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Okara main road bypass
Table of Contents
TEAM MEMBERS.........................................................................................................................................1
1: SYED HASSAN FIDA (03-134182-098)...................................................................................................1
2: KAMRAAN (03-134182-)......................................................................................................................1
WORKING DETAILS......................................................................................................................................1
Dark Fantasy Textile and Design..................................................................................................................2
1) Executive Summary:................................................................................................................................2
2) Industry Analysis:....................................................................................................................................2
3) Dark Fantasy Textile and Design Description:..........................................................................................3
5) Market Analysis:......................................................................................................................................3
6) Conducting Survey:..................................................................................................................................4
7) The Economics of the Business:...............................................................................................................4
8) Market plan:............................................................................................................................................4
9) Product design and development:..........................................................................................................5
10) Operation plan:.....................................................................................................................................5
11) Management team and company structure:.........................................................................................6
12) Overall Schedule:...................................................................................................................................7


1: SYED HASSAN FIDA (03-134182-098)

2: KAMRAAN (03-134182-)

 Our business plan title is DARK FANTASY TEXTILE AND DESIGN. The plan is proposed by SYED
HASSAN FIDA the plan is about to develop a new theme in the garments industry the color for
this theme is just BLACK that’s mean every design and structure of the product is based on the
BLACK COLOR. The first six points of Business plan is written by SYED HASSAN FIDA and the
other remaining points is written by KAMRAAN.
 The initial starter of our business is started by just both of us the whole planning is to introduced

Dark Fantasy Textile and Design

1) Executive Summary:
Dark Fantasy Textile and Design is an industry in which we construct the concept of new
theme in garments industry and the basic of our industry is to buy a product from one
place and construct in to new shape and design after that we import our product in target
market. First we analyze the different industries with our industries to see the difference in
many prospects and key points to be noticed and implement the effective plan. After that
we write the industry description that how our industry looks and the whole structure that
how we going to get our starter. The mission and tagline also explained. The economics of
our business in based on the product we sold, contribution margin, variable cost and fixed
cost. All the economics are decided when our product competed with the market. After
that the market plan and a market strategy is decided to accomplish our task in the decided

targeted markets and also on the bases of survey. Our product is designed and developed
under the experienced workers initially and our product also discussed with the top
designers of garments so we will come to know that what type of stuff people like in
different seasons so this is the positive effect of our decision. In this section the prototype
and service prototype discussed. After deciding all the facts the operational plan comes in
the place in which it is decided that how our product is explored all over the Pakistan
markets and to the targeted places also. After deciding all the things the management team
and structure of the industry is decided and also implementation is already done. The
financial discussion

2) Industry Analysis:
An industry is a group of companies that are related based on their primary business
activities. Our industry is based on the buying of product and convert in to different
design and better quality. The product is based on just pure material which is pure cotton,
leather etc from a largest cotton exporters like Allied Cotton Mills and BizShip. After
this the design of different material comes if we compare our industry with other
successful industry there is a main difference of color variety but our product is just only
based on dark theme many other companies like Khaadi, j., Sana Safinaz, lime light
etc. They all are famous for their quality, texture, color and a valuable price in the
markets of Pakistan their products are highly explored but there is a new idea of making a
black color dress and a design and in every part of daily life like office, home, hotels,
restaurants etc people mostly like dark themes if we conduct a survey in a business
parties and a youth parties we observe that the men wear mostly black color three or four
piece dresses and the decorating design is also based on black so we can give them a
tough competition on this point where the users are interested in dark themes. Now the
comparison of budget, growth and profit margin comes so in this area we must target the
specific occasions like parties, wedding and motely the strong competition comes in
winter collection like coats, dress etc. The price of our product is on the bases of our
survey in target markets.

3) Dark Fantasy Textile and Design Description:

Our industry main key points are buy, make and sell. There is a question that in a highly
competition of clothing industries why we putting our-self in so the answers is that there,
all the industries or companies they all work on a color-full themes and they sells their
product overall the country and foreign also but our industry will target the specific
theme which is Black and it will sold in specific target markets where the need of this
product comes and necessary. The idea of exploring a dark theme of dress etc comes
from the observing the interest of users in different aspects like gamming theme and
dressing black colors in winters black color also explore the beauty and the secret
objectives for example wearing a black pent and a long coat explores the secret intentions

and missions and look suspicious but in western countries this type of dress is on local
Mission: Developing a Modern era of Dark Theme in clothing.
1) Tagline: Create your own fantasy and secrecy by wearing a Dark Theme of what
you desires (video advertisement).
Advertising line:
2) Tagline: Your thoughts make your personality.
3) Tagline: You get what you think.
4) Tagline: Change your thinking, Change your life.
Final tagline is decided by discussing with the partners.
If we talk about the rival companies like Khaadi, J., etc so we already discussed that our
product will sell or buy things on the bases of targeted market requirement.

5) Market Analysis:
In market analysis we divide our market in to segments there are some segments we will
discussed first we are going to discuss is the location. The location of our industry is near
Okara main road bypass the location is selected on the bases of the flexibility of
employees and import, export of goods geographically. Now there are two portions of our
industry one we buy pure product from the cloths company and then convert in to the
product we want according to the customer requirements and needs of market all the
budget is required re nearly 5 lacs on just buying the undersigned cloths and importing of
that’s specific product. After that there is a discussion made on how much the employees
can be enough to accomplish the task so we concluded that the 20 employees are enough
for that at initial stag they do task at run time positions after making the product. The
export process begins our product is exported and delivered to the targeted markets where
there is demand of our product. Total budget of our export is 3 lacs. After deciding all the
budgets of import and export now the employs payment budget is 6 lacs. The payments
of employs is decided on the bases of six months if the industry does not goes according
to the plain or the profit margin is the expected so this amount will work to full fill
deficiency’s in employs payment. After deciding all the structure our main competition is
how to sells our product in the target market and where all the other successful industries
are working in the big targeted markets how we enter in that situation so we will discuss
all cases one by one further.

6) Conducting Survey:
We will conduct the survey in a targeted markets the survey is based on some question
like which color you like the most as in different aspects like wedding, parties and at
different traditional and untraditional occasions first we decided four different cities
with a four different biggest markets of Pakistan which are Anarkali Bazar Lahore,
Raja Bazar Rawalpindi, Zainab Market Karachi, Qissa Khawani Bazar Peshawar

we will also conclude the questions like how much the product has been the customer
wants to buy etc after concluding the survey we shall further proceed to our targeted
buyers of that specific markets and deal softly.

7) The Economics of the Business:

Most of the discussion about how our import and export will done by talking on the
budgets on market analysis section here we discuss that our total budget is going to
happened nearly equal to 15 lacs so our main goal is to earn profit to cross over the
investments we made on our industry to reach at the break-even point and start getting
profit as soon as possible. All the products have variable costs means with fixed costs
and there will be a margin if our product sold early then the targeted date all the margins
for import, export and for employs are explained in market analysis section. Our
marketing strategy is that we give some use-full advertisements to attract the people on
the bases of tagline chosen. We also give advertisements on social media like face-book,
Instagram, twitter, you-tube etc.
Our second strategy is to make direct contacts with the customers for that thing we make
a proper website with the live chat bot so the customers can see our product live on
google and contact us for their demands and possible queries.

8) Market plan:
Our marketing goal should be followed by specific actions towards achieving the goal.
It should set forth the specific actions required to gain new customers and retain
existing customers. Specific related actions in a marketing plan might include
increasing the number of industry trade shows, exhibitions, fairs and conferences the
company attends in order to identify specific outlets, such as the International
Exhibition on Textile Industry held annually in China. Greater profit can also be
achieved by reducing production costs. Specific actions to this end might include
decreasing the cost of textile chemicals, dyeing and finishing supplies by requesting
proposals from alternative vendor sources. In addition to traditional marketing plan
strategies – such as attending trade shows and advertising in traditional media –
companies are now using social media, online videos and viral marketing tools to
achieve marketing goals.

These are some major points that help us to stand out in the market
 Low-cost production efficiency.
 Quality product manufacturing.
 High utilization of fixed assets.
 Adequate skilled labor.
 Low-cost plant locations.
 High labor productivity.
 Low-cost design and engineering.
 Flexibility in manufacturing a range of models.

9) Product design and development:
The purpose of the product development process is to certify that the supplier
understands and adheres to the specifications established for a specific product. To create the
next product in a company’s product line, a design team goes through product development
process steps. Starting with a product idea, the team moves through several stages to generate all
the details and documents needed to get the product built. This remains common for all
categories of product development. In apparel industry, once, the market potential, customer
requirements like, color, silhouette, fabric and design aspects are evaluated by the fashion
forecasting process, the conceptual design is developed by the designer in paper as a 2D form.
Once the forecasting process is completed in all sectors like, customer, product design, market
requirement, etc., the first steps of silhouette development and fabric selection are approached in
different ways by different designers and companies. Many companies base their lines around
fabric and print designs. Their designers start by selecting fabrics and then create silhouettes for
those fabrics. These designers are fabric driven. Other designers are silhouette-driven designs
and product specifications are developed by the buyer and all the necessary information will be
provided to the manufacturing merchandiser to develop the product prototype. In this case, the
external agencies perform the product development process based on their expertise and research
data they have. Buyers or manufacturers will source the designs concepts and specifications from
these agencies with respect to the season and needs.

10) Operation plan:

Process innovation and change are intricate always due to the complexity involved in altering the
decisions, tasks, and skill sets of the people involved in the course of action. Sales and
Operations Planning (S&OP) is an integrated business process which enables the organization to
formalize and integrate the planning process, achieve focus, and co-ordination among all
managerial functions. Updated sales plan, production plan, inventory plan, backlog, financial
plan, and new product development plan are a part of S&OP. It helps the management to
understand the current position of the company, anticipate the future consequences, and plan
necessary actions accordingly.

This is a core business practice which is applied to conserve a margin and simultaneously satisfy
the market demand. In any business, a well-established S&OP process is the mark of excellence.
A sales and operations plan is generally prepared on the basis on the Annual Operations Plan
(AOP) which is based on sales and supply. Accordingly, an S&OP plan is solely to accomplish
the AOP targets of the business. Each and every company does some form of S&OP already.

Supply chain in an organization is under tremendous pressure due to its increasing complexity,
and supply chain volatility which makes it to face challenges that exceed those of the past. These
mounting pressures make the business face difficulties in achieving the desired outcomes.
Therefore, increasing number of organizations today, are opting for S&OP to align their demand

plans, and achieve desired performance results. There are many organizations that do not directly
produce products. Instead they procure products from various sources and offer them at a higher
price, short lead time, and higher delivery fidelity comparatively over other sources. Risk of
obsolescence and overstock of inventory are avoided for these companies. They are better
beneficiaries of a robust S&OP process. Through this process, the company is able to minimize
or avoid inventory and cost risks.

Benefits of the Process:

 Improved customer service
 Lower inventory
 Shorter lead time for delivery
 Minimized obsolescence
 Stability in production rates resulting in higher productivity
 Minimized premium freight costs

11) Management team and company structure:

Each member of the executive team must possess the skills to fit the position. A
management team is directly responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a
company. Positions that are commonly considered to be part of that team include the

Everyone has different talents. An owner should focus on his/her strengths and be creative
about marketing strategies that can attract customer to use our company’s service. A
company structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also
be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their
organization and its environment. Organized are a variant of clustered entities. An
organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The
structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.
Company structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different function
and processes to different entities such as
the branch, department, workgroup and individual. 

12) Overall Schedule:

After deciding and planning all the situation and condition we come to the conclusion that
we are ready to launch our business plan. Our business is launched in two places of
Pakistan one is Lahore and other is Islamabad. The convocation held in which some
example of our designs and products are shown to the people. The success of our plan is
depend on how much the people know about the products we have and quality or quantity

of our product so we first show they our best products and deals at the start of our business
so they come to us to buy our product without any doubt. We hope that we find our first
deal and a first sale in this convocation. The convocation was held on the deciding two
season one at the start of the summer and other at the start of the winter seasons. So we all
are prepared according to the plan to convince our investors to bring more investment to

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