Real High-Quality Lossless Vector Graphic Templates For Any ID

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This on the right is what you get by just scanning an

Some bother to make it better in Photoshop but the
result is always bullshit.

That’s why I vectorize the template for you! Vector

graphics is like magic in the world of graphic design.
You can zoom or stretch it as much as you want but
the quality will never drop. It’s always sharp.
Dont let yourself be fooled by the jagged details on those sample pics below. These are just raster
screenshots. I will include a cut-out of a real vector detail on the last page. That one you may zoom
and inspect.

Moreover! You can adjust the settings and appearance of the details any time and really easily!
Only took my like 4-5 clicks to chnage these colors. Will only take 3-4 clicks to to change the thickness of
any line in any object group.

I’m a professional designer who has been working with vector graphics for the last 20 years. I know what
I’m doing!

So, if you have an Id or any other document that you would like to template, I’ll make a nice and high-
quality vector image of it for you. All I need is a high-quality scan of the original. Some documents are too
complex to reproduce. For example those which have photos in it’s design. If you can’t provide me the
same high-quality photo that was used in the design or if I can’t nd it myself, I may not be able to
reproduce it for you with a sufcient quality. In tese cases I will not take any responsibility of the quality and
outcome of the end-result.
Looking at those sample images on the previous pages you may understand, that due to the level of detail
my job isn’t easy and it will take several good days of painstaking work. Some less, some more.

But despite of that I will not charge you according to the time I spend. No. My charge is only 200€ per
regular 86x54mm ID. Flat. Larger templates will cost more but it won’t be like 2x the = 2x the prize.

If you know what you’re doing and need my services, send me an email to


and we will have a deal.

The promised 1:1 scale cut-out of a real vector

graphic design. You may zoom it in as much as you
like and see the stunning sharpness of details.

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