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Masturbatory Insanity NEW ON AMAZON!

Psychiatry Is Based on Popular Delusions

by Thomas S. Szasz These are the books that

kick-started the libertarian
movement after WWII.
     

“E very age has its peculiar folly; some scheme, project, or

phantasy into which it plunges, spurred on either by the
love of gain, the necessity of excitement, or the mere force of

—Charles Mackay

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

The contemporary mental health movement—epitomized by the

dogmatic belief that “mental illness is like any other illness”—is an
instance of what Charles Mackay called a “crowd madness.” It is in
the very nature of such a popular delusion that, while it rages, it is GET IT FOR KINDLE
impervious to criticism. The belief’s overwhelming popularity and
the absence of authoritative opposition to it are viewed as proof of
its validity.
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Long ago I became persuaded that it is not possible to understand

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modern psychiatric practices unless they are seen as manifestations
of a popular madness; and that it is not possible to perceive them in
such a light without being familiar with the history of psychiatry,
which furnishes ample evidence to compromise its moral and
scientific pretensions. In my January column—on Krafft-Ebing and
the birth of sexology—I presented an illustrative episode from that
history. Here, I shall briefly retell the story of what, until relatively
recently, had been the most commonly diagnosed and most Economics in One Day
enthusiastically treated mental disease in the history of medicine,
namely, masturbation. Learn about scarcity, prosperity,
values, cooperation, character,
Masturbation was—and, in principle, remains—the ideal mental markets, spontaneous order, and
entrepreneurship. You'll see the
illness. First, it is a form of behavior: that is, something people do,
profound effect of free markets on
not something that happens to them. Second, it is a form of behavior
our standard of living across the
universal to mankind, engaged in from early childhood*: this makes
globe and over hundreds of years.
it ideally treatable, since behaviors can be controlled, especially in
children who are powerless to resist the well-intentioned brutality of
adults. Third, the act makes use of a sexual organ, ideally suited for FREE COURSE
attaching fantasies of great harm (as well as great pleasure) to its
uses and abuses.

* Actually, masturbation occurs in utero as well.
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Not surprisingly, masturbation is a disease of modernity. In antiquity
and the Dark Ages, people worried about real diseases, such as the
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plague and consumption. Only after the Enlightenment did people Flipboard Articles
awaken to the possibilities of scientific medicine, assigning material
(physical), rather than spiritual (religious), causes to disease,
disability, and death.

Not having the faintest idea what caused most diseases, the medical
mind went in search of a scapegoat and found it in self-abuse. By
the end of the 1700s, it was medical dogma that masturbation Follow FEE on Medium
caused blindness, epilepsy, gonorrhea, tabes dorsalis, priapism,
constipation, conjunctivitis, acne, painful menstruation,
nymphomania, impotence, consumption, anemia, and of course
insanity, melancholia, and suicide. Medium Articles

How did physicians know and why did people believe that Advertisement
masturbation caused all these diseases? The same way that
physicians now know and people believe that chemical imbalances
cause mental diseases, such as attention deficit disorder: by
“diagnosing” and “treating” the (involuntary, child) “patient” and by Support
discovering “cures” for the disease. Among the widely accepted Foundation for
treatments of masturbation, the most important were restraining Economic Education.
devices and mechanical appliances, circumcision, cautery of the When you shop at,
genitals, clitoridectomy, and castration. As recently as 1936, a Amazon donates.

widely used pediatric textbook recommended some of these


Who were the beneficiaries of these medical miracles? Children and

the insane—then, as now, the two groups of ideal (involuntary)
“patients.” Powerless vis-à-vis their relatives and doctors, minors

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and mental patients could not resist being fitted with grotesque
appliances, encased in plaster of Paris, having their genitalia
cauterized or denervated, or being castrated—for their own good.

Error or Arrogance?

The contemporary reader is likely to dismiss masturbation-as-disease

as a medical mistake. However, scientific errors, especially obvious
ones, are usually soon detected and corrected.

Young males always experienced and displayed nocturnal emissions,

the manifestations of normal pubertal male genital physiology. What,
in the eighteenth century, made nocturnal emissions turn into the
dreaded “symptoms” of dangerous “spermatorrhea”? The same
thing that has turned youthful male exuberance into the dreaded
symptoms of dangerous attention deficit disorder in our day: parental
annoyance and anxiety combined with medical imperialism and furor
therapeuticus. Today, diagnosing ADD and prescribing Ritalin are
big business. A hundred years ago, it was big business to diagnose
“spermatorrhea” and “treat” it with spike-lined rings. For a glimpse
into this aspect of the medical-economics of the anti-masturbation
business, the reader may consult the facsimile catalogue of the 1898
American Armamentarium Chirurgicum—which contains pictures
and prices of many anti-masturbation devices.

Belief in masturbatory insanity and its treatment with castration and

clitoridectomy was not an innocent error. This belief—like beliefs in
other popular delusions—enhanced the identity and self-concept of
the believers. Ostensibly, such beliefs assert facts; actually, they
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credential believers.

Henry Maudsley, the acknowledged founder of British psychiatry,

stated: “The sooner he [the masturbator] sinks to his degraded rest,
the better for the world which is well rid of him.” For this and
similar views he was hailed as a great humanitarian: A famed
psychiatric institute in London is named after him. For Freud, too,
sexual behaviors of all kinds, especially masturbation, were
manifestations of maladies of which he was a master diagnostician
and therapist.

As recently as 1938, Karl Menninger—the undisputed dean of

American psychiatry in mid-century—declared: “In the unconscious
mind, it [masturbation] always represents an aggression against
someone.” (Emphasis added.)

None of psychiatry’s classic mistakes—from masturbatory insanity

and its cures, to the disease of homosexuality and its compulsory
treatment with “aversion therapy,” and to the attribution of the cause
of schizophrenia to reverberating circuits in the frontal lobes and its
cure with lobotomy (rewarded with a Nobel Prize in Medicine)—are
“innocent” errors. Invariably, the false belief and the medical
interventions it appears to justify serves the needs of the believers,
especially the relatives of “patients” who seek control over the
misbehavior of their “loved ones,” and the physicians who gain
prestige and power by “diagnosing” and “treating” misbehavior as if
it were disease.

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We fool ourselves if we believe that psychiatry’s current popular
delusions—such as the chemical causes and cures of depression,
schizophrenia, suicide, and so forth—do not fit the same mold.

Thomas S. Szasz

D r. Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) was a

Psychiatrist, academic, and champion of
individual rights. He devoted much of his life to campaigning against
many aspects of conventional psychiatry, in particular involuntary
psychiatric treatment and commitment.

     

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