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Fourth edition Headway Beginner Workbook with key John and Liz Soars hy be OXFORD Contents SS ete see STEED (CD-ROM for AUDIO BANK, UNIT TESTS, LINKS anc WRITING SUPPORT UNITY Introductions 4 amn/are/is Nice to meet you 5 How are your 5 Vocabulary Whats this in English? 6 Numbers 1-10 6 Plurals 7 Everyday English Good morning! 8 Don't forget! Revision 9 mn Countries 10 am/are/is Her name. {She from un Listening Ataparty R Questions R Adjectives good/anfl 2 Reading Where are they? B Ustening She's from Berlin “4 Everyday English ‘Numbers 11-30 4 Don't forget! Revision 15 re Jobs 16 isorisn't 16 ‘Questions and negatives islisnt "7 Negatives and questions Tm notithey arent 18 Listening ‘An interview with Ella 1» Vocabulary Revision » Everyday English Social expressions (1) 20 Don't forget! Revision a nz] Possessives Possessive § 2 ylouriher 2B Vocabulary The family 2B hhas/ have Alfie and his family 4 Listening Alfie mu Reading Who’ happy? 25 Vocabulary Revision 6 Pronunciation theyre or their? 6 Everyday English ‘The alphabet 6 On the phone 26 Don't forget! Revision Sports/food/drink 28 Things | Uke like coffee 2» Present Simple - /you/they ‘The swimmer Michael Phelps 30 Questions Negatives 30 Listening Gracie and her parents 3 Vocabulary Languages and nationalities 3 Everyday English How much ist? 32 Dont forget! Revision 33 rn The time 4 Present Simple —he/she Cathy and George 35 Questions 35 Cathy's bedroom 36 do/does/am/is/are 37 Pronunciation -sat the end of a word 37 Prepositions inlatfon 37 Vocabulary ‘Words that go together 37 Reading Barack Obama 38 Everyday English Days of the week 39 Dont forget! Revision 39 Ce Questions An interview with Johnny Depp 40 Question words 41 Why? Because 4 Pronouns and possessves ‘mel him 2 mylhis 2 this/ that 2 Vocabulary adjectives -happy/miserable B Everyday English Can h.2 4“ Don't forget! Revision 45 Rooms and furniture 46 There is/There are In the garden 7 Prepositions on/underinext to 8 Vocabulary Revision - Vancouver 8 Everyday English Directions ” Reading Berkhamsted 50 Don't forget! Revision 3 ne Saying years 52 was/were ‘was born 53 Questions 33 Negatives, 33 Reading ‘Andy Warhol and Princess Diana 54 Past Simple Irregular verbs 55 Vocabulary hhaveldo/go 56 Everyday Eng Months and dates 56 Don't forget! Revision 7 oan Past Simple Regular verbs 58 Pronunciation t/ /d hd’ 58 Telling stories 58 Kevin week 59 ‘Questions and negatives 59 ‘Making conversation Was ita good match? 60 Time expressions 60 infation Vocabulary Sport and leisure activities ot {gor play? 61 Reading A holiday in Disneyland «2 Everyday English Going sightseeing 6 Don't forget! Revision 63 oa «an/can't «cook | run fast 64 ‘Questions and short answers 65 Negatives 65 Pronunciation ‘kan and /kaznt) 65 ‘Adverbs very well not at all 66 Requests and offers Can bn? Can you.? 66 Reading ‘Meet ASIMO o7 Vocabulary Adjective + noun 68 Everyday English Everyday problems 68 Don't forget! Revision 69 man ‘What's in the basket? 7 some/any ‘Adams shop 7 Questions 70 alike Te ikea... a ike to 71 (Offering things What would you ike? 71 like and would like like dancing/would like to dance n Pronunciation Jel fist ful ff 7 Vocabulary Food 73 Reading English food ” Don't forget! Revision 75 UNIT3 Colours and clothes 76 Present Continuous Shes wearingltalking 7 Questions 7 Negatives 78 Present Simple oF Continuous? 7% Reading Todays different 7 Vocabulary Opposite verbs 7 English ‘Whats the matter? 80 Don't forget! Revision 81 Future plans _going fo study workI travel 2 What are you doing tomorrow? 3 Revision Alltenses Pm Irregular verbs 4 Vocabulary Lists - Monday/ Tuesday. 85 ‘Words that go together 85 Form filing 86 Everyday English Social expressions (2) 7 Don' forget! Revision 7 Tapescripts 88 Answer key 92 Phonetic symbols 103 Introductions * am/are/is * What's this in English? + Numbers HO Plurals * Good morning! Introductions 1 @ Complete the conversations. 2 @ Complete the conversations. My ‘names your My(x2) name Whats 1 A Hello, tm Adam, B Belle. - 2B name’ Kate. What's name? © Charlie, 2 B Hello, name’ Bonnie, 3. H I'm Harry. What's your ? 3 € Hello, My__Chris. A name’ Alfie. 4 Unit + Hello! am/are/is Nice to meet you 3 @& Complete the conversations. 1 A Carl, this is Liliana Moretti. Hello, Liliana, My name’ Cael Erikson, L. Hello, Carl. Nice you. 2 B Ruby, Husain Malouf. R Hello, Husain meet you. H you. 3 € Liliana, Ruby. Ruby, Liliana, L Hello, Ruby. Liliana Moretti R Hello, Ruby Harrison, L you. R And 4 Are these first names or surnames? | 2 Hello, Michael. ‘Smith john fla McKenna ‘Luke Robert Bond Ruby Johnson Alice Harry Sophie Joshua Blackman Catherine How are you? 5 @ Put the words in order to make conversations. E Hi,Ben, How are __you_¢ thanks / Fine , Ella, And you? (OK /1'm / thank you. you / How / are well / very / you/ And MI'm thanks, 2 if First names | John Surnames | Smith 3 Alice / Hi R How are you? How / you / are A. Timfine, thank you, Robert, ___? thank / well / Very R you. Unit + Hello! 5 Vocabulary What's this in English? 6 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. ‘ACROSS Numbers 10 7 Write the numbers in full. 6 Unit + Hello! 8 @ Write the numbers you hear. 4 g Plurals 9 Write what you see in the pictures. © fib obB °# _two taxis a ES REDE #2 Ab SOO ALA ANA LZARL SsCestese 6oe8g 8 6 80 6 8 10 @ Listen and write the words in the chart. restaurants hotels il th hal buses footballs restaurants hotels buses taxis hospitals sandwiches coffees houses pizas teachers students photographs Listen and repeat. Unit 1 + Hello! Everyday English Good morning! 11 @ Write the conversations. Goodbye! Good-merning! Good night! Good afternoon! 12 @ Complete the conversations. ‘cup of tea, please What alovely day today! Byel See you tomorrow! Have ance day! Sleep well! Bye! See you ater! 1A _Whata lovely day today! 3 B Its, isnt it? B Yes. After school. B And you 4A SA oA B Certainly. B Bye! B Good night! 8 Unit] + Hello! Don't forget! Grammar 13 Complete the chart. Verb to be | Short form | i om You Youre tt “ 15 Complete the sentences with words in the box. m me Ss Um __ James. What ___ your name? How you? Katherine. My name I fine, thanks. you OK? It___abook. Write the correct answer. 1 My name's Pablo. al obMy 2 Howare__? a you your 3. What your name? as bare 4 'm very well. at ob My 5 Tm fine, thank___. a you your 6 What’s___name? a you your alm 16 Underline the correct answer, 1 A Hello, Alice! B I'm very well. / Hi, John! 2A Howare you, Alice? B I'm fine, thanks. / Nice to meet you. 3A Nice to meet you. B 'mfine./ And you. 4A Goodbye! B_ Bye! See you tomorrow! / Thank you. 5A What’ this in English? B Isbook / Ita book. Punctuation 17 Write capital letters where they are necessary. 1 i'm peter. what's your name? Pm eter. What's your name? 2. myname’ anna, 3 what’ this in english? 4 itsa computer. 5 howare you, mika? 6 i'm fine, thank you. is my are your Unit 1 + Hello! 9 Countries + am/are/is + Hername’.../She's from... * Questions + Adjectives good/awful + Numbers 11-30 Sod Countries ‘ACROSS 1. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword a aul Zz’ wt d 2 @ Write the countries from the crossword in the correct column. Spain hina Japan Listen and repeat. 10 Unit2 + Your world am/are/is Her name's... /She'’s from... 3. Write the words in the correct column. she James Anna his Tatiana her Henry he Q Gt | ames 4 Complete the sentences with the words His or Her. Het _ name's Rosely. name’ Laszl6. 5 Complete the sentences with the words She or He. He's Simon, y Hayley, 6 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Shes Hes Her His 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 His name's Yong. He's from China. name’ Hayley. name’ Karima, names Kevin, name’ Rosely. names Simon. name's Tatiana, name's Lészl6. from Australia, from Egypt. from the United States. from Brazil from England. from Russia from Hungary. ‘name's Yong. a name’ Tatiana. of Kevin. Karima. 7 @ Listen and match a question in A with an answer in B. A B 1 Whats her name? La Hisnames Davi 2. Where’ she from? [1] > Hernames Carla 3. Whats his name? Le besfrom England 4. Where’ he from? [4 she’ from tay. Unit2 + Yourworld 11 Listening Ata party 8 @ Listen and complete the conversation. J Hello! What's your name? s My name’ Svana, J Hi, Svana. — Jeff. s Jeff. J are you, Svana? Ss Tm , thanks. J Where. from, Svana? s Oslo, J. Ob! Is that in Sweden? S No! in Norway, of course! J Oh, yes! Look at that girl! Over there! S Yes, name’ Ingrid, J from? S She from Norway too. J Isshea friend? s ry sister. J Oh! Questions Adjectives 9 @ Match a question in A and an answer in B. good/awful [a 8 10 Write an adjective on the correct line. 1 Whatshisname? Ca tmfine thankyou ‘ood awful fantastic 2 Where's she from? [1] b Hisname’s Henry. seilygood _OK bed 3 How are you? Cle ttsadietionary 4. Areyou from aly? (4 trsintondon © ’s this in English? ‘e_She’ from Japan. coast EFT OO te QO — © ® bad @@® 12 Unit2 + Your world Reading 11 @ Read about the people. Where are they? Write in a country ~ Egypt, Malaysia or England. Where are they? Ann and James are on holiday. They're in Europe. The ‘weather is bad, but the holiday is really good. The food is OK. The building in the photograph is over 150 years old. It is the home of kings and queens. It’s in the centre of the city. ‘its a fantastic building! says Ann. Carla and Pedro are on holiday. They're in Africa. The ‘weather is very good, and the holiday is great. "The people are really nice’ says Carla, "but the heat is awful! The buildings in the photograph are in a desert near a town, They are 5,000 years old. They are the homes of dead kings and queens. Catherine and Anthony are on holiday. They're in Asia, The weather is OK and the holiday is really good The food is international. The buildings in the photograph are in a park. They're new just 12 years old, They are offices for petrol companies and other businesses. “The buildings are beautiful says Anthony. | They're in 12 Are the sentences true (¥) or false (X)? ‘Ann and James Carla and Pedro Catherine and Anthony 1 (J) They are on holiday. 4] They are in England. 7 (They are in Europe. 2 [J Theyare in the United States. 5 [[] ‘The holiday is really good. 8 [1 he holiday is awful. 3 [J The building is old 6 C1] The building is very old. 9 C1 The buildings are new. Unit2 + Yourworld B Listening Shes from Berlin 13 @ Listen to Sofia and Adam, ‘Underline the correct answer. 1. She’ from Berlin / Birmingham. 2 Sofia is a doctor / a teacher. 3 Her school / hospital isin the centre of town, 4 Her students are from Germany / the US. ‘Adam is from Los Angeles! Sydney. He’ a doctor / a teacher. His school / hospital is in the centre of town. ‘The building is awful / fantastic. Underline what you hear. He/She’ a teacher. She’ Hes a doctor. Her] His name's Adam. His/ Her name’s Sofia. She’ | He's married. He / Shes married. Her] His students are from the US. His/ He’ from Sydney 14 Unit2 + Your world Everyday English Numbers 11-30 15 Match the numbers and the words, 21 (22 19 sixteen 26 12 16 eleven 15 30 25 nineteen 28 20 ~~ tantysx twenty-eight 11 twenty-one 16 Write the numbers. 23 twenty-three 17 seventeen it 24 8 24 4 a 17 @ Listen, Write the numbers you hear, Don’t forget! Grammar 18 19 20 ‘Complete the chart. Verb tobe Short form 1 tim You He Hes She is t They Complete the sentences with a word in the box. m owe 8 ib fe 1 How #8 _ you today? 1___very well, thanks. 2 Where ___ you from, Suzanne? 1___from France. 3. Where ‘They Jack and Maria on holiday? in Florida. the weather good? Yes, it It fantastic, 5 Where they from? ‘Maria___ from Spain. Jack Write the correct answer. 1A. Where’ Maria from? B Shs from Spain. aHes —b Shes Is that man from Germany? B No, from Italy. ahis 0 he’s Ishea student? B Yes. a Hisname is Freddy. b Hesname How are you today? a Fine, thanks. And you? Goodbye! Have a nice day! b Thank you. OK? a Very well. b Thankyou. And you. from Canada, Vocabulary 21 Write the word in English. 1 _acomputer 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Pronunciation 22 Your and you're are pronounced the same /j:/. Complete the sentences with your or you'e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What's Your name? You're _ from Japan. a student. “This is book. from Moscow. Is this phone? @ Listen and repeat. he’s his her she’s Unit2 + Yourworld 15 Jobs + am/are/is * Questions and negatives * Vocabulary revision * Social expressions (1) CE Jobs 1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. zi is or isn't? ACROSS DOWN 2. Complete the sentences. a bus driver. 2. She a police officer 3. It___aphone. He __a taxi driver. She __a shop assistant It___acamera. 16 Unit3 + Allabout you Questions and negatives is/isn't IDENTITY CARD 3 Complete the identity card - " surname | Jenkins ‘ADDRESS | Paul | SURNAME | England | Jae crossand Avenue, PHONE NUMBER | tondoawwsar. {| tos | 070 74665002 PRsTNAME | orr7s 2ese7s MOBILE NUMBER as | nar | engineer MARRIED OFFICIAL USE ONLY | No ouerone %459 84 DL SIGNATURE | Paulenkins country - a 4 ® Write the questions about Paul in exercise 3. 5 @ Correct the information about Paul. 1 _What's his surname? 1 His surname is Ford a is urmame ion Ford, I’ Jonkine. 2 2.2 Hes from Australia Paul po Hes, England. . # 4 Heb a student, 46, Crossland Avenue, London NWS 4PL. 5 : mivaeEE 5 Hes married 6 Hes single 5 ees , § @ Answer the questions about Paul. Use short 26. : han ‘ 1 hisurname eins He an engineer. Nessitis, $ 2 Ishe from Canada? No he isnt No,heis' 3. Ishe from London? 4 Ishe 24? 5 Ishea student? 6 Ishean engineer? Unit3 + Allabout you 17 Negatives and questions I'mnot/they aren't 7 Make negative and positive sentences. 1 I/mot/a teacher. I/student Um not a teacher. ma studer 2 Peter/not/a taxi driver. He/a bus driver. 3. We/not /from Spain. We/ from Italy 4. I/not married, 1/ single 5 You/not/a nurse, You/a student. 6 Paul and Donny McNab /not/doctors. They/ singers ina band Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 from / brothers / Where / the / are Where are the brothers trom 2 “They're from Ireland. 2. from / Bo / Sweden /Is No, he’ from Australia, 3 his/ job / Whats Hea nurse. 4 on/ Where / tour / are / they 8 Look at the photo of the band, Metro 5. Write the correct answer. 1 Paul and Donny #@ brothers ais bare 2 ‘they from Scotland. They're from Ireland. a aren't isnt 3. A Whoare the singers in your band? B We all singers! aam bare 4A Are youa bus driver? B a bus driver! I'm a builder! a tno b Fmnot 5 A Are you tired at the moment? B We tired! We're very happy! a arent isnt 6 Bo married. Ronan is married aisno —b isn't ‘They're on tour in the United States. 5. Usa / band /1s/ with / the No, she isn't. She’ in Australia. METRO 5 18 Unit3 + Allabout you Listening Vocabulary An interview with Ella Revision 10 @) Listen to the conversation with Ella 12. Complete the words from this unit. Complete the information, IDENTITY CARD OFFICIAL USE ONLY x2099701, 204 Park Place 4- 4 New York isa.©. Worknumber 212-786- very small. Cellphone 41-488 5. Mike is at work. Hes very t oa a 6 Mybrother Tony is very 4. A from me, We arent the same. Married Sioa gy Smith 7 The train §. in the centre of town. 8 A ‘Where are yout” B ‘Tm! Whereare you?” 9 A ETORTID?” ‘Complete the lines from the interview. B 1 1 [know your frst__name’s Ella, but what's your surname 7 10 Suzie is very tomorrow. Its her birthday 2 How __are you, Ella? 3. And you live in Brooklyn, right? What's your 2 @ 4 What’ your ‘number at 2 5 What’ your phone number? \ 6 Now, you work in newspapers, but what's 7 An married? Unit3 + Allabout you 19 Everyday English Social expressions (1) 13@ Write a line from the box in the correct place. Tmsony. _Aeapoftea-please Excusemel __That'sallright. _—_‘Idontunderstand. I don't know. 1 A Acup of tea, please. 4A 1 Can T have the menu, please? B That's 90p. B Certainly. 2A 5 A ECORTIMN? B Dont worry. It's OK. B fm sorry. 3. A Thank you very much, 6 A. Excuse me! Where’ the Regal Hotel? Bo B T'msorry 20 Unit3 + Allabout you Don’t forget! Grammar 14 Complete the chart Verb to be Positive | Negative Trmnat You He Heisnt She It We They 15 Write the correct answer. 1 A Hello, Peter, B lmnot a Tmnot Peter, I'm Hans. b Lamn't 2. A Youand Daniella are from Russia right? B a Weno from Russia, Were from Slovakia, > Wearent 3 A Romeis in Spain, isnt it? a Itnois in Spain! It in Italy! b itisnt 4A Where’ your phone? B als b its 5 She's French, b Her a She's 6 Hans is German, a His b Hes in my bag. name’ Antoinette. from Berlin. Prepositions 16 Write a preposition from the box. ind) ata) from with of 4) on We're 4t school now. Emrah is Turkish. He’ ‘Turkey, ‘The Empire State Building is__ New York. “Moscow is the capital Russia tea, please? holiday in Spain at the moment. me and my boyfriend. My flat is__ the centre__ town. Look ___ the park! It’s so beautifull 10. Read the interview _ the band Metro 5. My brother is ‘This is a photograph 1 2 3 4 5. Hello. Can Thave a cup 6 7 8 9 Numbers 17 Write the number. 14 nineteen — twelve — twenty-one —_ seventy-five — fifty — fifteen — eight — forty-two —— ten —— thirty-eight 18 Write the number as a word. 31 thirty-one 45 Unit3 + Allabout you 21 Possessive 5» my/our/her...» The family + has/have * Vocabulary revision + The alphabet nena Possessives Possessive 's 1 @ Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the names of the people + 5. 1 Mike's car is a Mercedes. 5 office isin the centre of town. 2 phone is on the table. 6 pizza looks fantastic! 3 computer is an Apple Mac. 7 boyfriend is from Texas. 4 dictionary is on the table, 8 Benis dog, my/our/her.... 2 @ Complete the sentences with an adjective inthe box. you My His Ou ‘Ther Her — classroom isvery small My dogs ame is Ben Vocabulary The family 3. Look at the family tree. Complete the crossword with the name of the family relative. carrie ACROSS DOWN 3 Dave, Petra, and Belle are 1_‘James and Carrie are Carrie’ (8) Belle’ @ 7 James is Dave's (6) 2 Petrais James (8) 8 Dave is Carrie's (3) 4 Jamesis Car a) 4 9 Carrie is Petra’ (6) 5 Daveis Belles a Dave Petra belle 10. Carrie is James’ (4) 6 Petra is Dave's (6) Unit 4 + Family and friends 23 has/have Alfie and his family 24 Unit 4 + Family and friends 4 @ Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences about Alfie and his family. 1 Hehas a BMW motorbike. 2 They have nice house 3 She a Canon camera, 4 They two children, 5 alot of CDs. 6 a guitar. 7 a Mercedes. 8 Toshiba computer. 9 abicycle Listening 5. @ Listen to Alfie talking about his life and his family. Are the sentences true (7) or false (X)? im is Alfie's wife 1 2 [x] Their house is very big. 3. [JHe and Kim havea house in north London, 4 )Hlis sister, Alice, has a house in their street. 5 [Alice has four children. 6 [Alfie and Kim have two children and a cat. 7 [heir daughter's name is Penny. 8 []Kims office is thirty miles from their house. 9 CJ Alfie’ office is in the centre, 10 [Kim and Alfie aren't happy in their jobs. 6 Complete the questions 1 What’s_his wife's name? Kim 2 What's name? Alice 3. What's name? Penny 4 What's name? Archie 5 Whats name? Ben 7 Complete the lines from Alfie talking about his life. 1 ur house is nice, but it isnt very bia 2. Mysister, Alice, ahouse in our street. 3 Our children and children are at the same school. 4 The school is near our house. 5 My office is miles from our house. both happy in our jobs. Reading 8 @ Read about these people. Use your dictionary. Answer the questions, Who’ 5 happy? Rich people are happy people. True or false? Roman Abramovich Roman Abramovich is a businessman from Russia, He has $235 billion, He has five houses in London. He also has a farm in Colorado, USA, anda vila in the south of France. He has five yachts. He also has a lot of, planes — a Boeing 767, an Airbus A340, and three helicopters, He has a lot of cars, too. And he has a football club, Chelsea FC. He has five children. His girlfriend, Daria Zhukova, has a modern art gallery in Moscow. He has a lot of problems. Is he happy? Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth Il of England is one of the richest women in the world. She has $600 million. She has a house in Scotland, Balmoral, and a house in Sandringham, in the east of England. She has paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Vermeer, Canaletto, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Monet. She also has a lot of dogs and horses. She has four children, Her husband, Prince Philip, is from Greece. She has a lot of problems. Is she happy? Tony and Abigail Jones Tony has @ house in London,’Qur house is small, but we love it. My wife's name is Abigail We both have good jobs. Abigal’s @ police officer and I'm a teacher We have two children, liver and Jess and their school is ve minutes from our house. We have an old Renault “Ihave some money, but not a lot. Problems? Of course we have problems! Everyone has problems! But we're very happy! Are the sentences true (¥) or false (X)? Roman Abramovich Queen Elizabeth Tony and Abigail 1 [X)He is English 4 (she has a house in America. 7 [They have a big house. 2 [ZJHe has lots of houses. 5 [Her paintings are famous. 8 [J They have two children 3. []He has problems. 6 (Her husband is Italian. 9 [they're rich, Unit4 + Family and friends Vocabulary Everyday English Revision The alphabet 9 Match a line in A with a line in B. 11 @ Listen to a definition and then write the word. A 8 Your mother and father and brothers and sisters 1 Mydadisabig Chelsea | [7] a. of England cam Ly, 2 mysersastusert §— |) 4 cog 3 Gathemnetemybest |e muse po abcde 4 ip hop my favour 2 .. Phopismy favourte |) g have areal good tim. fg hijk 5. havea part-time Cle fea 3 J 6 When im with my 4 pipe OF amen ImnoP 7 Therhouseisinthenonth | [1] fan qrs tu 8 Ihavea lot of (Ob jobina restaurant. 7 a wy Co Vv Yz Pronunciation On the phone they're or their? 12 @ Listen. Complete the phone conversation, 10 They're and their sound the same (Seal. Complete the serenoes with theyre oc thelr: A Good morning, The British Tourist Authority Mhycenaeapy eae Mtns ae are at the same school a Thais etedeclaaa A Ofcourse. (4) nameis...? 3 teachers are very good. Really fantastic, | |» mon onm ° , AMORR.. e peste Witte Ean B No, no! M-O-R-E-double L-L Just (5) R. 5 ———_—stioalis small anda bit ol A Thank you. And whats (6). email address? 6 But very happy in that school. ¢ ectarbenean Listen and repeat, A T'llemail you some (7). today. B That’ (8), kind. Thank you very 0) - Goodbye. ‘A My pleasure. Goodbye. 26 Unit 4 + Family and friends Don’t forget! Grammar 1B “4 15 ‘Complete the chart. ‘Adjectives: ] 1 my they ‘their ‘Complete the chart of the verb have. 1 have you he she we they Write the correct answer. 1 Tmastudent. My ais b My 2 The school ahas — have school is very good. fifteen classes. 3 teacher's name is Sarah. a Shes Our 4 from Canada, a Shes b Her 5 She 23, ais b has 6 She’ French, a His b Her your . our his name’ Antoinette my her their Vocabulary 16 Write the words in the correct column. son ay computer accountant town bag country village car police officer bus __sister__lctionary _waiter__ apartment Places People Things city ‘son computer Singular and plural nouns 17 @ Complete the charts. Be careful about spellings. Singular Plural brother brothers jobs school or Singular Plural country coutries famiies city baby Singular Plural class classes address sandwich va sunglasses Singular Plural man ‘men ——_ women Jwoman’ jwimin/ child person Unit4 + Family and friends uy Sports/food/drink * Present Simple —I/you/they + Languages and nationalities + How much is it? Sports, food, drink 1. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword ACROSS DOWN 28 Unit S + The way live Things | like Mike coffee 2 @ Write what the people like and don't like. 3 @ Write the questions and answers. 1 A Dovoutte Coke? =e 4A skiing? 4 B Yes.tdo.t= great! — entastil ~ , é 2 A Doyou like. football? aS 5A James Bond films? oa B terrible B citing! > 3A plezat 6A B delicious! B coffee? awful! Unit S + The way!live 29 Present Simple The swimmer Michael Phelps 4 Read and complete the text about Michael Phelps. Use the verbs in the box. have (a) eat want live speak swim drink tke THE BEST SWIMMER IN THE WORLD Michael Phelps has 14 olympic gold medals. He describes his life. HOME ‘I(1) come from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. My father is a police officer, and my mother is a teacher. My parents are divorced. 1 (2) two sisters, both older than me. I still (3) in Baltimore. 1 (4) ‘my own apartment, but 1(5) to my mother on the phone every day. TRAINING [train for six hours a day, six days a week. 1(6) 10 miles, that’s 16 kilometres, every day. 1(7) a lot of pasta, omelettes, bread, cereal, sandwiches, cheese, pizza. In one day eat enough for six people. 1(8) coffee and special energy drinks. INTERESTS (9) football (American football, of course!), music (hip hop — Lil Wayne is my favourite), playing video games, and taking my dog, Herman, for a walk 1(10) Olympic games’ to win 10 medals at the next 30 Unit S + The way live Questions 5 Put the words in the right order to make questions about Michael Phelps. 1 come / Where / you / from / do ‘Where do you come from 2 I come from Baltimore, Maryland. 2. father’s / job / your / What's Hesa police officer. 3. you/ live / Where / do In an apartment in Baltimore. 4 eat /do/ you/ What Pasta, omelettes, cereal ... I eat a lot! 6 Complete the questions to Michael Phelps. 1 What's your mother's job ? She’ a teacher. 2. How many sisters. 2 ‘Two. 3. What 2 Coffee and special energy 4. What sort of music 2 Hip hop. Negatives 7 Make negative sentences. 1 1_doniteat a lot of meat, but [eat alot of pasta. 21 beer or wine. I dont drink any alcohol. 31 ‘with my family. [live in my own apartment. 4. My parents. together. They're divorced, so they live on their own. 5 My sisters but not swimming, swim, They do other sports, Listening Gracie and her parents 8 @ Listen to Gracie Lloyd talking about her father and her mother. Complete the sentences, 1 Your parents in Spain, dont they? 2 That’ right, a house in Seville, 3 ‘They alittle Spanish, yes 4 In Spain tennis. 5 You in England, dontt you? 6 "shows in Seta Vocabulary 7 My. to our house in summer. Languages and nationalities 8 all golf together. 9 golf! 11 Write the words in the box in the right column, 10 We at home. I love cooking. Tepanese Talia Tralsh hie Chinese Spanish Balan Mexican 9 Complete the questions from the interview. American German, __‘Portugaese 1 Do___ they _speak__ Spanish? 7 eee [eve 2 What they. in Spain? English ‘Japanese they play golf? still work? 4 Where you and your husband 2 ® tisenandrepea. 5 And all out to restaurants? 12 Complete the sentences with a nationality adjective, Lisbon is a Portuguese _ city 10 Complete the negate sentences fom theinterview. >The slice! Hien the We tioue 1 They don't ve_in England any more. 3 AMercedesis a car, 2. They're both quite old now, so they __ 4 Nintendo isa company. alot 5 ade gs is writing. 3 work at all now. 6 Spaghetti is food. 4 We in England. We have a 7 Tequila is a drink. house in Scotland, 8 Liu Xiuyan isa name. 5 So in restaurants, 9 Ronaldinho isa football player. 10. Real Madrid isa__ football club. Unit S + The way live u Everyday English How much is it? 13 Complete the numbers. 2Q twenty-nine _ forty-eight thirty-five él a0 —— fifteen seventy-two 60 5q 100 14 Match the prices and the words. (£10. £25.99 £4.50 two pounds fifteen ninety-five p sixty-five dollars 95p £32 ten pounds thirty-two pounds £79 £2.15 $ 65 ‘one pound twenty seventy-nine pounds eighty euros four pounds fifty s80€ £1.20 twenty-five pounds ninety-nine p 15 @) Write the prices you hear. 1 £10.44 2 $450 3 4 so i 16 @) Listen to the conversations. Write the prices. nS > 1 £15.75 2 5 6 7 8 32. Unit + The way lve Don't forget! Grammar 17 Complete the chart Present simple | Positive | Question Negative 1 | twork | 0 t work? You You dont work We They Do they work? 18 Write the correct answer. 1 Ion ike a nolike French food. b dont like 2 ‘Do you like dancing?’ “Yes, a Ido Alike 3. How many languages 2 do you speak 4. I don't drink beer because I a like 5 In Brazil 2 speak Vocabulary b don't like Portuguese, b they speak youspeak it 19 Write the verb that goes with the words. 1 tive ‘nan apartment with my parents two languages to my mother on the phone Jina bank for an international company two sisters alot of money the piano football from the United States to school by bus. Articles a/ an 20 Complete the sentences with a or an. 1 3 4 5 Ym in _%_ English class Hans is __ waiter. He wants to be __ actor. She has__ Italian boyfriend. ‘A Mercedes is___German car. 21 Write a or an in the correct place in the sentence. 2 3 1 havefgod job. We live in big house in London, Tm waiter. | work in Italian restaurant. ‘They have office in the centre of town. Jamie is English teacher. Word order 22 Put the words in the right order. 1 like Spanish 1 oranges Like Spanish orange have small I flat a people nice are Italian food don't 1 like Chinese job father important has an My do you speak... 2 | don't like ... Unit S + The way live B The time + Present Simple-he/she + Prepositions in/at/on + Words that go together + Days of the week Every day The time 1 @ Underline the correct time, 1 ten thirty /ten fifteen 2. three o'clock / five o'clock 3. eight thirty / nine thirty 4. six twenty-five / six forty-five 5. two forty-five / ten forty-five 6 eleven o'clock / twelve o'clock 2 @ Listen, Write the times you hear. 1 MB 2 3 3. @ Listen and complete the conversations 1 A Excuse _mé_! What. isit? Bits ‘A Thank, much. B Thats OK. ZEG me! Do the time, D Sure. Its exactly c D all right. alot. 34 Unit 6 + Every day Present Simple - he/she Cathy and George 4 @ Listen to Cathy and George. Complete the questions and answers. 1 ‘What time 40 youget up ? “T get up at , 2 ‘What for breakfast?” “Thave toast and coffee? 3 ‘How to school?” ‘By bus! 4 ‘What in the evening?” 4 ™w 5 Complete the verbs 1 Iget_ > He gets 2 Yougo > She goes 3 Wehave > He 4 Tleave > She 5 Wedo > He 6 Youwatch - She 7 Theylive He 8 Iwork > She 6 Complete the sentences about Cathy and George. 1 Cathy getup at 7.00 and a shower 2 She to school by bus. 3 She a sandwich and a Coke for lunch, 4 She school at 3.30. 5 Inthe evening she her homework. 6 George ina house in north London. 7 He toast and coffee for breakfast. 8 Inthe evening he Vv. Questions Complete the questions about Cathy and George. Cathy 1 What time does Cathy getup 2 At 7.00. 2 How to school? By bus. 3. What for lunch? A sandwich and a Coke. 4 What in the evening? She does her homework, George 5 Where George 2 Ina house in north London 6 What for breakfast? Toast and coffe. 7 Where work? Inabank. 8 What in the evening? He watches TV. Unit 6 + Every day 35 Cathy's bedroom 8 Look at Cathy's bedroom, Complete the sentences about her. No SMOKING | 1 Cathy has a lot of clothes. do/does/am/is/are 2 She her homework in her room, 5 hay called Mat. 10 @ Complete the sentences with do/does/amlislare. 4 shopping a lot, A (1)_Are___ you Cathy's brother? 5 coffee B Yes, 1(2) 6 music. ‘A Ah! (3)___ your name Robert? 7 the guitar B Yes, it (4) _, but people call me Bobby. 8 pizza. © you know my sister? 9 fashion magezines. A Yes. I (6)___. My name (7) Alice. BO) you go to the same school? 9 Make negative sentences about Cathy. AeNWEOD We (10) in 1 She doesnt tidy her room. the same class. I think I know your father, too. 2 She___ smoke. (a) he work in Barclay’s Bank? 3 She__ ike school B Yes, he (12) You know all the family! 4 Her parents {0 in her room. 5 She eat meat. 36 Unit 6 + Every day Pronunciation Vocabulary -sat the end of a word Words that go together 11 @ Listen and write the verbs in the correct column _‘13 Think of a word that goes in the space. for the pronunciation of -s at the end of the word. have toast for _breakfast goes gets watches lives eats. does + drink beer [See _Hei_[niesi_ISes wats) eee | Complete the crossword. ial isl hia) goes gets watches hme 4 have toast for_(9) 6 ___beer (5) 7 __1V6) 8 ___football (4) 9 acar (5) 10 have ___at 1.00 (5) Prepositions 12 speak two 0) infatfon 13. get up____/get up late (5) 12 Complete the sentences with the correct 8 Thavea shower, 9 Come and see me every morning. next weekend. preposition ~ in, a, or on. 1 Iget up at 7.00 clelarelth FF 2 Idorit work ‘Tuesday. oH 3. [getup ate the weekend. i 4 the evening I watch TV. fF ro 5 Idont like getting up _ Monday morning. G 6 start work _ 8.30. i 7 Lusually goto the cinema __ Friday evening, i i Do we need a preposition in these sentences? P | 10 Are youat home this evening? Down 1 for an American company (4) 2. workin an © 3% to music (6) 5 go to buy things (7) 9. cook __in the evening (6) 10 aflat (4) 11 ___ two sisters (4) Unit 6 + Everyday 37 Reading 14@ Read the newspaper article about Barack Obama. Use your dictionary. Barack Obama, America’s first black President BARACK OBAMA is the forty-fourth President of the United States, in President He was born in Hawaii in 1961. His father was a black Kenyan, and his mother a white American from Kansas. but the first African Am« to their children. Barack Obama loves basketball. He has his own indoor basketball court in the White House, and he often invites professional basketball players to come and play with him. He also goes to the gym. In the evening he sometimes plays billiards. He and Michelle like going to restaurants and the cinema, and Visiting friends for dinner. The family goes to church every Sunday. ‘The President and his family live in the White House thas 132 rooms. One hundred people work for him. His chefs make his favourite food — chili and pasta 15 Complete the questions and answers. 1 How many _¢hildren does he have ‘Two ~ Malia Anne and Sasha. 2 Where They go to a private school in Washington. 3. What Michelle She looks after their children. 4. What sport Basketball 5 Where In the Oval Office 6 How many hours About sixtes 38 Unit 6 + Every day He is married to Michelle and they have two daughters, ‘Malia Anne and Natasha, known as Sasha. The children go to a private school in Washington. The girls have a dog called Bo. Michelle is an attorney (an American lawyer). She doesrit work now her husband is President. She says her most important job is as mother EMMY Mr Obama works in the Oval Office in the White House, He often works more than sixteen hours a day. the history of the country, 16 Complete the short answers. 2 1 Do the children have a dog? Yes they do to school? 2. Does Michelle work as a lawyer now? z 3 Does he play basketball? like? 4 Do they go to church? work? 17 Make negative sentences. 1 His children don't goto state school 2. Mrs Obama go out to work. 3: They. live in Chicago. 4 The President alot of free time, Everyday English Days of the week 18 Write the days of the week in the correct order. -Monday- Wednesday Monday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Thursday Don't forget! Present Simple 19 Complete the chart. Positive Negative 1 | two Dot work? You You dont work re Does he work? She | she works It Itdoesnt work 20 Add -s,-es, or ~ (nothing). 1 My brother loves_ football. 2 Tom and Julia often go> shopping, 3 Susan watch__ videos every evening. 4 James cook__ dinner in the evening. 5 We work__ late on Tuesday evening. 6 Ellie teach__ English at my school. 21 Underline the correct word. Do/ Does you like hip hop? ‘Where do / does your sister live? ‘What languages do/ does your teacher speak? ‘Do/ Does you have a computer at home? I dor't/ doesn't get up early at the weekend. ‘My parents don't / doesn't like my boyfriend. Questions 22 Match a question with a question word. What When How How much How many Where Who 1 _What___do you do in the evening? ~ I watch TV. 2 do you come to school? ~ By bus. 3 isa cup of coffee? - 90p. 4 are you from? - I'm from Spain. 5 is your teacher? - Sally. 6 do you go on holiday? - In summer. 7 languages do you speak? ~ Two. Articles: the or ~ (nothing)? 23 Complete the sentences with the or - (nothing). 1 ‘The Empire State Building is in _>_ New York. 2. New York isin United States. 3 Paris is_ capital of. France. 4 Excuse me! What’s__ time? 5 Thave____lunch at 1,00 every day. 6 Igo to____work by _ bus. 7 Igo to___bed at 11.30. 8 Whats___ name of your school? 9 In____ evening I watch__ TV. 10 At___weekend I play___ football. how when what who where Unit 6 + Every day Fy Questions» Pronouns me/him » Possessive adjectives my/his * this/that + Adjectives happy/ miserable + Can! De Questions ‘An interview with Johnny Depp 1 Read and complete the interview with Johnny Depp. Use the questions in the box. Johnny Depp answers your questions... 1 _What are your favourite fs? 40 Cartoons. | like watching them with my kids. I don't ‘watch new films, but | love old films. 40 | live with Vanessa Paradis and my two children. 4D. She's a singer and an actress. 40 LilyRose Melody is 10. Jack is 7. DP In France 'Whot cre your foveuseallig 41 Because Vanessa is French. And because | feel at home Why do you live in France? in France. | goto the café with my daughter and have a coffee, and no one looks aus How many languages do you speak? ‘Who do you live with? 4p Two. English and French. How old are your children? ' Where do you live? 20 I play the guitar What does Vanessa do? . Le loss Nonertaid 1p | drive a green Porsche convertible. | also have What car do you drive? 2 Triumph motorbike. How much money do you have? 1 40 That's private. | have a lot. | make money doing what Do you play any musical instruments? Vike. Em very chy. 40 Unit7 + My favourites Question words 2. Match a question word in A with an answer in B. A 8 1 What? Cla bnsummer 2. Where? [Db Asandwich 3 Who? Ce bybus 4 When? Ba Because my wif is French. 5 How? Le Inavilagenear the sea. 6 Why? OF Jane. 7 How old? Ce Thee 8 How many? [Eh Twenty-one (yeas) 9 What time? [i 630in the moming 10 How much? O) seo 4 @ Write questions for these answers. 1 _What’s your email address jharman@btinternet.com 3 @ Complete the questions with a question word from Ain exercise 2. Write in the answer from B. 1 _What do you have for tunch 2 sandwich, 2 is your next holiday? 3 do you come to school? 4 do you live? 's your teacher? 6 do you live in France? 7 are you? Tim twenty-one, 8 brothers do you have? 9 do you start work? 10 is a coffee and a sandwich? 2 spell surname? H-A-R-M-A-N. 3 —— 07933 678234. gos Tm 23. 5 favourite t Pizza. | love it. 6 ina house or a flat? A flat. Why? Because... 5 Write questions with Why? and then choose a reason from the box. Because she works at home. Because he has job there Because he doesnt have any money. Because she’ a writer. 1. Mikes lives in Moscow, Why does he live in Moscow Because he has a job the 2. He drives an old car. Why — 3. Sally stays at home every day. Why 4. She sits at her computer for ten hours a day. Why Unit? + My favourites 41 Pronouns and possessives me / him; my / his this / that 6 Complete the chart. 9 @ Complete the conversations with this or that, Subject | object Possessive 1 me my You you ‘your He I ‘She her tt its we They their 7 Complete the sentences with me, you, hm, her, it, us, them. 1 John, do you like me? “Of course like YU! Tlove__" 1A Who's_that_? 2. Maria's English isnt very good. I don't B Her name’ Lola. understand 3. Daddy! Look at___1'm on the tablet 4 A ‘My coffee’s cold!” B ‘Don't drink y 5 Idont like Mike. Pease dontt invite__to your party. 6 A ‘sthisa photo of _?* B ‘Yes. [ was on holiday in Spain’ 7 A ‘Peter, I want to speak to B ‘Phone___later? 8 Our teacher gives___ too much homework! 2 A Whats _this 2 B Its tomato soup. 9 My neighbours are so loud! Listen to. 10. You're so horrible sometimes! Stop 8 Complete the sentences with my, your, his, hers its, our, their 1 Alice, this is_™ wife. Kay, this is Alice. 2A “Peter, what's B petersmith@hotm: email address?” 3 James is an actor. __ son's an actor, too. 4 Sue'sa doctor. daughter's a doctor, too. 5 The dogeats__food, then it eats the ca’ food. 6 ___teacher gives us too much homework! 7 My children don't ike teachers, but I think 3 A Tlove___ car! they're great. B It’s great, isn't it! 42. Unit7 + My favourites Vocabulary Adjectives ~ happy/miserable 10 Underline the correct word. Annie's very (1) old/ happy. ls Saturday, she doesn't work today, and the weather i (2) lovely / awful. Its surnmer, and 4A letter’ for you. it (3) cold hot B Oh! Thanks. She's in the park. The park is wey (4) right / big. Alot ‘of people have (5) hot / delicous picnics. The lowers are (6) beauiifljterble. ‘Annie wants an ice-cream. How much isan ice-cream? "20p! ‘Wow! That’ (7) cheap fexpensive ‘Annie and her friends love the park. is (8) horrible wonderful here! says Annie eee Miserable 5.J Hi,Larry. Mike Mike is very miserable Its Monday morning, and i time ¥ for work. The weather is (1) big awful. I's winter, and its (2) nice wet outside It’s 630 in the morning, and Mike feels (3) great / awful He's cited. His flac is very (4) old/new, and the heating isnt vvery good, s0 it's (5) hot/cold in winter. The flat i £1,000 a week, soit is very (6) cheap fexpensive ‘And there i only one bedroom, so the flat is very (7) small big, too. This is why Mike isn (8) happy / great 6 A How much is coat? The black one. Unit? + My favourites 43 Everyday English Can!...? 11 @ Write a line from the box in the correct place. 2 3 Ina train station 44 Unit7 + My favourites Cees How muchis that? Anything to eat? chocolate cake Can 1 have acupoftea please? Sure. 2 Yes. Can I havea piece of. 2 Ofcourse. Here you are. ‘That's £4.60, please. Can try iton Do you have this Tshirt cover there Certainly c ina medium, please? D_['lhave a look for you. © Thanks, D_ Yes. Here you are. © Oh! Thank you please? D ‘The changing rooms are have ticket Can | pay by creditcard single center your PIN CanI___to Brighton, please? yovaga Do you want ora return? A single, please. ‘Thats £25.50, please. Sure. Put your card in the machine. ‘And . Now take your card, Don’t forget! Vocabulary 12 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. All the words are in Unit 7 of the Student’ Book, ACROSS oO BI @ ‘Grammar 13 Write the correct answer. 1 How much _ money do you have? a Howmuch = b How many 2 do you live in London? Because [like it. a When > Why 3 is your favourite actor? Johnny Depp. a Who 5 How 4 Pete is great. I like very much. ahim —b his 5. My sister hasa flat. I live with ashe her 6 Theyarer't your books! They're my books! Give ! a theyme —b them tome Prepositions 14 Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box of to with for atin Jane’s married _10_ Pete. What do you do_your free time? Thave a present __you. Look ___ that photo! Is that you? In the evening I listen Can I speak __ you, please? ‘This isa photo_me with my boyfriend, ‘Thank you___ my present We go___a restaurant 10 Llive apizza. my mother and sisters. its them it me their MY Unit? + My favourites 45 Rooms and furniture» There is/there are * Prepositions on/under/next to + Vocabulary revision + Directions Cio Rooms and furniture 1 @ Complete the sentences with a room in the house. 3 Write a word from the box under the correct picture. We eat in the dining oom. = = ee We relax and watch TV in the abalcony magazines __atolet Thave a shower in the 1 2 3. We cook in the 4 5 Isleep in my 2. Tick (V) the correct word. 1 We keep milk in the Cidesk (Dbed. I sleep in my [Ceooker. (fridge 3. We cook lunch on the Isit on the a when I watch TY. (Cees isn Ido my homework at my - (ides Wesitatthe < e when we have lunch. ovo ae (laptop. play games on my (Claret [Lobas 5 6 8 Our dog always sits in my father’s 46 Unit 8 + Where I live There is/There are Inthe garden 4. Look at the picture, Are the sentences true (V) or 6 @ Make negative sentences with There isn't false (x)? or There aren 1 (J) there are two boys playing football 1 Therearent any posters on the walls. 2. [X] There’ a PlayStation® in the living room. 2 cat in the house. 3 [ There’ a table in the kitchen. 3 any flowers in the garden. 4 there ae three lamps inthe living room. 4 Play station” inthe living room. 5 [_] Theresa desk in the living room. 5 any people in the living room, 6 [There's a cooker in the kitchen. 6 a DVD player. 5 @ Complete the sentences with There’ or There are. 1 There's a table in the garden 2 two women sitting at the table, 3 4 pot of tea on the table. 4 a dog in the garden, 5 6 7 @ Complete the questions and answers. 1 Isthere a balcony? No, there isn, ______agirlin the garden? 3 any armchairs in the living room? two people cooking in the kitchen, a sofa in the living room. 4 iy lien ta thchonset Unit 8 + Where live 47 Prepositions on/under/next to... 8 Where are the things? Write sentences. 1 The keys are om the table. 2 The trainers are the bed. 3. The clockis the light. 4. The money is the drawer. 5 The magazines are the corner. 6 ‘The desk is. the window. Vocabulary Revision - Vancouver 9 Lookat the pictures and complete the crossword. All the words are in the reading text on p60-61 of the Student’s Book. AcnOss Down. O ' N 48. Unit + Where I live Everyday English Directions 10 Look at the map of Appleby. Write the places in the box on the map. pak newsagents ralway station church Sports centre carpark supermarket chemists 11 @) Listen to the directions. Start from YOU ARE HERE. Follow the directions. Where are you? Go down the High Street. Turn left into Albion Road. ts on the right, next to the Chinese restaurant. Where are you? 12 Listen and complete the conversations. 1 A Excuse me! Is there a bank near here? B Yes, straight on. It on the next to the A. Thanks a lot C Excuse me! How do I get to the railway station? D Go down the High Street. Tarn Go down Road, Its near the bridge, on the © That’ very kind. Thank you. E_ Excuse me! How the sports centre? F Go Street. Go past the post office, past School Lane. It’s right, the cinema, E Thank you very much. G Excuse me! a supermarket___? H Yes. Turn into Riverside. Its on next to the near the river G Thanks. Bye! her Unit 8 + Wherellive 49 Reading 13 @) Read about the town of Berkhamsted. Are these sentences true (V) of false (X)? Correct the false sentences. Berkhamsted OFFICIAL GUIDE DESCRIPTION Berkhamsced is a historic market town 20 miles north of London. It has a population of 19,000, and is in the middle of beautiful English countryside. PLACES OF INTEREST The Castle is more than 1,000 years old. Ie is open every day, and icis free. “The Ashridge Estate is a huge park with woods, views, and walks. There isa shop and a café TRAVEL There are four trains an hour into London. The journey takes 30-40 minutes. HOTELS There are several hotels in the town. ‘The biggest are the Kings Arms Hotel and the Pennyfarthing Hotel, both in the High Street. SHOPS) There is everything you need in the High ‘Street and Lower Kings Road. You will find chemists, bookshops, specialist food shops, clothes shops, bakers, dry cleaners ~ all che usual high street shops. RESTAURANTS AND CAFES) You will find French, Italian, Thai, and Indian restaurants. ‘There are also coffee bars and tea rooms on the High Street 1 [X]"The castle is 2,000 years old. ‘The castle is 1,000 years old. MARKET There is a street market every Saturday. SUPERMARKETS) The cown has two big supermarkets, Waitrose and Tesco. GINEMA) The Rex Cinema is in a luxurious 1930s building. PUBS! The Bull and The Crown on the High Street. The Boat is next to the canal. 6 [You can buy things to eat, read, and wear. 2 [Z| There is a park called the Ashridge Estate. 7 [here are Mediterranean and Asian restaurants. 3. [There are six trains an hour into London. 8 [[] Theres a market one day a week. 4, Ctttakes an hour to get into London from Berkhamsted. 9) there’ a theatre, but there isn't a cinema. 5 [There's only one hotel in the town. 10. [[] There are alot of pubs on the High Street 50 Unit + Where! live Don’t forget! Vocabulary and grammar 14 Write the correct answer. 1 You can geta train a bus b train 2. My brother’sa a cook — cooker 3 You can buy books ina a library b bookshop 4. Alaptop is a small a computer > DVD player. 5 fifteen students in my class. b Are ata railway station. a There are 6 a chemist’ near here? als b Isthere 7 Paul! Come on! Your lunch is the table. a mextto bon 8 Where are my car keys? Are they the drawer? ain 5 under And and but 15 Look atthe sentences with and and but. like wine and I like beer. @) ike Peter, but I don't like his wife. (3) Complete the sentences with and or but. 1 Thavea house in the country aM__I have a flat in London, 2 Llove the house, ‘my neighbours are horrible. 3. Thave two jobs. I work in a café Tm a taxi driver 4. want to go shopping, don't have any ‘money. So and because 16 Look at the sentences with so and because like my job because its interesting He has alot of problems, so he is't very happy. Complete the sentences with so or because. 1 Istart work at 5 in the morning, Igo to bed early. 2 [like my job 3 Twant to marry you why. 4. want to be a professional tennis player, I practise every day. Thave a lot of friends there. Hove you. That's Numbers 17 Write the numbers. __ thirteen __ twelve _— fifty-eight nine forty-two 18 Write the numbers as words. BO thirty-six 4 72 58 10 go down next to turn right on the left Unit 8 + Wherellive 51 Saying years * was/were * Past Simple — irregular verbs * have/do/go + Months and dates Saying years 1 @ Listen and match the years. 4 ® Do the Dates Quiz. Choose a year from the box. 1969 198919632004 «DMS 1 2006 N ‘two thousand and twenty (twenty twenty) 2 2000 two thousand and six 3 200 two thousand and ten (twenty ten) Dates Quiz 42015 two thousand > 5 200 ‘two thousand and fifteen (twenty fifteen) eT 6 1995 nineteen eighty-two. (of the Bertin Wall? 7 90 rineten teen 8 a rineteenrnety 9 1960 nineteen ninety-five oa 10 1916 nineteen sixty When were the Olympic Games in Athens? 2 @ Listen and write the years. ee 1 2004 4 2 3 6 ‘When was the assassination of John F Kennedy? 3. Write the years in words. 1 1985 ineteen eighty-five 2 1940 3 1999 4 1973 ‘When was the end of 5 2001 the Second World War? 6 2005, 7 2008 8 2012 ‘When was the first man on the moon? 52. Unit 9 + Times past was/were was born 5 @ Listen to Tom. Complete the sentences. 1 My mother wasborn __in Chicago in 1960. 2. My father in New York in 1958 31 in 1985. 4 My grandparents in the United States. 5. My mother’ parents. in Sweden. 6 My father’s parents in Ireland. 6 @ Listen to Tom saying more about his relatives. Complete the sentences. 1 My mother a pharmacist 2. My father a professor. 3 ‘they at university together. 4. My father’s parents very poor, 5. My mother’ parents. married in Sweden. They met in the States. 6 Grandpa Fredrik. an engineer. 7 Grandma Smilla a piano teacher. 8 Pat and Paddy happy at first. Life very hard for them. Questions 7 Complete the questions. 1 Where "a __ Toms mother born _2 In Chicago. 2 When 2 In 1960, 3. Where his mother’s parents. 2 In Sweden. 4 What Fredrik’ job? He an engineer. Negatives 8 Complete the negative sentences. 1 Toms mother wast borm in Sweden, 2. His father in Ireland. 3 His grandparents, n the United States. 4 at and Paddy happy at first?” ‘No, they Reading 9 @ Read about Andy Warhol and Princess Diana. Use your dictionary Andy Warhol 1928-1987 ‘Andy Warhol was an American painter and filmmaker. He was famous for his pictures of everyday things, like tins of soup and Coca-Cola bottles, and portraits of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His parents were born in Slovakia and immigrated to the US in 1914. His father was a coal miner. The family were Catholic, and Warhol was religious all his life. ‘Asa child, Andy Warhol was often ill, and was not at school for a long time. He was a student of art in Pittsburgh. In 1949 he went to New York. Here he was a painter in advertising and magazines. In the 1960s he started The Factory, a centre for artists, musicians, and writers. All his life Warhol was afraid of doctors and hospitals. He died in a hospital in New York after an operation. Princess Diana 1961-1997 Princess Diana was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. She was born in Sandringham, England. Her father was, John, Earl Spencer, and her mother was Frances, Viscountess Althorp. They were both fiends ofthe Royal family. Her parents divorced in 1969, She wasn'ta happy child. Diana was at alot of schools, but she wasn'ta good student In London she was dance teacher and a teacherin a children’s school. She met Prince Charles in 1980 at a party. She was 20 years old when she married Prince Charles. She had two sons, William and Harry, ut her marriage wasn't happy. She and Charles divorced in 1996, After her divorce, Diana was very busy with charity work, visting hospitals and poor countries in Afvica She died in a ear accident in Paris in August 1997. She was, with Dodi Al-Fayed. Answer the questions about Andy Warhol. What was he famous for? ‘Where was he born? Where were his parents from? ‘What was his father’s job? Was he a healthy child? ‘What was his job in New York? What was The Factory? What was he afraid of? 54 Unit 9 » Times past Answer the questions about Princess Diana. ‘Where was she born? Who were her parents? Who were her parents friends? Was she a happy child? ‘What was her job in London? How old was she when she married Charles? ‘Where was she when she died? Who was she with? Past Simple Irregular verbs 10 Write in the Past Simple form of these verbs. 1 go Ment 2 3 are 4 buy 5 s 6 find 7 think 8 9 see xb in the Past Simple. Unit 9 + Times past 55 Vocabulary Everyday English have/do/go Months and dates 12 Complete the sentences with a word that goes with 13 Write in the missing months in the calendar have do igo. They are on page 70 of the Student’s Book. from the box. Do the crossword. June February December August April October ACROSS 2 Wewent on____to Spain. (7) 3. Itslate and I'm tired. I want to go__now. (4), 4. Itwasallovely day so I went for a__with my dog. (4) 9. Iwent yesterday and I bought a new jumper. (8) 10 Thavea___every morning, nota bath. (6) 11. Igo to the gym every day. like to do some ___. (8) 14 Match the words and numbers. = first 7th f second 12th third 1st 0 fourth 5th fifth 21st i seventh 3rd tenth 2nd Down twelfth 20th 1 The party was great! Everyone had a good __. (4) éwentieth 4th 3 Idd some ___ because my flat was so messy. (9) fase 5 Thave____ at my deskat 1.00. Ihave a sandwich. (5) twenty-firs 10th 6 ‘This morning [had ___at 7.00. [had toast and cereal. © 15 @ Listen and underline the date you hear 7 Iwent to____early yesterday. The office was quiet. (4) 1 8 March /18-April 8 Idomy with my dictionary and this Workbook. (8) 2 2June/ 22 July 3. 3September/ 3 November 415 January /15 February 5 10 May//20 june 6 25 December / 16 August 56 Unit 9 » Times past Don't forget! Grammar 16 Complete the chart. Verb to be in the Past Simple Positive Negative q was You werent He/She we were They weren't 17 Write the correct answer. 1 Ayrton Senna_was a racing driver. abe b was 21 born in Paris in 1978, awa bam 3. Where you yesterday? awasb were 4 You. at school. Were you ill? a mowere > werent 5 My sister and I were b was happy as children. 6 The Beatles ‘American. They were English, a wasnt b weren't Vocabulary 18 Complete the chart. Present Past © went have did se buy said find came make 19 Complete the sentences with did or made. Exercise 1 was easy, so 1 ld __ exercises 2 and 3, 2. Andy Warhol made _a lot of films, 31 dinner last night. It was delicious. 4 You a lot of mistakes in your homework. Do it again! st alot of work yesterday. I'm very tired today. 6 Do you like this cake? I it Word order 20 Write the word on the right in the correct place in the sentence. 1 Tborn in Scotland, was {was born in Scotland. 2 Twent to cinema last night, the 3. [my homework before I go to bed. do 4 like school because is interesting. it 5 Thave shower, then I have breakfast. a 6 ‘What you do?” ‘Tm businessman’ do/a 7 Thave tea for breakfast. usually wasn't were was werent Unit 9 + Times past 37 Past Simple - regular verbs» Questions and negatives + Making conversation * Sport and leisure activities + Going sightseeing Past Simple Regular verbs Telling stories 1 Write the Past Simple of these regular verbs. 4 @& Complete the sentences with Past Simple verbs from this page. play > played like > liked watch > live > want > phone listen > visit > start > love > work > stay o> Yesterday 1(1) played ____tennis with Tom. Then, Pronunciation 1@) Sfp iz eon odie aS 2 @ Write the Past Simple of the verbs in exercise 1 in 1(3)___a lovely jumper. It wasn't expensive, the correct column for the pronunciation of ed. 501(4) it. Then it (5) torain, so1(6)____ home. Listen and repeat. Irregular verbs 3. Write the Past Simple of these irregular verbs. When Annie was young, she (7) led ina get > got do > house near her aunt. Every Sunday she (8) ae ES her aunt and (9) tea with her. They (10)___ to the radio or (11) have > see > TV. Annie loved visiting her aunt because they always, cD) 1 good time together. 58 Unit 10 + We had a great time! Kevin’s week 5. Read about Kevin's week. Monday | got up at 2.00 today, 0 | was late for wort. My boss wastit happy. | was on Facebook all day. chatted to ny friends. | saw alltheir photos. [went home: at 6 o'clock and watched TW. Tuesday | was late for work again, My boss was VERY unhappy. | went on the internet and bought some, clothes. Inthe evening | went tothe cinema, but | ditt ike the fl. Wednesday | was late for work AGAIN, My boss said my work wastit very good, ‘At lunchtime: went to the pub with some friends. I didnt Go back to work in the afternoon. Inthe, ‘evening | saw my girftiend and we had a pizza. Thursday ‘Oh, dear! Late for work ‘asin. played computer games all day. Inthe. ‘evening | went to a party, bust {didnt know anybody. Friday Late “sa My boss said he wanted to tal to me. went into hs office, He: said | didnt have. job Lan, more a understand, Everyone at K ci work likes me! Oh, welll CS Questions and negatives 6 ‘Complete the questions about Kevin's week. 1 What time did he getup on Monday morning? He got up at 9 otlock. 2 What, on Monday evening? He stayed at home and watched TV. 3. What on the Internet? He bought some clothes. 4 Where ‘on Tuesday evening? He went to the cinema, 5 Who on Wednesday? He saw his girlfriend, ‘Ask and answer the yes/no questions about Kevin. 1 work hard last week? Did he work hard last week No, he didn't. 2 like the film? 3 havea pizza? 4 enjoy the party? Complete the negative sentences about Kevin, 1 He didn't get up early. 2 He any work all week. 3 He the film. 4 He back to work on Wednesday afternoon, 5 He anybody at the party Unit 10 + Wehada great time! 59 Making conversation Was it a good match? 9 @ Complete the conversations with a question from the box. Wasita good match? Was it good? ‘What was the score? What did you do? Did you buy anything? ‘What did she cook? ‘Where did you go? Isit clean now? 1 A [watched the football on TV last night. 3. E I went shopping on Saturday. B Oh, did you? Wasitagood match F Did you? 2 A Yes, it was great. Arsenal played really wel. E That new shopping centre in Hendon. B F 2 A. Arsenal won 2-1 E_Ibought a birthday present for you! _ Happy birthday! 2 C [went to Amy’s house for a meal on Sunday. ———_—_——_$_—————————— D Oh, really? 2 4 G I stayed at home all weekend! C An ltalian dish - lasagne. H Oh,dear!_ 2 D Mmm! 2 G I did the housework. The house was so dirty! C It was delicious! H Wasit? 0? G Oh, yes! But it was such a boring weekend! Time expressions inat/on 10 Complete the sentences with a preposition (in, at, or on) or [-] no preposition. 1 Lwent to a party _0"_ Saturday night. 6 What did you do__ last night? 2 got up late_—__ yesterday. 7 Trelax____ the weekend. 3. We went to Spai 2005. 8 Istarted going out with Alice ___ six months ago. 4 [start work __ 9.00. 9 We saw James _ Wednesday. 5 phoned you ___ five minutes ago. 10. Tbought a car__last year. 60 Unit 10 + We had a great time! Vocabulary Sports and leisure activities 11 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword, ACROSS DOWN a Q) Y jw a gor play? 12 @ Complete the sentences with go or play in the Past Simple and an activity. Yesterday I plaved gott 5 In 20081 ze with my friends 2 Last week I inthe country. e FeRE 3} Tndaysagor Z/” 7 ast summer — = in the sea. for the first time. I loved it! 4. Atthe weekend I for my team, in the Alps. 6 1__on Saturday. It was a terrible match, 8-0! 8 We in the mountains. It was great! Unit 10 + Wehad a great time! 61 Reading 13 @) Read about Daisy's holiday. Use your dictionary. A holiday in Disneyland Mier Every day we did something different. One day we 62 Unit 10 + We had a great time! 14 Complete the questions or answers. 1 Where ld Daisy goon holiday 2 She went to Disneyland in California, 2 Who did she go with? and brother and sister. 3. Where 2 Ina very big hotel 4. Did they do the same thing every day? No, they every day. 5 What at Universal Studios? ‘They saw how they make films. 6 What at the Theme Park? ides ‘They went What did they see at SeaWorld? 8 What did her parents do all day? Her father Her mother 9 Why the children the holiday? Because so much to do, 10 What did they do in PizzaExpress? their own Everyday English Going sight-seeing 15 @) Write a line from the box to complete the dialogue, Don't forget! Grammar 16 Complete the chart. Past simple Positive Negative | Question i played didnt play | id Iplay? You id you play? He/She | played We didnt play They Did they pay? 17 Complete the sentences with did, was, or were. 1 Where été _ you yesterday at 2.00? 21 with Henry, 3. What __ you do yesterday afternoon? 4 ____ you have a good time at the party? 5 very happy as a child doyouwantto go amapofthetown show me some information 18 Write the correct answer. 1 A Hello, Can I have #map of the town . 1 [went to Spain for my last holiday. please? nies hive B Ofcourse. Here you are. 2 We with my aunt and uncle, ‘A Can you where we are a stayed —b staid cathe ment 31 4 pair of jeans at the shops. B Were here in the city centre. 2 buyed b bought Where 2 A ‘The cathedral. Can you give me 4 ________ them in Topshop? about it? a Didyoubuy —_b Didyoubuyed 5 What last night? doesit open sitfar _ibittogetin _doesit dose a didyou—b did you do 2B Certainly. What do you want to know? 6 When to America? A _____ from here? a did you gob yougo B Notatall. Just five minutes. A What time and what time B_Itopens at 9.00 and closes at 6.00. And how much z B Its free, > did liked tarted listened stare went Unit 10 + We hada great time! 63 can/ + Re al can/can’t cook/run fast 1 @ Write what the people can do. Choose from the box. ride a moto cook walk run fast sing play the guitar ride ahorse ski speak Russian 1 Laura cameook, Ben — Sam Anna Kirsty — Andy — Zot —_ Tony. Dmitri Uk kit can't + Adverbs ~ very well/not at al. quests and offers + Adjective + noun + Everyday problems 2. Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C. A B ¢ A farmer cantly [a tractor. Anitepeter——}— andive 7] bag Apiiot can cook sever languages. Anarchitect can speak software Achet can write delicious food. A computer programmer candaw plane 64. Unit l + Icando that! Questions and short answers Negatives 3. ® Ask Mike questions and answer them. 4 ® Write negative sentences 1 Mike / Japanese Mike can't speak Japanese. 2 Sam/run 3. You/ snowboard 4 L/ write English 5 We/ sing 6 ‘They / play the piano Pronunciation @ /kan/ and /ka:nt/ 5 @ Notice the difference in stress when the sentence is positive or negative. oo @ Positive Icandance. can. /kan/ or) Negative Icanitsing. cant /kaznt/ @ Listen and underline what you hear, can or cant 1 T-can/ can't play the guitar a litle bit. 1A. Ganyouplay the pano, Mike > 2. My sister can /can't cook a all M. Yes, Lean. 3 We can can't speak English quite wel 4 Tcan/ can't understand a word she says. 2A Canyou 2 " " M. No, 5. Lcan/ cant see you on Thursday. Sorry. \———— Tm bu: 3A 2 6 Peter cart/cantt dance really well M 7 We can/can‘t go shopping. We dorit have any money. 4 ‘ 2 8 You can/ can't all come to my house. 5A play chess? M Unit + Ian do that! 65 Adverbs very well/not at all 6 @ Listen to Helen. Complete her sentences with words from the box. verywell reallywell_quitewell —_alitiebit_—_(notjatall_—_ fluently 1 Tcan speak French quite well 4 cant use an AppleMac 2. My parents can speak Russian 5. My sister and I can play tennis 3. Tcan usea PC 6 But we can ski Requests and offers Can... ?Can you...? 7 Complete A’s questions with Can I/ you...? with 8 @ Complete the dialogues with B's answer from the box. a line from the box. ane 1 A Can Thave a coffee, please? 1B Sure! To have here or take away? ‘Sure! To have here or takeaway? [im sory didn't know it was so loud. Of course! Here you ae! With pleasure! Do you want me to cary something for you? ‘open the door for me have acoffee sive me the salt and pepper ‘tun your music down B B A Can you please? A Can you please? B B 66 Unit l + Icando that! Reading 9 ® Read the newspaper article. Meet ASIMO, the humanoid robot Say hello to ASIMO, the robot from Honda. He can walk and play football. He can go up and down stairs, and give people drinks. He can also stand on one foot, dance, and run. SIMO stands for ‘Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility’ ASIMO is a people-friendly robot. Honda hopes that one day it can live with people and help them at work and at home. ‘ASIMO can recognize people's faces, say hello, and shake hands. He can understand when people talk to him, and answer questions. In May 2008 ASIMO conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. He walked onto the stage and said ‘Hello, everyone. This is a beautiful concert hall’ The orchestra then played, and ‘ASIMO conducted. At the end of the performance, he gave a bow. Fortunately the music was short. ASIMO batteries only last for 20 minutes. 10 Answer the questions. 1 Puta¥ oraX.Can ASIMO wak [7] playfootbal (drink (J sing dance Onn (see — [_) ask questions 1 speak 2 Who makes ASIMO? 3. What does Honda want ASIMO to do? 4 Can ASIMO understand when people speak to him? 5 What did ASIMO do in May 2008? 6 What did ASIMO say? Unit | + I can do that! a Vocabulary Adjective + noun 11 Look at the pictures and clues. Do the crossword. Everyday English Everyday problems 12@ Write the problem in the box under the correct picture. This printer doesnt work! Heart tumonthe TV! leant find my plane tickets! Iimlost: Idon't understand what it says. 1A. Lcan't turn on the TV! B Push this button, ACROSS 1 dea 4af__taar (4) V4 = 5 a b__y street (not quiet) (4) ae 7 7ad ___+ meal (9) 8 w__ weather (3) 10 a yg man (not old) (5) 11 a d__g_f__5 sport (like motor racing) (9) Down dan it 4 book (11) 2a t__1 building (4) _ 8 film @) £ lesson (6) y story (5) ¥ morning (5) 2A Excuse me! Where’ the town centre? B Go straight down here. 3A 4A 5 A Ohno! B [know It broke down B Giveit to me. Maybe I can do B Calm down! They're in your yesterday. it for you. pocket! 68 Unit l + Icando that! Don’t forget! can Vocabulary 13 Complete the chart. 15 Match the opposite adjectives Can Positive Question Negative A 8 1 old aC sal 1 can si an sing? 7 7 2 good b [Bl young You You cant sng. 3. cheap « Dood a 4 bot ¢ (bad 5 big e Dy expensive sing? Tier, Conta 6 old ¥ 1 boring 7 fast 2 Drew Adverbs 8 dangerous bE ut 9 interesting iB sow 14 Complete the sentences with an adverb from the box. 10 busy i O ste aways never sometimes often 1 [always __check my emails in the evening. Prepositions Wi) 16 Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box. 21 sgt up early atthe weekend. (XXXX) igi iatY ic “ta Ghoot* ow_ot 31 {g0 out with my friends on Saturday a, Thus sonngatie, —S_sworeand. St _ oi night. 7x) 2 Itsverykind __ you to invite me__your party. 3. [like listening __ music. 4 We {go dancing all night. (XX x/) 4 Tuy clothes __ the Internet. Regular adverbs end in -ly. Complete the sentences 3 play stiess'_——_a partner: _——_IMibecow, ‘with a regular adverb from the box. 6 Ichat ____ my friends ___ Facebook. ety wally 5 7 Ineed some information ___ train times. 8 This isa present____ you. 5 Our teacher speaks English fluently 9 There's something wrong _ my computer. 10. Do you want to go__a walk? 61 get up at 7.00, 7 Ican‘t understand you. Please speak. 8 Do your homework You make a lot of misates can’t cook at all can sing well speak English fluently Unit + can dothat! 69 some/any + Vd like a... /Vd like to... + Offering things» like and would like» Food Gerrirks a What's in the basket? ‘Tick (V) what you can see in the shopping basket. uit [water Omik [wine Cibread el (meat E] cake some/any ‘Adams shop 2 ® Lookat Adamis shop. ‘What does/doesn't he have? What is there/isn't there? He has some ham. He doesn't have any cheese. ‘Theres some ham. There isn't any che He has some ‘orange juice. ‘There isnt "7 apple juice. Questions 3 Complete the questions and answers. 1 Does Adam have 4%” _ ham? Yes, he does. 2 Isthere am cheese? No, there int. 3. Does coffee? 4s fruit? 70 Unit 12 + Please and thank you Id like Ud like a... [fd like to... 4 @ Complete the sentences with [like aia 1 Td like three oranges 2 Ta like tory on this jumper » 3 Talike . please. please. please. shampoo for dry hair te ais 4 Falke . 8 6 ‘ please, please, please Offering things What would you like? 3 @ Complete the questions with would like ...? 1A What would you tke to drink ? 2 A What Mould you ke todo tonight __ B I don't know. B I don't know. A Would you like to 2 Ss B No. I don't feel like going to the cinema. A Would 2 ag B No. I'm not hungry! _ A 2 A B Yeah, a Coke would be great! ‘Thanks. g B Now that’s great idea! [d love to stay home Dn A. Would you ikea glass of wine 2 B Er... Idoritlike wine. A Would B_ Ugh, no! I don't drink beer! and watch TV! Maybe we can have a pizza! Unit 2 + Please and thankyou 71 like and would like like dancing/ would like to dance 6 Tick (¥) the correct sentence. 1 J Hove ice-cream. 2 LJ Doyou ike dancing? 3 [J Doyou like wine? (5) Pa ove an ice-cream (5) Would you like to dance? (5) Would you like some wine? Vil 4 [0 Love shopping! 5 [1 Ilike drinking water 6 [J Doyou like cooking? [Ftd love to go shopping. (F Tlike a drink of water. 1 Would you like to cook? 7 @ Read the conversation. Underline the correct forms. A Its your birthday next week, ist it? How old are you? B Don't ask! Too old! ‘A What (1) would you lke / do you like for your birthday? (2) Ilike | like to buy youa present! Something nice! B Well, that’s very kind. ‘What sort of things are you interested in? What (3) do you like ‘would you like doing? ‘Well, one of my big passions is reading, (4) I love / [él love reading. > And you (5) like / would like cooking, don't you? Yes, it true. I (6) love / love cooking. pope Right! That’ easy! I'l buy you a cook book! Then you can, read and cook! B That would be lovely! Thank you! TL Unit 12 + Please and thank you Pronunciation Jel fix Ju] /1/ 8 @) Write the words about food and drink in the box in the correct column, bread chips cheese ce biscuit breakfast food fruit bbeans meal ___chicken_meat ‘el fa fu) il eB cream — | soup fish Listen and repeat. @® Match the words that rhyme. good 1 chip make 2 cheap my 3 steak please 4 soup sleep s food would 6 cheese ship 7 8 rude group Vocabulary Food 10 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. ACROSS Unit 2 + Please and thankyou 73, Reading English food 11 @ Read the article about English food. Put a tick (7) if the sentence is true, Put a (X) ifthe sentence is false. 1 (Z)People think that English food isnt good 6 (Cl anch i this main med otitindag 2. [&] People know what English food is. 7 English people eat dinner late. 3. [English food is much better now. 8 [] Sunday lunch is a family meal 4 [English cooks travel to other countries. 9 []Every town in Britain has international restaurants. 5 []Most English people eat a big breakfast. 10 [-] There is good food and bad food in Britain. What do English people eat? A REPORT BY JAMES BRADFORD ENGLISH FOOD has a bad reputation. Everybody knows what. French food is, and Italian food, and Chinese food. But what is English food? It is true that, for many years, food in Britain wasn’t good. But it is now possible to eat in England and enjoy it! English ‘cooks know a lot more about how to cook, and they borrow | ideas from all over the world. Breakfast) For breakfast, most people have just cereal and | maybe toast and jam. | ‘AFull English breakfast is big ~ sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes. LUREH) For many people, lunch is a quick meal at about 1.00 | pm. itisn’t a time to relax, because we're too busy at work or at school. So lunch is just a sandwich or a snack. DIAMEF) The evening meal is our main meal, We don't eat late—we eat at about &p.m. People have maybe meat or pasta, with vegetables or salad. Sunday lunch is traditionally the one time in the week when the family eats together. ‘There is roast meat, such as beef or chicken, with lots of vegetables. EatingiOut) very high street in Britain has an indian restaurant ‘and a Chinese restaurant. In London there are restaurants from. all over the world ~ Greek, Italian, Moroccan, Mexican, Russian, Iranian .. everywhere. Our traditional fast food is ish and chips, and of course there are places to buy hamburgers and pizza. It is possible to eat really bad food in England. But itis also possible to eat very welll 74 Unit 12 + Please and thank you Don’t forget! Grammar 12 Complete the chart. 1 ‘ike You He/She We ‘ike They like/would like/some 13 Write the correct answer. 1 A Good morning! Can I help you? B Yes, Make some ham, please. a Valike bike 2A Isyour teacher nice? B Yes, __her very much, a like Tdlike learning English? B Yes, Ido. Its interesting. a Wouldyoulike —b Doyou like 4A Pmthirsty! B What ___to drink? would you like 2 do you 5 A What can I get you? B like ___, please. a aCoke — b Coke 6 A Who’ next? Yes, Madam! B [like please. a someapples — apples Vocabulary 14 Match a shop in A with things to buy in B. a 8 1 achemist’s 2 [1 acheese sandwich 2. anewsagent’s [1] some shampoo 3 apost office ¢ C1 ako of tomatoes 4 ace ¢ D1 apairotjeans 5 amarket ¢ Cl apint of beer 6 araiway station ¥ (some stamps 7 clothes shop 8 DJ amagazine 8 ap h [1] aretum to Manchester Word order 15 Write the word on the right in the correct place in the sentence. 1 Tike glass of wine, please a 2. Would you like cake? some 3. We dontt have cheese, any 4. What would you like drink? to 5. Can Ihave stamps, please? some 6 ‘James, you like cooking?” ‘No, I don't? do 7 Here are your apples. Do you want else? anything Would you like... ? I'd like some... Do you like... Unit 2 + Please and thankyou 75 Colours and clothes» Present Continuous * Present Simple or Continuous * Opposite verbs -leave/arrive * What's the matter? Pon nn Colours and clothes 1 What colour are these things? 2 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. 1 a London bus red a New York taxi yellow milk the sea g chocolate clouds black blue red brown STEED Vellow grey white 76 Unit 3 + Here and now Present Continuous Shes wearing/talking 3. Complete the sentences. What are the people wearing? What are they doing? a 1 Annas wearing 4 jacket and top ‘She's talking on the phone _ «a / 40m ‘my pyjamas, Tm a book Questions 2. Paul’s wearing 3. The kids are and ‘T-shirts fora bus. school uniform. 6 Fay jeans. studying in class. an email 4 @ Complete the questions and answers about the people in exercise 3. 1 Whos Annatakking to? She’ taking to her boyfriend 2 What's Hes a coffee. 3. Where going? to school, 4 What___you 2 1 A History of Europe. 5 What studying? We Physics. 6 Who, to? She friends on FaceBook. Unit 8 + Here andnow 77 Negatives 5 @ Look at the two pictures. Write what fn? happening in picture B. In picture EB... 1 the man {st wearing a jcket. 5 the boys: 2 the children 6 the sun. 3. the woman. 7 the ducks 4 the dog 8 the boy and girl Present Simple or Continuous? wear/are wearing 6 @ Write the verb in bold in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. wear 1 Police officers and firemen wear 2 What’ that perfume You're wearing 7 Its lovely! live 3. The President 41 with an English family while I'm in London. in the White House. have 5 You can't speak to Pete. He a shower. 61 three sisters. 78 Unit B+ Here and now uniform, speak 7 Our teacher English fluently. 8 ‘That's Olga over there! She to Hans, {not) work 9° My father any more. He’ retired. 10. mon holiday this week, so I {not) rain It ‘much in the Sahara. 12 It We can go out now. Reading Today's different 7 @ Read about Isabel and Mark. Answer the questions. Oo On Saturday mornings [usually get up late and do the housework. Then I meet ‘some friends in town for lunch, and go shopping in the afternoon. In the evening Igo to the cinema, or goto a party.** Isabel But this Saturday is different! ‘Today Isabel is getting married. She got up early and put on her wedding dress. Now she's in church with all her family and friends, She's wearing a white dress, and her new husband is standing next to her. Mark On Christmas Day we usually all goto my parents’ house. We open our presents, then have a big lunch at about 2.00. After that we play games and watch TV." But this Christmas is different! Mark and his wife, Donna, are in Australia, and it’s summer. ‘They're having Christmas with Donna's parents, who are Australian, This morning they went swimming, and now they're having a barbecue and cooking lunch on the beach, It’s hot, and they're wearing shorts, What does Isabel usually do on Saturdays? What is special about today? Where is she? What did she do this morning? What is she wearing? What does Mark usually do on Christmas Day? Where is he today? Why? What did they do this morning? What are they doing now? 10. What are they wearing? Vocabulary Opposite verbs 8 @ Complete the sentences with the opposite verb in the correct form, LA. Hi, Dave! Are you leaving the party already? B Actually, Um just ariving! ‘A Why are you selling your house in London? B Because we're ahouse in the country, I love Italians. ‘They're so passionate! B [love them, too. But I pastal 4A Canwe go now? I'm bored. B No! I want Mts really interesting! 5 A Canlaska question? B Sure. But I'm not sure if I can it. Hi, Ben! Do you want to play golf today? Another day. 2 Sorry! 'm weep What time do you start work? 9.0 clock. And what time ___ 5.30 in the afternoon. you____# ‘What’ the score? 34. Are we winning? No, we're epee > Excuse me! Can you open the door for me? w With pleasure! A. That’ very kind, And can you__it after me? B Ofcourse! 10 A. My computer isnt working B Well, tum t off, wait a minute, then again. ‘That usually works it Unit 8 + Here andnow 79 Everyday English What's the matter? 9 Complete the sentences with words from the boxes, tired hungry ‘thisty cold bored hot worried angry __aheadache a\ 6 Tm 7 Thave 10 @ Match a line in A with a line in B. A B a 8 1 Tm thisty aL] Why dort you take some aspirin? 6 tmhot. | F [] Why dont yougofora swim? 2 Imhungry. » [Why dont you have an early night? 7 tmbored. | ¢ [-] Withme? Oh, dear! What did | do? 3 Iimcold. [1] Het omewsert 8 mangy. | h [7] Read this book t's bilan! dL] Wel why dont we go out and have 4 have headache semethng to eat? 9 tmworried. | 1 [] Wel take some asprin and goto bed! 5. mtired 1 Putonmy jumper ts lovely and warm! | | 10 thavea cold. | j [7] Whats new? Youre avays wored! 80. Unit B + Here and now Don’t forget! Present Continuous 11 Complete the chart, Present Continuous Positive | Question Negative 1 [Fmworking [Amt working | Imnot working You Youarent working He/She | She's working it ‘sit working? we We arent working They ‘Ae they working? 12 Write the -ing form of the verbs. wear _meating live ving read make work have play it sitting _ enjoy swim do run 13 Complete the sentences with m, is, or are. Where re 1 you sitting? Can I sit next to you? 2 1____studying English 3 ___ everyone having a good holiday? 4. My parents__working in New York at the moment, 51 not eating because I not hungry, 14 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, do, does, or did. Where 40 _ you like going on holiday? you go away last year? What’ that book you _ reading? Isit good? 1____reading a very good book at the moment. What. Oh, dear! It umbrella this word mean - ‘tired’? raining, and I don't have an Vocabulary 15 Match a word in A with a word in B. A B 1 wear aC] had 2 play b Dace 3 make ¢ C1 yourholiday 4 enjoy ¢ 1 asst 5 work eC bytrain 6 travel £ DD theguitar A B 7 miss 2 Lod 8 swimming h C1 pool 9 mared 1 jumper 10 mobile j Cy couple TI busy k © phone 1D warm 1 your family a/anand the 16 Complete the sentences with alan or the. 1 Twear_& suit to work. 2 [get to work at 8.00. I like to be in__ office first person ice-cream? Would you like I'm always tired at __end of _ day. 3 4 5. Tims ___ businessman. 6 A What’: B Ihave matter? headache. lot. 7 Tm reading I’m working What are you doing? I’m not running Unit 8 + Here andnow 81 Future plans + Grammar revision * Vocabulary revision : a + Social expressions (2) Future plans going to study/work/travel.... 2. Complete the sentences with a name. 1 Read about three young people, Terry is going to work i business is going to be a doctor. is going to teach a language. {s going to learn a language. is going to live with other students. doesnit know what sheS going to do later. SCHOOLS FINISHED! It’s the end of school for these 17-year-old students. So what are they planning to do with their lives? Alice Roberts 3 @ Complete the questions and answers. Alice is going to study medicine at Edinburgh University. Alice “1'm really looking forward to it” says Alice. ‘'m going to live with 1 What is Ale going tostaty _2 other students on the campus. | She ‘sgoing tostudy _ medicine. really want to be a doctor and work > Where > with children. ee She at Edinburgh University 3. Where tolive? Terry Bradshaw She ‘on the campus. Terry is going to work with his father, who has a company that ‘Terry imports Italian clothes. 4 Who Terr going to work with? ‘I'm going to spend three months ie sqihikie Filer in Italy, * says Terry, ‘Pm going to —_—_ Visit our designers, and also want 5 How long in Italy? ‘wieain malian.” He three months there. 6 Who in Italy? Melanie Black He their designers. Melanie is going to travel abroad Nelerie fora year. She has relatives in |What's Melanie going to do_2 California, so first she's going to 7 them, She travel abroad for a year. ‘In the new year, 'm going to 4 A > teach English in Japan,” she says. 8 Who____visit in California’ “after that, | don’t really know what ‘She _ ‘some relatives. (rio Ba 9 What do in Japan? She teach English. 82 Unit 4 + It's time to go! What are you doing tomorrow? 4 @ Complete the questions and answers, Use the words in brackets (.). A Right, Sally. We need to get together. When can we meet? [1 What are you doi Tomorrow|2] 1 E rw And then in the evening[3] I (go) to the (do) tomorrow? (work) all day. A Oh, interesting! What [4] you It’s a new French film called Passion. ‘A What about Tuesday? ay ee), | with some girl-friends, ‘On Tuesday|5] 1 (have) lunch and in the afternoon [6] we (go) A All ight. Wednesday. How are you for Wednesday? B On Wednesday morning[7] | and in the afternoon [8] | __ (play) tennis. i f= ‘ (go) to the ‘A Thursday? B On Thursday/9] | (see) Henry for coffee, q and in the evening some friends [10] (come) for dinner. So on Thursday afternoon [1] | (cook). A Oh, very nice. What [12] you (go/cook)? B Tomato soup and roast chicken. ‘A OK! Stop! It’s too difficult to find a time when you're free. Unit 4 + Itstime to go! 83 Grammar revision Alltenses 5 @ Write the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Our School Our school (1) has __ (have) one hundred students, and twenty teachers (2) (work) here The school (3) _ (open) ten years ago, and | (4) (think) itis one ofthe best in our town. Our teacher is lovely. She (5) (come) from a town not far from here. She (6) ____Gtart) working here last year, and all the students (7)__(love) her. She (8) (help) us all the time, but she (9) Give) us too much homework! Now we (10) (Git) in class doing this exercise. It’s a lovely day ~it(11)___ (not rain). After the lesson | (12) ______ (have) 2 coffee with my bestfriend, Simone. The course (13) _ (begin) nine months ago. At first English (4) (be) very difficult, but now it's OK. We speak a lot better now! We (15) all (continue) leaming English next year! We enjoy it so much! Irregular verbs Present Past Present Past 6 Complete the irregular verbs 1 come came 6 = took 2 buy > 7 | say > 3 go > 8 = found 4 - saw 9 do > 5 have > 10 make > 84 Unit 4 + It’s time to go! Vocabulary revision Lists - Monday/Tuesday ... 7 Complete the lists. I 2 3 4 3 6 Monday ‘morning spring breakfast ‘alnays getup Tuesday get dressed cutuma sometimes ight Friday gotobed i 8 Words that go together - tired/work hard mE ‘a 8 @ Match a line in A with a line in B. wenty 1 March A . 1 Tinted 2 with my friends. 2 Lastright went out [I] because | wor so had iy nny 3. Thismoming hada shower ¢ [Do youhave some asin? 4 ve swimming 4 Clinthe sea rg 5 Ihave aheadache Land washed my hae city ; A 3 Soene 1 [buy alot of clothes ‘a LJ to going on holiday. hundred 2 WelWweina fat » L onthe inte. r uw sally 3 Weallwent out Cy but usualy Hose 4 Imlookng forward 4 C1 forameal on my birthday. 5 ve paying golf. Sometines win, |e [_] onthe second flor. 3 A B 1 Thave a fridge anda cooker 2 [There are buses, trains and erties. 2 Big ctes are usualy busy b Ey tes warm and sun. 3 The weathers lovely today. © C1 inmy kitchen 4. You don't needa carin thi town 4 Li thre languages fluently 5. My sister can speak Ly andnisy Unit 4 + It's time to go! 85 Form filling Questions and answers 9, @ Read the application form. Complete the questions 5, wae ca ; and answers. ————————— Jennifer. OLYMPIC 2 P Kelly. EMPLOYMENT 3.Whee AGENCY iendon APPLICATION ‘ ainiinelowa mS oan fest End Lane, London. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms (please circle) 5 a Firstnamo Jenifer NWS7GH. Sumame ket 6 What's your phone number? Address 35 West End Lane London Post code ws 76H ji ; Sana jkelly@hotmail.com Phone o7a¢e 677432 i : email Jelly@hotmaicom a Personal inform: 5 Whee : Age 23 Ireland. Nationality ih Marital status (please tick) 10 Are you married? oe (eee lees Education 11 Where _ school? School Hampstead High Schoo! I went fo Hampstead High School University Bristol wo When , Subject Politics and Education ih tot Bristol Interests 1b study? Langu English and Spaish eee es an See I studied polities and education. Sports Tennis and cunning DO NOT WRITE HERE uM Card NOW” Data input NHGNesO/pD ‘Two. English and Spanish 15 wou do? Signature or Kelly es See Jennifer KY I play tennis and I go running. 86 Unit 4 + It’s time to go! Everyday English Social expressions (2) 10 @ Match a line in A with a line in B. A 3 How dogettothestaton? | a [] ticket to Oxford pease? cs nel » Ly canyoutelime the tine please? hope youhaveagoodtime | S i todtink? [1] Tumdight atthe chach, and go Thanks forall yourhlp. teen Cant have areten eCheteran \What would you tke £ Ey Thanks Same to you tim sorry tm ate 8 Ll Itwas very kind of you Byel Have good weekend! | h [] Dont womy tt doesnt mater Dot n't forget! Question words 11 Match a question word in A with an answer in B. A 8 A [8 1 What? a CD hamie 7 Howmay? | ¢ [] e460. 2 Where? b [1] Apairofjeans 8 Howmuch? =| h six 3. When? © [Because was tired 9 Howold? | i] Twenty-two 4 Who? é Cy aybus 10 Howlong? | jE Jazz hip hop, rock rl 5 Why? e Dy inparis 1 Whatsot? | k (5) Medium 6 How? £ F in2006, What see? | | F) Anhour. Prepositions 12 Write in the correct preposition. 1 10 Mike's 0 __ holiday at the moment. Tm living ___my brother _a few weeks. ‘What would you like___ your birthday? London isthe best city _ the world. Tcome_____school_bus. Tike listening _ music. ‘Are you interested __ the cinema? Can I pay __ this shirt __credit card? ‘Were going Greece __ Saturday. Annies married __Lee. He works _ Barclays Bank. on in by to f with or Unit 4 + It's time to go! a Tapescripts UNIT Exercise 1 1 Hello, 'm Adam, 2 Hello, My name’ Bonnie 3 Hello. My names Chris, Exercise3 1A Cat) this is Liliana Moretti € Hello, Liliana. My name’ Carl Erikson L Hello, Carl. Nice to meet you. 2B Ruby, this is Husain Malouf, R Hello, Husain, Nice to meet you. H And you. 3 C Liliana, this is Ruby. Rel Liliana L Hello, Ruby: Pm Liliana Moretti R Hello. mm Ruby Harrison L Nice to meet you. R And you. UNIT 2 Exercise 8 Hello! What’ your namet My name’ Svana, Hi, Svana, I'm Jeff Helo, Jeff How are you, Svana? 'm fine, thanks. ‘Where are you from, Svana? Tim from Oslo. ‘Oh! Is that in Sweden? Nol Its in Norway, of course! ‘Oh, yes! Look at that gil! Over there! Yes, her name’ Ingrid ‘Where’ she from? She’ from Norway, too. Isshea friend? ‘She's my sister. Oh! Exercise B Hil My name’ Sofia. 'm from Berlin, in Germany. I'm married. I'm a teacher. My school is in the centre of town. My students are from the United States. They're all ‘American! All fifeen of them! thisis Hello! My name’ Adam. Pm from Sydney, in Australia, 'm married, Pm a doctor. 88 Tapescripts My hospital is in the centre of town. Itsa fantastic building! The doctors are really good! Exercise 4 Shes a teacher. He’ a doctor: His names Adam, Her name's Sofia. Hes married. She’ married, Her students are from the US, Hes from Sydney, Exercise 7 fifteen twenty-eight nineteen twelve twenty-one twenty-five thirteen twenty twenty-two twenty-six UNIT 3 Exercise 10 Interviewer Hi! Ella Hello! 1 You're Ella, right? E That’ right So... Tknow your first name Ella, but whats your surname? My surname is Smith. ‘Ah! Smith! OK, How old are you, Ella? Tm 28 23, And you live in Brooklyn, right? Whats your address? E. My address is 209, Park Place, New York, NY 11217, 1... Park Place, New York. And your phone ‘number at work? Whats your telephone ‘number at work? E 1t5212-786-5893. "786-5893. And your cell phone? What's your ell phone number? E 1t3917-438-6721. “438-6721. Now, you work in newspapers, but what's your job? E Tma journalist, (Ob, wow! How interesting! And... are you married? E No,T'm not ‘Thank you, Ella, Thank you very much. My pleasure B 1 E 1 UNIT 4 Exercise 5 My wife name is Kim. Our house is nice, but it isnt very big It's small. sin north London. Yeah, itSa small house. My sister, Alice, hs a house in our stret it just {wo minutes from our house, Our children and her children are at the same school, and thats really nice Alice has three children and we have two ~ two children and a dog, Ben, My daughter’ name is Penny, and my son's name is Archie. The children’ school is near our house, so thats good, but my wife’ office is miles from our house - about twenty ‘miles. My job isin the centre of town, tha’ no problem, Were both happy in our jobs, so thats ok. We arent rich, but wee happy. Exercise 2. A Good morning. The British Tourist Authority Hello, Can you give me some information about hotels in London, please? (Of course. Your name i? Alfonso Morell MORR. No, nol M-O-R-E-double LL. Just one R. ‘Thank you. And what’ your emai address? morelli@superdada it Tl email you some information today. Thats very kind. Thank you very much, Goodbye. My pleasure. Goodbye. UNIT 5 Exercise 3 1 Do you like coke? Yes, Ido. It great! 2 Do you like football? No I dont. its terible! 3 Do you like pizza? Yes Ido, I's delicious! 4. Do you like skiing? Yes Ido, Ws fantastic! 5 Do you like James Bond films? Yes Ido, They're exciting! 6 Do you like coffee? No dont. I's awfull pope> > ee Exercise 8 Int Hi, Gracie, Can Task you a few questions about your parents? Gracie Of course. No problem. 1 Now, your parents lve in Spain, don't they? G Thats right. They have a house in Seville ‘They dont lve in England any more. 1 Ob! Very nice! Mmm ... do they speak Spanish? G ‘They speak alittle Spanish, ves. Oh, interesting! And what do they do in Spain? Do they play golf? Do they go swimming? G They're both quite old now, so they donit 4a lot. Theytein a tennis club, so in Spain they play tennis, 1. Do they work? Do your parents still work? G No, they dont. They dorit work at all now, I And you live in England, don't you? Where do you and your husband live? G We dont live in England. We have a house in Scotland 11 And do your mother and father come to visit? G Oh, yes! My parents come to our house in 1. And... do they play tennis in Scotland? G No. Weall play gof together. We love golf? 1. Oh, lovely! And clo youll go out to restaurants? No, not realy. We eat at home. love cooking. So we dori eat in restaurants. 1. Well, thank you very much. That’ very interesting. Exercise 16 1A Excuse me! How much is this French-English dictionary? B Ie £1575, A Thank you. 2 Ali. Acup of coffe, please. B Tohave here or takeaway? A Tohave here, 1B Small or large? ‘A Small. How much is that? BELSS. A Thanks, 3A Hlow much are those jeans? B The blue onest AYeah. B They're 45. AEr... OK. 4A The Times, please. B 90p, A Thanks, 5 A Canthelp you? B Yes. A hambuger, please A Anything to drink? B No, just hamburger. A L250. B Thanks. 6 A Astrawberry ice-cream, please. B There you are, little giel. ‘A How much is that? B 80p. 7A How much is this orange? B Just the one? A Yeah, just this orange. B Er... 50p. 8 A Can Ihave this CD, please? B Sure, That’ £13.99, pleas, ‘A Thank you very much, UNIT6 Exercise3 ‘A. Excuse me! What time is it? B lsthree-thirty. 'A Thank you very much, B Thats OK. © Excuse me! Do you have the time, please? D Sure. fs exactly ten odlock, C Thanks lot. D Thats al right. UNIT7, Exercise 1 1 Inacafé ‘A Can I have a cup of tea, please? B Sure. Anything to eat? AA Yes, Can Thave a piece of chocolate cake? B Of course, Here you are, A How much is that? B Thats £4.60, please. 2 Inaclothes shop € Do you have this Tshirt in a medium, please? DIilhave a look for you. C Thanks. D Yes. Here you ae, C Oh! Thank you. Can I ty ito, please? D Certainly. The changing rooms are over there. 3 Ina train sta E Can Ihave ticket to Brighton, please? F Do you wanta single ora return? E A single, please. F That's £25.50, pleas, E Can I pay by creditcard ? F Sure, Put your card in the machine. ‘And enter your PIN. Now take your card UNIT8 Exercise! 1. Go dovn the High Street, Turn right into Riverside. I's on the right, next tothe supermarket 2 Go down the High Street. ts on the right, next tothe post office, on the corner of School Lane, 3 Go straight on down the High Stret. Its ‘on the left, next tothe Park Hotel 4 Go down the High Street. Turn left into Albion Street Its on the lef, near the bridge. 5. Go straight on down the High Street. “Turn right into School Lane. les on the right. Exercise 2 1A Excuse me! Is there a bank near here? B Yes. Go straight on, It5on the lef, next to the chemist’ A Thanks alot 2 € Excuse me! How do I get tothe railway station? Go down the High Street. Turn let. Go down Albion Road. Its near the bridge, on the let © That’ very kind. Thank you. 13 B Excuse me! How do I get tothe sports centre? F Go down the High Street. Go past the pos office, past School Lane. Son the right, next to the cinema. E Thank you very much, 4 G Excuse me! Is there a supermarket near here? H Yes. Turn right into Riverside. If on the right next to the theatre, near the river. G Thanks. Bye! UNITS Exercise 1 1. two thousand and six 2 two thousand, 3 two thousand and ten (twenty ten) 4 two thousand and fifteen (twenty fifteen) 5. two thousand and twenty (twenty twenty) 6 7 8 nineteen ninety-five nineteen ninety nineteen eighty-two nineteen sisty 1Onineteen sixteen Exercise? 1 2009 2 2002 3 2012 4 1999 3 6 1987 1960 Exercise 5 1 My mother was born in Chicago in 1960, 2. My father was born in New York in 1958, 3. Twas born in 1985, Tapescripts 89 4. My grandparents werent born in the United States 5. My mother’s parents were born in Sweden, 6 My father’ parents were born in Ireland. Exercise 6 My mother isa pharmacist, -My father is a professor. ‘They were at university together. My father’ parents were very poor. ‘My mother’ parents werent married in ‘Sweden, They met inthe States. Grandpa Fredrik was an engineer. ‘Grandma Smilla was a piano teacher, Pat and Paddy weren't happy at first, Life was very hard for them, Exercise 15 Lath April 2nd June 5rd September 1th January 10th May 25th December UNIT10 Exercise 9 1A Lwatched the football on TV last night B Oh, did you? Was ita good match? ‘A Yes it was great, Arsenal played really wel B What was the score? ‘A Arsenal won 2-1 2 C Lwent to Amy’ house for a meal on Sunday, D Oh, really? What did she cook? An ltalian dish — lasagne. D Mmm! Was it good? Itwas delicious! 3 E I went shopping on Saturday. F Did you? Where did you go? E That new shopping centre in Hendon F Did you buy anything? E Tbought a birthday present for you! Happy birthday! 4G [stayed at home all weekend! H Oh, dear! What did you do? G I did the housework. The house was so dirty! H Wasitt Isitclean now? G Oh, yes! But it was such a boring weekend! Exercise 15 1A Hello. Can T havea map of the town, please? B Of course, Here you are ‘A.Can you show me where we are on the map? 90 Tapescripts B Were herein the city centre, Where do you want to go? A he cathedral Can you give me some information about it? 2B Certainly. What do you want to know? A Isit far from heret B Notatall Just five minutes. ‘A What time does it open and what time does it close ? B It opens at 9,00 and closes at 6.00 ‘A And how much isit to get int B free UNITI Exercise3 1 Can you play the piano, Mike? Yes, can. 2 Can you ride a horse? No, ean 3 Can you speak Spanish? Yes, Lean, 4 Can you dance? Yes, can. 5 Can you play chess? No cant. Exercise 5 can play the guitar alte bit. My sister cant cook a all ‘We can speak English quite well cant understand a word she says T cant see you on Thursday. Sorry. Im busy. Peter can dance really wel. ‘We cant go shopping. We dont have any money. 8 Youcanall come to my house, Exercise 8 1A Can Thave acoffe, please? B Sure! To have here of take aw 2 A Can you open the door for me, please? B With pleasure! Do you want me to carry something for you? 3A Can you turn your music down, please? B Em sorry. I didn't know it was so loud. 4A Can you give me the salt and pepper, please? B Of course! Here you are! Exercise 2. 1A Least urn on the TV! B Push this button 2A Excuse me! Im lost. Where’ the town centre? B Go straight down here 3A Thisprinter doesn't work! B Lknow. It broke down yesterday. 4A Ton understand what it says. B Give it to me, maybe I can do it for you. 6 7 5 A Oh, no! I cant find my plane tickets! B Calm down! They'e in your pocket! UNIT 12 1A What would you like to drink? B Idont know. ‘A Would you like glass of wine? B Er... I don't ike wine. ‘A Would you like a glass of beer? B Ugh, no! I dont drink beer! ‘A Would you like a Coke? B Yeah, a Coke would be great! Thanks. 2 A What would you like to do tonight? B Idont know. ‘A Would you like to goto the cinemat B No. I dont fee ike going to the cinema, ‘A Would you like to go out for dinner? B No. I'm not hungry! ‘A Would you like to stay home and watch Te 1B Now thats a great idea! [dl love to stay home and watch TV! Maybe we can hhave a pizzal Exercise A Is your birthday next week, isnt it? How ‘ld are you? B Dont ask! Too old! ‘A What would you like for your birthday? Tidlike to buy you a present! Something ace! B Well, thats very kind, ‘A What sort of things are you interested in? What do you lke doing? B Well, one of my big passions i reading. I love reading, A And you like cooking, don't you? B Yes, its true. love cooking. A’ Right! That's easy! Ill buy you a cook book! Then you can read and cook! B That would be lovely! Thank you! Exercise 9 chip cheap steak make soup group 1 ship 2 3 4 5 food rude 6 7 8 sleep cheese please good would pie my UNIT 13 Exercise 10 1A Lim thirsty. B Here! Have some water! 2 AL'mhungry. B Wall, why dontt we go out and have something to eat? ° A Timoold. B Put on my jumper! I's lovely and ‘A Thave a headache B Why dont you take some aspirin? A Timtired. B Why dont you have an early night? A Tim hot B Why dont you go fora swim? A Tim bored, B Read this book. I's brilliant! A Tmangry, B With me? Oh, dear! What did I do? A Tim worried, B What’ new? You're always worried! 1OA Thavea cold. B Well, take some aspirin and go to bed! UNIT 14 Exercise 10 1 ‘A How do I get to the station? 1B Turn right atthe church, and go straight on. Excuse me! Can you tell me the time, please? hope you have a good time atthe patty. 4. Thanks forall your help It was very kind of you, Can [have a return ticket to Oxford, please? {6 What would you like to drink? A Tm sorry 'm late B Donit worry It doesnt matter AA Bye! Have a good weekend! B Thanks, Same to you Tapescripts 91 Answer key 1 See Tapescripts, Exercise 1 2.2 My your 3 name, My 3 See Tapescripts, Exercise 3 4 ra ‘ia. Like, Robert Ruby. Ale Hay names | opie, ost, Catherine Surnames | Mctenns, Bond Jonson. Backman 5.1 B Finethanks A Tm OK, thank you 2.C Howare you? M very well And you? 3 R HiAlice A How are you? R Very well, thank T 2 Byel See you later! 3 Havea nice day! 4 Acup oftea, please. 5 Byel See you tomorrow! 6 Sleep welll ‘Short form H Tm ke] is W 2% 3are 4% S'm 6Are 7% G20 3a da 5a 6b 16 2 I'm fine, thanks 3 And you, 4 Bye! See you tomorrow! 5 Itsa book 6 2 Her she’s 3 Her, She’ 4 His, Hes 5 Her, She's 6 His, Hes 7 Her, She’ 8 His, He's T2d 3a 4e 8 See Tapescripts, Exercise 8 92e 3a 4f Se 6d 10 good, really good, fantastic, OK, bad, awful 11 England, Egypt, Malaysia, 2K 30 AK SV GY 7K Bx ov Carla and Pedro are in Egypt 6 Across Down Catherine and Anthony are in Malaysia computer 2 television ABI march Kam, Ann and James are in England 3 What this in English? 5 hamburger 3 photograph 4 rea computer B See Tapesrpts, Exercise 13 8 ba 4 camera Dear 6 bus 5 Howare you, Mika M2 Hes 3 His 4 Her 5 Hes 10 piu Se 6 imine thank you 6 Shes 7 Her 8 Hes 11 sandwich 8 book 1B 13 thiteen 15 fifteen Tten nine four six three one eight five et 21 twenty-one 30 thirty ‘ 1 Across ions 22 twenty-two 25: twenty-five siss5m276 7 Spain 1 Australia 16 sixteen 28 twenty-eight 9.3 onchospital 7 ten students 5 England dance 19 nineteen 20 twenty A threebuses 8 eight cofees 9 fapan 5 United Sates 26 twenty-six 11 eleven Sioorpizas 9 sxrestaurants 19 Ball 5 china 12 twelve 6 seven teachers 10 nine footballs Russa 6 Eat 6 den linen 0 1 Italy eighteen twenty-four wl 7 Ta 2 fourteen twenty-seven ote © jee [ce | eee jceceiceee) 7 19 12 21 25 15 20 22 26 - China 8 rests | foots | tas fot | an Ute Sm sues | ots | ances | | 2 | FBP) PR liga Se aca =e photographs: pizzas: houses, Russia : = Cotes a er teachers 3 He ® I 2 A Goodbye! Ql] Ave Tetra fer ‘She she’s B Goodby! Shs Hey te * [s : rae 4b His ¢ His d Her Ter_||_iat heft 4 A Good afternoon! 5b Shes ¢ Hes d She's Wim 2 are,'m 3 are, re 5 Good afternoon! 4 tis Sere 20 2b 3a 4a 5b 92 Answer key 21 2 photograph 3 cup oftea 4 house 5 camera 6 sandwich 7 book 8 bag 23 Youre 4 your 5 Youke 6 your rs] 1 Across Down 3 doctor 1 businessman ‘taxidriver 2 police officer 8 nurse 5 student 9 shopassistant 6 builder 10 busdriver 7 teacher Dis 2 ions 3 int, 3 Firstname, Country, Address, Phone number, Mobile number, ‘Age, Job, Married 4.2 What’ his frst name? 3 Where ishe from? 4 Whats his address? 5 What’ his phone number? 6 Whats his mobile number? 7 How old ishe? '8 What's his ob 9 Is he married? 5 2 He isnt from Australia, He’ from England, 3 His isnt 23. Hes 26, 4 Heistta student, Hes an engineer 5 He isnit married, 6 3 Yes he is. 5 Nos he isnt. 4. No, he ist. 6 Yes, he's, 7 2 Peter isnt a tal driver. Hea bus driver 3 We arenit from Spain, Wete from Italy. 4 Tm not married, Pm single. 5 Youarentta nurse, Youre a student. 6 Paul and Donny McNab aren't doctors, They're singers in a band, B2a 3b 4b Sa 6b 9 2 Is Bo from Sweden? 3 What’ his job? 4 Where are they on tour? 5 Is Lisa with the band? 10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10 10 M22 interesting 3 band, singers 4 citytown 5 tired 6 diferent 7 sation 8 here 9 understand 10 excited Tl See Tapescripts, Exerc B 2 Tmsorry 3 That’all right. 4 Excuse me! 5 Idont understand, 6 I dorit know “ 6 Postve | Nee ions [People [Tas T a co) axcoment | tay You ae ‘You aren't ‘country police officer or = vtige | ts | acy “ = sowmet_| vate | bs n z Tis 7 we Weert Sgr Maat Tey [ae [heya stool 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b ties 16 2 fom 3 in 40f Sof Gon & we 7 of 8 inof 9 at 10 with sites 72 2 75 50 15 8 42 10 38 sandwiches 1B forty-fi ight cha octy-fve seven ete ‘one hundred peop 12 Bonny’, 3 Nicks, 4 Alice’ 1 Across, Down 5 Suzies 6 Harry's 7 Kates 8 Sarahis 4 1 ae 4 6 pina 2 viming 22 Her 3 Our 4 your 5 His 6 Ther Fkercream 3 sing 3 Acros own 9 colfee fee 7 father 1 parents 11 tba 5 beer Bon 2 Beoger 12 hamburger 8 Coke 9 mother 4 husband 10 orange 10 wie 3 brother 25 ilieber 6 sister 4 Tdont like swimming. 43 Shehas 4 They have 5 Shehas 5 Welike skiing. 6 Hehas 7 Theyhave § Hehas 6 They like wine, 9 Shehas 2 We don! lke football ; 8 You like ice-cream, S34 47 5x 6x Tv ax 9 They dks Chinese fod bo hisers 3 See Tapescrps, Exercise 3 5 his daughter 42 have 3 Ive 4 have 5 speak 4 hissons 6 swim 7 eat 8 drink "9 ike 5 hisdog’s 1o want T2has 3 her 4 childrens 5 wifes 5 2 What's your father’s job? é We 3 Where do you live? B3V 4x SV 6x 7K BY OX eens , 2 doyou eve 92f 3e 4c Sh 6d 7a 8b efter W 3 Their 4 do you like aches 7 2 don't drink a 3 dotine 6 theyre 4 dni ive M ischool S$ daughter 5 dont dson Sfriends —— 92.d0,do,Do 3 Do they both 12 See epescripts Exercise 12 8 Doliey 1B your her our 5 do you, go 14 have has 2a 3b 4a Sa 6b have have Answer key 93 10 2 dont do 3 They donit 4 donttlive 5 wedont eat se | eee | wee | veer | try alin abi | anese Spani | Chinese Aan eran Meson FOR arn 12 2 American 3 German 4 Japanese 5 Arabic 6 Italian 7 Mexican 8 Chinese 9 Brazilian 10 Spanish 1B 48, 35, cighty-one, ninety 15, 72, sixty, fifty-nine one hundred 14 £25.99 twenty-five pounds ninety-nine p £450 four pounds fifty 95p ninety-five p £32 thirty-two pounds £79 _seventy-nine pounds £2.15 two pounds fifteen $65 sixty-five dollars 80€ eighty euros £1.20 one pound twenty 15 3 fortyp 0p 4 eighty-eight pounds £88 5 twelve pounds sixty £12.60 6 seventy-five euros 75€ 7 one pound twenty £1.20 8 thirty dollars $30 16 See Tapescripts, Exercise 16 uv Positive | Question | Negative 1 Ton werk You | Youwork | Doyou wor We | Wework | Dowe wor? [We derit work They dont They | They work aa 12a 3a 4b 5b 19 2 speak 3 work 4 have 5 play 6 come 22a 3an dan 5a = 2 Wellve in abig house in London. 3 Tma waiter 4 work in an Italian restaurant. 5 They have an office inthe centre of town. 6 Jamie isan English teacher. 22 Ihave a small lat 3 Italian people are nice. 4 Idonit like Chinese food, 5 My father has an important job. 94 Answer key rm 1.2 three otlock 3 eight thirty 4 six forty-five 5 two forty-five 6 twelve olock 22730 3 threectlock 41045 5 230 3 See Tapescripts, Exercise 3 4.1 7.00 block. 2 do you have 3 do you go 4 do you watch, watch 53 Hehas 4 Sheleaves 5 He does 6 She watches 7 Helives 8 She works 3 has 4 leaves 7 has 8 watches 61 has 2 goes 5 does 6 lives 72 does she go 3 does she have 4 does she do 5 does George live 6 doeshe have 7 doeshe '8 doeshe do 82 does 3 Sheloves 4 She likes 5 shelikes 6 She likes 7 She loves 8 She loves 9 She reads 9 2 docsat 4 dont W 2am 3% 4is 5 Do 7 is 8Do 9do 10 are 12 does 3 doesn't 5 doessit 6 do 11 Does ia al Wes plays eats: oo | cake me | wes teaches D2on sat 8 No 9 No B Across 6 drink 7 watch 8 play 9 drive 10 lunch 12 languages 13 early 2 dotheygo 3 does Michelle do 4 does he 5 does he 6 does he work 16 2 No,she doesnt 3 Yes, he does 4 Yes, they do, 4n Son 6at 10 No Down 1 work 2 office 3 listen 5 shopping 9 dinner 10 live 11 have Ton W 2 doesrit 3 don't 18 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4 doesnit have » Positive | Question | Negative Tot wark Youwark | Doyou wer He wos He dost werk Does she wor? | she dest wrk Teworis | Does work 20 3 watches 4 cooks 5 work 6 teaches U2 does 3 does 4 Do 5 dont 6 dont 22 How 3 Howmuch 4 Where 5 Who 6 When 7 How many B 2the 3 the, ~ 4 the 5 6a- Ba 8 the 9 the, ~ 10 the, ~ 1 Who do you live with? ‘What does Vanessa do? How old are your children? ‘Where do you live? ‘Why do you live in France? iow many languages do you speak? Do you play any musical instruments? ‘What car do you drive? How much money do you have? L2e 3f da Se 6d Th Bg 94 10) 3.2 When, In the summer. 3 How By bus. 4 Where Inavillage near the sea, 5 Who Jane. 6 Why Because my wife is French. 7 How old 8 How many Three. ‘9 What time 6.30in the morning, 10 How much £5.30, 42 How do you spell your surname? 3 What’ your mobile number? 4 How old are you? 5 What’ your favourite food? 6 Do you livein a house ora fat? 5.2 Why does he drive an old car? Because he doesnit have any money. 3 Why does she stay at home every day? Because she works at home, 4 Why does she sit at hee computer all day? Because she’ a writer 6 ‘Object Postenive im his Ter it them Ti you 2her 3me 4it 5 him 6 you 7 youme 8 us 9 them 10 it 82 your 3 His 4 Her 5 its 6 Our 7 their 93 that 4 This 5 This 6 that WO 2 lovely 3 hot 4 big 5 delicious 6 beautiful 7 cheap 8 wonderful I awial 2 wet 3 awful 4 old 5 cold 6 expensive 7 small 8 happy 0 TD Across Down 1 shampoo 2 present 3 clothes 3 credit card 4 shoes 6 chips 5 coat 7 bridge 10 postcards 8 lener 1 buildings 9 stamps B 2b 3a 4a 5b 6b W2in 3 for da Sto 6t0 7 of 8 for 9 to,for 10 with 1.2 livingroom 3 kitchen 4 bathroom 5 bedroom 22 bed 6 table 3 cooker 4 sofa 5 desk 7 laptop 8 armchair 32 magazines 3 atoilet 4 a PlayStation® 5 posters 6 abalcony 43K 4K 5K 64 5 2 There are 3 Theres 4 Theres 5 There are 6 Theres 62 There isn't 3 There arent 4 There isnt 5 There aren't 6 There isnt 72 Isthere, 3 Are there, 4 Are there, 82 under 3 next to 4in Sin 6 next to 9 Across 4 rain 5 ferry 7 mountains 9 theatre 11 sailing ‘Yes, there is Yes, there are No, there arent Down 1 seafood 2 sunbathe 3 park 6 fishing 8 beach 10 train 10 2 railway station 3 church 4 park 5 car park 6 sports centre 7 supermarket 8 chemists 1 2 3 4 W 1 theatre café the park railway station 5 the school TL See Tapescripts, Exercise 12 B_3.X Thereare four trainsan hour to London. 4X It takes 30-40 minutes to get into London from Berkhamsted, 5 X There re several hotels in town. ov i av 9X There isnt theatre, but there isa 10 X ‘There are two pubs on the High sweet Wo2a 3b 4a 5a 6b 7b Ba 1S 2 but 3and 4 but 16 2 because 3 because 4 0 vos 8 2 30 58 239 6 a2 WB four seventy-two eighty-cight ten 1 See Tapescrips, Exercise 1 2 See Tapescrits, Exercise 2 32 ninoteen forty 3 nineteen ninety-nine 4 nineteen seventy-three 5 two thousand and one 6 two thousand and five 7 two thousand and eight 8 Two thousand and twelve — twenty twelve 4.1 1989 2 2004 3 1963 4 1945 5 1969) 5 See Tapescripts, Exercise 5 6 See Tapescripts, Exercise 6 72 washe born 3 were, born 4 was, was 8 2 wasnt born 3 weren't born. 4 Were, werent 91 He wasa painter and filmmaker. 2 In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 3 From Slovaki 4 He was a coal miner. 5 No,he wasnt. 6 He wasa painter in advertising and magazines. 7 A centre for artists, musicians, and writers. 8 Doctors and hospitals. 1 In Sandringham, England, 2 John, Earl Spencer and Frances, Viscountess Althorp. 3 The Royal family. 4 No, she wasnt 5 She wasa dance teacher and a teacher ina children’s school. 6 20. 7 In Paris, 8 Dodi Al-Fayed. WO 2 was 3 were 4 bought 5 said 6 found 7 thought 8 came 9 saw MW 2 were,saw 3 said 4 were, thought 5 came, found 6 went, bought TD Across Down 3 home 1 time 4 walk 3 housework 9 shopping 5 lunch 10 shower 6 breakfast 11 exercise 7 work 8 homework B April, June, August, October, December W4 dnd Sed 4th Sth 7th 10th 12th 20th 21st Answer key 95 15. See Tapescripts, Exercise 15 6 8 Present Past Tad & ought sy Teand made 19 3 made 4 made 5 did 6 made 20 2 ...10 the cinema 3 Ido my 4. cbecause iis 5 shave a shower, 66 What do you do? Pm a businessman, 7 Vusually have... : played won | Mest | aaa wos | | . loved - S 62 didhedo 3 didhebuy 4 didhe go 5 didhe see 7 2 Did he like the film? No, he didi, 3 Did he have a pizza? Yes, he did, 4 Did he enjoy the party? No, he didnt. 96 Answer key 82 didnitdo 3 didnit enjoy 4 didnt go 5 didnt know 9 See Tapescripts, Exercise 9 W3in 4a S- 6- 7a 8- Son 10- TW Across Down Lice skating 2 skiing ‘swimming 3 horse riding 6 tennis 5 windsurfing 8 golf 7 fishis 12 cycling 9 football 13 walking 10 dancing 14 rugby 11 cards 15 sailing T 2 went cycling 53 went swimming 4 played rugby 5 went skiing 6 played football 7 went windsurfing 8 went horse riding W_2 She went with her parents 3 did they stay? 4 didnt do the same thing 5 did they see 6 did they do, on lots of 7 They saw whales and dolphins. 8 played golf, went to the sports club. 9 di the children love, there was 10 They made their own pizzas, IS. See Tapescripts, Exercise 15, 6 Poste | Neate | Question pled | deeply | dit oy | Die pl? Bad Dd? pbyed | ep 2 was 3 did 4 Did 5 was 20 3b 4a Sb 60 TT 1 2 can speak Russian, 3 can wale 4 can ride (a horse) 5 enn 6 can play the guitar, 7 ean run fast 8 can sing. 9 can ride a motorbike 2 An interpreter can speak several languages. A pilot can flya plane. An architect can draw buildings. {A chef can cook delicious food. ‘A computer programmer can write software, 3 See Tapescripts, Exercise 3 42 Sam cant run. 3 You cant snowboard. 4 cant write English 5 Wecant sing, 6 ‘They cant play the piano. 5 See Tapescripts, Exercise 5 62 fluently 3 really well 4 atall 5 quite well 6 really well 7&B See Tapescripts, Exercise 8 wv x play football drink dance sing run ask questions speak 2 Honda, 3 Honda wants ASIMO to live with people and help them at work and at home. 4 Yes, he can 5 He conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra 6 He said: ‘Hello, everyone, This isa ‘beautiful concert hal? TW Across Down 4 fast 1 interesting 5 busy 2 all 7 delicious 3 exciting 8 wet 5 boring 10 young 6 funny 11 dangerous. 9’ sunny I See Tapescripts, Exercise 12 B Positive | Question | Negative Teantsing Youeanang | Gnyousng? ‘Shean seg | Ganshe sng? | sheet sng They ning They cant sng W4 2 never 3 often 4 sometimes 6 usually 7 slowly 8 carefully Word 3e 4c Sa 6g 71 8) 9f 10h W 2oft0 310 4on 5 within 6withon 7about 8 for ‘9 with’ 10 for 1 milk, bread, w 23 fssome 4 dost have any 5 has some 6 isnt any 7 has some 8 isntany 3 4 3 4 ex, cheese 3 he have any, No, he doesnt. there any, Yes, there is. 4.3 aglass of red wine some shampoo for dry hair 5 Talike to send this parcel, 6 like to buy this magazine 5 See Tapescripts, Exercise 5 6 2 Would you like to dance? 3 Would you lke some wine? 4 love shopping 5 Ta like a drink of water. 6 Do you like cooking? 7 See Tapescripts, Exercise 7 a ial [ala . sop | th ved bee | ba hella frat chicken 9 See Tapescripts, Exercise 9 WO Across Down 4 soup 1 sugar 6 chicken 2 vegetables 7 apple pie 3 rice 8 salmon 4 salt 9 jam 5 cereal 11 sparkling 10 salad 12 stil 11 seafood Wav 4v 5K 6x 7K Bv ov oy 2 ‘dike ‘dite ‘tke B 2a 3b 4b Sa 6a 2g 3f 4a Sc 6h 7d Be WS. 2 lke some cake 3 have any cheese, 4 like to drink. 5 ..have some stamps. 6 ‘James, do you like. 7 Do you want anything else? 13 white 4 blue 5 green 6 black 7 brown 8 grey 2 Across Down 1 suit 1 shoes Btie 2 socks Shoots 3 Tshirt 8 shorts 4 jacket Strainers 6 shirt 12 jumper 7 wousers 13 scarf 10 skirt 11 dress 32 asuit, Hes 3 wearing trousers, They're waiting 4 wearing, reading 5 ‘re wearing, ‘re 6 Swearing, She’ writing 42 Paul drinking, drinking 3 are they, They're going 4 are you reading? 'm reading 5 are you, ‘re studying 6 is she writing emails, ’s writing to 5 In picture B: 1 the man int wearing a jacket 2 the children arent eating ie cream, 3 the woman ist wearing sunglasses. 4 the dog isnt eating a bone. 5 the boys arent playing football 6 the sun isnt shining, 7 the ducks arent swimming on the pond. 8 the boy and girl areit talking, 653 lives 4 ‘mliving 6 have 7 speaks 9. doesnt work 11 doesnt rain 7/1 She usually gets up late and does the housework. 2 She's getting married. 3 She's in church. 4 She got up early and put on her wedding dress, 5 She’ wearing a white dress. 6 He usually goes to his parents’ house. 7 Hes in Australia, They're having Christmas with Donna’ parents 8 They went swimming. 9 They're having a barbecue. 10 They're wearing shorts 82 buying 3 hale 4 tostay 5 answer 6 working 7 doyoufinish 8 losing 9 close 10 turn iton 92 cold 3 bored 4 tired 5 hungry 6 hot 7 acokd 8 worried 9 aheadache 10 angry 5 ‘Shaving, 8 's speaking 10 ‘mnot working, 12 isnt raining 10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10 0 Positive | Question | Negative Yue woking [Ae you working 4 WeSteiait jee neg) is working Tint werk Were working | re we worn | They art ee wating Treading making working having playing enjoying swimming doing running. B 2m 31s dare 5’m,'m W 2 Did 3 are 4am 5 docs 6 is 2f 3b 4c 5a Ge 71 Bh 9j 10k tg 121 W 2 thethe 3an 4 the,the Sa Othaa 7a 22 Alice 3 Melanie 4 Terry 5 Alice 6 Melanie 3.2 is she going to study? ‘sgoing to study 3 isshe going going to live 4 Sgoing to work 5 ishe going to spend 's going to spend 6 ishe going to visit 's going to visit ‘going to 8 isshe goingto ‘going to visit 9 isshe goingto ‘sgoing to 'm working im going to the cinema are you going to see? imhaving re going shopping ‘going to the dentist im playing tennis 9 'msecing 10 are coming 11 'm cooking 12 are you going to cook? 52 work 3 opened 4 think 5 comes 6 started 7 love 8 helps 9 gives 10 aresitting 11 isn raining 12 ‘mgoingtohave 13 began 14 was 15 areall going to continue Answer key 97 62 bought 3 went 4 see 5 had 6 take 7 said 8 find 9 did 10 made 7/1 Wednesday, Thursday; Saturday, Sunday 2 afternoon, evening 3 summer, winter 4 lunch, dinner 5 often, never 6 have breakfast, go to work/school, come home, have dinner 7 February, April, june, August, October, December 8 thirty, Forty, sixty, seventy, ninety B12a 3e 4d 5c 21b 2e 3d 4a Se 3c 2e 3b 4a 5d 9 2 What’ your suename? 3 do you liver 4 Whats your 5 Whats your postcode? 66 07988677432 7 What’ your email address? 8 How old are yout 9 were you born? 10 No, Fm single. 11 did you goto 12 university did you go 13 What did you 114 How many languages can you speak? 15 What sports do 10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10 W2e 3f 4a Se 6d 7i 8g Oh wl uj 2k T 2with,for 3 for 4in Sto,by 6to Tin 8forby 9t0,0n 12t0, for 98 Answer key Notes Notes 99 100 Notes Notes 101 102 Notes Phonetic symbols Consonants Vowels 1 pl asin pen/pen/ 25. fis) asin see si 2 fb) asin big /big/ 26 Ini asin his /huzi 3° ti asin tea/tit/ 27 fil asin twenty /"twentif/ 4 fd! asin do/du: 28 fe! asin ten /ten/ 5 [ki asin cat /keet/ 29 fei asin bag /baeg! 6 Ig) asin go/gao! 30 Jax! asin father 'farda! 7 iff asin four /f>:! 31 /o/ asin hot /hot/ 8 Iv asin very/'veri! 32 oi! asin morning /'ma:nmy/ 9 Is! asin son/san/ 33. ful asin football /*fotb: 10 [zi asin 200 /zu:/ 11M asin live /hnv/ 12 /m/ asin my/mai/ 13° In) asin now /navl 14 [hy asin happy "heepi/ 15 fv asin red /red/ 16 [if asin yes/jes! 17 fw/ asin want /wont/ 18/6) asin thanks /Oenks/ 19/8) asin the (bal 20° iff asin she /fix/ 21/5! asin television /'telivisn/ 22 tf) asin child /tfasld 23° d3/ asin German /'d33:man/ 24 Jn’ asin English /‘ingltf/ 34 us! asin you /jux/ 35 /s/ asin sun/san/ 36 [at asin learn /Ia:n/ 37 [a asin letter ‘leta/ Diphthongs (two vowels together) 38 (ev) asin name /netm/ 39 au! asin no /naw/ 40 far) asin my /mai/ 41 fav! asin how /hav! 42 [ov asin boy /bau/ 43. raf asin hear /hra/ 44 [eal asin where /wea/ 45 ual asin tour /tual Phonetic symbols 103 OXFORD Great Clarendon Stet, fon ox Go ted Kingdon ‘Oxford University Press isa deparaent of the University of Oxon Tefutsthe ters sobjeete fexcteneiarescarch, cas ‘tn education ty publishing worldwide, Oxford is aregistered trade ‘aro Oxtord Lest Pest UK and ert oer comes ‘©0xtor Universiy Press a0e4 “The moral sights ofthe autor have been asserted ok ation sascorno warns ssi 478470 ook ok On-Ap No copying or fe sharing ‘Ts dghal publications protected y intemal copyright aw. 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