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We can plausibly infer that someone with 20/10 vision

A) can see at 20 feet what a normal person can see when standing 10 feet away.
B) has the same exceptional vision as someone with 6/3 vision in the metric system.
C) is a kind of patient that usually needs to wear glasses in order to see normally.
D) will need to book an appointment with the eye doctor because of its poor vision.
E) is the only type of person that is allowed to use glasses in the United States.

4. It is not compatible to say that someone with 20/40 vision has an excellent vision,

A) he will be required to wear glasses to improve his vision.

B) that person probably sees worse than a normal person.
C) to consider an excellent vision the visual acuity is 20/80.
D) he has a visual acuteness that is considered normal.
E) that kind of vision is the equivalent to 6/12 in metric.

5. If the expression 20/20 were not that common in the United States, probably

A) there would not be a TV show called in that way.

B) people would not know when to wear glasses.
C) doctors would not know how to treat blindness.
D) the metric system would need to change a lot.
E) there would not exist how to measure good vision.

Habilidad Lógico Matemática


1. En el mes de junio, de cierto año bisiesto, hubo exactamente cinco miércoles y cinco
jueves. En dicho año, ¿qué día de la semana fue 1 de enero?

A) lunes B) miércoles C) viernes D) sábado E) domingo

2. Acerca de los hijos de familia Guizado se sabe lo siguiente: Luis nació dos años y 3
meses después del nacimiento de Rosa, pero 2 años y 3 meses antes del nacimiento
de Benjamín. Si Rosa nació el lunes 29 de octubre del año 2012, ¿qué día de la
semana Benjamín celebró 3 años?

A) Domingo B) Lunes C) Martes D) Miércoles E) Jueves

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