of Outlined by Bosma in Infants
secondary sexual characteristics like breasts Head is extended, tongue elongated and
in female, pubic hair, voice changes in male. low in the floor of the mouth, jaws apart and
It is also marked by menarche in females. The lips pursed around the nipple. Mandible
sooner the puberty occurs the sooner the rater is somewhat protruded. During functions,
of growth declines and finally stops. In females the rhythmic contraction of the tongue and
maximum growth in height occurs the year facial muscles aids in the stabilization of the
before the menarche. There is an increase mandible.
in the mass of muscles, and redistribution of Once the child starts taking solid foods,
body fat. Increase in skeletal growth. Average the intensity of the act of satisfying hunger is
height gain from 5 years to puberty is 3 inches reduced, but most of the muscles of the cheeks,
and by 13 years in females is 63 inches while tongue and floor of the mouth are involved.
62–65 inches in males. Less activity of lips and mandibular thrust
60  Essentials of Orthodontics

occurs. Infant quickly learns to use his lips The grinding phase: It coincides with the
primarily to keep the food from being forced transgression of mandibular molars across
out of the mouth during the peristaltic action their maxillary counterparts and is highly
of the tongue and cheeks as the bolus of food constant from one cycle-to-cycle.
is forced back towards the pharynx. Terminal phase: Messerman (1963) termed
In infants, bolus is mixed with saliva by this phase as terminal functional orbit. Ahlgern
tongue action. Rhythmic action of muscles of (1961) noted that during this phase the
the cheek serves to force the food back towards bilateral muscular discharge becomes unequal
the tongue; which mashes the food against and asynchronous, indicating that the person
hard palate. To permit the food to interpose is chewing unilaterally.
between gumpads or teeth the mandible is
depressed by gravity and hyoid and lateral
pterygoid muscles with a simultaneous DEGLUTITION
deflection towards working side. Lateral shift
of mandible is more apparent in hard to chew Deglutition or swallowing is an important
foods. Mandible closed primarily by temporal function carried out by the stomatognathic
and masseter muscle activity. system. Two types of swallowing are
The mastication of food in an adult recognized. They are the infantile swallow
summarized by Fletcher using the six phases and the mature swallow.
as outlined by Murphy:
Infantile Swallow
Preparatory Phase The ability to feed from the breast is present
Food is ingested and positioned by the tongue in the newborn child. During the process of
within the oral cavity and the mandible is suckling, the nipple is drawn into the mouth
moved towards the chewing side. Murphy by negative pressure from within. The tongue
observed a slight constant deviation of the lies over the lower gum pads and protrudes
mandible to the nonfood side an instant before between the nipple and lower lip.
the masticatory stroke began and used this The milk is directed continuously to the
point as a precise beginning of the preparatory pharynx by an automatic peristaltic movement
phase. of the tongue and mylohyoid muscle. During
the process of swallowing, regular breathing
Food Contact continues. The milk passes between the facial
This phase is characterized by a momentary pillars and the lateral channels of the pharynx.
hesitation in movement. This pause is Any excess milk in the mouth dribbles down
triggered by sensory receptors concerning the chin.
the apparent viscosity of the food and probable The characteristic of an infantile swallow
transarticular pressure incident of chewing. as outlined by Moyers is as follows:
The crushing phase: Starts with a high velocity The jaws are apart with the tongue being
then slows as the food is crushed by a slight placed between the upper and lower gum pads.
change in direction but no delay. The mandible is stabilized by the contr­
Tooth contact: Tooth contact is accompanied action of the muscles of the seventh cranial
by a slight change in direction but not delay. nerve and the interposed tongue.
Growth and Development   61

The swallow is guided and to a large extent

controlled by sensory interchange between the
lips and tongue.
As the infant begins to eat solid food,
there is a distinct change in the swallowing
pattern. The tongue is contained within the
dental arches and the mandible is no longer
protruded. This heralds the onset of the mature
Change from semisolid to solid food and
eruption of teeth.
Tongue is no longer forced into space
between the gumpads or incisal surfaces of
the teeth which contact momentarily during
swallowing act. Mandibular thrust diminishes
during transitional period of 6–12 months.
Mandibular elevators stabilize the mandible.
Cheek and lip muscles reduce the strength of
Figures 2.31A and B: Mature swallow
their contractions. Tip of tongue is positioned
near the incisive foramen at the movement of
deglutition. nerve muscles. Tongue tip is held against the
Fletcher points out that infantile swallow palate, above and behind the incisors. There
are attributable to a significant difference in are minimal con­tractions of lips in mature
oral cavity morphology and to a large tongue swallow.
size, orientation and suspensory system.
Whereas general bodily dimension change in Phases of Deglutition or Swallowing
a neonate on a ratio of 5:1 the infant tongue Preparatory phase or oral phase: Soft palate
size only doubles in size. The expansion of moves upward and the tongue drops downward
peripheral attachments continues well into and backwards. At the same time larynx and
postnatal period. The change to the adult hyoid bone move upward. These combined
swallow pattern occurs gradually in what movements create a smooth path for bolus as
has been called the transitional period. it is pushed from oral cavity, liquid food flows
Neuromuscular maturation, changes in head ahead of lingual constrictions. The oral cavity,
posture gravitational effect on mandible are stabilized by muscles of mastication maintains
conditioning factors by 18 months. an anterior and lateral seal during this phase.
Pharyngeal phase: Starts as the bolus passes
Characters of Mature Swallow through the fauses. The pharyngeal tube is
(Figs 2.31A and B) raised upward enmasse; nasopharynx is sealed
Teeth are together from 18 months, mandible off by the closure of the soft palate against
is stabilized by contraction of mandibular the posterior pharyngeal wall (Passawant’s
elevators which are primarily 5th cranial ridge). The hyoid bone and the base of tongue
62  Essentials of Orthodontics

move forward as both the pharynx and the anterior retainers for the teeth. Patients who
tongue continue their peristaltic like activity exhibit weak orbicularis oris muscles as a result
movements of bolus of food. of functional or organic problems invariably
Esophageal phase: This commences as food exhibit a poor occlusal relationship.
passes the cricopharyngeal spincter. While These are referred to as the triangular force
peristaltic movement carries the food through concept. It should be noted that the position
the esophagus the hyoid bone, palate and of tongue in relation to the upper and lower
tongue return to their original positions. incisors during swallowing act is contributory
to lip functions. If the tongue extends beyond
Theories of Deglutition the upper and lower central incisors, the
• Theory of constant proportions tongue will prevent the lower lip from making
• Theory of negative pressure contact with the upper teeth, thus preventing
• Theory of expulsion full utilization of the orbicularis oris muscle as
• Theory of integral function. a restraining force. This inhibition of function
Average individual swallows once a minute will eventually cause a weakening of this
between meals and 9 times during eating. particular muscle.
There are various estimates of frequency of Tongue is certainly a potent force in mold­
deglutition, which ranges as high as 2400 ing the dentition. Together with finger sucking
somatic and visceral swallows per 24 hours habit and retained swallowing patt­erns, it
period. may alter the total function of stomato­gnathic
Some observers feel that the patients with system.
certain types of malocclusion like Class II
div.1 and open bite problems swallow more
frequently. The level of nervous irritability RESPIRATION
uses swallowing cycle as a tensional release
mechanism may also enhance deglutitional Respiration is an inherent reflex activity. The
frequency. newborn infant is basically a nasal breather.
Breathing is evoked spontaneously at birth and
Triangular Force Concept is aided by the posture of the mandible and
The three major groups of muscles affecting hyoid bone. Normal orofacial development is
occlusion during the swallowing act are: to a large extent dependent upon presence of
Tongue: Which is the only muscle in the body normal respiration.
attached at only one end. The tongue muscles In patients having partial or total nasal
functions during the act of swallowing as a obstruction, nasal breathing may not be
moving force, as an impeding force or as both. possible. These patients breathe through the
Masseter and buccinator: These are activated mouth. The alteration in breathing pattern
each time the patient swallows. Failure of the brings about a lowered mandibular and tongue
activation of these muscles is caused either position. Thus the orofacial muscular balance
by the placement of tongue between the is lost leading to abnormal development of the
teeth during deglutition or by poor posterior dental arches.
occlusion. The relationship of breathing patterns
Orbicularis oris: Acts as stabilizing influence and the form of dentofacial structures and
on the dentition. The lips are the natural dental arches is a subject of investigation
Growth and Development   63

and controversy among orthodontists. Much Adenoid size must be assessed relative
of the confusion stems from the failure to to the dimensions of the nasopharynx.
establish clear-cut correlations between the Adenoids are best assessed clinically by direct
functional problems and the supposedly naso-pharyngoscopy, a procedure usually
related morphologic characteristics. employed by otolaryngologists. Orthodontists
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids, by com- currently depend on lateral skull radiographs
promising the airway space, have been in assessing adenoid size. Mouth breathing
implicated in dentofacial abnormalities. is usually defined as “habitual respiration
Orthod­ontists are thus referring patients to through the mouth instead of the nose.” In
physi­cians for tonsillectomy and/or adenoi- reality, however, oral respiration nearly always
dectomy to relieve respiratory obstruction. implies a combination of nasal and oral
But is the diagnosis of enlarged tonsils and respiration. It does not seem to be a question
adenoids and mouth breathing based on of either-or, as many authors have asserted.
well-defined criteria? Also, is craniofacial The question is, rather: “At what point, if any,
morphology undisputably influenced by does mouth breathing lead to dentofacial
respiratory mode? deformity?”
Tonsil size is, from a clinical standpoint, a In studies of airway obstruction, it has been
difficult assessment. There is no recognized customary to express degrees of obstruction
“normal” size for a tonsil. It is, therefore, in terms of nasal resistance. Watson, Warren,
arguable whether tonsils can be described as and Fischer showed that the incidence of
“enlarged.” The apparent size of the tonsil can clinically observable mouth breathing was
be altered considerably when the tongue is greater among subjects with a nasal resistance
protruded forcibly. A child whose oropharynx above 4.5 cm. water per liter per second. It is
looks normal with the tongue slightly protruded necessary, however, to consider each individual
can make the tonsils meet in the midline with in relation to his age-related norms, which are
maximum protrusion of the tongue. The not yet available. Furthermore, nasal airflow in
tongue depressor also alters the apparent size isolation, as opposed to the estimate of relative
of the tonsils. If the tongue is firmly depressed, oral/nasal flow, is less than satisfactory for the
the patient gags and the tonsils meet in the diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction.
midline. Grossly enlarged tonsils can create an Clinically, then, unless sophisticated
obstruction in the oropharyngeal space dorsal measures are employed, it is currently
to the root of the tongue. If obstruction is severe impossible to measure differentially and
enough, the tongue may be postured forward adequately the relative amounts of nasal
to maintain an adequate oropharyngeal and/or oral respiration. Estimating nasal
space for respiration. A tongue that appears respiratory capacity, as many orthodontists do,
protrusive, however, does not necessarily by having the patients breathe through each
indicate enlarged tonsils, since any condition nostril separately, placing a cold mirror under
leading to nasorespiratory obstruction might the subject’s nose, or placing cotton/wool
result in reposturing of the tongue to maintain under the subject’s nose is unreliable. Further,
a patent oral airway. Macroglossia, while rare, it must be emphasized that nasal patency is
does occur, and the tongue in these cases also not at all constant and can vary considerably
appears protrusive. within minutes in all subjects.
64  Essentials of Orthodontics

The evaluation of nasal airway patency is by functional mala­d aptations of various

complicated also by the fact that the airways structures of the mouth during speech.
may clinically appear inadequate, but may be The effects on speech may be either direct
quite functional physiologically. Lip separation, or indirect: The direct, through the mechanical
or an open-mouth habit, is not a reliable difficulties that they impose on a person
indicator of mouth breathing, because complete attempting to achieve the proper positioning
nasal respiration often occurs in the presence and movement of the articulators of speech;
of dental conditions which cause an open- and indirect, through the influence that the
mouth posture. Similarly, a narrow nose is not deformities may have on the physical and
necessarily characteristic of mouth breathers. mental health of the person. The teeth, tongue,
Holmberg and Linder-Aronson believe that lips, alveolar ridge, palate, and soft palate
frontal cephalometric radiographs provide are some of these articulators. Any osseous,
a reasonable assessment of the nasal airflow muscular, dental, or soft tissue deformity
by subjective evaluation of airway capacity that impairs the movement or appearance of
and are valuable in diagnosing reduced nasal the organs of articulation may contribute to
respiratory function. defective speech. Besides, dental appliances
(orthodontic or prosthetic) can cause disorders
of articulation of linguodental, labiodental, or
SPEECH (FIG. 2.32) linguoalveolar consonants.

Speech is largely a learned activity. The first Passive Muscle Function

sounds produced by a child are often the ‘baby A number of muscles exert force on the
cry’. The mechanism of crying is intimately developing jaws. There has been observed to be
related to respiration with laryngeal and a strong inter-dependence between the bone
pharyngeal coordination. and the muscles. Although the bone is one of
Speech is an acquired skill that involves the hardest tissues in the body, it is most
production of basic notes in the larynx known responsive to environmental factors including
as phonation, and modification of these musculature.
sounds by changing the shape of the cavities The teeth and the supporting structures
in the mouth, nose and throat, which is known are blanketed from all directions by muscles.
as articulation. Thus the integrity of the dental arches and the
A large number of muscles are involved relationship of the teeth with each other and
in production of speech. They include the with teeth of the opposing arch are to a large
muscles of the wall of the torso, respiratory extent influenced muscles.
tract, the pharynx, the soft palate, the tongue, The dentition is covered by a continuous
lips and face. Speech does not make gross muscle band that encircles it starting with
demands on the peri-oral musculature and the fibers of the lip, the muscles run laterally
hence speech defects are rarely a cause for and posteriorly around the corner of the
malocclusion. mouth, joining the fibers of buccinator which
Speech defects that arise in connection insert into the pteryogomandibular raphe.
with orofacial and dental abnormalities are These fibers intermingle with the fibers of the
mainly those in which the articulation of superior constrictor and continue posteriorly
the vowels and consonants are distorted and medially to anchor at the origin of the
Growth and Development   65

Figure 2.32: Speech

superior constrictor, i.e. at the pharyngeal TRAJECTORIES OF FORCE

tubercle. The dentoalveolar region is thus
encircled from the buccal aspect by this band The trajectorial theory of force states that the
of muscle and this phenomenon is referred to lines of orientation of the bony trabeculae
as the buccinator mechanism. correspond to the pathways of maximal
Opposing the buccinator mechanism from pressure and tension and that bone trabeculae
within is a very powerful muscular organ, the are thicker in the region where the stress is
tongue. greater.
66  Essentials of Orthodontics

Benninghoff studied the natural lines WOLFF’S LAW OF

of stress in the skull by piercing small holes TRANSFORMATION OF BONE
into a fresh skull. Later as skulls were dried,
he observed assumed a linear form in the Bone, unlike other connective tissues responds
direction of the bony trabeculae. These were to mild degrees of pressure and tension,
called Benninghoff’s lines or trajectories which by changes in its form. Those changes are
indicate the direction of the functional stresses. accomplished by means of resorption of
existing bone and deposition of new bone.
Trajectories of Maxilla This may take place on the surface of the
The trajectories of the maxilla can be broadly bone under the periosteum, or in the case
classified as vertical and horizontal trajectories. of cancellous bone on the surface of the
The vertical trajectories include the frontonasal trabeculae, or on the walls of marrow spaces
buttress, the malar-zygomatic buttress and the or air sinuses. The architecture of a bone is
pterygoid buttress. such that it can best resist the forces which
Frontonasal buttress: This trajectory originates are brought to bear upon it with the use of as
from the incisors, canines and the first maxillary little tissue as possible. In this respect bone is
premolar and runs cranially along the sides of more plastic than any other connective tissue.
the piriform aperture, the crest of the nasal It has been found that bone is formed in just
bone and terminates in the frontal bone. the quantity and shape that will enable it to
Malar-zygomatic buttress: This trajectory withstand the physical demands made upon
transmits the stress from the buccal group it, with the greatest amount of economy of
of teeth in three pathways: Through the structure. This is the basis of Wolff’s law of
zygomatic arch to the base of the skull, upward transformation of bone.
to the frontal bone through the lateral walls of Thus, not only is the quantity of bone
the orbit, and along the lower orbital margin to tissue the minimum that would be needed for
join the upper part of the frontonasal buttress. function requirements, but also its structure
Pterygoid buttress: This trajectory transmits the is such that it is best suited for the forces
stress from the second and third molars to the exerted upon it. If a long bone such as the
base of the skull. femur is cut open, it will be found that dense
Horizontal trajectories of maxilla include cortical bone is on the outside and spicules
hard palate, orbital ridges, zygomatic arches, of the cancellous bone within are arranged
palatal bones and lesser wings of sphenoid. in such a say that they support the cortical
bone along well-defined paths of stress and
Trajectories of Mandible strain.
A line of stress extends from one condyle to the
other passing along the symphysis. A number
of vertical trajectories radiate down below the PSYCHOLOGICAL
roots of the mandibular teeth. DEVELOPMENT
The lower border of the mandible, and the Study of Psychology of the child receiving
mylohyoid ridges are the other prominent orthodontic treatment is one of most difficult
buttresses of the mandible. and essential part of the orthodontics.
Growth and Development   67


It is the ego that makes the necessary interaction
Psychology can be defined as a branch of with the social work possible and permits the
science dealing with behavior, acts or mental needs of the Id to be satisfied. Although the
processes and with the mind, self or person ego serves as a way of satisfying Id impulses, it
who behaves or acts or has the mental pro­ responds to the reality principle. If the Id were
cess. left entirely to its own devices, the organism
Reduced to its essence the most typical would probably be destroyed. Thus the ego
definition of psychology becomes the “Science serves to control the Id’s pleasure seeking.
of Behavior”. But, psychology is not only a Hence, the ego can be defined as the
science, it is also profession that is concerned integrating or mediating part of personality,
with studying behavior, predicting behavior which develops out of interaction of Id
and helping the individuals to change their and environment and which controls the
behavior. tendencies of Id, excluding or modifying those
tendencies which are in conflict with reality. It
has perception both of the internal and of the
Psychoanalytical Theory (Sigmund The Superego acts as a conscience; it is the
Freud 1856-1931) internal part of the individual that makes value
The first formal theory of personality to have judgments. The superego is idealistic; it is not
marked impact of psychology and psychiatry necessarily composed of society’s standard
was that of Sigmund Freud. This concept unless the individual has accepted and
of personality was based on the interaction internalized them. The child is born without a
between three systems within each individual; superego. This element of personality structure
he called these systems the Id, Ego and Super­ superego like the ego is developed under the
ego. training and influence of the environment.
Superego makes value judgements about
Id the individual’s unges impulses and activities
The Id is the source of all gratifications and can be defined as the latest development of
pleasure; it represents the unconscious the mind embodying the code of society and
instinctive urges that motivate behavior. The including concepts of right and wrong, the
Id operates on what Freud described as the value system and the ideals.
pleasure principle. But the inner urges of the Freud believed that many personality
Id can find satisfaction only in external sources. disorders come because of a conflict between
Hence, Id can be defined as the inherited the ego and the superego. Whenever the ego
reservoir of unrecognized drives. It is mostly attempts to fulfill Id impulses directly, the
unconscious, is governed by the pleasure-pain superego comes in conflict with the ego. The
principle, aims at immediate satisfaction of ego also develops defence mechanisms to hide
libidinal urges is immoral, is illogical and lacks from the superego the fact that Id impulses are
unity of purpose. being satisfied.
68  Essentials of Orthodontics

Oedipus Complex other erogenous zones of the body, which

Young boys have a natural tendency to the may become sources of pleasure through
mother and they consider their father as their manipulation. These zones include the
enemy. Hence they strive to imitate their father nostrils, ears and eyes. Unresolved problems
to gain the affection of the mother. or conflicts occurring during this stage can
lead to later problems of several adjustments.
Electra Complex
Similarly the young girls develop an attraction Latent Stage
towards their father and they resent the mother This stage arrives at about the sixth year,
being close to the father. Freud has reported lasts until puberty. It is a relatively dormant
that little girls have a comparable Electra stage from the standpoint of personality
complex to resolve this. development.
Freud postulated several stages of develop­
ment, each involving special adjust­m ent Genital Stage
problems and each contributing to man’s At puberty, the endocrinal system functions
behavior. with renewed energy and intensity. No new
erogenous zones are discovered, but there is
Oral Stage a major integration of the three earliest stages.
The oral stage is the earliest and is characterized Inner forces now become directed towards
by the child seeking satisfaction of his needs members of the opposite sex, and the focus is
through the mouth, i.e. through sucking and on reproduction or mutual pleasure between
ingesting food or drink. The baby learns that partners.
manipulation of the mouth, and especially According to Freud, the individual who
the lips and tongue, whether on the breast or is unable to proceed through various stages
bottle, brings happiness and satisfaction. The smoothly will develop some form of personality
lesson is quickly learned and the child repeats maladjustment.
the action whenever possible. Problems
and tensions at this stage can result in some Classical Conditioning (Pavlov, 1927)
oral behavior that may not be productive or Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was one of the first to
efficient, such as thumb sucking. study conditioned reflexed experimentally.
The crucial element of the conditioning is the
Anal Stage relation between the conditioned stimulus
The second stage proposed by Freud is the anal and the unconditioned stimulus. The more
stage, which corresponds to the period during frequent the pairing of the conditioned and
which toilet training takes place in western unconditioned stimulus, the stronger is the
societies. The pressures of accumulated waste conditioning.
in the lower digestive tract lead the individual The principles involved in the process are:
to seek relief from the discomfort through 1. Generalization: Wherein the process
excretion. of conditioning is evoked by a band of
stimuli centered on a specific conditioned
Phallic Stage stimulus. Thus a test stimulus similar to
During this stage the child focus attention training stimulus results in a response, e.g.
on the genitals. The child usually discovers a child who has a painful experience with
Growth and Development   69

a doctor in a white coat always associates months), consolidation and object constancy
any doctor in white coat with pain. (24–36 months).
2. Extinction: Of the conditioned behavior
results if the association between the Psychosocial Theory (Erik Erikson)
conditioned and the unconditioned Erik Erikson, a friend and student of Freud,
response is not reinforced. For example, in elaborated and modified Freud’s theory
the above mentioned example subsequent by superimposition of psychosocial and
visits to the doctor without any unpleasant psychosexual factors simultaneously contri­
experiences results in extinction of the fear. buting to the personality development of the
3. Discrimination: It is the opposite of child. Erikson’s theory postulates that the
generalization, if the child is exposed to society responds to the child’s basic needs or
clinic settings which are different to those developmental tasks in each specific period of
associated with the painful experiences life and states that in doing so, society assures
the child learns to discriminate between not only the child’s healthy growth but also the
the two clinics and even the generalized passage and survival of society’s own culture
response to any office will be extinguished. and conditions. His approach emphasizes the
The principles of classical conditioning dependent interaction of the individual and
can be used in the following areas of animal the society.
and human behavior: Developing good habits, Although chronologic ages are associated
breaking habits and elimination of conditioned with Erikson’s developmental stages, as in
fear, psychotherapy, to decondition emotional physical development, the chronologic age
fear, developing positive attitudes, and varies among individuals but the sequence of
teaching alphabets. the developmental stages is constant. Rather
differently from physical development, it is
Maher’s Theory (1933) possible and indeed probable that qualities
This theory categorises the early childhood associated with earlier stages may be evident in
object relations to understand personality later stages because of incomplete resolution
development. of the earlier stages.
The period of childhood is thus divided into
three stages: Erikson’s Eight Ages of Man
Normal autistic phase (0–1 yrs): It is a state 1. Development of basic trust (Birth-18
of half sleep, half wakefulness. This phase months): Thus Erikson describes the first
involves achievement of equilibrium with the year of life (the oral stage) as a time of
environment. achieving a sense of basic trust by the
Normal symbiotic phase (3–4 weeks to 4–5 child that his needs will be met. Failure to
months): The infant at this stage is slightly achieve satisfaction will result in a sense of
aware of the caretaker but they both are still “basic mistrust”.
undifferentiated. 2. Development of autonomy (18 months –3
Separation individualization process (5–36 years): The second year of life (the anal
months): This phase is divided into 4 subphases, stage) is viewed by Erikson as a time of
differentiation (5–10 months), practicing gaining mastery over issues of self control
period (10–16 months), rapproachment (16–24 for beyond bowel and bladder control. A
70  Essentials of Orthodontics

successfully outcome leads to a sense of and behavioral management of adole­

autonomy, whereas failure leads to a sense scents can be extremely challenging.
of shame and doubt. Since parental authority is being rejected,
3. Development of initiative (3–6 years): a poor psychologic situation is created by
From three to seven years (the phallic or orthodontic treatment if it is being carried
oedipal stage) the child deals with issues out primarily because the parents want
of curiosity about the anatomic differences it, not the child. At this stage, orthodontic
between the sexes, body integrity and treatment should be instituted only if the
gender identity. The successful resolution patient wants it, not just to please the
of gender identity problems, oedipal, parents.
longings, leads to a sense of initiative Motivation for seeking treatment can be
whereas failure to accomplish these tasks defined as internal or external. External
leads to a sense of guilt. motivation is from pressure from others
4. Mastery of skills (7–11 years): During the (friends, parents). Internal motivation
period from age 7–12 yrs (the latency stage), is provided by an individual own desire
the child moves out of the home into the for treatment to correct a defect that he
society of children in school. Mastery over perceives in him, not some defect pointed
academic achievement and integration into to by authority figures whose values are
the world of children require the growing being rejected anyway.
child to develop a sense of industry. If this It is extremely important for an
is not accomplished, a sense of inferiority adolescent to actively desire the treatment
may result. as something being done for, not to him
5. Development of personal identity (12–17 or her. In this stage, abstract concepts
years): The time of puberty and adolescence can be grasped readily, but appeals to
(the genital stage) has been of particular do something because of its impact on
interest to Erikson. He has focuses less personal health are not likely to be needed.
upon the sexual aspects and more upon the The typical adolescent feels that health
issues of “ego identity” during adolescence. problems are concerns of somebody
Unless a consolidation of a sense of self else, and this attitude covers everything
is achieved, the teenager is faced with from acci­dental death in reckless driving
a sense of identity confusion and the to develop­ment of decalcified areas on
inability to progress to adulthood as an carelessly brushed teeth.
independent being apart from his parents. 6. Development of intimacy (young adult):
It is extremely compels stage because of The adult stages of development begin with
the many new opportunities that arise. the attainment of intimate relationship
Emerting sexuality complicates with with others. Successful development
others. Establishing ones own identity of intimacy depends on a willingness
requires a partial withdrawal from the to compromise and even to sacrifice to
family, and the peer group increases still maintain a relationship. Success leads
further in importance because it offers to the establishment of affiliations and
a sense of drastic changes within the partnerships, both with a mate and with
individual. Most orthodontic treatment is others. Failure leads to isolation from
carried out during the adolescent years, others and a set of attitudes that serve to
Growth and Development   71

keep others away rather than bringing of operant conditioning distinguished by the
them into closer contact. A growing type of consequences.
number of young adults are seeking Positive reinforcement: Occurs if a pleasant
orthodontic care. Often these individuals consequence follows the response, e.g. a child
seek to correct a dental appearance they rewarded for good behavior following dental
perceive as flawed. They may feel that a treatment.
change in their appearance will facilitate Negative reinforcement: Involves removal of
attainment of intimate relationships. On unpleasant stimuli following a response, e.g.
the other hand, a new look resulting from if the parent gives into the temper tantrums
orthodontic treatment may interfere with thrown by the child, he reinforces ths behavior.
previously established relationships. Omission refers to removal of the pleasant
7. Guidance of the next generation (adult): response after a particular response, e.g. if the
A major responsibility of a mature adult child misbehaves during the dental procedure,
is the establishment and guidance of the his favourte toy is taken away for a short time
next generation. Becoming a successful resulting in the omission of the undesirable
and supportive parent is obviously a major behavior.
part of this, but another aspect of the same Punishment involves introduction of an aver­
responsibility is service to the groups, sive stimulus into a situation to decrease the
community and nation. undesirable behavior, e.g. use of palatal rake
8. Attainment of integrity (late adults): The in correction of tongue thrusting habit.
final stage in psychosocial development is
the attainment of integrity. At this stage, the Cognitive Theory (Jean Piaget)
individual has adapted to the combination Jean Piaget is the world’s leading theoritist in
of gratification and disappointment that the field of cognitive development of children.
every adult experiences. The feeling of He has unremittingly studied virtually every
integrity is best summed up as a feeling that aspect of the acquisition of knowledge from
one has made the best of this lifes situation language skills, to concepts of time and
and has made peace with it. space, under­standing mathematical symbols,
to the develop­m ent of moral reasoning.
Operant Conditioning (Skinner, 1938) Although Piaget does not place much
The principle of operant conditioning arises emphasis on the influence of psychosocial
from the experimental work of Skinner. and psychosexual factors, he does hold that
It has been considered as an extension of child­hood development proceeds from an
classical conditioning. Individuals response egocentric position through a predictable step
is changes as a result of reinforcement or like, consistant expansion and incorporation
extinction of previous responses. Hence, of learned experiences. In this sense his theory
satisfactory outcome will be repeated while is consistent with those of Freud and Erikson
unsatisfactory outcomes will diminish in that the child is an active participant with the
frequency. According to this theory, the environ­ment in the constant incor­poration
consequence of behavior itself acts as a and reor­ganization of data.
stimulus and affects future behavior. Since the Piaget has delineated four major periods
behavior acts upon the environment it is called of cognitive growth, each characterized by
an operant. Skinner described for basic types distinct types of thinking and in which the child
72  Essentials of Orthodontics

Table 2.2: Comparison of stages BEHAVIOR IN ORTHODONTICS

Chronological Freud Erikson Piaget age
Behavior: Any change observed in the functi­
Birth to 1 yr Oral Trust v/s Sensorimotor
mistrust oning of an organism. Behavioral science deals
1–2 yr Anal Autonomy with the observation of behavioral habits of
v/s shame man and lower animals in various physical and
and doubt social environments including orthodontics.
2–6 yr Phallic Initiative v/s Preoperational Classification of child’s behavior observed
in dental clinic:
6–12 yr Latent Industry v/s Concrete
infer­i­ority operations Wilson’s Classification (1933)
12–20 yr Genital Identity v/s Formal
role con­ operations
1. Normal or bold: The child is brave enough
fusion to face new situations, is cooperative, and
friendly with the dentist.
2. Tasteful or timid: The child is shy, but does
success­fully relies more upon internal stimuli not interfere with the dental procedures.
and symbolic thought and less upon external 3. Hysterical or rebellious: Child is influenced
stimul­ation. The stages are (Table 2.2): by home environment—throws temper
1. Sensorimotor period (birth–18 months) tan­trums and is rebellious.
2. The preoperational period: 4. Nervous or fearful: The child is tense and
a. Preconceptual period (18 months–4 anxious, fears dentistry.
b. Intuitive period (4–7 years) Frankel’s Classification (1962)
3. The period of concrete operations (7–12 1. Definitely negative: Refuses treatment, cries
years) forcefully, extremely negative behavior
4. The formal operations period (12–18 years) associated with fear.
In the first period, the infant learns to 2. Negative: Reluctant to accept treatment
integrate the sensory modalities and is able to and displays evidence of slight negativism.
look forward to an object and make a sound, or 3. Positive: Accepts treatment, but if the child
reach forward and hold an object he desires. has a bad experience during treatment may
The preoperational period is a transitional become uncooperative.
period from the sensorimotor period to the 4. Definitely positive: Unique behavior
period of concrete operations where the looks forward to and understands the
concepts of time, space, number and logical importance of good preventive care.
ordering are acquired. The period of concrete
operations corresponds to the elementary Lampshire’s Classification (1970)
school years. During this time, the child 1. Cooperative: The child is physically and
undergoes an enormous surge in intellectual emotionally relaxed and cooperative
development guided by academic rigor. The throughout the entire procedure.
period of formal operations occurs during 2. Tense cooperative: The child is tensed and
adolescence. The major shift is the ability to cooperative at the same time.
utilize abstract thinking, logical operations 3. Outwardly apprehensive: Avoids treatment
and hypothetical reasoning. initially, usually hides behind the mother,
Growth and Development   73

avoids looking or talking to the dentist. Whining type: Complaining type of

Eventually accepts dental treatment. beha­v ior allows for treatment but
4. Fearful: Requires considerable support so complains through-out the procedure.
as to overcome the fears of dental treat­ Stoic: Seen in physically abused children.
ment. They are cooperative and passively
5. Stubborn/defiant: Passively resists treat­ accept all treatment without any facial
ment by using techniques that have been expression.
successfully in other situations.
6. Hypermotive: The child is acutely agitated
and resorts to screaming kicking. BEHAVIOR DEVELOPMENT
7. Handicapped: Physically/mentally, emo­
tionally handicapped. The basic mechanism of learning appears to
8. Emotionally immature. be essentially the same at all ages. As learning
proceeds, more complex skills and behaviors
Wright’s Classification (1975) appear, but it is difficult to define the process
1. Cooperative (Positive Behavior): in distinct stages—a continuous flow model
a. Cooperative behavior: Child is coo­ appears more appropriate.
per­ative, relaxed with minimal appre­
b. Lacking cooperative ability: Usually seen BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
in young child, (0–3 yrs), disabled child,
physical and mental handicap. Behavior management is a continuum of
c. Potentially cooperative: Has the poten­ interaction with the child directed towards
tial to cooperate, but because of the communication and education in an endevor,
inherent fears (subjective/objective) the to allay anxiety and fear and to promote an
child does not cooperate. understanding of not only the need for good
2. Uncooperative (Negative behavior): dental health but also the process by which it
a. Uncontrolled/Hysterical/Incorrigible: is achieved.
Usually seen in preschool children at Behavior management is defined as the
their first dental visit, temper tantrums, means by which the dental team effectively
loud crying and refuses to cooperate. and efficiently perform dental treatment
b. Defiant/Obstinate: This type can be seen and thereby instills a positive dental attitude
in any age group, usually in spoilt or (Wright).
stubborn children. They can be made Behavior shaping is the procedure which
cooperative. slowly develops behavior by reinforcing a
c. Tense cooperative: These children are the successive approximation of the desired
borderline between positive and neg­ behavior until the desired behavior comes into
ative behavior. Does not resist treatment being.
but the child is tensed at mind. Behavior modification is defined as the
d. Timid/Shy: Usually seen in an over­pro­ attempt to alter human behavior and emotion
tective child at the first visit, is shy but in a beneficial way and in accordance with the
cooperative. lows of learning.
74  Essentials of Orthodontics

9. Talk about childs hobbies and interests

in the first visit.
10. Let the child talk to you, answer his
questions patiently.
Do not do the following:
1. Do not talk about childs siblings in first
2. Do not expect a child to be troublesome
3. Do not postpone treatment if child is not
cooperative. It may have negative rein­
Figure 2.33: Psychologic influences on orthodontic forcement.
treatment demand 4. Do not use fear provoking words.
5. Do not be submissive or over sympathetic.
Behavior management is as much a clinical 6. Do not go never below the level of child
skill as it is a science. It is not an application of such as baby talks.
individual techniques created to “deal” with Factors which affect child’s behavior in dental
children, but rather a comprehensive meth­o­ office
do­logy meant to develope relationship bet­ween 1. Under the control of the dentist:
patient and doctor which ultimately builds trust i. Dental clinic: Dental office should be
and allays fear and anxiety (Fig. 2.33). warm and simulate a homely environ­
Objectives of behavior management: ment. Healthy communication with
1. To render treatment effectively and effici­ the child should be established. The
ently. operating environment should be
2. To build a positive dental attitude in the made colorful and lively with posters,
child. TV and videogames and separate
Fundamentals of behavior management: wait­ing room for children, with kids
1. Positive approach. books, comics and magazines can be
2. Team attitude: The team should have made. Appointment time should be
interest, friendly and caring attitude. short, early morning appointments are
3. Organization: Effective planning without preferable for younger children, they
delay or indecisiveness. should not be kept waiting for too long.
4. Truthfullness. ii. Effect of dentist activity and attitudes: The
5. Tolerance: Rationally coping with child’s dentist should form a good impression
behavior. on the child. He should avoid jerky and
6. Flexibility: If necessary altering the treat­ quick movements and should be fluent
ment plans wisely. in his works and actions.
7. Try to explain the child in easy under­ iii. Presence or absence of parents in
standable language. the oper­a tory: This depends on the
8. Before starting the treatment, let the behavior of the child, parent and dentist.
child be familiar with environment. Mother presence is essential for a
Growth and Development   75

preschool child, handi­capped child, behavior in the child who may show
etc. An older child does not require sudden outbursts and temper tantrums.
mothers’ presence because of emotional Internal family conflicts affect children,
independence of these children as they and can sense disharmony in the family
grow older. and this can emotionally frustrate the
2. Out of control of the dentist: child.
i. Growth and development: If there is The main difference between treating an
deficiency in physical growth and adult patient and a child is treating a child
development or congenital malfor­ patient involves a 1:2 transaction as shown in
mations as awareness of the deformity the orthodontic treatment triangle (Fig. 2.34).
increases it leads to psycholo­g ical The triangle indicates that:
trauma due to rejection by the society. 1. The child is the focus of attention both for
ii. Nutritional factors: Studies have shown dentist and parents.
that an increased intake of sugar causes 2. The arrows show that the relationship
irritable behavior, hypoglycemia causes should be reciprocal.
a criminal behavior, and skipping 3. The dentist has to communicate with the
breakfast can lead to impaired perfor­ child as well as the parents whereas in case
mance. of adults, a direct communications (1:1) is
iii. Past medical and dental experiences: Any possible.
past unpleasant dental experience, prior 4. The corners cannot be observed to isolation,
hospitalization, surgical intervention, hance the approach should be reciprocal.
sickness, are associated with high
degree of uncooperative behavior. Parental Influences on Child’s
iv. Genetics: Genes play important role in Behavior
psychological development. Both father and mother play an important
v. School environment: In the school role in child’s psychological development; but
teachers and peers help to influence maternal influence is more important because,
the behavior of the younger children. i. Mother-child relationships are more
Also seniors become rolemodels to the intimate.
juniors. ii. Maternal influence on child’s mental,
vi. Socioeconomic status: High socioeco­ physical and emotional development
nomic status child may show favorable
behavior, and lower socioeconomic
children are usually tensed and negle­
3. Under the control of parents:
i. Home environment: Home is the first
school child learns to behave.
ii. Family development and peer influence:
Position of the child, status of the child
in the family parental attitudes can
influence the childs behavior. Over
indulgence by parents can lead to a spoit Figure 2.34: Orthodontic treatment triangle
76  Essentials of Orthodontics

begins even before birth. Mother’s nutri­ Underaffection: Underaffection may manifest
tional status, physical health, emotional as mild detachment, indifference and neglect,
state may affect the fetus through this can be due to other interests of parents
changes in mothers neurohumoral or if the parents are employed and have little
systems. time and concern for the children, if child is
Bell has termed parent-child relationship unwanted due to some reason. The children
as being “one tailed” where parent is an are usually will behave; and indecisive. Though
independent variable and child is the depen­ they cry easily, they respond will when treated
dent one. with a little caution.
Parental influences on child’s behaviors are Rejection : The causes of rejection are
effects of Parental attitudes: Parental attitudes unwanted child, unstable, unhappy marriage,
can be of the following nature: birth of the child not anticipated, if child’s
Overprotection: Exaggeration of love and presence interferes with parental careers or
affection. Factors responsible for overpro­ ambitions and if mother herself is immature
tection can be history of previous miscarriage, or emotionally unstable. These children lack
period of sterility before the child’s birth. the feeling of belonging. They are anxious,
Death of sibling, or if the mother cannot have aggressive, interactive, disobedient and
more children. Family’s financial condition. attention seekers.
Absence of either parent, and physical illness Authoritarianism: Parents induce discipline
or handicap in a child. in the form of physical punishment or verbal
Overprotective parents take excess care ridicule. They insist that the child should follow
of their children past the usually. They do not a set of norms and extend much efforts and
allow the children to any risks. They ‘infantize’ train the child along their lines. The parents
their children. are nonlove oriented.
Overprotection can be of two types: The children are submissive with increased
i. Dominating overprotection: The child avoidance gradient. They delay response and
becomes submissive, timid and anxious; exhibit evasive behavior.
however, they are usually cooperative Identification: Parents try to relive their lives
dental patient. through their children. In doing so, they give
ii. Overindulgent overprotection: The chil­ the children everything that had been denied to
dren become aggressive demanding them. If the children do not respond favorably,
and produce temper tantrums. Such parents display overt disappointment. The
children are difficult ones to manage in children carry a sense of guilt which is mirrored
dental office. in shyness, retirement and unsurety. They are
Overindulgence: Parents give children what­ generally good dental patients but need to be
ever they want without any restraint. The handled with kindness and consideration.
child becomes spoiled and is accustomed by
getting his own way. The child’s emotional Parental Anxiety
development is impaired. In the dental clinic, Children who respond with tension and fear
the children may show temper-burse when do so chiefely because of the way dental
they cannot control situations as they do at experiences have been described at their
home. homes. The problem of dental fear is not
Growth and Development   77

specific to dental situations or procedure. certainly not of short duration. Hence, the term
The behavior of a child is found to be directly teenager (13–19 yrs) has become synonymous
proportional to the level of maternal anxiety. with the term adole­scence.
Children of mothers with high anxiety levels Ephebodontics/Adolescent dentistry is
exhibit more negative and uncooperative the science of dentistry which deals with the
behavior. children who are in the process of growing up
from childhood to adulthood. Since most of the
orthodontic patients are of this age group their
BASIC APPROACHES TO CHILD psychological management forms an essential
MANAGEMENT IN ORTHODONTICS part in clinical orthodontics.
Adolescence represents an extremely
1. important time in the dental care of the child
Tender loving care and rapport patient. Prevention of dental diseases is
Consistently firm management certainly one of the pivotal concerns of the
Positive reinforcement orthodontist.

2. Physical Changes
Physical aids Puberty is the landmark in physical
Extra assistance development when an individual becomes
Tranquillizers and sedatives capable of sexual reproduction. The advent
↓ of puberty is paralleled by the development
3. of genital tissues and secondary sexual
Combination of stronger premedications characteristics, such as the development
General anesthesia of hair in the areas of genitals. Increase in
muscle mass, redistribution of body fat and
an increase in the rate of skeletal growth
EPHEBODONTICS occurs. The growth spurts are associated with
the adolescence. It is important to realize also
Introduction that in females menarche serves as a signal
Ephebos is the Greek noun referring to a youth that growth is ending, but for males there is
entering manhood and from it is derived the no such marker.
word ephebodontics, which encompasses In adolescence the nose and the chin
total dentistry for the individual undergoing become more prominent, the face increases in
the transition from childhood to adulthood, height and convex profile becomes straight. All
period of life known as adolescence. permanent teeth have erupted except for the
The word adolescence is derived from the third molars.
Latin “adolescere”, which is composed of the
Latin words “ad” or to, and “olive” to grow, or Cognitive Changes
“olere” to nourish. The adolescent continues his cognitive
It is an inbetween age in our society development and by the middle to late
and needs to be understood as something adolescence is capable of extremely sophisti­
independent of either childhood/adulthood. cated intellectual tasks. High ability at
It is a time of enor­m ous transition and is abstract thinking allows the adolescent to
78  Essentials of Orthodontics

deal with comples and difficult vocational necessity of adopting good oral hygiene
and educational challenges. The thoughts of practices serve a significant aid in the success
adolescents are introspective, analytical and of treatment.
also egocentric.

Emotional and Social Changes CLINICAL IMPORTANCE OF

The very rapid dramatic changes that happen GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
to adolescents can be paralleled with many IN ORTHODONTICS
emotional circumstances. Peers are important In orthodontics skeletal growth is emphasized
social agents in large, adolescents who gets more than other aspects of craniofacial
also well with his peer group seems to relate development, perhaps because the methods
successfully with adults. Those who do not get for study were developed earlier. Knowledge
peer acceptance seem to have more problems of skeletal morphology and growth is
with adults and grow up to have a variety of routinely applied in craniofacial growth.
social and emotional difficulties. Craniofacial skeletal growth is very important
Three subcategories of adolescents: in orthodontics, since the variations in
Early adolescent: Casting off the childhood role craniofacial morphology are the source of
and emergence into adolescence. most serious malocclusions and clinical
Middle adolescent: Participation in teenage changes of bony growth and morphology are
subculture and peer group identity. a fundamental basis of orthodontic treatment.
Late adolescence: Emergence of adult behavior.


The orthodontist should have a knowledge of
the crucial psychosocial tasks to be mastered During this period rapid growth of the brain
that will provide a framework for understanding case occurs which gets completed by the age
the problems facing the young person. The of 5 yrs, after which extraoral orthopedic forces
dentist acts as a parent surrogate and will can be used to out advantage. Here the growth
take on certain aspects of the parent for the of the face is faster in depth. Rapid growth is
adolescent, as do the physician, and teacher. exhibited during this period (4–6years). Growth
The dentist must perceive his young patient modifi­cation using functional appliances for
as a unique individual deserving respect and jaw discre­pancies should be successful at this
capable of independent action. It is important stage. Unfor­tunately, relapse occurs because
not to involve the parents unnecessarily in the of continued growth in the original dispro-
adolescents treatment to the point that he is portionate pattern due to a phenomenon
excluded from all participation. known as predominance of morphologic
He should be given as much responsibility pattern.
as possible for making his own appointments, If children are treated very early, they
for discussing the nature of his treatment usually need further treatment during the
and for carryingout, on his own, necessary mixed dentition and again in the early
prophylactic and remedial procedures. permanent dentition to maintain the
Educating the adolescent regarding the correction for this reason, except for the most
importance of various procedures and the severe problems growth modification therapy
Growth and Development   79

for skeletal discrepancies is best not attempted transaction of the dentition it is better to treat
until the preadolescent years when growth girls earlier than boys.
modification results are more stable.

Major events of dentofacial development,
Studies of Woodside have shown a predom­ overall facial growth and differential growth of
inant period of juvenile acceleration that jaw occur during this period. It is an accepted
occurs 1–2 yrs before the adolescent growth fact that all children begin to grow at puberty. It
spurt, more particular in girls. Juvenile is only that different children reach puberty at
acceleration can equal or exceed the jaw different times, and as such chronological age
growth that accompanies the secondary sexual should not be a dictum to diagnose or predict
maturation. Careful assessment of physical an individual for growth modification.
growth is clinically important. If the treatment In boys, generally puberty begins later and
is delayed too long in girls we may miss this extends for a longer period which is 5 yrs in
juvenile spurt. boys as compared to 3½ yrs in girls.
The preadolescent period is more effective, The growth of the jaw correlates with the
for correction of skeletal discrepancies, general body growth. The cephalocaudal
because the bones are less mineralized and gradient of growth is a pattern which mediates
therefore more early deformed. Sutures and that there is an increased growth extending
ligaments are more cellular resulting in more from the head forwards the feet. A classical
rapid biological responses, growing tissues are example is the fact that the mandible being
generally more responsive to external forces farther away from the brain, grows more and
and best orthopedic results are obtained with for a longer time than maxilla. Hence the
growth is more active. The juvenile period has convexity of the face reduces the chin becomes
greater growth on the average at its beginning. more prominent as a result of differential jaw
Substantiated by animal studies using both growth.
functional orthopedics and extraoral forces, During the adolescent growth spurt,
McNamara, Stockl and Droschel showed that growth modification and definitive treatment
significance craniofacial modification can be can be combined and the results are said to be
effected in both adult and growing animals. stable unlike the deciduous dentition period.
However, the magnitude and rate at which
these changes were achieved were greater in
In early maturing girls, the adolescent REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
growth spurt precedes the final transition of
the dentition and hence, if girls are to receive Cranial Vault
orthodontic treatment it is best during the The growth of bones of calvaria utilizes future
mixed dentition rather that in the permanent system and relatively small surface deposits on
dentition. both the ectodermal and endodermal layers.
In slow maturing boys, a considerable Since brain growth is largely completed in
amount of physical gorwth remains even after early childhood, the cranial vault is one of
80  Essentials of Orthodontics

the first regions of the craniofacial skeleton to Nasomaxillary Complex

achieve full size, by about 6 yrs. The principal Naxomaxillary complex provides important
clinical issues are those seen with grossly functions as airway, and attachment of
abnormal and anomalous growth (cranial maxillary dentition. The mechanisms for
stenosis, hydro-cephaly, etc.). In almost every growth in the nasomaxillary complex are
serious instance the clinical problem reserves sutures, the nasal septum, periosteal and
surgical rather than orthodontic therapy. endosteal surfaces and the alveolar processes.
Maxillary height increases because of sutural
Cranial Base growth towards the frontal and zygomatic
The cranial base not only supports and protects bones and oppositional growth in alveolar
the brain and spinal cord but also articulates process and maxillary tuberosity.
the skull with the vertebral column, maxilla Maxilla grows in three planes of space of
and mandible. One of the important functions which Width is completed first, Length (depth)
is as an adaptive or buffer zone better between is completed second and Height is completed
brain and face, whose growth are placed finally.
differently. Growth of the basi cranium is Growth in width in both jaws completes
carried out by a balance among sutural growth, if at all, by adolescent growth spurt and is
elongation at synchondrosis and extensive affected minimally by adolescent growth
cortical drift and remodeling. changes. Intercanine width does not increase
Growth of the cranial floor has a direct effect much after 12 yrs. In maxilla when the length
on placement of the midface and mandible. As increases posteriorly the width in second
the anterior cranial fossa and cranial floor molar region also increase.
elongate, the underlying space occupied by the Growth in the length or both jaws continues
enlarging nasomaxillary complex, pharynx and through the period of puberty. In girls in length
ramus increase correspondingly. The spheno- of jaws ceases 2–3 yrs after first menstruation
occipital complex elongates, displacing the (13–15 yrs). In boys, the growth in length does
entire middle face anteriorly, producing an not decline until 18 yrs (4 years after attainment
enlar­gement of the pharyngeal region. Corres- of puberty)> Growth in vertical heights of the
pondingly ramus enlarges as the mandible is jaws and face continues longer in both sexes
displaced anteriorly in conjunction with the than growth in length maxillary growth is
forward displacement of the maxilla. adapted by compensating mechanisms,
The cranial fossa show reduced growth when plate is narrow the alveolar process
with the completion of brain growth the compensates in both height and width. The
cranial synostosis are placed differently and plane of occlusion is coordinated during
they continue to grow for extended period growth with the overall morphologic pattern,
of time usually till 25 yrs. The basi cranium alveolar bone deposition and resorption
is considered as most stable of all portions compensating nicely for palatal displacement.
of craniofacial skeleton and least affected by In skeletal deep bite, where gonial angle is
external influences. Neurocrania sputters more nearly orthogonal the occlusal plane
make a significant contribution to mandibular is nearly parallel to the mandibular plane.
regions. Treatment consists of alteration in On the other hand when anterior face height
maxillary and mandi­bular growth of form and is dispro­portionately long, anterior alveolar
tooth positioning. growth compensate and occlusal plane in
Growth and Development   81

steep. Orthodontic treatment, irrespective related to puberty. It usually occurs before

of the appliance, depends to a great extent peak height velocity almost all first pubertal
on the adaptive capacity of alveolar process spurts occur after under sesamoid ossification
growth and remodeling when the clinician and before menarche.
can after as maxillary morphology and growth, The areas of muscle attachment and
the sutural system adapts to posterior forces the alveolar process are the most adaptive,
(extraoral, cranial, and cervical traction) and hence variable, regions in mandible. In
anterior traction (face mask) and transverse extremes of facial types these regions shows
forces (lingual arching and RPE) variations in great morphologic variance (e.g. Shape of
maxillary growth and morphology may play coronoid the amount and placement of the
important role in some skeletal malocclusions, alveolar process, and the condylar angle are
e.g. Class II excessive midface growth, Class III greatly different on a skeletal open bite than
deficient midface growth the region is the site skeletal deep bite) maximal differences in
of most common craniofacial anomaly cleft these regions are also seen between Class II
lip and palate. and Class III cases and in skeletal asymmetry.
Orthodontic appliances mostly take advantage
Mandible of the adaptive capacity of alveolar process as
Mandible the mobile bone of craniofacial it responds to tooth movements. Functional
skeleton is important for mastication, appliances change the way that muscle
maintenance of airway, speech and facial contractions shape the areas of attachment
expression. Condylar cartilage is a major and guide the eruption of teeth and hence the
site of growth. The growth movements of the shape of the alveolar process, repositioning of
mandible are complimented by corresponding the mandible with a functional appliance may
changes occurring on maxilla muscle change the amounts and directions of growth
attachment areas of the ramus plays an in the condylar region.
important role in localized remodels and Variation in mandibular morphology and
cortical drift accompanying the downward and size contributes more significantly to most
forward mandible displacement. The alveolar maloc­clusion that does maxillary variability;
process development is controlled by dental mandible is more apt to be fault in both Class
eruption when corpus growth is essentially II and Class III malocclusions. The principal
silver, vertical alveolar growth persist as the clinical issue in mandibular growth is the extent
occlusal surfaces wear; thus occlusal height to which clinician can alter mandibular morph­
is maintained even in adulthood. Adaptive ology. The work of Petrovich, McNamara, and
remodeling of the process makes orthodontic Carlsson particularly than previ­ously thought
tooth movements possible. their work provides theoretical framework
Ramus height increase correlates with for understanding and planning control
length and overall mandibular length. Alveolar of mandibular growth and their animal
process growth correlates with eruption experi­ments demonstrate the timing of such
pattern of teeth. Bigonal and bicondylar width possibilities and the maturational limitations.
increase are a function of growth in overall
mandibular length. It shows small increase Temporomandibular Joint
until the end of growth length. The most It is not fully known how temporomandibular
important spend in mandibular growth is that growth and adaptation vary with different
82  Essentials of Orthodontics

craniofacial types. Further there is the question dimorphism exists men are larger at all ages,
about the proper position of the condyle within they grow more, and their adult growth is
the fossa and whether or not slight variance in more apt to persist along the same vectors of
condylar positioning affects changes in growth adolescent growth. Women shared periods
amounts or directions, studies of altered at increased rates of craniofacial growth,
mandibular function or growing animals apparently related to time of pregnan­cies. The
clearly indicates that temporal portion of the amounts of growth are not sufficient to serve
joint is responsive in concert with the condyle as a basis for practical adult orthopedist or
and that maturation plays a similar role in the functional appliance therapy. The amounts
duration and extent of the effects of altered of growth are sufficient however to came
function of the temporomandibular joint. significant, to adaptations in mandibular
orientation and occlusal relations.
Facial Growth in Adults
It was generally assumed that growth of
the facial skeleton ceased on late tens or CONCLUSION
early twenties. Behrents in early 1980’s
recorded serial cephalograms of more than Clinical intervention into the growth process
100 adults and the results showed facial and its control is by either one or two
growth had continued during adult life. There approaches, both of which analogous to the
was an increase in essentially all of the facial intrinsic growth are process itself. The first
dimensions but both size and shape of the approach is by surgical substitutions for the
craniofacial complex altered with time. Vertical natural displacement and remodeling process
changes in adult life were more prominent that were incomplete or detailed. The second
that anteroposterior changes, whereas width approach is by covering intrinsic control
changes were least evident. Both jaw rotations signals with clinical induced (Orthodontic)
and surface changes continued, and shared signals that overwhelming the intrinsic
net forward rotation slightly decreasing the regulation of osteogenic, chondrogenic,
mandibular plane angle. Behrents noted that myogenic, neurogenic, and fibrogenic systems.
the pattern of growth associated with the Then the same actual biologic operations from
ori­ginal malocclusion continued to express these systems proceed, but now under control
itself even in adult life. This finding is consistent revised directions. However in all cases, if
with previous observations of growth in the late the same conditions that created the original
terms it also indicates how gradual worsening intrinsic signals still persist after treatment,
of occlusal relationships could occur in some then architectonic rebound growth natural
patients long after completion of orthodontic adjusts back to the former balanced pattern.
treatment. Inter­estingly, these two forms of clinically inter­
Changes in facial soft tissue profile were vention are different. Orthodontic intervention
greater that changes in facial skeleton, attempts to augment natural compensatory
flattening of lips and augmentation of chin changes to achieve and improved esthetic and
region were prominent significant sexual functional balance among facial components.
Occlusion and

3 Malocclusion

OCCLUSION Ideal occlusion: It is a preconceived theoretical

The study of occlusion is an important aspect concept of occlusal structural and functional
of dentistry. The study and practice of most relationships that includes idealized principles
branches of dentistry should be based on a and characteristics.
strong foundation of the knowledge of occlusion. Physiologic occlusion: This refers to an occlu­
Orthodontics is no exception to this as great sion that deviates in one or more ways from
many changes, occur in the occlu­sion during ideal yet it is well-adapted to that parti­cular
orthodontic therapy. The orthodontist should environment, is esthetic and shows no path­
know what constitutes normal occlusion in order ologic manifestations or dysfunction.
to be able to recognize abnormal condition. Balanced occlusion: An occlusion in which,
Angle defined occlusion as the normal balanced and equal contacts are maintained
relation of the occlusal inclined planes of throughout the entire arch during all excursions
the teeth when the jaws are closed. This of the mandible.
definition is an oversimplification of what it Functional occlusion: It is defined as arrange­
actually constitutes. Occlusion is a complex ment of teeth which will provide the highest
phenomenon involving the teeth periodontal efficiency during all the excursive movements
ligament, the jaws, the temporomandibular of the mandible which are necessary during
joint, muscles and the nervous system. function.
Therapeutic occlusion: Traumatic occlusion
that has been modified by appropriate
TERMINOLOGY therapeutic modalities in order to change a
nonphysiologic occlusion to one that is at least
Occlusion (Oc-up, clusion-closing): The static physiologic physiologic if not ideal.
contact of upper and lower teeth. Traumatic occlusion: Traumatic occlusion is
Articulation: The dynamic movement of lower an abnormal occlusal stress which is capable
jaw with teeth in contact or occlusion in of producing or has produces an injury to the
motion. periodontium.
84  Essentials of Orthodontics

Trauma from occlusion: It is defined as perio­ is called the cusp embrasure or tooth to two
dontal tissue injury caused by occlusal forces teeth occlusion. In this type of arrangement
through abnormal occlusal contacts. each tooth occludes with two opposing teeth.
Cusp-to-cusp occlusion: In this type the upper
buccal cusp occludes with lower buccal cusps
TYPES OF CUSPS and upper lingual cusp occludes with lower
lingual cusps.
The human posterior teeth constitute two types
of cusps. They are the centric holding cusps
and the nonsupporting cusps. IMAGINARY OCCLUSAL PLANES
Functional cusps (Centric holding cusps, stamp AND CURVES
cusps): The facial cusps of mandibular and
palatal cusps of maxillary posterior teeth are Curve of Spee
called the centric holding cusps. They occlude It refers to the anteroposterior curvature of the
into the central fossa and marginal ridges of occlusal surfaces beginning at the tip of the
opposing teeth. lower cuspid and following the cusp tips of
Nonfunctional cusps (Nonsupporting cusps, the bicuspids and molars continuing as an arc
shearing cusps, guiding cusps): The maxillary through the condyle. If the curve is extended,
buccal and mandibular lingual cusps are called it would form a circle of about 4 inch diameter.
nonsupporting cusps. They contact and guide The curve results from variations in axial
the mandible during lateral excursions and alignment of the lower teeth. The long axis of
shear food during mastication. each lower tooth is aligned nearly parallel to its
individual arc of closure around the condylar
axis. This requires a gradual progressive
ARRANGEMENT OF TEETH IN increased mesial tilting of teeth towards molars
HUMANS which creates the curve of Spee.

Human dentition exhibits three types of tooth Curve of Wilson (Fig. 3.1)
arrangement when the upper and lower teeth This is a curve that contacts the buccal and
occlude with one another. They are cusp-fossa, lingual cusp tips of the mandibular buccal
cusp-embrasure and cusp-cusp occlusion. teeth. The curve of Wilson is mediolateral on
Cusp fossa occlusion: In this type of occlusion, each side of the arch. It results from inward
the functional cusp of one tooth occludes
in a single fossa of a single opponent. The
upper functional cusp fit into all except the
mesial fossa of the lower teeth while the lower
functional cusps fit into all the upper fossa
except the distal ones of bicuspids. This kind
of arrangement where contacts occur between
single opposing teeth is called a cusp-fossa
occlusion or a tooth-to-tooth arrangement.
Cusp embrasure occlusion: Another type of
occlusion between the upper and lower teeth Figure 3.1: Curve of Wilson
Occlusion and Malocclusion   85

inclination of the lower posterior teeth. Curve position. At centric relation with the condyles
of Wilson helps in two ways: are simultaneously seated most superiorly in
Teeth are aligned parallel to the direction their glenoid fossa. In trying to obtain centric
of medial pterygoid for optimum resistance to relation the mandible may be forced too far
masticatory forces. back, thus the term ‘unstrained’ appears in
Elevated buccal cusps prevent food from some definitions.
going past the occlusal table. Centric occlusion is that position of the
man­di­bular condyle when the teeth are in
Curve of Monson (Fig. 3.2) maximum intercuspation. Centric occlusion is
The curve of Monson is obtained by extending also called intercuspal position or convenience
the curve of Spee and curve of Wilson to all occlusion.
cusps and incisal edges. Centric relation and centric occlusion
should coincide in order to have perfect harmony
between the teeth, the temporomandibular
CENTRIC RELATION AND CENTRIC joint and the neuromuscular system. Some
OCCLUSION studies have shown that majority of the
population have a maximum intercuspation
Centric relation is the relation of the mandible 1 to 2 mm forward of centric.
to the maxilla when the mandibular condyles Maximum intercuspation can also occur
are in the most superior and retruded position without the condyles being in centric. This
in their glenoid fossa with the articular disk is called maximum intercuspation, habitual
properly interposed. Centric relation is also occlusion, or acquired occlusion.
called ligamentous position or terminal hinge


They are areas of the teeth that contact the

opposing teeth. Centric contacts have been
classified into posterior centric contacts and
anterior centric contacts.

Posterior Centric Contacts

The posterior centric contact consists of the
facial range of contacts and the lingual range
of contacts. Facial ranges of posterior centric
contacts involve the mandibular facial cusp
tips contacting the central fossa and mesial
marginal ridges of the opposing maxillary
teeth. Lingual range of posterior centric
contats involves the maxillary lingual cusp tips
contacting the central fossa and distal marginal
Figure 3.2: Curve of Monson ridges of the opposing mandi­bular teeth.
86  Essentials of Orthodontics

Anterior Centric Contacts causing disocclusion of all posterior

Anterior teeth have only one range of centric teeth on the working and balancing
contacts and are in line with the facial range sides. Canine guided occlusion is
of posterior centric contacts. usually seen in young individuals with
Posterior centric contacts result in axially unworn dentition. In a canine guided
directed forces as convex cusp tip occlude on occlusion, the mandibular canine cusp
an opposing tooth area that is perpendicular to tip tracks from the centric contact point
the force. However centric contacts often occur at the mesial marginal ridge towards the
on inclines of posterior teeth. These contacts cusp tip of the maxillary canine.
that occur on inclines are called poded centric ii. Grouped lateral occlusion: In addition
contacts. The contacts occurring on inclines to canine guidance, certain other post­
should be balanced by an equal contact on er­ior teeth on the working side also
an opposing incline to resolve the forces in an contact during lateral movement of the
axial direction. It the contact occurs on two mandible. Such a type of contact during
inclines, the contact is termed bipodal contact. lateral movement is called grouped
Contacts that occur on three inclines are called lateral occlusion.
tripoded contacts. Contacts that occur on four Protrusive functional occlusion: It includes
inclines are called quadrapoded contacts. eccentric contacts that occur when the
mandible moves forward. Ideally the six
mandibular anterior teeth contact along the
ECCENTRIC OCCLUSION lingual inclines of the maxillary anterior teeth
while the posterior disocclude.
Eccentric occlusion refers to contact of
teeth that occurs during movement of the Nonfunctional Occlusion
mandible. Eccentric occlusion can be of two (Mediocclusion)
types: functional occlusion and nonfunctional They are tooth contacts that occur in the
occlusion. segment away from which the mandible
moves. For example, if the mandible is moved
Functional Occlusion (Working Side to the left side, contacts occur on right side of
Occlusion, Laterocclusion) the arch.
Functional occlusion refers to tooth contacts
that occur in the segment of the arch towards
which the mandible moves. It can be of two DISCLUSION
Lateral functional occlusion: It includes tooth The term disclusion is used to describe diso­
contacts that occur on canines and posterior cclusion or separation of nonfunctional
teeth on the side towards which the mandible posterior teeth during eccentric motions of the
moves. The lateral functional occlusion can jaw. Disclusion of posterior teeth is brought
be of two types: about by condylar guidance and incisal
i. Canine guided occlusion: During guidance.
lateral mandibular movement, the Condylar guidance refers to the downward
opposing upper and lower canines movement of both the condyles along the
of the working side contact thereby slopes of the articular eminence during
Occlusion and Malocclusion   87

protrusive movements leading to separation

of the posteriors. In case of lateral movements,
the condyle on the nonfunctioning side
translates forward along the eminence while
the condyle on the functioning side pivots in
its fossa leading to disocclusion of posteriors
on the nonfunctional side.
Anterior guidance refers to anterior
tooth functions which separate the posterior
teeth during eccentric motions of the jaw.
During protrusive and lateral movements
of the mandible, the lower anterior teeth
track downwards from their area of centric
contact towards the incisal edges of maxillary Figure 3.3: Angle’s concept of normal occlusion
teeth while disoccluding the nonfunctional
posterior teeth.
Condylar guidance has its greatest influence relationship between the upper and lower
on discluding the most distal posterior teeth, first molars. Angle’s concept of normal occlu­
while the incisal guidance provides discluding sion should include knowledge of the normal
effect on the more mesial teeth. The condylar relations of the occlusal surfaces of permanent
guidance is a fixed anatomic factor that cannot and primary teeth, their forms and structures,
be controlled by the dentist while the incisal and the growth and development of the teeth,
guidance can be controlled by modifying the jaws, and muscles. Angle thought that the first
form and arrange­ment of the anterior teeth. molars and canines were the most reliable
teeth. His description of first molar and
Normal and Ideal Occlusion canine relationships in normal occlusion was
Normal occlusion occurs frequently in a and remains a fundamental observation on
population, whereas ideal occlusion is a rarity. which dental and orthodontic diagnoses are
Normal occlusion includes variations in tooth based. Angle stressed the importance of cuspal
positions and relationships that diverge in interdigitation to the establishment of normal
minor ways from the ideal. occlusion during eruption of the teeth and to
the maintenance of good occlusion. Line of
Occlusion is a term used by Angle to describe
ANGLE’S CONCEPT OF NORMAL a normal arch relationship between the
OCCLUSION (FIG. 3.3) upper and lower teeth. He stated that normal
occlusion of the teeth is maintained first by the
Angle described normal occlusion as an evenly occlusal inclined planes of the cusps, second
placed row of teeth arranged in a graceful curve by the support given by the harmony in size
with harmony between the upper and lower of the upper and lower arches, and third by
arches. According to Angle, the key to normal the influence of the muscles labially, buccally,
occlusion in adults is the anteroposterior and lingually. He concluded that these same
88  Essentials of Orthodontics

three factors are also powerful in maintaining natural tooth positions with closure of the
a malocclusion. mandible in centric relation, and with border
excursions of the mandible.
The first objective of a gnathological
BEGG’S CONCEPT OF NORMAL occlusion is to obtain a stable centric relation
OCCLU­SION (ATTRITIONAL of the mandible and have the teeth intercusp
OCCLUSION) maximally at this mandibular position.
All centric stops should hit equally and
Begg’s concept of normal occlusion differs simultaneously and the stress of closure should
greatly from that of Angle. Begg concluded be directed, as nearly as possible, down the
that the normal occlusion of tribal people is long axes of the posterior teeth. There should
the true normal occlusion of humans. The be no actual contact of the anterior teeth in
dentitions of the rural Australian aboriginals centric closure (.0005” clearance).
that he studied were characterized by a great The second objective is to have a harmo­
deal of attrition that produced in the majority nious glide path of anterior teeth working
of adults an end-to-end incisor relation, mesial against each other to separate or disclude the
placement of the mandibular arch form, and posterior teeth immediately, but gently, as soon
occlusal and interproximal wear that reduced as the mandible moves out of centric closure.
the size of the teeth and reduced the incidence The glide path provided by the anterior teeth
of crowding. He referred to the relatively must be in harmony with the way in which the
unworn canine teeth of urban Europeans as mandible moves through border excursions. If
abnormal and the root of periodontal, caries, there is immediate side-shift of the mandible,
and occlusal problems so prevalent in these there must be a concavity in the lingual surfaces
people. The interproximal tooth wear that of the maxillary anterior teeth to accommodate
Begg saw in the skeletal remains of Australian the side-shift movement, or the anterior teeth
aborigines provided him with a rationale for will be stressed. There should be sufficient
the extraction of teeth in urban Europeans who overbite and overjet at the maxillary incisor
had malocclusions. Begg’s tendency to extract tips to allow for a gentle glide path.
permanent teeth in the course of orthodontic The cuspids should be the main factor in
treatment contrasted greatly with Angle’s gliding inclines on lateral excursion and the
determination to avoid the extraction of teeth six maxillary anterior teeth should articulate
during treatment. with the six mandibular anterior teeth and
the mandibular bicuspids (first bicuspid in
nonextraction cases), so that the protrusive
ROTH’S CONCEPT OF load is spread over 14 teeth.
FUNCTIONAL OCCLUSION In this way, a “mutually protective” occlusal
scheme is established, where the anterior teeth
Ronald Roth discussed the role of functional protect the posterior teeth from lateral stress
occlu­sion to be observed at the end of any during movement and the posterior teeth
finished ortho­dontic case for good functional protect the anterior teeth from lateral stress
result of occlusion. during closure into centric relation occlusion.
The gnathological objectives are aimed The anterior teeth are subjected to a minimum
at harmonizing the occlusal morphology or of stress during movements, only if a gentle
Occlusion and Malocclusion   89

glide path is provided that is in harmony with The crown of the upper first molar must be
the manner in which the mandible moves. angulated so that the distal marginal ridge
Thus, in a mutually protective occlusal occludes with the mesial marginal ridge of
scheme, the mandible can execute its total lower second molar. Premolars and canines
range or envelope of motion without inter­ must occlude cusp to embrasure occlusion on
ference from the teeth. In turn, the teeth will buccal side and cusp fossa occlusion on lingual
direct and maintain centricity of the condyles side. Incisors should be in Class I occlusion
in the fossae in closure. The teeth do not and midlines should be coincident.
prevent the mandible from entering or leaving
any possible position that the joints will allow. Mesiodistal Crown Angulations (Tip)
Remember, the anterior teeth gently disclude The second key makes use of a line that passes
the posterior teeth. If the anterior teeth act along the long axis of the crown through the
to “pry” the posterior teeth apart, then the most prominent part in the center of the labial
anterior teeth are in interference. An anterior or buccal surface. This line is called the long
interference is just as bad as, if not worse axis of the clinical crown.
than, a posterior interference. Therefore, the For the occlusion to be considered normal,
posterior occlusion must be organized in the gingival part of the long axis of the crown
harmony with mandibular movement, so that must be distal to the occlusal part of the
very little lift is necessary to keep the posterior line. Different teeth exhibit different crown
teeth from colliding. angulations.

Labiolingual Crown Inclinations

ANDREWS SIX KEYS TO (Torque) (Figs 3.4A and B)
NORMAL OCCLUSION The crown inclination is determined from a
mesial or distal view. If the gingival area of
Andrews during the 1970’s put forward the six the crown is more lingually placed than the
keys to normal occlusion after studying models occlusal area, it is referred to as positive crown
of 120 patients with ideal occlusion. Andrews
considered the presence of these features
essential to achieve an optimal occlusion. The
six keys to normal occlusion are considered
under the following headings:

Molar Interarch Relationship

The mesiobuccal cusp of the upper permanent
first molar should occlude in the mesiobuccal
groove of the lower first permanent molar.
The mesiolingual cusp of the upper first
molar should occlude in the central fossa
of lower first molar. The distobuccal cusp of
the maxillary first molar must occlude with A B
distobuccal groove of mandibular first molar. Figures 3.4A and B: Torque
90  Essentials of Orthodontics

inclination. In case the gingival area of the many deviations from normal occlusion it
crown is more labially or bucally placed than becomes necessary to group the varieties of
the occlusal area it is referred to as negative malocclusion into order.
crown inclination.
The maxillary incisors exhibit a positive
crown inclination while the mandibular CLASSIFICATION
incisors show a very mild negative crown
inclination. The maxillary and mandibular Classification is grouping of clinical cases
posteriors have a negative crown inclination. of similar appearance for ease in handling.
It is not a system of diagnosis or method
Absence of Rotations determining prognosis or a way of defining
Normal occlusion is characterized by absence treatment.
of any rotation. Rotated posterior teeth occupy Occlusion is the end result of the interaction
more space in the dental arch while rotated of three systems namely:
incisors occupy less space in the arch. • Dental system
• Skeletal system
Tight Contacts • Neuromuscular system:
To consider an occlusion as normal, there Any alteration in any one of the above
should be tight contacts between adjacent system can lead on to malocclusion. This
teeth. malocclusion can manifest at:
• Primary dentition
Curve of Spee • Mixed dentition
A normal occlusal plane according to Andrews • Permanent dentition.
should be flat with the curve of Spee not
exceeding 1.5 mm. Purpose of Classification
To these six keys Bennett and McLaughlin 1. To identify the problem.
had introduced Seventh key which is normal 2. Recalling past difficulties with similar
tooth size ratio between upper and lower teeth. cases.
3. Alter ourselves to possible strategies
and appliances that may be needed in
MALOCCLUSION 4. Ease of reference.
5. For purpose of comparison.
MALOCCLUSION 6. Self-communication.
7. For better treatment planning.
Any deviation from ideal occlusion is termed
as Malocclusion (Guilford). When to Classify
Orthodontics has been described as a Study the malocclusion.
Science of infinite variations by Jackson. In Describe it in detail.
order to acquire a better understanding of Then if possible, classify it.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   91

Strang’s Steps for Proper Lingual inclination or lingual tipping: This is an

Classification abnormal lingual or palatal tilting of the tooth.
Study the cusp-fossa, ridge-groove relationship This condition is also called retroclination.
of the teeth (Study models). Buccal inclination or buccal tipping: This refers
Study axial inclination of teeth especially to labial or buccal tilting of the tooth. This
the canines (Study models). condition is also called proclination.
Study the midline relations (Study models). Mesial displacement: This refers to a tooth that
Look for any rotated posterior teeth (Study is bodily moved in a mesial direction towards
models). the midline.
Examine for prematurely lost teeth, Distal displacement: This refers to a tooth that
extracted teeth or congenitally missing teeth is bodily moved in a distal direction away from
(Intraoral periapicals or orthopantogram). the midline.
Study the facial pictures from front and Lingual displacement: This is a condition
side, or study the patient from front and side where the entire tooth is displaced in a lingual
(Facial photographs). direction.
Interpret tracing from a standard lateral Buccal displacement: This describes a condition
skull X-rays (Lateral cephalogram). where the tooth is displaced bodily in a labial
or buccal direction.
Infraversion or infraocclusion: They refer to a
TYPES OF MALOCCLUSION tooth that has not erupted enough compared
to the other teeth in the arch.
Malocclusion can be broadly classified into, Supraversion or supraocclusion: This is a tooth
Intraarch malocclusions: Individual teeth mal­ that has over erupted as compared to other
positions. teeth in the arch.
Interarch malocclusions: Malrelation of dental Rotations: This term refers to tooth movements
arches to one another upon bony bases which around its long axis.
may themselves be normal. Distolingual or mesiobuccal rotation: This
Skeletal malocclusions: Malrelation of bony describes a tooth which has moved around
bases. its long axis so that the distal aspect is more
lingually placed.
Intra-arch Malocclusions Mesiolingual or distobuccal rotation: This is a
A tooth can be abnormally related to its condition where the tooth has rotated around
neighboring teeth, such abnormal variations its long axis so that the mesial aspect is more
within an arch (either maxilla or mandible) are lingually placed.
called intraarch malocclusions. Transposition: This term describes a condition
Distal inclination or distal tipping: This refers where two teeth have exchanged places.
to a condition where the crown of the tooth is
tilted or inclined distally. Interarch Malocclusion
Mesial inclination or mesial tipping: This is a These malocclusions are characterized by
condition where the crown of the tooth is tilted abnormal relationship between two teeth
or inclined mesially. or groups of teeth of one arch to the other
92  Essentials of Orthodontics

arch. Interarch malocclusions occur only on

occlusion of upper and lower teeth, and intra­
arch malocclusions may or may not be present
in these cases. These interarch malocclusions
can occur in the sagittal, vertical, or in
transverse planes.

Sagittal Plane Malocclusions

Malocclusions that occur in anteroposterior
direction are called sagittal malocclusions.
Class II (Postnormal occlusion): This refers to a
condition where the lower arch is more distally
placed than upper arch when the patient bites
in centric occlusion.
Class III (Prenormal occlusion): This term
refers to a condition where lower arch is more
Figure 3.5: Scissors bite
forwardly or mesially placed than the upper
it can occur in single tooth or in group of teeth,
Vertical Plane Malocclusions and unilateral or bilateral (Fig. 3.5).
Malocclusions that occur in vertical direction Telescoping bite: The term denoting either a
are referred to as vertical malocclusions. complete mandibular lingual or complete
Deep bite or increased overbite: This refers to a maxillary buccal cross bite (Figs 3.6A and B).
condition where there is an excessive vertical The opposite of total mandibular buccal
overlap between the upper and lower anterior and maxillary lingual cross bite is called
teeth. Reverse Telescoping bite.
Open bite: This is a condition where there is no
vertical overlap between the upper and lower Nonocclusion (Figs 3.7A and B)
teeth. Thus a space may exist between the Any situation in which teeth do not have
upper and lower teeth when the patient bites maximal contact with their antagonists in
in centric occlusion. Open bite and occur in habitual occlusion. Nonocclusion may be
anterior or posterior teeth. caused by disturbances in tooth eruption (e.g.
ankylosis) or by factors that inhibit further
Transverse Plane Malocclusions eruption, such as digit-sucking or tongue inter­
The transverse plane interarch malocclusion
includes various types of cross bites and
scissors bites.
Posterior cross bite: Abnormal buccolingual
relation of upper and lower teeth, lower teeth
occludes buccal to upper teeth it may occur in
single tooth or group of teeth.
Scissors bite (X-occlusion): Lower teeth are fully A B
contained within the upper teeth in occlusion, Figures 3.6A and B: Telescoping bite
Occlusion and Malocclusion   93

Skeletal Class II: Skeletal Class II malocclusions

can occur either due to prognathic maxilla or
retrognathic mandible or combinations, where
lower jaw is placed more distal to upper jaw.
Skeletal Class III: Skeletal Class III malocclusions
can occur either due to retrognathic maxilla or
prognathic mandible or combinations, where
lower jaw is placed more mesial to upper jaw.


History of Malocclusion
Hippocrates included “Crooked teeth” in his 6th
book of epidemics as early as 24 centuries ago.
Figures 3.7A and B: Nonocclusion First person in modern times is Dr EH Angle,
who is considered as Father of Orthodontics
gave us the first classification of malocclusion
position. According to its localization, nono­ which is based on key to occlusion. Later
cclusion can be classified as anterior, posterior many classifications have been put forth; but
or total nonocclusion. till today Angle’s classification is being used
widely because of its simplicity. Latest of all the
Subterms methods of classification is the Ackermann-
• Anterior nonocclusion Proffit orthogonal analysis which is based on
• Posterior nonocclusion Venn diagram (Table 3.1).
• Total nonocclusion.
Angle’s Classification
Skeletal Malocclusions (Figs 3.8A to C) Angle in 1898 presented his classification.
They are malocclusions caused by defects Angle’s classification is still in use because of
in maxilla or mandible; they can be due to its simplicity in application.
abnormalities in size, position or relationship
of jaws. Basis for Angle’s Classification
It is based on mesiodistal relationship of teeth,
and anterioposterior relationship.
According to Angle the maxillary first
perma­nent molar is the key to occlusion. He
considered these teeth as fixed anatomical
points within the jaws.
A B C He used Roman numerals I, II, III to
designate the three main classes. He employed
Figures 3.8A to C: Skeletal malocclusion Arabic numerals 1, 2 to denote the divisions of
94  Essentials of Orthodontics

Table 3.1: Summary of qualitative methods of recording malocclusion

Angle (1899) Classification of molar relationship devised as a prescription for treatment.

Stallard (1932) The general dental status, including some malocclusion symptoms, was recorded. No definition of
the various symptoms was specified.
McCall (1944) Malocclusion symptoms recorded include: Molar relationship, posterior cross bite, anterior crowding,
rotated incisions, excessive over bite, open bite, labial or lingual version, tooth displacements,
constriction of arches.
No definition of these symptoms was specified.
Symptoms were recorded in an ‘all-or-none’ manner.
Sclare (1945) Specific malocclusion symptoms were recorded, which include Angle’s classification of molar
relationships, arch constriction with incisor crowding, arch constriction without incisor crowding,
superior protrusion with incisor crowding, superior protrusion with incisor crowding, superior
constriction without incisor crowding, labial prominence of canines, lingually placed incisors, rotated
incisors, cross bite, open bite, and close bite.
No definition of these symptoms was specified.
Symptoms were recorded in an ‘all-or-none’ manner.
Fisk (1960) Dental age was used for grouping patients.
Three planes of space were considered:
1. Anteroposterior relationship: Angle’s classification, anterior cross bite, overjet (mm), negative
overjet (mm).
2. Transverse relationship: Posterior cross bite (manually teeth biting buccally or lingually).
3. Vertical relationship: Open bite (mm), overbite (mm).
Additional measurements include labiolingual spread (Draker, 1960), spacing, therapeutic extrac­
tions, postnatal defects, congenital defects, mutilation, congenital absence, supernumerary teeth.
Björk, Krebs Objective registration of malocclusion symptoms based on detailed definitions. Data obtained
and Solow could be analyzed by computers.
(1964) Three parts:
1. Anomalies in the definition: Tooth anomalies, abnormal eruption, malignant of individual teeth.
2. Occlusal anomalies: Deviations in the positional relationship between the upper and lower dental
arches in the sagittal, vertical, and transverse planes.
3. Deviation in space conditions: Spacing or crowding.
Proffit and 5-step procedures of assessing malocclusion (no definite criteria for assessment was given):
Ackerman 1. Alignment: Ideal, crowding spacing multilated.
(1973) 2. Profile: Mandibular prominence, mandibular recession, lip profile relative to nose and chin (convex,
straight, concave).
3. Cross bite: Relationship of the dental arches in the transverse plane, as indicated by buccolingual
relationship of posterior teeth.
4. Angle classification: Relationship of the dental arches in the sagittal plane.
5. Bite depth: Relationship of the dental arches in the vertical plane, as indicated by the presence or absence
of anterior open bite, anterior deep bite, posterior open bite, and posterior collapse bite.
WHO/FDI Five major groups of items were recorded (with well-defined recording criteria):
(1979) 1. Gross anomalies.
2. Dentition: Absent teeth, supernumerary, malformed incisor, ectopic eruption.
3. Space conditions: Diastems, crowding, spacing.
4. Occlusion:
a. Incisal segment: Maxillary overjet, mandibular overjet, cross bite, over bite, open bite, midline
b. Lateral segment: Anteroposterior relation, open bite, posterior cross bite.
5. Orthodontic treatment need judged subjectively. Not necessary, doubtful necessary urgent.
Kinaan and Five features of occlusion measured:
Bruke (1981) 1. Overjet (mm).
2. Overbite (mm).
3. Posterior cross bite (number of teeth in cross bite, unilateral or bilateral).
4. Buccal segment crowding or spacing (mm).
5. Incisal segment alignment (classified as acceptable, crowded, spaced, displaced or ‘rotated’,
following defined criteria).
Occlusion and Malocclusion   95

the classifications. Unilateral deviations were

termed as subdivisions.
Based on the above mentioned principles,
Angle classified malocclusion into the
following broad categories:
• Class I
• Class II
– Division 1
– Division 2
• Class III.
Figure 3.10: Class II division 1 malocclusion
Class I Malocclusion (Fig. 3.9)
The lower dental arch is in normal relation There are two divisions of Class II mal­­-
to the upper dental arch as evidenced by the o­cclusion:
occlusion of the mesiobuccal cusp of upper Class II division 1: The Class II division 1
first permanent molar lies in the mesiobuccal malocclusion is characterized by Class II molar
grooves of the lower first permanent molars. relation and proclined upper incisors with a
This class includes cases of irregularity of resultant increased overjet (Fig. 3.10).
individual teeth such as crowding, spac­ing Class II division 2: The Class II division 2
rotations missing tooth, etc.Another maloc­ malocclusion is characterized by Class II molar
clusion common with Class I maloc­clusion relation and retroclined upper central incisors
is bimaxillary proclination where dentition of and the lateral incisors overlap the central
both upper and lower arch is forwardly placed incisors (Fig. 3.11).
in relation to facial profile. Approximately 60 to
70 percent of cases fall into this class. Class II Subdivisions
When a Class II molar relation exist on one side
Class II Malocclusion and a Class I relation on the other, it is referred
In Angle’s Class II malocclusion the distobuccal to as Class II subdivision. Based on whether
cusps of upper first permanent molars it is a division 1 or division 2, it can be called
occluding in the mesiobuccal grooves of the as Class II division 1 subdivision, or Class II
lower first permanent molar. division 2 subdivision.

Figure 3.9: Class I malocclusion Figure 3.11: Class II division 2 malocclusion

96  Essentials of Orthodontics

4. Considers malocclusion only in antero­

posterior plane.
5. Vertical and transverse plane malposi­
tions are not considered.
6. Does not consider individual tooth
7. When first permanent molars are
extracted this classification cannot be
8. Cannot be applied to deciduous denti­
9. Severity of malocclusion is not known.
Figure 3.12: Class III malocclusion
10. Does not differentiate between true and
pseudo Class III malocclusion.
Class III Malocclusion (Fig. 3.12) 11. Does not consider the etiology of malo­
The Class III molar relation is characterized cclusion.
by mesio-buccal cusp of the maxillary first In spite of all the above mentioned draw­
permanent molar occluding in the interdental backs Angle’s classification is still widely used
space between the mandibular first and because of its simplicity, easy to use, and easy
second molars, the lower first permanent to communicate.
molar lies mesial to upper first permanent
molar by a premolar width or cuspal width. Lischer’s Classification
Lischer modified Angle’s classification and
Class III Subdivision introduced the following terms which are
This is a condition characterized by a Class III widely used to describe the varieties of
molar relation on one side and a Class I relation malocclusion.
on the other side. Neutro-occlusion: Normal relation of dental
arc­h es. Synonymous with Angle’s Class I
Class IV malocclusion.
This condition is characterized by Class II Disto-occlusion: Distal relation of mandible
molar relation on one side and Class III molar with maxilla. Synonymous with Angle’s Class
relation on the other side (Not commonly II malocclusion.
used). Mesio-occlusion: Mesial relation of mandible
with maxilla. Synonymous with Angle’s Class
Drawbacks of Angle’s Classification III malocclusion.
Although Angle’s classification has been used In addition to above classification he used
for almost a hundred years it still has a number cer­tain terms for individual tooth malposi­tions:
of drawbacks that include: Bucco-occlusion: Buccal placement of a tooth
1. The first permanent molars are not fixed or a group of teeth.
points in the skull anatomy. Linguo-occlusion: Lingual placement of a tooth
2. Does not differentiate between skeletal or a group of teeth.
and dental malocclusions. Supraocclusion: When a tooth or group of teeth
3. It does not consider the skeletal bases. have erupted beyond normal level.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   97

Infraocclusion: When a tooth or group of teeth system of classification made use of three
have not erupted to normal level. anthropometric planes namely, Frankfort
Lischer gives the suffix ‘version’ to describe hori­zontal plane (FHP), median sagittal plane,
the wrong position of individual teeth as and orbital plane, these three planes are
follows: perpendicular to each other. The classifications
Mesioversion: Mesial to normal position. of malocclusion were based on abnormal
Distoversion: Distal to normal position. deviations of the dental arches from their
Transiversion: Transposition of two teeth. normal position in relation to these three
Axiversion: Abnormal axial inclination of a planes.
Torsiversion: Rotation of a tooth around its Frankfort Horizontal Plane
long axis. This is a plane that connects the upper
Perversion: Impacted tooth. margin of the external auditory meatus to
the infraorbital margin. This plane is used
Dewey’s Classification to classify malocclusion in a vertical plane.
(Dewey-Anderson’s Modification) According to this plane.
Dewey proposed a modification of the Angle’s Attraction = Teeth are placed close to this
classification of malocclusion. He divided plane.
Angle’s Class I into five types and Angle’s Class Abstraction = Teeth are placed away from
III into three types. this plane.

Class I Modifications of Dewey Median Sagittal Plane

Type 1: Crowded or bunched incisors. This is perpendicular to Frankfort horizontal
Type 2: Proclined maxillary incisors. plane. Two points on median palatine raphae
Type 3: Anterior cross bite. is placed to derive at this midsagittal plane.
Type 4: Posterior cross bite. This will explain the transverse anomalies.
Type 5: Permanent molars have drifted Accor­dingly,
mesi­ally due to early loss of tooth anterior Contraction = Teeth are placed closer to
to first molars; all other teeth are in normal this plane.
relationship. Distraction = Teeth are placed away from
No modifications for Angle’s Class II malo­ this plane.
Orbital Plane
Class III Modifications of Dewey A perpendicular plane dropped at right
Type 1: Normal incisal overlapping present. angles to the Frankfort horizontal plane from
Type 2: Edge-to-edge incisor relationship. the lowermost border of the bony orbit is
Type 3: Incisors are in cross bite. the orbital plane. This plane will explain the
anteroposterior relation­ship. Accordingly,
Simon’s Classification Protraction = Teeth are placed forward to
Simon had put forward a craniometric classifi­ this plane.
cation of malocclusion that related the den­ Retraction = Teeth are placed backward to
tal arches in all the three planes. Simon’s this plane.
98  Essentials of Orthodontics

Simon placed emphasis on the fact that the Assumptions made in this classification:
orbital plane passes through maxillary cuspid Inclinations of the incisor teeth within each
region in high percentage of cases in normal arch are normal.
occlusion. This finding was termed as Simon’s If this is not so, then dental correction of
Law of Cuspid. the incisor inclinations are made such that the
lower central will make an angle of about 90o
Drawbacks of Simon’s Classification with the mandibular plane and upper centrals
• Maxillary cuspid does not coincide with an angle of 110o to the Frankfort plane.
orbital plane.
• Confusing. Incisor Classification: British
Standard Classification of Incisor
Bennett’s Classification Relationship
Norman Bennett classified malocclusion (Fig. 3.13)
based on its etiology. Incisor classification is based on the
Class I: Abnormal position of one or more teeth relationship of upper and lower incisors and
due to local causes. they can be used when the permanent first
Class II: Abnormal formation of a part of or molars are missing.
whole of either arch due to developmental Class I: The lower incisor edges occlude with
defects of bone. or lie immediately below the lingual plateau of
Class III: Abnormal relationship between the upper central incisors.
upper and lower arches, and between both arch Class II: The lower incisor edges lie posterior
and facial contour and correlated abnormal to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors.
formation of either arch. Division 1: The upper central incisors are
proclined or of average inclination and there
Ballard’s Classification is increase in overjet.
It is a classification used to know the various Division 2: The upper central incisors are
skeletal relationships. It is used more accurately retroclined and there is increased overbite.
at the chairside. According to this the different
skeletal classes are:
Skeletal Class I: The inclination of the teeth is
normal and the dental base relationship is also
normal. The upward projections of the axis
of the lower incisors would pass through the
crowns of the upper incisors.
Skeletal Class II: The lower apical base is
relatively too far back. The lower incisor axis
would pass palatally to the upper incisor
Skeletal Class III: The lower apical base
is placed relatively too far forward, the
projections of the lower incisor axis would pass
labially to upper incisor crowns. Figure 3.13: Incisor classification
Occlusion and Malocclusion   99

Class III: The lower incisor edges lie anterior Nine Categories of the Ackerman and
to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors. Proffit Diagram
The overjet is reduced and there may be 1. Alignment: (Crowding, spacing)
anterior cross bite. 2. Profile: (Convex, straight, concave)
3. Transverse deviation: (Cross bites)
Canine Classification 4. Sagittal deviation: (Angle’s class)
Canine classification is based on the relation­ 5. Vertical deviation: (Deep bite, open bite)
ship of upper and lower permanent canines, 6. Transsagittal deviation: (Combination of
and they can be used when the permanent first cross bite and angle class)
molars are missing. 7. Sagittovertical deviation: (Combination of
Class I: The mesial slope of the upper perm­ angle class and deep bite or open bite)
anent canines overlaps the distal slope of the 8. Verticotransverse deviation: (Combination
lower permanent canines. of deep bite or open bite with cross bite)
Class II: The distal slope of the upper perma­ 9. Transsagittovertical deviation: (Combin­
nent canines overlaps the mesial slope of the ation of problems in three planes of space
lower permanent canines. (Fig. 3.14).
Class III: The lower permanent canines are
ahead of the upper permanent canines. Method of Classification
Step 1 (Alignment): The first step involves
Ackerman-proffit Classification assessment of the alignment and symmetry
Ackerman and Proffit in 1960 proposed a of the dental arch. It is classified as ideal/
diagrammatic classification of malocclusion crowded/spaced.
to overcome the limitations of the Angle’s Step 2 (Profile): It involves the consideration of
classification. It is based on venn diagrams. the profile. The profile is described as convex/
Salient features of this classification include: straight/concave. The facial divergence is also
Anteroposterior, vertical and transverse considered, anterior/posterior divergence.
malocclusions can be classified. Step 3 (Type): The transverse skeletal and
Crowding and arch symmetry can be evalu­ dental relationship is evaluated. Buccal and
ated. palatal cross bites if any are noted. The cross
bite is further sub- divided as unilateral or
Incisor Protrusion is taken into Account bilateral. In addition, differentiation is made
This classification has 9 groups as shown, since between skeletal and dental cross bite.
the degree of alignment and symmetry are Step 4 (Class): This involves the assessment
common to all dentitions this is represented of the sagittal relationship. It is classified as
as the outer envelope or universe (Group 1). Angle’s Class I/Class II/Class III malocclusion.
The profile is affected by many malocclusions, Differentiation is made between skeletal and
so it becomes a major set within the universe dental malocclusions.
(Group 2). Deviations in three planes are Step 5 (Bite depth): Malocclusions in the
represented by groups 3 to 9 which include the vertical plane are noted. They are described as
overlapping or interlocking sub-sets, all within anterior or posterior open bite, anterior deep
profile or Group 2 set. bite or posterior collapsed bite. A mention is
100  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 3.14: Ackerman-Proffit classification

made whether the malocclusion is skeletal or The same rules are applicable to the first
dental. deciduous molar in deciduous dentition
or mixed dentition. Each side is evaluated
Katz Classification separately.

According to Katz (1992) McCallins Classification of Class III

Class I: An exact fit between the mid-cusp of Group I: Cases with retruded maxilla, progn­
the most anterior upper premolar and the athic mandible with high FMA, excessive lower
embrasure created by the distal contact of anterior facial height and open bite.
the most anterior lower premolar. This ideal Group II: Both maxilla and mandible are
relationship has been designated by Katz as ‘0’, protrusive with true mandibular prognathism
while a (+) sign indicates a Class II tendency and average FMA.
and (–) sign denotes Class III tendency.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   101

Group III: Pseudo class III malocclusion on a Indians exhibit a low incidence of variation
mild skeletal class III pattern. in molar relation both in the mesial and
distal direction. Distoocclusion in India is
very low in contrast to USA (34% in Whites
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF and 15% in Blacks) and Europe 29 percent.
MALOCCLUSION However, Indians have more tendencies for
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution Class II malocclusion than Africans (4.26% in
(pattern) and determinants (factors) of health- Nigeria). Class III malocclusion is also much
related states or events in a specified human less prevalent in India compared to USA,
population and the application of study Netherlands, and Kenya.
findings to control health problems. Disease A number of studies have been conducted
does not occur at random in the population, to determine the prevalence of malocclusion
but rather subgroups differ in the frequency among Indian children. The prevalence of
of disease. Traditionally, epidemiology was a malocclusion among Indian children has been
science that dealt with the study of infectious reported to be as low as 19.6 percent in Madras
diseases, but now it is applicable to the study by Miglani DC et al in 1965 and as high as 90
of chronic diseases as well. The principles of percent in Delhi by Sidhu SS in 1968.
epidemiology are applicable to both medicine
and dentistry. In medicine and certain dental
diseases, such as periodontitis and dental APPLICATIONS OF
caries, one can distinguish individuals as EPIDE­MIO­LOGICAL-PRINCIPLES
having or not having the disease. However,
malocclusion is not considered to be a disease 1. To describe normal biological processes:
and is difficult to define. Recently developed Usually, data collected for these purposes
occlusal indices (Peer Assessment Rating, use a population of healthy individuals to
Index of Treatment Need) may be used to establish a standard for normal biological
estimate some aspects of malocclusion that processes.
are based on occlusal characteristics. Orthodontic examples include the longi­
However, the subjective nature of facial tud­inal craniofacial growth studies, such
esthetics poses a unique challenge in as the Bolton Collection, the Michigan
orthodontic research. To the extent that high school study, and the Burlington
orthodontic outcomes can be measured, the Collection.
principles of epidemiology can be applied to 2. To understand the natural history of disease:
the conduct of valid and reliable research. Data on populations of diseased individuals
Many organized population surveys have provide clues for distinguishing diseases
been carried out in different parts of the world that are potentially fatal from disabling
with the objective of estimating prevalence ones that will resolve satisfactorily.
of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment 3. To measure the distribution of diseases in
needs. Prevalence of malocclusion is estimated populations: Surveys are usually conducted
to be higher in developed countries as to measure disease prevalence.
compared to developing and under developed 4. To identify the cause or the determinants of
countries. disease: There are specific study designs that
102  Essentials of Orthodontics

can be used to determine the risk factors 1. Correlational studies use population-based
associated with a disease. Identification of data to compare disease frequencies.
such causal or noncausal relationships can 2. Case reports and case series are useful
lead to intervention strategies that prevent for describing unusual occurrences in
or control the disease. individuals or groups of individuals. For
5. To plan and evaluate health care services: example, several orthognathic surgery
Data collected for these purposes are used cases with severe condylar resorption
to describe and evaluate the population’s leading to posttreatment open bite might
utilization of health care services and assist alert the clinician to investigate the reason
in planning for services and personnel. for this occurrence.
3. Cross-sectional surveys are useful for
assessing exposure and outcome at a
STUDY DESIGNS single point in time. Such surveys require
selecting a representative sample of
Epidemiological studies often begin with individuals from a population.
descriptive data and then proceed to analytic
studies (observational and experimental). Analytic Studies
Descriptive studies are useful for describing the Analytic studies can be further divided into
characteristics of an outcome and generating observational and interventional (experi­
a hypothesis for future analytic studies. mental).
However, this type of study is not useful to Observational studies are those in which
establish associations or causal inferences individuals are observed as far as exposure
regarding an exposure (usually a risk factor or is concerned, and the investigator has no
any other factor responsible for the outcome) control over the assignment of exposure. In
and outcome (usually disease or death, orthodontic studies, treatment strategy (e.g.
prevention of disease, treatment of disease, extraction— nonextraction or single-phase—
change in quality of life). Conversely, analytic two-phase) or methods (e.g. Begg–Tweed)
studies are useful for drawing inferences are usually the exposures of interest that are
about an exposure-outcome association. investigated. Interventional or experimental
Analytic studies are helpful for studying studies are those in which exposure is assigned
cause, treatment, prognosis, prevention, and by the investigator, and individuals are
health services evaluation. An important followed up longitudinally.
distinction between the two types of study is Analytic observational studies: These can be
that for descriptive studies, an appropriate further subdivided based on the manner in
comparison or control group is not necessary which subjects are recruited.
for description, whereas for analytic studies, 1. Cross-sectional studies under the analytic
an appropriate comparison or control group is design require a comparison or control
absolutely essential for testing the hypothesis. group in which exposure and outcome
are assessed at a single point in time. For
Descriptive Studies example, determining the root resorption
The three types of descriptive studies are as rate (outcome) at a given point in time in
follows: a sample of subjects who either did or did
Occlusion and Malocclusion   103

not wear high-pull headgear (exposure) to probability of receiving exposure. For example,
the upper incisors. to examine the effectiveness of early treatment
2. Case-control studies are retrospective for Class II mandibular retrognathia, the
studies in which the history of past and investigator randomly assigns patients to
current exposure factors is evaluated in competing therapies. Some are assigned to
individuals with and without outcome. early orthopedic treatment with a bionator,
An example would be a sample of subjects followed by a second phase of fixed appliance
recruited based on having or not having treatment, and a second group is treated in one
root resorption, and then an inquiry made phase with fixed appliances in the permanent
regarding the type and duration of their dentition. The groups are then followed-up
orthodontic treatment. overtime to evaluate their response to the
3. Traditional epidemiological cohort treatment. Inherent in this design is the
studies are prospective (longitudinal) potential for all subjects to have the same
investigations in which subjects are probability of receiving either treatment.
recruited based on the presence or absence Investigations that use animal models
of exposure and then followed-up overtime usually use the experimental design. The
to evaluate the development of outcome. hierarchy of epidemiological investigations
At the start of the study, the subjects starts with descriptive studies, proceeds
should be free of the outcome; thus, to observational analytic studies, and
only new occurrences of the outcome concludes with experimental analytic studies.
during the follow-up period are counted. Each research level offers advantages and
In orthodontic research, retrospective disadvantages in time, effort, and the ability
cohort studies are often conducted. These to prove a causal relationship. Using this
use existing treatment records but apply utilitarian approach minimizes research time
the principles of cohort design. Because and maximizes the probability of obtaining
of the extended time associated with clinically meaningful results.
orthodontic treatment, retrospective study
designs often provide more timely data Sampling
that can be used to aid clinicians in the To investigate an exposure-outcome
decision-making process. The orthodontic association, a study design appropriate to the
literature contains excellent examples of testing of the hypothesis must be chosen. Next,
well-designed retrospective cohort studies a sample or population must be selected to
of Class II treatment alternatives. study the problem under question. There is a
Analytic interventional studies. Interventional distinction between a sample and a population.
or experimental (clinical trials) studies are The study sample is usually a collection of
a form of longitudinal investigation, in individuals who have been selected from
that the investigator has control over the a target population of interest. The target
assignment of exposure and then follows-up population is the collection of individuals of
the individuals overtime for the development restricted interest from which one has sampled
of outcome. Randomization (the random and about which one wishes to make statistical
assignment of exposure) is often used to inferences with regard to the study objective.
ensure that every subject has the same There is also another kind of population to
104  Essentials of Orthodontics

consider, the external population. The external method of random sample selection must be
population is the collection of all individuals to clearly documented. Here lies the problem
whom the study results could be applied. If an of choosing a nonprobability sample or a
investigator wishes to conduct a case-control convenient sample using methods such as coin
study of the association between treatment flips, volunteers, patients who have already
duration and root resorption, the selection of been treated, and so on. These methods result
subjects is based on the presence or absence in a biased sample. This bias can sometimes
of root resorption. Investigator usually selects limit the inferences that can be made regarding
a representative sample from the target the population. Selection bias occurs in
population of interest and hopes that the study orthodontic studies when investigators use
results will be applicable to at least the target success of treatment as an inclusion criterion.
population. A representative sample can be
selected using a random sampling process.
There are different methods for selecting BIAS IN RESEARCH
random samples. The most commonly used
methods are simple random sampling and Validity and reliability are two terms that
stratified random sampling. Simple random epidemiologists often use in research.
sampling uses a table of random numbers Validity refers to the accuracy, with which
to select a sample. If there is concern that a a measurement is representative of the
certain segment of the population might be true value, i.e. does the value accurately
under-represented or over-represented, then reflect what it is supposed to bemeasuring.
stratified random sampling is sometimes Reliability refers to the precision with which
used. Stratification is a simple process in a measurement is reproducible within the
which the population is divided into groups same observer or between different observers,
or strata. Other methods of choosing a i.e. can one get the same value two times
representative sample include systematic and when measured twice. Systematic error and
cluster sampling. Systematic sampling is based random error affect validity and reliability,
on selecting every rth (r determined by a ratio) respectively. Systematic error (bias) can be
individual from a list or file after choosing a decreased or eliminated by following sound
random number from one to r as a starting research principles (calibration and blinding
point. Cluster sampling is often performed in of observers, standardization of procedures,
population-based studies in which clusters selecting a large and representative sample,
(e.g. families, schools, hospitals) are chosen, and so on). Validity is affected by systematic
and random sampling within clusters is error. In contrast, random error usually arises
performed to ensure representativeness. because of chance and has an influence
The four sampling methods (simple random on reliability. Of the two errors, systematic
sampling, stratified random sampling, error is more harmful than random error.
systematic sampling and cluster sampling) However, random error can be a problem when
are called probability sampling because studying associations between an exposure
every member in the population has an equal and outcome. The extent of the association is
chance of being included in the sample. For usually underestimated because of random
other researchers to replicate the sample, the error. Although random error can be reduced
Occlusion and Malocclusion   105

by increasing sample size, systematic error outcome, can lead to spurious conclusions.
can only be decreased by careful designing of It is essential to minimize these errors by
methods and procedures. calibrating observers with standardized or
In orthodontics, cephalometric studies pretested protocols, and, if possible, blinding
provide examples of random and systematic the observers to the status of the subject.
error. When an investigator accurately locates Third, confounding bias is present when the
the landmark nasion, there is good validity. estimated association between exposure and
When an investigator is consistent in the outcome is distorted by one or more extraneous
identification of the landmark nasion, i.e. variables. These extraneous variables have the
repeats the process and pinpoints the same potential for altering study results if they are
spot each time, there is good reliability. not considered. A form of confounding bias
Validity is affected by systematic error. For is susceptibility bias. Orthodontic studies of
example, when the investigator is not properly extraction versus nonextraction treatment
trained or calibrated in the identification of often show susceptibility bias because patients
cephalometric landmarks and mistakenly with crowded teeth are more susceptible to
identifies the frontal sinus as nasion, this extraction treatment.
results in a systematic error. In contrast, A statistical technique that eliminates
random error influences reliability. Poor susceptibility bias in retrospective cohort
lighting or background noise can cause an studies has been developed. In the design of
investigator to be imprecise. Chance factors research, randomization, stringent selection
(random errors) should be estimated for all criteria, matching (a process by which an
studies by repeating the process for at least 10 experimental subject is matched on a one-to-
percent of the subjects. one basis with a control subject based on the
Systematic error can seriously jeopardize confounding factor), and blinding of observers
the validity of research findings, i.e. one may can be used to reduce bias.
find a positive association when none exists or Fourth, reverse causality bias can affect
a negative association when one really exists. validity when one is not sure of the sequence
In this context, systematic error is sometimes of causation, i.e. whether exposure preceded
referred to as analytic bias and can be divided outcome or outcome preceded exposure. An
into four types. investigator can be confident of an association
First, sample distortion bias, such as non­ only if exposure precedes outcome. This bias is
representativeness of the sample, inappro­ a problem with cross-sectional studies because
priate selection procedures, or dropouts exposure and outcome are determined at a
in the case of longitudinal studies, can single point in time. In studying craniofacial risk-
affect the validity of the association. These factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,
errors can be minimized by selecting a a lowered hyoid bone position has been a
representative random sample, applying significant factor in cross-sectional studies.
stringent selection criteria and maximizing It is not clear at the present time whether the
participation (monetary or clinical benefits). lowered hyoid bone position is a response to a
Second, measurement bias, such as compromised airway or if it is a predisposing risk
errors in the measurement of exposure and factor for apnea manifested from childhood.
106  Essentials of Orthodontics

In summary, validity can be achieved by ordered relationship to each other) variables,

decreasing systematic bias, and reliability can such as ethnicity, hair color, and so on; and
be improved by increasing the sample size. ordinal (having an ordered relationship to
each other) variables, such as scales of pain,
Internal and External Validity stress, esthetic appearance, are measured
These terms apply to the validity of the on an ordinal-type scale. There are powerful
inference as it applies to the population from statistical tests to analyze continuous data,
which the sample is derived. A study has but less so for categorical data. It is essential to
good internal validity if the sample results know the measurement scale because different
can be applied to the target population of statistical tests are used for continuous and
interest. A study has good external validity if for categorical data. With continuous data,
the sample results can also be applicable to it is possible to calculate mean, median and
the external population of interest. External standard deviation. With categorical data, it is
validity is dependent on internal validity, but possible to calculate frequency or proportion.
can be difficult to evaluate. Most research In descriptive studies, data are usually
studies would aim for good internal validity described using means, standard deviations,
by minimizing the extent of systematic bias. and frequencies. Table 3.2 shows the common
One also has to remember that it is difficult to statistical tests that can be applied depending
eliminate all forms of bias because the study on the type of exposure and outcome measures
of humans is complicated and subject to great used.
variation. An appropriate study design, proper
sampling technique, and minimization of bias
will lend itself to collecting good quality data. HYPOTHESIS TESTING
Once data are collected, appropriate statistical
analyses must be performed to reach the Analytic studies require the testing of a
correct conclusions regarding the association hypothesis to make the correct inference.
between exposure and outcome. There are four stages in the execution of an
analytic study.
The first is the statement of null and
STATISTICS MEASUREMENT alternate (research) hypotheses. The null
Table 3.2: Commonly used statistical tests according
Data collected for research are usually meas­ to the measure of exposure and outcome
ured as either continuous or categorical.
Exposure Outcome Statistical test
Continuous data are quantitative data mea­
Categorical Continuous Test, ANOVA
sured on a mathematical scale. Examples
Categorical Categorical Chi-square
include age, height, weight, cephalometric
Continuous Continuous Correlation,
variables, and so on. Categorical data are linear
qualitative data placed in categories and regression
assigned numerical values. Examples include Continuous Categorical Logistic
dichotomous variables such as men/women, regression
yes/no answers, and so on; nominal (having no Abbreviations: ANOVA—Analysis of variance
Occlusion and Malocclusion   107

hypothesis is usually stated as “exposure is not is called the type I error (a) that the investigator
associated with outcome”, and the alternate is willing to commit. The value for this error is
hypothesis, which is the research question usually set at 05. When the calculated P value
of interest, is stated as either “exposure is from the sample is less than the a value, then
associated with outcome” or “exposure the investigator rejects the null hypothesis
increases or decreases the risk of outcome”. and says there is a significant association
The second stage is to select an appropriate between exposure and outcome or a significant
study design to test the research hypothesis. difference between groups (usually between
The third stage is the implementation of experimental and control groups). Therefore,
the study and collection of data. This stage when an investigator rejects a null hypothesis
requires the measurement of data using an at P < 0.05, there is less than a 5 percent chance
appropriate scale. The fourth and final stage is of a mistake, i.e. a true null hypothesis was
the statistical analysis of the data that includes rejected.
both descriptive statistics and statistical
inference. Type II Error (p)
The purpose of hypothesis testing is to aid Type II (ft) errors occur when the study does
the investigator in reaching the correct decision not find a difference between groups when in
concerning a population by examining a fact there is a true difference. This different
sample from that population. The process of type of error can occur when the investigator
hypothesis testing begins with the assumption fails to reject the null hypothesis, i.e. finding
that the null hypothesis is true in the target no difference between the groups. In these
population. Under this assumption, we then instances, there is the danger of committing
calculate the probability of obtaining by a type II (p) error. For example, the studies on
chance alone a degree of association between open bite correction presented later in this
exposure and outcome at least as strong as that issue failed to show a significant change in
observed in the sample. mandibular growth with the Active Vertical
What is the chance of finding a difference Corrector appliance. In that study, a type II
between two groups when in fact there is no error may have occurred. It is important to
real difference? This probability value is called remember that type I and II errors are mutually
the P value. For clinical research to be useful exclusive; therefore, we are never at risk for
for decision making, the P value should be 05 committing both errors for a given inference.
or less. Even at this level, 5 percent of the time, However, a given study that has more than one
the difference found between two groups will hypothesis can be at risk for committing type
be a chance occurrence. I errors for the significant findings and type II
errors for findings that do not reach statistical
Type I Error (a) significance.
Type I error (a) is the probability of rejecting a
true null hypothesis. With respect to hypothesis Power
testing, there are some rules that should be Power is calculated as l to 3 and is the probability
followed. The P value threshold for rejection of rejecting the null hypothesis when indeed
of the null hypothesis should be established it is false. P error can be set a priori and is
before the experiment is started. This threshold usually set at 0.20 or 0.10. To set B error a priori,
108  Essentials of Orthodontics

an investigator has to decide the magnitude not be feasible to recruit the required number
of difference (effect size) he/she wants to of subjects estimated from a sample size
detect between two groups. For example, if calculation. In such instances, the properties
an investigator wants to detect a 20 percent of the central limit theorem can be useful
difference in mandible size between patients to answer the dilemma of an appropriate
treated with bionators or headgears, then the sample size. Before discussing the central
effect size he/she wants to detect between limit theorem, an explanation of the sampling
the two groups is 0.20.3 errors can also be theory on which the theorem is based is
calculated a posteriori (after data collection) provided. Suppose an investigator wanted
and is usually performed to determine the to estimate the oral hygiene status of the
power of the study. If the value of the power is population of the United States. It would be
close to 100 percent, then p error is negligible impractical to study the entire population and
and the investigator can be confident of the calculate the oral hygiene index. Therefore,
results. To use studies for clinical decision an investigator will select a sample from
making, the power of the study should be at this population and calculate the mean oral
least 80 percent. hygiene index (measured on a continuous
scale) and make inferences regarding the
Sample Size population. If there are several investigators
Sample size has a major role in reducing both studying the same problem, each one will take
type I and type II errors. The most frequent a sample from the population and calculate
question asked by clinicians is the sample the mean oral hygiene index. The means and
size required to test the research hypothesis. standard deviations calculated from each of
The answer to this question depends on three the samples will be a little different because of
factors: the vagaries of sampling. If the sample means
1. The level of a and p error the investigator is were plotted, the distribution would resemble
willing to risk (usually set at 0.05 and 0.20, a normal distribution (bell-shaped curve).
respectively). Therefore, the mean of the sample means
2. The magnitude of difference (effect size) would approximate the population mean,
to be detected. This can be in the form of and the standard deviation of the sample
frequencies for categorical data or means means would be equivalent to the standard
for continuous data. The effect size can be error of the mean (standard deviation of the
estimated from previous studies or from sample/square root of the sample size). This
pilot work performed by the investigator. mathematical property is called the central
3. The underlying variance of the target limit theorem and will apply to sample sizes
population. The variance is again estimated of 30 or greater. In general, the approximation
from previous studies. This is a major to normality of the sampling distribution
concern in orthodontic studies because of becomes better as the sample size increases.
the wide variation in facial appearance. Therefore, as long as our sample sizes are at
least 30, we can still make inferences about
Central Limit Theorem the target population from a sample because
Because of large variance in the target of the central limit theorem. However, this
population for cephalometric measures, it may does not ensure the investigator that there
Occlusion and Malocclusion   109

would be sufficient power to detect an effect affecting dentofacial esthetics, mandibular

size of a certain magnitude. Therefore, it is function or speech.
always better to calculate the sample size The measurement of malocclusion as a
before the start of the study and then recruit public health problem is extremely difficult
subjects accordingly to ensure sufficient power since most orthodontic treatment is undertaken
to detect associations or differences between for esthetic reasons and it is very difficult
groups. to estimate the extent to which malposed
teeth or dentofacial anomalies constitute
Statistical versus Clinical a psychological hazard. Malocclusion has
Significance proved to be a difficult entity to define because
For situations in which the magnitude of individual perceptions of what constitutes
difference between two groups, for example, a malocclusion problem differ widely. As a
treated versus nontreated subjects, is large, then result, no generally accepted epidemiological
a small sample size would be sufficient to detect index of malocclusion has yet been devised.
a statistically significant difference between the
groups. In instances in which the magnitude
of difference is small, then a large sample size INDEX
would be necessary to detect a statistically
significant difference between the groups. It Russell defined Index as, “A numerical value
is, however, important for the investigator to describing the relative status of a population
evaluate statistical significance versus clinical on a graduated scale with definite upper and
significance. Statistical significance in the lower limits which is designed to permit and
absence of clinical significance is of limited facilitate comparison with other populations
value to clinicians. For example, if bionators classified by the same criteria and methods”.
were effective in providing a statistically Jamison HD and McMillan RS have
significant 0.01 mm of additional mandibular proposed a list of requirements for an
length, this finding would be clinically trivial. ideal orthodontic index that can be used in
Therefore, clinicians conducting research or the epidemiologic studies of orthodontic
reading/evaluating journal articles should problems, as follows:
be cautious in the interpretation of the The index should be simple, accurate,
P value with reference to clinical significance. reliable and reproducible.
The P value should be carefully evaluated The index should be objective in nature and
because data derived from a poorly designed yield quantitative data which may be analyzed
study could provide meaningless information by current statistical methods.
that is inappropriate for clinical decision The index must be so designed as to
making. differentiate between handicapping and non-
handicapping malocclusion.
The examination required must be one that
INDICES OF MALOCCLUSION can be performed quickly by examiners even
Malocclusion and dentofacial deformity are without special instructions in orthodontic
conditions that constitute a hazard to the diagnosis.
maintenance of oral health and interfere with The index should lend itself to modification
the well-being of the person by adversely for the collection of epidemiological data,
110  Essentials of Orthodontics

regarding malocclusion other than prevalence, displacement and rotation were measured.
incidence, severity, e.g. frequency of malpo- Tooth displacement defined quantitatively:
sitioning of individual teeth. <1.5 mm or >1.5 mm. Tooth rotation defined
The index should be usable either on quantitatively: <45° or >45°.
patients or on study models.
The index should measure the degree Handicapping Labiolingual Deviation
of handicap, if any and avoid classifying Index
‘malocclusion’ (Tables 3.3 and 3.4). The handicapping labiolingual deviation index
(HLD index) was developed by Harry L Draker
Orthodontic Indices in 1960. The HLD index was proposed to select
Occlusal Index subjects with severe or handicapping malo­
Occlusal index was developed by Master and cclusion and dentofacial anomalies. The index
Frankel in 1951. In this index count of the is applicable only to the permanent dentition.
number of teeth displaced or rotated is seen. HLD index was the first orthodontic index
Assessment of tooth displacement and rotations designed to meet the administrative needs of
in this index is qualitative (all or none). program planners.
Method: The three planes commonly used
Malalignment Index for orthodontic orientation, i.e. the sagittal
Malalignment index was devised by Vankirk plane, the Frankfort horizontal plane, and the
and Pennel in 1959. In this index tooth orbital plane are the basis for the HLD index
measurements. The main intention of the HLD
Table 3.3: The requirement for an index of occlusion index is to measure the presence or absence
and the degree of the handicap caused by the
  1. Status of the group is expressed by a single number
which corresponds to a relative position on a finite components of the index. The HLD index is
seals with definite upper and lower limits; running based on seven components. All measure­
by progressive gradation from zero, i.e. absence ments are made with a Boley gauge scaled in
of disease, to the ultimate point, i.e. disease in its
terminal stage.
millimeters. The seven component conditions
of the HLD index are as follows:
  2. The index should be equally sensitive throughout
the scale. Condition # 1 Cleft palate: This condition is
  3. Index value should correspond closely with the described as malocclusion resulting from
clinically importance of the disease stage it represents. serious structural deformities involving growth
  4. Index value should be amendable to statistical and development of the mandible and maxilla.
analysis. The presence of cleft palate is indicated by an
 5. Reproductive. ‘X’ in the recording chart.
  6. Requisite equipment and instruments should be Condition # 2 Traumatic deviations: The
practicable in actual field situation.
tra­u ­m atic deviations referred to are, e.g.
  7. Examination procedure should require a minimum
loss of a premaxilla segment by burns or by
of judgment.
accident, the results of osteomyelitis, or other
  8. The index should be facile enough to permit the
study of a large population without undue cost in gross pathology. The presence of a traumatic
time or energy. deviation is also indicated by an ‘X’ in the
  9. The index would permit the prompt detection of a recording sheet.
shift in group condition, for better or for worst. Condition # 3 Overjet: This condition is mea­
10. The index should be valid during time. sured with the patient in centric relationship.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   111

Table 3.4: Summary of various indices of occlusion

Massler and Frankel (1951) Count the number of teeth displaced or rotated.
Assessment of tooth displacement and rotation is qualitative—all or none.
Malalignment index by Vankirk Tooth displacement and rotation were measured.
and Penneli (1959) Tooth displacement defined quantitatively : <1.5 mm or >1.5 mm.
Tooth rotation defined quantitatively: <45° or >45°.
Handicapping labiolingual deviation Measurements include cleft palate (all or none), traumatic deviations (all or
index by none), overjet (mm), overbite (mm), mandibular protrusion (mm), anterior
Draker (1960) open bite (mm), and labiolingual spread (a measurement of tooth displacement
in mm).
Occlusal features index by Measurements include lower anterior crowding cuspal interdigitation, vertical
overbite, and horizontal overjet.
Poulton and Aaronson (1961) Occlusion features measured and scored according to defined criteria.
Malocclusion severity estimate Seven weighted and defined measurements: (1) overjet, (2) overbite, (3) anter­
by Grainger (1960-61) ior open bite, (4) congenitally missing maxillary incisors, (5) first permanent
molar relationship, (6) posterior cross bite, (7) tooth displacement (actual
and potential).
Six malocclusion syndromes were defined:
1. Positive overjet and anterior open bite.
2. Positive overjet, positive over bite, distal molar relationship and posterior
cross bite with maxillary teeth buccal to mandibular teeth.
3. Negative overjet, mesial molar relationship, and posterior cross bite with
maxillary teeth lingual to mandibular teeth.
4. Congenitally missing maxillary incisor.
5. Tooth displacement.
6. Potential tooth displacement.
Occlusal index by Summers (1966) Nine weighted and defined measurements: (1) molar relationship, (2) overbite,
(3) overjet, (4) posterior cross bite, (5) posterior open bite, (6) tooth displacement,
(7) midline relation, (8) maxillary median diastema, (9) congenitally missing
maxillary incisors.
Seven malocclusion syndromes defined:
1. Overjet and open bite.
2. Distal molar relation, overjet, over bite, posterior cross bite, midline
diastema and midline deviation.
3. Congenitally missing maxillary incisors.
4. Tooth displacement (actual and potential).
5. Posterior open bite.
6. Mesial molar relation, overjet, over bite, posterior cross bite, midline
diastema and midline deviation.
7. Mesial molar relation, mixed dentition analysis (potential tooth
displacement) and tooth displacement.
Different scoring schemes and forms for different stages of dental development:
deciduous dentition, mixed dentition and permanent dentition.
Treatment priority index by Eleven weighted and defined measurements: (1) upper anterior segment
Grainger (1967) overjet, (2) lower anterior segment overjet, (3) overbite of upper anterior over
lower anterior, (4) anterior open bite, (5) congenitally absence of incisors,
(6) distal molar relation, (7) mesial molar relation, (8) posterior cross bite
(maxillary teeth buccal to normal), (9) posterior cross bite (maxillary teeth
lingual to normal), (10) tooth displacement, (11) gross anomalies.
112  Essentials of Orthodontics


Seven malocclusion syndromes were defined:

1. Maxillary expansion syndromes
2. Overbite
3. Retrognathism,
4. Open bite,
5. Prognathism,
6. Maxillary collapse syndromes,
7. Congenitally missing incisors.
Handicapping malocclusion assess­ Weighted measurements consist of three parts:
ment record by Salzmann (1968) 1. Intra-arch deviation—missing teeth, crowding, rotation, spacing.
2. Interarch deviation—overjet, overbite, cross bite, open bite, mesiodistal
3. Six handicapping dentofacial deformities: (1) facial and oral clefts, (2) lower
lip palatal to maxillary incisors, (3) occlusal interference, (4) functional jaw
limitation, (5) facial asymmetry (6) speech impairment.
This part can only be assessed on life patients.

The measurement can be applied to a protru­ measurement should be entered on the index.
ding single tooth as well as to the whole arch. This is done to give the patient the benefit of
The measurements of read and rounded off to the greatest deviation.
the nearest millimeter and recorded. The above explained HLD index system
Condition # 4 Overbite: This measurement is a modification of an earlier used HLD
is also rounded off to the nearest millimeter index. The HLD index used prior to 1960’s
and recorded. Reverse overbite may exist in made use of weighing factors developed by
some conditions and should be measured trial and error. This index system had nine
and recorded. components conditions measured. The
Condition # 5 Mandibular protrusion: This conditions measured. The conditions observed
is measured from the labial of the lower are cleft palate, severe traumatic deviations,
incisor to the labial of the upper incisor. The overjet, overbite, mandibular protrusion, open
measurement in millimeters is recorded. bite, ectopic eruption in anteriors, and anterior
Condition # 6 Openbite: The condition is crowding in maxilla and mandible.
defined as the absence of occlusal contact in The score of 13 and over constitutes
the anterior region. It is measured from edge- ‘physical handicap’.
to-edge in millimeters and recorded. The following codes are used in this index:
Condition # 7 Labiolingual spread: To measure O = Condition absent
labio-lingual spread, the Boley gauge is used X = Condition present
to determine the extent of deviation from a M = Mixed dentition
normal arch. The total distance between the A = Clinical approval
most protruded and the lingually displaced D = Clinical disapproval.
anterior is measured.
In the event of multiple anterior teeth Occlusal Feature index
crowding, all deviations from the normal Occlusal feature index was developed by
arch should be measured for labiolingual Poulton and Aaronson in 1961. Measurements
spread, but only the most severe individual include lower anterior crowding, cuspal
Occlusion and Malocclusion   113

interdigitation, vertical overbite, and horizontal 3. Overbite

overjet. 4. Open bite
5. Tooth displacement
Malocclusion Severity Estimate 6. Congenitally missing teeth
Malocclusion severity estimate was developed 7. Unerupted central incisors
by Grainger in 1961. He later modified it into 8. Mandibular prognathism
Orthodontic treatment priority index (TPI). 9. Mandibular retrognathism
Occlusal features measured and scored 10. Posterior cross bite.
according to defined criteria. Seven weighted Seven malocclusion syndromes have been
and defined measurements are: defined in TPI:
1. Overjet Maxillary expansion syndrome
2. Overbite Overbite
3. Anterior open bite Retrognathism
4. Congenitally missing maxillary incisors Open bite
5. First permanent molar relationship Prognathism
6. Posterior cross bite Maxillary collapse syndrome
7. Tooth displacements. Congenitally missing incisors.
Six malocclusion syndromes were defined: TPI is based on a scale of ‘0’ to ‘3’, ‘4’ to
1. Positive overjet and anterior open bite. ‘6’ and over ‘6’. The TPI tends to give more
2. Positive overjet, positive over bite, distal consistent percentage of prevalence, relative
molar relationship and posterior cross bite to age.
with maxillary teeth buccal to mandibular TPI scores can be expressed in the ranges
teeth. of:
3. Negative overjet, mesial molar relationship 0 to 2.5 = Low
and posterior cross bite with maxillary 2.5 to 4.5 = Middle
teeth lingual to mandibular teeth. Above 4.5 = High
4. Congenitally missing maxillary incisors. TPI serves as a guide for epidemiologic
5. Tooth displacements. surveys of populations as well as an instrument
6. Potential tooth displacement. for screening. TPI has been used in national
studies of orthodontic needs of children.
Orthodontic Treatment Priority Index
The Orthodontic Treatment Priority Index (TPI) Occlusal Index
was developed by Grainger RM in 1967. The TPI Occlusal index was devised by Summers in 1966.
was revision or modification made by Grainger Nine weighted and defined measurements are:
over the earlier developed ‘Malocclusion 1. Molar relationship
severity estimate’. TPI is based on the study 2. Overbite
of inter-relationships of ten manifestations of 3. Overjet
malo­cclusion. TPI includes seven syndromes 4. Posterior cross bite
and quantifies oral interrelationships in terms 5. Posterior open bite
of the seven syndromes. The ten manifestations 6. Tooth displacement
of malocclusion measured in TPI are: 7. Midline relation
1. Bimolar relationship 8. Maxillary median diastema
2. Overjet 9. Congenitally missing maxillary incisors.
114  Essentials of Orthodontics

Seven malocclusion syndromes were defined: linear displacement of the anatomic contact
1. Overjet and open bite points (as distinguished from the clinical
2. Distal molar relation, overjet, overbite, contact points) of each mandibular incisor
posterior cross bite, midline diastema, and from the respective points of the adjacent teeth.
midline deviation The sum of these five displacements represents
3. Congenitally missing maxillary incisors the relative degree of anterior irregularity.
4. Tooth displacements Perfect alignment from the mesial aspect of
5. Posterior open bite the left to the right canine would yield a score
6. Mesial molar relation, overjet, overbite, of 0, with increased crowding represented by
posterior cross bite, midline diastema and greater displacement, and thus a higher index
midline deviation score. The measurements are performed with a
7. Mesial molar relation, mixed dentition caliper, parallel to the occlusal plane. Vertical
analysis (potential tooth displacement) discrepancies between adjacent contact points
and tooth displacement. are not taken into account, as it is assumed
There are different scoring schemes and that correction of such discrepancies would
forms for different stages of dental deve­ not appreciably affect anterior arch length.
lop­m ent, like deciduous dentition, mixed Mesiodistal interdental spacing also is dis­
dentition, and permanent dentition. regarded provided the teeth in question are in
proper arch form. If spacing as well as rotations
Handicapping Malocclusion Assessment are present, only the labiolingual displacement
Handicapping malocclusion assessment was from the proper arch form is recorded.
given by Salzmann in 1968. The weighted
measurements consist of three parts: Peer Assessment rating index
Intra-arch deviation—missing teeth, The peer assessment rating (PAR) index is
crowding, rotation, spacing. an occlusal index designed and validated
Interarch deviation—overjet, overbite, as an instrument to measure how much a
cross bite, open bite, mesiodistal deviation. patient deviates from normal alignment
Functional deviations—functional shifts, and occlusion. The PAR index was designed
speech disorders. to measure the success or the outcome
Six handicapping dentofacial deformities of treatment by comparing the severity of
including: the initial malocclusion with the result on
1. Facial and oral clefts pretreatment and posttreatment casts. The
2. Lower lip palatal to maxillary incisors index measures maxillary and mandibular
3. Occlusal interference anterior alignment (crowding and spacing),
4. Functional jaw limitation buccal segment occlusion (anteroposterior,
5. Facial asymmetry transverse, and vertical), overjet (including
6. Speech impairment. anterior cross bite), over-bite and midline
discrepancies. The index has been validated
Irregularity index (Little’s index) in the United Kingdom (UK PAR) and, with
An index introduced by RM Little, in 1975 different weightings and eliminating the
for standardized assessment of mandibular mandibular anterior alignment component,
anterior crowding. It involves measuring the in the United States (US PAR). The PAR index
Occlusion and Malocclusion   115

has been used widely for evaluating the effects cross bites, displacement of contact points
of treatment in a variety of circumstances. (crowding), and over bite. The AC of the IOTN
However, there is disagreement about using consists of a 10-point scale, illustrated by a
the PAR index in determining treatment series of numbered photographs. Brook and
need. One group of investigators concluded Shaw originally developed the IOTN as a
that it is unsuitable as an index of treatment second-generation occlusal index with two
need. Another group developed a model for components to provide a balanced approach
the PAR index that was highly correlated with to allocating need.
orthodontists’ subjective opinions of treatment
need. There have been no reports of a large Dental Health Component of Index for
panel of orthodontic experts used as a gold or Orthodontic Treatment Need
truth standard against which to compare the Grade 5 (Need Treatment): Impeded eruption of
PAR index as an index of treatment need. teeth (except for third molars) due to crowding
PAR index is an index for recording the displacement, presence of supernumerary
severity of a malocclusion in the mixed and teeth, retained deciduous teeth, and any
permanent dentition, developed in 1987 by a pathological cause.
group of 10 orthodontists in Great Britain (Bri­ Extensive hypodontia with restorative
tish Orthodontic Standards Working Party). impli­c ations (more than 1 tooth missing
The index consists of a scoring system of study in any quadrant) requiring prerestorative
casts, facilitated by a ruler. Individual scores for orthodontics. Increased overjet 9 mm. Reverse
the components of alignment and occlusion overjet 3.5 mm with reported masticatory
finally are summed to calculate an overall and speech difficulties. Defects of cleft lip
score. Thus, a score of zero would indicate and palate and other craniofacial anomalies.
perfect alignment and occlusion, with scores Submerged deciduous teeth.
above zero (but rarely beyond 50) indicating Grade 4 (Need Treatment): Less extensive hypo­
increasing levels of irregularity. The index is d­ontia requiring pre-restorative orthodontics
applied to both the start and end of treatment or orthodontic space closure to obviate the
study casts, and the change in the total score need for prosthesis. Increased overjet 6 mm,
reflects the success of treatment with regard to 9 mm.
the alignment and occlusion. Reverse overjet 3.5 mm with no masticatory
or speech difficulties.
Index for orthodontic treatment needs Anterior or posterior cross bites with 2
Index of Orthodontic Treatment Needs was mm discrepancy between retruded contact
developed by Brook and Shaw in 1989. position and intercuspal position.
The dental health component (DHC) of index Posterior lingual cross bite with no fun­
for orthodontic treatment need (IOTN) specifi­- ctional occlusal contact in 1 or both buccal
­c ally addresses the deficiencies noted in segments.
this academic outcomes study. The DHC of Severe contact point displacements _4 mm.
IOTN is a distillation of the factors currently Extreme lateral or anterior open bites _4
believed to be related to the deleterious mm.
health effects of malocclusion. The five traits Increased and complete overbite with
assessed by the DHC are missing teeth, overjet, gingival or palatal trauma.
116  Essentials of Orthodontics

Partially erupted teeth, tipped and impac­ objective scoring protocol. The occlusal traits
ted against adjacent teeth. scored included:
Presence of supernumerary teeth. 1. Upper and lower labial segment alignment.
Grade 3 (Borderline Need): Increased overjet 2. Anterior vertical relationship, centerline,
3.5 mm, 6 mm with incompetent lips. impacted teeth, upper and lower buccal
Reverse overjet 1 mm, 3.5 mm. segment alignment (left and right added
Anterior or posterior cross bites with 1 mm, together), buccal segment anteroposterior
2 mm discrepancy between retruded contact relationship (left and right added together),
position and intercuspal position. buccal segment vertical relationship (left
Contact point displacements 2 mm, 4 mm. and right added together), cross bite,
Lateral or anterior open bite 2 mm, 4 mm. missing teeth for any reason (excluding
Deep overbite complete on gingival or third molars).
palatal tissues but no trauma.
Grade 2 (Little Need): Increased overjet 3.5 mm, 3. Aesthetic assessment based on IOTN aes­
6 mm with competent lips. thetic component, overjet in mm (centered
Reverse overjet 0 mm, 1 mm. at 3 mm), reverse overjet in mm, upper
Anterior or posterior cross bite with 1 and lower incisor inclination relative to
mm discrepancy between retruded contact the occlusal plane, overall upper arch
position and intercuspal position. crowding and spacing, overall lower arch
Contact point displacements 1 mm, 2 mm. crowding and spacing, lip competency.
Anterior or posterior open bite 1 mm, 2 The practitioners’ subjective judgements of
mm. the casts were then related to the occlusal trait
Increased over bite 3.5 mm without gingival scores for each case using regression analysis.
Prenormal or postnormal occlusions with Ideal Tooth Relationship Index
no other anomalies (Included up to half a unit Ideal Tooth Relationship Index (ITRI) was
discrepancy). developed in 1992 by Robert S Haeger, Bernard
Grade 1 (No Need): Extremely minor maloc­ J Schneider, and Ellen A BeGole.
clusions including contact point displacements The use of an ideal tooth relationship
1 mm. index (ITRI) has many applications, such
as evaluating the results of orthodontic
Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need treatment, post-treatment stability, settling,
Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need relapse and different orthodontic treatment
(ICON) was developed by Richmond and modalities.
Daniels in 2000, to find the difficulties in
treatment, outcome of the orthodontic Relationships Used in the Index
treatment and the need to treat the existing (Table 3.5)
malocclusion. This is the only index developed Study models in centric occlusion were
to assess the need, outcome and complexity examined visually to determine tooth
of the orthodontic treatment. The dental casts relationships. Assuming that all teeth are
were examined by occlusal traits in the sample present, there are 62 potential ideal tooth
were comprehensively scored according to an relationships that make up ITRI.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   117

Table 3.5: Tooth relationships used in ITRI performed by visual examination; no leaf
gauges, linear measurements, or wax bites
Description Number
were employed. Models with congenitally
Mesial and distal inclined planes of the 14
maxi­llary buccal cusps of first molars and miss­­ing teeth, questionable articulation,
premolars occluding with the buccal mal­for­med teeth, or broken or chipped teeth
cusps of their mandibular antagonists were not included in this study. Third molars
Mesial and distal inclined planes of the 14 were not included because of variability
mandi­bular first molar lingual cusps and
marginal ridge contact on the distal of the
in form and occurrence. Second molars
mandibular first and premolars and mesial were included initially but subsequently
and distal of the second premolars and the elimi­nated on the basis of a pilot study that
lingual cusp of their maxillary antagonist
revealed no difference in scores if only first
Anterior interarch contacts between the 12 molars were included. Deciduous teeth were
lingual surface of the maxillary incisors
and canines and the labial surface of their excluded. In some cases, band spaces were
mandibular antagonists present resulting in a lack of interproximal
Intra-arch (interproximal) contacts on the 22 contact; these were not recorded as correct.
maxillary and mandibular arches from first How­e ver, in cases when posttreatment
molar to first molar
records were taken after a lower banded
Total 62 retai­ner had been cemented, the intraarch
contact on either side of the banded tooth
The index was based on the percentage of was scored when correctly related to the
actual to potential ideal relationships present on banded tooth.
the dental casts and was calculated as the sum
of maxillary buccal cusps, mandibular lingual
relationships, and anterior and inter­pro­ximal ANTHROPOLOGY
contacts divided by the number of potential Anthropology is the science of man as a whole.
relationships. The ITRI scores were computed It encloses different aspects of the lift of man
for the following: total index score for the entire from the date of his origin up to the present
dentition; anterior segment score, which is the day. It includes study of man from every aspect
summation of intraarch and interarch scores; of life, e.g. physical feature differences, cultural
and posterior segment score, which is the variations, social political, religious and all
summation of intraarch and interarch scores, other affairs.
including buccal and lingual scores. Customarily anthropology is divided into
The number of potential ideal relationships two branches: (i) Physical and (ii) Cultural.
varied depending on the number of teeth Physical anthropology deals with the physical
included, i.e. extraction cases and inclusion aspects of man, his evolution, structural
of second molars. The relationships were variations, racial compositions, etc. Cultural
scored only when they were correct and anthropology on the other hand deals with life
no range of “normal” was incorporated. activates of man, his behavior, social patterns,
However, if a buccal segment interdigitated etc.
mesially or distally to the Class I position, Man is the product of a long experiment
contacts were still counted as being present by nature. Knowledge of basic facts of this
since functional inclined plane relation­ships experiment are not only fascinating but are
were of primary interest. All evaluations were immediate practical use to dental profession.
118  Essentials of Orthodontics

The exact place of human origin is a matter victims of airplane crashes and victims of
of controversy. South Central Asia is widely criminal assaults are frequently done by dental
accepted as the birth place of man. Recently anthropologists. Dental anthropologists study
however, Doctor and Mrs Leakey with their teeth, both fossiled and modern, for the study
discoveries in Africa claimed that our early of evolution of man. One of the major tasks of
progenitors lived in the African continent than the dental anthropology is to learn how teeth
elsewhere. evolved to their present form.
All the living varieties of modern man bel­ The teeth and related bony parts of
ong to the species, Homo sapiens, Man today, face of primates and mammals reveal the
though differ in certain cases outwardly are differences among those animals. Zygoma is
similar to one another in basic characteristics. an important bone for the anthropologists.
But men of prehistoric beds differ widely from The higher the primate, the less prominent is
modern man. It is seen that one group of people the zygomatic arch. The probable evolution of
exhibits certain common hereditary features man is revealed from fossiled teeth and jaws.
which differ in various ways from the other The shape and size of teeth have undergone a
groups. The men of the world can be divided great change due to change of diet. In man the
into several such groups known as the race. canines have decreased in size, all other teeth
Physical anthropology is the study of man have become smaller and are closely set and
not as is done in anatomy and physiology. It the dental arch has become parabolic.
tries to find out the differences on the basis Anthropometry is a systematized technique
of physical traits. With the help of these traits for measuring and observing different parts
individuals are distinguished within the species. of human body, living or dead. It helps to
The methodology in phy­sical anthropology has express the form of the body quantitatively.
changed from a purely mechanical technique It consists of Somatometry (measurement
to an analytical interpretive form. Nose for of living body or cadaver), Cephalometry
example, which was regarded as an independent (measurement of the head and face only),
entity is now considered as an integral part of Osteometry (measurement of the skeletal
the face. The facial region is greatly influenced parts) and Craniometry (measurements of
by the stresses of mastication. The force of bone restricted to the skull).
developing teeth increases the size of the bone Some of the indices that are used in dental
of the neighboring region. The classical physical anthropology are as follows:
anthropology did not stress these interrelating 1. Cephalic index:
factors. There is at present a stress on genetic Maximum head breadth
composition of a population and mechanism × 100
Maximum head length
of heredity.
Dental anthropology is a part of physical
Dolicocephalic = <75.9
anthropology. It deals with the shape, size and
Mesocephalic = 76 – 80.9
variation of teeth, jaw and occlusion. Human
Brachycephalic = >81
teeth and jaw bones are hard and long-lasting
2. Facial index:
and have contributed greatly to anthropology.
Dental anthropologists have been called upon Morphological facial height
to identify individuals on the basis of tooth (n-gn)
× 100
and haw form. Identification of remains of Bizygomatic width (zy-zy)
Occlusion and Malocclusion   119

Result: 9. Step index:

Euryoprosopic = <83.9 First molar is least variable. Other mol­
Mesoprosopic = 84-87.9 ars are compared with first molar, e.g.
Leptoprosopic = >88 Third molar mesiodistal
3. Jugomandibular index: diameter
× 100
Bigonial breadth (go-go) First molar mesiodistal
× 100 diameeter
Bizygomatic width (zy-zy)
Result: 10. Arch index:
Narrow = <74.9
Width between canines × 100
Medium = 75-79.9 Distance between central
Broad = >80 incisors and second premolars
4. Lip index: or third predecessors
11. Tooth width index:
Height of integumental lip
× 100 Mesiodistal width × 100
Lip length
5. Nasal index:
Some of the dental peculiarities that are
Nasal breadth × 100
of interest to the dental anthropologists are as
Nasal length
Result: 1. Shovel-shaped incisors: It is seen in the
Leptorhine = <69.9 maxillary incisors. In modern population
Mesorhine = 70-84.9 marked shovel morphology suggests
Chamaerhine = >85 mongoloid affinities. The mesial and distal
6. Maxilloalveolar index: ridges are prominent and the lingual fossa
Maxilloalveolar breadth is deep. The depth is measured at a point
× 100
Maxilloalveolar length midway between incisal and gingival
Result: margins and midway from mesial and
Dolichuranic = <109 distal margins. The nomenclature and
Mesoranic = 110-114.9 scores are as follows.
Brachyuranic = >115
7. Palatal index: Depth in mm Nomenclature Score
0 mm No shovel 0
Maximum palatal breadth
× 100 Less than 1 mm Trace shovel 1
Maximum palatal length
1 mm Semi-shovel 2
Over 1 mm Shovel 3
Leptostaphyline = < 79.9
Mesostaphyline = 80 – 84.9
2. Barrel-shaped lateral incisors: The cingulum
Brachystaphyline = > 85
is so deep that the lateral incisor looks like
8. Tooth crown index:
a premolar.
Buccolingual diameter
× 100 3. Carabelli’s trait: It has been concerned
Mesiodistal diameter with the racial difference, genetic and
120  Essentials of Orthodontics

evolutionary studies. Depending on its Anthropologic nomenclatures of cusps of

prominence or presence of pit or groove, molar teeth are as follows:
it is classified into seven subgroups:
Cusp Upper molar Lower molar
Mesiobuccal Paracone Protoconoid
Position of the trait Score Mesiolingual Protocone Metaconoid
Smooth surface 0 Distolingual Hypocone Entoconid
A shallow groove on mesial side of lingual 1 Distobuccal Metacone Hypoconid
Carabelli’s cusp – –
A shallow groove or depression without any 2
change in curvature of lingual surface Distal – Hypoconulid

Depression or pit deeper than number 2, but 3 Extracusp on mesio­ – Protostylid

no bulge is seen on lingual surface buccal

Same as number 3 but there is slight eminence 4

on lingual surface or mesiolingual cusp
Lingual eminence is stronger, but the cusp 5 ORTHODONTICS
extends smoothly to the rest of the lingual
surface without interruption
The cusp is completely encircled by a groove 6 Orthodontists are functioning anthropologists.
so that it seems to form a fifth cusp We measure the bones of the face, skull and
Strongly developed cusp which may be longer 7 teeth, and study the relationships of these
than distolingual cusp (hypocone) structures. We should also be interested, then
in learning as much as possible about the
The shape of tooth is variable. It is regulated origins of human beings and the evolutionary
by various factors including genetic control. development of our anatomy.
Much reliance is placed on occlusal fissure Study of the other primates contributes to
pattern. ‘Y’ type fissure is diagnostic of hominid this field of knowledge. Primates are defined
forms. Number of cusps is independent of as mammals with thumbs and large toes that
the type of fissure. The fissural pattern is oppose the other digits. The ends of the digits
polygenic, that is its expression is determined are flattened and have nails rather than claws.
by combination of alleles at two or more loci. As we shall see, however, there are interesting
The Carabelli trait is the expression of alleles at exceptions.
a single locus. The determinants of Carabelli’s Fossil evidence has uncovered a very old,
expression act early in tooth embryology very small, warm-blooded creature called
as compared with those for the fissural mega-zostrodon. It had a sharp snout and
pattern. Carabelli’s cusp and Carabelli’s pit are pointed ears, nursed its young, and is the oldest
expressions of the same genotype. Carabelli’s known mammal. Geological dating places
cusp is the maximum expressions of the same it on earth some 200 million years ago. The
genotype. Carabelli’s cusp is the maximum brain of this mouse-sized creature was large
expression of the lingual cingulum in man in proportion to its weight and compared with
and pit or groove occurs when the cingulum the brains of other creatures then existing. It
is absent. On no other site of a tooth a tubercle survived the Jurassic Age of the now-extinct
or cusp alternate with a pit or groove. terrestrial dinosaurs. It lived by its wits.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   121

Charles Darwin was a close observer of environment changes. Special adaptations

nature. His theory of evolution grew from are beneficial only so long as the conditions
watch­­ing an undisturbed patch in his garden. to which the adaptations were made remain
He plotted the 2-by-3-foot area and carefully static. Climatic and geologic changes through
recorded every wild sprout of grass and millions of year’s reshaped environments and
weed. He followed the fate of each individual organisms that failed to adapt became extinct.
organism and continued his study for years. During the evolution of man millions
He concluded it with three basic assum­ptions: of years since the tiny tree shrew became
1. Each individual of a species is different arboreal, and to describe how present day man
from every other. may be resisting some of these changes.
2. Each individual can reproduce in geometric
proportion. From Shrews to Humans
3. Because of a resulting overpopulation, only The tree shrew developed a shortened snout
the most fit will survive. and an increased cranial capacity. Being
nocturnal, its orbits are large and there is
no bony separation from the muscles of
EARLY PRIMATES mastication. It does not have stereoscopic
vision. The shrew climbs vertically and
Tree shrews, the most primitive of primates, are scampers along the tops of branches. The large
an arboreal variation of the megazostrodon. toe is flattened and has a nail, but the other
When terrestrial living became too crowded digits have claws, which make the shrew’s
or too hazardous, some individuals took to arboreal existence more secure. The basic
the trees. From them, tree shrews developed mammalian (Eutherian) dental formula of
50 to 60 million years ago, following the mass 44 teeth includes: 3 incisors (I), 1 canine (C),
extinction of the dinosaurs. 4 premolars (P), and 3 molars (M), right and
The earliest extent remains of a hominid, left, in both the upper and lower arches. The
the family of Homo sapiens (modern humans), tree shrew fromulae are: upper I-2, C-1, P-3,
are about 4 million years old. That ancient M-3; and lower I-3, C-1, P-3, M-3. The teeth
being had ancestors whose remains have yet are generally more cone-shaped than those
to be discovered. These early hominids stood of other primates. The basic building blocks
upright and although their cranial capacity was for teeth are the cones, from which all teeth
limited, it was relatively large for the overall size have evolved.
of this hominid. The orbits were surrounded by The next step up the primate ladder, lemur,
heavy bone, especially the glabella. The teeth includes numerous genera and subfamilies
were about the size of modern man’s, but this that vary in size from the attractive furry little
creature stood only three or four feet tall. mouse lemur to the cat-sized, ring-tailed
Homo sapiens, maturing more slowly lemur. Lemurs are good climbers, using their
than other primates, retained many primitive tails for balance. Their hind legs are well-
features, which may be why the genus has developed, allowing the lemur to leap along
been successful. Hands and teeth, for example, or between branches. Like the tree shrew,
are quite primitive. Genera that become the lemur is almost entirely arboreal. Their
specialized tend to become extinct when their digits have flattened ends on both hands and
122  Essentials of Orthodontics

feet with nails instead of claws, except for the beak of a woodpecker. Upper canines of the
second toe, which is elongated and has a claw aye-aye form in the maxilla rather than in the
with which to scratch and groom (called the premaxilla, where the continuously erupting
“toilet digit”). anteriors form in rodents.
Lemur brains are more developed in vision, The next species in primate evolution is the
but less well-developed in smell. The animal tarsier, which has a combination of primitive
is nocturnal and has large orbits. As in the tree and advanced features. In past geologic times
shrew, there is no bony separation between various genera of tarsiers were present in
the orbit and the muscles of mastication. The most parts of the world, and they became
snout of the lemur is less pointed than that of considerably diverse anatomically. There
the shrew, and it projects beyond the lower are some who believe that from these many
jaw. The upper lip has a median cleft and is genera evolved the branch leading to modern
bound to the gums on either side. Its ears are great apes and to man. Today only one genus
large and mobile. remains: a small animal about the size of a
The dental formula for lemur, both upper two-week old kitten. Its habitat is confined to
and lower, is: I-2, C-1, P-3, M-3. The two central three islands in the Asian Pacific. This tarsier is
incisors are separated by a wide diastema, and arboreal and insectivorous. It is nocturnal with
like the laterals, are small and cone-shaped. In enormous eyes encased in bony sockets. The
some lemurs, the upper anteriors are entirely brain resembles that of a monkey, especially the
missing. The lower centrals and laterals form part dealing with vision. The snout is shortened
a specialized comb. They are elongated and and the ears are large and mobile. The tarsier’s
procumbent, and are joined by the adjacent hind legs are specialized for jumping, and the
similarly formed canines. The lower first elongated tarsal bone accounts for the animal’s
premolar has developed a canine form. The name. The digits end with rounded pads that
anterior comb is used for grooming, but has have nails.
also been observed being used to scoop fresh Tarsier has the following dental formula:
gum and juice from trees. upper I-2, C-1, P-3, M-3; and lower I-1, C-1,
A strange lemur genus is the aye-aye. It lives P-3, M-3. All of the incisors and canines are
in cane brakes and bamboo forests where it coniform in shape as are the lower premolars
bores into stalks for juices and grubs. Digits of and one of the uppers.
the aye-aye have sharp curved claws on all but Next among these primates are the
the great toe, which is flattened and has a broad monkeys, with noticeable differences
nail. Its long specialized second toe is used for between old and new world monkeys. Most
extracting grubs as well as for grooming. old world monkeys are no longer completely
The dentition of this creature is of special arboreal, instead combining arboreal life
interest. The dental formula is: upper I-0, C-1, with excursions on the ground. Some, like the
P-1, M-3; and lower I-0, C-1, P-0, M-3. The mandrill and baboon have become terrestrial.
upper and lower canines are inclined labially Monkeys have a quadrupedal gait, using all
and are in contact right with left. The teeth four extremities in locomotion. In the trees,
erupt throughout the lifetime of the individual, they run and leap along the tops of branches.
which maintains their length. Breaking into When hanging from limbs they have hands
cane and bamboo, they perform much as the and/or feet on opposite sides of the limb. The
Occlusion and Malocclusion   123

monkey clavicle has become vestigial. Without above. Being sexually dimorphic, males are
it, the monkey cannot brachiate or hang with larger than the females.
both hands on the same side of the limb and The gorilla is the largest of the four great
elbows extended laterally. apes. It is vegetarian except for occasional
Monkey brains are more developed for grubs, and this is reflected in its large grinding
vision and less for smell than the above- molars, especially the lowers. Gorillas have
mentioned primates. They are diurnal and strong incisors with chisel-like edges. The
have stereoscopic vision, with their eyes on central is larger than the lateral, which slopes
the front of the head rather than on the sides. gingivally on the distal; both have concave
Most monkeys have snouts that are quite blunt, labial surfaces. There is a diastema between
with the exception of mandrills and baboons. the laterals and canines in both arches. The
The ears are rather small and close to the head. maxillary premolars have definite buccal and
The dental formula for old world monkeys is: lingual cusps while the mandibulars display
upper and lower, I-2, C-1, P-2, M-3. This is the a more subdued lingual cusp. As mentioned
same as that for great apes and hominids. above, the dental formula is the same as in
New world monkeys are almost completely hominids, the other great apes, and old world
arboreal, and much of their forest habitat monkeys.
covers swamps. Unlike any of the old world Sexual dimorphism in the canines is well-
monkeys, most of the new world species have defined. Females have strong curved maxillary
prehensile tails that have a bald sensitive area canines that extend well-beyond the occlusal
near the tip. The tail is used in locomotion, plane, while the mandibulars are conical in
swinging, and even feeding. All of these shape and extend only slightly above the plane.
monkeys use their tails for balance while In males, the canines are like fangs; both upper
ambulating or while sitting on all four limbs and lower are robust, long, curved, sharp and
high in the trees. are well-adapted for defense and aggression.
The smallest of living monkeys is the The gorilla is diurnal with stereoscopic vision.
marmoset. This new world creature has two It has heavy bony ridges above the orbits.
rather than three molars in each quadrant. It The ears are small and sit close to the head.
also has curved claws on all digits except for Gorillas have become largely terrestrial,
the large toes, similar to the tree shrew and the ambulating on all four limbs and using the
aye-aye. backs of the knuckles and the soles of the feet.
The dental formula for new world monkeys Like other great apes and hominids, gorillas
is: upper and lower I-2, C-1, P-3, M-3. Canines have clavicles, which play an important role
in both old world and new world monkeys are in brachiation. Gorillas brachiate, using the
generally long and pointed and are used for fingers as hooks over branches. The thumb
fighting or are displayed as a threat. has become small and rudimentary. Great
There are four living types of anthropoid apes and hominids have lost their tails, while
apes : gorilla, gibbon, orangutan, and tree shrews, lemurs, tarsiers, and monkeys all
chimpanzee. Fossil remains indicate many use theirs for balance in their arboreal running
more existed at one time. These great apes have and leaping. Lacking clavicles, they do not
greater cranial capacity proportionate to body brachiate. The toes of the gorilla are prehensile
mass compared with the primates mentioned and all digits have flattened nails.
124  Essentials of Orthodontics

The gibbon is a world-class athlete. Its lengthened. The skull and face are elongated
habitat is confined to Southeast Asia and and surrounded by a heavy fringe of fur. The
some offshore islands. It is almost completely dentition is similar to that of gorillas except that
arboreal. When descending to the ground, the jaws are narrower. The canines are sexually
primarily for water, it ambulates in bipedal dimorphic, again as with the gorilla. Where
fashion, extending its arms high overhead for the gorilla’s second molar tends to be larger
balance. It swings from branch-to-branch, than the first, the orangutan’s are of equal size.
using its long slender arms and sure grip. A Its habitat is now limited to a small region of
web unites the index and middle fingers as far marsh forests in Borneo and Sumatra. At one
as the terminal joint. The gibbon doesn’t need time it inhabited much of Asia, including
a balancing tail. Its locomotion is primarily China. The orangutan is selective and few are
brachiation and is not confined to walking and left, having been hunted by natives for food
leaping; it’s a real swinger. The lower limbs are and by animal trappers for zoos.
diminished. Its habitat is now confined to the Chimpanzees are both arboreal and
forests of Southeast Asia. About 80 percent of terrestrial, spending about one-third of their
its diet is fruit, augmented by leaves, flowers time on the ground. Although primarily
and buds, insects, birds’ eggs, and nestlings. vegetarian, they eat a variety of termites, grubs,
Compared with other anthropoids, the and occasionally small animals that they kill.
gibbon’s upper central incisors are broad and They select and modify twigs, which they use
the laterals more pointed. Both are labially to extract termites from their mounds. The
convex and lingually concave mesiodistally. termites attach to the intrusive twigs and the
The lower incisors are equal in size and chimpanzees lick them off. Besides these
shape and have sharp chisel edges. The upper modified termite twigs, chimpanzees also
canines are saber-like, being long and curved. throw stones and use stripped branches as
The lower canines are large and conical, with striking weapons. Hominids are not the only
the tips standing well above the occlusal plane. toolmakers.
In occlusion, this tooth occupies a definite The chimpanzee’s legs are not as pro­
diastema between the upper lateral incisor and portionately diminished as those of the gibbon
canine. The premolars are definitely bicuspid, or orangutan, but their arms are long and
with the lingual cusp smaller than the buccal. strong. They can ambulate on their feet, but
The lower first premolar is narrow mesially the anatomy of the femur and pelvis creates a
and widens to a definite buccal cusp distally, swaggering gait. The backs of the knuckles and
which slopes down to the curved cervical ridge the soles of the feet are used. The chimpanzee
that supports a small lingual cingulum. The is a good climber and brachiates. As with
second lower premolar is bicuspid, but the other great apes, the chimpanzee exhibits
cusps are mesial and distal rather than buccal sexual dimorphism. The canines of males are
and lingual. In both upper and lower arches, heavier, longer, and more curved. Chimpanzee
the second molar is larger than the first and dentition is much the same as the orangutans
third. except that the dental arch is a little wider.
The orangutan is arboreal and, like the Comparing chromosomes of the great apes
gibbon, its locomotion is based primarily on with those of Homo sapiens, the chimpanzee
brachiation. Its legs are shortened and its arms is the closest match.
Occlusion and Malocclusion   125

The change from arboreal to terrestrial to which these strong muscles were attached.
life in Homo sapiens could not have occurred Early hominids had robust zygomatic arches
without changes in anatomy. The most and glabellum.
reasonable explanation for these adaptations Hominid fossil remains indicate upright
is changes in climate. Tropical forests gave way posture existed before cranial capacity
to forested areas interspersed with brush and increased. The strong nuchal and masticating
grass. Savanna lands eventually predominated muscles formed a restraining muscular cap.
where forests had prevailed. Some forest areas Their retreat from the top and sides of the skull
became isolated and gradually diminished made expansion possible, allowing increased
to the point of extinction. Arboreal primates cranial capacity and development of the
became terrestrial or they perished. forebrain.
Being grounded, the ability to rise up Homo sapiens are diurnal, have stereo­
and see surrounding vegetation became an scopic vision, and have greater cranial capacity
advantage. As Charles Darwin observed, no than other primates and most other mammals.
individuals are the same. Those best able to They are omnivorous and sexually dimorphic.
stand tall could see danger and food first. They can brachiate and, having upright
Upright locomotion freed the hands for posture, can walk, run, and jump.
balancing and carrying weapons, food, and Upright posture exposed the jugular notch,
offspring. Those individuals with legs closer that vulnerable spot above the sternum and
together could walk or run with the feet closer between the clavicles. The forward stance of
to a straight line, eliminating the inefficient the other primates hid this vital weak spot,
swagger of the great apes. New foods were and when necessary, both males and females
required, as leaves, nuts, and fruits were no used ferocious upper canines to defend it.
longer available. The hominid became an Losing those advantages, hominids developed
omnivore. a chinbutton, pogonion, which nicely defends
As structural changes occurred in the the jugular notch when the head is ducked.
skeleton, the skull also adapted. The forward Male Homo sapiens have larger chinbuttons
stance of an arboreal existence required strong than females. Males are the hunters and
muscles on the back of the neck and shoulders, protectors and a larger chinbutton provides
which attached to three nuchal ridges on the greater skin area on which a beard can grow,
top and back of the skull. With the weight of adding protection for the jugular notch.
the head now resting on the spinal column, Man and elephant are the only mammals
the foramen magnum has shifted from the with chinbuttons. The elephant has a very long
posterior to the inferior of the skull. The strong and mobile lower lip, which aids in guiding
nuchal muscles reduced and their articulating the enormous amount of coarse food ingested
surfaces, the nuchal ridges, migrated down the daily. The chinbutton provides necessary
back of the head. muscle attachment for the lip.
The coarse diet of roots, leaves, seeds, and The hominid chinbutton provides lower
fruits required heavy muscles of mastication. muscle attachment to orbicularis oris, the
Fossil remains show that early predecessors of ring of musculature that restrains protrusion.
Homo sapiens, or an extinct offshoot relative, Study of those selected for having untreated
had a crest of bone along the top of the skull excellent occlusions finds that for each
126  Essentials of Orthodontics

millimeter of chinbutton, there is a 4 mm mastication would promote a corresponding

reduction of the distance from the labial of the change in the maxillary arch. In some of us,
maxillary incisor to the facial plane. Those who however the upper arch presents parallel rows
perform cosmetic chinbutton implants should of posterior teeth. We call it bilateral cross bite.
keep in mind the disruption of this muscular Diastemas occur in the very space two
resistance to anterior dental protrusion. incisors occupy in the basic mammalian
The lower extremities and pelvis of homi­ dental formula, I-3. This is also a site where
nids adapted to upright posture, yet this was supernumerary teeth, often coniform, are
accomplished without a balancing tail: arms located. Supernumeraries are also often
and hands suffice. Arboreal living occupied the located in the premolar sites where tree
hands, clinging to branches. The feet adapted shrew, lemur, tarsier and new world monkey
to bipedal walking and running, but in doing have three premolars. Premolars are two
so, lost much of their former prehensile ability. fused cones modified and molars present
Some of us, however, carry with us Morton’s clusters. The man in the ice, discovered in
toes, a second toe that is as long as the great toe. Italy’s Southern Tyrolean Alps, was from the
late Neolithic age, 5200 years ago. He had a
wide diastema between his maxillary central
CONCLUSION incisors and missing third molars.
Charles Darwin’s acute observation about
The canine, C-1, is the one constant number in individual variation evidences itself when
all the dental formulae of the various primates. considering all the above common anomalies.
Even in the strange aye-aye, canines replaced These variations are the experimental labor­
the incisors. atory of evolution. Those mentioned above
The left and right posterior teeth of old seem regressions, but perhaps they are
world monkeys and anthropoid apes are progressions. They pertain to only a small
parallel, but hominid arches diverge distally portion of the interweaving systems of which
and the canines do not protrude beyond the we are composed. Not only anatomic, but
occlusal plane. This combination allows for physiologic, biochemical and psychological
greater lateral excursion and more efficient differences probably carry within them a share
mastication. The posterior widening of the of inherent and regressive aberrations. They
mandible occurred as the temporal bones are our connection not only to other primates
widened with increasing cranial capacity. and mammals, past, present, and future, but
The maintenance of efficient occlusion and to all living things.

4 Etiology


Etiology is the science that deals with deter­­ d. Soft tissue
mination of the cause. Etiology in ortho­ 2. Developmental defects of unknown origin
dontics is the study of the actual causes of 3. Trauma
malocclusion. a. Prenatal trauma and birth injuries
Comprehensive orthodontic manage­ment b. Postnatal trauma
involves identification of the possible etiologic 4. Physical agents
factors and an attempt to eliminate the same. a. Premature removal of primary tooth
Although it may not be possible to eliminate b. Nature of food.
the cause in most cases of malo­c­clusion, it 5. Habits
nevertheless is of value in pre­ventive and a. Thumb sucking and finger sucking
inter­­ceptive orthodontic procedures where a b. Tongue thrusting
possible malocclusion is prevented or inter­ c. Lip sucking
cepted by timely removal of the cause. d. Posture
e. Nail biting
f. Other habits
FACTORS IN MALOCCLUSION a. Systemic diseases
b. Endocrine disorders
A number of classifications of etiologic factors c. Local diseases
of malocclusion have been put forward: i. Nasopharyngeal diseases and distur­
bed respiratory function
Moyer’s Classification ii. Gingival and periodontal diseases
1. Heredity iii. Tumors
a. Neuromuscular system iv. Caries
b. Bone 7. Malnutrition.
128  Essentials of Orthodontics

Salzmann’s Classification 2. Congenital

Salzmann gives a diagrammatic representation 3. Environmental
of the etiologic factors in malocclusion which a. Prenatal (Trauma, maternal diet, Ger­
includes prenatal and postnatal factors as man measles, maternal metabolism,
follows. etc.)
Genetic Environmental b. Postnatal (Birth injury, cerebral palsy,
TMJ injury, etc.)
4. Predisposing metabolic climate and
Congenital Functional disease.
a. Endocrine imbalance
White and Gardiner’s Classification b. Metabolic disturbances
A. Dental base abnormalities c. Infectious diseases.
1. Anteroposterior malrelationship 5. Dietary problems (Nutritional deficiency)
2. Vertical malrelationship 6. Abnormal pressure habits and functional
3. Lateral malrelationship aberrations
4. Disproportion of size between teeth and a. Abnormal suckling
basal bone b. Thumb and finger sucking
5. Congenital abnormalities. c. Tongue thrust and tongue sucking
B. Preeruption abnormalities d. Lip and nail biting
1. Abnormalities in position of developing e. Speech defects
tooth germ f. Abnormal swallowing habits
2. Missing teeth g. Respiratory abnormalities
3. Supernumerary teeth and teeth in h. Tonsils and adenoids
abnormal form i. Psychogenic tics and bruxism
4. Prolonged retention of deciduous tooth 7. Posture
5. Large labial frenum 8. Trauma and accidents.
6. Traumatic injury
C. Posteruption abnormalities Local Factors
1. Muscular 1. Anomalies of number
a. Active muscle force—swallowing a. Supernumerary teeth
b. Rest position of musculature b. Missing teeth
c. Sucking habits 2. Anomalies of tooth size
d. Abnormalities in path of closure 3. Anomalies of tooth shape
2. Premature loss of deciduous teeth 4. Abnormal labial frenum; mucosal
3. Extraction of permanent teeth. barriers
5. Premature loss
Graber’s Classification 6. Prolonged retention
Graber classifies causes of malocclusion as 7. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
general and local factors. 8. Abnormal eruptive path
9. Ankylosis
General Factors 10. Dental caries
1. Hereditary 11. Improper dental restorations.
Etiology  129

General Factors • Cleft palate and harelip

• Frenum, diastema
Heredity • Deep overbite
Heredity or Genetic factors have long been • Crowding and rotations of teeth
indicated as a chief cause of malocclusion, • Mandibular retrusion
although the genetic aberrations may make • Mandibular prognathism
their appearance prenatally or they may not
be seen until many years after birth. This Congenital
heredity factor is modified by the environment, Congenital or developmental defects are
physical entities, by pressures, abnormal ha­ malformations seen at the time of birth, are
bits, nutritional disturbance and idiopathic usually assumed to have a strong genetic
phenomenon. A child may have facial features relationship. They may be caused by various
that markedly resemble of the parents or a factors such as genetic, radiological, chemical,
combination of both the parents. endocrine, infections and mechanical.
Dental characters like facial features also Congenital abnormalities that cause malo­
show a racial influence. In a homogenous cclusion can be classified as general and local
racial grouping the incidence of malocclusion congenital abnormalities.
seems relatively low. But where there has been General congenital factors: They include
a mixture of racial strains the incidence of jaw abnormal state of mother during pregnancy,
size discrepancies and occlusal disharmonies is malnutrition, endocrinopathies, infectious
significantly greater. But the racial influence in diseases, metabolic disturbances, accidental
the production of malocclusion is contro­versial. during pregnancy and child birth, intrauterine
Heredity plays a significant role in deter­ pressure and accidental traumatization of the
mining the following characteristics namely: fetus by external pressure.
• Tooth size Local congenital factors: Local congenital
• Width and length of the arch (Arch size) factors include abnormalities of jaw develop­
• Height of the palate ment due to intrauterine position, clefts of
• Crowding and spacing of teeth. the face and palate, macro, microglossia and
• Position and formation of perioral mus­ cleidocranial dysplasia.
culature to tongue size and shape. Following are some of the congenital
• Soft tissue peculiarities (Character and conditions with associated dental maloc­
texture of mucosa, frenum size, shape and clusion:
position, etc.) • Cleft lip and palate
Thus, heredity plays a part in the following • Cerebral palsy
conditions namely: • Torticollis
• Congenital deformities, e.g. cleft lip and • Cleidocranial dysostosis
palate • Congenital syphilis
• Facial asymmetries • Maternal rubella.
• Macrognathia and micrognathia
• Macrodontia and microdontia Environment
• Oligodontia and anodontia. There are a number of prenatal and postnatal
• Tooth shape variations, e.g. Peg laterals, environmental factors that can cause malo­
Carabelli’s cusp, mamelleons. cclusion.
130  Essentials of Orthodontics

a. Prenatal factors: The role of prenatal is related to abnormal resorption pattern,

influ­ences on malocclusion is probably delayed eruption pattern and gingival
very small. Uterine posture, fibroids of disturbances in addition there are retained
the mother, amniotic lesions, etc. have deciduous teeth and individually malposed
been blamed for malocclusion. Other teeth. Irregular tooth arrangement and
possible causes are maternal diet and crowding can occur.
metabolism, drug induced deformities as Hyperthyroidism is characterized by
with thalidomide, possible injury or trauma incre­­a­sed rate of maturation and an increase
and German measles. German measles in metabolic rate. The patient exhibits
and medications taken during pregnancy premature eruption of deciduous teeth,
usually causes gross congenital deformities disturbed root resorption of deciduous
including malocclusions. tooth and early eruption of permanent
b. Postnatal factors: The plasticity of the teeth. The patient may have osteoporosis
cranial bones are such that any injury would which contraindicates orthodontic
be temporary except in rare instances, treatment.
while it is possible to injure the infant at Hypoparathyroidism is associated with
birth with a high forceps delivery. Birth changes in calcium metabolism. It can
injuries can lead on the a hypoplasia of cause delay in tooth eruption, altered tooth
mandible, Vogel-Geischt (This is inhibited morphology delayed eruption of deciduous
growth of mandible due to ankylosis of TMJ and permanent teeth and hyperplastic
which may be due to developmental defect teeth.
or due to trauma at birth. Hyperparathyroidism is associated with
Cerebral palsy is a condition characterized demineralization of bone and disruption
by muscle in coordination. This may occur due of trabecular pattern. In growing children
to birth injuries. interruption of tooth development occurs,
Accidents and traumatic injuries that cause the teeth may become mobile due to loss
condylar fracture can cause growth retardation of cortical bone and resorption of alveolar
resulting in marked facial asymmetry. process.
Presence of extensive scar tissue after burns Hyperpituitarism in adult is associated
or as a result of cleft lip surgery may produce with prognathic mandible and Class III
malocclusion due to their restrictive influence malocclusion known as Acromegaly.
on growth. b. Metabolic disturbances: The exact eff­
Milwaukee braces are used for treatment of ects of acute febrile conditions on the
scoliosis. These braces derive support from the development of occlusion is not known;
mandible. Prolonged use of these braces can there is some recent evidence that acute
cause marked mandibular growth retardation. febrile dentition may temporarily slow-
down the pace of growth and development.
Predisposing Metabolic, Climate and It can affect the complex timetable of
Disease eruption, resorption and tooth loss, etc.
a. Endocrine imbalance: Of all the endo- c. Infectious diseases: Diseases with a paralytic
crinopathies thyroid problems are of impor­ effect such as poliomyelitis are capable of
tance to an orthodontist. Hypo-thyroidism producing bizarre malocclusions. Diseases
Etiology  131

with muscle malfunction such as muscular Accidents and Trauma

dystrophy and cerebral palsy also have Children’s are highly prone to injuries of the
characteristic deforming effects on the dentofacial region during the early years of life
dental arch. when they learn to crawl, walk or during play.
Most of these injuries go unnoticed and may
Dietary Problems (Nutritional Deficiency) be responsible for nonvital teeth that do not
Malocclusion developing due to dietary resorb and deflection of erupting permanent
problems is quite rare. But this is an interrelated teeth into abnormal positions.
problem, if a patient suffers an acute febrile
condition during active growth period can lead Local Factors
on to temporary slowing down of the pace of Anomalies in number of Tooth
growth and development, which will upset the In order to achieve good occlusion, the normal
dental development timetable leading on to number of teeth should be present. Presence
malocclusion. of extra teeth or absence of one or more teeth
Nutrition related disturbances such as predisposes to malocclusion.
rickets, scurvy, and beriberi, can produce a. Supernumerary teeth: Teeth that are extra to
severe malocclusion and may upset the dental the normal complement are termed super-
develop­ment. numerary teeth. These teeth may have
abnormal morphology and do not resemble
Abnormal Pressure Habits and normal teeth. Extra teeth that resemble
Functional Aberrations normal teeth are called supplemental teeth.
The role of abnormal pressure habits in the Several theories have been put forth to
causation of malocclusion will be dealt in explain about the occurrence of supernum­
detail in later chapter, here the trident of factors erary teeth. Frequently seen supernumerary
are important they are Frequency, Intensity teeth is the mesiodens which occurs in the
and Duration. maxillary midline. They can occur singly or
as a pair and are usually conical in shape.
Posture Unerupted mesiodens is one of the causes
Poor postural habits are said to be a cause for of midline spacing. Supernumerary teeth
malocclusion. Although not substantiated, can also occur in the premolar or third molar
they may be associated with abnormal regions. Supple­mental teeth are most often
pressure and muscle imbalance thereby seen in the premolar and lateral incisor
increasing the risk of malocclusion. region. It is not uncommon to find an
Children who support their head by resting extra lower incisor. The supernumerary
the chin on their hand and those who hang their and supplemental teeth can deflect the
head so that the chin rests against the chest erupting adjacent teeth into abnormal
are observed to have mandibular deficiency. locations. Unerupted supernumerary teeth
Poor posture as a cause of malocclusion pose a risk of cystic transformation.
although not proved may nevertheless be an b. Missing teeth: Congenitally missing teeth are
accentuating factor for other malocclusions. by far more common than supernumerary
132  Essentials of Orthodontics

teeth and can occur in either of the jaws. Abnormal labial Frenum
The following are some of the commonly Abnormalities of the maxillary labial frenum
missing teeth in decreasing order of are quite often associated with maxillary
frequency, third molars, maxillary lateral midline spacing. Prior to the eruption of
incisors, mandibular second premolars, teeth, the maxillary labial frenum is attached
mandibular incisors, maxillary second to the alveolar ridge with some fibers crossing
premolars. Absence of teeth can be over lingually to the region of the incisive
unilateral or sometimes bilateral. They papilla. As the teeth start erupting, alveolar
may occur along with other anomalies bone is deposited and the frenal attachment
such as presence of extra teeth. Absence of migrates into a more apical position. Rarely, a
one or more teeth predispose to spacing in heavy fibrous frenum is found attached to the
the dental arch. The adjacent teeth migrate interdental papilla region. This type of frenal
and therefore cause abnormal location attachment can prevent the two maxillary
and axial inclination of teeth. Absence of a central incisors from approximating each other.
permanent tooth quite often results in over This condition is diagnosed by a positive
retained deciduous teeth. blanch test. When the upper lip is stretched
for a period of time, a noticeable blanching
Anomalies of Tooth Size occurs over the interdental papilla. A middling
Tooth size is largely determined by heredity. intraoral periapical radiograph usually exhibits
There is no correlation between tooth size and notching of the interdental alveolar crest.
arch size. Most commonly we come across Midline diastema may also occur due to
disproportion between tooth size and arch a number of causes including presence of
size leading on to crowding or spacing of teeth. unerupted mesiodens, anomalies of tooth size
Commonly seen anomaly is the presence of and numbers.
smaller sized maxillary lateral incisors, and
mandibular premolars. Occasionally localized Premature loss of Deciduous Tooth
developmental aberrations like supernumerary This refers to loss of a tooth before its perma­
tooth fused with adjacent tooth giving rise to a nent successor is sufficiently advanced in
large tooth, which leads on to crowding of teeth. development and eruption to occupy its
place. Early loss of deciduous teeth can cause
Anomalies of Tooth Shape migration of adjacent teeth into the space
Anomalies of tooth size and shape are very and can therefore prevent the eruption of the
often interrelated. Abnormally shaped teeth permanent successor.
predispose to malocclusion. The following are Loss of second deciduous second molar can
some of the examples of frequently seen tooth cause a marked forward shift of the permanent
shape anomalies, presence of peg-shaped first molar thereby blocking the eruption of the
lateral incisor, presence of additional cusp in second premolar, which either gets impacted
mandibular second premolar, mulberry molars or is deflected to and abnormal position.
and peg-shaped incisors in congenital syphilis,
anomalies like amelogenesis imperfecta, Prolonged Retention of Deciduous Teeth
hypoplasia of teeth, fusion gemination and There is no rigid timetable for dental deve­
dilacerations. lopment. Before making a diagnosis of prolon­
Etiology  133

ged retention, consideration must be given membrane. This most often occurs as a result
to the age of the patient, degree of resorption of trauma to the tooth which perforates the
of roots of deciduous tooth and the state of period­ontal membrane. Ankylosis can also be
calcification of the permanent teeth. Prolon­ associated with certain infections, endocrinal
ged retention of decid­uous tooth leads to disorders and congenital disorders such as
altered path of eruption of permanent tooth, cleidocranial dysos­t osis. Clinically, these
for example, upper permanent central incisor teeth fail to erupt to the normal level and are
erupts lingually if the deciduous central incisor therefore called submerged teeth. At times
is retained. these teeth are totally submerged within the
Prolonged retention could be due to failure jaw and therefore cause migration of adjacent
of resorption of roots of deciduous tooth, teeth into the space.
ankylosis, nonvital tooth that do not resorb
and hyper­thyroidism. Dental Caries
Caries can lead to premature loss of deciduous
Delayed Eruption of Permanent Teeth or permanent teeth thereby causing migration
There are a number of reasons that can delay of contiguous tooth, abnormal axial inclination
the eruption of permanent teeth, they are, and supraeruption of opposing teeth. Proximal
congenital absence of permanent tooth, caries that cause migration of the adjacent
presence of supernumerary tooth, presence teeth into the space leading to a reduction in
of heavy mucosal barrier, premature loss of arch length. A substantial reduction in arch
deciduous tooth, endocrinal disorders like length can be expected if several adjacent teeth
hypothyroidism, and presence of deciduous involved by proximal caries are left unrestored.
root fragments that block the erupting
permanent tooth. Improper Dental Restorations
Improper dental restorations may predispose
Abnormal Eruptive Path to malocclusion. Over contoured occlusal
One of the causes of malocclusion is an restor­a tions cause premature contacts
abnormal path of eruption which could be due leading to fun­ctional shift of the mandible
to trauma, arch length deficiency, presence of during jaw closure. Under contoured occlusal
supernumerary teeth, retained root fragments, restorations can permit the opposing dentition
or formation of a bony barrier or idiopathic to supraerupt. Proximal restorations that are
in origin. Tooth in abnor­mal eruptive path is under contoured invariably result in loss of
referred to as ectopic eruption. arch length due to drifting of adjacent teeth
The maxillary canines develop almost near to occupy the space. Poor proximal contact
the floor of the orbit and travel down to their also causes food lodgments and period­ontal
final position in the oral cavity. Thus they are weakening of the teeth.
most often found erupting in an abnormal
Ankylosis is a condition where a part or whole
of the root surface is directly fused to the bone Causes of crowding: Crowding is commonly
with the absence of the intervening periodontal caused by disproportion between arch size and
134  Essentials of Orthodontics

tooth size or arch length discrepancy or relative

macrodontia or micrognathia. Other causes
include prolonged retention of deciduous tooth,
altered path of eruption, premature loss of
deciduous tooth, delayed eruption of permanent
tooth, presence of supernumerary tooth,
trauma, localized abnormal size and shape of
teeth, late horizontal growth of mandible, and
mesial migration of buccal segments.
Causes of generalized spacing: Common
causes of generalized spacing include relative
microdontia and macrognathia, oligodontia,
large tongue, and sucking habits.
Causes of localized spacing: Causes of
Figure 4.1: Midline diastema
local­iz­ ed spacing include missing teeth,
undue retention of primary teeth, sucking
habits, premature loss of permanent teeth and retained deciduous tooth, sucking habits, nasal
localized soft tissue abnormalities. obstruction, narrow maxilla, mouth breathing
Causes of midline diastema: Midline diastema and cleft lip and palate.
commonly occurs in maxilla and common Causes of anterior open bite: Anterior openbite
reasons are macrognathia, microdontia, occurs during normal course of eruption.
here­­ditary, Negroid, mild spacing of teeth, Open bite occurs commonly due to distur­
developmental ugly duckling stage, missing bances in eruption of teeth and alveolar process,
teeth, peg laterals, presence of supernumerary mechanical interference with eruption and
teeth, extracted teeth, ectopic teeth, midline alveolar growth, gross osseous dysplasias like
cystic lesions, increased overjet and overbite, micrognathia and mandibular hypertrophy,
thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, frenum soft tissue factors like tongue thrusting, dental
sucking, abnormal labial frenum, retained factors like localized alveolar development, and
deciduous teeth, crowding of teeth, palatally skeletal factors such as increased lower face
erupted lateral incisors, and during rapid height, increased ramal height, and increased
palatal expansion (Fig. 4.1). maxillo mandibular plane angle.
Causes of anterior cross bite: Causes for ant­er­­ior Causes of posterior open bite: Posterior open
cross bites include retained deciduous tooth, bites also occurs during normal course of
trauma, arch length discrepancy, failure of eruption,
resorption of roots of deciduous upper anterior Posterior open bites can also be due to
leads of lingual eruption of permanent teeth, lateral tongue thrusting, ankylosed primary
occlusal prematurities leads to forward path teeth, faulty orthodontic treatment, primary
of closure, loss of upper deciduous molars failure of eruption, chronic cheek biting, and
leading to collapse of maxillary anterior unilateral chewing habit.
segment, asymmetric growth of maxilla and Causes of deep bite: Deep bite commonly
mandible and class III malocclusion. occurs due to combination of skeletal, dental
Causes of posterior cross bite: Causes of and neuromuscular factors, common skeletal
posterior cross bites are space deficiency, factors include decreased lower facial height,
Etiology  135

decreased ramus height and low mandibular Johnson (1938) a habit is an inclination or
plane angle. Dental factors include interincisal aptitude for some action acquired by frequent
angle, supraeruption of anterior teeth, repetition and showing itself in increased
undereruption of posteriors, and soft tissue facility to performance and reduced power of
factors include tongue and high lip line. resistance.
Causes for Class II division 1 malocclusion: Dorland (1957) defined habit as a fixed
Class II division 1 malocclusion commonly or constant practice established by frequent
occurs due to Heredity, other causes include repetition.
habits and unknown factors. Stedman: Habit is an act, behavioral res­
Causes for Class II division 2 malocclusion: ponse, practice or custom established in one’s
Class II division 2 malocclusion occurs due to repertoire by frequent repetitions of the same act.
low tongue posture, and high lip line. Buttersworth (1961) defined a habit as
Causes for Class III malocclusion: True Class a frequent or constant practice or acquired
III malocclusion is commonly hereditary, tendency, which has been fixed by frequent
and pseudo Class III occurs due to occlusal repetition.
prematurities and early loss of upper deciduous Mathewson (1982) defined habit as learned
molars. patterns of muscular contraction.
William James: A new pathway of discharge
formed in the brain by which certain incoming
HABITS currents lead to escape.
Oral habits in children have a definite bearing Maslow (1949): A habit is a formed reaction
on the development of occlusion. Frequently, that is resistant to change, whether useful or
children acquire certain habits that may either harmful depending on the degree to which it
temporarily or permanently be harmful to interferes with the child’s physical, emotional
dental structures. and social functions.


Habits are learned patterns of muscle contr­ Habits can be generally classified as:
action of a very complex nature. • Useful habits or harmful habits
Habits can also be defined as the tendency • Empty habits or meaningful habits
towards an act that has become a repeated • Pressure habits or nonpressure habits or
performance, relatively fixed, consistent and biting habits
easy to perform by an individual. • Compulsive habits or noncompulsive
Habits are thus acquired as a result of habits.
repetition. In the initial stages there is a • Primary habits or secondary habits.
conscious effort to perform the act. Later the
act becomes less conscious and if repeated William James Classification (1923)
often enough may enter the realms of 1. Useful habits
unconsciousness. 2. Harmful habits.
136  Essentials of Orthodontics

Kingsley Classification (1956) According to etiology they are classified as:

1. Functional oral habit (mouth-breathing) 1. Physiologic habit (nasal breathing)
2. Muscular habits (tongue thrusting) 2. Pathologic (mouth-breathing).
3. Combined muscular habits (thumb and
finger sucking) Useful Habits
4. Postural habits (abnormal pillowing). These include habits that are considered
essential for normal function such as proper
Ernest Klien (1971) positioning of the tongue, respiration and
1. Intentional or meaningful habits normal deglutition.
2. Unintentional or empty habits.
Harmful Habits
Graber These include habits that have a deleterious
Graber classified habits as extrinsic causes of effect on the teeth and their supporting
malocclusion: structures such as thumb sucking, tongue
1. Thumb or digit sucking thrusting, etc.
2. Tongue thrusting
3. Lip or nail biting, bobby pin opening Empty Habits
4. Mouth-breathing They are habits that are not associated with any
5. Abnormal swallow deep rooted psychological problems.
6. Speech defects Meaningful habits: They are habits that have a
7. Postural defects psychological bearing
8. Psychogenic habits—bruxism Pressure habits: These include sucking habits
9. Defective occlusal habits. such as thumb sucking, lip sucking, finger
sucking and also tongue thrusting.
Finn and Sim (1975) Nonpressure habit: Habit which do not apply
1. Compulsive oral habits a direct force on the teeth or its supporting
2. Noncompulsive habits. structures are termed nonpressure habit, e.g.
mouth breathing.
Eric Johnson and Brent Larson Biting habits: These include habits such as nail
Classification of Non-nutritive Sucking biting, pencil biting, lip biting and bruxism.
Level 1: Habit that occurs during sleep. Compulsive habits: These are deep rooted
Level 2: Under age of 8 years and occurs at one habits that have acquired a fixation in the child
sitting during waking hours. to the extent that the child retreats to the habit
Level 3: Under age of 8 years and occurs whenever his security is threatened by events
multiple sittings during waking hours. which occur around him. The child tends to
Level 4: Age over 8 years and occurs one sitting suffer increased anxiety when attempts are
during waking hours. made to correct the habit.
Level 5: Age over 8 years and occurs multiple Noncompulsive habits: They are habits that are
sittings during waking hours. easily learned and dropped as the child matures.
Level 6: Girls over 8 years with habits during Primary and secondary habits: Primary habit
waking hours. is the basic habit along with it may be one
Etiology  137

other habit occurring simultaneously called as Nutritive Sucking

secondary habit such as nose probing during Sucking which provides essential nutrients are
thumb sucking. known as nutrient sucking.
Breastfeeding: Rapid mandibular protrusion
movements and buccinator mechanism
THUMB SUCKING AND FINGER alternately contracts and relaxes during breast-
SUCKING feeding. The pressure is exerted so as to suck in
the milk towards esophagus. Gum pads are apart;
Thumb sucking or finger sucking is defined as tongue and lower lip are in constant contact.
placement of the thumb or one or more fingers Bottle feeding: Bottle feeding is not normally
in varying depths into the mouth. Thumb and advocated till 1 year. Two types of nipples are
digit sucking is one of the commonly seen available:
habits that most children indulge in. Recent Nonphysiological (Conventional nipple): Milk
studies have shown that thumb sucking may is directly releases into the digestive tract
be practiced even during intrauterine life. In reducing the period of predigestion. Flow of
a newborn infant sucking is well developed the milk is too rapid. Mouth held wide open.
and is the means of his most important single Greater demand on buccinator mechanism
exchange with the outside world. It not only and suckling is converted to sucking.
receives nutrient from it but also feeling of Physiological nipple: Forward movement of
euphoria or wellbeing that is so essential tongue under the flat surface of nipple. Nipple
in early life. A sense of security a feeling of is drawn upward and backward towards the
warmth of association and of being wanted palate. Child has to work and exercise the
all these universally needed requirements are lower jaw. Posterior part of tongue awaits milk
satisfied by the infant largely through sucking. and pushes it into esophageal area. Milk flows
The lips of the infant are sensory organ and down by the peristaltic action of the tongue
the pathway to brain is well-developed. Later and cheeks. Flat shape of the nipple improves
on as other synapses are developed and lip seal, e.g. functionally designed latex nuk
other pathways made available, the child sauger nipple.
need not rely so strongly on this venue of
communication. The presence of this habit is Non-nutritive Sucking
considered quite normal till the age of 3½ to 4 Larsson described non-nutritive sucking to be
years. Persistence of the habit beyond this age the earliest sucking habit adopted by infants in
can lead to various malocclusions. response to frustration and to satisfy their urge
and need for contact. Children who neither
Sucking Reflex receive unrestricted breastfeeding nor have
Sucking reflex is one of the first reflexes present access to a pacifier may satisfy their need
early in life. The sucking reflex occurs in the oral with habits like thumb sucking which ensures
stage of development and disappears at abour a feeling of warmth and sense of security
3-4 years. Two types of sucking reflexes are but may be detrimental to their dentofacial
present: development.
138  Essentials of Orthodontics

Etiology Psychological aspects: Children deprived of

A number of theories have been put forth parental love; care and affection are believed to
to explain the causes for thumb and finger resort to this habit due to a feeling of insecurity.
sucking. The following are some of the more The mouth an early and perdurable zone of
accepted theories: pleasure is a natural resource for the child
Non-nutritive digital sucking: Non-nutritive and the adult seeking relief from anxiety. Its
digit sucking as a means of satisfying hunger. stimulation with a finger, thumb, tongue,
Classic Freudian theory (1919): This theory was finger­nail, blanket, or pacifier is a universal
proposed by Sigmond Freud, he suggested that tran­quillizer.
a child passes through various distinct phases Haryettatal’s theory (1957): Haryettatal stro­
of psychological development of which the oral n­g ly support that digital sucking habit in
and the anal phases are seen in the first three humans are a simple learned response.
years of life. In the oral phase, the mouth is Learned patterns: According to Davidson
believed to be an oroerotic zone. The child has (1967), thumb sucking is merely a learned
the tendency to place his fingers or any other pattern with no underlying cause or psycholo­
object into the oral cavity. Prevention of such an gical bearing.
act is believed to result in emotional insecurity Johnson and Larson (1993): They believed
and poses the risk of the child diversifying into that it is a combination of psychoanalytic
other habits. Orality in the infant is related to and learning theories which explains that all
pregenital organization and the sexual activity children possess an inherent biologic drive
is not yet separated from taking of nourishment. for sucking. The rooting and placing reflexes
Thus the object of one acti­vity thumb sucking are merely a means of expression of this drive.
also is that of another, nursing. Environmental factors also may contribute to
Oral drive theory of Sears and Wise (1950): this sucking drive to nonnutritive sources such
Their work suggests that strength of oral drive is as thumb or fingers.
in part a function of how long a child continues
to feed by sucking. Thus it is not frustration of Process of Sucking
weaning that produces thumb sucking. But, The process of sucking is a reflex occurring
rather oral drive which, has been strengthened in the oral stage of development and is seen
by the prolongation of nursing. even at 29 weeks IU and may disappear during
Benjamin’s theory: This theory holds that normal growth between the ages of 1 and
thumb sucking is an expression of or need to 3½ years. It is the first coordinated muscular
suck arises because of association of sucking activity of the infant. It is important for meeting
with the primary reinforcing aspects of feeding. both psychological and nutritive needs during
Thumb sucking arises from rooting or placing feeding and apart from seeking nutritional
reflex seen in all mammalian infants. Rooting satisfaction they also experience pleasurable
reflex is the movement of the infants head and stimuli from lips, tongue and oral mucosa
tongue towards an object touching his cheek. and learns to associate these with enjoyable
The object is usually the mother’s breast but sensations such as fondling, closeness of a
may also be a finger or a pacifier. This rooting parent. Babies who are restricted from sucking
reflex disappears in normal infants around 7-8 due to a disease or other factors become
months of age. restless and irritable.
Etiology  139

Time of appearance of thumb sucking and phase extends between 3-6½ years of age. The
significance: presence of sucking during this period is an
Those that appear during first weeks of life indication that the child is under great anxiety.
are typically related to feeding problems. Treatment to solve the dental problem should
Some children do not begin to suck the be initiated during this phase.
thumb or finger until it is used as a teething Phase III (Intractable sucking): Any thumb
device during the difficult eruption of a sucking persisting beyond 5-6 years should
primary molar. alert the dentist to the underlying psychological
Still later some children use it for the aspect of the habit. A psychologist might have
release of mental tension. to be consulted during this phase.
Some child’s suck their thumb to attract the
attention of parent. Subteleny Graded Thumb Sucking
For the clinical orthodontist most impor­ into Four Types (1973)
tant question is simply does the digital sucking Type A: This type is seen in almost 50% of
cause malocclusion or not. the children; where in whole digit is placed
Thumb sucking can be allowed till 3 years inside the mouth with the pad of the thumb
of life. It has been shown that damage to pressing over the palate, while at the same time
occlusion is confined to anterior segment. maxillary and mandibular anteriors contact
This damage usually is temporary provided is present.
the child starts with normal occlusion. Type B: This type is seen in almost 13-24% of
Thumb sucking after the age of 4 years. the children wherein the thumb is placed into
There is likelihood of the permanence of the the oral cavity without touching the vault of the
deformation of the occlusion. It is not entirely palate, while at the same time maxillary and
due to the thumb sucking habit but to an mandibular anteriors contact is maintained.
important assist from perioral musculature. Type C: This type is seen in almost 18% of the
Type of malocclusion that may develop children where in the thumb is placed into the
depends upon number of variables, like mouth just beyond the first joint and contacts
position of digit, associated orofacial muscle the hard palate and only the maxillary incisors,
contractions, the position of mandible during but there is no contact with the mandibular
sucking, the facial skeletal pattern, and force incisors.
applied to teeth and alveolar process and Type D: This type is seen in almost 6% of the
frequency and duration of sucking. children wherein very little portion of the
thumb is placed into the mouth.
Phases of Development of Cook (1953) described three patterns of
Thumb Sucking thumb sucking based on buccal contractions:
Phase I (Normal or subclinically significant): 1. Alpha Group: Pushed palate in a vertical
The first phase is seen during the first three direction and displayed only little buccal
years of life. The presence of thumb sucking wall contractions.
during this phase is considered quite normal 2. Beta Group: Registered strong buccal wall
and usually terminates at the end of phase one. contractions and a negative pressure in the
Phase II (Clinically significant): The second oral cavity show posterior cross bite.
140  Essentials of Orthodontics

3. Gamma group: Alternate positive and therefore thumb suckers have a narrow nasal
negative pressure; least effect on anterior floor and high palatal vault.
occlusion. Compensatory tongue thrust, retained
infantile swallow pattern and abnormal
Clinical Features perioral muscle function are strong assists
Effects and sequel of thumb sucking: for thumb sucking in producing the above
Thumb and digit sucking are believed to mentioned malocclusion.
cause a number of changes in the dental arch
and the supporting structures. The severity of Diagnosis
the maloc­clusion caused by thumb sucking The parents should be questioned on the
depends on the trident of factors: frequency and duration of the habit. The child’s
Intensity: The vigor with which the habit is emotional status should be assessed enquiring
performed. into such things as feeding habits, parental care
Duration: The amount of time spent indulging of the child, whether parents are working. An
in the habit. intraoral clinical examination should record
Frequency: The number of times the habit is all the features seen such as proclination,
activated in a day. increased overjet, anterior open bite, etc. The
The following are some of the commonly child’s fingers should be examined. Presence
seen clinical features of thumb and digit of clean nails that are chapped with short
sucking. fingernails and fibrous roughened callus on
Proclination of maxillary anterior teeth if the fingers is commonly associated with thumb
thumb is held upwards against the palate. sucking.
Increased overjet due to proclination
of upper incisors, some children rest their Management of Thumb Sucking
hand on the mandibular anteriors during the Management of thumb sucking involves
sucking act, in such children lingual tipping of preventive measures, psychological methods,
the mandibular incisor can be expected. orthodontic appliances and chemical appro­
Anterior open bite can occur as a result ach.
of restriction of incisor eruption and supra­
eruption of posterior teeth. Preventive Methods
The cheek muscles contract during thumb Prevention of thumb sucking is carried out
sucking resulting in a narrow maxillary arch by proper nursing of the child. Proper choice
which predisposes to posterior cross bites. of psychologically designed nursing nipple
The child may develop compensatory is given. Pacifier is given to enhance normal
tongue thrust habit as a result of anterior open function and deglutition pattern. Proper kine­
bite. sthetic, neuro­muscular, gratification activity at
The upper lip is generally hypotonic while this time may well prevent abnormal finger, lip
the lower part of the face exhibits hyperactive and tongue deforming action later.
mentalis activity.
With upset in the force system in and Psychological Methods
around the maxillary complex it is often Psychological methods involved in correction
impossible for the nasal floor to drop vertically of thumb sucking aim at the psychological
to its expected position during growth, cause of the habit.
Etiology  141

Basic considerations: The problem is of con­ Dunlap’s Beta Hypothesis

tro­lling a physiologic process. Therefore, This theory states that the best way to break a
rationale of therapy must be physiological and habit is by its conscious, purposeful repetition.
not mech­anical. The attempt always should Dunlap suggests that the child should be asked
be to alter the afferent arm of the reflex, and to sit in front of a large mirror and asked to suck
this alteration should be thought in terms of his thumb observing himself as he indulges in
muscle relearning. The rationale of therapy is the habit. This procedure is very effective if the
that of conditioning responses, not mechanics. child is asked to do the same at a time when
It must be determined whether maloc­ he is involved in an enjoyable activity. This
clusion is of primary or secondary concern. theory holds that by practicing a bad habit with
Habit should be treated with the help of a the intent to stop it one learns not to perform
psychologist, pediatrician, and physicist. the undesirable act. The method can only be
It is usually said that children lacking practices successfully in older children whose
parental care, love and affection resort to this cooperation can be obtained.
habit. Thus, the parents should be counseled
to provide the child with adequate love and Precautions/Care to be Taken
affection. The parents should also be advised Child must know that the intention in having
to divert the child’s attention to other things him practice the habit is to break the habit.
such as play and toys. Child is not to be allowed to fall into day
The success of any habit interception dreaming or derive satisfaction from the
procedure largely depends upon the subject’s repetition of the habit, but will experience
co-operation and willingness to be helped painful reaction in its performance and will
to discon­tinue his sucking habit. Thus, the gradually abandon the habit.
parents and the dentist should seek to motivate
the child. Chemical Methods
Five questions to be asked before habit Use of bitter tasting or foul smelling preparation
retraining (Finn): that is nonpalatable is placed on the thumb
• Child’s understanding that is sucked can make the habit distasteful.
• Parent’s cooperation The medicaments that may be used are Pepper
• Friendly rapport dissolved in a volatile medium, Quinine,
• Goal orientation Asafetida, Neem oil.
• Maturity.
Role of parents: Parents’ role is that of an Mechanical Methods
umpire, the arbitrator who calls the fouls and Mechanical aids that can be used to control the
decides, when the child is safe or not. The thumb sucking include, bandaging the thumb,
referee has an essential function otherwise applying socks or gloves to fingers, tying fingers
chaos would ensure without him. Child should with tongue spatula, arms can be tied to the
be explained with the help of audiovisual aids, bed, and bandaging with elbow.
that he will develop crooked teeth if the habit Do it yourself kit as advocated by Whitman:
is continued. Reminder lotion is applied on the thumb a
142  Essentials of Orthodontics

magic pill (placebo) to be taken at bed time. i. Reminder appliance—simple acrylic

The child is told the pill goes into the stomach plate
up into your shoulder, down the arm into your ii. Appliance with tongue spikes
arms into your thumb, and then automatically iii. Appliance with tongue guard
pops out of your mouth. iv. Oral screen.
Three alarm system: It is effective in more b. Fixed appliances: These habit breakers are
mature children in age group of 8 years and fixed to the teeth. Heavy gauge stainless
above. During the time when the child engages steel wire can be designed to form a frame
in sucking habit ask him to tie an adhesive that is soldered to bands on the molars.
tape. When he feels the tape in the mouth it They are commonly used in uncooperative
acts as first alarm and reminds him to stop. patients. For example:
At the same time, elbow of the arm with the i. Fixed rakes
offending thumb is firmly but not tightly ii. Sharpened fork
wrapped in a two inch elastic bandage. Safety iii. Soldered grate appliance
pins are placed in proximal and distal ends of iv. Upper lingual arch
the bandage. One pin is placed lengthwise in v. Quadhelix appliance.
the medial bend of the elbow. When he sucks,
pin mildly jabbing indicates second alarm. If Blue Grass Appliance
the child continues, elastic bandage will be Haskell (1991) introduced this appliance, for
tightened and his hand falls asleep as a third children with a continued thumb sucking
and final alarm. habit, which is affecting the mixed or
permanent dentition. It consists of a modified
Thermoplastic Thumb Posts six sided roller machined from Teflon to permit
Allen in 1991 devised a thermoplastic thumb purchase of the tongue. This is slipped over a
post which was placed on the offending digit. A 0.045 stainless steel wire soldered to molar
total of 6 weeks of treatment time was required orthodontic bands. This appliance is placed for
for elimination of habit. 3-6 months. Instructions are given to turn the
roller instead of sucking the digit. Digit sucking
Orthodontic Treatment is often seen to stop easily.
Orthodontic appliances for correcting thumb Once the thumb sucking habit is corrected
sucking habit acts as a mechanical barriers the associated features of the habit such as
and prevent thumb sucking. They are basically increased overjet, deep bite, etc. are corrected
reminding appliances that assist the child who with removable appliances or fixed appliances.
is willing to quit the habit but is not able to do
so as the habit has entered a subconscious
level. These appliances usually consist of a TONGUE THRUSTING HABIT
crib placed palatal to the maxillary incisors.
They can be: Tongue thrusting is defined as a condition in
a. Removable appliances: They are a passive which the tongue makes contact with any teeth
removable habit breaking appliances that anterior to the molars during swallowing.
consist of a crib and is usually anchored to Proffit defined tongue thrust as placement
the oral cavity by means of clasps on the of the tongue tip forward between incisors
posterior teeth. For example, during swallowing.
Etiology  143

Brauer (1965) defined tongue thrusting as tongue thrust. Protracted period of tenderness
when tongue was observed thrusting between of soreness of gum tissue and teeth, keeping
and the teeth that did not close in centric the teeth apart during swallowing and thereby
occlusion during deglutition. changing swallowing pattern causing tongue
Tulley (1969) states tongue thrust as a thrusting.
forward movement of the tongue tip between Prolonged thumb sucking with the habitual
the teeth to meet the lower lip during deglu­ movements generalized to tongue activity.
tition and in sounds of speech, so that the Tongue held in open spaces during mixed
tongue becomes interdental. dentition.
Barber (1975) tongue thrust is an oral Prolonged tonsillar and upper respiratory
habit pattern related to the persistence of an tract infections may lead to forward placement
infantile swallow pattern during childhood and of tongue.
adolescence and thereby produces an open bite Maturation: Maturation factors include:
and protrusion of the anterior tooth segments. Tongue thrust as a part of normal childhood
Norton (1978) explained it as condition in oral behavioral pattern that is gradually
which the tongue protrudes between anterior modified as the lingual space and suspensory
and posterior teeth during swallowing with or system change.
without affecting tooth position. Tongue thrust as an evidence of late matu­
Schneider (1982) tongue thrust is a forward ration from infantile suckle swallow.
placement of the tongue between the anterior Late maturation or retention of immature
teeth against the lower lip during swallowing. patterns of general oral behavior, of which
tongue thrust, is a symptom.
Etiology Mechanical restriction: Macroglossia which
Fletcher has developed the following factors limits space in the oral cavity and forces as
as etiologic factors in tongue thrust syndrome: forward thrust to manipulate the bolus.
Constricted dental arches, which causes
Genetic Factors the tongue to function in a lower than usual
Genetic factors are most common cause position.
for tongue thrusting, inherited variation Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids,
on orofacial form that precipitate a tongue which reduces the space available for lingual
thrust patterns. Inherited orbicularis oris movements.
hypertony resulting from specific anatomical Neurological disturbances: Hyposensitive
consideration and neuromuscular interplay palate which precipitate crude patterns of food
gener­ating a tongue thrust pattern of swallow­ manipulation and swallowing.
ing. Genetically predetermined patterns of Disruption in tactile sensory control
mouth behaviors are also one of main causes and coordination of swallowing because of
of tongue thrusting. inadequate underlying skeletodental configur­
Learned Patterns
Learned patterns include, improper bottle Psychogenic Factors
feeding, which results in abnormal functional Substitution of tongue thrust for forcibly
patterns of lingual movements in the form of discontinued finger sucking.
144  Essentials of Orthodontics

Exaggerated motor image of tongue. caused by missing teeth or thumb sucking

Craniofacial growth and maturation: habit.
At birth size of tongue is half of the adult Transitory: Tongue is put forward only for a
size; hence it is usually protruded between short period.
gum pads. By adulthood, the skeletal jaws will Habitual: Tongue is placed habitually due to
usually grow sufficiently to compare favorably postural problems or open bite.
in size with the muscular tongue and thereby James S Braner and Holt classified tongue
permit the tongue to rest and function more thrust as:
within the confines of the oral cavity. This Type I: Nondeformity tongue thrust
could explain the degree of reduction of tongue Type II: Deformity anterior tongue thrust
thrusting with advanced age. Subgroup 1: Anterior open bite
Subgroup 2: Anterior proclined
Open Spaces during Mixed Dentition Subgroup 3: Posterior cross bite
Rogers proposed that diastema caused by loss Type III: Deformity lateral tongue thrust
of primary teeth would entertain the tongue to Subgroup 1: Posterior open bite
interpose in their open spaces. Such gap filling Subgroup 2: Posterior cross bite
excursion of the tongue may be an adaptive Subgroup 3: Deep over bite
tongue thrusting tendency. Type IV: Deformity anterior and lateral tongue
Other Factors Subgroup 1: Anterior and posterior open
Other factors which may cause tongue bite
thrusting include anesthetic throat, brain Subgroup 2: Anterior proclined
injury, faulty orthodontic treatment, sleeping Subgroup3: Posterior cross bite
habits, sleeping towards one side, oral sensory
deficiency, etc. Clinical Features
Tongue thrusting habit can be deforming
Classification of Tongue Thrust or nondeforming, the term nondeforming
Moyer’s classified tongue thrusting as: indicates that the interdigitation of teeth and
• Normal infantile swallow the profile are acceptable and within normal
• Normal mature swallow range. Deforming tongue thrust is associated
• Simple tongue thrust swallow with some dentoal­veolar defects.
• Complex tongue thrust swallow Tongue thrusting habit can be associated
• Retained infantile swallow with the following features, proclined upper
• Backlund (1963) classified tongue thrust anterior teeth, anterior open bite, bimaxillary
as: protrusion, posterior open bite in case of
Anterior tongue thrust: Tongue thrusting lateral tongue thrust, posterior crossbite.
in anterior direction.
Posterior tongue thrust: Tongue thrusting Simple Tongue Thrust
in lateral directions causing posterior open It is defined as tongue thrust with a teeth toge­
bite. ther swallow. Malocclusion which is associated
Pickett (1966) classified tongue thrust as: with it is usually a well-circumscribed type of
Adaptive: Tongue adapts to the open bite open bite in the anterior region. No cuspal
Etiology  145

interference, there is perfect fir of posterior

teeth in occlusion. Intercuspation is firm
but the anteroposterior relationship is not
necessarily correct (may be Class II or Class
III). It is associated with abnormal functioning
of the lips, mentalis and other circum- oral A
muscles. As the patient swallows anterior lip
seal is made partly with the teeth and partly
with the lips. The inferior orbicularis cannot
elevate itself; it must be elevated with help of
mentalis. Teeth are held together prior to and B
throughout swallowing (reverse swallowing). Figures 4.2A and B: Infantile swallow
Open bite observed has a definite beginning
and ending. Prognosis is excellent. prosthesis is almost impossible. Prognosis for
correction is poor.
Complex Tongue Thrust
This is defined as tongue thrust with teeth apart Diagnosis
swallow. The malocclusion associated with it Careful diagnosis of tongue thrust is made
has two distinct characters, poor occlusal fit and it must be differentiated between simple
prompting a sliding into occlusion. There is tongue thrust, complex tongue thrust, and
generalized anterior open bite. Absence of retention of an infantile swallowing pattern or
temporal contraction during swallowing is just faulty tongue posture.
common in complex tongue thrust. There is Tests for diagnosis: When the jaw drops and
dropping of mandible and strong contraction of ment­alis muscle contracts strongly there is
circum oral muscles. Prognosis for correction probably a tongue thrust.
of a complex tongue thrust is fair at best as Part the lips to watch tongue thrust and in
there are two neuromuscular problems that doing so we can feel the strong muscle con­
of abnormal occlusal reflex and abnormal tractions.
swallow reflex. Cinefluorography study: When the patient
was told to swallow the camera is started,
Retained Infantile Swallow (Figs 4.2A and B) a cine­fluorographic film was made of the
This is persistence of the infantile swallowing movements of the tongue from the beginning
reflex after the arrival of the permanent teeth. of the swallowing pattern regarding backward
Very few people have this problem. Teeth and downward movements of the tip of tongue
occlude only on one molar in each quadrant. until the tongue moved back to its original
They demonstrate violent contractions of position at the end of swallowing which was a
seventh cranial nerve musculature during matter of seconds. After the cinefluorographic
swallowing and tongue is markedly protruded film had been developed the tracing technique
between all the teeth during initial stages consisted of drawing a straight line from labial
of swallow. Expressionless face since facial of the upper central incisor downwards until
muscles is used for stabilizing mandible. it extended past the lower incisor. Then a
Following teeth loss, satisfactory denture measurement was made of how far the tongue
146  Essentials of Orthodontics

extended past this line or of how much tongue

failed to meet this line.
Payne technique: Orabase with 1% sodium
fluorescein solution in a water-soluble base
is used to identify the movements of tongue.

Management of Tongue Thrust

Management of tongue thrust involves inter­
ception of the habit followed by treatment to
correct the malocclusion.
Factors to be considered: Factors that are
to be considered before correcting tongue Figure 4.3: Fixed tongue guard
thrust includes, identification of type of
malocclusion (Class I, II, III) degree of maloc­
clusion, scope of problem, maturity of child, Bead appliance or lingual pearl: They are small
attitude and degree of cooperativeness of bead like rollers placed in the rugal areas;
the parents, speech defects, other associated patient is asked to place the tip of tongue over
habits, progressive malocclusion should the beads and asked to swallow.
be considered for immediate treatment, Once the habit is corrected the associated
structural considerations such as nasal block, features such as anterior open bite, posterior
narrow palate, macroglossia or ankyloglossia. cross bite, etc. are corrected with either
Psychological methods: Learning of a new removable or fixed orthodontic appliances.
reflex at the conscious level, teach the exact Preorthodontic trainer: This appliance aids in
position of tongue by pointing with patients the correct positioning of the tongue with the
own index finger; ask the patient to swallow help of tongue tags. The tongue guards prevent
by holding the tongue in that position. The tongue thrusting when in place.
child is taught the correct swallowing method. Myotherapeutic exercises: Various muscle
Transferal to the subconscious level: By exercises of tongue can help in training it to
this position it is to reinforce the reflex at adapt to the new swallowing pattern.
subconscious level done by placing flat Initial exercises: Assure molar occlusion,
sugarless fruit drops at the position occupied position the tip of the tongue and sucking.
by tip of tongue. Tongue thrusting often self Total exercise: With elastic on tip of the tongue,
corrects by 8-9 years when the permanent lift the elastic into position on the rugal edge,
anteriors completely erupt and the improved check mentally see that elastic is not slipped,
muscular balance during swallowing. keeping lips apart slurp and swallow, close
teeth in molar occlusion.
Orthodontic Treatment Exercises for anterior position of tongue: Tongue
The tongue thrust can be intercepted by use of lifting exercises—tongue hold pull exercise—
habit breakers as described for thumb sucking. similar to total exercise but mandible is lowe­
Both fixed and removable cribs and rakes are red resulting in stretching of lingual frenum.
valuable aids in breaking the habit (Fig. 4.3). Positioning the blade of the tongue—molar
Oral screens can be used. Nance palatal occlusion: Locate masseter muscle, bite with
button can be used to guide the tongue. sufficient force, ‘T’ sound is made, relax and
Etiology  147

repeat, this exercise is similar to masseter the skeletal malformation as well as myofun­
count to 10 exercise. ctional therapy. The prognosis is guarded and
the relapse may occur if the tongue does not
Exercise for Middle 1/3rd and adapt to the new skeletal environment.
Posterior Tongue In cases involving excessive increase in
Two elastic swallow—put one elastic on tip of lymphoid tissue with resulting abnormality of
tongue, another on middle 1/3rd of tongue, tongue position, reduction of that lymph­oid
raise it against the palate and swallow. tissue is followed by a spontaneous impro­
Three elastic swallow—in addition to the above vement in tongue position.
one elastic is placed on posterior part of tongue
and exercises are repeated.
‘K’ swallow—put three fingers between teeth, MOUTH-BREATHING
make ‘k’ sound, freeze in that position and
swallow as quickly as possible. There are two conditions of upper respiratory
4S exercises: This includes identifying the spot, tract which complicate the breathing process
salivating, squeezing the spot and swallowing. at birth.
Use the pressure point on the papilla to Complete or partial atresia (of posterior
show where the spot is. This tip is against this nares).
spot at rest position. The child then learns the
2S exercise. Spot and squeeze. Spot should Congenital Micrognathia
be the rest position for the tip of the tongue. As the child grows older laryngeal skeleton
Squeeze is done by squeezing the tongue descends in the neck and air can be taken
vigorously against the spot with the teeth through the mouth, but this is normally
closed, followed by relaxing. When the child prevented by three sphincter mechanism
has done the 2S exercise have him do the 4S (Whillis) namely anterior sphincter formed
exercise. Place the tongue on the spot, salivate, by lips, intermediate sphincter by tongue and
squeeze against the spot and swallow. hard palate and posterior sphincter formed
between soft palate and dorsum of the tongue.
Speech Therapy Mouth-breathing can only occur with
The first step towards speech therapy should the failure of any of these barriers. When
be to train in the correct positioning of the it does occur it is mostly intermittent and
tongue. This tongue posture is more conductive more common at night. Very rarely there is
to the articulation of speech and to the normal complete nasal obstruction (e.g. complete
alignment of the teeth. However, such therapy is congenital atresia). Therefore, strictly speaking
not indicated before the age of 8 years. The child mouth-breathing should be termed oronasal
is asked to repeat simple multiplication table of breathing.
sized and to pronounce words beginning with Mouth-breathing has been attributed as
‘s’ sound. a possible etiologic factor for malocclusion.
The mode of respiration influences the
Surgical Treatment posture of the jaws, the tongue and to a lesser
The treatment of retained infantile swallow extent the head. Thus it seems quite logical
behavior is difficult and often consists of that mouth-breathing can result in altered
orthognathic surgical procedures to correct jaw and tongue posture which could alter
148  Essentials of Orthodontics

the orofacial equilibrium thereby leading to Anatomic

malocclusion. Most normal people indulge An anatomic mouth-breather is one whose
in mouth-breathing when they are under lip morphology does not permit complete
physical exertion such as during strenuous closure of the mouth, such as a patient having
exercise or sports activity. short upper lip. In rare cases mandible is not
Sassouni (1971): Defined mouth-breathing supported in normal position at rest. For
as habitual respiration through the mouth no apparent reason, there is an increased
instead of the nose. freeway space or interocclusal clearance.
Merle (1980): Suggested the term oronasal The tongue falls away from palate. The lip
breathing instead of mouth-breathing. therefore do not effect in anterior seal through
Chacker (1961): Defined mouth-breathing as a competent to do so. This type can be found in
prolonged or continued exposure of the tissues the complete absence of any upper respiratory
of anterior areas of mouth to the drying effects tract obstruction and is seen in children who
of inspired air. are intelligent and are not mentally alert.

Etiology Classification
Physiologic Sim and Finn classified mouth-breathing as:
Mouth breathing occurs where there is air 1. Obstructive
hunger, e.g. in normal children with heart 2. Habitual
disease, as a normal behavior during exercise, 3. Anatomical.
e.g. running.
Obstructive During oral respiration, the following three
Complete or partial obstruction of the nasal changes in the posture occur, lowering of
passage can result in mouth-breathing. The mandible, positioning the tongue downwards
following are some of the obstructive causes and forwards and tipping back of the head.
of mouth-breathing, Deviated nasal septum, Lowering of the tongue and mandible
narrow nasal passage associated with narrow upsets the orofacial equilibrium. There is an
maxilla, inflammatory reaction of nasal unrestricted buccinator activity that influences
mucosa with edema, allergic reaction of the position of the teeth and also the growth of
nasal mucosa, nasal polyps, localized benign the jaws.
tumors, congenital enlargement of nasal
turbinates and obstructive adenoids. Clinical Features
The type of malocclusion most often associated
Habitual with mouth-breathing is called “long face
A habitual mouth breather is one who syndrome” or the classic “adenoid facies”.
continues to breathe through his mouth even These patients have a combination of clinical
though the nasal obstruction is removed. Thus, signs as follows:
mouth-breathing becomes a deep rooted habit • Long and narrow face
that is performed unconsciously. • Narrow nose and nasal passage
Etiology  149

• Short and flaccid upper lip Dr Bushey has given a six point clinical
• Contracted upper arch with possibility of routine examination designed to alert the
posterior cross bite. orthodontist to a significant morphologic
• Receeded lower jaw and functional characteristics of a mouth-
• An expressionless or blank face breathing patient.
• Increased overjet as a result of flaring of the Step 1: Look for mouth gaping or lip incom­
incisors. petancy when the patient is in a relaxed
Anterior marginal gingivitis can occur posture. A short, flaccid and atrophic upper
due to drying of the gingiva and increase in lip is typical of adenoid faces.
gingival inflammation and the prevalence of Step 2: Evaluation of nares and nasofacial
supragingival and subgingival calculus, but angle. The nares are narrow and pinched-
not associated with plaque accumulation. together the entire base of the nose is often
Lips are apart in posture many of these tipped up.
patients have incompetent lips with gummy Step 3: Evaluation of the mode of respiration.
smile, hypotonic upper lip and hypertonic and Simple techniques can be used such as,
curled lower lip. first asking the patient to seal the lips for
Dryness of mouth which predisposes to 1-2 minutes and assessing the ease of nasal
dental caries. breathing. Then ask the patient to seal the
Anterior open bite may occur, along with lips and alternately collapse each nostril to
speech defects. evaluate nasal and/or pharyngeal obstruction.
Disuse atrophy of external nares is seen in The potential obstruction is amplified by
chronic mouth breathing. having the patient to hum through one nostril
Associated habits like thumb sucking and while other is closed. A cold mirror test can
tongue thrusting. also be used or a cotton tuft can be held at the
Chronic mouth-breathing may lead to otitis nostrils to check for nasal breathing.
media. There is also dull sense of smell and loss Also ask history of upper respiratory
of taste. infections, tonsillitis, respiratory allergies,
middle ear infections, etc.
Diagnosis Step 4: Determination of whether there is a
History: Good clinical history should be teeth-together or a tooth-apart swallow. The
recorded from the patient as well as parents. presence of a simple or a complex tongue
History of frequent nasal blocks or allergy will thrust can alert the clinician to the potential
suggest mouth-breathing. complications caused by an adaptive or active
Clinical examination: Look for the classical tongue habit.
clinical features, simple tests such as mirror Step 5: Clinical assessment of frontal facial
test; water test, etc. can be done to diagnose morphology. The long, dolichofacial form is
the mouth-breathing habit. more often associated with mouth-breathing.
Clinical signs such as dry gingival, frequent Step 6: Assessment of the most significant
dryness of mouth, hoarseness of voice, clinical characteristics which are found within
presence of typical malocclusion of mouth- the oral cavity.
breathing and association of other habits may Cephalometrics: Cephalometric evaluation
suggest mouth-breathing. helps in establishing the amount of nasoph­
150  Essentials of Orthodontics

aryngeal space, size of adenoids and also helps described position. The vermilion border of
in diagnosing the long face associated with the lower lip is then placed against the outside
mouth-breathing. of the extended upper lip and pressed as hard
Rhinomanometry: It is the study of nasal as possible against the upper lip. This type of
airflow characteristics using devices consisting exercise exerts a strong retraction influence
of flow- meters and pressure gauges. These on the maxillary incisors, which increases the
devices help in estimation of airflow through tonicity of both the upper and lower lips.
the nasal passage and nasal resistance. Mouth-breathing can be intercepted by use
of an oral or vestibular screen. Alternatively
Management adhesive tapes can be used to establish lip seal.
Elimination of Etiology Ehrlich states that mouth breather present a
Elimination of the causative factors such as special problem at night times parent should
removal of nasal or pharyngeal obstruction check the sleeping child and close the lips.
should be removed by referring the patient to Patients with narrow, constricted maxillary
the ENT surgeon. arches benefit from rapid maxillary expansion
procedures aimed at widening the arch.
Symptomatic Treatment Rapid maxillary expansion has been found to
The gingival of the mouth breathers should increase the nasal airflow and decrease the
be restored to normal health by coating the nasal air resistance.
gingival with petrolatum jelly, by applying Maxillothorax myotherapy: This was advo­cated
preventive dentistry methods and by clinically by Macaray in 1960. These expanding exercises
correcting the periodontal defects that have are used in conjunction with the Macaray
occurred due to the habit. activator. Macaray constructed an activator
out of aluminium with which development of
Interception of Habit the dental arches and dental base relationship
Exercises: If there is no physiologic cause the could be corrected at the same time as
patient should be instructed I breathing and lip enco­uraging mouth breathing. This stable
exercises. Deep breathing exercises are done aluminium activator is incorporated at the
with deep inhalation through the nose with angle of the mouth, with horizontal hooks to
arms raised sideways. After a short period, which expanding rubber bands are attached.
the arms are dropped to the sides and the air The mouth breather holds the activator in the
is exhaled through the mouth. mouth and at the same time with the left and
Lip exercises: Hypotonicity and flaccidity of the right arms alternately carries out 10 exercises
upper lip are the most obvious characteristics. 3 times a day.
The child is instructed to extend the upper lip He stands with his back against the wall,
as far as possible to covering the vermilion rises and lowers on his toes in time to the
border under and behind the maxillary expander exercises holding the lips tight
incisors. The exercise should be done 15-30 together and carries out a lightly forced
minutes a day for a period of 4-5 months when breathing technique in front of an open
the child has a short upper lip. If the maxillary window. These myotherapeutic exercises
incisors are protruded, the lower lip can be are indicated for mouthbreathers. They
used to augment the upper lip exercise. The also help prevent a relapse. The additional
upper lip is first extended into the previously myotherapeutic expander exercise during
Etiology  151

bimaxillary treatment help to establish physio­ Management

logical nasal breathing, as well as correcting Correction of lip biting or lip sucking is by lip
maldevelopment of the thorax. bumper or lip plumper; the effects of appliance
permit the tongue to move the mandibular
incisors labially. This not only improves the
LIP BITING AND LIP SUCKING axial inclination, but frequently the overbite
is reduced. In some instances where there
Lip sucking may occasionally develop as a seems to be functional activity, the placing of
substitute for thumb or finger sucking. BJ lip appliance at this time allows the incisors
Johnson describes the most common form of to come forward and the mandible may also
the lip biting habit as follows. do the same. This is the same effect as seen in
The first motion of the act consists of frankel type appliance.
wetting the lips with the tongue. The lower lip
is turned inward and tongue goes back into
the mouth. As the tip of the tongue passes the BRUXISM
incisal edges of maxillary incisors, the lower lip
is caught between maxillary and mandibular [Synonyms: Neuralgia traumatic (Karolyi),
teeth and pressure is exerted as the lip slowly Karolyi effect (Weski), Occlusal habit neurosis
returns to its original position. (Tisher), Parafunction (Drum)].
The force produced by lower lip as it The term bruxism is derived from the
slides around the teeth moves maxillary French work La bruxomanie suggested by
incisor labially and mandibular incisors Marie and Pietkiewicz in 1907. Karolyi did not
lingually. The deformity reaches maximum use the term Bruxism but introduced most of
when discrepancy between the maxillary and the concepts of this condition in 1901.
mandibular incisors become equal to the Bruxism is commonly defined as a gnashing
thickness of lower lip. and grinding of the teeth for nonfunctional
In severe cases the lip itself shows the purposes.
effects of abnormal habit. The vermilion border Miller suggested differentiation between
becomes hypertrophic and redundant during nocturnal grinding of the teeth, which he
the rest. The mentolabial sulcus becomes called Bruxism and habitual grinding of the
accentuated. In some cases chronic herpes teeth in day time which he called Bruxomania.
and cracking of lips appears. Occasionally Ramjford (1961) defined bruxism as
the lip sucking habit becomes a compulsive nocturnal, subconscious activity but can occur
and gratification activity particularly during during the day or night and may be performed
the sleeping hours. The redness and irritation consciously.
extending from mucosa or to the skin below the
lower lip which occurs due to lip biting can be Etiology
seen by an observant dentist. Psychological and emotional stresses have
been attributed as one of the causes of bruxism.
Differential Diagnosis The vicious cycle of self-perpetuating increase
In Class II division 1 malocclusion lip sucking in tension, related to functional disturbances
may be purely compensatory or adaptive to in teeth, periodontium other oral tissues,
the dento-alveolar morphology. TMJ and masticatory muscles is the basis for
152  Essentials of Orthodontics

bruxism in persons with psychic or emotional and is especially significant when found
stresses. Occupational factors are also found to in teeth with very little or no evidence of
be one of common cause for bruxism. periodontal disease.
Occlusal interference or discrepancy 4. Increased tonus and hypertrophy and
between centric relation and centric occlusion masticatory muscles.
can predispose to grinding. In addition 5. Soreness of masticatory muscles:
working side or balancing side interferences a. Masticatory muscles are tender to
can also trigger bruxism. palpation.
Local factors other than occlusal inter­ b. Tender spots are more common along
ferences may contribute to hypertonicity of the anterior and lower border of the
muscles and initiate abnormal jaw move­ masseter and medial pterygoid muscles
ments such as Pericoronitis, periodontal but may also be found in temporal
disease, surface irregularities of lips, cheek and regions.
tongue and pain or discomfort in TMJ and jaw c. Sometimes patients with bruxism com­
muscles. plain of tired feeling in the jaws when
Organic diseases such as chorea, epilepsy, they wake up in the morning
meningitis and gastrointestinal disorders may d. They experience a locking of jaw and the
also cause bruxism. masseter and temporal muscles have
to be massaged before the jaws can be
Clinical Features opened.
1. Occlusal or incisal attrition patterns that e. Patients with hypertonicity of jaw
do not conform to or coincide with normal muscles, and bruxism may bite their
masticatory or swallowing wear patterns. cheeks and lips and tongue accidentally
a. Such wear facets are seen at the incisal as a result of sudden contraction of these
tip of maxillary cuspids; these facets of muscles.
wear are often rounded over to the labial f. Sometimes headaches of the type
surface of cusp tip instead of blending usually called tension of emotional are
into the lingual attrition facets that associated.
occur from mastication. 6. TMJ discomfort and pain. Patients with
b. Wear pattern of long-standing bruxism TMJ discomfort and pain of a traumatic
is often very uneven and usually more nature usually grind their teeth.
sever on anterior than on posterior teeth 7. Maxillary and mandibular exostosis.
in natural dentition. 8. Audible occlusal sounds of nonfunctional
c. In patients who have denture, the wear grinding.
may be more sever on the posterior
teeth than the anterior teeth since Diagnosis
the stability of the denture allows for History and clinical examination: The classical
the greatest pressure in the posterior clinical features are noted.
regions. Electromyograph: Electromyograph shows
2. Unexpected fractures of teeth or restor­ abnormally high muscle tonus in the jaw
ations. muscles, especially as an inability to relax
3. Unexpected mobility of teeth. Increased between occlusal contacts is highly indicative
mobility is often associated with bruxism of bruxism.
Etiology  153

Occlusal analysis: Occlusal analysis is done tongue as well as pain or irritation elsewhere
to detect any occlusal prematurities. Use of in the masticatory system will lower the muscle
temporary bite planes or occlusal splints tonus and have a favorable effect upon bruxism
to achieve muscle relaxation is needed for both from the stand point of local factors and
diagnosis of the occlusal trigger factors of from the standpoint of the central nervous
bruxism. system.
Occlusal therapy: Occlusal therapy is one of
Management the main treatment modalities to relieve the
Since bruxism has a dual cause that includes local etiologic factors and to provide reduction
psychic and local occlusal factors, a rational in tooth attrition. They include, occlusal
treatment should include the elimination of adjustments like removal of sharp edges and
both disturbing etiologic factors. equilibration of occlusion, bite raising crowns
Psychotherapy: Psychoanalysis should be on molars or bite raising appliances, cap splint,
carried out and appropriate treatment should onlays, acrylic anterior or posterior bite planes
be given by clinical psychologist. either removable or fixed and soft or hart
Autosuggestion and hypnosis: They have been rubber splints.
suggested as a favorite therapy for bruxism by The purpose of bite plate and splints are
several authors. to stop bruxism by elimination of occlusal
Relaxing exercise and physiotherapy: Relaxing interferences, to let the patient grind the teeth
exercises both general and local nature may against acrylic or two occlusal splints and
serve to decrease the muscle tension and thereby avoid occlusal wear and to restrict
bruxism. Electrogalvanic stimulation for relax­ the jaw movements and break the habit of
ation is found to be effective. bruxism.
Exercises, massage, heat and other forms Main requirements of the bite plates are
of physiotherapy will provide some relief for that it should eliminate occlusal interferences
bruxism as for myalgias of postural or other with minimal amount of bite opening and to
nature, but since it does not cure the bruxism maintain a stable position of the teeth while
it should be used only to support other forms the appliance is in use.
of therapy. Others: Other causes for bruxism are to be
Acupressure: Accupressure and transcutaneous explored and treated like desensitizing agents,
electrical nerve stimulation is found to be occlusal correction, nutritional counseling and
effective in bruxism. nutritional supplements.
Ultrasound : Ultrasound provides analgesic
effect for masticatory muscles and reduces
Drugs: Drugs like vaso-coolants for pain, local
anesthetic drugs in TMJ area, tranquilizers Nail biting does not produce gross maloc­
and sedatives and muscle relaxants are used clusion. It is commonly absent in childrens
for bruxism. less than 3 years of age. There is rapid increase
Elimination of oral pain and discomfort: at 6 years of age; there is a constant trend to
Elimination of oral pain and discomfort 10 years of age in girls and 12 years in boys
associated with periodontal disease or followed by a sharp two years rise at puberty
pathologic conditions in the lip, cheek and 11 to 12 years in girls and 13 to 14 years in
154  Essentials of Orthodontics

boys followed by a rapid decline after the age pressure habit, may cause lingual movement
of 16 years. of maxillary teeth on that side. Mandible is less
This habit is usually replaced at adolescent affected as it does not have a rigid attachment
by lip biting, gum chewing or smoking which and can slide away from the pressure.
is more common in boys. Habit shows a high Chin popping is an extrinsic pressure,
correlation with stuttering but is present among unin­­ten­t ional habit which causes a deep
well-adjusted as well as poorly adjusted children. anterior closed bite. It may cause retrusion of
On examination nail biters disclose crow­ mandible.
ding, rotation and attrition of incisal edges of
mandi­bular incisors. Malocclusion is due to
untoward pressure introduced during nail biting. NUTRITION IN
Management includes application of nail ORTHODONTICS
polishes in girls and cutting of nails. A review of basic principles of nutritional
science indicates its applicability to orthod­
ontics at many levels. For example, nutritional
TONGUE SUCKING considerations are most critical during growth
and development and during environmental
It is an activity similar to thumb sucking and challenges. Such chall­e nges characterize
usually disappears by about 2nd year of life. the growing orthodontic patient, especially
If per­sisting in later childhood there may be the adolescent facing the physiologic and
an organic causation such as oral irritation psychologic stresses of puberty. The literature
or allergy. suggests that the nutritional status of the
Tongue sucking may be a substitute habit orthodontic patient can affect the biologic
when thumb sucking is prohibited to the child. response of the periodontal ligament and
bone to orthodontic bends and brackets.
Furthermore, the orthodontic patient is in
PILLOWING HABITS special need of dietary coun­­seling in view of
the additional plaque reten­tive areas provided
Postural defects during sleep have been by the orthodontic appliances. Also, the patient
considered as an etiologic factor in maloc­ undergoing orthognathic surgery presents
clusion. Children and adults do not lie in special nutritional considerations. Additi­
one position during sleep, but move about onally, nutritional imbalances or defici­encies
at frequent intervals these movements are may be involved in the etiology of cranio­facial
involuntary and are produced by nervous anomalies.
reflexes in order to obviate pressure inter­
ferences with circulation.
Deformity, flattening of the skull and facial EFFECT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS
asy­­m­metry may occasionally develop during ON TOOTH MOVEMENT AND TISSUE
the first year, in infants who habitually lie in RESPONSE TO APPLIANCES
supine position with the head turned towards
right or left. Orthodontic tooth movement relies on the
Face leaning is a habit where lateral pressure biologic response of the periodontal ligament
face leaning which is unintentional, extrinsic and alveolar bone to applied force systems.
Etiology  155

This tissue response is analogus to healing in bone that were more pronounced when
that it represents an environmental challenge compared to animals only on the deficient
to the patient. Additionally, the orthodontic diet or only receiving the orthodontic force.
patient is usually selectively treated during the The animals receiving orthodontic forces
adolescent growth spurt, which provides an during ascorbic acid deficiency demonstrated
additional challenge to his nutritional status. many histologic alterations including enlarged
During growth or healing, some nutrients endosteal spaces with osteoclasts, an uneven
that are otherwise nonessential become periosteal surface with osteoclastic activity,
essential or are required at higher levels for and periosteal hemorrhages. Additionally, the
optimal growth and/or healing. An example middle area of the periodontal ligament on the
is asparagine which, although categorized as stretched side was extremely stretched, with
a nonessential amino acid, has been shown large edematous spaces and disorientation of
when deficient to inhibit growth in the rat and fibroblasts and collagen fibers. The alveolar
healing in demineralized bone matrix implants wall demonstrated no osteoblasts but did
in the rat. Thus, in an individual subjected show edematous spaces and osteoclastic
to the demands of growth and healing the acti­vity. The compressed side showed hyalini­
requirements for some nutrients would be zation, undermining resorption and frontal
expected to be elevated. Other challenges resorption.
accompanying the adolescent period are If involved in the biologic response to tooth
increased emotional stress, a higher level of movement, ascorbic acid may also influence
physical activity, and the unbalanced diet that retention. In a study using separation of
typifies this age group. guinea pig incisors, the group that had an
Ascorbic acid is a classic example of a ascorbic acid deficiency experienced a more
nut­r ­i­e nt that may influence the biologic rapid relapse. It would be expected that these
response to orthodontic forces. Several studies results could be extrapolated to some degree to
in animals have documented its effect in orthopedic forces acting at craniofacial sutures
orthodontics. Also, it has been reported that since similar biologic responses are involved.
between 17 and 72% of orthodontic patients Nutritional status may also play a role in
may have suboptimal levels of ascorbic acid, the gingival response to orthodontic bands and
depending on the type of ascorbic acid test brackets. Since bands and brackets present a
and the amount of ascorbic acid considered stress to the periodontium, especially in regard
suboptimal. to increased exposure to retained debris, tissue
The rationale for the effect of ascorbic tolerance needs to be maximized. Dusterwinkle
acid is based in part on the fact that a lack of it et al banded one mandibular lateral incisor
interferes with collagen synthesis by preventing and provided a multivitamin trace mineral
hydroxyl­ation of praline to hydroxyproline, supple­ment or a placebo to this group and
thus affecting both the periodontal ligament to a nonbanded group. After 30 days the
and the formation of osteoid. nonbanded group receiving a supplement
A study using lateral forces on guinea pig showed an improved gingival score, decreased
incisors showed that this stress during ascorbic tooth mobility, and decreased labial debris.
acid deficiency resulted in alterations in the The banded groups not receiving a supplement
period­ontal ligament and supporting alveolar deteriorated in overall evaluation of the
156  Essentials of Orthodontics

clinical state, whereas there was no significant in these patients. Thus, while classic deficiency
change in the handed group that received the syn­d romes are not common, suboptimal
supplement. Dusterwinkle interpreted these levels of nutrients probably are common in
findings in view of a continuum of health or the adolescent popul­ation. Furthermore, in
disease, which is a function of the product most cases, probably more than one nutrient
of the degree of host resistance and the is involved since deficiency of one implies
magnitude of the environmental challenges. that the circumstances exist which would
Thus, a nutritional status adequate to support lead to other deficiencies. Also, a deficiency
a healthy period­o ntium in a nonbanded of one element often affects the metabolism
situation may provide suboptimal host of others. Thus, multiple suboptimal levels of
resistance in a banded condition. some nutrients probably exist in a considerable
portion of the orthodontic population, if
optimal is interpreted to mean ability to
DIETARY COUNSELING FOR PLAQUE respond maximally to environmental stresses.
CONTROL AND GENERAL HEALTH Incremental increases in height and weight
IN THE ORTHODONTIC PATIENT as compared with standards are one of the
best measures of satisfied nutritional needs,
As noted above, the orthodontic patient is although they are not diagnostic for borderline
subject to a number of challenges that will nutritional states. Thus, the orthodontist, who
require a certain host response, which is usually uses these data for growth prediction,
partially dependent on nutritional status. is able to estimate past nutritional status.
These stresses include the requirement for Additionally, the presence of such orthodontic
tissue response to orthodontic forces in appliances as bands and brackets should alert
periodontal ligament and bone, the increased the orthodontist to the cariogenecity of the diet.
irritation to the periodontium, the physical Perhaps the best method for patient
and emotional stresses characteristic of education is the dietary history. Proper
adole­scence, the increased requirements of instructions on how to keep a dietary history
adolescent growth, and the often poor quality for several days can provide the basis of a brief
of the diet during this period. Additionally, the educational session with the orthodontist
use of alcohol or drugs may further increase or an auxillary. Cariogenic foods as well as
nutritional requirements. For example, their frequency of intake can be identified.
oral contraceptive steroids increase the Additionally, a general evaluation of the
need for pyridoxine, foliates and ascorbic patient’s diet in regard to its balance of nutrients
acid. The use of phenytoin by orthodontic and food groups can be made.
patients with epilepsy represents another
example of drug induced vitamin requirement.
An anticonvulsant induced osteomalacia NUTRITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS
with increased osteocytes and osteoclastic IN THE ORTHOGNATHIC SURGICAL
resorption was shown to exist in epileptic PATIENT
orthodontic patients and was reversed with
vitamin D therapy. The increased amount Postoperatively the orthognathic surgical
of unmineralized new bone may result in a patient is confronted with increased nutritional
tendency for increased indirect bone resorption requirements and difficulty in proper nutrients
Etiology  157

intake. Suboptimal levels of some nutrients protein synthesis is known to be important

could be responsible for decreased resistance for repair but is also one of the more common
to infection as well as delayed soft and hard deficiency states. Ascorbic acid, essential
tissue repair. for collagen formation, is important for soft
The prevalence of protein calorie malnutr­ tissue healing as well as osteoid formation.
ition was shown to be approximately 50% Subclinical deficiencies of vitamin C are fairly
in a population of general surgery patients. common and could be converted to a clinically
The degree of this problem in orthognathic evident deficiency during stress. Calcium and
surgical patients would be expected to be vitamin D have been shown to be essential for
substantially less owing to the elective timing repair of fractures and thus are of importance
of the orthognathic surgery and the lower in maxillofacial surgery. The level of these
incidence of preoperative disease conditions and other nutrients required to achieve the
in these patients. The focus is on achieving optimal healing response is in most cases not
optimal nutritional status for optimal host established. However, there are studies that
response rather than on preventing classic suggest that supplements of vitamins and
deficiency syndromes. micronutrients improve healing. For example,
Although the postoperative patient appears a vitamin and zinc supplement was shown
to be at rest, the metabolic responses to the to improve the healing response in 88% of
surgery can increase the caloric requirements patients undergoing oral surgery, as compared
by 50% or more. It is important that this with oral surgery on the other side of the mouth
increased caloric requirement be met by during non-supplementation.
sources other that needed proteins. Besides Because all the essential nutrients and
being a potential source of energy, proteins their required levels have not been estab­
are essential to the regulation of osmotic lished, the difficulty with the use of arbitary
pressure, lipid transport, the formation of formulas is obvious. Thus, it would seem
antibodies, and the repair of injured tissue. preferable when­­ever possible to administer
Thus, if a high calorie diet, especially one that whole foods. Furthermore, Jones has pointed
is high in carbohydrates is instituted for a few out that an oversupply of one amino acid
days preoperatively, liver glycogen stores and either may reduce the efficiency of another,
possibly spare protein will be increased for caus­ing a paradoxical deficiency, or may
a short time postoperatively, when caloric increase the requirement for another amino
requirements are high and the patient is not acid.
able to eat an adequate diet. In contrast, the
time to boost protein intake appears to be
during convalescence, not preoperatively. NUTRITIONAL FACTORS IN THE
Jones concluded that while the normal ETIOLOGY OF CRANIOFACIAL
requirement for protein is about 65 gm per ANOMALIES
day, this should be increased to approximately
150 gm per day during convalescence. Craniofacial anomalies pose formidable
Other nutrients important during tissue challenges to the dental profession. Certainly,
repair are reviewed by Hunt. Vitamin A known attention to the etiologic factors and possible
to be important in cell differentiation and prevention of these conditions is warranted.
158  Essentials of Orthodontics

Cleft lip and palate is an example of a between some of these factors occur. Thus,
cranio­facial anomaly of particular interest to although the influence of one teratogenic
orthodontists. This condition can be induced factor may be marginal, the combination of
in animals by nutritional deficiencies such as several may be significant.
those of folic acid, riboflavin, and zinc.
Suboptimal levels of these nutrients may Conclusion
potentiate other teratogenic factors. The This discussion emphasizes that nutrition is an
possibility of vitamins and trace minerals important factor, influencing the general health
being suboptimal during pregnancy is great. and tissue tolerance of orthodontic patients on
The mother may be unaware of the pregnancy many levels. While orthodontists will rarely see
during certain critical periods of development. frank manifestations of nutritional deficiencies,
Furthermore, the use of alcohol and other it should be recognized that suboptimal levels
drugs may increase the requirement for certain of certain nutrients are common and have
nutrients. For example, the administration of an effect on the biologic responses of the
riboflavin or pyridoxine to mice reduced the tissues influenced by orthodontic treatment.
incidence of cortisone induced cleft palate. The Additionally, the age group typically involved
teratogenic effect of cortisone in mice has also in orthodontic treatment has particularly high
been appreciably increased by a low calorie nutritional demands and particularly poor
diet. dietary behavior.
Zinc provides an example of a nutrient for
which even a short-term dietary deficiencies
could be teratogenic. No mobilizable store GENETICS IN ORTHODONTICS
exists for zinc, necessitating that it be regularly Genetics is the science concerned with the
present in the diet. Animal studies have shown structure and function of all genes in different
that even a moderate deficiency during a organ­isms.
critical embryologic period can be teratogenic. Ray E Stewart medical geneticist, Spence a
Although data for humans are limited, psychiatrist both of university of California, Los
retrospective studies of the histories of Angeles list malocclusion as the most common
pregnancies resulting in clefts suggest that hereditary deviation in dentistry, followed by
vitamin and trace metal levels have an periodontal disease and dental caries. But it is
influence. In one study of 78 mothers who had not clear to what extent phenotype characters
previously given birth to a child with a cleft, are of genetic origin or of environmental origin.
the 39 who were given vitamin supplements Genetic traits in craniofacial region are
during a subsequent pregnancy had no known to undergo change. Children who
incidence of reported congenital anomalies, strongly resemble parents may no longer show
whereas 4 of 48 mothers who did not receive such resemblances as they grow older or on the
vitamin therapy had children with clefts. contrary the resemblances may become more
Nanda has reviewed a number of environ- positive in later years.
mental factors such as diet, infection, It is important for the dentist to recognize
irradiation, and drugs that affect embryonic genetic aberrations in the early stages before
development. It should be realized that their full establishment and thus practice
nutritional factors represent only one of these preventive dental medicine. For the orthod­
environmental influences and that interactions ontist, the aware­ness of genetic expression
Etiology  159

in the dentofacial maldevelopment of their studies on the arrangement of genes along

patients, in addition to aiding correction of the chromosomes. Watson and Crick in
malocclusion will be an important factor in 1953 demonstrated the structure of the DNA
their practice of dentofacial orthopedics in molecule. The complexity of the chromosome
clinical practice. was further unveiled when the solenoid model
Genetics is a rapidly developing science of chromosome structure was proposed by
that has reached an advanced level of genetic Finch and Klung.
selection and cloning.


Studies of genetic interest can be traced back to
6000 BC in certain stone carvings of Babylon. Cell
Genetic theories and concepts were influenced The cell is the basic unit of any living body.
by the hypothesis of various prominent It is made up of different organneles, i.e. the
philoso-phers. Among them the forerunners cell wall, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum,
were Pythogoras, Empedocles, Aristotle, ribosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, etc.
Harvey, Adams Darwin, etc. In 1814, Joseph
Adams proposed many of the basic principles Chromosome
of medical genetics. He is even termed by some Within the nucleus of each cell are threads like
authors as the founder of human genetics. structures of different lengths and shapes called
The studies regarding genetics had break chromosomes. The number of chromosomes
through when an Austrian monk Gregor Mendel present in every cell of an organism is constant
made his far reaching discoveries by carefully but it changes from one species to another.
analyzing the results of his experiments on
cross breeding garden pea (Pisum sativum). DNA
Mendel adopted the simplest methods and Chromosomes are made up of long chains
studied a single characteristic through many of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules,
generations. He is aptly named the “Father twisted and twined in a specific manner.
of modern Genetics” for his outstanding Each long strand of a DNA molecule is a
contribution in the field of genetics. Mendel chain of nucleotides. The basic nucleotide
put forward the Law of segregation according unit comprises of a deoxy sugar, a phosphate
to which every individual possess two factors molecule and one protein either purine or
which determine a specific characteristic. pyrimidine. The nucleotides form a pair by a
Among these two, one pair is transmitted from weak hydrogen bond between the proteins.
each parent. This is called Mendel’s first Law At the same time, the sugar molecules on
or the Law of segregation. both sides get attached to an adjacent pair
After Mendel’s studies and discoveries by means of phosphate bonds. The structure
there was a renewed awareness in the field of hence resembles a step ladder.
genetics. In 1903, Soulton and Boveri proposed The complex structure of a chromosome
the Chromosome Theory of Inheritance. can more clearly be explained by the solenoid
Thomas Hunt Moran et al in 1935, were model of Chromosome structure as proposed
awarded the Nobel prize for their extensive by Finch and Klung. The ladder like structure
160  Essentials of Orthodontics

of DNA according to them undergoes coiling Variable: It is characterized by the occurrence

of the DNA duplex itself, secondary coiling of of different but related types of malocclusion
these twisted duplex around spherical protein within several generations of the same family.
beads called histones, to form nucleosomes,
tertiary coiling of nucleosomes to form Modes of Genetic Transmission
chromatin fibers and quaternary coiling to 1. Mutation
form the chromatic loops. These loops are then 2. Selection
tightly wounded to form the chromosome. 3. Mixture
4. Drift.
The gene forms the basic unit of inheritance Gene Mutations
by determining the make up and structure Protein synthesis for the process of replication
of a particular characteristic in an organism. is controlled by genes. A change induced by
A gene consists of a portion of the double certain agents in the composition of the base
stranded DNA molecule with 300 to 1000 pair of the DNA molecule may lead to the
nucleotide pairs. Each chromosome consists synthesis of an altered protein. This may result
of hundreds of thousands of nucleotide pairs, in a gross reduction or even a complete loss of
which can be considered as a sequence of the biological activity resulting in an altered
genes. expression of certain specific characters of
the individual.
Transcription Gene mutations can be of different types
Transcription is the process by which like, visible mutations, detrimental mutations,
information is transmitted from DNA to lethal mutations, etc.
the messenger RNA at the initial stage of Mutagens are agents that induce genetic
replication. mutations. They are of different types:
i. Ionizing radiations
Translation ii. Certain drugs, chemicals and food
Translation is the process in which the genetic additives
information is actually converted into protein iii. Certain viruses
synthesis. iv. High temperature.
Although genetic mutations are usually
Patterns of Genetic Transmission associated with a specific mutagen, sometimes
The pattern of genetic transmission within spontaneous mutations take place. Although
the dentofacial complex can generally be of we do not have any supporting evidence, some
three types: resear­c hers attribute it on the basis of
Repetitive: It is characteristic by recurrence of Darwinian evolution and adaptive mutation
a dentofacial deviation within the immediate to the environ­ment.
family and its progenitors.
Discontinuous: It is characterized by the recurr­ Chromosomes in Man
ence of a malocclusion trait that reappears In 1956, Tjio and Levan and independently
within the family background over several Ford and Hamerton demonstrated that the
generations but not continuously. number of chromosomes in man is 46, i.e. 23
Etiology  161

pairs. Among these, 44 (22 pairs) are auto­ 2. Monosomy: A condition where one auto­
somes and a pair of sex chromosomes. some is missing.
The autosomes in the male and female 3. Trisomy: A condition when there is an
cells are identical while the sex chromosomes addition of a single chromosome only.
are different. Males have one X and one 4. Klinefelter’s syndrome: It is a sex chromo­
Y chromosome while females have two X some abnormality in males where there are
chromosomes. This forms the basis of sex additional X chromosomes.
determination in the offspring. Normal human 5. Turner’s syndrome: A sex chromosome
cells have 46 chromosomes while the gametes abnor-mality in females with one X-chro­
have only 23 chromo­somes, i.e. haploid cell. mo­some missing.
During fertili­zation, the union of 2 haploid
cells from each parent results in an offspring Structural Disorders
with 46 chromo­somes (Fig. 4.4). Structural disorders are those in which there
is a change in the basic composition and stru­
Genetic Disorders cture of the chromosome. Structural disorders
Genetic disorders in a general aspect can can be of the following types:
be considered to be of two types, numerical 1. Translocation: An exchange of segments
disorders and structural disorders. between nonhomologous chromosomes.
2. Deletions: Loss of segment of the chromo­
Numerical Disorders some.
Numerical disorders are those in which there 3. Ring chromosomes: Deletion at both the
is a change in the number of chromosomes ends of the chromosome. Later the deleted
within the cell. The following are some ends stick together to form a ring.
examples of numerical disorders:
1. Polyploidy: A condition where there is an
additional full set of chromosomes. GENETICS IN ORTHODONTIC

The significance of genetic studies in the field

of medicine and related branches cannot be
over-emphasized. Hereditary predisposition
of certain diseases like Hemophilia, the
importance of ‘Rh’ factor in pregnancy and
childbirth, congenital abnormalities like
Down’s syndrome, etc. are few examples that
highlight the importance of genetic studies and
genetic counseling (Fig. 4.5).
Like any other discipline in medicine, the
importance of genetic influence within the
dentoalveolar complex and related structures
were recognized quite early. In 1836, Fredrick
G Kussel after extensive study reported that
Figure 4.4: Human chromosomes
162  Essentials of Orthodontics

17. High arched palate

18. Abnormal number and arrangement of
19. Arch length to tooth size discrepancy
(Crowding and Spacing)
20. Ectodermal dysplasia
21. Tooth shape and tooth form
22. Upper facial height, nose height, head
height, bigonial width.
Research into the genetic influence of the
dentofacial complex have thrown light on
new vistas of thoughts and at the same time
disproved some of the misconceptions within
Figure 4.5: Genetic causes for malocclusion
the subject. For example, previously, racial
crossing among humans was considered to be
malocclusion, both skeletal and dental can be one of the factors of malocclusion. Later this
transmitted from one generation to another. was disproved by studies stating that human
Later many investi­gators followed his path racial crossing presented little or negligible risk
and came up with their observations which to dental occlusion.
attributed malocclusion more to an inherited Similarly another study on relapse of
trend than the result of any environmental treated cases showed that relapse can be
influences. caused by hereditary tendencies that come
Dentofacial disturbances of genetic origin into play and upset the results after treatment
can briefly be listed as follows: has been completed. Occlusal mannerisms,
1. Micrognathia jaw positioning and abnormal pressure habits
2. Macrognathia which induce untoward forces that tend to
3. Cleft lip and palate move the orthodon­tically treated teeth back
4. Down’s syndrome into malocclusion also be of genetic origin.
5. Gardner’s syndrome
6. Marfan’s syndrome Methods and Criteria in Genetic
7. Cherubism Identification
8. Cleidocranial dysplasia Neel and Chull enumerated some of the
9. Mandibulofacial dysostosis criteria that would permit this recognition of
10. Osteogenesis imperfecta genetic factor as follows:
11. Bimaxillary protrusion 1. Occurrence of the disease in definite
12. Bimaxillary atresia num­­erical proportions among individuals
13. Retarded eruption of teeth related by descent.
14. Hypodontia, anodontia, oligodontia, 2. Failure of the disease to spread to nonrel­
etc. ated individuals. The consanguinity effect is
15. Abnormal overjet and over bite often seen in genetic disorders testimonies
16. Open bite to the role of relatedness.
Etiology  163

3. Onset of the disease at a characteristic age expression. Similarly in the case of dizygotic
without a known precipitating event. twins who have a similar environmental
4. Greater concordance of the disease in condition the influence of genetic as well as the
identical than in fraternal twins. environmental factors in the expression and
development of an individual can be studied.
Methods of Studying Role of Genes Although twin studies have several limita­
Twin Studies tions like identification of different types
The genetic influence of inheritance has of twins as well as their developmental
always been a cause of controversy. Some of environment, the work of many researchers
the pioneers in the medical field proposed has thrown light into the understanding
the possibility of some genetic components of genetic contribution in the growth and
which helped in transmission of certain trains. development of an individual.
However others believed that the make of an Triplet and quadruplet studies : They are similar
individual is entirely due to environmental to twin studies in that the number of children
influences. Twinning of human embryo born is three or four. They may be either
seems to be nature’s answer to this heated monozygotic or bizygotic or combinations.
controversy. Human twins can be of two types:
Monozygotic twins (Monovular): They are two Pedigree Studies
individuals developed from a single fertilized Pedigree studies are the most common among
ovum, which divides into two at an early stage genetic studies. Here a definite trait of an
of development. Monozygotic twins thus have individual is studied along his ‘family tree’ so
a genetic make up identical to each other. as to find any hereditary influence. Many of
Monozygotic twins are either males or both the family traits like bimaxillary protrusion,
females. missing teeth, high arched palate, etc. can be
Dizygotic twins (Fraternal twins or Diovular): readily be attributed to hereditary inheritance.
They are two individuals developed from two While doing these studies one should be aware
separate ova, ovulated and fertilized at the of the dominant and recessive traits and their
same time. The two ova are fertilized by two expressions. Larger the number of generations
different sperms. They are not genetically the better a trait can be traced by repetitive
identical as they develop from two different occurrence.
embryos. They are analogous to siblings except
that they have an almost similar prenatal Inbreeding
developmental life. Dizygotic twins can be The mode of transmission of certain traits can
combination of one male and one female child. be studies and their dominant and recessive
Twin studies are done by analyzing characteristics determined by analyzing
monozygotic and dizygotic twins in a specific certain communities where practices like
manner. In case of monozygotic twins, they polygamy and marriages within the family
have similar genetic make-ups, but postnatally still exist.
some of them have different environmental
conditions. This helps us to study the expression Age of Onset
of the genetic factors and at the same time, The age of onset of a disease may be genetic
the environmental influences on this genetic but this determination is negative in nature.
164  Essentials of Orthodontics

If all possible causes of the disease have been the first to be lost in the evolutionary sense
eliminated the genetic hypothesis knowledge and therefore can be considered as the least
available for a given disease. stable. Among the fields, dental variability
Problems associated with the role of manifests itself strongly in the distal than in
heredity of dentofacial complex in humans: the mesial direction. For example the lateral
The principles of genetics have been incisor is more prone to variation than the
applied with different degree of success to the central incisor.
general field of dental and facial structures. The Adapting Butler’s theory to human
human population is not the best for genetic dentition Dehlbergt suggested the following
studies because of: fields and gradients of stability among teeth.
i. Slow generation
ii. Long growth period Max CI → LI Canine I Pm→ IIPm IM → IIM
iii. Constant hybridization. → IIIM
The above-mentioned factors will blur the Mand CI→ LI Canine I Pm → IIPm IM → IIM
genetic hypothesis. To this should be added → IIIM
the fact, the characteristics studied, i.e. facial
form, malocclusion and jaw size are present Principal Polygenic Variation
continuous variables rather than disease of an Most research date suggest that normal vari­
all or none nature. ation in the dentition is the result of multiple
rather than single genes unlike ectodermal
Butler’s Field Theory dysplasia or odontogenesis imper­fecta which
In 1939 Butler an English paleontologist result from segregation of single gene, the size
proposed this theory. or shape of the teeth is determined by many
According to this theory, mammalian genes interacting with each other and the
dentition can be divided into several develop­ environment.
mental fields. The developmental fields Relapse is not an uncommon phenomenon
include the molar/premolar fields, the canine in orthodontics. While treating a patient
and the incisor fields. Considering each ortho­dontically, we do change the genetic
quadrant separately molar/premolar field expression of the patient. Once the treatment is
would consist of first molar as key tooth and completed and the appliance is removed, there
second and third molar on distal ends of this is always a chance that the genetic expression
field, first and second premolar on mesial of the patient reestablishes. Ruling out all
and would be most variable in size and shape. other possibilities like misdiagnosis, defective
Most clinicians agree on third molar but not appliance therapy, and improper patient
with first premolar. Actually earlier mammals care, a great variety of relapse can possibly be
had four premolars, some higher primates attributed to these genetic factors.
including man lost the first two premolars so
that the premolars which we are referring to Eugenics
are actually third and fourth premolars. The Eugenics is the applied aspect of human
point is that as Butler’s theory predicted. The genetics. It aims at the improvement of
premolars farthest from the first molar were humanity by altering the hereditary qualities in
Etiology  165

future generations of man. Genetic counseling alter the genetic mechanism for reducing the
and genetic engineering are the two important genetic disorders.
aspects of eugenics. Negative eugenics is concerned with the
Genetic counseling is the act of educating elimination of undesirable genes from the
the prospective parents who are either suffer­ population. Thus, by reducing the progeny of
ing from the diseases or suspected to be hete­ defective individuals, deterioration of human
ro­zygous for some specific genetic diseases. race can be prevented. Consangenous marri­
Once genotypes of parents are known then ages are also genetically undesirable, as the
the chances of inheriting the diseases can be frequency of the production of defective child­
reduced. Genetic counseling and antenatal ren is likely to be higher for such marri­ages.
diagnosis are essential in preventing the This is because of simple reason that most of
genetic syndromes. the harmful traits are recessive, so they tend
Genetic engineering is the manipulation to express in the children of parents who are
of genetic system within the cell in order to related very closely.
166 Essentials of Orthodontics

5 Diagnosis

ORTHODONTIC DIAGNOSIS hensive orthodontic diagnosis is established

Orthodontic diagnosis deals with recognition by use of certain clinical implements called
of the various characters of the malocclusion. diagnostic aids.
It involves collection of pertinent data in a
systemic manner to help in identifying the
nature and cause of the problem. Orthodontic ESTHETICS IN ORTHODONTICS
diagnosis should be based on sound scientific
knowledge combined at times with clinical Most patients seek orthodontic treatment in
experience and common sense. order to improve their appearance. Most often
Diagnosis involves development of a the demand for correction of malocclusion is
comprehensive data base of pertinent infor­ based on psychological or sociopsychological,
mation. The data is derived from case, history, rather than somatic factors. In an effort to
clinical examination and other diagnostic establish treatment priorities, the World
aids such as study casts, radiographs and Health Organization (WHO) suggested that
photographs. A systematic approach to the an anomaly should be regarded as requiring
examination is essential to ensure that nothing treatment if the disfigurement or functional
is overlooked. Then the task of treatment defect is likely to be an obstacle to the patient’s
planning is to synthesize the possible solutions physical and emotional well­being.
to these specific problems into a specific Esthetics is the study of beauty and together
treatment strategy that is best for this particular with ethics, logic, politics and metaphysics is
patient. a branch of basic philosophy. Man has been
Diagnosis must be made scientifically, aware of facial esthetics for a long time. As early
treatment planning cannot be science alone, as 35,000 years ago man developed his esthetic
judgment by the clinician is required as awareness and sensitivity. The brilliant Greek
problems are prioritized and as alternative philosophers Plato and Aristotle introduced
treatment possibilities are evaluated. Compre­ esthetics as a study of beauty and philosophy.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  167

Divine Proportions 3 total 5, and thus the numbers increase as

It is now an accepted face that beauty respects follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
certain geometric laws and proportions. The etc. When about this level is reached, each new
proportion of 1:1.618 is called the divine or addition is precisely 1.618 times the previous
the golden proportion or Fibonacci series. number, and this ratio of addition continues
This proportion has been found extensively in on to infinity. The Fibonacci numbers have
nature and is believed to be the basis of beauty, been studied extensively by mathematicians,
harmony and balance. The divine proportion and groups and societies have been formed
has for long been used by artists and architects by scholars of this unique relationship of
in their work. Objects exhibiting the divine numbers.
proportion are said to be attractive, exhibiting
beauty and harmony. The human face exhibits
numerous golden proportions. The normal GOLDEN SECTION
human face is one of the most beautiful
works of nature. Though esthetics is a maker That which is known as the golden section
of individual opinion there is a considerable has been known at least since the time of
agreement among humans regarding the the Egyptians and was popular in the art
concept of beauty. and architecture of the Greeks. It starts with
Concern about the appearance of teeth a basic proposition that enters many of our
and face is believed to the most impor­tant minds as children. Where is there a place
motivating factor for orthodontic treatment. to section a line so that the small portion is
Obvious malocclusion and facial disfigurements a ratio, compared to the larger part, as the
can be a major handicap. It is widely believed larger part would be to the complete line? This
that attractive children are recognized as can be arrived at geometrically quite easily.
more intelligent than nonattractive children. By bisecting the line and erecting a vertical
Malocclusion can thus affect the mental from one end, a 90° angle is constructed. The
well-being of an individual leading to an connection of the two ends forms a triangle. By
inferiority complex or introversion. Thus the marking off the dimension of original bisection
orthodontist should have as one of his goals on the hypotenuse and swinging an arc of the
the esthetic portion of the dentofacial region remaining distance down to the original line,
so as to improve the overall well-being of the a “golden section” is constructed.
Properties of Phi (φ)
Fibonacci Numbers This golden sectioning seems to have some
In 1202, Filius Bonacci (alias Leonardo of Pisa) marvelously unique properties. It is a quality
published his work, Liber Abaci, which was which, for some reason, attracts the attention
to change the Roman numerical world to the and is recorded in the limbic system as beauty,
Hindu-Arabic numeral system. He proposed harmony, and balance. Static symmetry
that the numbers could be demonstrated in the consists of absolute even balance on both sides
multiplication. It occurs by adding the last two and will be monotonous or become boring.
numbers together in a series. Hence, starting There is a certain quality of the golden section
with 0 and 1, the total is 1. Adding those last which stimulates the viewer, and this value has
two gives the sum of 2. Two and 1 are 3, 2 and been called “dynamic symmetry”, meaning that
168  Essentials of Orthodontics

it portrays action and a continuum. Examples if not directly, certainly intuitively, probably
of this relation can be found throughout nature, since man first started to scratch forms on the
which has always attracted the art, satisfaction, walls of caves. It has harmony and balance
serenity, and euphoria of mankind. The artist yielding comfort and pleasure to the senses.
almost always is taken by the beauty of nature
and tries to put it on canvas. Pentagon Analysis
Actual measurement of the line division The five-pointed star has also been a striking
for the cut results in the longer section being symbol. The base of this star is the pentagon.
1.618 times the length of the shorter one! The If two corners of the pentagon are connected
shorter line is 0.618 the length of the larger. with a line and two more are connected to
This astonishing number is the only one in cross the line, each line will be sectioned
mathematics which, when subtracted by unity in a golden section, that is, 1.0 and 1.618
(1.0), yields its own reciprocal. Strangely, this lengths proportionately. When a third line is
quality is exactly the same as the Fibonacci connected to two corners, one of the crossing
quantum jump! Because a famous Greek lines will be sectioned from both ends in a
sculptor, Phidias, used the golden proportion sort of reciprocal division. This produces a
so much, it was called phi, the Greek letter for smaller section in the middle that is a common
the first part of his name. The label phi is so smaller divine proportion to both ends. It is an
common that it is used similarly to pi which, as overlapping “area of congruence’’ balanced
any grammar school student knows, is for the between other parts.
analysis of circles and spheres. Phi was related
to so many aspects of beauty that Kepler, in Golden Triangle
about 1600, called it the “divine proportion.” Further analysis of the intersected pentagon
Thus, we see the relation of Fibonacci to reveals that the sections are the same length
the golden section. Of final charm for the as the sides and a unique triangle is formed
intellect, a measurement of the sound waves by the construction.
also corresponds to the phi value in harmonic In mathematics phi is given its Greek
chords picked up by the ear. symbol f, and a series of phi relations has been
called an additive series. Starting with a value
Golden Rectangle represented by 1.0, the f’ is 0.618, f’2 is 0.3819
If the altitude of a rectangle is constructed in and f’3 is 0.2360, going to smaller dimensions.
the proportion as 1.0, and the base is made Larger numbers are f’2 at 2.6189, f’3 at 4.2358,
1.618 times the altitude, this is called the and f’4 at 6.853. The value 1.618 plus 0.618
golden rectangle. It was on such a scale that equals 2.236, which is the square root of 5. The
the Parthenon was built, and it has endured for mathematical formula is:
two millenniums as a world attraction. Solving for X leads to these numbers form a
It is rare to see a square picture frame. natural progression, with each value a multiple
Golden rectangular stationery, writing pads, of the phi proportion.
and 3 by 5 inch cards are known to be most Measured geometrically, the golden
popular. For example, examine the typical triangle is a 72° 72° 36° isosceles triangle and
credit card. The golden section even entered also has several unique properties. It can easily
commercial design and became a part of art, be constructed from the golden section. When
Orthodontic Diagnosis  169

the longer section of the golden sectioned comes out to be the umbilicus. With all these
line is marked off from each end of the short relations, it causes one to ponder the possible
section, a point is found to which each end of link with basic cellular phenomena.
the shorter section is connected. This forms
the golden triangle. Facial Analysis with the
If one of the base angles is bisected (72° Golden Proportion
= 36° + 36°), the bisection will intersect the With the foregoing biologic facts in mind, it was
opposite side and, in so doing, will section only natural to examine faces for alternative f
that side into the golden section. The areas relationships. With calculator handy, several
produced likewise are golden to each other. photographs of male and female models were
Thus, an infinite series of triangles can be explored and a hypothesis was formed relative
constructed by adding 36° to each 36° angle. to proportions of facial component.
When the base of each triangle is connected to
each succeeding base with a smooth tangent, Divine Proportions in the
the connection forms a logarithmic spiral. Human Dentition
With the foregoing findings, it was natural to
Genetic Implications of the Logari­ seek divine proportions in the dentition.
thmic Spiral and the Golden Section The lower incisor became a basic unit. The
The logarithmic spiral is found in the simplest upper incisor was golden to the width of the
of primitive life forms, the snails. The nautilus lower incisor. Taking both the upper and lower
has long been selected for adornment and central incisors as a unit, the f relationship is a
amusement. The same pattern may be found mark of dynamic symmetry. A progression is
in the sunflower, with two reversed spirals to seen as the two upper incisors are compared to
make it more intriguing. It is interesting to find the four upper incisors—not in a straight line,
the three-leafed clover, the five-petaled daisies, but as they appear to the eye in the chord of the
and so many flowers with eight or thirteen arc of the arch form. Taking data from charts,
petals illustrating the interesting Fibonacci the next progression is the width of the upper
numbers in nature. first premolars as also viewed from the anterior.
Of even greater interest is the proportion of Thus, a rhythm is seen in the natural normal
the fingers and toes of species of animal, being ideal occlusion with the lower incisor as a basic
1, 2, 3, and 5. Man’s usual five fingers and toes unit and f for the upper central incisors, f2 for
are significant, but of even greater interest is the lateral incisor widths, and f3 for premolars.
the relation of the phalanges in the hand and It can be imagined what happens to esthetics
fingers in the span. By the construction of a and beauty with teeth missing and collapsed
“golden divider”, an increase will always occur arches in the first premolar areas.
in the exact same proportion. When examined A second series of divine proportions was
with the golden divider, it is observed that each discovered in the teeth. Starting with the widths
phalange is a f relation to the next, and each of all four lower incisors (across the arch) as 1.0
two are a f relation to the last two segments value, a f relation to the tips of the upper canine
in the fingers. In fact, the body as a whole widths was found. A f2 relationship to the four
has been studied, and the total height can be lower incisors was found at the widths of the
sectioned into the golden proportion and it upper second molars. Therefore, the molar
170  Essentials of Orthodontics

width for the upper molars is 2.618 times the as 0.618 or 61.8 percent of the length of the
width of the arc of the four lower incisors in original dimension. It is still a golden relation,
great beauty. Thus, in the broad smile, there but termed a negative value. It may be more
is harmony from the lower to the upper arch convenient to describe the longer side first.
and harmony within the upper arch itself. The findings are as follows:
A third golden proportion was seen from 1. Corpus axis length f to condyle axis length
the distal aspect of the lower canines. This (to condyle tip).
measurement as a base revealed the lower 2. Anterior cranial fossa length SN to posterior
first molars at the mesial cusps to be in the cranial fossa length S Ba.
f relationship. Thus, the normal human den­ 3. Basal or cranial anterior base length (cc to
ti­t ion represents a concert of harmony— NO f to cranial center to articulare [ar]).
undoubtedly a factor in natural selection at 4. Length of the hard palate ANS-PNS f to
the subliminal level. depth of nasopharynx and point A to PNS
to posterior margin of the condyle neck.
Association of Divine Relations with 5. Anterior length of Frankfort plane (PtV to
Denture and Face orbitale) f to PtV to glenoid fossa (GL).
Any magazine will show smiling faces to 6. Vertical height of point A to Pm f to A to the
portray happiness with the product advertised. Frankfort plane.
Ten photographs were studied to test possible 7. Palate at incisive canal to menton f to
association. By dropping vertical lines from the canthus of eye.
lateral margin of the nose during the smile, the 8. Height of the lower incisor tip from Pm f to
nasal width was found almost consistently to distance of incisor tip to point A.
be the same as the upper intercanine width
at the canine tips. However, the ala are drawn Divine Proportions in the Frontal
slightly outward in a broad smile. If this is true Cephalometric View
(and ten patients do not prove a complete The frontal proportions were determined from
theory), then the four lower incisors form a a computer composite of the adult sample. The
basic unit of 1.0 with f relations going to the width of transverse dimensions would apply
nose to the mouth f2 to the eyes f3 and the for the teeth except for greater enlargement
head f4. Lower incisor width would be 0.2360 in structures more distant from the film in
the width of the eyes. the posteroanterior exposure. Certain golden
relationships were found in the upper, middle,
Analysis of the Cephalometric Matrix and lower face.
Extensive computer research and clinical In the upper face, the distance from point
analysis kept pointing to the use of certain Z at the lateral border of the orbit at the zygo­
points and planes for reference, not only for matofrontal suture to the medial border of the
convenience but also for biologic significance. orbit (or point dacryon) was golden to the inter­
With all these golden associations in the soft- dacryon distance. This makes the bridge of the
tissue face and hard-tissue teeth, the next issue nose a congruent area between the two orbits.
was the possible skeletal and dental relations. In the midface the distance between the
It will be remembered that the large unit widest points on the piriform aperture (at
used as a unit of 1.0 will show the smaller unit the anterior rim of the nasal cavity) formed
Orthodontic Diagnosis  171

a congruent area between the width of the the left and right medial limbs. Face is divided
mandible at a level which was called lateral into fifths all being equal.
articular (Lar), at the crossing of the condyle
neck with the outline of the zygoma. Thus, a f Examination of Lips
relationship was found from the nose to each Ideally at rest, 2 mm of upper incisors should
lateral part of the face. In turn, the maxilla be exposed and on smiling only a small
between J points was f2 or 2.618 to the piriform amount of gingival is exposed. An excessive
aperture, which made the interarticular vertical development of the maxilla or a short
distance f3 or 4.236 times the nasal width. upper lip leads to a gummy smile.
A golden rectangle was observed from the
maximum width of the nose (NC) as related to Examination of Facial Profile
the floor of the nose to the zygomaticofrontal Examination of the facial profile helps in
suture line which approximates dacryon and diag­nosing gross deviation in the maxillo-
is close to nasion. mandibular relation; profiles can be straight,
con­vex or concave. Convex profiles are usu­­
Visual Esthetic Examination ally a result of maxillary prognathism or
The routine examination carried out prior to mandibular retrognathism. Concave pro­files on
orthodontic treatment should include esthetic the other hand are usually due to mandibular
evaluation of the patient. The following prognathism or a retrognathic maxilla. Major
factors should be considered in the esthetic discrepancies in the profile can affect the
examination of a patient. esthetics of the patient.

Examination of Symmetry
The patient is examined for overall facial DIAGNOSTIC AIDS IN
symmetry. Almost all individuals exhibit mild ORTHODONTICS
asymmetry where in the left and the right side Comprehensive orthodontic diagnosis is
of the face may not be perfectly identical. Thus esta­bli­­­shed by use of certain clinical imple­
some amount of asymmetry is considered ments called diagnostic aids. Orthodontic
normal. But major asymmetries constitute diagnostic aids are of two types. They are the
esthetic impairment. essential diagnostic aids and the supplemental
diagnostic aids.
Examination of Facial Proportions
An esthetically pleasing face is usually propor­
tional. Such a face can be divided into three ESSENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC AIDS
equal vertical thirds using four horizontal
planes. The planes used are at the level of the 1. Case history
hairline, the supraorbital ridge, the base of the 2. Clinical examination
nose and the lower border of the chin. 3. Study models
In the vertical plane the intercanthal dis­ 4. Certain radiographs:
tance is equal to the alar nasal base width and i. Intraoral periapical radiographs
the margin is as wide as the distance between ii. Bite wing radiographs
172  Essentials of Orthodontics

iii. Panoramic radiographs (OPG) normal for that age. Thus knowing the age
5. Facial photographs. helps in identifying and anticipating these
conditions. In addition, there is certain
treatment modalities that are best carried out
SUPPLEMENTAL DIAGNOSTIC AIDS during the growing ages. Growth modification
procedures using functional and orthopedic
1. Specialized radiographs: appliances are carried out during the growth
i. Cephalometric radiographs period. Surgical resective procedures are best
ii. Occlusal intraoral films carried out after the cessation of growth.
iii. Lateral oblique views Sex: The patient sex should be recorded
iv. Cone shift technique. in the case history. This is important in
2. Electromyography planning treatment as the timing of growth
3. Hand wrist radiographs events such as growth spurts is different in
4. Endocrine tests males and females. Females usually precede
5. Estimation of basal metabolic rate males in onset of growth spurts, puberty and
6. Diagnostic setup termination of growth.
7. Occlusograms Address: Recording of the address helps
8. Physioprints. in evaluation of the socioeconomic status
of the patient and parents. This helps in
selection of an appropriate appliance. The
CASE HISTORY address and phone number also helps in
future correspondence such as to intimate
Case history involves and recording of relevant appointments.
information from the patient and parent to Occupation: Recording of occupation helps in
aid in the overall diagnosis of the case. The evaluation of the socioeconomic status of the
information is gathered from the patients and patient and parents. Occupation also helps in
parents. diagnosis of occupational diseases.

Personal Details Chief Complaints

Name: The patients name should be recor­ The patient’s chief complaint should be
ded for the purpose of communication, recorded in his or her own words. This helps
identification, and referral and recalling. the clinician in identifying the priorities and
Most patients like being called by their name. desires of the patient. Most patients seek
Addressing a patient by his or her name has orthodontic care for reasons of either esthetics
a beneficial psychological effect as well. It or impaired function. The duration of the
gets the patient to think that the clinician is chief complaints is also important in that the
interested in his well-being. In case of children duration of the existing malocclusion could
it is wise to record their pet names. be ascertained.
Age: The patient’s chronological age should
be recorded. Age consideration helps in Medical History
diagnosis as well as treatment planning. There Before orthodontic treatment is undertaken
are certain transient conditions that occur a full medical history is recorded. Fortunately
during development that are considered very few medical conditions contraindicate the
Orthodontic Diagnosis  173

use of orthodontic appliances. Most of these which can manifest as marked mandi­bular
conditions may require certain precautionary growth retar­dation.
measures to be taken prior to or during the
orthodontic therapy. It is advisable to delay Postnatal History
orthodontic treatment in patients suffering The postnatal history includes information on
from epilepsy until it is controlled. Patients the type of feeding, presence of habits and on
with history of blood dyscrasias may need the milestones of normal development.
special management if extractions are planned.
Diabetic patients can undergo orthodontic Family History
therapy if it is under control. Patients having Many malocclusions such as skeletal Class
rheumatic fever or cardiac anomalies require II, Class III malocclusions and congenital
antibiotic coverage. Children who are severely conditions such as clefts of lip and palate
handicapped either mentally or physically may are inherited. Thus the family history should
require special management. record details of malocclusion existing in other
The medical history should include infor­ members of the family.
mation on drug usage. The use of certain drugs
like aspirin may impede orthodontic tooth
movement. Patients who are suffering from CLINICAL AND GENERAL
acute, debilitating conditions such as viral EXAMINATIONS
fever should be allowed to recover prior to
initiating orthodontic treatment. The general examination comprises of the
general assessment of the patient. An obser­
Dental History vant clinician usually begins his general
The dental history of the patient should examination as soon as the patients enter the
include information on the age of eruption of clinic.
the deciduous and permanent teeth history
of extraction, decay, restorations and trauma Height and Weight
to the dentition. The past dental history helps The height and weight of the patient are recor­
in evaluation of patients and parents attitude ded. They provide a clue to the physical growth
towards orthodontic treatment. and maturation of the patient which may have
dentofacial correlation.
Prenatal History
The prenatal history should be asked to the Gait
parents. It should include information on the It is the way a person walks. Abnormalities of
condition of the mother during pregnancy and gait are usually associated with neuromuscular
the type of delivery. The use of certain drugs disorders which may have a dental correlation.
like thalidomide or affectation with some
infections during pregnancy like German Posture
measles can result in congenital deformities Posture refers to the way a person stands.
of the child. Information should be gathered Abnor­­mal postures can predispose to maloc­
on the type of delivery. Forceps delivery predi­ clusion due to alteration in maxillo-mandibular
sposes to tem­poro­mandibular joint injuries relationship.
174 Essentials of Orthodontics

Body Built (Physique) The head can be classified into one of the
It is possible to classify the physique into one following three types based on cephalic index
of the following three types: as:
i. Esthetic: They have a thin physique and i. Mesocephalic: Average shape of head.
usually posses narrow dental arches. They have normal dental arches.
ii. Plethoric: They are persons who are ii. Dolichocephalic: Long and narrow head.
obese. They generally have large, square They have narrow dental arches.
dental arches. iii. Brachycephalic: Broad and short head.
iii. Athletic: They are considered normally They have broad dental arches.
built, being neither thin nor obese. They
have normal sized dental arches. Classification
Sheldon has classified the general body Dolichocephalic (long skull) x – 75.9
build into three types: Mesocephalic 76 – 80.9
i. Ectomorphic: Tall and thin physique. Brachycephalic (short skull) 81– 85.4
ii. Mesomorphic: Average physique. Hyperbrachycephalic 85.5 – x
iii. Endomorphic: Short and obese phy­ Facial form: A simple way of describing the face
sique. is to classify it as either round, oval, or square.
A more scientific classification is to classify face
Extraoral Examination into the following three types:
i. Mesoprosopic: It is an average or normal
Shape of the Head face form.
Cephalic index: Cephalic Index (Fig. 5.1) is the ii. Euryprosopic: This type of face is broad
ratio of maximal width of head and maximal and short.
depth of head. iii. Leptoprosopic: It is long and narrow face

Assessment of Facial Symmetry

The patient’s facial symmetry is examined
to determine disproportions of the face in
transverse and vertical planes. In most people
the right and left sides are not identical. Thus
mild degree of asymmetry is considered
Asymmetries that are gross and are
detected easily should be recorded. Gross
facial asymmetries can occur as a result
of congenital defects, hemifacial atrophy/
hypertrophy, unilateral condylar ankylosis and

Facial Profile (Figs 5.2A to C)

The facial profile is examined by viewing
Figure 5.1: Cephalic index the patient from the side. The facial profile
Orthodontic Diagnosis 175

Posterior divergent: A line drawn between the

forehead and chin slants posteriorly towards
Straight or orthognathic: The line between the
forehead and chin is straight or perpendicular
to the floor.
The facial divergence is to a large extent
influenced by the patients’ ethnic and racial

A B C Assessment of Anteroposterior
Figures 5.2A to C: Facial profile Jaw Relationship
The anteroposterior relationship between
helps in diagnosing gross deviations in the the upper and lower jaw can be assessed to a
maxillomandibular relationship. The profile is certain extent clinically. Ideally the maxillary
assessed by joining the following two reference skeletal base is 2 to 3 mm forward compared
lines: to the mandibular skeletal base when the
1. A line joining the forehead and the soft teeth are in occlusion. Estimation is done
tissue A point (deepest point in curvature by placement of the index and the middle
of upper lip). fingers at the soft tissue point A and point
2. A line joining soft tissue point A and the B respectively. This can also be done in the
soft tissue pogonion (most anterior point same way after retracting the lips. In skeletal
of the chin). Class II patients, the index finger is sufficiently
Based on the relationship between these anterior to the middle finger or the hand points
two lines, three types of profiles exist. upwards. In a skeletal Class III patient the
Straight profile: The two lines form a nearly middle finger is ahead of the forefinger or the
straight line. hand points downwards. In a normal patient
Convex profile: The two lines form an angle with Class I skeletal pattern the hand is at an
with the concavity facing the tissues. This even level.
kind of profile occurs in prognathic maxilla or
retrognathic mandible as seen in Class II cases. Assessment of Vertical Skeletal
Concave profile: The two reference lines Relationship
form an angle with the convexity towards the Normally the distance from a point between
tissues. This type of profile is associated with a the eyebrows to the junction of the nose with
prognathic mandible or a retrognathic maxilla upper lip will be equal to the distance from
as in a Class III malocclusion. the latter point to the under side of the chin.
Facial divergence: Facial divergence is defined A markedly reduced lower facial height is
as an anterior or posterior inclination of the associated with deep bites while increased
lower face relative to the forehead. Facial lower facial height is associated with anterior
divergence can be of three types. open bite.
Anterior divergent: A line drawn between The vertical skeletal relationship can also
forehead and chin is inclined anteriorly be assessed by studying the angle formed
towards the chin. between the lower border of the mandible and
176 Essentials of Orthodontics

the Frankfort horizontal plane (a line between Examination of Nose

the most superior point of external auditory The nose to a large extent contributes to the
meatus and inferior border of orbit). Normally esthetic appearance of the face.
the two planes intersect at the occipital region. Nose size: Normally the nose is one­third of the
In case the two planes meet beyond the total facial height (from hairline to the lower
occipital region, it indicates a low angle case border of chin).
or a horizontal growing face. If the two planes Nasal contour: The shape of the nose can be
meet anterior to the occipital region it indicates straight, convex or crooked as a result of nasal
a high angle case or a vertical growing face. injuries.
Nostrils: They are oval and should be bilaterally
Evaluation of Facial Proportions symmetrical. Stenosis of the nostrils may
A well­proportioned face can be divided indicate impaired nasal breathing.
into three equal vertical thirds using four Fomon and Bell described three major
horizontal planes at the level of the hairline, categories of nasal features according to racial
the supraorbital ridge, the base of the nose and background:
the inferior border of chin. Within the lower 1. Leptorrhine: Usually found in whites and
face, the upper lip occupies one­third of the characterized by a long, high, narrow nose
distance while the chin occupies the rest two­ and nostrils.
thirds (Figs 5.3A and B). 2. Mesorrhine: Usually found in Asians and
characterized by lack of dorsal height and
collumellar support.
3. Platyrrhine: Usually found in blacks and
characterized by a flat broad nose and wide

Examination of Chin (Fig. 5.4)

Mentolabial sulcus: The mentolabial sulcus
is a concavity seen below the lower lip. Deep
mentolabial sulcus is seen in Class II division 1
malocclusion while it is shallow in bimaxillary
Mentalis activity: Normally the mentalis mus­
cle does not show any contraction at rest.

Figures 5.3A and B: Facial proportions Figure 5.4: Mentolabial sulcus
Orthodontic Diagnosis 177

Figure 5.5: Nasolabial angle

Hyperactive mentalis muscle activity is seen in

some malocclusions such as Class II division 1
cases. It causes puckering of the chin. Figure 5.6: Lips examination
Chin position and prominence: Prominent
chin is usually associated with Class III malo­ by active contraction of the perioral and men­
cclusion while recessive chins are common in talis muscles.
Class II malocclusion. Potentially incompetent lips: They are normal
lips that fail to form a lip seal due to proclined
Nasolabial Angle (Fig. 5.5) upper incisors.
It is the angle formed between the lower Everted lips: They are hypertrophied lips with
border of the nose and a line connecting the weak muscular tonicity.
intersection of nose and upper lip with the
tip of the lip (labrale superioris). This angle is Intraoral Examination
normally 110°. It reduces in patients having
proclined upper anteriors or prognathic maxilla. Examination of Tongue
It increases in patients with retrognathic maxilla Abnormalities of the tongue can upset the
or retroclined maxillary anteriors. muscle balance and equilibrium leading to
malocclusion. Presence of an excessively large
Examination of Lips (Fig. 5.6) tongue is indicated by the presence of imprints
Normally the upper lip covers the entire labial of the teeth on the lateral margins of the tongue
surface of upper anteriors except the incisal 2 giving it a scalloped appearance.
to 3 mm. The lower lip covers the entire labial A patient whose tongue can reach the tip
surface of the lower anteriors and 2 to 3 mm of the nose is said to have a long tongue. The
of the incisal edge of the upper anteriors. Lips lingual frenum should be examined for tongue
can be classified into the following four types: tie. In patients having tongue tie there is an
Competent lips: The lips are in slight contact alteration in the resting tongue position as well
when the musculatures are relaxed. as impairment of tongue movements.
Incompetent lips: They are morphologically Gag reflex is the next factor. It is elicited by
short lips which do not form a lip seal in a tongue depression. Individuals extremely
relaxed state. The lip seal can only be achieved sensitive to tongue depression are often found
178  Essentials of Orthodontics

to have inflamed tonsils which may not be Examination of Frenal Attachments

enlarged. But it still causes a lower and forward The maxillary labial frenum can at times be
tongue posture eliminating support for thick, fibrous and attached relatively low. Such
development of normal maxillary arch width. an attachment prevents the two maxillary
central incisors from approximating each other
Examination of Palate thereby predisposing to maxillary midline
The palate should be examined for the follow­ diastema.
ing findings: Abnormal frenal attachments are diagnosed
i. Variation in palatal depth occurs in by blanch test where the upper lip is stretched
asso­ci­ation with variation of facial form. upwards and outwards for a period of time.
Most dolichofacial patients have deep The presence of blanching in the region of the
palates. inter-dental papilla is diagnostic feature of an
Palatal vault: The height and contour abnormal frenum.
of palatal vault is the most important An abnormally high attachment of the
feature. It is determined in order to mandibular labial frenum can cause recession
decide whether to treat the case with of the gingival in that area.
expansion procedure or not.
ii. Presence of swelling in the palate can be Examination of Tonsils and Adenoids
indicative of an impacted tooth presence The size and degree of inflammation if any of
of cysts or other bony pathologies. the tonsils should be examined. Abnormally
iii. Mucosal ulceration and indentations is inflamed tonsils cause alteration in tongue
a feature of traumatic deep bite. and jaw posture thereby upsetting the orofacial
iv. Presence of clefts in the palate is asso­ balance to malocclusion.
ciated with discontinuity of the palate. Adenoid tissue can be examined clinically
v. The third rugae is usually in line with the by moving the uvula to one side using a dental
canines. This is useful in the assessment mirror. The dental mirror is then tilted above
of maxillary anterior proclination. the posterior level of hard palate. But it is best
viewed in a lateral cephalograms which are
Examination of Gingiva and Periodontium routinely used by orthodontists.
The gingival should be examined for inflam­
mation, recession and other muco­gingival Assessment of the Teeth and Dentition
lesions. Presence of poor oral hygiene is The dental system is examined and the
usually associated with generalized marginal following details are recorded:
gingivitis. It is very common to find anterior i. Number of teeth present.
marginal gingivitis in mouth breathers due ii. Teeth unerupted, impacted and missing.
to dryness of the mouth caused by the open iii. Presence of dental caries, restorations,
lip posture. Presence of traumatic occlusion malformations, hypoplasias, wear and
is indicated by localized gingival recession. discoloration.
Abnormally hyperplastic gingival is seen in iv. The patient is asked to close the jaws in
patients using certain drugs like Dilantin. centric occlusion and the molar relation
Orthodontic Diagnosis 179

is determined. This is described as

Angle’s Class I, II, III (Figs 5.7 to 5.11).
v. The overjet (Fig. 5.12) and overbite
(Fig. 5.13) which represent the hori­
zontal and vertical overlap of the upper
and lower anterior teeth are recorded.
Variations such as increased overjet,
deep bite, open bite and cross bite
should be recorded.

Figure 5.8: Angle’s Class II

Figure 5.7: Angle’s Class I Figure 5.9: Angle’s Class II division 1

Figure 5.10: Angle’s Class II division 2

180 Essentials of Orthodontics

vi. Transverse malrelations such as poster­

ior cross bite and shift in the upper or
lower midlines should be looked for.
vii. Individual tooth irregularities such as
rotations, displacements, intrusion and
extrusion are noted.
viii. The upper and lower arches are examined
to study their arch form and symmetry
(Fig. 5.14). Arch forms can be normal,
narrow (V­shaped) or square.
ix. Curve of Spee should be measured with
Figure 5.11: Angle’s Class III
scale in the lower arch (Fig. 5.15).


It is now established that normal function of

the stomatognathic system promotes nor­
mal growth and development of the orof­
acial complex. Improper functioning of the
stomatognathic system can result in various
Orthodontic diagnosis should not be restri­
cted only to static evaluation of the teeth and
Figure 5.12: Overjet is the horizontal relation of upper their supporting structures but should include
and lower incisors the examination of the various functional units

Figure 5.13: Overbite is the vertical relation of upper Figure 5.14: Examination of symmetry
and lower incisors
Orthodontic Diagnosis 181

space exists between the upper and lower jaws.

This space is called the interocclusal clearance or
the freeway space. Normally the freeway space is
3 mm in the canine region.
There are various methods of assessing the
postural rest position. During examination, the
patient should be seated upright, with the back
unsupported and asked to look straight ahead.
The following are some of the methods used to
record the postural rest position:
Figure 5.15: Curve of Spee Phonetic method: The patient is asked to repeat
some consonants like ‘M’ or ‘C’ or repeat a
of the stomatognathic system. The functional word like ‘Mississippi’. The mandible returns
examination should include the following: to the postural rest position 1 to 2 seconds
after the exercise. The patient is told not to
Assessment of Postural Rest Position change the jaw, lip or tongue position after the
and Interocclusal Clearance phonation, as the dentist parts the lips to study
The postural rest position is the position of the the interocclusal space.
mandible at which the muscles that close the Command method: The patient is asked to
jaws are those that open them are, in a state of perform certain functions such as swallowing.
minimal contraction to maintain the posture The mandible tends to return to rest position
of the mandible. At the postural rest position, a following this act.

Features Class II division 1 Class II division 2

1. Profile Convex Straight to mild convexity
2. Lips
a. Upper Short Normal
b. Lower Everted Normal
c. Competency Incompetent Competent
3. Mentolabial sulcus Deep Deep or normal
4. Mentalis muscle Hyperactive ­
5. Malar process Not prominent Prominent
6. Lower facial height Normal or increased Decreased
7. Arch form “V” shaped Square, “U” shaped
8. Palate Deep Normal
9. Incisors Proclined Centrals are retroclined
10. Overjet Increased Decreased
11. Overbite Deep overbite Closed bite
12. Crown root Normal angulation Axis of crown and root are bent and
is referred to as column angle
13. Path of closure Normal Backward
14. Interocclusal clearance Normal/increased/decreased Increased
182 Essentials of Orthodontics

Noncommand method: The patient is observed

as he speaks or swallows. The patient is not
aware that he is being examined. This is usually
carried out by talking about topics unrelated
to the patient while carefully observing him
or her. There are various methods employed
to measure the interocclusal clearance. The
following are some of them:
Direct intraoral method: Vernier calipers can
be used directly in the patients’ mouth in the
canine or the incisor region to measure the
freeway space.
Direct extraoral method: Two marks are placed
one on the nose and other on the chin in the
Figures 5.16A and B: Difference between true and
mid­sagittal plane. The distance between pseudo Class III
these two points is measured after instructing
the patient to remain at rest position. Later
True Pseudo
the patient is asked to occlude the teeth and Features
Class III Class III
the distance between the two points is again
1. Profile Concave Straight to concave
measured. The difference between the two 2. Etiology Hereditary Habitual/ develop­
readings is the freeway space. mental
Indirect extraoral method: The interocclusal 3. Premature Absent Present
space is determined in a radiograph or by contacts
Kinesiography. Two lateral cephalograms, at 4. Path of closure Forward Deviated
5. Gonial angle Increased/ Normal
rest position and other in centric occlusion can
help establish the freeway space. 6. Retrusion Not possible Possible
of mandible
Evaluation of Path of Closure further
The path of closure is the movement of the 7. Treatment Orthopedic Elimination of
or surgical prematurities,
mandible from rest position to habitual replacement of lost
occlusion. Abnormalities of the path of closure posterior teeth
are seen in some forms of malocclusions. 8. Left untreated No further Becomes
Forward path of closure: A forward path of changes established into
true Class III
closure occurs in patients with mild skeletal
prenormalcy or edge to edge incisor contact
as in cases of pseudo Class III cases (Figs 5.16A Backward path of closure: Class II division 2
and B). In such patients, the mandible is gui­ cases exhibit premature incisor contact due
ded to a more forward position to allow the to retroclined maxillary incisors. Thus the
mandibular incisors to go labial to the upper mandible is guided posteriorly to establish
incisors. occlusion.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 183

Lateral path of closure: Lateral deviation of c. Smile arc

the mandible to the left or the right side is d. Relation between gingival margins of
associated with occlusal prematurities and a maxillary incisors and upper lip.
narrow maxillary arch. 2. Transverse characteristics:
a. Arch form
Smile Analysis (Fig. 5.17) b. Buccal corridor
Smile is one of important emotions of face. c. Transverse cant of maxillary arch.
Smile is produced by the elevation of the
upper lips. Assessment of Respiration
The upper and lower lips frame the display Humans may exhibit three types of breathing
zone of the smile. Within this framework, the nasal, oral and oronasal.
components of the smile are the teeth and the A number of simple tests exist that can be
gingival scaffold. employed to diagnose the mode of respiration.
Frontally smile can be visualized in 2 Observation: Study the patients breathing
dimension—vertical and transverse: pattern unobserved. Nasal breathers usually
1. Vertical characteristics: hold the lips touching lightly during relaxed
a. Incisor display breathing. Whereas in the mouth breathers
b. Gingival display lips are parted during breathing.

Figure 5.17: Smile analysis

184 Essentials of Orthodontics

Mirror test: A double sided mirror is held the maxillary tuberosity right above the
between the nose and the mouth. Fogging on occlusal plane and the palmar surface of the
the nasal side of the mirror indicates nasal finger directed medially towards the pterygoid
breathing while fogging towards the oral side hamulus.
indicates oral breathing. A stethoscope is used to check for signs
Mouth mirror test: Hold a mouth mirror infront of clicking and crepitus. A stereostethoscope
of the nostrils and in the mouth, in nasal is better because it allows the operator to
breathers the mirror gets clogged when shown determine the magnitude and timing of
in front of nose and it clogged near mouth in abnormal sounds for each joint simultan­
mouth breathers. eously.
Cotton test: A butterfly shaped piece of cotton The examinations are performed by having
is placed over the upper lip below the nostrils. the patient open and close the jaw into full
If the cotton flutters down it indicates nasal occlusion. If clicking or crepitus is noted, the
breathing. This test can be used to determine patient is asked to bite forward into incision
unilateral nasal blockage. and then repeat the opening and closing
Water test: The patient is asked to fill his mouth movements. Most often sounds disappear in
with water and retain it for a period of time. the protruded position.
While nasal breathers accomplish this with The patient is examined for symptoms
ease, mouth breathers find the task difficult. of temporomandibular joint problems such
Deep breath exercise: In nasal breathers the as clicking, crepitus, pain of the masti­
external nares dilate during inspiration. In catory muscles, limitation of jaw movement,
mouth breathers, there is either no change in hypermobility and morphological abnor­
the external nares or they may constrict during malities.
inspiration. The maximum mouth opening is deter­
mined by measuring the distance between the
Examination of Temporomandibular maxillary and mandibular incisal edges with
Joint the mouth wide open. The normal interincisal
The functional examination should routinely distance is 40 to 45 mm (Fig. 5.18).
include auscultation and palpation of the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the
musculature associated with mandibular
The condyle and fossa are palpated with
index finger during opening and closing
maneuvers. The posterior surface can be
palpated by inserting the little finger in the
external auditory meatus. The condyles can
thus be checked for tenderness, synchrony of
action and coordination of relative position in
the fossae.
Palpation of the lateral pterygoid muscle
area is done by placing the forefinger behind Figure 5.18: Maximum mouth opening
Orthodontic Diagnosis  185

Evaluation of Swallowing the tongue and lips. This should be observed

In newborn, the tongue is relatively large and while conversing with the patient. The patient
protrudes between the gum pads and takes can be asked to read out from a book or asked
part in establishing the lip seal. This kind to count from 1 to 20 while observing the
of swallow is called infantile swallow and is speech. Patient can also be asked to read loud
seen till 1½ to 2 years of age. Infantile swallow or repeat a sentence. Patient can be asked to
is replaced by the mature swallow as the play song of six pence and sound and tongue
buccal teeth start erupting. The persistence are observed.
of the infantile swallowing can be cause for Patients having tongue thrust habit tend to
malocclusion. Thus the swallowing pattern lisp while cleft palate patients may have a nasal
of the individual should be examined. The tone.
persistence of infantile swallow is indicated
by protrusion of tip of tongue, contraction of
perioral muscles during swallowing and no ORTHODONTIC STUDY MODELS
contact at the molar region during swallowing. (FIGS 5.19A TO D)
Normally the tongue rests on the occlusal
level within the arches, dorsum touching the Orthodontic study models are accurate plaster
palate and the tip of the tongue rest in lingual reproduction of the teeth and their surrounding
fossa. soft tissues. They are an essential diagnostic aid
Methods of examination of swallowing: that makes it possible to study the arrangement
Observe the posture of the tongue while the of teeth and the occlusion from all the three
mandible is in postural position unnoticed. dimensions. Lingual occlusion can only be
In normal swallow the mandible rises as the viewed from study models.
teeth are brought together during swallow and The uses of study models include:
the lips tough lightly without any contraction 1. They enable the study of the occlusion from
of facial muscles. all aspects.
Place a hand over temporalis muscle, give 2. They enable accurate measurements to
a little water to the patient ask him to swallow, be made in a dental arch. They help in
contraction of temporalis is felt in normal measurement of arch length, arch width
swallow no temporalis contraction is present and tooth size.
in tongue thruster. 3. They help in assessment of treatment
Retract the lower lip using tongue depressor progress by the dentist as well as the
or mouth mirror ask the patient to swallow. patient.
Normal swallowers can complete command, 4. They help in assessing the nature and
but those with tongue thrusting habit will have severity of malocclusion.
the swallow inhibited by depression of the lips 5. They are helpful in motivation of the patient
since strong mentalis and lip contractions are and to explain the treatment plan as well
needed for mandibular stabilization in the as progress to the patient and parents.
teeth apart swallow. 6. It makes it possible to simulate treatment
on the case such as mock surgery.
Speech 7. Study models are useful to transfer records
Certain malocclusions may cause defects in in case the patient is to be treated by
speech due to interference with movement of another clinician.
186 Essentials of Orthodontics


Figures 5.19A to D: Orthodontic study models

Ideal Requirements of an pleasing to the eye. This enables instant

Orthodontic Study Model identification of asymmetries in the arch
Orthodontic study models should fulfill the form.
following criteria: iii. The models are to be trimmed in such
i. The models should accurately reproduce a way that when placed on their backs,
the teeth and their surrounding soft they are accurately reproducing the
tissues without any distortion. occlusion.
ii. The models are to be trimmed in such a iv. The study models should have a clean,
manner that they are symmetrical and smooth and nodule­free surface.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  187

v. The study models should not only depict teeth and the tray. Use of trays that are too
the teeth but should also reproduce as wide or too narrow invariably causes soft
much of the alveolar process as possible. tissue distortion and therefore results in
inaccurate study models.
Parts of a Study Model Irreversible hydrocolloids (Alginate)
Orthodontic study models consists of two are widely used for impression making.
parts: During the procedure, the patient is seated
1. Anatomic portion: Anatomic portion is in a vertical position to avoid entry of the
that post of the study model which is the impression material into the pharynx.
actual impression of the dental arch and 2. Disinfecting the impression: The impre­
its surrounding structures. This portion is ssions are rinsed thoroughly in water and
usually made of stone plaster. are disinfected to free them of micro­
2. Artistic portion: Artistic portion of the organisms, plaque and other oral secretions
study model consists of a plaster base that that may be present on them. Disinfection
supports the anatomic portion. This portion can be done by soaking the impression
of the study model helps in depicting the in a disinfectant solution such as Biocide
actual orientation and occlusion of the (Glutaraldehyde). After disinfection the
study models and also gives a pleasing and impressions are once again rinsed in water
symmetrical appearance to the models. to clear them of any residual disinfectant.
In a well-fabricated the ratio of the anatomic 3. Casting the impression: The impressions
portion to artistic portion should be 3:1. obtained are casted using orthodontic
stone or model stone. It is beneficial to
Steps in Construction of use some form of vibrator to eliminate
Orthodontic Study Models incorporation of air bubbles.
1. Impression making: Obtaining a good 4. Basing and trimming of the cast: Once
impression of the hard and soft tissues of the the anatomic area of the study models
dentoalveolar region is an important factor are poured, the artistic portion of the
in the proper fabrication of orthodontic study casts is built to form a base over the
study casts. The impressions should extend anatomic portion. To help in making the
to the limits of the buccal sulcus and into base, rubber base formers are available.
the lingual sulcus of the lower arch. The Once the anatomic portion of the model
maxillary impression should cover the hard is poured, the impression tray is turned
palate but should not extend on to the soft upside down and pushed into the plaster
palate. filled into the base former. The plaster
It is recommended to use high flange base is allowed to set for 30 to 60 minutes.
orthodontic trays that extend deep into The trimming of the base is a meticulous
the buccal and lingual sulcus. This is an task that contributes to the beauty of the
important consideration as orthodontic models. The trimming of the orthodontic
study models should reproduce as much model is done on an electric plaster
of the supporting structures as possible. trimming machine having a medium grit
The trays selected should include the carborundum wheel.
last erupted molars and a clearance of Step I: The base of the mandibular case
around 3 mm should exist between the should be parallel to the occlusal plane.
188  Essentials of Orthodontics

The lower model is inverted over a ‘T’ Step VIII: The buccal cuts are made on the
shaped piece of rubber and a marking maxillary cast 5 mm away from the buccal
is circumscribed all around the base of surface of the most posterior teeth. The
the model using a marker mounted on a buccal cuts should be 65° to the back of the
vertical stand. Once the marking is made, maxillary cast.
the base of the cast is trimmed upto the Step IX: The anterior cuts are made on
marking. the maxillary cast. The cuts on either side
Step II: The mandibular model is trimmed should be of equal length and should lie 5
perpendicular to the midline. The back of to 6 mm ahead of the labial surface of the
the model should also be 90° to the base of anterior teeth. The anterior cuts on either
the model. While trimming the back care side should meet at the midline of the cast
should be taken to leave 5 mm of the plaster and should extend till the midline of the
base distal to the most posterior teeth. canine. The anterior cuts are made 30° to
Step III: Occlude the upper and lower the back of the cast.
models together and trim the maxillary Step X: The posterior cuts of the maxillary
backs surface, so that the maxillary back cast are made in such a way that they
is in flush with the mandibular back. are in flush with the posterior cuts of the
Step IV: The upper and lower models are mandibular cast. This is done by occluding
occluded together and are placed on their the models and trimming the maxillary
backs on the model trimmer. The base of posterior cuts till they are in line with the
the maxillary cast is trimmed to that it is mandibular posterior cuts.
parallel to the base of the lower model. 5. Finishing and polishing: The artistic por­
At the end of this step, the bases of the tion of the dental cast is polished using fine
maxillary and the mandibular casts are grained sand paper. Care should be taken
parallel to each other and to the occlusal not to round off the edges of the models.
plane and the back of both the upper and The final polishing of the casts is done
lower casts are at right angles to the bases. by placing them in soap solution for one
Step V: The buccal cuts are made on the hour. The casts are removed from the soap
mandibular cast 5 to 6 mm away from the bath and are rinsed under warm water.
buccal surface of the posterior teeth. The The casts are then allowed to dry and are
buccal cuts are to be made 60° to the back buffed so that they acquire a smooth and
of the model. shiny appearance.
Step VI: The anterior segment of the lower
arch is trimmed into a curve that follows Gnathostatic Models
the curvature of the lower anterior teeth. Gnathostatic models were devised by Simon in
The anterior curve should be 5 to 6 mm 1926 for the purpose of Simon’s classification
away from the labial surface. of malocclusion.
Step VII: The posterior cuts of the They are orthodontic study models where
mandibular model are trimmed at approxi­ the base of the maxillary cast is trimmed
mately 115° to the back of the model. The to corr­e s­p ond to the Frankfort horizontal
linear measurement of the posterior cuts plane. Gnathostatic model allows us readily
should be 13 to 15 mm. to visualize the angulation of teeth to the
Orthodontic Diagnosis 189

Frankfort horizontal plane. Special equipment Pont’s Analysis

called Gnathostat is required to fabricate these Pont in 1909 suggested a method for deter­
models. mination of the dental arch width from
Model analysis involves the study of the combined mesiodistal width of upper central
maxillary and mandibular dental arches in and lateral incisors 21|12.
all the three planes of space and is a valuable Pont’s analysis helps in determining
tool in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment whether the dental arch is narrow or is normal.
planning (Fig. 5.20). It also helps in determining the need for lateral
arch expansion and how much expansion
Classification possible in premolar and molar regions.

Permanent Dentition Model Analysis Procedure

1. Pont’s analysis i. Measure the mesiodistal width of four
2. Linderharth’s analysis maxillary incisors. They are summed up
3. Korkhaus analysis this value is called sum of incisors (SI)
4. Arch perimeter analysis ii. Measure the arch width in premolar
5. Bolton tooth size ratio region from distal pit of right premolar
6. Carey’s analysis to distal pit of left premolar. This is the
7. Ashley Howe’s analysis measured premolar value (MPV) (Fig.
8. Peck and Peck index. 5.21)
iii. Measure the arch width in first molar
Mixed Dentition Model Analysis region from mesial pit of right molar
1. Moyer’s mixed dentition analysis to mesial pit of left molar. This is the
2. Huckaba’s analysis measured molar value (MMV) (Fig.
3. Hixon and Oldfather’s analysis 5.21)
4. Tanaka Johnston analysis iv. Calculate arch width in premolar region
5. Nance Carey’s analysis using the formula:
6. Total space analysis. SI 100

Figure 5.20: Model analysis Figure 5.21: Intercanine and intermolar width
190 Essentials of Orthodontics

v. Calculate arch width in molar region to determine the calculated premolar and
using the formula: molar value.
SI 100 SI ¥ 100
Arch width in premolar region:
64 80
vi. Inference: If the calculated value is SI ¥ 100
Arch width in molar region:
greater than measured value then the 64
arch is narrow for the sum of incisors
width and needs expansion. Korkhau’s Analysis
If the measured value is greater than the This analysis is also similar to Pont’s analysis.
calculated value then the arch is wider for the It makes use of the Linderharth’s formula
sum incisor width and there is no scope for to determine the ideal arch width in the
expansion (Fig. 5.22). premolar and molar region. In addition, this
Drawbacks analysis utilizes a measurement made from
i. This is done for French population the midpoint of the interpremolar line to a
ii. Does not consider alignment of teeth point in between the two maxillary incisors.
iii. Does not consider the malformations of According to Korkhaus, for a given width of
teeth (e.g. peg lateral incisors). upper incisors a specific value of the distance
between the midpoint of interpremolar line to
Linderharth’s Analysis the point between the two maxillary incisors
This analysis is very similar to Pont’s analysis should exist. An increase in this measurement
except that a new formula has been proposed denotes proclined upper anterior teeth while
a decrease in this value denotes retroclined
upper anteriors.

Carey’s Analysis
Many malocclusions occur as a result of
discrepancy between arch length and tooth
material. Carey’s analysis helps in detemining
the extent of the discrepancy. It is performed
on the lower cast. The same analysis on the
upper cast is called archperimeter analysis.

Determination of Arch Length

The arch length anterior to the first permanent
molar is measured using a soft brass wire. The
wire is placed touching the mesial surface of
the first permanent molar of one side and is
passed over the buccal cusps of the premolars
and along the anteriors and is continued on the
opposite side in the same way upto the medial
surface of the opposite first permanent molar.
In case of proclined anteriors the wire is passed
Figure 5.22: Measurement of arch circumference along the cingulum of anterior teeth. If the
Orthodontic Diagnosis 191

anterior teeth are retroclined, the brass wire

in the anterior segment passes labial to the
teeth. If the anterior teeth are well­aligned the
wire passes over the incisal edge of anteriors.

Determination of Tooth Material

The mesiodistal width of the teeth anterior to
the first molars (second premolar to second
premolar) is measured and summed up.

Determination of the Discrepancy

The discrepancy refers to the difference
between the arch length and tooth material.

i. If the discrepancy is 0 to 2.5 mm, it
indicates minimal tooth material excess.
In such cases, proximal stripping can be
carried out to reduce the tooth material.
ii. If the discrepancy is between 2.5 to
5 mm, it indicates the need to extract the
second premolars.
iii. A discrepancy of more than 5 mm
Figures 5.23A and B: Bolton’s index
indicates the need to extract the first

Bolton’s Analysis second permanent molars is measured and

Tooth size is an important factor to be taken summed up.
into consideration in orthodontic diagnosis Sum of mandibular 6 teeth: The mesiodistal
and treatment planning. According to Bolton width of all the teeth mesial to the mandibular
there exists a ratio between the mesiodistal first premolars is measured and summed up.
widths of maxillary and mandibular teeth. Sum of maxillary 6 teeth: The mesiodistal
Many malocclusions occur as a result of abnor­ width of all the teeth mesial to the maxillary
malities in tooth size. The Bolton’s analysis first premolars is measured and summed up.
helps in determining disproportion in size
between maxillary and mandibular teeth (Figs Determination of Overall Ratio
5.23A and B). According to Bolton, the sum of mesiodistal
Sum of mandibular 12 teeth: The mesiodistal widths of the mandibular teeth anterior to the
width of all the teeth mesial to the mandibular second permanent molars is 91.3 percent the
second permanent molars is measured and mesiodistal width of the maxillary teeth mesial
summed up. to the second molars.
Sum of maxillary 12 teeth: The mesiodistal The overall ratio is determined using the
width of all the teeth mesial to the maxillary formulas
192  Essentials of Orthodontics

Sum of mandibular 12 teeth Moyer’s Mixed Dentition Analysis

Overall ratio = 100
Sum of maxillary 12 teeth The purpose of a mixed dentition analysis is
If the overall ratio is less than 91.3 percent, to evaluate the amount of space available in
it indicates maxillary tooth material excess or the arch for the erupting permanent canines
mandibular tooth material deficient. and premolars. In this analysis the size of the
The amount of maxillary excess is deter­ unerupted permanent cuspids and premolars
mined by using the formula: are predicted from the knowledge of the sizes
Sum of maxillary 12 teeth – sum of of certain permanent teeth already erupted
mandibular 12 teeth × 100 in the mouth. The Moyer’s mixed dentition
19.3 analysis predicts the combined mesiodistal
If overall ratio is more than 91.3%, it width of Permanent canine, first premolar
indicates mandibular tooth material excess of and second premolar based on the sum of the
maxillary tooth material deficient. The amount widths of the four lower permanent incisors.
of mandibular excess can be determined by the The mesiodistal widths of the four lower
formula: incisors are measured and summed up. The
Sum of mandibular 12 teeth – sum amount of space available for the permanent
of maxillary 12 teeth × 91.3 canine, first premolar and second premolar
100 after incisor alignment is determined by
measuring the distance between the distal
Determination of Anterior Ratio surface of lateral incisor and the mesial surface
The sum of mesiodistal width of the mandibular of first permanent molar.
anteriors should be 77.2 percent of the Based on the mesiodistal widths of the
mesiodistal width of the maxillary anteriors. four mandibular incisors, the expected width
The anterior ratio is determined using the of the canines, first and second premolars
following formula: are predicted by referring the probability
Sum of mandibular 6 teeth chart. While doing so, the 75 percent level of
Anterior ratio = × 100
Sum of maxillary 6 teeth probability is considered reliable.
If the anterior ratio is less than 77.2 percent, The predicted tooth size of permanent
it indicates maxillary anterior excess or canine, first premolar and second premolar
mandibular anterior deficient. The amount of is compared with the arch length available for
maxillary anterior excess is determined by the them so as to determine the discrepancy. If the
following formula. predicted value is greater than the available
Sum of maxillary 6 teeth – sum of arch length, crowding of teeth can be expected.
maxillary 6 teeth × 100 If the predicted value is less than available arch
77.2 length, spacing of teeth can be expected.
If the anterior ratio is more than 77.2
percent it indicates mandibular anterior excess Mixed Dentition Analysis—
or maxillary anterior deficient. The amount Radiographic Method
of anterior excess is determined using the This technique makes use of a radiograph as
formula: well as a study models to determine the width
Sum of mandibular 6 teeth – of the unerupted teeth.
Sum of maxillary 6 teeth Radiographic measurements of unerupted
× 77.2
100 teeth are by themselves unreliable due to
Orthodontic Diagnosis 193

the distortion that can occur. It is possible to space deficit or space surplus, and (2) a more
determine the measurements of the unerupted accurate differential diagnosis.
teeth by studying the teeth that have already
erupted in a radiograph and on a cast. The Anterior Space Analysis
following formula is used: Anterior space analysis includes the measure­
ment in millimeters of the space available in
X1 ´ Y2
Y1 = the mandibular arch from canine­to­canine
X2 and a measurement of the six anterior teeth
Where, mesiodistally. The difference is referred to
Y 1 = width of unerupted tooth whose as a surplus or a deficit. Tweed’s diagnostic
measurement is to be determined. facial triangle is also used to further analyze
Y 2 = width of unerupted tooth on the this area. A head film discrepancy, based on
radiograph. the amount of mandibular incisor uprighting
X1 = width of a tooth that has erupted that is needed to restore facial balance, is
measured on the cast. added to the anterior space measurement.
X2 = width of a tooth that has erupted The total, if a deficit, is referred to as anterior
measured on the radiograph. discrepancy. Anterior discrepancies are most
easily resolved, if they are the overriding
consideration of the malocclusion, by removal
TOTAL DENTITION SPACE of the first premolar teeth and by using the
ANALYSIS resulting space to move the canines distally
to obtain the space to upright and align the
Since the original diagnosis and treatment plan incisors.
must accept the dimensions of the denture
presented in the original malocclusion when Midarch Analysis
musculature is normal (i.e. Class I), a total The midarch area includes the mandibular first
dentition space analysis allows the clinician to molars and the second and first premolars.
develop a differential diagnosis that respects Careful analysis of this area can show mesially
the dimensions of the denture concept during inclined first molars, rotations, spaces, deep
the treatment planning process. Available curves of Spee, cross bites, missing teeth,
space can neither be created nor destroyed by habit abnormality, blocked out teeth, and
tooth movement. Orthodontics therefore is a occlusal disharmonies. This is an extremely
space management procedure. It is an attempt important area of the denture. Being in the
to balance tooth material most advantageously center of the arch, this area allows the easiest
with present and future space available. and most direct method of space management
All 32 teeth must be considered, as well as for malocclusion correction when it can be so
the anterior, posterior, vertical, and lateral used. Crowding, deep curves of Spee, end­on,
dimension of the denture. and Class II occlusions not accompanied by
Total dentition space analysis is divided anterior discrepancy, all indicate a need for
into three parts: (1) anterior, (2) midarch, and second premolar extraction in the lower arch.
(3) posterior. This division is made for two Careful measurement of the space from the
reasons: (1) simplicity in identifying the area of distal of the canine to the distal of the first
194  Essentials of Orthodontics

molar should be recorded as available midarch 4. Time of cessation of ramus resorption.

space. An equally accurate measurement of 5. Sex.
the mesiodistal width of the first premolar, 6. Age.
the second premolar, and the first molar must A review and study of the literature reveals
also be recorded. To this is added the space that a consensus of researchers suggests
required to level the curve of Spee. From these 3 mm of increase in the posterior denture area
measurements one can determine the space occurs per year until age 14 years for girls and
deficit or surplus in this area. age 16 years for boys. This is a 1.5 mm increase
Many diagnosticians have suggested that on each side per year after the full eruption of
they extract second premolar teeth to eliminate the first molars. In the mature patient, girls
facial retrusion. This is faulty reasoning. These beyond 15 years and boys beyond 16 years, one
cases have, as a rule, very little anterior discre­ can measure from the distal of the first molar to
pancy, and the second premolars are removed the anterior border of the ramus at the occlusal
because their space is most advantageously plane and have an accurate determination
used for the midarch problems that these of the space available in the posterior area.
cases usually demonstrate. The midarch It is of extreme importance to know whether
space analysis is critical in proper differential there is a surplus or deficit of space in this area
diagnosis. during diagnosis and treatment planning. It is
imprudent to create a posterior discrepancy
Posterior Space Analysis while making adjustments in other areas—the
The posterior denture area has great impor­ midarch, or in the anterior area. It is equally
tance, and has at times been ignored or imprudent not to use a posterior space surplus
mistreated by our specialty. The required to help alleviate midarch and anterior deficits.
space in the posterior space analysis is the The most easily recognizable symptom of a
mesiodistal width of the second molars and posterior deficit on the young patient is the late
the third molars in the mandibular arch. The eruption of the second molar. If space is not
available space is more difficult to ascertain available for this tooth by the age of its normal
on the immature patient. It is a measurement eruption, then one can pretty well ascertain
in millimeters of the space distal to the that there is a posterior space problem. A
mandibular first molars along the occlusal good lateral jaw radiograph can immediately
plane to the anterior border of the ramus, plus confirm the clinical observation by using the
an estimate of posterior arch length increase, above-mentioned guidelines.
based on both age and sex. In summary, a total space analysis that
There are certain variables that must analyzes the anterior, midarch, and posterior
be considered in estimating the increase in denture areas is a valuable diagnostic tool.
posterior space available. These variables are It enables the orthodontic specialist to treat
as follows: within the dimensions of the denture in the
1. Rate of mesioocclusal migration of the case with normal muscular balance. A total
mandibular first molar. dentition space analysis, used within the
2. Rate of resorption of the anterior border of dimensions of the denture framework, enables
the ramus. the orthodontist to make correct differential
3. Time of cessation of molar migration. diagnostic decisions.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  195

Diagnosis, by definition, is both subjective deficit so the first determination is a

and objective. Webster defines diagnosis decision on the anterior deficit.
as a “deter­mination of a disease from sym­ + to 3 mm
ptoms, data, or tests and the decisions and Nonextraction
judgments made prior to treatment”. Thus the 3 to 5 mm without crowding.
determination made in regard to whether, Extract: All third molars
when, and which teeth need to be eliminated 3 to 5 mm with Class II molar.
for proper space management is a differential Extract: Upper 4s and Lower 5s.
diagnostic process. When diagnostic guide­ 5 to 7 mm with upper anterior protrusion.
lines or decisions are suggested, they can Extract: Upper 4s and Lower 5s.
appropriately be called “one man’s opinion”. 5 to 7 mm
The following diagnostic space management Extract: All second premolars
guide­lines are suggested for use and should 8 to 15 mm
not be considered as rules. These space Extract: Upper 4s and lower 5s and any one
management suggestions are based on space molar on each side.
analysis only. Any complete diagnostic scheme Over 15 mm
has to consider the facial pattern and the Extract: Upper 4s and lower 5s and any one
skeletal pattern. molar on each side.
C. Posterior surplus or deficit: The space
analysis in this area is of great importance,
INFERENCE TO DEFICITS AND although in corrective procedures, anterior
DECISIONS and midarch deficits are overriding. The
posterior space must be carefully measured
Space management guidance: and protected. No orthodontic treatment is
A. Anterior surplus or deficit: + to -2 mm space complete until all decisions and treatment
management nonextraction procedures are completed in this area.
3 to 5 mm without crowding. + to -5 mm with good position of the third
Extract: All third molars molars. Await full development of the third
3 to 5 mm with crowding. molars.
Extract: All second premolars + to -5 mm with poor position of third
5 to 7 mm with less than 3 mm anterior molars. Extract: All third molars.
crowding. Note: Wait for maxillary third molars until
Extract: Upper 4s and Lower 5s age 16 years. Have the mandibular third
5 to 7 mm with more than 3 mm anterior molars removed immediately if other
crowding. treatment is necessary.
Extract: All first premolars 5 to 15 mm.
7 to 15 mm anterior deficit. Extract: All third molars.
Extract: All first premolars (Determine the timing of these third molar
16 mm and above. extractions in relationship to symptoms and
Extract: All first premolars and any one other treatment that is necessary).
molar on each side. Consistent, quality orthodontic treatment
B. Midarch surplus or deficit: An anterior results are based on fundamental concepts.
deficit or surplus overrides a midarch The concept of dimensions of the denture is
196  Essentials of Orthodontics

predicated on the conviction that the teeth Intraoral Radiographs

and their supporting structures should be in Three types of intraoral radiographs are comm­
a state of maximum environmental harmony only used. They are periapical, bitewing and
(dynamic equilibrium). Total dentition space occlusal projections.
analysis, based on the dimension of the Intraoral periapical radiographs (IOPA): They
denture concept, is a valuable tool that can are radiographs that are used to view the teeth
help the orthodontic specialist produce a and their supporting structures. Two intraoral
consistently high quality result that meets the projection techniques are used for periapical
needs and expectations of the patient. radiography they are:
i. Paralleling technique: This technique
is also called right angle or long cone
RADIOGRAPHS USED IN technique. In this technique, the X-ray
ORTHODONTIC DIAGNOSIS film is placed parallel to the long axis of
the teeth and the central ray of the X-ray
William Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays beam is directed at right angles to the
in 1895. There is no aspect of the medical teeth and film. This method is believed
field that is not influenced by this discovery. to reduce geometric distortions and is
Orthodontics is no exception. Radiographs therefore the preferred technique.
have established them­selves as a valuable tool ii. Bisecting angle technique: In this tech­
in orthodontic diagnosis. Radiographs are used nique, the central ray is directed at right
for the following purposes in orthodontics: angles to a plane bisecting the angle
1. To assess general development of the between the long axis of the teeth and
dentition; presence, absence and state of the film.
eruption of the teeth. Uses of intraoral periapical radiographs: Full
2. To establish the presence or absence of mouth intraoral periapical radiographs routi­
supernumerary teeth. nely taken prior to initiation of orthodontic
3. To determine the extent of root resorption treatment. The following are some of the uses
of deciduous tooth. of intraoral periapical radiographs:
4. To study the extent of root formation of the 1. To confirm the presence or absence of teeth.
permanent teeth. 2. To establish the presence or absence of
5. To confirm the presence and extent of supernumerary teeth.
pathological and traumatic conditions. 3. To assess the extent of calcification and root
6. To study the character of alveolar bone. formation of teeth.
7. They are a valuable aid in craniodentofacial 4. To confirm the presence and study the
analysis. extent of periapical pathology and root
8. To confirm the axial inclination of the roots fractures.
of teeth. 5. To study the alveolar bone and periodontal
9. To assess teeth those are morphologically ligament space.
abnormal. 6. To study the height and contour of alveolar
Radiographs routinely used for diagnosis in bone crest.
orthodontics can be classified into two types: 7. To assess the axial inclination of roots.
1. Intraoral radiographs 8. To detect retained root fragments and root
2. Extraoral radiographs. stumps.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 197

9. To detect the size and shape of unerupted arch, including the palate or floor of the
teeth. mouth. Occlusal radiographs are also useful
in patients who are unable to open the mouth
Disadvantages of Intraoral wide enough for periapical radiographs. It is
Periapical Radiographs possible to obtain occlusal projection of the
The following are some of the disadvantages upper as well as the lower arches.
of intraoral periapical films: The following are the uses of occlusal
1. Assessment of the entire dentition requires radiographs:
too many radiographs. 1. To locate impacted or unerupted teeth.
2. Children may not allow placement of 2. To locate supernumerary teeth.
intraoral films. 3. To locate foreign bodies in the jaws and
3. They cannot be used in patients having stones in salivary ducts.
high gag reflex and trismus. 4. To study buccolingual expansions of
cortical plate due to pathology of the jaws.
Advantages 5. To diagnose the presence and extent of
Although intraoral films have a number of fractures.
drawbacks they offer some advantages as 6. They are useful in orthodontics to study the
follows: effects of arch expansion procedures.
1. Low radiation dose.
2. Possible to obtain localized views of the Extraoral Radiographs
area of interest. Extraoral radiographs include all views made
3. They offer excellent clarity of teeth and their of the orofacial region with the film positioned
supporting structures. extra­orally. They are useful whenever large
areas of the face and skull are to be visualized.
Bite Wing Radiographs
Bite wing radiographs record the coronal part Panoramic Radiographs
of the upper and lower dentition along with (Orthopantomograms, OPG) (Fig. 5.24)
their supporting structures. The following are Panoramic radiographs enable viewing of both
some of the uses of bite wing radiographs: maxillary and the mandibular arches with their
1. To detect proximal caries. supporting structures. Thus a single image
2. To study the height and contour of inter­ covers a major part of the facial region. Uses
dental alveolar bone. of panoramic radiographs include:
3. To detect secondary caries below restor­
4. To detect overhangings proximal restor­
5. To detect periodontal changes.
6. To detect interproximal calculus.

Occlusal Radiographs
Intraoral occlusal radiographs enable viewing
of a relatively large segment of the dental Figure 5.24: Panoramic radiograph
198  Essentials of Orthodontics

1. They are useful in assessing the dental in the head is held in a predetermined position.
deve­lop­m ent by studying deciduous Cephalograms are also used for comparison of
root resorption and root development of serial radiographs.
permanent teeth. Cephalometric radiographs are of two
2. They can be used to view ankylosed and types:
impacted teeth. 1. Lateral cephalogram.
3. To study the path of eruption of teeth. 2. Posteroanterior cephalogram.
4. To diagnose the presence or absence of
multiple supernumerary teeth.
5. To diagnose the presence and extent of CEPHALOMETRICS
pathology and fractures of the jaws.
6. They are useful aids in serial extraction The assessment of craniofacial structures forms
procedures to study the status of erupting a part of orthodontic diagnosis. The earliest
teeth. method used to assess facial proportions was
7. They are useful in the mixed dentition by artistic standards with harmony, symmetry
period to study the status of unerupted and beauty as key points. Craniometry can be
teeth. said to be the forerunner of cephalometry.
The advantages of panoramic radiograph Craniometry involved measurements of
include: craniofacial dimensions of skulls of dead
1. A broad anatomic area can be visualized. persons. This method was not practical in
2. The patient radiation exposure is low. living individuals due to the soft tissue envelop
3. It can be used in patients who are unable which made direct measurements difficult and
to tolerate intraoral films or unable to open far less reliable.
the mouth. The discovery of X-rays in 1895 by Roent­
The following are the disadvantages of gen revolutionized dentistry. It pro­vided a
panoramic radiographs: method of obtaining the inner craniofacial
1. Distortions, magnifications and overl­ measurements with quite a bit of accuracy
apping of the structures occur. and reproducibility. In 1922, Paccini stand­
2. The teeth and the supporting periodontal ardized the radiographic head images
structures are not as clear as in periapical by positioning the subjects against a film
films. cassette at a distance of 2 meters from the
3. Inclination of anterior teeth cannot be X-ray source. In 1931, Broadbent of USA and
visualized. Hofrath in Germany simultaneously presented
4. Requires equipment that is expensive. a standardized cephalometric technique using
5. Whenever details of a particular area are a high powered X-ray machine and a head
needed they have to be supplemented by holder called Cephalostat.
other radiographs.
Types of Cephalograms
Cephalometric Radiographs Cephalograms can be of two types:
They are specialized skull radiographs in which i. Lateral cephalogram: This provides
the head is positioned in a specially designed lateral view of the skull.
head holder called cephalostat by means of ear ii. Frontal cephalogram: This provides an
rods. Thus it is standardized technique where anteroposterior view of the skull.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 199

Uses of Cephalograms The cephalostat consists of two ear rods that

Cephalometrics has established as one of prevent the movement of the head in the
the pillars of comprehensive orthodontic horizontal plane. Vertical stabilization of the
diagnosis. It is also a valuable tool in treatment head is brought about by an orbital pointer
planning and follows up of patients undergoing that contacts the lower border of the left orbit.
orthodontic treatment. The following are The upper part of the face is supported by the
some of the applications of cephalometrics in forehead clamp positioned above the region
orthodontics: of the nasal bridge. The distance between the
1. Cephalometrics helps in orthodontic X­ray source and the midsagittal plane of the
diagnosis by enabling the study of skeletal, patient is fixed at 5 feet or 60 inches (152.4 cm).
dental and soft tissue structures of the Thus the equipment helps in standardizing
craniofacial region. the radiographs by use of constant head
2. It helps in classification of the skeletal and position and source film distance so that serial
dental abnormalities and also helps in radiographs can be compared.
establishing facial type.
3. Cephalometrics helps in planning treat­ Film Interpretation
ment for an individual. The information content of a radiograph is a
4. It helps in evaluation of the treatment complex function of film/screen selection,
results by quantifying the changes brought technique factors, processing, and patient
about by treatment. anatomy. The first three of these parameters
5. Cephalometrics help in predicting the can be controlled and should be optimized
growth related changes and changes to ensure the best radiographic image with
associated with surgical treatment. the least patient exposure. However, once
6. Cephalometrics is a valuable aid in research a radiograph is processed the amount of
work involving the craniodentofacial information recorded in the image does not
region. change, but the amount of information that
can be retrieved from each image is greatly
Cephalostat (Fig. 5.25) affected by the circumstances under which
The cephalometric radiographs are taken using the film is viewed. Reduced ambient lighting,
an apparatus that consists of an X­ray source quiet surroundings, and the elimination of
and a head holding device called cephalostat. peripheral light improve visual acuity.
Kundel and Nodine have described two
modes of visual perception of radiographs.
First is “global perception” resulting from
rapid parallel processing of the entire retinal
image by means of pattern recognition and
rapid association with previously acquired
visual concepts. The second is “analytic
perception”, which is based on the extraction
of features from the incoming visual data and
the use of logical rules to combine them in
a meaningful way. This technique results in
Figure 5.25: Cephalostat a gradual buildup of the perception. They
200 Essentials of Orthodontics

suggest that experienced radiologists perceive cell nervous syndrome. Although the first two
abnormalities in a global manner and that observations had little impact on the patients’
specific features are perceived secondarily. health, the latter two findings could have had
The experienced orthodontist can often rapidly a serious negative effect on the patients’ well­
scan a cephalometric film and tell whether being if they had been overlooked (Fig. 5.26).
a patient has a dental or skeletal problem or
a combination of the two and what part of Cranium
the anatomy is contributing the most to the In evaluating the cranium, the method sugg­
problem. The cephalometric analysis usually ested by Meschan is recommended:
corroborates this global impression and 1. Calvarium and base: Initially, the size and
quantitates a qualitative judgment. shape of the calvarium and base should
Christensen and associates evaluated the be evaluated. Gooding reviews some
effect of search time on perception and found of the common morphometric indices
that obvious abnormalities are detected almost available and concludes that they are
instantaneously but that the overall number most valuable for following changes once
of abnormalities identified increased as the an abnormality has been identified and
viewing time increased. The number of visual that “with experience normal craniofacial
images that are immediately recognizable proportions at different age levels are
is a function of experience and the analytic appreciated, and deviation is recognized as
approach is necessary to evaluate those images an indication of intracranial abnormality”.
that represent uncommon findings. Even The calvarium is divided into three layers;
the experienced radiologist can be seriously the inner and outer tables are compact
misled and draw the wrong conclusion if bone and the middle table is cancellous.
pattern recognition is the primary mode of Thickness varies widely in individuals
radiographic interpretation. and this will be demonstrated as varying
Bisk and Lee reviewed 513 lateral cephalo­
metric head films. Eighteen films (3.5%)
were classified as having abnormalities or
pathosis present as follows: enlarged aden­
oids—5, failure of segmentation C4­CS—1,
impacted canine—1, interstitial emphy­
sema—1, osteoma—1, sinus polyp—1, and
sinusitis—8. Because abnormalities occur
infrequently, the orthodontist should carefully
search the cephalometric films for features that
would suggest disease and warrent further
investigation. Nanda, Merow, and Martin
reported four cases of significant abnormalities
that were incidental findings: (1) a foreign
object in the right nostril, (2) bilateral retention
cyst in the maxillary sinuses, (3) unusual
intrasellar cyst with a tooth or dermoid and,
(4) multiple cysts of the jaws as part of the basal Figure 5.26: Cephalogram
Orthodontic Diagnosis  201

radiodensities on the radiograph. The Sutures: The sutures form the articulation
thickest part of normal vault should not of the cranial bones. Many of the sutures
exceed 1 cm, after which some degree of are closed by the second year of life.
cerebral underdevelopment or systemic The sphenooccipital synchondrosis
disease should be suspected. begins to ossify at puberty; the coronal,
2. Lines, impressions, channels and sutures. lambdoidal, and sagittal sutures persist
Exam­ination of the inner surface of the through early adulthood. Premature
calvarium will show numerous lines, closure of the sutures may be a primary
impressions, and channels that reflect the defect, a component of other known
structure of the brain and its meningeal head and neck syndromes, or associated
covering. with metabolic, osseous, or hematologic
a. Meningeal vessel grooves: The arteries disorders. Sutural widening is usually
and veins of the meninges are closely a result of increased intracranial pre­
adapted to the inner table of the calvar­ ssure or destruction of bone at the
ium resulting in lines readily identifiable suture margins. Observation of any of
by their well-defined borders; smooth these findings warrants further studies
undulating course, and characteristic and consultation with the patient’s
location. The middle meningeal vessels physician is recommended. The coronal,
are usually the most prominent; they lambdoidal, and squamosal sutures can
begin at foramen spinosum and branch be seen on the lateral cephalograph;
out, tapering along the way. the sagittal and lambdoidal sutures
b. Diploic vein channels: The diploic veins and their junction, lambda, are seen on
are contained in channels within the the posteroanterior (PA) cephalogram.
cancellous bone of the middle table or The sutures appear as radiolucent
diplöe. They will appear as radiolucent serpentine lines in their anatomically
channels 2 to 3 mm wide, coursing in expected location. Occasionally, there
an irregular pattern over the calvarium; are small independent bones that
they do not appear to taper as the persist within a suture; these are called
meningeal vessels do. When two or more wormian bones and the lambda region
of these veins anastomose, a diploic lake is a common location for them. Multiple
may be present. The diploic venous wormian bones may be associated with
lakes are irregular, usually less than 2 cleidocranial dysplasia, cretinism, or
cm in size and have multiple diploic osteogenesis imperfecta.
veins running into them. Awareness of It is important to recognize the
the existence of diploic venous lakes radi­­o­l u­c ent lines that represent the
and the observation of diploic channels meningeal vessel grooves, the diploic
associated with them will usually allow vein channels, and the sutures, and to be
the clinician to recognize these for able to distinguish them from fractures
what they are and not mistake them of the calvarium, especially given a
for osteolytic lesions, such as bone history of recent trauma.
metastasis, meningoceles, fibrous Arachnoid (pacchionian) granulation
dysplasia or histiocytosis X. impressions: The arachnoid granul­
202  Essentials of Orthodontics

ations are an out-pocketing of the arach­ 3. Calcification within the calvarium: There
noid membrane and subarachnoid are a number of intracranial structures
space that may extend into the dural that may calcify in the absence of any
sinuses or the adjacent lacuna laterales. disease. Reiskin has stressed the impor­
When found in the latter region, they tance of multiple right-angle views for
may present as irregularly rounded, the localization and evaluation of these
sharply radiolucent depressions of the structures as a necessary component to
inner table of the skull. They are most distinguish between those structures that
commonly found just lateral to the are normal or physiologic and those that
superior sagittal sinus, although they are pathologic. Meschan has described
can be located in proximity to any of the the normal structures within the calvarium
dural sinuses. They may also calcify and that may calcify. They can be summarized
this presentation will be described in a as follows:
later section. a. Pineal gland: The incidence of pineal
Dural sinuses: The sinuses of the dura
e. calcification varies from 33 percent to
mater are the channels by which the 76 percent in the North American white
blood from the cerebral veins and some population; there is a considerably
of the meningeal and diploic veins lower incidence in Japanese (10%),
drain into the internal jugular veins. Indians (8%) and Nigerians (5%). The
The superior sagittal, sphenoparietal, size of the calcification averages 5 mm
transverse, and sigmoid sinuses groove in length and 3 mm in height and width.
the inner table of the calvarium produ­ When seen in the frontal projection, the
cing broad radiolucent channels. pineal gland is a midline structure and
Convolutional markings: Also called
f. a shift of 3 mm or more from midline
digital markings or brain markings, the is considered significant. Numerous
convolutional markings are impressions methods have been described to
or thinning of the inner table of the localize the pineal gland in the lateral
calvarium caused by pressure from radiograph ; in general, it will be
the convolutions or gyri of the growing found above and slightly behind the
brain. They are most prominent in petrous portion of the temporal bone.
the 3-to 12-year age group and tend Calcification of the pineal in children is
to regress with age. Absence of these not as common as in adults, but it is not
markings in the young or persistence a rare phenomenon. It may be observed
into adulthood, especially when in approximately 5 percent of white
accompanied by neurologic signs and children under 10 years of age.
symptoms or other cranial morphologic b. The habenular commissure may cal­
abnormalities, is a significant pathologic cify and it will appear as a C-shaped
finding. radiodensity located a few millimeters
Artifacts: If the patient’s hair is parti­
g. anterior to the pineal gland in about 30
cularly thick, wet, or pulled taut, it may percent of the adult population.
cause linear streaks to appear over the c. Meningeal calcifications: The falx
calvarium. cerebri is calcified in approximately
Orthodontic Diagnosis  203

7 percent of adults and is usually fossa. When viewed in the lateral radiograph,
shown to best advantage in the frontal the anterior clinoid processes are usually
projection where it appears as a linear superimposed; the hypophyseal fossa appears
midline radiopacity. Calcification of as a single dense curved line that merges
the arachnoid granulation appears posteriorly with the posterior clinoid processes
as uniform radiopacities near the of the dorsum sellae. The clinoid process may
corresponding granulation impression range from short and rounded to long and
in the calvarium. pointed. Normal variants include: (1) a middle
d. Petroclinoid ligament and diaphragma clinoid process, (2) extension of the sphenoid
sellae: Calcification of the petroclinoid sinus into the dorsum sellae, posterior clinoid
ligament occurs in approximately 12 process or anterior process, and (3) bridging
percent of adults and appears as a as previously described. Because the sella
radiopaque line extending from the turcica is a midline structure, the floor of
posterior clinoid process to the petrous the hypophyseal fossa usually appears as a
ridge. Calcification of the diaphragma single line. A double-contoured appearance
sellae may give the appearance of may represent a variant of normal, an artifact
a separate enclosed pituitary fossa. of positioning, or a significant pathologic
However, it must be remembered that change. When viewed in the sagittal plane, the
we are only seeing a two-dimensional normal range for the greatest anteroposterior
representation and, in fact, there dimension is 5 to 16 mm (average 10.6 mm),
is a space between the interclinoid and the depth as measured from a line between
calcifications to accommodate the the anterior and posterior clinoid processes
pituitary stalk. Radiographically, this to the floor of the hypophyseal fossa ranges
appearance is described as “roofing” or from 4 to 12 mm (average 8.1 mm). Significant
“bridging” of the sella. variation in the size, area, or volume of the sella
In the absence of any clinical neurologic associated with a variation of two standard
signs or symptoms, these calcifications may be deviations in height and weight as compared
considered normal; however, it is important to age-matched cohorts suggests a pituitary
to remember that many pathologic processes abnormality and the patient’s physician should
can be associated with these calcifications. A be alerted to this finding. Expansion or erosion
patient with a calcified pineal gland who is of the borders of the pituitary fossa, especially
experiencing headaches, nausea and vomiting if accompanied by neurologic findings such
should not be ignored; appropriate referral and as headaches, blurred or double vision, or
follow-up are warranted. dizziness, is a significant finding and the
Once again, the patient’s hairstyle may patient should be referred for a thorough
create artifacts that mimic real findings. evaluation. The sella turcica is also seen in
For example, if the hair is gathered on the the PA view where it is superimposed over the
lateral surface of the skull into pigtails, it may superior aspect of the nasal cavity. In this view
resemble intracranial calcification on the the floor of the sella is usually convex upward.
lateral skull film.
Size and shape of the sella turcica. The Paranasal Sinuses
sella turcica is a saddle-shaped formation The paranasal sinuses develop as outpouchings
of the sphenoid bone in the middle cranial of the mucous membrane of the fetal nasal
204  Essentials of Orthodontics

cavity that extend into the maxillary, sphenoid, with the sinuses or anywhere else, inquiry
frontal, and ethmoid bones and subsequently into family history and examination of the
enlarge. In adulthood the sinuses communicate skin for sebaceous cysts are required. The
with the nasal cavity through ostia, thus patient’s physician should be informed of
reflecting their common embryologic origin. any positive findings.
The maxillary, sphenoid, and ethmoid sinuses 3. Sphenoid sinuses appear as a single cavity
begin to enlarge in utero and may occasionally in the sphenoid bone, inferior to the
be detected radiographically at birth. The sella turcica in the lateral film. Although
frontal sinuses do not begin to pneumatize identifiable in the frontal projection, the
until the second year and are not usually visible superimposition of the nasal septum,
on the radiograph until the sixth year. Hence, lateral nasal wall, and the medial wall of
all four sets of paranasal sinuses should be the orbits makes evaluation difficult. The
evident in the average orthodontic patient. lateral extension of the sphenoid sinuses
The variation in size of the normal sinus may is easily seen on the base projection; it is
be great. known to vary greatly and, in the absence
1. Maxillary sinuses are seen in the PA, base, of any other pathologic findings, should
and lateral views. In the standard PA view, be considered an insignificant incidental
the petrous portion of the temporal bone is finding.
superimposed over the superior one-third 4. The ethmoid sinuses, also known as
of the sinus. If disease is suspected, the best the ethmoid air cells, form the medial
view of the maxillary sinuses in the frontal wall of the orbit and the lateral wall of
plane is obtained with Water’s projection. the upper half of the nose. The ethmoid
The lateral view will show the borders in sinuses are divided by numerous septa
the sagittal plane; however, the right and resulting in multiple compartments. Of the
left sinuses will be superimposed and often radiographic projections typically obtained
indistinguishable. On films obtained in for orthodontic treatment planning, the
the erect position, soft-tissue swelling can ethmoid sinuses are best seen on the lateral
usually be differentiated from free fluid in and base views. In the frontal view, they are
the sinus by the nature of the air-shadow seen as radiolucency between the medial
interface. The air-fluid line will be straight rim of the orbit and the nasal septum.
and parallel to the floor; a soft-tissue When evaluating the paranasal sinuses,
swelling will produce a shadow that follows the integrity of the bony borders and adjacent
the bony contours or is convex. Bone structures and the degree of aeration must
destruction is an important radiographic be established. In health, the thin mucous
sign that requires biopsy and/or culture. membrane lining is not visible on the radio­
2. Frontal sinuses are seen to best advantage graph.
in the PA and lateral views. They vary
greatly in size, are usually asymmetric, and Mastoids
may even be absent. An osteoma of the The mastoid air cells communicate indirectly
frontal sinus is not a rare finding; it may be with the nasal cavity via the middle ear; how­
an isolated finding or part of a generalized ever, embryologically they develop separately
process such as Gardner’s syndrome. If from the paranasal sinuses. Nonetheless, the
osteomas are identified in association radiographic appearances of air-filled cavities
Orthodontic Diagnosis  205

within the bone resemble the ethmoid air away from the posterior border of the anterior
cells. The distribution and pneumatization of arch of the atlas. The normal dimension of the
the mastoid air cells are extremely variable; spinal canal ranges from 18 to 27 mm at the first
the cells are located in the mastoid process cervical vertebra to 15 to 20 mm at the seventh
and periauricular region and may extend as cervical vertebra for children 15 years of age
far forward as the zygomatic process of the and less. For adults, the ranges are 16 to 30 mm
temporal bone. and 13 to 24 mm, respectively. In the PA view,
the lateral border of the vertebral body will be
Cervical Spine in alignment and the spinous process will be
The upper vertebrae are often visible on the visible. Frank displacement of a vertebra is
lateral and PA cephalometric radiographs. a serious abnormality that demands further
The atlas has no body or spinous process investigation.
and has the form of a ring. The axis has the The intervertebral disk is a fibrocartilaginous
fundamental structure of the cervical vertebra anulus with a gelatinous center and is not
with the addition of an upward projection visible on a conventional radiograph. However,
called the dens or odontoid process. The dens we can make inferential observations about
occupy the space where the body of the atlas the intervertebral disk by evaluating the
would have developed; it articulates with surrounding anatomy. The intervertebral
the posterior surface of the anterior arch of disk space appears as radiolucency between
the atlas and provides a pivot around which the vertebral bodies defined by the relatively
the atlas and skull rotate. The bodies of the parallel inferior and superior cortical margins.
axis and the odontoid process have separate If the cortical margins appear convergent or
ossification centers and often do not fuse until the disk space is narrowed, this may suggest a
age. Therefore, a transverse radiolucency at herniated disk.
the base of the odontoid process in a young
ambulatory patient with no history of trauma Upper Airway and Neck
should not be mistaken for a fracture. The upper air passages—the nasal cavity,
The C-spine has a gentle curvature and oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx—appear
is convex anteriorly when viewed from the radiolucent on the skull film. When sufficiently
side. This normal lordotic curve is position- thick, the soft tissues of the region will have an
dependent and can be altered as a result of intermediate radiodensity between the airway
failure to achieve natural head position when and skeleton.
placing the patient in the cephalometric head The nasal air passages usually conform to
holder or as a result of muscle spasm that the bony architecture as the mucosal lining
causes the patient to posture the head in an of the nasal cavity is usually less than 1 mm
effort to reduce pain and discomfort. thick and does not cast a radiographic shadow.
Lines drawn along the anterior and post­ Thickened membranes or linings can be seen
erior margins of the vertebral bodies should as an intermediate density between bone and
be practically parallel. A straight line drawn air with proper exposure factors. The cigar-
along the front of the odontoid process meets shaped nasal conchae will be superimposed
the anterior margin of the foramen magnum over the airway; this will be discussed in greater
and lies approximately 1 mm behind and detail in the next section.
206  Essentials of Orthodontics

The dimensions of the oral airway will vary the level of the C6 varies from 5 to 14 and 9 to
depending on the position of the tongue. If the 22 mm, respectively. The soft-tissue shadow
tongue is elevated, it may contact the soft palate should have a smooth anterior outline. In the
and their radiographic shadows will merge. PA view, the lateral wall of the laryngopharynx
The palatine tonsils are situated between the and the larynx are seen; other parts of the
palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds in airway are obscured by superimposition of
the lateral fauces. These can sometimes be bony structures.
distinguished on the lateral film, especially if
they are inflamed and enlarged. Dentomaxillofacial Complex
On the superior aspect of the posterior Orthodontists are most familiar with the
wall of the nasopharynx, there is a collection facial portion of the skull as this is the region
of lymphatic tissue (the nasopharyngeal they routinely treat. For our purposes we will
tonsils or adenoids) that may be quite large consider the dentomaxillofacial complex to
in children. This is usually easy to identify on include the orbits, nose, zygomatic arches, and
the lateral cephalometric film. Changes in jaws. The paranasal sinuses have been dealt
breathing patterns caused by hypertrophied with separately in a previous section.
adenoids may affect facial growth patterns. 1. Orbits: In the PA view, the rim of the orbit
The lymphatic tissue tends to atrophy with is seen as a smooth round radiopaque line.
age and will not be as prominent in adult There are a number of structures that appear
patients. The opening of the eustachian within the orbit and these should all be
tubes on the lateral wall of the nasopharynx evaluated. The lesser wing of the sphenoid
just behind the inferior nasal conchae may contributes to the floor of the anterior
be evident as a round, relatively radiolucent cranial fossa and is seen as a horizontal
area. These structures are difficult to see, but convex-down curvilinear radiodensity
may be discerned with certain anatomic and in the superior third of the orbit. From
exposure factors. The soft palate separates the the region where this line intersects the
nasopharynx from the oropharynx. At rest, it superolateral border of the orbit, there
extends from the posterior borders of the hard is another linear radiopacity running
palate and arches inferiorly. downward and medially; this is called the
In the lateral projection, the hyoid bone innominate line and represents a curvature
is seen just below the angle of the mandible. of the greater wing of the sphenoid.
The thyroid, cricoid, and tracheal ring cartilage The optic foramen is a round radio­
are usually not visualized but may on occasion lucency near the medial orbital wall.
have areas of calcification that appear on the The superior and inferior orbital fissures
radiographs. The epiglottis and the laryngeal can be seen extending from this region
folds are also seen. in lateral-upward and lateral-downward
The prevertebral soft tissue and muscles directions, respectively. Occasionally, one
can be seen separating the airway from the can follow the path of the inferior orbital
vertebral column. The retropharyngeal shadow fissure as it becomes the inferior orbital
at the line of C2 varies from 2 to 7 mm in canal and emerges on the front of the face
children less than 15 years of age and from 1 as the infraorbital foramen. Just medial and
to 7 mm in adults; the retrotracheal shadow at slightly below the infraorbital foramen is
Orthodontic Diagnosis  207

a somewhat larger well-defined circular as to what this radiographic shadow

radiolucency; this is foramen rotundum represents, establishing continuity of the
through which the maxillary division of the outer boundary of the radiopacity with the
trigeminal nerve passes as it leaves the skull adjacent turbinate bone should confirm
base. This may be a region deserving careful its identity. Should a question persist, the
scrutiny if the patient complains of pain posterior nasopharynx can be visualized
over the area that this division innervates. by indirect laryngoscopy using an angled
The vertical position of the foramen will mirror and proper lighting.
vary depending upon the tilt of the patient’s 3. Zygomatic arches: The zygomatic process
head relative to the central ray of the beam. arises from the maxillary bone at the
At the junction of the middle and medial region of the first molar. The radiodensity,
thirds of the superior rim of the orbit, the size, and shape of this structure are
supraorbital foramen may be seen as a variable and the structure often takes on a
small, round radiolucency. In the lateral different form, depending upon the angle
view, the superior and inferior walls of of the directed X-ray beam. The zygomatic
the orbit are seen. Likewise, the posterior process may appear quite radiolucent if
and anterolateral margins of the orbit are the maxillary antrum extends into it. The
visualized; however, the superimposition of greater the extension of the maxillary sinus
structures makes it difficult to distinguish into the zygomatic process, the greater the
left from right. The zygomaticofrontal and contrast of the dark radiolucent air spaces
maxillofrontal sutures may be seen at the and the sharply defined cortical walls of the
rim of the orbit and should not be mistaken process. Seen in the lateral cephalogram,
for fractures. the corticated walls of the zygomatic
2. The nose: In the PA view, the nasal septum, process appear as a U-shaped radiopaque
lateral walls, and conchae are easily defined. line known as a key ridge. The definition
The nasal septum should be positioned of the molar apices superimposed on
at the midline; displacement from the the zygoma will vary with the amount
midline may represent a congenitally of pneumatization that has occurred. If
deviated septum, prior trauma, or the aeration is minimal, molar apical and
presence of a pathologic process causing maxillary sinus anomalies may be masked
the displacement. Extending medially from or ill-defined.
the lateral walls are the nasal conchae or 4. The jaws: Details of the teeth and their
turbinates. The inferior and middle conchae surrounding structures are difficult to see
are usually seen, but the superior conchae on skull films because of superimposition
may not be visualized. In the lateral views, of anatomic structures and the inherent
the inferior conchae appear as a cigar- resolution limitation of screen film.
shaped radiopacity. Often the posterior Evaluation of the teeth and periodontium
extent of the conchae extends beyond the is best accomplished by a periapical film.
posterior border of the maxillary sinus, Most orthodontists use these intraoral
which makes it radiographically difficult films in their diagnostic evaluations and
to distinguish from an isolated radiopacity treatment plans. Misinterpretations can
in the nasal cavity. If there is a question present problems here also. For example,
208  Essentials of Orthodontics

occasionally a double image of the lamina the point of exit of mandibular nerve. Depending
dura is seen that reflects the normal upon its size, this may be mistaken for incipient
concavities and fluting of the roots or the pathosis. The mental fossa is a depression
superimposition of different roots of a found in the labial aspect of the mandible. The
multirooted tooth such as the maxillary thinness of the hard tissue in this area may be
first molar. Superimposition of the lingual mistaken for periapical disease of the incisors.
root surface and periodontal ligament Similarly, the mental foramen, located between
space of the first premolar onto the distal the first and second premolars, can mimic
surface of the canine in the periapical film periapical pathosis in this area. The mandibular
should not be mistaken for a vertical root canal forms a dark linear radiographic shadow
fracture of the canine. Care should be taken with thin superior and inferior opaque borders
to examine carefully for supernumerary cast by its lamella boundaries. The molar
teeth and evidence of small developing bud teeth apices are frequently projected over this
follicles. They can be of great consequence canal, giving the illusion of a discontinuous
if the clinician is trying to move teeth lamina dura surrounding these teeth. This
into the space they occupy. If initially is due to the localized overexposure caused
overlooked and subsequently noted on by this radiolucent linear structure. Finally,
follow-up radiographs, they are a source of the submandibular fossa is a depression on
embarrassment at least, and iatrogenesis at the lingual side of the mandible below the
worst. mylohyoid ridge that accommodates the
The trabecular pattern of the anterior submandibular gland. It will appear as a local
maxilla is fine, granular, and dense. The radiolucency with scant or absent trabeculation.
posterior maxilla shows a slightly less dense The anterior and posterior aspects of this
pattern with larger marrow spaces. The radiolucency will blend into the surrounding
trabeculae of the anterior mandible are thicker bony pattern.
than the maxilla, presenting a course pattern
with large marrow spaces. The posterior Cephalometric Landmarks (Fig. 5.27)
mandibular periapical trabeculae and marrow Cephalometrics makes use of certain land­
spaces are usually the largest in the jaws. These marks or points on the skull which are used
can be variable in size and mimic pathologic for quantitative analysis and measurements.
lesions. Changes in the density and pattern The cephalometric landmarks can be of two
of the cancellous bone may result from types:
inflammation, systemic disease, or tumors. Anatomic landmarks: These landmarks repre­
The mandibular symphysis frequently has sent actual anatomic structures of the skull.
a radiolucent line at the midline suture that Derived landmarks: These are landmarks
disappears at about 1 year postpartum. If this that have been obtained secondarily from
radiolucency is found in older children or anatomic structures in a cephalogram.
adults, it may suggest a fracture or cleft. The The landmarks that are used in cephalo­
genial tubercles are the bony projections of metrics should fulfill certain require­ments:
attachment of the genioglossus and geniohyoid i. It should be easily seen in a radiograph.
muscles. They often have a small radiolucent ii. It should be uniform in outline and
area in the center (the lingual foramen) that is should be reproducible.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 209

crest between the two central incisors. It is also

called subspinale.
Point B: It is the deepest point in the midline
between the alveolar crest of mandible and the
mental process. It is also called supramentale.
Basion: It is the median point of the anterior
margin of the foramen magnum.
Bolton point: The highest point at the postcon­
dylar notch of the occipital bone.
Anterior nasal spine (ANS): It is the anterior tip
of the sharp bony process of the maxilla in the
midline of the lower margin of anterior nasal
Gonion: It is a constructed point at the junction
of ramal plane and the mandibular plane.
Pogonion: It is the most anterior point of the
bony chin in the median plane.
Menton: It is the most inferior midline point
on the mandibular symphysis.
Figure 5.27: Cephalometric landmarks
Gnathion: It is the most anteroinferior point
on the symphysis of the chin. It is constructed
by intersecting a line drawn perpendicular to
iii. The landmarks should permit valid the line connecting menton and pogonion.
quantitative measurements of lines and Articulare: It is a point at the junction of the
angles projected from them. posterior border of ramus and the inferior
The landmarks used in cephalometrics can border of the basilar part of the occipital bone.
be classified into: Condylion: The most superior point on the
i. Hard tissue landmarks head of the condyle.
ii. Soft tissue landmarks. Prosthion: The lowest and most anterior point
on the alveolar bone in the midline, between
Landmarks the upper central incisors. It is also called
Nasion: The most anterior point midway supradentale.
between tha frontal and nasal, bones on the Infradentale: The highest and most anterior
frontonasal suture. point on the alveolar process, in the median
Orbitale: The lowest point on the inferior bony plane between the mandibular central incisors.
margin of the orbit. The key ridge: The lower most point on the
Porion: The highest bony point on the upper contour of the anterior wall of the infra­
margin of external auditary meatus. temporal fossa. It is a radiographic anatomical
Sella: The point representing the midpoint landmark commonly appearing on a lateral
of the pituitary fossa or sella turcica. It is a cephalometric radiograph. It represents the
constructed point in the midsagittal plane. lower contour of the zygomatic bony ridge,
Point A: It is the deepest point in the midline situated between the maxillary tuberosity and
between the anterior nasal sping and alveolar the canine fossa.
210 Essentials of Orthodontics

Posterior nasal spine (PNS): The intersection

of a continuation of the anterior wall of the
pterygopalatine fossa and the floor of the nose,
marking the distal limit of the maxilla.
Broadbent registration point: It is the midpoint
of the perpendicular from the center of sella
turcica to the Bolton plane.
Ptm point: It is the intersection of the inferior
border of the foramen rotundum with the
posterior wall of the pterygomaxillary fissure.
Glabella: It is the most prominent point of the
forehead in the midsagittal plane.
Chelion: It is the lateral terminus of the oral slit
on the outer corner of the mouth.
Subnasale: The point where the lowest border Figure 5.28: S-N plane
of the nose meets the outer contour of the
upper lip.

Lines and Planes in Cephalometrics

Cephalometrics makes use of certain lines or
planes. These lines are obtained by connecting
two landmarks. Based on their orientation the
lines or planes can be classified into horizontal
and vertical planes.

Horizontal Planes
S-N plane: It is the cranial line between the
center of sella turcica (sella) and the anterior
Figure 5.29: Frankfort horizontal plane
point of the frontonasal suture (nasion) (Fig.
Frankfort horizontal plane: This plane conn­
ects the lowest point of the orbit (orbitale)
and the superior point of the external auditory
meatus (porion) (Fig. 5.29).
Occlusal plane: It is a denture plane bisecting
the posterior occlusion of the permanent
molars and premolars (or deciduous molars
in mixed dentition) and extends anteriorly
(Fig. 5.30).
Palatal plane: It is a line linking the anterior
nasal spine of the maxilla and the posterior
nasal spine of the palatine bone. Figure 5.30: Occlusal plane
Orthodontic Diagnosis 211

Long Axis of Upper and Lower Incisors

A-B plane: Plane drawn from point A to point B.

Cephalometric Tracing Technique

The facial profile is customarily placed on the
right side of the tracing sheet. Masking tape is
used to attach the tracing acetate to the X­ray.
The tracing is made on the frosted surface of
the acetate sheet. An X­ray view box providing
adequate illumination and a sharpened pencil
are essential for tracing.
The tracing is begun by marking the points
Figure 5.31: Mandibular plane
needed for the analysis on the tracing sheet.
The soft tissue profile is traced and then the
Mandibular plane: Several mandibular pla­ sella turcica going forward to the planum
nes (Fig. 5.31) are used in cephalometrics, sphenoidale along the floor of the anterior
based on the analysis being done. The most cranial fossa and the shadows of the greater
commonly used ones are: wings of the sphenoid bone are traced. The
i. Tangent to the lower border of the anterior surfaces of the frontal and nasal bones
mandible (Tweed). are then traced followed by tracing the outline
ii. A line connecting gonion and gnathion of the maxilla from the anterior nasal spine
(Steiner). along the floor of the nasal cavity back to the
iii. A line connecting gonion and menton posterior nasal spine. The pointed end of the
(Downs). pterygomaxillary fissure is directed toward the
Basion-Nasion plane: It is a line connecting posterior nasal spine and is, therefore, a guide
the basion and nasion. It represents the cranial to the anteroposterior position of the posterior
base. nasal spine. Frp, the posterior nasal spine,
Bolton’s plane: This is a plane that connects trace forward along the palatal surface of the
the Bolton’s points posterior to the occipital maxilla to the lingual alveolar bone around the
condyles and nasion. incisors. The anterior surface of the maxilla is
Vertical planes: A­Pog line: It is a line from then traced. The most anterior central incisor
Point A on the maxilla to pogonion on the are outlined, and after referring to the models
mandible. or diagnostic record, the first molars are traced
Facial plane: It is a line from the anterior point in their correct occlusal relationship. If the
of the frontonasal suture (nasion) to the most molar relationship is different on the right and
anterior point of the mandible (pogonion). left sides, the relationship for both sides should
Facial axis: A line from ptm point to cephalo­ be written on the tracing. The symphysis and its
metric gnathion. inner cortical bone should be traced, and the
Y-axis: A line from sella to gnathion. lower and posterior borders of the mandible
Ramal plane: The plane from articulare to should be bisected until the borders intersect
gonion. the posterior cranial base. The orbital rims are
212 Essentials of Orthodontics

often difficult to trace. Both rims may be traced tissues, craniofacial and dentofacial complexes
and bisected. The ear rod is traced unless at one point or over time. The analysis is either
anatomic porion is used. objective or subjective. Objective evaluation
involves quantification of spatial relationships
Superimposition of Serial by angular or linear measurements. Subjective
Cephalograms evaluation involves the visualization of changes
Clinicians and researchers are interested in in spatial relationships of areas or anatomical
studying the growth and treatment changes landmarks within the same face and relating to
seen in patients from the study of facial a common point or plane over time.
growth, techniques have been developed
that allow accurate superimposition of lateral Classification
cephalograms taken from the same person at 1. Methodological
two or more different times. It is important that Angular: Dimensional analysis, propor­
the serial cephalograms be made from the same tional analysis, analysis to determine posi­
cephalometric machine. Superimposition is tion.
more accurate in nongrowing adults that in Linear: Orthogonal analysis, dimensional
growing patients (Fig. 5.32). linear analysis, proportional linear analysis.
2. Normative
Sequence of Color Code in Mononormative analyses: Arithmetical or
Cephalometric Superimposition geometrical.
1. Pretreatment (initial) = Black Multinormative analyses: Correlative Anal­
2. Progress = Blue yses.
3. End of treatment = Red 3. According to area of analysis
4. Retention = Green. Dentoskeletal analyses: Facial skeleton,
maxillary and mandibular base.
Cephalometric Analysis Dentoalveolar analyses: Position and
Cephalometric analysis is used to assess, angulation of upper and lower incisors.
express and predict the spatial relations of soft Soft tissues analyses.

Down’s Analysis (Fig. 5.33)

One of the most frequently used cephalometric
analysis is the Downs analysis. Down’s
had based his findings on 20 Caucasians
individuals of 12 to 17 years age group
belonging to both the sexes. Down’s analysis
consists of 10 parameters of which five are
skeletal and five are dental.

Skeletal Parameters
Facial angle: It is the inside inferior angle
formed by the intersection of nasion pogonion
plane and the FH plane. The average value is
Figure 5.32: Registration point
(used for superimposition) 87.8° while the range is 82° to 95°. This angle
Orthodontic Diagnosis 213

since point B is positioned behind point A. In

case of Class III malocclusions a positive angle
may be found.
Mandibular plane angle: The mandibular
plane angle is formed by the intersection
of the mandibular plane with the FH plane.
The mean value is 21.9° while the range is
17° to 28°. An increased mandibular plane
angle is suggestive of a vertical growers with
hyperdivergent facial pattern.
Y-axis (Growth axis): This angle is obtained
by joining the sella­gnathion line with the FH
plane. The mean value is 59° with a range of
53° to 66°. The angle is larger in Class II facial
patterns than in patients exhibiting Class III
pattern. In addition, the Y axis indicates the
Figure 5.33: Down’s analysis growth pattern of the individual. If the angle
is greater than normal, it indicates greater
gives us an indication of the anteroposterior vertical growth of mandible. If the angle is
positioning of the mandible in relation to smaller than normal, it indicates greater
the upper face. The magnitude of this value horizontal growth of mandible (Fig. 5.34).
increases in cases of skeletal Class III with Dental parameters: Cant of occlusal plane:
prominent chin while it decreases in skeletal This angle is formed between the occlusal
Class II cases. plane and the FH plane. Downs constructed
Angle of convexity: This angle is formed by
the intersection of a line from nasion to point
A and a line from point A to pogonion. This
angle reveals the convexity or concavity of the
skeletal profile.
The average value if 0° while the range
is between –8.5° to 10°. A positive angle or
an increased angle suggests a prominent
maxillary denture base relative to mandible.
A decreased angle of convexity or a negative
angle is indicative of a prognathic profile.
A-B plane angle: This angle is formed between
a line connecting point A and point B and
a line joining nasion to pogonion (facial
plane). The mean value is –4.6° while the
range if –9° to 0°. This angle is indicative of the
maxillomandibular relationship in relation to
the facial plane. It is usually negative in value Figure 5.34: Y-axis
214 Essentials of Orthodontics

the occlusal plane by bisecting the occlusion

of the first permanent molars and the incisal
overbite. The mean value is 9.3° while the range
is 1.5° to 14°. The angle gives us a measure of
the slope of the occlusal plane relative to the
FH plane.
Interincisal angle: This angle is formed bet­
ween the long axes of the upper and lower
incisors. The average reading is 135.4° while the
range is 130° to 150.5°. The angle is decreased
in Class I bimaxillary protrusion and Class II
division 1 malocclusion whereas it is increased
in a Class II division 2 case.
Incisor occlusal plane angle: This is the inside
inferior angle formed by the intersection
between the long axis of lower central incisor
Figure 5.35: Steiner’s analysis
and the occlusal plane and is read as a plus or
minus deviation from a right angle. The average
value is 14.5° while the range is 3.5° to 20°. An Skeletal Analysis
increase in this angle is suggestive of increased SNA angle: It is the angle formed by the
lower incisor proclination. intersection of SN plane and a line joining
Incisor mandibular plane angle: This angle nasion and Point A. This angle indicates the
is formed by intersection of the long axis of relative anteroposterior positioning of the
the lower incisor and the mandibular plane. maxilla in relation to the cranial base. The
The mean angulation is 1.4° while the range is mean value is 82° (+ 2°). A larger than normal
between –8.5° to 7°. An increase in this angle is value indicates that the maxilla is prognathic
indicative of lower incisor proclination. (Class II) while a smaller value is suggestive of
Upper incisor to A-Pog line: This is a linear a retrognathic maxilla.
measurement between the incisal edge of the SNB angle: It is the angle between the AN plane
maxillary central incisor and the line joining and a line joining nasion to point B. This angle
point A to pogonion. This distance is on an indicates the anteroposterior positioning of
average 2.7 mm (Range –1 to 5 mm). The the mandible in relation to the cranial base. Its
measurement is more in patients presenting average value is 80°. An increase in this angle
with upper incisor proclination. indicates a prognathic mandible (Class III)
whereas a less than normal angle indicates a
Steiner’s Analysis retrusive mandible (Class II).
Cecil C Steiner in the year 1953 developed this ANB angle: This angle is formed by the
analysis with the idea of providing maximal intersection of lines joining nasion to point A
clinical information with the least number of and nasion to point B. It denotes the relative
measurements (Fig. 5.35). position of the maxilla and mandible to each
The Steiner analysis is divided into three other. The mean value is 2°. An increase in
parts: this angle is indicative of a Class II skeletal
Orthodontic Diagnosis 215

tendency while an angle that is less than value indicates proclination of lower incisors
normal or a negative angle suggests a skeletal whereas a decreased value indicates upright
Class III relationship. or retroclined lower incisors.
Mandibular plane angle: It is the angle formed Lower incisor to NB (linear): It is the linear
between SN plane and the mandibular plane. distance between the labial surface of lower
The mandibular plane used in this analysis central incisor and the line joining nasion to
is a line connecting gonion and gnathion. Point B. This measurement helps in assessing
The average value is 32°. This angle gives the lower incisor inclination. An increase in
an indication of the growth pattern of an this measurement indicates proclined lower
individual. A lower angle is indicative of a incisors. The normal value is 4 mm.
horizontal growing face while an increased Interincisor angle: This is the angle formed
angle suggests a vertical growing individual. between the long axis of the upper and lower
Occlusal plane angle: The occlusal plane central incisors. A reduced interincisor
angle is formed between the occlusal plane angle is associated with a Class II division
and the SN plane. In this analysis the occlusal 1 malocclusion or a Class I bimaxillary
plane represents a line passing through the protrusion. A larger than normal angle is seen
overlapping cusps of first premolars and first the Class II division 2 malocclusion. The mean
molars. It has a mean value of 14.5°. This angle value is 130° to 131°.
indicates the relation of the occlusal plane
to the cranium and face. It also indicates the Soft Tissue Analysis
growth pattern of an individual. S-line: According to Steiner the lips in a well­
balanced face should touch a line extending
Dental Analysis from soft tissue contour of the chin to the
Upper incisor to NA (angle): It is the angle middle of an ‘S’ formed by the lower border
formed by the intersection of the long axis of of the nose. If the lips are located beyond this
the upper central incisors and the line joining line then the lips are believed to be protrusive
nasion to point A. The normal angle is 22°. This and are interpreted as a convex profile. If the
angle indicates the relative inclination of the lips are behind this line they are said to be
upper incisors. An increased angle is seen in retrusive and the patient may have a concave
patients who have proclined upper incisors as profile (Fig. 5.36).
in Class II division 1 malocclusion.
Upper incisor to NA (linear): It is a linear
measurement between the labial surface of
upper central incisor and the line joining
nasion to point A. This measurement also helps
in determining the upper incisor position.
Normal value is 4 mm. It increases in cases
with proclined upper incisors.
Lower incisor to NB (angle): This angle is
formed between the NB plane and the long
axis of the lower incisor. This angle indicates
the inclination of the lower central incisor
and has a mean value of 25°. An increased Figure 5.36: S-line
216 Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 5.38: Tweed’s triangle

ii. Mandibular plane

Figure 5.37: Wits appraisal iii. Long axis of lower incisor.
The objectives of the analysis include:
Wits Appraisal (Fig. 5.37) i. Determination of the position of the
The purpose of Wits appraisal is to identify lower incisor.
instances in which the ANB reading does not ii. Evaluation of prognosis.
accurately reflect the extent of anteroposterior The angles formed by these three planes
jaw dysplasia. are:
It emphasizes an awareness of the relation­ Frankfort mandibular plane angle (FMA):
ship of the jaws to each other and to the cranial It is the angle formed by the intersection
base. Wits appraisal is a linear measurement of the Frankfort horizontal plane with the
and not an analysis in itself. The Wits appraisal mandibular plane. The mean value is 25°.
of a­p jaw disharmony is a measure of the Incisor mandibular plane angle (IMPA): It is
extent of which jaws are related to each other. the angle formed by the intersection of the long
Method of assessing the degree of extent of axis of the lower incisor with the mandibular
disharmony is by dropping perpendicular lines plane. It indicates the relative inclination of the
from points A and B onto the occlusal plane to lower incisor. The mean value is 90°.
form points AO and BO respectively. Frankfort mandibular incisor angle (FMIA): It
The distance between AO and BO is noted is the angle formed by the intersection of the
to infer the relationship between the jaws. lower incisor with the FH plane. The mean
For males BO ahead of AO by 1 mm. value is 65°.
For females BO coincides with AO.
Sassouni Analysis
Tweed Analysis (Fig. 5.38) It was the first cephalometric method to
The Tweed’s analysis makes use of three planes emphasize vertical as well as horizontal
that form a diagnostic triangle. The planes relationships and the interactions between
used are: vertical and horizontal proportions. Sassouni
i. Frankfort horizontal plane pointed out that the horizontal anatomic
Orthodontic Diagnosis  217

planes­—the inclination of the anterior cranial “Prognathism” and “orthognathism”, when

base, Frankfort plane, palatal plane, occlusal used by others, may apply either to the maxilla
plane and mandibular plane-tend to converge or the mandible or both. As it is used here it
toward a single point in a well-proportioned applies mainly to the mandible in relation to
face. The inclination of these planes to each the maxilla. A method is presented whereby
other reflects the vertical proportionality discrepancies in size of facial bones occurring
of the face. If the planes intersect relatively in the anteroposterior plane of space may be
close to the face and diverge quickly as they assessed quantitatively in terms of millimeters.
pass anteriorly, the facial proportions are The method of assessment presented makes
long anteri­orly and short posteriorly which possible a net score of anteroposterior dysplasia
predisposes the individual to an open bite which is approximately zero where such
malocclusion. Sassouni coined the term dysplasia is either nonexistent or compensated
Skeletal Open Bite for this anatomic relation­ for by variation in different parts and which
ship, the opposite of which is Skeletal Deep is negative in the type of face where relative
Bite. mandibular insufficiency exists and positive
in cases of mandibular prognathism.
Mcnamara Analysis
This analysis was originally published in Cephalometrics for Orthognathic
1983, and still represents the state of the art Surgery (COGS by Burstone)
in cephalometric measurement analysis It was developed by Burstone and Legan.
reasonably well. It combines elements of Normally during orthodontic treatment the
previous approaches (Ricketts and Harvold) alveolar base is stable. But during orthognathic
with original measurements to attempt a more surgery, the alveolar base also changes
precise definition of tooth and jaw positions. position. The COGS system describes the
This analysis has two major strengths: (1) it horizontal and vertical position of facial bones
relates the jaws via the nasion perpendicular, by use of a constant coordinate system.
in essence projecting the difference in 1. The chosen landmarks and measurements
anteroposterior position of the jaws to an can be altered by various surgical proced­
approximation of the true vertical line, (2) ures.
the normative data are based on well-defined 2. The comprehensive appraisal includes
Bolton sample, which is also available in all of the facial bones and a cranial base
template form, meaning that the McNamara reference.
measurements are highly compatible with 3. Rectilinear measurements can be readily
preliminary analysis by comparison with transferred to a study cast for mock surgery.
Bolton templates. 4. Critical facial skeletal components are
Wylie Analysis 5. Standards and statics are available for
This analysis was introduced by Wylie in 1947. variations in age and sex.
The terms “orthognathism” and “prognathism” 6. Systematized approach to measurements
were selected to categorize facial types, in that can be computerized.
preference to “Class II faces” and “Class III 7. COGS appraisal describes dental, skeletal
faces”. and soft tissue variations.
218 Essentials of Orthodontics

Posteroanterior Cephalometric the compensation of upper and lower

Analysis incisors. It incorporates variables that will
Frontal view is particularly important in cases be zero in symmetrical subjects.
of dentoalveolar and facial asymmetry, cross 3. Grayson analysis: It uses multiple planes at
bites and functional mandibular displacements selected depths to analyze facial asymm­
(Fig. 5.39). etry.
There are different methods of analysis: 4. Hewitt analysis: It is performed by dividing
1. Rickett’s: It measures the nasal cavity the craniofacial complex into constructed
width, maxillary, mandibular, intermolar triangles­triangulation of face.
and intercuspid widths by connecting 5. Chierici analysis: It focuses on asymmetry
bilateral identical points and measuring of upper face.
the distance between them. Symmetry is 6. Grummon’s analysis: Explains the asymm­
measured from the midsagittal plane and etry of lower­third of face.
relating the points pogonion and ANS to it.
2. Svanholt and Solow analysis: It measures Cephalometric Superimpositions
the relationships between the midlines of Serial superimposition of cephalograms reveals
the jaws and dental arches. It measures the rate, amount and relative directions of
the transverse maxillary and mandibular the growth and treatment changes of facial
positions, transverse jaw relationship and structures, including the changes in maxillary
position of upper and lower incisors and mandibular relationships, and the relative
changes in the soft tissue integument. It however,
does not reveal either the sites or mode of growth
of bone. 2D information was interpreted of a
3D process. It demonstrates the sum total of
apposition and resorption at that particular time
without detailed intervening changes.


Facial photographs offer a lot of information

on the soft tissue morphology and facial
expression. Photographs should be taken in a
standardized manner so that they can readily
be compared with similar photographs taken
during or after the treatment.
Both extraoral as well as intraoral photo­
graphs are useful. Extraoral photographs are
taken by positioning the patient in such a
manner that the FH plane is parallel to the
The commonly taken intraoral and extraoral
Figure 5.39: PA cephalometric landmarks photographs are:
Orthodontic Diagnosis  219

I. Extraoral Photographic Analysis

1. Frontal view Photographic analysis can be done in profile
i. Frontal normal or frontal examination of facial photographs.
ii. Frontal smiling
2. Profile view
Profile Examination
i. Right profile
ii. Left profile Profile View
3. Oblique facial view Depending upon the location of subnasal point
i. 45° frontal relative to skin nasion perpendicular there are
ii. Submental. typical profile variations.
II. Intraoral Average face—Subnasal lying on skin nasion
1. Frontal view perpendicular.
2. Lateral view Anteface—Subnasal lying in front of skin
i. Right lateral nasion perpendicular.
ii. Left lateral Retroface—Subnasal lying behind the skin
3. Occlusal view nasion perpendicular.
i. Maxillary
ii. Mandibular. Facial Divergence
Analysis of lateral photograph is based upon
the evaluation of divergence of the face.
Uses of Photographs
The following three profiles types are differ­
Extraoral entiated according to the relationship between
1. They are useful in assessment of facial sym­ these two lines:
m­etry, facial type and profile. 1. Straight profile
2. They serve as diagnostic records. 2. Convex profile
3. They help in assessing the progress of the 3. Concave profile.
4. Detection of muscle imbalances. Frontal Examination
5. Monitoring the treatment progress. Examine the face in frontal view for propor­tional
6. Patient identification. width of eyes/nose/mouth. Evaluation of vertical
7. Patient motivation an visualized treatment facial proportion can be done by dividing a well-
objective. proportioned face into vertical third.
8. Photographic mock surgery. Bilateral facial asymmetry can be revealed
by comparing the real full face photography
Intraoral with composite consisting of two right and two
1. Monitoring the treatment progress. left side.
2. Assesment of teeth and surrounding struc­
tures for diagnosis and treatment planning.
Supplementary Diagnostic Aids
3. Patient motivation.
4. Record the structure of enamel or any other Special Radiographs
anomalies. Special X-rays are taken to visualize certain
5. For oral hygiene instructions. areas of interest:
220  Essentials of Orthodontics

1. Occlusal view for canine location and to outcome of orthodontic treatment. Clinical
see midpalatal suture ossification. decisions regarding use of extraoral traction
2. Tube shift technique for locating impacted forces, functional appliances, extraction versus
canines. nonextraction treatment, or orthognathic
3. Posteroanterior cephalogram to assess the surgery are at least partially, based on growth
symmetry of face. consi­derations. Prediction of both the time
4. Cephalogram with wide open mouth to and the amount of active growth especially in
study TMJ disorders. the craniofacial complex would be useful to
5. Cephalogram with radiopaque media to the orthodontist.
study velopharynges, activity in cleft lip In view of the importance of growth in
and palate patients. orthodontic treatment, objective assessment of
6. 45o lateral projection for studying maturation is important. The chronological age
development of dentition. based on the date of birth offers little insight
7. Lateral oblique X-ray for assessment of in determining the developmental stage or
dentition. somatic maturity of a person. Thus the maturity
8. Hand wrist X-rays for evaluation of skeletal indicators provide an objective diagnostic
growth status. evaluation of stage of maturity in an individual.
The basis for skeletal age assessment by
Hand-Wrist Radiographs radiographs is that the different ossification
Radiographs of the hand and wrist are useful centers appear and mature at different
in estimating the skeletal age of a person. The times. The order, rate, time of appearance
hand and wrist region have a number of small and progress of ossification in the various
bones whose appearance and progress of ossifi­cation centers occurs in a predictable
ossification occur in a predictable sequence. sequence.
This enables assessment of the skeletal age of A number of methods are available to
a patient. They are useful in assessing growth assess the skeletal maturity of an individual.
for planning growth modification procedures These include:
and surgical resective procedures. i. Use of hand-wrist radiographs.
ii. Evaluation of skeletal maturation using
Skeletal Maturity Indicators cervical vertebra.
An understanding of growth events is of iii. Assessment of maturity by clinical and
primary importance in the practice of clinical radiographic examination of different
orthodontics. Biologic age, skeletal age, stages of tooth development.
bone age and skeletal maturation are nearly Although a number of methods of skeletal
synonymous terms used to describe the maturity determination have been described,
stages of maturation of a person. Due to the use of hand-wrist radiographs has been the
individual variations in timing, duration and most widely accepted method.
velocity of growth, skeletal age assessment is
essential in formulating viable orthodontic Hand-Wrist Radiographs
treatment plans. Maturational status can have The hand-wrist region is made up of numerous
considerable influence on diagnosis, treatment small bones. These bones show a predictable
goals, treatment planning and the eventual and scheduled pattern of appearance,
Orthodontic Diagnosis 221

ossification and union from birth to maturity. rows, a proximal row and a distal row. The
Thus by merely comparing a patient’s hand and bones of the proximal row are schaphoid,
wrist radiograph with standard radiographs lunate, triquetral and pisiform. The distal
that represent different skeletal ages, we will row of bones include trapezium, trapezoid,
be able to determine the skeletal maturation capitate and hamate. Each of these eight carpal
status of that individual. bones ossifies from one primary center, which
Anatomy of hand-wrist: The hand­wrist region appears in a predictable pattern.
is made up of the following four groups of The metacarpals: They are 5 miniature long
bones (Fig. 5.40): bones forming the skeletal framework of the
Distal ends of long bones of forearm: The distal palm of the hand. They are numbered 1 to
ends of radius and ulna, which are long bones 5 from the thumb to the little finger. Each
of the forearm, arm the first group of bones. In metacarpal ossifies from one primary center
the anatomical position with the palm facing (in its shaft) and a secondary center on the
the front the ulna is on the medial aspect while distal end (except for the first metacarpal
the radius is on the distal aspect. The radius where it appears at the proximal end).
and the ulna give rist to a distal projection on The phalanges: They are small bones forming
their respective sides. These are called the ulna the fingers. They are three in number in each
styloid and the radial styloid. finger, except the thumb which has only two
The carpals: They consist of eight small, phalanges.
irregularly shaped bones arranged in two The three bones are referred to as the
proximal, middle (absent in thumb) and the
distal phalanges. The phalanges ossify in three
Stage I: The epiphysis and diaphysis are equal.
Stage II: The epiphysis caps the diaphysis by
surrounding it like a cap.
Stage III: Fusion occurs between the epiphysis
and diaphysis.
The sesamoid bone: The sesamoid bone is
a small nodular bone most often present
embedded in tendons in the region of the

Indications for Hand­wrist

1. In patients who exhibit major discrepancy
between dental and chronological age.
2. Determination of skeletal maturity status
prior to treatment of skeletal malocclusion
such as a skeletal Class II or class III.
3. To assess the skeletal age in a patient whose
growth is affected by infections, neoplastic
Figure 5.40: Anatomy of hand-wrist or traumatic condition.
222  Essentials of Orthodontics

4. Serial assessment of skeletal age using 3. The TW-2 method scores all the aforemen­
hand-wrist radiograehs helps not only tioned growth centers. Each growth center
in assessing the growth of an individual, is given a maturity rating on a scale of 8 (A
but also helps predict future skeletal to H) except the radius, which has 9 (A to
maturation rate and status. I). Numerical score is then assigned each
5. To predict the pubertal growth spurt. center in an attempt to allow for biologic
6. It is a valuable aid in research aimed at variability. A total is derived and gives the
studying the role of heredity, environment, overall maturity rating. Females and males
nutrition, etc. on the skeletal maturation get different scores for the same since the
pattern. radiologic appearance of all bones does not
7. It is indicated in patients with skeletal indicate the same maturity in both sexes.
malocclusion needing orthognathic Each is compared to the atlas standards,
surgery, if undertaken between 16 to 20 consisting of X-rays photographs and
years so as to assess the growth status. descriptions. Only individual growth centers
A number of methods have been described are pictured. Correct positioning of the hand
to assess the skeletal maturity using hand- in imperative for this method to succeed.
wrist radiographs. The following are the most Standard curves have been developed
commonly used methods: plotting total maturity score against
chronologic age. Similar to a standard height
Greulich and Pyle Method curve, bone age is taken as the age at which
Greulich and Pyle published an atlas the score is at the 50th percentile.
containing ideal skeletal age pictures of the
hand-wrist for different chronological ages and Taranger Method
for each sex. Each photograph in the atlas is Another recent method called the MAT (mean
representative of a particular skeletal age. The appearance time of bone stages) set forth by
patient’s radiograph is matched on an overall Taranger utilizes mathematical logarithmic
basis with one of the photographs in the atlas. analysis of Tanner Whitehouse skeletal stages.
Studies of reliability of Greulich Pyle versus
Tanner and Whitehouse Method the Tanner Whitehouse method of skeletal age
Tanner and Whitehouse suggested three assessment have shown each to be superior
methods of scoring maturity of individual to the other.
bones to determine skeletal age:
1. The RUS (Radius, ulna, short bones) score Chapman Method
rates the radius, ulna, metacarpals of digits In addition, Chapman has proposed a radio­­
1, 3 and 5, proximal phalanges of digits 1, 3 graphic method using a standard sized
and 5, middle phalanges of digits 3, 5 and intraoral dental film to assess the development
distal phalanges of digits 1, 3 and 5. of the first metacarpophalangeal joint. The
2. The carpal bone method scores capitate, develop­m ent of the adductor sesamoid is
hamate, triquetral, lunate, scaphoid, trape­ staged accor­ding to ossification. The onset
zium, and trapezoid. The problem of using of ossifi­­cation of the sesamoid occurs at the
the carpal bones only is that 97 percent of beginning of the adole­scent spurt in height,
the carpal score is reached by age 13 in and maxi­mum velocity usually occurs at the
males and 11 years in females. seed stage.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 223

Bjork, Grave and Brown Method

They have divided skeletal development into 9
stages. Each of these stages represents a level
of skeletal maturity. Appropriate chronological
age for each of the stages was given by Schopf
in 1978.
Stage I (males 10.6y, females 8.1y): The
epiphysis and diaphysis of the proximal
phalanx of index finger are equal. It occurs
approximately three years before the peak of
pubertal growth spurt (Fig. 5.41A). Figure 5.41A: Stage I—PP2
Stage II (males 12.0y, females 8.1y): The
epiphysis and diaphysis of the middle phalanx
of the middle finger are equal (Fig. 5.41B).
Stage III (males 12.6y, females 9.6y) (Fig.
5.41C): This stage is characterized by presence
of three areas of ossification:
i. The hamular process of the hamate
exhibits ossification.
ii. Ossifcation of pisiform.
iii. The epiphysis and diaphysis of radius
are equal.
Stage IV (males 13.0y, females 10.6y) (Fig. Figure 5.41B: Stage II—MP3

5.41D): This stage marks the beginning of the

pubertal growth spurt. It is characterized by:
i. Initial mineralization of the ulnar sesa­
moid of the thumb.
ii. Increased ossification of the hamular
process of the hamate bone.
Stage V (males 14.0y, females 11.0y) (Fig.
Figure 5.41C: Stage III (H Pisi-R)
5.41E): This stage heralds the peak of the
pubertal growth spurt. Capping of diaphysis
by the epiphysis is seen in:
i. Middle phalanx of the third finger.
ii. Proximal phalanx of the thumb.
iii. Radius.
Stage VI (males 15.0y, females 13.0y): This
stage signifies the end of the pubertal growth
spurt. It is characterized by union between
epiphysis and diaphysis of the distal phalanx
of the middle finger (Fig. 5.41F). Figure 5.41D: Stage IV (5H)
224 Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 5.41E: Stage V (MP3c, PPIc, Rc)

Figure 5.41G: Stage VII (PP5u)

Figure 5.41H: Stage VIII (MP3u)

Figure 5.41F: Stage VI (DP3u)

Stage VII (males 15.9y, females 13.3y): Union

of epiphysis and diaphysis of the proximal
phalanx of the little finger occurs (Fig. 5.41G).
Stage VIII (males 15.9y, females 13.9y): This Figure 5.41 I: Stage IX (Ru)
stage shows fusion between the epiphysis and
diaphysis of the middle phalanx of the middle
finger (Fig. 5.41H). of hand wrist development are described. The
Stage IX (males 18.5y, females 16.0y): This stages and their characteristics are:
is the last stage and it signifies the end of
skeletal growth. It is characterized by fusion Stage I (Early)
of epiphysis and diaphysis of the radius (Fig. This stage is characterized by absence of the
5.41I). pisiform, absence of hook of the hamate and
epiphysis of proximal phalanx of second finger
Singer’s Method of Assessment being narrower than its diaphysis.
Julian Singer in 1980 proposed a system
of hand­wrist radiograph assessment that Stage II (Prepubertal)
would enable the clinician to rapidly and with Stage two is characterized by initial ossification
some degree of reliability help determine the of hook of the hamate, initial ossification of
maturational status of the patient. Six stages the pisiform and proximal phalanx of second
Orthodontic Diagnosis  225

finger being equal to its epiphysis. Stage two the entire period of adolescent development
represents that period prior to the adolescent have been described. The Fishman’s system
growth spurt during which significant amounts of interpretation uses four stages of bone
of mandibular growth are possible. Maxillary maturation. They are:
orthodontic therapy in conjunction with 1. Epiphysis equal width to diaphysis.
mandibular growth might aid correction of a 2. Appearance of adductor sesamoid of the
Class II relationship with considerable speed thumb.
and ease. 3. Capping of epiphysis.
4. Fusion of epiphysis.
Stage III (Pubertal Onset) The eleven skeletal maturity indicators are
This stage is characterized by beginning of as follows (Fig. 5.42):
calcification of ulnar sesamoid, increased SMI 1: The third finger proximal phalanx shows
width of epiphysis of proximal phalanx of the equal width of epiphysis and diaphysis.
second finger and increased calcification of SMI 2: Width of epiphysis equal to that
hook of hamate and pisiform. of diaphysis in the middle phalanx of third
Stage IV (Pubertal) SMI 3: Width of epiphysis equal to that of
Stage four is characterized by calcified ulnar diaphysis in the middle phalanx of fifth finger.
sesamoid and capping of the diaphysis of the SMI 4: Appearance of adductor sesmoid of
middle phalanx of third finger by its epiphysis. the thumb.
SMI 5: Capping of epiphysis seen in distal
Stage V (Pubertal Deceleration) phalanx of third finger.
This stage is characterized by fully calcified SMI 6: Capping of epiphysis seen in middle
ulnar sesamoid, fusion of epiphysis of distal phalanx of third finger.
phalanx of third finger with its shaft and SMI 7: Capping of epiphysis seen in middle
epiphysis of radius and ulna not fully fused phalanx of fifth finger.
with respective shafts. Stage V represents that SMI 8: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in the
period of growth when orthodontic treatment distal phalanx of third finger.
might be completed and the patient is in SMI 9: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in
retention therapy. proximal phalanx of third finger.
SMI 10: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in
Stage VI (Growth Completion) the middle phalanx of third finger.
No remaining growth sites seen. SMI 11: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis seen
in the radius.
Fishman’s Skeletal Maturity
Indicators Maturation Assessment by Hagg and
A system for evaluation of skeletal maturation Taranger (Fig. 5.43)
was proposed by Leonart S Fishman in Skeletal development in the hand and wrist is
1982. This system of evaluating hand-wrist analyzed from annual radiographs, taken bet­
radiographs makes use of anatomical sites ween the ages of 6 and 18 years, by assessment
located on the thumb, third finger, fifth of the ossification of the ulnar sesamoid of the
finger and radius. Eleven discrete adolescent metacar­pophalangeal joint of the first finger
skeletal maturity indicators (SMI’s) covering and certain specified stages of three epiphyseal
226 Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 5.42: Fishman’s method

bones. The middle and distal phalanges of of PHV by about 40 percent of the subjects and
the third finger (MP3 and DP3) and the distal at PHV by many others.
epiphysis of the radius. MP3-FG: The epiphysis is as wide as the meta­
physis and there is distinct medial and or
Sesamoid lateral border of the epiphysis forming a line
Sesamoid is usually attained during the accele­ of demarcation at right angles to the distal
ration period of the pubertal growth spurt border. This stage is attained 1 year before or
(onset of PHV). at PHV.
MP3-G: The sides of the epiphysis have
Third Finger Middle Phalanx thickened and also cap its metaphysic forming
MP3-F: The epiphysis is as wide as the a sharp edge distally at one or both sides. This
metaphysic. This stage is attained before onset stage is attained at or 1 year after PHV.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 227

Figure 5.43: Hagg and Taranger method

MP3-H: Fusion of the epiphysis and metaphysic the epiphysis and metaphysis and is attained
has begun and is attained after PHV but before during the deceleration period of the pubertal
end of growth spurt by practically all boys and growth spurt by all subjects.
about 90 percent of the girls.
MP3-I: Is attained before or at end of growth Radius
spurt in all subjects except a few girls. R-I: Fusion of the epiphysis and metaphysis
has begun. This stage is attained 1 year
Third Finger Distal Phalanx before or at the end of growth spurt by about
DP3-I: Fusion of the epiphysis and metaphysis 80 percent of the girls and about 90 percent
is completed. This stage signifies the fusion of of the boys.
228 Essentials of Orthodontics

R-IJ: Fusion is almost completed but there is Stage I: Initiation

still a small gap at one or both margins. This stage is called initiation, corresponds to
R-J: Is characterized by fusion of the epiphysis beginning of adolescent growth with 80 to
and metaphysis. 100 percent of adolescent growth expected.
These stages were not attained before end Inferior borders of C2, C3 and C4 were flat at
by any subject. this stage. The vertebrae were wedge­shaped,
and the superior vertebral borders were
Skeletal Maturation Evaluation tapered from posterior to anterior.
Using Cervical Vertebrae
Hassel and Farman developed a system of Stage II: Acceleration
skeletal maturation determination using the The second stage is called acceleration. Growth
cervical vertebrae. The shapes of the cervical acceleration begins at this stage, with 65 to
vertebra were seen to differ at each level of 85 percent of adolescent growth expected.
skeletal development. This provided a means Concavities were developing in the inferior
to determine the skeletal maturity of a person borders of C2 and C3. The inferior border of C4
and theraby determine whether the possibility was flat. The bodies of C3 and C4 were nearly
of potential growth existed. rectangular in shape.
The shapes of the vertebral bodies of C3
and C4 changes from somewhat wedge­shaped Stage III: Transition
to rectangular, followed by square shape. The third stage called transition corresponds
In addition, they became taller as skeletal to acceleration of growth towards peak height
maturity progressed. The inferior vertebral velocity with 25 to 65 percent of adolescent
borders were flat when immature, and they growth expected. Distinct concavities were
were concave when mature. The curvatures seen in the inferior borders of C2 and C3. A
of the inferior borders were seen to appear concavity was beginning to develop in the
sequentially from C2 to C3 to C4 as the skeleton inferior border of C4. The bodies of C3 and C4
matured. The concavities become more were rectangular in shape.
distinct as the person matured.
Hassel and Farman have put forward the Stage IV: Deceleration
following six stages in vertebral development This stage called deceleration corresponds to
(Fig. 5.44): deceleration of adolescent growth spurt with
10 to 25 percent of adolescent growth expected.
Distinct concavities were seen in the inferior
border of C2, C3 and C4. The vertebral bodies
of C3 and C4 were becoming squarer in shape.

Stage V: Maturation
The fifth stage is called maturation. Final
maturation of the vertebrae took place during
this stage, with 5 to 10 percent of adolescent
Figure 5.44: Cervical vertebrae growth expected. More accentuated conca­
Orthodontic Diagnosis 229

vities were seen in the inferior borders of C2, method in determining growth trends in
C3 and C4. The bodies of C3 and C4 were nearly children.
square­to­square in shape.
Diagnostic Setup (Fig. 5.46)
Stage VI: Completion Diagnostic setup was first proposed by
This stage called completion corresponds to HD Kesling. The diagnostic setup is made
completion of growth. Little or no adolescent from an extra set of trimmed and polished
growth could be expected. Deep concavities study models. The individual teeth and their
were seen in the inferior borders of C2, C3 associated alveolar processes are sectioned off
and C4. The bodies of C3 and C4 were square and replaced on the model base on the desired
or were greater in vertical dimension than in positions. The diagnostic setup thus helps in
horizontal dimension. simulating the various tooth movements that
are planned for patients.
Tooth Mineralization as an Indicator
of Skeletal Maturity Uses of Diagnostic Setup
The calcification patterns and stage of minerali­ 1. It is useful in visualizing and testing the
zation of the teeth is believed to have a close effect of complex tooth movements and
relationship with the skeletal maturation of an extractions on the occlusion.
individual. Seymour Chertkow has described 2. The patient can be motivated by simulating
a method of determining the skeletal maturity the various corrective procedures on the
based on the mineralization of the lower cast.
canine. Demirjan, Goldstein and Tannner have 3. Tooth size arch length discrepancies can
described a similar method (Fig. 5.45). be visualized by means of a setup.

Dual Energy X­ray Absorptiometry Procedure

Skeletal age was assessed with the use of dual The cast is cut using a fretsaw blade to separate
energy X­ray absorptiometry (DEXA) as well the individual teeth. A horizontal cut is made
as with an X­ray of the left hand, in a study 3 mm apical to the gingival margin. Vertical
by Sartoris in 2000 which is a recent accurate cuts are made to separate the individual teeth.

Figure 5.45: Tooth mineralization stages

230 Essentials of Orthodontics

EMG is used to detect abnormal muscle

activity associated with certain forms of
i. In severe Class II division 1 malocclusion
the upper lip is hypofunctional. Thus
during swallowing, the lower lip extends
upwards and forwards to force the
Figure 5.46: Diagnostic setup
maxilla labially and a strong mentalis
muscle activity is seen. EMG can be used
The individual teeth are set in desired position to study such a condition.
using red wax. ii. Abnormal buccinator activity in Class II
division 2.
Electromyography iii. Overclosure of jaws is associated with
Electromyography is a procedure used for accentuated temporalis muscle activity.
recording the electrical activity of the muscles. iv. Children with cerebral palsy.
The resting potential of a muscle fiber is 85 v. EMG can be carried out after orthodontic
to 90 mV. Voluntary muscle consists of many therapy to see if muscle balance is
contracting fibers supplied by peripheral achieved.
nerve terminals. The membrane of each
fiber is electrically charged with positive Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
charge outside and negativity of 85 to 90 mV Endocrine upsets may produce or be partly
inside. Upon receiving a stimulus, there is a responsible for dental malocclusion, e.g. one of
reversal of this potentiality resulting in muscle the characterisitic sequelae of hypothyroidism
contraction. This is called action potential is the delayed eruption pattern which can
and denotes the mechanical activity of the cause malocclusion.
muscle. The electromyography is a machine A secondary oral manifestation helps
which is used to receive, amplify and record the dentist to diagnose the general medical
the action potential during muscle activity. problems. It is the duty of the dentist to
Electromyogram is a record obtained by such recognize such medical problems so that the
a procedure. The action potential is picked up patient receives medical care.
by electrodes which are of two types.
Surface electrodes: These electrodes are used Physioprint (Fig. 5.47)
when the muscle is superficially placed just Physioprints were developed by Sassouni.
below the skin. These are analogus to Fingerprints. They
Needle electrodes: They are used when the reproduce the contour of the face at each level
muscle is placed deep inside, e.g. Pterygoid of depth. It provides a contour map of the face
muscles: and at the same time gives dimensions. In a
Having picked up the action potential with synthetic way it translates on to a flat surface
surface or needle electrodes, it is recorded the three dimensional architecture of the face.
either with the help of a moving pen in the form This helps in distinguishing one face from
of a graph or recorded in the form of sound the other as the contoural and dimensional
with the help of a magnetic tape recorder. patterns of no two faces are alike.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 231

amount of radiation used and relative density

of the object. This pattern of electric discharge
on the plate is called latent image.
The latent image is then converted into a
visible image by a process called development
in a unit called processor. The plate is exposed
to charged particles called toner. These
particles adhere to the charged areas in
amounts proportional to the quantity of charge
present. This image is now transferred on to
a special kind of paper called Xerox opaque
The unique feature of xeroradiography
is that it is possible to have both positive
and negative image.Once the latent image is
converted to a real image on to a paper the
Figure 5.47: Physioprints selenium plate can be discharged, cleaned and
used again. It can be reused as many as 1000
Recent Advance in Diagnostic Aids Xeroradiographic image differs from con­
Orthodontics is a rapidly growing fields with ventional radiographs in the following ways:
developments occurring almost everyday. The 1. It exhibits high edge contrast due to a
improvements basically occur in two areas. The phenomenon called edge enhancement.
first is an improvement in the materials and This facilitates perception of anatomic
techniques used while the other is advances details.
in the diagnostic aids. Recent innovations 2. The xeroradiographic image is on paper
in medical imaging have been adapted to and is viewed in reflected light. Thus no
dentistry and find some applications in special illumination is needed for viewing.
orthodontics as well. 3. Choice of positive or negative image is
Xeroradiography The advantages of Xeroradiography are:
Xeroradiography is a completely dry, non­ 1. Reduction in exposure time.
chemical process which makes use of the 2. Ease in manipulation. No need of darkro­
electrostatic process as in Xerox machines. oms for developing.
It was invented by Chester F Carlson in 1937. 3. Ease of viewing: No special light source is
Xeroradiography makes use of an alumi­ required.
num plate that is coated with a layer of vitreous 4. Edge enhancement effect. Boundaries
selenium.The selenium particles are given between structures are clear.
a uniform electrostatic charge. The charged 5. Cephalometric landmarks are easily iden­
plate is palced in a light­tight, air­tight cassette. tified.
When the film is exposed it causes a selective Reconstruction of the cephalometric planes
discharge of the selenium depending upon the and points can be made directly on paper.
232  Essentials of Orthodontics

Digi-graph 2. A high resolution video camera with a

The Digi-graph is a synthesis of video imaging, telephoto lens for taking intraoral views by
computer technology and sonic digitizing. The Freeze framing the video image.
Digi-graph work station equipment measures 3. A light box for X-ray and a study model
5’ x 3’ x 7’. The main cabinet contains the holder for video imaging that will be
electronic circuitry. The Digi-graph enables included in the floppy disk.
the clinician to perform noninvasive and 4. Camera and video printer for producing
nonradiographic cephalometric analysis. copies of video monitor information.
Cephalometric landmarks are digitized by The Digi-graph allows all patients models,
lightly touching the sonic digitizing probe to a radi­o­­g raphs, photographs, cephalograms
point on the patient’s skin corresponding to it. and tracings to be stored on one small disk,
This emits a sound, which is then recorded by thereby reducing storage requirements.
the microphone and monitored as X, Y, and Z Further­more it is a valuable tool for improving
coordinates. The system allows cephalometric communication among clinician, patient and
evaluation and treatment progress as often staff.
as necessary without radiation exposure.
Features of Digi-graph include: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1. Landmark can be identified as a point in The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) makes
three dimensions. use of two fundamental properties of protons,
2. A cephalometric analysis can be made i.e. spin and small magnetic movements.
independently of head position. The proton of hydrogen ion which is in water
3. Parallelism of X-ray in midsagittal plane (water being the major component of body)
and symmetry of anatomic morphology is utilized in MRI. The protons behave like
between left and right sides is not necessary. small spinning magnets and when placed in a
The Digi-graph work station’s hardware magnetic field they tend to move parallel to the
and software enable the performance of field. Because of the spin the protons respond
cephalometric analysis, tracing, superi­ differently within their axis progressing abnout
mposition and visual treatment objectives. the direction of the magnetic field. If a coil is
The programs are capable of 14 analyses. now wound around a volume of protons, they
Measurements for any selected analysis can now progress at 90° around the magnetic field
be displayed on the monitor and the observed at the same frequency and induce a minute
values are shown along with the patient norm current in the coil which when amplified can
adjusted for age, sex, and race and head be displayed over an oscilloscope. This energy
size including standard deviations. Optional is utilized in scanning procedure (Fig. 4.48).
components include: The advantages of magnetic resonance
1. A consultation unit: It transports infor­ imaging are:
mation into the operatory, doctor’s office 1. MRI does not have hazards as it uses non-
or consul­tation ares, thus allowing viewing ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
and com­p arison of information and 2. Anatomical details are as good as in CT
the development of visual treatment scan.
objectives. 3. Greater tissue characterization is possible.
Orthodontic Diagnosis 233

outside the plane of interest is accomplished

by simultaneous movement of the X­ray
tube and film during the exposure. The tube
and film are connected so that movement
occurs around a point or fulcrum. As the
distance from the point of rotation increases,
the amount of image blurring also increases.
Thus objects close to the point of rotation are
sharper and objects farther are blurred. As
the angle between the source and film and
tissue increases the thickness of the image is
Figure 5.48: Magnetic resonance imaging of TMJ reduced. Thus, the greatest blurring is seen in
the periphery while the sharpest image is seen
4. Imaging of blood vessels, blood flow and at the central area near the fulcrum of rotation
visualization of thrombus is possible. (Fig. 5.49).
The disadvantages of MRI include: The principles of tomography can be
1. Time taken is more. mechanically implemented in two ways:
2. It is not used in patients with cardiac pace­ 1. The X­ray tube and film can move synchron­
makers. ously in opposite directions in parallel
3. Nonvisualization of bone makes it useless planes.
in bony lesions. 2. The X­ray tube and film can move synchr­
onously and in opposite directions in
Tomography parallel planes but with motions other than
Conventional radiographs are images in straight line, i.e. circular, spiral, etc.
which all objects between the X­ray source
and film are superimposed. Thus the clarity Computed Tomography
of specific radiographic findings depends It is also called CT or CAT (Computed axial
on both its location and the degree to which tomography). CT systems are mainly complex
its density differs from that of surrounding imaging systems which use thin beams of X­ray
objects. In some situations superimposition of
objects interferes with an observer’s ability to
clearly discover the object of interest. In these
instances tomography can be used to visualize
a section or slice or the object and thereby
eliminate undesirable overlap.
Tomographic can be conventional or
computed tomography.

Conventional Tomography
This is a process by which a layer of an image
within the body is produced while the images
of structures above and below that layer are
Figure 5.49: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
made invisible by blurring. Blurring of image tomography
234 Essentials of Orthodontics

that move in a synchronous manner with an array

of detectors which calculate and attenuate the
X­ray beams in different planes. This data is
fed into a computer which performs numerous
calculations as per the program and constructs
accurate images in the coronal and axial
The advantages of CT scan are:
1. Accurate visualization of an area of interest
is possible.
2. The computer programming makes it poss­
ible to view the images in different shades
and densities. This helps differentiate fat
and blood.

Occlusograms (Fig. 5.50)

It is a tracing of a photograph or a photocopy
of a dental arch. Occlusograms are used for the
following purposes:
1. To estimate occlusal relationships.
2. To estimate arch length and width.
3. To estimate the tooth movements required
in all three planes of space.
4. To estimate spacing and crowding.
5. To estimate anchorage requirements.
Occlusograms can be obtained on two ways:
1. The occlusal surfaces of the upper and
Figure 5.50: Occlusograms
lower dental casts are photographed in a
1:1 ratio and a tracing is made using the
photographs. Visual Treatment Objective (VTO). It can be
2. The casts are photocopied on a Xerox constructed from tracings of photographic
machine and the occlusal photocopy is or photostatic copies of the occlusal aspects
used to obtain a tracing. of the maxillary and mandibular study casts.
Occlusogram is a graphic representation The tracings of the teeth of both arches are
of the arches from the occlusal view. Occluso­ superimposed on each other to reproduce
grams are mainly used as treatment planning the existing occlusal relationship, using index
aids to assist in defining the specific tooth points that are marked on the models and
movements required within and between subsequently transferred to the tracings.
arches (in the sagittal and transverse planes) Anticipated movements of individual teeth as
to achieve treatment goals. An occlusogram well as the need for extractions then can be
is essentially a two­dimensional diagnostic determined, to simulate the desired treatment
setup and is directly correlated with the goal.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  235

Digital Subtraction Radiography a technical problem. It is impossible to

In conventional radiographs the background achieve perfect registration of images during
structures such as alveolar bone and adjacent digitization because of imperfections in the
teeth may draw the examiners vision away from radiographic and alignment procedures. The
the diagnostic information thereby making larger the differences in registration, the more
detection of pathologic changes difficult. The the visual noise present in the subtracted
advancement of caries from incipient lesion image.
through the dentino-enamel junction is often
difficult to detect. Likewise the assessment of Laser Holography
a healing or expanding lesion after root canal Holography is a photographic technique for
therapy is a challenge because of the subtle recording and reconstructing images in such
changes in the dentistry of the lesion that may a way that the three dimensional aspect of an
not be detectable with the unaided eye. object can be obtained. The recorded image is
The detection of initial saucering of called a hologram. Laser is light amplification
formation of angular defects around implants by simulated emission of radiation.
is very difficult to visualize on radiographs. Holography is a wave front reconstruction
Moreover, the spread of bone loss along process in which two coherent beams converge
the thread of the root form implant is often to produce a constructive and destructive
obscured by the sharp contrast between inter­ference pattern which is recorded in film.
the bone and implant surface. Subtraction Orthodontic applications of holography:
radiography addresses many of the limitations 1. Storage of study models images.
in the detection of these radiographic changes 2. Measurement of incisor intrusions.
by decreasing the amount of distracting 3. Study the effects of high pull headgear
background information and by allowing the traction in children’s skulls.
eye to focus on the actual that has occurred 4. Tooth position measurements on dental
between two images. By subtracting all casts.
anatomic structures that have not changed 5. To study the effect of maxillary expansion
between radiographic examinations, changes on facial skeletons.
in diagnostic information are easier for the 6. To study the effect of Class II elastics on
reader to see. bone displacement.
Technically this is an image enhancement 7. To study the effects of cervical pull
method that removes the structured noise from headgear on maxilla.
the images. The result is the area of change 8. To determine the centers of rotation
clearly displayed either against a neutral gray produced by orthodontic forces.
background or is superimposed on the original 9. Lower incisor space analysis.
radiograph itself. The subtraction of original 10. To assess the facial and dental arch sym­
two radiographs is termed an image rather metry.
than a radiograph because it dies not directly
result from exposure of a radiographic film. Photocephalometry
The digital subtraction technique selectively Although the standard and anteroposterior
enhances the differences between two images. cephalograms reveal some aspects of soft
Image registration however is found to be tissue, they nevertheless do not give adequate
236  Essentials of Orthodontics

soft tissue details. In a lateral cephalogram only Advantages are that it does not require
the profile is seen while in an anteroposterior special facilities, can be used to view the joint
cephalogram the lateral soft tissue margins in a continuum without invasion, discomfort.
are seen. Disadvantages include noise signal, size of
Thomas in 1978 developed photocephalo- the transducer and meniscus not seen.
metry to better visualize the soft tissues of the
Three radiopaque metallic markers COMPUTERS IN
with holes are placed on the patient’s skin ORTHODONTICS
with adhesives and standard lateral and A computer can be described as an automatic
anteroposterior cephalograms are taken. ele­c ­t ronic device capable of accepting
Using the same position lateral and frontal information (data), perform operations and
photographs are taken. The photographs are calculations according to the instructions
printed to the same size as the radiographs given and supply the results of the operation.
and are superimposed over the radiographic Computers commonly are employed to
tracing taking the metallic markers as the enhance the diagnosis, record keeping, pra­
guide. ctice management patient education and
Cine Radiography Humans live in the realm of information.
This is basically a radiographic motion picture. Machines operate in the realm of data. Data
The subject is oriented properly and stabilized are raw facts while information can be said
in a modified cephalostat. An X-ray motion to be data that is placed into a meaningful
picture is obtained using a cine camera which context for use by humans. Humans narrate
runs at 240 frames per second. This diagnostic information better than data, while computers
aid is used to visualize the swallowing pattern handle data better than information.
of the patient. The X-ray motion picture is Virtually everything that we do in dentistry
studied using a movie projector. that involves research, teaching, administration
or patient care is based on generation,
Ultrasonography storage and manipulation of information.
The phenomenon perceived as sound is the Computers are capable of handling large
result of periodic changes in the pressure of amount of data. They accomplish mundane,
air against the eardrum. Periodicity of these repetitive tasks consistently well where as
changes lies anywhere between 1500 and humans performance is likely to decline
20,000 cycles per second. overtime. Computers can perform routine
communications with greater speed and
Principle accuracy than is humanly possible. They
Electrical impulses generated by the scanner are capable of massive computation and
causes the dipoles in the crystal to realign calculations more rapidly than humans. They
themselves and to the electrical field and thus have a greater capability for accuracy and
suddenly change the crystal’s thickness. This rapidity. Their processing forte is management
abrupt change begins a series of vibrations that of large amounts of disconnected pieces
produce the sound waves that are transmitted of data, with retrieval, rearrangement and
into the tissues being examined. relocation in storage areas.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  237

COMPUTER Computers possess the ability to communicate
with other systems and adopt several modes of
Speed presentation such as audio, visual, animation,
Computers are capable of making calculations etc.
at a very fast rate that is not possible by the
average human brain. The presently available Components of a Computer System
medium sized computers can execute over a A computer system comprises of two basic
million instructions per second. To exemplify components. They are Hardware component
this it would not be an exaggeration to say and Software component.
that a computer can perform calculations in The hardware component includes all
one minute than an average individual would the mechanical devices in the system, the
require his entire lifetime. machinery and the electronic components
that perform physical functions. The software
Accuracy and Reliability is an organized set of ready made or specially
Computers are designed in such a way written instructions that make the equipment
that they exhibit a high level of endurance work. In simple words whatever we can see
capacity so that they can work without tiring. and touch in a computer can be said to be the
Computers work on the principle of electric hardware while, the unseen instructions that
impulse transmission which makes it very make the machine run is the software.
reliable and mistake proof. They are capable The typical computer system consists of a
of repeating the same job over and over again central processing unit (CPU), input devices,
without any decline in their efficiency. storage devices and output devices.
The central processing unit can be said to
Memory be the brain of the computer. The functions
Computers are capable of storing large amount of the CPU include storage of data and
of data and information in their inbuilt and instructions, carrying out the data processing
auxiliary memory systems. Information that as per the instructions given, controlling the
is stored in the computer memory can be sequence of operations as per the stored
retrieved at an astonishing speed whenever instructions, issuing commands to all parts of
required. Modern day computers can retrieve the computer system and sending the results
data from its memory in a few nano seconds. to the output device. The CPU consists of an
arithmetic logic unit, registers, control section,
Integrity and internal bus. The arithmetic logic unit
It is the ability to take in and store a sequence carries out arithmetic and logical operations.
of instructions to be obeyed. Such a sequence The registers store data and keep track of
of instructions given to the computer is operations. The control unit regulates and
called a program and it must be written in a controls various operations. The internal bus
language that the computer can understand. connects the units of the CPU with each other
The computer performs calculations or and with external components of the system.
manipulates the date that has been fed to it The input devices are components of
using the instructions that has been given to a computer that are meant to present the
it and furnishes the desired results. information to the computer. A computer
238  Essentials of Orthodontics

system can have one or more types of input iii. Patient motivation
devices. For most computers, the principal iv. Appliance designing using CAD,
input devices are a key-board or mouse. CAM
The storage devices comprise of the v. Computerized imaging
internal memory and the external memory. vi. Computerized cephalometrics
The internal memories of a computer are the vii. Computerized growth prediction
RAM (Random access memory) and the ROM viii. Clinical diagnosis and treatment
(Read only memory). The external memory planning.
comprise of the floppy disk drive, CD Rom, 3. Other applications: Computers have a
DVD, hard disk drive and magnetic tapes. num­ber of other applications besides the
Output devices display the results of the clinical and administrative uses mentioned
computations. The output devices include the above. They include:
visual display unit or the monitor and various i. Creating a data base of survey infor­
types of printers. mation
ii. Continuing medical education
iii. Reviewing of literature
ORTHODONTICS v. Case presentations and other con­
ference presentation
An orthodontic office can use computers for vi. Entertainment and family use.
a number of purposes. These can be broadly
classified as: Computerized Scheduling
1. Administrative applications: Administrative Several of the companies producing dental
applications of a computer are aimed at office management softwares today offer
smooth running of the dental clinic. They computerized scheduling modules. With these
include: programs, it is no longer necessary to maintain
i. Patient appointment and recalls a paper appointment book. The scheduler
ii. Billing allows the receptionist to find available times
iii. Accounting for patient appointments and log them on the
iv. Correspondence computer.
v. Inventory controls and supply orders
vi. Dental insurance claims Computerized Dental Patient Record
vii. Document preparation and word One of the applications of computers in dental
processing practice is the electronic storage of diagnostic
viii. Referral information information. Electronic dental patient record
ix. Missed appointments follow-up. is slowly and steadily replacing bulky paper
2. Clinical applications: Clinical applications records. Electronic dental patient records help
of computers are those that help the dentist in storing patient information in a digital formal
in his or her professional practice. They which can be retrieved, duplicated, cataloged,
include: transmitted and achieved as needed.
i. Patient records storage and retrieval Record storage problem increases as the
ii. Patient evaluation, examination and practice ages. Study models are bulky and
treatment planning heavy, presenting considerable problem for
Orthodontic Diagnosis  239

organizing and storage as they continue to for the benefit of the patients, just like a video
accumulative. cassette is played.
Current technology is available for in
office use of computers combined with video Case Presentations
cameras to copy radiographs, study models, Most of us dentist consider ourselves as
photographs, and handwritten records for life-long students and researchers and our
storage in compact digital form. profession is not limited to practice alone.
Maintaining research data and creating
Practice Management presentations is one of the greatest boons of
Dentistry, after all is a profession like any computerization. Most advertising agencies
other and today, living in a consumerist use internationally marketed presentation
society practitioners have to professionally softwares like Microsoft’s Office, Power point
manage their hospitals and clinics in such to push their products. This same tool can be
a way that, there is patient satisfaction and used by dentists to make slide presentations,
job satisfaction. To cater to this need of wherein one can use text, color, pictures
professional management, some of the dental and actual photographs. These tools are
administrative softwares go one step beyond extremely user-friendly and they not only make
patient administration and work on the date presentation classy and informative, but also
that is fed in, creating reports that analyze the save valuable time, money and effort that were
nature of the work being done over a period formerly spent on the same.
of time, the cost effectiveness of time spent on
the various procedures the productivity of the Dental Imaging
dentist over a period of time and so on, thus This is a tool that is a god sent gift for most
providing valuable management information dentists. Since dentistry, now deals with
reports which analyze the practice within the changing the look of persons face, record
shortest time. keeping naturally involves a lot of photographs
that document the treatment. But manual
Practice Education photography is time consuming, laborious and
There has always been a need in all branches expensive over a period of time and it has its
of medicine to educate patients about diseases, limitations with intraoral pictures. Moreover,
prevention and cure. Most dentists regard this it creates more paperwork. Dental imaging is
aspect very highly and spent a lot of their time a solution wherein, a small intraoral camera
informing the patients about the various dental is interfaced to the computer, so that the user
problems, health guidelines, etc. However, has to just focus the camera to capture the
computers can save this valuable time of image on the monitor, click and the image can
the dentist by using the latest multimedia be saved as a part of a picture album for each
technology. Multimedia simply means using patient in the computer itself. These images
multiple media like text, pictures, graphics, can be viewed, edited, transformed into slides,
movies and sound to make a presentation. and printed, not only is it the most effective
Internationally, various multimedia tools for marketing tool. There is hardly any patient
patient education are available. This can be who is unimpressed by the photo recording of
purchased and played on the computer system their treatment and it also creates awareness
240  Essentials of Orthodontics

among patients about the need of dentistry used as a tool for entertainment, not only for
and its effects. playing fascinating games, but can be used to
watch televisions programs, as a CD player and
Continuing Medical Education CD or DVD movie player.
and Research References
Continuing medical education is essential Computerized Cephalometric
for the professional expertise and growth of Systems
every doctor. With limitations of time long Prior to the introduction of computerized ceph­
distances and traffic difficulties it becomes al­om
­­ etry, all angular and linear measurements
increasingly difficult for the dental surgeon were calculated manually. Besides being time
to attend workshops or other continuing consu­ming, it involves the possibility of human
education programs. Access to medical and error.
dental journals and access to large volume of Computerized cephalometry provides, in
medical reference material is easily available addition to reliability, the advantage of speed.
on the Internet and also on CD-ROMs. It can be performed in 10 percent of the time of
Communication and consultation with a normal manual registration and calculation.
colleagues in all parts of the world is possible The advantages of this system include:
using E-mail and Internet. i. Easy storage and retrieval of cephalo­
Multimedia medical and dental public­ metric images, tracings and values.
ations are now widely marketed. Multimedia ii. Integration of cephalometric registr­
publications not only include text and pictures, ations within an office management
but also video clips and sound recordings. computerized system.
Virtual reality presentations and animated iii. Combination of the cephalometric data
simulations also form an important part with other patient records.
of multimedia. Currently several hundred The following are some of the popularly
medical and dental books are available as CD- used computerized systems:
Anybody who is involved in research knows RMO’s Jiffy Orthodontic Evaluation
that a very large part of research work is tedious RMO (Rocky Mountain Orthodontics) was the
tabulations, data analysis and painstaking first to provide the dental professional with
stati­s tical analysis. All this can be greatly a computer aided cephalometric diagnosis
facilitated using a computer leaving valuable in the 1960’s. A recently designed software
time for the researcher to spend on actual package the JOE, generated tracings of lateral
scientific findings. or frontal cephalograms using Ricketts,
Jaraback, Steiners, Sassouni and Grummons
Communications and Entertainment analysis. It can also provide a visual represen­
Besides all these uses, computers have revoluti­­ tation of normal for comparison to the
onized our concepts of communications too. patient’s tracings, generate a collection of
A com­puter in our clinics can function as an ceph­a lo­m etric values tested in a logical
ans­wering machine and a fax. It can link you to order along with the norms and amount of
the Internet and can be used for international deviation from normal and put together a list
comm­unications via the E-mail. It can also be of orthodontic problem analysis.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  241

PorDios (Purpose on Request The system allows cephalometric evalu­

Digitizer Input Output System) ation and treatment progress as often as
A product of the Institute of Orthodontic com­ necessary without radiation exposure. The
puter sciences, Denmark it is a cephalometric Digi-graph work station hardware and software
system aimed at providing dentists with a enable the performance of cephalometric
user-friendly program. This program can be analyses, tracings, and superimposition and
easily changed to satisfy individual needs and visual treatment objectives. The program is
preferences. capable of 14 analyses. Measurement for any
PorDios works with digitizer in the standard selected analysis can be displayed on the
way and also enables the use of a video/ monitor and the observed values are shown
scanner as means of digitization of X-rays. along with the patient norm adjusted for age,
It uses popular analyses including Bjork, sex, race and head size including standard
Burstone, Coben, Downs, McNamara, Ricketts deviations. The Digi-graph allows all patients
and Steiner. PorDios has built in functions to radiographs tracings, cephalograms, photos
calculate discrepancies between the actual and models to be stored on the computer hard
and its deviations from the norms. The norms disk, thereby reducing storage requirements.
for each variable can be changed for different Furthermore it is a valuable tool for improving
ethnic groups. It is multi-lingual and the user communication among clinician, patient and
can choose from English, French, German, staff. Optional components include:
Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Danish and Greek. i. A consultation unit: It transports infor­
The system facilitates double digitization mation into the operatory, doctor’s
minimizing error and ensuring the validity of office or consultation area, thus allowing
the whole registration procedure. The drawings viewing and comparison of information
can be printed either on a matrix printer, laser and the development of visual treatment
printer or a color plotter. An import export objectives.
facility makes it possible to make calculations ii. A high resolution video camera with a
on all stored patients. It can produce a database telephoto lens for taking intraoral views
file containing the results of the digitization. by freeze framing the video image.
iii. A light box for X-rays and a study model
Digi-graph holder for video imaging that will be
This is a product of Dolphin Imaging system, included in the floppy disk.
USA. The Digi-graph is a synthesis of video iv. Camera and video printer for producing
imaging, computer technology and sonic copies of video monitor information.
digitizing. The Digi-graph work station
equipment measures 5’× 3’×7’. It enables Computer Aided Diagnosis
the clinician to perform non-invasive and Research is currently in progress attempting
nonradiographic cephalometric analysis. to create a computer system that would, in
Cephalometric landmarks are digitized by effect, simulate the diagnostic abilities of the
lightly touching the sonic digitizing probe to a practicing physician. Several programs have
point on the patients’ skin corresponding to it. been designed to aid the physicians to make
This emits a sound, which is then recorded by multiple and complex diagnoses. Experience
the microphone and monitored as X, Y and Z with these programs, however confirms the
coordinates. belief that medical diagnosis is a complex
242  Essentials of Orthodontics

process. The computer is able to construct a it can image through bone, thus disclosing
differential diagnosis after being presented the previously hidden parts of the body, such as
necessary historical items, symptoms, physical the spinal cord. NMR can also differentiate
signs and laboratory abnormalities associated among blood, liver and muscle and in the
with a specific medical disorder. However the future the sensitivity may help distinguish
program cannot recognize subcomponents of between benign and malignant tissues.
illness, such as specific organ system involve­ NMR works by exposing the patient
ment or the degree of severity of the pathologic to a large magnetic fields and low level
processes. The computer is still limited in its radiofrequency pulses. Electrical charges
ability to reason and is unable to simulate generated by the nuclei of atoms composing
the thought processes and problem solving the molecules of the body producing a
methods employed by the human mind. submicroscopic magnetic field, allowing
Thus, the practice of medicine remains an ‘art’ them to be attracted to an external magnetic
rather than an exact science, and the computer fields provided by the NMR scanner. After the
currently remains only a tool to aid, rather than nuclei have been aligned by NMR, they are
replace, the physician. bombarded withradio waves. The radiowaves
are then turned off, and the nuclei are allowed
Medical Imaging to relax, re-emitting the radio signals that are
The advent of computers has allowed rapid converted by the NMR scanners computer into
technologic advances in the field of diagnostic images of the body. These images are superior
imaging, including X-rays, ultrasound, and to those obtained with all previous technology.
nuclear imaging systems. Clinical applications
of ultrasound diagnosis have broadened Conclusion
considerably. Such technology is now used Thus, in conclusion the computer will provide
to detect disorders involving the liver and the doctor and his staff with immediate
biliary systems, kidney and in obstetrics and access to more information than ever before.
gynecology. They are also used to diagnose Communi­cations is improved dramatically as
craniofacial pathologies by the dental surgeon. are other forms of marketing. With detailed
The medical profession is very familiar with patient histories, diagnostic information
the use of the CAT scanner as an instrument to and treatment plans stored in the computer,
provide a noninvasive information regarding research and practice analysis can be done with
the size, shape and health of major body ease. These advantages are more important to a
organs. However, a new, more versatile and good clinician than any initial inconveniences
safer method of providing three dimensional that he may face while computerizing his
views of the inner body has merged in recent clinic.
years. This technique called NMR (Nuclear All this is possible today in our country at a
magnetic resonance), has several advantages reasonable cost which recovers itself in a short
over CAT. Of greatest significance is its safety. period of time.
It is entirely noninvasive and dies not require Competitive forces have further driven the
the use of dye injected or the exposure of the prices of computer hardware and software
patient to ionizing radiation. The NMR scanner lower and lower, each year, thus bringing down
is also superior to the CAT scanner in that the patients and doctors cost to benefit ratio.
Orthodontic Diagnosis  243

The computer can truly be called a “Dream drawbacks. It requires from 1 to 2 hours at
Machine”. 320°F for a complete cycle—far too long to
be practical for inventory considerations.
A lesser problem is the tendency for the air
STERILIZATION IN to stratify and cause uneven temperatures
ORTHODONTICS that result in a lack of sterility.
Sterilization is the total destruction of all life. 3. Unsaturated chemical vapor sterilization
Disinfection is the destruction of most (Chemi-clave) is a suitable method for
microorganisms but not highly resistant spores. orthodontic instruments. It operates at
Milton Schaefer has outlined an approach that 240° F, with 20 to 40 pounds of pressure
identifies three possible pathways of cross- for 20 minutes. Because an unsaturated
contamination and how each should be vapor is used, rusting is not a problem. It
handled: has a cycling time that is practical for an
1. Critical: Instruments that penetrate the orthodontic office. Its chief drawback is a
mucosa must be sterilized. chemical odor that, although not harmful,
2. Semicritical: Instruments that touch the requires adequate ventilation.
mucosa should be sterilized. 4. Glutaraldehydes—alkaline, acidic, and
3. Least critical: Surfaces touched during heat-potentiated—are effective sterilants
treatment should be disinfected. for instruments other than pliers, but only
Using this as a guide, scalers, scalpels, when used for 6 to 10 hours. Again, this is
and other tissue-cutting instruments must be an impractical cycle time. Their best use is
sterilized. Other hand instruments and pliers for plastics and other heat-sensitive items.
should be sterilized. Work surfaces, triplex
syringe handles, operating light handles, Disinfection
and other environmental surfaces should be A number of methods have been used in
disinfected. orthodontic offices to disinfect instruments
and environmental surfaces. A 70 percent
alcohol solution has been the most widely
STERILIZATION used even though the least effective. A 1
percent solution of sodium hypochlorite
Sterilization can be accomplished in one of (bleach) is very effective, but hard on the skin
several ways. We will examine some of the most and has an unpleasant odor. The iodophors
common ways as they relate to an orthodontic are the best choice. They are inexpensive,
practice: have residual effectiveness, and are easy to
1. Steam sterilization (autoclave) uses use and store. Their single drawback is the
saturated water vapor at 240°F, with 15 light brown residue left on surfaces, which
pounds of pressure for 15 to 40 minutes. It disappears as the compound oxidizes. It does
is a time-tested method that has little value not stain as iodine does. These solutions can
for orthodontists because it severely rusts be made by diluting 1 oz povidone-iodine
pliers and damages cutting edges. preparation in 16 oz of 70 percent isopropyl
2. Dry heat provides a relatively low-cost alcohol. They are also available in dry form to
sterilization procedure. It has two major be diluted with water. It should also be noted
244  Essentials of Orthodontics

that quaternary ammonium compounds are for incubation and a report. Simple color
no longer acceptable as disinfectants. change strips can be used on a more frequent
basis to determine if sterilizing conditions have
Clinical Procedures been met, but they do not indicate that sterility
Contaminated instruments are removed has been accomplished.
from the operatory to the lab, rinsed under The instruments are emptied onto a clean
running water, drained, and placed in an (not sterile) towel or paper surface. They can
ultrasonic cleaner for 5 minutes. A good now be handled with instrument tongs and
quality liquid detergent (1 capful per quart placed in bags or on trays and returned to the
water) is used as the cleaning solution. A operatory.
500 ml beaker with acidic solution is placed All environmental surfaces touched
inside the main container to clean instruments during treatment are wiped with povidone-
contaminated with cement. The ultrasonic iodine between patients. This includes light
tray and instruments are removed and rinsed handles, bracket tables and triplex syringes.
under running water to remove any detergent. The povidone-iodine is dispensed with a spray
All instruments must be hand dried or placed bottle. Four-by-four sponges are used as wipes.
in an alcohol solution to remove any residual All trays are cleaned in the same manner before
water. This is a very important step. If the placing a new paper liner.
instruments are moist when placed in the Handwashing is a vital link in the cross-
chemiclave unit, the process changes to a conta­mi­na­tion control program. Many antiba­
saturated vapor that causes rusting, particularly cterial soaps are marketed; the soap that
in the box joints of pliers. After drying, the causes the least irritation to the hands should
instruments are loaded into the chemiclave be used. Repeated washing roughens the
tray and the sterilizing cycle begun. Depending hands, causing greater retention of bacteria.
on the size of the load, it will take from 5 to 15 Lather the hands for 10 seconds, then rinse
minutes to reach the required heat, followed while rubbing briskly under running water for
by a 20-minute time cycle. The unit can be left 10 seconds. Dry with paper towels that can be
on all day to minimize start-up time between dispensed without contaminating the supply.
runs. It is important that the instruments
not be left to heat in the chemiclave unit Inventory
between cycles. The vapor injected at the Inventory is sterilized as follows:
beginning of the cycle will not condense on First, divide your operations into various
the warm instruments, defeating the sterilizing procedures—banding-bonding, appliance
process. When the timed cycle is complete, removal, arch wire change, and routine
the chemiclave shuts off and an alarm sounds. adjustment. Make a list of instruments used
The unit can be depressurized and the door for each procedure. Then, using a week of day
opened immediately. The chemiclave’s sheets, count how many times each procedure
effectiveness should be monitored at least was performed. Determine the average for
monthly by placing a “spore test” strip in a load each instrument per day. Allow 30 minutes to
of instruments to be sterilized. After the run, cycle a load and you can determine how many
the contents of the strip and a control can be of each instrument you need, depending on
sent to a medical lab or returned to the supplier how often you cycle them. Disposable vacuum
Orthodontic Diagnosis  245

tips of different styles also cut down the load. General Comments
Plastic items such as cheek retractors are Do not touch instruments in drawers. Have
sterilized overnight in glutaraldehyde. Prophy them placed on the operating tray by an
heads are sterilized in the chemiclave unit. assistant. Do not touch other surfaces until
hands have been washed. Bands and brackets
Storage should be removed from boxes with cotton
There are two practical methods for storing forceps. Those that have been tried for fit and
sterilized instruments. Use tray setups or place rejected should be sterilized in glutaraldehyde.
the instruments in paper bags. Trays color- Always use gloves or a finger cot, and face
coded by procedure can be stored in racks masks. Wear protective glasses to prevent
or in an operatory cupboard. One pint liquor spattering saliva from entering the eyes.
bottle bags can be stamped with procedure, Remember, the efforts you are taking in sterili­
the appropriate instruments sealed inside, zation and disinfection is not only the well-
and the bags placed in drawers to be taken being of your patients, but also your career!
out as needed.
246  Essentials of Orthodontics

6 Planning

GENERAL FACTORS IN Most patients are satisfied once the an­ter­ior

ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT teeth are straightened. But it is the responsibility
PLANNING of the orthodontist to educate the patient on
Treatment plan in orthodontics refers to the the importance of moving teeth to positions
outline of all the measures that can be best that stand for stability. The orthodontist should
instituted for a patient so as to offer maximum, not succumb to the temptation of terminating
long-term benefits. the treatment as soon as the anterior teeth are
Patients seek orthodontic treatment for a straightened as such treatment invariably results
variety of reasons. The orthodontist should in unstable dental positions that tend to relapse.
plan out a treatment modality based on In many cases achieving all the three goals,
thorough examination and sound diagnosis esthetics, function and stability may be quite
in a systematic fashion. As no simple formula difficult. The orthodontist should strike a
cook-book approach exists, each case should balance in fulfilling the major esthetic desires
be assessed and a customized treatment plan of the patient within the bounds of keys that
formulated to suit the individual patient. stand for stability.


From a patient’s point of view the basic need for
orthodontic treatment is improving in esthetics The orthodontist should enlist the problems
and function. The orthodontist has an added that have to be attended to in a decreasing
goal in the form of treatment stability. The order or priority. The problem list helps in
orthodontist should aim at providing quality setting up objectives and possible solutions
treatment that will remain relatively intact for to the problem.
many years to come after the therapy is com­ While setting up the objectives, the patient’s
pleted. chief complaint and parental desires should be
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  247

given adequate weightage. Most patients seek cases where the etiology is obvious, it may not
treatment to improve esthetics or function. be possible if the cause is elusive or unknown.
If the orthodontist considers certain other
objectives more important, for an overall Planning Space Requirements
solution to the problem or to achieve long- Most malocclusions require space to move
term stability, then adequate explanation teeth to more ideal positions. The following
should be given to the patient. are some of the conditions that require space
The orthodontist must be realistic in setting for correction:
up objectives. They should reflect the patient’s Correction of crowding : Correction of crowded
needs, the doctor’s own level of competence, teeth requires space. The rule of thumb is that
patient cooperation, etc. for every mm of crowding, an mm of arch
length (space) is required.
Assessment of Growth Potential Rotations: Rotated anterior teeth occupy
The growth status of an individual is an lesser arch length. Hence, space is required
important factor that should be considered for derotating these teeth which is calculated
while planning treatment. by subtracting the distance between the
A patient who is still growing presents proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth from the
the orthodontist with numerous options total mesiodistal width of the rotated teeth.
that exploits the individual growth potential. Leveling the curve of Spee: One of the common
The orthodontist can modulate growth features associated with skeletal malocclusion
of the dentofacial structures, can guide is an increased curve of Spee. A flat arch
teeth into more favorable positions and can occupies more space than one with an excessive
undertake therapeutic procedures to prevent curve of Spee. Some provision should thus be
and intercept malocclusions. In an adult, the made in the treatment plan to provide space for
treatment options are limited to moving teeth leveling. Failure to do so result in proclination
and surgical correction. that is unstable.
The growth status of the individual should Correction of proclination: Retraction of pro­
thus be determined prior to treatment planning cli­ned teeth requires space. In the case of a
so as to carry out appropriate treatment spaced dentition, the existing spaces can be
procedures. made use of to correct the proclination. If the
dentition is not spaced, then alternate ways of
Assessment of Etiologic Factors gaining space should be planned. For every 1
The etiologic factors responsible for the mm of reduction in proclination 2 mm of space
malocclusion should be determined and is required.
adequate steps should be planned for their Molar correction: Presence of an unstable
elimination. The continued presence of molar relation at the end of treatment is a cause
the etiologic factors can constitute a severe of instability. The molars should be moved to
limitation to the corrective procedures to be achieve good intercuspation.
undertaken and may also predispose to relapse
of a treated malocclusion. Comprehensive Space for Anchor Loss
orthodontic therapy should thus involve Most tooth movements are accomplished by
removal of the cause. While this is possible in appliances that anchor on to certain other
248  Essentials of Orthodontics

teeth in the dental arch. Some amount of Duration of treatment: Complicated ortho­
move­­ment of the anchor teeth should be dontic treatment of prolonged duration strain
expected. While trying to retract the anterior the anchor teeth, resulting in greater anchor
teeth, the molars also invariably move forward loss.
to a certain extent. This loss of space is called Once the anchorage demand is known it
anchorage loss. Studies have shown that in is possible to classify the case as maximum,
extraction cases, almost 40 percent of the space moderate or minimum anchorage demand
is lost by mesial movement of the posterior case. In case of maximum anchorage demand,
anchor teeth. adequate reinforcement of the anchorage
The orthodontist should sum up the space should be planned.
required to correct the malocclusion. Once the
total space requirement is known, the different Selection of Appliance
avenues to acquire the needed space should The next step in treatment planning is the
then be explored. Some of the methods of selection of appliance, which is based on a
gaining space include: number of factors.
i. Use of existing spacing Growth potential: Growing patients who
ii. Proximal stripping exhibit skeletal malocclusion should be treated
iii. Expansion with appliances that modulate the growth so
iv. Extraction that the existing skeletal problems solved or at
v. Distalization least not worsened.
vi. Uprighting of molars Type of tooth movement: Removable appliances
vii. Derotation of posterior teeth can be used in patients requiring simple
viii. Proclination of anteriors. tipping movements. Whenever bodily tooth
movements are required, fixed orthodontic
Planning Anchorage appliances should be used. Patients requiring
Anchorage consideration forms an important complicated tooth movements including
part of the treatment planning exercise. All rotation, root movements, axial movements
efforts should be taken to minimize unwanted are best treated with fixed appliances.
tooth movements. Failure to plan anchorage Oral hygiene: Maintenance of good oral
invariably results in failure of treatment hygiene is an essential part of orthodontic
mechanics. treatment. However, fixed appliances place an
The anchorage demand for an individual additional demand as they pose greater risk of
patient depends on the following factors: caries, decalcification, plaque accumulation,
Number of teeth being moved: The greater the etc.
number of teeth being moved, the greater Cost: Removable appliance are by far less
would be the demand on anchorage. expensive than fixed appliances as they take
Type of teeth: Tooth movement involving less chair side time and use limited material
multirooted posterior teeth offer greater strain to fabricate.
on anchorage then tooth movement involving Skill of the operator: Clinician should select
smaller teeth. proper appliance for that patient rather than
Type of tooth movement: Tipping tooth move­ fitting an appliance into the patient. Clinician
ments are less demanding on the anchorage should not use an appliance which he is not
than bodily tooth movements. fully confident of handling. Clinician has to
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  249

regularly update the techniques which are objectives that were set up are being fulfilled.
introduced. Changes might have to be made in the
treatment plan if the desired changes are not
Patients Expectations taking place or if unforeseen problems arise.
In planning the treatment the patients
expectation out of orthodontic treatment is
most important. Patients expectations are AGE FACTOR IN ORTHODONTICS
mainly concerned with esthetics. Sometimes
patients may be unrealistic, in those situations An important consideration in orthodontic
realistic compromise should be arrived. diagnosis and treatment planning is the age of
the patient. In addition age factors influence
Planning Retention the treatment mechanics and prognosis.
It is now accepted that teeth once moved
tend to go back to their original position. Diagnosis and Age
The potential for relapse is increased by the Diagnosis forms a vital part of successful
presence of certain factors which are listed orthodontic therapy. In order to diagnose
as follows: abnormalities of the dentofacial complex, the
Stretched periodontal ligament: The stretched orthodontist should know what constitutes
gingival fibers are a frequent cause of relapse normalcy. Normalcy in the dentofacial region
in case of rotated teeth, since these fibers differs from age-to-age. There are certain
take a long time to reorganize around their features of the developing dentofacial complex
now positions. Thus, adequate retention for which are normal in a child, however, if present
an appropriate period should be planned in an adult would constitute malocclusion.
depending on the type of malocclusion. These are referred to as self correcting
Unstable occlusion: Teeth placed in unstable malocclusion or transient malocclusions.
position at the end of orthodontic therapy Some of the transient malocclusions are:
tend to relapse. i. Openbite seen in the gum pads
Continuation of growth pattern: Continuation ii. Spacing in deciduous dentition
of the growth pattern that has caused a skeletal iii. First deep bite
malocclusion after orthodontic therapy results iv. Flush terminal plane
in resurfacing of the malocclusion after v. Ugly duckling stage
treatment. vi. Second deep bite.
Thus retention should be planned keeping These malocclusions are considered
in mind all the factors that may predispose to normal for that age and need no treatment
relapse. In addition to the use of retainers some as they get corrected automatically as the age
adjunctive procedures might have to be carried advances.
out so as to aid in retention. The chronological age of the patient
may sometimes be misleading and may not
Re-evaluation reflect the exact growth status. Thus skeletal
The treatment plan should be re-evaluated and dental ages of the patient should be
at regular intervals during the active phase ascertained for a more accurate diagnosis.
of treatment so as to confirm whether the The skeletal age or bone age as it is sometimes
250  Essentials of Orthodontics

called is determined by studying a hand-wrist Harnessing natural growth forces: The human
radiograph. The hand-wrist region has a dentition has a natural tendency to move in a
number of carpal bones. The ossification and mesial and occlusal direction. These natural
union of these skeletal centers follow a definite tendencies can be used to guide the erupting
timetable and pattern. Thus by ascertaining teeth to more favorable positions.
the status of these ossification centers and Minimizing psychological distress: Treatment
comparing them with standards for different carried out at an early age avoids psychological
skeletal ages, one can determine the exact disturbances as a result of coping with a full
skeletal maturity status of an individual. The fledged malocclusion.
dental age of an individual is determined by
assessing the stage of calcification and root Late Treatment
developing. Role of growth: Orthodontic treatment carried
Considering the fact that orthodontic and out during adolescent or still later in adults
dentofacial orthopedic appliances are most cannot make use of the growth potential.
effective during growth, the assessment of Although working with growth potential has
skeletal maturation in young patients is of numerous advantages as enlisted earlier, certain
utmost importance for the success of therapy. maloc­clusions are best treated after growth
completion. Most skeletal malocclusions
indicated for orthognathic surgery are to be
TREATMENT AND AGE treated after growth completion so as to avoid
recurrent growth changes associated with
Early Treatment continuation of abnormal growth pattern.
Most orthodontist believe in the concept of Limited treatment options: In a growing
‘catch them young.’ Treating a patient at an patient, the orthodontist has a number of
early age when dentofacial growth is active has patient, the orthodontist has a number of
numerous benefits. options in his armamentarium that include
Scope for growth modification: Skeletal malo­ growth modulation, guidance of eruption,
cclusion that occurs as a result of altered growth use of natural forces, etc. However, in an adult
direction and amount can be intercepted by patient the treatment options are limited to
modulating further growth. These procedures moving teeth and surgery.
that modify growth should be initiated at an Compromise on treatment objectives: In an
early age before craniofacial growth ceases. adult patient in whom growth has ceased,
Scope for prevention and interception: One of it may not be possible to achieve all the
the advantages that early treatment offers is objectives of function, esthetics and stability
the possibility of preventing or intercepting that represent ideal dentition and occlusion.
a malocclusion. Even if the malocclusion In many adult patients compromises might
cannot be totally eliminated, its severity can have to be made in the treatment. While setting
be reduced so that complex orthodontic treatment objectives for adult patients the
treatment involving extraction and surgery orthodontist should set goals that are realistic,
can be minimized. attainable and which strike the best possible
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  251

balance in function, esthetics and treatment orthodontic correction of their malocclusion.

stability. Numerous differences exist between adult
orthodontics and orthodontics for the young
child. The following are some of the important
TOOTH MOVEMENT AND AGE areas where the difference is seen:

Vitality of Tissue Growth to Work With

Ortho­dontic tooth movement is most effecti­vely One of the important differences in treating
carried out in young patients. Young patients a child and an adult is the fact that in a child
exhibit increased vascularity and cellularity of the orthod­ontist has growth to work with.
periodontal membrane and bone as compared Most orthodontic and orthopedic treatment
to older patients. Patients of younger age are is efficiently carried out using the growth
hence more responsive to orthodontic forces potential of the patient. In comparison, an
which make it possible to move teeth faster. adult lacks growth. Thus the orthodontist
merely relies on tooth movement or surgery.
Role of Growth
Most orthodontic and orthopedic corrections Diagnosis
are effectively carried out during the growth Most of the routine diagnostic aids can be
period. This is due to the fact that younger used in both young as well as adult patients.
growing patients react more favorably to An adult patient shows greater possibility of
orthodontic and orthopedic forces. dormant pathosis, impaction, periodontal
Although it is desirable to carry out orth­o­d­ problems, wear of dentition, faulty restoration,
ontic treatment at a younger age, it is nevertheless bone loss, loss of tooth due to decay, etc. The
possible to move teeth in older patients by diagnostic exercise in an adult should hence
altering the force magnitude and duration. consider these factors as some of them may
hamper the success of the orthodontic therapy.
Role of Apical Foramen
In an adult patient the apical foramen is Appliance Selection
narrow. Force application during treatment Younger patients who are growing can
may pose a greater chance of nonvitality, root benefit from orthopedic and myofunctional
resorption and ankylosis of teeth occurring. In appliances that help modulate growth in case
a young patient, the apical foramen is wider of abnormal growth amount and direction.
thus there is lesser chance of pulpal damage. In an adult patient the options are restricted
to orthodontic tooth movement and surgery.
Density of Bone It is a fact that younger patients tolerate
As adults exhibit greater density of bone, most appliances and are not bothered by the
orthodontic tooth movement is much slower. appe­arance of the appliance. In case of adults,
the appliance tolerance is much lesser than a
child. Adults are often bothered by the looks
YOUNG VERSUS ADULT PATIENTS of the appliance. In such patients, removable
appliances and fixed appliances that are more
In recent times there has been an increase esthetic or inconspicuous are advocated
in the number of adult patients who desire whenever feasible.
252  Essentials of Orthodontics

Periodontal Problems i. To remove obstacles to normal growth

Presence of periodontal involvement and of the face and the jaws.
bone loss is more common in an adult patient. ii. To restore or maintain normal function.
Periodontally involved teeth move more Conditions to be treated
readily and offer poor anchorage. 1. Anterior crossbite
Patient motivation and cooperation: Most 2. Posterior crossbite
adult patients seeking orthodontic therapy are 3. Space maintenance—space maintainers
well-motivated as compared to children. Thus, 4. Retained deciduous BA/AB which interfere
the orthodontist can expect more cooperations with eruption of permanent teeth
in an adult patient. 5. Habits that cause abnormal function
Tissue vitality: The tissue vitality and respon­ 6. Occlusal equilibration
siveness to force is much greater in a child than 7. Openbite due to abnormal habits—habit
in an adult patient. This is because of reduced breaking appliances.
vascularity and cellularity in an adult patient.
Treatment objectives: In an adult patient, Contraindications
many compromises might have to be made. 1. When there is no awareness that the results
The three objectives of function, esthetics will be sustained.
and stability may not be achieved in an adult 2. When better results can be achieved with
patient and the orthodontist should thus strike less effort at another time.
the best possible balance between the various
objectives. Treatment Planning in Mixed
Treatment appreciation: Adult patients are Dentition
more appreciative of the treatment results than Reasons for treatment, any case may be
a child patient. treated:
i. Provided treatment does not impede
normal growth.
PHASES OF ORTHODONTIC ii. Provided that malocclusion cannot be
TREATMENT treated more efficiently in this permanent
Broadly orthodontic treatment can be divided
into four phases: Conditions Treated
1. Primary dentition: Preventive orthodontics. 1. Loss of primary teeth—giving space
2. Mixed dentition: Interceptive orthodontics. main­tainers.
3. Permanent dentition: Corrective orthodo­ 2. Loss of space—giving space regainers.
ntics. 3. Malocclusion that interferes with
4. Postpermanent dentition: Surgical ortho- normal development. Cause faulty
dontics. patterns of mandibular closure.
4. Extraction of supernumerary teeth.
Treatment Planning in 5. Crossbites.
Primary Dentition 6. Correction of habits—habit breaking
The objectives in treatment during primary appliances.
dentition period: 7. Oligodontia.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  253

8. Spacing between incisors—if space Factors Related to the Dentist

closure is indicated. 1. Aptitude: To have a clear concept of right
9. Class I with severe dental proclination. or wrong, the identification of the one
10. Class II functional. best way to treat every case is a must to
11. Class II dental. encounter difficulties in orthodontics.
Conditions that may be treated are: 2. Undergraduate and postgraduate training
1. Class II skeletal—maxillary prognathism, in orthodontics.
mandibular retrognathism or combination. 3. Experience: Adequate experience.
2. Serial extractions. 4. Attitude: Objective criticism of his own
3. Gross inadequacies of the apical base. clinical efforts.
4. Class III skeletal due to maxillary retro­ 5. Avoid adherence to poor methods. The
gnathism, mandibular prognathism or above few qualities are necessary for a good
combinations. orthodontist. Lacks of them are limitations.

Treatment Planning in Factors Related to the Nature

Permanent Dentition of Orthodontics
All malocclusions possible to correct may be 1. The nature of developmental oral biology.
taken up in permanent dentition. 2. Mechanical limitations related to orofacial
Treatment planning in 3. Role of the patient in orthodontic therapy.
postpermanent dentition 4. Paucity of adequate compromising
Cases requiring surgical treatment are treated alternative treatments.
during this period.


LIMITATIONS IN ORTHODONTICS The correction of malocclusions requires
space in order to move teeth into move ideal
Factors Related to the Patients locations. Space is required for correction
1. Limiting skeletal factors: Wherein there is of crowding, retraction of proclined teeth,
gross osseous dysplasias, e.g. when there is leveling of steep curve of Spee, derotation of
severe maxillary prognathism it is beyond anterior teeth and for correction of unstable
the scope of orthodontic therapy. molar relation. The orthodontist is often faced
2. Limiting dental factors: Where there is dis­ with the dilemma of how to obtain space
harmony between arch size and tooth size required for these corrections.
variation, it is difficult to manage only by Some of the methods of gaining space
orthodontic means. include:
3. Limiting neuromuscular factors: Where 1. Proximal stripping
there is an abnormal neuromuscular 2. Expansion
factor as it is seen in retained infantile 3. Extraction
tongue thrust pattern, it is difficult to treat 4. Distalization
orthodontically. 5. Uprighting of molars
254  Essentials of Orthodontics

6. Derotation of posterior teeth chamber which increases the risk of pulpal

7. Proclination of anterior teeth. exposure.
2. Patients who are susceptible to caries or
those who have a high caries index.
I­MI­­ZATION, SLENDERIZATION, Advantages of Proximal Stripping
DISKING AND PROXIMAL 1. It is possible to avoid extraction in border­
SLICING) (FIGS 6.1A AND B) line cases where space requirement is
Proximal stripping is a method by which the 2. A more favorable overbite and overjet
proximal surfaces of the teeth are sliced in relation can be established by eliminating
order to reduce the mesiodistal width of the tooth material excess in either of the
teeth. Although this procedure is routinely arches.
carried out in the lower anteriors it can also 3. More stable results can be established
be done on the upper anteriors and buccal by broadening the contact area thereby
segments of the upper and lower arches. eliminating small contact points which can
clip and cause rotation of teeth.
Indications for Proximal Stripping
1. Proximal stripping is usually indicated Disadvantages of Proximal Stripping
when the space required is minimal, i.e. The procedure of proximal stripping has a
0 to 2.5 mm. In these cases, it is possible number of drawbacks which include:
to avoid extraction of teeth by performing 1. The stripping procedure creates roughened
reproximation. proximal surface that attracts plaque.
2. If the Bolton’s analysis shows mild tooth 2. Caries susceptibility is increased as part
material excess in either of the arches, it of the enamel is removed, leaving behind
is possible to reduce the tooth material by a roughened area.
proximal stripping. 3. Patients may experience sensitivity of teeth.
3. It can be undertaken in the lower anterior 4. Improper procedure at the hands of inex­
region as an aid to retention. perienced operators can result in alteration
of morphology of the teeth, creating an
Contraindications unnatural appearance of the teeth.
1. Proximal stripping is not carried out in 5. Loss of contact between adjacent teeth may
young patients as they possess large pulp result in food impaction.

Diagnostic Aids for Proximal Stripping

Arch perimeter analysis: Arch perimeter or
Carey’s analysis showing a tooth material
excess of 0 to 2.5 mm over the arch length is
a diagnostic criteria favoring reproximation.
Bolton’s analysis: Bolton’s analysis revealing
A B an excess of tooth material in either of the
Figures 6.1A and B: Proximal stripping arches is an indication to reduce tooth mat­
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  255

erial in that arch. Minimal interarch tooth by various appliances that incorporate jack
material discrepancies can also be corrected screws or by use of springs.
by proximal stripping. An apparently complex yet relatively
Intraoral periapical radiographs: It is advisable sim­ple procedure in orthodontics is palatal
to carefully analyze an accurately taken expansion. Its versatility is unique for despite
intraoral periapical radiograph of the region. the many controversies surrounding it,
This would give an idea of the enamel thickness desirable results are achieved when used in
and a rough estimate of the amount of enamel the appropriate situation by a skilled clini­
that can be removed from the proximal surface, cian.
without exposure of the pulp. Expansion of the palate was first achieved
Amount of proximal stripping: Not more than by Emerson C Angell in 1860. Palatal expansion
50 percent of the enamel thickness should be can be carried out in different ways which are
reduced by proximal stripping. Whenever, classified as rapid and slow.
reproximation is undertaken in a segment of an
arch, it is advisable to equally distribute them Rapid Maxillary Expansion
over all the teeth. Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is also
known as rapid palatal expansion or split
Procedure of Proximal Reduction palate. It is a skeletal type of expansion that
Proximal stripping is carried out in one of the involves the separation of the midpalatal
following ways: suture and movement of the maxillary shelves
1. Use of metallic abrasive strips. away from each other.
2. Safe sided carborundum disks. Emerson C Angell is considered Father of
3. Long thin tapered fissure burs. rapid maxillary expansion. Angell, for the first
time in 1860, used a jack screw type of device
Fluoride Application between the maxillary premolars in a 14-year-
The increased caries susceptibility after slend­ old girl and achieved an increase in arch width
eri­­zation is managed by a thin comprehensive by 1/4 inch in 14 days. Walter Coffin in 1877
fluoride program following the procedure. introduced a spring called Coffin spring for the
purpose of expanding the arch. These efforts
however, were not accepted by the orthodontic
EXPANSION community at that time.
It was the oral surgeons and ENT surgeons
Expansion is one of the noninvasive methods who popularized this technique during the
of gaining space. It is usually undertaken in early part of this century. ENT surgeons
patients having constricted maxillary arch or used this technique in treatment of nasal
in patients with unilateral or bilateral crossbite. insufficiency and constricted nasomaxillary
Expansion can be skeletal or dentoalveolar. complex with great success.
Skeletal expansion involves splitting of the Korkhaus and Andrew Hass during
midpalatal suture while dentoalveolar expan­ the 1950s, reintroduced rapid maxillary
sion produces a dental expansion with no expansion to the orthodontic community.
skeletal change. Expansion is brought about They popularized the concept with excellent
256  Essentials of Orthodontics

research publications on animals and humans 2. Class III malocclusion of dental or skeletal
using a variety of techniques and methods. cause. Improvement is seen in both
anterior as well as posterior crossbites.
Applied Anatomy 3. Cleft palate patients with collapsed maxill­
The maxilla together with the palatine bone ary arch.
forms the hard palate, floor and greater part 4. In cases requiring face mask therapy, RME
of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. The is used along with face mask to loosen the
maxilla is a paired bone that articulates with maxillary sutural attachments so as to
its opposite member and various other bones facilitate protractions.
including frontal, ethmoid, nasal, lacrimal, 5. The medical indications for rapid palatal
vomer, zygomatic and the palatine bones. expansion include nasal stenosis, poor
Most of the sutural attachments of the maxilla nasal airway, septal deformities, recurrent
to the adjoining bones are at its posterior and ear and nasal infections, allergic rhinitis,
superior aspects leaving the anterior and deviated nasal septum, etc.
inferior aspects free, which makes it vulnerable
for lateral displacements. Diagnostic Aids
The intermaxillary and the interpalatine The routine diagnostic aids such as case history,
sutures are collectively called the midpalatal clinical examination and study models are
suture. Rapid maxillary expansion should useful in diagnosis. The midpalatal suture
be initiated prior to the ossification of the can be visualized in a maxillary occlusal view
midpalatal suture. Various studies have radiograph. These radiographs are also useful
been done to ascertain the age at which the during treatment to check for midpalatal split
midpalatal suture ossifies. Melsen reports that and also to estimate the amount of maxillary
the transverse growth of the midpalatal suture expansion achieved. PA cephalogram is another
continued up to 16 years in girls and 18 years valuable diagnostic aid in rapid maxillary
in boys. Most studies report a broad range of expansion procedures to estimate the amount
ossification timetable, i.e. between 15 and 27 of expansion that has taken place.
years. The sphenoid and the zygomatic bones
have a buttressing effect resisting midpalatal Effects of RME
suture opening. Though RME is essentially a dentofacial
orthopedic appliance used by orthodontists,
Indications it finds application in other fields such as oral
Rapid maxillary expansion has been carried surgery, ENT and plastic surgery.
out for dental as well as medical purposes. The Maxillary skeletal effect: The maxillary poster­
following are some of the indications for rapid ior teeth are used as handles to apply a
maxillary expansion: transverse reciprocal force so as to open the
1. Posterior crossbite associated with real midpalatal suture. Since, the force employed
or relative maxillary deficiencies. A real for the procedure is very high, not much
maxillary deficiency is associated with an of orthodontic changes can be observed.
undersized or narrow maxilla. Relative The appliance on activation compresses
maxillary deficiency is characterized by the periodontal ligament and bends, the
normal maxilla but oversized mandible. alveolar process bucally and slowly opens
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  257

the midpalatal suture. The opening of the of the mandible following rapid expansion.
midpalatal suture is fan-shaped or triangular This is accompanied by a slight increase in the
with maximum opening at the incisor region mandibular plane angle. The reason attributed
and gradually diminishing towards the for the mandibular rotation is the extrusion
posterior part of palate. This can be appreciated and buccal tipping of the maxillary molars.
in a post RME occlusal radiograph. Similar Effect on adjacent cranial bones and sutures:
fan-shaped or nonparallels opening is also Rapid maxillary expansion not only results
seen in the superior-inferior direction. The in opening of the midpalatal suture but also
maximum opening is towards the oral cavity has for reaching effects on adjacent cranial
with progressively less opening towards the structures. In addition to the effects on those
nasal aspect. bones directly articulating with the maxilla,
According to Krebs, the two halves of bones of the cranium such as parietal and
the maxilla rotate in the sagittal and coronal occipital were also found to be displaced.
planes. In the coronal plane the two halves Effects of RME on nasal cavity: Following rapid
of the maxilla rotate away from each other. maxillary expansion an increase in intranasal
The point at which the rotation takes place space occurs due to the outer walls of nasal
is around the frontomaxillary suture. In the cavity moving apart. This increase in nasal
sagittal plane, the maxilla is found to rotate in cavity width is maximum in the inferior region
a downward and forward direction. of the nasal cavity and gradually decreases
Amount of expansion achieved: An increase towards the superior aspect. Similar gradient
in maxillary width of up to 10 mm can be is also found in an anteroposterior direction
achieved by rapid maxillary expansion. The with the greatest increase being in the anterior
rate of expansion is about 0.2 to 0.5 mm per region.
day. Airflow resistance is believed to reduce by
Effect on alveolar bone: The alveolar bone in 45 to 60 percent thereby improving nasal
the area adjacent to the anchor teeth bends breathing.
slightly. This is due to the resilient nature of
the alveolar bone.
Effect on maxillary anterior teeth : The TYPES OF APPLIANCES USED
appearance of midline spacing between the
two maxillary central incisors is the most Numerous appliances have been used for
reliable clinical evidence of the maxillary rapid maxillary expansion. Broadly they can
separation. The incisor separation is about half be classified as:
of the distance the screw is opened. By three to 1. Removable applianced
five months, the midline diastema closes as a 2. Fixed appliances
result of the transseptal fiber traction. a. Tooth borne
Effect on maxillary posterior teeth: The b. Tooth and tissue borne.
maxillary posterior teeth are used as anchors
during rapid maxillary expansion. These teeth Removable Appliances
show buccal tipping and are also believed to The reliability of these in producing skeletal
extrude to a limited extent. expansion is highly questionable. Although it
Effect on mandible: Most authors have is possible to split the sutures using removable
observed a downward and backward rotation plate, it nevertheless is unpredictable.
258  Essentials of Orthodontics

Treatment during the deciduous or early

mixed dentition is consi­dered more favorable
in producing appreciable skeletal effects.
A removable type of rapid maxillary
expansion device consists of a split acrylic
plate with a midline screw. The appliance is
retained using clasps on the posterior teeth.
The dis­a dvantages of a removable rapid
expansion appliance are the need for patient
cooperation and the difficulty in retaining the
plate inside the mouth.

Fixed Appliances
Figure 6.2: Hass appliance
Appliances that are fixed onto the teeth are
more reliable and found to produce consistent
skeletal effects. These fixed rapid expanders
can be classified into tooth and tissue borne palatal acrylic has a midline screw. The plate
appliances and tooth borne appliances. Two does not extend over the rugae area.
of the commonly used tooth and tissue borne
appliances are: Issacson Type
1. Derichsweiler type This is a tooth borne appliance without any acrylic
2. Hass type. palatal covering. This design makes use of a
Examples of tooth borne appliances include: spring loaded screw called a MINNE expander
1. Issacson type (Developed at the University of Minnesota,
2. HYRAX type. Dental School).
The first premolars and molars are banded.
Derichsweiler Type Metal flanges are soldered onto the bands on
The first premolars and the first molars are the buccal and lingual sides. The expander
banded. Wire tags are soldered onto the consists of a coil spring having a nut which can
palatal aspect of the bands. These wire tags compress the spring. This coil spring is made
get inserted into a split palatal acrylic plate to extend between the lingual metal flanges
incorporating a screw at its center. that have been soldered. The expander is
activated by closing the nut so that the spring
Hass Type (Fig. 6.2) gets compressed.
The first premolar and molar of either side are
banded. A thick stainless steel wire of 1.2 mm Hyrax Type (Fig. 6.3)
diameter is soldered on the buccal and lingual This type of appliance make use of a special
aspects connecting the premolar and molar type of screws called HYRAX (Hygienic Rapid
bands. The lingual wire is kept longer so as Palatal Expander). The screws have heavy
to extend past the bands both anteriorly and gauge wire extensions that are adapted to
posteriorly. These extensions are bent palatally follow the palatal contour and are soldered to
to get embedded in the palatal acrylic. The split bands on premolars and molars.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  259

of threading on either side is of opposite

direction. Thus turning the screw withdraws
it from both sides simultaneously.

Activation Schedule
Various authors have advocated different
activation schedules to achieve the desired

Schedule by Timms
For patients of up to 15 years of age 90o rotation
in the morning and evening. In patients over
Figure 6.3: HYRAX appliance
15 years, Timms recommends 45o activation
4 times a day.
Bonded RME
Most of the rapid maxillary expansion appli­ Schedule by Zimring and Issacson
ances described earlier are banded appliances. In young growing patients, they recommend
They incorporate bands on the first premolars two turns each day for 4 to 5 days and later
and molars. An alternative design of the one turn per day till the desired expansion is
appliance would be to have a splint covering achieved. In case of nongrowing adult patients,
variable number of teeth on either side to they recommend two turns each day for first two
which the jack screw is attached. Splints can days, one turn per day for the next 5 to 7 days
be of two types: and one turn every alternate day till desired
1. Cast cap splints expansion is achieved.
2. Acrylic splints.
The cast cap splints are made of silver Treatment Evaluation during RME
copper alloy. The acrylic splints are made of Clinically, the most noticeable feature during
polymethyl-methacrylate. A wire framework rapid maxillary expansion is the appearance of
may be adapted around the teeth to reinforce a midline diastema. Studies by various authors
the acrylic. These splints are bonded to teeth show that the amount of incisor separation
using either glass ionomer or other bonding is roughly half the amount of jack screw
adhesives, after adequate etching. separation. But the amount of diastema should
not be taken as a reliable factor in estimating
Description of a Typical Expansion the amount of expansion. Maxillary occlusal
Screw radiograph and palatocephalogram are more
A typical expansion screw consists of an oblong reliable in estimating the amount of maxillary
body divided into two halves. Each half has expansion.
a threaded inner side that receives one end
of a double ended screws. The screws has a Contraindications of RME
central bossing with four holes. These holes Some cases where RME is contraindicated are:
receive a key which is used to turn the screws. 1. Single tooth crossbites.
The turning of the screws by 90o brings about 2. In patients who are uncooperative, RME is
a linear movement of 0.18 mm. The pattern contraindicated as the appliance requires
260  Essentials of Orthodontics

frequent activation and maintenance of Clinical Tips for RME

good oral hygiene. 1. Oral hygiene instructions should be given
3. Rapid maxillary expansion is not carried out to the patient and reinforced during the
after ossification of the midpalatal suture procedure.
unless it is accompanied by adjunctive 2. Orthodontic movement of the anchor
surgical procedures. teeth should be avoided prior to rapid
4. Skeletal asymmetry of maxilla and man­­ maxillary expansion, as mobile teeth do
di­ble and adult cases with severe antero­ not offer adequate anchorage for palatal
posterior skeletal discrepancies. split. Recently moved teeth tend to tip.
5. Vertical growers with steep mandibular 3. The patient should be trained to use the
plane angle are usually a contraindication. key. The key should be tied to a sting and
6. As the posterior teeth are used as anchors the free end should be secured around
to move the bones apart, the procedure the patient’s wrist to avoid accidental
is not indicated in a periodontally weak swallowing.
dentition. 4. Maxillary occlusal radiographs should be
taken at regular intervals to monitor the
Retention following RME expansion.
Failure to retain the expansion results in 5. The possible immediate effects of prem­
relapse. Most authors recommend a retention ature appliance removal include dizziness,
period of not less than 3 to 6 months. Issacson pressure at the bridge of nose, pressure
recommends the use of the RME appliance under eyes, blanching of soft tissues under
itself for the purpose of retention. The screw the eyes, etc. These symptoms may occur
should be immobilized using cold dure acrylic. on removal of the appliance for repair
Alternatively, either a removable or fixed or recementation. The patients should
retainer can be used. therefore be kept seated and asked not to
stand immediately after appliance removal.
Surgery as an Adjunct
Patients who exhibit unusual resistance to
separation of the palatine bones may require SLOW EXPANSION
surgical intervention. This usually occurs
in female patients over 16 years of age and According to the proponents of the slow
male patients over 18 years of age in whom expansion, the results are more stable when
the midpalatal suture has ossified. Surgical the maxillary arch is expanded slowly at a rate
separation may also be required in patients of 0.5 to 1 mm per week. The forces generated
exhibiting increased circummaxillary rigidity by such procedures are much lower, i.e. 2 to 4
as a result of aging. pounds as against 10 to 20 pounds generated
Maxillary expansion can be brought about during rapid maxillary expansion. Unlike in
by surgery alone or by surgery along with rapid maxillary expansion where the treatment
a rapid expansion appliance. The surgical is completed in 1 to 2 weeks, slow expansion
procedures usually carried out are: may take as much as 2 to 5 months.
i. Palatal osteotomy Slow expansion has traditionally been
ii. Lateral maxillary osteotomy termed dentoalveolar expansion, although
iii. Anterior maxillary osteotomy. some skeletal changes can be observed.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  261

Appliances Used for Slow Expansion

Jack Screws (Figs 6.4A to D)

The various jack screws incorporated in the

appliances described for rapid expansion can
be used for slow expansion, but with a more
spread out activation schedule. The screws
used for slow expansion have a smaller pitch
than those used in RME.

Coffin Spring (Fig. 6.5)

This appliance was designed by Walter Coffin Figure 6.5: Coffin springs
around the beginning of this century. It is remo­
vable appliance capable of slow dentoalveolar
expansion. The appliance consists of an three prong pliers. Coffin spring is believed to
omegashaped wire of 1.25 mm thickness, bring about dentoalveolar expansion. However,
placed in the midpalatal region. The free ends use of this appliance in younger patients
of the omega wire are embedded in acrylic is believed to bring about some amount of
covering the slopes of the palate. The spring skeletal expansion.
is activated by pulling the two sides apart
manually. It can also be activated by using Quadhelix (Fig. 6.6)
One of the appliances used to expand a
narrow maxilla is the Quadhelix. It is said to
have evolved from the original Coffin loop.
The quadhelix incorporates four helices
that increase the wire length. Therefore, the
flexibility and range of action of this appliance
is more. The appliance is constructed using

Figures 6.4A to D: Jack screw expanders Figure 6.6: Quadhelix appliance

262  Essentials of Orthodontics

0.038 inch wire and is soldered to bands on Arch expansion using Fixed Appliances
the first molars. Arch expansion can be achieved in a patient
The quadhelix consists of a pair of anterior who is undergoing fixed mechanotherapy.
helices and a pair of posterior helices. The Mild expansion can be brought about by using
portion of wire between the two anterior expanded arch wires. In addition appliances
helices is called the anterior bridge. The wire such as the quadhelix or the transpalatal arch
between the anterior posterior helices is called can be used along with fixed mechanotherapy.
the palatal bridge. The free wire ends adjacent
to the posterior helices are called outer arms.
They rest against the lingual surface of the EXTRACTIONS IN ORTHODONTICS
buccal teeth and are soldered onto the lingual
aspect of the molar bands. One of the frequently resorted methods of
The quadhelix can be used to expand a gaining space for orthodontic purposes is by
narrow arch as well as to bring about rotation of extraction of one or more teeth. Extraction
molars. It can be preactivated by stretching the that is undertaken as a part of orthodontic
two molar bands apart prior to cementation or treatment is called therapeutic extraction.
by using three prong pliers after cementation. Premolars are the most frequently extracted
The quadhelix beings about slow teeth as part of orthodontic treatment.
dentoalveolar expansion. But when it is used Extraction of one premolar from each quadrant
in children during the deciduous and early of the jaw provides sufficient space to correct
mixed dentition periods, a skeletal midpalatal the confronting problem (crowding and procli­
splitting can be achieved. nation) without unduly hampering function
and esthetics. In addition, the location of
Wilson’s ‘W’ Arch Appliance (Fig. 6.7) premolars in the arch is such that the space
Wilson devised a fixed type of expansion gained by their extraction can be utilized for
appliance similar to quadhelix which looks like correction in both the anterior as well as the
“W”, and commonly used in mixed dentition. posterior segments of the arch.
It is not uncommon to extract molars or
lower anteriors during orthodontic therapy.
However, extraction of canines and upper
incisors is usually avoided.
The philosophy of extraction in conjunction
with orthodontic treatment is not new.
Establishment of normal functional occlusion
in balance with supporting structures occasi­
onally requires the reduction of one or more
Most extractions are performed as part
of a general plan of treatment which also
involves the use of an appliance. The nature
of malocclusion and the age of the patient
Figure 6.7: Wilson’s ‘W’ arch appliance may be important factors in deciding whether
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  263

or not to resort to extraction. Extractions Arch Length tooth Material Discrepancy

in ortho­d ontics include serial extraction Ideally the arch length and tooth material
carried out as an interceptive procedure should be in harmony with each other. The
and therapeutic extractions carried out as a size of the dentition and arch length are
treatment procedure for gaining space. usually genetically determined. The presence
of tooth material in excess of the arch length
Historical Background can result in crowding of teeth or proclination
To extract or not to extract has always been of anteriors.
and will always remain a controversy in In many cases the tooth material arch
orthodontics. The great extraction controversy length disproportion cannot be treated by
of 1920s was based on two schools of thought increasing the arch length. Hence, reduction
backing the philosophy of two pioneers in of tooth material is the only alternative.
orthodontics namely, Edward Angle and his Extraction of one or more teeth is resorted to
student Calvin Case. The former advocating in case of severe tooth material arch length
nonextraction while the latter recommend discrepancy.
Edward Angle believed that an individual Correction of Sagittal interarch
was capable of having 32 teeth in normal Relationship
occlusion and orthodontic treatment for every Abnormal sagittal malrelationship such as
patient involved expansion of arches. Class II or Class III malocclusion may require
Calvin Case argued that although arches extraction of teeth to achieve normal sagittal
could always be expanded so that teeth could interarch relation. The extraction of teeth in
be placed in alignment, neither esthetics nor such cases helps in establishing normal incisor
stability would be satisfactory in the long- and molar relationship.
term for many patients thus necessitating It is a known fact that extraction of teeth
extractions. impairs the forward development of the
By the late 1940s extraction was reintro­ dental arches and the alveolar process. Thus,
duced into orthodontics by Charles Tweed who extraction of certain teeth in Angle’s Class
observed that the post-treatment occlusion II and Class III malocclusions improves
was more stable in patients treated with the sagittal relationship not only by tooth
extraction of four first premolars. By the movement but also by selective forward growth
early 1960s more than half of the orthodontic impairment.
patients had extractions of some teeth, usually Angle’s Class I: These patients are characterized
but not always first premolars. by a normal sagittal interarch relation. Thus, it
is not advisable to discourage the development
need for Extraction of on edental arch more than the other. Hence
There are a number of circumstances that in Angle’s Class I cases, it is preferable to extract
necessitate extraction of teeth as a part of in both the upper and lower arches.
orthodontic treatment they are listed as Angle’s Class II: In most Class II cases the
follows: upper dental arch is forwardly placed or the
264  Essentials of Orthodontics

lower arch placed back. Thus, by extracting 2. A buccally or lingually blocked out lateral
only in the upper arch it is possible to reduce incisor with good contact between the
the abnormal upper proclination and also to central incisor and canine can be extracted.
discourage the forward development of the 3. If one of the lateral incisors is congenitally
upper arch. missing, the opposite lateral may have to
Angle’s Class III: There is lower arch crowding be extracted in order to maintain the arch
or the molars are not in full Class III occlusion, symmetry.
it may be necessary to avoid extraction in 4. A grossly carious incisor that cannot be
upper arch and preferably only lower arch restored may have to be sacrificed.
extraction is required. 5. Malformations of incisor crowns that
cannot be restored by prosthesis may
Abnormal Size and form of Teeth necessitate their extraction.
Teeth that are abnormal in size or form may 6. Trauma or irreparable damage to incisors
necessitate their extraction in order to achieve by fracture may indicate their removal.
satisfactory occlusion. Examples of such 7. An incisor with dilacerated root cannot be
anomalies include macrodontia, severely efficiently moved by orthodontic therapy.
hypoplastic teeth, calcification and abnormal It is hence preferable to extract them.
crown morphology.
Extraction of Lower Incisors
Skeletal Jaw Malrelations Extraction of lower incisors should as far as
Severe skeletal malrelationship of the jaws may possible avoided. The extraction of a lower
not be satisfactory treated using orthodontic incisor to relieve lower anterior crowding is often
appliances alone. Surgical resective procedures followed by the narrowing of lower intercanine
along with extraction may be required in such width, retroclination of lower incisors, deep bite
cases. and reappearance of crowding. This leads to a
collapse of the lower arch.
Choice of Teeth for Extraction The reduction in lower intercanine width
The decision to extract teeth during often leads to a secondary reduction in upper
orthodontic therapy should be based on a intercanine width resulting in upper anterior
sound diagnostic exercise. The premolars are crowding. The extraction of a lower anterior
the most commonly extracted teeth as part of may thus have far reaching consequences that
orthodontic treatment. are best avoided.
There are however some conditions when
Extraction of Upper Incisors a lower incisor may have to be extracted:
The maxillary incisors are rarely extracted as 1. If one of the incisors is completely out of
a part of orthodontic therapy. However, there the arch with good interdental contact
are certain condition when one or more of the between the rest of the teeth.
upper incisors may have to be sacrificed. The 2. A lower incisor that was traumatized, or
following are some of them: exhibiting severe caries, gingival recession
1. An unfavorably impacted upper incisor that or bone loss may have a poor prognosis.
cannot be brought to normal alignment 3. Presence of severe arch length deficiency
within the arch. is often characterized by the presence
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  265

of fan-shaped flaring out of the lower canines should also be removed so as to

incisor crowns. In these cases it may not avoid worsening of the postnormally (Class
be possible to flatten the lower anterior II tendency).
segment by extraction teeth further distally 5. In Class III cases if the upper deciduous
in the arch. Thus one of the incisors may canines are shed early, it may necessitate the
have to be extracted so as to improve the extraction of the lower deciduous canines to
crowding and axial inclination of rest of the avoid worsening of the prenormally (Class
incisors. III tendency).
4. In mild Class III cases with lower crowding, 6. Deciduous canines may be extracted as a
one of the lower incisors may be extracted part of serial extraction procedure.
to achieve normal overjet, overbite and to
relieve crowding. Extraction of First Premolars
The first premolars are the most commonly
Extraction of Canines extracted teeth extracted as part of orthodontic
Canines are not frequently extracted as a part treatment. The reasons for their extraction are
of orthodontic treatment. The extraction of as follows:
canines is said to cause flattening of face, 1. Their location in the arch is such that the
altered facial balance and change in facial space gained by their extraction can be
expression. In addition, the contact produced utilized for correction both in the anterior
between the premolar and lateral incisor is as well as the posterior regions.
rarely satisfactory. 2. The contact that results between the canine
Some of the conditions under which and second premolar is satisfactory.
canines may have to be extracted are as 3. The extraction of the first premolar leaves
follows: behind a posterior segment that offers
1. The canines develop far away from their adequate anchorage for the retraction of
final location. In addition they have a the six anterior teeth.
long path of eruption from their site of The following are some of the indications
development to their final position in for first premolar extractions:
the oral cavity. Thus, the canines are 1. They are the teeth of choice for extraction
highly susceptible to ectopic eruption and to relieve moderate to severe anterior
impaction. Such unfavorably impacted crowding of the upper or lower arch.
canines or canines that have erupted in 2. The first premolars are extracted for correction
unusual locations may have to be removed. of moderate to severe anterior proclination
2. A canine that is completely out of the arch as in a Class II division 1 malocclusion or a
with reasonably good contact between Class I bimaxillary proclination.
the lateral incisor and first premolar is an
indication for its extraction. Extraction of Second Premolars
3. Premature shedding of a deciduous canine The indication for extraction of second pre­
usually indicates the extraction of its fellow molars are:
on the opposite side of the arch to restore 1. The extraction of second premolars
symmetry. instead of the first premolars results in the
4. In Class II cases if the lower deciduous anchorage of the anterior segment being
canines are shed early, the upper deciduous strengthened. Thus, an environment is
266  Essentials of Orthodontics

created that favors mesial movement of 2. Grossly decayed molar or heavily filled
the posterior teeth. The second premolars teeth.
are usually extracted to treat mild anterior 3. Openbite cases can benefit from extraction
crowding. The remaining space can be of first molar as there is a tendency for
closed by controlled mesial movement of the bite to deepen after extraction of first
the molars. molars.
2. The second premolars are usually extracted
when 4 to 5 mm of anchorage loss is Wilkinson Extraction
deliberately desired. Wilkinson advocated extraction of all the four
3. Whenever the second premolars are first permanent molars between the ages of
unfavorably impacted, it is preferred to 8½ to 9½ years. The basis for such extractions
extract them rather than the first premolars. is the fact that the first permanent molars are
4. If extractions are to be undertaken in highly susceptible to caries. The other benefits
openbite cases, it is preferable to extract of extracting the first molars at an early age are:
the second premolars as their extraction 1. Their extraction provides additional space
encourages deepening of the bite. for eruption of the third molars. Thus,
5. In case of grossly carious or deeply filled impaction of third molars can be avoided.
second premolars, it is wise to extract them 2. In general, crowding of the arch is mini­
and preserve the first premolars. mized. Thus the other teeth are at a lower
6. Early loss of a decidous molar may cause risk of caries.
forward movement of the first permanent Wilkinson’s extraction has a number of
molar leaving inadequate space for the drawbacks. The following are some of them:
second premolar to erupt. In such cases, the 1. The extraction of first molars offers limited
second bicuspid erupts completely out of space to relieve crowding.
the arch. Such a tooth may be indicated 2. The second bicuspids and second molars
for extraction. rotate and may tip into the extraction
Extraction of First Molars 3. The removal of the first molars deprives the
The first molars are not commonly extracted orthodontist of adequate anchorage for any
in conjunction with orthodontic therapy. orthodontic appliance.
Extraction of the first permanent molars is
avoided for the following reasons: Extraction of Second Permanent
1. The extraction of the first molar does not Molars
give adequate space in the incisor region. The extraction of second permanent molars
2. The extraction of the first molar results in although not common is advocated for a
deepening of the bite. number of reasons as follows:
3. The second premolar and second molar 1. To prevent third molar impaction: The
may tip into the extraction space. removal of second molars has been
4. Mastication may be affected. advocated for the prevention of lower third
The indications for first molar extraction molar impaction. The cases that benefit
are as follows: from such extractions are those where
1. Minimal space requirement for correction of the third molars are upright or not tipped
mild anterior crowding or mild proclination. mesially more than 30o. Upper second
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  267

molar extraction if carried out prior to 3. Malformed third molars that interfere with
the eruption of the third molars, results in normal occlusion.
satisfactory third molar position.
2. To relieve impaction of second bicuspids: Balancing Extractions
The premature loss of second deciduous Removal of a tooth from one side of a dental
molars is usually followed by forward arch results in a tendency for the rest of the
drift of the first permanent molars leaving teeth to move towards the extraction space.
inadequate space for the second bicuspids The teeth distal to the extraction space move
to erupt. The extraction of second molar in into the space while the teeth mesial to the
such cases may allow the distal movement extraction space can also move distally into
of the first permanent molars thereby the space. Thus, the midlines of the arch may
offering sufficient space for the second shift to the side of the extraction space. To
premolars to erupt. avoid such unesthetic shifts of the dental arch,
3. Lower incisor crowding: Very mild crowding balancing extractions are advocated. Balancing
in the anterior part of the arch can be extractions refers to removal of another tooth
relieved by extraction of the second molars. on the opposite side of the same arch.
Some authors suggest that extraction
of second molars minimizes anterior Compensating Extractions
imbrication and crowding. Compensating extractions refers to extraction
4. To enable distalization of first molars: In of teeth in opposite jaws. Compensating
cases where the first permanent molars are extractions are carried out to preserve the
to be distalized, the extraction of second buccal occlusal relationships.
molars can benefit the procedure.
5. Openbite cases: The extraction of the Enforced Extractions
second molars deepens the bite. Thus, they These extractions are carried out because of
can be considered in openbite cases. compulsion as in the case of:
i. Grossly decayed tooth
Extraction of Third Molars ii. Poor periodontal status
Extraction of third molars during orthodontic iii. Fractured tooth
treatment dies not yield space that can be used iv. Unfavorably impacted tooth
for decrowding or reduction of proclination. v. Tooth in the line of fracture of jaws
Third molars are extracted for other reasons vi. Any pathologies like cyst tumors, etc.
as follows:
1. Grossly impacted third molars that are
unable to erupt into ideal position are DISTALIZATION
usually extracted.
2. The erupting third molars have been One of the techniques that have gained
implicated to be the cause for late lower popularity in recent times is distalization of
anterior crowding. Although this theory molars. Distalization procedures are aimed at
has not been confirmed it nevertheless may moving the molars in a distal direction so as to
have some role in lower anterior crowding. gain space. This approach is becoming popular
268  Essentials of Orthodontics

due to the fact that extraction can be avoided. well as the buccal surface of the molars. This
Distalization is usually indicated in patients type of appliance can be used for distalization
in whom the second permanent molars have of only one tooth at a time to avoid undue
not erupted. strain on the anchorage.
Distalization can be brought about by the Distalization using intraoral magnets: Intraoral
following methods: repelling magnets can be used to distalize
molars. These devices consist of repelling
Extraoral Methods magnets placed on the molar to be distalized
Headgears derive anchorage from the cervical and the tooth anterior to it. The anterior
or cranial region be used to distalize molars. anchorage can be reinforced using a Nance
The headgear assembly consists of a facebow holding arch.
which is made of an inner and an outerbow. Use of open coil springs: Molar distalization can
The innerbow is fixed to buccal tubes present be brought about using open coil nickel titan­
on the molars. The outerbow is attached to ium spring compressed between the molar and
the extraoral head cap or neck strap. The use the anterior segment. The anterior anchorage
of extraoral forces for distalization has the is reinforced by use of a Nance button that rests
following disadvantages: against the anterior part of the palate.
i. Patient cooperation is essential for Pendulum appliance: It is an intraoral appliance
timely wear of the appliance. to distalize the molars that incorporates a
ii. The appliance is usually not worn conti­ modi­fied Nance button for purpose of ancho­
nuously. Thus, they are intermittent in rage. In addition, it consists of a stainless
their action resulting in prolonged treat­ wire with helix, the distal end of which is
ment time. inser­ted into a sleeve on the palatal aspect
of the molars to be distalized. Distalization is
Intraoral Methods pro­duced by opening the helix and forcefully
In order to overcome the drawbacks of extraoral engag­ing the distal ends into the sleeves
methods, various intraoral appliances to (Fig. 6.8).
distalize molars were introduced. These
appliances are fixed on to the teeth and
therefore produce a continuous effect. The
following are some of the intraoral devices used:
Sagittal appliance: Molar distalization can
be brought about by removable appliances
incorporating jack screws. The appliance
consists of a split acrylic plate joined together
by a jack screw. The acrylic plate is sectioned in
such a say that the tooth that is to be distalized
is isolated, while the rest of the arch is used for
the purpose of anchorage.
These appliances are retained using Adam’s
clasp on the molars and premolars. The jack
screws are positioned in such a way that their Figure 6.8: Pendulum appliance
long axis is parallels to the occlusal plane as
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  269

UPRIGHTING OF MOLARS in cases where the teeth are retroclined or in

those cases where protracting the anteriors will
Premature loss of second deciduous molar not affect the soft tissue profile of the patient.
or extraction of a second premolar can cause
mesial tipping of the first permanent molar. A
mesially tipped molar occupies more space TREATMENT PLANNING IN
than an upright molar. Thus, by uprighting CLASS I MALOCCLUSION
these tipped molars, certain amount of space Angle’s Class I malocclusion is characterized by
can be recovered. Molars can be uprighted normal interarch relationship. These patients
using molar uprighting springs or some form exhibit a normal Class I molar relationship
of space regainers. where the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first
permanent molar occludes with the mesiobuccal
groove of the lower first permanent molar. Class
DEROTATION OF POSTERIOR I malocclusion can include irregularities of
TEETH (FIG. 6.9) individual teeth conditions of crowding, spacing,
as well as malocclusions in the vertical and
Rotated posterior teeth occupy more space than transverse planes such as openbite, deep bite,
normally placed posterior teeth. Derotation of and crossbite. Class I malocclusion accounts for
these teeth hence provides some amount of the majority of the cases encountered in ortho­
these teeth hence, provides some amount of dontic practice.
arch length. Derotation is best achieved with
fixed appliances incorporating springs or
elastics using a force couple. CLINICAL FEATURES OF

PROCLINATION OF ANTERIOR A patient with Angle’s Class I malocclusion

TEETH has normal buccal segment relationship. The
patient may have one or more of the following
Proclination of a retruded anterior teeth results features:
in gain of arch length. This is usually indicated 1. Crowding
2. Spacing
3. Long axial rotations
4. Anterior or posterior crossbites
5. Anterior openbite
6. Deep bite
7. Proclination
8. Retroclination
9. Bimaxillary protrusion.

Crowding (Fig. 6.10)

Crowding is another common manifestation
of a Class I malocclusion. Crowding usually
Figure 6.9: Derotation of posterior teeth occurs as a result of disproportion between
270  Essentials of Orthodontics

the second pre­m olars do not have

adequate space to erupt and may do so
in an abnormal position predisposing
to crowding.

Clinical examination should be carried out to
determine the extent and location of crowding.
Model analysis can be of use in determining
the amount of arch length tooth material
Figure 6.10: Crowding
discrepancy. The possible cause for the
crowding should also be determined.
tooth size and arch length. A relative decrease
in arch length or an increase in tooth material Treatment
can result in crowding. Gaining space: Crowded teeth require space from
their normal alignment. On an average for every
Etiology 1 mm of crowding, an equal amount of space
The following are some of the causes of is required for correction. Thus, the amount of
crowding: crowding should be calculated and the means
i. Arch length—tooth material discre­ of obtaining this space should be determined.
pancies due to decreased arch langth The various methods of gaining space include
or an increase in tooth material. proximal stripping, expansion, extraction,
ii. Presence of supernumerary or extra molar distalization derotation and uprighting
tooth can result in a crowded arrange­ of posterior teeth and proclination of anteriors.
ment of teeth. Use of removable appliance: Once the provision
iii. Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth for space is made, teeth can be moved to
can result in eruption of their successors normal non-crowded positions by using
in an abnormal location. The presence removable appliances that incorporate coil
of an over retained deciduous tooth springs, canine retractors, labial bows, etc.
along with its permanent counterpart Use of fixed appliances: Fixed appliances can
can cause crowding. be used to treat crowding. Fixed appliances
iv. Abnormalities in size and shape of teeth that make use of multilooped archwires or
can lead to a crowded arch. Teeth that resilient nickel titanium wires are very effective
are abnormally large can predispose to in correction of crowding.
v. Premature loss of a deciduous tooth Spacing (Fig. 6.11)
invariably results in drifting of adjacent The presence of spacing between teeth is one of
teeth into the extraction space. An the commonly seen manifestations of a Class
example of such a condition is the early I malocclusion. The presence of spacing is a
loss of second deciduous molars. In normal feature in deciduous dentition and is
these cases the first permanent molar considered as a positive prognostic sign. In
drifts into the extraction space. Thus, the permanent dentition presence of spacing
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  271

vi. Premature loss of permanent teeth can

cause spacing.

The routing orthodontic diagnostic aids
should be employed for diagnostic purposes.
Model analysis can yield valuable information
about arch length tooth material discrepancy.
Radiographic examination should be carried
out to diagnose bony pathology or unerupted
teeth that may cause spacing.
Figure 6.11: Spacing
Removal of the etiology: The cause for the
between the teeth is abnormal. The space can spacing should be diagnosed and adequate
be in a localized area or the entire arch can steps taken to eliminate the same. In case of
exhibit spacing. spacing as a result of abnormal pressure habits,
habit breakers may be employed to intercept
Etiology the habit. In case of presence of bony pathology
The following are some of the causes of or cystic lesions, they should be eliminated.
spacing: Use of removable and fixed appliances:
i. Generalized spacing usually occurs as Active removable appliances incorporating
a result of disproportion between arch labial bows can be used to close spaces that
length and tooth material. Presence of occur in conjunction with proclination.
increased arch length or a reduction Fixed appliances along with elastic chains or
in tooth material can result in space elastic thread are most effective in closure of
between the teeth. Conditions such as generalized spacing.
oligodontia and microdontia therefore Use of crowns and prosthesis: Spacing occurs
lead to spacing. as a result of microdontia can be treated using
ii. Spacing can occur as a result of alteration suitable crowns. A condition that is quite
in tooth morphology. Abnormal tooth frequently encountered involving the maxillary
form such as peg-shaped laterals can lateral incisors are peg-shaped or small teeth
predispose to spacing. with resultant spacing between the rest of the
iii. Deleterious oral habits such as thumb teeth due to drifting. In such cases, the space
sucking and tongue thrusting can cause for the lateral incisor can be regained using
spacing in the anterior region. a removable appliance incorporating finger
iv. The presence of an abnormally large springs or fixed appliances incorporating
tongue, a condition termed macroglossia an open coil spring. The space regained can
can predispose to spacing. be used for a prosthetic crown on the lateral
v. Presence of unerupted supernumerary incisor.
teeth or other pathology and cystic A similar condition is the absence of teeth
lesions between the teeth can cause such as maxillary lateral incisors. In such
spacing. cases the rest of the teeth can be consolidated
272  Essentials of Orthodontics

together and a space left in the lateral incisor diastema. These patients generally present
region which can be replaced by a fixed or with proclination and generalized anterior
removable partial prosthesis. spacing.

Midline Pathology
MIDLINE DIASTEMA Presence of an unerupted mesiodens and
midline pathologies such as cysts, odontomas
Midline diastema refers to anterior midline and tumors often cause spacing between the
spacing between the two maxillary central maxillary central incisors.
incisors. It is one of the most frequently seen
malocclusions. Iatrogenic
Midline diastemas can occur when certain
therapeutic procedures are undertaken. The
Causes of Midline Diastema
appearance of midline spacing is an important
Transient Malocclusion prognostic sign during rapid maxillary expan­
Midline diastema can occur due to a variety sion.
of causes. It is very often seen as an incipient
malocclusion that is self correcting. Midline Racial Predisposition
spacing can occur as a part of the generalized The presence of midline spacing also has a
spacing seen in the deciduous dentition. racial and familial background. The Negroid
Midline spacing can occur during the mixed race shows the greatest incidence of midline
dentition period associated with the eruption of diastema.
the permanent canines, i.e. ugly duckling stage.
Tooth Material Arch Length Discrepancy A proper history and clinical examination is
A discrepancy in which the arch length exceeds necessary as in any other malocclusion. A
the tooth material can result in midline dia­ blanch test is performed to diagnose a fleshy
s­t ema. This includes conditions such as labial frenum. It is done by pulling the upper
missing teeth, microdontia, macrognathia and lip outwards. Presence of a thick and fleshy
extractions with resultant drifting of adjacent frenum is confirmed by the blanching of the
teeth. tissue in the incisive papilla region palatal to
the two central incisors. Presence of a notching
Abnormal Frenal Attachments in the interdental alveolar bone as seen on a
The presence of a thick and fleshy labial radiograph is also diagnostic of a thick and
frenum can give rise to a midline diastema. fleshy frenum. Midline radiographs are a
This kind of frenal attachment prevents the two valuable aid in diagnosing midline pathology
central incisors from approximating each other that causes spacing. Tooth material arch length
due to the fibrous connective tissue interposed discrepancies can be determined using model
between them. analysis.

Pressure Habits Treatment

Habits such as thumb sucking, tongue The treatment of midline diastema is done in
thr­u ­s ting, etc. also predispose to midline three phases:
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  273

1. Removal of cause gement is the elimination of the etiologic factors

2. Active treatment involved. Most orthodontists recommend
3. Retention. long-term retention using suitable retainers.
The first phase involves removal of the Since prolonged retention is indicated, it is
etiology. Habits should be eliminated using advisable to use lingual bonded retainers. The
fixed or removable habit breakers. Unerupted other retainers that can be used include banded
mesiodens should be extracted. Frenectomy retainers, Hawley’s retainers, etc.
should be performed to excise a thick fleshy
frenum. Any midline pathology should be Role of Cosmetic Restorations
treated as indicated. Esthetic composite resins are generally used
The second phase consists of active to close midline diastema especially in adult
treat­ment. It can be done using removable patients. It requires gradual composite build-
appliances or fixed appliances. up on the mesial surface and stripping of the
distal surface of centrals and laterals in order
Removable Appliances to Treat to achieve a natural shape and size of the teeth.
Midline Diastema
Simple removable appliances incorporating Prosthesis or Crown
finger springs or a split labial bow can be used Presence of peg-shaped laterals or teeth with
to close midline spacing. Finger springs can other anomalies of shape and size require
be given distal to the two central incisors. An prosthetic rehabilitation. Missing teeth should
alternative would be to use a split labial bow be replaced with fixed or removable prosthesis.
made of a 0.7 mm hard stainless wire. The
labial bows are made to extend upto the distal Rotations
aspect of the opposite central incisor. Rotations are tooth movements that occur
around their long axis. Two types of rotations
Fixed Appliances to Treat Midline are possible:
Diastema 1. Mesiolingual or distobuccal rotation
Fixed appliances incorporating elastics or 2. Distolingual or mesiobuccal rotation.
springs bring about the most rapid correction Anterior teeth that are rotated occupy less
of midline diastema. Elastics can be stretched space and therefore, require additional space
between the two central incisors in order for their derotation. Posterior teeth occupy
to close the space. Elastic thread or elastic more space when they are rotated. Thus, space
chain can be used between the two central is gained when posterior teeth are derotated.
incisors for the same purpose. An alternative
is to stretch a closed coil spring between Treatment
the two central incisors. ‘M’ shaped springs Space management: Treatment of anterior
incorporating three helices can be inserted tooth rotation requires space. Provision should
into the two central incisor brackets. This hence be made in the treatment plan for
spring is activated by closing the helices. obtaining the required space.
The third phase of treatment involves Use of removable appliances: Mild rotation
retaining the treated malocclusion. Midline can be treated using a removable appliance
diastema is often considered easy to treat but that incorporates a double cantilever spring
difficult to retain. The key to its successful mana­ (z-spring) along with a labial bow.
274  Essentials of Orthodontics

Use of fixed appliances: Whenever, multiple following are some of the etiologic factors for
rotations of teeth are present, the appliance anterior openbites:
should be a fixed appliance. i. Abnormal habits such as thumb sucking,
Derotation can be brought about by use of tongue thrusting and mouth breathing.
derotation springs or elastics. ii. Inherited factors such as increased
Retention of rotations: It is usually said that tongue size, and abnormal skeletal
dero­tations are easy to correct, but difficult to growth pattern of the maxilla and
retain. They have a very high-risk of relapse mandible can also be responsible for
due to the stretching of the supralveolar and openbite malocclusion.
transeptal gingival fibers which readapt very
slowly to the new position. Thus, long-term Clinical Features of Skeletal Anterior
retention is req­u ired to achieve stability Openbite
of treatment. Pericision or circumferential A patient having a skeletal anterior openbite
supracrestal fiberotomy is an adjunctive may reveal the following features:
surgical procedure where the gingival fibers i. Increased lower facial height.
are incised to prevent relapse. ii. A steep mandibular plane angle.
iii. The patient may have a short upper lip
Anterior Openbite (Fig. 6.12) with excessive maxillary incisor expo­
Anterior openbite is a condition where there sure.
is no vertical overlap between the upper iv. The patient often has a long and narrow
and lower anteriors. Anterior openbites are face.
esthetically unattractive particularly during v. Cephalometric examination may reveal
speech when the tongue is pressed between a downward and forward rotation of the
the teeth and lips. mandible. In some patients, an upward
tipping of the maxillary skeletal base can
Classification be observed. Another common feature
Anterior openbite can be classified as: is a vertical maxillary increase.
1. Skeletal anterior openbite
2. Dental anterior openbite. Clinical Features of Dental Anterior
Etiology Dental anterior openbite do not present
Anterior openbites can occur due to a variety with the skeletal complications mentioned
of hereditary and nonhereditary factors. The above. The following are the features of dental
i. Proclined upper anterior teeth.
ii. The upper and lower anteriors fail to
overlap each other resulting in a space
between the maxillary and mandibular
iii. The patient may have a narrow maxillary
A B arch due to lowered tongue posture
Figures 6.12A and B: Anterior and posterior openbite associated with a habit.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  275

Treatment of Anterior Openbite Factors that inhibit eruption of the posterior

Removal of the cause: Openbites that have been teeth can result in posterior openbite. The
diagnosed due to habits such as thumb sucking following are some of the causes of posterior
or tongue thrusting, require their interception openbite:
using passive habit breaking appliances. The i. Lateral tongue thrust or lateral tongue
habit breaker can be either a removable or posture.
a fixed type of crib. Persistence of the cause ii. Ankylosed or impacted posterior teeth
will offer a severe limitation in the corrective that fail to erupt to normal occlusal level.
procedures. iii. Chronic cheek biting.
Myofunctional therapy: Skeletal anterior
openbites can be treated during growth Treatment
using functional appliances such as Frankel The primary aim of treatment should be to
IV or a modified activator. These appliances remove the cause. Lateral tongue spikes are a
incorporate bite blocks interposed between valuable aid in control of lateral tongue thrust.
the posterior teeth, that have an intrusive Cheek bumpers can be used in case of chronic
action on the upper and lower posterior teeth. cheek biting. Once the habit is intercepted, a
Patients exhibiting a downward and backward spon­tan­eous improvement often follows. The
rotation of the mandible with increased posteriors can be forcefully extruded. In cases
vertical growth, benefit from therapy using a of posterior openbite due to infraocclusion of
vertical pull headgear with chin cup if treated ankylosed teeth; it is best treated by crowns
during the mixed dentition period. on posteriors to restore normal occlusal level.
Orthodontic therapy: Mild to moderate open­
bites can be successfully managed using fixed
mechanotherapy in conjunction with box CROSSBITE
elastics. This form of elastic application consists
of elastic that is stretched to extend between the Crossbite is a term used to describe abnormal
upper and lower anteriors. This brings about occlusion in the transverse plane. The term is
extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors. It also used to describe reverse overjet of one or
may not be advisable to resort to this form of more anterior teeth.
therapy in severe skeletal openbites. Graber has defined crossbite as a condition
Surgical correction: Skeletal openbites in where one or more teeth may be abnormally
adults are best treated by surgical procedures malposed buccally or lingually or labially with
involving the maxilla and the mandible. reference to the opposing tooth or teeth.

Posterior Openbite (Figs 6.12A and B) Classification of Crossbite

Posterior openbite is a condition characterized Crossbite can be classified based on location
by lack of contact between the posteriors when as:
the teeth are in centric occlusion. It mostly 1. Anterior crossbite
occurs in a segment of the posterior teeth. i. Single tooth
ii. Segmental.
Causes of Posterior Openbite 2. Posterior crossbite
Posterior openbites are usually a result of infra- i. Unilateral
occlusion of a segment of the posterior teeth. ii. Bilateral.
276  Essentials of Orthodontics

Based on the nature of the crossbite as: They may present either in the anterior or the
1. Skeletal crossbite posterior region. Skeletal anterior crossbites
2. Dental crossbite are usually as a result of retarded maxillary
3. Functional crossbite. growth or a maxilla that is backwardly positi­
oned. It can also occur as a result of excessive
Anterior Crossbite mandibular growth. Skeletal posterior
This is a condition where a reverse overjet is crossbites are usually characterized by a
seen. The mandibular anterior teeth overlap narrow upper arch.
the maxillary anteriors. An anterior crossbite
can involve a single tooth or an entire segment Dental Crossbite
of the arch. Dental crossbites are a result of localized
disturbances such as extopic eruption of
Posterior Crossbite permanent teeth or an over retained deciduous
This refers to an abnormal transverse relation­ tooth. Tooth material arch length discrepancies
ship between the upper and lower posterior can result in crowding and lingual positioning
teeth. In this condition, instead of the mandi­ of upper teeth leading to a dental crossbite.
bular buccal cusps occluding in the central
fossa of the maxillary posterior teeth, they Functional Crossbite
occlude buccal to the maxillary buccal cusps. Presence of occlusal interferences can result in
Thus, posterior crossbite occurs as a result of deviation of the mandible during jaw closure.
lack of coordination in the lateral dimension This can present as an unilateral posterior
between the upper and the lower arches. crossbite. Habitual forward positioning of the
Posterior crossbites can be unilateral mandible (pseudo Class III) may lead to an
involving one side of the arch or bilateral which anterior crossbite.
involves both the sides.
Buccal Nonocclusion Crossbites of the anterior or posterior region
This is a form of posterior crossbite where the can occur as a result of a number of causes
maxillary posteriors occlude entirely or the such as:
buccal aspect of the mandibular posteriors. 1. Persistence of a deciduous tooth often
This condition is also called as scissors bite. results in palatal deflection of its erupting
successor causing single tooth anterior
Lingual Nonocclusion crossbite.
This is a form of posterior crossbite where the 2. Crossing and abnormal displacement of
maxillary posteriors occlude entirely on the one or more teeth as a result of arch length
lingual aspect of the mandibular posteriors. tooth material discrepancies may cause
dental crossbites.
Skeletal Crossbite 3. Presence of habits such as thumb sucking
Crossbites can occur as a result of malposition and mouth breathing can cause lowered
or malformation of the jaws. This kind of tongue position. Thus the tongue no
crossbite is usually inherited or may result longer balances the forces exerted on the
from defective embryological development. teeth by the buccal group of musculature.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  277

This disharmony between the external be made of acrylic or cast metal and can be
and internal muscle forces can result in designed to treat a single tooth in crossbite
narrowing of the upper arch leading to or a segment of the upper arch in crossbite.
posterior crossbite. The inclined plane is designed to have a 45o
4. Retarded development of maxilla in sagittal angulation which forces the maxillary teeth in
as well as transverse direction can cause crossbite to a more labial position.
crossbites in the anterior or posterior It is indicated when adequate space exists
region. in the arch for the alignment of the maxillary
5. Narrow upper arch resulting from decre­ teeth in crossbite. They are to be used only
ased growth stimulation in the midpalatal in those cases where the crossbite is due to a
suture. palatally displaced maxillary incisor.
6. Collapse of maxillary arch as seen in The lower anterior inclined plane has a
congenital defects such as clefts of the number of disadvantages which include:
palate. i. The patient encounters problems in
7. Sagittal discrepancies of the jaws such as speech during the therapy.
a forwardly positioned mandible results ii. The patient has to put up with dietary
in the wider part of the mandibular arch restrictions.
occluding with a narrower part of the iii. If the appliance is used for more than 6
maxillary arch. weeks it can result in anterior openbite
8. Unilateral hypo-or hyperplastic growth of due to supra eruption of the posteriors.
any of the jaws can cause crossbite. iv. The appliance may need frequent
Treatment of Anterior Crossbite
Use of tongue blade: Developing single tooth Double Cantilever Spring (Z-spring)
anterior crossbites can be successfully treated Anterior crossbites involving one or two
using a tongue blade. It can be used in case maxillary teeth can be treated using a double
there is sufficient space for the tooth to be cantilever spring. In case of a deep overbite the
brought out. The tongue blade is a flat wooden spring should be given along with a posterior
stick resembling an ice cream stick. It is placed bite plane to help in jumping the bite. The use
inside the mouth contacting the palatal aspect of Z-spring is indicated only when there is
of the tooth in crossbite. The blade is made to adequate space for labialization of the teeth
rest on the mandibular tooth in crossbite which in crossbite is present.
acts as a fulcrum and the patient is asked to Treatment of skeletal anterior crossbites during
rotate the oral part of the blade upwards and growth period: Skeletal anterior crossbite
forwards. that occurs as a result of retropositioned
This is continued for 1 to 2 hours for about maxilla should be treated before termination
2 weeks. Most developing crossbites that are of growth by using a protraction face mask
recognized by the dentist at an early stage can (reverse headgear). These face masks helps in
be successfully treated by this form of therapy. protraction of the maxilla thereby normalizing
Catalan’s appliance or lower inclined plane: the skeletal crossbite.
Inclined plane constructed on the lower Excessive mandibular growth leading
anterior teeth can be used to treat maxillary to skeletal anterior crossbites should be
teeth in crossbite. The inclined plane can intercepted by use of chin cup.
278  Essentials of Orthodontics

Fixed appliances for treatment of anterior split. This is done by using appliances that
crossbite: Dental anterior crossbite involving incorporate screws that are to be activated at
one or two teeth can be treated with fixed regular intervals.
appliances using multilooped archwires.
Removable Plates
Unilateral crossbites can be treated using
Treatment of Posterior Crossbites
removable appliances incorporating jack
Crossbite Elastics screws. The appliance consists of a split acrylic
Single tooth crossbite involving the molars plate, a jack screw and Adam’s clasps on the
can be treated using elastics that are stretched posterior teeth to retain the plate. A labial bow
between the maxillary palatal surface and can also be incorporated into the appliance for
mandibular buccal surface. These elastics minor space closure and retraction.
extend through the bite and are indicated if The desired effect is achieved by sectioning
sufficient space exists for moving the tooth the plate in such a way that a small segment
into the arch. These elastics are to be worn and larger segment are formed. The two
day and night. The treatment should not be segments are connected by one or more jack
continued for more than 6 weeks as the elastics screws. The smaller segment of the plate
can extrude the teeth. adjoins the area in crossbite whereas the larger
segment is used for anchorage.
Coffin Spring
The coffin spring was designed by Walter Fixed Appliances
Coffin. It is a removable appliance that consists Unilateral crossbites can also be treated
of an omega-shaped wire of 1.25 mm diameter by using fixed appliances. Asymmetrically
placed in the midpalatal region. The free ends expanded archwires can bring about correction
of the omega are embedded in an acrylic of crossbite.
plate that covers the slopes of the palate. The
spring brings about dentoalveolar expansion. Deep Bite
However, it is capable of skeletal changes when The maxillary dental arch being larger than the
used in young patients. mandibular arch allows the maxillary anteriors
to overlap the mandibular anteriors. This
Quadhelix Appliance overlapping of the mandibular teeth occurs in
The quadhelix is a spring that consists of both the horizontal as well as vertical direction.
four helices. The quadhelix is capable of The horizontal overlap is called overjet while
dentoalveolar expansion of the molar as well the vertical overlap is termed overbite. Thus
as premolar region. It can bring about skeletal some degree of vertical overlapping or overbite
expansion when used in younger patients. is a normal feature of dentition. However,
some patients present with excessive vertical
Rapid Maxillary Expansion overlapping of the mandibular anteriors by
Bilateral skeletal crossbite characterized by maxillary anteriors is called deep bite.
a deep palate, nasal obstruction and narrow Deep bite is one of the frequently seen
maxilla can be treated by rapid maxillary malocclusions that can occur along with other
expansion where in the midpalatal suture is associated malocclusions. It is said to be one
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  279

of the most damaging malocclusions when Dental Deep Bite

considering from the view point of the future This kind of deep bite is characterized by the
health of the masticatory apparatus and the absence of any skeletal complicating features
dental units. which are seen in skeletal deep bites. Dental
Graber has defined deep bite as a condition deep bites occur due to overeruption of
of excessive overbite, where the vertical anteriors of infraocclusion of molar.
measurement between the maxillary and Deep bite due to overeruption of anteriors:
mandibular incisal margins is excessive when Dental deep bite associated with overeruption
the mandible is brought into habitual or centric of lower incisors is usually seen in Class II
occlusion. Deep overbite can be of two types: malocclusion. The presence of an increased
overjet allows the lower incisors to overerupt
Incomplete Overbite until they meet the palatal mucosa. These
It is an incisor relationship in which the lower patients hence exhibit an excessive curve of
incisors fail to occlude with either the upper Spee. The interocclusal clearance is usually
incisors or the mucosa of the palate when the normal as the molars are fully erupted.
teeth are occluded. Deep bite due to infraocclusion of molars:
Deep bites can occur due to infraocclusion
Complete Overbite of the molars. The presence of a lateral
This is a relationship in which the lower tongue posture or lateral tongue thrust may
incisors contact the palatal surface of the upper prevent the molars from erupting to their
incisor or the palatal tissue when the teeth are normal occlusal level. It can also occur due
in centric occlusion. to premature loss of posterior teeth. Deep
Classification: Deep bite can be broadly bites caused by infraocclusion of molars are
classified into two types: characterized by the presence of partially
Skeletal deep bite: Skeletal deep bites are erupted molars (reduced crown height) and
usually of genetic origin. This kind of deep large interocclusal clearance.
bite is caused by upward and forward rotation
of the mandible. The deep bite can be further Diagnosis
worsened by a downward and forward The routine diagnostic aids such as clinical
inclination of the maxilla. These skeletal deep examination, study models and lateral
bites are characterized by the presence of the cephalogram are used for the diagnostic
following features: exercise. The orthodontist should be able to
i. Patients exhibit a horizontal growth differentiate skeletal deep bite from dental
pattern. deep bite. Lateral cephalometric analysis of the
ii. The anterior facial height is reduced. skeletal pattern helps in diagnosing a skeletal
iii. A reduced interocclusal clearance (free deep bite. These patients show a reduced
way space). mandibular plane angle as well as a reduced
iv. A cephalometric examination reveals anterior facial height.
that most of the horizontal cephalometric Factors to be considered in treatment of deep
planes such as mandibular plane, FH bite: Deep bites are usually corrected by
plane, SN plane, etc. are parallel to each intrusion of the anterior teeth or by extrusion
other. of the posterior teeth. The orthodontist should
280  Essentials of Orthodontics

decide which of the two modalities is indicated

for a given patient. There are certain factors
that help in deciding whether to intrude the
anteriors of extrude the molars.
Lip relationship: Patients with deep bite who
exhibit a short upper lip or a gummy smile
should be treated by intrusion of the anteriors.
In patients exhibiting normal upper lip with
only 2 to 3 mm of maxillary incisal edge
exposed, it is ideal to extrude the molars.
Consideration of vertical facial relationship: A B

Extrusions of one or more posterior teeth Figures 6.13A and B: Anterior bite plane

usually result in downward and backward

rotation of the mandible. Thus an increase the bite plane thus disoccluding the posteriors
in anterior facial height occurs. This can be which are free to erupt.
a benefit in treating skeletal deep bites with The anterior bite plane consists of Adam’s
excessive horizontal growth and upward clasp on the molars which help in retaining the
rotation of mandible. appliance. A labial bow is also incorporated to
Consideration of interocclusal space: The counter any forward component of force on the
average interocclusal space is 2 to 4 mm. upper anteriors. The height of the anterior bite
Presence of an increased interocclusal space plane should be just enough to separate the
is an indication that the molars are not fully posteriors by 1.5 to 2 mm. As the posterior teeth
erupted. In such cases, they can be extruded. erupt, the height of the bite plane is gradually
The orthodontist should not reduce a increased.
normal interocclusal clearance by extrusion
of molars as it can result in fatigue of the Myofunctional Appliances
muscles of mastication which gets stretched Deep bite cases diagnosed to be due to
and predispose to relapse. The presence of a infraocclusion of molars can be treated by
normal interocclusal clearance is therefore an an activator designed and trimmed to allow
indication for intrusion of the incisors rather the extrusion of these teeth. The interocclusal
than extrusion of molars. acrylic is trimmed gradually to encourage the
Treatment of deep bite: Deep bites can be treated eruption of the posterior teeth. Bionator can
using removable, fixed or myofunctional also be used for a similar purpose.
appliances. Fixed appliance therapy: Fixed orthodontic
appliances can be used to intrude the anteriors.
Removable Appliances The following are some of the methods used in
Anterior bite plane (Figs 6.13A and B) is the fixed appliances to treat deep bite:
most commonly used removable appliance for Use of anchorage bends: Anchorage bends are
treatment of deep bite. The anterior bite plane is given in the arch wire mesial to the molar tubes
a modified Hawley’s appliance with a flat ledge so that the anterior part of the arch wire lies
of acrylic behind the upper anteriors. When the gingival to the bracket slot. Thus when these
patient bites, the mandibular incisors contact arch wires are pulled occlusally and engaged
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  281

into the brackets, gingivally directed intrusive Incidence

forces is exerted on the incisors which reduced According to Moyers, any teeth can get
the deep bite. impa­cted but the most common teeth to get
Use of arch wires with reverse curve of Spee: involved are mandibular third molar, maxillary
Resilient arch wires that have been curved in a canines, mandibular and maxillary second
direction opposite to that of the curve of Spee premolars, mandibular canines, and maxillary
can be used to intrude anteriors. When these incisors.
arch wires are inserted into the molar tubes,
the anterior segment curves gingivally. This Etiology
anterior segment is forced occlusally into the Bishara summarized Moyer’s theory that
bracket slot resulting in an intrusive force on impaction is caused by:
the incisors.
Primary Causes
1. Rate of root resorption of deciduous teeth.
IMPACTED TEETH 2. Trauma to deciduous tooth bud.
(FIGS 6.14A AND B) 3. Disturbance in tooth eruption sequence.
4. Availability of space in the arch.
The ectopic eruption and impaction of teeth 5. Premature root closure.
are frequently encountered clinical problems. 6. Rotation of tooth buds.
Once the teeth is impacted it may lead to mild- 7. Canine eruption into cleft area in patient
to- moderate arch length discrepancy, and with cleft palate.
treating such cases puts the clinician into great
dilemma whether to extract or not to extract. Secondary Causes
The diagnosis and treatment of impaction 1. Abnormal muscle pressure
requires the expertise and cooperation of the 2. Febrile diseases
general dentist, the pediatric dentist, the oral 3. Endocrine disturbances
surgeon, the periodontist, and orthodontist. 4. Vitamin D deficiency.
As per orthodontic perspective, the The common causes for impactions are
common treatment approach is to make space usually localized and are results of any one, or
in the arch, expose the tooth surgically, fix an combin­ation of the following factors:
attachment to it, and exert an extrusive force i. Tooth size arch length discrepancies.
to bring the tooth into line of occlusion. ii. Prolonged retention or early loss of
The prognosis of orthodontic intervention deciduous teeth.
depends mainly on the position and inclination iii. Abnormal position of tooth bud.
of the impacted tooth. iv. Ankylosis.
v. Cystic or neoplastic formations.
vi. Dilacerations of the root.
vii. Fibrous gingival tissue.
viii. Sclerotic bone.
ix. Iatrogenic origin.
x. Idiopathic condition with no apparent
Figures 6.14A and B: Impaction
282  Essentials of Orthodontics

Sequelae Periapical Films

Shafer has suggested the following sequelae A single periapical film provides the clinician
for impaction: with a two-dimensional representation of
1. Labial or lingual malpositioning of impa­ the dentition. It would relate the tooth to the
cted tooth. neighboring teeth both mesiodistally and
2. Migration of adjacent teeth and loss of arch superainferiorly. To locate the position of the
length. tooth buccolingually, a second periapical film
3. Internal and external resorption of impa­ should be obtained by one of the following
cted as well as adjacent teeth. methods:
4. Dentigerous cystal formation.
5. Infection with partially erupted teeth lead­ Tube Shift Technique or Clark’s Rule
ing to referred pain. (Fig. 6.15)
6. Functional problems. Two periapical films of the same area are
7. Esthetic problems. taken with the horizontal angulation of the
The presence of impacted teeth may cause cone changed when the second film is taken.
untoward complications and these potential If the object in question moves in the same
complications emphasize the need for close direction as the cone, it is lingually positioned.
observation of the development and eruption If the object moves in opposite direction, it is
of the teeth during routine periodic dental buccally positioned.
examination of the growing child.
Buccal Object Rule
Diagnosis If the vertical angulation of the cone is changed
Successful treatment of the impacted tooth by approximately 20° in two successive peri­
is dependent on careful evaluation of case,
localization of its position and angulations in
relation to jaw bases.
The diagnosis of impaction is based on both
clinical and radiographic examinations.

Clinical Evaluation
It has been suggested that the following clinical
signs might be indicative of impaction:
i. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth.
ii. Prolonged retention of deciduous te­
iii. In case of canine, absence of labial bulge
and presence of palatal bulge.
iv. Mesial and distal tipping or migration
of adjacent teeth.

Radiographic Evaluation
Various radiographic techniques can help in
evaluating the position of impacted teeth. Figure 6.15: Tube shift technique
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  283

apical films, the buccal object will move in the iii. Prosthetic replacement of the impacted
direction opposite the source of radiation. On tooth, either with crown and bridge or
the other hand the lingual object will move in with an implant.
the same direction as the source of radiation. iv. Surgical exposure of the impacted tooth
and orthodontic treatment to bring
Occlusal Films the tooth into the line of occlusion
An occlusal film also helps in determining the (guidance of eruption).
buccolingual position of the impacted tooth in As in preference to orthodontic context, it
conjunction with periapical films. is advisable for the conservative management
or impacted tooth and ideal line of treatment
Panoramic Radiographs is surgical exposure of impacted tooth and
Panoramic radiograph helps in visualizing guiding its eruption. Once we decide for
the entire structures in one film and also guidance of eruption, the important aspect is
help in determining the position of the tooth how to achieve sufficient space in the arch for
mesiodistally. proper alignment of the impacted tooth. It can
be achieved by:
Computed Tomography 1. Extraction of succedaneous tooth or some
Computed tomography is suggested in cases other tooth and alignment of the impacted
where conventional radiograph does not give tooth.
in depth analysis, and actual relationship 2. Molar distalization or expansion (non-
between the impacted tooth and roots extraction approach) and alignment of
of adjacent teeth and also in cases when impacted tooth.
anatomic situation is complexes, for instances Creating space in the arch prior to disim­
in cases of multiple impactions combined pacting the tooth is recommended for two
with supernumerary teeth or congenital basic reasons, first nonavailability of space
abnormalities. in the arch leads to failure of eruption. And
The proper localization of impacted secondly, the edentulous space in the arch
tooth plays a crucial role in determining the provides an adequate zone of attached gingival
feasibility of, as well as the proper access to, the to act as a donor site for a partial thickness
surgical approach, and for the proper direction apically or laterally positioned flap.
of application of orthodontic forces. Once we achieve sufficient space in
the arch, the next important step is how to
Management surgically expose the tooth and what should
Each patient with an impacted tooth must be the mode of attachment and traction.
undergo a comprehensive evaluation of
malocclusion. The clinician should consider Surgical Exposure
various treatment options available for the The impacted tooth should be surgically
patient such as: exposed after careful evaluation of its position,
i. Extraction of the impacted tooth and angulation, amount of attached gingival
movement of adjacent teeth in its available and feasibility of access.
position. Gaulis and Joho have mentioned two basic
ii. Autotransplantation of the impacted types of surgical procedure used for exposing
tooth. impacted tooth.
284  Essentials of Orthodontics

1. Closed eruption: In which a full thickness 5. Niti arch wires

mucoperiosteal flap is raised and crown of 6. Ballista springs
the tooth is exposed, an attachment is fixed 7. Kilroy springs
to it, and the flap is sutured back over the 8. Cantilever spring.
crown leaving only twisted wire passing Regardless of material used, the direction
through the mucosa to apply orthodontic of the applied force should initially move the
traction. impacted tooth away from the roots of the
2. Open eruption: Here a punch incision is neighboring teeth.
made on the crown of a tooth to make a In addition, following considerations
window and a cemented pack is placed should be taken into account:
on it. Other method is to raise a partial i. The use of light force to move the
thickness flap associated with apically impacted tooth, no more than 50 to 70
repositioned or lateral repositioned flap, gm.
pedicle graft, or when necessary, a free ii. Availability of sufficient space in the arch
gingival graft. for the impacted tooth.
According to Johnston, Gaulis and Joho, in iii. Maintenance of space created.
all cases of palatally impacted tooth a closed iv. Use of rigid base arch wire to resist
eruption philosophy should be undertaken; deformation by force applied to it as the
while in case of labially impacted tooth an canine is extruded.
open eruption approach with repositioned
mucoperiosteal flap should be performed to Retention
avoid any future mucogingival problem. After alignment of the impacted tooth, a
fiberotomy or a bonded fixed retainer should be
Methods of Orthodontic Attachment considered to minimize or to prevent rotational
Different methods of orthodontic attachment relapse, before the appliances are removed.
to impacted tooth have been suggested, such Clark suggested that, after alignment of palatally
as: impacted tooth, lingual drift can be prevented by
1. Lasso technique. removal or a halfmoon shaped wedge of tissue
2. Polycarbonate crown. from the lingual aspect of the tooth.
3. Thread posts.
4. Bonded brackets.
Bonding of a brackets using self cure, light CLASS II MALOCCLUSION
cure or acid etch primer is an universally According to Angle’s classification as Class II
accepted approach for disimpacting the tooth malocclusion indication that the mandibular
and aligning it into the arch. The mode of arch is in a distal relation to that of the maxilla.
traction or the force can be applied by using Class II malocclusion is characterized by a
either of the following: Class II molar relation where the distobuccal
1. Ligature wire cusp of the upper first permanent molar
2. Elastic threads occludes in the buccal groove of the lower first
3. Elastomeric chain permanent molar. It can occur in two main
4. Coil springs forms—Class II division 1 and division 2. The
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  285

only similarity that both these forms exhibit is a constricted, narrow upper arch which
the Class II molar relation. predisposes to posterior crossbite. A
hyperactive mentalis activity is another
common finding in Class II division 1
CLASS II DIVISION 1 malocclusion.
MALOCCLUSION viii. Class II division 1 malocclusion can
sometimes be associated with proclined
Class II division is a condition exhibiting Class lower anteriors. This is a natural
II molar relationship with proclined maxillary compensation that has taken place to
anterior teeth. reduce the overjet.

Clinical Features Skeletal Features

i. The patient exhibits a Class II molar A class II malocclusion may be complicated by
relation. The molar relation can vary the presence of abnormal skeletal relationship
from an end-to-end molar to one that of maxilla and the mandible. The abnormal
is full fledged Class II. skeletal features most often found are:
ii. The classical feature of a Class II 1. Maxillary prognathism
division malocclusion is the presence 2. Mandibular retrognathism
of proclined maxillary anteriors with 3. Combination of maxillary prognathism and
resultant increased overjet. mandibular retrognathism.
iii. The patient exhibits a convex profile.
iv. Due to proclined upper anteriors, the Etiology
lower anterior teeth fail to make contact Class II malocclusion can occur due to a variety
with the palatal surface of the upper of causes. Broadly the etiologic factors can be
anteriors. Thus they are free to erupt classified as:
leading to an increased overbite and
excessive curve of Spee. Prenatal Factors
v. The patient may have a short hypotonic Hereditary: The size, position and relationship
upper lip. In addition the patient may of the jaws are to a large extent determined
place the lower lip against the palatal by the genes. Thus Class II malocclusion
surface of the upper incisors. This is exhibiting skeletal anomalies such as a
called lip trap. The presence of a short prognathic maxilla or a retrognathic mandible
upper lip along with lip trap increases can be due to hereditary cause.
the tendency for the upper anteriors to Teratogenesis: Administration of certain drugs
procline. during pregnancy can result in perverted or
vi. Patients often lack an anterior lip seal abnormal development. The drugs that are
due to the short upper lip. Restoration capable of such an effect are called teratogens.
of normal lip seal is essential to maintain Irradiation: Radiation exposure of a pregnant
the teeth in their corrected position. mother is another cause of altered development
vii. Most Class II division 1 cases exhibit of the dentofacial complex.
abnormal muscle activity. They exhibit Intrauterine fetal posture: One of the factors
abnormal buccinator activity leading to that seem to play a role in molding the
286  Essentials of Orthodontics

craniofacial region is the intrauterine fetal iv. Correction of unstable molar relation­
posture. Abnormal posture such as hands ship.
across the face is found to affect mandibular v. Correction of posterior crossbites if any.
growth. vi. Normalizing of musculature.

Natal Factors Treatment of Skeletal Class II

Trauma can sometimes be induced by Malocclusion
improper forceps application during delivery. There are three basic approaches to the
This results in trauma to the condylar region. treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion
The temporo­man­­dibular joint is such cases they are:
can get ankylosed or fibrosed leading to under
development of the mandible. Growth Modification
Class II division 1 malocclusion are often
Postnatal Factors complicated by the presence of underlying
There are a number of conditions that can skeletal abnormalities. Most often maxillary
influence the normal development of the prognathism or mandibular deficiency occur.
dentofacial complex. The following are some These abnormal skeletal patterns can be
of them. intercepted by means of functional and
i. Traumatic injury to the mandible and orthopedic appliances to reduce the severity
temporomandibular joint. of the skeletal relationships. These treatment
ii. Long-term irradiation therapy of the procedures are usually carried out during the
skeletal craniofacial region. mixed or early permanent dentition period
iii. Infectious conditions such as rheu­ prior to the cessation of growth.
matoid arthritis can influence mandi­ An important prerequisite for these growth
bular growth. modification procedures is to accurately
iv. Abnormal function such as oral diagnose the underlying skeletal discrepancy.
respiration, abnormal swallowing and Analysis of lateral cephalograms can help
habits such as thumb sucking prevent establish the skeletal malrelationship.
normal muscle activity. These patients Correction of mandibular deficiency: Class
have a low tongue position leading to II malocclusion complicated by mandibular
unrestrained activity of the buccinator deficiency or retrognathism is treated during
group of muscles. myofunctional appliances such as activator or
functional regulator. In case the patient is at
Treatment Objectives the end of the growth period, fixed functional
In Class II division 1 malocclusion, the major appliances like Herbst appliance, or Jasper
treatment objectives are to relieve crowding Jumper is indicated.
and irregularity of the teeth and to establish Correction of maxillary prognathism: Class
stable incisor and molar relationship. The II malocclusion exhibiting maxillary progn­
following are the treatment objectives: athism can be intercepted by the use of
i. Reduction of overjet. facebow with headgear to restrict further
ii. Reduction of overbite. maxillary growth.
iii. Correction of crowing and local irregul­ In some patients, Class II malocclusion is
arities. complicated by the presence of both maxillary
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  287

prognathism as well as mandibular deficiency. by extracting first premolars only in the upper
In such patients an appliance such as activator arch. In case space is required in the lower arch
with headgear is used to restrict maxillary to correct unstable end on molar relation or
growth and promote mandibular growth. lower crowding, rotations or excessive proclin­
ation, both upper and lower first premolars are
Camouflage to be extracted.
In patients who are beyond growth, it is not In minimum anchorage cases, where the
possible to undertake growth modification space requirement is not much, the second
procedures. Thus the underlying skeletal premolars can be extracted to encourage
discrepancy can be camouflaged by ortho­ mesial movement of the buccal segment.
dontic tooth movement. This is often done by
extraction of certain teeth and moving the rest Correction of Deep Bite and Crossbite
of the teeth into the space created. Class II malocclusion can be associated with
anterior deep bite. This can be treated in the
Surgical Correction following ways:
In patients exhibiting severe skeletal mal­ i. Use of removable anterior bite planes to
relationship, surgery may be the ideal treatment encourage vertical development of the
modality. Based on the underlying skeletal posterior dentoalveolar segments.
pattern a maxillary set back or a mandibular ii. By using fixed appliances to intrude the
advancement is undertaken after the completion lower and upper anteriors.
of growth. Crossbites are a common feature of Class II
division 1 malocclusion. They occur as a result
Role of Extraction of the following factors:
Based on the severity of the malocclusion, i. Abnormal buccinator muscle activity
the patient can be treated by a nonextraction due to lowered jaw and tongue posture
approach or by extraction of some teeth. In mild can cause constriction of the maxillary
Class II division 1 malocclusion exhibiting upper arches.
anterior spacing it may be possible to reduce ii. If the mandible is brought forward by
the overjet without extraction of teeth. But most use of functional appliances the broader
cases may require the extraction of certain teeth segment of the mandible is made to
in both the upper and lower arches. occlude with the narrower segment of
Space requirement in the upper arch is the maxillary arch leading to a posterior
essentially to reduce the overjet, over bite, crossbite.
and to correct minor local irregularities of Crossbites are treated using appliances
teeth. Extraction in the lower arch may be incorporating screws or springs that expand
necessitated to correct unstable molar relation, the maxillary arch.
correction of crowding, deep bite and minor
local irregularities.
The teeth that are most frequently extracted CLASS II DIVISION 2
are the first premolars. In case of a well-aligned MALOCCLUSION
lower arch with a Class II molar relation with
excellent intercuspation, it is possible to The Class II division 2 malocclusion is a
reduce the overjet and obtain stable results condition characterized by a Class II molar
288  Essentials of Orthodontics

relationship with retroclined upper centrals that i. Reduction in incisal over bite.
are overlapped by the lateral incisors. Variations ii. Alteration of incisal inclination.
of the classical type include retroclined centrals The deep overbite is reduced by use
as well as lateral incisors and very rarely include of anterior bite plane or fixed appliances
retroclined canines as well. incorporating anchor bends or reverse curve of
Retroclination of upper incisors in a Class Spee. The incisor inclination often necessitates
II division 2 malocclusion is usually a natural the use of torquing spring to move the upper
dentoalveolar compensation for a Class incisor roots lingually and the crowns buccally.
II skeletal pattern in order to decrease the
overjet. Role of Functional Appliances
During the mixed dentition period, it is
Clinical Features possible to procline the maxillary incisors,
Mild forms of Class II division 2 malocclusion thereby converting a Class II division 2 into a
may be perfectly acceptable with regard to malocclusion that resembles Class II division
function as well as facial appearance. In severe 1. This can be followed by the use of functional
cases, the bite is often very deep and poses the appliances as described for Class II division 1
risk of periodontal trauma in the upper palatal malocclusion.
and lower labial aspects. The following are the
features of Class II division 2 malocclusion: TREATMENT PLANNING IN
i. Molars in distoocclusion. CLASS III MALOCCLUSION
ii. Retroclined central incisors and rarely A malocclusion that is very easy to identify
of other anteriors as well. but often difficult to treat is the Class III
iii. Deep overbite. malocclusion. This condition represents
iv. Pleasing straight profile. a prenormalcy where the mandible is in a
v. Broad square face. mesial relation to the upper arch. According
vi. Backward path of closure. to Angle a Class III molar relationship refers
vii. Deep mentolabial sulcus. to a condition where the mesio-buccal cusp
viii. Absence of abnormal muscle activity. of the upper first molar occludes between the
mandibular first and second molars. Although
Treatment Objectives this definition represents a typical Class III
The treatment objectives include: relationship, the lower molar can be in a mesial
i. Relief of gingival trauma. relationship to a varying degree. This kind of
ii. Correction of incisor relationship. malocclusion finds highest incidence in Japan
iii. Relief of crowding and local irregularities. and Korea.
iv. Correction of buccal segment relation­
The role of extraction in the treatment and CLINICAL FEATURES OF
correction of the buccal segment relationship CLASS III MALOCCLUSION
is essentially the same as was described for
Class II division 1 malocclusion. The deep The following are the features of a Class III
anterior over bite and retroclination that is malocclusion:
characteristic of division 2 malocclusion is i. The patient has a Class III molar rela­
treated by: tionship.
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  289

ii. The incisor may be in an edge-to-edge Etiology

relationship or an anterior crossbite True Class III malocclusion that exhibits
may occur. It is not uncommon to find underlying skeletal imbalance is usually
a normal incisal relationship. inherited. Class III malocclusions are said to
iii. The upper arch is frequently narrow have a very strong genetic basis. The other
and short while the lower arch is broad. causes of a prenormalcy include habitual
Thus posterior crossbites are a common forward positioning of the mandible due to
feature of Class III malocclusion. This occlusal prematurities or enlarged adenoids.
tendency is exaggerated due to the
mesial sagittal relationship of the lower Diagnosis
arch due to which the broader part of the The diagnostic procedure should help in
mandibular arch opposes the narrow determining the type of Class III malocclusion,
part of the upper arch. i.e. dental or skeletal, true or pseudo.
iv. It is common for the upper teeth to The clinical examination should include
be crowded as the arch is narrow and observation of path of closure. In addition,
short while the mandibular arch is often study models and radiographs should also be
spaced. taken. A lateral cephalogram offers valuable
v. The patient has a concave profile due to information on the skeletal nature of the
the presence of a prominent chin. malocclusion.
vi. Vertical growers exhibiting an increased
intermaxillary height may have an Treatment
anterior openbite. In some patients a Class III malocclusion should be recognized
deep overbite may occur. and treated early due to the following reasons:
vii. A type of Class III malocclusion referred i. Recognizing the malocclusion at an
to as pseudo Class III malocclusion early age makes it possible to intercept
is characterizded by the presence of the abnormal skeletal pattern so as to
occlusal prematurities resulting in a reduce the severity of the developing
habitual forward positioning of the malocclusion.
mandible. These patients may exhibit a ii. The Class III malocclusion characterized
forward path of closure. by anterior crossbites often results in
retarded maxillary growth due to locking
of the maxilla within the mandible.
SKELETAL FEATURES OF iii. The occlusal forces on the mandibular
CLASS III MALOCCLUSION incisors exerted by the maxillary incisors
in crossbite encourage the continued
Class III malocclusion are quite often associated forward growth of mandible further
with underlying skeletal malrelationships. The worsening the prenormalcy.
following are some of the commonly seen
skeletal features: Interception during Growth
1. Retrognathic maxilla. Class III malocclusion with an underlying
2. Prognathic mandibles. skeletal malrelationship require early
3. Combination of retrognathic maxilla and treatment to intercept the developing skeletal
prognathic mandible. malocclusion. The following are some of the
290  Essentials of Orthodontics

growth modulation procedures that can be procedures such as Le Fort I osteotomy.

carried out: Class III malocclusions that are a result of
i. Frankel III, a myofunctional appliance mandibular prognathism are treated by
can be used during growth to intercept mandibular setback procedures.
a Class III due to maxillary skeletal
retrusion. Treatment of Pseudo Class III
ii. Reverse activator. Pseudo Class III malocclusion that occurs as
iii. Chin cup with high pull headgear us a result of occlusal prematurities improves
used to intercept Class III malocclusion on removal of the cause by occlusal grinding.
due to mandibular prognathism.
iv. Severe Class III malocclusion that are
a result of maxillary retrusion can be DRUGS USED IN
treated by reverse headgear to protract ORTHODONTICS
maxilla. In orthodontics, some drugs are used as pro­
phyl­actic or during treatment such as the
Treatment of Anterior Crossbite antibiotics, anticholinergics, fluoride, anti­
Mild anterior crossbites can be treated using anxiety drugs, and drugs used for myofacial
lower anterior inclined planes or removable pain.
appliances incorporating screws designed for The use of anticholinergic drugs to control
anterior expansion. salivary flow prior to the acid-etch bonding
of orthodontic appliances has caused the
Treatment of Posterior Crossbite orthodontist to become interested in the
Class III malocclusions are often accompanied application of pharma­c ology to clinical
by posterior crossbite. The posterior crossbite practice. Many orthod­o ntists have spent
can be treated by rapid maxillary expansion. years in practice without employing any
pharmacologic agents and may have forgotten
Role of Extractions or not followed recent trends in pharmacology.
Class III malocclusions characterized by lower
arch length deficiencies and anterior crossbite
can be treated by extracting the lower first PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTICS
premolars followed by fixed mechanotherapy. FOR PREVENTION OF INFECTIVE
Class III intermaxillary elastics should be used ENDOCARDITIS
to retract the lower anteriors. In case of arch
length deficiencies involving both the arches, Because of the increased number of orthodontic
the first premolars should be extracted in both patients, it is likely that the orthodontist will
the upper and lower arches. have to prescribe antibiotics for the prevention
of infective endocarditis (formerly called
Treatment of Severe Class III after Growth subacute bacterial endocarditis). Because
Severe Class III malocclusion after growth of the possibility of causing a bacteremia
com­pletion is treated by surgical and corr­ from oral microorganisms, antibiotic
ective procedures. Class III due to maxillary administration has been recommended
deficiency is treated by maxillary advancement for such dental procedures as prophylaxis,
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  291

curettage, gingivectomy, endodontics, extr­ antibiotics to heart-damaged orthodontic

actions, biopsy, and oral surgery in patients patients. Acid-etch bonding of orthodontic
with valvular heart involvements, valvular appliances could be a procedure in which
prosthesis, and a history of rheumatic fever. antibiotic prophylaxis is unnecessary, and
Even in the absence of clinically detectable it may be the ideal method of orthodontic
heart disease, antibiotic prophylaxis is also appliance application for prevention of
recommended for those patients who have had infective endocarditis in susceptible patients.
a documented previous episode of infective Banding, debanding, and possibly tooth
endocarditis, and additional antibiotic doses separation by certain wires or clips would
are advocated for those patients who are taking represent orthodontic procedures that could
antibiotics to prevent recurrence of acute warrant antibiotic premedication. However,
rheumatic fever. only after consultation with the patient’s
Since, there have been no controlled clinical physician or cardiologist and after evaluation
trials in human beings and recommendations of each practitioner’s own peculiar office
for antibiotic prophylaxis are based on methods can determination of antibiotic use
experiments in animal models, specific be made. Also, the orthodontist must consider
recommendations for every dental situation medicolegal impli­cations for each patient.
are not possible. Even less clear are those The most common organism implicated
procedures in orthodontics that warrant in infective endocarditis following dental pro­
antibiotic coverage. For example, the American cedures is the alpha-hemolytic streptococcus
Heart Association has made a general (for example, Streptococcus viridans) and
recommendation that “antibiotic prophylaxis parenteral administration of antibiotics
is recommended for all dental procedures that should be favored when practical. Antibiotic
are likely to cause gingival bleeding” “but no administration according to regimens A or
antibiotic coverage is recommended for simple B may be used in patients with: (1) most
adjustments of orthodontic appliances.” congenital heart diseases, (2) rheumatic
The dental literature is very limited as to valvular heart disease, (3) other acquired
which orthodontic procedures cause transient valvular disease, (4) idiopathic hypertrophic
bacteremia of sufficient magnitude to justify subaortic stenosis, and (5) mitral valve
antibiotics. Although contrary to expectation, prolapse. For higher-risk patients (for example,
Degling was unable to demonstrate in twenty- those with prosthetic heart valves), regimen B
five fully banded orthodontic patients that is recommended.
banding and debanding caused a transient Doses for children should not exceed
bacteremia. Heslop, however, was able to show recommendations for adults for a single dose
that 0.02 inch brass wire orthodontic tooth or for a 24-hour period. Also, additional doses
separation caused a bacteremia equal to that of antibiotic may be necessary for unusual
of dental extraction in twenty female rhesus circumstances or in the case of delayed
monkeys. healing, even though the bacteremia rarely
Because of the limited scientific information persists longer than 15 minutes after the dental
concerning bacteremia after various ortho­ procedure is terminated. In some patients
dontic procedures, the orthodontist’s judgment receiving continuous oral penicillin for
must prevail as to whether to administer prevention of rheumatic fever, alpha-hemolytic
292  Essentials of Orthodontics

streptococci relatively resistant to penicillin are 2. Oral

sometimes found in the oral cavity. In these Adults: Erythromycin (1.0 gram orally 1½
cases it is likely that use of regimen A would to 2 hours preoperatively and then 500 mg
be sufficient, but the orthodontist may choose orally every 6 hours for eight doses).
one of the drugs suggested in regimen B or oral Children: Erythromycin (20 mg/kg orally
erythromycin. Also, the orthodontist should 1½ to 2 hours preoperatively and then 10
realize that the antibiotic regimens established mg/kg every 6 hours for eight doses).
by the American Heart Association could
change and he must therefore keep informed Regimen B—Penicillin Plus
of all future recommendations. Streptomycin
Regimens A and B are as follows: Adults: Aqueous crystalline penicillin G
(1,000,000 units intramuscularly) mixed
Regimen A—Penicillin with procaine penicillin G (600,000 units
1. Parenteral and oral combined: Adults: intramuscularly) plus streptomycin (1.0 gram
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G (1,000,000 intramuscularly) between 30 minutes and 1
units intramuscularly) mixed with pro­caine hour preoperatively; then give penicillin V, 500
penicillin G (600,000 units intramu­scularly). mg orally every 6 hours for eight doses.
Give 30 minutes to 1 hour preoperatively; Children: Aqueous crystalline penicillin G
then give penicillin V (phenoxymethyl (30,000 units per kilogram intramuscularly)
penicillin), 500 mg orally every 6 hours for mixed with procaine penicillin G (600,000
eight doses. units intramuscularly) plus streptomycin (20
Children: Aqueous crystalline penicillin G mg/kg intramuscularly). Timing of doses for
(30,000 units per kilogram intramuscularly) children of less than 60 pounds: Give penicillin
mixed with procaine penicillin G (600,000 V, 250 mg every 6 hours for eight doses.
units intramuscularly). Timing of doses
for children is the same as for adults. For For Patients Allergic to Penicillin
children who weigh less than 60 pounds, Adults: Vancomycin (1 gram intravenously over
the dose of penicillin V is 250 mg orally 30 minutes to 1 hour). Start initial vancomycin
every 6 hours for eight doses. infusion ½ to 1 hour preoperatively; then
2. Oral erythromycin, 500 mg orally every 6 hours for
Adults: Penicillin V (2.0 gram orally 30 eight doses.
minutes to 1 hour preoperatively and then Children: Vancomycin (20 mg/kg intravenously
500 mg orally every 6 hours for eight doses). over 30 minutes to 1 hour). The total dose of
Children: Same as above. For children who vancomycin should not exceed 44 mg/kg/24
weigh less than 60 pounds, give 1.0 gram hours. Timing of doses for children is the same
orally 30 minutes to 1 hour preoperatively as for adults. Erythromycin dose is 10 mg/kg
and then 250 mg orally every 6 hours for every 6 hours for eight doses.
eight doses. Anticholinergics (antimuscarinics) used
to reduce salivary flow.
For patients allergic to penicillin Prevention of saliva contamination of
1. Parenteral and oral combined (see regi­- teeth is critical for the successful acid-etch
men B) bonding of orthodontic appliances. Recently
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  293

such anticholi­nergic drugs as methantheline little or no central action, milder cardiovascular

(Banthine) and propantheline (Pro-Banthine) effects, and less effect on the eye than atropine.
have been used by the orthodontist to reduce Methantheline and propantheline, however,
salivary flow. When the orthodontist admini­ are poorly and unreliably absorbed after oral
sters a drug, he must know and understand the administration and, therefore, could present
nature of the drug’s action, contraindications, special problems for the orthodontist with
side effects, and drug-to-drug interactions. respect to dose, onset, and length of action in
The anticholinergics exert their action by individual patients. Also, the synthetic quat­
competitively blocking acetylcholine action er­nary ammonium compounds have more
on the effector cells innervated by the postgan­ pronounced gastrointestinal effects than
glionic parasympathetic fibers. Besides atropine. Furthermore, methantheline and
depressing salivary secretions (antisialic propantheline have been approved by the
action), the anticholinergics exert effects upon Food and Drug Administration only for use
other organs, and there are some variations in the treatment of peptic ulcers and other
between different anticholinergic drugs in gastrointestinal disorders.
their relative potencies on these organ systems. Methantheline and propantheline are
Also, the different responses by the various more potent and have a more prolonged
organs are dose-dependent ; small doses action than atropine; the clinical effects of
depress salivary, lacrimal, bronchial, and atropine usually last 4 hours, while those
sweat secretions, while larger doses dilate the of methantheline and propantheline last 6
pupils, increase heart rate, and cause urinary hours. Also, propantheline is more potent
retention and constipation. Stimulation of than an equal dose of methantheline. Clinical
the central nervous system is also noted with doses of methantheline and propantheline
low anticholinergic doses and depression of very rarely elicit any adverse reactions;
the central nervous system with large doses. however, caution should be used with the
A simplistic view of anticholinergic actions administration of all drugs, since the dose
states that the anticholinergics antagonize versus response differs from individual-to-
the parasympathetic “SLUD” syndrome, individual, and even clinical doses can be
which means that these drugs decrease or dangerous for some drug-sensitive persons.
block salivation, lacrimation, urination, and Only single doses of the antisialagogues are
defecation. recommended for dentistry. There are no
Although the belladonna anticholinergics, data to suggest that, in oral therapeutic doses,
atropine and scopolamine, have antisialic methantheline is a better antisialagogue than
action, they have somewhat pronounced propantheline and vice versa. Manufacturers
cardiovascular and central effects. Therefore, of Banthine and Pro-Banthine, however, claim
anticholinergic drugs with more selective action that parenterally administered Banthine has
have become popular today. Such synthetic antisialic properties that are superior to those
quaternary ammonium anticholinergics as of Pro-Banthine.
methantheline (Banthine) and propantheline The recommended adult single doses of
(Pro-Banthine) have recently been used as Banthine and Pro-Banthine are 50 mg and
antisialagogues because they have fewer side 15 mg, respectively. Pediatric single doses for
effects. Methantheline and propantheline have Banthine can range from 12.5 mg to 50 mg
294  Essentials of Orthodontics

for children over 1 year of age. “Since there and malocclusion is possibly because of
is inadequate experience with the use of Pro- the influence that heredity had on the data.
Banthine in children, safety and efficacies Therefore, fluoride would have such a limited
in children have not been established.” effect on malocclusion, other than that
Many patients, however, may need double resulting from tooth or space loss caused by
the recommended dose of Banthine and dental caries, that studies to elucidate its single
Pro-Banthine because of the unreliable effect would be difficult from cross-sectional
oral absorption of these drugs. Banthine research. Nevertheless, no one can argue
and Pro-Banthine are contraindicated for against the benefits of fluoride, particularly
patients with glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, ingestible fluoride, in the prevention of caries;
myasthenia gravis, obstructive disease of therefore, the orthodontist should be in a
the gastrointestinal tract, and some types of knowledgeable position to inform patients
cardiovascular disease. Also, patients should concerning fluorides.
not wear contact lenses before, during, and Before the orthodontist decides whether to
at least 6 hours after administration of the recommend ingestible fluoride for a patient, he
drug because of the mydriasis produced. should consider the patient’s oral hygiene and
Adverse reactions to the drugs may include caries susceptibility. The orthodontist should
blurred vision, tachycardia, hypotension, also consider the patient’s age, both dental and
skeletal muscle paralysis (including respiratory skeletal, and the natural level of fluoride in the
muscles), urinary retention, and dry skin. drinking water. It apears that fluoride provides
The anticholinergics are potentiated by its greatest benefits during the period of tooth
antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, MAO development, from infancy to 12 to 14 years of
inhibitors, and phenothiazine tranquilizers. age.
Drugs that antagonize or inhibit anticholinergic It is generally accepted that maximal
action include achlorhydria agents, urinary protection from dental caries can be obtained
acidifiers, anticholinesterases, guanethidine, by the daily ingestion of drinking water
and reserpine. containing 1 part per million of fluoride
and food containing 1 mg of fluoride, in
Fluorides and Orthodontics conjunction with other preventive measures.
Although much research documents the Water supplies with less than 0.3 ppm of
inhibition of caries through the use of fluoride require supplementation of 0.5 mg
fluoridated water, fluoride tablets, topical per day for children under 3 and 1 mg. per
fluorides, or fluoride mouth rinses, a cause- day for children over 3 years of age. Water
and-effect relationship between fluoride supplies with between 0.3 and 0.7 ppm
application and the prevalence of malocclusion require supplementation of 0.25 mg per day
is not clear. Some investigations showed no for children under 3 and 0.5 mg per day for
significant difference in the prevalence of children over 13 years of age.
malocclusion among children in fluoridated When the fluoride level rises to 1.5 ppm,
and nonfluoridated communities, but most white spots and flecking of the enamel are
research indicates that malocclusion can observed, and at higher concentrations
be reduced when children use fluoride. severe pitting and staining occur; this is
The difference in the research on fluoride termed chronic endemic dental fluorosis
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  295

(mottled enamel). Fluorosis is most evident In addition to providing a benefit systemi­

in permanent teeth, and deciduous teeth are cally to unerupted teeth, there is good evidence
affected only at high levels of fluoride intake. that fluoride supplements can impart a
In order to avoid the possibility of unesthetic posteruptive topical benefit to the teeth.
dental fluorosis, the prescribed dietary fluoride Because of this benefit, it is advisable to instruct
allowance should be decreased in proportion children to dissolve or chew the fluo­r ide
to the amount of fluoride in the drinking water. before swallowing. Sodium fluoride tablets
Also, it should be pointed out that infant food are available in concentrations of 0.55 mg
or formula processed with fluoridated water (Luride, 0.25 mg Lozi-Tabs), 1.1 mg (Luride,
contains higher levels of fluoride than identical 0.5 mg Lozi-Tabs), and 2.21 mg (Luride, 1.0 mg
products processed with water containing low Lozi-Tabs, Karidium, Phos-Flur). Each of these
levels of fluoride. It may also be necessary to supplies fluoride in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5
reduce fluoride in certain infant foods, such and 1.0 mg, respectively and each is chewable
as chicken, which presently contain high except Karidium. Infant drops are available in
amounts of fluoride. concentrations of 0.125 mg/drop (Karidium),
Accidental ingestion of excessive fluoride 0.1 mg/drop (Luride), 0/25 mg/drop (Flouritab,
results in a salty or soapy taste in the mouth, Flura-Drop) and 0.5 mg/cc (Pediaflor).
tremors, convulsions, shock, and, possibly, Topical fluoride, although of less value
renal failure. The toxic dose ranges from 2 to than ingested fluoride, can be used to control
5 grams in adults, but it is less in children and and prevent dental disease. Recent research
is approximately 600 mg at age three years. indicates that, in addition to controlling caries,
Treatment consists of inducing emesis with topical fluoride may improve periodontal
syrup of ipecac or mustard water, followed by conditions by inhibiting the types of micro­
having the patient drink large quantities of milk organisms and their byproducts found in
and having him transported to the emergency the mouth. However, infrequent fluoride
room of the nearest hospital, whereupon 10 application has no major impact on the
cc of calcium gluconate 10 percent can be control of dental microbial plaque diseases.
administered; these measures are directed at Since intensive fluoride therapy may be self-
attempting to form insoluble calcium fluoride administered at home, it may be of benefit to
(CaF2). All fluoride should be stored out of the the orthodontic patient. Also, topical fluoride
reach of children. gels or fluoride mouth rinses may be applied
A professional decision on the use of dietary immediately before orthodontic banding.
fluoride or topical applications of fluoride will There are three types of office fluoride
depend in part upon the age of the child. solution: (1) sodium fluoride (NaF), (2)
Prescribing supplements of dietary fluorides stannous fluoride (SnF2), and (3) acidulated
is the method of choice for the very young phosphate fluoride (APF). Reduction of enamel
child, whereas topical fluoride applications solubility is greatest with sequential APF and
or fluoride mouth rinses are preferable for SnF2 treatments, less with combined APF and
the older child whose permanent teeth have SnF2, still less with SnF2 alone, and least with
already erupted. Children under 14 years of APF alone.
age who are highly susceptible to caries may The properties of sodium fluoride are
benefit from receiving both measures. very similar to those of acidulated phosphate
296  Essentials of Orthodontics

fluoride. In comparison with sodium fluoride, Antianxiety Agents

stannous fluoride is simpler to use, more Benzodiazepine antianxiety agents, such as
beneficial in reducing caries in fluoridated diazepam (Valium) and chlordiazepoxide
areas, more effective in adults, and capable (Librium), may have limited application
of arresting existing caries. However, it has in orthodontics as premedication for the
an unpleasant taste, it is unstable in solution, hysterical or apprehensive patient. However,
and it will stain teeth slightly. Stable, dilute the benefits of the drug must outweigh the
solutions of stannous fluoride (0.4%) have possible risks. Although most patients are
been prepared and are reported to be effective reasonably alert and coherent with barbi­
in preventing decalcification in orthodontic turates in proper dosages, they are more so
patients. with the benzodiazepines. The antianxiety
Sodium fluoride rinses are marketed in drugs would relieve anxiety and tension, as
concentrations of 0.05 percent (Fluorigard well as controlling the patient’s pain reaction.
dental rinse, Fluorinse, Kari-Rinse, Sodium Diazepam is contraindicated for patients
Fluoride Home Rinse) and 0.2 percent who have glaucoma and is not the preferred
(Fluorinse, Point-Two dental rinse); the gel drug for psychotic patients. Driving an
is available only in a concentration of 1.1 automobile is not recommended while one
percent (Kari-Gel). Stannous flouride rinses is under the influence of diazepam; also
and gels are available only in concentrations tolerance to alcohol is decreased by their
of 0.4 percent (Gel-Kam, Iradicay stannous concurrent use. Diazepam is available in
fluoride). Acidulated phosphate fluoride rinse bottles of 100 and 500 tablets and in doses of
is marketed as Iradicay acidulated phosphate 2 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg tablets. The usual adult
home fluoride 0.02 percent and the gel as dose is between 2 and 10 mg two to four times
fluoride 0.5 percent. A 1.23 percent APF gel is daily. The usual pediatric dose of diazepam
recommended for tray application, and tray ranges from 1 to 2.5 mg three to four times
application is mandatory between the ages of per day. Chlordiazepoxide is marketed in the
3 and 6, since the use of fluoride rinses requires form of 5, 10, and 25 mg capsules and the usual
full control of the swallowing reflex which is dose is between 5 and 25 mg three to four
not mature prior to age 6. times daily as needed. Chlordiazepoxide is not
Since the liquid catalyst in zinc oxyphos­ recommended for children under 6 years of
phate cements, which are used in orthodontic age, but for children over 6 the usual pediatric
cements, has a low pH, these cements may dose is 5 mg two to four times daily. Side
have a tendency to decalcify the teeth in effects of the antianxiety drugs are drowsiness,
certain patients. Some orthodontic cements fatigue, and ataxia; physical dependence can
have fluoride within them, but the addition be produced with compulsive use.
of an equal amount of a 30 percent solution
of stannous fluoride to a dehydrated cement Pharmacologic Agents for
liquid can impart protection to the teeth Myofascial Pain
without significantly affecting the compressive Orthodontic patients, either before, during, or
strength or setting time of the cement. after treatment, are susceptible to myofacial
Orthodontic Treatment Planning  297

and/or dental pain. Very rarely is the pain of such orthodontic procedures as metal tooth
such a magnitude that aspirin will not suffice. separation and banding; the value of antibiotic
Such analgesics as aspirin, with or without coverage for other orthodontic procedures
codeine, acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra, is less clear. Such anticholinergic drugs as
Phenaphen, Datril, Nebs), with or without methan­theline (Banthine) and propantheline
codeine, propoxyphene (Darvon, Dolene), (Pro-Banthine) have recently become of interest
and pentazocine (Talwin) can be used for to the orthodontist as antisialagogues prior to
alleviation of mild pain. Pharmacologic the direct bonding of orthodontic appliances.
treatment for the “myofascial pain dysfunction Possible compli­cations and the justification
(MPD) syndrome” (TMJ syndrome) is directed of this procedure must be considered.
at reducing the stress and tension associated During ortho­d ontic procedures requiring
with these patients and also relaxing the facial fixed appliances, fluoride mouth rinses may
muscles that may be in spasm. Such minor have application in reducing caries and
tranquilizers as chlordiazepoxide (Librium), periodontal disease. Antianxiety drugs, such
diazepam (Valium), and meprobamate as diazepam (Valium) and chlordiazepoxide
(Miltown, Equanil) have been used to reduce (Librium), would have very limited usefulness
the anxiety-tension of the MPD patient. Muscle as premedication for the apprehensive
relaxants such as chlorzoxazone with aceta­ orthodontic patient or as adjunctive therapy
minophen (Parafon Forte) may reduce the for the treatment of myofascial pain.
spasms and pain associated with the facial The orthodontist is cautioned about
muscles. Diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and the pre­s cribing of drugs without a proper
meprobamate have combined sedative and understanding of the drugs’ pharmacologic
muscle relaxant properties. Also, ethyl chloride action, dosage, contraindications, and other
sprayed directly on the facial muscles has been side effects. Also, before the orthodontist
shown to be effective in relieving some of the prescribes any drug he must decide whether
painful symptoms of the MPD syndrome. the benefits of the drug outweigh any potential
Because of psychic contributions to the MPD risks; even the most innocuous drug can be
syndrome, the orthodontist should be cautious dangerous for certain drug-sensitive persons.
when prescribing drugs for these patients; Finally, since the drug literature is constantly
placebo preparations have also been shown changing, the orthodontist should always
to be effective in reducing or eliminating the check the latest Physicians’ Desk Reference,
MPD symptoms in some pati­ents. drug packet insert, and other appro­priate
references before prescribing any drug.


Antibiotic premedication for the heart-dam­aged

orthodontic patient would appear necessary for

7 Biomechanics

MECHANICS OF TOOTH stress strain level of activity within the investing

MOVEMENT tissues which is the least understood. There
Physics, mathematics and engineering are exist no stress strain gauges, at present, which
three important disciplines that can effectively can be placed within the periodontium to
be applied to the study of orthodontic tooth evaluate the stress-strain activity. Therefore,
movement. the importance of the study of mechanics
Mechanics is defined as that branch of cannot be overemphasized as almost all the
engineering science that describes the effect assumptions made about the stress-strain
of force on a body. A clear understanding activity in the periodontium are based on several
of the theories of mechanics has potential mathematical formulations and conclusions.
applications in three areas: For a better understanding of mechanics one
1. Precise application of forces. should be familiar with the terminology used.
2. A better understanding of clinical and
histological response to various magni­ Force
tudes of force. Force can be defined as an act upon a body that
3. Improving the design of orthodontic changes or tends to change the state of rest or
appliances. of uniform motion of that body.
Being a vector, force has a definite
magnitude, a specific direction and a point
NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION of application. In clinical practice it is either a
‘push’ or a ‘pull’. In the metric system the unit
Everybody continues in its state of rest or of of force is expressed in grams.
uniform motion in a straight line, unless it
is compelled to change that state by forces Stress and Strain
impressed upon it applies to dentition. Stress is the force applied per unit area while
The response of a tooth to an applied force strain can be defined as the internal distortion
can be at three levels, i.e. clinical, cellular and per unit ares.
Biomechanics  299

Stress and strain are interrelated terms as

stress is an external force acting upon a body
while strain is the resultant of stress on that
body. Strain can be expressed in the form of
a change in either the external dimension or
internal energy of the body.

Couple is a pair of concentrated forces having
equal magnitude and opposite direction with Figure 7.1: Center of resistance
parallel but noncollinear line of action.
A couple when acting upon a body brings alveolar crest while in a multirooted tooth the
about pure rotation. center of resistance lies between the roots, 1 to
2 mm apical to the furcation.
Moment Two factors which can change the position
Moment can be defined as the measure of of the center of resistance are the root length
rotational potential of a force with respect to and alveolar bone height. Longer the root, the
a specific axis. center of resistance will be placed more apically.
Moment = Magnitude of force × distance Likewise if the alveolar crest is higher, the center
(perpendicular distance from the center of of resistance will be placed more coronally.
resistance of the body to the line of action of
the force). Center of Rotation
Center of rotation is a point, about which a
Center of Resistance (Fig. 7.1) body appears to have rotated, as determined
Everybody or free object behaves as it its mass from its initial and final positions.
is concentrated at a single point on which it can The center of rotation is a variable point
be perfectly balanced. For physical calculation, and changes according to the type of tooth
this point can be taken as the point where the movement. It can be at any position on or off
whole body weight is concentrated and can be the tooth.
termed center of gravity. For example, in case of controlled crown
However, teeth cannot move in a free tipping, the center of rotation will be at the
manner within the jaws. They are restricted by root apex while in case of a perfect translation
the investing tissues around their roots. In such it will be at infinity.
a situation, a point analogous to the center of In clinical practice, the tooth usually
gravity is made use of and is called the center follows an irregular path to reach its final
of resistance. position, thus changing the center of rotation
Center of resistance of a tooth can be several times.
defined as that point on the tooth when a single
force is passed through it, would bring about its TYPES OF TOOTH MOVEMENTS
translation along the line of action of the force. (FIG. 7.2)
Generally the center of resistance of a tooth is
constant. In a single rooted tooth it lies between The prime motive of orthodontic treatment
one-third and one-half of the root, apical to the is to move the teeth into more favorable
300  Essentials of Orthodontics

is characterized by the crown moving in one

direction while the root moves in the opposite

Bodily Movement (Translation)

If the line of action of an applied force passes
through the center of resistance of a tooth,
all the points on the tooth will move more
an equal distance in the same directions
signifying a bodily displacements. This is called
Figure 7.2: Types of tooth movement translation.
Intrusion: Intrusion is the bodily displacement
of a tooth along its long axis in an apical
and corrected positions. In the process of direction.
achieving this goal, the teeth undergo a variety Extrusion: Extrusion is the bodily displacement
of movements in all the three planes of space, of a tooth along its long axis in an occlusal
i.e. sagittal, coronal and transverse. direction.
Tooth movements within the oral cavity can Rotation: Rotations are labial or lingual
be listed as follows: movements of a tooth around its long axis.
1. Tipping Torquing: Torquing can be considered as a
2. Bodily movement (Translation) reverse tipping characterized by labial or
3. Intrusion lingual movement of the root.
4. Extrusion Uprighting: Mesiodistal root movements to
5. Torquing make the root parallel are called uprighting.
6. Uprighting. During orthodontic treatment, the crowns
of certain teeth will be tipped in a mesiodistal
Tipping direction with the roots tipped in the opposite
Tipping is a simple type of tooth movement way. Tipping these roots back to get a parallel
where a single force is applied to the crown orientation is termed uprighting.
which results in movement of the crown in Although these are the commonly
the direction of the force and the root in the encountered movements within the oral
opposite direction. Tipping is considered to cavity, in a more scientific approach the tooth
be the simplest among the tooth movements. movements can be classified basically into
It can be of two types: three:
Controlled tipping: Controlled tipping of
a tooth occurs when a tooth tips about a Pure Translation
center of rotation at its apex. Here there is a It occurs when all points on the tooth move
lingual movement of the crown and minimal an equal distance in the same direction. This
movement of the root in labial direction. is brought about when the line of action of
Uncontrolled tipping: Uncontrolled tipping an applied force passes through the center of
of a tooth describes the movement of a tooth resistance of a tooth. Pure translation can be
that occurs about a center of rotation apical of three types:
to and very close to the center of resistance. It 1. Intrusion
Biomechanics  301

movement can be seen during routine clinical



As is well-stated by the pioneers in the subject,

if malocclusion is the disease in orthodontics,
force is definitely its medicine. It is therefore,
very important for the clinician to use his
knowledge and experience in determining the
type, amount and direction of force required to
bring about efficient treatment results.
Based on the duration of application, force
can be divided into:

Continuous Force
Figure 7.3: Derotation It is an active orthodontic force that decreases
little in magnitude between appointment
periods, e.g. light wire appliances.
2. Extrusion For an appliance to deliver continuous
3. Bodily movement (mesiodistal, labiolin­ force the appliance components should
gual). be highly flexible and the activation must
be done to a relatively low force level. This
Pure Rotation (Fig. 7.3) is because continuous forces are expected
A displacement of the body, produced by a to bring about direct resorption of the root
couple, characterized by the center of rotation sockets. They should hence not occlude more
coinciding with the center of resistance, i.e. the than a small percentage of blood vessels
movement of points of the tooth along the area within the periodontal ligament and non-
of a circle, with the center of resistance being substantially interfere with their nutritional
the center of the circle. Pure rotations can be supply. Moreover the continuous force cycle
divided into two types. includes no rest period and little interference
Transverse rotation: Those tooth displacements
during which the long axis orientation changes,
e.g. tipping and torquing.
Long axis rotation: Here the angulation of the
long axis is not altered, e.g. rotation of a tooth
around its long axis.

Generalized Rotation
Any movement that is not pure translation or
rotation can be described as a combination
of both translation and rotation and can be
termed generalized rotation. This type of Figure 7.4: Types of forces
302  Essentials of Orthodontics

with normal biologic functioning within the the clinical and cellular context. The rate of
soft tissue can be tolerated. tooth movement is highly dependent upon the
complex biologic responses to the various types
Intermittent Force of forces which are yet to be clearly understood.
It is an active orthodontic force that decays to
zero magnitude or nearly so prior to the next
appointment, e.g. removable active plates. BIOLOGY OF TOOTH
For an appliance to deliver intermittent MOVEMENT
force the appliance components should have Orthodontic treatment is made possible by
high stiffness and the initial activation should the fact that teeth can be moved through the
be twice the expected corresponding soft alveolar bone by applying appropriate forces.
tissue deformation. Due to a relatively high Orthodontic tooth movement is a unique
activation, a greater force is exerted on the process where a solid object (tooth) is made to
teeth. This leads to undermining resorption move through a solid medium (bone).
and corresponding tooth movement. Once The ability of independent movement of
the tooth has moved, the force will decay the teeth is unique to humans in particular
considerably so that repair of the necrosed soft and mammals in general. The earlier primitive
tissue and resumption of blood supply occurs animals such as reptiles had teeth that were
within the periodontium. ankylosed or fused to the bone. This did
not allow independent movement of the
Interrupted Force teeth. During the process of evolution, the
It is an orthodontic or orthopedic force that periodontal ligament appeared between the
is inactive for intervals of time between tooth and the alveolar socket. The appearance
appointments. It often exhibits cyclic, long- of this periodontal tissue enabled independent
term magnitude time pattern, e.g. force exerted tooth movement.
by and extraoral appliance worn only at night.
For an interrupted force to be delivered,
the prerequisites include: PHYSIOLOGIC TOOTH MOVEMENT
i. It should deliver heavy force.
ii. There should not be any force decay. Physiologic tooth movements are naturally
iii. There should be a specific magnitude- occurring tooth movements that take place
time pattern. For example, 200 to 300 during and after tooth eruption.
gram of force 10 to 14 hour per day. Physiologic tooth movements include:
iv. The inactive period of each day must 1. Tooth eruption
be sufficient to keep the periodontal 2. Migration or drifting of teeth
ligament healthy over the total period 3. Changes in tooth position dur ing
of time of use of the appliance. mastication.
Thinking in the normal way, it might occur
to us that a continuous force may bring about Tooth Eruption
a continuous movement or an increased force Tooth eruption is the axial movement of the
may lead to an increased tooth movement. But, tooth from its development position in the jaw
these assumptions are far from reality both in to its final position in the oral cavity.
Biomechanics  303

Three types of tooth eruptive movements axial and occlusal movement of the tooth from
occur: its developmental position within the jaw to its
final functional position within the occlusal
Pre-eruptive Tooth Movement plane. Preemergent tooth movement seems to
Movement of the deciduous and permanent be controlled by a different mechanism than
tooth gems within the tissues of the jaw post­emergent tooth movement.
before they begin to erupt. As the deciduous Eruptive movement begins soon after the
tooth gems grow, the space for them in the root begins to form. The PDL also develops only
developing jaw becomes less, and initially after root formation has been initiated, and once
they are “crowded” in the anterior region. established, it must be remodeled to permit
This “crowding” usually is alleviated before eruptive tooth movement. The remodeling of
emergence by growth of the jaws, mainly in the PDL fiber bundles is achieved by fibroblasts,
the midline, which permits mesial movement which simultaneously degrade and synthesize
of the anterior tooth germs. the collagen fibers as required across the entire
The deciduous molar germs gradually extent of the ligament. As the tooth moves
increase in size and become displaced distally occlusally, bone is resorbed occlusal to it and
in association with sagittal growth of the new bone is formed apical to the tooth.
jaws. At the same time, the tooth germs are At the time of emergence of the tooth into
moving occlusally with the increase in height the oral cavity, its dental follicle fuses with
of the jaws. The permanent anterior tooth the oral epithelium. Following emergence
germs initially develop on the lingual aspect the tooth erupts rapidly until it approaches
of their predecessors. From this position the occlusal level (post-emergent spurt).
they shift considerably as the jaws develop Environmental factors such as muscle forces
(e.g. the incisors eventually come to occupy from the tongue, cheeks and lips, as well as
a position on the lingual aspect of the roots of forces of contact of the erupting tooth with
their predecessors, and the premolar germs other erupted teeth, help determine the final
are positioned between the divergent roots position of the tooth in the dental arch. The
of the deciduous molars). In the maxilla, the effect of thumb sucking on the dentition
permanent molar germs initially develop with is an obvious example of environmental
their occlusal surfaces facing distally, and determination of tooth position.
swing into position only when the maxilla has
grown sufficiently to provide space for such Posteruptive Tooth Movement
movement. In the mandible, the permanent Movement of the teeth after they have reached
molars develop with their axes showing a their functional position in the occlusal plane
mesial inclination, which gradually becomes is called posteruptive movement. The same
more vertical. mechanisms that control postemergent tooth
movement seem to regulate posteruptive tooth
Eruptive Tooth Movement movement in the vertical plane. Posteruptive
This includes “pre-emergent” and “post- tooth movement can be divided into three
emergent” tooth movement. The mechanism categories:
of eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth 1. Vertical movement occurring in concert
is thought to be similar, bringing about the with jaw growth (“juvenile occlusal
304  Essentials of Orthodontics

equilibrium”). This movement is completed 3. The alveolar bone growth theory according
toward the end of the second decade, when to which apposition of bone to the crypt
jaw growth ceases, and it occurs earlier in beneath the erupting tooth, and resorption
girls than in boys. It is related to the growth of bone occlusal to it, is what causes the
of the mandibular ramus, which causes the tooth to rise into functional occlusion.
maxilla and mandible to grow apart from 4. The pulp theory, which states that the pulp
each other, permitting further eruptive produces a propulsive force generated by
movement of the teeth. extrusion of pulp due to growth of dentin,
2. Movement to compensate for the by interstitial pulp growth, or by hydraulic
continuous occlusal wear of the teeth effects within the pulpal vasculature. This
(“adult occlusal equilibrium”). This axial results in an eruptive force because of
posteruptive movement occurs even after pressure gradients that are greater below
the apices of the teeth are fully formed. It the tooth than above it.
is demonstrable by the tendency of teeth 5. The periodontal ligament theory, according
to overerupt when their antagonist is lost, to which the mechanism for tooth eruption
at any age. lies within the periodontal ligament,
3. Movement to compensate for interproximal possibly related to the contractility of
wear. Wear also occurs at the contact points collagen fibers.
between teeth on their proximal surfaces, 6. The dental follicle theory, which states
and its extent can be considerable (more that tooth eruption largely is a function
than 7 mm in the mandibular dental arch). of bone resorption above the erupting
This interproximal wear is compensated tooth (forming its eruption pathway), in
for by a process known as “mesial drift.” combination with intense osteoblastic
The mechanism of this mesial drift is activity below it, both of which are
multifactorial and is attributed to the controlled by the dental follicle.
anterior component of the occlusal force, The above listed theories are not necessarily
to contraction of the trans-septal fibers mutually exclusive; in fact there is reasonable
and/or pressure from the perioral and evidence that tooth eruption is regulated by a
intraoral soft tissues (cheeks and tongue). different mechanism in the preemergent and
The mechanism of tooth eruption is not postemergent stages. Physiological factors
clearly understood; most investigations have such as hormonal fluctuations also seem to
concluded that eruption is a multifactorial play an important role.
process in which cause and effect are difficult
to separate. Some theories attempting to Migration or Drift of Teeth
explain the mechanisms of tooth eruption are: Migration regers to the minor changes in tooth
1. The root elongation theory, which supports position observed after eruption of teeth. The
the idea that root growth is responsible for human dentition shows a natural tendency
occlusal movement of the crown. to move in a mesial and occlusal direction.
2. The hydrostatic pressure theory (vascular Tooth migration is usually a result of proximal
theory), according to which local increases and occlusal wear, they move in a mesial and
in tissue fluid pressure in periapical tissues occlusal direction to maintain interproximal
push the tooth occlusally. and occlusal contact.
Biomechanics  305

Tooth Movement during Mastication HISTOLOGY OF TOOTH

During mastication, the teeth and periodontal MOVEMENT
structures are subjected to intermittent heavy
forces which occur in cycles of one second When force is applied on a tooth to bring about
or less and may range from 1 to 50 kilograms orthodontic movement, it results in formation
based on the type of food being masticated. of areas of pressure and tension around the
A tooth subjected to these heavy forces, tooth. Areas of pressure are formed in the
exhibits slight movement within its socket and direction of the tooth movement, while areas
subsequently returns to its original position as of tension form in the opposite direction.
soon as the load is removed. Bone is a living tissue which reacts to
pressure and tension in a certain defined
manner. Bone surface subjected to pressure
TOOTH MOBILITY reacts by bone resorption while bone subjected
to tension exhibits deposition.
Clinical mobility of tooth can be classified as: When a tooth is moved due to application of
an orthodontic force, there is bone resorption
Physiologic (Normal) Mobility on the pressure side and new bone formation
The limited amount of tooth displacement on the side of tension.
allowed by the resilience of an intact and healthy The histologic changes seen during tooth
periodontal ligament and by the bending movement vary according to the amount
potential of the alveolar bone, when a light or and duration of force applied. The histologic
moderate force is applied to the crown of a tooth. changes seen during tooth movement can be
studied under two headings as:
Increased Mobility (Hypermobility) 1. Changes following application of mild
Increased tooth mobility is associated with force.
various physiologic phenomena such as tooth 2. Changes following application of extreme
eruption (due to incomplete maturation of the force.
periodontal ligament), pregnancy (as a result Changes following application of mild force:
of the hormonal influences on collagen and When a force is applied to a tooth, areas of
the vascular structures of the PDL tissues) pressure and tension are produced.
and orthodontic treatment (due to remodeling Changes on pressure side: The periodontal
of the PDL tissues during tooth movement). ligament in the direction of the tooth movement
Pathologic conditions related to increased gets compressed to almost one-third of its
tooth mobility are trauma from occlusion and original thickness. A marked increase in the
periodontal disease. vascularity of periodontal ligament on this side
is observed due to increase in capillary blood
Reduced Mobility (Hypomobility) supply helps in mobilization of cells such as
Tooth mobility below the physiologic levels can fibroblasts and osteoclasts.
be found in cases of ankylosis. In such situations Osteoclasts are bone resorbing cells that
there is no intrasocket tooth displacement and line up along the socket wall on the pressure
any movement of the tooth can be attributed to side. They lie within shallow depressions in
elastic deformation of the alveolar bone. bone called Howship’s lacunae. A change in
306  Essentials of Orthodontics

orientation of the bony trabeculae is seen outer side of the labial alveolar bony plate
several weeks after continued orthodontic and also a compensatory resorption on the
force application. The trabeculae which lingual side of the lingual alveolar bone. These
are usually paralleled to the long axis of compensatory structural alterations maintain
the teeth become horizontally oriented, the thickness of the supporting alveolar
i.e. parallel to the direction of orthodontic process even though the tooth may be moved
force. The trabecular pattern reverts back to over a distance several times greater than the
normal pattern during retention phase of the thickness of the alveolar bony plates.
treatment. Changes following application of extreme
The osteoclasts that lie within Howship’s forces: Whenever extreme forces are applied to
lacunae start resorbing bone. When the teeth, it results in crushing or total compression
forces applied are within physiologic limits, of the periodontal ligament. On the pressure
the resorption is seen in the alveolar plate side, the root closely approximates the lamina
immediately adjacent to the ligament. This dura, compresses the periodontal ligament
kind of resorption is called ‘Frontal resorption’. and leads to occlusion of the blood vessels. The
Changes on tension side: The areas of the tooth ligament is hence deprived of its nutritional
opposite to the direction of force are called the supply leading to regressive changes called
tension side. On application of orthodontic hyalinization.
force, the periodontal membrane on the In this case, the bone cannot resorb in the
tension side gets stretched. Thus the distance frontal portion adjacent to the teeth. Rather
between the alveolar process and the tooth is bone resorption occurs in the adjacent marrow
widened. spaces and in the alveolar plate below, behind
In addition to stretching of the periodontal and above the hyalinization zones. This kind of
fibers, a raised vascularity is seen on the resorption is called undermining or rearward
tension side just as on the pressure side. The resorption.
raised vascularity causes mobilization of cells On the tension side, the periodontal
such as fibroblasts and osteoblasts in this ligament gets overstretched leading to tearing
area. In response to this traction, osteoid is of the blood vessels and ischemia.
laid down by osteoblasts in the periodontal Thus when extreme force is applied there
ligament immediately adjacent to the lamina is a net increase in osteoclastic activity as
dura. This lightly calcified bone in due couse compared to bone formation with the result
of time matures to form woven bone. that the tooth becomes loosened in its socket.
Secondary remodeling changes: Whenever In addition, pain and hyperemia of the
a force is applied to move teeth, the bone gingival may occur due to application of
immediately adjacent shows osteoclastic extreme forces during orthodontic tooth
and osteoblastic activity on the pressure movement.
and tension side respectively. In addition,
bony changes also take place elsewhere to
maintain the width or thickness of the alveolar OPTIMUM ORTHODONTIC FORCE
bone. These changes are called secondary (TABLE 7.1)
remodeling changes. For example, if a tooth
is being moved in a labial direction there is Optimum orthodontic force is one which
compensatory deposition of new bone on the moves teeth most rapidly in the desired
Biomechanics  307

Table 7.1: Optimum forces for orthodontic tooth move­ periodontal ligament denotes a compressed
and locally degenerated periodontal ligament.
Type Force (grams) The conventional pathologic process of
Tipping 50–75 hyalinization is an irreversible one; however,
Bodily movement (Translation) 100–150 hyalinization of the periodontal ligament is a
Root uprighting 75–125 reversible process.
Rotation 50–75 Experimental evidences show that
Extrusion 50–75 hyalinization of the periodontal ligament
Intrusion 15–25 on the pressure side occurs in some areas
during almost all forms of orthodontic tooth
movement. But the areas are wider when the
force applied is extreme.
direction, with the least possible damage to The changes observed during formation of
tissue and with minimal patient discomfort. hyalinized zones are as follows:
Oppenheim and Schwarz following i. There is a gradual shrinkage of perio­
extensive studies state that the optimum dontal ligament fibers.
force is equivalent to the capillary pulse ii. The cellular structures become indis­
pressure which is 20 to 26 gm/sq cm of root tinct. Some nuclei become smaller
surface area. From a clinical point of view, (pyknotic) while some nuclei disappear.
optimum orthodontic force has the following iii. The compressed collagenous fibers
characteristics: gradually unite into a more or less cell
i. Produces rapid tooth movement free mass.
ii. Minimal patient discomfort iv. In addition certain changes also occur
iii. The lag phase of tooth movement is in the ground substance.
minimal v. There is a breakdown of the blood
iv. No marked mobility of the teeth being vessel walls leading to spilling of their
moved. contents.
From a histologic point of view the use of vi. Osteoclasts are formed in marrow spaces
optimum orthodontic force has the following and adjacent areas of the inner bone
characteristics: surface after a period of 20 to 30 hours.
i. The vitality of the tooth and supporting The presence of hyalinized zone indicates
periodontal ligament is maintained that the ligament is nonfunctional and
ii. Initiates maximum cellular response therefore bone resorption cannot occur.
iii. Produces direct or frontal resorption. The tooth is hence not capable of further
movement until the local damage tissue has
been removed and the adjacent alveolar bone
HYALINIZATION wall resorbs.
The elimination of hyalinized tissue occurs
Hyalinization is a form of tissue degeneration by two mechanisms:
characterized by formation of a clear, 1. Resorption of the alveolar bone by osteo­
eosinophilic homogeneous substance. This clasts differentiating in the peripheral
hyalinization can occur in organs such as intact perio­d ontal membrane and in
kidneys, lungs, etc. Hyalinization of the adjacent marrow­spaces.
308  Essentials of Orthodontics

2. Invasion of cells and blood vessels from the Fluid Dynamic Theory
periphery of the compressed zone by which This theory is also called the blood flow
the necrotic tissue is removed. The invading theory as proposed by Bien. According to this
cells penetrate the hyalinized tissue and theory, tooth movement occurs as a result of
eliminate the unwanted fibrous tissue by alterations in fluid dynamics in the periodontal
enzymatic action and phagocytosis. ligament. The periodontal ligament occupies
Greater the forces, the wider are the area of the periodontal space which is confined
hyalinization. Thus larger areas of the ligament between two hard tissues namely the tooth
become functionless, thereby showing large and the alveolar socket. The periodontal space
areas of rearward resorption. If lighter forces contains a fluid system made up of interstitial
are used, the hyalinized functioning ligament is fluid, cellular elements, blood vessels and
available. This frontal resorption predominates viscous ground substance in addition to the
in case lighter forces are used. periodontal fibers. It is a confined space and
the passage of fluid in and out of this space
is limited. The contents of the periodontal
THEORIES OF TOOTH MOVEMENT ligament thus create a unique hydrodynamic
condition resembling a hydraulic mechanism
The mechanism of movement of a tooth by and a shock absorber. When the force is
an orthodontic force is a subject of ongoing removed, the fluid is replenished by diffusion
research for decades. Numerous theories have from capillary walls and recirculation of the
been put forward to explain the same. The interstitial fluid. When the force applied is of
theories that are accepted and have stood the short duration such as during mastication, the
test of time are: fluid in the periodontal space is replenished as
1. Pressure tension theory by Schwarz. soon as the force is removed. But when a force
2. Blood flow theory by Bien. of greater magnitude and duration is applied
3. Bone bending piezoelectric theory. such as during orthodontic tooth movement,
the interstitial fluid in the periodontal space
Pressure Tension Theory gets squeezed out and moves towards the apex
Oppenheim in 1911 was the first person to and cervical margins and results in decreased
study the tissue changes in the bone incident tooth movement. This is called the ‘squeeze
to orthodontic tooth movement. Schwarz film effect’ by Bien.
(1932) is said to be the author of this theory. When an orthodontic force is applied,
According to Schwarz, whenever a tooth is it results in compression of the periodontal
subjected to an orthodontic force, it results ligament. Blood vessels of the periodontal
in areas of pressure and tension. The area of ligament get trapped between the principal
the periodontium in the direction of tooth fibers and this result in their stenosis. The vessel
movement is under pressure while the area of above the stenosis then balloons resulting in
periodontium opposite the tooth movement formation of an ‘aneurysm’. These aneurysms
is under tension. According to him, the areas are minute flexible walled sacs of fluid.
of pressure show bone resorption while areas Bien suggest that there is an alteration in
of tension show bone deposition. the chemical environment at the site of the
Biomechanics  309

vascular stenosis due to a decreased oxygen When the force is released the crystals return
level in the compressed areas as compared to their original shape and a reverse flow of
to the tension side. The formation of these electrons is observed. This rhythmic activity
aneurysms and vascular stenosis causes produces a constant interplay of electric
blood gases to escape into the interstitial fluid signals whereas occasional application and
thereby creating a favorable local environment release of force produces occasional electric
for resorption. signals.
Bone bending and piezoelectric theories Piezoelectric signals have two unusual
of tooth movement: characteristics:
A century ago, Farrar (1876) first noted i. Quick decay rate: When a force is applied,
deformation or bending of interseptal alveolar a piezoelectric signal is produced. This
walls. He was the first to suggest that bone electric charge quickly dies away to zero
bending may be a possible mechanism for even though the force is maintained.
bringing about tooth movement. ii. When the force is released, electron flow
Piezoelectricity is a phenomenon obser­ in the opposite direction is seen.
ved in many crystalline materials in which On application of a force on a tooth,
a deformation of the crystal structure the adjacent alveolar bone bends. Areas of
produces a flow of electric current as a result concavity in bone are associated with negative
of displacement of electrons from one part charges and evoke bone apposition. Areas of
of the crystal lattice to the other. A small convexity are associated with positive charges
electric current is generated when bone is and evoke bone resorption.
mechanically deformed. The possible sources When a force is applied, compression
of the electric current are: of the alveolar wall occurs resulting in the
i. Collagen: In bone, collagens exist in a alveolar and medullary cortical plates of
crystalline state and can thus be a source bone being moved closer together. In this
of piezoelectricity when deformed. manner, the bone becomes less concave and
ii. Hydroxyapatite: It also is crystalline an electric signal associated with resorption is
in form and therefore can produce established.
electricity when deformed.
iii. Collagen-hydroxyapatite interface: The
junction between the collagen and PHASES OF TOOTH MOVEMENT
hydroxyapatite crystals when bent can
be a source of piezoelectricity. Studies have shown that tooth movement
iv. The mucopolysaccharide fraction of progresses through three stages. Burstone
the ground substance although not categories the stages as:
crystalline may also possess the ability 1. Initial phase
to generate electric current when 2. Lag phase
deformed. 3. Postlag phase.
When a crystal structure is deformed,
electrons migrate from one location to another Initial Phase
resulting in an electric charge. As long as the During the initial phase, very rapid tooth
force is maintained, the crystal structure is movement is observed over a short distance
stable and no further electric effect is observed. which then stops. This movement represents
310  Essentials of Orthodontics


It is known that bone cells respond to an

orthodontic force by proliferation in order to
bring about bone deposition and resorption.
However, the changes that occur at the cellular
level in response to a force are not totally
When a force is applied onto a tooth it
results in a number of biophysical events
Figure 7.5: Phases of tooth movement
such as compression of periodontal ligament,
bone deformation and tissue injury. These
biophysical events in turn lead to certain
displacement of the tooth in the periodontal biochemical reactions at a cellular level which
membrane space and probably bending of bring about bone remodeling. Thus, a process
alveolar bone to a certain extent. Studies have of transduction occurs where mechanical
shown that both light and heavy forces displace energy (orthodontic force) is converted into a
the tooth to the same extent during this initial cellular response.
phase of tooth movement (Fig. 7.5).
Flow chart 7.1: Summary of biochemical events
Lag Phase
During this phase, little or no tooth movement
occurs. This phase is characterized by formation
of hyalinized tissue in the periodontal ligament
which has to be resorbed before further tooth
movement can occur. The duration of the lag
phase depends on the amount of force used to
move the tooth. If light forces are used, the area
of hyalinization is small and frontal resorption
occurs. If heavy forces are used, the area of
hyalinization is large. Resorption in this case
is rearward and a longer lag period occurs to
eliminate the hyalinized tissue.

Postlag Phase
After the lag phase, tooth movement progresses
rapidly as the hyalinized zone is removed and
bone undergoes resorption. During this postlag
period, osteoclasts are found over a large
surface area resulting in direct resorption of
bony surface facing the periodontal ligament.
Biomechanics  311

Bone deformation and compression of the ii. Migration from adjacent bone.
periodontal ligament leads to the release of iii. Formation of new osteoclasts from local
some extracellular signaling molecules called macrophages of periodontal ligament.
first messengers. They include hormones iv. Influx of monocytes from blood vessels.
such as PTH, local chemical mediators such During bone resorption three processes
as prostaglandins and neurotransmitters occur in more or less rapid succession. They
such as substance P and vasoactive intestinal are:
polypeptide (VIP). 1. Decalcification
The first messengers bind to receptors 2. Degradation of matrix
present on the cell surface of target cells and 3. Transport of soluble products to the extra­
initiate a process of intracellular signaling. The cellular fluid or blood vascular systems.
intra-cellular signaling results in formation of Organic acids such as citric acid and lactic
second messengers, which include cyclic AMP, acid and hydrogen ions are secreted by the
cyclic GMP and calcium. ruffled border of the osteoclasts which increase
The formation of second messengers inside the solubility of hydroxyapatite leading to
the cells is believed to initiate formation of decal­cification. The degradation of the matrix
bone cells namely ostelclasts and osteoclasts is brought about by the activity of Cathepsin
which are responsible for bone remodeling. B-1 (lysosomal acid protease). Finally, the
An alternative biologic pathway for ortho­ breakdown products of bone are transported
dontic tooth movement has been suggested by to the extracellular fluid and blood vascular
some workers. According to them, orthodontic system.
force results in certain amount of tissue injury.
Subsequently, hydrolytic enzymes are released
which activate enzyme collagenase that contri­ BONE DEPOSITION
butes to bone resorption.
Bone formative changes are observed on the
tension side. As a forerunner to the process
BONE RESORPTION of bone deposition, there seems to be an
increase in the number of osteoblasts which
Bone resorption is brought about by cells called are the bone forming cells. They are ovoid
osteoclasts. They are multinucleated giant cells cells with basophilic cytoplasm and have
and may have 12 or more nuclei. Osteoclasts an oval nucleus. They lie against the bone
are irregularly oval or club-shaped with surface where active bone formation is in
branching processes. They occur in hay like progress, i.e. periosteum or endosteum and
depressions in bone called Howship’s lacunae help in the formation of the organic matrix
and have prominent mitochondria, lysosomes and also control the deposition of mineral
and vacuoles. Each of their nuclei has a single salts. Osteoblasts increase in number by
nucle­olus. This part of the osteoclast in contact proliferation of their precursor cells which are:
with the resorbing bone has a ruffled border. i. Fibroblasts in periodontal ligament
The osteoclasts are derived from: ii. Perivascular stem cells.
i. Activation of previously present inactive Osteoid tissue, deposited on the tension
osteoclasts. side, gets calcified resulting in the formation of
312  Essentials of Orthodontics

bone lamellae. The periodontal fibers readapt treatment duration and mechanical factors
to the new position of the tooth by proliferation definitely influence root resorption. In most
of the intermediate zone. root resorption studies, it is not possible to
compare the results and conclusions because
Orthodontic Root Resorption of their different methods. Further research in
The loss of root structure due to orthodontic this field is necessary to advance the service of
tooth movement is referred to as external the specialty.
apical root resorption. Detection of root Root resorption is commonly associated
resorption is most obvious in the apical area; with excessive force particularly tipping
however, a histologic investigation provides and torquing movements. Endodontically
evidence that the same resorptive process treated tooth show more root resorption. Root
also occurs on other areas of the root surfaces. resorption is more common in upper lateral
Factors which lead to root resorption include, incisors.
the magnitude of orthodontic force, treatment The question of whether there is an optimal
mechanics, direction of tooth movement, force to move teeth without resorption or
appliance type and treatment duration. whether root resorption may be predictable
All permanent teeth may show microscopic remain unanswered.
amounts of root resorption that are clinically
insignificant and radiographically undetected. Effects of Orthodontic Tooth
Root resorption of permanent teeth is a Movement on Dental and
probable consequence of orthodontic Periodontal Tissues
treatment and active tooth movement. The
incidence of reported root resorption during Enamel
orthodontic treatment varies widely among The enamel organ was the most severely
investigators. Usually, extensive resorption affected tissue. Destroyed parts appeared in
does not affect the functional capacity or the the pressure and tension areas during force
effective life of the tooth. Most studies agree application, the organ remaining intact in the
that the root resorption process ceases once vicinity of the rotational fulcrum. Four distinct
the active treatment is terminated. degrees of enamel organ disintegration were
Root resorption of the deciduous dentition observed: (1) lysis of ameloblast cytoplasm,
is a normal, essential, and physiologic leaving denuded, pyknotic nuclei; (2) dissolu­
process. Permanent teeth have the potential tion of the cell membrane and clustering of
to clinically undergo significant external nuclei; (3) complete disappearance of the
root resorption when affected by several ameloblastic layer, which left the enamel space
stimuli. This resorptive potential varies in being bordered by a compressed papillary
persons and between different teeth in the layer; and (4) disintegration of the papillary
same person. This throws doubt on the role layer, with resultant direct contact between
of systemic factors as a primary cause of root enamel and periodontal connective tissue.
resorption during orthodontic treatment. In some instances the denuded enamel was
Tooth structure, alveolar bone structure at covered by a layer of cementum.
various locations, and types of movement As was to be expected, the damage to the
may explain these variations. The extent of enamel organ was reflected in the enamel
Biomechanics  313

tissue in the form of uncalcified enamel matrix PDL. The hyalinized areas always appeared
or partial or total lack of enamel development. in conjunction with tooth or bone resorption.
At the sites where the uncalcified enamel The application of mechanical force
matrix was denuded and came into direct caused rupture of blood vessels and extensive
contact with the connective tissue, active hemorrhage in both the pressure and tension
resorption of enamel had taken place. sites. Many accumulations of erythrocytes in
the periodontal connective tissue were present
Dentin along the tooth, but disappeared at the later
The main dentinal injury consisted of tissue stages of recovery. Vascularization of the PDL,
resorption, which was equally distributed on on the other hand, increased with time on all
the mesial, lingual and lateral tooth sides. On tooth sides as evidenced by two phenomena:
the labial side, dentinal resorption was less (1) The appearance of big blood vessels in the
pronounced. Almost all teeth exhibited enamel incisal half of the PDL that, in the control teeth,
and/or dentinal tissue folds. The enamel folds was characterized by very small arterioles and
were formed by convoluted ameloblastic venules, the big vessels in this group being
layers, their cells secreting enamel matrix into situated only in the apical half of the PDL; and
the thus created enclosed spaces. The dentinal (2) the formation of large sinusoids completely
folds did not show any predilection for either separating the tooth from the bone toward the
mesial, lingual, or lateral tooth side. end of the observation time.
All afflicted areas in the incisors were A large number of inflammatory cells
translated incisally by the process of continuous accompanied the pathologic changes in the
tooth eruption. Thus, after 2 to 3 weeks of PDL. In the PDL cell frequency rose from 56
recovery, the apical half of the tooth began to percent to a peak of 100 percent; thereafter
display healthy tissues. However, toward the end it gradually subsided, to totally disappear.
of the observation period, new lesions occurred, The macrophages amassed in the vicinity of
which once again encompassed the entire tooth impaired and resorbing enamel.
length. The calculations of the earliest possible The orientation and attachment of the
onset of the dental lesions showed that the collagen fibers appeared normal, except in
enamel organ and, consequently, the enamel the injured areas. Thereafter, the frequency of
became affected as late as 8 to 9 weeks after load fiber disarrangement and lack of attachment
removal. New dentinal folds continued to be to the bone steadily increased, and from the
formed for at least 6 weeks after force removal, 4th recovery week onward encompassed 100
whereas folds in the enamel were created only percent of the examined teeth. In the PDL that
under direct tooth loading and 1 week into the had been under tension, additional lesions,
recovery period. New sites of tooth resorption taking the form of scars, edema, and cell
were evident up to 4 and 6 weeks after cessation denuded areas bordering big blood vessels and
of force application in the enamel and dentin, looking like densely packed ground substance
respectively. were noted, and were located chiefly along the
middle-third of the tooth.
Periodontal Ligament
Typical hyalinized areas and abscesses were Pulp
found in the apical part teeth. Necrotic areas Orthodontic tooth movement is usually a
were also present in the crestal 3 mm of the slow response to light force. Nevertheless, the
314  Essentials of Orthodontics

process is considered by some to be a controlled ANCHORAGE IN

trauma to the tooth-supporting structures. ORTHODONTICS
Therefore, changes similar to those reported
after traumatic injuries may be common. DEFINITION (GRABER)
Varying degrees of vascular compression after
experimental tooth movement have been Anchorage in orthodontics refers to the nature
documented histologically. Studies using and degree of resistance to displacement
radiorespirometric techniques indicate that offered by an anatomic unit when used for the
orthodontic forces cause a depression of the purpose of effecting tooth movement.
oxygen utilization system within the pulp (White and Gardiner)
cells. In addition, histologic studies after tooth Anchorage is the site of delivery from which
movement have shown formation of secondary a force is exerted.
dentin, disruption of the odontoblastic layer,
and disturbances in the circulation. The CLASSIFICATION
clinical implication of these observations has
not been described. However, one speculation Anchorage can be classified in a number
is that alteration in pulpal respiration rate may of ways. The following is a comprehensive
have a deleterious effect on the long-term classification put forward by Moyers:
vitality of the tooth. Remodeling of periodontal I. According to the manner of force appli­
tissues during orthodontic tooth movement cation:
has been extensively studied. However, no 1. Simple anchorage
one has reported damage to the root structure 2. Stationary anchorage
other than surface resorption, particularly at 3. Reciprocal anchorage.
the apex. II. According to the jaws involved:
1. Intramaxillary anchorage
Alveolar Bone 2. Intermaxillary anchorage.
When crown is tipped lingually the alveolar III. According to the site of anchorage:
bone changes occurs with resorption at the 1. Intraoral anchorage
lingual cortical area and deposition in the 2. Extraoral anchorage
labial crest area. • Occipital
• Cervical
Temporomandibular Joint • Cranial
Orthodontic treatment has often been bla­med • Facial.
for causing occlusal and mandibular dysfun­ 3. Muscular anchorage.
ction. But definitive correlations between the IV. According to the number of anchorage unit:
ortho­dontic treatment and tem­poro­mandibular 1. Single or primary anchorage
joint (TMJ) dysfunction is still lacking. Special 2. Compound anchorage
care should be taken in patients with existing 3. Multiple or reinforced anchorage.
joint problems and occlusal disharmonies. Adult V. According to force:
patients are more prone for this mandibular 1. Maximum anchorage
dysfunction as their adaptability to the treatment 2. Minimum anchorage
is less when compared to children. 3. Moderate anchorage.
Biomechanics  315


• Intraoral source
• Extraoral source.

Simple Anchorage (Fig. 7.6)

Simple anchorage is obtained by angagine
with the appliance a greater number of teeth
than are to be moved within the same dental
arch. The ratio of surface area of the roots of the
Figure 7.7: Transpalatal arch
anchor teeth to that of the teeth to be moved is
sufficiently high to ensure adequate stability of
the anchorage, bearing in mind the direction
of force. The ratio of surface area of roots of
anchor teeth to the teeth to be moved should
usually be at least 2:1, e.g. labial movement of
lingually placed central incisor.

Compound Anchorage
Anchorage where the resistance provided by
more than one tooth with greater support is
used to move teeth with lesser support is called Figure 7.8: Lower lingual arch
compound anchorage.

Reinforced Anchorage the reaction of the movable part. This is

(Figs 7.7 and 7.8) particularly so when the upper molars are to
It happens frequently that the stability of be moved distally. The anchorage may then
simple anchorage is insufficient to withstand be augmented or stabilized in one of several
ways, namely:
1. Anterior inclined plane: The mandible
may be used to reinforce the anchorage
by the engagement of the lower incisors
on to upper inclined bite plane which
is constructed at an angle of 60o to the
occlusal plane. This exerts a backward pull
on the appliance through the mandible.
2. Sved type of plate: Occasionally further
reinforcement may be obtained by exerting
the inclined bite plane over the incisal
edges. This is known as Sved type plate
and has the advantage of splinting the
Figure 7.6: Simple anchorage incisors to prevent them from being
316  Essentials of Orthodontics

inclined labially. They can only move

bodily forwards with the appliance.
3. A rigid labial bow: May be constructed to
engage the labial surfaces of the incisors
at the junction of cortical two-thirds and
incisal one-third of each crown. This labial
bow can be fitted to the contour of labial
surface of teeth which will splint the teeth
in the same say as Sved bite plate. This
labial bow is referred to as ‘fitted labial bow’.
4. The anchorage may be reinforced in the
case of fixed appliance by designing the
appliance so that only bodily movement
of the anchor teeth can occur. One method Figure 7.9: Correction of crossbite
or accomplishing this is to pass a bow
wire through horizontal tubes on bands
attached to adjacent teeth.
5. Use of extraoral anchorage.
6. In correcting anteroposterior relationship
of the upper and lower dental arches it is
necessary to reinforce the anchorage to
such an extent that the opposing jaw is used
as anchorage. In these cases there is some
movement in each arch, but the movement
is not equal. This is known as intermaxillary
anchorage and is infact a form of reinforced
Figure 7.10: Correction of midline diastema
Reciprocal Anchorage
The anchorage is said to be reciprocal in those • Class II elastic force
cases where it is designed that two teeth or • Class III elastic force
group of teeth shall move to an equal extent • Activator.
in opposite directions. It is necessary that each
group should offer equal resistance (Figs 7.9 Baker’s Anchorage
and 7.10). (Figs 7.11 and 7.12)
It is the other name for intermaxillary anch­
Intermaxillary Anchorage orage.
This is used when the teeth of the opposite Many noticed that a large percentage of
jaw are employed for anchorage. It is very patients seeking orthodontic treatment had
often used in correcting the anteroposterior relatively straight teeth, but the upper and
relationship of the upper and lower dental lower teeth are not related properly. In most
arches. For example: of these cases, the upper teeth protruded
Biomechanics  317

Figure 7.13: Incisor retraction intramaxillary


• Simple anchorage
• Reinforced anchorage
Figure 7.11: Class II Baker’s anchorage
• Reciprocal anchorage
For example, canine retraction

Stationary Anchorage
Stationary anchorage is that form of attachment
to a tooth that is essentially rigid so that the
tooth is not permitted to tip in its socket but
must move bodily, if at all through the alveolar
process. It gathers support for stability from
added mechanical advantage, for instance
a square or rectangular wire fitting into a
square or a rectangular tube, e.g. the pitting of
bodily movement of one tooth against tipping
movement of another, the tooth to be moved
Figure 7.12: Class III Baker’s anchorage bodily offers the greater resistance.

Prepared Anchorage (Fig. 7.14)

excessively and the lower teeth and jaw seemed Prepared anchorage is a special type of
to be underdeveloped. Baker’s anchorage was anchorage advocated by Tweed in his Edgewise
made use to correct protrusion of upper teeth
and under development of lower teeth and
jaw. This was achieved by using inter maxillary
elastics. In Class III cases reverse elastics are
used (Fig. 7.12).

Intramaxillary Anchorage (Fig. 7.13)

This term means anchorage obtained from a
tooth or teeth of one jaw to move another tooth
or teeth in the same jaw. It may be: Figure 7.14: Prepared anchorage
318  Essentials of Orthodontics

appliance. His concept is to distally tip the use of anchorage from the forehead and chin
mandibular molars the to pit it against the for maxillary protraction is called reverse pull
retraction of maxillary anteriors. headgear.

Extraoral Sources (Fig. 7.15) Factors Affecting Anchorage

They are mainly used when adequate resistance
cannot be obtained from intraoral sources for Teeth
the purpose of anchorage. Certain extraoral Whenever some teeth are moved ortho­
areas can be utilized as sources of anchorage dontically, the remaining teeth of the oral
to bring about orthodontic or orthopedic cavity can act as anchorage or resistance units.
changes. They are mainly used when adequate This is due to the fact that the teeth themselves
resistance cannot be obtained from intraoral can resist movement. The anchorage potential
sources for the purpose of anchorage. The of teeth depends on a number of factors such
extraoral sources of anchorage include the as root form, root size, number of roots, root
cranium, the back of the neck and the facial length and root inclination.
bones. a. Root form: The anchorage potential of a
The cranium (Occipital or parietal anchorage): tooth depends largely on its root form.
Extra-oral anchorage can be obtained by using Cross-sections of roots can be of three
headgears that derive anchorage from the types; round, flat and triangular. Round
occipital or parietal region of the cranium. roots as seen in bicuspids and palatal root
These devices are used along with a face bow of maxillary molars can resist horizontally
to restrict maxillary growth or to move the directed forces in any direction. Flat
dentition or maxillary bone distally. rots, for example those of mandibular
Cervical area: Extraoral anchorage can incisors and molars and the buccal roots
alternatively be obtained from the neck or of maxillary molars, can resist movements
cervical region. Such a type of headgear is in the mesiodistal direction but have
called cervical headgear. little resistance to movement on the thin
Facial bone: The frontal bone and the edges found on their buccal and lingual
mandibular symphysis offer anchorage during sides. Triangular roots of canines and
face mask therapy in order to protract the maxillary central and lateral incisors offer
maxilla. Such a type of headgear that makes the maximum resistance to displacement
compared to round or flat root forms.
b. Size and number of root: Multirooted teeth
with large roots have a greater ability to
withstand stress than single rooted teeth.
The greater the surface area, the more
periodontal ligament fibers it can support
to increase its stability.
c. Root length: In physiological conditions,
the root length indicates the depth to
which the tooth is embedded in bone. The
Figure 7.15: Extraoral anchorage longer the root, the deeper it is embedded
Biomechanics  319

in bone and the greater is its resistance to normally keeps these teeth in tight contact.
displacement, e.g. maxillary canines. Thus no tooth can be considered as anchorage
d. Position of tooth in dental arch: The position without considering its relationship to other
of the tooth and the basal bone is important teeth in dental arches.
in determining the anchor value of a
tooth. Although without much root length Basal Bone
comparable to canine the mandibular Certain areas of the basal jaw bones are
second molar is located between two ridges available intraorally as sources of anchorage.
of basal bone, mesial to retromolar pad of These areas include the hard palate and the
mandible. Because of this position it seems lingual surface of the mandible in the region
to offer more resistance to bodily mesial of the roots. These intraoral hard areas of basal
movement than any other tooth. bone can be used to augment intramaxillary or
e. Inclination of tooth: The axial inclination of intermaxillary anchorage.
a tooth is important in assessing its value as
a source of anchorage. A greater resistance The Musculature
to displacement is offered when the force The normal tonus of the facial and masticatory
exerted to move teeth is opposite to that of muscles plays an important role in the normal
their axial inclination. This is because parts development of dental arches. Abnormal
of the force is expended down the axis of hypotonic musculature causes flaring and
tooth, to bone beneath thus tensing move spacing of teeth, while hypertonic muscles
of the tooth periodontal ligament fibers exert restrictive forces in a lingual direction.
and cause the roots to dig in. Dental anchorage may be increased by making
f. Ankylosed teeth: Ankylosed teeth are use of hypertonic labial musculature as in the
directly fixed to the alveolar bone and case of a lip bumper.
hence lack a periodontal ligament. • Manner of force application
Orthodontic movement of such teeth is • Duration of force
not possible and they can therefore serve • Site of anchorage
as excellent anchors whenever possible. • Magnitude of anchorage.

Mutual Support Anchorage Planning

In addition to the resistance offered by an Anchorage planning is of utmost importance
individual tooth, each tooth in the arch is for the success of orthodontic treatment.
supported by contact with another on either Prior to initiation of orthodontic therapy, it
side of it, the exception of the last molar on is essential to carefully assess the anchorage
each side. Also the mandibular arch is confined demands of an individual case so that
by the maxillary arch by one cusp buccally appropriate treatment modalities can be
and labially. The maxillary molars support executed. The anchorage requirement
the mandibular arch posteriorly from lingual depends on a number of factors which are
pressures by holding the buccal cusps of the listed below.
mandibular molars between their buccal and Number of teeth being moved: The greater the
lingual cusps. A mechanism of adjustment number of teeth being moved, the greater is
to wear, the anterior component of force, the demand on the anchorage.
320  Essentials of Orthodontics

Type of teeth being moved: The movement of

slender anterior teeth offers lesser strain on
the anchorage than robust multirooted teeth.
Type of tooth movement: Whenever bodily
tooth movement is required, there is greater
strain on the anchorage. In contrast, tipping
tooth movements offer a relatively lesser stain
of the anchor units.
Duration of tooth movement: Treatment of a
prolonged duration places an undue strain on
the anchorage.
Based on the above-mentioned factors, the
anchorage demand of a particular patient is
determined. Cases that have a high anchorage
requirement need reinforcement of the
anchorage by one or more of the various means Figure 7.16: Maximum anchorage
mentioned earlier. In spite of the precaution
taken in planning anchorage, a certain
amount of unwanted movement of the anchor
teeth invariably occurs during orthodontic
treatment. Such unwanted movements of
anchor teeth are called ‘anchorage loss.’

Maximum, Minimum and

Moderate Anchorage

Maximum Anchorage (Fig. 7.16)

The reaction force should not move teeth, i.e. it
should remain in place. This situation is called
maximum anchorage situation suggesting a
permanent position of the anchor unit.

Minimum Anchorage (Fig. 7.17)

The reaction force should move the teeth Figure 7.17: Minimum anchorage
to the same extent as the action force. This
circumstance is appropriately termed as
minimum anchorage. IMPLANTS AS ANCHORAGE IN
Moderate Anchorage (Fig. 7.18)
A number of conditions exist between these Although the principle of orthodontic
extremes and can be probably grouped as anchorage has been implicitly understood
moderate anchorage. since the 17th century, it does not appear
Biomechanics  321

2. Transosseous or through-bone implants:

These implants penetrate completely
through the bone of the mandible.
This design is limited to placement in
the anterior symphyseal region of the
mandible. It provides a series of posts on
which prosthesis is attached and retained.
3. Subperiosteal or on-bone implants: Subper­
io­steal implants are set on the surface of
bone beneath the mucoperiosteum. Muller
conceived the basic idea half a century ago
in 1937.
4. Submucosal implants/Mucosal inserts: This
method involves implanting small button-
like retention elements under the mucous
membrane, with the purpose of providing
retention for a total prosthesis particularly
in the maxilla. Submucosal implants have
Figure 7.18: Moderate anchorage
not gained wide acceptance.

to have been clearly articulated until 1923 1. Endosteal Implants

when Louis Ottofy defined it as “the base
against which orthodontic force or reaction of Root Form Implants
orthodontic force is applied.” Given sufficient width and height of the bone
Although the concept of temporary implant available, root forms [submergible, two-stage,
anchorage has only recently been described, it and one-piece] is the first choice in selecting
was envisioned as early as 1945. A temporary an implant. The following types are available:
anchorage device (TAD) is a device that is A. Press-fit (unthreaded but covered with
temporarily fixed to bone for the purpose of a roughened hydroxyapatite [HA] or
enhancing orthodontic anchorage either by titanium plasma spray [TPS] coating)
supporting the teeth of the reactive unit or B. Self-tapping (threaded)
by obviating the need for the reactive unit C. Pretapping (threaded).
altogether and which is subsequently removed Crete Mince (Thin Ridge) and other Mini
after use. implants
Crete Mince implants are threaded, self-
Classification tapping, titanium spirals.
1. Intraosseous/Endosseous or in-bone impl­
ants: Intraosseous implants consist of pegs, Blade Implants
screws and cage like structure, which are Blade implants are available as submergible,
placed in normal or artificial tooth sockets. two-stage and single-stage, one-piece devices
These are partly submerged and anchored as follows:
within the bone. • Prefabricated
322  Essentials of Orthodontics

• Custom-cast 4. Endodontic Stabilizers

• Alterable (by cutting, bending, and shaping Endodontic stabilizers are highly successful as
at chairside). tooth root lengthening implants. One reason
for their success is that they have no site of
Ramus Blade and Ramus Frame permucosal penetration because they are placed
The ramus implant is a one-piece blade into bone through the apices of natural teeth.
made for use in the posterior mandible when This implant offers a one-stage treatment
insufficient bone exits in the body of the jaw. for the stabilization of teeth that suffer from
The ramus frame is a three-blade, one-piece inadequate crown-root ratios. Their percentage
device designed for relatively atrophied of success when periodontal problems have
mandibles for which the subperiosteal implant, been treated approaches that of conventional
because of cost or operator preference, is not endodontic therapy.
5. Intramucosal Inserts
2. Transosteal Implants Intramucosal inserts are button-like, nonim­
A submental skin incision is required under planted retention devices that can be used to
operating room conditions when this modality stabilize full and partial maxillary and mandi­
has been selected. One advantage of using the bular removable denture prostheses. Because
transosteal implant is predictable longevity. of the simple and relatively noninvasive
Several designs are available: nature of the procedure placement, they are
• Single component of particular value for patients who are poor
• Multiple components, staple designs and medical risks.
(several varieties). 1. Based on the implant morphology:
A. Implants disks
3. Subperiosteal Implants i. Onplant
They are available as complete, universal, and B. Screw designs­—these include:
unilateral. i. Mini-implant
Subperiosteal implants are generally quite ii. Orthosystem implant system
reliable, when sufficient bone is unavailable iii. Aarhus implant
for the use of endosteal varieties. However, iv. Microimplant
when extreme mandibular atrophy exists, v. Newer systems such as the Spider screw,
mandibular augmentation further improves the OMAS system, the Leone mini-
the prognosis. implant, the Imtec screw, etc.
Subperiosteal implants are always custom C. Plate designs—These include:
made. They may be fabricated either by i. Skeletal anchorage system (SAS)
making a direct bone impression or by using ii. Graz implant supported system
stereo­lithographic technology. They may iii. Zygoma anchorage system.
be used in any part of either jaw, and will 2. They can also be classified depending on
serve as abutments for a variety of prosthetic the area of placement as:
configurations, although the over denture A. Subperiosteal implants
is the most widely used to complement the B. Osseous implants
complete subperiosteal implant. C. Interdental implants.
Biomechanics  323

Subperiosteal Implants cover screw and the other to remove

The onplant: This is a classic example of the onplant itself following orthodontic
a subperiosteal implant in Orthodontics. treatment.
Developed by Block and Hoffman in 1995, this c. Cost factor.
system consists of a circular disk 8 to 10 mm
in diameter with a provision for abutments Osseous Implants
in the center of the superficial surface. These Osseous implants are those that are placed
abutments would enable the Orthodontist to in dense bone such as the zygoma, the body
carry out tooth movement against the onplant. and ramus area or the midpalatal areas. The
The undersurface of this Titanium disk is implant systems under this category are the
textured and coated with Hydroxyapatite (HA). skeletal ancho­rage system, the orthosystem
The HA, being bioactive help in stabilization the Graz implant supported system and the
of the implant by improving integration with zygoma anchorage system.
bone. The average thickness (height) of the
implant is 3 mm. Skeletal Anchorage System
Method of placement: The onplant is placed Umemori and Sugawara developed the
by a surgeon through a specialized procedure skeletal anchorage system. It essentially
known as Tunneling. After making an consists of titanium miniplates, which are
incision in the posterior region of the palate, stabilized in the maxilla or the mandible using
subperiosteal tunnel flap is created extending screws. The earlier of these miniplates were
till the desired location, using an elevator. the conventional surgical miniplates, which
Care is taken to position the onplant as close are used by Oral Surgeons for rigid fixation.
to the midline as possible. The onplant is not The recent versions of these mini­plates have
disturbed for a period of 3 to 4 months to allow been modified for attaching orthod­o ntic
biointegration. Later, the superficial surface of elastomeric or coil springs.
the onplant is exposed using a trephine and the Different designs of miniplates are available
desired abutment is then threaded on. and this fact offers some versatility in placing
Studies on onplants: Extensive animal studies the implants in different sites. The ‘L’ shaped
have been carried out on patients. They point minip­lates have been the most commonly
out to the fact that on plants biointegrate used ones, while the ‘i’ shaped ones have been
and can tolerate a maximum force of 161 proposed for usage while intruding anterior
lbs. Block and Hoffman further suggest that teeth. The screws used for fixing the miniplate
these onplants could be used not only for are usually 2 to 2.5 mm in diameter.
dental anchorage, e.g. retraction of anterior or Method of placement: A surgical flap has to
distalising posteriors, but also for orthopedic be raised at the site of implant placement.
traction. Human trials are however, limited. The implant site has to be carefully assessed
radiographically for erupting teeth, sinus lining
Disadvantages of Onplants (in the maxilla) and the inferior alveolar canal
a. A long waiting period prior to orthodontic (in the mandible). The miniplate is adapted
force application. to the bony contour and the end loop of the
b. Excessive surgical intervention—Two miniplate is bent outward to remain exposed
sur­g e­r ies are necessary after onplant into the oral cavity. This loop ultimately acts
placement; one to uncover the onplant as the site of attachment for orthodontic
324  Essentials of Orthodontics

force application. Force application is usually the Orthodontist a fair chance of success in
deferred by 3 to 4 weeks to ensure adequate effecting complex tooth movements such as
healing. When used for achieving molar molar intru­sion. True intrusion of upper and
intrusion, an additional buccal root torque lower molars in moderate anterior open bite
should be incorporated in the archwire to cases converts a borderline orthognathic case
minimize buccal flaring. into an pure orthod­ontic one. This emerging
new area of implant application has been
The Orthosystem Implant termed as Orthognathic Orthodontics.
Developed by Wehrbein, this is a titanium
screw implant with a diameter of 3.3 mm Limitations of osseous implants:
inserted into the median palate or the a. They need a fairly complex surgery and
retromolar regions of the mandible or the therefore have to be placed by a surgeon.
maxilla. The implants are surface treated with b. The chances of infection are greater than
sand blasting and acid etching to improve the screw implants.
integration. They are available in two sizes of 4 c. Their removal is as difficult as the place­
mm and 6 mm length, an 8 week waiting period ment.
has been suggested before applying forces onto They are favored over the retromolar
this implant. implants due to the following reasons:
a. Placement is very simple and can be done
Graz Implant Supported System under LA.
Introduced by Karcher and Byloff, this b. They seem to be equally effective in
anchorage system consists of a modified resisting forces as the larger root form
titanium miniplate, with provision for four implants.
miniscrews, and two oval shaped cylinders. c. They can be used for bringing about all
This was used mainly as support for the Nance types of tooth movement.
button of a pendulum app­liance in the palate. d. Removal is an uneventful procedure.
An earlier variant of these implants was
The Zygoma Anchor System the impacted titanium post, introduced by
Hugo De Clerck and Geerinckx of Belgium Bousquet et al in 1996.
introduced this system in 2002. It is a curved
titanium miniplate with provision for three Interdental Implants
screws of 2.3 mm diameter each to offer it (Figs 7.19 and 7.20)
the necessary stability. The lower end of the i. The mini-implant : Ryuzo Kanomi
miniplate projects outward and contains a introduced the mini-implant in 1997.
vertical slot for ligatures or other orthodontic The implant is a modified surgical
attachments. The plate is designed for use miniscrew of 1.2 mm diameter and 6
in the zygomaticomaxillary buttress area. to 7 mm length, which can be placed
Placement is identical to that of the SAS plate. interdentally this procedure, is carried
The authors have successfully used this out under local anesthesia.
system on 27 patients for achieving anterior ii. The Aarhus implant : Birte Melsen
retraction as well as molar distalization. developed the Aarhus implant.
Advantages of osseous implants: The osseous iii. M i c r o i m p l a n t s : M i c r o i m p l a n t
implants, specially the miniplate designs offer anchorage (MIA) is a customized
Biomechanics  325

of their placement is similar to that of

Aarhus implants. In mobile mucosal
areas, such as the buccal aspect in the
maxillary arch, it has been suggested
that the implants be placed directly
without placing an incision. The pilot
drill is usually 0.2 to 0.3 mm smaller
than the desired implant size and is
drilled at a slow speed. The implants are
driven at an angle of approximately 45o
to the long axis of maxillary teeth and
10o to the mandibular teeth to ensure
Figure 7.19: Palatal implants optimum retention by augmenting the
area of contact between the implant and
adjacent bone.
Newer interdental systems: These are the
Spider screw and the OMAS (Orthodontic
Minianchor System). They are identical to the
microimplants discussed earlier. The variation
is in the form of minor modifications in the
implant head. The principles are however
the same. The trend presently seen is toward
immediate loading of the screws.


Figure 7.20: Buccal implants

Anchorage loss is the unwanted movement
of the anchor unit instead of the teeth to be
implant system developed by a team of moved.
Korean Orthodontists. These are small
diameter implants, which can be placed Signs of Anchorage Loss
interdentally either in the buccal sulcus • Tipping of anchor teeth
or palatal interdentally areas. The screws • Closure of extraction space by movement
are available in different lengths and of anchor teeth
diameters. The maxillary implants are • Proclination of anterior teeth
longer than the mandibular ones owing • Spacing of teeth
to the differences in the thickness of • Increase in overjet
cortical bone. The microimplants are • Change in molar relation
made of titanium and the procedure • Buccal cross bite of upper posteriors.
326  Essentials of Orthodontics

and Interceptive
8 Orthodontics

PREVENTIVE ORTHODONTICS The following are some of the procedures

Preventive orthodontics is that part of orth­ undertaken in preventive orthodontics:
o­­d­ontic practice which is concerned with
the patient’s and parents education, super­ Patients and Parents Education
vision of the growth and development of the Preventive dentistry should ideally begin much
dentition and the craniofacial structures, the before the birth of the child. The expecting
diagnostic procedures undertaken to predict mother should be educated on matters such
the appearance of malocclusion and the as nutrition to provide an ideal environment
treatment procedures instituted to prevent the for the developing fetus. Soon after birth,
onset of malocclusion. the mother should be educated on proper
nursing and care of the child. In case the
child is being bottle-fed the mother is advised
DEFINITION on the use of physiologic nipple and not the
conventional nipple. The conventional nipples
Graber defined preventive orthodontics as, “It are nonphysiologic and do not permit suckling
is the action taken to preserve the integrity of by movement of the tongue and the lower jaw.
what appears to be normal at a specific time.” They rather cause suckling of the milk which
Preventive orthodontics is a long-term may lead to various orthodontic problems of
approach and it is largely a responsibility of the teeth. The physiologic nipples on the other
the general dentist. Many of the procedures hand are designed to permit suckling of the
are common in preventive and interceptive milk which more or less resembles the normal
ortho­dontics but the timings are different. functional activity as in breastfeeding.
Preventive procedures are undertaken in The parents should be educated on the
anticipation of development of a problem. need for maintaining good oral hygiene. The
Interceptive proced­ures are undertaken when parents should be taught the correct method
the problem has already manifested. of brushing teeth. Audiovisual programs for
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  327

children like regular dental check ups, scaling, Eliminating Occlusal Interference
fluoride application and pit and fissure seal­ All functional prematurities should be elimi­
ants can also be implemented. nated as they can lead to deviations in the
mandibular path of closure and also predispose
to bruxism. Using articulating paper, the prem­
CARIES CONTROL ature contact areas are detected and selective
grinding is carried out. Sometimes abnormal
Caries involving proximal surface of deciduous anatomical features like enamel pearls, may
teeth if not restored leads to loss of arch length cause premature contact. They should be
by movement of adjacent teeth into that space. eliminated by grinding.
Caries should be detected by clinical and
radiographic examination. Bite wing radio­ Maintenance of Tooth Shedding
graphs are valuable aid in detection of caries. Timetable
Once the caries is detected, proper rest­o­r­ation There should not be more than 3 months
of the affected teeth should be undertaken difference in shedding of deciduous teeth and
immediately to prevent loss of arch length. eruption of permanent teeth in one quadrant
as compared to other quadrants. Delay in
Care of Deciduous Dentition eruption may be due to one of the following
Preventive orthodontics includes care of factors:
deciduous dentition by way of prevention and i. Presence of overretained deciduous
timely restoration of carious teeth. The deciduous teeth or roots
teeth are excellent natural space maintainers ii. Supernumerary tooth
until the developing permanent teeth are ready iii. Cysts
to erupt into the oral cavity. Thus all efforts iv. Overhanging restoration in deciduous
should be taken to prevent early loss of the dentition
deciduous teeth. Simple preventive procedures v. Fibrosis of gingival
such as application of topical fluoride and pit and vi. Ankylosed primary teeth.
fissure sealants help in preventing caries.
Management of Ankylosed Teeth
Extraction of Supernumerary Teeth Ankylosis is a condition characterized by
Presence of supernumerary and supplemental absence of the periodontal membrane in a
teeth can interfere with the eruption of nearby small area or the whole of the root surface.
normal teeth. They can deflect adjacent teeth Ankylosed deciduous teeth do not get resorbed
to erupt in abnormal positions. Presence of and therefore either prevent the deciduous
an unerupted mesiodens prevents the two teeth from erupting or deflect them to erupt
maxillary central incisors from approximating in abnormal locations. These ankylosed teeth
each other. Thus, supernumerary teeth should should be diagnosed and surgically removed at
be identified and extracted before they cause an appropriate time to permit the permanent
displacement of other teeth. teeth to erupt.
328  Essentials of Orthodontics

Management of Abnormal Deeply Locked Permanent First

Frenal Attachments Molars
The presence of a thick and fleshy maxillary The deciduous second molars occasionally
labial frenum that is attached relatively have a prominent distal bulge which prevents
low prevents the maxillary central incisors the eruption of the first permanent molars.
from approximating each other. This kind of Slicing the distal surface of the second
abnormal frenal attach­ment in most patients is deciduous molar helps in guiding the eruption
caused due to hereditary factors. They should of the first permanent molars.
hence be diagnosed and treated at an early age.
Presence of ankyloglossia or tongue tie Muscle Exercises
prevents normal functional development Muscle exercises can be used to prevent
due to lowered position of the tongue and the tongue thrusting and lip biting habits.
abnormalities in speech and swallowing. Patients are thought for the proper muscle
This condition should be surgically treated to exercises and proper position of tongue during
prevent full-fledged malocclusion. deglutition.


PARENTS Premature loss of deciduous teeth can cause
drifting of the adjacent teeth into the space.
Habits such as finger and thumb sucking, nail It can result in abnormal axial inclination of
biting, tongue thrusting and lip biting should teeth, spacing between teeth and shift in the
be identified and stopped. Prevention starts dental midline. Premature loss of deciduous
with proper nursing and use of a physiolo­ anter­iors leads to very little orthodontic chan­
gically designed nursing nipple and pacifier to ges. If the deciduous first molars are lost prem­
enhance normal functional and deglutitional aturely, lateral shift of anteriors takes place. In
activity. case of premature loss of deciduous second
molars, the first permanent molars migrate
Preventing Milwaukee Brace Damage mesially thereby leaving insufficient space
Milwaukee brace is an orthopedic appliance for the erupting second premolars which can
used for the correction of scoliosis. This get impacted within the jaw or get deflected
appliance exerts tremendous force on the and erupt in an abnormal location. Space
mandible and the developing occlusion maintainer is a device used to maintain the
leading to retardation of mandibular growth space created by the loss of a deciduous tooth.
and possible deformities. Whenever such Space maintainer is an appliance which
an appliance is used, occlusion should be maintains the mesiodistal width of the lost
protected using functional appliances or primary tooth and the lost function to an
positioners made of soft materials. extent.
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  329

Classification which take place during the transition from

Several authors have classified space maintai­ deciduous to permanent dentition.
ners as follows: 8. The space maintainer should not come in
I. Hitchcock: the way of other functions.
1. Removable or fixed or semifixed
2. With bands or without bands Indications of Space Maintainers
3. Functional or nonfunctional 1. Restoration of function
4. Active or passive 2. Esthetics
5. Combinations of above. 3. Psychological reasons
II. Raymond C Thurrow: 4. To prevent drifting of teeth
1. Removable 5. Prevent sequelae of periodontal and caries
2. Complete arch problem
a. Lingual arch 6. Prevent space loss or to maintain the space
b. Extraoral anchorage 7. To protect ectopic eruption of teeth
3. Individual tooth. 8. To prevent undesirable habits.
III. Hinrichsen:
1. Fixed space maintainers Contraindications of Space
Class I Maintainers
a. Nonfunctional types 1. When the mesiodistal width of underlying
i. Bar type permanent tooth is less than the space
ii. Loop type present.
b. Functional types 2. When the tooth is near the crest of ridge
i. Pontic type 3. When underlying permanent tooth is
ii. Lingual arch type missing
Class II: Cantilever type (Distal shoe, band 4. When we want the molars to drift forwards.
and loop). Type of space maintainer to be used
2. Removable space maintainers depends on:
A space maintainer should fulfill the following 1. Tooth loss
requirements: 2. Age of the patient
1. It should maintain the entire mesiodistal 3. Status of remaining tooth
space created by a lost tooth. 4. Type of occlusion
2. It must restore the function as far as possi­ 5. Patient cooperation
ble and prevent overeruption of opposing 6. Preference of operator.
3. It should be simple in construction. Removable Space Maintainers
4. It should be strong enough to withstand They are space maintainers which can be
the functional forces. removed and reinserted into the oral cavity
5. It should not exert excessive stress on adjo­ by the patient. Removable space maintai­
in­ing teeth. ners can be classified as functional and
6. It must permit maintenance of oral hygi­ene. nonfun­ctional space maintainers. Functional
7. It must not restrict normal growth and space main­tainers incorporate teeth to aid in
deve­lop­m ent and natural adjustments mas­ti­cation, speech and esthetics whereas
330  Essentials of Orthodontics

nonfunctional space maintainers have only an 2. In case the abutment teeth cannot support
acrylic extension over the edentulous area to a fixed appliance it is recommended to use
prevent space closure. removable space maintainers.
3. In cleft palate patients who require obtur­
Advantages of Removable ation of the palatal defect.
Space Maintainers 4. In case of radiograph reveals that the
1. They are easy to clean and permit main­ une­ru­p­ted permanent tooth is not going
tenance of proper oral hygiene. to erupt in less than five months time, a
2. They maintain or restore the vertical removable appliance is given.
dimension. 5. If the permanent teeth have not fully
3. They can be work part time allowing erupted it may be difficult to adapt bands.
circulation of the blood to the soft 6. Multiple losses of deciduous teeth which
tissues. may require functional replacement in the
4. They serve other important functions like form of either partial or complete denture.
mastication, esthetics and phonetics.
5. Dental check up for caries detection can Contraindications of Removable
be undertaken easily. Space Maintainers
6. Room can be made for permanent 1. In patients without cooperation.
teeth to erupt without changing the 2. Patients who are allergic to acrylic materials
appliance. 3. Epileptic patients who have uncontrolled
7. They stimulate eruption of permanent seizures.
teeth. Some commonly used removable space
8. Band construction is not required. maintainers.
9. Helps in preventing development of
tongue thrust habit into the extraction Acrylic Partial Dentures
space. Acrylic partial dentures have been used suc­
10. Easier to fabricate and less chair time. cess­­fully in patients who have undergone
multiple extractions. This appliance can be
Disadvantages of Removable readily adjusted to allow the eruption of teeth.
Space Maintainers The inclination of artificial teeth in the denture
1. They may be lost or broken by the patient. restores masticatory function. Clasps can be
2. Uncooperative patients may not wear the fabricated on deciduous canines and molars
appliance. for retention.
3. Lateral jaw growth may be restricted, if
clasps are incorporated. Complete or Full Dentures
4. They may cause irritation of the underlying Sometimes all the primary teeth of a preschool
soft tissues. child may require extraction due to rampant
caries of teeth that cannot be restored. Although
Indications for Removable this procedure was more common in the
Space Maintainers prefluoridation era, even today some children
1. Removable dentures are indicated when may require complete extraction of their
esthetics is of prime concern. deciduous teeth. These cases are managed by
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  331

the use of a complete denture. These dentures 4. The succedaneous permanent teeth are
not only restore masticatory function and free to erupt into the oral cavity.
esthetics, but also guide the first permanent 5. They can be used in uncooperative patients.
molars into their correct position. The posterior 6. Masticatory function is restored if pontics
border of the denture should be placed over are placed.
the area approximating the mesial surface
of the unerupted first permanent molar. The Disadvantages of Fixed Space Maintainers
denture will have to be adjusted and a portion 1. Elaborate instruments with expert skill is
of it cut away as the permanent incisors erupt, needed.
and the posterior border contoured to guide 2. They may result in decalcification of tooth
the first permanent molars into position. When material under the bands.
the permanent incisors and first permanent 3. Supraeruption of opposing teeth can take
molars have erupted, a partial denture space place if pontics are not used.
maintainer can be used until the remaining 4. If pontics are used it can interfere with
permanent teeth erupt. vertical eruption of the abutment tooth
and may prevent eruption of replacing
Removable Distal Shoe Space permanent teeth if the patient fails to
Maintainer report.
An immediate acrylic partial denture with an
acrylic distal shoe extension has been used Examples of Fixed Space Maintainers
successfully to guide the first permanent molar Band and loop space maintainer (Fig. 8.1):
into position when the deciduous second Band and loop space maintainers are one
molar is lost shortly before the eruption of of the most common space controlling
the first permanent molar. The tooth to be appliances used in dental practice. The tooth
extracted is cut away from the stone model distal to the extraction space is banded and a
and a depression is cut into the stone model to loop of thick stainless steel wire is soldered to
allow the fabrication of the acrylic extension. it with its mesial end touching the tooth mesial
The acrylic will extend into the alveolus to the extraction space. It is a unilateral fixed
after the removal of the primary tooth. The
extension may be removed after the eruption
of the permanent tooth.

Fixed Space Maintainers

Space maintainers which are fixed or fitted onto
the teeth are called fixes space maintainers.

Advantages of Fixed Space Maintainers

1. Bands and crowns are used which require
minimum or no tooth preparation.
2. They do not interfere with passive eruption
of abutment teeth.
3. Jaw growth is not hampered. Figure 8.1: Band and loop space maintainer
332  Essentials of Orthodontics

appliance indicated for space maintenance

in the posterior segments when a single tooth
is lost.
Crown and loop appliance: Crown and loop
appliance are similar to band and loop space
maintainers in all respects except that a
stainless steel crown is used for the abutment
tooth. The crown is used in preference to
the band when the abutment tooth is highly
carious, exhibits marked hypoplasia or is
The lingual arch space maintainer: The lingual
arch is the most effective appliance for space Figure 8.3: Nance palatal arch

maintenance in the lower arch. The classical

mandibular lingual arch consists of two bands anterior teeth, but approximates the anterior
cemented on the first permanent molars or on palate. It incorporates an acrylic button in the
the second deciduous molars, which are joined anterior region that contacts the palatal tissue
by a stainless steel wire contacting the lingual (Fig. 8.3).
surface of the four mandibular incisors. The
appliance is usually indicated to preserve the Transpalatal Arch
spaces created by multiple losses of primary More recently, the transpalatal arch has been
molars. It helps in maintaining the arch recommended for stabilizing the maxillary first
perimeter by preventing both mesial drifting permanent molars when the primary molars
of the molars and also lingual collapse of the require extraction. The transpalatal arch
anterior teeth (Fig. 8.2). consists of a thick stainless steel wire that spans
They are similar to the lingual arch described the palate connecting the first permanent
above. Palatal arches are designed to prevent molar of one side with the other. The best
mesial migration of the maxillary molars. They indication for transpalatal arch is when one
are constructed using 0.036 inch diameter hard side of the arch is intact, and several primary
stainless steel wire. The Nance holding arch is a teeth on the other side are missing.
maxillary lingual arch that does not contact the
Distal Shoe Space Maintainer
(Figs 8.4A and B)
Distal shoe space maintainer is otherwise
known as the intraalveolar appliance. The
distal surface of the second primary molar
guides the unerupted first permanent molar.
When the second primary molar is removed
prior to the eruption of the first permanent
molar, the intraalveolar appliance provides
greater control of the path of eruption of the
unerupted tooth and prevents undesirable
Figure 8.2: Lower lingual arch mesial migration. The appliance which is used
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  333

Interceptive orthodontics basically refers to
measures undertaken to prevent a potential
A B malocclusion from progressing into a more
Figures 8.4A and B: Distal shoe space maintainers severe one.
There are number of procedures that can
in practice now is Roche’s distal shoe or its be undertaken by the orthodontist, so as to
modification using crown and band appliances intercept a malocclusion that is developing.
with a distal intragingival extension. Unlike preventive orthodontic procedures that
It was described by Steffen, Miller and are aimed at elimination of factors that may lead
Johnson in 1971. Its method of construction to malocclusion, interceptive orthodontics is
is simple and also provides an esthetic undertaken at a time when the malocclusion has
component. The space maintainer consists of already developed or is developing. The terms
a plastic tooth fixed onto a lingual arch which preventive and inter­ceptive orthodontics are
in turn, is attached to molar band. sometimes used synonymously. But it should
be understood that preventive orthodontic
Band and Bar Type Space Maintainer procedures are undertaken when the dentition
(Fig. 8.5) and occlusion are perfectly normal, while the
This is fixed space maintainer in which the interceptive procedures are carried out when
abutment teeth on either side of the extraction the signs and symptoms of a malocclusion have
space are banded and connected to each other appeared. Some of the procedures carried out
by a bar. Alternately stainless steel crowns can in preventive orthodontics can also be carried
be used on the abutments. This type of space out in interceptive orthodontics but the timings
maintainer is called crown and bar space are different.


Interceptive orthodontics has been defined as

that phase of the science and art of orthodontics
employed to recognize and eliminate poten­
tial irregularities and malpositions of the
developing dentofacial complex.
The procedures undertaken in interceptive
orthodontics include:
1. Serial extractions
2. Correction of developing crossbite
3. Control of abnormal habits
4. Space regaining
Figure 8.5: Band and bar space maintainer
5. Muscle exercises
334  Essentials of Orthodontics

6. Interception of skeletal malrelation permanent teeth, with the objective of relieving

7. Removal of soft tissue or bony barrier to severe crowding early and facilitating the
enable eruption of teeth. eruption of remaining teeth into improved
positions (AAO). Close supervision and
control of ensuing eruption are essential to
SERIAL EXTRACTIONS avoid unfavorable sequelae, such as closure
(FIGS 8.6A TO D) of the spaces by mere mesial migration or
tipping of the posterior teeth. Comprehensive
Serial extraction is an interceptive orthodontic orthodontic treatment is almost always req­
pro­c edure usually initiated in the early uired for space management, control of
mixed dentition when one can recognize the tipping and increase of overbite usually
and anticipate potential irregularities in the induced by the procedure, and for other
dento­facial complex and is corrected by a malrelationships that may be present. Serial
procedure that includes the planned extraction extraction is preferably perfor­med on patients
of certain deciduous teeth and later specific with minimal overbite, symm­etrical buccal
permanent teeth in an orderly sequence and segments and a Class I molar relationship. It
predetermined pattern to guide the eruption is often indicated in patients with large tooth
permanent teeth into a more favorable position. size rather than small bony bases (Tweed):
Planned and sequential removal of primary
Definition and permanent teeth to intercept and reduce
Serial extractions involve the orderly removal dental crowding problems.
of selected primary and permanent teeth in a
predetermined sequence (Dewel). History
A planned sequence of selective, timed Kjellgren in 1929 used the term serial extra­
extra­ction of deciduous and subsequently ction to describe a procedure where some
deciduous teeth followed by permanent
teeth were extracted to guide the rest of the
teeth into normal occlution. Nance during
the 1940’s popularized this technique in the
United States and termed it ‘Planned and
progressive extraction’. Hotz in 1970 called
such a procedure ‘active supervision of teeth
A B by extraction’.

Serial extraction is based on two basic principles:
Arch length tooth material discrepancy:
Whenever there is an excess of tooth material
as compared to the arch length, it is advisable
to reduce the tooth material in order to achieve
C D stable results. This principle is utilized in serial
Figures 8.6A to D: Serial extractions extraction procedures where tooth material is
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  335

reduced by selective extraction of teeth so that vi. Ectopic eruption and mesial migration
the rest of the teeth can be guided to normal of buccal segment.
occlusion. vii. Abnormal eruption path, pattern and
Physiologic tooth movement: Human dentition sequence.
shows a physiologic tendency to move towards viii. Lower incisor flaring.
an extraction space. Thus by selective removal ix. Ankylosis and abnormal resorptions of
of some teeth the rest of the teeth which are one or more teeth.
in the process of eruption are guided by the x. Hereditary tooth size to jaw size discre­
natural forces into the extraction spaces. pancy.
Davis rules: Davis proposed some rules which 3. Where growth is not enough to over come
are to be present ideally in a case to be selected the discrepancy between tooth material
for serial extraction, they are: and basal bone.
1. Skeletal Class I malocclusion 4. Patients with straight profile and pleasing
2. Normal profile appearance.
3. Well-supported lower incisor segment
4. Flat occlusal plane Contraindications
5. Normal overbite, overjet and midline 1. Class II and Class III malocclusion with
relation skeletal problems.
6. Arch length discrepancy of 10 to 12 mm 2. Spaced dentition.
7. Favorable eruption sequence. 3. Anodontia or oligodontia.
4. Open bite and deep bite.
Indications for Serial Extractions 5. Midline diastema.
1. Class I malocclusion showing harmony 6. Class I malocclusion with minimal space
between skeletal and muscular system. deficiency.
2. Arch length deficiency as compared to 7. Severe crowding.
the tooth material is the most important 8. Unilateral malformed teeth.
indication for serial extraction. Arch length 9. Extensive caries or heavily filled perma­
deficiency is indicated by the presence of nent first molars.
one or more of the following features: 10. Impacted canines.
i. Absence of physiologic spacing, and 11. If we cannot use fixed appliance for arch
crowding in deciduous dentition. collapse.
ii. Unilateral or bilateral premature loss of
deciduous canines with midline shift. Advantages of Serial Extractions
iii. Malpositioned or impacted lateral inci­ 1. Unerupted or erupted teeth which can
sors that erupt palatally or lingually out be guided into proper occlusion.
of the arch. 2. Avoids loss of alveolar bone.
iv. Markedly irregular or crowded upper 3. Reduces severity of malocclusion.
and lower anteriors. 4. Reduces the mechanotherapy.
v. Localized gingival recession in the lower 5. Reduces the chair side time.
anterior region is a characteristic feature 6. No TMJ problems.
of arch length deficiency. 7. Less pain and discomfort.
336  Essentials of Orthodontics

8. Psychological effect as the malocclusion comprehensive assessment of the skeletal,

is treated early. dental and soft tissues. A tooth material arch
9. Reduces retention time after treatment. length discrepancy must ideally exist.
10. More stable results are achieved. Model analysis: According to most authors, an
arch length deficiency if not less than 5 to 7
Limitations of Serial Extractions mm should exist to undertake this procedure.
1. Chances of increasing overbite. Study model analysis should be carried out
2. Failure of 3’s to migrate distally. to determine the arch length discrepancy.
3. Lingual tipping of teeth. Carey’s analysis in the upper arch should be
4. Enhances impaction of third molars. carried out. Mixed dentition analysis helps
5. Ditching or spaces can be left behind in determining the space required for the
between canines and premolars. erupting buccal teeth.
6. Timing of tooth removal is specific. Radiographs: The eruption status of the
7. Occasionally it will be failure needing dentition is evaluated from a full mouth
full fledged treatment. intraoral periapical or orthopantogram. The
8. The axial inclination correction may skeletal tissue assessment should involve
require later fixed appliance treatment. comprehensive cephalometric examination
9. Patient cooperation is required as total to study the underlying skeletal relation. Serial
treatment time is prolonged. extraction produces the best results in a Class
10. Patient may develop tongue thrust habit I skeletal pattern. Presence of skeletal Class
in extracted areas. II or Class III is contraindications for serial
extraction procedure.
Precautions to be Taken during Photographs: Pre- and post-treatment photo­
Serial Extractions graphs are particularly useful in evaluating
1. Presence of permanent tooth the eruption pattern, to observe extraoral
2. Healthy eruptive pattern is ascertained changes, to assess muscular patterns and as
3. Proper morphology motivational tool.
4. Proper position. Teeth to be removed in serial extractions:
1. Deciduous canines (C)
Changes that Occur during Serial 2. Deciduous first molars (D)
Extractions 3. Permanent first premolars (4).
1. Prevents rotation
2. Deep bite Procedure
3. Space creation. A number of methods or sequences of
extraction have been described. Three popular
Objectives methods are:
Objectives of serial extraction are to make
treatment easier and the mechanotherapy less Dewel’s Method (C, D, 4)
complicated. Dewel has proposed a 3 step serial extraction
procedure. In the first step the deciduous
Diagnosis canines are extracted to create space for the
Clinical examination : The diagnostic alignment of the incisors. This step is carried
exercise prior to treatment should involve out at 8 to 9 years of age. A year later, the
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  337

deciduous first molars are extracted so that the by enucleation of first premolars then
eruption of first premolars is accelerated. This canines are extracted last.
is followed by the extraction of the erupting iv. Class II with normal overjet (CD4): In these
first premolars to permit the permanent cases with maxillary crowding deciduous
canines to erupt in their place. canines are extracted first followed by
In some cases a modified Dewel’s technique deciduous first molars then the cases
is followed wherein the first premolars are are reevaluated for molar relation and if
enucleated at the time of extraction of the first required first premolars are removed.
deciduous molars. This is frequently necessary v. Class II with increased overjet (DE5):
in the mandibular arch where the canines These cases are managed with extraction
often erupt before the first premolars. of deciduous first molars followed
by deciduous second molars and
Tweed’s Method (D, 4, C) finally second premolars are removed,
This method involves the extraction of the if required deciduous canines are
deciduous first molars around 8 years. This is removed to correct the overjet. This
followed by the extraction of the first premolars technique is not commonly followed.
and the deciduous canines. Postserial extraction fixed appliance therapy:
Most cases of serial extraction need fixed
Nance’s Method (D, 4, C) appliance therapy for the correction of axial
This is similar to Tweed’s technique and inclination and detailing of the occlusion.
involves the extraction of the deciduous first Removable appliances like Hawley’s appliance,
molars followed by the extraction of the first anterior bite planes and canine retractors are
premolars and the deciduous canines. occasionally used.

Grewe’s Method
Grewe advocated serial extractions in Class I DEVELOPING ANTERIOR
and mild Class II malocclusions. CROSSBITE CORRECTION
i. Class I with crowding (CD4): The decid­
uous canines are first extracted followed Anterior crossbite is a condition characterized
by deciduous first molars and followed by reverse overjet where in one or more
by extraction of first premolars. maxillary anterior teeth are in lingual relation
ii. Class I with premature loss of mandibular to the mandi­bular teeth.
deciduous canines (CD4): The maxillary Anterior crossbites should be intercepted
deciduous canines are extracted to and treated at an early stage so as to prevent a
make the arch symmetrical, then D and minor orthodontic problem from progressing
4 are sequentially extracted at periodical into a major dentofacial anomaly. An old
intervals. orthodontic axiom states, “The best time to
iii. Class I with bimaxillary protrusion or treat a crossbite is the first time it is seen”.
crowding in posterior tooth (D4C): In Anterior crossbite should be treated early
cases of bimaxillary dental protrusions for the following reasons:
or in posterior crowding deciduous i. This type of malocclusion is self-per­
first molars are extracted first followed petuating, i.e. if the crossbite is present
338  Essentials of Orthodontics

in the deciduous dentition, it may

manifest in the mixed and permanent
dentition as well.
ii. Simple anterior crossbites that are
not treated early have the potential of
growing into skeletal malocclusion that
later need complicated orthodontic
treatment com­b ined at times with
surgical procedures.
Anterior crossbites can broadly be classified A

1. Dentoalveolar anterior crossbite
2. Skeletal anterior crossbite
3. Functional anterior crossbite.

Dentoalveolar Anterior Crossbite

Anterior crossbite in which one or more maxi­­
llary anterior teeth are in lingual relation to the
mandibular anteriors is termed dento­alveolar
Figures 8.8A and B: Catalan’s appliance
anterior crossbite. This kind of anterior crossbite
is often manifested as single tooth crossbite and
usually occurs due to overretained deciduous Functional Anterior Crossbites
teeth that deflect the erupting permanent teeth Some anterior crossbites are referred to as
into a palatal position. These dentoalveolar functional crossbites. This type of crossbite is
crossbites can be effectively treated using the so called pseudo Class III malocclusion
tongue blades (Fig. 8.7). Catalan’s appliance where the mandible is compelled to close in
(Figs 8.8A and B) and double cantilever springs a position for­ward of its true centric relation.
with posterior bite plane. Functional cross­b ites occur as a result of
occlusal prema­turities that cause a deflection
of the mandible into a forward position during
closure. These are to be treated by eliminating
the occlusal prematurities.

Interception of Habits
Habits in the orthodontic sense refer to certain
actions involving the teeth and other oral or
perioral structures which are repeated often
enough by some patients to have a profound
and deleterious effect on the positions of
teeth and occlusion. Some of the habits that
can affect oral structures are thumb sucking,
Figure 8.7: Tongue blade therapy tongue thrusting and mouth breathing.
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  339

Thumb Sucking Space Regaining

One of the habits that is most frequently practi­ If a primary molar is lost early and space
ced by children and is capable of producing maintainers are not used, a reduction in arch
dama­g ing effects on the dentoalveolar length by mesial movement of the first molar
structures is the thumb sucking habit. The can be expected. In such patients, the space
presence of this habit up to 2½ to 3 years of lost by mesial movement of the molar can be
age is considered quite nor­mal. Persistance of regained by distal movement of the first molar.
this habit beyond 3½ to 4 years of age can have Not all patients who have lost arch length by
a damaging influence on the dentoalveolar mesial molar movement are ideal candidates
structures and should be inter­cepted. for space regaining. The space regaining
procedures are preferably undertaken at an
Tongue Thrusting early age prior to the eruption of the second
Tongue thrusting is defined as a condition molar. The following are some of the commonly
in which the tongue makes contact with used space regainers.
any teeth an­terior to the molar during teeth
swallowing. This is a deleterious habit that can Gerber Space Regainer
clinically present with open bite and anterior A seamless orthodontic band or a crown is
proclination. The tongue thrust habit should selected for the tooth to be distalized. This
be intercepted by using habit breakers. The space regainer consists of ‘U’ shaped hollow
patient should be trained and educated on the tubing and a ‘U’ shaped rod that enters the
correct technique of swallowing. tubing. The rod is soldered or welded on the
mesial aspect of the first molar to be moved
Mouth-Breathing distally. The ‘U’ shaped wire or rod is fitted into
Mouth-breathing habit has a profound effect the tube, in such a way that the base of the ‘U’
on the dentofacial region. It can be obstructive rod contacts the tooth mesial to the edentulous
or habitual in nature. Obstructive mouth-bre­ area. Open coil springs of adequate length are
athing is usually a result of nasal polyps, nasal placed around the free ends of the ‘U’ shaped
tumors, chronic nasal inflammatory condi­ rod and inserted into the tubing assembly. The
tions and deviated nasal septum. Habitual forces generated by the compressed open coil
mouth-breathing is one where oral breathing springs bring about a distal movement of the
persists as a habit after the removal of the nasal first molar.
Mouth-breathing affects the orofacial Space Regainers Using Jack Screws
equilibrium due to lowered mandibular and Space regaining can be brought about using jack
tongue posture and can therefore produce screws placed in such a way that an increase
severe malocclusion. Interceptive procedures in arch length is obtained by distalization of
should involve identification and removal of the molar. The appliance consists of a split
the cause persistence of habitual oral breathing acrylic plate with a jack screw in relation to
is an indication to use a vestibular screen to the edentulous space and is retained using
intercept the habit. Adam’s clasp.
340  Essentials of Orthodontics


Preorthodontic trainers are interceptive appli­

ances used to intercept the mild skeletal and
dental problems. Farrell of Australia used the
Computer aided Technique to fabricate these
appliance with silicone or nonthermoplastic
polyurethane materials.

1. Mild-to-moderate anterior crowding
Figure 8.9: Space regainer 2. Mild Class II division 1 and 2
3. Developing anterior open bites
4. Dental deep bites
Space regaining using cantilever spring: The 5. Mild dental Class III or pseudo Class III
molar can be distalized to regain space by 6. Oral habits.
using removable appliances that incorporate
simple finger springs (Fig. 8.9). Contraindications
Interception of skeletal malrelations: Skel­etal 1. Posterior crossbite
malocclusion if diagnosed at an early age can 2. Severe Class III
be intercepted so as to reduce the severity 3. Nasal obstruction
of the malocclusion that may occur. These 4. Noncooperative child
growth malo­cclusion procedures are aimed at 5. Skeletal malocclusion.
normalizing the skeletal relationship.
Interception of Class II malocclusions: Class Design
II malocclusion usually occurs as a result of The appliance is oral screen like enveloping the
either excessive maxillary growth, deficiency in teeth labially, and lingually. Occlusal bite plane
mandibular growth or a combination of both. is also present to increase the functioning
Maxillary growth can be restricted by use of space.
face bow with headgear. Class II malocclusion Small projections in the labial surface of
due to deficient mandibular growth is usually appliance functions as lip bumper. The labial
treated by myofunctional appliances. bow types of extensions are present in both
Interception of Class III malocclusions: Class III upper and lower anteriors for closing the
malocclusion occurs as a result of mandibular residual space and alignment.
prognathism, maxillary retrognathism or a Tongue tag is present to position the tongue
combination of both. Chin cup with headgear at the correct place for correcting the tongue
helps in restriction of mandibular growth while habits. Tooth channels are made such that the
Frankel III or face mask therapy is used for occlusion is kept at edge-to-edge bite similar to
cases of maxillary deficiency. activator. They are available in different sizes.
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  341

Phases of Treatment MUSCLE EXERCISES

Phase 1 (Blue): The softer blue trainer is used
first which allowed for correction of abberant The dental tissues are blanketed from all direc­
musculature and mild tooth movements. They tions by muscles. Normal occlusal develop­
are worn for 6 to 8 months. ment depends upon the presence of normal
Phase 2 (Pink): This trainer exerts more forces orofacial muscle function. Muscle exercises
for increased tooth movement. help in improving aberrant muscle function.

Exercise for the Temporalis Muscle

CLINICAL MANAGEMENT An exercise to strengthen the masseter muscle
involves the clenching of teeth by the patient
The appliance is worn for 1 hour daily initially while counting to ten. The patient is asked to
and may be increased upto 6 to 8 hours. Blue repeat this for some duration of time.
trainer is worn for 6 to 8 months followed
by pink trainer for 12 months or until the Exercises for the Lips
treatment objectives are attained. Appliance is (Circumoral Muscles)
kept clean by washing with water and soft soap. A number of exercises have been suggested for
Generally these appliances do not require any the lips and cheek muscles.
adjustments other than trimming the edges i. Stretching of the upper lip to maintain
for ease of wearing and applying gels in sharp lip seal is an important therapeutic
areas. measure in patients having short
hypotonic lips. To aid in the stretching,
Removal of Soft Tissue and the patient is asked to hold a piece of
Bony Barriers paper between the lips.
Whenever a permanent tooth fails to erupt ii. Patients can be asked to stretch the upper
at the appropriate time, its eruption may be lip in a downward direction towards the
stimulated by surgically exposing the crown. chin.
Over retained primary teeth, ankylosed pri­ iii. Holding and pumping of water back and
mary teeth and supernumerary teeth are other forth between the lips.
possible causes of noneruption of succed­ iv. Massaging of the lips.
aneous teeth, which should be ruled out prior v. Button pull exercise: A button of 1.5 inch
to this procedure. diameter is taken and a thread passed
The surgical procedure involves excision through the button hole. The patient is
of the soft tissue and removal of any bone asked to place the button behind the
overlying the crown of the unerupted tooth. lip and pull the thread, while restricting
The extent of tissue removal should be such it from being pulled out by using lip
that the greatest diameter of the crown of the pressure.
tooth is exposed. In other words the surgically vi. Tug of war exercise: This is similar to the
created opening in the tissue is slightly larger button pull exercise. This involves use
than the greatest dimension of the tooth. The of two buttons, with one placed behind
surgical wound is given a cement dressing for the lips while the other button is held by
a period of two weeks. another person to pull the thread.
342  Essentials of Orthodontics

Exercises for the tongue: One elastic swallow— Musical Instruments and
this exercise is used for correction of improper Muscle Exercises
positioning of the tongue. A 5/16 inch intraoral Orthodontists and all members of the dental
elastic is placed on the tip of the tongue and the profession should have a good basic knowledge
patient is asked to raise the tongue and hold of the relationship of the mouth to various
the elastic against the rugae area and swallow. types of musical wind instruments so that they
Tongue hold exercise: A 5/16 inch elastic is can give valid advice to those who seek it.
positioned over the tongue in a designated Rogers demonstrated that certain corrective
spot for a prescribed period of time with the muscle exercises would aid the normal
lips closed. The patient is then asked to swallow development of the dentofacial complex.
with elastic in place and lips apart. Some have called this myofunctional therapy.
Two elastic swallow: Two 5/16 inch elastics are Many of these same muscles, especially the
placed over the tongue, one in the midline and orbicularis oris in the lips and the ones which
the other on the tip and the patient is asked to radiate from it, are used in the playing of
swallow with the elastics in position. wind instruments, and in the development of
The hold pull exercise: The tip of the tongue and embouchure, which is the manner in which
the midpoint are made to contact the palate the mouth is applied to the mouthpiece. The
and the mandible is gradually opened. This tonicity of these muscles permits a finely
exercise helps in stretching the lingual frenum. controlled airstream to be emitted through the
lips. The development of the embouchure is of
Exercises for Masseter Muscles prime importance to any musician because
These exercises are advocated to strengthen it controls sound production, tone, quality,
the masseter muscles. The patient is asked to articulation and dynamics. Porter also stressed
clench the teeth, count upto 10 and then relax. the importance of the embouchure and the fact
These exercises are repeated for 15 to 20 times that the forces produced had a definite effect
daily until masseter muscle becomes strong. on the dentition.
Exercises of pterygoid muscles: In Class II cases The positions of teeth depend on the forces
with mandibular retrognathism patient is asked and pressures exerted on them. A balance of
to protrude the mandible as much as possible forces is needed for the stability of any tooth.
and then retracted. These exercises are repeated The playing of wind instruments introduces
until the muscles become tired. Mandibular another set of pressures which certainly should
position usually improves in 3 to 4 months. be evaluated, measured and understood for us
to be able to advise those who may be intere­
Limitations of Muscle exercises sted in instrumental study. Engelman used
1. Patients cooperation is essential. a transducer to measure perioral pre­ssures
2. Faulty exercise may lead to problems. involved in the playing of wind instruments. He
3. Most of the times no significant changes asserted that “the effect of musical instruments
are seen. on the dentition warrants investigation,
4. They are not substitutes for regular orthod­ since the forces produced by them may be of
ontic treatment. sufficient magnitude, duration, and direction
5. Not adviced in muscular dystrophy and to help produce a malocclusion or conceivably
neural problems. to help correct one”.
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics  343

Strayer was one of the first to recommend B. Group B: Single-reed mouthpieces, as in

the use of specific instruments for what clarinet or saxophone.
he believed to be their beneficial effects in 1. To increase overjet.
certain malocclusions. He divided the wind 2. Tend to increase overbite.
instruments into four categories according to C. Group C: Double-reed mouthpieces, as in
the type of mouthpiece used: oboe and bassoon.
1. Class A: All cup-shaped mouthpieces, as 1. Tend to reduce overjet.
in the trumpet, trombone, tuba, all horns, 2. To increase the overbite.
and brasses. D. Group D: Mouthpieces with small openings
2. Class B: Single-reed mouthpieces, as in the at head of instrument, as in the flute or
clarinet and the saxophone. piccolo.
3. Class C: Double-reed mouthpieces, as in 1. To reduce overjet.
the oboe and bassoon. 2. To increase overbite.
4. Class D: Mouthpieces with a small aperture The dentist can now suggest more than
or opening at the head, as in the flute and one instrument to help with most changes in
piccolo. overbite or overjet. Thus, the preferences of
The following recommendations can be student, teacher and parent can be given more
made by dentists when they are asked to consideration in instrument selection.
suggest instruments which are dentally suited The playing of the correct musical wind
for children, especially in the 11 to 13 year age instrument is not only a wonderfully rewar­
group: ding and satisfying vocation for the student,
A. Group A: Cup-shaped mouthpieces, as in but it can serve as an adjunct to the dentist or
the trumpet and horns. orthodontist in trying to accomplish certain
1. To reduce overjet, especially in Class II tooth movements.
2. Tend to decrease in overbite in a 2-year
344  Essentials of Orthodontics


9 Appliances

Orthodontic treatment aims at improving the Mechanical Appliances

esthetics and function of the orofacial region. These appliances exert mild pressure on a
Most of these changes are brought about tooth or a group of teeth and their supporting
using devices which move teeth or modify the structures in a predetermined direction with
growth of the jaws. These devices are called the help of active components which are part
orthodontic appliances. of the appliance itself.
Orthodontic appliances are devices
by means of which mild pressure may be Myofunctional Appliances
applied to a tooth or group of teeth and their They are loose fitting or passive appliances
supporting structures so as to bring about that harness the natural forces of the orofacial
necessary changes within the bone which will musculature which are transmitted to the teeth
allow tooth movement. and alveolar bone through the medium of the

CLASSIFICATION OF Removable Appliances

ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES They are appliances which can be inserted
into and removed from the oral cavity by the
Broadly the appliances can be classified into patients.
two groups: Fixed appliances: They are appliances that are
1. Mechanical appliances fixed onto the tooth surface and can only be
• Removable removed by the operator.
• Fixed. Semifixed appliance: It is a combination of
2. Functional appliances fixed and removable appliance, a part of the
• Removable appliance only can be removed by the patient,
• Fixed. e.g. whip spring.
Orthodontic Appliances  345

Sectional fixed appliance: A section of the arch iv. The appliance should be able to deliver
is treated by fixed appliance, e.g. pin and tube contro­lled force. It should apply a force of
appliance. desired intensity, direction and duration.
Active appliances: Active appliances exert a v. The appliance should be universally
force on the teeth or the supporting structure applicable, i.e. it must be able to handle
to bring about the necessary tooth movement. various malocclusions.
Passive appliances: Passive appliances do not 3. Hygienic requirements: The orthodontic
exert any force and are mostly used to retain appliance should ideally be self cleansing.
teeth which are moved to ideal position, or to If not it should be easy to clean them. The
maintain space. appliance should not interfere with oral
hygiene maintenance.
4. Esthetic requirement: The orthodontic
IDEAL REQUIREMENTS OF AN appliance should be esthetically acceptable.
ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCE It is desirable to have an appliance that is
an inconspicuous as possible.
Appliances which are used for orthodontic
pur­poses should fulfill certain requirements:
1. Biological requirements: REMOVABLE APPLIANCES
i. The appliance should bring about the Removable orthodontic appliances are devices
desired tooth movements. that can be inserted into and removed from the
ii. The orthodontic appliance should not oral cavity by the patient at will.
produce pathologic changes such as
root resorption, periodontal damage or
non-vitality of the teeth. INDICATIONS FOR REMOVABLE
iii. The appliance should not interfere with APPLIANCES
normal growth.
iv. It should not interfere with normal According to Proffit there are three instances
function. where we can use removable orthodontic
v. The appliance should not bring about appliances:
unwanted tooth movement and sudden 1. Minor tooth movements. (e.g. finger spri­
changes. ngs for midline diastema).
vi. The material used in its fabrication 2. Retention appliance following fixed appli­
should be biocompatible and should ance treatment. (e.g. Hawley’s retainer).
not produce toxic effects. 3. Functional appliances (e.g. activator,
vii. The appliance should not disintegrate bionator, twin blocks).
in oral fluids.
2. Mechanical requirements:
i. The appliance should simple to fabricate ADVANTAGES OF REMOVABLE
ii. It should not be bulky; the patient APPLIANCES
should be comfortable using them.
iii. The appliance should be strong enough Removable orthodontic appliances have follow­
to withstand masticatory forces. ing advantages:
346  Essentials of Orthodontics

i. The removable nature of the appliance v. Cases other than 4s extraction are very
makes it possible for the patient to difficult to treat with removable appli­
maintain good oral hygiene during ances.
orthodontic therapy. In addition the vi. Lower removable appliances are not
appliance can be kept clean by the well-tolerated.
patient. vii. Multiple rotations are difficult to treat.
ii. Most malocclusions requiring simple viii. Cannot be given in severe Class II and
tipping type of tooth movement can be Class III cases.
carried out with removable appliance. ix. Cannot be used in severe high angle and
iii. Many tooth movements like tipping, severe low angle cases.
overbite reduction can be undertaken. x. As the appliances are removable, there
iv. Bite planes can be incorporated with is a greater chance of patient misplacing
removable appliances. or damaging them.
v. Simple tooth movements are undertaken
hence the control is less complex and
there is less strain on anchorage. COMPONENTS OF REMOVABLE
vi. These can be handled by general prac­ APPLIANCES
ti­t ioner for correcting simple malo­
cclusions. Removable appliances are made-up of three
vii. Takes less chairtime and is less expen­ basic components:
sive. 1. Retentive components
viii. If there is any damage or problem, 2. Active components
patient can remove the appliance. 3. Base plate.
ix. Fabrication of removable appliances is
simple and requires fewer inventories. I. Retentive Components
x. They are less conspicuous than fixed They are components that help in keeping the
appliances. appliance in place and resist displacement
of the appliance. The success of a removable
appliance is to a large extent dependent upon
DISADVANTAGES OF good retention of the appliance. Appliances
REMOVABLE APPLIANCES that are loosely fitting and do not have adeq­
uate intraoral anchorage cannot bring about
i. As the appliance can be removed, the necessary tooth movements. Adequate
patient cooperation is vitally important retention of a removable appliance is achieved
for the success of treatment. by incorporating certain wire components
ii. Only simple tipping can be possible other that engage undercuts on the teeth. These
corrections require fixed appliances. wire components that aid in retention of a
iii. In complex cases treatment is prolonged removable appliance are called clasps.
as only few movements can be carried
out at a time. Principles of Retention
iv. In extraction cases if excess spaces are When using pressure against a tooth an equal
left behind, posterior segments cannot and opposite force is exerted on the body of
be brought forward. the appliance and on the base plate to the
Orthodontic Appliances  347

clasps. The surface of the incisor tooth, where iv. They should not by themselves apply
it is engaged by spring in rarely vertical to any active force that would bring about
the occlusal plane. If it wire, reaction should undesirable tooth movements of the
simple be formed or backward thrust on this anchorage teeth.
base plate, there should be no downward and v. It should be easy to fabricate.
upward movement. vi. It should not impinge on the soft tissues.
vii. It should not interfere with normal
Mode of Action of Clasps occlusion.
Clasps act by engaging certain constricted
areas of the teeth that are called undercuts. Classification of Clasps
When clasps are fabricated, the wire is made I. Free ended clasp: (One end embedded in
to engage these undercuts so that their displa­ the acrylic portion and free end on the tooth
cement is prevented. There are two types of surface).
undercuts that are found in natural dentition. For example:
Buccal and lingual cervical undercuts: The • Circumferential clasp
buccal and lingual surfaces of molars have • Duyzing clasp
a distinct undercut at the cervical margin. • Crozat clasp
These can be seen from the mesial aspect • Triangular clasp
of a molar. Examples of clasp that engage • Ball end clasp
these buccal and lingual cervical undercuts • Hand wrought Roach clasp
are the circumferential clasp and Jackson’s • Arrow pin clasp.
clasp. These undercuts are available for clasp II. Continuous or looped clasps: (Both ends
fabrication only in those teeth that are fully are embedded in the acrylic portion or base
erupted. plate).
Mesial and distal proximal undercuts: The For example:
molars are widest mesiodistally at the contact • Molar clasp
point and gradually taper towards the cervical • Visick clasp
margin. These surfaces slopping from the • Arrowhead clasp
mesial and distal contact areas towards the • Adam’s clasp
neck of the teeth are called the mesial and • Eyelet clasp
distal proximal undercuts. They can be seen • Southend clasp.
when the molar is viewed from the buccal
aspect. These proximal undercuts are more Circumferential Clasp
pronounced than the cervical undercuts and (C Clasp or ¾th Clasp) (Fig. 9.1)
therefore offer more retention. Examples of The circumferential clasp is simple clasp that
clasps that engage these undercuts are the are designed to engage the buccocervical
Adams’ clasp and Crozat clasp. undercut. Wire is engaged from one proximal
Requirements of an ideal clasp: undercut along the cervical margin then
i. It should offer adequate retention. carried over the occlusal embrasure to end
ii. It should permit usage in both fully as a single retentive arm on the lingual aspect
erupted as well as partially erupted teeth. that gets embedded on the acrylic base plate.
iii. It should offer adequate retention even Advantage of this clasp is its simplicity
in the presence of shallow undercuts. of design and fabrication. Disadvantage of
348  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 9.1: Circumferential clasp

this clasp is that it cannot be used in partially

erupted teeth wherein the cervical undercut is
not available for clasp fabrication.

Jackson’s Clasp (Full Clasp) (Fig. 9.2)

This clasp was introduced by Jackson in Figure 9.3: Adams’ clasp
the year 1906. It is also called full clasp or
‘U’clasp. This clasp engages the buccocervical
undercut and also the mesial as well as distal The Adams’ clasp is made of the following
proximal undercuts. Wire is adapted along the parts:
buccocervical margin and both the proximal i. Two arrowheads
undercuts and then carried over both the ii. Bridge
occlusal embrasures to end as retentive arms iii. Two crossover wires
on both sides of the molar. The advantage of iv. Two retentive arms.
this clasp is that it is simple to construct and The two arrowheads engage the mesial and
offers adequate retention. The disadvantage the distal proximal undercuts. The arrowheads
of Jackson’s clasp is that it offers inadequate are connected to each other by a bridge which
retention in partially erupted teeth. is at 45o to the long axis of the tooth.

Adams’ Clasp (Fig. 9.3) Advantages:

The Adams’ clasp was first described by The Adams’ clasp offers a number of advan­
Professor Philip C Adams’. It is also known as tages:
liverpool clasp, universal clasp and modified i. It is rigid and offers excellent retention.
arrowhead clasp. When properly constructed ii. It can be fabricated on deciduous as well
this clasp offers maximum retention. The as permanent tooth.
clasp is constructed using 0.7 mm hard round iii. They can be used on partially or fully
stainless steel wire. erupted teeth.
iv. It can be used on molars, premolars and
on incisors.
v. No specialized instruments are required
to fabricate the clasp.
vi. It is small and occupies minimum space.
vii. The clasp can be modified in a number
of ways.
viii. It can be easily adjusted.
ix. If it is broken it can be repaired by sold­
Figure 9.2: Jackson’s clasp er­ing.
Orthodontic Appliances  349

Construction of Adams’ Clasp 3. The stages in the formation of Adams’ clasp.

(Figs 9.4 and 9.5) a. The first bend is a little more than right
1. Preparation of cast: On the dental cast, trim angle. Two such bends are made, conn­
the interdental papilla so that mesial and ected by a bridge sufficiently long to
distal undercuts are made accessible on the span the tooth that is being clasped.
teeth to be clasped. This is best done with b. The second bond, made in two stages of
very sharp chisel about 3 mm wide. 90° each. This second bend forms a ‘U’
2. Wires: Molar and premolar—0.7 mm hard turn in the wire 180° made outside the
stain­less steel wire (120–130 mm per size tips of plier, so that right acute bend is
inten­sible strength) Canine—0.6 mm SS wire. formed.
c. Third bend brings the tags of the clasps
over the embrasure between the teeth
and onto the lingual side of the dental
arch to be embedded in the base plate.
To make the third bend, the arrowhead
is grasped from the inside of the clasp
with a half of length of the arrowhead
between the peaks of the plier. The tag is
then bend firmly upwards, using thumb
and the bend continued until the tag is
at a little less than 90° to the arrowhead.

Essential Feature of the Adams’ Clasp

• Bridge is straight, not curved or bent
• Bridge stand clear of the tooth and the
• Bridge is not fitted against the buccal
surface of the tooth
• Arrowheads are parallel, do not converge
Figure 9.4: Stages in Adams’ clasp fabrication or diverge
• The arrowhead slope to correspond with the
curve of the gum margin into the interdental
• The arrowhead are not twisted into a verti­
cal plane or laid in a horizontal plane
• Tag fits closely across the contact point
and one brought down into the interdental
embrasure lingually so as to avoid the bite
of the opposing teeth.

Modifications (Figs 9.6A to G)

Figure 9.5: Fabrication of Adams’ clasp

The Adams’ clasp can be modified in a number
of ways. These modifications permit additional
350  Essentials of Orthodontics

of the Adams’ clasp. This modification permits

use of extraoral anchorage using face bow
A B headgear assembly.
Adams’ clasp with distal extention: The Adams’
clasp can be modified so that the distal arrow­
head has a small extension incorporated
distally. This distal extension helps in engaging
Adams’ clasp on incisors and premolars: Adams’
clasp can be fabricated on the incisors and
premolars when retention in those areas is
G required. They can be constructed to span a
Figures 9.6A to G: Modification of Adams’ clasp single tooth or two teeth.
Resta clasp: Resta clasp is a modified Adams
clasp. It uses the arrowhead retentive point from
uses or enhanced retention. The following are the Adams’ clasp and the ball from a ball clasp
some of the modifications. to engage two undercut areas on the buccal
Adams’ clasp with single arrowhead: The surface of the anchor tooth. The clasp passed
Adams’ clasp can be modified to have a single over the occlusal surface of the clasped tooth
arrow­head. This type of clasp is indicated in a either on its mesial or on its distal side. The
partially erupted tooth which usually is the last clasp is useful when interocclusal clearance or
erupted molar. The single arrowhead is made space is available on only the meaial or distal
to engage the mesioproximal undercut of the side of the tooth to be clasped. Although not
last erupted molar. The bridge is modified to as retentive as an Adams’ clasp, the Resta clasp
encircle the tooth distally and ends on the has the ability to perform well in retainers. The
palatal aspect as a retentive arm. making of a Resta clasp is easier and quicker
Adams’ clasp with J hook: A J hook can be sold­ than the forming of an Adams’ clasp. The
ered on to the bridge of the Adams’ clasp. These Resta clasp can be modified to be part of a
hooks are useful in engaging elastics. wraparound retainer design. The Resta clasp is
Adams’ clasp with incorporated helix: A helix formed from preformed stainless steel ball clasp
can be incorporated into the bridge of the wires having diameters of 28 mil (0.7 mm) for
Adams’ clasp. This also helps in engaging premolars and 30 to 32 mil (0.8 mm) for molars.
Adams’ clasp with additional arrowhead: Steps in Construction of Adam’s Clasp
Adams’ clasp can be constructed with an 1. Take about 4 inches of 0.7 mm stainless
additi­­­onal arrowhead. The additional arrow­ steel wire.
head engages the proximal undercut of the 2. Make a ‘L’ shaped bend.
adjacent tooth and is soldered on to the 3. Mark two perpendicular vertical lines from
bridge of the Adams’. This type of clasp offers mesial and distal sides on the buccal side
additional retention. of the tooth.
Adams’ clasp with soldered buccal tube: A 4. Draw a horizontal line at the gingival
buccal tube can be soldered on to the bridge margin connecting these two lines.
Orthodontic Appliances  351

5. Then, draw a bisector of these two lines,

extend it on to the surface of the tooth.
Mark the point, it corresponds to the posi­
tion of arrowheads. The distance between
these two points on buccal side gives us the
bridge length.
6. Then make the arrowheads.
7. Give a 45o bend to these arrowheads to the
8. Then position it on to the tooth and adapt Figure 9.8: Triangular clasp

the retentive arms.

Points to be checked in a completed Triangular Clasp (Fig. 9.8)
Adams’ clasp: They are small triangular shaped clasps that
1. Arrowheads should be positioned at the are used between two adjacent posterior teeth.
buccal proximal undercuts. Thus they engage the proximal undercuts
2. Bridge is placed in the middle-third of the of two adjacent teeth. Triangular clasps
buccal surface of the tooth. It should be are indicated when additional retention is
placed at about 2 mm from the surface of required.
the teeth. It should be parallel to the buccal
surface or the central groove. Then viewed Ball End Clasp (Fig. 9.9)
from the side the bridge should be at an This clasp is fabricated using stainless steel
angle of 45o to the tooth surface. wires having a knob or a ball-like structure on
3. Retentive arms should not interfere with one end. The ball can be made at the end of
occlusion. the wire using silver solder. Preformed wires
4. Tags should be placed for retention into having a ball at one end are also available.
acrylic. The ball engages the proximal undercuts
between two adjacent posterior teeth as in a
Southend Clasp (Fig. 9.7) triangular clasp. The distal end of the wire is
The southend clasp is used when retention carried over the occlusal embrasure to end on
is required in the anterior region. The wire is the palatal aspect as a retentive arm. The ball
adapted along the cervical margin of both the end clasp is indicated when additional retention
central incisors. The distal ends are carried is required.
over the occlusal embrasures to end as
retentive arms on the palatal side. Eyelet Clasp (Figs 9.10A and B)
This clasp is fabricated using 0.6 or 0.7 mm
stainless steel wire. Eyelet like retentive tags

Figure 9.7: Southend clasp Figure 9.9: Ball end clasp

352  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figures 9.10A and B: Eyelet clasp

are bend and they are adapted interdentally

perpen­dicular to the tooth surface, the eyelet Figure 9.12: Schwarz clasp
engages the proximal undercuts and the distal
end of the wire is carried over the occlusal and between premolars and molars. This
embrasure to and on the palatal aspect as clasp is not used routinely due to a number
retentive arm. They are usually used in lower of drawbacks.
anterior teeth. i. Needs special arrowhead forming pliers
to fabricate.
Arrow Pin Clasp (Fig. 9.11) ii. Occupies a large amount of space in the
Arrow pin clasp is a solid arrow bent to buccal vestibule.
penetrate into the interdental space. It provides iii. The arrowheads can injure the inter­
a firm grip on the teeth. The patients cannot dental soft tissues.
easily dislodge it ever by a tug on the clasp. It iv. It is difficult and time consuming to
can be dislodged only by pulling on another fabricate.
appurtenance of the plate, such as the labial
wire. It is a device worth considering in special Duyzing Clasp (Fig. 9.13)
cases. The clasp described above was anchored at both
its ends by embedding in the plastic base. The
Schwarz Clasp (Fig. 9.12) Duyzings clasp is composed of two separate
The Schwarz clasp or the arrowhead clasp parts, i.e. two free ended clasps used together.
can be said to be the predecessor of the Each component passes first above and then
Adams’ clasp. The clasp is designed in a way below the greatest curvature of the tooth. The
that a number of arrowheads engage the gingival arm may be bent inwards to grasp the
interproximal undercuts between the molars

Figure 9.11: Arrow pin clasp Figure 9.13: Duyzing clasp

Orthodontic Appliances  353

tooth firming. The clasp is made from 0.7 to 0.8 present where the wires cross. A hole is made
mm hard stainless steel wire. to receive the flattened portion, usually in the
most palatal part of the gingival margin.
Visick Clasp (Figs 9.14A and B) A small blob of plaster covers the hole and
All other clasps described make use of only one the wire and the buccal part of the clasp is bent
side of the tooth for active retention, the fit is up as for the molar clasp. The whole being
sufficient to counter the pressure of the buccal waxed up in the usual way. After processing the
wire HC. Visick adopted a modification of the plastering cleared away and the lingual spur
molar clasp, with a spur on the palatal side, freed so that it can spring unimpeded over the
which passes down between the tooth and palatal bulge of the tooth.
gingiva and hence grasps the tooth below its The Visick clasp can be adopted for use
greatest palatal curvature. One end of a piece on premolar but it is sometimes difficult to
of 0.7 mm stainless steel wire is beaten flat, prevent the spur slipping around the palatal
smoothed and curved slightly so as to fit the curve to the tooth to the mesial or distal
palatal surface of the tooth. A loop is formed aspect. Although the palatal spur fits below
at the end of the wire kinked for retention in the gingival margin it seems to cause very
the appliance. A space of 1 mm should be little damage to the tissues. Presumably this
is because a small pockets is almost invariably
present to receive it.

Hand Wrought Roach Clasp

(Fig. 9.15)
It provides additional retention in the bicuspid
area. This Roach type clasp was part of the
design of the original Hawley retainers. It has
a special advantage of being completely free
of occlusal interference because it does not

Figures 9.14A and B: Visick clasp Figure 9.15: Roach clasp
354  Essentials of Orthodontics

cross over the occlusal surface. It particularly

resists the vertical displacement of the
appliance which can be caused by soft and
sticky food. To make the horizontal bar of
the clasp a piece of 0.030 inch stainless steel
wire is bent to fit the convexity of the labial
surface of the bicuspid tooth, first gingival to
its greatest contour. It should extend across
the labial surface from the mesiolabial to the
distolabial line angles. ‘J’ shaped wire is now
bent into cusp of approx. The same height as
the cuspid loop of the labial arch. The batt joint Figure 9.17: Delta clasp
is made and care should be taken to surround
the joined wire with solder.

Crozat Clasp (Fig. 9.16)

This clasp resembles a full clasp but has
an additional piece of wire soldered which
engages into the mesial and distal proximal
undercut. Thus it offers better retention than
the full clasp.

Delta Clasp (Fig. 9.17)

Delta clasp is a modified Adams’ clasp used
in Twinblock appliance. In delta clasp the
arrowheads are modified to form a coil similar Figure 9.18: Smart clasp
to the letter delta. Advantages include ease of
fabrication and less stress fracture and easy
to adjust. Construction
The smart clasp is made of .028” wire and
Smart Clasp (Modified Adams’ Clasp) fabricated similarly to the Adams’ clasp. If the
(Fig. 9.18) tooth to be clasped is only partially erupted,
The modified Adams’ clasp the smart clasp was trim the model as usual with mesial and distal
developed for use with the magnetic activator undercuts.
device. Carefully measure the mesiodistal width of
the tooth. Instead of bending the interdental
arrowheads at 45° angles to the bridge in the
vertical and horizontal planes, bend them
perpendicular to the bridge. Bend a 2 mm
loop on each side, then cross the tags over the
contact points as usual, conforming them as
Figure 9.16: Crozat clasp closely as possible to the tooth surfaces.
Orthodontic Appliances  355

The Smart clasp can be modified to serve 3. Screws

as a double clasp between the molars and 4. Elastics.
premolars. Unlike the Adams’ clasp for extraoral
traction, which has a straight bridge between 1. Bows
the two arrowheads, the bridge of the double Bows are active components that are mostly
Smart clasp has an additional arrowhead used for incisor retraction. There are various
between the molar and premolar. types of bows routinely used by the orthodontist.
Another type of Smart clasp is fabricated by The following is a list of some of the commonly
using a 45° bridge-arrowhead angle, as in the used labial bows:
standard Adams’ clasp, and adding coils to each 1. Short labial bow
side of the wire before it passes over the contact 2. Long labial bow
points. 3. Split labial bow
The coils of the Smart clasp increase its 4. Reverse labial bow
springback property, reducing the likelihood 5. Mills retractor
of wire fracture and the need for retightening. 6. High labial bow
If the clasp does need to be tightened, it is 7. Fitted labial bow.
activated like a spring, by holding the coils
with a birdbeak plier and pushing the bridge- Short Labial Bow
arrowhead components inward. This type of labial bow is constructed using 0.7
The Smart clasp can be used with any type mm hard round stainless steel wire. The short
of removable appliance, including bite blocks labial bow consists of a bow that makes contact
and palatal expanders. with the most prominent labial teeth and two
U loops that end as retentive arms distal to the
II. Active Components canines. This type of labial bow is very stiff and
They are components of the appliance which exhibits low flexibility. Thus they are indicated
exert forces to bring about the necessary tooth only in cases of minor overjet reduction and
movement. anterior space closure. The short labial bow
can also be used for purpose of retention at
Classification of Active Components the termination of fixed orthodontic therapy.
I. Continuous force produced: The short labial bow is activated by com­
• Springs pressing the U loops. The activation should be
• Elastics such that the labial bow is displaced palatally
• Spring loaded screws. by 1 mm.
II. Intermittent force:
• Screw Long Labial Bow
• Hickery bags This labial bow is similar to short labial bow
• Gutta-percha except that it extends from one first premolar
• Bows. to the opposite first premolar. The distal arms
The active components include: of the U loops are adapted over the occlusal
1. Bows embrasure between the two premolars to get
2. Springs embedded in the acrylic plate.
356  Essentials of Orthodontics

The indications of long labial bow are: Roberts’ Retractor

i. Minor anterior space closure This is a labial bow made of thin gauge stainless
ii. Minor overjet reduction steel wire having a coil of 3 mm internal
iii. Closure of space distal to canine diameter mesial to the canine. The use of thin
iv. Guidance of canine during canine retr­ 0.5 mm diameter wire along with increased
action using palatal retractor wire length due to the incorporation of a coil
v. As a retaining device at the end of fixed makes the labial bow highly flexible.
appliance treatment. As very thin wire is used for its fabrication,
The activation is similar to that described the bow is hightly flexible and lacks adequate
for short labial bow. A modified form of the stability in the vertical plane. Thus, the distal
long labial bow can be made by soldering the part of the retractor is supported in a stainless
distal arm of the U loops on to the bridge of the steel tubing of 0.5 mm internal diameter.
Adams’ clasp. The Roberts’ retractor is indicated in
patients having severe anterior proclination
Split Labial Bow with overjet of over 4 mm. As the bow is highly
This is a labial bow that is split in the middle. flexible it generated lighter forces. Thus they
These results in two separate buccal arms can be used in adult patients in whom lighter
having a U loop each. This type of labial bow forces are desired.
exhibits increased flexibility as compared to
the conven­tional short labial bow. Mills Retractor
The split labial bow is used for anterior This is a labial bow having extensive looping
retraction. A modified form of split labial bow of the wire so as to increase the flexibility and
can be used for closure of midline diastema. In range of action (ability to remain active over
this form, the free ends of buccal arms are made extended periods of time).
to hook on to the distal surface of the opposite Mills retractor or extended labial bow as it is
central incisor. sometimes called is indicated in patients with
The split labial bow is activated by a large overjet. The disadvantages of the Mills
compressing the U loop 1 to 2 mm at a time. retractor include difficulty in construction and
poor patient acceptance due to the complex
Reverse Labial Bow design of the bow.
This is also called reverse loop labial bow.
Here the U loops are placed distal to the High Labial Bow with Apron Springs
canine and the free ends of the U loops are It consists of a heavy wire bow or 0.9 mm
adapted occlusally between the first premo­ thickness that extends into the buccal
lar and canine. As a longer span of wire is vestibular. Apron springs made of 0.4 mm
incorporated, the bow exhibits increased wire are attached to the high labial bow. The
flexibility. Indications for use are similar to apron springs can be designed for retraction
that of short labial bow. The activation of this of one or more teeth. This type of labial bow
labial bow is done two steps. First, the U loop is highly flexible and is thus used in cases of
is opened. This results in lowering of the labial large overjet. As very light forces are generated
bow in the incisor region. A compensatory by them they can be used in adult patients.
bend is then given at the base of the U loop to The apron springs is the active component
maintain proper level of the bow. that is activated by bending it towards the
Orthodontic Appliances  357

teeth. As it is highly flexible activation of upto Ideal Requirements of a Spring

3 mm at a time can be done. The disadvantages Springs that are designed to bring about
include difficulty inconstruction and risk of various tooth movements should possess
soft tissue injuries. certain ideal requisites. They are:
1. The spring should be simple to fabricate
Fitted Labial Bow 2. It should be easily adjusted
In this type of labial bow the wire is adapted to 3. It should fit into the available space without
confirm to the contours of the labial surface. discomfort to the patient
The U loop is usually small. The fitted labial 4. It should be easy to clean
bow cannot be used to bring about active tooth 5. It should apply force of required magnitude
movement. and direction
They are used as retainers at the completion 6. It should not slip or dislodge when placed
of fixed orthodontic therapy. over a sloping tooth surface
7. It should be robust
2. Springs 8. It should remain active over a long period
Springs are active components of removable of time.
orthodontic appliances that are used to effect Factors to be considered in designing a
various tooth movements. spring.
There are a number of ways by which Diameter of wire: The flexibility of the spring
springs can be classified. to a large extent depends upon the diameter of
Based on the presence or absence of helix wire used. Thus, the force generated.
they can be classified into:
1. Simple—without helix Fα
2. Compound—with helix. Where,
Based on the presence of lips or helix they F = Force
can be classifies as: D = Diameter of wire
1. Helical springs—have a helix L = Length of wire
2. Looped springs—have a loop. Thicker wires when used decrease the
Based on the nature of stability of the spring flexibility of the spring and apply a greater
they can be classified as: force on the tooth. By doubling the diameter,
1. Self-supported springs: They are usually the force increases by almost 16 times. Thus
made of thicker gauge wire. Thus they can by decreasing the diameter the force applied
support themselves. is lesser and therefore the spring remains more
2. Supported or guided springs: They are flexible and active over a longer period of time.
made of thinner gauge wire and thus lack Length of wire: Force can be decreased by
adequate stability. Hence a section of the increasing the length of the wire. Thus springs
spring is encased in a metallic tubing to that are longer are more flexible and remain
give it adequate support. active for a long duration of time. Helices and
3. Auxiliary springs: They are used as an loops can be incorporated into spring to make
auxiliary to other active components such them more active. By doubling the length the
as labial bows, e.g. Apron springs. force can be reduced by 8 times.
358  Essentials of Orthodontics

Force to be applied: The force that should be The finger spring consists of an active arm
generated by the spring is calculated based on of 12 to 15 mm length which is towards the
the number of teeth to be moved, root surface tissue, a helix of 3 mm internal diameter and
area and patient comfort. On an average, a retentive arm of 4 to 5 mm length which is
forces of about 20 gm/cm2 of root area are kept away from the tissue and ends in a small
recommended for most tooth movement. retentive tag.
Patient comfort: The spring should not offer any The finger spring should be constructed in
patient discomfort by way of its design, size such a way that the coil should lie along the long
or the force it generates. The patient should axis of the tooth to be moved, perpendicular
be able to insert the appliance with the spring to the direction of movement. The direction of
in the proper position so as to bring about the the coil is opposite to that of intended tooth
desired tooth movement. movement. Prior to acrylization, the helix and
Direction of tooth movement: The direction of the active arm are boxed on wax so that the
tooth movement is an important consideration spring lies in a recess between the mucosa and
in designing a spring. The direction of tooth the base plate.
movement is determined by the point of The finger spring is activated by moving
contact between the spring and the tooth. the active arm towards the teeth intended to
Palatally placed springs are used for labial and be moved. This is done as close to the coil as
mesiodistal tooth movement. Buccally placed possible. Activation of upto 3 mm is considered
springs are used when the tooth is to be moved ideal when 0.5 mm wire is used for fabrication.
palatally and in mesiodistal direction. Whenever 0.6 mm wire has been used the
activation should be half of that.
Finger Spring (Fig. 9.19)
The finger spring is also called cantilever spring Z-Spring (Fig. 9.20)
as one end is fixed in acrylic and the other end The ‘Z’ spring is also called double cantilever
is free. It is constructed using 0.5 mm or 0.6 mm spring. The Z-spring is used for labial
hard round stainless steel wire. movement of incisors. They can also be used
The finger spring is used for mesiodistal for bringing about minor rotation of incisors.
movement of teeth. It can be used only on those The Z-spring is made of 0.5 mm hard
teeth that are located correctly in the buccolingual round stainless steel wire. The spring can be
direction, i.e. the teeth should be within the line made for movement of a single incisor or two
of the arch.

Figure 9.19: Finger spring Figure 9.20: Z-spring

Orthodontic Appliances  359

incisors. The spring consists of two coild of expansion in patients where the upper arch is
very small internal diameter. The spring should constricted or there is a unilateral crossbite.
be perpendicular to the palatal surface of the The Coffin spring is made of 1.2 mm hard
tooth. It has a retentive arm of 10 to 12 mm round stainless steel wire. It consists of a U-or
length that gets embedded in acrylic. Z-spring ω-shaped wire placed in the midpalatal region
should be boxed in wax prior to acrylization. with the retentive arms incorporated into base
The Z-spring is activated by opening both plates. The appliance gains retention from
the helices by about 2 to 3 mm at a time. In case Adams’ clasp on the first molars and the first
of minor rotation correction, one of the helices premolars or deciduous molars.
is opened. The Coffin spring can be activated manually
by holding both the ends at the region of the clasps
T-Spring (Fig. 9.21) and pulling the sides gently apart. Activation of
Buccal movement of premolars and sometimes 1 to 2 mm at a time is considered appropriate.
canines can be brought about using a T-spring.
It is made of 0.5 mm hard round stainless steel Canine Retractors
wire. The spring consists of a T-shaped arm Canine retractors are springs that are used to
whose ends are embedded in acrylic. Loops move canines in a distal direction. The canine
can be incorporated in both the arms of the T retractors can be classified by a number of
so that as the tooth moves buccally the head ways:
of the T can be made to remain in contact with Based on their location they can be
the crown by slightly opening the loops. classified as:
The spring is activated by pulling the free 1. Buccal—buccally placed
end of the T towards the intended direction of 2. Palatal—palatally placed.
tooth movement. Based on the presence of helix or lip they
can be classified as:
Coffin Spring 1. Canine retractor with helix
This is a removable type of arch expansion 2. Canine retractor with loop.
spring that was introduced by Walter Coffin. It Based on their mode of action they can be
is used to bring about slow dentoalveolar arch classified as:
1. Push type
2. Pull type.

U Loop Canine Retractor (Fig. 9.22)

U loop canine retractor is made of 0.6 mm
or 0.7 mm wire. It consists of a U loop, an

Figure 9.21: T-spring Figure 9.22: U loop canine retractor

360  Essentials of Orthodontics

active arm and a retentive arm which is distal.

The base of the U loop should be 2 to 3 mm
below the cervical margin. The mesial arm of
the U loop is bent at right angles and adapted
around the canine below its mesial contact
point. Mechanically it is least effective and is
used when minimal retraction of 1 to 2 mm is
required. It is activated by closing the loops by
1 to 2 mm or cutting the free end of the active
arm by 2 mm and readapting it. Advantages
of this retractor are ease in fabrication and Figure 9.24: Buccal canine retractor
less bulk.
indicated in case of buccally placed canines
Helical Canine Retractor (Fig. 9.23) and canines placed high in the vestibule. It
It is also called reverse loop canine retractor and is called self-supported because it is made
is made of 0.6 mm wire. It consists of a coil of of thicker diameter wire which can resist
3 mm diameter, an active arm (towards distortion. It is activated by closing the helix
the tissue) and a retentive arm. The mesial 1 mm at a time.
arm (retentive arm) is adapted between the
premolars. The distal arm is active and is bent Palatal Canine Retractor (Fig. 9.25)
at right angles to engage the canine below the It is made-up of 0.6 mm stainless steel wire. It
height of contour. The coil is placed 3 to 4 mm consists of a coil of 3 mm diameter, an active
below the gingival margin. arm and a guide arm. The active arm is placed
It is activated by opening the helix by 2 mesial to canine. The helix is placed along
mm or by cutting 2 mm of the free end and the long axis of the canine. It is indicated in
readapting it around the canine. It is indicated retraction of canines that are palatally placed.
in patients with shallow sulcus. Activation is done by opening the helix 2 mm
at a time.
Buccal Self-supporting Canine Retractor
(Fig. 9.24)
It is made of 0.7 mm wire. It consists of a helix of
3 mm diameter, an active arm (away from
the tissue) and a retentive arm. The coil is
placed distal to the long axis of canine. It is

Figure 9.23: Helical canine retractor Figure 9.25: Palatal canine retractor
Orthodontic Appliances  361

Figure 9.28: Mills retractor

Figure 9.26: Robert’s retractor given at the base of the ‘U’ loop to maintain
proper level of the bow.

Roberts’ Retractor (Fig. 9.26) Mills Retractor (Fig. 9.28)

A closely allied spring, developed by GH This type of labial bow having extreme looping
Roberts consists of apron spring of 0.5 mm of the wire or to increase the flexibility and
wire with open coils. The high labial arch is range of action (ability to remain active
eliminated and replaced by stainless steel overextended period of time). Indicated in
tubes (0.5 mm internal diameter) which are patients with large overjet.
placed and slipped on the spring after it has
been bent as far as the coil. Tube and wire Disadvantages
are bent together and embedded in the base 1. Difficulty in construction.
plate after passing behind the canine teeth. It 2. Poor patient acceptance due to complex
is mainly indicated in patients having severe design.
anterior proclination. As the bow is highly
flexible it generates lighter forces. 3. Screws
Screws are active components that can be
Reverse Labial Bow (Fig. 9.27) incorporated in a removable appliance. Screws
This is also called reverse loop labial bow. ‘U’ can be used to bring about many types of tooth
loops are placed distal to canine and free ends movements. The screws are activated by the
expected occlusally in mesial to first premolar. patient at regular intervals using a key that
Activation of this labial bow is done in two is supplied for this purpose. Thus appliances
steps first the ‘U’ loops is opened, with this incorporating screws are a valuable aid in
results in lowering of the labial blow in the patients who cannot visit the dentist frequently
incisor region. A compensatory bend is then for reactivation of the appliance.
Removable appliances having screws
usually consist of a split acrylic plate and
Adams’ clasp on the posterior teeth. The screw
is placed connecting the split acrylic plates.
These appli­ances can bring about various types
of tooth movements based on the location of
acrylic split, the location of the screw and the
number of screws used in the appliance (Figs
Figure 9.27: Reverse labial bow 9.29A to C).
362  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figures 9.29A to C: Jack screws

Broadly the removable appliances that inverted cone bur, the heat softened gutta-
make use of screws can bring about three types percha is pressed and a slight excess in the
of tooth movements: form of bulge is allowed to protrude from the
i. Expansion of arch. surface. It can be easily be removed or added
ii. Movement of one or a group of teeth in to by means of a hot instrument.
a buccal or labial direction.
iii. Movement of one or more teeth in a III. Base Plate (Fig. 9.30)
distal or mesial direction. The bulk of the removable appliance is made of
the acrylic base plate. The prime function of the
4. Elastics base plate is to incorporate all the components
Elastics as active components are seldom (active and retentive) together into a single
used along with removable appliances. They functional unit. The base plate also helps in
are mostly used in conjunction with fixed retention of appliance and for anchorage.
appliances. Removable appliances using
elastics for anterior retraction generally make Uses of Base Plate
use of a labial bow with hooks placed distal i. The base plate unites all the components
to the canines. Latex elastics are stretched of the appliance into one unit.
between them and lie over the incisors. The ii. Helps in anchoring the appliance in
disadvantages of such appliances are: place.
i. The elastic tends to slip gingivally and iii. It provides support for the wire com­
cause gingival trauma. ponents.
ii. Risk of the arch form getting flattened.

Pegs and Gutta-percha

Pegs and gutta-percha are attached by being
embedded in a hole in the base plate. They
are functional only when appliance is being
pressed by the teeth of the opposite jaw. After
preparing an undercut trough with large Figure 9.30: Base plate
Orthodontic Appliances  363

iv. Helps in distributing the forces over a and simpler to use. The disadvantages of cold
larger area. cure acrylic are that there is more chance of
v. Bite planes can be incorporated into porosity and it is not stable as the heat cure
the plate to treat specific orthodontic acrylic.
Delivery of Removable Appliance
Thickness of Base Plate There are a number of factors that should be
The base plate should be of minimum looked into at the time of appliance delivery,
thickness to help in patient acceptance. Thick they are:
plates are not tolerated by patients. Base 1. The tissue surfaces of the appliance should
plates of 1.5 to 2 mm thickness offer adequate not have any sharp areas or nodules.
strength and at the same time are tolerated They should be trimmed to avoid tissue
well by patients. irritation.
Requirements and choice of material for 2. The base plate may need some trimming
base plate preparation. to help in easy insertion and removal of
1. Readily cleanable by the patient and the appliance. This is mostly so in case of
remain clean in the mouth. undercuts being present.
2. Should be strong. 3. The clasps should be examined for adequate
3. Sufficiently hard to resist the abrasion. retention. If not they should be adjusted
4. The material must resist attack by the oral to engage the undercut, so as to increase
fluids and it should be of such a color that retention.
food debris is readily visible on it. 4. The active components should rest at the
5. It should readily represent the pressure desired location. They should not impinge
points. on the gingival, sulcus or the frenum.
5. The patient should be educated on how to
Extension of Base Plate insert and remove the appliance.
The maxillary base plate usually covers the 6. The active components can be activated
entire palate till the distal of the first molar. after a few days once the patient gets used
This full coverage helps in gaining adequate to the appliance.
strength. Narrow maxillary base plates
resembling a horse shoe are less stable and Instructions to the Patient
are likely to get dislodged during movements 1. Patient should be instructed on the number
of the tongue. of hours of wear. Most appliances are to be
The mandibular base plate is usually worn both day and night for 24 hours.
shallow to avoid irritation to the lingual sulcus. 2. The appliance and the teeth should be
To compensate for this it should be made cleaned after every meal. They should also
thicker to increase the strength. be cleaned before retiring to sleep.
3. The patient is asked to clean the appliance
Materials used for Base Plate using detergent solution and a brush.
The base plate is made of cold cure acrylic or While cleaning the appliance care should
heat cure acrylic. Cold cure acrylic is more be taken not to bend or dislodge any of the
frequently used as it is less time consuming components of the appliance.
364  Essentials of Orthodontics

4. In case of removable appliances that incor­ An important aspect of treatment planning

porate screws, the patient and parents is choosing an appropriate appliance for a
should be given clear instructions on how particular patient. Various types of appliances
to activate the appliance. are available from which the orthodontist has
5. The patient is instructed to report immedi­ to select the one that is most suited for the
ately to the clinic in case of appliance patient. Most malocclusions require some
damage or any other problem while form of fixed therapy for their correction.
wearing them. Unlike removable appliances that are capable
6. The patient should be instructed not to leave of only tipping type of tooth movements,
the appliance out of the mouth for a ling fixed appliances can bring about various
period of time as it increases the risk of loss other types of tooth movement including
and damage. bodily movement, rotation, tipping, intrusion,
extrusion and even root movements. Fixed
Problems during Removable appliances are therefore very versatile and can
Appliance Therapy be used to treat most malocclusions.
Oral hygiene maintenance: Patient who fails to
clean the appliance and teeth pose the risk of
gingival inflammation and hyperplasia. ADVANTAGES OF FIXED
Soft tissue irritation: Removable plates that are APPLIANCES
not trimmed and polished properly can lead to
tissue irritation and ulceration. Care should be 1. Patient cooperation is dispensed with to a
teken to avoid sharp nodules and irregularities large extent in the use of fixed appliances. The
in the appliance. In addition wire components orthodontist does not depend on the patient
that extend deep into the vestibule offer risk of for timely wear and management of the
vestibular irritation and injury. appliance.
Caries: Improper oral hygiene can result in 2. It is possible to bring about various types
caries. The appliance should be designed in of tooth movements such as tipping,
such a way that areas of food stagnation do bodily movement, rotation, intrusion and
not occur. extrusion.
Pain: Excessive forces applied by the active 3. Multiple tooth movements are possible
components can cause tenderness or even simultaneously. As many tooth movements
pain of the teeth being moved. are undertaken at the same time, the treat­
Tooth mobility: Presence of traumatic occlusion ment duration is considerably reduced.
or the use of excessive force during therapy can 4. More precise tooth movements and detai­
cause abnormal mobility of the teeth. ling of occlusion is possible using fixed
5. Fixed appliances can be used to treat most
FIXED APPLIANCES malocclusions including very complicated
Appliances that are fixed or fitted onto the teeth ones.
by the operator and cannot be removed by the 6. Fixed appliances offer better control over-
patient at will are called fixed appliances. anchorage.
Orthodontic Appliances  365

DISADVANTAGES OF FIXED of tooth movement at the same time. The

APPLIANCES various tooth movements possible using fixed
appliances are:
Although fixed appliances have a number
of advantages as compared to removable Tipping
appliances, they nevertheless have a number Tipping is the simplest type of tooth movement,
of disadvantages which include: produced by the application of a single force on
1. The most important disadvantage of a fixed the tooth crown. As a result, the crown moves
appliance is oral hygiene maintenance in the direction of the force arount a fulcrum
which becomes more difficult. Plaque and in the apical region of the root.The root apex
food debris tend to accumulate around experiences a counter reaction and moves in
the attachments and cleaning of teeth the opposite direction. Tipping type of tooth
becomes more difficult for the patient due movement can be used to treat only certain
to their entrapment around the various malocclusions. Most fixed appliances are
attachments. capable of producing tipping. However, very
2. Fixed appliances are more time cons­ rarely can a malocclusion be treated entirely
uming to fix and adjust. Thus they take by tipping movements.
up more chair side time unlike removable
appliances which can be fabricated at the Bodily Movement
laboratory. Bodily tooth movement implies an equal
3. Fixed appliances are more conspicuous movement of both the crown as well as the root
than removable appliances. Unless modern in the same direction. Certain fixed appliances
tooth colored appliances are used, they are capable of bodily movement.
may not be pleasing esthetically.
4. Fixed orthodontic appliances require sp­e­cial Torquing
training of the operator and are invariably Torquing implies root movements in the labial
handled by specialized orthodo­ntist. or lingual direction. It is possible to move the
5. Damaged appliances that apply misdirected roots in a labial or lingual direction using fixed
forces cannot be removed by the patient. appliances.
6. The patient has to visit the orthodontist at
regular intervals. Uprighting
7. Fixed appliances are by far more expensive Uprighting refers to mesiodistal movement of
than removable appliances. the roots. Finer detailing of roots by moving
8. Unless the treatment is done be a skilled them mesiodistally can be brought about by
operator who has been trained to use fixed fixed appliances.
appliances, there is a greater possibility of
producing adverse tooth movements. Rotations
Teeth that are rotated around their long axes
Tooth Movement Possible by can be derotated using fixed appliances. The
Fixed Appliances degree of rotational control possible with fixed
A great advantage of fixed appliance is their appliances is not possible using removable
ability to bring about more than one type appliances.
366  Essentials of Orthodontics

Extrusion and Intrusion occlusal forces than bonded attachments.

Extrusion and intrusion refer to vertical In addition, bonding needs thorough
movement of teeth along their long axis. moisture control which is not possible in
Extrusion and to a lesser extent intrusion of the posterior teeth.
teeth of groups of teeth is possible using fixed 2. It is preferable to band a tooth that requires
appliances. buccal as well as lingual attachments.
3. Bands are better likely to resist heavy forces,
Method of Fixing Attachments as in the case of extraoral devices such as
onto the Teeth headgears.
The various attachments that are used in 4. Although it is possible to bone attachments
fixed appliance therapy such as brackets and on teeth that have porcelain or gold
molar tubes can be fixed directly onto the restorations or crowns, banding is preferred
teeth with composite adhesives or can be in these cases.
attached to metallic bands that are cemented 5. It is preferable to band teeth that show
onto the teeth. The method of fixing the recurrent breakage of the bonded attach­
attachments directly to the teeth is called ments due to bond failure.
bonding. Whenever, the attachments are fixed 6. It is preferable to use banded attachments
to bands which are cemented around the teeth, whenever they are likely to contact the
the technique is referred to as banding. opposing dentition when the jaws are

BANDING Steps in Banding

Separation of teeth: Due to the presence of
Banding involves the use of thin stainless steel tight inter- dental contact between the teeth;
strips called bands that are pinched tightly it may not be possible to force the band past
around the teeth and then cemented to the the contact area. It is not advisable to force the
teeth. The stainless steel tape is available band through a tight interdental contact as it is
in different widths and thicknesses to suit uncomfortable for the patient and also difficult
different teeth. While the molar band material for the operator. Tight contacts should hence
is wide and stiffer, the anterior band material be broken using tooth separators prior to band
is relatively thinner and narrower in width. pinching. Most separators have to be left in
The outer surface of the band material is the mouth for 24 hours or more to bring about
smooth and glossy while the inner surface is sufficient separation of the interdental contact.
comparatively rough and dull, so as to aid in
retention of the cement. Types of Bands
1. Custom made bands
Indications 2. Preformed bands.
The following are some of the situations where
banding is preferred: Custom Made Bands
1. Banding is preferred overbonding in case Selection of band material: Based on which
of posterior teeth. The banded attach­ tooth is being banded; the band material of
ments are better capable of resisting appropriate thickness and width is selected.
Orthodontic Appliances  367

Pinching of the band: Band material of adequate med seemless bands are now available in
length is taken and the two ends are tack various sizes. They have eliminated the need
welded together. The band is passed through to pinch custom made bands.
the separated interdental contact around the
tooth to be banded. Using band pinching
pliers, the band is tightly drawn around the BONDING
tooth to form a ring. The neck of the band is
spot welded to retain the tight fit. The excess The method of fixing attachments directly
band material is them cut off and the ends are over the enamel using adhesive resing is
adapted close to the band. The bent portion is called bonding. The elimination of bands
spot welded and the gingival margins of the greatly enhances esthetics and oral hygiene
band are trimmed to conform to the contour of maintenance and has led to its popularity
the gingival margin. The weld spots and rough overbanding.
margins are then smoothed and polished.
Types of Bonding
Preformed Bands 1. Direct bonding: Bonding the brackets
Preformed bands are available in various sizes. directly onto the tooth.
Proper size of band should be selected by trial 2. Indirect bonding: Bonding the brackets to
and error method by placing the bands on the the model and transferring it to the tooth.
models till they fit snugly.
Fixing the attachments: Once the band Advantages
pinching is completed or proper preformed Bonding offers numerous advantages over-
band is selected, the appropriate attachments banding which can be listed as:
are fixed onto the band. The attachments 1. It is esthetically superior.
include brackets for the anterior teeth and 2. It is faster to bond than to pinch bands
buccal or molar tubes for the posterior teeth. around teeth.
These attachments are fixed to the band by spot 3. It enables maintenance of better oral
welding or by soldering. hygiene.
Cementation of the band: The final step involves 4. It is possible to bone on teeth that have
cementation of the band around the tooth. The aberrant shapes or forms. It might be
inner surface of the band is rough in order to impossible to band such teeth.
aid in retention. A well-pinched band is one 5. It is easier to bond than band in case of
that has adequate retention even without the partially erupted and fractured teeth.
use of cement. Nevertheless, cementation is 6. The risk of caries under loose bands is
required to eliminate the space between the eliminated.
band and tooth into which cariogenic material 7. Interproximal areas are accessible for
may seep in and stagnate. restoration and proximal stripping.
During cementation, adequate moisture
control is necessary by means of saliva eje­ Disadvantages
ctors and cotton rolls. Cements that can be 1. Bonded attachments are weaker than
used include zinc phosphate, zinc polycar­ banded attachments and hence are more
boxylate, glass ionomer cement, etc. Pre­for­ prone to bond failure.
368  Essentials of Orthodontics

2. Bonding involves etching of the enamel bracker is placed on the tooth and is firmly
with an acid which may lead to enamel loss pressed into position. Excessive adhesive that
and an increased risk of demineralization. appears as flash is removed using a scaler. The
3. Enamel fracture can occur during debon­ bond is allowed to strengthen for a period of
ding. time before placing the arch wires.
Bondings are two types:
1. Direct bonding: It refers to the direct place­ Debonding
ment of brackets onto the etched enamel. The removal of brackets and adhesive without
The direct bonding is the most popular altering the enamel surface at the end of fixed
method for its simplicity and reliability. orthodontic treatment is called debonding.
2. Indirect bonding: It refers to the technique
where brackets are first positioned on study Methods of Debonding
casts with a water-soluble adhesive and 1. The use of pistol grip debonding instru­ments
then transferred to the mouth with custom that are positioned over the brackets with
tray. One main advantage of indirect its jaws aligned horizontally. Debonding
bonding is that bracket placement is more occurs when the handles are sqeezed.
accurate. 2. A sharp edged instrument may be placed at
the enamel adhesive interface to produce
Steps in Bonding the wedging effect by application of little
Bonding is done in following steps: force for debonding.
Moisture control: The crowns of the teeth to 3. Ultrasonic scaler or electrothermal debon­
be bonded are cleaned using pumice and der may be used to debond the fixed
bristle brush so as to remove plaque and other appliances.
organic debris present on the enamel surface. 4. Recently laser debonding have been
After thorough cleaning, the teeth are washed introd­uced to heat up the composite and
with low pressure water spray combined with debond the fixed appliances.
high volume suction is used and dried. During
the bonding procedure, adequate moisture
control should be maintained by the use of COMPONENTS OF FIXED
saliva ejectors and cotton rolls. ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES
Acid etching: 35 to 37% unbuffered phosphoric
acid in gel or liquid form is used to etch The components of fixed appliance can be
enamel. This etching is usually done for 15 to broadly classified as active components and
30 seconds (60–120 sec for deciduous tooth) passive components:
after which the etchant is washed off with I. Active components:
water. The properly etched surface should 1. Arch wires
have a lightly frosted, mattle, dull, or whitish 2. Springs
appearance. The teeth are then dried and once 3. Elastics
again isolated using fresh cotton rolls. 4. Separators.
Application of primer: Sealant is applied onto II. Passive components:
the etched enamel surface. 1. Bands
Bonding: Adequate quantity of bonding adhe­ 2. Brackets
sive is placed on the base of the brackets. The 3. Buccal tubes
Orthodontic Appliances  369

4. Lingual attachments
5. Lock pins
6. Ligature wires.


Arch Wires (Figs 9.31 to 9.34)

Arch wires are one of the active components of
fixed appliances. They can bring about various
tooth movements through the medium of
brackets and buccal tubes which act as handles
on the teeth.
Figure 9.33: Round wire

Figure 9.34: Square wire

Figure 9.31: Co-axial wire

In early days (prior to 1940), pure gold arch

wires are used. Their high cost and mechanical
inefficiency led to the used of stainless steel
arch wires. In the 1970s and 80s, number of
titanium based arch wires were introduced
into orthodontics. These arch wires exhibit
superior elastic properties. A number of
multistranded arch wires are also being used

Elastics and Elastomerics

Elastics are routinely used as active compo­
nents of fixed orthodontic appliances. The
Figure 9.32: Rectangular wire elastic products used in orthodontics include
370  Essentials of Orthodontics

in treatment of Class III malocclusion to bring

about mesial movement of upper buccal teeth
and retraction of lower anteriors.
Crossbite elastics: They are through the bite
intermaxillary elastics used to treat molar
cross- bites. They extend between the palatal
surface of the upper molar and the buccal
surface of lower molar or vice versa.
Box elastics: This form of elastic is used to
correct anterior open bites. Elastic is stretched
between the upper and lower anteriors like a
box. The open bite gets corrected by forced
Figure 9.35: Elastics
eruption of the upper and lower anteriors.

Elastic Chains (E-chains) (Fig. 9.36)

simple elastics, elastic chains, elastic thread They are elastics that are available as long
and elastic modules. chains of interconnected rings. They are usually
made of synthetic polyurethane material and
Elastics (Fig. 9.35) are available in different forms based on the
They are elastics that resemble a rubber band. distance between the rings. E-chains are
They are made of latex rubber and are available used in the closure of space between teeth by
in various diameters. The force applied by stretching the rings between them.
these elastics depends upon their diameter.
They are color coded for easy identification. Elastic Thread
Elastics are used in orthodontics for a Elastic thread is made of a core of latex rubber,
number of purposes such as closure of space, surrounded by a sleeve of woven silk and is
to correct open bites, treatment of cross bite available in a spool. It is cut to desired length and
and to correct interarch relationship. The ties between two teeth or two groups of teeth to
follow­ing are some of the applications of close space. They can also be used to derotate
elastics: a tooth.
Class I elastics: They are intraarch elastics
stretched between the molars and the Elastic Modules (Figs 9.37A and B)
anteriors. They are generally used for closure They are made of two elastic rings separated
of space and retraction of teeth. by a variable distance. Elastic modules are
Class II elastics: They are intermaxillary elastics available in various sizes based on the interring
stretched between the lower molars and the
upper anteriors. They are used in the treatment
of Class II malocclusion. They bring about
reduction of upper anterior proclination and
mesial movement of the lower molars.
Class III elastics: They are intermaxillary
elastics which are stretched between the upper
molars and the lower anteriors. They are used Figure 9.36: Elastic chains
Orthodontic Appliances  371

Figures 9.37A and B: Elastic modules

distance. They are generally used to close space

and for derotation of teeth. B C
Figures 9.39A and B: Torquing springs
Springs are the other active components that
can be used to bring about various tooth
movements. The following springs are used in
fixed appli­ances.
Uprighting springs: They are springs which Figure 9.40: Open coil springs
move the root in a mesial or distal direction
(Figs 9.38A to C).
Torquing springs: They are springs which move
the root in a lingual or palatal direction (Figs
9.39A and B). A
Open coil springs: They are springs that are
compressed between two teeth to open up
space between them (Fig. 9.40).
Closed coil spring: They are stretched between
teeth to close space (Figs 9.41A and B).
Separators Figures 9.41A and B: Closed coil springs
In many patients the presence of a tight inter­
dental contact results in difficulties during banding. While attempting to pass a band
through the interdental contact, the band
tends to get distorted. In addition, the patient
may experience some amount of discomfort.
The teeth should therefore be separated
to break the tight interdental contact. This
is usually achieved using various types of
Figures 9.38A to C: Uprighting springs separators available.
372  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figures 9.42A to C: Placement of brass separators

Brass Wire Separators

(Figs 9.42A to C) C D
Figures 9.44A to D: Kesling’s spring separators
Soft brass wire of 0.5 or 0.6 mm diameter is
passed around the contact and the ends are
twisted together. The ends are cut short and Spring Separators (Kesling’s
are tucked between the teeth. Separator) (Figs 9.44A to D)
They are the springs made of 0.018 or 0.020
Ring Separators (Fig. 9.43) inch stainless steel wire used in separation.
They are small elastic rings that are passed
through the contact using special pliers. The
stre­tched elastic ring encircles the interdental II. PASSIVE COMPONENTS
contact and as it contracts, the teeth are separ­
ated. Bands (Fig. 9.45)
Bands are passive components that help in
Dumb-bell Separators fixing the various attachments onto the teeth.
It is a dumb-bell-shaped piece of elastic that is They are available in various sizes to suit
stretched and passed through the interdental different teeth. They are made of soft stainless
contact. The stretched separator tries to regain steel. The attachments like molar tubes and
its original length and in doing so brings about brackets are soldered or welded over these
separation of teeth. bands which are cemented in position around
the teeth.

Figure 9.43: Elastic ring separators Figure 9.45: Bands

Orthodontic Appliances  373

Brackets control overtooth movement and do not per­

Brackets act as handles to transmit the force mit tipping of teeth.
from the active components to the teeth.
Brackets have one or move slots that accept Weldable and Bondable Brackets
the arch wire. There are a number of bracket As mentioned earlier of this chapter, the bracket
designs available. Brackets can be classified in can be either bonded directly onto the teeth
a number of ways. using bonding adhesives or they can be welded
Classification of brackets according to the on bands which in turn are cemented around
type of slot: the teeth. Brackets that are bonded directly
1. Ribbon arch brackets over the enamel are called bonded brackets,
2. Edgewise brackets. while those that are welded or soldered over
Classification based on mode of attachment bands are called weldable brackets. The under
to teeth: surface of bondable brackets has a meshwork
1. Weldable brackets or grooves to help in interlocking with the
2. Bondable brackets. adhesive. Weldable brackets have a metal
Classification based on the material used flange that can be welded to the band.
to fabricate the bracket:
1. Metallic brackets Metallic Brackets
2. Ceramic brackets Most brackets in current use are of the metallic
3. Plastic brackets. variety. Of these stainless steel brackets are
Classification based on ligation of arch most commonly used. The advantages of metal
wires: brackets include:
1. Conventional brackets i. They can be recycled
2. Self-ligating brackets. ii. They can be sterilized
iii. They resist deformation and fracture
Ribbon Arch Brackets iv. They exhibit the least friction at the wire
They are brackets which possess a vertical bracket interface
slot facing the occlusal or gingival direction. v. They are not very expensive.
The slot is also narrow mesiodistally. The kind The disadvantages of metal brackets are:
of bracket is used with round wires to bring i. They are esthetically not pleasing. The
about tipping of teeth in labiolingual as well patient tends to have a metallic smile.
as mesiodistal direction. Ribbon arch brackets ii. They can corrode and cause staining of
are used in the Begg’s fixed appliance. teeth.

Edgewise Brackets Ceramic Brackets

Brackets used in the edgewise and straight wire Ceramic brackets were introduced to orthod­
technique have a horizontal slot facing labially. ontics in the late 1980s. They are made of
These brackets with rectangular slots are so alum­­i­n um oxide or zirconium oxide. The
called because they accept wires of rectangular advan­tages of ceramic brackets are:
dross-section with the larger dimension being i. They are dimensionally stable and do
horizontal. These brackets provide greater not distort in oral cavity.
374  Essentials of Orthodontics

ii. They are durable and resist staining in

the oral cavity.
The disadvantages of ceramic brackets are:
i. They are very brittle and therefore
fracture or crack when undue forces are
ii. To compensate for their brittleness, their
size is increased which tends to increase
their bulk.
iii. They exhibit greater friction at the wire
bracket interface than metallic brackets.

Plastic Brackets
Most of the plastic brackets are made of polycar­
bonate or a modified form of polycarbonate.
These plastic brackets were introduced to
improve the esthetic value of the appliance.
Plastic brackets are available in tooth colored Figure 9.46: Lingual attachments
or transparent forms.
The disadvantages of plastic brackets are:
i. They tend to discolor particularly in attachments available that can be fixed on
patients who smoke or drink coffee. the lingual aspect and are called lingual
ii. They offer poor dimensional stability. attachments. They are usually required for
iii. Their slot tends to distort. engaging elastics.
iv. The friction between plastic brackets Examples of lingual attachments include,
and metal arch wire is very high. lingual buttons, lingual cleats, eyelets and ball end
Buccal Tubes
Brackets are usually fixed on the anterior Ligature Wires
teeth and premolars. The attachment that is They are soft stainless steel wires of 0.009 to
generally used on molars is the buccal tube or 0.011 inch diameter and are used to secure
the molar tube. The buccal tube can be weldable the arch wire to the brackets. This process
or bondable. Buccal tubes can be round or of securing the arch wire to the brackets is
rectangular in cross-section. The buccal tube called ligation. Ligation is usually necessary
may sometimes have double or triple tubes. in edgewise type of brackets that have labially
These additional tubes are for additional arch facing slot.
wires and for extraoral anchorage (face bow).
Lock Pins (Fig. 9.47)
Lingual Attachments (Fig. 9.46) They are small pins that are used to secure the
Brackets and buccal tubes are attached on the arch wire to brackets with vertical slots such as
labial or buccal aspect of the teeth. Sometimes ribbon arch brackets. The lock pins are usually
it may be necessary to have attachments on made of brass and they are available in various
the lingual side as well. There are various shapes to control the tooth movement.
Orthodontic Appliances  375

Figure 9.47: Lock pins Figures 9.48A and B: Pin and tube appliance

FIXED APPLIANCE TECHNIQUES In 1925, Edward H Angle introduced the

ribbon arch appliance. This was the first
Over the years a number of fixed appliance appliance to use a true bracket having a vertical
tech­n­i­ques have evolved. It is not within the slot facing occlusally. Angle used gold arch
scope of this book to discuss in detail the wires and lock pins with this technique. The
various techniques as numerous philosophies ribbon arch technique enabled rotation control
and mechanical principles are involved. Thus as well as buccal lingual and incisogingival
the discussion is limited to few of the more tooth movement. However, mesiodistal tipping
popular techniques that have been widely used movements were considered difficult with this
by the practitioners. technique.
Pierre Fauchard in 1726 deviced the first
orthodontic appliance to expand the dental Edgewise Appliance
arch. The concept of fixing orthodontic (Figs 9.49A and B)
attachments to teeth took a definite shape in Angle’s last contribution to orthodontics was
the late nineteenth century. Edward H Angle the introduction of the edgewise technique
introduced the E-arch or the expansion arch in 1928. He diviced a metal bracket having a
in the late 1800. The appliance used bands on rectangular slot of 0.022” × 0.028” dimension
the molars with an expansion arch threaded facing labially. This slot received a rectangular
to the buccal aspect of the molar bands.
In 1912, Edward H Angle introduced
the pin and tube appliance. The appliance
consisted of bands with a vertical tube placed
on all teeth. The arch wire carried soldered
pins that inserted into the vertical tubes.
Tooth movement was achieved by altering the A B
placement of these pins (Figs 9.48A and B). Figures 9.49A and B: Edgewise appliance
376  Essentials of Orthodontics

arch wire of 0.022” × 0.028” dimension. The cases for better stability. He also introduced
wire is inserted into the bracket with the the concept of anchorage preparation wherein
narrow dimension placed occlusogingivally. the terminal molars were initially tipper
This mode of insertion of the wire is called distally to better resist the traction forces that
edgewise and therefore the technique was were used in the later stages. Over the years a
called edgewise technique. The unique number of modifications have been proposed
feature of having a rectangular arch wire in in this technique.
a rectangular slot enabled control of tooth
movement in all the three planes of space. Begg’s Technique (Figs 9.50A to D)
For this purpose Angle described the use of an Raymond P Begg received his training in
ideal arch wire that incorporated certain bends orthodontics from the Angle school during
called the first, second and third order bends. the early 1900s. He later returned to Australia
The first order bends or in-out bends are in 1925 and practiced the edgewise technique.
placed to compensate for differences in the In the mean time Begg modified the Angle’s
buccolingual prominence of the teeth. They ribbon arch technique and introduced the
comprise of the lateral inset, the canine offset Begg light wire differential force technique.
and the molar offset. The second order bends This appliance used the concept of differential
are placed to achieve correct mesiodistal force and tipping of teeth rather than bodily
axial inclination of teeth. They comprise of movement. The Begg appliance used high
the tipback bends placed in the posterior strength stainless steel wires along with a
segments. The third order bends or torqueses number of auxillaries and springs to achieve
are placed to get correct buccolingual position the desired tooth movement.
by moving the roots. They are placed by The treatment using Begg appliance is
twisting the arch wires. carried out in three different stages. Stage
The advantages of the edgewise technique one is concerned with alignment, correction
includes: of crowding, rotation correction, closure of
i. Ability to move teeth in all the three anterior spaces and achieving an edge-to-edge
planes of space anterior bite. In the stage two the remaining
ii. Good control over tooth movement extraction spaces are closed while maintaining
iii. Bodily tooth movement is possible the previous corrections that have been achi­
iv. Precise finishing is possible eved. In the final stage uprighting and torq­
The disadvantages of the edgewise tech­ uing is carried out to achieve normal axial
nique include: inclination of the teeth.
i. The need to apply heavy forces
ii. The need for complex wire bending
iii. Increased friction between the arch-
wire and the bracket
iv. The need for extraoral forces for ancho­
v. Difficulty to open deep bites.
Charles H Tweed modified this technique A B C D
and advocated extraction of teeth in selected Figures 9.50A to D: Begg’s appliance
Orthodontic Appliances  377

The advantages of the Begg appliance Combination Techniques

include: The Begg and edgewise techniques are
i. The use of light forces which are within fundamentally different in their mechanical
the physiological limits. approaches to treatment. The free tipping
ii. Relatively continuous force application. which allows rapid correction of crowding and
iii. Minimal friction between the wire and the ability to use accessory springs to achieve
the brackets. apical movement are some advantages of
iv. Rapid alignment and overbite correction. Begg technique. The wide edgewise brackets
v. The appliance does not strain the restricts tipping, but the close fit of edgewise
anchorage. arch in the bracket channel allows precise final
vi. Extraoral forces were not required to control of tooth position.
conserve anchorage. In order to achieve advantages of both
the systems, attempts have been made to
Tweed Technique unite them into a single technique with the
Charles H Tweed was the first person to use simplicity and precision of edgewise brackets
the edgewise appliance in conjunction with and rectangular arch wire combination, and
extrac­tion, and this treatment method has the rapid unraveling which is seen when using
been the classic edgewise technique for many light forces of Begg mechanism.
years. At the diagnosis and treatment planning In light wire appliance described by Jarabak
stage, considerable emphasis is placed on the the bracket used is basically of edgewise type,
use of serial cephalometric radiographs to incorporating a rectangular arch wire channel.
identify the facial growth trend. The concept However, a large part of treatment is achieved
of ideal arch form was used as a basis for using small diameter light wires incorporating
arch wire design. Assurate measurements of carefully positioned vertical and horizontal
arch length and tooth width are taken. These loops and helices. The anterior teeth carry
measurements are used to construct Bonwill modified brackets with vertical slots enabling
Hawley arch graph which is then used as a round arch wire to produce tipping, rotation
template for successive arch wire fabrication. and bodily movement.
Single 0.022 inch slot edgewise brackets
were used with mesial and distal eyelets to Labiolingual Technique
facilitate rotation and molars bands were fitted As described by Trapley, Mershon developed
with rectangular tubes. Round arch wires were this technique with relatively rigid mandibular
used initially inorder to facilitate leveling and and maxillary lingual arches attached to molar
correction of gross displacements. bands. These arches carried springs similar to
One of the important concepts of this modern removable appliances. The lower arch
technique was that anchorage preparation in was used for tooth movement in the upper
which extraoral forces and class III traction arch by means of class II elastic traction. From
was used to prepare the lower arch as a site a mechanical point of view the labiolingual
for anchorage. Relatively rigid arch wires were technique as it is called offered much less
used both for canine retraction and overjet control over tooth position than edgewise
reduction. technique. At the present time, the labiolingual
378  Essentials of Orthodontics

appliances have been largely superseded by Because of many adjuncts used and the possible
the modern straight wire appliances. combination of arch wires, the appliance is very
versatile. Its greatest advantage would seem to
Lingual Appliance be its value in treat­ment of permanent dentition
In 1976, Craven Kurz submitted specific design than mixed dentition.
and concept of the unique lingual appliance.
The routine use of banded attachments has Tip Edge Technique
enabled the development of appliance used Kesling describes the tip edge brackets as
on lingual and palatal aspects of teeth. The dynamic in action. This facilitates both appli­
main attraction of this appliance is cosmetic ance manipul­ation and tooth movement.
and they may be indicated in adult patients. The progressi­vely increasing control is partly
A number of differing attachments have been automatic because of the design of the arch
developed and are based on principles that wire slot and is partly selective due to the
apply in normal fixed appliance technique. application of a unique elastomeric tip edge
Both edgewise and Begg based methods of ring, an uprighting spring, and a rectangular
treatment are used. The main problems with arch wire. The initial use of a 0.016 inch round,
this appliance are that it interferes with speech high tensile arch wire permits tipping in all
after it is first fitted and is much more difficult directions yet provides rotational control.
to clean than the conventional appliance. The Therefore, the tooth crown can move along
considerable disadvantage from orthodontists individual path of least resistance in response
point of view is that the access is extremely to relatively light forces generated by the arch
difficult, both from the aspect of initial wires and elastics. Subsequent use of larger
banding and for changing arch wires. It is (0.022”) arch wires provide increased vertical
therefore a time consuming appliance. Both and horizontal fixation during space closure
the edgewise and the Begg principles can be and major root uprighting.
employed in treatment. Lingual appliances
are highly esthetic but have the disadvantage Straight Wire Appliance
of poor access and difficulty in speech and (Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance)
maintaining the oral hygiene. (Figs 9.51A and B)
The straight wire technique is a recent modific­
Universal Appliance ation of the edgewise appliance introduced by
It is the design of Spencer Atkinson. It is a Lawrance F Andrews in the 1970s based on his
multibanded precision appliance consisting six keys to normal occlusion. The basic concept
of one flat 0.012 × 0.028 inch and one round was to program the brackets to have the first,
0.014 inch wire used in combination. The flat second and third order components so that
wire is placed incisally. At different stages of
treatment, various combinations of round and
flat wires may be used according to the type of
movements desired. The control provided by
the bracket in three planes of space is such that
canines can be retracted bodily with a minimum
of mechanical effort and maximum of control. A B
The wires are held in place by a small lock pins. Figures 9.51A and B: Preadjusted edgewise appliance
Orthodontic Appliances  379

the wire need not have any complex bending the surface energy of enamel, making the
as required in edgewise appliance. Thus, the bacterial colonization unfavorable. This effect,
straight wire technique made it possible to along with the well-substantiated biologic
substantially reduce the wire bending required action of fluorides, may further support the
and also enabled good finishing of cases. role of surface physical properties on oral
microbiota attachment.
It is likely that the regulatory effect of
ORAL HYGIENE IN FIXED sub­strate surface properties is critical during
APPLIANCE TREATMENT the early stages of bacterial adhesion; once
attachment is established; additional factors
Once the orthodontic fixed appliances are may dictate further colonization.
placed, the patient needs to be instructed in Since, it has been proposed that streptococci
how to manage the new oral environment and bind to specific receptor sites available in
how to maintain the health of the dental and salivary constituents, decreased wettability
periodontal structures. may inhibit direct adhesion and colonization
of bacteria onto appliances.
Microbiology of Orthodontic
Appliances Caries and Decalcification during
Clinical reports have shown that patients Orthodontic Therapy
who receive orthodontic treatment are more Properly made orthodontic bands are caries
susceptible to enamel white spot formation. resistant. Food debris and white spots must be
Metallic orthodontic brackets have also been removed. Sometimes areas of decalcification
found to inflict ecologic changes in the oral are found on the teeth. Protection of enamel
environment, such as decreased pH and by topical application of fluoride is used.
increased plaque accumul­ation. Changes Recementations of loose and deformed bands
manifested in the oral flora included elevated are done immediately and any impingement
Streptococcus mutans coloni­zation, imposing on gingival tissues are to be relieved.
a potential risk for enamel decal­cification.
In general, adhesion of microorganisms Periodontal Problems
to surfaces is a result of specific lectin-like Mild to moderate gingivitis is common in most
reactions, electrostatic interactions, and van of the cases treated with fixed orthodontic
der Waals forces. Although it is clear that initial appliances. They usually appear within 4
attachment is an important factor governing weeks of starting the treatment and persist
fur­ther colonization, the mechanisms of the till the appliance removal. Alveolar bone loss
attachment and those of subsequent adhe­ is also one of the problems associated with
sion may differ significantly. Specifically, a fixed appliances and they commonly occur
significant correlation between the surface free in the extraction sites. These periodontal
energy of a material and its plaque-retaining problems are usually prevented by proper oral
capacity has been established, with the hygiene instructions and patient education.
higher energies showing a favorable effect on Routine prophylactic scaling procedures are
bacterial adherence. Also, topical application to be carried out till the end of the orthodontic
of fluoride solutions has been proven to reduce treatment.
380  Essentials of Orthodontics

Traumatic Ulcerations (brushes with the middle row of bristles shorter

Traumatic ulcerations in the gums, lips, cheeks than the outer rows) may be more effective.
and tongue are one of the most common Motivated patients usually develop a high
problems associated with fixed orthodontic personal preference to brush head size and
appliances. Bands, arch wires, lock pins shape, handle and design. Electronic powered
and brackets are common causes for these tooth brushes can be used for uncooperative
traumatic ulcerations. Nickel sensitivity or physically or mentally challenged patients.
should be ruled out before these traumatic Emphasize patient on cleaning behind arch
ulcerations are treated. Management of these wires and interproximal areas by attempting
ulcerations includes applications of analgesic to get bristles into these areas. The modified
and anti-inflammatory agents over the ulcers, bass method, with the bristles at 45o angle to
local anesthetics can also be used for relief of the sulcus is only necessary for adults with
pain. Sharp ends of the fixed appliance must deepened pockets. Patient is asked to vibrate
be trimmed off and the distal ends of the arch gently in one place and avoid scrubbing,
wires are cut. Relief silicons or relief waxes which can cause cervical abrasion and gingival
are used over the sharp edges to prevent any recession. Tooth brushes are let to airdry
further damage to the ulcers. Relief silicon is for 24 hours between uses. Let the patients
preferred over relief wax as it does not melt demonstrate the efficiency of brushing at
or freeze or dry out with change in storing each regular visit until they have mastered
temperature. the technique. The patient must know when
appliances are clean by looking in the mirror.
Oral Hygiene Plaque removal effectiveness is checked every
Proper oral hygiene during orthodontic visit, and additional methods to improve oral
therapy cannot be overemphasized. Combined hygiene such as flossing can be advocated.
effect of orthodontist, dentist, hygienist, parent
and patient to establish proper oral hygiene Mouthwashes
is important. The patient must be visiting In addition to the tooth brushes, patients
dentist every three months. Radiographs must can use a number of agents to help improve
be taken to note any decalcification and root their gingival health; they are Stannous
resorption. fluoride gels, Listerine rinse, tryclosan,
If gingival inflammation occurs it must be chlorhexidine rinses, and other antiplaque
detected early and it must be controlled careful agents. Stannous fluorides are effective against
scaling, root planning, removal of debris gingivitis, and are anticariogenic. Listerine
from pockets and actual removal of fibrous oils can be used twice daily for 1 minute.
proliferation must be done. Cases of vitamin Tryclosan has mild antigingivitis effect, good
deficiency and dilating hyperplasia are treated taste and supragingival calculus control,
appropriately. and tryclosan containing toothpastes can
be routinely recomm­ended for orthodontic
Tooth Brushing patients. Chlorhexidine is the best for optimum
Tooth brushes used should have soft bristles management of severe gingivitis in adolescent
with rounded ends to minimize gingival and orthodontic patients, they are also useful in
tooth abrasion. Orthodontic tooth brushes patients after orthognathic surgery, it can be
Orthodontic Appliances  381

used twice daily and the main problem with The hypersensitivity reaction to nickel is
chlorhexidine is the ability to stain the tooth. due to a direct relationship with the presence
Other antiplaque agents such as baking of this metal in the environment, and may be
soda toothpaste, alkaloid sanguinaria, and caused by ingestion or direct contact with the
peroxide showed mild antigingivitis effect are skin and/or mucosa. It is estimated that 4.5% of
rarely used. the population have hypersensitivity to nickel,
A final effective method for home care for with a higher prevalence in females.
patients in periodontal maintenance is the use Hypersensitivity to nickel in females
of an oral irrigator with regular tap water at high is thought to be related to environmental
pressure with a conventional irrigator tip. If exposure as a result of contact with detergents,
gingival bleeding on probing persists, a way of jewelry, earrings, and other metallic objects. In
enhancing the effect of oral irrigation would males, the hypersensitivity is usually related to
be to add two capfuls of chlorhexidine rinse occupational exposure, especially in industries
to approximately 150 ml of water and irrigate that use nickel as raw material. Environmental
the pockets directly using a specially modified exposure may also result from contact with
irrigating tip. wristwatches, metal buttons, metallic frames
of glasses, buckles, and other metallic objects.
Nickel Hypersensitivity It is thought that the frequency of hyper­
Various wires are used in orthodontics, such sensitivity reaction should increase in patients
as stainless steel, cobalt-chromium, nickel- with prosthodontic or orthodontic appliances,
titanium, and beta-titanium; the majority of especially those made of nickel-titanium
these alloys have nickel as one of their compo­ alloys. The longer the exposure to this metal,
nents. The percentage of this metal in the alloys the larger the risk of sensitization. The age
varies from 8%, as in stainless steel, up to more range affected by the hypersensitivity reaction
than 50%, as in the nickel-titanium alloys. is between 10 and 20 years, which correspond
The association of different metals in the oral to the period in which orthodontic treatment
environment, where saliva is the connecting is usually undertaken. However, there is no
medium, may produce electrogalvanic evidence that stainless steel orthodontic
currents that produce a discharge of ions and appliances produce this type of allergic
metallic compounds when combined with the reaction.
chemically corroded metal. These products Patients under orthodontic treatment
may be swallowed or may become attached may constitute an important clinical model to
to the mucosal or dental surfaces. Masticatory evaluate whether direct contact with nickel-
forces may also produce a discharge of these containing metallic alloys may sensitize or
ions, as a result of wearing restorations. The aggravate pre-existing allergic reactions or
discharge of nickel ions, which is a strong whether the elimination of this contact may
immunologic sensitizer, may result in contact decrease an allergic reaction.
382  Essentials of Orthodontics


10 Orthopedics

ORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCES should be given to the amount of force applied

In orthodontic practice forces employed are and the duration of force.
basically of two types. One is an orthodontic
force that moves teeth efficiently and the other Amount of Force
an orthopedic force that affects the deeper Heavy forces of over 400 gm totally compress
craniofacial structures. Orthodontic forces the periodontal ligament on the pressure side
are those that are applied to the teeth by and cause hyalinization which prevents tooth
means of wires and other active components movement. These heavy forces are conducted
of a removable or fixed appliance. The forces to the skeletal structures to produce an
produced by these appliances are light and orthopedic effect.
range from 50 to 100 gm. The orthopedic
forces on the other hand are heavy forces of Duration of Force
over 400 gm. Intermittent forces ranging from 12 to 14 hours
a day are believed to bring about minimum
tooth movement but maximum skeletal
BASIS FOR ORTHOPEDIC change. Thus most extraoral orthopedic appli­
APPLIANCES ances are worn 12 to 14 hours a day. Increase
in the duration of wear results in an increase
Forces applied to the teeth have the potential in the dental effects.
to radiate outwards and affect the nearby
skeletal structures. For such skeletal changes Components of Extraoral Appliance
to occur, the forces employed should be over Basically the extraoral orthopedic appliance
400 gm. Thus the orthopedic appliances utilize consists of three elements:
the teeth as handles to transmit the forces I. Force delivery unit: Face bow, J hooks,
to the adjacent skeletal structures. In order chin cup, removable appliance, fixed
to produce skeletal changes, consideration appliance, etc.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  383

II. Force generating unit: Extraoral elastics, 3. Root length: Deeper the root is embedded,
springs, bands, force modules, etc. stronger will be its resistance to dislodge­
III. Anchor unit: Headcaps, neck straps, face ment.
masks, etc. 4. Position of tooth in dental arch: Position
of tooth offers resistance, e.g. mandibular
Concepts of Extraoral Anchorage second molars are located between two
Certain extraoral areas can be utilized as ridges of basal bone, mesial to retromolar
sources of anchorage to bring about orthod­ fossa of mandible.
ontic or orthopedic changes. 5. Inclination of tooth: When the axial inclin­
Intraoral appliances must depend at least ation is in a direction opposite to the force
on adjacent teeth for anchorage, thus causing acting upon it, offers a great resistance to
unwanted movement of the anchorage teeth. dislodgement.
In order to eliminate this problem, extraoral 6. Mutual support: In addition to resistance
anchorage can be used. offered by an individual tooth, each tooth
is supported by contact with tooth on either
Indications for use of side.
Extraoral Force No tooth can be considered as an anchorage
1. Reinforce intraoral anchorage unit without considering its relationship to
2. For correction of skeletal malocclusion other teeth.
3. Molar distalization
4. Dental correction. II. Basal Bone
Basal bone areas such as hard palate and
buccal and lingual cortical plate of mandible
BIOMECHANICAL CONSIDERATION can be used to augment intramaxillary and
intermaxillary anchorage.
I. Teeth
1. Root form: Basically, roots have three III. Musculature
forms: The stability of the anchorage of the dental
Round: Teeth with round roots resist hori­ arch may be marginally increased by the
zon­tally directed forces in any direction. temporary utilization of the hypertonic labial
Flat: It can resist movements in the mesi­ muscle.
odistal direction but have little resistance
to movement on thin edges found on their IV. Site of Anchorage
buccal and lingual side. Site of anchorage plays a role in orthopedic
Triangular: These permit maximum resi­ treatment for instance.
stance to displacement. 1. Anchorage from occipital region will
2. Size and number of roots: Tooth with produce a superior and distal force of on
greater root surface area will have larger maxilla.
periodontal support. So multirooted tooth 2. Anchorage from cervical region will
have greater ability to withstand stress than produce inferior and distal force on
single rooted tooth. maxilla.
384  Essentials of Orthodontics

V. Manner of Force Application adequate, if the patient is wearing the appli­

Forces passing through center of resistance ance for about 12 to 14 hours/day.
of maxilla produces translation of maxilla in Extraoral anchorage is obtained by:
distal direction (center of resistance is located • Headgear
above the roots of premolar teeth). • Face mask
If forces are passing above or below this • Chin cup.
point causes rotation of maxilla.

VI. Magnitude of Force HEADGEAR

Heavy forces of 400 to 600 gm are required to
produce orthopedic effect. Headgear is a common term for an extraoral
appliance that is used for producing orthopedic
VII. Duration of Force changes.
Forces 12 to 14 hours/day of appliance wear
is required to produce maximum skeletal Objective
changes. The objective of orthopedic treatment with the
headgear is to alter the growth by rendering
Determination of Force Magnitude or restricting or accelerating the normal
The factors which help in determining the growth of maxilla and mandible. This is done
magnitude of force to be applied depends on: with the help of extraoral anchorage from
1. The individual variation between patients. cranium, back of the neck. The intention is for
2. The timing and severity of malrelationship. mandible to “catch up” with maxilla, correcting
3. The amount of active growth occurring. anteroposterior skeletal discrepancy.
4. The direction of growth.
5. The sensitivity of receptor tissue­—chin, Biomechanics
maxillary teeth. An important principle in analyzing force
6. The length of time of appliance worn during system from a headgear is the relationship
the 24 hours of a day. between the line of force action and its
7. The patient’s cooperation. relationship to the center of resistance of
In general, a force of about 2 to 3 pounds maxilla or first molar.
(900-1350 gm) can be applied against the A force passing through the center of
symphysis in cases of mandibular prognathism. resistance causes pure translation in direction
If the patient wears chin cup for 16 to 18 hours of line of force. Any other force produces
per day, then 1 to 2 pounds of force is adequate. translation and a rotation with a moment.
If the patient wears chin cup for about 10 to 12 To analyze force systems on an upper first
hours per day more force should be applied. molar, first draw an imaginary line connecting
If growth increments are large and growth the point of attachment on strap and outer
direction is primarily horizontal as in cases of bow of headgear when the appliance is in
class III malocclusion, greater force should be place. Drop a perpendicular line from the
applied for longer time for 24 hours of day. center of resistance of upper first molar to
For redirecting the maxillary growth, a the line of force. The magnitude of moment
force of about 400 to 800 gm on each side is of force is the product of magnitude of force
Dentofacial Orthopedics  385

and perpendicular distance from center of Because the intraoral point of attachment
resistance to line of force. is usually localized to the bands on maxillary
first permanent molars, it is usually the molar
Mechanism of Action center of resistance that is considered when
A headgear is designed to deliver an adequate determining the direction or vector of force.
extraoral orthopedic force to compress If face bow is attached to a removable
maxillary structures, modifying the pattern appliance, center of resistance is more forward
of bone apposition at these site. The force between anterior and posterior maxillary
need to be of sufficient magnitude, applied teeth.
in appropriate direction, and delivered for J-hook headgear: It is two separate curved,
an adequate length of time during a period large wires that are formed on their ends into
of active mandibular growth for there to be a small hooks, both of which attach directly to
positive treatment prognosis. anterior part of maxillary arch wire.
More commonly used for retraction of
Types canines or incisors rather than orthopedic
• High pull headgear purposes.
• Cervical pull headgear It is limited to area only with a maxillary
• Combination pull headgear fixed appliance with a continuous arch wire.
• Reverse pull headgear Intraoral point of attachment is directly to
• Chin cup with headgear. maxillary arch wire, which usually is attached
to all of the maxillary teeth. As a result, center of
Parts resistance is the midpoint between the anterior
Intraorally: There are two different components and posterior teeth.
available in headgear for delivering extraoral
force to maxilla. Extraorally
Face bow (Fig. 10.1): It is large gauge wire frame­­ • Cervical headgear
work consisting of an outer bow for extra­oral • Occipital headgear
attachment soldered to an inner bow that • Combination.
attaches intraorally in tubes attached to maxi­
llary first permanent molars. Indications for Use of Headgear
It can be used either with a maxillary fixed for Cervical Pull
or removable appliance. • Deep bite care.
• Class II division 2 with low mandibular
flare angle.
• Retraction of upper incisors.
• Skeletal Class II malocclusion with low
mandibular flare angle.
• Skeletal deep bite.

High Pull (Fig. 10.2)

• Vertical maxillary excess
• Intrusion or retraction of incisor in high
Figure 10.1: Face bow mandibular plane angle
386  Essentials of Orthodontics

correction but may amplify vertical maxillary

excess problems.
With the face bow the cervical attachment
creates an extensive distal force to the maxillary
molars, whereas this same attachment to a
J-hook promotes extrusion and retraction of
the maxillary incisors.
They also result in the backward rotation
of the mandible. Therefore the cervical strap
should only be considered for individuals
with flat mandibular and occlusal planes in
which an increase in facial vertical dimension
is desired.
Figure 10.2: High pull headgear
Occipital Attachment or Headcap
(Fig. 10.4)
• Retraction of canine With the point of attachment well above the
• Prognathic maxilla with high mandibular occlusal plane, the extraoral force is directed
plane angle superiorly and posteriorly.
• Class II division 1 malocclusion. This high attachment permits the creation
of a forced vector that contributes to correction
Protraction Headgear of not only anteroposterior maxillary excess
It is used for skeletal and dental protraction but also to vertical maxillary excess.
of maxilla in Class III malocclusion caused by The higher angle of the force vector created
maxillary deficiency. results in a distal and intrusive force to the
maxillary molars.
Cervical Attachment or Neck Strap When the occipital attachment is used with
(Fig. 10.3) a J-hook the force vector is further foreward, so
Because the point of attachment is usually that it tends to have an intrusive force to the
below the occlusal plane, the extraoral force maxillary incisors and may have an indirect
is directed inferiorly as well as posteriorly.
This force vector may help anteroposterior

Figure 10.3: Neck strap Figure 10.4: Head strap

Dentofacial Orthopedics  387

Figure 10.5: Combination pull headgear Figure 10.7: Occipital pull headgear

extrusive force to the maxillary molars as a Disadvantage

result of tipping of the occlusal plane. It increases the number of parts that the patient
has to wear, manage and possibly lose.
Combination Headgear (Fig. 10.5)
If the forces are equal for each attachment Selection of Headgear
the resulting force vector is usually above A high pull headgear will place a superior and
the occlusal plane, but inferior to the vector distal force on the teeth and maxilla.
created with the occipital attachment alone. A cervical neck strap will place an inferior
Figures 10.6 and 10.7 show the cervical and distal force on the teeth and skeletal
pull headgear and occipital pull headgear structure.
respectively. When the headcap and neckcap is com­
bined the force direction can be varied by
Advantage altering the proportion of the total force
It is a case with which force vector can be provided by each component. If each delivers
modified and improved comfort afforded by equal forces the resultant forces is slightly
the increased force distribution. upward and distal for both teeth and maxilla.

Selection of Headgear Attachment

to the Dentition
Usual arrangement is a face bow to tubes and
permanent first molars.
A removable appliance can be fitted to the
maxillary teeth and the face bow attachment
to this appliance can be fitted to the maxillary
teeth and the face bow attached to this appli­
This appliance can take a form of:
• A maxillary splint
Figure 10.6: Cervical pull headgear • A functional appliance.
388  Essentials of Orthodontics

Selection of Required Movement Selection of Timing

Teeth: Since the center of resistance for a molar It is basic principle of facial orthopedic
estimated to be in the midroot region, force treatment that the greatest amount of skeletal
vectors above this point should result in distal improvement can be obtained while wearing
root movement. the appliance during the most active period
Jaws: Control of the line of the force relative of facial growth.
to maxilla is easier when a splint covering all
the teeth is used to apply the headgear force. Advantage
The face bow is usually attached to the splint Skeletal changes achieved with class II
in the premolar region so that the force can be treatment are much more resistant to relapse,
directed through the center of resistance of the probably because of minimal maxillary growth
maxilla that is estimated to be located above the and residual mandibular growth that often
premolar roots. Distal tipping of the maxillary remain at this stage.
incisors is likely to occur, because of the distal
component of the force delivered to the tooth. Disadvantage
The renewed expression of the original growth
Selection of Magnitude of pattern following treatment may negatate part
Extraoral Force of no correction with no permanent long-term
Extraoral force must be of greater magnitude, effect on original skeletal growth pattern.
in the range of 400 to 600 gm per side to Facial pubertal growth spurt does not occur
maximize the potential for skeletal change and in all patients and is not accurately predictable
to minimize the dental change. regarding its magnitude, duration, direction,
and timing.
Selection of Duration
In contrast to orthodontic tooth movement, Limitations
intermittent forces of 12 to 16 hours duration In spite of using heavy, intermittent forces, it
appear to be effective for facial orthopedic is inevitable that significant tooth movement
changes. will occur.
The headgear is tooth-borne; however an The dependence on patient compliance to
intermittent force minimizes tooth movement, wear and care for the headgear for successful
while still providing for skeletal changes. treatment progress.
The intermittent use of headgear is another The dependence on an adequate amount
practical benefit to treatment of skeletal and direction of mandibular growth on
problems because few children are willing to treatment.
wear a headgear full time.

Selection of Direction PROTRACTION FACE MASK

The extraoral attachment can be cervical or THERAPY (FIG. 10.8)
occipital to establish a determined force vector.
Outer bow of the face bow can be short or Indications
long; placed above or below the occlusal table 1. The face mask is most effective in the
to produce different force vector. treatment of mild to moderate skeletal class
Dentofacial Orthopedics  389

In patient with Class III malocclusion,

treat­m ent with maxillary expansion and
protraction can straighten the skeletal and soft
tissue facial profile and improve posture of lip.
In patients with 8 month protraction,
maxilla comes 2.1 mm forward.


Figure 10.8: Reverse pull headgear

Clinically, the maxilla can be advanced 2

III malocclusion with a retrusive maxilla to 4 mm over an 8 to 12 months period of
and a hypodivergent growth pattern. protraction.
2. Patient presenting initially with some
degree of anterior mandibular shift and a Age of the Patient
moderate overbite have a more favorable The optimal time to intervene in a patient
prognosis. with early class III malocclusion is at the time
3. Cleft palate cases. of initial eruption of upper central incisors
(6–8 yrs).
Types Better skeletal and dental response can be
• Protraction headgear by Hickham obtained in primary and early mixed dentition.
• Face mask of Debáire
• Tubinger model Design of Anchorage System
• Petit type of face mask. The design for anchorage system for maxillary
protraction varies from palatal arches to rapid
Clinical Response to Maxillary maxillary expansion (RME), occlusal splint.
Protraction Patient treated with a protraction face mask
Anterior cross bites can be corrected with 3 to 4 can be divided into two groups with or without
months of maxillary expansion and protraction RME.
depending on severity of malocclusion.
Improvement in overbite and molar rela­ Force Level, Direction and
tion­ship can be expected with an additional 4 Point of Application
to 6 months of maxillary protraction. Orthopedic effects require greater forces
Overbite result was found to be the result than do orthodontic movements. Successful
of forward maxillary movement, backward maxillary protraction has been reported using
movement of mandible, labial movement of 300 to 500 gm of force per side in primary and
maxillary incisors and lingual movement of mixed dentition.
mandibular incisors. An effective forward displacement of the
Anchorage loss was observed during maxilla can be obtained clinically from a force
maxillary protraction with mesial movement applied on a hook placed between the first
of mandibular incisors. and second molar placed about 5 mm above
390  Essentials of Orthodontics

the palatal plane. 15º to 20º downward pull to with steep mandibular plane angle and
the occlusal plane is used to produce a pure excessive anterior facial height.
forward translatory motion of the maxilla.
Force Magnitude and Direction
16 to 24 oz (200-250 gm)/side is advised.
CHIN CUP THERAPY (FIG. 10.9) In occipital pull chin cup the force is
directed through the condyle.
Objective In vertical pull chin cup the force is directed
The objective of early treatment with the use below the condyle.
of a chin cup is to provide growth inhibition
or redirection and posterior positioning of Treatment Timing and Duration
the mandible. Patients with mandibular excess can usually be
recognized in the primary dentition despite the
Indication fact that the mandible appears retrognathic in
1. Skeletal class III malocclusion with a early years of children.
relatively normal maxilla and a moderately Evidence exist that treatment to reduce
protrusive mandible can be treated. mandibular protrusion is more successful
2. Correction of reverse overbite. when it is started in the primary or early mixed
3. Retention appliance following therapy. dentition. The treatment time varies from 1
year to as long as 4 years depending on severity
Types of malocclusion.
Occipital pull chin cup: It derives anchorage
from occipital region of head. Most commonly
used types of chin cup. Used in class III FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCES
malocclusion and in patients with protrusive Functional appliances or myofunctional app­
lower incisors. liances as they are sometimes referred to are
Vertical pull chin cup: It derives anchorage appliances that depend upon the orofacial
from parietal region of head. Used in patients musculature for their action. In contrast to active
removable appliances that make use of active
components like springs, elastics and screws,
the force component of functional appliance
are derived from the orofacial musculature.
These appliances transmit, eliminate or guide
the natural forces of the musculature.
Functional appliances are used for growth
modification procedures that are aimed at
intercepting and treating jaw discrepancies.
They can bring about the following changes:
i. Increase or decrease in jaw size
ii. A change in spatial relationship of the
iii. Change in direction of growth of the jaws
Figure 10.9: Chin cup iv. Acceleration of desirable growth.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  391

DEFINITION Group II appliances: Acting on tooth and

Functional appliances are defined as loose Group III appliances: Acting on muscles.
fitting or passive appliances which harness Tooth borne passive appliance:They are tooth
natural forces of the orofacial musculature borne appliances that have no intrinsic force
that are trans­mitted to the teeth and alveolar generating components such as springs or
bone through the medium of appliance in a screws. They depend on the soft tissue stretch
predetermined direction. and muscular activity to produce the desired
Theoretical basis of functional treatment in treatment results. For example, activator,
general is the principle that a new pattern of bionator and herbst appliance.
function dictated by the appliance, leads to the Tooth borne active appliance: They include
development of corresponding new morph­ modifications of activator and bionator that
ological pattern. The new pattern of function include expansion screws or other active
can refer to different functional components of components like springs to provide intrinsic
the orofacial system, for example, the tongue, force for transverse or anteroposterior chan­
the lips, the facial and masticatory muscles, the ges.
ligaments, and the periosteum. Depending on Tissue borne passive appliances: Tissue borne
the type of appliance, its proponent puts more appliances are mostly located in the vestibule
emphasis on one of these different functional and have little or no contact with the dentition.
components. The new morphological pattern Example of such an appliance includes the
includes a different arrangement of the teeth functional regulator of Frankel.
within the jaws, an improvement of the Myotonic appliances: They are functional
occlusion, and an altered relation of the jaws. appliances that depend on the muscle mass
It also includes changes in the amount and for their action.
direction of growth of the jaws and differences Myodynamic appliances: They are functional
in the facial size and proportions. appliances that depend on the muscle activity
for their function.
Removable functional appliances: They are
CLASSIFICATION OF myofunctional appliances that can be removed
FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCES and inserted into the mouth by the patient.
Examples include activator and bionator.
Functional appliances can be classified in a Fixed functional appliances: They are functional
number of ways: appliances that are fitted on the teeth by the
I. Tooth borne active appliances operator and cannot be removed by the patient
Tooth borne passive appliances at will.
Tissue borne passive appliance. Group I appliances: They consist of appliances
II. Myotonic appliances that transmit the muscle force directly to the
Myodynamic appliances. teeth for the purpose of correction of the
III. Removable functional appliances malocclusion. Examples include Oral screen
Fixed functional appliances. and inclined plane.
IV. Group I appliances: Directly acting on Group II appliances: These appliances repo­
tooth sition the mandible and the resultant force is
392  Essentials of Orthodontics

transmitted to the teeth and other structures. may therefore by expect to impede or arrest
Examples include activator and bionator. eruption; other forces may produce tipping
Group III appliances: These appliances also or eruptive deflection from the starting axial
reposition the mandible but their area of inclination.
operation is the vestibule, outside the dental A flat anterior bite plane of sufficient
arch. Examples include Frankel appliance and dimensions to disclude the posterior teeth
vestibular screen. may be expected to have several effects.
Treatment principles: Functional appliances These effects may comprise some or all of the
work on two broad principles: following:
Force application: Compressive stress and i. Different eruption of posterior teeth.
strain act on the structures involved and result ii. Noneruption, relative or absolute
in a primary alteration in form with a secondary intrusion of incisors.
adaptation in function. Most of the fixed and iii. Incisor overbite reduction.
removable functional appliances work on this iv. Distoclusion with removal of inter-
principle. cuspation may well responsible for any
Force elimination: This principle involves additional increments of mandibular
the elimination of abnormal and restrictive growth.
environmental influences on the dentition v. Unimpeded posterior tooth eruption
thereby allowing optimal development. Thus may also result in a downward and
function is rehabilitized with a secondary backward mandibular rotation that
change in form. tends to increase anterior vertical
All functional appliances are assemblies of a lower facial height and reduces the
few simple components. Each component has a prognathism of the mandible.
desired function and is generally incorporated Inclined planes may be designed to provide
for a specific purpose. The currently used guide planes for the labiolingual mechanical
appliances are made or combinations from eruptive displacement of incisors or the
three basic functional components. They are buccolingual deflection of erupting posterior
bite planes, shilds or screens and construction teeth.
or working bite. These components produce It should be remembered that as upper
skeletal and dentoalveolar changes by acting posterior teeth erupt, they migrate not only
on the following. in a vertical but also in an anterior direction.
Therefore, impeding or selectively arresting the
Bite Planes eruption of maxillary molars not only permit the
Bite planes may be flat or inclined, and anterior relative increase of mandibular dentoalveolar
or posterior, which contact single or multiple height, but also results in a relatively greater
teeth. Although they are usually thought of mesial or anterior movement of the lower
as blocks of acrylic resin, they may in fact be buccal segments, both through eruption and
made of wire or any other suitable material. also by their forward translation, which is
Recent research indicates that relatively produced by normal mandi­bular growth. With
low forces, it applied either continuously or the diminished or arrested eruption of the
intermittently, are capable of impeding the maxillary molars, this combination of effects
eruption of teeth. Apically directed forces can be expected to result in the improve­ment
Dentofacial Orthopedics  393

of a Class II molar relationship. Conversely, if ADVANTAGES OF FUNCTIONAL

the lower posterior teeth are restrained from APPLIANCES
erupting while the uppers do so unimpeded,
the expected result would be an improvement The myofunctional appliances offer a number
in a Class III molar relationship. of advantages, they include:
1. It enables elimination of abnormal muscle
Shields or Screens function thereby aiding in normal develop­
There is little doubt that the growing dento­ ment.
alveolar structures are plastic and responsive 2. Treatment can be initiated at an early age. It
to linguo-facial muscle pressures. The so- is most often started in the mixed dentition
called equilibrium theory of tooth position period.
predicts that overtime tooth movement 3. As the treatment is started at an early age,
occurs in response to any perturbation of psychological disturbances associated with
the homeostatic relationship between the malocclusion can be avoided.
radially directed forces of the tongue and the 4. These appliances are mostly fabricated at
opposing forces exerted by the circumoral the dental laboratory. Thus, less chair side
muscles of the lips and cheeks. Vestibular time is spent which enables more patients
shields or oral screens and lip pads have to be treated.
been used to shield the muscles away thereby 5. Frequency of the patients visit to the
allowing unrestricted growth of the jaws and orthodontist is less than in case of fixed or
dentoalveolar structures. They are also used to removable appliances.
transmit muscle forces on to the dentoalveolar 6. They do not interfere with oral hygiene
structures. maintenance.
7. Most functional appliances are worn
Construction or Working Bite during the night. Thus, patient acceptance
All of the functional appliances are constructed is good.
to a construction or working bite registration.
Such registrational of maxillomandibular
relationships are based on the assumptions LIMITATIONS OF FUNCTIONAL
that by displacing the mandible from its rest APPLIANCES
position, and thus stretching the muscles
attached to it, reflex activity tends to restore They following are the limitations of functional
the mandible to a postural position that was appliances:
originally determined by the unstretched 1. They cannot be used in adult patients in
muscles. Hence, most construction bites are whom growth has ceased.
taken at a vertical dimension that is beyond 2. They cannot be used to bring about
the freeway space or interocclusal clearance. individual tooth movement.
In addition to this increase in the vertical 3. Most functional appliances are dependent
dimension, the construction bite may also on the patient for timely wear. Thus, patient
displace the mandible in the sagittal and cooperation is essential for the success of
transverse planes. the treatment.
394  Essentials of Orthodontics

4. They may require prefunctional orthodontic some form of finishing with fixed appliances.
tooth movement for correction of minor Age: The growth modification therapy using
local irregularities that may interfere with functional appliances is possible only in
the functional therapy. a growing patient. The optimum time for
5. Fixed appliance therapy may be required myofunctional therapy according to most
at the termination of treatment for final authors is between 10 years of age and pubertal
detailing of the occlusion. growth phase.
Social considerations: As stated by Andersen,
functional appliances achieve their results
ACTION OF FUNCTIONAL with minimum supervision and unlike fixed
APPLIANCES appliances can be worn safely for long periods
without supervision. Unfortunately all cases
Functional appliances are capable of producing cannot be treated with functional appliances
the following changes: alone. Patients who live far away from the
Orthopedic changes: Myofunctional appliances clinic or those attending boarding school
are capable of accelerating the growth in may benefit from these appliances provided
the condylar region. They can bring about they fulfill all other criterias for case selection.
remodeling of the glenoid fossa. They can be However, such patient’s should exhibit high
designed to have a restrictive influence on the degree of motivation if the functional therapy
growth of the jaws. is to be successful.
They can change the direction of growth of Dental considerations: An ideal case for
the jaws. functional appliance therapy is one that is
Dentoalveolar changes: They can bring devoid of gross local irregularities like rotations
about dentoalveolar changes in the sagittal, and crowding. Only in uncrowded cases is
transverse and the vertical directions. Most it likely that a malocclusion can be treated
functional appliances allow the upper anteriors satisfactorily by functional appliance alone.
to tip palatally and lower anteriors to tip The local irregularities are treated prior to or
labially. In the transverse direction, they can after functional therapy with fixed appliances.
bring about expansion of the dental arches by Skeletal considerations: Moderate to severe
incorporating screws in them or by shielding skeletal Class II malocclusions are ideally
the buccal muscles away from the dental arch. suited for functional appliance treatment.
In the vertical plane, they can be designed to Class II division 1 malocclusion exhibiting a
allow selective eruption of teeth. Class II skeletal tendency due to a short or
Muscular changes: Functional appliances can retrognathic mandible can be considered for
improve the tonicity of the orofacial muscles. functional therapy.
Case selection: The traditional view that Low angle cases respond well as most
functional appliances are only suited in functional appliances encourage vertical
treating Class II division 1 malocclusion with development of posterior teeth. High angle
uncrowded lower arches is largely discarded Class II cases usually fall into two categories—
in recent years. A wider range of cases is those with increased overbite and those with
being treated in recent years using functional some degree of open bite. The deep overbite
appliances as most of the cases may require type of high angle cases are successfully treated
Dentofacial Orthopedics  395

using functional appliances while the open of acrylic placed in the labial vestibule. This
bite type of cases pose a special problem. myofunctional appliance was first introduced
Most functional appliances allow vertical by Newell in the year 1912.
development of the posterior dentoalveolar
structures which may induce unwanted Principle
backward rotation of the mandible. The vestibular screen can be used either to
Class II division 2 type of malocclusions apply the forces of the circumoral musculature
may be treated with functional appliances to certain teeth or to relieve those forces from
after correcting the axial inclinations of the the teeth thereby allowing them to move due
maxillary anteriors. to forces exerted by the tongue. Thus, the
Mild Class III malocclusions, which present vestibular screen works on the principles
with a reverse overjet and an average overbite, of both force application as well as force
can be regarded as potentially treatable with elimination.
functional appliances. There is as yet no strong
clinical evidence of beneficial skeletal effect in Indications
the use of Class III functional appliances and The following are the indications for the use of
most reported cases have demonstrated only vestibular screen:
dentoalveolar changes. 1. These appliances have been used mostly
to intercept mouth breathing habit. They
can also be used for interception of habits
VISUAL TREATMENT OBJECTIVE such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting,
lip biting and cheek biting.
Visual treatment objective (VTO) is an impor­ 2. Mild distoclusion can be treated using the
tant diagnostic test undertaken before making vestibular screen.
a decision to use a functional appliance. This 3. They can be used to perform muscle
test enables us to visualize how the patient’s exercise to help in correction of hypotonic
profile would be after functional appliance lip and cheek muscles.
therapy. It is performed by asking the patient to 4. The vestibular screen can be used to correct
bring the mandible forward. An improvement mild anterior proclination.
in profile is considered a positive indication
for the use of a functional appliance. In case Fabrication: Upper and lower impressions
the profile worsens, then other treatment are made and the working models poured.
modalities have to be considered. Photographs The casts should reproduce the depths of the
of the patient taken with forward mandibular vestibular sulcus. The upper and lower casts
posture are a valuable aid in motivating the are occluded in normal intercuspation and
patient and parents. the models sealed together using plaster. In
case the appliance is being used for correction
of distoclusion, a construction bite should be
VESTIBULAR SCREEN taken to advance the mandible.
(ORAL SCREEN) The vestibular screen should extend into
the sulcus to the point where the mucosal
The vestibular screen is a simple functional tissue reflects outwards. Care should be taken
appliance that takes the form of a curved shield not to impinge on the frenum and the muscle
396  Essentials of Orthodontics

attachments. Posteriorly the appliance should

extend upto the distal margin of the last
erupted molar. The models are covered with
2 to 3 mm of wax over the labial surface of
the teeth and the alveolar process. In case of
proclined teeth which needs to be retracted the
wax relief is removed to expose the incisal one-
third of the teeth. The appliance is fabricated
using either self-cure of heat cure acrylic resin.
The appliance is smoothed using sand paper
and polished.

Clinical Management of the Figure 10.10: Lip bumper

The patient should be asked to wear the
appliance at night and 2 to 3 hours during the Lip Bumper (Lip Plumber) (Fig. 10.10)
day time. The patient is instructed to maintain The lip bumper or lip plumber as it is
lip seal. During the first few days the patient sometimes called is a combined removable
may show certain areas of irritation in the or fixed appliance. The lip bumper can be
sulcular and the frenal areas. Such areas of called a modified vestibular screen that is
the appliance should be carefully trimmed to used for muscular force application or force
avoid tissue irritation. elimination. The appliance can be used in both
Modifications of the vestibular screen: A the maxilla and the mandible to shield the lip
number of modifications of the vestibular away from the teeth.
screen are possible. The following are some
of them. Uses of Lip Bumper
Hotz modification: The oral screen can 1. They are used in patients exhibiting lower
be fabricated with a metal ring projecting lip habits such as lip sucking. The lip
between the upper and the lower lips. This bumper shields the lower lip away.
ring can be used to carry out various muscle 2. They are also used in patients exhibiting
exercises. hyperactive mentalis muscle activity that
In patients having tongue thrust habit an causes flattening or crowding of the lower
additional screen is placed in lingual aspect of anteriors. Thus lip bumpers are mostly
the teeth. This additional screen is attached to used in the mandibular arch and rarely in
the vestibular screen by means of a thick wire the maxillary arch. By removing the soft
that runs through the bite in the lateral incisor tissue forces from the labial aspect of the
region. lower anteriors it may produce forward
In case of mouth breathers the vestibular tilting of these teeth under the influence of
screen should be fabricated with a number the tongue pressure. Thus they increase the
of holes that are gradually closed in a phased arch length, reduce crowding and decrease
manner. the excessive overjet.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  397

3. Lip bumpers can be used to augment was used to treat retrognathism associated
anchorage. The muscular force transmitted with deep bite. It was also used to treat
on to the molars in a distal direction would retrognathism associated with lingually
discourage the forward movement of the inclined lower incisors.
molars. Pierre Robin devised an appliance called
4. Distalization of the first molars can be Monoblock made up of a single block of
achieved by use of lip bumpers. The degree vulcanite. He used it to position the mandible
of distal movement can be very limited, forward in patients with glossoptosis and
especially where the second molars are severe mandibular retrognathism. By
erupted. positioning the mandible forward it reduced
5. The lip bumpers can be used as space the risk of airway obstruction.
regainers if the lower molars have drifted Viggo Andresen, in 1908, in Denmark
mesially due to early loss of deciduous developed a loose fitting appliance which he
molars. first used on his daughter. He made a modified
Hawley type of retainer on the maxillary arch
Appliance Design to which he added a lower lingual horseshoe-
The appliance is made of thick stainless steel shaped flange which helped in positioning the
wire extending from one molar to the opposite mandible forward. He made this appliance
molar. The wire is made to lie away from the on his daughter who was going on a 3 months
anterior teeth so theat the lips are kept away vacation. On her returen 3 months later,
from the teeth. The lip bumper is inserted he found a marker sagittal correction and
into round molar tubes of 0.93 mm diameter improvement of the facial profile. Andresen
soldered to bands on the first molars. The called it Biomechanical working retainer. Later
anterior portion of the wire from canine to Andresen moved over to Norway and teamed
canine can be reinforced with acrylic. up with Karl Haupl and brought about lot of
Although lip bumpers are mostly used in changes in his device. They called it Functional
the mandibular arches, they can also be used in jaw orthopedics.
the maxillary arch. Such an appliance is similar As Andresen and Haupl were in Norway
in design and is called Denholtz appliance. while developing the appliance, it became
The lip bumper can be custom made using known as Norwegian appliance. They later
0.9 mm hard round stainless steel wire or are called it the activator due to its ability to
readily available in various sizes. activate muscle forces.

ACTIVATOR It is primarily used in actively growing indivi­
duals with favorable growth pattern. The
Knigsley in 1879 devised a vulcanite palatal maxill­ary and mandibular teeth should be
plate to be used in patients having retruded well-aligned. The mandibular incisors should
mandible. This vulcanite plate consisted of an be upright over the basal bone. The following
anterior incline that guided the mandible to a are some of the indications for the use of
forward position when the patient closed on it. activator:
Hotz devised a ‘Vorbissplatte’ which 1. Class II division 1 malocclusion
was modified form of Kingsley’s plate. This 2. Class II division 2 malocclusion
398  Essentials of Orthodontics

3. Class III malocclusion Thus posttreatment fixed appliance

4. Class I open bite malocclusion therapy may be needed for detailing of
5. Class I deep bite malocclusion the occlusion.
6. As a preliminary treatment before major 3. It may produce moderate mandibular
fixed appliance therapy to improve skeletal rotation. Thus activators are not used in
jaw relations cases of excessive lower face height.
7. For post-treatment retention
8. Children with lack of vertical development Mode of Action of Activator
in lower facial height. According to Andersen and Haupl, the activator
induces musculoskeletal adaptation by
Contraindications introducing a new pattern of mandibular closure.
1. The appliance is not used in correction of The appliance loosely fits into the mouth. The
Class I problems of crowded teeth caused patient has to move the mandible forwards to
by disharmony between tooth size and jaw engage the appliance. This results in stretching of
size. the elevator muscles of mastication which starts
2. The appliance is contraindicated in contracting thereby setting up a myotactic reflex.
children with excess lower facial height This generates kinetic energy which causes:
and extreme vertical mandibular growth. i. Prevention of further forward growth of
3. The appliance is not used in children whose the maxillary dentoalveolar process.
lower incisors are severely procumbent. ii. Movement of the maxillary dentoalveolar
4. The appliance cannot be used in children process distally.
with nasal stenosis caused by structural iii. A reciprocal forward force on the
problems within the nose or chronic mandible.
untreated allergy. In addition to this myotactic reflex, a
5. The appliance has limited application in condylar adaptation by backward and upward
non-growing individuals. growth occurs.
A third factor is the force generated while
Advantages swallowing and during sleeping.
1. It uses existing growth of the jaws. According to Harvold, Woodside and
2. During treatment the patient experiences Herren passive tension caused by stretching
minimal oral hygiene problems. of muscles, soft tissue, tendinous tissue, etc.
3. The intervals between appointments are are responsible for the action. They called it
long. the ‘viscoelastic property’.
4. The appointments are usually short due to
need for minimal adjustments. Construction Bite
5. Due to above reasons they are more econo­ The construction bite is an intermaxillary
mical. wax record used to relate the mandible to the
maxilla in the three dimensions of space. They
Disadvantages are used to reposition the mandible in order
1. Requires very good patient cooperation. to improve the skeletal interjaw relationship.
2. The activator cannot produce a precise The bite registration involves repositioning of
detailing and finishing of the occlusion. the mandible in a forward direction as well as
Dentofacial Orthopedics  399

opening the bite vertically. In most cases, the bite without forward positioning of the
mandible is advanced by 4 to 5 mm and the mandible is made in cases such as deep bite
bite opened to the extent of 2 to 3 mm beyond and open bite.
the freeway space. The general considerations Construction bite with opening and posterior
for construction bite includes: positioning of the mandible: In a Class III
i. In case the overjet is too large, the malocclusion, the bite is taken after retruding
forward positioning is done step-wise the mandible to a more posterior position. In
in 2 or 3 phases. addition, the bite is opened sufficiently to clear
ii. In case of forward positioning of the the bite. In general a vertical opening of 5 mm
mandible by 7 to 8 mm, the vertical and a posterior positioning of about 2 mm is
opening should be slight to moderate, required.
i.e. 2 to 4 mm.
iii. If the forward positioning is not more Fabrication of Activator
than 3 to 5 mm, then the vertical opening Impression: Impressions of the upper and
can be 4 to 6 mm. lower arches are made to construct 2 pairs of
Low construction bite with marked models, study models and working models.
mandi­bular forward positioning: This kind
of cons­t ruction bite is characterized by Bite Registration
marked forward positioning of the mandible i. The amount of sagittal and vertical
but minimal vertical opening. As a rule of advancement of the mandible is
thumb the anterior advancement should not planned.
exceed more than 3 mm posterior to the most ii. A horseshoe-shaped wax block is
protrusive position. Vertically the opening prepared for insertion between the
is minimal and is within the limits of the upper and lower teeth. It should be 2 to
interocclusal clearance. This kind of activator 3 mm thicker than the planned vertical
constructed with marked sagittal advancement opening.
but minimal vertical opening is called an iii. The patient is made to sit in an upright
‘H’ activator. The H activator is indicated in relaxed and nonstrained position.
patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion iv. The mandible is guided to the desired
having a horizontal growth pattern. sagittal position. The operator should
High construction bite with slight merely guide the mandible using the
mandibular forward positioning: The mandible thumb and forefinger. He should not
is positioned anteriorly by 3 to 5 mm only and use pressure or force.
the bite is opened vertically by 4 to 6 mm v. The patient is asked to practice
or a maximum of 4 mm beyond the resting placement of mandible at the desired
position. This kind of activator constructed sagittal position a few times before
with minimal sagittal advancement but marked registration of the bite.
vertical opening is called a ‘V’ activator. The V vi. The horseshoe-shaped wax block is
activator is indicated in a Class II division 1 placed over the occlusal surface of the
malocclusion having a vertical growth pattern. lower cast and is gently pressed so as
Construction bite without mandibular to form the indentations of the lower
forward positioning: Sometimes a construction buccal teeth.
400  Essentials of Orthodontics

vii. The wax block is placed on the lower tapes, booklets, etc. to motivate the patient.
jaw and the patient is asked to bite at The patient is also taught how to use, place and
the desired sagittal position. remove the appliance by himself. Usually the
viii. It is then removed and placed on the patient is asked to wear the appliance for 2 to
models and checked. 3 hours a day during the day time for the first
ix. If found all right, it is chilled and once week. During the second week the patient is
again tried on the cast. The excess wax asked to wear it for 3 hours during the day as
is trimmed off. well as while sleeping. In case the patient has
x. The hardened wax block is again tried difficulty in using it the whole night, more day
in the patient’s mouth. time wear is prescribed until the patient can
Articulation of the models: The wax bite use it for the entire night.
registration is placed on the occlusal surface A trimming plan should be developed
between the upper and lower models. The based on the individual needs of the patient.
models are then articulated in a reverse Some orthodontists prefer the appliance to be
direction so that the anterior teeth face the worn for a week without any grinding so that
hinges. This kind of articulation ensures the patient can get used to it.
sufficient access to the palatal surface of the
upper and lingual surface of the lower models Trimming of Activator
during the fabrication of the appliance. After fabrication of the activator it is usually
Preparation of the wire elements: The usual found to fit tightly as acrylic is interposed
design requires an upper labial bow. The labial between the upper and lower occlusal
bow is made with 0.8 or 0.9 mm stainless steel surfaces. Planned trimming of the appliance
wire and consists of a horizontal section with in tooth contact area is carried out to bring
2 vertical loops. The ends of the vertical loops about dentoalveolar changes so as to guide
enter the acrylic body between the canine and the teeth into good relation in all the 3 planes
deciduous first molar (or first premolar). The of space. Selective trimming of acrylic is
labial bow can be active or passive. done in the direction of tooth movement. The
Fabrication of acrylic portion: The appliance acrylic surfaces that transmit the desired force
consists of three parts, maxillary part, by contact with the teeth are called guiding
mandibular part and an interocclusal part. planes. The areas of acrylic that contact the
The appliance can be fabricated by using either teeth become polished.
heat cure of cold cure resin. In case of heat cure Approximate trimming can be done on the
resin the models are first waxed and then they plaster casts. However, final trimming should
are flasked. be done at the chair side.
Trimming of activator for vertical control:
Selective trimming of the activator can be done
MANAGEMENT OF THE APPLIANCE to intrude or extrude the teeth.
Intrusion of teeth: Intrusion of the incisors is
The patient should be sufficiently convinced achieved by loading the incisal edge of these
about the benefits of the appliance. In this teeth with acrylic. In case labial bows are
respect a good patient-doctor relation is used, they should be placed below the area
essential. The dentist can make use of video of greatest convexity, i.e. incisally to aid in the
Dentofacial Orthopedics  401

intrusion. In case of intrusion of posteriors moved mesially and distally to help in treating
is needed then only the cusp tips are loaded Class II and Class III malocclusion. In Class
with acrylic. The fosses and fissures are free of II malocclusion, the maxillary molars are
acrylic. This applies a vertical intrusive force allowed to move distally while the mandibular
on the molars. molars are allowed to move mesially by
Extrusion of teeth: In case of extrusion of the loading the maxillary mesiolingual surface and
incisors, the lingual surface is loaded above mandibular distolingual surface.
the area of greatest convexity in the maxilla
and below the area of greatest convexity in Trimming of the Activator for
the mandible. The extrusive movement can Transverse Control
be enhanced by placing a labial bow above the It is possible to trim the activator to stimulate
area of greatest convexity in the gingival 1/3rd expansion of the buccal segment. This is
of the labial surface. done by allowing the contact of the acrylic on
In case of molars, extrusion brought about the lingual surfaces of the teeth to be moved
by loading the lingual surface above the area transversely. But better expansion is possible
of greatest convexity in maxilla and below the by placing a jack screw in the activator.
area of greatest convexity in mandible. Modifications of activator: Over the years
Trimming of the activator for sagittal control: a number of modifications of the classical
Selective trimming of the activator can be activator have been described.
done to protrude or retrude the anterior teeth The bow activator of AM Schwarz: The bow
and also to improve the molar relation of the activator is a horizontally split activator having
buccal teeth. a maxillary portion and a mandibular portion
Protrusion of incisors: In case the incisors connected together by an elastic bow. These
should be protruded, lingual surface of the kinds of modifications allow step-wise sagittal
teeth is loaded with acrylic and a passive labial advancement of the mandible by adjustment
bow is given that is kept away from teeth to of the bow. In addition this design allows
prevent perioral soft tissues contacting the certain amount of transverse mobility of the
teeth. This acrylic loading of the lingual surface mandible. The independent maxillary and
can be of two types: the mandibular portions can have a screw
i. Entire lingual surface is loaded. Since incorporated to allow arch expansions.
the area of contact is more the force for
proclination is also low.
ii. Only the incisal portion of the lingual WUNDERER’S MODIFICATION
surface is loaded. As acrylic is small
greater degree of force is generated to This is an activator modification that is mostly
tip the incisors labially. used in treatment of Class III malocclusion.
Retrusion of incisors: The acrylic is trimmed This type of activator is characterized by
away from the lingual surface and an active maxillary and mandibular portions connected
labial bow is used to bring about retrusion of by an anterior screw. By opening the screw the
the incisors. maxillary portion is moved anteriorly, with a
Movement of posterior teeth in sagittal plane: reciprocal backward thrust on the mandibular
The teeth in the buccal segment can be portion.
402  Essentials of Orthodontics


This consists of maxillary and mandibular
This modification of the activator is proposed plates joined by a ‘U’ bow in the region of
by Professor GPF Schmuth. This appliance the first permanent molar. The maxillary and
resembles a bionator with the acrylic portion mandibular plates not only cover the lingual
of the activator reduced from the maxillary tissues and lingual aspect of teeth, it also
anterior area leaving a small flange of acrylic extends over the occlusal aspect of all teeth.
on the palatal slopes. The two halves may be This type of activator allows step-wise
connected by an omega-shaped palatal wire advancement of the mandible by adjustment
similar to bionator. of the U loop.
The U loop has a larger and a shorter arm.
Based on their placement pattern we can have
PROPULSOR three types of Karwetzky’s activators.
Type I: This is used in the treatment of Class II
This is an activator modification conceived division 1. In this modification, the larger lower
by Muhleman and refined by Hotz. This leg is placed posteriorly. Thus, when the two
appliance can be said to be a hybrid that arms of the U bow are sqeezed the lower plate
combines the features of both the monoblock moves sagittally forwards.
and the oral screen. The propulsor is devoid Type II: This is used for the treatment of Class
of any wire components and consist of acrylic III malocclusion. In this appliance the larger
that covers the maxillary buccal portion like lower leg is placed anteriorly. Thus when the U
an oral screen. This acrylic portion extends bow is squeezed the mandibular plate moves
into the interocclusal area and also as a lin­ distally.
gual flange that helps position the mandible Type III: They are used in bringing about
forward. asymmetric advancements of the mandible.
The ‘U’ bow is attached anteriorly on one
Cutout or Palate-Free Activator side and posteriorly on the other side to allow
This is a modification proposed by Metzelder asymmetric sagittal movement of the mandible.
to combine the advantages of bionator and the This activator allows mobility of the
Andresen’s activator. The mandibular portion mandible and therefore, makes the activator
of the appliance resembles an activator while more comfortable to wear. The appliance
the maxillary portion has acrylic covering only allows gradual and sequential forward positi­
the palatal aspect of the buccal teeth and a oning of the lower jaws.
small part of the adjoining gingival. The palate
thus remains free of acrylic thereby making
the appliance more convenient for patients to HERREN’S MODIFICATION OF THE
wear the appliance for longer periods. Due to ACTIVATOR
the greater amount of wearing time, success
should be greater with the palate free activator. Herren modified the activator in two ways:
According to Dr Klaws Metzelder the appliance i. By overcompensating the ventral posi­
is excellent in mandibular positioning in TMJ tion of the mandible in the construction
dysfunction cases. bite.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  403

ii. By seating the appliance firmly against thereby promoting more normal pattern
the maxillary dental arch by means of of muscle activity. Secondly, the appliance
clasps. removes the muscle forces in the labial and
The construction bite is taken in a strong buccal areas that restrict skeletal growth
mandibular protrusion. Herren recommends thereby providing an environment which
maximum forward positioning of the mandible enables skeletal growth.
reaching sometimes the feasible maximum.
This advanced position of the mandible Frankel Philosophy
causes the retractor muscles to try to bring the Frankel has based his appliance on the
mandible back to original position. This causes following principles:
a backwardly directed force on the upper teeth Vestibular arena of operation: According to
and a mesial directed force on the lower teeth. Frankel, the dentition is influenced by perioral
According to Herren, with every 1 mm increase muscle function. Abnormal perioral muscle
of forward position of the mandible, the sagittal function creates a barrier for the optimal
force on the jaws will increase by 100 gm. The growth of the dentoalveolar complex. Thus the
amount of forward positioning of the mandible Frankel appliance is designed to hold away the
is 3 to 4 mm beyond the neutral occlusion, i.e. muscles (buccal and labial) from the dentition,
in case of Class II molar relation the mandible so that the dentoalveolar structures are free
is brought forward to Class I molar plus an to develop. In addition, the Frankel appliance
additional 3 to 4 mm forward. A vertical opening acts as an exercise device or an oral gymnastic
of 2 to 4 mm is recommended. device that aids in correction of the abnormal
Triangular or Jacksons clasps are used perioral muscle function.
to firmly seat the appliance to the maxillary Sagittal correction via tooth borne maxillary
dentition. Expansion screws can be used anchorage: The Frankel appliance is anchored
for expansion. Mobility of the mandible is firmly in the maxillary arch by means of grooves
restricted by extending the lingual flange of the in the molar and canine regions. The mandible
activator as far as possible towards the floor of is positioned anteriorly by means of an acrylic
the mouth. pad that contacts the alveolar bone behind
the lower anterior segment. This lower lingual
pad acts more as a proprioceptive trigger for
FUNCTION REGULATOR postural maintenance of the mandible.
(FRANKEL APPLIANCE) Differential eruption guidance: The Frankel
appliance is free of the mandibular teeth.
The function corrector or function regulator This allows selective eruption of the lower
is a myofunctional appliance developed by posterior teeth which aids in correction of
Professor Rolf Frankel of Germany. This appli­ the discrepancy in the vertical dimension
ance is also called Frankel appliance, vesti­ and also helps in sagittal correction of Class II
bular appliance and oral gymnastic appli­ance. malocclusion by allowing upward and forward
The Frankel appliance has two main movement of only the mandi­bular teeth.
treatment effects. First, it serves as a template Minimal maxillary basal effect: It has been
against which the craniofacial muscles noted that in most Class II malocclusion, the
function. The framework of the appliance pro­ maxillary position I close to normal while the
vides an artificial balancing of the environment mandible is retruded. The Frankel appliance
404  Essentials of Orthodontics

has relatively little retrusive sagittal effect perioral muscle activity and rehabilitates the
on the maxilla in contrast to the marked muscles that are causing the problem. The
protrusive change in mandible. lip pads and shields cause periosteal muscle
Periosteal pull by buccal shields and lip pads: pull leading to bone formation. The pads and
The buccal shields and lip pads are extended to shields massage the soft tissues and improve
bring about outward periosteal pull. This aids blood circulation. The shields loosen up the
in bone formation at the apical base. tight muscles and improve muscle tone. The
lip pads prevent hyperactivity of the mentalis
Mode of Action of Frankel Appliance muscles, eliminate lip trap and help in
The following are the effects of the Frankel establishing proper lip seal.
appliance on the dentoalveolar structures: Frankel has recommended certain oral
Increase in transverse and sagittal intraoral exercise called oral gymnastics. Some of the
space: The buccal shields and lip pads play an exercises recommended are:
important role in eliminating the abnormal i. To keep the lip closed at all times. This
forces acting on the dentoalveolar structures can be aided by asking the patient to
from the periosteal region and at the same keep a piece of paper between the lips.
time favor forces acting from within the oral ii. Swallowing, speaking, etc. become more
cavity. In addition, the buccal shields and or less an exercise when the appliance is
lip pads exert a constant outward pull on used.
the connective tissue and muscles which is
transmitted to the underlying bone by means Types of Function Regulators
of fibers inserted into the periosteum of the Frankel I (FR I): They are used for treatment
bone. This tissue pull on the periosteum of Class I and Class II division 1 malocclusion.
causes bone formation and also aids in lateral The FRI is divided into the following three
movement of the dentoalveolar shell. types:
Increase in vertical space: An increase in FR Ia: Used for Class I malocclusion where
vertical intraoral space is possible as the there is mild to moderate crowding or arrested
Frankel appliance is kept free from the development of basal arches. It is also used for
posterior teeth. The posterior teeth are free Class I deep bite cases.
to erupt. FR Ib: Used for Class II division 1 malocclusion
Mandibular protraction: The lingual pad where overjet does not exceed 5 mm.
guides the mandible to a more mesial position. FR Ic: Used for Class II division 1 malocclusion
Thus the position of the mandible is changed in which the overjet is more than 7 mm.
in due course of time by gradually training the Frankel II (FR II): Used for treatment of Class II
protractor or retractor muscles and by condylar division 1 and division 2. In these cases prior to
adaptation. Whenever the mandible is brought functional appliance therapy a short period of
back, the lingual pads apply pressure on the mechanotherapy is given in order to produce
lingual alveolar process. This immediately the optimal tooth alignment.
causes the protractor muscles to position the Frankel III (FR III): They are used for treatment
mandible mesially. of Class III malocclusion. Here the lip pads are
Muscle function adaptation: The Frankel situated in the maxillary arch instead of the
appliance helps in overcoming the abnormal mandibular arch.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  405

Frankel IV (FR IV): They are used for treatment dentoalveolar development. In addition they
of open bite and bimaxillary protrusion. Its use also cause periosteal bone deposition.
is almost exclusively confined to the mixed Palatal bow: The palatal bow has its convexity
dentition. facing distally. The palatal bow should stand
Frankel V (FRV): They are functional regulators clear of the palatal tissue. The lateral extension
that incorporate headgear. They are indicated of the bow crosses the occlusal surface in
in long face patients having a high mandibular the embrasure mesial to the first permanent
plane angle and vertical maxillary excess. molar and enters the acrylic buccal shield. The
recurved ends of the palatal bow terminate as
Components of Frankel Appliance occlusal rests on the occlusal surface of the first
(Fig. 10.11) permanent molars between the mesiobuccal
Frankel appliance consists of both acrylic and and distobuccal cusps. These occlusal rests
wire components. prevent the appliance from being dislodged
Lip pads: The lower lip pads are also called superiorly and also prevent supraeruption of
pellots. The lip pads help in elimination the first permanent molars.
of abnormal perioral muscle activity, i.e. Canine loops: The canine loops act as extention
hyperactive mentalix muscle activity. It helps of the vestibular shields and are kept 2 to 3 mm
in eliminating lower lip trap which causes or away from the buccal surface of the canines.
accentuated the proclination of upper incisors. They are also called canine guards. They help in
In addition, the lip pads cause periosteal pull elimination of the restrictive muscle function
which results in bone growth. In case of FR thereby helping in transverse development in
III, the lip pads are placed in the maxillary the canine region.
vestibular region. Labial bow: The upper labial bow originates
Buccal shields: The buccal shields are also from the vestibular shields. The wire runs
called the vestibular shields. The buccal in the middle-third of the labial surface of
shields are made to extend as deeply into the the maxillary incisors. It turns gingivally at
vestibule as possible within the confines of right angles at the distal margin of the lateral
patient comfort and tissue attachment. The incisors. The labial bow should be bent in
shields stand away from the dentition and an ideal contour and not in the contour of
basal alveolar bone. This helps in unrestricted malposed teeth. This bow is passive in nature.
In case of FR III the labial bow is adapted on
the labial surface of the lower anteriors.
Lingual stabilizing bow: This wire is also
called upper lingual wire or protrusion bow.
It originates from the vestibular shields and
passes between the upper canines and first
deciduous molars and curves along the lingual
surface of the upper incisors at the level of
the cingulum. This wire prevents the lingual
tipping of the incisors during treatment.
Lower lingual springs: These wire components
rest against the lingual surface of the lower
Figure 10.11: Frankel appliance anteriors. The main uses of the lingual springs
406  Essentials of Orthodontics

are to prevent eruption of the lower incisors, to then it is seated in lower arch. Patient is asked
screen the tongue pressure from lower incisors to bite on the appliance and tissues are checked
and to procline the lower incisors actively. This for blanching of the tissues, position of buccal
is done when they are retroclined. The springs shields, lip pads and extension of the shields.
get embodied in the lingual pad. Initially patient should be advised to wear the
Lingual crossover: This is made of 1.25 mm appliance for 2 to 4 for the first weeks. Later
stainless steel wire. It follows the contour period is extended to 4 to 6 hours of day time.
of the lingual mucosa 3 to 4 mm below the Wear for the next 3 weeks. Once the patient
lingual gingival margin of the lower incisors. had adapted to the appliance advice night time
It is placed 1 to 2 mm away from the mucosa. wear. This usually takes about 2 months time.
This wire crosses the occlusal surface between
the deciduous molars and gets embedded in Treatment Timing
the buccal shields. Optimum time to start the treatment is around
Labial support wires: This is made of 0.9 mm 7½ to 8½ years or when the lower incisors
wire. They offer support for the lip pads. This have erupted. It is not advisable to start in
wire should be at least 7 mm below the gingival deciduous dentition period because the child
margin. The central wire is inverted ‘V’ shaped is not mature enough to cooperate with all
to accommodate the lower labial frenum. aspects of treatment. Active treatment lasts
Another wire emerges from the lip pad and for about 1½ to 2 years in the mixed dentition
gets embedded in the buccal shields. phase followed by retention phase of 2 years. In
open bite cases the appliance is given as soon
Construction Bite as the first permanent molars have erupted.
It varies from type-to-type. It is recommended Preconditions for successful treatment:
to move the mandible forward by 4 to 6 mm 1. Proper appliance construction
and to bring about an edge-to-edge contact of 2. Right indication for the treatment
incisors so that there is at least 2.5 to 3.5 mm 3. Cooperation of the patient
clearance in the buccal segments to allow the 4. Right psychological introduction of the
crossover wires to pass through. appliance.
According to Petrovich and associates, The functional matrix concept of functional
correcting the sagittal discrepancy in two or appliance:
three stages may be more effective and it also According to this theory the functional
makes it easier for the patient to adjust to the oral space is the capsular matrix in which
forward positioning. the mandible is embedded. The expansion in
volume of this space will lower the mandible
Clinical Handling of the Frankel and induce compensatory articulation with
Appliance and Potential Management articular eminence. It would seem at first
Notching of the distal surface of the upper glance that passive translation of mandible
deciduous second molar and mesial surface of thus described could be reproduced by the
upper furst deciduous molar is done. Margins construction bite for functional appliances.
of the appliance are checked before trying in However the corres-ponding growth of con­
patient’s mouth. Appliance is seated in maxilla dylar process presumed by activator theories
and checked for stabilization of the wires, and has not been clearly substantiated.
Dentofacial Orthopedics  407

BIONATOR (FIG. 10.12) vestibular wire is made up of 0.9 mm stainless

steel wire. It emerges from the acrylic below
The bionator was developed by Balters during the contact point between the upper canines
the early 1950s. It had much in common with and premolars. It rises vertically and is bent
the activator. However, it differed from the at right angles to go distally along the middle
conven­tional activator in that it was less bulky of the upper premolar crowns. Mesial to the
and more elastic. molar, a rounded bend is made so that the wire
There are three types of bionator: runs at the level of the lower papilla upto the
Standard appliance: This is used for the mandibular canine where it is bent to reach the
treatment of Class II division 1 and Class I upper canines. It forms a mirror image on the
malocclusions having narrow dental arches. opposite side. The vestibular were is kept away
The standard appliance consists of a relatively from the surface of incisors by the thickness
slender acrylic body fitted to the lingual of a sheet of paper. The lateral portions of the
aspects of the mandibular arch and part of wire are sufficiently away form the teeth allow
the maxillary arch. The acrylic extends upto expan­sion of the arch.
the distal of the first permanent molars. The
maxillary plate covers only the molars and Class III Appliance (Reverse Bionator)
the premolars with anterior region remaining This is used in mandibular prognathism.
uncovered. The acrylic extends 2 mm below The acrylic parts are similar to the standard
the gingival margin. The intero­cclusal space of appliance. The palatal arch is placed in the
some of the buccal teeth is filled with acrylic opposite direc­tion so that the rounded arch is
extending over half of the occlusal surface of placed anteriorly.
the teeth to stabilize the appliance. The vestibular wire runs over the lower
The wire components of the bionator inci­sors instead of terminating at the lower
are the palatal arch and the vestibular wire. canines.
The palatal arch is made of 1.2 mm diameter The open bite appliance: This is used in open
wire. It emerges opposite the middle of the bite cases. The palatal arch and the vestibular
first premolars and follows the contour of the wires are same as the standard appliance. The
palate forming a curve that reaches the distal maxillary acrylic portion is modified so that
surface of first permanent molars. The palatal even the anterior area is covered. Its purpose is
arch is kept 1 mm away from the mucosa. The to prevent the tongue from thrusting between
the teeth as the tongue is responsible in most
cases for the open bite.

Bite Registration
Bite registration is done in the same way as for
the activator. In most cases an edge-to-edge
bite is desirable. If the overjet is too much a
step-wise advancement is preferred.

1. In Class II division 1 malocclusion having
Figure 10.12: Bionator well-aligned dental arches, retruded man­
408  Essentials of Orthodontics

dible, not very severe skeletal discrepancy Bite Registration

and labial tipping of upper incisors. The twin block appliance is constructed after
2. Class III malocclusion where reverse a bite registration procedure as described for
bionator can be used. activator. The mandible is sagittally advanced
3. Open bite cases where open bite bionator by 5 to 7 mm. Vertically the bite is opened by
can be used. 3 to 5 mm in the premolar region.

Orthopedic Traction
TWIN BLOCK APPLIANCE In cases with severe skeletal discrepancy
(FIGS 10.13A TO C) extraoral traction is used. The twin block appli­
ance uses a Concorde face bow that combines
The twin block technique effectively combines the extraoral traction with intermaxillary
inclined planes with intermaxillary and traction. The face bow is unique as it has a
extraoral traction. The appliance consists of curved labial hook. The face bow is attached
an upper and a lower plate having occlusally to the maxillary molar. Intermaxillary elastics
inclined bite planes that induce favorably can be used from the curved labial hooks of
directed occlusal forces by causing a functional the face bow to the mandible. Extraoral traction
mandibular displacement. of 200 gm each side for 8 to 10 hours a day is
The upper plate is retained by modified prescribed. Intermaxillary force of 150 gm is
arrowhead clasps. The clasp can incorporate applied from lower appliance to the labial hook
a tube for attachment of a face bow. The of the concord face bow.
upper plate can also have a jack screw in
case maxillary arch expansion is required. Fixed Twin Blocks
The upper appliance consists of a bite block The twin block appliance may be designed
that contacts the lingual cusps of the upper for direct fixation to the teeth by bonding.
posterior teeth, extending anteriorly till the It resembles a Herbst appliance, substuting
mesial ridge of the upper second premolar. occlusal inclined planes for telescopic tubes, to
The lower plate is retained by inter­dental guide the mandible into a protrusive position.
ball end clasps. The lower bite block extends
distally up to the distal marginal ridge of the Patient Acceptance
second premolar. The lower molars are kept This appliance has very good patient acce­
free to help in their eruption if needed. The ptance due to the following reasons:
upper and lower bite blocks interlock at a i. The bite planes offer greater freedom
70o. of move­ment in anterior and lateral

Figures 10.13A to C: Twin block appliance
Dentofacial Orthopedics  409

excursion than other functional app­ Description

liances. The appliance can be compared to an artificial
ii. They offer less inference with normal joint working between the maxilla and
function. mandible. A bilateral telescopic mechanism
iii. Significant changes in patients appear­ keeps the mandible mechanically in continuous
ance is seen in 2 to 3 months. anterior position. The devise consists of a tube
into which the plunger (that resembles a rod)
fits. The tube is fixed to the distal end of the
HERBST APPLIANCE (FIG. 10.14) maxillary molars while the rods are fixed to the
lower first premolars.
Herbst is a fixed functional appliance that was
developed by Emil Herbst in the early 1900. Types of Herbst Appliance
It was introduced to the dental profession at Broadly the Herbst appliance can be classified
the International Dental Congress in Berlin in into two types:
1905. This appliance was soon forgotten and Banded Herbst: Upper and lower first premolars
it was reintroduced in 1979 by Hans Panchers. and first molars are banded. The tubes are fixed
to pivots soldered to the distobuccal aspect of
Indications the upper first molar bands. The shafts or rods
1. The Herbst appliance is indicated in correc­ are fixed to pivots soldered to the lower first
tion of Class II malocclusion due to retro­ premolar bands.
gnathic mandible. Bonded Herbst: The bonded type of Herbst
2. They can be used as an anterior repositi­ appliance is a wire reinforced acrylic splint
oning splint in patients having temporo­ that covers the occlusal and part of the buccal
mandibular joint disorders. and lingual surfaced of all teeth except the
3. Treatment with Herbst may be completed anteriors. The pivots are fixed to the wire
within 6 to 8 months and can be used in framework at the distobuccal aspect of the
postadolescent patients. upper first molars and the mesial aspect of the
4. Herbst appliance can be used in mouth lower first premolars. The tube is fitted onto
breathers unlike other removable functi­ the pivots in the maxillary molar area while
onal appliances. the shaft is fixed to pivots in the mandibular
5. It is fixed appliance and is worn 24 hours a premolar region.
day, thus it can be used in uncooperative
patients. Treatment Effects
The following effects are seen when the Herbst
appliance is used for the treatment of a Class
II malocclusion:
i. Class I molar relation or over corrected
Class I molar relation.
ii. An increase in mandibular growth.
iii. A certain amount of distal driving of
the maxillary molars that helps in the
Figure 10.14: Herbst appliance correction of molar relation.
410  Essentials of Orthodontics

iv. Overjet reduction by increase in man­ 6. Tendency for posterior open bite at the
di­bular length and proclination of man­ termination of therapy.
dibular incisors.
v. It has an inhibitory influence on the Jasper Jumper (Fig. 10.15)
sagittal maxillary growth. The Jasper jumper is a relatively new type
vi. Weislander suggests double contour of flexible, fixed, tooth borne functional
of the glenoid fossa indicating anterior appliance that was introduced by JJ Jasper in
trans­formation of the glenoid fossa. the year 1980. Their action is similar to Herbst
vii. Increase in SNB angle and decrease in appliance, but lacks the rigidity.
SNA angle.
Appliance Design
Advantages The appliance uses a modular system comm­
The following are the advantages of the Herbst only known as Jasper Jumper, which can be
appliance: attached to fixed appliances that are placed
1. As it is a fixed functional appliance that is on the upper and lower arches. This Jasper
not removed by the patient the action it module is analogus to the tube and plunger
produces is continuous. of Herbst appliance but is more flexible. The
2. The treatment duration is short due to the Jasper jumper is constructed of stainless
continuous nature of action. steel coil that is attached at both the ends to
3. Less patient cooperation is needed as it is stainless steel end caps. The module is given
a fixed appliance. opaque polyurethane covering for purpose of
4. It can be used successfully in patients who hygiene and comfort. The Jasper modules are
are at the end of their growth. available in seven sizes ranging from 26 mm to
5. Herbst appliance can be used in patients 38 mm in length.
who have mouth breathing habit due to The end caps are attached to the fixed
nasal airway obstruction. appliance at the maxillary posterior and
mandibular anterior region. The force module
Disadvantages is attached posteriorly to the maxillary arch
1. Like any other functional appliance it by a ball pin that passes through the face bow
requires patient cooperation, as initial tube of the maxillary first molar. Anteriorly
discomfort is usually present. the module is anchored to the lower arch wire
2. It can cause minor functional disturbances
in the masticatory system which are
temporary and gradually disappear.
3. There is an increased risk for the develop­
ment of a dual bite, with dysfunction sym­p­
toms of the TMJ as a possible con­sequence.
4. Repeated breakage and loosening of the
appliance occurs, especially in the lower
premolar area.
5. Plaque accumulation and enamel decalcifi­
cation occur, especially in the splint type of
appliance. Figure 10.15: Jasper jumper
Dentofacial Orthopedics  411

distal to the mandibular canine by way of a The skeletal effects include the holding
small bayonet bend and lexan bead. and minimal displacement of maxilla distally.
Since the force module is attached to pre­­ A small shift of point A distally, clockwise
viously placed fixed appliances, care should rotation of mandible and a forward movement
be taken to have adequately thick arch wires. of condyle.
The dental changes include, posterior
Indications tip­ping and intrusion of upper molars, back­
They are basically indicated in skeletal Class ward tipping of maxillary incisors, anterior
II malocclusion with maxillary excess and translation and tipping of mandibular teeth,
mandibular deficiency. and intrusion of mandibular incisors.
Jasper states that Class II correction with
Mechanism of Action this appliance is brought about by:
The force is selected by measuring the distance • 20% maxillary skeletal restraining
between the mesial aspect of the upper face • 20% backward dentoalveolar movement of
bow tube and the distal aspect of the lexan ball maxilla
distal to the mandibular canine. To this length, • 20% forward dentoalveolar movement of
12 mm is added to get the required length of mandible
the force module. • 20% condylar stimulation
Thus when the teeth come into occlusion, • 20% downward and forward remodeling of
the force module being longer tends to curve glenoid fossa.
thereby producing a mesial force on the Advantages:
mandibular arch and a distal force on the 1. Produces continuous forces.
maxillary arch. 2. Does not require patient compliance by
way of timely wear.
Effects of Jasper Jumper 3. Allows greater degree of mandibular
According to Rankin, Parker and Blackwood freedom than Herbst appliance.
the Jasper Jumper brings about both skeletal 4. Oral hygiene is easier to maintain.
and dentoalveolar changes in ratio of 40:60.
412  Essentials of Orthodontics

Retention and

11 Relapse

RETENTION maintained as originally presented to

Graber defined Retention as “Holding of teeth minimize retention problems.
in ideal esthetic and functional position.” Nance and Arnold also noted that arch
Retention has been defined by Moyers as length may be permanently increased
“Maintaining newly moved teeth in position only to a limited extent.
long enough to aid in stabilizing their corr­ III. The mandibular incisor school: Tweed
ection.” suggested that incisors should be
kept upright and over basal bone.Gri­­
eves also suggested that post-treat­
SCHOOLS OF RETENTION ment stability increased when lower
incisors were placed upright or slightly
Different philosophies or schools of thought retroclined.
had developed: IV. The musculature school: Rogers intro­
I. The occlusion school: Kingsley stated, duced consideration of the necessity of
“The occlusion of the teeth is the most establishing proper functi­onal muscle
potent factor in determining the stability balance which has been corroborated
in the new position.” Many early writers by others.
considered that proper occlusion was of
importance in retention.
II. The apical base school: Axel Lundstrom THEOREMS OF RETENTION
suggested that apical base was one of the
most important factors in the correction Riedel has summarized the different concepts
of malocclusion and maintenance of and philosophies existing into nine theories.
correct occlusion. To this list of nine theories Moyers has added
McCauley suggested that intercanine another theory that is mentioned here as the
width and intermolar width should be tenth theorem:
Retention and Relapse  413

Theorem 1: Teeth that have been moved tend time for the reorganization to be completed.
to return to their former position. The new osteoid bone formed around recently
There now seems to be a general agreement moved teeth offers inadequate retention.
that teeth tend to go back to their original Similarly the periodontal as well as the gingival
position after orthodontic tooth movement. fibers take time to reorganize.
The causes for this relapse are many and a Theorem 6: If the lower incisors are placed
single etiology cannot be highlighted. upright over basal bone they are more likely
Theorem 2: Elimination of the cause of to remain in good alignment.
malocclusion will prevent relapse Most stable results are obtained by placing
The cause for the malocclusion should be the mandibular incisor upright over the basal
identified at the time of diagnosis and adequate bone. The mandibular or occlusal plane is
steps should be formulated in the treatment used as the reference plane. The Orthodontist
plan to eliminate it. Failure to remove the cause should aim at positioning the lower incisors
increases the relapse potential. This theorem perpendicular to the mandibular plane or even
can only be applied in cases of malocclusion retroclined.
where the cause is obvious such as thumb- Theorem 7: Corrections carried out during
sucking, tongue thrusting, etc. and not in any periods of growth are less likely to relapse:
malocclusion where the cause is elusive. Orthodontic therapy should be initiated
Theorem 3: Malocclusion should be over at the earliest possible age. Early treatment
corrected as a safety factor. procedures involving growth modulation,
Many orthodontists recommend over aimed at intercepting skeletal malrelations,
correction so as to give Leeway for a certain prevent full fledged malocclusions and
amount of relapse. This has been practiced in compensation (both skeletal and dental) from
treating certain conditions such as rotations, occurring.
treatment of Class II, Class III malocclusions. Such treatment modalities carried out
There is, however, no available data to validate during the active growth period allow the
this theorem. tissue system to adapt well and therefore
Theorem 4: Proper occlusion is a potent factor reduce the relapse tendency.
in holding teeth in their corrected positions. Theorem 8: The farther the teeth have been
Post-treatment stability is increased by moved the lesser is the risk of relapse.
good occlusion. The orthodontist should The farther a tooth has been moved
not restrict treatment to achieving a good the lesser is the risk of it returning to its
intercuspation when the jaws are closed original position. Although this sounds
but should aim further at a good functional logical, it is desirable to guide the erupting
occlusion, i.e. harmonious occlusal contacts teeth to intercept future malocclusion. Such
during functional movements of the jaw. teeth require lesser tooth movement by
Theorem 5: Bone and adjacent tissue must comprehensive fixed mecha-notherapy and
be allowed time to reorganize around newly also a reduced retention period and hence
positioned teeth. have a lesser risk of relapse.
When teeth are moved orthodontically, Theorem 9: Arch form, particularly the
numerous changes occur in the bone and mandibular arch cannot be permanently
surrounding tissues. It takes considerable altered by appliance therapy.
414  Essentials of Orthodontics

Alteration of existing arch forms results

in increased risk of relapse. According to
McCauley, the mandibular intercanine and
intermolar widths are uncompromising. Thus
they should be considered as fixed landmarks
and the rest of the arch built around them.
Theorem 10: Many treated malocclusions
require permanent retaining devices. A
This theorem was subsequently added by
Moyers. Certain malocclusion might require
the patient to be fitted with a permanent
retaining device. This is true in cases that have
not been treated to achieve occlusal goals that
stand for stability.



Key 1: Incisal edges of the lower incisors

should be placed on the A-P line or 1mm in
front of it.
Key 2: Lower incisors apices should spread
distally to the crowns (Figs 11.1A to C).
Key 3: Apex of lower cuspid should be
positioned distal of the crown. C
Key 4: All four lower incisor apices must be in Figures 11.1A to C: Raleigh Williams keys for
the same labiolingual plane.
Key 5: Lower cuspid root apex must be posi­ Retention can be grouped under the follo­
tioned slightly buccal to the crown apex. wing headings:
Key 6: The lower incisors should be slen­­de­ rized Group I: No retention, cases which do not
and contact points made even. require retention.
Group II: Standard or limited retention.
Group III: Prolonged retention.
THEORIES OF RETENTION Group IV: Permanent retention.

1. Discrepancy theory: Wherein retainers are Group I: No Retention

necessary Following are some of the conditions which do
2. Equilibrium theory: Where there is no need not require retention:
for retainers. i. Anterior and posterior cross bite, in the
3. Partial assistance theory: Part time wearing corrected cases where the occlusion
of retainers is required as there is semi- ensures the stability of tooth movement,
equilibrium position at debanding stage. no retention is required.
Retention and Relapse  415

ii. Dentition treated by serial extraction. Group IV: Permanent Retention

iii. Highly placed canines. There are patients whose natural retentive
iv. Canine impactions. factors are so inadequate that an unacceptable
degree of relapse can be anticipated. The
Group II: Standard or Limited only alternative is indefinite or permanent
Retention retention. Following are some of the examples:
In majority of cases where the teeth have been i. Severe rotations
moved to positions of soft tissue and occlusal ii. Midline diastema
balance, the teeth have to be retained until the iii. Cleft lip and palate cases
alveolar bone and periodontal ligament have iv. Generalized spacing
been fully remodeled. This takes between 3 to 6 v. Expansion of lower arch
months. It is adviced to wear full time retention vi. Patients with abnormal muscle habits.
for 3 months; followed by wear only at nights
for a further 3 months of a passive retention
appliance. Part time wear during the latter half METHODS OF RETENTION:
of the retention period is adequate and has RETAINERS
the advantage that, if the teeth are not stable
positions, they will become more mobile and Retainers are passive orthodontic appliances
so some warning of potential relapse is given. that help in maintaining and stabilizing
Following are some of the examples: the position of teeth long enough to permit
i. Majority of orthodontic cases fall under reorganization of the supporting structures
this group. after the active phase of orthodontic therapy.
ii. Class I proclination and spacing. The type of retainers to be used depends on
iii. Class I, II, and III extraction cases. various factors such as the type of malocclusion
iv. Corrected deep bite cases. treated, the esthetic needs, patients’ oral
v. Class II division 2 cases. hygiene, patients’ cooperation the duration of
retention, etc.
Group III: Prolonged Retention Graber has put forward certain criteria that
Certain tooth movements, rotations in parti­ a good retainer should possess:
cular have a strong tendency to relapse, even 1. Retainer should retain all teeth that have
though the teeth are in soft tissue and occl­usal been moved into desired positions.
balance. The reason is that supra-alve­olar 2. The retainer should permit normal
connective tissue, i.e. free gingival fibers have functional forces to act freely on the denti­
residual tension in them; they take a very tion.
long time of about 232 days or above for their 3. It should be self-cleansing and should
reorganization. Hence, these tooth move­ments permit oral hygiene maintenance.
require prolonged retention. On the otherhand 4. It should be as inconspicuous as possible.
pericision following derotation of teeth reduces 5. Strong enough to bear the day-to-day use.
their relapse tendency. This should be followed
by a standard period of retention. Example: Classification of Retainers
i. Rotation correction. Retainers can be classified into:
416  Essentials of Orthodontics

Removable Retainers Removable Retainers

1. Hawley’s retainer Removable retainers are simple removable
2. Begg’s retainer orthodontic appliances which does not have
3. Wrap around (Clip on) retainer any active component.
4. Canine-to-canine clip on retainer Any active removable appliance can be
5. Tooth positioner used as a retainer without activating the active
6. Invisible retainer components in it.
7. Barrer spring retainer
8. Removable partial denture. Indications
1. Proclinations correction
Fixed Retainers 2. Deep bite and open bite.
1. Fixed appliances
2. Fixed lingual bonded retainers with spiral Advantages
wires 1. Easy to fabricate and adjust
3. Band and spur appliance 2. Less chair side time
4. Banded canine-to-canine retainer 3. Less expensive.
5. Cast retainers
6. Lower lingual bar. Disadvantages
1. Patient cooperation is required
Active Retainers 2. Not very esthetic
1. Hawley’s appliance 3. May cause tissue irritation
2. Spring retainer 4. May affect speech
3. Modified functional appliances 5. Frequent visits are required.
i. Activator
ii. Bionator Hawley’s Retainer (Figs 11.2A and B)
iii. Frankel appliance. The Hawley’s appliance was designed in 1920 by
Charles Hawley. It is the most frequently used
Morton A Levyn classified retainers as: retainer. The classic Hawley’s retainer consists
1. Temporary of clasps on the molars and a short labial bow
A. Fixed extending from canine-to-canine having
• Intracoronal adjustment loops.
• Extracoronal.
B. Removable
• Extracoronal.
2. Permanent
A. Fixed
• Intracoronal
• Extracoronal.
B. Removable A B
• Extracoronal. Figures 11.2A and B: Hawley’s retainer
Retention and Relapse  417

The simple design can be modified in

several ways to suit specific requirements. The
labial bow can be made to extend from one
first premolar to the opposite first premolar.
This design helps in closing spaces distal to
canine. Another modification is to solder the
bow to the bridge of the Adam’s clasp. Another
modification is to solder the bow to the bridge
of the Adam’s clasp. This design avoids the risk
of space opening up between the canine and
premolar due to the cross over wires. Fitted
labial bow (Fig. 11.3) can also be used to offer
excellent retention. Anterior bite planes can
be incorporated to retain or correct deep bite
cases. The advantages of this appliance include B
ease of fabrication due to simple design and Figures 11.4A and B: van der Linden’s retainers
minimal patient discomfort due to reduced
bulk. In addition it is acceptable to most
patients as it is relatively inconspicuous. mm) in diameter. This labial bow contacts the
labial surfaces of the six anterior teeth and
Hawley’s Appliance with Fitted Labial Bow is bent back upon itself at the distal aspect
Hawley’s appliance with fitted labial bows of the canines, embracing them in a C-clasp
can be effectively used as retention appliance fashion at their cervical regions. When there
(Fig. 11.3). is inadequate clearance for the labial bow to
cross the occlusion mesial to the canines, the
van der Linden’s Retainer crossover wire can be placed distal to them
(Figs 11.4A and B) and the recurved C-clasp can be made on the
A Hawley-type retainer introduced by FPGM first premolars. These canine clasps provide
van der Linden, with a modified labial bow adequate retention and do not deform by
made of stainless steel wire 0.028 inch (0.70 repetitive removal and replacement of the
appliance by the patient. Additional C-clasps
coming from the distal of the terminal molars
are used to enhance retention. The acrylic
is relieved from the palatal aspect of the
posterior teeth, allowing them to settle in
their natural position, as determined by the
occlusion. Only the mandibular anterior teeth
are contacting the acrylic of the appliance
in habitual occlusion. This retainer does not
allow adjustment of the anterior tooth position
during the retention period due to the design
Figure 11.3: Fitted labial bow of the labial bow.
418  Essentials of Orthodontics

retainer is not routinely used in orthodontic

practice. It finds application in stabilizing a
periodontally weak dentition.

Kesling Tooth Positioner (Fig. 11.6)

The tooth positioner was described by HD
Kesling in 1945. It is made of a thermoplastic
rubber-like material that spans the interocclusal
space and covers the clinical crowns of the
upper and lower teeth and a small portion of
Figure 11.5: Begg’s retainer the gingival. The tooth positioner needs no
activation at regular intervals and is durable.
The drawbacks include difficulty in speech and
Begg’s Retainer (Fig. 11.5) risk of TMJ problems.
This retainer was popularized by PR Begg, it
consists of a labial wire that extends till the Invisible Retainers (Figs 11.7A and B)
last erupted molar and curves around it to get They are retainers that fully cover the clinical
embedded in acrylic that spans the palate. crowns and a part of the gingival tissue. They
The advantage of this retainer is that there is are made of ultra thin transparent thermo­
no cross over wire between the canine and plastic sheets using a Biostar machine. They
premolar thereby eliminating the risk of space are esthetic and often go unnoticed.
opening up.
Fixed Retainers
Clip on Retainer (Spring Aligner) Fixed retainers are usually cemented or bonded
This appliance is made of a wire framework directly to the teeth. They are commonly used
that runs labially over the incisors and then for prolonged retention or permanent reten­tion.
passes between the canine and premolar and
is recurved to lie over the lingual surface. Both Indications
the labial as well as the lingual wire segments 1. Midline diastema closure
are embedded in a strip of clear acrylic. The 2. Lower anterior crowding
retainer can be used to bring about correction
of rotations commonly seen in the lower
anterior region. In such cases where it is used
as an active retainer, it is fabricated on a cast
wherein the teeth are placed in ideal positions
by wax setup.

Wrap Around Retainer

This is an extended version of the spring
aligner that covers all the teeth. It consists
of wire that passes along the labial as well as
lingual surfaces of all erupted teeth which is Figure 11.6: Tooth positioners
embedded in a strip of acrylic. This type of
Retention and Relapse  419

Band and Spur Retainer

This type of retainer is used in cases where a
single tooth has been orthodontically treated for
rotation correction or labiolingual displacement.
The tooth that has been moved is banded and
spurs are soldered on to the bands so as to
overlap the adjacent teeth. In case it is side to
retain a tooth that has been blocked palatally,
the spurs are made on the labial aspect so that
the tooth does not once again get displaced
palatally. In derotation cases one spur is
placed labially (on the side tooth tends to
rotate palatally) and the other lingually to
avoid relapse.

B Banded Canine-to-Canine Retainer

Figures 11.7A and B: Invisible retainers
This type of retainer is commonly used in the
lower anterior region. The canines are banded
3. Compromised periodontal conditions and a thick wire is contoured over the lingual
4. Prevention of rotation relapses aspects and soldered to the canine bands. The
5. Extraction spaces. bands predispose to poor oral hygiene and are
1. No patient cooperation required Bonded Lingual Retainers
2. They are more esthetic (Figs 11.8A and B)
3. Can be used for permanent and semi-per­ They are retainers that are bonded on the
ma­nent retention lingual aspect. Stailness steel or blue Elgiloy
4. Well-tolerated by patients wire is adapted lingually to follow the anterior
5. No tissue irritation and jiggling tooth cur­v­ature. The ends are curved over the can­
move­ments ines where it is bonded.
6. Recall visits are reduced. Various prefabricated lingual retainers
are available that can be bonded on to the
Disadvantages teeth. An alternative to the use of wires is to
1. Placement is difficult use etched or perforated metal cast bars that
2. More expensive
3. Increased chair side time
4. More prone to breakage.

Fixed Appliance Retainers

The fixed appliance that was used for orthod­
ontic correction can be left in place to serve A B
as a retainer. Figures 11.8A and B: Bonded lingual retainers
420  Essentials of Orthodontics

can be bonded on the lingual side of the teeth. labial side and crosses the occlusion between
Recently some wor­kers have recommended the canines and premolars, bilaterally. It is bent
the use of a spiral wire that can be bonded downward on the labial and lingual surfaces
individually to each tooth in a segment. of the canines in the form of U loops, so that it
Flexible spiral wires can also be used as the follows the curvature of the gingiva on these
bonded retainers. teeth, but without actually contacting it. The
ends of the wire overlap in the midline at the
Essix Retainer lingual aspect of the incisors. The wire does not
A removable vacuum-formed clear retainer touch the surfaces of the teeth and is covered
made of thermoplastic copolyester, covering by acrylic on the labial and lingual sides. This
the teeth of one or both arches, from canine- forms two bands approximately 4 mm wide,
to-canine. According to JJ Sheridan, who engaging the incisors across the middle third
introduced the appliance, a sheet of the of their crowns. The wire surrounding the
material 0.030 inch (0.75 mm) thick is canine is free of acrylic and functions as a
preferred, for a good combination of flexibility spring, which can be appro­priately adjusted
and strength. During the thermoforming to activate the appliance.
process the thickness of the material is reduced The greatest disadvantage of the Barrer
from 0.030 inch (0.75 mm) to 0.015 inch (0.38 retainer is its small size. Various modifications
mm). Despite its limited thickness, the Essix to increase its size have been reported, to
retainer may not be recommended for patients avoid accidental swallowing or aspiration.
with an open bite tendency, as it only covers The most common modification includes
the anterior teeth. The risk of swallowing bilateral extensions of the lingual acrylic,
or aspirating the appliance also should be terminating with two occlusal rests on the
considered. mandibular first molars.

Spring Retainer (Barrer Retainer) Adjuvants to Retention

(Figs 11.9A and B) They are the procedures carried out along with
A maxillary or mandibular removable appli­ or before retention.
ance, introduced by HG Barrer in 1975. The 1. Reproximation: Reproximation is required
mandi­bular appliance is mainly used today. It in some cases of crowding and rotations.
consists of a single piece of stainless steel wire Reproximation will provide good contact
0.022 inch (0.56 mm) to 0.029 inch (0.72 mm) points and thereby prevent relapse. They
in diameter, bent around the six anterior teeth. are commonly done in lower anterior
The wire lies parallel to the incisal edges on the region.
2. Pericision or circumferential supracrestal
fiberotomy (CSF procedure): A simple
surgical method of severing all supracrestal
fibrous attachment to a rotated tooth
has been demonstrated to significantly
alleviate relapse following rotation, with
no apparent damage to the supporting
A B structures of the teeth (Fig. 11.10).
Figures 11.9A and B: Spring retainers
Retention and Relapse  421

to provide an interlocking pattern to resist

rotational relapse. “Keystoning” is done
by obli­que interproximal strip­ping, so that
rotati­onal tendency of one tooth would be
coun­teracted by the reverse rotational relapse
tendency of its adjacent tooth (Figs 11.11A
and B).
7. Extractions: Extractions of impacted third
molars are often indicated after ortho­
dontic treatment to prevent the relapse of
lower anterior crowding.
8. Prosthesis: Replacement of missing tooth
is one of the essential adjuvants that will
prevent relapse of the malocclusion.

Figure 11.10: Pericision RELAPSE

Relapse is the tendency of the teeth to revert

3. Frenectomy and associated procedures: to their original position after orthodontic
Frenectomy is done to prevent relapse corre­ction.
following midline diastema closure due
to high labial frenum. Frenectomy is Causes of Relapse
a minor surgical procedure involving Numerous are the causes attributed to relapse.
removal of fibrous bands of the frenum. No single factor can be said to be the sole cause
Buccal or lingual frenectomy may be rarely
performed if they are found to be causing
the diastema.
4. Occlusal equilibration: Occlusal equili­
bration is the removal of high points
and occlusal interferences in the centric
occlusion. They are commonly done in
premolars and molars following fixed
appliance therapy for proper settling and
5. Myofunctional therapy: Myofunctional
therapy of muscular exercises may be
used following functional correction of
malocclusions. Exercises for tongue, cheek
muscles and lips are common.
6. “Keystoning” is the reshaping of the inter­­­ B
proximal aspects of the mandibular incisors Figures 11.11A and B: Reproximation
422  Essentials of Orthodontics

of relapse. In most cases relapse occurs due to and have a tendency to move to their original
a combination of causes. position. The bony trabeculae are normally
arranged perpendicular to the long axis of the
Periodontal Ligament Traction teeth. However, during orthodontic treatment,
Whenever teeth are moved orthodontically the they get aligned paralleled to the direction of
periodontal principal fibers and the gingival force. During the retention phase, they revert
fibers that encircle the teeth are stretched. back to their normal arrangement.
These stretched fibers can contract and are
thus a potent cause of relapse. The principal Muscular Forces
fibers of the periodontal ligament rearrange Teeth are encapsulated in all directions by a
themselves quite rapidly to the new position. blanket of muscles. Muscle imbalance at the
Studies have shown that the principal fibers end of the orthodontic therapy can result in
reorganize in about 4 weeks time. The supra- reapp­earance of the malocclusion. The ortho­
alveolar gingival fibers on the other hand take dontist should aim at harmonizing the muscles
as much as 40 weeks to rearrange around the at the conclusion of the orthodontic treatment
new position, and thus predispose to relapse. so as to increase the stability of the treatment
After comprehensive orthodontic treatment, results achi­eved.
teeth require 4 to 5 months of full time
retention so as to allow the reorganization of Failure to Eliminate the
periodontal ligament fibers. After this period, Original Cause
retention should be continued on a reduced The cause of the malocclusion should be
basis for a further 7 to 8 months so as to allow determined at the time of diagnosis and
the more sluggish gingival fibers to readapt to adequate treatment steps should be planned
the new tooth positions. to eliminate the same or reduce its severity.
Failure to remove the etiology can result in
Relapse due to Growth Related relapse.
Patients with skeletal problems associated Role of Third Molars
with Class II, Class III, open bite or deep bite The third molars erupt very late in the
malo­c clusion may exhibit relapse due to development of dentition. They erupt in most
continuation of the abnormal growth pattern cases between the ages of 18 to 21 years. By this
after orthodontic therapy. Studies have shown time most patients would have completed their
that the original growth pattern resurfaces orthodontic treatment. The pressure exerted by
or dominates if the orthodontic treatment is the erupting third molars is believed to cause
completed prior to the completion of growth. late anterior crowding, predisposing to relapse.
Hence, prolonged retention is indicated until
active growth is completed. Role of Occlusion
Good intercuspation of the upper and the lower
Bone Adaptation teeth is an important factor in maintaining the
Teeth that have been moved recently are stability of treated cases. The centric relation
surrounded by lightly calcified osteoid bone. and centric occlusion should coincide or the
Thus, the teeth are not adequately stabilized slide from centric should be not more than 1.5
Retention and Relapse  423

to 2 mm in order to have greater stability of the springs, and fulcrums can be delineated with
treatment results. Presence of certain occlusal greater ease than can the individual response
mannerisms such as clenching, grinding, nail of tissues to the physical forces applied during
biting, lip biting, etc. is important causes of treatment.
relapse. In orthodontics, as in other disciplines in
Other causes of relapse include: dentistry, the mechanistic factors often are
1. Forces produced by lips, tongue and cheek more easily understood that are the biologic
during resting. or psy­chologic factors.
2. Persistence of abnormal habits.
3. Inadequate wear of retention appliances. Orthodontic Goals
4. Failure to upright roots in extraction To prevent failure and to anticipate the
spaces. outcome of treatment certain empirical criteria
5. Presence of excess tooth material to arch must be established to form the philosophic
size. framework within which to operate.
6. Poor patient cooperation. The following goals have been deemed
desi­rable and fundamental to prevent failure:
1. There must be a full complement of teeth
FAILURES IN ORTHODONTICS and each tooth must be made to occupy its
normal position.
In orthodontics, as in any area of endeavor, 2. There must be normal cusp, fossa and
failure is caused by errors of omission as inclined plane relationship of opposing
well as errors of commission. Preparation, teeth.
formulation, and exec­u tion of a plan of 3. There must be normal relationship of teeth
treatment, set the format for success in to their respective jaw bones.
treatment, once a goal has been set that is 4. There must be normal axial inclinations of
within the realm of practical clinical reality. all the teeth.
Most failure in orthodontic treatment are, 5. There must be normal relationship of the
therefore, based on the lack of: jaw to each other and to the skull.
1. Knowledge 6. There must be normal function of all
2. Perception associated parts and structures.
3. Technique The goals enumerated are obviously
4. Procedure ideal and not readily attainable in most
5. Judgment. malocclusions because of the nature of the
Unfortunately, in any biologic are or science malocclusion. It is nece­ssary to recognize the
there are variables so numerous that exclusive limitations of ortho­dontic therapy within the
parameters for one variable cannot be made limits set by the malo­cclusion, the investing
without recognized or evaluating the effect upon tissues, the treatment goals, the appliance
other variables. therapy and the cooperation of the patient.
In orthodontics, most biomechanical The compromises most readily available
techniques and procedures have been are surgical procedures:
evaluated and examined with some degree i. Extraction of teeth to create arch length,
of precision. The physics concerning the to gain interdigitation of teeth and to
mechanical principles involved in levers, reduce procumbency of the dentition.
424  Essentials of Orthodontics

ii. Surgical resection of the maxilla or afterward. Future growth, after treatment and
mandible, for enmasse movement of during or after retention, may well unto the
teeth and jaws and to correct bony best treatment results and often does.
anteroposterior and vertical deficiencies.
iii. Implants of bone, cartilage or plastic to Growth Patterns
enhance facial esthetics. The significance of growth types and growth
iv. Rhinoplasty to recontour the midface. rates of facial structures is fundamental to
diagnosis and to treatment outcome.
Limitations of Treatment Three types of skeletal growth, for purposes
The limitations of orthodontic treatment are of of classification, have been delineated—Class
a biologic, psychologic and mechanical nature. I growth, in which both the maxilla and
The biologic limitations are the most mandible grow at a proportionately even
difficult to overcome and pose the problems rate; Class II growth in which the maxilla
inherent in growth, muscle, bone, tooth proportionately outgrows the mandible
proprioception, respiration, function, etc. and Class III growth in which the mandible
The psychologic limitations are those proportionately outgrows the maxilla. The
imposed by the patient, either upon the skeletal growth types can be recognized by
orthodontist or on the goals of treatment serial cephalometric radiographs taken over
through acts of cooperation of disinterest. a period of years.
The mechanical limitations are usually It is well to recognize that growth can both
those of appliance design and appliance help and limit orthodontic treatment and that
manipulation. It is better in most cases to select growth is a highly individual variable guided
an appliance which will control and move teeth by genetic, endocrine and nutritional factors.
toward a selected goal with predictable results
than to use an appliance which moves teeth in Anteroposterior Discrepancies
an unpredictable fashion with uncontrollable The anteroposterior discrepancy is a measure
results. of the relative discrepancy between the basal
bone of the maxilla and mandible.
Growth The anteroposterior difference is a measure­
Since, most orthodontic treatment requires ment taken as an angular discrepancy between
lengthy supervision and observation, in the most retruded portion of the maxillary
children and young adults, it is required bone and the most retruded portion of the
that growth, not present in adult patients, be mandibular symphysis as related to nasion.
considered as a limiting factor in the successful The interrelationship of the angle ANB and
orthodontic outcome. the angle of the mandibular plane to cranial
An orthodontic diagnosis must be made base are important in defining the severity
today for the treated individual 24 to 36 months of the malocclusion, establishing a goal of
hence, so that treatment and growth coincide treatment, and limiting the eventual stability
at some moment in the future. Furthermore, of the treated case. The worse the skeletal
growth does not cease with termination of discrepancy in an anteroposterior direction
treatment but continues for some variable time and in a vertical direction the less pleasing will
Retention and Relapse  425

be the facial esthetics, the dental occlusion and and function must be made. A requirement
the dental stability, and the greater will be the for the determination of vertical skeletal
chances of failure. dysplasias and anteroposterior dysplasias is
the inspection and analysis of well-oriented
Vertical Dimension cephalometric radiographs.
The vertical dimension is a measure of face
height. Face height is a changeable factor Bite Opening
which can be measured in several ways. The Failures often arise and create an unfortunate
vertical dimension is influenced by treatment, circumstance when bite plate therapy to open
growth and the eruption of teeth. the bite of the anterior teeth is combined with
Among the variables measured in the vertical traction to the first permanent molars.
vertical dimension are: vertical growth of
the maxilla; vertical growth of the maxillary Molar Displacement
alveolus; eruption of the maxillary teeth; The effects of the molar teeth on the changes
eruption of the mandibular teeth; vertical in occlusion, bite opening, occlusal plane,
growth of the mandibular alveolus, and vertical mandibular plane, vertical height and antero­
growth of the mandible. posterior dimension cannot be over­stressed.
It is acknowledged that low mandibular Molars have a troublesome say of extruding
plane angles tend to denote somewhat during all types of orthodontic therapy. Molars,
favorable growth patterns and that steep because of root volume, root area, location,
mandibular planes denote unfavorable growth eruption pattern; occlusal stress and crown
patterns. morphology possess a profound influence on
the success or failure of treatment.
Posterior Facial Height Extrusion and forward tipping of the
A second factor in the vertical dimension is the molars occurs with ease, whereas uprighting of
posterior facial height. Posterior facial height the molars is more difficult and intrusion of the
is the relative ratio of the ascending ramus as molars is exceedingly difficult if not impossible
compared to the anterior facial height. without the use of heavy orthopedic forces.
It has been observed that many cases with The position of the molar therefore
large ramus lengths will have skeletally closed not only permits the classification of
bites, low alveolar bone heights, and flatter dental malocclusions but forms the basis
occlusal planes. If the bite is mechanically for diagnosis and sets the objectives of
opened in these cases it will have a tendency treatment. Management of the first molar in
to close again as growth proceeds. an anteroposterior direction and in vertical
The orthodontist or dentist cannot readily direction precludes success or failure in most
determine the subtle distinction between orthodontic treatment.
vertical dental dysplasias and vertical skeletal
dysplasias by clinical inspection of by dental Freeway Space
casts alone. Determinations of growth patterns, Caution must be exercised when opening the
skeletal patterns, and muscular patterns, as bite not to exceed the natural freeway space
well as observation of the drape of the facial presented at the beginning of the treatment.
soft tissue around the dentition during rest Freeway space in the buccal segments is
426  Essentials of Orthodontics

more variable in developing dentitions and (growth) will occur in the basal bone and
tends to become more fixed as a gradient of musculature as a result of gross anterior and
increasing age, decreasing growth rate, and lateral expansions of the dental arch is to deny
decreasing tooth eruption rate. The eruption the known physiologic response of muscle
rate of teeth and the freeway space seem to be versus bone.
in equilibrium with the skeletal development
and the masticatory and facial musculature. Tooth Size Discrepancies
There is usually a tendency for some closure Of the many problems causing failure in
of the mandibular plane after treatment and a treatment, or after retention, tooth size
tendency for the overbite to increase and discrepancies (variations in tooth size, shape,
deepen after treatment. Some of the increase in and contour) are perhaps the most easily
overbite and overjet is due to growth, forward overlooked. In as many as 70% of malocclusions
rotation of the mandible, increases in the curve tooth size problems may be contributing factor.
of Spee and further eruption of the anterior Moderate-to-severe discrepancies may occur
teeth. bilaterally or may be confined to individual
In extraction cases there is a tendency quadrants or teeth.
for an increase in overbite, probably caused Obvious tooth size discrepancies such as
by adjustments in occlusal stress and axial peg-shaped laterals are the cause of spacing
inclin­ation of teeth after treatment and forward in the anterior quadrant. Should an attempt be
displacement of the molars. made to close spaces in the anterior segment,
treatment would result in anterior spaces distal
Tooth-to-Bone Discrepancies to the laterals, an end-to-end relationship
The tooth to bone discrepancy most commonly an anterior cross bite of the anterior teeth or
noted is an irregularity of the teeth in one or collapse of the mandibular anterior segment.
both jaws. In many instances of malocclusion Mismatched tooth sized in arch qua­drants
irregularities are first noted in the anterior may cause the return of spacing, rotations,
teeth, although notable irregularities do occur tipping, traumatic occlusion and pro­prio­ceptive
in the buccal quadrants as well. changes in function. Many problems during
It is recognized that with most biome­ treatment in the matching of midlines, arch
chanical procedures on teeth, changes and form and problems in occlusal interference
remodeling of bone occur, depending on the occur because of unequal sizes of teeth and
direction, duration, magnitude and mode because of tooth morphology incompatible
of force application. Bone changes of the with adjacent or opposing teeth.
alveolar structure, resorption, deposition and Nature unfortunately does not issue a per­
remodeling occurs as a response to mechanical fect set of well-balanced and occluded teeth
stimulation and stress on the bone tooth socket with proper cusp heights, ideal morphology
through the periodontal membrane. Changes and precise inclined plane angulations. The
in the alveolar bones and the alterations in teeth that the orthodontist attempts to occlude
tooth alignment brought about by mechanical may exhibit various states of wear and trauma
forces, though imitative of the growth process, existing with the original malocclusion but
cannot be considered “growth” in the strict incompatible with the function of the treated
scientific sense. To hope that adaptive changes malo­cclusion.
Retention and Relapse  427

Dental Drift treatment or modification are necessary to

In the developmental pattern during the loss, prevent orthodontic failure.
eruption and occlusion of teeth there are
possibly three periods of rapid dental drift. Iatrogenic Problems
In order to prevent tooth drift or to mask In all orthodontic treatment something is
the effects of teeth drift “preventive overtreat­ compromised or sacrificed to obtain a chosen
ment” has often been recommended. The goal. There is not one orthodontic appliance
overtreatment allows for the passive relapse of which does not have an untoward effect on the
teeth into a normal occlusion and counters the teeth or surrounding oral tissues.
residual effects of growth. The overcorrection Regardless of the occlusion obtained at
of rotated and displaced teeth appears to be the end of orthodontic treatment, gross loss
necessary to prevent relapse and recurrence of bone, loss of root apices, loss of interdental
of the malocclusion. papilla and excessive damage to tooth viability
do not constitute successful treatment.
Third Molars Hawley, Bimler, Crozat or Andresen-Haupl
Third molars have been implicated as offending appliances as well as fixed appliances cause
the integrity and equilibrium of the dental soft tissue damage cause decalcification pitting
arch. It is true that these teeth in function and eroding of enamel tear and disturb the
may act though functional stress and add to periodontal membrane and effect changes in
the anterior component of force in the dental the pulp.
mechanism. The greatest failure occurs when the iatro­
In late tens and early twenties many cases genic problems outweigh the orthodontic
which have been stable and functional for results and the malocclusion is unresolved or
some years suddenly begin to drift and relapse. unstable. The purpose in orthodontics, as in
It apparently makes little diference whether the all dental discip­lines, is to do the most good
third molars have been extracted. and the least harm within the limitations of
the problems, the treat­ment objective and the
Musculature appliance of choice.
The importance of the oral and facial mus­
culature in the stability of occlusion cannot be
overstressed. Any dental treatment which does SUMMARY
not consider the effects of muscular equilibrium
is doomed to failure. There are several dogmatic rules for the preven­
The buccinator and the associated tion of orthodontic failure and to aid in the
masticatory and facial muscles form an philosophical approach to orthodontic problems:
anteroposterior and lateral sling around the i. No occlusion is so stable as a maloc­
tooth, which when balanced by the pressures clusion once established and in equili­
of the tongue, forms a muscular trough around brium.
the dental arch and preserves the stability of ii. Stability of the anterior teeth can more
the occlusion. easily be maintained when upright
The recognition of persistent neuro­ overbasal bone and closest to the
muscular habits and patterns and their position of the original malocclusion.
428  Essentials of Orthodontics

iii. The intercuspal widths and intermolar Today, it is natïve to anticipate that a good
widths of the mandibular teeth are dental cusp fossa relationship, a good centric
most stable when contained within the occlusion and centric relation, proper contact
arch form and muscular balance of the points, and reasonable alignment of the
original malocclusion. anterior teeth with good cuspid rise and other
iv. Growth of the jaws is largely a product of mechanistic parameters, will suffice as the sole
genetics, endocrine balance and nutri­ criteria for tissue health, dental stability and
tion. facial esthetics.
v. Proper skeletal relationships may be Most orthodontic failures cannot be laid
more important than dental relation­ to one single factor. Failures usually are the
ships in evaluating the severity of a cumulative effect of several factors, one leading
maloc­clusion. to another like a series of fallen dominoes.
vi. Relapse is more likely to occur in the The important factors in successful treat­
mandibular arch first that in the maxill­ ment can be linked to a chain of events with
ary arch. each link having importance and the omission
vii. Most well-treated malocclusions will of a kink causing a break in the successful
lose about 10 to 15% of the treatment outcome of treatment.
results after retention. The orthodontist strives, along with his
Disregard of the following factors, singly dental colleagues, for perfection in occlusion,
or in combination, probably leads to the most stability, function and dental and facial
failures in orthodontic treatment: esthetics, but is simpler to move a tooth into a
1. Tooth-to-bone discrepancies given position with known mechanical forces
2. Bone-to-bone discrepancies that to maintain the tooth in a new position
3. Tooth-to-tooth discrepancies subject to the unknown forces of occlusal stress
4. Aberrant neuromuscular patterns and a new muscular environment.
5. Changing growth patterns Fortunately, the oral mechanism is forgiving
6. The limitations of treatment goals of ignorance and abuse, will tolerate many
7. The limitations of appliance therapy minor errors and will adjust and compensate
8. The effects of orthodontic therapy on the to establish harmony and homeostasis within
psyche of the patient, his self-image, his its functional limits.
goals and his cooperation.
Surgical Orthodontics  429


12 Orthodontics

MINOR SURGICAL 5. Transplantation of teeth

PROCEDURES 6. Corticotomy
Surgical orthodontics is a term that refers to 7. Implants for orthodontic purpose.
surgical procedures carried out as an adjunct to
or in conjunction with orthodontic treatment.
These surgical procedures are usually carried EXTRACTIONS
out to eliminate an etiologic factor or to correct
severe dentofacial abnormalities that cannot Extractions are the most commonly undertaken
be satisfactorily treated by growth modification minor surgical procedure in conjunction with
procedures or orthodontic camouflage. orthodontic therapy. Extractions performed
Surgical orthodontic procedures are as a part of orthodontic therapy include
broadly classified as minor surgical procedures therapeutic extraction, serial extraction
and major surgical procedures. While most and extraction of supernumerary carious or
minor procedures are an integral part of malformed teeth.
orthodontic therapy, the major procedures
are aimed at treatment of severe skeletal Therapeutic Extractions
malocclusion or dentofacial deformities. Therapeutic extractions are undertaken
Minor surgical procedures include: as a part of comprehensive orthodontic
1. Extractions treatment mainly to gain space. Prior to
i. Therapeutic extractions therapeutic extraction a thorough diagnostic
ii. Serial extraction exercise is essential. Extr­action should be as
iii. Extraction of carious teeth atraumatic as possible. During the extraction
iv. Extraction of supernumerary teeth care should be taken to preserve the integrity
v. Extraction of impacted teeth. of the alveolus. Any break or loss of either
2. Surgical exposure of impacted teeth the buccal or the lingual bony plates may
3. Frenectomy prevent ideal positioning of the teeth during
4. Pericision orthodontic therapy. Preoperative radio­graphs
430  Essentials of Orthodontics

are a valuable aid in planning and execu­tion to deflection of adjacent teeth. Impaction of
of extractions. teeth usually occurs as a result of arch length
discre­p ancy or presence of mucosal and
Serial Extractions bony barriers that prevent their eruption.
Serial extraction involves removal of some The most commonly impacted tooth is the
deciduous teeth followed by specific maxillary permanent canine. In many cases
permanent teeth in an orderly sequence to it is possible for the orthodontist to guide the
guide the rest of the permanent teeth into impacted canine into its normal location in the
a more favorable position. Serial extraction dental arch after adequate surgical exposure.
is usually carried out when an arch length The following steps are undertaken in the
deficiency exists which prevents normal management of impacted tooth:
alignment of the whole comple­ment of teeth.
Location of the Tooth
Extraction of Supernumerary The exact location of the impacted tooth
Impacted and Ankylosed Teeth is deter­m ined using the Clark’s tube shift
The presence of supernumerary, impacted technique or the right angle technique. Most
and ankylosed teeth are important local impacted teeth present a bulge corresponding
causes of malocclusion. The most commonly to their location which should be examined
seen super­numerary teeth are the mesiodens. clinically by inspec­tion and palpation.
Super­n um­e rary teeth can also occur in
the incisor, premolar and molar region. Evaluation of Favorability
Impactions in the maxilla generally occur in In many cases the orientation of the impacted
the canine region. teeth may be such that surgical orthodontic
Prior to the removal of these teeth their guidance of the tooth into the arch may not be
exact location and their relationship is possible. The favorability should be examined
ascertained by radiographs. During the prior to undertaking of the procedure. It is
extraction procedure, care should be taken consi­dered favorable whenever the apex of the
not to damage the adjacent teeth or roots. canine is close to its normal position.
The tooth is approached by a buccal or
palatal flap depending upon its location. After Evaluation of Space Adequacy
careful elevation of the flap, adequate amount When the impacted tooth is guided into
of bone is removed using rotary cutting the dental arch, adequate space should be
instruments. The impacted or supernumerary present for its normal alignment. In many
tooth is removed and the extraction socket cases involving the impaction of permanent
inspected for any pathological tissue. The flap canines the deciduous canines are over
is repositioned and sutures placed for a week. retained. These teeth may have to be extracted
to accommodate the permanent canines. In
certain patients, the space intended for the
SURGICAL EXPOSURE OF permanent canine may be lost by migration of
IMPACTED TEETH the adjacent teeth. In such cases space for the
permanent canine is created by consolidating
The presence of impacted teeth in the dental the rest of the teeth and possibly extracting a
arch can cause minor dental irregularities due premolar.
Surgical Orthodontics  431

Surgical Excision and Bone Removal procedure. According to some, frenectomy

The crown of the impacted tooth is exposed should be performed prior to orthodontic
by excision of the overlying soft tissue and closure of the midline diastema. According
removal of bony covering. The bone should be to another school of thought, frenectomy
removed up to the maximum height of contour. should be performed after space closure as it
reduces the risk of scar tissue formation that
Fixing Orthodontic Attachments can prevent closure of the midline space.
In most cases of favorably impacted canines, Regardless of the timing when the
once the soft tissue and bony tissues are procedure is performed the following points
removed, the canine erupts on its own. In some should be remembered:
cases, orthodontic guidance for eruption of the i. Frenum should not merely be clipped;
teeth into the arch may be required. it should be totally excised to the bony
Attachments are placed on the impacted level.
tooth to guide the erupting tooth into the arch. ii. Any palatally attached fibrous tissue
Some of the attachments that can be placed on should be removed.
the impacted crowns are: iii. Fibrous tissue attached to the inter­
i. Metal crown with a hook. maxillar y suture area should be
ii. Celluloid crown with an attachment removed.
bonded to it. iv. The mucosa of the lip is undermined
iii. Bondable orthodontic brackets or to prevent reattachment of the fibrous
buttons. tissue.
A ligature wire is wound around the
attachment and the other end tied to a
removable or fixed orthodontic appliance. The PERICISION (CIRCUMFERENTIAL
wire is gradually tightened at regular intervals SUPRACRESTAL FIBROTOMY OR
to guide the erupting tooth. CSF PROCEDURE)

Pericision or circumferential supracrestal

FRENECTOMY fibro­t omy, as it is often called is a minor
surgical pro­c edure that is undertaken to
Many cases of midline diastema are believed counter the relapse tendency of the stretched
to be caused and maintained by abnormalities gingival fibers. The transseptal and alveolar
of the maxillary labial frenum. The presence crestal groups of gingival fibers remain
of a thick, fleshy and fibrous frenum prevents stretched and do not readily readopt to the new
the two maxillary central incisors from tooth position following correction of rotations
approximating each other. In these patients the hence causing relapse.
frenal tissue may crossover and get attached in Pericision involves surgical sectioning of
the intermaxillary suture area on the palatal these fibers by passing a sharp narrow scalpel
aspect. through the gingival sulcus around the tooth
Frenectomy is a surgical procedure to a depth of 2 mm apical to the alveolar
performed to excise the frenum and remove the crest. Pericision is generally undertaken
deeply embedded fibrous tissue. Controversy as an adjunctive retention procedure after
exists regarding the timing of the surgical correction of rotations.
432  Essentials of Orthodontics

CORTICOTOMY has been derived due to their cylindrical

Corticotomy is a surgical procedure usually 2. Blade or plate implants: These have blade
undertaken in patients having dental procli­ or plate shape.
nation with spacing. This technique involves
the sectioning of the dentoalveolar region into Based on the Composition of Implant
multiple small units to hasten orthodontic 1. Stainless steel
tooth movement. Labial flaps are raised and 2. Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum (Cr-Co-
interdental bony cuts are made parallel to the Mo)
long axes of the teeth. These cuts may be joined 3. Titanium
together by a horizontal bony cut above the 4. Ceramic implants
apices of the roots. Care should be taken not to 5. Miscellaneous such as vitreous carbon and
totally separate the individual units. Following composites.
the surgery orthodontic tooth movement is
initiated using fixed appliance. Based on the Surface Structure
1. Threaded or nonthreaded: The root form
implants are generally threaded as this pro­
ORTHODONTIC IMPLANTS vides for a greater surface area and stability
of the implants.
Implants made of titanium have been widely 2. Porous or nonporous: The screw type impl­
used by several orthodontists as they offer ants, whereas the plate or blade implants
‘Absolute anchorage.’ (non­threaded) have vents in the implant
body to aid in growth of bone and thus
Classification of Implants a better interlocking between the metal
Implants can be broadly classified under the structure and the surrounding bone.
following headings:

Based on the Location Application of Implants in

1. Subperiosteal implants: Implant body lies Orthodontics
over the bony ridge. The subperiosteal Implants are used mainly as anchorage sources
design currently in use for orthodontic in orthodontics,
purpose is the ‘Onplant.’ 1. As source of anchorage alone (indirect
2. Transosseous implants: The implant body ancho­rage).
penetrates the mandible completely, this a. Orthopedic anchorage
type is not used in orthodontics. i. Maxillary expansion
3. Endosseous implants: These are partially ii. Headgear like effects.
submerged and anchored within the bone. b. Dental anchorage
These have been the most popular and i. Space closure
widely used. ii. Intrusion of anterior teeth or post­
erior teeth
Based on the Configuration Design iii. Distalization of molars.
1. Root form implants: These are the screw 2. In conjunction with prosthetic rehabili­
type endosseous implants and the name tation (direct anchorage).
Surgical Orthodontics  433

Recent advances include modified implant ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY

designs which are specifically meant for orth­ Orthognathic surgeries are surgical procedures
odontic usage like: carried out along with orthodontic treatment
1. Screw design which provide an opportunity for the ortho­
i. Mini-implant dontist and the oral surgeon to treat in collabor­
ii. Impacted titanium post ation, severe dentofacial malformations that
iii. Skeletal anchorage system cannot be satisfactorily treated by ortho­
iv. The microimplant dontic treatment alone. The major surgical
v. The Aarhus implant procedures are mainly aimed at treating den­
vi. The orthosystem implant systems tofacial defor­mities.
vii. Newer systems (Spider screw, OMAS
system, Leone implant, Imtec screws,
i. Onplants
3. Plate designs: Dentofacial deformities can be congenital,
i. Skeletal anchorage system (SAS) developmental or acquired in nature and can
ii. Graz implant supported system affect the maxilla, the mandible or both in
iii. Zygoma anchorage system. combination.
The classification of etiologic factors in
Method of Placement den­tofacial deformities are:
The implant is placed by a surgeon through a
specialized procedure known as tunneling. After
making an incision in the posterior region of the Specific Causes
palate, a subperiosteal tunnel flap is created A. Prenatal causes:
extending till the desired location, using an 1. Fetal alcohol syndrome
elevator. The implant is placed and is not distur­ 2. Retinoic and thalidomide therapy
bed for a period of 3 to 4 days allow biohealing. 3. Hemifacial microsomy
Implants for the purpose of conserving 4. Goldenhar’s syndrome
ancho­rage are welcome additions to the arma­ 5. Mandibulofacial dysostosis
mentarium of a clinician. They help the orthod­ 6. Facial clefting syndrome
ontist to overcome the challenge of unwanted 7. Achondroplasia
reciprocal tooth movement. The presently 8. Craniosynostosis syndrome
available implant systems are bound to change 9. Pierre Robin syndrome.
and evolve into more patient-friendly and B. Postnatal causes:
operator-convenient desigs. Usage of implants 1. Injury to nasal septum
to achieve orthopedic changes in growing 2. Injury to condyle
children has also been documented. Long- 3. Injury to ramus
term clinical trials are awaited to establish 4. Injury to alveolar bone and teeth
clinical guidelines in using implants for both 5. Missing muscles
orthodontic and orthopedic anchorage. 6. Condylar hyperplasia.
434  Essentials of Orthodontics

1. Mandibular prognathism
2. Interracial mixing.

1. Effect of posture
2. Respiratory influence
3. Effect of biting force.
Figures 12.1A and B: BSSO advancement
3. Ramus vertical osteotomy
Orthognathic surgeries are major surgical pro­ 4. Reduction genioplasty.
cedures carried out along with orthodontic Mandibular Retrognathism
the­rapy to correct dentofacial deformities or 1. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
severe orofacial disproportions involving the 2. Intraoral vertical osteotomy
maxilla, the mandible or both in combination. 3. Augmentation genioplasty.
Ortho­g nathic surgery basically involves II. Transverse procedures:
planned fracturing of the facial skeletal parts 1. Midpalatal osteotomy
and repo­s itioning them as desired. They 2. Surgically assisted rapid palatal
should be performed as a team with the oral expansion.
surgeon and the orthodontist being important III. Vertical procedures:
members of the team. 1. Sagittal split osteotomy
Orthognathic surgeries can be performed 2. LeFort I
in the maxilla as well as the mandible or in 3. Subapical osteotomy
com­bination to correct jaw discrepancies in 4. Combination of sagittal split and LeFort
all the three planes of space. I osteotomy
The various orthognathic procedures 5. Genioplasty.
include: The planning and execution of orthognathic
I. Sagittal procedures: surgery are done in a methodical manner. The
Maxillary Prognathism following are steps involved in orthognathic
1. Subapical osteotomy surgery.
2. LeFort I osteotomy
3. Anterior maxillary osteotomy (AMO). Diagnosis (Preoperative Evaluation)
Maxillary Retrognathism Preoperative diagnosis is very important
1. LeFort I osteotomy for the success of orthognathic surgery. The
2. LeFort II and III osteotomy. diagnosis is aimed at determining the nature,
Mandibular Prognathism severity and the possible etiology of the
1. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) dentofacial deformity.
(Figs 12.1A and B). General medical evaluation: The patient’s
2. Extraoral vertical osteotomy general medical history should be recorded
Surgical Orthodontics  435

to rule out medical disorders. The patient’s problems. The commonly used cephalometric
overall dental health should be evaluated. analyses are the Burstone’s Cephalometrics
Pulpoperiodontal problems should be relived for Orthognathic Surgery (COGS) analysis and
prior to the surgical intervention. Quadrilateral analysis. Frontal cephalometric
Sociopsychological evaluation: The patient is evaluation helps in determining the facial
assessed to determine whether they are aware asymmetry.
of the existing dentofacial deformity and what Radiographic examination: Prior to the
they expect out of the surgical therapy. This surgical intervention the following radiographs
helps in determining the patient’s motivation. are mandatory.
The patient’s social status should also be 1. Intraoral periapical radiographs: These
evaluated. radiographs help in determining the
condition of the teeth and alveolar bone.
Envelope of Discrepancy Presence of pathology around the tooth
(Figs 12.2A and B) can also be determined using these
A diagram devised by WR Proffit and JL Acker­ radiographs.
man to illustrate graphically the amount of 2. Panoramic radiographs : Panoramic
change that can be produced by orthodontic radio­g raphs offer a wide view of the
tooth movement alone (inner envelope), entire dento­facial region including
orthodontic tooth movement combined with the temporomandibular joint. These
growth modifi­cation (middle envelope) and radiographs are useful in evaluation
orthognathic surgery (outer envelope) in the of bony pathologies, evaluation of the
sagittal and vertical planes of space, based on temporo­m andibular joints and the
the authors’ clinical judgment. maxillary sinuses.
Cephalometric evaluation: Cephalometric 3. Digital cephalometric radiographs: Lateral
evaluation is an important tool in determining and Frontal (in transverse problems)
the nature and severity of the skeletal are essential for proper diagnosis and
treatment planning. Cephalometric
prediction tracings are highly useful in
treatment planning.
Softwares like Dolphin imaging can predict
the surgical outcome of the patients.
4. Submentovertex view : A radiograph
routinely used is the submentovertex view
to determine the buccolingual thickness of
the mandible as well as degree of deformity
of the face.
5. CT scan and MRI scans: CT and MRI
scans may be useful in cases where three
dimensional assessment are required.
Study model evaluation: Study models are
helpful in the evaluation of occlusion from all
Figures 12.2A and B: Envelope of discrepancy directions. They are used to assess interarch
436  Essentials of Orthodontics

and intra-arch discrepancies. Study models to carry out extensive presurgical tooth
are also used in mock surgery and Splint movement that can be accomplished more
preparation. easily and quickly during or after the surgery.
Photographic evaluation: Extraoral photo­gra­ Presurgical ortho­dontic preparation should
phs are particularly used to evaluate the facial never extend more than one year (Fig. 12.3).
changes that may occur after orth­o­gnathic
surgery may be visualized by photographic Mock Surgery
mock surgery. Soon after the completion of presurgical ortho­
TMJ evaluation: The temporomandibular dontic treatment a mock surgery is perfor­med
joint is evaluated by inspection, palpation, on the upper and lower models mounted on a
auscultation and by radiographic examination semiadjustable or fully adjustable arti­culator.
to evaluate joint movements and any pathology. The models are cut and repositioned in the
desirable position. The segments are secured
in their new position using sticky wax. The
PRESURGICAL ORTHODONTICS mock surgery they help in evaluation and
possible modification of the surgical treatment
The objective of presurgical orthodontics plan. It also helps in the preparation of an
is to prepare the patient for the intended occlusal splint to be used during surgery.
orthognathic surgery and not to make the
occlusal relationship as ideal as possible. Orthognathic Surgery and
The following procedures are undertaken Stabilization
as a part of presurgical orthodontics: The next step involves the surgical fracturing
i. Alignment of the arch. and repositioning of the bony segments.
ii. Space closure, unless it is to be utilized The teeth of the upper and lower arches are
during surgery. wired in occlusion to splints. The orthodontic
iii. Coordination of the arches. arch wire and brackets can be used for the
iv. Intrusion of teeth. intermaxillary fixation. Intermaxillary fixation
Most severe skeletal jaw discrepancies usually spans for 6 to 8 weeks following which
are partly compensated by change in axial the splint is removed.
inclin­ation of the anterior teeth. For example,
mandi­bular retrognathism is associated with
proclined lower anteriors to partially offset the
skeletal discrepancy. Class III patients with
prognathic mandible usually exhibit lingually
tipped lower incisors to compensate for the
skeletal relation. Presurgical orthodontics
should correct these positions of compensation
to position the teeth correctly over their
supporting bone. This procedure is called
Since most patients require postsurgical
orthodontic treatment, it is unnecessary Figure 12.3: Decompensation
Surgical Orthodontics  437

MAXILLARY supply from the incisive canal. Bilateral vertical

incisions are performed on the vestibular
Surgeries side at the level of the first premolars. These
are connected by a transpalatal horizontal
Anterior Maxillary Segmental incision, allowing reflection of the palatal flap
(Subapical) Osteotomy posteriorly.
Osteotomy of the anterior maxillary seg­
ment, usually from canine-to-canine, with Complete Maxillary Osteotomy
displacement in a posterior, inferior, superior Maxillary osteotomies traditionally are
or rotational manner. Most commonly a described in comparison with the common
combin­ation of posterior and inferior repositi­ fracture patterns of the midfacial skeleton,
oning of the anterior segment is performed, named after the work of R LeFort (1900).
into the space created by simultaneous The LeFort I, II and III fractures indicate the
extraction of the max­illary first premolars. general levels at which the maxilla may be
Anterior repositioning of the segment is sectioned selectively from the rest of the
almost impossible because of diffi­culties in skull, although the osteotomies are tailored to
stabilization and fixation, even with bone the individual patients and may deviate from
grafting and because the soft tissue pedicles the known fracture patterns (Fig. 12.5).
often are insufficient to cover the surgical
defects. The most popular techniques for this LeFort I Osteotomy
type of osteo­tomy are the Wassmund and The most frequently performed of all midfacial
Wunderer tech­niques (Fig. 12.4). osteotomies. It sections the midface through
the walls of the maxillary sinuses, the lateral
Wassmund Technique nasal walls and the nasal septum, at a level
An approach to anterior maxillary segmental just superior to the apices of the maxillary
osteotomy described by M Wassmund (1927), teeth. Starting at the inferiorlateral margin
which relies on maintaining both the labial of the pyriform aperture of the nose, the
and palatal pedicles for vascular supply to the osteotomy line traverses the lateral walls of
anterior maxillary segment. The osteotomies the maxillary sinus approximately 3 to 4 mm
are carried out through mucosal tunnels above the apices of the canine, premolars and
created on the vestibular side by vertical molars. It passes across the canine fossa to
incisions at the midline and at the level of the the base of the zygomatic buttress and curves
first premolar and through palatal tunnels around and above the maxillary tuberosity
created by connecting the extraction sockets to the lowest part of the pterygomaxillary
of the first premolars to a midpalatal incision. fissure, where it crosses the posterior wall
of the sinus at the same level. It then turns
Wunderer Technique anteriorly through the lateral wall of the nose
An alternative approach to anterior maxillary below the inferior turbinate to join the point
segmental osteotomy described by S Wunderer of origin. The cut is made bilaterally. Following
(1963). The technique relies on the vestibular this, the pterygomaxillary plates are separated
pedicle for vascular supply to the anterior from the posterior aspects of the maxillary
maxillary segment, together with some blood tuberosities, and the nasal septum is detached
438  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 12.4: Maxillary surgeries

Surgical Orthodontics  439

passing from the nasal bones anteriorly in

a downward and backward direction to the
posterior part of the septum just above the
posterior nasal spine. The lateral nasal walls are
fractured during mobilization of the maxilla at
levels corresponding to the septal cut.
Figure 12.5: LeFort osteotomy LeFort III Osteotomy
The basic LeFort III osteotomy, as originally
from the superior aspect of the hard palate by described by P Tessier (1971), was designed
dividing it along its length with a chisel, so that to achieve anteroposterior movement of
the maxillary segment is freed. The LeFort I the whole facial mass, establishing normal
osteotomy offers a great number of options dental occlusion and increasing orbital
as the freed maxilla can be reoriented in all capacity, enlarging both the height and the
spatial planes. Further segmentation of the depth of the orbits. The aim is to separate the
maxilla can be performed to correct transverse, facial mass from the cranial base along the
anteroposterior and vertical discrepancies interfrontofacial and the interpterygomaxillary
between the maxilla and the mandible. planes. To do this, the osteotomy traverses, on
each side, the medial orbital wall, the orbital
LeFort II Osteotomy floor and the lateral orbital wall to reach
A pyramid-shaped osteotomy that is identical the region of the frontozygomatic suture.
to the Le Fort I procedure from the pterygoid The frontal process of the zygomatic bone
column to the zygomatic buttress. From that then is split sagittally (effectively splitting
point, instead of continuing anteriorly to the the lateral wall of the orbit) and the cut is
pyriform aperture of the nose, the cut is directed continued inferiorly to complete division
superiorly, towards the orbit. The cut is kept of the zygoma. The two sides are connected
anteromedial to the infraorbital foramen and centrally through the frontonasal area, as in
crosses the inferior orbital margin at a point the LeFort II osteotomy. Pterygomaxillary and
halfway between the lacrimal duct medially septal separation then are completed as in
and the infraorbital canal laterally. It then is the LeFort II operation and the central facial
continued posteriorly along the floor of the block is mobilized. Many variants of LeFort
orbit and at right angles to the orbital rim until III procedures exist that can be applied in the
past the lacrimal groove and its contained treatment of a variety of craniofacial problems
lacrimal sac. The cut then is turned medially and can be combined with surgery of the
and anteriorly across the apex of the lacrimal cranial vault.
groove and emerges medially to the orbit,
just below the midpoint of the medial canthal Küfner Osteotomy
attachment. The frontal process of the maxilla A modification of the LeFort II osteotomy
then is crossed and the cut becomes continuous originally described by J Küfner (1971). It is
with the osteotomy of the other side across the intended for patients with good nasal bridge
nasal bones. The nasal septum is divided at a and projection, but exhibiting retrusion of the
higher level than during the LeFort I osteotomy, infraorbital region and maxillary dentoalveolar
440  Essentials of Orthodontics

area, with zygomatic flatness. The difference is

that the osteotomy does not involve the nasal
bridge, but is extended laterally to include the
infraorbital rim and zygomatic process.

Multiple-piece Maxillary Osteotomy

(Fig. 12.6)
When a severe transverse discrepancy between
the maxillary and mandibular arches exists, a
two- or a three- and sometimes even a four-piece
maxillary procedure is performed, following a
LeFort I osteotomy, to reposition each segment
separately to an ideal relationship with the
mandibular arch. Due to the increased risks
entailed in the segmental procedures, most
Figure 12.7: Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
clinicians prefer to limit the number of
segments into which they divide the maxilla.


Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy

(BSSO) (Figs 12.1, 12.7 and 12.8)
A mandibular orthognathic surgical procedure
first reported in the English literature by
R Trauner and HL Obwegeser (1957) and
subsequently modified by others. In this Figure 12.8: Bsso setback

procedure the rami of the mandible are

split parallel with the sagittal plane to allow
repositioning of the mandibular body into a
more favorable relationship with the maxilla
and the face. The procedure currently is
routinely performed through an intraoral
approach and can be used for advancement,
setback and rotation of the distal (mandibular)
When the distal segment is advanced, a
gap is created in the buccal plate. When it is set
back, a section of the buccal plate is removed to
allow good approximation of the buccal cortex
of the proximal segment against the lingual
cortex of the distal segment on each side. The
Figure 12.6: Multiple-piece maxillary osteotomy osteotomy design spares the mandibular nerve
Surgical Orthodontics  441

and provides a broad interface of the bony

segments to aid with fixation and healing.
Fixation is achieved by bone screws or bone
plates, or through circumosseous fixation wires
in combination with IMF.

Transoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy

(TOVRO), Intraoral Vertical Ramus
Osteotomy (IVRO)
A vertical osteotomy of the mandibular
ramus performed via a transoral approach
for correction of mandibular prognathism. It
commonly is carried out in conjunction with
a coronoidectomy. The coronoid fragment
with attached temporalis tendon is allowed to
retract. The line of the osteo­tomy extends from
an area in front of the condyle to a point at or
Figure 12.9: Genioplasty
near the angle of the mandible.
This osteotomy is reserved for patients who
require a mandibular setback, as it necessitates (mandibular) segment and/or by removal of a
full-thickness overlap between the mandibular wedge of bone. Alloplastic grafts to increase the
segments. After the setback the condylar prominence of the chin are no longer widely
segment lies laterally to the distal mandibular performed, due to their side effects.
segment. Stabilization can be provided by a
circumramus suture or wire, by rigid fixation Postsurgical Orthodontics
screws, or alternatively no stabilization is Soon after the surgery, a phase of postsurgical
used. In the latter case, patients are left in orthodontic treatment is initiated. During
intermaxillary fixation for 4 to 6 weeks. The this phase, the final settling and detailing of
TOVRO is advocated to be less likely than the the occlusion and esthetic root paralleling
BSSO to produce neuro­sen­sory changes. is carried out. Most cases of postsurgical
orthodontics are completed by 4 to 6 months.
Genioplasty (Fig. 12.9)
An orthognathic surgical procedure designed Cosmetic Surgeries
to reshape the contour of the chin, giving it a They are surgical procedures carried out
more esthetic appearance. The procedure is to improve the esthetic appearance of the
performed intraorally by a vestibular incision patient. These surgeries can involve the nose
and depen­ding on the situation, can augment and the chin. Cosmetic surgery of the nose
or reduce the prominence of the chin in is called rhino­plasty. They are undertaken to
the anteroposterior, vertical or transverse correct abnormal configuration of the nose.
plane of space. This can be performed by Cosmetic surgery of the chin is referred to as
various approaches, such as by sliding the genioplasty. Cosmetic surgeries of the lips are
distal (genial) segment on the proximal called cheiloplasty.
442  Essentials of Orthodontics

DISTRACTION OSTEOGENESIS gnathic surgery in the treatment of various

craniofacial anomalies.
DEFINITION The most common technique in distraction
osteogenesis is mechanical stretching of
“Distraction osteogenesis is the process of new the reparative bone tissue by a distraction
bone formation between the surfaces of bone osteogenesis is through a suture, wherein
segments gradually separated by mechanical new bone is generated in distracted suture.
traction.” The most popular example is rapid palatal
Specifically this process is initiated when expansion, where in the hard palate is
intermental traction is applied to the reparative distracted transversely through the midpalatal
callus that joins the divided bone segments suture. Midfacial sutures have also been
and continues as long as the tissue is stretched. successfully distracted in growing animals.
This technique was pioneered in the 1950s by Current research is also focused on the
Garvil Illizarov, a Russian orthopedic surgeon possibility of applying this technique to
who began using techniques that combined achieve rapid orthodontic tooth movement.
compression, tension and then repeat bone
compression to heal fractured long bones
with segmental defects. Illizarov, based on his HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
research on canine and human long bones put
forward the Law of tension stress according Codvilla in 1905 performed the first bone
to which gradual traction of living tissues distraction for lengthening a shortened femur.
created stress that stimulate and maintain the In 1927, Abbott applied this same concept
regeneration and active growth of certain tissue for lengthening a tibia.
structures. He concluded that bone generation According to Wassmund, Rosenthal
could be initiated by the piezoelectric effect of in 1927 performed the first mandibular
tension. Moreover, distraction forces applied osteodistraction procedure by using an
to bone also create tensional stresses in the intraoral tooth borne appliance that was
surrounding soft tissues leading to active gradually activated over a period of one month.
histogenesis in different tissues like skin, fascia, In 1937, Kazanjian also performed mandi­
blood vessels, nerves, muscles, ligaments, bular osteodistraction by using gradual incre­
cartilage and periosteum. This procedure, mental traction instead of acute advancement.
known as Distraction histogenesis generally It was Illizarov, who was responsible for
accompanies distraction osteogenesis. popularizing this technique and laying down
Successful use of this technique on the protocols of distraction osteogenesis for
endochon­dral bones led to its application on limb lengthening. In the 1950s he used the
the membranous bones of the craniofacial concept of distraction osteogenesis to treat
region in the 1970’s. Though initially used fractured long bones with segmental defects
on the mandible, in recent years the maxilla, and then pioneered the radical concept of
entire midface, orbits as well as cranial bones generating bone by the piezoelectric effect of
have been successfully distracted. Distraction tension (Law of tension stress).
osteogenesis is fast ganing widespread Snyder in 1972 resected a 15 mm bone
acceptance as a popular alternative to ortho­ segment unilaterally from a canine mandible
Surgical Orthodontics  443

and showed that it was possible in craniofacial orthognathic surgery procedures in the
region. treatment of maxillomandibular deformities
In 1976, Michieli and Miotti demonstrated or discrepancies.
the feasibility of mandibular lengthening using 1. Length of hospitalization and operating
an intraoral device and a distraction protocol time is drastically reduced. It can even be
similar to Snyder’s. performed on an outpatient basis.
Karp in the early 90s published a detailed 2. Blood transfusions are generally not
histological analysis of the ossification process required during the placement or removal
after mandibular distraction osteogenesis in of the devices.
the canine model. 3. There is no need for autogenous bone
McCarthy et al performed the first mandi­ grafting.
bular distraction in humans in 1989, a small 4. It can be applied to correct deformities in the
series of which was reported in 1992. very young child as early as 2 years of age.
5. Compared to the significant relapse in
INDICATIONS tra­d­i­t i­­o nal orthognathic surgery pro­
ced­­u­r es, there is minimal relapse in
Some of the common indications of distraction distra­ction osteogenesis. This is because,
in craniofacial region include: during distraction osteo­genesis there is
1. Craniofacial microsomia­­—unilateral or gradual distraction and lengthening of
bilateral the soft tissue and the functional matrix
2. Nager’s syndrome surrounding the bony skeleton along with
3. Treacher Collins syndrome the bony lengthening. Gradual lengthening
4. Pierre Robin syndrome also allows the soft tissue matrix to adapt
5. TMJ ankylosis and hence leads to extremely stable
6. Posttraumatic growth disturbances results after distraction osteogenesis. Con­
7. Developmental micrognathia trarily, orthognathic surgery aims at acute
8. Midface hypoplasia (craniofacial repositioning of the bony segments without
synostosis syndromes) any adaptation of the soft tissue and muscle
9. Condylar regeneration envelope.
10. Correction of Class II skeletal discre­ 6. Orthognathic surgeries only permit acute
pancies with underdeveloped mandi­ changes in the position of bone with
bles due to other cause limited possibilities of new bone growth.
11. Expansion of mandibular symphysis in In contrast the bony regenerate formed by
Brodie’s syndrome distraction osteogenesis is continuously
12. Maxillary development in cleft lip and molded by the neuromuscular envelope.


The process of distraction osteogenesis has a The limitations of distraction osteogenesis

number of advantages over the conventional include:
444  Essentials of Orthodontics

1. Distraction osteogenesis cannot be useful Vectors of Distraction Osteogenesis

in dysplasias due to excessive growth. The muscular and soft tissue forces plays an
It is a treatment modality for deficiency important role in the deciding the final shape of
problems only. the distracted bone. Thus the various biological
2. It is highly dependent on patient compli­ and mechanical factors that influence the final
ance. result of distraction are:
3. The use of bulky extraoral appliances is 1. Articulation of distraction device to skeletal
psychosocially not very well-accepted. anatomy.
4. Scarring can occur if extraoral approach is 2. Type of distraction device.
used. 3. Orthodontic intervention during the distr­
5. Risk of infection. action and consolidation.
4. Moulding effect of the surrounding neuro­
muscular envelope.
PREOPERATIVE CLINICAL The vector of distraction is decided
EXAMINATION by orien­tation of the distraction device to
skeletal anatomy. The devices are oriented
This is similar to the examination carried out to the occlusal plane. If there are significant
for orthognathic or craniofacial surgeries. irregularities in the occlusal plane, the long
The patient is examined with the head exis of the mandibular body is used to describe
in upright position. The bird’s eye view and the orientation of the distraction device into
submental vertex position observation is the following three cate­gories:
also important. In the general extraoral and i. Vertical: This increases the vertical
intraoral examination special care should dimension of the mandibular ramus.
be taken to document asymmetries and ii. Horizontal: Placing the distraction
deformities in detail. device in the horizontal orientation to
The function of the TMJ before distraction the mandibular body is the most efficient
and the motor (muscles of mastication and approach for sagittal advancement of
facial expression) and the sensory (inferior the mandible.
alveolar, infraorbital nerve functions of the iii. Oblique: This results in increase in both
patient are recorded. the vertical and horizontal dimensions
A transient limitation to opening can of ramus and body. Overjet and both
occur after distraction. Thus it is important to ramus and body size deficiency may be
document mandibular excursion and original addressed.
interincisal opening for use as an objective goal In growing patients the discrepancy should
during postdistraction physical therapy. be overcorrected by several millimeters.
Diagnostic records to be taken include,
study models, photographs, lateral and Distraction Device Characteristics
posteroanterior cephalograms and orthopan­ Distraction devices can be of two types:
tograms. Specialized investigations like I. Extraoral (Fig. 12.10)
three dimensional cephalo­grams and three II. Intraoral (Fig. 12.11).
dimensional CT scan can be taken if available Intraoral devices offer the advantage of
for additional information. being more esthetic more psychosocially
Surgical Orthodontics  445

complex pull of the neuromuscular envelope

and orthodontic intervention.
Multiplanar devices have the potential for
controlling distraction in three planes. They
can be used for increasing mandibular sagittal
thrust while at the same time, altering the
angular relationship between body and ramus.
However, angular activation should commence
after some regerate has been formed.
Figure 12.10: Extraoral distraction appliance
Orthodontic Management
The orthodontist has an extremely important
role to play right from diagnosis and treatment
planning till the end of the treatment of the
Orthodontic management can be divided
into three stages:

Predistraction Orthodontics
This begins with careful appraisal of the denti­
tion and how it relates to the projected skeletal
changes. Orthodontic appliances are selected
and treatment initiated that is consistent with the
Figure 12.11: Intraoral distraction appliance overall goals of the distr­action treatment plan.
This involves the following procedures:
i. Removal of dental compensations
accepted and avoid an external cutaneous scar. ii. Preliminary alignment
Though their use is rapidly increasing extraoral iii. Coordination of arch widths
devices are still preferred in certain situations. iv. Fabrication and use of distraction
Intraoral devices can be easily by used if stabili­zation appliance
there is sufficient bone stock and unilateral v. Fabrication of surgical hooks.
or bilateral lengthening is required using
horizontal vector. However, if there is severe Orthodontics during Distraction
ramal deficiency and a vertical vector is and Consolidation
required the extraoral device is preferred. Active orthodontics or orthopedics continues
The distraction devices may be uniplanar throughout the distraction and consolidation
or multiplanar. Uniplanar devices have a phases and may include the use of bands,
straight screw that elongates in a linear fasion brackets, distraction stabilization appliances,
when activated. However, the changes in bony maxillary expansion appliances, functional
anatomy may not be uniplanar due to the appliances are to direct the tooth bearing
446  Essentials of Orthodontics

segment towards its planned postdistraction Orthodontics after Distraction

position. and Consolidation
During distraction the following four After consolidation and removal of the device
factors determine the final outcome of the orthodontics, aims to accomplish the original
treatment: treatment goals.
i. Orientation of the device: Vertical In bilateral distraction to correct sagittal
horizontal or oblique. The orientation discrepancies in growing individuals patients,
is done based on the occlusal plane to overcorrection with creation of an anterior
obtain predictable changes. cross bite is a temporary treatment objective.
In patients in whom deficiency is Eruption guidance and dental alignment over
bilateral or symmetrical it is necessary basal bone is done. If the patient may require
to place the distraction device in a further distraction or surgery after growth,
bilaterally symmetrical position to orthodontic treatment at this time aims to
prevent asymmetrical results. ready the occlusion for the future procedures.
ii. Type of device: Distraction devices with In adults minimal correction is done during
multidirectional capabilities are able to dis­­tr­­action and orthodontic finishing is accom­
alter the observed vector as it deviates plished after consolidation.
from the planned vector. They also allow
for differential vertical, horizontal or
transverse vector components to be GROWTH AND STABILITY
added or deleted as the distraction AFTER DISTRACTION
progresses. These alter­ations may be
part of the original treatment plan or One of the most significant advantages of
introduced by the orthodontist during distr­action osteogenesis overorthognathic
distraction to redirect the tooth bearing procedures is the minimal relapse and
segment. excellent stability of results after distraction.
iii. Neuromuscular influence: The bones on This is due to the fact that along with the bones,
either side of the regenerate have the the surrounding soft tissues and muscles also
capability to rotate around the skeletal get distracted and adapt to the new bone
fixation pins. This allows for moulding position.
of the shape of the regenerate. Complex The growth of the mandible after distraction
pull of the surrounding muscles and returns to the original growth pattern of the
soft tissues alter the direction of the patient and hence, significant overcorrection
devices. is needed during distraction in the growing
iv. Application of external influences: This patients.
is applied by the clinician by adjusting
the multi­planar devices as discussed Dental Distraction (Fig. 12.12)
pre­viously by orthodontic or orthopedic Liou and Huang in 1998 stated that the process
means. Large changes can be affected of osteogenesis in the periodontal ligament
by orthodontic means die to increased during orthodontic tooth movement is similar
metabolic response to the surgical insult to the osteogenesis in the midpalatal suture
or manipulation of the regenerate. during rapid palatal expansion. They proposed
Surgical Orthodontics  447

iii. Further improvement of distraction

iv. Enhancement of regenerate maturation
with pharmacologic agents, such as gro­
wth factors and cytokines
v. Development of new techniques to
moni­tor distraction regenerate form­
ation and remodeling.

Figure 12.12: Dental distraction device
Osteodistraction procides a means whereby
bone may be molded different shapes to more
a new concept of distracting the periodontal ade­q uately address the nature of skeletal
ligament to elicit rapid canine retraction deformities and asymmetries. In addition, the
in 3 weeks. They coined the term “Dental phenomenon of distraction histogenesis may
distraction” for this procedure. allow larger skeletal movements without the
inherent risk of relapse. Furthermore, many
Future Directions of the congenital deformities that require
The future development of osteodistraction extensive musculo­skeletal movements may
in craniofacial applications will probably be addresses with fewer procedures eventually
establish more complete understanding of achieving the same structural, functional, and
the biology of new bone formation under the esthetic results comm­only seen with modern
influence of gradual traction, major trends orthognathic procedures. The new millennium
may include: may also witness the use of the concepts of
i. Refinement of distraction protocols distraction osteogenesis to achieve better,
ii. Modification of osteotomy procedures faster and more efficient tooth movement.
448  Essentials of Orthodontics


13 Orthodontics

ADULT ORTHODONTICS to decreased numbers of child patients with

In the last few years there has been considerable the recent explosion of activity in the field of
interest in orthodontic treatment for the adult preventive dentistry. Harvey G Barrer observed
patient. There is no definite age when the male that the child population is decreasing and
or the female reaches physical maturity and that the number of orthodontists is increasing.
it is therefore impractical to try to determine At the same time, we find an increase in the
exactly when adulthood begins. Since an adult number of adult consultations. The reservoir
is defined as one who is fully grown, most of adult orthodontics is large because of many
males of 18 to 19 years and most females of who could not avail themselves of treatment
16 to 17 years can be considered as adults. two or three decades ago.
According to Ackerman adult orthodontics The increasing number of adults requiring
is concerned with striking a balance between or requesting orthodontic treatment can also
achieving optimal proximal and occlusal contact be ascribed to:
of the teeth, acceptable dentofacial esthetics, 1. Innovations in appliances, especially the
normal function and reasonable stability. advent of direct bonding, ceramic brackets
and tooth colored wires, have caught the
attention of many adults who would not
REASONS FOR INCREASE IN otherwise seek orthodontic treatment.
ADULT PATIENTS 2. Improved appliance placement techni­
ques. The latest development is lingual
The percentage of adult patients who have orthodontics, or invisible orthodontics,
received orthodontic treatment has increased which may shortly be a proven technique.
significantly in the last decade. From 1970 to 3. Increased experience with adult orthodontic
1990, an 800% increase in adult patients was treatment and the achievements of good
observed. results.
An increase in the number of adult patients 4. Increased public awareness of the possibili­
in the past few years has undoubtedly been due ties of adult treatment.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  449

5. Increased desire of patients and restorative bridges, partial dentures, resin bonded
dentists for treatment of dental mutilation retainers and other restorations.
problems, using tooth movement and 5. Esthetics: Today there is greater awareness
fixed restorations rather than removable of health and appearance. To achieve better
prosthesis. facial esthetics, the teeth must be properly
6. More sophisticated and successful mana­ aligned, with all missing teeth replaced.
gement of the symptoms associated with Orthodontic treatment for adults has been
joint dysfunction. the fastest growing area in orthodontics in
7. More effective management of jaw dyspla­ recent years. There appear to be two reasons for
sias, using advanced orthognathic surgical this, and therefore two groups of adult patients.
techniques. The first groups, comprising of young adults
With the ever changing times, the adult who desired but did not receive comprehensive
has awakened to the benefits of orthodontics. orthodontic treatment as youths, now seek it
His increased social and business activity as they become financially independent, and
has made him aware of visible esthetic short are more aware of the benefits of orthodontic
comings; growing personal affluences and treatment.
access to third party participation have put The second group consisting of adults
him in reach of treatment previously difficult (often older than those in the first group)
to obtain but now readily available. With this who recognized as candidates for adjunctive
the orthodontist has a now responsibility of orthodontic treatment to make control of dental
developing esoteric procedures for treating disease and restoration of missing teeth easier
adult patients. and more effective.
The increased demand for adult ortho­
dontics today can also be ascribed to the Difference between Adult and
following factors: Adolescent Patients
1. Media: Numerous articles in magazines What are the differences between adult and
and newspapers, as well as advertising by child orthodontics? The basic difference is
dentists increase public awarness. that in children we must concern ourselves
2. Insurance: Third party payment for patients with tooth movement plus growth, whereas
of other phases of dental care can make in adults we are dealing strictly with tooth
funds available for adult orthodontics movement. We cannot count upon growth to
which is only occasionally covered by help us in achieving our treatment objectives.
insurance. In a way, then, adult orthodontics is simpler,
3. Affluence: Total dental treatment is more for we have one less (and often unpredictable)
acceptable in today’s adults because they factor with which to contend.
can afford it. The need for orthodontic treatment in the
4. Family dentist awareness: The family adult is often symptom related which can be
dentist is more aware of the problems of detected by the patients, while that in child
occlusion and the role of proper tooth is based more often by signs detected by the
alignment in enhancing restorative parents or the practitioner. There are, however,
dentistry. Paralleling abutment teeth several other differences between adult and
simplifies tooth preparation for crowns, child orthodontics.
450  Essentials of Orthodontics

Indications for Adult Orthodontic magnitude of force used to move teeth must be
Treatment reduced when periodontal support has been
Ravins clearly outlined the reasons for adult lost, to prevent damage to the periodontal
orthodontic therapy: ligament, bone, cementum and root.
1. To improve tooth-periodontal tissue The greater the loss of attachment, the
relationship. smaller the area of supported root and the further
2. To establish an improved plane of occlusion apical the center of resistance will become. The
in order to distribute forces through the center of resistance of a single rooted tooth
broadest area possible. lies approximately six tenths of the distance
3. To balance the existing space between between the apex of the tooth and crest of the
teeth for better prosthetic replacement. supporting alveolar bone. Loss of alveolar
4. To improve spaces to provide normal tooth- bone height or periodontal attachment leads to
to-tooth contact. apical relocation of the center of resistance. The
5. To improve occlusion and coordination magnitude of the tipping moment produced by
with the masticatory muscles and the TMJ. a force is equal to the force times the distance
6. To satisfy the esthetic desires of the patient. from the point of force application to the center
of resistance.
Contraindications for Orthodontic forces must be applied to
Adult Orthodontics the crown of a tooth, and the further the
Barrer discussed several contraindications point of force application is from the center
relating to adult orthodontic therapy. They are: of resistance, the grater will be the tipping
1. Severe skeletal discrepancies. moment produced by any given force and
2. Advanced local or systemic diseases. consequently a larger countervailing couple
3. Excessive alveolar bone loss. would be necessary to effect bodily movement.
4. Inability to obtain a result that the patient
or doctor will perceive as satisfactory. Mechanics and Treatment
5. Poor stability prognosis. Adult treatment mechanics need not differ
6. Lack of patient motivation. from the standard techniques; they are
modified only to meet specific treatment
requirements. Simplicity with maximum
BIOMECHANICAL control is the byword. All dental movements
CONSIDERATIONS are considered to be possible. Of these
intrusion is difficult; root resorption is a
Since adult patients who need orthodontic frequently seen. Extrusion is the least difficult.
treatment often have periodontal problems, Tipping is not difficult, but septal crest bone
the amount of bone support of each tooth is an loss may be a serious hazard. Rotation is simple
important consideration. When bone has been and rapid but has the highest relapse factor.
lost, the periodontal ligament area decreases, With well-designed appliances controlled
and the same force against the crown produces dental movement and availability of basic
greater pressure in the periodontal ligament requirements treatment can be no more
of a periodontically compromised tooth eventful for the adults than for the child,
than a normally supported one. The absolute perhaps less so.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  451

Age-related Changes in the adults. The marginal bone loss is age-related

Periodontal Ligament but is also the result of progressive periodontal
The primary tissue to be influenced by disease. With marginal bone loss the center of
mech­anical forces applied to the teeth is the resistance of the tooth is displaced apically.
periodontal ligament. Collagen is produced by Another factor of importance is occlusal
the fibroblasts, which are the most frequently function. This is highly related to both the
occurring cells of the periodontal ligament. The quality and quantity of the lamina dura and
osteoclasts occurring within a few hours after surrounding bone. Teeth that have lost occlusal
orthodontic stimulus are most likely derived contacts because of extraction develop disuse
from the local monocyted and or macrophages. atrophy in their supporting bone.
After the initial wave, a second population of Together, these hard and soft tissue changes
resorbing cells appears that are blood borne. dictate a conservative approach to mechanics.
Some of these cells migrate from the vascular The biological background for orthodontic
network at the center towards the bony surface, tooth movement in adult indicated that:
serving as progenitor cells for osteoblasts. i. The forces used in adults should at a
A mechanical stimulus, such as a force lower level than those used in children.
applied to a tooth, will result in an increased ii. The initial forces should further be kept
proli­feration of the cells in the periodontal liga­ low because the immediate pool of cells
ment. It has been proposed that the insuffi­cient available for bone resorption is low.
source of preosteoblasts might account for the iii. The moment to force ratio for a particular
delayed response to mechanical stimulus. tooth movements should be increased
Norton suggested that the decreasing according to the periodontal status of
blood flow and vascularity that occurs with the individual teeth.
increasing age may provide an explanation iv. With increasing marginal bone loss light
for the insufficient source of progenitor’s cells continuous intrusive forces should be
that characterizes the ageing patient. The age- maintained during tooth displacement.
related changes in visualization may explain
the delayed reaction to orthodontic forces
described in adults. DIAGNOSIS AND ADULT
Age-related Bone Changes
Orthodontic tooth movement as a result of Orthodontic diagnosis deals with recognition of
bone modeling and remodeling also depends the various characteristics of the malocclusion.
greatly on age-related changes of the skeleton. It involves collection of pertinent data in a
Cortical bone becomes denser while the systematic manner to help in identifying the
spongeous bone reduces with age and the nature and cause of the problem. Diagnosis
structure changes from that of a honeycomb involves development of a comprehensive
to a network. data base of pertinent information. The data is
derived from case history, clinical examination
Local Age Changes and other diagnostic aids such as study casts,
The apical displacement of the marginal radiographs and photographs. The standard
bone level is a local factor that influences the diagnostic aids are mandatory. Because of a
biological background for tooth movement in greater possibility for dormant pathosis, buried
452  Essentials of Orthodontics

roots, impactions, periodontal breakdown, Re-evaluation and constant periodontal

and atrophic changes, periapical, occlusal therapy during orthodontic treatment will
and TMJ films should be obtained routinely in further ensure a more positive prognosis.
addition to the panoragram and cephalogram. They require specific long-term retention
A systematic approach to the examination is procedures, often of a fixed design.
essential to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
The problem oriented diagnostic procedure Multidisciplinary Approach
as described by Proffit and Ackerman is Most adult patients require a multidisciplinary
recommended to ensure that no aspect of the team for their comprehensive rehabilitation.
patient need is ignored. The team may include:
Adult patients come to us after years of using i. General dentist
and abusing their dentitions, the teeth have: ii. Orthodontist
i. More wear facets iii. Restorative dentist
ii. Shorter cusps iv. Prosthodontist
iii. Shallower fossae v. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon
iv. Many have had extensive dental work, vi. Periodontist
amalgams, crowns or inlays viii. Plastic surgeon.
v. Bridges and partial dentures.
For the adult, the clinical examination takes
on special significance in isolating existing of TREATMENT ASPECTS IN
potential ptosis and the etiological factors of ADULT ORTHODONTICS
trauma, mandibular shifts, wear facets, occlusal
disharmonies, and faulty dental restorations. Proffit has classified adult orthodontic
Additional diagnostic procedures that we procedures into the following three areas:
should consider in our adult patients are:
i. A full series of TMJ examination and 1. Adjunctive Orthodontic Treatment
X-rays Adjunctive orthodontic treatment is by
ii. Muscle examination definition, tooth movement carried out to
iii. Stress evaluation facilitate other dental procedures necessary to
iv. Diet evaluation. control disease and restore function. Although
malocclusion as classically described is not
Periodontal Considerations in necessarily an unhealthy condition, some
Diagnosis tooth positions are not conductive to long-
Most adult patients who seek orthodontic term oral health. The goals of adjunctive
treat­m ent have some form of periodontal treatment should be to:
breakdown. Orthodontic treatment in the i. Facilitate restorative treatment by posi­
presence of period­ontal disease results in tioning the teeth so that more ideal
more septal bone loss, more tooth mobility and conservative techniques can be
during treatment and more residual mobility used.
posttreatment. Pre-treatment consultation ii. Improve the periodontal health by
with the periodontist should be routine and elimi­nating plaque harboring areas,
orthodontic objectives should be altered if improving the alveolar ridge contour
required on his advice. adjacent to the teeth.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  453

iii. Establish favorable crown to root ratios cortical bone becomes denser while
and position the teeth so that occlusal the spongeous bone reduces with age.
forces are transmitted along the long These biological limitations dictate a
axes of the teeth. conservative approach to mechanics in
Adjunctive treatment implies limited ortho­ adult orthodontic treatment.
dontic goals, improving a particular aspect of ii. Lower force levels: The forces used in
the occlusion rather than comprehensively adults should be at a lower level than
altering it. Typically, appliances are required in those used in children. The initial forces
only a portion of the dental arch and for only a should further be kept low because the
short time. The adjunctive treatment includes: immediate pool of cells available for
i. Uprighting of teeth (Fig. 13.1): bone resorption is low.
ii. Forced eruption iii. Periodontal considerations: Adults
iii. Alignment of teeth. are more likely to be periodontally
compromised. Periodontal care should
2. Comprehensive Treatment for be undertaken as frequently as needed
Adults during the orthodontic treatment to keep
Comprehensive orthodontic treatment accor­ a check on periodontal inflammation.
ding to Proffit implies orthodontic treatment iv. Multidisciplinary approach: Most adult
which would take more than six months patients require a multidisciplinary team
duration. Comprehensive treatment in adults for their comprehensive rehabilitation.
is similar to that in adolescents. However, the The team may include orthodontist,
following considerations should be kept in restorative dentist, prosthodontist, and
mind while treating adults: oral surgeon.
i. Keep in mind the biological limitations: v. Esthetic requirements: Adults are usually
Adults exhibit decreasing blood more concerned of esthetics. They
flow and vascularity and insufficient are likely to be put off by appliances
source of progenitor’s cells at the site that are not esthetic. Use of esthetic
of tooth movement. In addition the tooth colored brackets and lingual
orthodontics can be considered for
adult patients.
vi. Comfort requirements: Adults are usually
less adaptable to the appliance than
young patients. Thus simple comfortable
appliances are preferred in adults.
vii. Biomechanical considerations: Adults
exhibit greater bone loss and loss of
attachment leading to apical shift of the
center of resistance. Thus greater will
be the tipping moment produced for a
given force.
Adult treatment mechanics need not
differ from the standard techniques; they
Figure 13.1: Molar uprighting are modified only to meet specific treatment
454  Essentials of Orthodontics

requirements. Simplicity with maximum con­ removable aligners to straighten teeth without
trol is the byword. Adults are turned off by: metal wires or brackets. Zia Chishti and
i. Unesthetic appearance Kelsey Wirth introduced it in 1997, by Align
ii. Fear of pain Technology in Sunnyvale, California.
iii. Extended treatment time The treatment procedure is handled by the
iv. Personal inconvenience computer technicians; process takes 3 weeks to
v. Cost. a month. After approval from the orthodontist,
The appliances used in adult orthodontics specifications are transmitted to the manu-
should fulfill the following requirements: facturing plant.
i. Should be simple in order to maximize Patient gets the first aligner 6 weeks after
the cooperation. the 1st visit.
ii. They should respond to light force for Most treatments require 20 to 60 aligners
best physiological response. worn for 2 weeks each.
iii. They should be fixed to maintain treat­ Should be taken off only for eating and
ment control. brushing.
iv. They should be long-acting to decrease
the number of appointments. Indications
v. They should require the shortest overall Mild-to-moderate crowding and rotations.
treatment period while affording us the
highest potential for a stable correction Contraindications
with minimum retention requirements. 1. Patients with severe malocclusions.
2. Cannot be used as a alternative to regular
Invisalign® Technology (Fig. 13.2) fixed appliances.
Invisalign® is the invisible way to straighten 3. All children–growing jaws and erupting
teeth without braces. It uses a series of clear teeth too complicated for the computer to

3. Surgical Orthodontic Treatment

As adults do not grow any longer dentofacial
ortho­g nathic surgeries are major surgical
procedures carried out along with orthodontic
therapy to correct dentofacial deformities or
severe orofacial disproportions involving the
maxilla, the mandible or both in combination.
Orthognathic surgery basically involves
planned fracturing of the facial skeletal parts
and repositioning them as desired. It requires
a team approach with the oral surgeon and
the orthodontist being important members
of the team.
Orthognathic surgeries can be performed
Figure 13.2: Invisalign® system in the maxilla as well as the mandible to correct
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  455

jaw discrepancies in all the three planes of Periodontal treatment: Extrusion of teeth to
space. correct vertical defects, uprighting molars
to eradicate pseudoperiodontal pockets,
Retention in Adult Orthodontics extrusion of ‘hopeless’ teeth to generate bone
Retention mechanics should be part of in preparation for an implant.
the original treatment plan. It may include
removable retainers, operative procedures Sequence of Treatment in
and or fixed retention. When the patient has Orthodontics
abnormal lip, tongue, or cheek muscle activities, I. Disease control:
it is incumbent on the ortho­dontist to prepare 1. Caries control (Operative dentistry)
the patient for long-term use of fixed retainers. 2. Endodontics
Retention is a critical and challenging aspect 3. Initial periodontics (no osseous surgery)
of adult orthodontics. The general principles of 4. Initial restorative (no cast restorations).
retention hold good for adult patients. II. Establishment of occlusion:
In many cases of adult orthodontics the 1. Orthodontics
need for postorthodontic stabilization will 2. Orthognathic surgery
coincide with the need for both restorations of 3. Periodontal maintenance.
mutilated dentition and cross arch stabili­zation. III. Definitive periodontics (including osseous
ORTHODONTICS IN IV. Definitive restorative:
2. Splints, partial dentures
MULTISPECIALTY 3. Maintenance.
Conservative Management of
The aim of multidisciplinary treatment app­ Malocclusion
roach is to achieve optimal esthetics and Esthetics is one of the main reasons for
function, consistent with a physiologically stable orthodontic treatment, patients with mild
occlusion. Various specialities in den­tistry such to moderate esthetic problems like mild
as prosthodontics, conservative dentistry, and midline diastema, irregular shape of incisors
periodontics require adjunctive orthodontic and mild rotations can be managed without
treatment as a part of comprehen­sive treatment. orthodontic treatment. The management in
Typical problems that require orthodontic these conditions includes the restorations and
treatment: cosmetic contouring of the midline diastema
Cosmetic dentistry: Closing diastemas, space or mild rotations and they are made to appear
management, anterior alignment, elimination more esthetically.
of interproximal ‘black spaces.’
Preprosthetic alignment: Molar uprighting, Indications
abut­ment paralleling, space closure or open­ing. 1. Midline diastema of less than 2 mm
Forced eruption: Extrusion of endodontically 2. Mild rotations
treated fractured teeth, periodontal defects, 3. Irregular shape of incisors
compromises of the ‘biologic width.’ 4. Mammelions
456  Essentials of Orthodontics

5. Peg-shaped lateral incisors apparently caused by mechanical, thermal,

6. Talons cusp or cusp of Carabelli or metabolic trauma to the periodontal mem­
7. Mild incisal tip fractures brane during or after tooth eruption. It occurs
8. Adult patients most often in the primary dentition, in the
9. Periodontal problems mandibular teeth and in molars.
10. Patients not willing for orthodontic Ankylosis can sometimes be detected
treatment. from radiographic evidence of periodontal
membrane obliteration. The obliterated area,
Management however, is usually small and therefore may
Management in these cases includes esthetic not be evident on a radiograph. Diagnosis
restoration with hybrid composite resins of ankylosis is usually based on the clinical
combined with cosmetic contouring of the finding of a sharp or ringing sound upon
occlusal and incisal defects. The procedure percussion and by lack of tooth mobility or
involves the use of fine diamond burs, disks soreness, even with heavy, continuous orthod­
or proximal stripping kits to provide for the ontic forces.
desired contour and for good esthetic appe­ Ankylosis during eruption almost always
arance. Finishing and polishing burs are used produces a submerged tooth. Ankylosis after
with pumice and rubber cups for final finishing eruption impedes adaptive and therapeutic
and polishing. Precaution should be taken not tooth movements. In any event, ankylosis can
to over trim and expose the dentin or pulp. have a profound effect both on the occlusion
In some moderate to severe cases, and on orthodontic treatment.
orthodontic treatment is carried out along In the primary dentition, ankylosis is
with these procedures to permanently alter usually treated by simple neglect, restoration,
the tooth positions. or extraction. Ankylosis of a permanent tooth,
however, is more complicated if orthodontic
Advantages treatment is planned. Intervention can include
1. Treatment time is very short when com­ luxation, corticotomy, and/or ostectomy.
pared to routine orthodontic treatment Luxation involves a mechanical breakage
2. Relapse tendency is very less of the bony bridge between the alveolar bone
3. Less expensive. and cementum. This is accomplished much
like tooth extraction, by administering a local
Disadvantages anesthetic, grasping the tooth with a forceps
1. Thickness of enamel should be kept in or sharp-pointed elevator, and cautiously
mind not more than 0.5 mm of enamel rocking the tooth either buccolingually or
should be removed. mesiodistally to free the osseous-cemental
2. Sensitivity may occur. fusions. Orthodontic movement can then be
started immediately.
Orthodontic Management of Corticotomy is a surgical technique in
Ankylosed Teeth which the intact ankylosed tooth, with the
Ankylosis, a localized fusion of alveolar bone surrounding cortical bone and enough soft
and cementum, is the result of a defective or tissue to maintain the blood supply, is isolated
discontinuous periodontal membrane and is as a block in one or two stages. The isolated
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  457

tooth can be repositioned during surgery, or More important recognition of the orthodontic
it can be moved orthodontically through less- appliance as a potential etiologic agent in
dense medullary bone to the intended site. periodontal disease and acknowledging
This technique does not correct the ankylosis, periodontal disease as a serious entity to
but it does permit optimal repositioning of the contend with, are the basis of a successful
tooth. orthodontic therapy.
Another conservative approach that
preserves the tooth and restores its mobility Recognition of Individual Patient
involves localized ostectomy of the fused Response
bone. After local anesthesia, a periodontal 1. The clinician must be well-acquainted with
flap is raised, the affected osseous tissue is clinical disease parameters and the ability
excised, and the flap is sutured back in place. to assess disease activity for all patients.
Unfortunately, this approach works only if 2. The orthodontist must also be aware of the
the ankylosis is in the crestal area. Ankylosis disease activity state of the various sites
elsewhere on the root surface is not readily involved in orthodontic treatment. It is
accessible to surgery. now accepted that periodontitis is not a
steadily progressive disease, but shows sites
and times of remissions and exacerbations.
ORTHODONTIC-PERIODONTIC Hence, active sites and the limitations they
INTERRELATIONSHIP impose on orthodontic therapy must be
The ultimate aim of the dentist is to ensure 3. The high-risk patient must be identified.
that his patient receives the maximum benefit Lindhe et al (1974) have shown that tipping
of therapy with the minimum of deleterious and intrusive forces in the presence of
effects. It has been known for almost half a plaque were capable of shifting the plaque
century that conventional multiattachment to sub-gingival position, which resulted in
appliances have been local etiologic factors an apical shift of the epithelial attachment
in contributing to periodontal problems. and in the creation of an infraosseous
Today, guiding the patient’s individual growth defect. Matssen (1978) concluded from his
potential for basal and muscular correction studies that the adults’ dentition is more
followed by alignment of the dental arches susceptible to plaque than the deciduous
requires a sophisticated knowledge of the dentition.
periodontium, for as forces are applied to
individual dental units it is the periodontal Identification of the Susceptible
structures that exhibit morphologic changes. Patients

Stage I: Diagnosis Thin Tissue

Orthodontic services now extend from the The labiolingual thicknesses of gingival and
neonates to the adults. This being the situation, alveolar housing are to be determined. Thin
recognition of patients with periodontal tissue is more likely to undergo recession
problems and modification of treatment to during orthodontic therapy than thick one. If
suit their needs is the requirement of the day. there is a minimum zone of attached gingival
458  Essentials of Orthodontics

or thin tissue, a free gingival graft changing the showed that the resin used in bonding brackets
type of tissue around the tooth will help control was responsible in causing gingival disease.
inflammation. This should be done before the They hypothesized that the surface area of
orthodontic movement begins. resin, the size of the particles in the resin
and the type of bracket used were important
Frenum Considerations, Gingival variables in determining the severity and
Hyperplasias and Mouth Breathing extent of periodontal disease.
The high frenum contributes to movement of
the marginal gingiva, where the keratinized Ectopically Positioned and
tissue has been lost or detached. It has been Unerupted Teeth
recommended that a frenectomy procedure be Many orthodontic patients do not exhibit
done in the maxillary midline for yong children teeth that have not penetrated the oral mucosa
because of the belief that the midline diastema nor will not erupt. Complications such as
is caused by the maxillary labial frenum. devitalization, reexposure, ankylosis and
Many believe that this frenum prevents mesial external root resorption, injury to adjacent
migration of the maxillary central incisors teeth, marginal bone loss and gingival
and that removal should precede orthodontic recession have been considered routine in
therapy. It is postulated that the scar tissue teeth that must be surgically exposed. On
formed in the healing frenectomy wound labially positioned teeth in the maxilla and
serves to being the two incisors together, mandible and lingually in the mandibular arch,
although this is still under dispute. the surgical procedure should incorporate a
Generally, surgical removal of maxillary means of prociding attached gingiva. Muco­
labial frenum should be delayed until after gingival problems are avoided, provided that
ortho­dontic treatment unless the tissue pre­ there is proper marginal tissue replacement
vents space closure and becomes painful and adequate inflammatory control absence of
traumatized. Frenectomy may be indicated excessive force, atraumatic surgery, and proper
after orthodontic treatment to change irrever­ gingival attachment during tooth movement.
sible hyperplastic tissue to normal gingival Curettage necessary to eliminate recurring
form and to enhance post-treatment stability. marginal inflammation, should not be done
Gingival changes associated with ortho­ over­zelously because this may cause an apical
dontic appliances to the periodontal tissues. shift of the epithelial attachment.
Usually, correction of abnormal gingival form
is done after the appliances are removed. Acknowledgment of Psychophysiology
Gingiva recedes following recessive changes in as a Science
periodontal fibers and bone; it does not recede Psychosomatic diseases have an important
over bone. hand in modifying treatment response. They
Although the plaque index is not signifi­ may affect the soft and the hard tissues. As far as
cantly higher in mouth breathers it has been the soft tissues lesions are concerned they alter
reported that there is an increase in gingival patient acceptance of a potentially irritating
index. This incrased inflammation should device in an already hyperesthetic mouth.
be reduced to a minimum before bonded Psychosomatic diseases cause parafunctions
appliances are placed. Gwinnett (1979) like bruxism, clenching, etc. which have
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  459

profound effects on the alveolar housing of an appliance. Schwartz postulated factors

the tooth and so modify treatment procedures. such as tongue, lips, cheeks, chewing and
swallowing habits, newly placed fillings
Stage II: Treatment Planning and rocking partial dentures as etiologic
The overall treatment plan for a patient with agents in migration. Physiologic tooth
periodontal disease often involves orthodontic movements occur in most dentitions at old
realignment of the teeth. age.
Indications for orthodontic treatment in Although they may influence the migration
periodontics are: of periodontally involved teeth, they are
1. If a malocclusion exists and further pro­ responsible for drifting of uninvolved teeth as
motes periodontal disease or affects its well.
course: Preister has listed few changes in the
a. Mouths with crowded teeth exhibit a patient’s metabolism such as pregnancy,
greater degree of periodontal problems scurvy, altered carbohydrate metabolism,
than aligned arches, may be due to: diabetes, muscular dystrophy, as causes of
i. Hygiene is difficult even for the tooth mobility.
conscious patient. Muhlemann is of the opinion that in
ii. Osseous defects are difficult to treat disorders such as acromegaly, phenytoin
because of proximity of roots. hyperplasia and Paget’s disease, the growth of
iii. When fixed splinting is necessary, tissues can move teeth.
tooth preparation is difficult.
iv. Restorations of adequate bulk may Migration as a cause of Disease
cause impingement on gingival, Tooth migration can contribute to periodontal
closed contacts harbors plaque and disease by causing:
unesthetic appearance. i. Alterations in occlusion.
b. Deep overbites are often accompanied ii. Posterior bite collapse.
by: iii. Flaring and loosening of anterior teeth.
i. Trauma to maxillary palatal gingival. iv. Open contacts leading to food impaction.
ii. Trauma to mandibular labial v. Perforation or resorption of buccal and
gingival. lingual alveolar walls.
iii. Locked bite anteriorly, directing vi. Crater of infrabony defect formation, if
excessive force on the maxillary alveolar housing is thick.
incisors, often with migrations and vii. Buckling which may change gingival
mobility as a result. contour and promote plaque retention.
iv. Excessive wear on the labial surfaces viii. Alterations in patterns of mastication and
of mandibular incisors and lingual parafunction, leading to traumatism.
surfaces of maxillary incisors. Repositioning of such malposed teeth is
2. If tooth migrations occur such as flaring indi­cated if periodontal disease can be demon­
caused by disease, parafunction or because strated. Repositioning may also be warranted
of tooth extraction, which can increase the in the absence of periodontal disease, if
severity of disease. Physical forces can act esthetic needs or reconstructive requirements
on the tooth in a manner similar to that of dictate or if conditions potentially hazardous to
460  Essentials of Orthodontics

the periodontal health of the patient become Stage III: Treatment

apparent. The orthodontic appliances are an implement
Treatment of bony defects: Combined perio­ designed to place pressure against a tooth to
dontal orthodontic measures are efficacious in produce movement. A bite plane on a Hawley’s
the treatment of the following osseous defects: appliance is one of the oldest and most versatile
i. Mesial infrabony defects and pockets on devices still used in adjunctive therapy for
tilted teeth. periodontal patients. It may be employed in a
ii. One or two walled infrabony defects on number of situations.
a single tooth (Goldman Ingber). 1. To free the occlusion and permit repair.
iii. Furcation defects. 2. To facilitate eruption of a posterior teeth
iv. Bony defects existing because of stage or teeth and the depression of mandibular
of eruption, axial inclination of teeth, anterior teeth.
or tooth rotations. 3. To facilitate tooth movement in bucco­lin­
The uprighting of a tilted tooth may elimi­ gual or mesiodistal directions, to rotate
nate most of the bony defect by remodeling of intrude or facilitate eruption of a tooth or
the bone. Ostectomy and osteoplasty can then teeth.
be used to eliminate the residual defect. 4. As an appliance for attachments to correct
Bear and Peterbaugh (1966) have suggested landmark relationships and tooth posi­tions.
that incisal and occlusal surfaces of teeth i. By facilitating mandibular tooth move­
be ground to permit eruption. As the tooth ments.
erupts, bone is deposited at the crest and ii. By permitting retraction of anterior teeth
angular defects are reduced. Orthodontically, and changing crown-root ratio.
forced eruption can also be used to reduce or iii. To permit testing of changes in vertical
eliminate angular bone defects. dimension.
Furcation involvements have been succ­ iv. To permit repair of bony defects.
essfully eliminated and regrowth of bone a. Changes in crestal form by eruption
induced by the use of eruption preceded by of tooth or by changing the axial
open subgingival curettage. inclination of roots.
It is imperative to check every single tooth b. Infrabony defects by uprighting teeth
during every recall visits. and by permitting or encouraging
Preparation for reconstruction: The need for eruption of a tooth.
orthodontic therapy prior to reconstruction The fixed appliances have become extre­
is frequently encountered in dental practice mely popular with the dentists and the public
because fixed splinting required parallel abut­ for the range and degree of tooth movements
ments, pontic spaces of sufficient width, open achieved by them.
embrasures and an esthetic and harmonious These are significant to the periodontist in
occlusion. To bring about these conditions, the following ways:
the dentist must upright tilted and protruded 1. Forces and direction of forces applied on
teeth. When teeth are properly positioned, the periodontium.
torque is minimized and forces are transmitted 2. Degree of torque affected by the appliance:
in the long axis of the tooth. All the newer modifications (Roth, Vari-­
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  461

sim­plex) of older fixed appliance techni­ sagittal jaws relationship changes and
ques use the principle of overcorrection to freeway space are reduced. This cannot be
compensate for relapse. This soft of over­ compensated for by subsequent growth.
correction might leave the periodontium Hence, correction is affected solely be
in a state of stress, as the periodontal dentoalveolar changes.
mem­­­brane is now thought to be a thixo­ b. Loss of periodontal support: Hence, redu­
tropic gel that loosens up or liquefies under ced forced forces ought to be used. Also,
stress and firms up again on removal of the moment of forces is affected by marginal
applied force. bone loss. Further, the position of center
3. Plaque retention: The older forms of fixed of resistance is now altered. These changes
appliances incorporating numerous limit orthodontic therapy.
springs, and loops and ligatures acted as c. Biology of adult bone: Amount of minerali­
reservoirs for plaque. Brushing was an zing bone is decreased with age and
ordeal even if the patient was sufficiently the lamina dura is fenestrated. Hence,
motivated. Now, with the different intended only gradual movements and prolonged
tooth movements incorporated into the retention periods are possible.
bracket itself and with the placement of the
bracket being a critical step in correction Stage IV: Post-treatment
of malocclusions, periodontal health care Orthodontic appliances are extremely popular
procedures have become less complicated. as periodontal splints as they are less traumatic,
more esthetically acceptable and functionally
Periodontal Care during more stable than the conventional wire
Orthodontic Therapy ligatures.
Plaque causes an inflammatory reaction Retention is generally considered to be
and orthodontic treatment opens up new a difficult part of orthodontic treatment in
pathways of spread of inflammation. Hence, adolescent patients. It is often even more
plaque control must be practiced assiduously difficult to maintain the treatment result in
in order that an effective orthodontic therapy adults. This may be attributable to:
is possible. As it is popularly said, the tooth i. Their generally slower tissue turnover
must not only stand in position, it must stay rates.
in position. All periodontal inflammatory ii. The face that normal functional adap­
lesions must be controlled before onset tation occurs more slowly when growth
of orthodontic care. The patient must be has been completed.
sufficiently motivated and use of adjuncts to iii. The fact that reduced height of the
plaque control like gingival stimulations, water perio­dontium may make teeth more
jets, etc. must be advocated. susceptible to postorthodontic move­
ment in undesirable directions.
Orthodontic Care for the A relatively now approach to adult retention
Periodontally Involved Patient problems is, the use of flexible spiral wire
The biologic situation in the periodontal (FSW). This might be used to:
patient is: 1. Prevent reopening of median diastema.
a. Absence of growth: Extrusion is avoided 2. Prevent reoccurence of multiple spacing of
because vertical dimensions increases, teeth.
462  Essentials of Orthodontics

3. Use a periodontal splint after migrated nonextraction treatment approaches aimed

teeth has been realigned. at the suppression of periodontopathic
4. Stabilize excessively mobile teeth. bacteria (for example, root planing with and
5. Prevent reopening of extraction sites. without periodontal surgery, plaque control,
6. Prevent rotational relapse of incisors. antibiotics, use of local chemotherapeutic
agents) have clearly demonstrated that the
Orthodontic Therapy in Patients with dentitions of these patients—including
Juvenile Periodontitis severely involved teeth—can be retained
Juvenile periodontitis (JP) is characterized by for many years without the reappearance of
a rapid loss of alveolar bone and periodontal clinical periodontal deterioration.
attachment in otherwise healthy adolescents, Consequently, orthodontists are more
with onset thought to occur after puberty. likely to face the challenge of repositioning
It is generally localized to the permanent teeth in treated juvenile periodontitis patients
first molars and incisors, with little gingival that have substantially decreased alveolar
inflammation, and almost no clinically bone support. In addition, placement of fixed
detectable dental plaque or calculus on orthodontic appliances is known to enhance
the affected teeth. Little attention has been accumulation of dental plaque and can induce
given to the problems encountered by significant increases in periodontopathic
orthodontists in correcting malocclusions in bacteria subgingivally.
patients with JP (formerly known as perio­
dontosis). In the past, the prognosis of the Conclusion
periodontally affected teeth was considered There is presently no biologic method that
poor or hopeless, leading to their extraction can effectively determine measure or predict
before the initiation of orthodontic therapy. the actual state of structural and physiologic
Previous case reports describing orthodontic balance among a composite of changing,
treatment of juvenile periodontitis patients functioning anatomic and histologic parts,
have dealt primarily with the movement with or without clinical intervention. If this key
of unaffected teeth into edentulous spaces were discovered, a harmonious relationship
left after extraction of teeth with advanced between the orthodontist and periodontist
alveolar bone loss. However, recent clinical will be a way of life rather than a matter of
and laboratory studies on the cause and semantics.
management of juvenile periodontitis have
led to a movement in periodontal treatment
philosophy toward more tooth retention, even ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT
if severe osseous defects are initially present. OF TMJ AND OCCLUSAL
Active juvenile periodontitis pockets have DISORDERS
been shown to be inflammatory lesions that Over the years functional disturbances of the
harbor specific bacterial populations in the masticatory system have been identified by
subgingival dental plaque. These bacteria a variety of terms. Numbers of terms have
differ from the microbiotas characteristic of certainly created some problem in this area.
healthy periodontal sites. With this insight, In 1934, James Costen described a group
longitudinal therapeutic studies utilizing of symptoms that centered on the ear and
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  463

temporomandibular joint. Because of this work structural attachment or  union, yet contact
the term Costen syndrome developed. Later must be maintained constantly for joint
the term temporomandibular disturbances stability. Stability of the joint is maintained by
became popular and then in 1959, Shore constant activity of the muscles that pull across
introduced the term temporomandibular joint the joint, primarily the elevators. Even in the
dysfunction syndrome. Ramfjord and Ash resting state, these muscles are in a mild state
coined the term functional temporomandibular of contraction called tonus. 
joint disturbances. Some term described The width of the articular disk space
the suggested etiologic factors, such as varies with interarticular pressure. The contour
occlusomandibular nomenclature, such as and movement of the  disk permit constant
pain dysfunction syndrome. Some authors contact of the articular  surfaces of the joint,
believe that more collective term should be which is necessary for  joint stability.  As the
used such as craniomandibular disorders. interarticular pressure increases, the condyle
Bell suggested the term temporomandibular seats itself on the thinner intermediate zone of
disorder which was accepted by American the disk. When the pressure is decreased and
Dental Association. the, disk space is widened, a thicker portion of
the disk is rotated to fill the space.
The interarticular pressure and the
BIOMECHANICS morphology of the disk prevent the disk
from  being  over retracted posteriorly. In
The TMJ is a compound joint. Its struc­ other words, as  the mandible moves into a
ture  and function can be divided into two full forward position and during its return,
distinct systems:  the retraction force of the superior retrodiscal
1. Joint system is the tissues that surround lamina holds the disk rotated as far posteriorly
the inferior synovial cavity: Since the disk on the condyle as the width of the articular disk
is tightly bound to the condyle by the space permits.  It is important to  remember
lateral and medial discal ligaments. The that the superior retrodiscal lamina  is the
only physiologic movement  that can only structure capable of retracting the  disk
occur between these surfaces is  rotation posteriorly on the condyle.  Attached to the
of the disk on the articular surface of the anterior border of the articular disk is the
condyle.  The disk and its attachment to superior-lateral ptery­goid  muscle, when this
the condyle are called the  condyle-disk muscle is active, the fibers that are attached to
complex and is the joint system responsible the disk pull anteriorly and medially. Therefore,
for rotational movement in the TMJ.  the superior lateral ptery­g oid  muscle is
2. The second system is made up of the condyle- technically a protractor of the disk  however,
disk complex functioning  against the that this muscle is also  attached to the neck
surface of the mandibular  fossa.  Since of the condyle. This dual attachment does not
the disk is not tightly attached to the allow the muscle to pull the disk through the
mandibular fossa, free sliding movement is discal space.
possible between these  surfaces in the During translation the combination
superior cavity referred to as translation.  of disk  morphology and interarticular
The articular surfaces of the joint have no pressure maintains the condyle on the inter-
464  Essentials of Orthodontics

mediate zone and the disk is forced to translate i. Dental arch or apical base location and/
forward with  the condyle. The morphology or
of the disk therefore is extremely important ii. Occlusal-incisal guidance (or misgui-
in maintaining  proper position during dance)
function.  Only when the morphology of the The status of the disk-condyle-fossa
disk  has been greatly altered does the liga­ relation­ship is determined by the muscles
mentous  attachment of the disk affect joint during rotation-translation type jaw motion.
function. When this occurs the biomechanics This relationship is alterable in the fashion that
of the joint are altered and dysfunctional signs the muscles and their actions are alterable.
begin. Once this happens at final closure, the
At rest with the mouth closed, the condyle proprioceptive signals of the periodontal
is positioned in contact with the intermediate ligaments of the teeth begin to dominate and
and posterior zones of the disk. the neuromuscular reflexive activity may have
The importance of the function of the to be changed. As the inclined planes of the
superior lateral pterygoid muscle during upper and lower teeth guide the mandible as
the  power  stroke becomes apparent when a whole to the state of final fully interdigitated
the mechanics  of chewing are observed. dental occlusion, the inclined planes of the
The jaw works as a fulcrum around the hard teeth themselves and their overall relative
food,  causing an increase in interarticular antero­posterior and vertical spatial location
pressure  in the contralateral joint and a become the determining forces of the disk-
sudden decrease in interarticular pressure condyle-fossa relationship at final occlusion
in the  ipsilateral  joint. This can lead to via new signals sent to the muscles. Muscles
separation of the articular surfaces, resulting as dictated by the motor impulses provide the
in  dislocation. To avoid this, the superior power and them the intercuspation of the teeth
lateral  pterygoid muscle becomes active determines the direction these force vectors
during the  power stroke, rotating the disk will take and where it will be absorbed. Thus
forward on the condyle so the thicker posterior a relationship is generated that lies at the very
border of the disk maintains articular contact. heart of all functionally induced TMJ pain-
Therefore, joint stability is maintained during dysfunction problems.
the power stroke of chewing.   Joint form and position are a direct result of
tooth form and position. The teeth determine
how the disk-condyle assembly will relate
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT not vice versa. So, occlusion determines the
PATHOLOGY muscles to lock up the disk condyle assembly
into a proper or improper, comfortable or
A normally functioning joint must distribute strained relationship to the fossa and articular
their force vector from the condyle to the disck eminence to full occlusion. This may range from
to posterior slope of the articular eminence at a mild to moderate or severe. Once pathology
an angle of 45o to the FH plane. The only thing sets up, TMJ anatomical, biomechanical
can force condyle to transmit loading forces and physiological dysfunction starts. It is the
of full occlusion to areas other than the disk is dusfunction of the stomatognathic system, the
combination of: dysfunction of various subsystems like sensory,
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  465

orthopedic and muscular and neurovascular ii. Stylomandibular ligament

systems, that forces the clinicians to take a inflammation. 
needed step to erase the source of problem and III. Chronic mandibular hypomobility 
hopefully make a system of functional balance 1. Ankylosis
out of one that is in a state of dysfunctional a. Fibrous
imbalance. b. Bony.
Classification system used for diagnosing 2. Muscle contracture 
temporomandibular disorders: a. Myostatic 
I. Masticatory muscle disorders  b. Myofibrotic 
1. Protective cocontraction 3. Coronoid impedance.
2. Local muscle soreness   IV. Growth disorders
3. Myofascial pain 1. Congenital and developmental bone
4. Myospasm disorders 
5. Centrally mediated myalgia. a. Agenesis
II. Temporomandibular joint disorders  b. Hypoplasia 
1. Derangement of the condyle-disk c. Hyperplasia 
complex  d. Neoplasia.  
a. Disk displacements 2. Congenital and developmental muscle
b. Disk dislocation with reduction  disorders 
c. Disk dislocation without reduction. a. Hypotrophy 
2. Structural incompatibility of the arti­ b. Hypertrophy
cular surfaces  c. Neoplasia.
a. Deviation in form 
i. Disk 
iii. Fossa. DISORDERS
b. Adhesions
i. Disk to condyle  Pain
ii. Disk to fossa.  Pain associated with TMJ problems is the
c. Subluxation (hypermobility) most important symptom as far as the patient
d. Spontaneous dislocation. is concerned. It may be dull, intermittent,
3. Inflammatory disorders of the TMJ  sharp and stabbing, localized or radiating
a. Synovitis/capsulitis to gonial region suboccipital region, frontal
b. Retrodiscitis region or zygomatic region. It can be so
c. Arthritides. insidious so as to hardly cause a change in a
i. Osteoarthritis persons routine and daily schedule, or it can
ii. Osteoarthrosis be so intense as to alter entire lives. If only
iii. Polyarthritides one joint is involved it can be unilateral and
iv. Rheumatoid arthritis. if both joints are involved, pain is usually
d. Inflammatory disorders of associ­ bilateral. The pain seems to be also related to
ated structure  the host resistance. Pain may also be detected
i. Temporal tendinitis  in the form of tenderness to palpation in the
466  Essentials of Orthodontics

muscles of mastication and joint area itself. the entire course of the opening movement
Pain may be perceived by the patient at a site and never regains it. The anterior recess of the
that is not the actual source because of referred capsule becomes distorted and enlarged to
pain. Pain may be originating from area of accommodate to the conglomeration of discal
hyperirritability known as trigger points. Pain and associated ligamentous tissues referred
may arise by impingement of the airway due as a ‘balled up disk’. It represents a disk that is
to neuromuscular reflexive displacement perpetually jammed ahead of the translating
of mandible causing superior posterior condyle, thus limiting that range of translation
displacement of condyle. To compensate for itself. This condition is referred to as ‘clinical
this, patients head is held in slightly irregular closed lock.’
fashion and pain may initiate in the muscles
of the neck. Crepitus
It is the sound of denued bone on bone.
Chronic abuse of the disk by superior posterior
ORTHOPEDIC DYSFUNCTION displacement of condyle can cause perforation
of the disk. The noise of crepitual results from
Joint Sounds contact of the head of the condyle with either
There are two main types of joint noise crepitus the dome or slope of the articular eminence
and clicking. Both are intimately related to without any intervening shock absorbing
the status of the functional anatomy of the disk due to perforation. These can result in
joint itself. osteoarthritic bone remodeling of the head of
the condyle, which can lead to flattening and/or
Clicking lipping of the condyle. Crepitus is always a sign
It is an important clinical finding of the routine of long-standing and severe superior posterior
dental examination. The clicks can be of opening, displacement of the condyle and an advanced
closing or reciprocal, early, middle or terminal. level of intraarticular degeneration.
The click is commonly reciprocal. The cause Tinnitus which is another perceived sound,
of click is a product of the anatomical shape detected only by the patient and it dies not
of the disk and its stereoscopic relationship of come from TMJ but is auricular in origin. It
the head of the condyle at the beginning of the can be perceived by the patient in the form
opening movement. Two clicks can be heard or ringing, buzzing or hissing. The exact
one in the opening of the mouth and other at the mechanism is unclear. However, it may be a
same point on the closing of mouth. Generally matter or impaired circulation and/or direct
opening click is loud and audible while the physical pressure of the mechanical and/or
closing click may or may not be audible. Some hydraulic nature.
patients with TMJ dysfunction may not show
any noticeable joint sound due to disk ironing, Altered Mandibular Movements
where posterior heel of the disk has flattened The main factors responsible for the restriction
due to continuous wearing. In some case due to or deviation of movement of the lower jaw are
continuous abuse of the ligaments, the condyle the condition of the muscles and the status
which starts out off the back edge of the disk at of the condyle-disk-fossa relationship. As a
full occlusion pushes the disk ahead of it during protective reflex the muscles rally to the aid
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  467

of the actually traumatized joint and/or its The teeth are responsible for initiation of
supportive components by going into various the guidance through the neurological signals
degrees of spasm to immobilize the joint in they provide to the brain. The actual work of
an effort to facilitate the body’s attempts at directing that arc of closure to full occlusion is
healing. Attempts at forcing the jaw open past a product of the muscles. All the movement of
a given point of restriction will elicit a painful the condyle are a direct result of neuromuscular
response and the muscles and joints are usually mechanisms that are generated as a result of the
quite sensitive to palpation. Another type of tactile sensations of the teeth as they contact
joint-inflated restriction of the movement can one another in condyles are always associated
be due to ‘clinical closed lock’situation which with overworked musculature, for it is this
has already been explained. Joint initiated musculature that is responsible for pulling the
deviation in mandibular movement can be due mandible that far back against the design intent
to sudden snapping of the head of the condyle of the disk, the associated ligaments and even
past the thicker heel of the disk and down the muscles themselves.
into the center of the disk’s central concavity.
This is especially noticeable when the process Neurovascular Dysfunction
takes place in at different points bilaterally Nervous innervation of both sensory and motor
in the opening and closing arc of movement types as well as adequate vascular supply is
from one joint to another. This is referred to as critical to proper functioning TMJ. One of the
‘torquing of mandible.’ In this situation while first neurological symptoms to be noted is the
opening there can be deviation of the mandible pain. Referred pain can originate from both
but upon full opening midline coincides. In the muscles of mastication and the supportive
another situation where clinical closed click is musculature by means of mechanism of
present in one side, further opening can lead to trigger point formation. Trigger points may
deviation of the mandible on the affected side. be defined as a focus of hyperirritability in a
tissue that, when compressed is locally tender
Muscular Dysfunction and is sufficiently hypersensitive gives rise to
When muscles become involved in TMJ referred pain and tenderness and distortion
problems they express their displeasure in of proprioception. They are present like little
primarily two ways; pain and dysfunction. For knots in the thread of the muscle fibers. They
a muscle, pain may be expressed in the form may also form in skin, connective tissue and
of tenderness to palpation or movement, or it even periosteum. Trigger points may cause
may exist in the form of outright discomfort autonomic responses in the referred sites
even in the absence of palpation or movement as localized vasoconstriction, lacrimation,
at rest. Muscles are less efficient when they salivation, secretion of nasal mucus and
are forced to operate at a length different pilomotor stimulation. Even proprioceptive
from their ideal resting length which is irregularities might occur due to trigger point
the scene there in TMJ dysfunction where activity, such as tinnitus, vertigo and slight
over contraction of the muscles are altering the ataxia problems. Trigger points can be active
original length. So, muscle splinting consists of or latent.
an advanced muscles and a feeling of stiffness Overstretching, overworking or chilling
and/or weakness. of the muscle activates trigger points to
468  Essentials of Orthodontics

make the muscles stiff and sore. Referred Hans Selye developed the concept of the
pain can also come from simple, direct general adaptation syndrome (GAS) and
mechanical pressure from the condylar head local adaptation syndrome (LAS). Stressing
on the auriculotemporal nerve bundle in the the entire body nonspecifically produced
posterior fossa area. The auriculo­tem­poral a physiologically repeatable set of general
nerve is a branch of mandibular division of chemical and neural responses such as adrenal
trigeminal nerve which anastomoses with gland activation, diminution of lymphatic
branches of the facial nerve. Thus two great and reticuloendothelial activities, increased
cranial nerves of the maxillofacial complex and gastric acidity and digestive response of the
all their associated neural centers and ganglia body to stressors was what Selye meant by
are capable of being interconnected with each GAS. Alternately, when tissues are locally and
other. acutely stresses as in trauma, infection ot other
The mechanical and hydraulic pressures localized noxious stimuli, there also appeared
in the posterior joint space are increased due in turn a localized tissue responses that Selye
to condylar intrusion and chronic trauma- labelled that LAS. GAS and LAS work hand-in-
induced inflammation, the circulation hand. Chemically alarm signals are sent out by
through the superficial temporal artery can be locally stresses tissues as a result of LAS being
progressively restricted. This can cause steadily activated try the noxious stimuli. These signals
increasing back pressure to spread out through reach the CNS via blood stream and stimulate
the other branches of the external carotid, i.e. the control centers of the CNS to initiate the
the posterior auricular and temporal lobe and responses of GAS by means of activation of
anastomoses with lachrimal artery. Vascular endocrine system, especially the pituitary and
distention in these arteries can cause pain in adrenal glands.
the areas supplied. So, chronic irritation and stressing of local
tissues, such as the TMJ and its supporting
Homeostatic Dysfunction musculature, causes localized tissue damage
The secondary etiological agent responsible in the joint and therefore elicits a chronic
for enhancing and accelerating the onset of LAS response in the TMJ area. This in turn
condition can be stress. The malocclusion stimulates a chronic GAS response throughout
(mechanical stress) ignites the TMJ fire and all the whole body.
other forms of stress-emotional, psychological,
physiological, chemical, etc. fan the flames.
The word stress may be defined as “nonspecific DIAGNOSIS
response of the body to a demand”. The human
body is designed for stress, it is designed to The proper TMJ diagnostic examination
adapt to stresses of all types on all levels. Stress procedure may be divided into three main
in appropriate amounts is actually healthy areas, the history, the clinical examination and
for the body. When the accumulation of the radiographic examination.
stress becomes great enough over a sufficient
amount of time, so as to push the limits of his History
natural ability, physical degeneration causes in Detailed medical and dental history is an
the form of disease. Thus the stress becomes important part of diagnosis of a TMJ problem.
pathological. It is especially important in the differential
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  469

diagnosis between problems of functionally Occlusal analysis of the cast gives clue of
generated nature and general systemic origin an occlusal relationship that has an untoward
which mimics common TMJ symptoms of effect on the functional integrity of the TMJ.
headache or facial pains. The most common situationare, retroclined
upper anteriors proclined lower anteriors with
Clinical Examination labially crowded out incisor, combination of
Direct clinical examination of patient involves both, loss of maxillary arch form and balancing
four basic procedures: Palpation to identify side interference between the lingual cusps
the anatomical origins of pain, auscultation of the upper and buccal cusps of the lower
of the joint during function to determine the molars.
presence of joint sounds, range of motion Finally, reaching to a particular diagnosis
measurements of the mandible and analysis differ­e ntial diagnosis of craniofacial pain
of the occlusion, palpation of the joint and must be considered. These include disease
muscles of mastication can be carried out of eyes, ear, nose, throat and teeth. Diseases
directly or indirectly by the examining of the intracranial structure like brain tumor,
clinician. Muscle tenderness is indicative of vascular malformation, etc. rheumatic,
some level of fatigue and or trauma that is neuralgic and causalgic types of pain shall also
usually directly proportional to the duration be ruled out.
and level of intensity of the insult. This can
result from simple mechanisms, such as lactic
acidosis or more advanced mechanisms such MANAGEMENT
as muscle splinting trigger point irritation or
referred pain. Number of treatments for TMJ disorders
Range of motion measurement is another have been advocated, none are effective
important diagnostic criterion. Two types of for every patient at every time. Effective
motions are measures, the maximum interincisal treatment selection begins with a thorough
opening and the lateral excursive movement. understanding of the disorder and its etiology.
The normal interincisal opening varies from 40 So, the treatment modalities of TMJ disorder
to 55 mm and normal range of lateral excursion can be divided into symptomatic treatment
should be 12 to 15 mm, anything less than 40 and definitive treatment:
mm of interincisal opening and 10 mm of
lateral excursion is considered a sign of joint Symptomatic Treatment
dysfunction. Hence the etiology of limitation Symptomatic treatment or supportive therapy
of opening can be extracapsular, capsular and is directed towards altering the patient’s
intracapsular. symptoms and often has no effect on the
etiology of the disorder. This can help in
Radiography reducing the acute problem and at a later date
Radiographic procedures as an adjunct to TMJ suitable definitive treatment can be under­
diagnosis include orthopantograms, trans­ taken. Etiologic factors need to be addressed
pharyngeal view, transorbital view, transcranial and eliminated. So long-term treatment
radiography, tomography, arthrography, success will be achieved. The two general types
CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging and of supportive therapies are pharmacologic
cephalometrics. therapy and physical therapy.
470  Essentials of Orthodontics

Pharmacologic Therapy symptoms. Likewise, coolant therapy has

Pharmacologic therapy can be an effective proved to be a simple and often effective
method of managing symptoms associated method of reducing pain. Cold encourages
with many TMJ disorders. Patients should be relaxation of muscles that are in spasm and
aware that medication does not usually offer thus relives the associated pain. Common
a solution or cure to their problems. However, coolant therapy utilizes a vapor spray (ethyl
medication in conjunction with appropriate chloride and fluoromethane). Ultrasound
physical therapy and definitive treatment does is a method of producing an increase in
offer the most complete approach to many temperature at the interface of the tissues
problems. It is a general suggestion that when and therefore affects deeper tissues than does
drugs are indicated for TMJ disorders they are surface heat. Not only does it increase blood
prescribed at regular intervals for a specific flow in deep tissues, it also seems to separate
period. At the end of this time it is hoped that collagen fibers. So, improves the flexibility and
the definitive treatment will be providing relief extensibility of connective tissues. Ultrasound
of the symptoms and the medication will no has also been used to administer drugs through
longer be needed. the skin, by a process known as phonophoresis.
Pharmacologic agents used to treat the Iontophoresis (like phonophoresis) is a
symptoms of TMJ disorders are, analgesic anti- technique by which certain medications can
inflammatory agents (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, be introduced to tissues with low electrical
Diclofenac, Piroxicam, etc.) antianxiety agents current.
(Valium), muscle relaxants (Carbamaxipine) Electrogalvanic stimulation (EGS) therapy
and local anesthetics which is beneficial in utilizes the principle that electrical stimulation
localized pain and elimination of myofacial of a muscle causes it to contract. A rhythmical
trigger points (2% lignocaine). electrical impulse is applied to the muscle,
creating repeated involuntary contractions and
Physical Therapy relaxations which help to break up myospasms
It represents a group of supportive actions as well as increased blood flow to the muscles
that is usually instituted in conjunction with resulting in reduction of pain in compromised
definitive treatment. It is an important part of muscles tissues. Transcutaneous electrical
the successful management of TMJ disorders. nerve stimulation (TENS) is produced by
Most physical therapy fits into one of two a continuous stimulation of cutaneous
general categories; modalities and manual nerve fibers at a subpainful level. The
techniques. electrical activity of it decreases the pain
Physical therapy modalities represent perception. Acupuncture uses the body’s own
the physical treatments that can be applied antinociceptive system to reduce the levels
to the patients. They can be divided into, of pain felt. Stimulation of certain areas (or
thermotherapy, coolant therapy, ultrasound, acupuncture points) appears to cause the
iontophoresis, transcutaneous electrical release of endorphins which reduce painful
nerve stimulation (TENS), acupuncture and sensation by subthreshold stimuli. These
laser. Thermotherapy utilizes that as a time effectively block the transmission of noxious
mechanism which increases circulation to impulses and thus reduce the sensations of
the applied area leading to reduction of the pain. Cold or soft laser has been investigated
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  471

for wound healing and pain relief. Though it complete fulltime decompression of the joint
is not a routine physical therapy, is thought if the residual effects of class II musculature
to accelerate collagen synthesis, increase remain uncorrected and formidable.
vascularity of healing tissues, decrease the Occlusal correction confined exclusively
number of microorganisms and decreases to the dental apparatus only would allow the
pain. mandible to be positioned forward due to
Manual techniques are divided into soft- the guiding surfaces of inclined planes of the
tissue mobilization, muscle conditioning occlusal table during function. But without
and joint distraction. Soft tissue mobilization the benefits of retraining the muscles of
consists of superficial or deep massage which mastication this may result in mandible being
reduces pain perception by mild stimulations carried at rest more rearward than it would be
of cutaneous nerve. Deep massage can assist in the ‘sling’ of the unretained musculature
in mobilizing tissues, increasing blood flow to while the mandible is not in function. So
the area and eliminating trigger points, Muscle when major TMJ structural imbalances
conditioning is a group of physical therapies exist, treatment plans must be constructed
aimed at restoring normal muscle function, that directly address not only the occlusal
e.g. restricted use, relaxation therapy, passive table and its relationship and the structural
muscle stretching, assisted muscle stretching, status of the internal joint components
resistance exercises, clenching exercises and and their relationships but also the guiding
postural exercises. forces that beings those factors into play, the
functioning masticatory musculature. All three
Definitive Treatment components of the maxillofacial triangle, teeth,
Definitive treatment is aimed directly toward bones and muscles must be considered in
the elimination or alteration of etiologic factors every treatment plan. Sometimes, treatment
that are responsible for the disorders. will take the form of muscles learning while
other times actual muscular retaining by
Orthodontics means of functionally altering their lengths
Malocclusion like retroclined upper anterior down to a cellular level must be effected to
teeth, crowded lower anterior with labially properly complete the case that is by splint.
placed central incisor, narrowed maxillary
arch and interferences in balancing side Orthotics (Splints)
can cause the condyle to be deflected in its Splints of variable types may be used, either
superior posterior aspect in glenoid fossa and as part of an investigative or diagnostic
whole set of problems starts. The objectives procedure or as supplements to larger, more
are to correctly the local problems and break comprehensive treatment plans due to their
the neuromuscular reflexive displacement palliative effect. Due to repetitive mandibular
of mandible which is causing the condyle to arch of closure, the neuromuscular reflexive
deflect posteriorly in the glenoid fossa. ‘memory’ can become so ingrained due to
Altering the occlusal table by one reasons the frequency of the act that the patient will
or another in order to rearticulate the condyle close easily to this habitual occlusion every
in proper relationship to the disk during time. The demands of the proprioceptive
function may not always be enough to provide occlusal neuromuscular circuit demand it.
472  Essentials of Orthodontics

The myostatic contracture that foreshortend Conclusion

the muscles reinforces it. Here, splints allows An understanding of the anatomy of the TMJ
for better acceptance of the new impulses of and its function is essential to understand
information to be programmed into the CNS its related pathology. Malocclusion can be
once occlusion is changed. It acts as a CNS considered as the prime etiology that ignites
deprogrammer, a biologic circuit breaker. the whole problem of TMJ disorders while other
Although splints types vary widely, they factors like stress (emotional, psychological)
are of two basic types. The first is articulated joins it. As etiology sets in the pathology starts.
surface or occlusion capturing type of splints Understanding of its pathophysiology is very
such as Gelb splints, or Levandoski splints, important to reach a specific diagnosis. The set
which provides a new interdigitating occlusal pathology like superior posterior displacement
surface of acrylic for the teeth to occlude of condyle or anteromedial displacement of
against the forces the mandible to what is disk is the key behind all the clinical sign and
thought will be new and more biocompatible symptoms. To treat such conditions Functional
position for the musculature upon closure. Jaw Orthopedic (splint) shall be cautiously
The second type is a flat plane or occlusion choosen.
eliminating type, e.g. Witzig splint for the
upper arch or Sears pivotal splint for the lower
types is to provide a totally flat surface free ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT
of any inclined planes or cuspal guidances OF CLEFT LIP AND PALATE
whatsoever against which an opposing dental Clefts involving the lip and palate are the
arch might occlude. This allows muscles the most commonly seen congenital deformities
option of closing in a more physiologically that occur at the time of birth. They are
acceptable AP and or lateral arc of closure to a usually not life- threatening unless associated
neutral and more forgiving surface of contact with some syndrome having other systemic
that is more compatible with their demands, compli­cations. Clefts of lip and palate can
provided of course that the splint is properly occur individually or together in various
balanced. The third dimension, vertica, can combinations. They can also occur along with
be controlled by the thickness of the occlusal congenital defects that affect other parts of
acrylic of these types of splints. the body.
So, use of splint breaks the neuromuscular
reflexive displacement, corrects the muscular
sling to right and brings the disk condyle fossa INCIDENCE
relationship to a more physiological state
correcting whole raft of problems. The incidence of cleft lip and palate is found
to be different among different races. Studies
Surgery in India reveal an incidence of 1 in every
Surgical treatment of TMJ is reserved only for 600 to 1000 births. The Negroid race has the
recurrent and chronic TMJ pain which is not least incidence (1 in every 2000 births) while
amenable to other forms of treatment. Surgical Mongoloids have the highest incidence. Cleft
management of TMJ problems can be achieved lip is common among males while cleft palate
by various procedures like eminectomy and is more common among females. Unilateral
menisectomy. clefts account for 80% of the incidence while
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  473

bilateral clefts account for the remaining 20%. The mandibular process gives rise to the
Among the unilateral clefts, clefts involving the lower lip and jaw. Defective fusion or incom­
left side are seen in 70% of the cases, the reason plete fusion between the various processes
for this is unknown. leads to different types of clefting.

Etiology of Cleft Lip and Palate

EMBRYOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Cleft lip and palate are believed to occur due
to genetic and environmental factors. Many
The face is formed by the fusion of a number workers are of the view that clefts occur due
of embryonic processes that form around the to a number of causes and no single etiology
primitive oral cavity or stomodeum. Around can be pinpointed.
the fourth week of the intrauterine life, six
branchial arches develop at the site of the Heredity
future neck. The first arch, called the mandi­ Heredity has long been considered an impor­
bular arch, plays a vital role in the develop­ment tant etiologic factor for cleft lip and palate. A
of the nasomaxillary complex. study conducted by Drilien reported that 1 in
The mesoderm covering the developing 3 children with clefts had some relatives with
fore­b rain proliferates and overhangs the similar congenital defects. Clefts of the lip and
stomo­deum. On the either side of the stomo­ palate can be transmitted as a dominant or a
deum is the developing mandibular arch, the recessive trait.
dorsal end of which gives off a bud called the
maxillary process. With the formation of the Environment
nasal pits, the frontonasal process gets divided Another possible etiologic factor is terato­
into a medial nasal process and two lateral genesis. Teratogens are certain drugs or agents
nasal processes. The upper lip and maxilla that cause disturbed growth and development
is thus formed by the fusion of the maxillary in the fetus.
process with the medial and lateral nasal pro­ Some of the known teratogens are rubella
cesses. virus, cortisone, mercaptopurine, metho­
The palate is formed by the contribution of trexate, valium and dilantin.
the maxillary process and frontonasal process.
The maxillary process gives off palatal shelves Multifactorial Etiology
that grow medially. The union of the two Recent studies have shown that the etiology of
palatal shelves is prevented initially by the cleft lip and palate cannot be attributed solely
presence of the tongue. Thus the shelves grow to either genetic or environmental factors.
vertically down. Sometime during the 7th week It seems to involve more than one factor.
of intrauterine lift, the tongue descends and They argue that unless a person is genetically
the palatal shelves become more horizontal. By susceptible, the environmental factors may not
around 8½ weeks the two shelves are in close be themselves cause clefts.
approximation. The palate forms by fusion
of the maxillary shelves with each other and Predisposing Factors
with the frontonasal process. Failure of fusion A number of factors are believed to increase
results in clefts of the palate. the risk of cleft lip and palate incidence:
474  Essentials of Orthodontics

Increased Maternal Age Group 1: They are clefts involving the soft
Women who conceive late have an increased palate only.
risk of having an offspring with some form of Group 2: They are clefts of the hard and soft
clefting. The cause remains unknown. palate extending up to the incisive foramen.
Group 3: They are complete unilateral clefts
Racial involving the soft palate, the hard palate, lip
Some races are more susceptible to clefts and the alveolar ridge.
than others. Mongoloids show the greatest Group 4: They are complete bilateral clefts
percentage of incidence. affecting the soft palate, the hard palate, the
lip and alveolar ridge.
Blood Supply
Any factor that reduces blood supply to the Fogh-Andersen’s Classification (1942)
naso­m axillary area during embryological Group 1: They are clefts of the lip. It can be
development predisposes to clefts. subdivided into:
Single—Unilateral or median clefts
Classification of Cleft Lip and Palate Double—Bilateral clefts.
A number of classifications have been put Group 2: They are clefts of the lip and the
forward by various authors: palate. They are once again subclassified into:
Single—Unilateral clefts
Davis and Ritchie Classification (1922) Double—Bilateral clefts.
This is a morphological classification based on Group 3: They are clefts of the palate extending
the location of the cleft relative to the alveolar up to the invisive foramen.
process. They have classified clefts into three
groups: Schuchardt and Pfeiffer’s
Group I-prealveolar clefts: They are clefts Symbolic Classification
involving only the lip and are subclassified This classification makes use of a chart made
as: up of a vertical block of three pairs of rectan­gles
• Unilateral with an inverted triangle at the bottom. The
• Bilateral inverted triangle represents the soft palate while
• Median. the rectangles represent the lip, alveolus and the
Group II–postalveolar clefts: This group hard palate as we go down. Areas affected by
comprises of different degrees of hard and soft clefts are shadowed on the chart. The advantage
palate clefts that etend upto the alveolar ridge. of this classification is its simplicity while the
Group III–alveolar clefts: They are complete disadvan­tages include difficulty in writing,
clefts involving the palate, alveolar ridge and typing and communi­cation.
the lip. They can be subdivided into:
• Unilateral Kernahan’s Striped “Y” Classification (1958)
• Bilateral This is another symbolic classification put
• Median. forward by Kernahan and Stark.
The classification uses a striped ‘Y’ having
Veau’s Classification (1931) numbered blocked. Each block represents a
Veau classified clefts into four groups: specified area of the oral cavity.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  475

Block 1 and 4—Lip L = Lip

Block 2 and 5—Alveolus A = Alveolus
Block 3 and 6—Hard palate anterior to the H = Hard palate
incisive foramen S = Soft palate
Block 7 and 8—Hard palate anterior to the H = Hard palate
incisive foramen A = Alveolus
Block 9—Soft palate L = Lip
The boxes are shaded in areas where the This classification is based on the fact that
cleft has occurred. clefts of lip, alveolus and hard palate can be
bilateral while clefts involving the soft palate
Millard’s Modification of the Kernahan are usually unilateral. Areas involved in the
Striped “Y” Classification cleft are denoted by specifically indicating the
Millard added two triangles over the tip of the alphabet standing for it. For example:
“Y” to denote the nasal floor. L—S—stands for cleft of right lip and soft
This increased the number of boxes to 11 palate.
as: LA-S—L stands for cleft of right lip alveolus
Block 1 and 5—Nasal floor and soft palate together with left cleft lip.
Block 2 and 6—Lip
Block 3 and 7—Alveolus Kernahan and Stark’s Classification
Block 4 and 8—Hard palate anterior to the (1968)
incisive foramen This classification is given by International
Block 9 and 10—Hard palate posterior to Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive
the incisive foramen Surgery. This classification is embryological
Block 11—Soft palate. and has three main groups:

Elsahy’s Modification of the Kernahan’s Group I–Cleft of Anterior Primary Palate

Striped “Y” Classification a. Lip—Right side
Elsahy modified the striped “Y” further by Left side
double lining the blocks 9 and 10 in the hard Bilateral.
palate area and used arrows to indicate the b. Alveolus—Right side
direction of deflection in complete clefts. He Left side
also placed a circle 12 under the stem of the “Y” Bilateral.
to represent the pharynx and a dotted line from
the Y to circle 12 reflecting the velopharyngeal Group II–Cleft of Anterior and Posterior
competence. Another circle 13 was also added Palate
to represent the premaxilla, and the amount of a. Lip—Right side
its protrusion was indicated by the dotted line Left side
with an arrow. Bilateral.
b. Alveolus—Right side
Lahshal Classification Left side
This is a simple classification presented by Bilateral.
Okriens in 1987. Lahshal is a paraphrase of the c. Hard palate—Right side
anatomic area affected by the cleft. Left side.
476  Essentials of Orthodontics

Group III–Clefts of Posterior Secondary – Unilateral—Right, left

Palate – Bilateral
a. Hard palate—Right side – Median
Left side – Congenital scar—Right, left,
b. Soft palate—Median. • Clefts of the alveolar process
– Unilateral—Right, left
Rare Facial Clefts – Bilateral
i. Median clefts of upper lip with or without – Median—Submucous
hypoplasia or aplasia of premaxilla. • Cleft of prepalate
ii. Oblique clefts. – Prepalate protrusion
iii. Transverse clefts. – Prepalate rotation
iv. Clefts or lower lip, nose and other very – Prepalate arrest
rare defects. Any combinations of above.
2. Clefts of palate
American Cleft Palate Association • Cleft soft palate
Classification (1962) (Figs 13.3A to L) – Extent
1. Clefts of prepalate – Palatal shortness—None, slight, sev­
• Cleft lip ere



Figures 13.3A to L: Cleft lip and palate
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  477

– Submucous cleft Esthetic Problems

• Cleft of hard palate The clefts involving the lip can result in facial
– Extent disfigurement varing from mild ot severe. The
– Vomer attachment—Right, left, ab­ oro-facial structures may be malformed and
sent congen­itally missing. Deformities of nose can
– Submucous cleft also occur. Thus esthetics is greatly affected.
3. Cleft of hard and soft palate
4. Clefts of prepalate and palate Hearing and Speech
Any combinations of clefts described under Cleft lip and palate are sometimes associated
clefts of prepalate and clefts of palate. with disorders of the middle ear which may
affect hearing. The presence of hearing
International Confederation for Plastic and problems can cause difficulties in language
Reconstructive Surgery Classification (1968) uptake and speech.
Group I: Cleft of anterior primary palate
Lip—Right, left, both Psychological Problems
Alveolus—Right, left, both Cleft lip and palate patients are under lot of
Group II: Clefts of anterior and posterior palate psychological stress. Due to their abnormal
Lip—Right, left, both facial appearance they have to put up with
Alveolus—Right, left, both staring, curiosity, pity, etc. They also face
Hard palate—Right, left, both problems in obtaining jobs and making
Group III: Clefts of posterior secondary palate friends. Studies have shown that these patients
Hard palate—Right, left fare badly in academics. This is usually as a
Soft palate—Median. result of hearing impairment, speech problems
Problems associated with clefts: A cleft lip and frequent absence from school.
and palate patient is affected by a number of
problems. They can be broadly classified as: Management of Cleft Lip and Palate
Dental: The presence of the cleft is associated Children born with cleft lip and palate have
with division, displacement and deficiency of a number of problems that have to be solved
oral tissues. Cleft lip and palate patients can for successful rehabilitation. The complexity
have one or more of the following features. of the problem requires that a number of
Congenitally missing teeth, presence of health care practitioners cooperate to ensure
natal or neonatal teeth, presence of super­ comprehensive care of the patient. This led
num­erary teeth, extopically erupting teeth, to the concept of a multidisciplinary cleft
anomalies of tooth morphology, enamel hypo­ palate team comprising of the pediatrician,
plasia, microdontia, fused teeth, aberrations in pedodontist, orthodontist, oral and maxillo­
crown shape, macrodontia, mobile and early facial surgeon, prosthodontist, social worker,
shedding of teeth due to poor periodontal genetic scientist, ENT surgeon, plastic surgeon,
support, posterior and anterior cross bite, psychiatrist and a speech pathologist.
protruding premaxilla, deep bite, spacing and The individuals of the cleft palate team
crowding. should be flexible and respect each others
478  Essentials of Orthodontics

opinion. The cleft lip and palate team has been In case of a narrow, collapsed maxillary
described as a close, cooperative, democratic, arch, the expansion can be achieved by a
multiprofessional union devoted to the single suitable appliance incorporating expansion
cause of the patient well-being. screws or springs.
The management of cleft lip and palate can The advantages of a presurgical orthopedic
be divided into the following stages: phase are:
Stage I treatment: This comprises of the treat­ i. It reduces the size of the clefts thereby
ment done from birth to 18 months of age. aiding in surgery.
The treatment modalities carried out ii. Partial obturation of the cleft assists in
during the first stage include: feeding.
Passive maxillary obturator: The maxillary iii. Improved speech as size of the defect is
obtur­ator is an intraoral prosthetic device reduced.
that fills the palatal cleft and thus provides iv. It reassures the parents at a crucial time.
false roofing against which the child can
suckle. It thus reduces the incidence of feedi­ Surgical Lip Closure
ng difficulties such as insufficient suction, It is not within the scope of this book to discuss
excessive air intake and choking. It also provides the surgical procedures undertaken. However
maxillary cross arch stability preventing the the orthodontist should know at what time
arch from collapsing. the surgery should be performed. Surgeons
The obturator is fabricated using cold cure have for a long time disagreed on the timing
acrylic after selective blocking of all unde­ of cleft lip surgery. Some prefer early surgery
sirable undercuts. Clasps can aid in retention. soon after birth while others recommend a
In case of insufficient retention, wings made of late lip surgery.
thick wire can be embedded in the acrylic and The early school suggests that surgery
made to follow the cheek contour extraorally. should be performed within 45 days of birth.
These wings can be stabilized against the According to them, the soon after birth there is
cheeks using micropore adhesive tape. a marked immunity to surgical shock. The early
surgery also improves the facial appearance
Presurgical Orthopedics and therefore improves child acceptance and
The aim of presurgical orthopedics is to achi­ reduces parent apprehension.
eve an upper arch form that conforms to the The late school suggests that surgery should
lower arch. The absence of variable amount be postponed till the completion of dentition.
of lip tissue and the division in the alveolus They reasoned that the tissues would be able
and palate results in outward displacement to grow and mature thereby giving the surgeon
of the premaxilla (in case of bilateral clefts) more muscle mass to work on.
or the greater segment (in case of unilateral Millard has suggested the rule of ten.
clefts). The orthodontist should try to correct Surgery should not be performed less than 10
these displacements by extraoral strapping weeks of age, when the body weight is not less
across the premaxilla, attached directly to the than 10 pounds and the blood hemoglobin not
face or to some form of headcap. A micropore less than 10 gram%.
adhesive tape can also be strapped across the
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  479

Surgical Palate Closure ii. Buccal segment cross bites are also
The palatal repair should be attempted between treated using quad helix or expansion
12 to 24 months of age. This facilitates normal screws.
speech, hearing and improves swallowing. The Stage IV treatment: This stage consists of
palatal repair can be accomplished by using treatment during the permanent dentition.
bone transplants that are taken from rib, iliac The patient is treated using a fixed orthodontic
bone, mandibular symphysis, tibial bone or appliance. All local irregularities like crowding,
outer table or parietal bone. spacing, cross bites and overjet or overbite
Stage II treatment: This is from the 18th month problems are corrected. Patients with hypo­
to the fifth year of life. It generally corresponds plastic maxilla may be given face mask to
to the primary dentition stage. advance the maxilla. Prosthesis can be given
This comprises the treatment carried out in case of missing teeth after completion of
during the primary dentition. The procedures orthodontic therapy.
carried out during this phase are:
i. Adjustment in the intraoral obturator to Retention in Cleft Lip and Palate
accommodate the erupting deciduous Following the orthodontic treatment pro­
teeth. cedures, the patient should be put on a
ii. To maintain a check on eruption pattern retention phase to maintain the orthodontic
and timing. corrections. Most cleft lip and palate patients
iii. Oral hygiene instructions. require long-term if not permanent retention
iv. Restoration of decayed teeth. for the following reasons:
No orthodontic treatment is usually initi­ i. Inadequate bone support
ated during this phase as the benefits desired ii. Absence of some teeth
would be lost as soon as the deciduous teeth iii. Presence of stretched scar tissue
are shed. iv. Abnormal tongue position.
Stage III treatment: This includes treatment This is a multidisciplinary approach and
that is carried out during the mixed dentition made to serve both as retainer and a prosthetic
stage. It spans from the sixth to the eleventh replacement for missing dental units.
year of life. Thus, removable retainer acts as rehabilit­
Stage three includes treatment carried ation, retention and prosthetic replacement
out during the mixed dentition phase. The and speech aid.
orthodontic procedures usually carried out are: Fixed retainers are the fixed anterior
i. Correction of anterior cross bites using bridge work that spans the cleft and thereby
removable or fixed appliances. The unifies the segments. Success of this approach
anterior cross bite should be corrected to is enhanced with alveolar bone grafts to
avoid functional mandibular displace­ bridge the bony segments and to support any
ment and retardation of maxillary secondary lip or nose revisions planned by the
growth due to locked in maxilla. Remov­ surgeon. Later bony implants overmaxillay
able appliances incorporating Z spring alveolar process may be advisable and
can be used to treat the anterior cross desirable for cosmetic purpose; in selected
bite. cases cosmetic overdentures can also be given.
480  Essentials of Orthodontics

The key to the successful rehabilitation of a incidence of new mutations. The cleidocranial
cleft lip and palate patient includes flexibility dysplasia patient is typically of short stature
and a multidisciplinary approach. More with a brachycephalic skull and bossing of the
than this the patient should be treated with parietal and frontal bones. There is hypoplasia
sympathy and concern. of midface, the skull sutures and fontanelles
exhibit delayed closure and secondary centers
of ossification occur in these areas, with the
FAMILY COUNSELING formation of wormian bones. The development
of clavicles is defective and ranges from a small
This helps us to eliminate those clefts with a medial gap to total absence in severe cases.
pure genetic etiology or have a pronounced The palate is narrow and occasionally high
environ­mental or teratogenic involvement and there is normal eruption and number of
and which will therefore, follow the counseling the deciduous teeth. The permanent molars
based on multi­factorial inheritance. usually erupt late, but spontaneously. While
i. The affected female has a greater chance the remainder of the permanent dentition,
of having an offspring than an affected the successional teeth, exhibits very delayed
male, although both have 40 times or noneruption. Additionally, supernumerary
greater risk than population incidence teeth develop in the successional teeth areas
of 1:1000. in numbers that typically vary from none to
ii. More severe the cleft greater the around 12 in general. The vertical growth of the
offsprings are affected. alveolar process is generally deficient, which
iii. First degree of relatives has the highest leaves the patient with a very shallow labial and
risk—40 times population incidence. lingual sulcus in both jaws. Reduced eruptive
Inter­m ediate risk in second degree force, although eruptive tooth movements are
relatives—7 times whereas it is only evident. Delayed but normal eruption of first
3 times risky in third degree relatives. and sometimes second permanent molars
iv. Risk for second child to be affected in both arches. Late dental development as
increases rapidly if one child is already judged by the root development of permanent
affected. This rises to 4% for one affected teeth, 12-year-old patient will typically show a
child to 9% for two affected children 9-year-old patient.
with unaffected parents. But for an
affected parent with one affected child Management
the risk is 17%. Removable prosthesis: The most popular
approach has been to provide a patient with
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT removable partial or full dentures, which
OF CRANIOFACIAL SYNDROMES fulfills all the immediate needs of the patient.
This is done only after removal of all the
CLEIDOCRANIAL DYSPLASIA Surgical relocation: Surgical removal of super­
numerary teeth followed by careful dissection
Clinical Features of the unerupted teeth and their repositioning
The cleidocranial dysplasia has an inheritance or transplantation into artificially prepared
pattern that is autosomal dominant with a high sockets has been proposed.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  481

Orthodontics and surgery: The method used cleidocranial dysplasia. They recognized that,
to bring about the eruption of the teeth was while there is the need for extensive surgery,
to extract the deciduous teeth, surgically in these cases, this could all be completed
remove the unerupted supernumerary teeth at one time, including the extraction of all
and expose the buried permanent teeth with deciduous teeth and supernumerary teeth and
or without the use of a surgical pack. When the the exposure of all unerupted permanent teeth.
teeth reaches sufficiently accessible position, The remaining teeth are left open to encourage
the orthodontic bands or bonds are placed epithelialization of the exposed tissue, which is
and assisted eruption is carried out. Within the essence of healing by secondary intention.
this modality three different courses of action During the succeeding weeks, these surgical
have been suggested over the past few years packs remain in place and perhaps changed
they are: over a further shortish period, until brackets
may be conveniently bonded to the exposed
Toronto-Melbourne Approach teeth. As with Toronto-Melbourne approach,
This method was originated by a team from appliances consist of molar bands, and bonded
Toronto and was later further developed in brackets with long spans of unsupported and
Melbourne. Surgical procedures are performed relatively fine arch wire used to vertically
in a stage by stage series with the degree of root develop the partially erupted teeth.
development of the permanent teeth dictating
the timing of each stage. Jerusalem Approach
Thus, initially the deciduous incisor teeth This method was presented in Jerusalem and
are extracted at 6 years of age followed by the is based on rationale that is related to the
deciduous canines and molars at 9 to 10 years. abnormal dental development of the patient
Supernumerary teeth overlying the crypts and on the factors that produce it.
of unerupted permanent teeth are removed The timing regarding the actual exposure
together with substantial amounts of bone to of the permanent teeth is critical, and only
uncover the crowns of permanent teeth to their two interventions are planned at distinct
maximum diameter. The teeth are left widely points in time, depending upon the extent
exposed, bands are placed in lately erupted of root development, at 7 to 8 years the
first molars only at the age of 10 to 11 years anterior deciduous teeth, together with all
and separate surgery is performed to once the supernumerary teeth in both the anterior
again expose the incisors. When convenient and posterior areas, are extracted. The anterior
orthodontic brackets are bonded to individual permanent teeth whose roots are sufficiently
teeth and these are drawn to a light arch wire, developed are surgically exposed attachments
which spans the unsupported premolar canine are placed immediately and flaps fully closed.
areas, from banded molars to one or more The chronological age of the patient is around
anteriorly erupted incisors. 10 to 12 years. At this time posterior permanent
teeth are at an early stage of development, with
Belfast-Hamburg Approach their roots less than half their expected final
Simultaneously, but quite independently length. Actual exposure of developmentally
Belfast and Hamburg team proposed a immature posterior permanent teeth is not
diametrically opposite method of treatment of undertaken, and their dental follicles are left
482  Essentials of Orthodontics

intact until later time. The vertical corrections Classification of OSA into different subtypes
of incisors are completed at this stage of may improve our understanding of the
orthodontic treatment followed by correction path­­o­­genesis of this disease. Few attempts
of crowding and proclination and rotations. to classify the OSA patient population from
Second intervention is done at age of 10 to this viewpoint have been reported. Partien et
11 years (chronological age 13–15years), al subdivided patients with OSA on the basis
because the root development of the posterior of BMI, respiratory disturbance index (RDI),
successional teeth will be sufficiently well- airway size, and hyoid bone position. However,
advanced, and eruption and alignment of the categori­zation was carried out only on a
the incisor teeth will have been achieved. subjective basis. Lowe et al divided patients
This intervention involves the exposure of into four skeletal subtypes according to conven­
the teeth in the canine and premolar regions tional cephalometric criteria and evaluated
and immediate placement of orthodontic airway and two- and three-dimensional
attachments and occlusally directed forces skeletal structures. To our knowledge, this is the
are applied to the posterior teeth immediately first report to classify patients with OSA on the
following the second intervention. Vertical basis of an interrel­ationship between obesity
corrections are first carried out by orthodontic and the severity of OSA.
extrusion of posterior teeth and later the axial These two groups may represent different
correction and root corrections are carried out. disease entities. It is suggested that these two
Retention: Once the permanent teeth have distinct subgroups should not be considered as
all reached their final positions in the arch, one when pathologic or therapeutic approaches
the removal of the fixed appliances are are considered. Surgical procedures such as
undertaken. After a short period of time uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or mandi­
with conventional removable retainers, fixed bular/maxillary osteotomy are frequently
multistranded bonded retainers are applied to recommended to patients with OSA, but it is
upper and lower anteriors. well-known that all patients do not respond to
surgery. Both nasal continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) therapy and some dental
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT appliances are not always effective. According
OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA to our results, the high AI/low BMI group could
SYNDROME respond well to the procedures that advance
the mandible forward. In contrast, weight
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs because reduction and/or UPPP may better contribute
of recurrent occlusion of the upper airway to the improvement of OSA symptoms for the
during sleep. The majority of patients with OSA low AI/high BMI group. In conclusion, these
are obese; however, some patients with OSA two groups may represent two distinct OSA
are not obese and only a small proportion of subgroups. The high AI and low BMI group
overweight subjects develop OSA. A previous appears to have a skeletal mismatch that may
overemphasis on obesity may have caused contribute to the cause of their OSA, whereas
some investigations to overlook other potential the low AI and high BMI group appears to have
factors that may predispose to this condition. atypical soft tissue structures.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  483

ORTHODONTIC AND level of PGE2 and cAMP related to physical

TEMPOROMANDI­BULAR JOINT perturbations may act as a signal to initiate
CONSIDERATIONS IN TREATMENT cell migration and cell differentiation into
OF PATIENTS WITH osteoclasts. These cells, in turn, produce lactic
EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME acid to dissolve mineral and procollagenase.
The collagenase digests the organic collagenase
The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome(s) are a group of proteins and the bone resorbs. Therefore tooth
heterogeneous inheritable connective tissue movement might be expected to be more
diseases. They share cardinal features of joint rapid for a constant appliance activation. The
hypermobility and hyperextensibility, plus mobility of teeth during the tooth movement
fragility and tendency toward bruising of the phase may be greater than normal.
connective tissues, grossly characterized as The tooth mobility may be caused by many
excessive elasticity of the skin and laxity of the of the stressed periodontal fibers on the tension
joints. side being stretched, torn, or rendered slow in
repair. Similarly, the gingiva may be more prone
Orthodontic Considerations to inflammation. In both cases, there may be
When a practitioner considers orthodontic an excessive amount of microhemorrhagic
treat­ment for a patient with EDS, a number events. With the added dental mobility of
of tissue responses and precautions should the teeth, slowed repair processes, and poor
be anticipated. Because of the problems organization of periodontal collagen, retention
with tissue repair, slow healing after dental after completion of the case may be longer.
extractions, slowly forming new bone in Although anatomic defects in root structure
sockets and soft tissue scarring may occur. have been described in patients with EDS,
The dentist may have to be careful to prevent the molecular composition of the dentin has
dislocation of the mandibular condyles not been studied. If changes do exist, root
during treatment. An orthodontic appliance resorption could be a problem.
for a patient with EDS should be smooth and In a recent (subjective) survey study assisted
relatively simple in spring design, so that the by the EDS Foundation, patients with EDS were
tongue and buccal mucosa are not abraded. compared with a control sample of patients
Because of the cross-link defect in collagen, it without EDS, with respect to their orthodontic
can be expected that for a given moment-to- and temporomandibular disorder experiences.
force ratio, as applied for tooth movement, the The results indicated that the majority of those
periodontal ligament of a patient with EDS may with EDS types I, III, and VI experienced diffi­
show a larger strain than that of a normal child. culty in their orthodontic treatment. Those with
It has been shown that when a colla­gen EDS type II found it tolerable, with a 25% split
matrix is stressed in vitro, the prostagl­andin between easy and difficult. The others generally
E2 (PGE2) production of osteocytes grown in reported no difficulties. This compared with
this matrix is altered. Similarly, radioimmuno­ a control group that unanimously reported
histochemical studies have documented that orthodontic treatment as being either easy
cyclic adenosine monophosphate cAMP is or tolerable. Frequent subluxation of the TMJ
elevated at these tissue sites. This altered was found in all patients with EDS. This is a
484  Essentials of Orthodontics

particular problem in EDS type II, IV, V and VI the child from achieving full potential when
patients. Subluxation was not reported in our compared to other children of same age.
orthodontically treated control sample. Initial dental examination is similar as for
In summary, the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome general child; first appointment sets a stage
is a collection of unusual hereditary connective for subsequent appointments by scheduling
tissue diseases that may have many effects the patient early in the day and by allowing
on the dentition and perioral structures of sufficient time to talk with the parents and
the patient. With suitable understanding of the patient before initiating any orthodontic
the underlying disease manifestations and treatment, thus the orthodontist can establish
appropriate precautions, most dental treat­ a good relationship with the parent and
ments can be done with minimal untoward patient.
effects. Radiographs are essential for treatment
planning, assistance from parents and
auxiliaries are required. Preventive dental
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT programs is essential for an handicapped child
OF MEDICALLY COMPROMISED because of predisposing social economic,
PATIENTS physical and medical factors that make good
Orthodontics is a dynamic and exciting speci­ dental care harder to obtain even though it
alty of dentistry. The nature of the orthodontic is necessary they may formulate a individual
patient base continues to evolve, and the program adequate communication is vital.
practicing orthodontist will be increasingly The parents have the initial responsibility for
challenged to assist in the diagnosis and establishing good oral hygiene in the home.
management of patients with special medical Reinforcement is provided through mass
needs. media communication with other people and
It has generally been accepted that dental school activities. Home dental care should
procedures performed without appropriate begin in infancy; the dentist should instruct the
precautions on patients with predisposing parents to gently cleanse the incisors daily with
conditions, such as rheumatic heart disease, a soft cloth or a infant toothbrush. Wrapped
congenital cardiac malformations, previous tongue blades helps to keep the childs mouth
cardiac surgery and the use of prosthetic open on plaque removal.
heart valves, may lead to the development Encouraging the child in its ow n
of infectious endocarditis. Diabetes, hyper­ responsibility is must. Parents should supervise
tension, rheumatoid arthritis and other sys­ the child, brushing in child must be simple
temic diseases are taken care so that no further and effective. Horizontal scrub technique
complication arises. is easy and gives good result. It consist of
gentle horizontal strokes on cheek, tongue
and biting surfaces of all teeth and gums with
MANAGEMENT OF PHYSICALLY a soft multituted brush, gripes at the end of
HANDICAPPED CHILD toothbrush helps in custom design handle
and gives good results. Riley plaque score
A handicapped child is one who has a mental- (RPS) provides determination of patients
physical or social condition that prevents assessment.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  485

Diet and nutrition influence the dental always give adequate descriptions before
caries and malnutrition; fluoride therapy any procedures. On physical contact do so
should be instituted with use of fluoride reassuringly. Introduce other office personnel
dentifrices. Regular dental examinations are very informally. Allow patients to ask questions
essential professional prophylaxis; restorations about the course of treatment and answer
and topical fluoride therapy are required. them, keeping in mind that the patient is highly
individual sensitive and responsive. Allow a
Management of Handicapped Child patient who wears eye glasses to keep them
during Dental Treatment for protection. Avoid sight references. Rather
Hospital visits and previous appointments than Tell show do techniques invite the patient
with a physician frequently results in the to touch, taste or smell recognizing senses.
development of apprehension in patient. Describe in detail the instruments and objects.
Additional time with parent and child is Demonstrate a rubber cup or the patient’s
necessary to establish rapport and dispel fingernail. Holding the patients hand often
childs anxiety. If cooperation cannot be promotes relaxation. Use dental materials
obtained dentist considers physical restraints with smaller quantities. Explain procedures
and premedication to perform necessary of oral hygiene and assist brushing. Use audio
procedures. tapes and Braille dental pamplets explaining
sufficient information. Announce exits and
Management of Deaf Child entrances cheerfully, keep minimal avoid
Prepare the patient and parent before first unexpected noices. Limit the dental care to
visit via welcome board. Through parent one dentist. Maintain a relaxed atmosphere.
determining the initial appointment has the
patient desires to communicate. Assess speech
and language ability and impairment. Face the MANAGEMENT OF ORTHODONTIC
patient and speak at a natural pace, lip reading PATIENTS WITH A HISTORY
is for 30 to 40% success. Watch the patient’s OF RHEUMATIC FEVER OR
expression and to understand, reassure the CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE
patient with physical contact hold patients
hand initially and tap on shoulder. Employ Endocarditis is defined as an inflammation
tell show do technique allow patient to use the of the endocardium (lining membrane of
instruments and demonstrate how they work. the heart). It may involve only the mem­
Use smiles and reassuring gestures to build up brane covering the valves (valvular) or the
confidence and reduce anxiety. Avoid blocking general lining of the heart (mural). When
patient’s visual field. Adjust the hearing aid. the endocardium becomes infected with
microorganisms that have entered the cir­
Management of Blind Child cul­a tion (via dental procedures, through
Determine the degree of visual impairment. the gingiva, and/or the oral mucosa), the
Find out the companion and interpretor. Avoid progressive destruction of the endocardium
expressions of pity or references to blindness. may lead to anemia, toxemia, and ultimately
Do not grab, move or stop the patient without cardiac failure, the most common cause of
verbal warning. Describe the office setting; death in these patients.
486  Essentials of Orthodontics

The orthodontic procedures considered upon the judgment of the dentist and the
likely to need antibiotic coverage were banding, maintenance of good oral hygiene by the
manipulation of an attachment to an impacted patient. It should be noted that “home-
tooth and debanding. Any oral procedures that care” procedures, such as flossing (which is
would cause bleeding may be considered a risk accompanied by bleeding), should be cause
to these patients. for concern and the patient’s physician may
It is preferable that oral hygiene be maxi­ be consulted. However, bacterial endocarditis
mized before orthodontic procedures are associated with the use of dental floss has not
undertaken. The oral hygiene aid devices most been reported. Similarly, the spontaneous
frequently recommended were the toothbrush loss of deciduous teeth has not been shown
and the Water-Pik. Dental floss, Perio-aid, to cause bacteremia.
tongue scraper and diet control can be used.
When at-risk patients developed gingivitis
during the course of orthodontic treatment, ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT
their treatment was discontinued. OF PATIENTS WITH BLEEDING
Patients are more susceptible to gingival DISORDERS
tissue problems when orthodontic appliances
are placed. Oral hygiene and periodontal Patients with mild bleeding disorders do not
conditions should be closely scrutinized pose many problems to orthodontist. However,
since the American Heart Association stated: those with severe bleeding disorders will
“Even in the absence of dental procedures, pose problems during orthodontic treatment.
poor dental hygiene or other disease such In addition to hemophilia A, a number of
as periodontal or periapical infections may congenital coagulation disorders due to other
induce bacteremia.” clotting factors have been recognized. As the
The American Heart Association further prevalence of malocclusion in these children
suggested that the toothbrush, floss, disc­ is similar to the rest of the population and
losing tablets, diet control, and fluoride be the long-term outlook is good orthodontic
used. In these patients dental floss should treatment is often requested. Patients with
never be snapped into the gingivae but should hemophilia and related bleeding disorders
be moved carefully up and down, scraping require special consideration in two areas.
the sides of the tooth. Mention was made that The majority of patients with severe
oral irrigation devices may cause bacteremia hemophilia who were treated with appropriate
and that patients should check with their concentrates had evidence of infection
physicians before using such devices. with either hepatitis C or HIV from human
Although intravascular localization of derived concentrates. However, the continued
microbes was a rare event, considering use of concentrates, despite careful donor
the frequency of bacteremia, it has been selection and screening, and improved
demon­s trated by Morgan and Bland that methods of manufacture, still carries a small
there was an 8 to 9% recurrence rate of risk of transmitting serious transfusion
bacte­r ial endocarditis in patients with a derived viral infection. Most patients with
previous episode. Premedication for routine moderate to severe hemophilia A require
appointments such as changing of orthodontic Factor VIII concentrate infusion before oral
arch wires is not necessary but depends surgical procedures. The recent introduction of
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  487

genetically manufactured Factor VIII products orthodontist understand the basic manage­
and their current widespread use in affected ment of hematologic malignancies and specific
children have further reduced the risk of viral considerations in orthodontic treatment of
transmission. these patients. Treatment of malignancies is
Generally orthodontic treatment is not advancing rapidly. With an understanding of
contraindicated in children with bleeding the fundamental disease and the therapy for
disorders. If tooth extraction or other surgery hematologic malignancies, the orthodontist
is required in patients with severe bleeding can be a positive part of the health care team
disorders they are usually hospitalized and and support a family in crisis.
given transfusions of the missing clotting factor
in advance of the procedure. Where possible a Role of the Orthodontist
non-extraction approach should be adopted. Not all patients show intraoral signs of
hematologic malignancy. Although oral
Special Orthodontic Considerations symptoms do not play a major role in the
1. It is desirable to prevent gingival bleeding diagnosis of chronic leukemia, it has been
before it occurs. This is best achieved by reported that between 12 and 17% of patients
establishing and maintaining excellent oral with acute leukemia first sought medical care
hygiene. because of an oral problem. Oral changes
2. Chronic irritation from an orthodontic that should raise the orthodontist’s index
appliance may cause bleeding and special of suspicion are gingival oozing, petechiae,
efforts should be made to avoid any form hematomas, ulcerations, gingival pain, gingival
of gingival or mucosal irritation. hypertrophy, mucosal pallor, pharyngitis, and
3. Arch wires should be secured with lymphadenopathy. Referral to a physician is
elastomeric modules rather than wire indicated for patients exhibiting these oral
ligatures, which carry risk of cutting the symptoms without evidence of accompanying
mucosal surface. Special care is required local causative factors.
to avoid mucosal surface. Special care Once a diagnosis of malignancy has been
is required to avoid mucosal cuts when made, the goal of the dental team, including the
placing and removing arch wires. orthodontist, is to prevent and to eliminate oral
4. The duration of orthodontic treatment for infections for these patients. Patients receiving
any patient with a bleeding disorder should chemotherapy have increased predisposition
be given careful consideration. The longer to infection; infection is the leading cause
the duration of orthodontic treatment the of death in immunocompromised patients.
greater the potential for complications. Elimination of infectious foci that cause
septicemia is preferable to treatment for
infection. The prevalence of a probable or
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT OF possible oral origin of septicemia in the
PATIENTS WITH HEMATOLOGIC immunosuppressed population has been
MALIGNANCIES reported as 31%.
The orthodontist should be aware of the
Given the age range of the majority of ortho­ implications of the presence of a preexisting
dontic patients, it is important that the infection in a patient about to undergo
488  Essentials of Orthodontics

chemotherapy. This point should be reinforced chemotherapy or the radiation treatment given
with the family dentist who must evaluate for before bone marrow transplant.
any potential source of infection including the Patients and their families sometimes resist
possibility of pericoronitis around erupting the recommendation to terminate orthodontic
third molars. If a potential source of infection treatment. Ideally, there should be a joint
is identified, the physician must be consulted consultation among all the parties involved—
since one must weigh the risk of the infection patient, parents, physician, family dentist, and
versus the delay in initiation of chemotherapy orthodontist—before discontinuing treatment
necessitated by the dental treatment. so that everyone is in agreement that what is
It is important that the orthodontist contact being done is in the best interest of the patient.
the patient’s physician for a realistic appraisal It should be stressed that the orthodontist is
of the prognosis. This prognosis should be kept not “giving up” on the patient when halting
in mind in all contact with the patient and the treatment. In situations with a good prognosis,
family. Given the generally good long-term the emotional acceptance of appliance removal
prognosis of most hematologic malignancies, may be enhanced by a careful selection of
the orthodontist can be relatively upbeat and words by the orthodontist. The appliance
positive in interactions although this must removal can be presented as a transition point
be counter-balanced with the reality of the that divides the orthodontic treat­ment into
seriousness of the disease. The time of diag­ two distinct stages. The patient’s comfort and
nosis is very stressful for the patient and the safety during all phases of chemotherapy are
family, and they may react with anger at the enhanced if all fixed appliances are removed.
situation. All health care providers should be Removable retainers should fit well so they do
sensitive to these emotions. not become a source of irritation, ulceration
It is difficult for an orthodontist to discon­ and infection.
tinue treatment on a patient who is only part Orthodontic treatment is an elective
way through orthodontic treatment and, in procedure for most patients. For patients
the early stages of hematologic malignancy, undergoing treatment for hematologic
may not be exhibiting any oral symptoms. malignancies, the risk benefit balance is
Chemotherapy usually causes significant oral heavily weighted against ongoing orthodontic
complications. Orthodontic appliances cause treatment. Once a patient has completed
stress to the oral mucosa and ulcerations chemotherapy and is in long-term remission,
may occur in reaction to the slightest oral orthodontic treatment can be restarted with
insult because the neutropenia resulting the goal of achieving the originally planned
from chemotherapy impairs the regenerative outcome of orthodontic treatment.
capability of the mucous membrane. Mucositis
may progress from swelling, soreness and
whitening of the mucosa to glossitis, cheilitis, ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT
and stomatitis, which can be so severe that OF PATIENTS WITH ENDOCRINE
morphine or meperidine is required for DISORDERS
palliation of pain. Moniliasis is common. Oral
infection by opportunistic organisms may also The endocrine system is an important consi­
occur. Xerostomia can be a side effect from deration for adult patients, many of whom are
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  489

osteopenic, because hormones help control For DM patients with good medical control,
calcium metabolism and bone remodeling. all dental procedures can be performed
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism will without special precautions if there are no
alter the bone resorption patterns and hence complications of DM.
orthod­ontic treatment should be undertaken There is no treatment preference with
with caution. Hyperparathyroidism will regard to fixed or removable appliances.
increase bone resorption and the orthodontic It is important to stress good oral hygiene,
treatment are usually contraindicated in these especially when fixed appliances are used.
patients. These appliances might give rise to increased
plaque retention, which could more easily
cause tooth decay and periodontal breakdown
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT OF in these patients. Daily rinses with a fluoride-
PATIENTS WITH DIABETES rich mouth rinse can provide further preventive
benefits. Candida infections can occur, and
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is diagnosed in 3 to then blood glucose levels should be monitored
4% of the population. This metabolic disorder to rule out deterioration of the DM control.
is characterized by hyperglycemia caused by Diabetes-related microangiopathy can
the body’s deficient management of insulin. occasionally occur in the periapical vascular
Two main types of DM exist: type1 is a total supply, resulting in unexplained odontalgia,
deficiency in insulin secretion, and type percussion sensitivity, pulpitis, or even
2 is a combination of resistance to insulin loss of vitality in sound teeth. Especially
action and inadequate compensatory insulin with orthodontic treatment when forces
secretion. Diagnosis and monitoring of DM are applied to move teeth over a significant
is based on blood glucose concentration or distance, the practitioner should be alert to
glycosylated hemoglobin concentration. The this phenomenon and regularly check the
dental practitioner should be aware of the oral vitality of the teeth involved. It is advisable
manifestations of DM in order to spot initial to apply light forces and not to overload
symptoms of the disease. When treating DM the teeth. Holtgrave and Donath studied
patients, the practitioner must understand periodontal reactions to orthodontic forces.
the consequences of the disease in relation to They found retarded osseous regeneration,
dental treatment. weakening of the periodontal ligament, and
microangiopathies in the gingival area. They
Orthodontic Considerations concluded that the specific diabetic changes
Having knowledge of the oral complications of in the periodontium are more pronounced
DM, the dental practitioner should consider after orthodontic tooth movement. Because
them when treating a DM patient; the key to DM patients, and especially those who are
any orthodontic treatment is good medical uncontrolled or poorly controlled, have a
control. Orthodontic treatment should not higher tendency for periodontal breakdown,
be performed in a patient with uncontrolled they must be considered in the orthodontic
diabetes. If the patient is not in good metabolic treatment plan as periodontal patients and
control (HbA1c – 9%), every effort should treatment considerations must accordingly
be made to improve blood glucose control. be made. Especially in adults, it is important,
490  Essentials of Orthodontics

before starting orthodontic treatment, to be advised to eat a usual meal and take the
obtain a full-mouth periodontal examination medi­cation as usual. At each appointment,
including probing, plaque, and gingivitis before the dental procedure starts, the dental
scores, and to evaluate the need for periodontal team should determine whether the patient
treatment. The periodontal condition must be has fulfilled these recommendations, to avoid
improved before beginning any orthodontic a hypoglycemic reaction in the office.
treatment. During orthodontic treatment, the DM and especially uncontrolled DM,
orthodontist should monitor the periodontal is potentially life-threatening as result of a
condition and control inflammation. As with hypoglycemic reaction. Dental practitioners
all orthodontic patients, maintaining strict oral must recognize the symptoms and diagnostic
hygiene is very important. If plaque control aspects of DM. A patient’s medical history is
is difficult to achieve with mechanical aids crucial in the clinical examination. Any patient
such as toothbrush and interdental brush, suspected of having DM should be referred for
then using a disinfectant mouth rinse of the medical evaluation. Well-controlled DM is not
chlorhexidine type as an adjuvant chemical a contraindication for orthodontic treatment.
plaque control can be considered. To minimize During treatment, special attention is required
the neutralizing effect of the toothpaste on with regard to periodontal problems.
the chlorhexidine molecule, there should Patients should be told about the greater
be at least a 30-minute interval between propensity for gingival inflammation when
toothbrushing and the chlorhexidine rinse. fixed appliances are planned and the
Chlorhexidine is cationic and forms salts of low importance of maintaining good oral hygiene
solubility with anions, resulting in a reduced to prevent the progression of periodontal
antimicrobial effect. Such an anionic is sodium breakdown. Especially in type 1 DM patients
lauryl sulphate, which is widely used as a who are presumed to be more brittle, the oral
detergent in toothpaste. Because today there is cavity must be monitored regularly because
no upper age limit for orthodontic treatment, they are more prone to gingivitis, periodontal
the practitioner will see both type 1 and type 2 breakdown, and candida infections. When a
DM patients. Type 2 patients can be considered type 1 patient frequently has hypo­glycemic
more stable than type 1 patients, who can be comas, one can assume that the diabetic state
presumed to be “brittle”: strict compliance is not well-controlled. The physician should
with the medical regimen is of the utmost try to obtain better glycemic control. If during
importance to maintain control of blood orthodontic treatment signs of deterioration
glucose levels. Deviations from appropriate of the glycemic control are noticed, the
diet and the schedule of insulin injections will orthodontist should advise the patient to
result in distinct changes in the serum glucose consult his or her physician. Orthodontic
level. Hypoglycemic reactions might occur treatment should be avoided in patients
more often in these patients. Type 1 DM is more with uncontrolled or poorly controlled DM.
often encountered in younger patients who Patients with good metabolic control, without
frequently come for orthodontic treatment. local factors such as calculus, and with good
Morning appointments are preferable. If a oral hygiene, have a similar gingival status
patient is scheduled for a long treatment as healthy patients and thus can be treated
session, e.g. about 90 minutes, he or she should orthodontically.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  491

ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT orthodontic management will depend on

OF PATIENTS WITH CYSTIC the general prognosis of each individual
4. It should also be remembered that salivary
Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disor­ glands, particularly the submandibular
der of the exocrine glands. It is the commonest glands are often affected by cystic fibrosis.
inherited disease among Caucasians with Salivary volume can be reduced and there
an incidence of one in 2500 live births. The may be an increased risk of decalcification
main clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis during orthodontic treatment, due to
relate to changes in the mucous glands of changes in saliva or dietary alterations.
the pulmonary and digestive systems. Males Appropriate preventive measures must be
and females are equally affected. Males tend instigated from the outset including dietary
to live longer and are usually infertile. The advice and daily fluoride mouth rinses.
lungs are invariably involved and there is
a nonproductive cough that leads to acute
respiratory infection, bronch­opneumonia, ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT
bronchiectasis, and lung abscesses. The OF PATIENTS WITH JUVENILE
disease pursues a relentless course and until RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS
recently, the life expectancy was not much
more than the second decade. Heart and lung Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is an
trans­plantations have proved successful in a inflam­m­­atory condition occurring before
small group of patients with respiratory failure. the age of 16 years and now embraces Still’s
The current median survival for subjects with disease. It is a variable condition with several
cystic fibrosis is 30 years. clinical sub­g roups. Although uncommon
compared with adult rheumatoid arthritis, at
Orthodontic Considerations its worst, this is considerably more severe than
1. Before contemplating orthodontic the adult disease and leads to gross deformity.
treatment for patients with cystic fibrosis One form of this disease which affects girls in
the patient’s physician should be contacted late childhood may involve virtually any joint
to determine the severity of the problem and is associated with rheumatoid nodules,
and the likely prognosis. mild fever, anemia and malaise. Damage to the
2. General anesthesia should usually be TMJ has been described, including complete
avoided and any orthodontic extractions bony ankylosis. It has been suggested that
should be delayed until an age when restricted growth of the mandible resulting in
extraction under local anesthesia is a severe Class II jaw discrepancy occurs in 10
feasible. Local anesthesia combined with to 30% of subjects with this form of arthritis.
inhalation sedation has an important Classic signs of rheumatoid destruction of the
role to play in the management of these TMJ include condylar flattening and a large
children. joint space.
3. It has been suggested that for the majority
of these children only limited orthodontic Orthodontic Considerations
treatment should be contemplated. 1. If the wrist joints are affected these patients
However, life expectancy varies and can have difficulty with toothbrushing.
492  Essentials of Orthodontics

They may require additional support Patients with chronic renal failure who are not
from a hygienist during their orthodontic dialysis dependent: The orthodontist should
treatment and the use of an electric consult with the patient’s physician and
toothbrush should be considered. orthodontic treatment should be deferred
2. Some authors have suggested that ortho­ if the renal failure is advanced and dialysis
dontic procedures that place stress on the is imminent. If the patient’s disease is well-
TMJs such as functional appliances and controlled orthodontic treatment can be
heavy Class II elastics should be avoided considered.
if there is rheumatoid involvement of the Orthodontic care for patients on dialysis: Most
TMJ. Instead, consideration should be given children wait less than 18 months for kidney
to using headgear to treat children with transplant. The majority of children receive
rheumatoid arthritis who have moderate their dialysis at home using the continuous
mandibular deficiency. However, others feel ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
that functional appliances may unload the technique. Again, the orthodontist should
affected condyle and act as a joint protector. discuss any proposed orthodontic treatment
3. It has been suggested that in cases of severe with the patient’s physician. There is no major
mandibular deficiency mandibular surgery contradiction to orthodontic treatment in
should be avoided and a more conservative these children. Indeed, if it is possible, there
approach using maxillary surgery and may be merit in commencing orthodontic
genioplasty should be considered. treatment prior to kidney trans­p lantation
before immunosuppression creates problems
with gingival overgrowth.
ORTHODONTIC MANAGEMENT OF Children who have received their kidney
PATIENTS WITH RENAL FAILURE transplant : Renal transplant units use
c o mb i nat i o n o f i m mu n o su p p re ssa nt
Chronic renal failure may be due to a variety drugs such as azathioprine, prednisolone,
of causative factors, which leads to a loss of cyclosporin, tacrolimus and mycophenolate
kidney function. Initially, treatment may involve mofetil to prevent graft rejection. These
dietary restriction of salt, protein and potassium patients may also receive calcium channel
depending on the degree of renal failure. As antagonists such as amlodipine or nifedipine.
the disease progresses, conservative medical Children with renal transplants often exhibit
management may be inadequate, and either drug-induced gingival overgrowth as a
artificial filteration of the blood by dialysis consequence of their long-term medication.
or transplantation of a kidney is required. In There is large individual variation in the extent
children with chronic renal failure growth can of gingival hyperplasia seen in these patients.
be retarded and tooth eruption delayed. Orthodontic appliances, especially fixed
appliances, can produce a dynamic response
Orthodontic Considerations in the gingival tissues even when no gingival
Three types of patients with renal problems overgrowth is present before orthodontic
may be referred for orthodontic treatment: treatment.
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  493

The following treatment approach is Definitions

recom­mended: Forensic medicine: Forensic medicine is
1. Prior to commencing orthodontic treat­ defined as the branch of medicine wherein
ment all renal transplant patients should the knowledge of medicine is applied to the
be examined to assess the extent of drug knowledge of law in order to derive justice
induced gingival overgrowth. (Rao 2000).
2. Orthodontic treatment should not comm­ Forensic science: Forensic science is a study of
ence until the oral hygiene is very good and physical information connected with crimes
the use of 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash or collection of evidences by scientifically
is advisable in these patients. examining the objects or substances that are
3. If gingival overgrowth is present orthodontic involved in the crime.
treatment should be delayed until the Forensic odontology: Forensic odontology is
excessive gingival tissue has been surgically defined as the branch of the dentistry which
removed and the patient can demonstrate in the interest of the law, deals with the proper
an adequate level of plaque control. handling and examination of dental evidence
4. As far as possible, the treatment time and the proper evaluation and presentation of
with fixed appliances should be kept to a such evidence (Kieser Neilson 1981).
minimum consistent with a high standard History: Forensic dentistry, though a relatively
of occlusal result. new area of forensic science, has a long history
5. These patients should be seen on a regular that starts from 2500 BC. When the first
basis by a hygienist during the course of evidence was found in the pyramid of Giza in
their orthodontic treatment. Egypt, in a skull with a gold wire holding two
6. In some patients recurrence of gingival molar teeth. In 70 AD, at Rome, the dental
overgrowth may be a problem. Surgical findings being used as evidence first time in
removal of excessive gingival tissue is forensic manner where the king Nero had
sometimes necessary during orthodontic killed his mother who was identified by two
treatment. The patient and parents should maxillary canine teeth.
be warned of this in advance.
Major Fields of Forensic Odontology
a. Identification of an individual remains
FORENSIC DENTISTRY where death is not due to any suspicious
circumstances. This covers majority of
Forensic dentistry is one of the most rapidly the work expert carry out.
developing branch of forensic medicine and b. Mass disastes identification of victims of
forensic science. This is mainly due to the hotel fires, aircraft and other transport
immense importance of dental evidence in accidents.
the identification of victims of mass disaster, c. Craniofacial superimposition for iden­
abuse or organized crimes. A comprehensive tifi­­cations
understanding of this science is absolutely 2. Criminal
necessary for the orthodontist. They can play a. Identification of persons from their
a valuable role by helping the forensic experts dentition or teeth (Living persons or
in identifying the affected victim or criminal. dead persons)
494  Essentials of Orthodontics

b. Dealing with bite marks identification photographs will be required by the

(Food stuff, the victim) inquiring agency as often these cases are
3. Research challenged in the court.
a. Academic training courses 4. Dental fraud: Dental fraud is another
b. Postgraduate training. emerging area of litigation. With the
introduction of Consumer Protection Act,
the orthodontist is required to examine
ROLE OF ORTHODONTIST patients carfully and records are to be
maintained properly to defend himself
The most significant role is of an orthodontist if needed. Also records are to determine
is to create awareness of this specialty in the whether a treatment paid for by a third
society. The other common areas of interest party has actually been performed or not.
of an Orthodontist in Forensic odontology 5. Age determination: In routine identification,
include: determination of age of the unknown
1. Child abuse/neglect: In the recent time remains in various stages of decomposition
with introduction of Child Protection or recog­n ition of the accused person
Act and increase trends towards modern who is suspected in the crime is vital.
lifestyle, both child abuse and neglect are Since, the tooth is the only tissue that can
on the verge of increase. The orthodontist resist the highest temperature and other
who handles children is required by law decomposition changes, age determination
in abuse and neglect. A conscious effort with the help of human dentition or their
should be made to eradicate completely bite marks have proved to be of great
this highly criminal activity in the society. importance.
2. Mass disaster: Aircraft accidents are one 6. Bite marks evidence: The bite marks
of the common causes of most of the investigation is equally important and
disasters worldwide. The task of identifying interesting for the orthodontist. Until
is very complicated. The vast numbers recent times the bite marks produced by
of victims are burnt, decomposed and suspect were looked upon by the other
mutilated. Therefore, these cases can be investigators as bruises. However, through
systematically examined and identified constant education, these marks have been
skillfully by the dentist as the previous recognized for what they are.
records show that when trained experts are 7. Lip and tongue print identification: The role
utilized, the identification rates are high of the skin as a repository and marker of
and accurate. evidence is evaluated in identification of
3. Accidental and nonaccidental oral trauma: victims and suspects and it is found that
Another area is which the dentist can paly no two individuals have the same patterns
an important role is in the examination of of the skin on the lip and tongue. Thus,
children who have sustained accidental and the application of Cheiloscopy is being
non-accidental trauma involving orofacial developed in identification by use of lip-
structures via accident, negligence, prints.
malpractice or child abuse. In such cases, 8. Poisoning: Various metallic poisonings
a detailed and accurate examination may have manifestations in the oral cavity.
supported with tests, radiographs and They are most commonly associated
Multidisciplinary Orthodontics  495

with a metallic taste and a nonspecific period of genetic expression is bound to affect
ulcerative gingivitis, accompanied by all the developing structures. Hence, deviation
varying amounts of pigmentation. With from normal occlusion due to extraneous
child labor still a menace in certain parts factors at the time of development will also
of the country, an alert Orthodontist reflect in the dermal patterns.
may come across cases of chronic metal Dermatoglyphic patterns are studied by
poisoning and should be able to diagnose rolling complete palm and fingerprints of
it by the clinical signs and symptoms, both hands on a smooth white paper by ink
coupled with history. and roller method as suggested by Cummins
9. Dental records: Teeth are unique in and Midlo. The palm and fingerprints of the
individuality, resistant to destruction and individuals were studied under the following
their records can be maintained well along headings:
with noting of developments variations 1. Type of pattern on the fingers of both right
and appliances delivered if any to children. and left hands
Thus, routine findings of the patients 2. Total finger ridge count (TFRC)
preserved in the form of their radiographs, 3. a-t-d angle of each hand
photographs and study models are often 4. t-a-b angle of each hand
used for identification. 5. a-b ridge count of each hand
6. Presence or absence of patterns in
hypothenar area, thenar or first interdigital
DERMATOGLYPHICS area and I2, I3, and I4 interdigital areas.
Conclusions that have drawn from these
Dermatoglyphics (Derma-skin; glyphe-curve) dermal patterns include:
implies the study of dermal ridges seen on the i. When compared with normal occlusion,
palmar and plantar surface. Dermatoglyphics Class I and Class III malocclusions are
as a science has multiple applications associated with an increased frequency of
in various fields such as criminology, whorls at the expense of ulnar loops and
anthropology, cyto­g enetic studies, etc. Its Class II Div.1 malocclusions are associated
main advantages being that it is cost effective, with an increased frequency of ulnar loops
does not require extensive equipments and is at the expense of whorls. Both Class I and
atraumatic. Dermal ridges appear at 12 weeks Class II Div.1 malocclusions are associated
of intrauterine life and are established by the with an increased frequency of radial loops
24th week. Thereafter, they remain constant. and arches. While the arches decrease in
The fact that development of teeth and Class III malocclusions, the radial loops
palate occur during the same period as the remain the same.
development of dermal patterns, led to an ii. There is an increased frequency of
extensive research to establish the genetically patterns in the hypothenar area in all
congruent factors affecting both. It is a known the malocclusion groups as compared to
fact that any factor active during the time normal occlusion.
496  Essentials of Orthodontics


14 Orthodontics

ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE modern business management to their

When orthodontists are asked to describe what practices.
their job is, some will say, “I am an Orthodontist.
My job is to straighten teeth.” Others will say,
“I am a Dentofacial Orthopedist” still others IDEAL ORTHODONTIC SERVICES
will say, “I offer a service. I improve people’s
appea­rance, function, and oral health.” Some The orthodontic services provided by Ortho­
may go a step beyond and say, “I do all that, dontist to the community may fall into any one
and through all that I help people to have of these four types:
happier, healthier, more productive, more 1. Observation and preventive (10%)
successful, more satisfying lives.” Some may 2. Guidance and interceptive (20%)
take a different tack and say, “I make a good 3. Partial corrective mechanotherapy (25%)
living for myself and my family” and some may 4. Comprehensive orthodontics (45%).
say, “I am a manager.” The ortho­dontist is all of
these, but the orthodontist who realizes that he
is a manager has an under­standing of what an TYPICAL ORTHODONTIC
orthodontist is or ought to be in today’s world. PRACTICE ORGANIZATION
The problem is that most orthodontist
has no training in or feeling for management. Many orthodontic practices have a hierarchical
If anything, we have been trained to believe structure with the doctor as the “boss” at the
that business functions are incompatible with top of a pyramid type of organization, with
professional functions. Still, when a professional such emotional ties to his “baby,” the practice
practice declines or actually fails, it is usually not that he built from zero, that he may be able to
because of professional incompetence. It is delegate responsibility, but not authority. This
because of poor management. is typical of professional practices and small
It is essential for orthodontists to study businesses. At the other end of the spectrum,
management and apply the principles of we sometimes see orthodontic practices aspire
Community Orthodontics  497

to an organi­zational structure like that of a and organizing it into efficient sequences of

big business. It is paradoxical that while some its simplest components, with the idea that
orthodontic practices are looking for a structure improvement in overall performance comes
like a big business, many large businesses such from improved performance of the individual
as Hewlett-Packard and Rockwell International parts. This fostered time and motion studies
are seeking to develop a work environment like and concepts of efficiency derived from them.
what we already have in orthodontics. They There is a place for scientific management
like the size, the cohesiveness, the informal in analyzing and organizing work. The flaw
structure within which workers can work in it is that it separated planning from doing.
toward a common goal and see the results Planning was the prerogative of an elite
of their effort. In such an environment, it is management. Doing as he was told was the
possible to develop a true team effort. Most role of the worker. The trouble with this is that
large organizations encourage mediocrity. if a worker is taught how to do, even how to do
Small organizations have a need to excel, and efficiently, and not taught to understand what
a need for a structure which fosters excellence. he is doing, he requires more supervision; and
Functional excellence is important, but his dedication, if any, is to the function and
the danger is that it can become the end in not to the enterprise, because he does not see
itself; and then success of the enterprise in the beyond the function. In addition, any change
orthodontist’s eyes is measured in terms of the is difficult for him, and threatening to his
performance of the function, and not in terms psychological security.
of the contribution that the performance of the As machines have replaced people for
function makes to the success of the enterprise. routine tasks, and with the social changes we
The orthodontist who feels that way tends to are experiencing today, it is not surprising to
organize his employees on the basis of their find that you do not just hire a hand. A whole
craftsmanship. Even in a small enterprise like person comes along with it; and today’s worker
an orthodontic office, a spin off of this attitude needs more from the enterprise than a fair
can be a departmentalization according to day’s pay. He needs meaningful work in which
functions. The result can be little empires he can take active responsibility, from which
functioning in a separate, uncoordinated he can derive fulfillment and opportunity for
manner. Typically, the people in front do advancement. In turn, the enterprise needs
not know what the people in back do, yet the more from the worker than a fair day’s work. It
people in front are scheduling for the people needs his willing, active, creative contribution
in back. to a team effort working for the success of the
enterprise. That attitude cannot come from a
Typical Orthodontic Management worker who feels that he is working for profits
Style for the boss and a fair day’s pay for himself.
Frequently in orthodontic practice, overlaid It would be a mistake to believe that these
on the hierarchical organization by functions, concepts have gained universal acceptance.
we find a form of scientific management.
Scientific management was developed by Key to a Better Way
Frederick W Taylor in the latter part of the Even with systematic organization and a
last century as a method of analyzing work maximum of delegation of functions, there is
498  Essentials of Orthodontics

probably more in an orthodontic practice than to work independently to a greater extent,

one person can manage effectively. The solution is that assistants may then want to work
is to delegate managerial responsibilities. independently of the orthodontic office, as
Since not every worker is a highly motivated, denturists want to work independently of the
highly skilled team player, with managerial dental office. For many orthodontists, this
potential, management’s task is to find those is sufficient reason to postpone the day and
who are, hire them, and let them develop in the to continue orthodontic practice utilizing
organization through participation, acceptance auxiliary personnel for many technical tasks,
of responsibility, and exercise of authority. but with­holding information, such as why an
The key to entry into this world for the ortho­ arch wire is bent in a certain way.
dontist is to free himself from salary limitations Since, survival is a priority instinct, ortho­
in the management level immediately below dontists cannot be faulted for continuing to
his own, and rather aim for the person to practice in this way. Still, it would be a stretch of
whom he would feel comfortable surrendering the imagination to think that denturists know
authority. It will be a reasonable price to pay more than the technical steps in fabricating
to get that type of person. You will have a start a denture, yet they have made surprising
toward building an organi­zation in which you advances toward their goal; and, if it is possible
can delegate managerial responsibility. to train an assistant to perform so many of
the technical tasks in orthodontics in a highly
Nature of Participation satisfactory manner in a matter of months, it
When you feel comfortable delegating mana­ may be a greater risk to pin one’s future on
gerial responsibility, the risks of sharing withholding information than on developing
authority and participation with employees auxiliaries’ ability to the fullest, and permitting
diminish. If you want active, dedicated, loyal, the orthodontist to develop his ability in
involved workers, you have to understand what the many directions that could elevate his
real participation is. It is not a democracy in professional position in a parallel manner.
the orthodontic office. It is not surrendering The more obvious of these are diagnosis and
the boss’s real prerogatives. It is not throwing treatment planning; functional occlusion; pain
people into sink or swim. It is letting workers in the face, head, and neck; TMJ dysfunction;
participate in setting rules and solving problems airway; and communication and management.
in their own work and giving them some
authority to go with this responsibility. Delegating Authority with
Participation depends on information. Responsibility
But, information is power. Withholding infor­ Just as encouraging employees to accept
mation is withholding power. Giving infor­ responsibility is not for the purpose of making
mation is surrendering power. The risk of loss the worker happy, but necessary for the greater
of power through releasing information to success of the enterprise, providing the worker
employees needs to be weighed against the with information is not a question of how much
reward of better performance by employees. he wants, but of how much he needs to perform
The danger in giving orthodontic assistants in a highly effective manner. Delegating autho­
enough information to understand what rity with responsibility, providing necessary
they are doing and, therefore, to be able information and giving workers opportunities
Community Orthodontics  499

for participation in decisions affecting their in productivity. Typically, a specialist worker

lives are basic management tools and the is rotated in all departments. Their success
extent to which an orthodontist can make use suggests that American orthodontists might
of these tools may well influence the quality benefit by hiring workers who are capable of
and quantity of his success. the most demanding of the specialized tasks,
As we continue to experience increasing which is probably the expanded duty chair
costs and double-digit inflation, staying even side auxiliary and rotating them throughout
is falling behind; and today it takes more than the office. There is a certain amount of logic
a 10% annual increase in gross income to stay in keeping people in specialized tasks which
even. But, an orthodontist who, either by choice they are performing in a satisfactory manner;
or by abiding by the limitations of a more but, as Japanese managers have learned, there
restrictive dental practice act does not delegate is more to a successful enterprise than a group
has a limitation on how many cases he can treat of highly efficient fun­ctions.
with his own two hands. As an orthodontist Building a career-oriented professional
delegates, he increases the number of cases he team requires mutual respect and trust. The
and his staff can treat. The more of his personal orthodontic office has multiple opportunities
supervision needed over the work he delegates, to show that respect and trust and to recognize
the smaller the additional case load that can achievement—through open and implied
be handled. If he expands indiscriminately, approval, salary levels and salary increases as
delegating authority and responsibility to a a share in the good fortune of the enterprise
technically capable but uninformed staff, the to which all have contributed, liberal fringe
quality of the service must decline. This can benefits, impulsive gifts, time off, group staff
be counter productive, if you consider that activities. Also, new lifestyles dictate changes
high quality work is essential to the continued for the traditional workplace. Offices will
satisfaction of your referral base. increasingly have to recognize that female
workers today need greater flexibility on the
job, to accommodate their additional roles
ORTHODONTIC WORK as wives and mothers. One way to satisfy this
ENVIRONMENT need is by providing supervised child day care
centers on the premises. There are so many
It will be up to each orthodontist to decide benefits in this to the enterprise, and to mother
how far he may feel like going in providing and child, especially infant children, that it is
infor­­mation to his staff. But, without regard to surprising that it has taken so long to come
how far that may be, the orthodontic office is about.
an excellent environment for the application of The benefits to the enterprise are in
impro­ved management principles for impro­ sta­b ili­z ing the employment of dedicated
ved practice performance. It lends itself to wor­kers, in opening the door to a broader
flexible work schedules. Jobs can be mixed, segment of talen­ted people, and in providing
enriched, and inter­esting. They need not be another dimension to the real and emotional
repetitive and boring, not overlaid with several benefits from being a part of an enterprise
layers of supervision. Japanese managers have with a genuine concern for its employees. The
used this approach to gain dramatic increases benefits to the mother and child are in the close
500  Essentials of Orthodontics

proximity, in the ability to visit and to nurse bility and little or no authority. That is as true
the child, in the reduction of stress concerning in patient management as it is in personnel
the child’s safety, in reduction in cost (if the manage­­ment. Yet, it is almost a pattern
enterprise offers the service as a fringe benefit for orthodontists to withhold information
without charge), and in the security derived from patients. From the beginning of the
from being a part of an enterprise that is really relation­ship to the end, ortho­dontists do not
a surrogate family at a time when families are supply patients with an adequate amount of
disappearing from the scene. Not only does information to assure acceptance of treatment,
an additional feeling of good will pervade the to motivate cooperation in treatment, and to
office, but there are overt gains in dedication make patients into sources of referral.
of the entire staff to pro­duction, efficiency and There is a process in the way that people
quality; and to the growth and success of the make a buying decision. First comes recog­
enterprise. nition of need, then a search to fill the need
One more observation about choice of and some kind of postpurchase evaluation to
empl­o yees, orthodontists have made an reassure oneself that the right buying decision
apparently erroneous assumption that young was made. Orthodontists must recognize
assistants relate better to young patients. that they have a role in the buying process—
Apart from the fact that the age of orthodontic in helping people identify their need for
patients is moving in an upward direction, it orthodontics, in convincing them that there
has been shown that the basic premise may is no more satisfactory solution available,
be invalid. Nevertheless, an orthodontist may that the fee is acceptable, that the decision
prefer to work with a younger staff; and they, cannot or should not be postponed (if that is
in turn, may prefer to work with people their the case), and to reinforce the patient through
own age. There is nothing wrong with having posttreatment evaluation and conference that
a young staff. What is wrong is hiring young the treatment did come up to expectations.
employees for the wrong reasons— because A corollary to this is that if a buyer does
the orthodontist thinks that staff turnover is not see a difference between two items, he
a good thing, or that it keeps salaries low, or will buy either one, and the difference has to
because the factors of youth and turnover limit be sub­stantial to be perceived. If there is no
retirement plan contributions for the staff. If difference or if it is hard to identify, the buyer’s
the mission of the orthodontic staff is to form decision is likely to be made on a basis of
a team dedicated to the growing success of the price, convenience, or style. The welfare of the
practice, high turnover and low salaries may be orthodontist and his practice requires that he
contrary to and detrimental to the goals of the provide patients with enough information to
enterprise. The object is not to see how little help them establish three levels of perception—a
you can do for employees, but how much; and perception of need, a perception of value, and a
when you have the right employees, you don’t perception of difference.
have a problem feeling this way. Many orthodontists believe that people
are knowledgeable about orthodontics these
Communicating with Patients days, know what is involved, what to expect
It seems logical that, in the absence of adequate in the office, including fee. In light of this, they
information, one can delegate limited responsi­ also believe that it is a waste of their time and
Community Orthodontics  501

the patients’ time to spend any amount of it complete diagnostic materials and a thorough
with lengthy explanations. They will typically diagnostic workup. First of all, the patient
examine a patient briefly and confirm a need does not know his real orthodontic need,
for orthodontic treatment. They may indicate although he may have some conception or
that four teeth will have to be removed, which misconception about it. The dentist who
would be confirmed with a more thorough may have referred the patient does not know
diagnostic workup after the patient accepts the patient’s real orthodontic need; and the
the fee, which is then quoted. The effect of this orthodontist upon examination does not know
is to force the patient’s decision to be made the patient’s real orthodontic need. He may
on the strength of the referral and on the fee. have a reasonably good idea and he might
Unless one has a low fee or the lowest fee, it be right on or reasonably close to the final
is foolhardy to make price the determinant of diagnosis a good percentage of the time. But,
patient acceptance. there is no reason to gamble on whatever the
It is also foolhardy to make a diagnosis percentage of cases in which he might not be
without adequate diagnostic materials, espe­ correct and, furthermore, there is the obligation
cially to make a diagnosis of tooth extraction to help the patient to understand his need for
without adequate diagnostic records; if only orthodontics, and to offer sufficient evidence
for the fact that people today are increasingly to create confidence in the orthodontist’s
questioning professional opinion and opinion judgment. An orthodontist should have at
needs to be supported with evidence. A typical least a 90% acceptance rate. Why risk losing
reaction to diagnosis without that support is a case because of an inadequate diagnosis or
related by a parent who took his child to an inadequate infor­mation?
orthodontist and was told that four permanent
teeth would have to be removed. The parent Proper Case Presentation
said he would have to think it over. When he In a proper case presentation, with all parties to
thought it over, it weighed on him that this the buying decision present, the orthodontist
was the last set of teeth his child would ever gives the patient enough information to help
have, and he decided to get another opinion. him to establish what his real need is and to
Right at that point, the first orthodontist lost make an intelligent choice of treatment plan
the case. If the second orthodontist said that by partici­pating in the diagnostic decision. In
extractions were not necessary, the parent was a proper case presentation, it is not necessary
ready to accept that. If the second orthodontist for the ortho­dontist to tell the patient that
said that extractions were necessary, the parent teeth need to be removed. The patient tells
said he would not feel good about returning the doctor. When that happens, the patient
to the first orthodontist after challenging his truly understands his need, he has a stake
opinion, and would likely remain with the in the treatment plan, his search to fulfill the
second orthodontist in that event also. need is over, and there is no more satisfactory
Patient referrals are the only source of the solution to his problem. Frequently, under
scarce raw materials in orthodontic practice. these circumstances, the patient forgets to ask
Not many orthodontists have enough of what the fee will be, and the orthodontist has to
them to squander them foolishly. Case remind him that there is one more agreement
presentation should not be made without that is needed, because fee has become almost
502  Essentials of Orthodontics

irrelevant in the patient’s mind. Not only does thought it was paying attention to scheduling,
the patient now have a perception of need, but yet “kept waiting” is at or near the top of the
also a perception of value and a perception of list of complaints. This office should also be
difference. An orthodontist who skips this key concerned that parents and adult patients
step, or takes it lightly, threatens the success of are complaining about fee. There has to be
his entire enterprise. These perceptions should something wrong with case presentation.
be nurtured throughout treatment. Finally, orthodontists tend to minimize the
pain of orthodontic treatment, while patients
Patient Communication during do not.
Treatment Note the difference between adult and
If patient feedback is to be believed, they child when it comes to praise of orthodontic
require more information during treatment treat­ment. The child’s primary concern is
than most orthodontists are accustomed to the treatment result: simply, what is going to
offer. The following is a typical set of patient happen to his body. This may stem to some
responses, when they were asked what they extent from the fact that the treatment decision
liked most and what they liked least about their is by parents, that the transaction is between
orthodontic treatment. parents and orthodontist, that not enough
effort is made to inform the child about his
Chief Complaints need and about what will be done to correct
Parents—Lack of communication (regarding it—what is going to happen to him and why.
progress). Size of fee. Adults, on the other hand, seem to assume that
Child patients—Kept waiting. Lack of comm­ the doctor is competent and that the treatment
uni­­cation (what will be done and why). Painful will succeed. They are more impressed by
treatment. office environment.
Adult patients—Lack of communication (what To complete the information cycle, post-
will be done and why). Kept waiting. Size of fee. treatment evaluation and presentation are
Painful treatment. essential in reassuring the patient that he made
the correct buying decision, and reinforcing
Chief Praise him as a referral source; and in quality control.
Parents—Good-looking, modern, well-
equipped office. Friendly staff. Good treatment Management by Exception
result. Orthodontists tend to manage by exception.
Child patients—Good treatment result. Frien­ Things that are going along well are permitted
dly staff. to manage themselves. When things are not
Adult patients—Good-looking, modern, well- going along well is considered the time to step
equipped office. Friendly staff. Good treatment in and do something. Apart from being the
result. line of least resistance, this is not the efficient
This was from an office that thought it was use of management time that it is presumed
communicating, and it probably was communi­ to be. Often, it is a lack of management. Many
cating better than most. It was soliciting feed­ ortho­dontists take their practices for granted
back. Yet, a universal complaint was “lack of and only become agitated when they become
comm­uni­c­ation.” This was from an office that aware of a practice decline. This is a mistake.
Community Orthodontics  503

Everyone needs to keep his finger on the pulse Orthodontic staff is not different from par­
of his practice and understand that net income ents, patients, and referring dentists in want­ing
is a more important measure of income than recognition and communication. How many
gross income, that profit per patient is a better orthodontic staff meetings are only called
measure of profitability than profit percent, when there are problems? How many regularly
that cases finished is a better measure of held staff meetings are only concerned with
productivity than cases started, and balance problems, with what is not going right?
of contracts written is a better measure of the This is not to suggest that problems do not
economic health of the practice than current need solving, nor that treatment that is not going
income. well does not need attention. But an office that
Another result of management by exce­ spends a majority of its human relations time on
ption is that the “good guys” get little time and the problems and putting out fires has a general
attention, while the “bad guys” get an inordi­ negative pall hanging over it. When more
nate amount of it. How many orthod­ontists time is spent on positive communication with
have said to parents at case presentation, “If the positive patients and parents and dentist
things go along all right, chances are you will referrers, and on staff meetings that are positive
never hear from me again. You can be sure communications aimed at developing a team
that if things are not going along all right, you effort for growth and success in the practice, the
will hear from me?” What a mistake. Parents whole spirit of an office can change. It is not just
want and deserve progress reports on a regular the power of positive thinking. Management by
basis, and a posttreatment report. Patients exception is not suited to the private practice of
thrive on recog­nition that they are performing a personal service.
well, to sustain them through the long days
and nights of orthodontic treatment. What a Conclusion
mistake to take for granted the good work of It is reasonable to expect that we will see
the cooperative patients and dwell on those orthodontic practices in the future conducted
whose treatment is not going well. in a variety of ways. I believe that at the bottom
It is the parents of patients who are succee­ will be the orthodontist who is stuck at the
ding that are the real source of referral in craftsman level, with himself or herself doing
the parent group, not the parents of those substantially all the work. Next comes the
who are not succeeding or who are receiving orthodontist who will delegate some responsi­
constant negative reports about their child. I bilities, but who will withhold authority and
would not under­estimate child patients as a information from employees. At the top will
potential source of referral. You can be that be the orthodontist who understands that
successful patients will make better referrers he is essentially a manager; who maintains a
than problem patients. base of functional excellence, but develops a
How many orthodontists take their dentist team that is dedicated to the growing success
refe­rrers for granted, and only become con­ of the enterprise, and a management style that
cerned about them when they stop referring? meets the needs of today’s workers and today’s
And, if a dentist referrer does stop referring, patients. This requires delegation of responsi­
how many orthodontists are quickly aware of bility to personnel with the authority to go
it and call up to find out why? with it; provision of information needed by
504  Essentials of Orthodontics

personnel to do an optimum job; expansion of computer and are readily accessible in most
the ortho­dontist’s own professional horizons; law libraries.
provision of the information needed by patients The appellate case law is used for trial
to understand their orthodontic need, to accept preparation by the attorneys representing
the treatment plan and fee, to be motivated to the disgruntled patient, or plaintiff and the
perform their part in treatment in an optimal orthodontist, or defendant.
fashion, and to be confirmed as a referral The cases can be divided into three
source. That is the formula for future success categories—dissatisfaction with treatment,
and happiness in an orthodontic practice; and misdiagnosis and violation of state board
it begins with the practice of management. regul­ations.

Contracts and Statutes of Limitations

MEDICOLEGAL An orthodontic malpractice suit can be based
CONSIDERATIONS IN on contract theory or tort theory. In a contract
ORTHODONTICS suit, it is usually claimed that the orthodontist
Orthodontists can be the subject of a malpra­ guaranteed specific results, either orally or in
ctice suit. Costs of professional liability and a written contract. Therefore, it is legally dan­
insurance will continue to increase dram­ gerous for an orthodontist to give an expressed
atically; of course, insurance is only one of the or implied guarantee of results. Without such
potential costs of a malpractice suit. Not to be guarantee, the burden is on the plaintiffs to
overlooked are losses in professional time and present evidence of malpractice.
the confidence of other patients or prospective Most orthodontists know that giving written
patients. warranties may prompt suits, but they may not
realize that they are just as liable in cases of
LEGAL PRECEDENTS implied contract, however inadvertent. An
orthodontist who casually says, “We will make
A suit against an orthodontist can be either your teeth look like Brooke Shields,” is implying
settled out of court or decided at the trial a result that could later be contested.
(district) court. If the judgment obtained in Of the nine cases involving patient dissatis­
trial court is unacceptable to either party, faction, the orthodontist was found liable in
then it can be appealed to the appellate court. every case in which an expressed or implied
Orthodontic malpractice cases are usually contract guaranteeing results was present.
filed in state courts, but high courts can have Statutes of limitations, which vary from
jurisdiction if a government entity is involved. state-to-state, set out the time periods
Researching cases at the trial court level is during which suits must be filed or else be
difficult and usually incomplete. Because of the “time barred.” In most states, the statute of
large number of cases considered at this level, limitations for a tort claim is two years. Statutes
the records are often retained within each court of limitations for contract claims are usually
rather than being reported in bound volumes. four years or more.
Most research into case law precedence— The situation is quite different for ortho­
the guidance a court uses in its determinations— dontic treatment results, because young
occurs at the appellate court level. Cases at this children cannot understand that a harmful
level are reported in bound volumes and on act has caused a problem worth litigation until
Community Orthodontics  505

they are older. In some states, this means the without undue delay. An orthodontist who uses
statute of limitations might not begin to run a method of treatment that a reasonable and
until age 18, or the age of majority. prudent orthodontist would use under the same
If this is true in your state, you should save or similar circumstances is not subject to liability.
all posttreatment records until the patient is at As in other health professions, the courts
least 20-year-old. do not automatically assume that orthodontic
treatment will be 100% successful or that the
Negligent Treatment patient will be 100% satisfied with the result. It
To establish negligence, the plaintiff must show is the plaintiff’s burden to prove that the ortho­
that the defendant breached the applicable dontist has deviated from the acceptable standard
standard of care followed by orthodontists, that of care. In other words, a Class II malocclusion
he or she (the patient) actually was injured, that is never corrected—whether from lack of
and that the breach was the proximate cause cooperation or lack of growth—is unsuccessful
of the injury. treatment, but not necessarily malpractice.
Tort law has established a general standard Several other cases, however, involved
of care, which is the degree of care that a orthodo­ntists’ failure to take complete pretreat­
reasonably prudent person would use in the ment records—panoramic and cephalometric
same or similar circumstances. A professional radio­g raphs, photographs and models.
is presumed to possess greater skill and Treatment was initiated without written,
knowledge than a lay person, and is therefore formal treatment plans, and the patients won
held to a higher standard. One who holds suits against their orthodontists.
himself or herself out as a specialist is generally Expert witnesses would be hard pressed
expected to have greater skill and knowledge to comment favorably on an orthodontist’s
than a general practitioner in that field. treatment methods when proper diagnostic
States use varying methods to determine records are absent.
the degree of care that a reasonably prudent
orthodontist would use. Some have a “same or Misdiagnosis
similar community” rule—the reasonably prudent The second major area of concern is misdiagnosis,
orthodontist is required to use that care and skill usually related to periodontal disease or TMJ
as practiced in the same or similar locality. disorders. Again, every orthodontist must
An increasing number of states use the have proper pretreatment records, including
“national custom standard,” which is a general documen­tation of existing periodontal and
standard for that profession throughout the TMJ condition.
country. This assumes that there is a prevailing An informed consent document, explained
treatment method for each type of problem. to and signed by the patient, is essential. Bone
The “national custom standard” has been recession and root resorption, for example, can
criticized on the grounds that “customary occur even in “normal” and “conventional”
medical practice” may not be synonymous orthodontic care, and a patient who is thus
with “good medical practice.” informed before treatment should not be able
Additionally, an orthodontist must exercise to claim negligence later.
reasonable care and diligence in treating pati­ A proper informed consent form discloses
ents. Diligence means following reasonable all possible risks or hazards so that a reasonable
treatment plans based on proper information person can decide to give or withhold consent
506  Essentials of Orthodontics

to treatment. Statutes governing the wording a prudent orthodontist is aware of and follows
of such forms differ from state-to-state. the state regulations regarding delegation.
Periodontal or TMJ problems that arise State boards of dental examiners have legal
during treatment should be documented in power to reprimand anyone in violation of these
the same way as those seen before treatment. laws. The state’s dental legislative act exists to
Negligence on the patient’s part should always protect the health and welfare of the public,
be noted on the chart. Some orthodontists and police action on behalf of a valid public
rate patients’ toothbrushing on an arbitrary interest is not subject to judicial interference if
scale—perhaps 1 for a terrible brusher and 5 the means employed are fair and just.
for an ideal brusher. This documents a pattern State dental examiners can also address
of care shown by the patient. orthodontists’ competence to practice. They
Frequent periodontal probings should also generally apply the same comparison as would be
be performed during treatment, especially used in court—the standard of care as practiced
on adult patients, and likewise should be by a reasonable and prudent orthod­ontist.
Of paramount importance are proper
referrals, backed by records of telephone CONCLUSION
calls and duplicates or photocopies of all
written correspondence. Referrals should be Intelligent and cautious orthodontists can pro­
timely, and the need for them should be clearly tect themselves from liability while striving to
communicated to patients. provide the best possible service. As indicated
Once the referral has been made, the next by these appellate court cases, an orthodontist
practitioner should be able to address the needs to:
problem effectively. • Keep accurate records and maintain them
One possibly dangerous situation is well after treatment
when the orthodontist knows or should • Exercise due care and diligence in diagnosis
know that the standard of care given by the • Avoid written and implied warranties
recommended practitioner does not meet • Write formal treatment plans
the normal standard of care. Therefore, • Take complete pretreatment records
orthodontists should be very careful to whom • Maintain proper care and diligence during
they refer patients. treatment
Another potential problem is when the • Have detailed informed consent forms
orthod­ontist goes into the operating room with signed and stored in the permanent
a surgeon. The orthodontist would not be liable records
for a surg­eon’s slip of the scalpel, but could be • Keep detailed treatment and patient coo­
liable for his or her portion of the treatment— per­­ation records
for instance, planning or directing a tooth to • Make referrals only to qualified specialists
be extracted. • Follow state dental rules and regulations.
Knowing the potential pitfalls will help you
State Dental Regulations build a successful practice without becoming
Most orthodontic offices seek to improve their the subject of litigation. You and your patients
efficiency by delegating duties to assistants, but will benefit.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  507

Materials Used in

15 Orthodontics

Advancements in orthodontics have made
possible a constant improvement in the quality of
orthodontic treatment ultimately, benefiting the
patient. An analysis of the various dimensions of
orthodontic advancement reveals two important
truths. Firstly, the biologic problems have rema­
ined singularly unchanged. New solutions to
the old problems have resulted principally
from advancements in orthodontic materials
and their cascading end effects on appliance
design and treatment strategies. Virtually every Figure 15.1: Materials used in orthodontics
facet of ortho­dontic treatment has been changed
for the better thanks to the advancement in the
orthodontic material arena. 1. Gold
Orthodontic material science is an emer­ 2. Stainless steel (SS)
ging sub-discipline of orthodontics. The earlier 3. Chrome cobalt (Elgiloy)
we recognize and initiate efforts to foster it, the 4. Nickel titanium (NiTi)
better it would be for orthodontics. i. Martensitic
ii. Austenitic
iii. Superelastic
CLASSIFICATION OF iv. Thermodynamic or temperature
MATERIALS (FIG. 15.1) 5. Beta titanium (TMA)
i. Untreated
Arch Wire Materials ii. Surface treated (Ion implanted)
Based on material constituent: 6. Alpha titanium
508  Essentials of Orthodontics

7. Polymeric materials Orthodontic Cements

8. Composite coated arch wires (Optiflex) A. Based on the material content:
9. Titanium niobium 1. Zinc phosphate cement
10. Timoloum. 2. Polycarboxylate cement
3. Glass ionomer cement
i. Chemical curing
Bracket and Attachment Materials ii. Light curing
Based on the material content: iii. Dual curing
1. Stainless steel (SS) B. Based on the incorporation of fluoride:
2. Polycarbonate 1. Fluoride releasing
3. Fiber glass reinforced plastic 2. Non-fluoride releasing.
4. Ceramic
Alumina based Sealants and Adhesion Promoters
i. Monocrystalline A. Sealants: Nonfluoridated and fluoridated
ii. Polycrystalline sealants
iii. Laminated brackets B. Adhesion promoters
Zirconia based i. To metal
5. Nickel free bracket materials—Titanium ii. To plastic
brackets iii. To porcelain
6. Composite brackets iv. To gold
7. Bass. v. To fluorosed tooth.

Conditioning and Crystal Growth

Bonding Materials Systems
A. Based on the basic bonding system type: A. Based on the acid used
1. Acrylic resin based system—Polymethyl 1. Phosphoric acid based systems
methacrylate system 2. Polyacrylic based systems
2. Diacrylate based systems—Bis-GMA 3. Miscellaneous acid systems
systems i. Citric acid
3. Glass ionomer systems ii. Maleic acid
i. Chemical cured iii. Nitric acid
ii. Light cured iv. Hydrofluoric acid 1.6%
iii. Dual cured B. Based on incorporation of fluoride
B. Based on fluoride content i. Fluoridated etchants
1. Fluoride releasing systems” ii. Nonfluoridated etchants
2. Nonfluoride releasing systems C. Gel-based and liquid-based systems
C. Based on curing systems D. Crystal growth systems
1. Self-cured system i. Polyacrylic based
2. Light cured system ii. Lithium based
3. Dual cured systems E. Self-etching primers.
D. Based on the filler content
1. Lowly filled bonding systems Force Delivery Systems
2. Highly filled bonding systems. A. Elastomerics:
Materials Used in Orthodontics  509

1. Latex and latex-based systems —Elastics ORTHODONTIC ARCH WIRE

ii. Colored
iii. Intraoral and extraoral Rapid strides have been made in the field of
2. Polyurethane based systems arch wire materials, producing in its wake a
i. Plain and colored plethora of arch wires varying widely in material
ii. Fluoride releasing and nonfluoride geometry, configuration, manufacturing
releasing process and physical properties.
3. Silicon based—Positioner materials
B. Coil springs: General Properties of Orthodontic
1. Stainless steel Wires
2. NiTi Orthodontic wires are formed into various
i. Open coil springs confi­gurations or appliances in order to apply
ii. Close coil springs. forces to teeth and move them into a more
desirable align­ment. The force is determined
Auxillary Force Delivery Systems by the appliance design and the material
Magnets: properties of the wire.
1. Aluminum based—AlNiCo magnets The following properties are important in
2. Samarium based—Samarium cobalt orthodontic treatment:
magnets Force: The force applied to a tooth is
3. Neodymium based—Neodymium iron proportional to the wires stiffness. Biologically,
boron magnets. low constant forces are less damaging. This
is best achieved by large elastic deflections
Soldering and Welding because they produce a more constant force
Soldering materials: and have a greater ‘working range’. Range is
i. Solder defined as the distance that the wire will bend
ii. Flux elastically before permanent deformation
iii. Anti-flux. occurs.
Springiness: Springiness is a measure of how
Other Dental Materials far a wire can be deflected without causing
1. Impression materials permanent deformation.
i. Alginate Stiffness: Stiffness is a measure the amount of
ii. Elastomeric materials force required to produce a specific deformation.
2. Gypsum products Stiffness = 1/Springiness.
i. Plaster of Paris Resilience: Resilience is the energy storage
ii. Dental stone capacity of the wires which is a combination
3. Bite registration waxes of strength and springiness.
4. Acrylic materials Formability: Formability is the amount of
i. Self-cure acrylic permanent bending the wire will tolerate
ii. Heat cure acrylic before it breaks.
5. Finishing and polishing materials Ductility: Ductility of the wire is ability to form
6. Implant materials. round wire on pulling.
510  Essentials of Orthodontics

Ease of joining: Most wires can be soldered or

welded together.
Corrosion resistance and stability in the
oral environment.
Biocompatibility in the oral cavity.

Elastic Properties of Orthodontic

Elastic properties of wires are explained based
on the stress-strain or a load deflection curve.
Stress-to-stress relationships are associated
with intrinsic properties of the wire related
to its composition. The ratio of stress to strain Figure 15.2: Stress-strain curve
in the elastic portion of the curve defines
the modulus of elasticity of the wire (e). The the material begins to weaken. It corresponds
modulus of elasticity is constant for the wire to the peak of the force deflection curve. The
as it reflects the intrinsic properties of the portion of the force deflection curve from the
wire. Load, or force, deflection rate refers to elastic limit to the ultimate tensile strength
the amount of force produced for every unit is the plastic range of the wire. The extent
of activation of an orthodontic wire. to which an appliance returns to its original
The slope of stress-strain curve within its form when deflected into its plastic range
elastic limit is an indicator of the stiffness or determines its springiness. A wire with an
flexibility of a wire. A flexible wire has a flatter extended plastic range is more formable, which
slope, and a rigid wire has a steeper slope. means it can be bend several times without
There are three points on the load deflection undergoing failure. If a wire is deflected past
curve that are of clinical importance in its ultimate tensile strength, it will eventually
appliance design: elastic limit, ultimate tensile fail by breaking.
strength, and failure point (Fig. 15.2). Wires with a low load deflection are
The elastic limit (Proportional limit, or preferred in orthodontics in areas where
yield strength) is the point at which any greater large tooth movements are required because
force leads to permanent deformation of the they maintain a fairly constant force as the
wire. The amount of deflection that a wire can tooth moves and the appliance is deactivated.
withstand before permanent deformation In areas where minimal tooth movement
reflects an appliances elastic range. A high is desires, such as in maximum anchorage
elastic range in a wire enables activation of a extraction cases or during finishing, a high load
wire to a greater extent with a lesser chance of deflection rate is desirable.
its undergoing permanent deformation. On the
other hand, the ability to permanently deform Gold Alloys
a material beyond its elastic limit enables the Prior to the 1950s, precious metal alloys were
clinician to place bends in the wire. routinely used for orthodontic purposes,
The ultimate tensile strength is the primarily because alternate materials available
maximum force a wire can withstand before would not tolerate the exacting intraoral
Materials Used in Orthodontics  511

conditions. Pure gold by itself is too soft for is continuously stressed it becomes stiffer and
all dental purposes. However, its alloys can harder.
be used orthodontically. Their marginal Hardening of a metal by cold working is
properties had made precious metal alloys called strain hardening of work hardening.
obsolete for orthodontic purpose much before During strain hardening dislocations tend
the price increase of the 1970’s made them also to build up at grain boundaries. The barrier
prohibitively expensive for use. effect of grain boundaries will cause further
slip to occur at intersecting slip planes. Point
Stainless Steel defects increase resulting in a distorted grain
In the mid century, stainless steel was applied structure.
to dentistry and orthodontics although it was Consequences of cold working are:
between 1903 and 1921 that Harry Brearley of • Increased surface hardness.
Sheffield and M Becket of US, Benno Strauss and • Greater yield and ultimate strength.
Edward Maurer of Germany shared the honours • Less ductility.
for the development of the material. Ever since • Proportional limit is increased.
almost all orthodontic practioners have relied • Reduced resistance to corrosion.
on it. • No change in elastic modulus.
Steel is an iron based alloy which contains Majority of these properties is due to
less than 1.2% carbon. When chromium a phase change from FCC to BCC lattice
(12–30%) is added to steel, the alloy is called structure.
as stainless steel. Elements other than iron,
carbon and chromium may also be present, Heat Treatment
resulting in a wide variation in composition Heat treatment is the general process of using
and properties of the stainless steels. thermal energy to change the characteristics of
These stainless steels are resistant to tarnish metallic alloys as in tempering, precipitation
and corrosion, because of the ‘passivating hardening or annealing.
effect’ of the chromium. A thin, transparent
but tough and impervious oxide layer forms Annealing
on the surface of the alloy when it is exposed The effect associated with cold working such
to air, which protects it against tarnish and as strain hardening, low ductility and distorted
corrosion. It loses its protection if the oxide grains can be reversed by simply heating the
layer is ruptured by mechanical or chemical metal.
factors. The greater the amount of cold working
the more rapidly the effects can be reserved
Cold Working by annealing.
The process of plastically deforming a metal
at a temperature below that at which it Stages of Annealing
recrystallizes new grains, which is usually Recovery: Cold work properties begin to
one-third to one-half times is absolute melting disappear.
point temperature (e.g. the deformation of Slight decrease in tensile strength and no
space lattices of stainless steel by mechanical change in ductility.
manipulation at room temperature). If a metal All the residual stress is relaxed.
512  Essentials of Orthodontics

Recrystallization: Old grains disappear totally diffusionless transformation to a body centered

and are replaced with strain free grains. tetragonal (BCT) structure called martensite.
Occurs mostly in regions where defects This is a highly distorted and strained lattice
have accumulated. which results in a very hard, strong but brittle
It attains it is soft and ductile condition at alloy.
the end of this stage. Properties and uses: Corrosion resistance of the
martensitic stainless steel is less than that of
Grain Growth the other types. Because of their high strength
The grain size and number of the recrystallized and hard ness, martensitic stainless steels are
structure depends on the amount of prior cold used for surgical and cutting instruments.
On repeated annealing larger grains Austenitic Stainless Steel
consume smaller grains. At the end of At temperature between 912 and 1394°C, the
annealing the number of grains decreases stable form of iron is a face centered cubic
and size increases. (FCC) structure called austenite. The austenitic
stainless steel alloys are the most corrosion
Hardening Heat Treatment resistant of the stainless steels.
There is no hardening heat treatment for
austenitic steel due to its stability. Composition
It can only be hardened by cold working. Iron = 75–80%
Chromium = 18%
Types Nickel = 8%
There are thre types of stainless steel based Carbon = 0.08–0.15%
upon the lattice arrangements of iron.
Chromium (11–26%)—Improves the corrosion
Types Chromium Nickel Carbon resistance.
Ferritic 11.5–27% 0 0.2% Max Nickel(0–22%)—Austenitic stabilizer copper,
Austenitic 16–26% 7–22% 0.25% manganese and nitrogen—similar amount of
Martensitic 11.5–27% 0–2.5% 0.15–1.2% nickel added to the alloy adversely affect the
corrosion resistance.
Carbon (0.08–1.2%)—Provides strength and
Ferritic Stainless Steels reduces the corrosion resistance.
Pure iron at room temperature has body Silicon (low concentrations)—Improves the
centered cubic (BCC) structure and is referred resistance to oxidation and carburization at
to as ferrite, which is stable up to 912°C. high temperatures.
Properties and use: The ferritic alloys have Sulfur (0.015%)—Increases ease of machining
good corrosion resistance, but less strength Phosphorus—Allows sintering at lower
and hardness. So, they find little application tempera­tures.
in dentistry. But both sulfur and phosphorus reduce the
corrosion resistance.
Martensitic Stainless Steels This alloy is also called as 18-8 stainless
When austenite is cooled very rapidly steel. These are used most commonly by the
(quenched) it will undergo a spontaneous, orthod­ontist in the form of bands and wires.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  513

Type 316L (contains carbon 0.03% maximum) inhibits the precipitation of chromium carbide
is the type usually used for implants. at soldering temperatures. These are called as
stabilized stainless steels.
Austenitic steel is preferable to the ferritic Mechanical Properties
alloys because of the following properties: In orthodontic wires, strength and hardness
1. Greater ductility and ability to undergo may increase with a decrease in the diameter
more cold work without breaking. because of the amount of cold working in
2. Substantial strengthening during cold wor­ forming the wire.
king. Tensile strength = 2100 MPa
3. Greater ease of welding. Yield strength = 1400 MPa
4. The ability to readily overcome sensitization. Hardness = 600 KHN.
5. Less critical grain growth.
6. Comparative ease in forming. Braided and Twisted Wires
Very small diameter stainless steel wires
Sensitization (about 0.15 mm) can be braided or twiseted
The 18-8 stainless steel may lose its resistance together to form either round or rectangular
to corrosion if it is heated between 400 and shaped (about 0.4 to 0.6 mm in cross-section)
900°C (temperature used during soldering wires. These braided or twisted wires are able
and welding). to sustain large elastic deflections in bending,
The reason for a decrease in corrosion and apply low forces for a given defection when
resis­tance is the precipitation of chromium compared with solid stainless steel wire.
carbide at the grain boundaries at these high
temperatures. The small, rapidly diffusing Solders for Stainless Steel
carbon atoms migrate to the grain boundaries Silver solders are used. The soldering
from all parts of the crystal to combine with the temperatures for orthodontic silver solders
large, slowly diffusing chromium atoms at the are in the range of 620 to 665°C.
periphery of the grain. When the chromium
combines with the carbon in this manner, its Fluxes
passivating qualities are lost and the corrosion It is similar to that recommended for gold
resistance of the steel is reduced. soldering with the exception of, the addition
of the potassium fluoride. Fluoride helps to
Stabilization dissolve the passivating file supplied by the
Stabilization is the process that will minimize chromium.
the sensitization. Boric acid is used in a greater ratio to the
From a theoretical point, reduce the carbon borax, which lowers the fusion temperature.
content of the steel to such an extent that
carbide precipitation cannot occur, however, Australian Wire
this is not economically practical. A round austenitic stainless steel wire,
By stabilization, an element is introduced introduced by the AJ Wilcock Co. in Australia,
that precipitates as a carbide in preference and selected by PR Begg as the main material
to chromium. Titanium is commonly used. from which arch wires were made for his light-
Titanium at six times the carbon content, wire technique. The wire is heat-treated and
514  Essentials of Orthodontics

cold-drawn down to its proper diameter from be hardened by heat treatment, the procedure
round wire of larger diameter. It exhibits high increasing its strength significantly.
toughness and tensile strength, combined
with increased resilience, but low corrosion Composition
resistance because of the presence of copper Cobalt = 40%
as an alloying element of the steel. There Chromium = 20%
are various grades of Australian wire, but Nickel = 15%
Begg mainly used the 0.016-inch (0.41- Molybdenum = 7%
mm), so-called “Special Plus” wire. Another Manganese = 2%
characteristic of the wire is its brittleness. It is Carbon = 0.15%
recommended that when bending Australian Beryllium = 0.04%
wire, the flat rather than the round beak of the Iron = 15.8%.
pliers be used and that the bend be placed very
slowly, to avoid breakage. Following bending, Heat Treatment
the arch wire can be heat-treated, which makes Softening heat treatment: 1100 to 1200°C
it harder and more resistant to permanent followed by a rapid quench.
deformation. Hardening heat treatment: 260 to 650°C,
e.g. 482°C for 5 hours.
Duplex Steels The wires are usually heat treated and
Both austenite and delta ferrite grains are supplied in several degrees of hardness
present. It shows increased toughness and (soft, ductile, semispring temper, and spring
ductility than ferritic steels. It has twice the temper).
yield strength of austenitic steels and lower Chrome Cobalt alloys are available in
nickel content. Used in the manufacturing low four color coded grades depending on their
nickel attachments like brackets and tubes. properties:
• Blue—soft
Teflon (PTFE, • Yellow—ductile
Polytetrafluoroethylene) Coated • Green—semiresilient
Stainless Steels • Red—resilient.
Teflon is a material with the lowest coefficient
of friction. Teflon-coated stainless steel Physical Properties
ligatures and arch wires are available as a Tarnish and corrosion resistance is excellent.
means for reducing frictional resistance to Hardness, yield strength and tensile strength
tooth movement with sliding mechanics. similar to those of 18-8 stainless steel.

Chrome Cobalt Alloys (Elgiloy) Nickel Titanium Alloys (NiTi)

Chrome cobalt alloys were simultaneously Nickel titanium alloy marketed as Nitinol was
developed in the mid century and this had developed for space program but has proved
physical properties very similar to that to be very useful in clinical orthodontics. The
of stainless steel. However they had the alloy was developed by William F Buehler,
advantage that they could be supplied in the a research metallurgist at Naval Ordinance
softer and more formable state and then could Laboratory, now called the naval surface
Materials Used in Orthodontics  515

Weapons center in Silver springs, Maryland in to confirm to the irregularities in the

1960. The name Nitinol is an acronym derived arch form taking the wire through TTR
from the elements which comprises the alloy again will result in its original shape in
(Ni-Nickel, Ti-Titanium, nol-Naval Ordinance the martensitic form.
Laboratory). Nitinol has excellent springback Two new nickel titanium wires with
property but it dies not possess shape memory primarily austenitic grain structure has been
or super elasticity as it was manufactured by a reported:
work hardening process. i. Chinese NiTi as reported by Burstone
Nitinol as reported by Anderson et al in in 1985 is basically austenitic NiTi and
1982 is obtained in two types: has a history of little work hardening.
i. The elastic nitinol which comprises of The transition temperature in this alloy
nickel and titanium without cobalt is is much lower than that of Nitinol.
popular due to its outstanding character­ ii. The Japanese NiTi is a nearly equiatomic
istics of elasticity and flexibility. intermetallic compound. At high
The advantage is its outstanding tempera­tures, the crystal structure of
characteristic of elasticity and flexibility the alloy is in an austenite phase which
which result in lighter continuous force. is BCC lattice. The martensite phase
ii. The thermal nitinol comprises of nickel, which is a closed packed hexagonal
titanium and cobalt. By varying the lattice exists at a low temperature
nickel and cobalt content it is possible range. By controlling the low and
to alter the temperature transition range high temperature ranges a change in
(TTR). In order to bring the TTR to crystal structure called martensitic
37°, the amount of cobalt added to the transformation occurs.
alloy is 1.6%. This wire is characterized This phenomenon is said to cause a change
by a unique shape memory effect, in its physical properties in the martensitic
which allows the wire to be plastically phase, the metal is ductile and acts like a safety
deformed or stretched and formed fuse to readily induce a change shape in the
at a temperature below its transition austenitic phase, and at high temperatures it
temperature range and to maintain is more difficult to induce deformation.
form until it is heated through the TTR When an external force is applied,
at which time the wire will deform most metals deform due to a slip of lattice.
to the original prestreched from. The Deformation of NiTi alloy is induced with
alloy has a martensitic grain structure. martensitic transformation the martensitic
The transition brings about a change in transformations can be reversed by heating the
the grain structure from martensite to alloy to return to the austenitic phase and it is
austenite. The alloy is shape memory in gradually transformed by reversing it back unto
the martensite form and this property the energy stable condition this means that the
is exploited. The arch wire is formed to alloy can return to the previous shape and this
the desired shaped in the martensite phenomenon is known as “shape memory.”
form and it goes through the TTR to Although the two alloys Nitinol and
the austenite grain structure. In the Japanese NiTi belong to the same class of
austenite grain structure it is deformed Nickel Titanium alloys they differ in their
516  Essentials of Orthodontics

manufacturing process and physical properties.

Nickel is basically in the martensitic phase and
its physical properties have been improved by
a work hardening process. Japanese NiTi on the
other hand is in the austenitic phase and has
been manufactured in a different manner to
exhibit different properties from that of Nitinol.

Shape Memory and Superelasticity

The nickel titanium alloy exists in various Figure 15.3: NiTi load deflection curve
crystallographic forms. At high temperature, a
stable body centered cubic lattice (austenitic
phase) exists. On appropriate cooling, or an low forces and a very large working range or
application of stress, this transforms to a close springback (Fig. 15.3).
packed hexagonal martensitic lattice with
associated volumetric change. This behavior Copper NiTi Alloy (CuNiTi)
of the alloy (austenite to martensite phase This is the most recent introduction in the
transition) results in two features of clinical family of NiTi alloy wires. It was introduced by
significance called as shape memory and Rohit Sachdeva and Suchio Miyasaki in 1994.
superelasticity or pseudoelasticity. It is quaternary alloy of copper (5.64%),
The memory effect is achieved by first nickel (49.87%), titanium (42.99%), and
establishing a shape at temperatures near chromium (0.50%). The material is shown to be
482°C. The appliance, e.g. arch wire is then austenitic, in comparison to super elastic NiTi
cooled and formed into a second shape. wires the CuNiTi wires show a significantly low
Subsequent heating through a lower transition hysterisis which can be clearly seen in the load
temperature (37°C) causes the wire to return deflection curves. It delivers more constant
to its original shape. force especially for small activations compared
The phenomenon of superelasticity to superelastic wires. It makes possible the
is produced by transition of austenite to insertion of larger size wires and better bracket
martensite by stress due to the colume change slot engagement early in treatment without
which results from the change in crystal causing pain and patient dis­comfort.
Stressing an alloy initially results in Titanium Molybdenum Alloys (TMA)
standard proportional stress strain behavior. Like stainless steel and nitinol, pure titanium
However, at a stress where it induces the has different crystallographic forms at high
phase transformation, there is a increase and low temperatures. At temperatures below
in strain, referred to as superel­asticity, or 885°C the hexagonal close packed (HCP)
pseudoelasticity. At the completion of the or alpha lattice is stable, whereas at higher
pahse, behavior reverts to standard pro­ temperatures the metal rearranges into a body
portional stress-strain behavior. Unloading of centered cubic (BCC) or beta crystal.
the wire results in the reverse transition and Alpha titanium is used in orthodontic
recovery. This characteristic is useful in some applications during finishing stages of the
orthodontic situations because it results in treatment for finishing and detailing. The beta
Materials Used in Orthodontics  517

for of titanium can be stabilized down to room Satisfactory creep properties—finishing

temperature by the addition of elements like and breaking arches.
molybdenum. Beta titanium alloy in wrought Wire becomes hard in the oral environment
wire form is used for orthodontic applications. due to hydrogen absorption and becomes
titanium hydride.
Composition Less ductile—one slip plane and nickel
• Titanium = 80% free.
• Molybdenum = 6%
• Zirconium = 4% Titanium-Niobium
• Tin and Manganese = Trace. Titanium-niobium alloy was developed by
M Dalstra et al as nickel-free titanium alloy
Mechanical Properties for finishing.
Modulus of elasticity = 71.7×103 MPa
Yield strength = 860-1170 MPa Composition
The high ratio of yield strength to modulus Ti - 82% Ti - 74%
produces orthodontic appliances that can Mo - 15% (or) Nb - 13%
undergo large elastic activations when Nb - 3% Zr - 13%.
compared with stainless steel.
Beta titanium can be highly cold worked, Properties
it can be bent into various configurations Easy to bend, fomability is less than TMA,
and has formability comparable to that of when lower forces are used than TMA. Stiffness
austenitic stainless steel. of titanium niobium is – ¾ of SS, and - ¼ of
Welding: Clinically satisfactory joints can be TMA. Load deflection rate is lower than TMA
made by electrical resistance welding of beta and Yield strength is lower than SS.
Corrosion resistance: Both forms have excellent
corrosion resistance and environmental BRACKET AND ATTACHMENT
stability. MATERIALS

Alpha Titanium The first orthodontic attachments were made

Manufactured by AJ Wilcock company: of gold. Since the introduction of Stainless
• Titanium—90% steel it has remained the most widely used
• Aluminum—6% material in the manufacture of orthodontic
• Vanadium—4%. attachments. Plastics were introduced in the
late sixties and ceramics have been introduced
In contrast to TMA it has got close packed in the mid eighties.
hexagonal lattice arrangement.
Alpha stabilizing elements are present— Stainless Steel
Aluminum, gallium, germanium, carbon, Most of the stainless steel (SS) metal brackets
oxygen and nitrogen. are made from SS austenitic steel. AISI series
303, 304, 316 and 317 are the major classes of
Properties stainless steel being used by manufacturers.
Heat treated to improve strength: The emerging trend in stainless steel usage is
518  Essentials of Orthodontics

the increasing use of 316L (low carbon content) polycarbonate that is approximately 60%
and 317L steel in bracket manufacturing. reinforced with fiber glass. These fibers are
These steels are extremely hard and are about 2 to 3 mm in length and approximately
difficult to machine. Hence, the manufacturing 0.8 mm in diameter. The plastic conditioner
process has changed from milling casting, is methyl­metha­crylate monomer to dissolve
sintering or metal injection moulding (MIM). the polycarboxylate base to enhance adhesion
These processes particularly sintering and with the adhesive.
MIM produce brackets with very smooth
surfaces decreasing friction and makes Ceramic Brackets
possible compound surface contours possible. Ceramic brackets were first introduced in 1987
Another distinct trend is the use of AISI series and today it has found wide acceptance and
630 stainless steel called the precipitation still holds more promise. Ceramic brackets
hardening stainless steel. This class of stainless may be monocrystalline or polycrystalline
steel contains very low levels of chromium and based on the structure. Ceramic bracket
nickel compared to the AISI 303 or 304. Duplex technology has evolved rapidly. The number
stainless steel which contains delta ferritic of problems such as excessive bond strength,
phase is also used in bracket manu­facturing. enamel fracture on debonding, brittleness of
the bracket and surface finish has been largely
Titanium addressed in the second generation of ceramic
Titanium-based brackets is the most recent brackets.
development in this area. This emerging trend
is in line with current concerns about heavy
metals and their biologic effects and certain BONDING MATERIALS
European countries introducing legislation
banning the use of Nickel releasing alloys. The first material to be used as an orthodontic
Titanium brackets are single piece cast adhesive material was essentially acrylic resin
brackets. Titanium is a soft metal though which was very soon replaced by diacrylate
possessing high resistance to tarnish and popul­arly known as composite resin. Still
corrosion. com­p osite resins with various modified
formulation is the mainstay for orthodontic
Polycarbonate and Fiber Glass adhesive materials.
Reinforces Esthetic Brackets
Polycarbonate brackts were described and Classification
tested by Newman in 1969. They have had
limited popularity because of the clinical Based on Generations
problems of staining rendering them First Generation (mid 1970s): Acrylic resins
unesthetic, distortion and tearing of the and epoxy resins.
bracket particularly form torsional forces. Second Generation (late 1970s): Stabilized/
Brackets with steel inserts were also introduced filled acrylics; UV light cured acrylics and com­
but have not been clinically popular. A recent posites.
introduction has been fiber glass rein­forced Third Generation (early 1980s): Composite
esthetic brackets. These brackets are basi­cally resin two paste systems.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  519

Forth Generation (mid 1980s): Composite IV. Cyanoacrylate based systems:

resin one paste (no-mix) system and conven­ (Smart bond)
tional GIC. ADA classification: Composites are classified
Fifth Generation (late 1980s): Visible light by ADA specification no. 27 as:
cured composites; Dual cure composites. Type I: Polymer based materials suitable for
Sixth Generation (1995): Resin reinforced restorations involving the occlusal
GIC light cured, dual cured, tricured; Com­ surface.
pomers; UDA based composites. Type II: Other polymer based materials
Seventh Generation (2000): Cyanoacrylates. Class I: Self-cured materials
Eighth Generation (2005): Nano based Class II: Light cured materials
resins. Class III: Dual cured materials.

Classification Based on Bonding Acrylic Resins

Systems It was the first materials to be used as
I. Acrylic resin based systems: orthodontic adhesive. They had good flow
i. Self-cured (Orthomite and Genie) and wettability. But they were lacking sufficient
ii. U-V light cured bond strength. High degree of polymerization
II. Composite resin based on BIS-GMA shrinkage and great differences in coefficient
system: of thermal expansion between tooth and resin
a. Chemically cured further affected bond strength. Chemically
i. Two paste system (Concise, Phase II) they are linear cross-linked polymer of methyl
ii. Single paste Nomix system (3M methacrylate.
unite, Rely bond, Monolok, Right-
on, Q-sar) Epoxy Resins
b. Visible light cured system/single paste Epoxy resin polymerization reaction leads
(Transbone XT, Resilience L3, Light to give a three dimensional cross-linkage,
bone) which improved greater strength, lower water
c. Dual cured sorption and less polymerization shrinkage.
(Band lock) But these resins due to their large molecular
III. Glass ionomer based systems: size had more viscosity and less wettability to
a. Conventional GIC tooth surface.
(Ketac Cem, Fuji I, II)
b. Resin reinforced GIC (RRGIC) Composite Resins
i. Chemically settable—Dual cure This BIS-GMA resin has again some appreciable
(Advance, Fuji ortho) amount of polymerization shrinkage and lack
ii. Visible light cured GIC—Tri cure (Fu­ of sufficient strength which was compensated
ji Ortho LC, Photacfil, and Vitaemer) by addition of filler of various particle size
c. Polyacid modified composite resin/ depending upon the requirement. Some new
Compomers composite resins have matrix other than BIS-
(Dyract ortho, Ultra bandlock, Com­po­ GMA like UDA and TEGDMA but BIS-GMA
glass) is most common. In true sense this was the
520  Essentials of Orthodontics

material which exhibited adequate bond • Camphoroquinone—Photoinitiator

strength. This increased bond strength of • 0.15% dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate—
composite resin has led to its widespread use. Accelerator
Polymerization of composite resin can • 0.01% butylated hydroxytoluidine—
be accomplished by, chemical reaction, Inhibitor
activation by U-V or visible light and heat. • Primer liquid—Methacrylate monomer.

Chemically Activated Systems

They polymerize as a result of two components TEGDMA
being brought together. Among the chemically
activated materials the single paste system Upon exposure with light of appropriate
has the advantage of no air bubble, firm wave­length, initiator, accelerator get activated
consistency, no bracket drift and good by a absorbing photon energy giving rise
strength. But liquid of this no-mix system is to a chemical reaction which results in
more cytotoxic to oral fibroblasts than any polymerization.
other system.
Composition Cyanoacrylates are widely used as superglue
Adhesive paste: in the manufacture of automobile and light
• BIS-GMA matrix aircraft. In medicine it is used for fracture
• Colloidal silica—filler fixation, skin suture and cardiac surgery.
• Benqoyl peroxide—initiator In dentistry Cyano­veneer a luting atent is
• Hydroquinone—inhibitor used for nearly 20 years. Very recently ethyl
• Primer liquid: cyanoacrylates have been introduced for
• N,N dimethyl toluidine—activator orthodontic bonding, it has got acceptable
• HEMA bond strength, and polymerization starts in
• TEGDMA presence of pressure and moisture. It does
• Methacrylate monomer. not require light for curing, and bonds with
com­p osite and cemaric brackets and is
Light Activated System biocompatible.
The light activated system polymerize upon
exposure to light of appropriate wavelength.
U-V light = 364 to 637 nm ORTHODONTIC CEMENTS
Visible Light = 440 to 480 nm.
Ultra violet light is not used now due Dental cements and resins are used intraorally
to reasons like retinal damage, more time to secure fixed orthodontic devices. Although
required for curing, visible light has advantage cements are still used, the popularity of
of great depth of curing in lesser time. resin and resin-cement hybrid materials
is increasing because of their improved
Composite physical properties and low solubility in oral
Adhesive paste: fluids. Some cements bond chemically to
• BIS-GMA—Matrix enamel, but bond strengths are low because
• Colloidal silica—Filler cements are brittle and fracture cohe­sively.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  521

Resin adhesives penetrate micropores in The powder contains a silicate glass in relatively
etched enamel and mechanical retentions in high percentages and zinc oxide powder. The
orthodontic devices, resulting in higher bond liquid is phosphoric acid, water and zinc and
strengths because resins are more fracture aluminium salts. The cement does not bond
resistant than cements. Resins, however, do to enamel and provides only mechanical
not bond well in the presence of moisture, interlock. By virtue of fluoride in silicate glass
and their attachment to surfaces is primarily component of powder they release fluoride
mechanical. Hybridized materials combine and thereby inhibit caries. The mechanical
the advantages of cements and resins but properties are somewhat similar to that of zinc
also have certain disadvantages. Optimal phosphate cement.
material selection and application require an
understanding of the chemical differences Zinc Polycarboxylate Cements
and physical limitations of today’s orthodontic Polycarboxylate of polyacrylate cement, as
cements, resins, and hybrid materials. it is sometimes called was the first cement
system that developed an adhesive bond to
Zinc Phosphate Cements the enamel.
The basic constituent of zinc phosphate The liquid is an aqueous solution of
powder is zinc oxide. Magnesium oxide and polyacrylic acid or a copolymer of acrylic acid
bismuth oxides are present in small quantities. with other unsaturated carboxylic acids. The
The liquid is phosphoric acid, water, aluminum powder composition is similar to that of zinc
phosphate and zinc phosphate. phosphate. Water settable versions are also
When powder is mixed with the liquid, available. The cement bonds chemically to the
the phosphoric acid attacks the surface of the tooth structure.
particles, dissolving the zinc oxide. Aluminum
in liquid is essential to cement formation. The Glass Ionomer-based Cements
set cement is a cored structure consisting of Glass ionomer is the generic name of this
primarily of unreacted zinc oxide particles cement system since the powder is a glass and
embedded in a cohesive amorphous matrix the setting reaction and the adhesive bonding
of zinc alumino-phosphate. to the tooth structure involve ionic bonds.
Working time is the time during which They are often referred as polyalkeonate
the viscosity of the mix is such that it flows cements or abbreviated as GIC. They are
readily under pressure forming a thin film. most commonly used to cement the bands in
Working time for zinc phosphate cement ortho­dontics.
is 3 to 4 minutes. Setting time is around 5 The cement is a powder-liquid system;
to 9 minutes. Compressive strength of zinc liquid consists of aqueous solutions of polya­
phosphate is 103 MPa (15000 psi). The reco­ crylic acid, itaconic, maleic or tricar­boxylic
mm­e nded water powder ratio is 1.4 g to acids. The powder is an acid soluble calcium
0.5 ml of liquid. The retention provided by zinc fluoroaluminosilicate glass, similar to that of
phosphate cements is mechanical. silicate cement.
The set cement consists of an agglomeration
Zinc Silicophosphate of unreacted powder particles surrounded by a
Zinc silicophosphate cements are a combi­ silica gel in an amorphous matrix of hydrated
nation of silicate and zinc phosphate cements. calcium and aluminium poly salts.
522  Essentials of Orthodontics

Working time is about 3 to 4 minutes and of capsulated GICs eliminated most mixing
setting time is about 6 to 9 minutes. variables. GICs inhibition of demineralization
Compressive strength is 86 MPa (12500 psi) in adjacent enamel and its improved band
and film thickness is 24 microns. retention are the chief reasons that it remains
Reaction between zinc ox ide and useful to orthodontists for cementing bands
polycarboxylic acid has little effect on oral in caries-prone patients. GICs have been
tissues; thus, it is consid­ered biocompatible used for orthodontic bracket bonding, but
cement. Despite polycarboxylate cement’s bracket retention was poor compared with
chemical bonding to dental and orthodontic resin controls. There is agreement among
substrates, its relatively high solubility and orthodontists that conventional GICs lack
relatively low fracture resistance limit its the physical properties necessary to retain
clinical use. Glass ionomer cements (GICs) brackets throughout treatment. Despite the
capitalize on carboxyl chelation to enamel, low bracket-retention rates of GICs, their
dentin, and most metals by employing chemical adhesion and moisture tolerance
various mixtures of carboxyl-containing eliminate the need for acid etching and drying.
acids (polyalkenoic acids) reacted with
aluminosilicate glass. Aluminosilicate glass Resin-modified Cements
fused in the presence of fluoride fluxes results The orthodontic use of GICs increased dramati­
in an alkaline composition that releases cally with the development of resin-modified
fluoride ions when reacted with acids. Fluoride GICs (RMGIC). The addition of 10% to 20%
release has been measured during the GIC resin monomers to the GICs resulted in cement
setting reaction and after setting. Additional that is initially hardened with the use of either
fluoride is released when GICs are exposed to light or chemical activators to polymerize the
acids. Caries inhibition has been associated monomers. RMGICs are adhesive cements
with a sustained low-level fluoride release from with improved physical properties and
GICs. Furthermore, GICs contain hydrogel more stable hydrogels compared with GICs.
phases, supporting the movement of calcium, Capsulation of RMGIC powder and liquid
strontium, and other ions associated with components simplified mixing procedures with
the remineralization of enamel and dentin. a triturator. Although a limited amount of resin
GIC hydrogel phases are thought to be monomer can be added to the polyalkenoic
responsible for the uptake and rerelease of acid solution, polymerization of the resin
added environmental fluoride from topical monomers hastens the initial hardening of
gels, rinses, and dentifrices. Compared with RMGICs without inter­fering significantly with
polycarboxylate cements, GICs show higher the acid-base setting reaction, the fluoride
bond strengths to enamel, dentin, and metals. release, or the chelation of carboxyl groups to
Mixing GICs, however, is technique sensitive, metal and tooth surfaces. In addition to the
and the hydrogels desiccate and crack in dry chemical bonding of RMGICs, resin monomers
environments. penetrate surface irregularities to produce
Low fracture resistance limits their ortho­ a micromechanical interlock (bond) after
dontic use primarily to band cementation; polymerization. In addition to the advan­tage
how­e ver, clinical use of GICs for bracket of operator-controlled setting, light-acti­
bonding has been reported. The development vated polymerization proceeds significantly
Materials Used in Orthodontics  523

faster than acid-base (cement forming) rea­ is operator controlled, and resin adhesives
ctions, resulting in improved early physical acquire their optimal physical properties
properties, especially fracture resistance. quickly. Generally, resins are less brittle and
Maturation hardening, sustained fluoride more fracture-resistant than cements.
release/recharge, and caries inhibition are
similar compared with conventional GICs and Polyacid-modified Composite Resins
RMGICs. Also similar are the abilities of both (Compomers)
GICs and RMGICs to chemically bond in the Polyacid-modified composite resins, also
presence of moisture. known as compomers, were developed to
bring the features of caries inhibition and
Resins carboxyl chelation to resins. Compomers
Resin adhesives consist of resin monomers and are single-component systems consisting
inert fillers. Similar to Resin Modified GICs, of aluminosilicate glass in the presence of
polymerization can be either light activated, carboxyl-modified resin monomers and
chemically activated, or dual cured with both light-activated conventional resin monomers.
light and chemical activation. Light activated Although the alkaline glass and acidic carboxyl
resin adhesives are always single-component compo-nents are packaged in the same
materials stored in opaque packages. Single- Container, allegedly no acid-base setting
component resins are convenient because no reaction occurs because water is absent from
mixing is required, thus eliminating technique the composition.
variables. However, because resins harden However, after light-activation of the com­
solely through a polymerization reaction, pomer, it is postulated that water sorbs into
they neither contain nor form hydrogels, and the compomer, allowing a delayed acid-base
water is not a significant component. Although reaction that may release fluoride and other
some resin adhesives release fluoride, the remineralizing ions from the aluminosilicate
amount is quite low and most likely has no glass. The relatively weak acid-base reaction
effect on caries. Certainly, without an acid- does not result in increased physical properties
base reaction, the release of reminerali­zation of the compomer. The absence of hydrogels
ions other than fluoride is unlikely unless the restricts ion uptake and release, although
resin contains soluble glass filler. Soluble fillers fluoride recharging of compo­mers has been
are subject to dissolution and ion release. reported and can be explained by water
However, without hydrogel formation, there sorption and diffusion dynamics. Compomers
is little fluoride recharge and movement of have been linked to caries inhibition in
remineralization ions. Resin adhesives attach vitro because of fluoride release from the
to dry, etched enamel by the same mechanical aluminosilicate glass filler at low pH. Acid
bonding mechanism as do RMGICs. Because etching or other surface treatment is required
resin monomers contain few, if any, carboxyl before compomer orthodontic adhesives
groups, chelation to enamel, dentin, and metal are used, and bonding surfaces must be dry.
surfaces does not occur. Optimal adhesion Carboxyl chelation with cations on enamel,
with resins requires acid etching or other dentin, and metallic surfaces has not been
surface treatments and a dry operating field. shown to occur with com­pomer adhesives.
Resin polymerization with light activation Physical properties are acquired quickly as
524  Essentials of Orthodontics

compomers polymerize, and their early setting of carboxyl groups to enamel or dentin. The
strengths are superior to those of the RMGICs fluoride release from compomers is lower than
but inferior to those of the resin adhesives. that from GICs but higher than that from resins.
Fluoride recharging and caries inhibition
Summary of compomers have been reported. This
Cements differ from resins in that cements are information is intended to clarify the chemical
2-component systems that harden because and physical distinctions among various
of acid-base reactions between components. orthodontic bonding materials. Clinicians
Cements contain water and, in the case of need to be knowledgeable about the various
carboxyl-containing cements, will bond cements and orthodontic bonding adhesives
to moist surfaces. The water in hardened so that they may select and use these materials
dental cements in the form of hydrogels appro­priately.
supports ion movement within the cement
and ion exchange between the cement and
its environment. Ionically active cements SEALANTS AND ADHESION
are associated with caries inhibition, remin­ PROMOTERS
erali­­zation, and chemical bonding to enamel,
dentin, and many metals. Orthodontic resin Bonding of brackets on surfaces of Ceramic,
adhesives do not inherently contain water Metal, Amalgam and other surfaces are
and therefore bond best to acid-etched or achieved by adhesion promoters. With
roughened, dry surfaces through mechanical adult orthodontics becoming more popular,
retention rather than chemical bonding. Light- there is an increasing percen­tage of patients
activated resin adhesives are single component with prostheses and restorations seeking
materials, are easier to manipulate than orthodontic treatment. Rou­ghening of the
cements, and have better physical properties. surface with sand blasting using Al2O3 (30–50
Resins harden through a poly­m erization µ) increases the surface roughness and surface
reaction and have limited ionic activity. Water- energy. Chemical adhesion promoters have
soluble elements added to resins will diffuse been introduced which enhances bond
into the environment, but their effect on caries strength with resins.
inhibition and remineralization appears to be
insignificant. Compomers behave much like Adhesion Promoters for Gold
resin adhesives; they bond primarily through 1. Resin with adhesion promoters: (e.g.
physical interaction with dry surfaces. Although Superbond CB, C and B metabond,
compomers contain carboxylmodified Geristore) these are metal bonding agents
resin monomers, they are packaged as that contains 4 metha­cryloxyethyl trimel­
singlecomponent materials, suggesting limited titate anhydrade PMMA powder and 4
reactivity between alkaline glass and acidic tributylborane as activator.
monomers. Studies characterizing the setting 2. Intermediate primers:
reaction of compomers confirm that little i. All bond 2 (A and B): Contains biphenyl
setting occurs after light activation, despite dime­t hacrylate and MG salt of N
the acid-base reaction. Com­pomer bonding tolyglycine—Glycedyl methacrylate in
studies have failed to confirm the chelation acetone.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  525

ii. Scotchbond multipurpose adhesive 2. Organic acids: Citric, maleic, and tartaric
system: It is aqueous solution of maleic acids
acid, HEMA and traces of methacrylic 3. Polymeric acids: Polyacrilic acid.
Adhesion Promoters for Porcelain Objective of acid etching of enamel is to
Bonding to porcelain is also enhanced by remove the smear layer by demineralizing
the use of adhesion promoters principally enamel. Significantly rough enamel surface
organosilanes Examples are All bond 2, Ormco is produced with high surface energy suitable
Ceramic Primer, Scotch prime. One difference for bonding.
from gold is that an etching process is the use of
2.5% Hydrofluoric acid. Etching time is 90 sec; Clinical Procedure
Hydrofluoric acid dissolves the crystalline and Etchants are applied to enamel for about 15
glassy phase of porcelain and thus enhancing to 30 sec (120 sec for deciduous teeth, since
the surface area and energy. the enamel is more mineralized) then washed
with water spray; surface is dried with air or
Acidic Primers cotton. Care should be taken not to dessicate
This type of primer incorporates acid which the enamel, good etching is usually followed
is helpful in etching before bonding. The by appearance of frosty appearance of enamel.
advantage being single step of bonding is done
without need for etching. Air Abrasion (Microetching)
Fine particles of aluminum oxide are propelled
Moisture Resistant Primers against the surface of enamel with high
Moisture resistant primers can be used in cases pressure, causing abrasion. Usually intraoral
where moisture control is very difficult or in sandblaster is used in this technique. The bond
cases of surgical exposure of impacted tooth strength is only half that of acid etching.
where moisture control is difficult. This primer
contains hydrophilic methacrylate monomer Laser Etching
that will wet enamel contaminated with saliva. Application of LASER to enamel causes
The bond strength is adequate and it provides localized melting and ablation of enamel
more freedom to operator. surface. Neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet
laser is used. This causes micro-explosion of
entrapped water in enamel, with some melting
CONDITIONING AND CRYSTAL of hydroxyapatite crystals. The bond strength
GROWTH SYSTEMS is less and it is very expansive.

Etchants Crystal Growth Systems

Acid etchants are also called enamel Crystal growth system relies on the creation
conditioners; they are available in gel, paste, of a micro-mechanical crystalline, retentive
or liquid form. surfaces on the enamel to which bonding
adhesives are applied. This system was first
Types described by Smith and Cortez in 1973. The
1. Mineral acids: Phosphoric and nitric acids material used is sulphated polyacrylic solution
526  Essentials of Orthodontics

for crystal growth. Later potassium, lithium exposure to free radicals results in a decrease
and magnesium sulphate were used as crystal in the flexibility and tensile strength of
growth agents. the polymer. Manufacturers have added
Advantages of crystal growth systems antioxidants and antiozonates to retard these
include, minimal effect on enamel layer, effects and extend the shelf life of elastomerics.
achieves clinically adequate bond strength, Elastomeric chains were introduced to the
and fewer resin tags are left behind. dental profession in the 1960s and have become
an integral part of many orthodontic practices.
They are used to generate light continuous
ELASTICS AND ELASTOMERICS forces for canine retraction, diastema closure,
rotational correction, and arch constriction.
Elastomer is a general term that encompasses They are inexpensive, relatively hygienic,
materials that, after substantial deformation, easily applied and require little or no patient
rapidly return to their original dimensions. cooperation. Elastomeric chains, however,
Natural rubber, probably used by the ancient are not without their disadvantages. When
Incan and Mayan civilizations, was the first extended and exposed to an oral environment,
known elastomer. It had limited use because they absorb water and saliva, permanently
of its unfavorable temperature behavior and stain, and suffer a breakdown of internal
water absorption properties. With the advent bonds that leads to permanent deformation.
of vulcanization by Charles Goodyear in 1839, They also experience a rapid loss of force due
uses for natural rubber greatly increased. Early to stress relaxation, resulting in a gradual loss
advocates of natural latex rubber elastics in of effectiveness. This loss of force makes it
orthodontics included Baker, Case, and Angle. difficult for orthodontists to determine the
Synthetic rubber polymers, developed actual force transmitted to the dentition.
from petrochemicals in the 1920s, have a weak The extensive body of literature regarding
molecular attraction consisting of primary the properties of these elastomeric chains
and secondary bonds. At rest, a random has been difficult to evaluate because of the
geometric pattern of folded linear molecular variable nature of the investigative methods.
chains exists. On extension or distortion, these Further, the proprietary information about
molecular chains unfold in an ordered linear the individual products also complicates
fashion at the expense of the secondary bonds. comparisons of various manufacturers’
Cross-links of primary bonds are maintained wares. There have been studies concerning
at a few locations along the molecular chains. the force delivery and degradation properties,
The release of the extension will allow for the effects of prestretching, the influence of a
return to a passive configuration provided the changing environment or composition, and
distraction of the chains is not sufficient to some miscellaneous information.
cause rupture of these primary bonds. If the
primary bonds are broken, the elastic limit has
been exceeded and permanent deformation MAGNETS IN ORTHODONTICS
Synthetic polymers are very sensitive to Magnetic force, as a viable alternative to traditi­
the effects of free radical generating systems, onal force systems used in orthodontics, was
notably, ozone and ultraviolet light. The demonstrated in an animal study reported
Materials Used in Orthodontics  527

by Blechman and Smiley. This animal study energy product of 26 mega oersteds, then
used AlNiCo (aluminum-nickel-cobalt) there is available a potential force of between
magnets as the source of corrective force 50 and 300 grams, depending on the mass of
and demonstrated the feasibility of this new the magnet.
technology. These early results suggested In addition to the obvious advantage of
the biologic safety and mechanical efficacy providing intermaxillary force of sufficient
of permanent magnets for application in intensity and duration independent of
orthodontics and held promise for potential patient cooperation, theoretically, another
new operator-controlled procedures. advantage in using magnetic force systems in
In this application, samarium cobalt the treatment of malocclusions is better vector
(SmCo) magnets were chosen over AlNiCo control. The horizontal vector component
magnets for their superior properties. generated by 100 gm Class II elastic will be
Certain physical properties of magnets less than 100 grams, depending on the degree
generally and of SmCo specifically, which of mouth opening. By comparison, a magnetic
have a direct bearing on generated force, were force system incorporating SmCo magnets is
considered. For example, energy-product, capable of generating essentially horizontal
air gap (space bet­w een magnetic poles), force. The force generated may average 120
geometric configuration, and size and mass grams, which may be controlled by operator
of the magnet were all exam­ined. The energy adjustment of the air gaps.
product, which is calculated by multiplying the Forces were checked initially on an Instron
field flux density (B), and the magnetomotive device and later on a sophisticated strain
force (H), is an indication of stored energy and gauge. In this pilot study it was found that,
potential force generated. Currently available as the air gap decreased between attracting
SmCo magnets are capable of expressing magnets, a situation unique in orthodontic
an energy product which varies between 14 force systems developed; the force generated
and 31 million gaussoersted (14-31 MGOe). increased gradually with time and with the
As with most electromagnetic fields, the distance that the teeth moved. On the other
inverse-square law applies in a very general hand, repulsive force appeared to have a wider
sense (with limitations), so that small air range of motion because tooth movement
gaps between attracting or repelling poles could be started from a 0 mm air gap since
generate proportionately high forces and there is no natural stop, as with attraction (that
large air gaps generate relatively small forces. is, when the poles contact) (Figs 15.4A and B).
In addition, force is approximately pro­por­ Magnetic moments are another unique
tional to magnet size and shape. While an characteristic of magnetic force application.
app­roxi­mate cube produced optimum force By laterally offsetting the poles in attraction
values in tests of SmCo, natural buccolingual or repulsion, in addition to the obvious
constraints necessitated a relatively flat square vertical and horizontal vectors, a third vector
or rectangular shape. Other intraoral size force can be generated in the third plane.
limitations also required certain accommod­ This lateral three-dimensional component
ations. For example, if there is a 1 mm air can be adjusted in the mouth for desirable
gap between the attracting poles of a pair application. Theoretically, for example,
of magnets of the shape and if they have an this application could be used with Class II
528  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figures 15.4A and B: Magnetic appliances

mechanics to establish posterior intrusion therefore, advantageous since they are less
or extrusion with simultaneous cross bite likely to be affected by most physical, chemical,
correction, and it is operator controlled. and thermal perturbations.
When only two-dimensional control
is required, magnets can be used for SOLDERING AND WELDING
intermaxillary mechanics in deep bite or
open bite cases. In theory, attracting magnets Metal joining operations are usually divided
can extrude posterior segments in deep bite into three categories welding, brazing and
cases and result in opening the bite as well as soldering.
in moving the teeth mesiodistally. In openbite
cases, magnets in repulsion can be used to Welding
intrude posterior segments and result in bite The term welding is used if two pieces of similar
closing as well as in moving teeth mesiodistally. metal are joined together without the addition
Obviously, traditional arch wire manipulation of another metal that is, the metal pieces are
will generate reciprocal equal and opposite heated to a high enough temperature so they
forces in the anterior segments. However, join together by melting, flowing, heat and
posterior magnetic intrusion or extrusion may pressure.
also be used independently without base arch
wire control if the situation requires it. Likewise, Brazing and Soldering
the same magnetic forces may be localized to The words soldering and brazing are used if
the anterior segments alone. two pieces of metal are joined by means of a
Finally, SmCo magnets also possess very third (filler) metal.
large demagnetization properties in the
second quadrant of the hysteresis curve (which Brazing
describes the physical behavior of permanent Brazing is a process where metal parts are
magnets). This material is, therefore, far joined together by melting a filler metal
superior in resisting loss of magnetic energy between them at a temperature below the
with time as compared to most other magnetic solidus temperature of the metal being joined
alloys. In oral applications, SmCo magnets are, and above 450°C .
Materials Used in Orthodontics  529

Soldering Hard Solders

Brazing is a process where metal parts are These have a higher melting temperature
joined together by melting a filler metal and have greater strength and hardness. They
between them at a temperature below the are melted with the help of gas blow torches
solidus temperature of the metal being joined or occasionally in an electric furnace. Hard
and below 450°C . solders are more commonly used in dentistry
Note: In dentistry, the joining of metal parts and orthodontics. They are also used for
is done at temperatures above 450°C, and industrial purposes and in the jewellery trade,
therefore the operations should ideally e.g. gold solders and silver solders.
be called brazing. However, most dentists
still prefer to use the word soldering. Some Applications
authors use the term brazing filler metal for In dentistry they are used as follows:
solder. 1. For soldering various types of wires and
wires with bands.
Solder 2. In fixed prosthodontics for joining various
Solder is a filler metal used to join the two components of fixed partial prosthesis and
parent metals during soldering or brazing. repair of crowns and bridges.
3. In removable partial prosthodontics for
Ideal Requirements of a soldering of clasps.
Dental Solder
1. It should melt at low temperatures than the Composition
parent metal.
2. When melted, it should be wet and flow Gold Solders
freely over the parent metal. In the past solders were preferred to by a carat
3. Its color should match that of metal being number. The numbers did not describe the
joined. gold content of the solder but rather the carat
4. It should be resistant to tarnish and of gold alloys for which the solder was to be
corrosion. used. In recent years the term fineness has
5. It should resist pitting during heating and been substituted for carat.
application. The compositions of gold solders vary
6. It should be biocombatible. considerably depending on its fineness.
Gold = 45–81%
Types of Solders Silver = 8–30%
(Brazing Filler Metal) Copper = 7–20%
They may be divided into two major groups: Tin = 2–4%
Zinc = 2–4%.
Soft Solders
Soft solders have low melting range of about Silver Solders
260° C. They can be applied by simple means Silver solders are more commonly used in
like hot soldering iron. They lack corrosion orthodontics and are used for soldering
resistance and so are not suitable for dental stainless steel or other base metal alloys like
use, e.g. lead-tin alloys (plumbers’ solders). cobalt chromium alloys.
530  Essentials of Orthodontics

• Silver solders are composed of: Silver solders also have adequate strength
• Silver = 10–80% and are similar to the gold solders.
• Copper = 15–50% Microstructure of soldered joints: Microscopic
• Zinc = 4–35%. examination of an ideal well formed soldered
Cadmium or phosphorus may be present joint shows that the solder alloy does not
in small amounts. combine excessively with the parts being
soldered. There is a well defined boundary
Properties of Dental Solders between the solder and the soldered parts.
Fusion temperature: The fusion temperature If the heating is prolonged diffusion takes
of the solder should be atleast 50°C lower than place and the new alloy formed has inferior
the parent metal. properties.
Gold solders = 690 – 870°C
Silver solders = 620 – 700°C. Fluxes
Flow: A good flow and wetting of the parent The Latin word ‘flux’ means flow. For a solder
metal by the solder is essential to produce a to wet and flow properly, the parent metal must
good bond. be free of oxides. This is accomplished with the
The following factors affect flow: help of flux.
Melting range: Solders with short melting
ranges have better flow. Function of Flux
Composition of parent metal: Gold and silver 1. To remove any oxide layer on the parent
based alloys have better flow than nickel based metal.
alloys. 2. To protect the metal surface from oxidation
Oxides: Presence of an oxide layer on the during soldering.
parent metal reduces the flow.
Surface Tension of Solder Fluxes may be divided into three activity types:
Protective: This type covers the metal surface
Color and prevents access to oxygen so no oxide
The color of gold solders varies from deep can form.
yellow to light yellow to white. In practive, Reducing: This reduces any oxide present to
most dental solders are able to produce an free metal and oxygen.
inconspicuous joint. Solvent: This type dissolves any oxide layer
Tarnish and corrosion resistance: Tarnish present and carries it away. Most fluxes are
resistance increases as the gold content combinations of two or more of the above.
increases. However, lower fineness gold alloys The commonly used fluxes are:
also perform well clinically without any serious Boric and borate compounds: Boric acid and
tendency to discolor. Borax, they are used with noble metal alloys.
Silver solders have reduced tarnish resis­ They act as protective and reducing fluxes.
tance when compared to gold alloy solders. Fluorides: Potassium fluorides. These are
Mechanical properties: Gold solders have used on base metal alloys and are usually
adequate strength and hardness and are combined with borates. They help to dissolve
comparable to dental cast gold alloys having the more stable chromium, nickel and cobalt
a similar gold content. oxides.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  531

Fluxes may be supplied as: Propane: It is the best choice. It has the highest
1. Liquid (applied by painting) heat content (2385° C).
2. Paste Butane: It is more readily available in some
3. Powder parts of the world and is similar to propane.
4. Fused onto the solder Both propane and butane are uniform in
5. Prefluxed solder in tube form. quality and water free.

Heat Source Oven Brazing (Furnace Brazing)

The heat source is a very important part of An electric furnace with heating coils may be
brazing. The most commonly used heat source used for brazing. The furnace also provides
is a gas-air or gas-oxygen torch. The other heated surroundings, so less heat is lost to
source is an electric furnace. other parts of the bridge and the atmosphere.
The flame must provide enough heat
not only to melt the filler metal but also to Technique of Soldering
compensate for heat loss to the surroundings. Two techniques of dental soldering are
Thus, the flame should not only have a high employed to assemble dental appliances:
temperature but also high heat content. Low 1. Free hand soldering: In free hand soldering
heat content of fuels lead to longer soldering the parts are assembled and held in contact
time and more danger of oxidation. Heat manually while the heat and solder are
content is measured in Btu per cubic foot of applied.
gas. 2. Investment soldering: In investment
The various gases used are: soldering, the parts to be joined are
Hydrogen: It has the lowest heat content (275 mounted in a soldering type of investment.
Btu) and therefore heating would be slow. This The hardened investment holds it is
flame is not indicated for soldering of large position while the heat and solder are
bridges. applied.
Natural gas: It has a temperature of 2680°C and 3. Infrared soldering:1000 watt tungsten
heat contyent is four times that of hydrogen filament quartz iodine bulb is used. It is
(1000 Btu). However, normally available gas mounted at the primary focal point of a
is non-uniform in composition and frequently gold plated elliptical reflector and used as
contains water vapor. the heat source.
Acytelene: It has the highest flame temperature
(3140°C) and a higher heat content than Steps in Soldering Procedure
H 2 or natural gas. However, it has certain 1. Selection of solder
problems. Temperature from one part of its 2. Cleaning and polishing of components
flame to another may vary by more than 100°C. 3. Assembly of the bridge in soldering
Therefore, positioning the torch is critical and investment
proper part of the flame should be used. It is 4. Application of flux
chemically unstable and decomposes readily 5. Preheating the bridge assembly
to carbon and hydrogen. The carbon may get 6. Placement of solder
incorporated into the Ni and Pd alloys, and 7. Application of hot gas flame to joint and
hydrogen may be absorbed by the Pd alloys. solder
532  Essentials of Orthodontics

8. Cooling of assembly followed by quenching Temperature

in water. The temperature used should be the minimum
Requirements for Successful Soldering required to complete the brazing operation.
Cleanliness: Metal should be free of oxides. Prior to the placement of the solder, the parent
Gap: Gap between the parts, the liquid solder metal is heated till it is not enough to melt
is drawn into the joint through capillary action. the filler metal as soon as it touches. A lower
Thus, an optimum gap is necessary for proper temperature will not allow the filler to wet the
flow and strength of the joint and to avoid parent metal. Higher temperature increases
distortion of the assembly. Gap width ranging the possibility of diffusion between parent
from 0.13 to 0.3 mm has been suggested as and filler metal.
If the gap is too narrow, strength is limited Time
due to: The flame should be kept in place until the
i. Porosity caused by incomplete flow filler metal has flowed completely into the
ii. Flux inclusion. connection and a moment longer to allow the
If the gap is too great: flux of oxide to separate from the fluid solder.
i. The joint strength will be the strength of Shorter time increases chances of incomplete
the solder filling of joint and possibility of flux inclusion
ii. There is a tendancy for the parts to draw in the joint. Longer times increase possibility of
together as the solder solidifies. diffusion. Both conditions cause a weaker joint.
Selection of solder: Proper color, fusion
temperature, and flow. Hydrosoldering Units
Flux: Neutral or reducing in nature. A recent development in orthodontic soldering
Flame: Neutral or reducing in nature, the is a hydrogen soldering unit which consists
portion of the flame that is used should be of a unit with hydrogen gas producing unit
neutral or slightly reducing. An improperly and a flame controlling unit used to produce
adjusted and positioned flame can lead reducing flame of hydrogen gas which can
to oxidation and or possibility of carbon effectively solder stainless steel without
inclusion. Once the flame has been applied oxidizing the components.
to the joint ares, it should be removed until
brazing is complete. Due to its reducing nature, Antiflux
the flame gives protection from oxidation (Fig. There are times when the operator desires
15.5). that the solder should not flow into a specific
area. The flow can be prevented by use of an
antiflux material. It is applied to the surface
before the flux or solder is applied. Solder will
not flow into an area where antiflux has been
applied. Examples of antiflux are graphite (soft
lead pencil), rouge (iron oxide) or whiting
(calcium carbonate) in an alcohol and water
Figure 15.5: Flame used for soldering suspension.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  533

Pitted Solder Joints

Pits or porosities are the solder joint often
becomes evident during finishing and
polishing. They are due to:
i. Volatilization of the lower melting
com­ponents due to heating at higher
temper­atures and for longer times.
ii. Improperly melted or excess flux that
is trapped in the solder joint. To avoid
such pitting, less flux is applied and the
leating should be discontinued as soon
as the flux and solder are well melted
and flowed into position.

Figure 15.6: Spot welder
The term welding is used if two pieces of
similar metal are joined together without the pressure on the metals. A hand controlled
addition of another metal. It is used to join flat switch is used to operate the welder. On
structures such as bands and brackets. pressing the switch a large current passes
through the wires or bands beween the coper
Indications electrodes. The combined heat and pressure
1. In orthodontics to join flat structures like fuses the metal pieces at that point and joins
bands and brackets. them. This kind of welding may also be referred
2. In pedodontics to weld bands and other to as ‘spot welding’ (Fig. 15.6).
appliances. Prosthodontic appliances are welded in a
3. In prosthodontics, to join wrought wire larger machine. The parts to be joined are held
clasps and repair of broken metal partial together using a special clamp. A hand or foot
dentures. controlled switch controls the current.
Weld joints are susceptible to corrosion
Technical Considerations because of precipitation of chromium carbide
Welding is done by passing an electric current and consequent loss of passivation.
through the pieces to be joined. These pieces
are also simultaneously pressed together. The Laser and Plasma Welding
resistance of the metal to flow of current causes Laser welding units are now available. The
intense localized heating and fusion of the laser used as usually a pulsed high power
metal. The combined heat and pressure fuses neodymium laser with a very high power
the metals into a single piece. density.
Welding is done in an electric spot welding
apparatus called as spot welder. The wires or Commercial Names
the band to be welded is placed between the 1. Dental laser DL 2002 (Dentarum, Germany)
two copper electrodes of the welder. A flexible 2. Haas laser LKS (Haas Laser GmbH,
spring attached to the electrode helps to apply Germany)
534  Essentials of Orthodontics

3. Heraeus Hass laser 44P (Heraeus Kulzer, material in the mouth and allowing that
GmbH, Germany). material to set. Those impression materials
The unit consists of a small box that most frequently used in orthodontics are
contains the laser tip, an argon gas source and elastic in nature so that they can be removed
a stereo microscope with lens crosshairs for easily from the mouth. From this negative
correct alignment of the laser beam with the form of the teeth and surrounding structure,
components. The maximum depth the laser a positive reproduction or cast is made. These
can penetrate is 2.5 mm. The heat generated materials are called impression materials.
is small, so the parts can be hand held during
welding and it can be done close to the ceramic Ideal Requirements of an Impression
or even resin facings without damaging it. Material
1. Accuracy in duplication of the tissues
Indications 2. Exactness of the hard and soft tissues
Laser welding is used mainly to join titanium including the undercuts
components. This is because the commercially 3. Nonirritating to the oral tissues (Biocom­
pure titanium (cpTi) used in dentistry for brid­ patible)
ges and partial denture frameworks are highly 4. Pleasant color, taste and appearance
reactive in air. Ordinary soldering procedures 5. Sufficient strength
result in weak joint because of the formation of 6. Resistance to distortion and fracture
thick layer of titanium oxide (especially when 7. Easy to manipulate
heated above 850°C). Laser welding or plasma 8. Dimensional stable
selding can be done at lower temperatures. 9. Adequate shelf-life
10. Cheap and easily available.
Advantages of Laser Welding
i. Lower heat generation. Classification
ii. No oxide formation because of the inert According to the set structure they can be
argon atmosphere. classified as:
iii. Joint made of the same pure titanium as I. Rigid or inelastic
the components, thus reducing the risk 1. Impression plaster
of galvanic corrosion. 2. Zinc oxide eugenol
3. Impression compound
4. Impression wax.
1. Alginate hydrocolloids
These materials are regular dental materials 2. Nonaqueous elastomers
used in orthodontics and in other specialities. a. Polysulphide polymers
b. Polyether.
Impression Materials c. Silicone
An impression is a record of the negative form i. Condensation polymerization
of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. ii. Addition polymerization
It is made by placing some soft semifluid 3. Agar hydrocolloids.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  535

Uses • Sodium silico fluoride—controls the pH.

In orthodontics, alginates are most commonly Some alginates are modified with water
used as impression materials, elastomeric without calcium to form a sol. This is mixed
materials, zinc oxide and waxes are used with plaster of paris which acts as a reactor.
for bite registration. Impression compound In some other alginates the ractor is calcium
material is sometimes used in cases of cleft lip itself.
and palate cases. Agar and alginate materials
are used for duplication of casts. Chemistry
Alginic acid is insolvable in waters but salts
Alginate Impression Materials of the alginic acid are soluble salts, with polar
Alginate impression materials are irreversible carboxyl group such as sodium or pottasium
hydrocolloids which set by chemical change are insolvable and are used.
called gellations and are elastic. When alginate powder is mixed with
Alginate is obtained from sea weeds. In water it form a sol with increased molecular
1940 an English Chemist William Wilding weight and increased viscosity of the sol,
is first to use ‘Algin’ sea weed as a dental sodium phosphate reacts with calcium as all
impression material. Alginate was produced the sodium phosphate reactor gets reacted
as a substitute for agar impression material with calcium sulphate the calcium sulphate
during World War II. reacts with potassium alginate to form calcium
alginate gel.
Composition 2Na3PO4 + 3CaSO4→ Ca3(PO4)2 + 3Na2SO4
Alginate is supplied in powder form to be K-Alg + n/2CaSO4→ n/2K2SO4 + Ca n/2 Alg
moxed with water for impression taking, the Alginates w ill deter iorate at high
power contains. temperatures, storing of alginates in high
Pottasium alginate: 18% linear polymer of temperatures are avoided they are to be stored
pottasium salt of b D Mannuronic acid (Hydro in cool and dry place, lid must be tightly closed
gel former). to reduce the contamination, and they should
Calcium sulphate 16% reactor, increases not be stored for more than 1 year period.
shelf life and dimensional stability (Calcium
ion provider). Hydrocolloid
Pottasium titanium fluoride, or pottasium Hydrocolloid impression materials are solids
zinc fluoride 3% ensures hard stone casts and supersaturated in liquids, they are lyophilic
accelerates setting of stone. (liquid loving) sols. If gelatin or Agar is
Diatomaceous earth or zinc oxide or dissolved in water, the gelatin particles attract
silicate powder 55 to 60% filler increases the water molecules and swell in size thus
strength and stiffness form smooth and firm forming a hydrocolloid. If the concentration
enhances solution. of the dispersed phase in the hydrocolloid is
• Sodium phosphate 2% retarder of the proper amount, the sol may be changed
• Glycols trace—to make alginates dust free to a semisolid material known as a gel, when
• Pigments—to provide color the temperature is decreased the temperature
• Pepperment—to provide pleasant taste at which this change occurs is known as
• Disinfectants like chlorhexidine—to help gelation temperature for alginate it is about 18
in disinfecting the impression to 20%, In alginate gel if formed from a sol by a
536  Essentials of Orthodontics

chemical reaction, the fibrils of the gel formed Absorption of water it lacks water content
chemically are primarily bonded and are not and causing swelling of gel structure is called
effected by temperature changes. They can be imbibition.
returned to sol only by a reversal of the original
chemical reaction and not by heat. So they are Advantages
called irreversible hydrocolloids. 1. Easy to manipulate
Sol → Gel 2. Does not require elaborate equipment
Alginate is a linear polymer of the sodium 3. Comfortable for the patient
salt of b D Mannuronic acid, thus acts as 4. No special trays are required
irreversible hydrocolloid. 5. Clean and pleasant, modified in form of
pleasant taste such as Cardamom or orange
Gel Structure is available, one product can change color
Fibrils in an alginate gel are assumed to be held on mixing and setting is indicated by the
together by primary bonds rather than inter­ othe color.
molecular forces. Final structure is brush heap 6. Inexpensive
of calcium alginate fibril network enclosing 7. They are hydrophilic and can displace
sodium alginate sol, with excess water and saliva and blood.
filler particles and reaction byproducts.
Manipulation 1. Cast must be poured immediately as they
Parabolic plastic bowl and stiff bladed spatula are dimensionally unstable.
are used for mixing water to powder ratio 2. Cannot be stored for longer time.
is about ½ water measuring and 1 powder 3. They may tear easily.
measuring spon (W:P ratio of 1:2). The spatula is 4. They can be used only once for pouring
stropped against the bowl in 8 shape mixing time casts.
is about 45 sec. One min time from mixing to the 5. Not compatible with epoxy resins.
end of the gelation within which the impression
is to be taken, Gel­ation time is about 3 to 4 min. Uses
ADA specification No. 18 for specifies: 1. Impression for fabrication of appliances
• Type I (fast setting) 1 to 2 min and study models.
• Type II (normal setting) 3 to 5 min. 2. Impression for cleft lip and palate cases.
This gelation time is regulated by addition 3. Bite registration for functional appliances.
of retarder altering W:P ration or altering 4. Duplicating casts.
temperature of water compressive strength is 5. Impression of face.
about 49.8 Psi surface reproduction of Alginate 6. For record purposes.
is about 0.075 mm. Impression is disinfected
by iodophor or glutaraldehyde. Impression Trays
Impression trays are used for loading
Imbibition and Syneresis impression materials and carrying into the
The gel may lose water by exudation from its mouth for the purpose of impressions.
surface or by the exuding of fluid by a process Classification: Impression trays are classified
called syneresis. as:
Materials Used in Orthodontics  537

1. Stock trays and special trays

2. Rim lock trays and nonrim lock trays
3. Perforated and non-perforated
4. Dentulous and edentulous
5. Complete and partial
6. Metal, plastic and resin
7. Maxillary and mandibular
8. Different sizes. Figure 15.7: Alginate impression

Impression Tray Selection

Generally stock trays are used for orthodontic entrapment. Material should have developed
impression. Special trays are used with cleft sufficient body so that it does not flow out of
lip and palate cases. Rimlock trays are used the tray and choke the patient (Fig. 15.7).
for agar impression materials. Perforated trays Press middle and front of tray against
are preferred over non-perforated trays since tissue to produce uniform layer of material.
they can prevent tearing of alginates, so that Hold tray in place until alginate is set, as
impression materials are retained in the trays determined by probing with finger. Impression
through the pores such that it can be easily can be removed after ensuring the full set of the
drawn from mouth. Complete trays are used material with a sudden snap or jerk to prevent
resin trays may be required for cleft lip and distortion.
palate and facial impres­sions. Stock trays must
be selected such that there is a clearance of Impression Technique for Cleft Lip
about 3 to 4 mm for impression throughout and and Palate Cases
the borders of the tray are correctly positioned An intraoral examination is done prior
in the sulcus and covering up to retromolar to impression taking it will reveal the
area. nature of unrepaired cleft in it repaired
those perforation that can result from tissue
Impression Technique in breakdown one should look particularly the
Orthodontics anterior mucolabial fold for minute oronasal
After proper tray selection, the patient is perforation actions after the repair of clefts,
placed upright with involved arch parallel and also the mid palatal area.
to the floor to avoid air entrapment during Impression compound, alginate and
mixing and placing tray. Alginate is wiped into elasto­mers are commonly used for cleft lip
the tray with spatula from posterior region and palate cases. Impression compound can
forward so that only minimal material is left only be used if no tissue undercuts are present.
in the posterior areas, because the excess Alginate is the common material.
alginate may be forced to the throat and cause The problems incident to impression are
gagging. The tray is seated first in the posterior divided into two groups are unrepaired cleft
region and displaced anteriorly in the patients presenting rare situation and the repaired
mouth. Small amounts of impression material cleft another when using alginate the posterior
may be placed in the critical areas such as portion of the tray should be modified with
palatal vaults and lingual sulcus to prevent air boxing or utility wax to prevent material from
538  Essentials of Orthodontics

flowing down the patients throat. In addition mask type of tray is used and impression is
the use of alginates adjacent to the cleft or taken similarly.
perforation should be prevented from entering
the nasal cavity. To prevent this tray should Duplicating Materials
be under loaded in the area of cleft. The tooth Agar and alginate hydrocolloids can be used
bearing section of the tray is completely filled as duplicating materials for dental casts.
with alginate, but the area corresponding Reversible hydrocolloids are more commonly
to the cleft is loaded to the height of only used as dental duplicating materials, as they
2 to 3 mm thus when the tray is seated the are kept in liquid form at constant temperature
material is out likely to be forced upward into and are cheap. Resin duplicating materials are
the cleft in sufficient quantity to lock cleft also available but they are expensive. ADA
palates previously treated present slightly specification No. 20 refers to dental duplicating
different problems. The palate repair result materials. These reversible agar hydrocolloids
itself may look adequate and yet an oronasal duplicating materials contain more water and
perforation may exist in the mucobuccal fold. less agar which influence the compressive
Since impression material would be forced strength and setting characters.
into similar perforations under more pressure
it is best to pack perforations with cotton or Elastomeric Impression Materials
petroleum jelly gauze found or impression Nonaqueous elastomeric dental impression
material small enough to be dislodged by materials are that set by chemical change and
blowing the nose should not be of concern. are elastic and irreversible.
In young patients with cleft without They are large molecules with some
tooth and undercuts, impression compound weak bonds in between them so that when
is extended and impression is taken, the stretching they elongate and when released
impression is repeated after softening for 4 return to their original contour. They are also
to 5 times until required impression form is called rubber impression materials.
obtained. Advantages of elastomeric impression
materials include no special equipments
Facial Impression Techniques required, good reproduction of details,
Impressions of face are required for the superior strength and can be electropolished,
purpose of fabrication of chin cups, facial pouring of casts can be delayed and poured
reconstructions, cleft lip corrections, more than once, and it has good shelf life.
maxillofacial prosthesis constructions, and Disadvantages of elastomers include, the
record purposes. impression can be distorted easily, extremely
Facial impressions are also called “Mask hydrophobic and very expensive.
impressions” and are commonly taken with
alginate, agar hydrocolloids or elastomers. Bite Registration Waxes
Facial borders are built by modeling wax or Impression waxes are thermoplastic impre­
plate, according to the contour of face. Nose ssion materials which set by temperature
is protected by cotton or gauze with tubing change, rigid and reversible.
for respiration. Eyes are closed and the mixed The difference between impression wax
impression is directly poured over the face and and modeling plastic is that the impression
removed as one piece one variation of this is waxes have the ability to flow as long as they are
Materials Used in Orthodontics  539

in the mouth and there by permit equalization The flow is measured by penetration at 37°
of pressure and prevent over displacement, ranges from 2.5 to 22% indicating that these
whereas the modeling plastics flow only in waxes are susceptible to distortion on removal
proportion to the amount of flaming and from mouth these bite registration waxes
tempering that can be done out of mouth, and are used for bite registration in fabrication
this does not continue after the plastic has of functional appliances such as activator,
approached mouth tempera­ture. bionator and Frankel appliance.

Composition Gypsum Products

Impression waxes contain various natural Gypsum is a mineral, chemically it is nearly
waxes such as paraffin, ceresin, car nauba and pure calcium sulfate dehydrate (CaSO4.2H2O)
bees wax. Synthetic waxes such as Acrawax These materials are the results of the
and Durawax and additives such as stearic calcining of gypsum. Commercially the gypsum
acid, glycerol tristearate, turpentine oil, is ground and subjected to temperatures of
natural resin, copal, damover, shellac, rosin 110 to 120°C to drive off part of the water of
and synthetic resins such as polyethylene crystallization. As the temperature is further
polystyrene are also present. raised the remaining water of crystallization is
Bite registration waxes exhibits high flow removed and products formed are hexagonal
and ductility, it will distort readily when with­ anhydrate and orthorhombic anhydrate.
drawn from undercut areas. The use of waxes CaSO4.2H2O→(CaSO4)2.H2O→CaSO4→CaSO4
therefore, has been limited to the non undercut The principal constituent of the dental
edentulous portions of mouth and they are plasters and stones is the calcium sulfate
generally used in combination with impression hemihydrate (CaSO4)2.H2O or CaSO4.½H2O.
materials such as polysulphide rubber, zinc Depending upon the method of calcinations,
oxide, and eugenol or impression compound. different forms of the hemihydrate can be
Waxes expand when subjected to a rise obtained. These forms will be referred to as a
in temperature and contracts as temperature or b Hemihydrate.
decreased. The elastic modulus, proportional
limit and compressive strength of waxes Plaster of Paris
are low. Ductility of the wax increases as If gypsum is heated to the temperatures of 110
temperature increases. to 120° C in a kettle, vat or rotary kiln open
Bite registration wax is used to articulate to air, a crystalline form of the hemihydrate
certain models of opposing quadrants the results known as b-hemihydrate, which is
wax bite registration must provide proximal also known as plaster of paris. These crystals
and occlusal relations. Bite registration are characterized by their sponginess and
are frequently made from 28 range casting irregular shape.
wax sheets or from base plate wax, but
waxes identified as bite waxes appear s to be Dental Stone
formulated from bees wax or hydrocarbon When gypsum is heated with special procedure
waxes such as paraffin or ceresine. Certain a-hemihydrate is obtained, which is the dental
bite waxes contain aluminum copper particles. stone. The product is denser and which have a
There are no ADA specifications for bite waxes. prismatic shape.
540  Essentials of Orthodontics

Types Mixing
According to ADA specification No. 25 for When mixing with hand the bowl should
gypsum products the following five types have be parabolic in shape smooth and resistant
been classified: to abrasion. The spatula should have a stiff
Type I (Impression plaster): These plasters are blade and a handle that is convenient to hold.
plasters of paris to which modifiers have been Trapping of air in the mix must be avoided in
added in order to regulate the setting time orer to avoid porosity leading to weak spots
and the setting expansion. These materials and surface inaccuracies. The use of automatic
are rarely used now and are restricted to final vibrator of high frequency but of low amplitude
impression for complete dentures. is useful.
Type II (Model plaster, plaster of Paris): They Water is taken in the bowl, the powder is
are the b form of hemihydrate of gypsum then added to the bowl the mixture is then
commonly known as plaster of paris. Their vigorously stirred, with the periodic wiping of
strength is low. They are commonly marketed the inside of the bowl with the spatula to suture
white in color are are used as casts for working the weting of all of the powder and breaking
models, fabrication of soldered components up of any agglomerates, or lumps. The mixing
and for articulating of models in fabrication should continue until a smooth mix is obtained,
of functional appliances and surgical splints. usually within a minute. Longer spatulation will
Type III (Dental stone): These are a forms drastically reduce the working time.
of hymihydrate of gypsum. They are mainly The guess work of repeatedly adding water
intended for construction of casts in the and powder in order to achieve the proper
fabrication of appliances and study models. consistency must be avoided. It will result in
They have adequate strength. They are most an uneven set within the mass, resulting in low
commonly used in orthodontics as Kalstone, strength and distortion, one of the main causes
Orthokal and Densite, for construction of study of inaccuracy in the use of gypsum products.
Type IV (Dental stone high strength): This type Mixing Time
of hemihydrate has high strength and the This is the time from the adition of the powder
particles are cuboidal in shape. to the water until mixing is completed.
Type V (Dental stone high strength high Mechanical mixing of stones and plasters
expansion): These products have higher is usually completed in 20 to 30 sec. Hand
strength than Type IV and they also have spatulation generally requires at least 1 minute
high setting expansion used commonly as to obtain a smooth mix.
investments for casting.
Working Time
Proportioning This is the time available to use a workable mix,
Since the strength of stone is indirectly one that maintains even consistency that may
proportional to the W:P ratio, is it most be manipulated. Generally 3 minutes working
important to keep the amount of water as low time is adequate.
as possible. The water and powder should be
measured by using a scoop. Normal W:P ratio Setting Time
for dental stone used in orthodontics is 0.28 The time that elapses from the beginning of
to 0.30. mixing until the material hardens is known as
Materials Used in Orthodontics  541

the setting time. It is normally measured by hemihydrate and precipitation of the dihydrate
penetration tests. whether new crystals or further growth on
Loss of gloss: As the reaction proceeds some those already present. The reaction is con­
of the excess water is taken up in forming the tinuous and repetitious until exhausted.
dihydrate so that the mix losses its gloss and it The reaction rate can be followed by the
takes about 9 minutes. exothermic heat evolved. Initially there is
Initial Gillmore: Gillmore needles are used very little reaction and thus, little or no rise
and the time at which it no longer leaves an in temperature. That time is referred to as the
impression is called initial set. induction period. This is accompanied by a
Vicat setting time: Another instrument used to slight thickening of the mass, which permits
determine the setting time. the mix to be poured into an impression or tray.
Fina Gillmore: Heavier gillmore needle is used. As the amount of gypsum forming increases,
The elapsed time when it leaves only a barely the mass thickness and then hardens into
perceptible mark on the surface is called the needle like clusters called spher­ulites, finally
final setting time. the intermeshing and entangling of crystals of
Ready for use: It is considered as the time when gypsum lead to a strong, solid structure.
the compressive strength is at least 80% of that Compressive strength of commonly used
attained at 1 hour. Most of orthodontic plasters orthodontic plasters after 1 hour is about 210
are ready to use by 30 minutes. kg/cm2 (3000 psi).

Accelerators and Retarders Care of the Cast

Accelerators are added to gypsum to reduce If the surface of the cast is not hard and smooth
the setting time, and retarders are added to when it is removed from the impression,
prolong the setting time. its accuracy is questionable. The cast is
Pottasium sulphates, Sodium sulphate, supposedly an accurate reproduction of the
powdered gypsum, are common accelerators. mouth tissues, and any departure from the
Increase in time and speed of mixing also expected accuracy will probably result in a
accelerate setting. poorly fitting appliance. Therefore the casts
The citrates, acetates and borates generally should be handled carefully.
retard the reaction. Storage of set plaster or stone at room tem­
perature produces no significant dimensional
Setting Reactions changes. If the storage temperature is raised
When hemihydrate is mixed with water, above 55°C dimensional changes like shrinkage
a suspension is formed that is fluid and occurs and strength is lost.
workable. The hemihydrate dissolves until For ease of trimming orthodontic plasters
it forms a saturated solution. This saturated have longer working time and are normally
solution of the hemihydrate is supersaturated polished with soap for an added sheen and
with respect to the dihydrate, so the latter good appearance.
precipitates out. As the dehydrate precipitates,
the solution is no longer saturated with the Infection Control
hemihydrate so it continues to dissolve. Disinfecting solutions can be used that will
Thus the process continues solution of the not adversely affect the quality of the gypsum
542  Essentials of Orthodontics

cast, overnight gas sterilization with ethylene 11. The fabrication of the resin into a dental
oxide can be used. appliance should be easily effected with
simple equipment.

Synthetic resins are nonmetallic compounds ACRYLIC RESINS
synthetically produced that can be moulded
into various forms and than hardened for use. Acrylic resins are derivatives of ethylene
The most common synthetic resin used in and contain a vinyl group in their structural
dentistry is based on acrylic resin, poly methyl formula.
methacrylate. Methyl methacrylate is a liquid monomer
which is mixed with poly methyl methacrylate
IDEAL REQUIREMENTS FOR polymer which is in powder form. The
DENTAL RESIN monomer partially dissolves the polymer to
form plastic dough. This dough is packed into
1. The material should exhibit a trans­ the mould, and the monomer is polymerized
lucence or transparency such that it can by one of the three methods chemical, heat or
be made to duplicate esthetically the light curing.
oral tissues it is to replace. It should be Methyl methacrylate is a clear, transparent
capable of being tinted or pigmented to liquid at room temperature with the following
the end. physical properties: melting point of –48°C,
2. There should be no change in color or boiling point of 100.8°C, density of 0.945 gm/
appearance of the material subsequent ml at 20°C, and heat polymerization of 12.9
to its fabrication. kcal/mol. It exhibits high vapor pressure and
3. It should not expand, contract, or warp is an excellent organic solvent. The conditions
during processing or during subsequent for the polymerization of methyl methacrylate
use by the patient. are not critical, proviced that the reaction is
4. It should possess adequate strength, not carried out at a too rapid rate. The degree
resilience, and abrasion resistance. of polymerization varies with the conditions
5. It should be impermeable to the oral of polymerization, such as the temperature,
fluids. method of activation, type of inititator used
6. It should be completely insoluable in and its concentration, and purity of chemicals.
the oral fluids. A volume shrinkage of 21% occurs during
7. The resin should be tasteless, odorless, the poly-merization of the pure methyl
non-toxic, and non-irritating to the oral methacrylate monomer.
tissues. Poly methyl methacrylate is a transparent
8. It should have low specific gravity. resin or remarkable clarity. It transmits light into
9. Its softening temperature should be well the ultraviolet range to a wavelength of 0.25 µm.
above the temperature of any hot foods It is a hard resin with Knoop hardness number of
or liquids taken during mouth. 18 to 20. Its tensile strength is approximately
10. In case of unavoidable breakage, it 59MPa (8500 psi) and its specific gravity is
should be possible to repair the resin 1.19. Its modulus of elasticity is approximately
easily and efficiently. 2400 MPa (350,000 psi). The resin is extremely
Materials Used in Orthodontics  543

stable; it will not discolor in light. It is stable of the benzoyl peroxide. Tertiary amines are
at heat and softens at 125°C and it can be added to the monomer before monomer
moulded as a thermoplastic material. The and polymer are mixed so that the reaction
typical methacrylate polymers increase by takes place at room temperature. As a general
0.5% of weight when placed in water for one rule the degree of polymerization by use of
week. The polymers are soluble in chloform a chemical activator is not as high as that by
and acetone. activation by heat.
The type and concentration of both the
Uses of Acrylic Resins in activator and the initiator influence the
Orthodontics rate and degree of polymerization. There
1. Fabrication of removable appliances like appears to be a maximal useful concentration
Hawleys appliance, etc. of the amine at approximately 0.75%; the
2. Fabrication of functional appliances like maximal concentration for the peroxide is
activator, bionator, etc. 2%. As with the heat curing resing, the rate of
3. Fabrication of retention appliances like polymerization is influenced by the particle
hawleys retainer, Begg retainers, etc. size of the polymer. The smaller the particle
4. Fabrication of orthognathic surgical splints size, the more rapid is the polymerization.
and occlusal splints.
5. Fabrication of special trays for special Properties
impressions. Self-cure resins have lower maximal strength
6. Fabrication of special study models for and stiffness because of lower degree of poly-
demonstration and research purposes. merization attained and residual monomer
7. Fabrication of chin cups. retained. The tensile strength and modulus of
8. Fabrication of appliances for cleft lip and elasticity of self-curing are also less than that
palate therapy. of heat cured resins. Hardness of self-curing
resin is 16-18 Knoop hardness number and
Self-cure Acrylic Resins that of heat cure resin is 20 KHN. Color stability
is also less for self-cure resin than for heat
Composition cured resins.
The monomer is generally pure methyl metha­
crylate with a slight amount of hydroquinone Heat Cure Acrylic Resins
(0.006%) which aids in the inhibition of
poly­merization during storage. Crosslinking Composition
agent is added in the monomer at 1 to 2%. The monomer is generally pure methyl meth­
The polymer usually consists of a powder acrylate with a slight amount of hydro-quinone
composed of small spherical particles. (0.006%) which aids in the inhibition of
Plasticizers such as dibutyl phthalate are polymeri­zation during storage. Crosslinking
added in 8 to 10%, to prevent deterioration agent is added in the monomer at 1 to 2%.
in oral fluids. An initiator benzoyl peroxide is The polymer usually consists of a powder
always included in polymer. Coloring pigments composed of small spherical particles.
are also added. Plasticizers such as dibutyl phthalate are
The fundamental difference between them added in 8 to 10%, to prevent deterioration
and other resin is that the method of activation in oral fluids. An initiator benzoyl peroxide is
544  Essentials of Orthodontics

always included in polymer. Coloring pigments Light Cure Acrylic Resins

are also added. A visible light activated resin is available
Usually monomer and polymer are for several years. They can be described
combined immediately before fabrication of as composite, having a matrix of urethane
appliances. However, some recent materials dimethacrylate, microfine silica, and high
are available in sheets and gel forms which can molecular weight acrylic resin monomers.
be heated and compressed in Biostar machine Acrylic resin beads are present as organic
to get the appliance. filler. The camphoroquinone photoinitiator
is readily activated by the same visible light
Polymerization source and frequency of 400 to 480 nm. For
Heat cure acrylic resin is generally processed final polymerization, a special higher energy
for 9 hours at 74°C or 20 minutes to 2 hours at light source is recommended.
100°C for rapid curing. Long low temperature
curing will result in good curing and strong Orthodontic Appliance Cleaners
appliance. A wide variety of agents are used by patients for
cleaning removable orthodontic appliances.
Storage They include dentifrices, proprietary denture
The container of the liquid monomer must be cleaners, soap and water, salt and soda,
kept tightly sealed at all times to guard against household cleaners, bleaches and vinegar.
evaporation of the most volatile ingredients Either immersion in the agent or more
and an imbalance in the chemistry of the generally brushing of the appliance with the
liquid. cleaner is employed.
Self-cure and heat cure materials are The most common commercial appliance
formulated to endure high temperatures cleaners are the immersion type; they are
over extended periods of time. The finer usually marketed as a powder or tablet. Their
sized particle of polymer tends to migrate to com­positions include alkaline compounds,
the bottom of container and cause different detergents, flavoring agents and sodium
polymer monomer ratios; therefore, it is perborate. When the powder is dissolved in
adviced to shake the polymer powder before water, the perborate decomposes to liberate
use. oxygen. The oxygen bubbles supposedly then
acts mechanically to loosen the debris.
Separating Media The household bleaches containing
During fabrication of acrylic resins they chlorine are not to be used with stainless steel
must be carefully protected from the gypsum components because they remove the surface
surfaces of the casts. Seperating media like tin chromium oxide layer of stainless steel and
foil, Cellulose lacquers, sodium alginates, soap, thereby corrode the steels.
sodium silicate, and starches all have been
used as paint on the models. Infection Control
However, the most popular separating Orthodontic appliances are disinfected by
agents are water soluble alginates that ethylene oxide gas. Since the polymeric
produce a very thin water and organic solvent materials can absorb liquids, toxic agents
insoluable calcium alginate film on the such as phenolics or glutaraldehydes should
gypsum surfaces. not be used.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  545

Silicone Rubber Materials manufactured from bauxite. Extremely fine

These silicone rubber materials are used in particles of aluminum oxide can be obtained
orthodontics in fabrication of soft splints by a water flotation process and is known as
for TMJ disorders, tooth positioners and as levigated alumina. It is particularly useful in
preorthodontic trainers. polishing metals.
They are transparent or opaque, dry earth Garnet: The mineral comprise the silicates
pigments are added for the color. They can of any combination of aluminum, cobalt,
be self- curing or heat curing. Heat curing magnesium, iron and manganese. Garnet is
materials have better properties. They are usually coated on paper or cloth with glue
supplied in sheets or gel form and require or a similar binder. It is one of the common
milling, packing under pressure and 30 abrasives used in denture abrasive disks,
minutes curing at 180°C. acrylic trimmers and burs that are operated
with the dental handpiece.
Pumice: Pumice is a highly siliceous material
FINISHING AND POLISHING of volcanic origin, and it is suitable for use
MATERIALS either as an abrasive or as a polishing agent,
Before any appliance is placed in mouth it according to its particle size. It is used in
should be finished and polished. Finishing and orthodontics for the polishing of removable
polishing are done to prevent irritation, food appliances and polishing of teeth in mouth
debris acc­umul­ation, and to prevent tarnish before bonding.
and corr­osion. Rouge: Rouge is a fine red powder composed of
Abrasion occurs when a hard, rough iron oxide. It is used empregnated on paper or
surface slides along a softer surface and cuts or cloth, known as crocus cloth; it is an excellent
plows a series of grooves. The abrasives used in polishing agent for noble metal alloys and
dentistry are applied to the work by means of a stainless steel.
number of abrasive tools like burs, brushes and Tin oxide: Tin oxide is rarely used for polishing
disks. Abrasives can also be mixed with water, metallic parts of the fixed appliances.
glycerine, or some other medium to produce Chromic oxide: Chromic oxide (Cr 2O 3) is
pastes and they are used in finishing and relatively hard abrasive that is capable of
polishing irregular surfaces such as removable polishing variety of metals. It is often used as
orthodontic appliances, and for prophylaxis a polishing agent for stainless steel.
before bonding and banding. Sand: Sand as well as other forms of quartz
is used as an abrasive agent. It is used in
sandpaper is common example. It is used as
COMMONLY USED ABRASIVES powder in sandblasting equipment.
Carbides: Various carbides such as silicon
Emery: Emery consists primarily of a natural carbide, boron carbide and titanium carbide
oxide of aluminum, called corundum. There are employed effectively as abrading agents.
are various impurities present, such as iron Both of these products are manufactured by
oxide, which may also acts as abrasives. They heating silicon, boron and titanium at a very
are commonly supplied in sheets or disks. high temperature to effect their union with
Aluminum oxide: Pure aluminum oxide is the carbon. The silicon carbide is sintered, or
546  Essentials of Orthodontics

pressed with a binder, into grinding wheels areas in order to help move the profession
or disks; Most of the steel burs employed the toward an intellectual and predictable method
cutting tooth are made of silicon carbide. to incorporate implants into clinical practice.
Titanium carbide burs are used in orthodontics In 1936, Venable and Stuck from their
after debonding ro remove the resin tags over investigation determined conclusively that
the enamel. vitallium was the only metal which produced
Diamond: The hardest and most effective no electrolytic action when it was buried in
abrasive for tooth enamel is composed of the tissues. In the same year this metal was
diamond chips. The chips are impregnated embedded in human tissues for the first time
in a binder or plated onto a metal shank to in the form of screws for stabilizing fragments
form the diamond burs, stones and disks used in a fractured bone. The results were highly
for tooth cutting and proximal stripping in successful. They also observed that the screws
orthodontics. and plates were bright and untarnished, and
Zirconium silicate: This material is ground into the tissues surrounding them were normal and
various particle sizes and used as a polishing healthy. Pearse in 1941 employed this metal
agent. Zirconium silicate is frequently used as an implant in the soft tissues. He reported
as a constituent of dental prophylactic pastes vitallium to be the best tolerated of any metal
and in abrasive impregnated polishing strips in the tissues. The constituent elements (cobalt
and disks. 65%, chromium 30%, molybdenum 5% and
minor constituents such as manganese, silica
IMPLANT MATERIALS IN and carbon) are so combined in the metal that
ORTHODONTICS there is no interaction between them in the
presence of moisture and body fluids.
HISTORY The progress in the medical field gave an
impetus to implant dentistry. Goldberg and
Dental implant history dates back thousands Gerschkoff in 1949, were the first to think of
of years and includes civilization such as using this alloy to construct a prosthesis in
the ancient Chinese, who 4000 years ago the form of a framework designed to fit on the
inserted bamboo into the jaw bone for fixed osseous surface of the jaw and to support posts
tooth replace­ments. The Egyptians and, later, which emerging from the mucous membrane
physicians from Europe used ferrous and were capable of supporting and retaining
precious metals for implants over 2000 years a dental prosthesis. Their initial works on
ago, and the Incas used precious of sea shells, implants opened a new field in dentistry
inserted into the jaw bones to replace missing and stimulated the other research workers to
teeth. The United States began its involvement attempt on a restoration of this kind.
in implant dentistry with Greenfield and his
iridoplatinum cage in 1909.
Today, oral implantology has changed the METALS AND ALLOYS
entire discipline of dentistry. Dr A Norman
Cranin introduced the “orthodontic appliance” The major groups of implantable materials for
to oral implantology. For 50 years he has placed dentistry are titanium alloys, cobalt chromium
the correct amount of pressure in the right alloys, austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo steels, tantalum,
Materials Used in Orthodontics  547

niobium and zirconium alloys, precious resistance through the oxide surface while
metals, ceramics, and polymeric materials. molybdenum provides strength and bulk
corrosion resistance.
Titanium and Titanium-6
Aluminum-4 Vanadium (Ti-6Al-4V) Iron-Chromium-Nickel-based Alloys
This reactive group of metals and alloys The surgical stainless steel alloys (e.g. 316
(with primary elements from reactive group low carbons) have a long history of use for
metallic substances) form tenacious oxides orthopedic and dental implant devices. This
in air or oxygenated solutions. Titanium alloy, as with titanium systems, is used most
(Ti) oxidizes (passivates) upon contact with often in wrought and heat-treated metallurgic
room temperature air and normal tissue condition, which results in a high-strength and
fluids. This reactivity is favorable for dental high-ductility alloy. The ramus blade, ramus
implant devices. In the absence of interfacial frame, stabilizer pins (old), and some mucosal
motion or adverse environment conditions, insert systems have been made from the iron-
this passivated (oxidized) surface condition based alloy.
minimizes biocorrosion phenomena. In
situations where the implant is placed within
a closely fitting receptor site in bone, areas OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS
scratched or abraded during placement
would repassivate in vivo. This characteristic Many other metals and alloys have been used
is one important property related to the use for dental implant device fabrication. Early
of titanium for dental implants. Some reports spirals and cages included tantalum, platinum,
show that the oxide layer tends to increase in iridium, gold, palladium, and alloys of these
thickness under corrosion testing and that metals. More recently, devices made from
breakdown of this layer is unlikely in aerated zirconium, hafnium, and tungsten have been
solutions. evaluated.
Gold, platinum, and palladium are metals
Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum- of relatively low-strength, which places limits
based Alloy on implant design.
The cobalt-based alloys are most often used
in a Cast or cast-and-annealed metallurgic Ceramics and Carbon
condition. This permits the fabrication Ceramics are inorganic, nonmetallic, nonpoly-
of implants as custom designs such metric materials manufactured by compacting
as subperiosteal frames. The elemental and sintering at elevated temperatures. They
composition of this alloy includes cobalt, can be divided into metallic oxides or other
chromium, and molybdenum as the major compounds. Oxide ceramics were introduced
elements. Cobalt provides the continuous for surgical implant devices because of their
phase for basic properties; secondary phases inertness to biodegradation, high strength,
based on cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, physical characteristics such as color and
nickel, and carbon provide strength (4 times minimal thermal and electrical conductivity,
that of compact bone) and surface abrasion and a wide range of material specific elastic
resistance, chromium provides corrosion properties. In many cases, however, the low
548  Essentials of Orthodontics

ductility or inherent brittleness has resulted Bone Augmentation and

in limitations. Ceramics have been used in Replacement
bulk forms and more recently as coatings on The calcium phosphate (CaPO 4) ceramics
metals and alloys. used in dental reconstructive surgery include
The aluminum oxides are fully oxide a wide range of implant types and thereby
materials, bulk, and surface, thereby affording a wide range of clinical applications. Early
advantages related to tissue interface related investigations emphasized solid and porous
investigation. Also, studies have included particulates with nominal compositions that
the polycrystalline (alumina) and single were relatively similar to the mineral phase
crystalline (sapphire) forms of the oxide of bone (Ca5[PO4]3OH). Micro-structural and
structure. Direct relationships have been chemical properties of these particulates were
established between the interfacial events controlled to provide forms that would remain
of tissue integration for metallic surface intact for structural purposes after implan­tation.
oxides of titanium and chromium and the
aluminum oxide systems. Ceramic coatings
(Al2 O3) have been shown to enhance the ENDOSTEAL AND
corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of SUBPERIOSTEAL IMPLANTS
metal implants, in particular surgical stainless
steel and Ni -Cr, Cr- Co alloys. The first series of structural forms for dental
However, studies in orthopedics, caution implants included rods and cones for filling
that the (Al 2 O 3 ) coating may cause a tooth root extraction sites (ridge retainers)
demineralization phenomenon caused by and in some cases, load-bearing endosteal
high local concentration of substrate ions in implants. Limitations in mechanical property
the presence of metabolic bone disease. characteristics soon resulted in internal
reinforcement of CaPO 4 ceramic implants
Polymers and Composites through mechanical (central metallic rods)
• Polymethylmethacrylate or physicochemical (coating over another
• Polytetrafluoroethylene substrate) techniques.
• Polymethylene The coatings of metallic surfaces using
• Polysulfone flame or plasma spraying (or other techniques)
• Silicone rubber increased rapidly for the CaPO4 ceramics. The
• Polypropylene. coatings have been applied to a wide range of
In general, the polymers have low strength endosteal and subperiosteal dental implant
and elastic moduli and high elongation to designs with an overall intent of improving
fracture, compared with other classes of implant surface biocompatibility profiles and
biomaterials. They are thermal and electrical implant longevities.
insulators and when constituted as a high
molecular weight system without plasticizers, Advantages and Disadvantages
they are relatively resistant to biodegradation. The recognized advantages associated with
Compared with bone, most polymers have low CaPO4 ceramic biomaterials are:
elastic moduli with magnitudes closer to soft 1. Chemical compositions of high purity
tissues. and of substances that are similar to
Materials Used in Orthodontics  549

constituents of normal biologic tissue ORTHODONTIC INSTRUMENTS

(calcium, phosphorus, oxygen, and hydro­
2. Excellent biocompatibility profiles within (UNIVERSAL PLIERS)
a variety of tissues, when used as intended.
3. Opportunities to provide attachments Adams pliers are heavy wire pliers with sharply
between selected CaPO4 ceramics and hard tapered beaks forming a four-sided pyramid
and soft tissues. when closed. Used for bending heavy-gauge
4. Minimal thermal and electrical conductivity wires and adjusting removable appliances.
plus capabilities to provide a physical and
chemical barrier to ion transport (e.g. metal
5. Moduli of elasticity more similar to bone (ARCH-CONTOURING PLIERS, DE
than many other implant materials used LA ROSSA PLIERS) (FIG. 15.8)
for load-bearing implants.
6. Color similar to bone, dentin and enamel. Pliers with straight, thick, parallel beaks;
7. An evolving and extensive base of inform­ the concave beak fits around the opposing
ation related to science, technology, and cylindrical one. The cylindrical beak may
application. have grooves of varying sizes or may be non-
Some of the possible disadvantages grooved. Used to form and contour arch
associated with these types of biomaterials are: wires, either round or rectangular, as well as
1. Variations in chemical and structural to incorporate (reverse) curve of Spee into an
chara­cteristics for some currently available arch wire.
implant products.
2. Relatively low mechanical tensile and
shear strengths under condition of fatigue BAND BURNISHER (BEAVER-TAIL
loading. BURNISHER) (FIG. 15.9)
3. Relatively low attachment strengths for
some coating tosubstrate interfaces. Stainless steel instrument with a heavy, hollow
4. Variable solubility depending on the handle for palm grip, similar to a Mershon
product and the clinical application. The
structural and mechanical stabilities
of coatings under in vivo load-bearing
conditions (especially tension and shear)
may be variable as a function of the quality
of the coating.
5. Alterations of substrate chemical and
structural properties related to some
available coating technologies.
6. Expansion of applications that sometimes
exceed the evolving scientific information
on properties. Figure 15.8: Arch forming pliers
550  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 15.11: Band pusher pliers

Figure 15.9: Band burnishers

Figure 15.10: Band-contouring pliers Figure 15.12: Band-removing pliers—anterior

band pusher. The shank ends in an angled to prevent slippage of the instrument during
beaver-tail-shaped tip that can be smooth or use. Used for positioning and seating the band
serrated and flattened for easier access to band properly, as well as for burnishing or adapting
margins under buccal tubes or bracket wings. the edges of the band around the tooth.
Used for burnishing and adapting margins of
bands to the tooth contour.
(FIG. 15.10) Pliers with a longer, flat-sided curved beak
placed on the incisal edge of teeth, opposing
Pliers with two long, tapering and slightly a shorter, sharper beak positioned under the
bowed beaks. The convex tip at the end of the gingival aspect of the band or attachment. The
one beak fits into the opposing concave tip in longer incisal beak may have a replaceable
a ball- and-socket manner. The diameter and plastic or rubber tip to prevent fractures of the
shape of the tips vary with the manufacturer. incisal edge of the teeth. The beaks generally
Used for adaptation and contouring of stainless do not make contact when the handles are
steel orthodontic bands. closed fully. They are used to remove bands
from anterior teeth.


Stainless steel instrument with a large, tapering
handle for palm grip and a long shank with an Pliers with two beaks, one longer than the other.
angled tip. The tip is rectangular and serrated The longer beak, which carries a replaceable
Materials Used in Orthodontics  551

Figure 15.13: Band-removing plier—posterior

Figure 15.15: Bird-beak pliers

Figure 15.14: Band seater

plastic cap, is placed on the occlusal surface

of a tooth, while the shorter, sharpened beak
engages and lifts the gingival margin of the
band. Anterior and posterior band removing
pliers can be combined in a “Universal” design.
Figure 15.16: Bracket-positioning instrument


(FIG. 15.14) (FIG. 15.15)

Plastic or metal instrument consisting of a Pliers with two short beaks (one of which is
handle and a bite stick that makes use of the conical and the other pyramidal in shape) used
patient’s biting force to aid the clinician in for bending small wires and springs.
seating a band. The tip of the bite stick has two
sides. The one that is placed on the occlusal
margin of the band is made of stainless steel BRACKET-POSITIONING
and is available in several sizes and shapes. As INSTRUMENT (BRACKET-HEIGHT
well, it usually is serrated to minimize slippage GAUGE, BOONE’S GAUGE)
of the instrument during use. The opposite (FIG. 15.16)
side of the tip, which comes in contact with the
patient’s teeth during biting, usually consists Device of various designs used to facilitate the
of a plastic bite shelf. placement of brackets at standard distances
552  Essentials of Orthodontics

from the incisal edges or occlusal surfaces of COON LIGATURE-TYING PLIERS

specific teeth. It usually has a ledge that rests (FIG. 15.18)
on the incisal edge (occlusal surface) of the
tooth, while a shorter arm is inserted into the Reverse-action pliers (squeezing the handles
bracket slot. increases the separation of the tips), consisting
of two opposing mirror-image parts (handle,
shank and tip, all one piece) joined just below
BRACKET-REMOVING the shank by a round metal cylinder with a
PLIERS (DEBONDING PLIERS) channel. The opposing handles are attached
(FIG. 15.17) by a spring that holds them apart, causing the
tips to touch when the instrument is passive. It
Pliers used to remove brackets bonded to teeth. is used for tying metal ligatures. The opposing
There are various designs depending on the tips are blunted and forked to facilitate
type of bracket (e.g. stainless steel, ceramic, retention of the ligature wire. As the handles
plastic). The standard design for stainless steel are compressed, spreading the tips, the
brackets has two mirror-image jaws with the channel locks the ligature wire automatically.
sharp cutting tips formed around a cylindrical Because of the reverse action, the initial twist
opening. The cutting tips generally do not and the pressure are exerted at the bracket-
make contact when the handles are closed arch wire junction and then twisted away from
fully. The bracket is removed by peel and shear the bracket. This gives the ligature a tighter
forces by placing the cutting tips at the bracket- fit around the bracket, forcing the arch wire
adhesive junction and squeezing. further into the slot.


Conversion instrument is an orthodontic A special wire cutter with the juxtaposed

instru­ment that is inserted into the mesial cutting edges set at right angles to the long
opening of a convertible tube and functions axis of the instrument to facilitate cutting of
in a “can-opener” fashion to remove its the distal end of the arch wire, intraorally.
convertible cap and thus turn it into a bracket. May have a safety hold mechanism provided

Figure 15.17: Bracket-removing pliers Figure 15.18: Coon ligature-tying pliers

Materials Used in Orthodontics  553

Figure 15.20: Separator placing pliers

Figure 15.19: Distal-end cutter

either by a thick wire running parallel to the

cutting edges, or by a rectangular shoulder
immediately below the cutting edges. This
mechanism serves to grip the loose end of the
cut arch wire and prevent it from being lost in
the mouth, so that it can be discarded easily.
It can be used to cut round wires up to 0.020
inch or 0.51 mm in diameter and rectangular
wires up to 0.022 x 0.028 inch or 0.56 x 0.70 mm.
Figure 15.21: Facebow-adjusting pliers

ELASTIC SEPARATOR PLIERS when the pliers are closed. Each beak has
(SEPARATOR PLIERS) a rounded notch at a right angle to the beak
(FIG. 15.20) near the tip on the opposing surfaces. Used
for adjusting the inner and outer arches of
Reverse-action pliers (squeezing the handles facebows, or for contouring wires of large
increases the separation of the beaks) with two diameter (up to 0.062 inch or 1.55 mm).
long beaks that are angled for better access.
The beaks are connected with a circular hinge
and carry tapered, grooved, blunted tips, which HARD WIRE CUTTER
can retain elastic separators (modules). They
are used to stretch, hold and place elastic Cutter of design similar to a pin and ligature
separators. wire cutter, only larger, and capable of cutting
full-dimension arch wires.

(FIG. 15.22)
Heavy-duty pliers with a box-jointed pivot
con­struction, having two parallel beaks and Small and light pliers with scissor-like
an opposing one that fits between the former design, provided with a mechanical locking
554  Essentials of Orthodontics

Figure 15.23: Howes utility pliers

Figure 15.22: Mosquito pliers

mechanism located between the handles. The

handles are available in various lengths. The
serrated beaks can be either straight or curved
and they may be notched to aid in retention of
elastomeric ligatures. Used for placement of
elastomeric ligatures (donuts).
Figure 15.24: Ligature director


(FIG. 15.23) engaging wires. They are available in double-
ended versions or in combination with
Pliers with two long, round beaks tapered to amalgam-pluggers, scalers or other tips. Used
a pyramid shape and bowed, terminating in to tuck and direct stainless steel ligatures under
juxtaposed flat round serrated pads. The pads the arch wire or bracket wings, or to push arch
are positioned at right angles to the long axis wires or auxiliaries into position.
of the beaks; their diameter varies with the
manufacturer. The beaks may be straight or
offset at a 45° angle. They are used mainly for LIGHT-WIRE PLIERS (FIG. 15.25)
gripping and handling arch wires and stainless
steel ligatures during placement in the mouth. These pliers are essentially identical to bird-
beak pliers, only with longer and more slender
beaks. Some designs have one or more grooves
LIGATURE DIRECTOR at the tip of the pyramidal beak to aid in making
(PITCHFORK INSTRUMENT, TIE repro­ducible loops and helices. Used mainly to
IN TUCKER) (FIG. 15.24) form various loop designs in Begg orthodontic
wires (generally light, round wires), to make
It is a stainless steel instrument carrying a minor adjustment bends in arch wires or to
straight or angled tip with a notch capable of place metal spring separators.
Materials Used in Orthodontics  555

Figure 15.25: Light-wire plier

Figure 15.27: Parallel-action pliers with cutter

Figure 15.26: Mathieu ligature-tying pliers

TYING PLIERS (FIG. 15.26) Figure 15.28: Pin and ligature wire cutter

Pliers with long, thin handles equipped with a for bending, cutting or holding large-diameter
positive-locking ratchet and spring for instant wires in laboratory procedures.
opening and closing. The opposing tips are
serrated and may have tungsten carbide
inserts for longer instrument life. The tips PIN AND LIGATURE WIRE CUTTER
vary in length and taper by the manufacturer. (FIG. 15.28)
The pliers are available in various sizes. Used
mainly for tying stainless steel ligatures as well Cutter with two tapered and pointed opposing
as for placing elastomeric ligatures (donuts). beaks, terminating in delicate and sharp cutting
edges. The cutting edges may have carbide
inserts that can be sharpened or replaced when
PARALLEL-ACTION PLIERS WITH dull or damaged, without replacing the entire
CUTTER (SARGENT’S HEAVY- instrument. It is available in various angles,
DUTY PLIERS) (FIG. 15.27) the straight and 15° to the long axis being the
most common. The tape and size of the tips
Heavy-duty pliers with parallel, flat, serrated vary with the manu­facturer. They are used to
opposing beaks. One of the beaks carries a wire cut soft ligature wires (generally up to 0.016
cutter on its non-serrated side. Used mainly inch or 0.41 mm) and arch-retaining lock pins.
556  Essentials of Orthodontics

SERRATED BAND PLUGGER of the ligature wire. The ligature wire is retained
(SERRATED AMALGAM PLUGGER) on the instrument by manually wrapping its
(FIG. 15.29) free ends around the round metal cylinder.

It is a single-ended or double-ended (in

combin­ation with a ligature director or other TORQUING KEY (FIG. 15.31)
tip) stainless steel instrument, sometimes
used to seat and position bands or to tuck steel Torquing keys are usually a cross-shaped
ligatures. The tip is available in various lengths, stainless steel instrument, each of the four
angles and diameters and usually is serrated ends of which carries a milled slot to engage
for better control in pushing motion. the wire for placement of torque. Each slot is
a different size to accommodate various gauge
wires. They are used to place torque in an arch
STEINER LIGATURE-TYING wire or to assist full engagement of a wire into
PLIERS (FIG. 15.30) a bracket slot. Various other kinds of torquing
keys are used in combination with special
They are identical to the Coon ligature-tying pliers to place torque for an individual tooth.
pliers, differing only in that the round metal
cylinder at the shank of the instrument does
not carry the special channel to engage the end TRIPLE-BEAKED PLIERS (THREE
PLIERS) (FIG. 15.32)

These pliers are similar to but smaller than the

facebow-adjusting pliers, with a box-jointed

Figure 15.29: Serrated band plugger

Figure 15.30: Steiner ligature-tying pliers Figure 15.31: Torquing key

Materials Used in Orthodontics  557

(NO. 142) PLIERS (FIG. 15.34)

Pliers used exclusively for handling or adjusting

square or rectangular wires. The beaks are
symmetrically flattened blades that are parallel
at a separation of 0.020 inch (0.51 mm).


Figure 15.32: Triple-beaked pliers PLIERS) (FIG. 15.35)

Pliers with two opposed parallel beaks, one

with concave and one with round cross-
section. The round beak generally is stepped,
having three sections of different diameters

Figure 15.33: Turret

pivot construction. The double-sectioned

beak is opposed by a single beak, so that a
squeezing motion can produce a sharp bend in
the wire. Used for adjusting wires, particularly Figure 15.34: Tweed arch-adjusting
labial bows or clasps on retainers, activation
of quadhelix, as well as for placing a curve
on flexible or heavier wires, or stainless steel

TURRET (FIG. 15.33)

Turret is a tubular metal device of various

circum­ferences carrying grooves of various
calibrated sizes, used to shape straight lengths
of orthodontic wire into an arch form. Some
turrets are equipped with angulated grooves
to place torque into rectangular wire during
shaping of the arch form. Figure 15.35: Tweed loop-forming pliers
558  Essentials of Orthodontics

(most commonly 0.045, 0.060, and 0.075 inch

or 1.12, 1.50 and 1.90 mm). The tip of the round
beak may be replaceable. They are used to
form various loops or short curved sections in
orthodontic wire.


(FIG. 15.36)

Figure 15.36: Weingart utility pliers

These are pliers with two long, slender beaks
with opposing serrated tips. The tips are oblong for holding or gripping the arch wire to place
and pointed and can be straight or curved from it and remove it from the mouth or to make
the long axis of the pliers to provide a better adjustment bends, cinching and activating
working angle for intraoral adjustments. Used the loops.
Community Orthodontics  559


1. Chaconas. Principles of Orthodontics.

2. Dickson, Heatley. Atlas of Removable Orthodontic Appliances.
3. Don Ranly. Synopsis of Craniofacial Growth.
4. Enlow. Handbook of Facial Growth, 3rd edn.
5. Graber, Newmann. Removable Orthodontic Appliances, 2nd edn.
6. Graber, Swain. Orthodontics—Principles and Techniques.
7. Graber, Vanarsdall. Orthodontics—Current Principles and Techniques, 3rd edn.
8. Graber TM. Principles and Techniques of Orthodontics, 3rd edn.
9. Graber, Rakosi, Petrovich. Functional Appliances with Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2nd edn.
10. Houston, Tulley. Textbook of Orthodontics.
11. Issacson, Houston. Removable Orthodontic Appliances.
12. Mills. Practice of Orthodontics.
13. Moyers. Handbook of Orthodontics, 4th edn.
14. Philip C Adams. Design, Construction and Uses of Removable Orthodontic Appliances,
6th edn.
15. Proffit WR. Contemporary Orthodontics, 3rd edn.
16. Rakosi. Orthodontic Diagnosis.
17. Salzmann. Practice of Orthodontics.
18. Samir E Bishara. Textbook of Orthodontics.
19. Walters. Orthodontic Notes.
20. White, Gardiner. Orthodontics for Dental Students, 4th edn.
Index  561


Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figure and table, respectively

A with soldered buccal American

Aberrant developmental tube 350 Association of Orthodontics 1
position of teeth 56 pliers 549 Cleft Palate Association
Abnormal Adjunctive orthodontic classification 476
eruptive path 133 treatment 452 Heart Association 486
frenal attachments 272 Adolescent growth 79 Anatomy of hand-wrist 221f
labial frenum 128, 132 Adult orthodontics 448 Anchorage planning 319
suckling 128 Advantages of Angle of
swallowing habits 126 fixed convexity 213
Accidental and nonaccidental appliances 364 mandible 40
oral trauma 494 Angle’s
space maintainers 331
Achondroplasia 433 classification 93, 96
functional appliances 393
Acid etching 368 of malocclusion 97
LASER welding 534
Acidic primers 525 concept of normal
osseous implants 324
Acidulated phosphate fluoride 295 occlusion 87, 87f
proximal stripping 254 Ankylosed teeth 319
Ackerman-Proffit classification removable
99, 100f Ankylosis 128, 133, 465
appliances 345 Anomalies of tooth
Acrylic space maintainers 330
partial dentures 330 shape 128, 132
serial extractions 335 size 132
resins 519, 542
Air abrasion 525 Anterior
splints 259
Alginate impression 537f bite plane 280f
Action of functional
materials 535 centric contacts 86
appliances 394
Adam’s Alignment of arch 436 crossbite 276
clasp 347-350, 354, 361 Alpha titanium 507, 517 maxillary
fabrication 349f Altered mandibular osteotomy 260, 434
on incisors and movements 466 segmental osteotomy 437
premolars 350 Aluminum oxide 545 nasal spine 209
with distal extention 350 Alveolar nonocclusion 93
with incorporated helix 350 bone 257, 314 openbite 274
with J hook 350 process 41 part of body of sphenoid 31
562  Essentials of Orthodontics

Anthropology 120, 117 Banded canine-to-canine Bone

Appliance retainer 416, 419 adaptation 422
design 397, 410 Barrel shaped lateral incisors 119 augmentation and
selection 251 Basal replacement 548
Application of bone 319, 383 bending piezoelectric
external influences 446 metabolic rate 230 theory 308
implants in orthodontics 432 Basion-Nasion plane 211 deposition 311
primer 368 and resorption 22
Beaver-tail burnisher 549
Arachnoid granulation remodeling theory 54
impressions 201 resorption 311
appliance 376f
Arch Boone’s gauge 551
contouring pliers 549 concept of normal occlusion 88 Bracket
expansion using fixed retainer 416, 418, 418f and attachment
appliances 262 technique 376 materials 508, 517
forming pliers 549f Benjamin’s theory 138 height gauge 551
index 119 Bennett’s classification 98 positioning
length 270 Bilateral instrument 551, 551f
tooth material facial asymmetry 219 removing pliers 552, 552f
discrepancy 263 sagittal split osteotomy 434, 440 Branches of orthodontics 2
perimeter analysis 189, 254 Bimaxillary protrusion 162 Branchial arches 28, 28f
wire 369 Biometric tests 19 Brass wire separators 372
materials 507 Bird-beak pliers 551f British standard classification of
Arrow pin clasp 347, 352f Bisecting angle technique 196 incisor relationship 98
Arrowhead clasp 347 Bite Broadbent registration point 210
Arthritides 465 Buccal
opening 425
Articulation of models 400 and lingual cervical
planes 392
Ashley Howe’s analysis 189 undercuts 347
registration 399, 4078, 408
Augmentation genioplasty 434 canine retractor 360f
Austenitic stainless steel 512 waxes 538 displacement 91
Australian wire 513 wing radiographs 197 implants 325f
Auxiliary Bjork, Grave and Brown inclination 91
force delivery systems 509 method 223 nonocclusion 276
springs 357 Blade implants 321 object rule 282
Blood flow theory 308 self-supporting canine
B Blue grass appliance 142 retractor 360
Backward path of closure 182 Bodily movement 300, 365 tubes 374
Baker’s anchorage 316, 317f Body Bud stage 45
Balancing extractions 267 centered cubic 512, 516 Burstone’s cephalometrics for
Ball end clasp 347, 351, 351f of mandible 40 orthognathic surgery 435
Ballard’s classification 98 Butler’s theory 164
Ballista springs 284 Button pull exercise 341
analysis 191, 254
and bar
index 191f C
space maintainer 333f plane 211 Calcium carbonate 532
type space maintainer 333 point 209 Canine
and spur appliance 416 tooth size ratio 180 classification 99
burnisher 549, 550f Bondable brackets 373 guided occlusion 86
contouring pliers 550, 550f Bonded lingual retainers 419, 419f loops 405
pusher 550 Bonding retractors 359
pliers 550f materials 508, 518 Cantilever spring 284
removing pliers 550, 551 systems 519 Cap stage 45
Index  563

Carabelli’s trait 119 Chemical methods 141 Complex tongue thrust 145
Care of Chin cup 390f Components of
cast 541 therapy 390 computer system 237
deciduous dentition 327 Chondrocranial ossification 30 extraoral appliance 382
Carey’s analysis 189, 190 Chrome cobalt 507 fixed orthodontic
Caries 364 alloys 514 appliances 368
Cartilaginous theory 23, 23f Chromic oxide 545 Frankel appliance 405
Cast removable appliances 346
Chromium 512
cap splints 259 servosystem 27
Chromosome 159, 160
retainers 416 Composite
Circumferential clasp 347, 348f
Catalan’s appliance 277, 338f coated arch wires 508
Catenary’s curve 57, 57f Circumoral muscles 341 resins 519
Causes of Citric acid 508 Computed tomography 233, 283
anterior Clark’s rule 282 Computerized cephalometric
cross bite 134 Classic Freudian theory 138 systems 240
open bite 134 Classification of Conditioning and crystal growth
crowding 133 active components 355 systems 508, 525
deep bite 134 clasps 347 Condylar
localized spacing 134 cleft lip and palate 474 hyperplasia 433
midline diastema 134, 272 crossbite 275 process 35
posterior habits 135 Cone shift technique 172
cross bite 134 implants 432 Congenital
open bite 134, 275 malocclusion 90 and developmental
Cementation of band 367 orthodontic bone disorders 465
Center of muscle disorders 465
appliances 344, 507
resistance 299, 299f heart disease 485
retainers 415
rotation 299 micrognathia 147
tongue thrust 144
Central processing unit 237 syphilis 129
Centric Cleft lip and palate 129, 162, Congenitally missing
contacts 85 473, 476f incisors 112, 113
holding cusps 84 Cleidocranial teeth 113
Cephalic index 118, 174, 174f dysostosis 129 Conservative management of
Cephalocaudal gradient dysplasia 162 malocclusion 455
growth 13, 13f Clockwise rotation 42f Construction
Cephalogram 200f Closed coil spring 371, 371f bite 398, 403
Cephalometric Coffin spring 261, 261f, 278, 359 of Adams’ clasp 349
analysis 212 Cognitive theory 71 Continuation of growth
landmarks 208, 209f Coil springs 284 pattern 249
radiographs 172, 198 Collagen hydroxyapatite Continuous positive airway
superimpositions 218 interface 309 pressure 482
tracing technique 211 Combination Contraindications of
Cephalometry 20 removable space
of retrognathic maxilla and
Ceramic brackets 373, 518 maintainers 330
prognathic mandible 289
Cerebral palsy 129 RME 259
pull headgear 385, 387f
Cervical Conventional
Command method 181
pull headgear 385, 387f brackets 373
spine 205 Competent lips 177 nipple 137
vertebrae 228f Complete tomography 233
Chapman method 222 maxillary osteotomy 437 Conversion instrument 552
Characters of mature swallow 61 overbite 279 Coon ligature-tying pliers 552f
564  Essentials of Orthodontics

Coordination of arch 436, 445 Delivery of removable Dewel’s method 336

Copper NiTi alloy 516 appliance 363 Dewey’s classification 97
Correction of Delta clasp 354, 354f Dewey-Anderson’s
crossbite 316f Density of bone 251 modification 97
crowding 247 Dental Diabetes mellitus 489
deep bite and crossbite 287 anterior openbite 274 Diameter of wire 357
developing crossbite 333 arch 58f Digital
mandibular deficiency 286 caries 128, 133 cephalometric radiographs 435
maxillary prognathism 286 crossbite 276 subtraction radiography 235
proclination 247 deep bite 279 Diploic vein channels 201
sagittal interarch distraction 446 Direct
relationship 263 device 447 bonding 368
skeletal malocclusion 383 drift 427 extraoral method 182
Corrective orthodontics 2 health component of index 115 intraoral method 182
Cosmetic parameters 213 Direction of
dentistry 455 stone 539 growth 22
surgeries 441 high strength 540 tooth movement 358
Cotton test 184 system 90 Disadvantages of
Cranial Dentoalveolar anterior fixed
base bones 20 crossbite 338 appliances 365
vault bones 20 Dentofacial space maintainers 331
Craniofacial microsomia 443 deformities 433 intraoral periapical
Craniosynostosis syndrome 433 orthopedic growth radiographs 197
Cranium 200 modification 3 proximal stripping 254
Crossbite 275 Dentomaxillofacial complex 206 removable
elastics 278, 370 Dentoskeletal analyses 212 appliances 346
Crown and loop appliance 332 Deoxyribonucleic acid 159 space maintainers 330
Crozat clasp 347, 354, 354f Derotation of posterior Disinfecting impression 187
Crystal growth systems 525 teeth 269, 269f Distal
CSF procedure 431 Design of anchorage system 389 displacement 91
Curve of Determination of end
Monson 85, 85f anterior ratio 192 cutter 553f
Spee 84, 90, 181f arch length 190 of long bones of
Wilson 84, 84f discrepancy 191 forearm 221
Cusp force magnitude 384 shoe space
embrasure occlusion 84 overall ratio 191 maintainer 332, 333f
fossa occlusion 84 tooth material 191 Distraction osteogenesis 442
Cusp-to-cusp occlusion 84 Development of Dizygotic twins 163
Custom made bands 366 autonomy 69 Double cantilever spring 277
basic trust 69 Down’s
D branchial arches 28 analysis 212, 213f
Davis cranial structures 29 syndrome 162
and Ritchie classification 474 dentition 47 Drawbacks of
rules 335 and occlusion 44 Angle’s classification 96
De La Rossa pliers 549 intimacy 70 Simon’s classification 98
Deciduous dentition period 46, 48 Development of Dual
Deep maxillary sinus 33 cured systems 508
bite 49, 278 nasal pits 29 energy X-ray
breath exercise 184 palate 32 absorptiometry 229
Delayed eruption of permanent perioral region 29 Dunlap’s beta hypothesis 141
teeth 128, 133 tongue 33 Duplex steels 514
Index  565

Dural sinuses 202 Eruptive tooth movement 303 F

Duration of tooth movement 320 Esthetic harmony 2 Fabrication of
Duyzing clasp 347, 352, 352f Ethmoid bone 31 acrylic portion 400
Evaluation of
E facial proportions 176
activator 399
Edgewise Adams’ clasp 349
path of closure 182
appliance 375f surgical hooks 445
space adequacy 430
brackets 373 Face
swallowing 185
Edward H angle 4f bow 385f
Examination of
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 483 adjusting pliers 553f
facial proportions 171
Elastic centered cubic 512
frenal attachments 178
chains 370, 370f Facial
gingiva and periodontium 178
modules 370, 371f angle 212
lips 171, 177
Elastic axis 211
nose 176
ring separators 372f bone 318
palate 178
separator pliers 553 symmetry 171 clefting syndrome 433
thread 284, 370 temporomandibular joint 184 divergence 219
Elastomeric tongue 177 impression techniques 538
chain 284 index 118
tonsils and adenoids 178
impression materials 538 plane 211
Exchange of incisors 51
Electrogalvanic stimulation symmetry 174
Exercises for
therapy 470 Ferritic stainless steels 512
lips 341
Electromyography 172, 230 Fetal alcohol syndrome 433
masseter muscles 342
Eliminating occlusal Fibonacci numbers 167
temporalis muscle 341
interference 327 Finger
Exercises of pterygoid muscles 342
Elongation of synchondrosis 37 nail biting 153
Extension of base plate 363
Elsahy’s modification of spring 358, 358f
External rotation 42
Kernahan’s striped “Y” sucking 127, 128, 137
Extraction of
classification 475
canines 265 Fishman’s
Endochondral bone formation
first method 226f
20, 21, 35
molars 266 skeletal maturity
premolars 265 indicators 225
disorders 127, 488
lower incisors 264 Fitted labial bow 355, 357
imbalance 128, 130
Endocrine tests 172 second Fixed
Endodontic stabilizers 322 permanent molars 266 appliance 142, 258, 278, 344,
Endosteal premolars 265 364, 416
and subperiosteal supernumerary retainers 419
implants 548 impacted and ankylosed techniques 375
implants 321 teeth 430 therapy 280
Enlow’s counterpart principle 27 teeth 327 functional appliances 391
Envelope of discrepancy 435, 435f third molars 267 retainers 416, 418
Epithelial coils 54 upper incisors 264 space maintainers 331
Epoxy resins 519 Extraoral tongue guard 146f
Eric Johnson and Brent Larson distraction appliance 445f Fixing orthodontic
classification of non-nutritive methods 268 attachments 431
sucking 136 radiographs 197 Flexible spiral wire 461
Erikson’s vertical osteotomy 434 Flexure of cranial base 31
eight ages of man 69 Extrusion of teeth 401 Fluid dynamic theory 308
theory 69 Eyelet clasp 347, 351, 352f Fluoridated etchants 508
566  Essentials of Orthodontics

Fluoride 530 General Hass appliance 258f

application 255 adaptation syndrome 468 Hawley’s
releasing systems 508 properties of orthodontic appliance 416
Flush terminal plane 48-50 wires 509 with fitted labial bow 417
Fluxes 513, 530 Genioplasty 434, 441, 441f retainer 273, 345, 353, 416, 416f
Fogh-Andersen’s Genital stage 68 Head strap 386f
classification 474 Gerber space regainer 339 Heat cure acrylic resins 543
Force Gingival and periodontal Height chart 14f
application 392 diseases 127 Helical canine retractor 360
delivery Glass ionomer cements 521, 522 Hemifacial microsomy 433
systems 508 Glutaraldehyde 187 Herbst appliance 409, 409f
unit 382 Gnathion 209 Herren’s modification of
elimination 392 Gold activator 402
generating unit 383 alloys 510 Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath 46
of mastication 55 solders 529 High
Forensic Goldenhar’s syndrome 433 arched palate 162
dentistry 493 Graber’s classification 128 labial bow 355, 356
odontology 493 Grain growth 512 pull headgear 385, 386f
orthodontics 493 Grayson analysis 218 Hixon and Oldfather’s
science 493 Graz implant supported analysis 189
Forward path of closure 182 system 322, 324, 433 Holography 16
Frankel Greulich and Pyle method 222 Homeostatic dysfunction 468
appliance 403, 405f Grewe’s method 337 Horizontal planes 210
philosophy 403 Growth Hotz modification 396
Frankel’s classification 72 axis 213 Howe’s utility pliers 554, 554f
Frankfort disorders 465 Howship’s lacunae 305, 306
horizontal plane 97, 176, 210, in height 13 Huckaba’s analysis 189
210f, 216 in weight 14 Human chromosomes 161f
mandibular modification 286 Hunter-Enlow growth
incisor angle 216 of root 54 equivalents concept 27
plane angle 216 spurts 11, 12f Hyalinization 307
Free hand soldering 531 Grummon’s analysis 218 Hydrofluoric acid 508
Freeway space 425 Guiding cusps 84 Hydrogen 531
Freud’s theory 69 Gum pads 46 Hydroxyapatite 309
Frontal cephalogram 198 Gypsum products 539 Hyperplasia 465
Frontonasal buttress 66 Hypertrophy 465
Function H Hypodontia 56
of flux 530 Hagg and Taranger method 227f Hypoplasia 465
regulator 403 Hammock ligament 54 Hypothesis testing 106
Functional Hand wrought roach clasp 353 Hypotrophy 465
crossbite 276 Handicapping Hyrax appliance 259f
cusps 84 labiolingual deviation
matrix index 110 I
and skeletal units 24 malocclusion assessment 114 Ideal requirements of
matrix theory 24, 24f Hard dental solder 529
Fusion temperature 530 solders 529 impression material 534
wire cutter 553 orthodontic
G Hardening heat treatment 512 appliance 345
Gag reflex 177 Harnessing natural growth study model 186
Gait 173 forces 250 spring 357
Gardner’s syndrome 162, 204 Haryettatal’s theory 138 Ideal tooth relationship index 116
Index  567

Impacted teeth 281 Intramaxillary anchorage 317 L

Impression Intramembranous bone Labial
plaster 534 formation 21 bow 405
technique in orthodontics 537 Intramucosal inserts 322 support wires 406
tray 536 Intraoccipital synchondrosis 38 Labiolingual
selection 537 Intraoral crown inclinations 89
Improper dental restorations 133 distraction appliance 445f technique 377
Incisor methods 268 Lahshal classification 475
classification 98, 98f periapical Laminated brackets 508
mandibular plane radiographs 255, 435 Lampshire’s classification 72
angle 214, 216 radiographs 196
occlusal plane angle 214 vertical
etching 525
retraction intramaxillary osteotomy 434
holography 235
anchorage 317f ramus osteotomy 441
Inclination of tooth 319, 383 Intrauterine fetal posture 285
cephalogram 198
Incompetent lips 177 Intrusion of teeth 400, 436
functional occlusion 86
Incomplete overbite 279 Invisible retainers 418, 419f
maxillary osteotomy 260
Indications for Iron-chromium-nickel-based
path of closure 183
adult orthodontic alloys 547
Law of tension stress 442
Irregularity index 114
treatment 450 Leeway space 52f
hand-wrist radiographs 221 J of Nance 52
proximal stripping 254 LeFort osteotomy 439f
Jack screw 261, 362f
removable Leone implant 433
expanders 261f
appliances 345 Leptorrhine 176
space maintainers 330 clasp 348, 348f Lesser wing 31
serial extractions 335 triad 2 Leveling curve of Spee 247
use of Jasper jumper 410, 410f Ligat director 554f
extraoral force 383 Joint Ligature
headgear for cervical sounds 466 director 554
pull 385 system 463 wire 284, 374
Indices of Juvenile Light
malocclusion 109 period 79 activated system 520
maturity 15 periodontitis 462 cure acrylic resins 544
Indirect rheumatoid arthritis 491 cured system 508
bonding 368 wire pliers 554, 555f
extraoral method 182 K Limitations of
Infantile swallow 60, 145f Karwetzky modification 402 muscle exercises 342
Infectious diseases 128, 130 Katz classification 100 osseous implants 324
Interarch malocclusions 91 Kernahan serial extractions 336
Interception of habit 150, 338 and Stark’s classification 475 Linderharth’s analysis 190
Interceptive orthodontics 2, 333 striped “Y” classification 474 Lingual
Interdental implants 324 Kesling’s appliance 378
Interincisor angle 215 separator 372 arch space maintainer 332
Interracial mixing 434 spring separators 372f crossover 406
Interrupted force 302 tooth positioner 418 displacement 91
Intersphenoidal synchondrosis 38 Kilroy springs 284 inclination 91
Intertransitional period 52 Kingsley classification 136 nonocclusion 276
Intra-arch malocclusions 91 Klinefelter’s syndrome 161 stabilizing bow 405
Intractable sucking 139 Korkhau’s analysis 190, 439 tipping 91
Intramatrix rotation 42, 42f Küfner osteotomy 439 tuberosity 40
568  Essentials of Orthodontics

Lip cleft lip and palate 477 Mental region 35

and nail biting 128 deaf child 485 Mentolabial sulcus 176, 176f
biting and lip sucking 151 thumb sucking 140 Mershon band pusher 550
bumper 396, 396f tongue thrust 146 Mesial
exercises 150 Mandibular inclination 91
index 119 canines 47 step terminal plane 51
pads 405 condyle 28 tipping 91
plumber 396 first premolars 47 Mesiobuccal rotation 91
sucking 127 plane 211f Mesiodistal crown angulations 89
Lischer’s classification 96 angle 213, 215 Metabolic disturbances 128, 130
Little’s index 114 prognathism 113, 129, 434 Metal injection moulding 518
Local protraction 404 Metallic brackets 373
adaptation syndrome 468 retrognathism 113, 434 Methods of
diseases 127 rotation 42 examination of swallowing 185
Location of tooth 430 second premolars 47 gaining space 253
Lock pins 374, 375f surgeries 440 gathering growth data 18
Long Mandibulofacial orthodontic attachment 284
axis dysostosis 162, 433 retention 415
of upper and lower Manner of force application 384 studying
incisors 211 Marfan’s syndrome 162 growth 19
rotation 301 Martensitic stainless steels 512 role of genes 163
labial bow 355 Mastery of skills 70 Micrognathia 162
Loss of periodontal support 461 Maternal rubella 129 Microimplants 324
Lower Mathieu ligature-tying pliers 555f Microstructure of soldered
incisor 215 Matrix rotation 42 joints 530
crowding 267 Mature swallow 61f Midarch analysis 193
lingual Maxillary Midface hypoplasia 443
arch 315f, 332f anterior teeth 257 Midline diastema 134f, 272
bar 416 canines 47 Midpalatal osteotomy 434
springs 405 collapse syndrome 112, 113 Millard’s modification of
Lysosomal acid protease 311 expansion syndrome 112, 113 Kernahan striped “Y”
first premolars 47 classification 475
M median diastema 113 Mills retractor 355, 356, 361, 361f
Macrognathia 162 posterior teeth 257 Mineral acids 525
Magnetic prognathism 434 Minor tooth movements 345
appliances 528 retrognathism 434 Mirror test 184
resonance imaging 232 surgeries 438f Missing
of TMJ 233f Maxilloalveolar index 119 muscles 433
Magnitude of force 384 Maxillothorax myotherapy 150 teeth 131
Maher’s theory 69 Maximum mouth opening 184f Mixed dentition 90, 252
Malalignment index 110 McCallins classification 100 analysis 192
Malar-zygomatic buttress 66 McNamara analysis 217 model analysis 189
Maleic acid 508 Measurement of arch period 46, 50
Malocclusion severity circumference 190f Mock surgery 436
estimate 113 Meckel’s cartilage 34 Mode of
Management of Medial pterygoid plate 31 action of
abnormal Frenal Median sagittal plane 97 clasps 347
attachments 328 Membranous bone formation 21 Frankel appliance 404
ankylosed teeth 327 Meningeal genetic transmission 160
appliance 400 calcifications 202 Modification of Adams’ clasp 350f
blind child 485 vessel grooves 201 Modified Adams’ clasp 354
Index  569

Moire topography 16 Nasopharyngeal diseases 127 Optimum orthodontic force 306

Moisture resistant primers 525 Neck strap 386f Orbicularis oris 62
Molar Neonatal skeleton 36 Orbital plane 97
clasp 347 Neoplasia 465 Organic acids 525
displacement 425 Neuroepithelial trophism 27 Orthodontic
distalization 383 Neuromuscular system 90, 127 appliance cleaners 544
Molybdenum 517 Neurotrophic process in arch wire materials 509
Monocrystalline 508 orofacial growth 26 cements 508, 520
Monosomy 161 Neurovascular dysfunction 467 in India 5
Monozygotic twins 163 Newer interdental systems 325 indices 110
Mosquito pliers 553, 554f Newton’s laws of motion 298 management of
Mouth Nickel ankylosed teeth 456
breathing 147, 339 hypersensitivity 381 cleft lip and palate 472
mirror test 184 titanium 507 cleidocranial dysplasia 480
Movement of posterior teeth in alloys 514 obstructive sleep apnea
sagittal plane 401 NiTi syndrome 482
Moyer’s arch wires 284 TMJ and occlusal
classification 127 load deflection curve 516t disorders 462
mixed dentition Nitric acid 508 minianchor system 325
analysis 189, 192 Nonfluoridated etchants 508 root resorption 312
theory 281 Nonfluoride releasing study models 185, 186f
Multidisciplinary systems 508 therapy 275
orthodontics 448 Nonfunctional tooth movement 3, 310
Multiple-piece maxillary treatment
cusps 84
planning 246
osteotomy 440, 440f occlusion 86
priority index 113
Muscle Non-nutritive
triangle 75f
contracture 465 digital sucking 138
Orthognathic surgery 433, 434
exercises 328, 333, 341 sucking 137
and stabilization 436
function adaptation 404 Nonsupporting cusps 84
O appliances 382
dysfunction 467
dysfunction 466
forces 422 Obstructive sleep apnea 482
traction 408
Myodynamic appliances 391 Occipital
Orthosystem implant systems 433
Myofascial pain dysfunction bone 30
Osseous implants 323
syndrome 297 pull headgear 387f
Ossification of palate 33
Myofunctional Occlusal Osteoarthritis 465
appliances 280, 344 equilibration 421 Osteoarthrosis 465
therapy 275,421 index 110, 113 Osteogenesis 20
Myotherapeutic exercises 146 plane 210f imperfecta 162
Myotonic appliances 391 angle 215 Overbite 112, 113
therapy 153
N Oligodontia 252 P
Nager’s syndrome 443 Omas system 433 Palatal
Nail biting 127 Open bow 405
Nance bite 92, 112, 113 canine retractor 360, 360f
Carey’s analysis 189 appliance 407 implants 325f
method 337 coil springs 371, 371f index 119
palatal arch 332f eruption 284 osteotomy 260
Nasolabial angle 177, 177f spaces during mixed plane 210
Nasomaxillary complex 80 dentition 144 vault 178
570  Essentials of Orthodontics

Panoramic radiographs 197, 283 Polymethylmethacrylate 548 Preventing Milwaukee brace

Parallel-action pliers with Polypropylene 548 damage 328
cutter 555, 555f Polysulfone 548 Primary dentition 90, 252
Paralleling technique 196 Polysulfide polymers 534 Principles of retention 346
Paranasal sinuses 203 Polytetrafluoroethylene 548 Procedure of proximal
Parental anxiety 76 Pont’s analysis 189 reduction 255
Passive Position of tooth in dental Process of sucking 138
maxillary obturator 478 arch 319, 383 Proclination of anterior teeth 269
muscle function 64 Posterior Prognathic mandibles 289
Payne technique 146 centric contacts 85 Prolonged retention of
Peck and Peck index 189 cross bite 92, 113, 276 deciduous teeth 132
Peer assessment rating index 114 facial height 425 Properties of dental solders 530
Pendulum appliance 268, 268 nasal spine 210 Protraction
Pentagon analysis 168 open bite 113, 275 face mask therapy 388
Period of part of body of sphenoid 31 headgear 386
embryo 28 Posteroanterior cephalometric Protrusion of incisors 401
fetus 28 analysis 218 Protrusive functional occlusion 86
occlusal development 46 Posteruptive tooth Proximal stripping 254f
ovum 28 movement 303 Psychoanalytical theory 67
Periodontal ligament 54, 313, 451 Postnatal growth of Psychological
traction 422 cranial development 11, 66
Permanent dentition 90, 252 base 36 methods 140
model analysis 189 vault 36 Psychosocial theory 69
period 46, 53 mandible 40 Pterygoid buttress 66
Persistence of supernumerary Pulp 313
maxilla 38
teeth 56 growth theory 54
TMJ 43
Petrovic’s servosystem theory 27
Postsurgical orthodontics 441 Q
Phases of
development of thumb Quad Helix 261
alginate 535
sucking 139 appliance 142, 261f, 278
titanium fluoride 535 Qualitative methods of
orthodontic treatment 252
Preadjusted edgewise recording malocclusion 94
tooth movement 309, 310f
appliance 378f
Phonetic method 181
Pierre Robin syndrome 443
Pre-eruptive tooth movement 303 R
Premature loss of deciduous Rabey’s morphanalysis 16
Pillowing habits 154
Pin and ligature wire tooth 132 Ramus 40
cutter 555, 555f Prenatal blade 322
Pinching of band 367 development of frame 322
Pineal gland 202 mandible 34 vertical osteotomy 434
Pitted solder joints 533 maxilla 32 Random access memory 238
Placement of brass separators 372f growth of temporomandibu- Rapid maxillary
Plaster of Paris 539 lar joint 35 expansion 255, 278, 389
Plastic brackets 373, 374 Preorthodontic trainer 146, 340 Rare facial clefts 476
Polyacid-modified Preparation of Read only memory 238
composite resins 523 cast 349 Rectangular wire 369f
Polyalkenoic acids 522 wire elements 400 Reduction genioplasty 434
Polyarthritides 465 Preprosthetic alignment 455 Reinforce intraoral anchorage 383
Polycarbonate 508, 518 Pressure tension theory 308 Reinforced anchorage 315
Polycrystalline 508 Presurgical Removable
Polymeric acids 525 orthodontics 436 appliances 142, 257, 280,
Polymethylene 548 orthopedics 478 344, 345
Index  571

distal shoe space Salzmann’s classification 128 parameters 212

maintainer 331 Sargent’s heavy-duty pliers 555 system 90
partial denture 416 Sassouni Smart clasp 354, 354f
plates 278 analysis 216 Soft tissue
prosthesis 480 physioprints 16 analysis 215
retainers 416 Scammon’s growth curve 12, 12f irritation 364
space maintainers 329 Schuchardt and Pfeiffer’s Soldered grate appliance 142
Removal of dental symbolic classification 474 Southend clasp 347, 351, 351f
compensations 445 Schwarz clasp 352, 352f Space
Resin-modified cements 522 Scissors bite 92, 92f regainer 340f
Respiratory disturbance index 482 Sealants and adhesion regaining 333, 339
Resta clasp 350 promoters 508, 524 Speech therapy 147
Retained infantile swallow 145 Second transitional period 52 Sphenoethmoidal
Retention of rotations 274 Selection of magnitude of synchondrosis 38
Retrognathic maxilla 289 extraoral force 388 Sphenoid bone 31
Retrusion of incisors 401 Self-cure acrylic resins 543 Sphenooccipital synchondrosis 37
Reverse Self-ligating brackets 373 Spider screw 433
labial bow 355, 356, 361, 361f Self-supported springs 357 Split labial bow 355, 356
pull headgear 385, 389f Semifixed appliance 344 Spot welder 533f
Rheumatic fever 485 Separation of teeth 366 Spring retainer 416, 420, 420f
Rheumatoid arthritis 465 Sequence of Square wire 369f
Rhythm of growth 11 color code in cephalometric Stamp cusps 84
Ribbon arch brackets 373 superimposition 212 Statistical test 106
Rigid labial bow 316 treatment in orthodontics 455 Status of dentition 47
Ring Steiner ligature-tying
Serial extractions 334, 430
chromosomes 161 pliers 556, 556f
separators 372 Steiner’s analysis 214
amalgam plugger 556
Robert’s retractor 356, 361, 361f Step index 119
band plugger 556
Role of Steps in
Short labial bow 355
apical foramen 251 banding 366, 368
Shovel shaped incisors 119
cosmetic restorations 273 construction of
Silicone rubber materials 545
extraction 287, 290 Adam’s clasp 350
Silver solders 529
functional appliances 288 orthodontic study
growth 251 models 187
classification 97
occlusion 422 soldering procedure 531
orthodontist 78, 487, 494 law of cuspid 98 Sterilization in orthodontics 243
third molars 422 system 97 Straight wire appliance 378
Root Simple Strang’s steps for proper
formation 46 anchorage 315f classification 91
length 318, 383 tongue thrust 144 Streptococcus
Roth’s concept of functional Singer’s method of mutans 379
occlusion 88 assessment 224 viridans 291
Round wire 369f Skeletal Stress-strain curve 510f
anchorage system 322, Stretched periodontal
S 323, 433 ligament 249
Sagittal anterior open bite 274 Structural disorders 161
appliance 268 cross bite 276 Stylomandibular ligament
deviation 99 deep bite 279 inflammation 465
plane malocclusions 92 jaw malrelations 264 Subapical osteotomy 434
procedures 434 malocclusions 91, 93, 93f Submucosal implants 321
split osteotomy 434 maturity indicators 220 Subperiosteal implants 322, 323
572  Essentials of Orthodontics

Sucking reflex 137 Titanium 517, 518 Treatment planning in

Supernumerary teeth 131 molybdenum alloys 516 mixed dentition 252
Surface niobium 508, 517 permanent dentition 253
remodeling of mandible and Tongue postpermanent dentition 253
maxilla 40f blade therapy 338f primary dentition 252
tension of solder 530 sucking 154 Triangular
Surgical thrusting 127, 142, 339 clasp 347, 351, 351f
exposure of impacted Tooth force concept 62
teeth 430 brushing 380 Triple-beaked pliers 556, 557f
lip closure 478 crown index 119 T-spring 359f
orthodontics 2, 429 displacement 113 Tube shift technique 282, 282f
palate closure 479 eruption 302 Turner’s syndrome 161
Sutural theory 23 germ 47 Tweed
of growth 23f mobility 305, 364 loop-forming pliers 557, 557f
Svanholt and Solow analysis 218 width index 119 method 337
Synchondroses 37f Torquing springs 371f triangle 216f
Systemic diseases 127 Total Twin block appliance 408, 408f
dentition space analysis 193 Types of
T bands 366
finger ridge count 495
Tanaka Johnston analysis 189 bonding 367
space analysis 189
Tanner and Whitehouse cephalograms 198
Trajectories of
method 222 cusps 84
force 65
Taranger method 222 device 446
mandible 66
Technique of soldering 531 force 301, 301f
maxilla 66
Telescoping bite 92f function regulators 404
Transcutaneous electrical nerve
Temporal bone 31 growth data 17
stimulation 470
Temporary anchorage device 321 Herbst appliance 409
Transient malocclusion 272
Temporomandibular malocclusion 91
Transoral vertical ramus
joint 35, 81, 184, 314 solders 529
tomography 233f osteotomy 441
teeth 248
Theories of Transosteal implants 322
tooth movement 248, 299, 300f
constant proportions 62 Transpalatal arch 315f, 332
deglutition 62 Trans-sagittal deviation 99 U
expulsion 62 Transverse U loop canine retractor 359, 359f
growth 23 deviation 99 Ugly duckling stage 52f
integral function 62 plane malocclusions 92 Unerupted central incisors 113
negative pressure 62 Traumatic Unfavorable sequelae of
retention 414 occlusion 83 malocclusion 2
tooth movement 308 ulcerations 380 Upper
Therapeutic Treacher Collins syndrome 443 incisor 215
extractions 429 Treatment of lingual arch 142
occlusion 83 anterior Use of
Thickness of base plate 363 crossbite 277, 290 acrylic resins in
Third finger openbite 275 orthodontics 543
distal phalanx 227 bony defects 460 base plate 362
middle phalanx 226 deep bite 280 cephalograms 199
Three alarm system 142 posterior crossbite 278, 290 computer in orthodontics 238
Thumb sucking 127, 128, 137, 339 skeletal anterior crossbites crowns and prosthesis 271
Tip edge technique 378 during growth period 277 fixed appliances 270, 271, 274
Index  573

lip bumper 396 W Z

open coil springs 268 Zinc
Wassmund technique 437
removable oxide eugenol 534
Water test 184
appliance 270, 271, 273 phosphate cements 521
Weingart utility pliers 558, 558f
tongue blade 277 polycarboxylate cements 521
Weldable brackets 373
V White and Gardiner’s silicophosphate 521
classification 128 Zirconium 517
Van der Linden’s
Wilkinson extraction 266 silicate 546
retainer 417, 417f
William James classification 135 Z-spring 358f
Van Limbourgh’s theory 25
Zygoma anchorage
Various indices of occlusion 111 Wilson’s
system 322, 324, 433
Vasoactive intestinal classification 72
polypeptide 311 W arch appliance 262, 262f
Veau’s classification 474 Wolff’s law of transformation
Vertical of bone 66
plane malocclusions 92 Wright’s classification 73
pull chin cup 390 Wunderer’s
Vestibular arena of modification 401
operation 403 technique 437
Visick clasp 347, 353, 353f Wylie analysis 217

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