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M2 Publishers & Providers

M Square Publishers and Providers Chennai

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Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

-Khalil Gibran

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Moon ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
My Mom ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Books ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Under the sea ............................................................................................................................................. 9
These days ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Color of water ............................................................................................................................................ 12
The fantasy world ..................................................................................................................................... 13
I miss my friend......................................................................................................................................... 14
Happy Birthday ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Alone .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Bored .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Dreams asleep .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Outside the window .................................................................................................................................. 19
Food ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Dedicated to my sister ............................................................................................................................. 21
Daddy ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Unicorn ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Stages ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
A perfect pet .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Award ......................................................................................................................................................... 26

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Reading a bunch of poems can be fun. It encourages you to be who you want to be. Lots of
people can write poems and some people cant. But there is no matter if you are good or bad at
something if you can read of course. You can literally do anything. For me poem writing has
found a spot of me. Poems are truly amazing. They can show your feelings in just a few lines.
You can come up with ideas in seconds. If you know how to do something, make the most of it.
A poet or story writer can do this in very easy ways. No matter how old you are make the most
of it. Encourage other people to do what they love. A simple poem can change the world

Remember when you wrote your first word? Well that word turned into a sentence and then a
paragraph and then a poem. Well that’s what inspired me to write these poems. The moon was
one of my first poems so one poem turned into the next one and more together brought me a
volume of poems. That’s what I mean. In the same case that word that you wrote gave you
courage to try and write more.

I’d like to tell you one more thing before you start reading. When you read these poems
remember to get the courage to get more into the subject. It could have something valuable in it


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Moon! Oh how you make us smile

Your glaze always stays at least for a while

You go through oh how many phases

But you are one no matter where you shine and whatever are the places

When you come out, the sun hides

But you never keep the sun aside

Sometimes I don’t see you shine

At that time I think were you ever mine

I share you to through every universe

But on good or bad, you have never said a


Your atmosphere is always dark and cold

But isn’t that what makes you oh so bold

The moon is always my greatest treasure

And it always brings me lots of pleasure

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My Mom

My mom is the best

Better than the rest

Moms like these are only few

I’m really lucky to have you

You help to cook

You help to clean

Whatever it is, she is never mean

I love you mom, you are the best

You are amazing, better than the rest

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Books Books Books

Don’t be bothered how they look

Some are rough and even curled

But they all take us to a different world

Don’t be afraid to make one of your own

Some are fantasy and the princess reached the


Some are said to make me cry

But they don’t stop me to let me buy

But go only into some circumstances

Because they even lead us into trances

So get a book from the library

And always be ready for a new story

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Under the sea

Under the sea oh how beautiful it

can be

The crabs and clams you can see

can hurt me

Have you seen spiky fish?

My favorite is gold fish

It’s fun telling you about the sea

Oh how beautiful it can be

The wonderful world under the


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These days

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

Awake with the early bird, let it sing

Now we have alarms and we let them ring

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

When I wake up, I see farmers come by

But now I can wake up with chocolate pie

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

Then after breakfast I started to study

Now I go out with my best buddy

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can all say

Then I suddenly id start on my chores

But now I go to the beach and make castles on the shores

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

Then it’s the bakery to work on my bun

Now I play and have some fun

Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

Then I have some peace and quiet

Good night! But now I can only hear people fight

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Things have been so different these days

Everyone knows we can always say

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Color of water

Water is red

Have you heard the red sea

No my mother said that can’t be

Water is blue, I can see it with my eyes

But that is not the color that comes when a man cries

Water is green, now isn’t that true

Wait no one agrees, hey what about you

Water is transparent

I’ll ask a parent

Hey its true its true

It’s not red, green or blue

The color of water is finally found

Who found that out, they should be crowned

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The fantasy world

The world is full of life and pleasure

The fun it brings can’t be measured

The world full of fantasy let it be

I want some fun which I can see

The place full of princesses and lots

of fairies

This chocolate plant and candy


So many games that I can try

and movies that can make me cry

The fun fantasy world is so true

Searching for pleasure with a little clue

The world full of life, the world full of play

Has always led us to a fun filled day

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I miss my friend

When I saw your face, I knew you would be a friend

I thought we will be friends for no end

We play all day, dance and play all night

Sometimes we smile and sometimes

we fight

And now you hate me

You don’t wave anymore

But I don’t understand why

Why do you hate me to the core

You frown when I smile

You cry when I laugh

And after a while

When sadness is a pile

Maybe I will see

You are the friend you are meant to be

When will you come back my friend

When you do, our friendship will have no end

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Happy Birthday

Welcome to the world

You were born today

There is so much to do

So much games to play

So many presents left to unwrap

A doll, a game and a stylish cap

Happy birthday my friend

My wishes have no end

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Something is happening

I have to stay at home

Words are spinning

That I can’t use the phone

My sister like always, is annoying me to the bone

So that does that mean im all alone

We thought of going to Arizona

What is killing me

That’s corona

My mother comes in

Haa Haa haa

We have a good time, playing Brainvita

I start drawing with my Crayola

About my dream vacation

After corona in Arizona

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Every day I wake up, I start to get all made up

Now what to do, I don’t know

So what to do, I can’t start my glow

Im sitting in my house all day

Nothing to do, nothing to play

Im so bored

Could you see

Can you call someone to play with me

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Dreams asleep

This is the time, where im always the best

It’s time to fall into a deep rest

It’s a beautiful dream with lots of fairies

A huge chocolate icecream

Top it off with the cherries

Whenever you fall into a deep slumber

You wish you hear nothing

Not even thunder

Yay its time to grow the plants in the farm

No No it’s the alarm

I jump out of bed

I can remember nothing

Oh please please

Make me remember something

I think and think until the moon is out clean

I jump into bed and hope i have the same dream

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Outside the window

Inside the house can be dark and cold

But outside the window is a whole new world

There could be a river for people to bathe

And then the ocean for salt to be made

There could of course be a coast

Some people say that this is what they like the


Maybe there could be a huge big forest

But all this is from the window the clearest

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The table is full of your favorite things

A chocolate bird with chocolate wings

Its pizza filled with cheese and

Pancakes with honey from hard working bees

Small cream cupcakes, with sugar hearts on top

Fill your plate high, you don’t know when to stop

Now it’s time to eat the tasty garlic bread

You won’t stop until your tummy is fed

Sometime eating can be so much fun

But when your mom takes out the vegetables

You know it’s time to run

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Dedicated to my sister

When you smile at me, I feel so good

I feel like my feelings are understood

You help me out whenever I need

I so hope that you will succeed

But if you stop, you won’t fall down

I’ll make sure that you will always bag the


Whoever I meet, your my best friend

And sister and advisor, it will never end

Who are you, my big sister of course

And I will say you are amazing

Until my voice gets hoarse

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My dad is amazing, childish and fun

His mind is so bright

Brighter than the sun

His voice is so clear

It’s unlikely to fade

He makes the best Pasta

Better than anyone has ever made

Daddy, I have a note for you

Your best dad ever and that is completely true

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The colors start with the horn

The paint doesn’t even fade in a thunderstorm

The colors are blue purple and pink

Its magical powers, make it neither drop or sink

Some people say it’s imaginary

Lots take pictures to say it’s scary

Well do you believe in this graceful creature

Well if you are right we will see in the future

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Started as the beginners, you are in the first stage

After that’s done it’s time to turn the page.

Now it’s medium. We are almost there.

Medium is the middle. That is fair.

Now you are in advance. You have got an award as a mantelpiece.

And after this stage you are all ready to teach.

The next generation too will cross every stage.

Tell them to read everything, page by page.

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A perfect pet

I’m getting a pet

What to choose?

There is a hamster, a bat, an owl and a goose.

What about a dog it does no harm.

In fact it will probably be a charm

What about a sheep

It will give me wool.

It will help me make clothes until the basket is full.

What about a unicorn

It will be so graceful

A pointy horn

Sooooo beautiful

A perfect pet cannot be choosed

Which pet, which pet

It will leave you confused

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When your teacher says you are amszing

Best of them all

You will feel so happy

Unlikely to fall

You prove you can’t go backward

And maybe just maybe

Will you get the award?

They invite you to the function

To attend this Saturday

You are a VIP

So you don’t need to pay

They call you onstage

Of course no fear

Just a few seconds till you’re award is here

“Hold out your hands”.

That’s what they please

And now you can feel the golden mantelpiece.

You know of course that you scored the win

Hold it up high and give out a grin.



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