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lannis xenakis Oresteia for baritone, mixed and children’s chorus, and chamber ensemble Full score Text from Aeschylus BOOSEY (cy HAWKES Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Lid Published by Boosey & Hawkes Musie Publshers Lic 71-91 Aldwych House Aldwych London WO2B 4HN ~~? ISMN: M-080-10603-8 (@79-0-060-10803-3) © Copyright 1967 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Lid Revised version © Copyright 1998 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd Printed in Germany by WEGA Verlag GmbH, Mainz ‘This final revision of Oresteia (1989/92) is extracted from music written for the ‘Acschylean tragedy, first performed in a longer version in 1966 in Ypsilanti, Michigan, ‘USA, staged by Alois Solomos, with Dame Judith Anderson as Klytemnestra Page ‘Agamemnon 1 ‘Choephores 60 Eumentdes 7 Duration: 70 minutes including the inserts Kassandra (¢.15°) and Goddess Athena (¢.9) {see below] Instrumentation Fate (doubling Piceolo) Oboe Clarinet Piccolo in ES ontrabass Clarinet Double Bassoon Hom in F “Trumpet in C doubling Piccolo Trumpet in BS) ‘Tenor Trombone Tuba *Percassion (3 players) Violoncello 2 pedal timpani (lage, smal), 2 bongos, side drum, bass drum (very large), 2 woodblocks, 2 tion- roars, 2 gongs (small, very larg), 2 tambourines (without jingles), whip, 4 somtoms, 2 nylon brushes with long bristles, 2 maracas large thunder-shee,glockenspiel Each instrumentalist excepting the pereussion player, also plays each of the following: triangle (or steel rods of varying lengths), tambourine (without jingles: 5 diferent pitches, 2 at cach pitch), ‘Acme-type siten, small tubular glass chime, pair of metal fags (aluminium sheets), whip ‘Additionally, $ assorted lion-roars and 5 assorted rattles will be required, played by the 10 instrumentalists as above, Male Chorus 18 Baritones (minimum, or multiple of 2 of 3) who also play the following instruments: 1 small drum or high-pitched bongo 18 pairs (minimum) of wooden simanta (plain wooden rods or hollow tubes struck with another small piece of hard wood in lieu ofa mallet) 18 whips (minimum) 18 Acme-ype sens (minimum) 18 metal lags (minimum) (aluminium sheets, shaken) 1 maracas (minima) 18 pars (minimum) of metal sinantre (very high-pitched metl diss struck with a rangle stick) Female Chorus 18 Contratos (minimum, or multiple of 2 or 3) who also play the following instruments: 18 pairs (ninimum) of wooden simantra 18 whips (minim) 18 Acme-ype sirens (minim) 18 metal lags (minimum) 18 pair (minimum) of metal simantra Children’s Chorus 20 Voices (ruinimum) pp.122-128, 138 to end 20 pais (minimum) of metal simantra Audience 200 small metal flags should be distributed tothe audience, at the end of the work. They ‘wave them joyfully, uniting with the spit ofthe choruses ‘New Inserts Kassandra (Edition Salabert 1987) To be added just before verse #1331, p35 of this B&H score. Duration ¢.15 minutes for: 1 Baritone (or 1 oF 2 children + 1 beritone) 1 Psalterion 1 Percussionist ‘The Goddess Athena ‘dition Salabert 1992) ‘To be added just before verse #894, 119 of this BRH score, Duration ¢.9 minutes for: 1 Baritone (or 1 or 2 children + 1 baritone) 1 Pereussionist ‘The fall instrumental ensemble for Orestela Notes 1, In Agamemnon during p.55 to 59 inclusive, the male chorus goes into the auditorium and forms two semicircles around the publi, spreading fanwise towards the back. 2. During p.60 to 65, the female chorus comes slowly onto the platform or stage and ‘groups itself in the usual way. 3. From measure 224, p.120 to measure 244, p.122, the children’s chorus comes slowly on stage and groups itself inthe middle, infront of everybody. They might also sing, 4, From measure 306 (p.129) to 314, the male chorus goes back on stage or platform and groups itself behind the female chorus. ‘5. The instrumentalists are seated on the stage or platform, on the left and right sides. 6. In general, a sober and austere action could be implemented during the performance. 7 Some special effects could be provided by means of echo-chambers and loud-speakers, for instance: a the insert of Kassandra p.35, atthe death cries of Agamemnon p38, of ‘Aigisthos p.91, at the insert Goddess Athena p.118 and atthe ending pandemonium. 8, All sequences are linked to each other without any interruption including the Kassandra, and the Goddess Athena inserts that are published by Edition Salabert. Pronunciation of the Phonetic Text ‘The words should be spoken, not declaimed, without any sentiment or expression ‘whatsoever, in a ‘recto tono’ voice, and without any modulation of pitch or volume. A@H) = Hose English) E ‘E (French) = ‘short I (French) = oGrrenety U (Geman) = CH(aCHt, Geman) ‘Tileare (English) (German) (GH =F (gamma, modem Greek) 1s KOxemcO™ " ‘Cette révision finale d’Oresteia (1989/92) est trée d'une partition érite pour la tragédie Eschyle et exéée en 1966 & Ypsilanti (Michigan, USA), dans une version longue mise sclne par Alexis Solomos, avec Dame Judith Anderson dans le re de Kiytemnestee page ‘Agamemnon 1 Choephores 60 Eumenides 7 Durée: 70 minutes y compris les insertions Kassandra (eav.15) et La Déesse Athéna (env.9 (voir ctadessous] Instrumentation Fltte (aussi Piccolo) Hantbois ‘Clarineste piccolo en Mib ‘Clarinette contrebasse Contrebasson Cor en Fe ‘Trompette en Do (aussi Trompette piccolo en Sib) ‘Trombone ténor Tuba ‘Percussion (3 exécutants) Viotoneeile * 2 timbales & pédale (grande et petite), 2 bongos, 1 caisse clair, 1 gross caisse(tés grand), 2 wood-blacks, 2 tambours&ficelle, gongs (petit et grand), 1 fouet, 4 tom-toms, 2 brosses de nylon & longs poils,2 maracas, 1 grand voile metalique, 1 jeu de mbres ‘Chaque instruments (auf les percussionists) jouent aussi des instruments suivants: 1 wiangle (ou bases d'acier de taille variable), 1 tambour de Basque sans grelots (les 10 tambours de Basque seront repatis en 5 hautearsdistinces, 2 par havten), I siréne (ype Acme, 1 carillon de vere, I pire det Arapeaux métallques (fells d’alum.), 1 fouet De pls 5 tambour &fvelle assortis, 5 exéelles assorties qui serontjouées par les 10 nstrumentstes susmentionnés. Choour hommes 18 Barytons (minimum, ou un multiple de 2 ou de 3) qui jouent aussi des instruments suivants: | peti tambour ou bongo ig 18 pares (minimum) de simantra en bois (bos plein ou tube en bos frappés & aide de baguetes en ois du) 1 fouets (minimum) [8 sirtnes type Acmé (ainimum) 18 drapeaux métallques (minima) (fevilles alum, secouds) 18 maracas (minim) 18 paires (minimum) de simantra meétaliques (Aisques de métal tes gus ftappés a aide de Daguetes de wiangle) Choeur de femmes 18 Contraltos (minimaum, ou un multiple de 2 ou de 3) qui jouent aussi des instruments suivants: 18 pares (minimum) de simentraen bois 18 fouets (minimum) 18 sirens type Aer (minimum) 18 drepeanx méaliques (minimum) 18 paires (minimum de simanra métalliques Choeur d’enfants 20 Voix (minimum) p.122-128, 138 ala fin 20 pares (minimum) de simantra mitalliques Audience 200 petites feuilles-drapeaux métalliques & dstribuer aux anditeurs & la fin de oeuvre, qui les secouent dans la joie, *unissant ainsi & esprit du choeur. Nouvelles insertions Kassandra (Edition Salabert 1987) A insérer p.35 de cete partition B&H, juste avant le vers #1331. Durée env.15 minutes pour: 1 Baryton (ou 2 enfants + I baryton) 1 Psaltérion 1 Pereussioniste ‘La Déesse Athéna (Eiition Salabert 1992) ‘A insérer p.119 de cette partition B&H, juste avant le vers #894, Durée env.9 minutes pour: 1 Baryton (ou2 enfants + 1 baryton) 1 Pereussioniste Tout ensemble instrumental pour Oresteia Notes 1, Dans Agamemnon pendant les p55 A 59 incluse, le choeur q'hommes va dans auditorium s'aligner en deux demi-cercles depuis le scéne jusqu’an fond de Ia salle, autour du public. 2, Pendant les p.60 & 65 de la-dte partition, le choeur des femmes entre en scine et se groupe normalement. 3. De la mesure 224 p.120, & la mesure 244 p.122, le choeur des enfants entre lentement en. sedne et se place au centre devant tout le monde, tout en chantant i nécessaire, 4, De Ia mesure 306 (p.129) 4 314 le choeur des hommes retourne sur scine et se groupe deritre e chocur des femmes. ‘5. Les instrumentistes sont plaeés sur scéne en deux groupes & gauche et & droit, 6. En général, une animation sobre et austére pourrait re admise. 7. Quelques effets spéciaux pourraient s'ajouter a l'aide de réverbérations et de diffuseurs par exemple, 8 "insertion de Kassandra p.35, a la mort d’Agamemnon p.38, d’Aigisthe 1.91, & Vinsertion de La Déesse Athéna p.i18 et au pandémonfum de la fin. 8. Toutes les séquences se suivent sans interruption y compris Kassandra et La Déesse ‘Athéna qui sont publiées par les Editions Salabert. Prononciation du texte Les mots sont dits rectostono, non déclamés, sans expression ni sentiments d"aucune sorte, sans modulations de hauteur ou de volume, ea respectant la phonétique qui suit ‘THose (Anglais) E (Frangais) T (Frangais) 0 Grangais) U (Allemand) CH (naCHt, Allemand) ‘THeatre (Angiais) = s(Allemandy GH T (gamma, Gree) ks pone ORESTEIA IANNIS XENAKIS (1965.5, re 1989192) I. AGAMEMNON d- Partout absolument sans vibrato Frite tet Fes depts Heutbois wo te | 3 3 = : Trois Gixinotte Biecotn an note Sentre-basse Contre basson Trompete legatss, * or fon f0) wf degatiss. Trombone tenore go Tuba of teats Votoncate eT re Fouet 4 Le LF eee etcetera) ety felon eto Pice, some v8 f © Copyig 1957 by Booty Hawes Msi Pubes Revol version © Copyigt 1996 by Boctey & Hankes Misi Poi id Hb a. V6, ne @ ga 2 asus bois sur ins oe [meittocke tes ar wt = nent oe vow Sarge = Enterta aidan oF argo Yeiter: Dis chant haga. Watchin: Sing hee of 8 Jew stan, z- g . 8 a 8 bs of Tuba = att fn 7 i ‘AT —Atyov di—M-vov ef Chor ee , ‘AF—Aevov &i—hivov ef SE RP NON-E LL NOW 1 Laut J rubato oust qua gait, = st 160 (ean) Hote hover he Coryph —————— el 106’ ab TD gi—oy i. moar TO LON Chorus Zeos Tevs Kenan pe Ke KU ME roi 18 vty ps0 iv—— vm ww MW— Phos —e- we 70 mio 709 — po — we ms MMO EOSIN 8 gpov-—ri—-508 ma TaN 4 ro Fron LAOS AN Tuba Ai —At-vov Gi—divov ei MeN EN WONT hort i— vow di— Ate vou ei. Eu MOM Ut MON Se. 2 Joss St176 Coryph, FE Chorus, sav gpo—veiv Bpo—rois, § S——B— gov—=-1a 1H A081 vor RW Rous) ASN km” = = (solo) 808 eiv— sa xu pion @_xew Ma ons om om ok \ \ oo 2 (Pas =z = = = t = —_ = = ) eur via mpd. kap — 81 os io pov m8 vos: ew norm aka) AS _mm os} mon Pas = kai mag ——Kov——10s. m—oe ou —Gpc-veiv , te PRN SE SOO HIN bar pdv—uw ae Mo NOK BE mov Xa—py Bi—a1——o8 gik—paoe—wvov #} — pe vv ae om oORIS WH OS SEL. OMA SEM MON TE wo ‘sion a nn epi. > aS ye ee. f, Ja0 = He. c. Gon, wa, Tome] Mar. a 16, Maracas. % PEP st237 stace. sim. or agence vant eu prs doe eouteane. “ntdam somes a the pric of uous Ho. cu Cor, Tom Hb, cn. Cor. Tom. E-Rav-Spos £ Aéw —— 70 — his © UN anos E uP mus ible et ne por pond vieeaan hommes evils. “frtueto har nome He, she proved Hell skip ell mon, Hel cits, We. cu cox Tp. To. Chor Hb, ct Cor. E 5 aw duo Je st681 — 4 Wo ha Zen b— po — ley 0” 8a hen Fae Tos "prom ——€ st i Sryeoon| > Tempio — pé-vov dbo PE PRO | MENU clos. Ve. ‘0 — pi=yox —Bpov by pve Chor so mt GAM YAO a a) , dew rége, pour chacan scstlan. “are sen that a bnoblet ceesone st 430 5) Pee, He, climb ©. Fag, or Te. Tuba ve Foust ny wea. mayen : foc Sen rhe nat Tom inl ke +4 ae. ins gr. + He. cL Cor Te. Tubal Ve 3 0 "4 face Hb. ca Cor. Tb. flat Tuba eeatiss) sul pont, norm Ve. ‘ —_———. Gong me, ErAeEE santa wal iget coats oe mp se. = Hb 1 cor, Te, Tube Ve ong se cHOA, tou des rile corps batt Jo el ein cach aoe vainguurs, ‘rbrmund the cp oli inter babs Hao, the ton fond hos covered te St 452 congueror. prendre flite i Poe. Chm cag, Cor, Te. Tube ve. Foust, wa. Gong Toms se. Indl Oi Baio epi eltos shqas TAiSot és Epopgot —Raréxounty. + aatG PERG Tinos Ginas HLInaes GAS EVMORFL — KaTEWUSIN 5 Chor. » FL Hp. chm Cag, Cor, Tube ve. Fouet wa: 4 smaitfoce tres mele Gong : subi am Avior. mp Toms ' maitcke temas se: = St EEE mp é Sisovras txpupev. aptia Storav bis iv dry. Eryoepivrow Séps rvs chor. |“ ser—oni aéuonoas Gxmiesen, vanik. alasron Finis sin révo « ammoxnivou Sinis. 1 fe, Cll 1D. Ve Foust we. Gong! Toms ce: Cher. crags Cor. Te. Tuba Fag. Cor. Tb. Tuba 2 votes noes Boinyes.anéantiuent th Back Bayes wear daw 78 st 462 eae Heer Toms ta Ind] Kehaivgl Spies. xpd Chor. + ELEN AERINIES RKO Fl Wb. mi Vo ruxnpoy Svr'aveu Sigs nahwvruxei_— pipe lov mieels dyaupok tv Biotois Tehéovtos chor | vole xfs maunrind rand Wie. Tol anamin ex aististendoonnes = = eins ad 18” Sumepubras ediewy eb “papi paiderat yap Scots aidgev —xepavvds chor. | dns: atti: ro aurenedpos xuiin~ ef vaRi: . viteTE onR dssis atéoeN —Remavnis. | jaz 470 Pice, Hb, cumit ©. Fag] Cor. ®. Tuba ve. Gre 7000 @ poco Foust a we. aig om Gong [ratte rm ce, SF — | % Pice. Fag, cor, Tb. Tuba vo. Hb Fag, or. 1. Tuba Ve Ft Hb, crag! “Cor. Taba Ve Ft Mb. crea Cor. Tuba. doigts 1 {[sonco tts grave ou 3 8,2 |coryph. ov percussioniste + | Coryoh. ou per paume ‘Cor qui puisse jouer slgu et grave extréme ou stors 2Cors: Ue aigu et un grave SS retit tambour aigu baguettes bois ou bien & ts main (auriculaire + (9% iane ds haut = fropper avec les doigte sur le bord: pouce) ligne cu bs = trapper avec Ia paume au centre de te pesu 6 Bongo Pico, Fag, Tube Piece Cor. Tuba Ve Tube Ve. Pice. Fag, Cor, Tb. Tuba Ve. Pie Cag, Tobe Ve. Bongo Cory Te. Tube Ve, Tube cory sin je pie pour que me prémositon ao sompe ct ne a lie pas Ina I pay that my premonion may denis ie not be flied ouch gies — Fm Tuba cory bord facie > _(glisse) ; tua —p > IE sss Nl Vb tr, Pice. Sib oo: seg, te ESSE enna INSERT: KASSANDRA ~ FOR BARITONE SOLO AND PERCUSSION | Duration: c. 15 minutes (Edition Salabert) = = SEIB31 hinaieeollmarsse decipher. 297 daw. Pie. wo, ce. ere e.Foq e [ ae cor ie be = ve we 26 ye egatss. Ploe. He, cr Cheb, c.Fag| Cor To Tuba coryptl Pee. Ho. cL Cheb, c. Fea] Tb, Tune 38 ‘ALA an coup fatal nla déciné.ondadonat ee eeeeee eee senreee geese etread 5 st 1343 fia Pice. ‘ Hb. cu Cheb. Fea cor, Tp, Tuba wD ve _—— ?———= feet st1343 : ~ if « igameinor) «Shot TérAnyyat_xaupay amy Eom a Ory |) PEPLIGNE «—AERIAN PLIGHIM 80} — @ Voix de fommes dans Faigs et 12 medium Voix dommes dane To medium st le grave. wa ESS gt1345 J i tes Piee. ce, c.F0g or t» Tuba ve. st 1345 Toms a B Toh sign statins (game) (sesamin jot jaXaigis Beurépav — neminysivos ar Cory WALAFOUS AEFTERAM —PEPLIGIIEWOS [mp pe er a 1 sale. + med YER. emed+ on Pee. He. ch Glob. crag Ye. Toms cory Pleo! Hb, cl Leb. c. Feo Cor. Tube Ve. Toms, coryphl o Jomo _t48 = Ee Plee. Hb Cheb. Fag Cor. nm Tuba moyen: dolgts bord Toms {ferme wes Pane tiga cHoR, 38, Pies. chor. Akt mon i, camment a plurer? degy Alas my king, how shall I weep for you! st513 Pleo, Hb. ch Cheb, C.F ag Tb, Tuba Toms r cuor, @ parei hee rete Pice, Hb. eu Chew C.F ag, cHon, _ fa—or “ust ter OS. SE ak x80 hed, was" ge 8a——_—__—" xp——ow Pies. He, 1 ©. Fag| Te, Toms chor, gpc—ves tk ot 7 FRE MOS EK FL us 1, Por 1 Po 73 leu ° 8 g Pie. Hb. ch Clee. Fag, Cor. Tuba rors { Bless a oe Ss ‘chon. kei-oat S—pax wns tv d—fao-pa—n 198 &—oe— fei Sa—va— Ty pi—ov SE Ok man se Hs mi ot) TOA A SELMA OTOH Ow Pice. He, cl Cheb. Fag| Tuba Toms cHoR ‘ee—mvé—w EK PHEW on ogden Se Ee aero de 728 boron ? 4 az g Pice. cl ©. Fag] 1. Tuba Toms Ble > chor. po me Ro koi—rav rév8) av—c—Aei—Be-—pov KL TAN TAKS AN ELE OE ROK Pee. Hp. Cheb. ©. Fa Toms cHOR, Pee. cu Cor. Tue Toms CHoR. Bd—pap—ros ee on mak TOs EK apg — 78 — Hy pen, vp Mo TO Md oy xo Pee, Hp. cr Cheb crag, coe, Tp, Tube Toms,| we Foust. st1520 Hiytemnostrs justi aon erie Histaata tii thong cheb, c.Fag. Tp. cle Fes, Te. Tuba Foust cheb, c.Fos,| or Tp, Tuba Foust Plee. Hb, n Cheb. C.Fag| Cor. Tp. Tube Toms Fouet Hb. cl Toms we, Pice. Ho, ch. Toms we. moyen z Gener (9) wt ‘arnt cat page ug a. seo chowur hares va dons Four sgn on ca deca dep inosine gues ond dea ae, ar pi. s Surg toe p.59 us, ho man chy gous th sustoum anos two sri sound he pb Seren fats tonto J=s0/logatiss, partout _ Pice. He. cl cheb, crea. 1, cor, Th Tuba Ve Tome Foust 8. | ee ac Hb. ci clap. Fao Te pee Tb. Tube Ve. Toms Fouet we. ac Piee. Hb, cl cheb, crag. 1. pie. 1. Tube Ve. Toms {| Foust we. ec Piog He. eu Cheb. crag] Xe. pice, Te. Tuba Toms Fouet wa, Ge. He. cl. Cheb. % pice. Tb, ve. Tome Fouet sc. = Il. .CHOEPHORES ‘vcant ete page usq' apie, choo des formes (avs Elec eae Intent en sede at ge gupe noralorent ‘¢ Darng ts poe ntl 2.65 evs, tha tema chor (ih Becta enlars slowly on tag ond group zal nto ual way. {ondte wonves hore du palais aosampagnr dos oan unthre.. St 20 CHL am sen forth from the palace to convey fanert libations. dan 3 sf teats, Flate Hautboie Clarinette fen mib} or (en fo) Viotoncelte Wood block eign = = 52 4 Fi, cn we. Le longeur approximative: (on mesures) de chaque pause est indiquée entre paranthéses Rene trombl.irogulior f ton Fl He. 1 cor Vo. f Hb. ci cor Ve. 6s Hts ‘curl Cheb. oa. Tb. Tuba ‘Beater an lames, hruyantes en tambon, dues dnote mate taht Pour forth tre fling loudly, for ou fll lord St152 PP om Png ay for ur fle st 152 . sel pont == ar fe Ff 4, gt cows tomes fete 8 e te ab ty Left t aaa ton t gm 2yt0n ts 4 leon the ton = ton ope o tw ME ONG (8) i : # —# Pice. Ho, a. Cleb. Te. Te. Tube Chor. é WU — a TOBE Ke Ky — mm ote AE oma KG - me ri 16 —19 0. mu eb TRO Ke—Ku—we—vov ko eM ME KON 40 dl = Chor rer a jav— pas por ex oA may nis yy 8 Plee, Hp, To. Ve. al Chor SF vw — 1 —w— w— Toa te eee 9 eee 4 t Peed 1 aw, ze det0o, Be age f v Hi Pice. Ho, cL cheb. op. Tb. Tube ve chon |] I — Tis Bo-pue- Bevis lo vip. @—-va—hu-rhp B6—jtev us Ao ris oc wis 18 A wim A NA LI rik ad MON =e = omg Oreste ot Enter Orestes. st 305 Orchestre Tom Percussion Gongs Chorus = =, st318 Of Sia eviracan ater base fat j38 / s0T deaqca(ains) a Ore =} J dtapper & volt ee Wonks Tiealane i: Ft T roof 4 4,2 ian rr? 1 oro i —t te | Gis ize agian 91 nang 1 xi nds viumrin duce hor on seWuStn EM? eres eee! aed ann oe aca a8 roxoy Beda Sop ASC PBL, Aah, Abe rixou! © 2 voix claires dhommee E 3 voix groves de femmes C. choeuwr de femmes H choour cthommes Woix sans modulations aucune sorte) Orch, sgh x, frottees out done, O pire. » 4 g eC connec djane MoFouets St 332 oe: SF = he g gee 4 | t ¥ t + +1 , rot — wm 6 atl KAIBL wy, & warep, éy en wnt ponvadumrta vivoy alres 1h seemimvies: bo mt gpet modubéKpura even, Sinats roi demi BIOS @piives. bvaorevie. st340 c dri ex rinse eds writen | AK Evy &x Tove edi XPRZOW = — sno 4 © io {onan ae ula, pags tunps my colt weudeus eroondorényy,.Uitlon eiren. “aonirirros. xaTfunisois: Bein, KeASBOU8 eHPROYYOTEDOIS. Ei yp in” Aig mpgs mivoR Auklioy mere, Boptrfieros ketnvapiogns = (a) : = q q 4 ais ra mad Onfhin dette eat sls ean ins 14 ‘auaroxpioy ands GmASM .- EVFORITON —{ hmv. By eixdetay Ev Sopoiony Tergov 7 bv echevgais emiorpemréy ‘# Ces brosses paurent e1re avaneageusement romplacdes par des bapu ‘ur Ia poau des toms do fapon & prolonger des vibrations sdches yioas mohixworoy dy lye Stanovriow yas qatou ‘Shyaow 128 8 t6tes de caoutchous bien frottées 60s ot iréguliores Orch, Gong rk ali tes refines, ten ge me Toutes rete $0inevos, = = 78 A 3 oreh, Gong wer fue asm ud nan ‘Skawindnu” ~POROK - TEOAFOE pinos al Krandnoes nin ier Ny Soupuctny dag map mapos Biol xravevres viv ole Sapivar, Srantvopoe opey ieecgéar =P : omnaririnon Ean iy Bavarnpépov alcay Orch Bre reece Ot. . sre iron anna raisse ai rmolnesor naz. © fit, tr ateoen eemnor isradrwon (Om -APIRON 4 Mat routes amos rethe bh pda rivd mavdéveogar ravbe Jah Ze nagey tumuteay doweadnowoy Hovey Bape Srey Hoy wal Mavoupy KeIpL ‘oneadt 6 Byes "tehcirat 5 joo st3904 Orch are ao =A adroran ameronnis“2éss eet aieg vive rit rie, kim Adinns, Kat nor & apsigadis, Zebs tit Xeipa flor, gui'gen, kapae Balfas _{ estslmejurceoontreFnjstos: forte nc gree ot Puinsences Infornales honorées! = ® Ur demand justice against injustice. Hear me, Barth and ye Howoured Powers below! mage 10 4 g Oren : Gong Pep aonb aan 7 ‘al ered ie 3 feowion Te Tie 2? igre. vévore. Kops. Bikey 8 Eetoy trams Ore ‘BE Ta xeeviuw ee = La near appt ges Hash 400. { sntreia he srs rum (lise tees} { | * ‘ * SSS 5— Se : ee Orch | Tamb. de basque (Shguteurs) oy =a 2 f profonde. ee fete Fay ras nbn res ui ; inte es agi, “hie_ sons Papa ton rnbexon —_ reyméxom’ im vox ean eds enn nena! AMG vopos péy dovias oraysvas Tapa tv npdtepov pgipévw. Gtuv trépav Pneosenes HEAT Srey Endyou vet ig = ‘ina Bog yap howyss “Epivuv % Orch, Pp ce. Orie ok person rani ene vrais ant rompadnn IAESC: -ATRIAAM Th Lip” AMIMANOS . EWONTA KE. AOMATON —ATIMA: Po Mono: 88. veprépuiy rypaibes, iSere nohukpant spat Soneyévav 5 ArepeiBay ra Noir Bpmgiowss ExOvTA Kai” BiparLav ay =: Eien rate ate a hn are ee "2 {tartan cane th ig Orch. re et tT a ©st459 ie ae 2 on 2 2 nas, 4-1 bass = 4409 218429 00, sin Orch cae aux hommes 16 Fouets 8) Chor A . ant whoo wre, “nies ex fact ae pevomiv tne reenter ute hha" olee 1G 1G Baia mavro\se pnrep, -Saiais ev eu Tevgnpatwy Erhus avoipwr Wepopatsavcawontav! Wvaice ape pages He Heinen = st434 = a8 wings ie owen ) ___prendiy Simantea ® chor face jn: jaui wex aenoun i ut ‘nuit seach Te nav Grlwos Edekas, ofpor Bean, pév Baipéviov Exar, naxpes S'aripwwowy ape Teles Guay xepaw, 230 st459 Orch, 8 chor © ined” vossrine ovis Tatisen eB rags moan ‘ten ty voopicas ddoipav Gxougov €8 aos wohdv: = = 26 §t 439 romareces oreh. [= 8 PPP cresc, al fine Tome E z : —— é z i ee. < f (sinanray SS SS Se See cree 7 (Qmsiaisor at 00s rorsiats, trmsse airen wndae cit woman nisse towda doce cde “Eyooxadiogn Sé Y'ivs téd cibis. tnpacee B'amep viv Be Bartel, wSpov Krioal pupeva Bgeproy aldvi o— = Chor ruins parnius ins arias vas Marpdows Bias eriuous /— Conteh qn adam! Prt spe encg inte 8456 0 Srinath rn nc oon rt : Orch, Tome| 6c. re Fouets Chorg| sé rt koa: xevaew, ph - ‘Zé Tol Adyw Guyyevo’, trarep, gidots. = = pt ; occ [ZF rendre tor aecaes | Porta Me (Shouteus) ~ RP ore. PP oe. t ¢ Toms jf — —_ Jf: t . F — a= oh 4 ————-8 SS 5 SSS st 479 ae viree, morism —v eaniis tkéy, erowéno mi ads amis Tayep, rpéoroiy of Tupavnxois Gavi, atroupeves wor Sos Rpares © owls wider alusae venom, hin ida os, Tefloe vokepme wate eoypunow 18 pepopoy here fad x | a 1 7F TAP rT Tat Oren, yh te * h Tart J rT oy a r —— f t t r > He i es Sette fear feeeiesseaaed eed ec pep cet nti ; ; a S—= = — ——— S = ee st 486 vw 7 fa oct Om a spe be, 2 rsa ‘rem en Kye yous on rf Ents eypaa Sexe rete, go fu meme omen a Bs Bape bso ae Wedpela == 201, ‘ = Wt i fa fee get on ff 73 ip? tt pt tT xT ray roe 72 = ; fof E eee F eee a+ = z= SS) x === == mt paved eorrerse. ian 8 jot narée* Eromreioat now. st 490 & renssérissn ads af vEvwonron nites, © hepochaowa Bey BE y cdvorfow epsrs st 466 ©: : eénos encenis xé pundwoussos. ints emardessa ptacul: 12 afston arena xiai 1 aysnitivars- "2 rues eyyevds eal mopipousos rs aluarécoos mayé: id Suovov teyra ifn Orch, st 491 ; vcamso —wnda_ i. svestisons rien Méuvnco Aeurpiwv ols Evoopiogns. ndrep. st 492 “Ap tEeyetpn roloS vel sonia Te vonerriasi ewwauoussy tp te powcurolo bv wakdwaow. [-10". disos. eee ‘Pare, téveillos-tu enfin & t 7 Nee ae iG (ta Ld tT? repo orenfl 7 ty Xp TF Por Tap Tey ae? o o > Reece eee eee Tome po Pessoa 7 4 SEH Z r fr Sy =e = = == ee S| @ » FSS a= at — = st497 son, rite Fai ae sus os woes uals i fx mas eee ol “thor Bigy lake fio rés pois aos ae peat ti i Te re tr ne oe © “Bas farm raskoe owsrnson fenoor sara Aciyaoiy,eyporov 18 Exes, O88 fr BAW ExroRey, BAN Bi" nf Zen cain pe mon uso ope 216 So hear father, tis my ot ep 2 |r Fh? Orch. Tome! ee. | ® © | #s : 7 els st 500 ©, rains ool, ws ey ant way cers ig® Seauoov howtion Pofy Warep Sy veoooaty Tales” © [lowin am ourmin cen von ark ous asia {Sy ep ljmply: ecov rv Kara. ys, BO" iy. sy) = any rrpt t ea yo Payt oven met iss mye [tt rR 7 PE Fy ee + = 2 ‘ : f t Tome + t. i tt ¢ t +t rt ps - Dain oe < “a é - “4 oe Stott 1. Lifin. 4 = = ©. HE = i =: | ® Din. | — ° a aoe = =e at Li tin. ‘Alon, ls bs eter, etendesupeeaton c11{ Osetia pon ton geo sneaion ro: ime ofim insewes emi’ cninon xé wi aauiisis seenma pexonadurdae Gro oni i teoNMAS uae ven Tag. glewweOHtov poe g Buss vEvow wat ol Taeibne onEppa NehoriBow TBE obo yp oF Témmat Au lcs, wes amy sae. eis st 476 MA sore Haat OBVeN 9 ov anvoyer cx onfante ote eecorevctoeua! ‘and of our ready wil sd forth to the cilren your euscour uno est! a Pice, Orch, corey ‘Toms| ? st 505 © © éacs oin anam usénes sovien carina; eeui dos donwsss ©. Taies ya SvGpt ehSeves ounipior Bavevr= eh Gavev © ee om 8 Pee. Orch. tore Toms ee © J] aicnon win. ex wei swasrin sizowes vin: inn wen ai rastsosinane, arts af séev rae seas &youst Sikruow, ev, Ek Byded khworiipa adirorres Nivou: dou. mép coli robs’ Ear" BBipuara, dunds Be oity rbibe mynoas hoyéy. a rembléinen tremolo) TS Pee. VS ————=a = = See Ve ‘tremolo{non trembla) us les Tambours de Basques Fromole Oren, et fe Ce Se ee yaee Sunset Pe Cet A fo de cote page fake tower i en des moraces os @ de gauche 3 ate et a invanment pure foe cst Piece. ve Tot oro) orf “@ ‘Mers, g¢-——3p se Maintenan, je Yon conjure, Zeus, pve des deux Obuspens, ‘Now atm supplication, O Zeus, ether ofthe Olypian gd, g J=10 st 783 cor P Tp, chor dy nap—ai —rov— pi —va Madi ra — Ey ak = (@u) cor io Chor. fo yes | w—xev LF ais rms ain uy af 8 a cor th Violoncelie eu~$p0—ob—vei ya 0— pé—vos 1 Ba eae so— mo — sim owe 0 — wus 1 an Osis temper et nnenis, uy cll qu dans pli St 7B9J_200 oH { On matchinuoe ect teptce nah ovr hs ae ——— Te, 4 picsctecrenen Chor. femme omits ag 18 te. cum Cor Ve Toms chor or or ire a man de 5819 OF {Aurion neurvienedetnrnces te hoe. Hp Bf chm ft cor Ve Toms Chor.t Tov ul ——T04 gf Yt eal #2 > Courts glissandi descendants ou ascendants He. Chai Cor hort 8h 7 ei un — Ro ‘sth —THN o— mi: khex ——— T6N ob. = = 32 : Ho. chant cor hos. % oe Mel ia et a a ‘Orestes piace pore mentee dAigithon (Orestes prepares or the murder of Aigethce © st 24825 Jam - Tp. = F 2 Ve. we meage ‘Orch. |[10 Tr. Sees Gong Chor, (107: muages) PAR eeene To. Oren, Gong Th. Ve, Oren. [fioT. Triangles toms Fou et ep te = = pe Ve. Orch, Tome! Fouet Gong chor cx mentalaiithon we eee Death 7 of digistion Tp. Ve. Orch. Toms Foust Simantra bois neage chor. ‘tous oo 3H. = ee ; ae LF S900 wi a = a satis oaaiaaar dates bea ae ve on a 7 ee aa PRP om Oreste er Kiytemnatre a confontant St946 J 100 Orestes confronts Kiptemnestra ‘’ FL Hb, chum Te. ve, Fh Ho. luni Tp. ve. son Gong ec. AL b. cami Ve Toms Gong ce. FL He. cum ve. Gong ec, oe od 7 A Hp. chai Tome| Gong Ge. st1065 - dar Orch. 12 Tasques Toms { Fouet sina Gongs 0 oe | ec. “ fe simantras bois mage rarefié (pes Sr0p dense) Orch Toms} Foust. Gongs ec chor, st1073 hat pSEISSREES SU SEEEREEE + Wrobee Peo or 47 Orch. Toms Foust Gongs] cc. 458 oreh, Toms Fouet Gonge| ac. iron. Ill. EUMENIDES at ADelphes, ls Pythi, Oreta, les rien ‘ALDelphi, Piha, Oratas, the Bringer dew Gans vibrato) ¢ Car captre basse Contratasson cor Trombone micro Tuba micro Carillon vorre Jou de Timon —y f =, = Grosse Caisse ‘de dStendue cheb. c.Fag seu 7 ce. Ee $ v Carillon : bouts de verre suspendus s‘entre-choquant cheb, Fas. car, JouT. ac, chep,| crag, by cox. (UC REEEREEEY sew Gc. Cheb, c.Fa9| Cor, eur, sc. cheb. . Fag| cor Tb. Car Jour, se, cob, Cg cor 1. Tuba car ae. 100 Cheb. c.Fag| cor Te, Cer seu oc. cheb. © Fog| Cor Tp. Tuba cat JouT, ec. 5 Crécelies (ron. continues) Tambours 5 steele Orch, (simultands) 12 Fouote (simatt) 12 Sirdnes 1B, Sirdoog Thommes) 36 Fousts Choe “ht 1BVoiK femmes Le choour dos formes en rr 0 roe. ~ Famaio chore i oc sreeae stand op. so —40 J-80 br irreguter : iS ‘Soa e Aa eR we TEES ITD DTTP, P= ?————$— ' + 7 ered F (upieners at { Beit ei aot, emma in porta = Brn Avake/ woke her, 8 Twebe thee SE14D pains dense Creo 4 | (oer intermttnce) _ PEED ET SRDINSSS] sir tH id (irveguller) partout . . 4 irreglier ; (Criont en mblange de voix non synchronos oun’ towne “xé si vimma cond a€ sé: Evarse —anisto, x'apo.axtissas “Eyeip’ Eyeipe Kai of THB! tyd 8€ Of. eiBeis; Gviorws, kémodaKticac’ 2 16 -143 stl43 cr, [femeasreeea tomb [TEE smaly een ee (ot 4 I EY = ‘ol un vale Slade Zoum, Aplin? st149 wan. { ‘Thou, a thief, sox of Zeus, Apolo! + - 5 ey ss ia i ag a a as Com rr "at a 7 es a ae ae ot auras 1 ves. Ud otton vunie oe est aise is ua Tpsdne salon i, mat isk, émchorog edn wos, Be ‘wossrndn i ‘owns Ean Geylover rabid sé "attaw expen, Wear Tgitge Spoow ol vebrpe Sal sperotsye pe wal rouenow minpey Bee Bas Sigh at eBay ‘ep ipa. peoy Rb Feb bot es dee ar Les voix non synchrones ‘sir . LF og Se iq age Aé makois GN mLizMATi MYHGH —EMRINAT' AFTUSSYTOS, AFTOKLITOS PARA WOMON vet, A——______+ WROTEA MEX TION” PALEVENIS AE MIRAS FTHISSAS: “Epcorud* GE pari “Shor bee Byers Su dua wy éxpavar" adrédouros, airdxhiros, ape tow Ha tyevels SE poipas goicas. > f = | ‘el eases pgm ; eg a ese, typ a oad rane Vx. RA Kéuoi te, Nurpos Kal réy otk exhlgcr yoy 88. yav AeaBepoinal "norpenaiss wy Bedoy or Be edpg pidarop tlew ou ndoeral Les voix non synctrones: 14 Tp. Te: Tuna cr Tam TRE So Paes be Fte E 3 eee Euay Seaspere es Sit Sit oP ae EERE ee aia e_—— vxt 10s os d= wo Trombone: Tube 5 Créceltos wage dense 5 Tombs, celle Tan eee 10 Fouts 10 Sirtnes Tom oscillations autour de tal 18 Drapeau métalliques to CHOEUR FEMMES Aa vie woe alate teas de at home, SE245 Brin. { Anasteraie a cles traf the many, tb. Tubs ea Tem Fe si. Tom Tim. 2. vol fommessursigtes 2voin homies groves Vth iow ri esi taands exrnds vou: dru vais Gan ad souaawin eourévonen Eley: 168" éori révb pes xdavés téxpap: éneu mpés aipa Kal oTadaypov Eilereboyey. st 245 se Fe Dane one erp oud de hil 8 yup ule bane sain { [iene ety opt de ene of ele ca 1m st255 ‘fla F 1p, = te Tuba ce, Tomb ete Tom, Timo. Vath Sic Fts Dmét che Spa B—po Eps Spa pF pe | Aan Gy im =m. éom. ém m ion ow u-er Fier — 108 Te. Tuba Tem Fre, sie Tom Timo. Vxth, Si, Fs, Dame. ya —sp6—— §0—Noe 0} tos a tat — ro —— rb —n0s 4 us ip $t257 1, Tuba Sie Tom Tim, ‘edt, any ad eon veal wien pueneis eis awvadTy wine sy aandy erocis ocds Benatre iy aiedy eye Bpiet axl Baits, YoUs hte cht” ll ieaan st257 oe che. 109 b+ tt 10 st 136, 306 4100 Fiécoto Havtbois Clarinette pice. ‘Trombone Tuba 8! Crécelles 5 Tambe & fics © Voilo métaticue #!Fouste @ Moraces © Sirones 1 tom alge (pereordh] Grosse Caisse (pere-orch} petit impale {ete Wee me 18 Fousts. tho 10 Drapes ft z z z 3 Po yf pp 9 voix CHOEUR FEMMES 9 Voix © Cos instruments ‘font jouss par tous les musiciens cisonibles y compris te Choeur des Hommes chacun powant éventueliement jouer de trols instruments simultanbments. ’ av = = Vimet. (2. — Ts 3 tt r 3 ¥ t cw FSS ae ee re sete ec es = = a Bc. gat Srp. mm so Pie Hb. cum) Te, Tubs 8 cre 5 Tere cai) Vent Foul Mars Tom se. Timb. Fouet rap, cit $321 4.120 min mire Nut toi qui ms afer. mater Nighi, who dist bear ma TP Re {por muse era na oscillan Pies, Ho, ‘cmt rp, Tuba cre. Tomo, Vernet Mars. Sie sc. Timo. Fou Drap. He. tis Ta—ha—ci—o kai Be—Gop-Kb— aww oi_vav 1 REE 0R- KG — $1 P— nin Chi Tb. Tuba Tam, entonds ma void! Laarton ute me Vimée Foust Mare sir Tom ec. Timb. Foust rap, erlent cue See US PLS vip i na vie i—wis_ wih Tube Tomo. Tint, Foust f agar poi pe vor mr A—te— ab mms oid Tb, Tubs Mars. Tomb, Tome Drap. cHe ANNONCE D'ATHENA, eae reine INSERT: THE GODDESS ATHENA (verses 682-708 The Libation-bearers) FOR BARITONE SOLO, PERCUSSION AND ORCHESTRA Duration ¢, 9 minutes (Edition Salabert) ei our arguments ZA, ls Esays expt de rawr n Bumenie, : Si lan a cake tothe engurente of aan the Boingo opr ta Biome Bundt Jar2 Bubato sorré Petts othcarunen 2068 894 st895 st896 st897 Hb z & ‘rom con sord. (note grave dans la resonance du gon) Ve. gop ‘Gong e Note 7 yp Svat — ss arian te: aim ab ck ds Wi th f ren (Hee ais anon’ os: aénw aé stds wi tin ton esocnin fcr vit siren, 3 jc ‘Séxou GE SECEN Th yp aéBorn Qe" olkov citeviv : cnt. H@ ‘te a1 adacone; is af wi taj BY oF8E¥ sf tire orinis, iste me sotnm Far Gh Sébeygar vis BE por ry} otvobro mpégcs, Gore even iss ae Z Seana noone A - st898 st899 st900 fret i, a cor a ve ong vei 7 ? 2 Pp Pris, ooizons. ves, oun amv cévo 4 wi reid. : gupopaés SpBtooycy- “Ekeort. yap pot pi Reyer & pix Hered © em prdpoes emcin cist efum wis xe wecistame ‘ba viru « ti : aoe ce Hou madnavtos, Eyyiny 8A yLZioxes Kal pediona~ Son Ypovon pes 7 LEA parr do oo pale chocur dae enfants eto fntamont ot sréaowo otlm ‘snares ~rniPents alum wo 1dn” aindon Tous’ arbwonron tnbvos, bucaePoiviw Béxhopurépa médos-orépyis yap, avbpss Girumoipevos Sécyy, v6 Taw Sixaliow rav6’ aréventov yévos. = st916 = Pico. = a te ho. = = SS = pe cu. tp. | = = = ye popes on wi. R-m———_ ox— 1 — . te sage oe ene pte oe ome gh contnt pon eget tres” agu brane” chante ae & ine tige métemtgue = Simentre meteliqueed © bong, eyuogs rom, die om ‘ME Ys TE Hunn ‘raed wet, lav, 068! drous (1) -Abkopas aanssos. Ewer 9 Rai sar Sta ease arTaynponte ApH Te Fpolnoy” ety ‘Vince 52 flee § iat = = re P f cumib |e = =z cs = = == Opec ceCe CHEER reece eee » == = g 7 P zntte = = oe bot - 7 ‘KOL vo, — a a “a ie oul t we ee ff |2 cums f= = os 5 4 * ‘ + ee = SSS —$—$$ ents E = == Ease TuoOnTTT EE TO re bisque | —t Go) me cond orgs inne veins vaisgn wens uf ‘avssarstus ‘AG KATIMSSINEN: HOA. CHR Arte Wr mendes on ha TEE, bya npodpsvun rola6e oNraws pico eyaAde ict Buonpéorous “Batuovas lod Keravacoaueyyy wavra yap evar wa #at™ Bvgponous Phaxov Biehl a st938 Pies. >» : fare i cr ba © perineal wi ini mes eu, ern fam Twatosen(s Frtéx 70 Mds0s, Mia THORN cad We peo ae se “Rha, rs oe IM EMMRiS " Hata foals soon Sora, a, fi tht Pr a hes ieee Er ee = = Ho, 1 Ents ‘omu— oa ‘sn — cnn m Disau | Se ranean; xno rinoo ct © "Newson als ti ( Peer, cone yet Pde, menexouv ns lee, He. Ch.mib] tee. creo cor te a ve ents ‘ae age 2) r IB ee og foe 1 mmaeodyon oxime; armoundans, auceaninse zig aceon we st ATA Pi au Wi nLdSSAN KE AsanaTwdn “ERIS METERA Ath PANDOS. sro Ero rads Tc amas Eravovayévas-"@X exparnge Zeit Ayopals. Teo. Xoo nigh smpatpivat, izmpavayiney vad 6 ayant Hyertpa novo ‘yavupat: ore} ‘Sypara weigods, Orr pot YRudoay “Kal ordy! fond pss tdob Aypiios Pedided eal il laliaalalan rue rng We deseo ell warn thi. Pee. a Chawib cheb. cea cor tp we ve setts o1— pi at-——ot Tho a ae fe isc st 976 : © sir tr mak anf pc ate SHON Te trmve Horde. tas amalse st o1oJaa Kovis,_péday aia woay Sr épydiv i eaniy ROR UPAFECoe Serle Spabloat woheas SEEN “oto Bee ice" lnc Pico. He hamib cee, ©. Fag Te. Enfts Dsquos, © ee a) tr gl a a mtn ub B tvndiboiey_xowabihct Pon Spe BY pporois. roi. 8, st999 evo HL of — Hous Fi na Le eroeur de hommes ravint sone dere chur das femmes aqua mesure 914 The male chon comes back onstage and fakes pce Deno the fate crus und measure S14, Pee. Hb, cumib] tob, cor Tp To. Tuba Ve. Toms 10 | mB im ritardando Pee, Hb. cl. mi cheb. Fag. Cor 1. Te, Tube ve. tthe ritardando Disques dan 3. Processiona of The Ful) Hb. ot, maby chet, c.Fag. cor, 1p. Te. Tuba Ve. Chor ido —ryor oa Disques|| Fees Sa *scillaions- et respirations irregulitres Pee. Hb. cumib cheb. ©. Fes. cor ® t, Tube ve s A chor 1 i " rate yon pep a pt — P= 9 —— ff — 8 cso Disques| Pee. we. chmib Cheb. Fag. che Tp. Tuba vans "as 1 2— 2 chor mw t ma =f? ——= tf — —7 —» © Disques =f? —. a " —— s—= Pie, Hp, Chmis Cheb. © Fac. Te. Tube. ~& bridge" grincement ve. Gongs po | chor. J [Simantra Bove snovb-af i835 SPOUK—E AES 0 Pee Ho. chmib cles, C.F eg. Cor ® cy Tuba Ve. Gongs po ay. cv —1— XE omy THES chor YJ Sintra ns 6 Pree. chmib c1eb, © Fag. cor Tp. Te. Tuba Gongs de ‘av-n6n=Tas Eodksinuad PA WOdP—TAS nage sur q] chor J

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