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I. Open the brackets using finite and non-finite forms of the verb:
1. That was the last thing she expected (to hear) _____________him (to say) _____________. 2. I
think he must (to suffer) _________________________________________________from injury
now. 3. In fear of (to recognize) ______________________________she put on sunglasses. 4.
When I entered, Hue pretended (to read) ______________________________________ a
magazine. 5. The doctor suggested (to have) _______________________a rest in a hot country, so
we decided (to go) ___________ to Greece. 6. Isn’t it too late now to think of what you ought (to
say) ____________________________ at the meeting yesterday? 7. She could watch Bart (to
move) _______________________ about outside, (to whistle) ___________________________ as
he worked. 8. I (to know) ______________________________ him ever since he (to
come)___________________ to live in the neighbouring house. 9. I want my heart (to examine)
____________________________.10. On (to introduce) ______________________________
they started (to talk)__________________ at once.

II. Complete these sentences using finite and non-finite forms of the verb:
1. No sooner had she finished … .

2. They had very little … .

3. The film was so boring that I felt like … .

4. The small girl was seen … .

5. My roommate … ever … .

6. I went to the dentist to have … .

7. The very thought of … made me … .

8. I won’t have Frank … .

9. The tutor insisted on … .

10. Without asking for permission … .

III. Paraphrase the sentences using verbals, modal verbs and patterns of indirect speech:
1. I knew I was wrong so I didn’t mind that I was scolded by my Mum.

2. His behaviour was so strange that it aroused everybody’s suspicion.

3. My friend said, “Call Martha and ask her if she can come to the party.”

4. Doctor Goodhealth is just the man who can help you.

5. Evidently, Mike did not pass the exam.

6. “Would you like something to drink, Alex?” Alice asked.

7. The patient lay on his back and his eyes were wide open.

8. As Helen was busy with housework she had no time to watch the soap-opera.

9. Perhaps, the Petersons will arrive a bit earlier.

10. She remembered how once she visited the Louvre.

IV. Translate into English using the appropriate verbal and modal structures:
1. Когда я позвал её, она искала ключ в сумочке, чтобы запереть дверь.

2. Бесполезно разговаривать с моим шефом об отпуске, с ним вообще трудно иметь дело.

3. Находясь в центре города, я не могла не сделать покупки в универмаге.

4. Врач, кажется, не может поставить диагноз.

5. Если соседи будут так шуметь, я не смогу подготовиться к экзамену.

6. На ее новый костюм, сделанный на заказ, не обратили внимания.

7. Вам следует придерживаться диеты и бросить курить.

8. Почему бы не купить билеты в оперу заранее?

9. Эту пьесу стоит поставить, она наверняка будет иметь успех.

10. Неужели она уехала, даже не попрощавшись?

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