Safer Vancouver Letter To Authorities

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We write in regard to the issues we have been experiencing repeatedly over the last few years. In
recent months matters have only worsened.
We request action be taken on your part concerning the following issues:
(1) the relocation of Oppenheimer Park Tent City Residents
(2) open drug use and drug-related crimes
(3) dirty needles discarded in playgrounds, parks and on streets
(4) public safety concerns
It would appear that the City of Vancouver (“COV”) and/or BC Housing (or whoever is responsible) has
closed Oppenheimer Park and relocated the tent city residents (“Oppenheimer Residents”) into hotels,
in our neighborhood. In addition, no proper steps have been taken to ensure that problems experienced
at Oppenheimer Park - assaults, dangerous weapons, drug use etc. - do not reoccur. Of particular
concern is the Howard Johnson hotel, which lies directly behind our building and also very near to Emery
Barnes Park. It is patently obvious that this family-oriented community, complete with a children’s
playground, within one block of the Howard Johnson hotel, is unacceptable.
Here are some ongoing issues:
1. open drug use on ________property by (apparently former) Oppenheimer Residents
2. dirty needles being left on ____ property by (apparently former) Oppenheimer Residents
3. a member of our cleaning staff was jabbed by a dirty needle left on _____ property and required
hospital care
4. (apparently former) Oppenheimer Residents have been loitering at our doors trying to gain
access when our residents leave the building. This has been captured on surveillance
5. (apparently former) Oppenheimer residents openly use drugs on our property and prove hard to
move on. As a result, we have had to employ additional security at some considerable cost. All
this on top of existing security costs, as well as high property taxes
6. an (apparently former) Oppenheimer resident chased a member of our building staff, requiring a
call to 911
7. May 11, 2020 a COV employee filled a bucket with dirty needles - 42 in all - retrieved from Emery
Barnes Park playground and the surrounding park area
This list is far from exhaustive.

Needless to say, there is an overall sense of fear in our community. Some are talking with bitterness of
selling their homes and leaving, despite loving the downtown core that once was a safe neighborhood.
Numerous people express doubts as to the police force’s ability to fully restore law and order. This city
is thick with laws designed to create a livable environment for all. When laws are flouted consistently,
fear and chaos reign.
We want to feel safe in our neighborhood, in our parks and in our public spaces, not intimidated by
people openly using drugs and who at times have a hostile, agitated demeanor. Nor do we wish to see -
or perhaps even touch - dirty needles littered throughout our city, especially where children congregate.
It is worth noting that this neighbourhood already supports far more services designed to help those in
need than say, Coal Harbour, Kerrisdale, Point Grey, to name but a few. It is also worth noting that vast
amounts of tax-payers’ dollars are being directed at what, when all is said and done, is a very small
percentage of Vancouver’s population.

Yet the VPD budget is cut by 1% and we in the community suffer. We want to feel safe in our
community and proud of our city. So, we firmly object to any permanent housing in our community that
will harm or injure anyone in our neighborhood. Public safety is a big concern for us and, Kennedy
Stewart, we ask you to make public safety your top priority.

That residents in our neighbourhood found out by word of mouth that Howard Johnson was being used
to house former Oppenheimer Park residents is disgraceful. We demand forthwith to be included in
decisions related to our community, and especially plans for Granville St. We also demand full disclosure
on what is happening at Howard Johnson Hotel and other hotels nearby.

Please advise how we proceed from here regarding all the issues raised in this letter.
Thank you.

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