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CANADA PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA COUNTY OF COLCHESTER IN THE PROVINCIAL COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA In the Matter of an Application to Vary a Sealing Order, Criminal Codes. 487.3 BETWEEN: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Television Network, Global News, ‘The Canadian Press, Globe and Mali, Post Media, Halifax Examiner, and Saltwire “Applicants vand= Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada (Canada Border Services Agency) ty the Queen in the Right of Nova Scotia (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) “Respondents ORDER, Before the Honourable Judge Laurel J. Halfpenny MacQuarrie at Truro, Nove Scotia, UPON sealing orders having been issued in relation to the following Search Warrents, land Production Orders issued pursuant to section 487.1 and 487.014 of the Crimnal Code, and the corresponding Informations to Obtain of Sgt. Angela Hawyluk and Reports to Justice fled: Issuing Judge/Justice PCH 7 ‘JP. Kelly Shannon. = 20.0638 2z JP. Allison Rose 20-0641 3 Allison Rose: 20.0082 Issuing Judge/Justice PCH ] EP. Debbie Bowes P. Kelly Shannon sae B- ‘AND UPON the Court having previously varied the sealing orders to allow Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada an ‘opportunty to review the documents in response to an application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ef alto terminate the sealing order, ‘AND UPON being advised by Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada that redacted copies of the Search Warrants, Production Orders and the corresponding Informations to Obtain, and Reports to Justioe listed abeve may be made accessible, AND UPON BEING SATISFIED that its in the best interests of justice to vary the Sealing Orders: ‘THIS COURT ORDERS that the sealing orders be varied to provide as follows: a. The packets containing the Search Warrants, Production Orders and corresponding Informations to Obtain of Sgt. Angela Hawryiuk and Reports to Justice isted above shall remain sealed and redacted copies of the ‘documents provided by Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada shall be made accessible; and, . A copy of this Order and the previous sealing orders of the Coutt and of Justices of the Peace Alison Rose, Kelly Shannon and Debbie Bowes shall be affixed to the outside of the sealed packet which contains the sealed documents, DATED this 25" day of May, 2020, at Truro, Nova Scotia. Ay ‘sure J Haipenny tacQuaie “age fhe rosin Court of ova Seta CANADA PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA COUNTY OF COLCHESTER IN THE PROVINCIAL COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA In the Matter of an Applicationto Vary a S ling Order, Criminal Code 8. 487.3 BETWEEN: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Television Network. Global News, ‘The Canadian Pross, Globe and Mail, Post Media, Halifax Examiner, and Saltwire “Applicants -and- Her Majesty the Queen in the ht of Canada (Canada Border Services Agency) and Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Nova Scotia (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) -Respondents ORDER Before the Honourable Judge Laurel J. Halfpenny MacQuartie at Truro, Nova Scotia, UPON a seating order being issued in relation to an Information to Obtain of Sgt. Angela Hawryluk in support of the issuance of the following Search Warrant pursuant to section 487.1 of fhe Criminal Code: Teuing Jodge/Justes (——“Talison Rose AND UPON the Court having previously varied the sealing order to allow a redacted ‘Copy ofthe Information to Obtain of Sgt. Angele Hawryiuk to be made accessible, AND UPON BEING SATISFIED that itis in the best interests of justice to vary the Sealing Order; THIS COURT ORDERS that the sealing order te varied to provide as follows: The packet containing the Information to Obtain of Sgt, Angela Hawryluk fled in support of the issuance ofthe search warrant listed above shall remain sealed and a copy of the {orTesponding redacted Search Warrant and redacted Repor to Justice provided by Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada shall be made accessible; and, b. A copy of this Order, the previous variation to the sealing orders of the Court and the original sealing order of Justice of the Peace Allison Rose shall be affixed to the outside of the sealed packet which contains the szaled documents, DATED this 25” day of May 2020, at Truro, Nova S¢ * RCMP File Number: 2020,9489813 Base Court Ture PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA INFORMATION TO OBTAIN A SEARCH WARRANT (Pursuant fo Section 487.1 of the Criminal Code} anda related Sealing Order (Pursuant to Section 487.3 of he Criminal Code) ‘sf the information of Sat. Angela HAWRYLUK of Darmouth, inthe said Province of Nova Scotia, a Peace Offcar and member ef the Royel Canadian Mounted Police hereinafter called the informant, taken before me. The informant says that she has je grouncs to believe and dees believe that therein ‘Black Samsung cellphone (exhibit 204741441), currently in a temporary exhibit locker at CID building at 60 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, Nove Seat ‘Toshiba laptop with serial number 7A149253H, currently in a temporary exhibit locker at CID building at 50 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Verbatim SD card, §12 MB, currontly in a temporary exhibit locker at CID building at 50 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; ‘Acer tablet, currently in a temporary exhibit locker at CID building at 50 Garland ‘Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Garmin Nuvi GPS, currently in a temporary exhibit locker at CID building at 60 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; ‘The following items (things or some part of them); In relation to the black Samsung calibone (oxhibit 2047414A-1), curently in a temporary exhibit locker at CID bulding at 60 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia A. All storod data betweon April 4.2045, 0 B. All stored data related to Inrelation ta the Toshiba laptop wth seri! rumiber 7A149253H, Verbatim SD card, 512 MB, Acer tablet, and the Garmin Nusi GPS, all ef which ere eurrenily ina lemperary ‘exhibit locker a CID buleng at 80 Garand Avenus, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Stored data Which islae (check as applicable) anything on orin respect of which any offence against this Act or any other ‘Act of Parilament has bean ors suspected to have been commited, of anything that tere are reascneble grouns to believe will afford evidence with respect tothe commission of an offence, or will reveal the whereabouts of ' person who fs beleved to have commited an offence, against this Act or any other Act of Parlament or anything thet there {or the purpose of committing any offence against the parson for which 2 person may be arrested without warrant, o reasonable grounds to belleve s intended to be used __offence-related property (as detined in the Criminal Code), relevant to the investigation of the following INDIGTABLE federal offences: 8) Murder contrary to Section 235 of the Criminal Code; ') Attompt to Commit Murder cantrary to Section 228 ofthe Criminal Code. My grounds for the belie thatthe alleged indictable offences have been committed, that the listed items (things) will be found in these locations (building, receptacle or place), and that tho items relate to the alleged indictable offences are as follows: age 20 asseo —sozasesers NOU aR pee Introduction 1 ‘This is th information of Sgt Angela HAIWRYLUK, a peace officer and member ofthe Royel Canadian Wound Police (RCMP). [have personal knowledge of the information in ths Infermation to Obtain (Afidavi), except wire cthenvise Stated. I believe alo the information in this lfdavit tobe tue. I have besn & member of he RCMP for twenty-cight years. In June of 20'8, | vias transferred to the Legal Applications Support Tearn (LAST), where lam eurrenty posted. Porto being ai LAST, Iwas posted fo tne Combined Foross Special Enforcement Unt (CFSEU) ftom 2078 to June of 2018, The main mandate at (GFSEU deat with Outlaw Motorycle Gang (OMG) actvty andthe primary Ciminaty involved was the ticking of llega contrated substances, From 2013 to 2015 was posted to Halifax Detachment ROMP as a general duty Investigator. Prior to that | was posted from 2000-2019 in fede'al units, wher became involved in investigations involving offences pursuant tothe Contoled Drugs and Substances Act. | have conducted investigations pertaining fo ‘offences pursuant fo the Criminal Cade, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Customs and Excise Act, and other federal and provincal act, Ihave been Involved in investigations where information is obtained by means of ‘conventional palce techniques (such as survellanes, information ftom witnesses, information obiined as a result ofthe execution of udeial documents (euch as ‘Seerch Warranls,Trensmission Data Warants, Tracking Warrants, General Warrants, and Production Ordas), information from forensic anclyss, and information ftom canfdental informants) and also withthe Interception of private ‘Gommunioations and undercover operations. During my eareer. | have prepared General Warrants, Search Warrant, Transmission Data Recorder Warrens, “Tracking Warrants, Production Orders and Part VI Authorizations (oot ti Party and One Party Consent). During my savice with the RCMP have been Involved with te handling of confdlential informants who provide Information on the condition of confit, ‘The majority of my career has been in Federal Policing, predominantly in drug Unis invest gating offences pursuant tothe Contrled Drugs and Substances ‘Act | have been involved in several project realed investigations in oles such {28 Team Conmander, Lead Investigator, File Coordinator and as an afiant (Both for part Vi judicial applications and non-Part Vi judicial applications). Some of ‘hese investigetions have utizad undercover aperators and polze agente. | have been involved in several investigations where private communications were intercepted va Authorizations and have been responsiie far listening Io the intercepted communications to determine partes invclved in the communications and to provide a synopsis of the conversation, Based on my involvement in {hase investigations | am familar with street names, pricing from ste evel to 'mgotaion, packaging, and detruton methods of legal conroled substances, | have successfuly completed courses which | belive assist in the preparation of Juicial applications, which inde, but not imited t, the RCMP infrcenton of Private Communications Course In Fabrumy 2003 and the ROMP Human Sourcs age 38 13040 sonesisors rovmoR cee Pa oss Management Course in December 2004, Presenty, lam involved wit the Faolilation ofthe RCMP Interception of Private Communication Course, and the ROMP Search Warrant Drafing Course, ‘Throughout this Affeuit, where | state my betef, the bel is based on my experience as set out above and onthe ater Information in ths Afidavi, ‘The manner in which | have oblsned information includes: 5.41. Information obtained from databases; 5.2. Speaking personally wih poe offcers andlor reviewing investigative reports and/or emai! who are Involve wit te investigeton, 53. Conducting database queties on the following databases: 53.1. The Canadian Police Information Center (CPIG) is @ computerized daiabase repostry maintained by the RCMP in ‘Otlawa, Ontario, Itean be accessed through authorized and ‘estrcie terminal, by authortzed personnel, and Ie accessible bby palce and law enforcement agencies throughout Canada. This repository records information such as missing or wanted persons, stolen goeds, and criminal racards of persons. CPIC Accesses records from motor vehicle branches across Canada vith regard to drver license information, driving recorés, dates of bith, and motor vehicle information; 5.32, The Justice Enterprise Information Network, (JEIN), Isa cenivaized computer system mainiainad bythe Provinc'al Department of Justice, n Halfax, Nova Scoia, The system inoludes offender database and case tracking funetionalty for Courts, Corections, the Public Prosacutian Service, Pacing and Vici Services, 2s wellas Inquiry access for cther Justice related agencies such es the RCMP and Municipal Pofoa Depariments, the Department of National Defense, Legal Ald and the Federal Department of Justice, The JEIN system can be eocessed across the province by Department of Justice \Workers to input and review records information thats collacted by the Department af Justice in elation to information _associaled with court appearance, terms of custody, various court orders and a isting ofall charges pertaining to charged individuals inthe Province of Nova Seolla, Police personel ‘maintain an ability to review such records, but do nat have pet ‘access fo JEIN. Adctonaly, Registy of Motor Vehicles infomation including driver icanses ard motor venice inguires can be obtained from the Registy of Motor Vehicles (Gervice Nova Scotia) system whichis interfaced wit JEIN; Page 38 5.9.3. The Potce Reponing & Occurrence System, (PROS), which is a computerized database repository maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Ottawa, Ontario. oan be accessed through authorized and rested tamale, by authored persenne!. This repostory records infornation that Is collected through the normal course ofan invastigaton, Including the nature of the Investigation, names, addresses, vohicls, binh dates, and various eperte such ae ext and continuation or progross reports; 53.4, The Nova Scotia Property Records Database (Nova Scotia Property Onine) is a eertralized computer registry fr the provines of Nava Scotia controled by the Degertment of Housing and Municipal affairs. Access by subscristion, A subscriner can search for propetse, prepery owners, and the information. Resuls provide a map showing the property, as well as assessment information and an Inventory of documents registered athe Land Tilas Offees. Revarance to these results enables one to determine wha the registered ‘owner is of a particular property, what deeds or merigages ‘exist, where thay ars located, and ary oher relevant transactions concerning ine propery. Scanned copies of deeds ccan be viewed for most properties. To view the acual deeds or morgage documents an investigator must stfen the Lane Titles Gc forthe respective region, 5.3.5, The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies (Nova Scala Joint Stocks) maintains a wabsite maintained by the Nova Scotia government. This website i avaiable tothe ‘general public and provides information on business names, registration identification numbers, the ype of business, the nature of the busivess, the status ofthe business, the Jurisdiction of the business, the registered offoe address anc a Toa¥ing address of the business, The wabste alga provides the ‘names ofthe persons involved in the business, ther postion within the business and civic address and maling adress for the person Oveniow 5 Op the night of Apri 18, 2020, III ani Gabriel WORTMAN were at (heir property at 136 Orchard Beach Divs Partapique, Nova Scotia (he warehouse) During the evening an argument ensued betv/eer EN onc Gabriel WORTMAN which resulted in being assaulted id cbaerve Gabriel WORTMAN pour accalerats inthe cottage (200, 10 Prtapique Beach Road) ar the warchouse and observed that there we Fees on We font seat oF jn police car, ll WRI 22g to 65052 RNIN 3 ran Ino the woods, vhece ‘he hid untl the early maring hours of Ap 18, 2020, ee Bihan hey observed whist appeared Io be alarge scree “They drove tothe area of he fre ané noted tha bulging was on fre and tht there was ‘police car” parked in a driveway not fr from tl fre, They drove pest this drveway end tured around and the ‘poles car came Lp ftom behind them and then pulled up alang sie of tram rolled down his window as he assumed that tas 2 police ofloas wanting to take to them. Once the two ve ied that i 2920 away and was met by marked police cars wha had arrived on the scene as a asult of 911 cals fo reports cf eeveralfres and shots free was not certain bu thought the shooter vas Gebrel On the nigh ob Acs WORTMAN Members ofthe ROMP responded winers ere wa deceased mal ‘A the ouse next coon th he 811 calls and located a resisence nd a deceased female ‘Members of the RCMP also spoke to Clint ELLISON wo stated that his brother Gory ELUSON hid been sho! IE ard wes on the beach Inthe early morning hours of Ape 19, 202, TT a out ofthe \Woods and went oa residence where she called 911 to report the incdert Between her and Gabriel WORTMAN the night prior. She reported that while she ‘was hiding in the woods she heard male voices, then heard gun shots, and then twas slent afar that During the morning hours of Apr 18, 2020, several reports of shots fred and eople being kiled were received inthe Colehostar County area of Nova Scotia, ‘Tis confined info Hants East County and ended atthe [ving Big Stop at Ext 7 of Highway 102 n Enfleld, Nova Scotia where Gabriel WORTMAN was shot and killed by police. Gabrel WORTMAN went on a kllng spree and kilad roe than twenty (20) people during the night of Apri 14, 2020, and Into the meming of Apri 18,2020, Police were engaged n'a manhunt for Gebrel WORTMAN arg in the Shubenacadie area of Nova Scotia, Gabriel WORTMAN shot Cst. Chad) MORRISON, who survived, and then proceeded to kil Cat. Heldl STEVENSON, Page 6of 8 42, Waness statements were obtained and Gabriel WORTMAN was daserbed as a ‘man who colecied frearms, dacommissioned police eas, poles unforms and ‘equipment, was parenoid and had secuily systems In place at Nis properties, Gabriel WORTMAN is the registered ovine ofthe residence and business at 193 Potiand Street, Darimouth, Nova Scotia and property which included a cottage and a warehouse in Pottapique, Nova Scctia, located at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, 200 Portapique Beach Road, and 287 Partaplque Beach Read in Potapique, Nova Scat, 13. Gable! WORTWANs a data vio operates ho clrics under ha name Alar Denture Cini wth locations ot 189 Prtané Stee Dartmenth, eva Scola and 3842 Novaleg Dive, Hafan, Nove Soa Ataris Dowue Cis has on 2c it MMM 7 ei STIAN a peso eceonces oy Stas someone une atenged tha business and bought ven aero make iil Oe. ee ORIEN ten crt fonder his name, twas under the business name of Avante, Denture Cine 4 15. Tha purpose ofthis ITO isto make application for a Search Warrant to soize slored data from devices that were seized during the course of tne Investigation tedate Victims Known to Date 18, The folowing depicts the locations and names of persons kiled andor inured by Gabriel WORTMAN beginning the evening of Api 18, 2020, and ending on Apri 18, 2020": 16.1. 200 Portapique Beach Road, Pertapique, Nova Scotia 1517 I 09; 162, II r:93q10, Nova Sota 162.1, John ZAHI (deceased) 162.2. Joanne THOMAS (deceased) 163, III 2 aciquo, Nova Scots; 0 reviewed» har poieda aby Mk wh epee the aes wherepans 1631. Frank GULENCHYN (deceased) 1632. Davm GULENCHYN (deceabed) 104, III Fortscique, Novs Scot 1044. Greg BLAIR (decease 1642, Jamie BLAIR (deceased 105, II © ep.e, Nova 1051. Use MeCULLY (deceased) 105, II spc.0, Nove Senta: 1861. Cory ELLISON (deceased) — one 67) II 0:2 sects: 167.1. Margaret CAMPBELL (Jeceased) . 4881. Sean McLEOD (decease twerth, Nova $ 1682, Alanna JE! 18.83. Thomas BAGLEY (deceasat) 109. III 50: River, Nova Scotia: 16.91. Aaron TUCK (decensee) KINS (decease) 16.92, Jolene Ou VER (deceased) 18.93, Emly TUCK (deceased) 16.10, III sever, Nova Scot 16.10.1. Peter BOND (decesset 18.10.2, Joy BOND (deceased) 16.11, UII 050, tova ses 18.11.1. Heather O'BRIEN (decease) ape of38 18.112, Kristen BEATON (deceased) 16.12, Highway 2, near Ex, Mifrd, Nova Scot 16.24. Ost Chas MORRISON (rare); 16.13. Highway 224, Shubenscade, Nova Scotia: 18 131. Cat Hei STEVENSON (deceased) 18:13.2. Joseph WEBBER (decease; 16-14, MMIII or, Nova Scotia: 18.141. Gera GOULLETT (deceased) Gabriel WORTMAN (1968-07-05) ‘7, Gabriel WORTMAN does not ave 2 criminal record but does have one Ccnvieton for assault In 2002 accorsing ta his Offender Summary Report on SEN 18 Gabriel WORTMAN has a valé Nova Scotia diver eense wth an adcress of 188 Potiand Street, Darimouth, Nova Scotia and has the following vahiles wth currant registrations in his name 18.1. 2017 Ford F150 truck with Nova Scalia icense plato GOMGB4 18.2. 2007 Jeep Wrangler with Nova Scofa license plate GNPP EGO. 18. Gabrie! WORTMAN has the following properties registered in his name: 18.1. 199 Portand Steet, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; 181.4. Cst Kyle DOANE (Cet. DOANE), a peace officer and memiber ofthe RCMP. was nea’ 199 Potiand Street on Apri 19, 2020, ‘and observed a white vehicle inthe driveway and a detached garage atthe rear ofthe property. Cet DOANE als slated that the mein sucture contains the business on the main level and ‘an upper foor appears to be a residence! 19.2. 181 Portland Street, Dartmouth, Novs Scotia, 97 Al 3 200 ended query nC EN Wah espe abi WORTH {on Aar, 2050 conte qe on Jw pre Sel WORTMAN oh terme el rg 0 ar, a, conte ur or Set Proper Oni wih epi properties reer at WORT 01 dar 2, 20, spot ith Ct DOANE repreng hs sbienaton of 82 Fotos Dartneth, No Seatinon Ape, 238, Page 028 sseaa— soagoesar3 1S Fase cane ness 183. 199 Portland Street, Dartmouth, Nove Scatia, 184, 287 Portapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia 184.1, Ost. Dayle BURRIS (Cst. BURRIS), a peace ofcer and ‘amber of the RCMP, went to 267 Portapique Road on Api 20, 2020, and deserives the property as a grassy property with fo Vsble structures from tne road, Tha property conaina lls oftrees!, 185. 200 Pertapique Beach Road, Portaique, Nove Scot; 185.1. Cpl. Matt CONN (Cpl. CONN), a’peace officer and member of the RCMP, viewed photos taken On Apri 19, 2020, by lent of the proverly t 200 Pertapique Beach Road and sai tat rere was @ burt eut Taurus and ihe structure was bum down tothe foundation’ 186. 136 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia; 186.1. Cpl. CONN viswed photos taken on Api 19, 2020, by Ident af the property at 136 Orchard Beach Drive and said that there was a burt out Jeep and Taurus end the sructure was burnt wih most collapsed into the middle but there was epproximately ght (@) feet of walls sil standing. 20. On February 12, 2020, Gabriel WORTMAN wes charged with speeding on Porapicue Beach Road, Great Vilage, Nove Scotia and Was operating unite 2019 Ford Taurus with Nove Scotia cance plate GMKS0S?, 204, Nove Scotleinense pate GWMK90S is registered to Berkshire Broman Corporation of 183 Porlzd Steel, Dartmouth, Neva Scotia and attached toa white 2013 Ford Taurus, 20,4. Nove Scotia Joint Stacks has Berkshire Broman Corporation In fits database vith the following information”: 2041.4. Itis 2 non-registered company; The jurisdiction is New Brunswick; ‘On A220, |spke oat BURNS wih spt tc chert of 287 Pareue Esch oak, Forasave Noa eats om tt. {04g 2,202, 1sok 6 CONN with epact tohim viwirg pets akan by ert on p19, 2090. $e ns, 202, een a uty on PRS wth espero Gabe WoHION {0p 28, ecduced a ey on 4 th reset oN Set ease pte GMOS, "Onan 2025 ers quey ons See rt RO, Page 20038 2041.3. The mailing address ie 193 Portiand Street Dartmouth, Nove Scotia: 20.1.4. ltwas registered on 2008-07-16, There are no people listed on fl, 20:2. Themaster number for Berkshire Broman Corporation is BERKS8030008 ‘and the company has the folowing white Ford Taurus ears registerec to a” 202.4, White 2013 Fod Taunus with Nova Scotia lcense plate omKsos; 2022. White 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Seati ens pate GuKS65; 20.23, White 2017 Ford Taurus with no foanse plata attached toi cers and one (1) white 2017 Ford Taurus registered tothe company. 21, Gabriel WORTMAN was a denturst and operated Atlantic Denture Clin Allatic Denture Clinic has two locations in Nova Seota, One being at 193, Potiand Street, Darimouth, Nova Scola (202-464-0808) and the cther at 3542 Novalea Driv, Halfax, Nova Seatia (902-455-1636)"2 21.1. As detailed above, 183 Portland Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is ‘registered to Gabriel WORTMAN. 21.14. On Apri 22,2020, | dialed 602-464-0808 and the call went lo Voicemail with a female voice who said that fas March 19, tnd thal the office is closad du tothe earonavires untl Api 15 ‘when they would re-asses, 24,2, 3842 Novalea Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia ie registered to Novales Holdings Limited 21.2.1. Novalea Holdings Limited doas net appear tobe associated fo Gabriel WORTMAN as he is ot listed a8 2 person hokiing any of the postions of Direcor, Vie President, Secretary, “Treasurer, and Recognized Agent" Hey on with erect son Sete pee A265 andthe seat 2 on Ap 282635 condced a ua on Ge Wh respect ee Detce Cin on ah 225 conde a quay on Nova Scat rear Onine wis mea 22 Noles eb, tala tow St "On 2,205 lends aque on Rew Sets oe rca wih epecoNovses Menges 2122. Cpl. CONN socke ea... Holdings Limited and Miledvaed that 2542 Novalea Drve, Halifax, Nove Scotia is leased to a umbered company aut of Now Brunswick who operates under the name of Atante Denture Clic and the person illdsn's wih 's Gabriel WORTMAN, siated that Gabral WORTWAN requentes the location daly. 24.23. On April 22, 2020, | dialed 902-464-0808 anc the call went to voicemail with a feral voice who said that twas March 1 and thatthe ofc 's closed due tothe coronavirus unt Ap 15 when they would re-asses, 21.3. Alan Denture Gin & on Nova Scola Joint Stocks bit he sats shows Tove fe non paymensin 1885. Orlane pecan wltes see sotner st 214. Cpl. CONN conducted » query on archive rg and noted 2 snapshot of dentureshalfaxca on January 24, 2019, ofa webste associated to Aliant Denture Cinic which contained the folowing information” 21.4.1. 902.484.0808 was lsies asthe phone number; 21.42. 183 Portand Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scots and 3642 Noveloa Drive Halifax, Nova Scotia were listed as lations Infrmaticn from Cst. Shawn STANTON 22, On Apil 19, 2020, I spoke with Cst, Shawn STANTON (Cst. STANTON), ape offeet and mamber of the RCMP, whe is ane ofthe invesigetors aesigned fo investigate this matter and learned the folouing!® 22.1, L205 hre on Api 18, 2020, multiple 611 call were received with respect te shots boing fred and buildings on fre inthe viity of Orchard Beach Dive, Partapique, Nova Scctia 222. st Dave LILLY (Cst. LILLY) and Cst. Chris GRUND (Cat. GRUND) attended Poriaptque, Nova Scotia and the following tanspited 220) 1 MM ius Nova Sta oad a female devessed on he property SOrsHRL In sO On Api 2 2820 tends quay ono esta lon toc throes eee rue Cif on A 2,225, ke ol CONN ean hemonmason Hom otorary mare oat Dentrecine * 5 ao 1,20, pak ex. STANTON, Page 12038 2222 2223. At Portanique, Nove Scot male deceased This male was b be Greg BLAIR| 2224, Jamie BLAIR ves ceo ware st on diferent properties on Orchard Beach 224, SISgl Steve HALLIDAY (S/Sgt HALLIDAY), a peace officer and member ofthe RCMP said the fol 245 EE 2 c: currently unaccounted for ESS = fon Orchard Beach Drive and saw a residence on fre MII oi ino. crveviay as he saw wha: appeared tobe a police car coming towards them: 22.6, EEE e223 thc crver to be Gabriel WORTMAN and. Gabriel WORTMAN polried 2 harq\7 NM chin 3s they met vindow fo window and started to shoo 227. was shot aid not get shot 228, III 2c ae > drive away and aw tuo ot inthe area JORTMAN's exife and vas 728. Cin ELLISON apr hath washing the woods because when he saz alg one Geochin Ne rt Coy ELUNSON wns Ms 22:10, 880636 hes on Apri 19,2020 TM ent to Ml Portarioue Besch Road, Portapique, Nova Scota andhad Ml juris: 22.11, Moist. Ben MacLEOD (Cat, MacLEOD), a pene ‘and member of tha ROMP, the flowing ofcer 2211.1, MEI vies wit) Gabrie! WORTMAN eat (on Apr 18, 2020) and he had te, 2. They were al Gabriel WORTMAN's warehouse at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, Porapique, Nova Scotia, 2212, kes conf ta hare vers at 18 Orchard Beach Ove, ll DStohard Basen Orv, Blears Seach Dive ons 200 Patani Bosch Roa Potapiue Nov Sola, a peace offer ard member OMe, Detained semen > ANN on opi ht she baile flor 2284, MMMM 02 any wor np eh Pera gurs ios carter eke bee @ RENE eat 2.19.3, III esc2pec and ran nto the woods and hi 22134, I 0° 0 MM Porscique Beach Rost Prtapique, Nova Scotia and called 911; 22.15, II i not Gabriel WORTMAN owned two Ford Taurus ‘ars and one looked like & police car with decals on 22.18, Get. Temy BROWN (Cet, BROW! 22.16, Members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) of the ROMP fre: 20:18. A second offcer asked for abit more dst and toa him that his frst suspicion vas that was| [Gobs because his bam was an fre and he had look-a-Bve Taurus tnt Ne wins ealing his Police cor III sis tra: Gabe hed been working on it for a Fong time but Eas neve: baciged i was just alway white looked lke @ host car but the ane that wes saw patted vae defintely badged, 26.14. When he was sting onthe side ofthe highway waiting forthe ambience he fel gorvating in his coat and pulled outa but. twas under his si. He putitinhis pant pocket bu piled iteut to shaw omaone and ie not, Sure what happened io after that. He thought the bullet could be in hs jacks! pockel, which was in hie car ‘The ist house that they noticed was on fre was owed by @ guy named Gabe. He couldnt remember Fis last name but he's a denturst In Darimouth, Gabe has a fe, proparties around there but he's got this big fun garage vith a bunc of metorcycias In thare anda lok apartment. ‘was ecol. It emost looked ks a big barn but it was a shop; 616 MMMM iu foe Poniue Crescent on ee hand Stl Tere 52 Ite house, the only house on he lfthand side, and thats the house they saw the RCMP car at. Further don tne oat on the right hand sge is big brown barn with a blak oof and vine seuare in mile ofthe root's Gate's big bam and thet the bling that wes relly on fe, 26:17 NII 23 crt sing inet cet tote Pee core Mat srowed upon scene. dnt seem unusual nancy 2.18, III 2.00: esc to peso at oes he a ogg fice but sai trot he as 2 vite man and his inate ld hn wa [Gabe buthe can't say for sur; Pazen9 038 thon hae ware to mere cote her cnet a thought that came to his mind was that together. Gabe has a out sels on ‘When asked to expand onthe frst itwae Gabe he sald, vias just him puting thi car thal looks lke a ghost cay 2 Taurus wih blac Diacked out gil But then he thought that Gabe's fren af of @ suaden there's this polce car that's not a be Peceonre polls car ghting this other house or fre eo it had to 2622. Gabe has erie log home down on Portapique Beach Raed, and he's got this big fancy place that burnt down tonight (the barn workshop) and ne kes to work on his properties, he buys Up some ofthe properties around there as they become availabe ae 25.24, MN i that he might have two (2) or thee (3) 25:25, MMMM oso no the name of Cabs ona 7 os 2626. Gabe was 50-58 wth light hated, sl bud, GR wth chiseled face, He canbe found on Facebook, 26.27. Gabe had a black Joao Wrangler and the white Faré Taurus petked at his place whenf Gabe alse hase white Fo 1160 and his wile er grind had a while Mer 25 I 30 have ha ‘of any guns thal Gabe may or may not 25.29, KIMMIMIIII s ht Gabe's Facebook profi is Gabriel zoos Sttenent of Vet apd aati of Gatrl WoRTUAN ee (Sgt LEG,» mamior te ROME, nape Sess oe tESCE 276. 27. 278 29, 27.40 2a, 27.12, 30: Cotnci wortuan at his property in Pertapique, a epeoximately eh) yen one ce I ces cI, car: said thet Gabriel WORTMAN was a person that people ‘enjoyed talking to, bie 201, Te ean Gabe ‘hop andl tha vas one ne Me A a 8 (RR ei oo, 2020, caled and gg a here was an ongcng incident Parepee ad a ead to keep score ioc ae... ‘hat got up 3t &:00 am with I and started to Seagal ES an eared tat I regen Some ek) had been klled butRidr't know iff was fue or ao I 25: ehecking Facebook and eared that the incident ae: cave: WORTMAN had a police cer that he as going fo decal up 2 I corcanes att yo a desere he wasta poles ear, I ce 0:125 this to 011; Ichecked Facsbook and noted that thee was a post that Gabriel was wanted forthe incdents in Portapique, [2 oe osc in er posse 5 HOMSY 4, Gleshoime, Nova Scotia and approximate 10.1 te ‘fer they dled 817 a marked police car entered tnerevevay tre nso oh nee IIe. 2, 2090 Pageatofse police car drove pas {urn around: 27.13, III sotod that tho a ‘male with ¢ ball cap vest end recognized the male to be Gabriel WOR ir vehicles inthe driveway a ntaciad 911 again, Se near a helicogs a 27-10, CIID he corel rng an ze that Gabriel hag er d the house | 2719, III nea bang could hear “Come o ‘cutwath your hands up said tht lll received 2 ca ftom someone wo tld ll {hat Gabriel was new heading towvarcs Lover Onslow ard tore house Ca iveway ina Hew can and gut out with what appears to be a rie abr N fora few minutes ar hen spears WEB 2n0 got no tne poice car andi on the glass th Your hands up Gaby Page 22038 Statement of Ica, STEVENSON and Joseph WEBBER provided a statement 10 Cet, an MURPHY (Cet. MURPHY), a Beate officer and member of tea RCMP, on April 19, 2020, or cals the ‘leing 2a TT cr en Tleok because there was shooting going on EE ee headed guy wih a green fuorescenl vest was going hack and forth dong the shooting 28.3, The gun figs sounded ite popping, where twas winey before sailed tllfthe fret ng Ml hought of was te ssing nae come Then Mil realzed ives gun fre, 256 I 21 i fist iF ag ieee a 285, Wil thought the bald guy was @ Mount because you could see the hid urd you could see the wnito and green vest. Butt seemed funny cil that the bald man would be shooting ata Mount 28.6, Ml saw the bale man shooting to 28.8. A grey SUV came up the ramp and stopped, The man in the SUV saw the two Mount cars smashed togethar andi looked lie he had goterout help them, 28.10, de the car, “ | Sound, fthad been arte there woul have bear's weennn oy The bald man was daing alot of gun fr, Up the trunk ofthe car had been driving and a could sae smoke coming trom the Un The bald man set tha car he had been diving an fre and tren lumped in the grey SUV and le 5 I {he bal man must have had @ gas con ot someting st up in the trunk because twas ony 10 secsnne tipped the tunk open thatthe smoke started. Mis tha fire because wasnt smoking belo him actually set ton re 28.17. The bald man took things frm both the car he had been dvng and he Police car and started puting tiem inthe grey SUV. 28.18. When the bai headed south of inthe SUV he ‘of towards Mitford on the 224 28.10, ~ (a la cet: 2821. Morne men oko be SU guar shoves wo ving 2 The woman ee eso ta 2822. The phony Mount car was fuly engulfed then the net thing both care were on fe Page 24 0f 38 ORTMAN Provided a statement and me they vrs just atthe wareh arred but had Eace-imed fiands into the woods; 208 brie WORTMAN had puta he guns on the front seat of the car, Page 28038 20.10, 2om1 2o02, 20.18, 20.14 20:18, 23.18 2920, raz, Gabrie! WORTWAN had a white Ford Taurus police car that lacked Iderticl toa pote car with ighis an it and ROMP docais 19K8 and heard gun shots Gabriel WORTIAAN poured gas on his Ford F150 truck, bleck Jeep Wrangler and anther white Ford Taurus at tha warehouse, He algo oured gas or another white Ford Taunss at tre cliage Gabriel WORTMAN only had one white Ford Taurus that leoked lke @ police car hid nthe woods al night and then wor Gabriel WORTMAN does nat have a cell hone and smashed her cell Phone and didn't have access 10 any other col prone Gabriel WORTMAN hes IINIIn the RCMP and had one of his uniforms but ita fit Gabriel, He had a fuorescent yeow jacket and he ‘would putin the front seat to make it aok lke he was a polos oftces MM 2 22: Gore! WORTIAN wasnt a po wannabe and didn like police oficers and thought he vas beter than them 66 21. ‘Of guys at a house onthe back there was since, The house she was in the woods she heard a couple *oaeand then heard gun shots and then ent up In lames at that. age 26 038 2 DiCst. Susan LYNCH (DICst, st, PENFOUND), both peace officers and he flowing?® 302, ssid that Gabriel WORTMAN had been disturbed and wae severely abused as a yourg boy. Mlllsad that Gatriet muna "7° °C STN chestee was @ psychopath and ues I = 205. Gabe 08 si tat there vere guns atthe warehouse ar the cea oee sor m8 all ypes of oun, asaut ee, han urs tw he cena - ae ee ae won 7 3012, Gabriel WORTMAN would dress Us a8 a police of le Gabriel had a whole uniform vith a hal, jackel an roleplay 2013, Gabril WORTMAN bought fur (4) or five (6) white Ford Ty tied some for paris ang hed some of them insured 31 MII vied a statement to Ct. Jeff STEVENS (Cet, STEVENS) ce officer and member of the RCMP, and Dict Kristen BRADLEY (Dice: ‘DLEY), @ peace officer and member ofthe HRP, on Apel 49, ais allowing? = 91.2 MIMI 2 2207 at re property on Perpique Road ‘and thas a large garage vith rocms upsiaits ‘There ells tercyclas and an RCMP car that Gabriel was fxing ue 31.9, MMIII is ot crow where Gabriel was geting the d that were the same as the decals on RCMP care, 914 BBD cucnt trot Cabri! had a vest (bliss Gabriel WORTMAN colacted guns, Page 28038 1.11, Gabriel WORTMAN ous the denture fend another clinic in Malta of of No 52 MRM oe sstovon Dest, Jenner AKE O Peace offer and member ofthe HRP. on Apel 18 ooedca soe foes 322. ecelved 2 text ro IM hich wos 2 Picture other and Gabriel WORTMAN inthe warehouse around 6:60 pm 928. (MMIII to Poctena Steet on Api 9, 2020 ar was mat Oe police gid that Gabriel WORTMAN was a soci 328, Gabriel WORTMAN was a funeral director and emsimer; 226, MEME 3 cassie! woRTIAW ined about tho business on Portend Steet and have anclher business in Hala $27, MMIII aire woRTAAN hove og ome ene a grape Portapique, Nova Scotia. The main cottage ls where they ved asa eo garage was where they vculd keep stff and they buit af aporinect above the garage, I 62 fh 2: G20-e) WORTHAN colecied motoroyctes and Police care and bought them from auctions. ‘Gabriel WORTMAN alnes ‘boul having # police car that had RCMP decals on 32.10. Gabriel WORTMAN also ny purchased e bunch of gas; provided a statemont on Apt 19, 2020, to Cat Holly MURPHY (Cal. MURPHY) and Cst. Denis CHARTRAND (Csi, CHARTRAND), both peaes officers and mambers ofthe RCMP, ane sal the fo il WORTYAW has oa III eo Gabriel WORTMAN is very inteligent but paranoia 324, | Gobrel WORTMAN had a care modifies to look ke a potee ear and it was EE cstcoollihes 335. Gabriel VORTMAN was Westy: 386, Gabriel WORTMAN recent bought S800 worth of gasoline years 220; 909. tata std of Gabriel WORTMAN's residenes in Darra Wl oo ro Sc res this afew years age, 1 TT II 1.0% unform, (AN had a police 4 provided a statement on Apel 19,2020, to Cet Steven AGS (Cst. WAGG), a peace oficar and member of he HR are Se ee folowing? 344 42, and Gabriel WORTMAN lve above the dental lnc. They have @ cottage in Poracique and a warehouse, 344. Gabriel WORTMAN talked about having guns; a Secu, 34.3. Years ago Gabriel WORTWAN was bush nin the wershouse and thare was 346. Gabriel WORTMAN had numerous difference, rs and you wouldn't know the 97 I a yim nas poiceuntrm nd Mba abou one yer age 24.0. Afew weeks ago Cabrel bought propane bottles NORTMAN bough ‘$000 worth of gas end nd Gabriel WORTMAN had a Jeep, white Mercedes, three (3) ghost cars and some are parked at tne ene n Darina eh a 35 Provided a statement on Apri 18, 2620, to Sgb. Brian Fr RUCK (Sa. FITZPATRICK), a peace ofcer and member ofthe RCMP, ‘and 53 the flloning® 352. Gabriel WORTMAN is 2 denturst and has businesses in Dartmouth and Halifex nds with Gabriel WORTMAN; Cn aee128 20%,tradenedthe Cn sy partring tothe stoner | oe Page 3 of38 ave been a 356. NORTMAN hac Rho is 2 Jasve Cabrio! parts of his uniform red RCMP member and this 3564 35.62. The cell phone is des. has been exhibited located In at Dartmouth, Nov lbed as a black Samsung phone ard exhibit #2047414AC and crrenty Garland Aven erent to DIC Anthony rf the Hal RATH (O) i Regional Paice (HP), MOGRATH), 2 peace ofcer and and sad the folowing’ SS 36.5. The garage on Portand Stresthas an atti lhe mal sero may ©. The log house has a two bay arage and tne passiiord is ll ID Ee here he hep Theresa safe in 1 house and inthe garage "wareho 368, Theres a safe in te garage on Portiand Steet; 210. Gabe WORTMAN he 36:11. Gabriel WORTMAN has police deals fora car andthe an HRP uniform see Lease wos haa a 36.13. Gabriel WORTMAN would speak of geting td ef bodies, uring, and chemicals, bel WORTMAN woul tel il itor 1d of body and hha ime and rustic acid on the property for these Would be ‘There are video cameras at Porland Street and Portapique addresses; 7 age ao Police shut the power of as llwouldn put pas lll (Sadr JORTMAN) after what unflded today (Apr 19, 2020) tne LANE), a peace offcer and member ofthe RCMP, and sad ie flloving® mm 372, heard on the news about Gabriel WORTI/AN and ‘recognized him 2s customer who had purchased supplies fram them 373, The name Gal ed cu cassis him a8 He person who ttc A MM 8 PON Tolectve ane sapere Sue S74. Gabrel WORTMAN to nate had @poice euisr tat he bought st an aucion and he vated oo tp ea paces 37.5, EMI 13 abe) wORTMAN that he woule driving the car (with decals) and Gabriel said that he kre ilegat, in trouble for ‘and it would be s78. a7, ssid that Gabrie mr October (201 was the ORTMAN care boek and bought more materials and red car wrap. thal deat with Gabriel in October 978 IMD nt nc aout purchase in Ocoee pred Kup cay (Ar 20,2020), Th purchase as op Socner (20'8) and? yards of carbon rap fim and t yore purchased 97.8, EBB cats that cabrio WoRTWAN’s ace a was a generic acecunt, twas 2 cash account vine you cae citdebl, and it was under Ataris Oantre lnc wh on ada0a on Pleasant Se ean the atement Paget ota Sea Employee] 28 provided a statement on Ap‘ 20, 2020, io Sot. Derick BLANC) (Sgt. BLANCHE), a pesce of ember of the RCMP, and said the folowing 384 i as ey cold vinyl to Gabrie! WoRTHAN a 385, looked up what Gabriel WORTMAN had purchased from ll nd he purchased the ‘olowing 208. 220.Viny|, sapphire bive for vehicles: 3852. 3 reflective, white, green blue 38.5.3. 1080.30 fl, fire engine red vinyl ch of 193 Porland Street, Dartrouth, Nova Scota 59. On Api 20, 2020, Justice ofthe Peace Kelly SHANNON, a Justice ofthe Pease {7,208 for the Province of Nova Scota, grantad a Section 487 CC Sonex Warrant to search the property at 193 Portand Street, Daamouth, Nove Scotia, 40. Cpl. James SKINNER (Cpl. SKINNER), a peace ofcer and member of the RCMP was presen! during the execution of te Search Warant at 165 Pritand Stfeet Darimouth, Nova Scotia on Apri 20, 2020 and te flowing was seized 404, Toshi laptop with serial rumber 741492534, Verbas D card, 512 68 Tablet, 403.1, Cal Mark LARKIN (Cot LARKIN), a ofthe ROMP, stated 40.4 Actontec router, 405. Garmin Nuvi GPS; 408. Things ne sticker 40.7. Mercedes car 40.8, Ford Interceptor car. Summary 41. On Apri 18,2020, and Api 19, 2020, Gabriel WORTMAN went ona kling spree that ested in mere han twenty (20) sent bang Had one ef har oid STEVENSON, ond thes poco one ey HE no ost eae white car that resembled a police ca, complete with decals, Gabriel WORTMAN was shot and killed a he Irving Big Stop in Enfield, Nova Scola by police JORTMAN shoved a complete disregard for human fe 88h shot at peope sting in their car, peosle walking onthe side ofthe road: and peopl i their private homes. 42, Several winess statements were taken who describe Galxiel WORTMAN os 2 Person who collected firearms, decommissioned pote car, and poles unvarns land equipment. People sso talked about there being onhis Bose "The proper a 168 oad St a ee ‘carted en Ap 22) — om‘: dsorepoted at bere werd eee Ors Beach Dive, Portas Neve Senta Cabrel TORTEAR nce paraotJané hd sora Maes comers step Son My grounds for a Sealing Order pursuant to Section 487.3 of the Criminal Code are as followe: 47. The investigation inio the murders of more than twenty (20) people and the Ftlcmoted murder of three (3) persons is ongoing and f the formato in this "TO were tobe dsclosed a this point intima. t would investigation, nj Srounds for belleving that i would be impracticable to appear personally before a justice to make application for this warrant in writing are follows a urrent health crisis involving the Caronavinss in Nova Scot at this. dimes been requesia by personne athe JP Centar o subi jo warrant for applications that can be obtained vs fo There are no previous attempts to receive a warrant in respect of this Investigation My grounds in support ofa warrant to be oxecuted ata time other than by day are 3 follows 48. The Dig Forensic. Teogives requests to seize slored data from Slectronic devices ona frequent basis from multiple pace agencier a lace Shore of prorty on the requests, The seizure ofthe stored dale rad ee than a day 88 it depends on the smount of stored seta oe ensure tat there is adequate time lo seize te stored dale far, o SEs Mentied in tis ITO, 1am requesting thatthe Seareh Warrant oe ga for a period ef thee (3) montns, ~ ew23/2020 13:49 sazessors |'am requesting that the search warrant be granted between the hours of 1400 hrs onthe 29 day of Apri, 2020, and 2100 hrs on the 22° day af July, 2020, WHEREFORE the informant prays that 2 search warrant may be granted to search the Said premises forthe said things, Rea ———— | PeSneted Juece ct Peasy | ‘OR Peace Officer Dectaration inl the Criminal Code Angel Heras e2tsc,poaceofcera member ottre RL? stTarhnouth — nthe Promnce ot Nove Scot, do decere that a mater cntaned ths infomation are toe ny uncoke areci 4 pure ae cumet Colehestar ie 23 day | J fall, Sem. _ of Oath pursuant to section 487,4(31) of a8 Officer ‘Deparment CERTIFICATE - subsection 487.1(2.1) Criminal | ceri that this formation was receyes Seiock nthe ALI T nooripn tne 2 a ace in and for Nova Scola Debbi Bowes Presiding Justice ofthe Peace Pageatorss— inand forthe Province of Nova Scotia ccanaoa Nova Scotaowvate Ecosse WARRANT TO SEARCH ‘Mandet de perquisition ‘ux agents de apa dane a prov ‘Se howrale oosee ‘ABesceofcecandmarbarcthe Royal Un Agent dela pai st mene de a GreitglcricPcceheProvce Siu ye Crs ‘Quit ete gar mets resoma ‘Se ascribe ponds orbstourg Bl_onnbes cy crc us er ches the ong ge Somes Int fe ick Sersirg cetphoe (i 20471481) caren ne ‘epee ext cer w GO Bulg ato Garara Aven Bnet, ae ee © tay ston dats SY2MB, Ae bl abo Gon Nu GPS, a anh ate coretyna {spray exit cher at C1 bing at 89 Garand Avra Dra Nowe Retarttothelnvesigaionofme Patna pourfenqul sur Tact chal Fooning elena Shore 4) Murder contrary Section 25 of he Criminal Code 8) Artampt to Commit Murder contrary to Socio 239 the Ciminal Code ANDTHAT tereaereasnsblagrunss ET QUIL ons det rit stones Sonning lara ae ote. cue gun cases co See {otovirg bulong, receptacle or place: Ballmer’ contanaré cu lou suivant ‘Blak Samsung cllphone exhibit 20474144), curaniy na temporary ‘sib lasar at ID bung 89 Galnd Sven, Barta Nees Se; Tosh lapop with sera number 74142534, curranty ina tamporay exit loeharat GD bulcingats0 Garand Avenue, Dartnouth Nore See Verbaum so cars, 12 MB, curt na temporary exit iockar at C1. bling st 80 Grind Aven, Daneman Nove Seat ‘Acer tablet. curenty ina twmporry exhitacker C1 bling 3 0 rand Aven, Datu, ov Soo ‘Gein Nuv GPS, current in.a temporary exhibit sk (arland Aveo, Garmeuth, Nova Sata seysarsam an “Sosa ee ee ares Inn under rfaradto astho premise; chaps, es lu ‘Tg, THEREFORE, tautioiec and CELA EST DONG pour your suo t faqute "you 1s ene ioe 2d vo ner caraon Sta Bemis and to serch or the silat chechie es ches Gis se ob Sint) under the Totowing lems and oclie sone cmetins ‘Asparttiheforsic analy oe davst, th apron aersicabrtoy may have ores unital ogra andrea cant cogent ‘Tene lear Tis rts oh teen tes the waran which severe when ‘he bung, rsapladi or pace tobe seared fr fe bing feck Sonaing| xphone (xh 20474148"), Toshiba pap wth weal er TAT e525, Verb SO crs, 512 MB, Ace, are Garin Na 8, a of whe caren ns tears oxi lcter CD but 80 Gavan aru, ‘Doreoat, Nea Scat) reeves an delved 9 AAP Digtl Faron Saves, Postaease earinatons ef hinge sled my bo dare sry te Sng fe the etscien of he waran soon as plea have awl uber tan Sebinos Upon colen af he seh, as en Aa fin df peruin, ds que cla 1 rectal Bu wha erod otter rales mole care un Sls ae ‘xcondng seven days atari ovaeitondepatenpes op pus apts sseiSe Senarars arpa temaaeiote durante, un ppor ter eee heck ofthe court pursuant te seeson grr incl conor “a 481 jolie Cal Cate. Farce a7 1 () Cac crime ‘Tos wararé may beens batteen Ce manda et oromares desetance trons aut dhe ote emcee Hones etween 1600 nous on tw 22° dey ojou de Api 2020 act 210 hours ‘ont th 20" day ator daly, 2090, ISSUED atDartmowth nthe Province of Nown Sei, onthe 24 ay of Ap, 2m attahourot.elockin he nao TOTHEOccUPART: Tia searh | ALOCCUPANT: Le sdeentmandat de avant was und by eephone o'er perguston atl daca ps akohoe {Tenn cfiseconmuniatonn youuish uparan eats moerde Sreumsbohonecs evar Wieomniscr Senne esiwued younay wy oe seme coma a asrapeer eorees urtsaldusinn Strat neta beens le whl tewarantwas eee st’ Boar damn on snempae dla ‘Snonelaon sass ou gre cu tibunl owl creerpten Grose Soiemandats es eens ‘Tro Provincial Court £40 Prince Strat. Tara, Nova Seon ete hour of 830A 10430 Ene B80 ot 190, dy un au PM: Mondey'o Fis exicng Snare eax fe pc tr lye bl ey a ‘ne cpt cea rene at see ‘Norman on aah Youay csi tam same Veussemesctonraesator Iter he courtcony terepo bina una copa dapponati Aadoytepaaceeeruhs exec prtagertgolopen nis seeds ie warant Thatropot ut hacalethe ard Ce aerndens ae ees tgs fan tet were sedan dake less nse elisaien ore leaionimerefiyaebenghe.” Senlenes So ease INITIAL REPORT TO A JUDGE OR “fenmcot JUSTICE, 0 Re o 1 papa Pent miata toe ee rere eel ce arrose rien « NOMVEASTNOVAMCu =-793 coh ASD LVL NOvASCoTA_ ss (crac apse ss ings panos vere ede con 7 ha rin ode PCH 2081) 1 ssans igs panto vera seci S02 orm Code 1 gee prin asin eset ot Cn and 1 speacingpatnt oe wre sesh emit by eos 4) (ee he 1 wisn puri ta Contd Droge and Sains Aes. 1) Naan e286 Mes niche Scie fa ete cnnated Grape aa avons fe 1 apm ten soso ng mie by sete 17 the Conta rugs nt Substmons Acreage cewmsscss 1D we sing grist a Cana Ate 5) war sud gs pera secten trad prey acn n ne n et eC uas 1D (uae tino ae ten aed winot ware ge pried scone #00 (eters inns dogs 0 frag tie tie et ns thy sco 471 cco (cs ais peso tos ware knsc nde sete 10}. rma Code 1D seed rts tat warps ston 02) fh Criminal Cade 1 seentege peste @ DNA waran nd tte 870810 Cina! ode (sas uate ins Cane wrertunder eon 8. he Criminal Cade 1 eed inn ruta waren alt a one 1 eso gs pursue abet ones ow 1 Inpacomestasseney lc Sansa ctor (es 0eT46 1, Tanta pap wn al amber TAA 8 Gamnnes. (cess ech ng saz (ie trspet cach tg svete was ‘Stradi ren ity std roses bovonan ao ben arene Prope ‘Bapoeion Skew fr fw Back Sevngapnne | FENG Pav ET Sere as Yeti sn REP GT HS FRGO w S REP Sa Psa TB RE WED RBS TE RET Pe OH ‘Shes Das fom eri SD Agere coon flog ne mck parse secon 8031 Cl Acosente lott sme ting wind i aed rt secon A081 arent TRuRG No Sata on seas ao bsvze/202 15:32 sezastso79 en eUER come Pace ani Paseo] qd 23 G w PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA INFORMATION TO OBTAIN A SEARCH WARRANT (Pursuant to Section 487.1 ofthe Criminal Code) anda related Assistance Order (Pursuant to Section 487.02 of the Criminal Code) anda related Sealing Order (Pursuant to Section 487.3 ofthe Criminal Code) This is the information of Sgt. Angela HAWRYLUK of Dartmouth, in the said Province of Nova Scolia, a Peace Officer and member ef the Rayal Canadian Mounted Police, hereinafter called the informant, taken before me. The informant says that she has ‘reasonable grounds to believe and does believe thal ther i in ‘The property of Gabriel WORTMAN located at 193 Portland Street, Nova Scotia Including the commercial and residential units, the garage, ‘Outbuildings, and vehicles on the property; AND the property of Gabriel WORTMAN located at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia including the structure, outbuildings, and vehicles on the property ANO the property of Gabriel WORTMAN located at 287 Portapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia Inluding any structure, outbuildings, and vehicles on the property; AND the property of Gabriel WORTMAN located at 200 Portaplque Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Seotia including any structure, outbulldings, and vehicles on the property ‘The following Items (things, or some part of them): 4) Firearms, ammunition, explosives, chemicals, mmm ) Surveillance system; ny other electronic devices capable of storing data; 2) Police related clothing, identiication, and equipment 2) Police related decals for cars; 4) Documents related to planning mass murder events; ear20/2008 1s:32 sazases079 ee aor CRIME pace one? 9) Documents related to acquisition of firearms, ammunition, explosives, Jand chemleals ‘whieh is/are (check as applicable) a 0 ‘anything on orin respect of which any offence against this Act or any other ‘Act of Pariiament has been or is suspected to have been commited, of anything that there are reasonable grounds lo believe will afford evidence with respect fo the commission of an offence, or will reveal the whereabouts of ' person who's believed to have commited an offence, against this Actor any other Act of Parliament, or anything that there are reasonable grounds to believe Is intended to be used {or the purpose of committing any offence against the person for which a person may be arrested without warrant, or offence-related property (as defined inthe Criminal Code), ‘levant tothe investigation of the following INDICTABLE federal offences: 4) Murder contrary o Soction 235 ofthe Criminal Code: ») Attompt to Commit Murder contrary to Section 239 ofthe Criminal Code, [My grounds for the belief that the alleged indictable offences have been commited, thatthe listed items (things) will be found in these locations (building, ‘receptacle or place) and that the items relate to the alleged indictable offences, are as folows: Introduction and Overview ‘This i the information of Sgt Angela HAWRYLUK, a peace offcer and member of the Royal Canagian Mounted Police (RCMP), Ihave personal knowledge of the information in his information to Obtain (Afidavit), except where other Stated. | beleve al of the information inthis affidavit to be true. Ihave been a rember of te RCMP for twenly-eighl years. In June of 2019, i was transferred {o the Legal Applications Support Team (LAST), where | am currently posted, Prior to being at LAST. Iwas posled tothe Combined Forces Specia! Enforcement Unit (CFSEU) from 2015 to June of 2018. The main mandate at CFSEU deat wih Outlaw Motorcycia Gang (OMG) actvly and the primary sriminaly involved was the traficking of legal controled substances. From 2013 10 2015 | was posted fo Halifax Detachment RCMP as a general duly, Investigator. Prior to that! was posted from 2000-2013 in federal units, where | age20f27 4720/2020 sn2eses079 Ne MRICR ca pace 0sre2 ‘became involved in investigations involving offences pursuant tothe Controled Drugs and Substances Act. | have conducted investigations pertaining to, ‘offences pursuant tothe Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Customs and Excise Act, and other federal and provinc'al acts. | have been Involved in investigations where information's obtained by means of convenllanal police techniques (such as surveilance, information from witnesses, Information obtained as a result ofthe execution of judicial documents (such as Search Warrants, Transmission Dala Warrants, Tracking Warrants, General \Warranis, ané Production Orders), information trom forensic analysis, and Information from confidential informants) and aiso with the intereaption of private communications and undercover operations. During my career | have prepared General Warrants, Search Warrants, Transmission Data Recorder Warrants, ‘Tracking Warrants, Production Orders and Part Vi Authorizations (bath third party and One Party Consent). During my service with the RCMP Ihave besn Involved with the handling of confidential informants who provide information on the condion of confidential. 2, The majorly of my career has been in Federal Policing, predominantly in drug Unis investigating offences pursuant to the Controlled Drugs and Substances ‘cl. | have been involved in several project related investigalions in roles such as Team Commander. Lead investigator, Fle Coordinator and as an affiant (both for part VI judicial applications and nor-Part VIjudiela| applications). Some of ‘hese investigations have utized undercover operators and police agents. | have been involved in several investigations where private communications were intercepted via Authorizations and have been reaponsible for Istening lo tne intercepted communications to determin parties irvelved inthe communications and to provide a synopsis of the conversation. Based on my involvement in these investigations | am fami wth street nemes, pricing from street level 0 Jmporiations, packaging, and distribution methods of ilegal controled substances, 3. Ihave suecesstully completed courses which | believe assist inthe preparation of jusicl applications, which include, bu! not ited to, the RCMP Interception of Private Communications Course In February 2003 and the RCMP Human Source Management Course in December 2004, Presently, !am involved wth the {aciltation of the RCMP Interception of Private Gemmunicalion Course, and the RCMP Search Warrant Drafting Course. 4, Throughout this Afidavi, where | slate my belie, the belie is based on my ‘experience as set out above ang onthe other infermation inthis Affidavit 5. The manner in which | have obtained information ineludes: 5.1, Information cbtainad from databases; 5.2, Speaking personally wth police officers and/or reviewing investigative reports andior email wha are involved withthe investigation, Poge 327 ar2e/zec0 15:22 sazesese7s nen wae CAIN pase as/42 5.9. Conducting database queries on the folowing databast 530, 532, 533, 534, ‘The Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC) is a ‘computerized database repository maintained by the RCMP in (Ottawa, Ontario. can be accessed through authorized and restrcied terminals, by authorized personnel, and t= acceesible by police and law enforcement agencies throughout Canada, “This repository records infermation such 2s missing or wanted persons, stolen goods, and criminal recorde of persons. CPIC. accesses records from motor vehicle branches across Canada with regard to dive lense information, driving records, dates ‘of ith, and matar vehicle information ‘The Justice Enterprise Information Network, (JEIN),is a ‘centralized computer system maintained by the Provincial Department of Justice, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The system includes offender database and case tracking functionally for Courts, Corrections, the Public Prosecution Service, Policing ‘and Victim Services, as well as inquiry access for other Justice ‘elated agencies such a8 the RCMP and Municipal Pole Departments, the Department of National Defense, Legal Aid, and the Federal Department of Justice. The JEIN system can be accessed across the province by Department of Justice ‘workers to input and review records Information thal is collected by the Department of Justice in relation to infarmation ‘associated with cour appearance, terms of custody, various ‘court orders and a isting ofall charges pertaining fo charged individuals in the Province of Nova Scatia. Polce personnel ‘maintain an abilty to review such ecards, bul de nat have input ‘access fo JEIN. Additionally, Registry of Motor Vehicles Information including drivers Scenes and motar vehicle inquires can be oblained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (Seview Nova Scotia) system which is interfaced with JEIN The Police Reporting & Occurrence System, (PROS), which Is a computerized database repository mainizined by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Ottawa, Ontario. ican be accessed through authorized and restricted terminals, by authorized personnel. This tepasitary recofds information that collected through the normal course of an investigation, including the nature of the investigation, names, addresses, vehicles, bith dates, and various reports such as exhibit and Continuation or progress reports: ‘The Nova Scotia Property Records Database (Nova Scola Property Online) is a centralized computer regisry forthe province of Nova Scotia controled by the Deparment of 6 Housing and Municipal Affairs. Access is by subscrition. A subscriber can search for properties, property owners, and other information. Resuils provide a map showing the property 88 well as assessment information and an Inventory of documents registered al the Land Tiles Offices, Reference to ‘hese results enables one fo determine who the reg slered ‘ovine! is of a particular property, what deeds or mortgages ‘exist, where they are located, and any other relevant transactions concerning Ine propery. Scanned copies of deeds ‘an be viewed for mesl properties. To view the actual deeds of mortgage decuments an investigator must attend the Land Titles Office for the respective region nie nah fA 182020, 2d abel WORTMAN were at ther property at 136 Orchard Beach Dive. Portapique, Nova Scotia (the warehouse) During the evening tn argument ‘ensued between fand Gabrie! WORTMAN which fesute in ll MR 229g assaU bout ot id observe Gabriel WORTMAN pour accelerants i he colage (200 Pttapique Beach Road) and tne warehouse and observed thal there vere ‘several firearms onthe front seal ofthe oulol commission police car. lll MEE 320.900 (0 cop IMI act ran nt the cod, where she hid unl the eariy morning hours of ADI TS, 2020. ‘On the night of April 18,2010, _ a nee. IRIE wen they observed what appeared to be a large structure fre They drove tothe area of he fie and noted that a bulking \Was on fre and that there vas a “police oar parked ina driveway not far from the fire, They drove past ths driveway and turned around and the ‘police car" came up to Being em andinen ule wn lon sc}, ‘oled down his window as he assumed that kwas a police offer wartng To 1a fothem. Once the two vehicles were side by side, AE noted that the diver of the ‘police ear had 3 firearm] Ped away and was Melby Marked poles eats Who Nad atrived on the scene as a resit of 911 calls for reports of several res and shots fred was not certain bul thought the shooler was Gabriel WORTMAN, Members of the RCMP responded fo the 917 calls and located a residence where there was a deceased male MIN and a deceased female At the house next door, there was a deceased female Bll fel Page Sot 27 10. 1" 2 Members of the RCMP also spoke lo Clint ELLISON who stated tha his brother Cory ELLISON had been shot nnd was on the beach, Inthe early morning hours of Api 19, 2020, LTE‘ out of the \weods and went fo residence where she called 811 fo repor the Incident between her and Gabriel WORTMAN the nigh! prior. She feported that while she ‘was hiding in the woods she hearé male voices, then heard gun shots, and then itwas sient after that During the morning hours of April 19, 2020, several reports of shots fred and ‘Becple being klled were received in the Colchester Counly area of Nova Scotia, ‘Ths continued into Hants East County and ended at the ving Big Slop at Ext 7 ‘of Highway 102 In Enfield, Nova Scotia whare Gabriel WORTMAN wae shot and killed by police, Gabriel WORTMAN wen! on a filing spree and killed more than fileen (15) people during the night of Api 18, 2020, and into the maring of Apri 18,2020. Police were engaged in a manhunt for Gabrie! WORTMAN ard in the ‘Shubenacadie area of Nova Scotia, Gabriel WORTMAN shot Cst. Chad MORRISON, who survived, and then proceeded to kil Cat. Heidi STEVENSON. \Witness statements were obtained ard Gabriel WORTMAN was described as a ‘man who collected freatms, decommissioned police cars, police unfarms ang ‘equipment, was paranoid and had security systems in place al his properties, Gabriel WORTMAN isthe registered ovmer of he residence and business at 193, Pontand Sireet, Darimouth, Nova Scotia and property which includes a cotiage and a warehouse in Portapique, Nova Stotia, located at 135 Orchard Beach Drive, 200 Portapique Beach Read, and 287 Portapique Beach Road in Portapique, Nova Scotia, Gabriel WORTMAN (1988-07-05) 43. 14, Gabriel WORTMAN does not have 2 criminal record but does have one Convietion for assault in 2002 according to his Offender Summary Report on JEN Gabriel WORTMAN has a vali Nova Scoia driver license with an address of 183 Portland Streat, Dartmouth, Nova Seotia and has the folowing vehicles with current registrations in his name? 141. 2047 Ford 150 truck with Nova Scotia license plate GDM9B4: 14.2. 2007 Jeep Wrangler with Nova Seotia cence plate GNPP&GD, "on Api 1, 2090 conduc quer on CPC and i wth reper WORT "Quail, 108 onde dquseson Ew spect to abr WORMANOR ne ete vere Pages 127 srze/zez0 15:32 sozes6sa79 YEN ace CRIME Pace aava2 15, Gabriel WORTMAN has the folowing properties registered in his name 1841. 193 Podtand Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: 15.14, Cet. Kyle DUANE (Cst. DOANE), a peace officer and member ‘of the ROME, was near 193 Poiana Street on Apri 13, 2020, ‘end observed a while vehice inthe driveway and a delached| {garage atthe rear of the property. Cst. DOANE also slated that the main siniclure contains the business on the main level and an upper flog appears tobe a residence’, 182, 191 Portland Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: 183. 189 Potiand Steet, Ddrtmouth, Nove Si 184, 287 Portepique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia, 184.1. Cst, Dayle BURRIS (Cet. BURRIS), 2 peace offcer and ‘member of the RCMP, went to 287 Portapique Road on April 20, 2020, and described the property as a grassy property with no visible structures trom the road. The property contains lols of reest, 155, 200 Portapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scalia; 154. Gp uated on CON, peace oct nd mabe of the RCMP, view shooe akon on fie 1,202, Wen! the proper a 200 Porpiqe Beach ood ane sla ere vos a bur ut Taurus and te atucre vas burn dom oe founda 186. 196 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia; 15.6.1. Cpl. CONN viewed photos taken on April 19, 2020, by dent of the property at 135 Orchard Beach Drive and said tha there was a burt out Jeap and Taurus and the siructure was burnt vith most collapsed into tha middle but there was approximately igh (8) feet of walls sil standing. onan 3s 2020, endl acvaro% Nov Seat Property Cline wthrespec pope etre io cat WORT On sor 70, 202, spe with DOANE regis obtain 93 Prt ue, ret, Nova seat on pia, 220 20 Api 2,202 poke to a. BURRS wth espe tois obsenations of 287 Porapqu each Ron, ora, Nove Sao i 8,220. "Or fe, 2020 spake top CONN wih spect to imine photos ake ton Ag 35,202 age of27 4 ar2e/zem0 15:22 sazescse79 en weaoe ceDPE pase 09/42 16. On Febmary 12, 2020, Gabriel WORTMAN was charged with speeding on Portapique Beach Road, Great Vilage, Nova Scotia and was operating @ wile 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Scola licente plate GMK9057, 16.1. Nova Scotia license plate GWK9OS is registered to Berkshire Bromah Corporation of 193 Portiand Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scalia and attached foe white 2013 Ford Taurus 16.1.1, Nova Scots Joint Stocks has Berkshire Broman Corporation in Its database withthe following information” 16.141, tis anon-registered company;, The jurisdiction is New Brunsisick 16.113. The maling address is 183 Portland Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; 16.114. twas registered on 2008.07.16; There are no people sted on fe 18.2, The master number for Berkshire Broman Corporation is BERKS6030006 and the company has the following white Ford Taurus cars registered to it 16.2.1. White 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Scota license pate oMk905; 16.22. White 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Seota license plate Guxa88; 162.3. White 2017 Ford Taurus with no license pale altached tot cars and one (1) while 2017 Ferd Taurus registered tothe company. Information fram Cst. Shawn STANTON 17. On April 19, 2020, ! spoke with Cet. Shawn STANTON (Cet. STANTON), a peace officer and member of the RCMP, who is one ofthe investigators assigned to investigate thi matter and learnes the following" "p39, 208, conuced wut on PS wih eect a Gab! WORTBANL "Gn pa, 20, conared query on Jot thcapestoens ete eee nat SKIDS "naps, 202 eenueeds utr on tos Ser’ mt stoke 2 On fp, 202, leaned very on EB with rept to Nes Sot ene pale XS andthe ater amber ecaled a rehieroman orporon, 17.4, 412205 hrs on April 8, 2020, mutipie 911 call were received with respect to shols being fed and buildings on fie in the vicinty of Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Seats 17.2. Gat, Dave LILLY (Gs, LILLY) and Cet, Chris GRUND (Cet. GRUND) attended Portapique, Nova Scotia and the folowing transpired: 172), At IN &oap;qu0, Nova Scotia located 2 female, deceased on the property: 1722 McCAULEY was sho! and killed 1723 | I © o:spique, Nova Scotia located a mate deceased, This male was believed to be Greg BLAIR. waa Se re — 17.3. Numerous fres were started on aiferent properties on Orchard Beach Drive 17.4. _SISgt Steve HALLIDAY (S/Sgl, HALLIDAY), 2 peave officer and member ofthe RCMP said the folowing: 1743, MEE es Gabriel! WORTMAN's ex-wife and was: Currently unsezounted fr, 175. vas orving with fon orchard Beach Dive ana sav residence on fie, Ill puled ino a driveway as he saw what appeared to be @ Police car coming towards them, wa, 178. v8, 7.0, wan wm, MMIII 22.010 cero bo Gabel WORTMAN an Ree WOTTNAN pointed aa.» NN a thoy met window to window and sted & oat er TTT é id not get sno MI 6/2: 2b fo srve away and save two other police cars Inthe area; Clint ELLISON reported that he was hiding in the woods because when he was walking onthe beach with his brother, Cory ELLISON who was sho! Mo ics At 0536 hrs on Apt 19, 2020, IM vent MM Portapicque Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Sects and had Injures, told Cst. Ben MacLEOD (Cst. Macl EOD), a peace officer ‘nd memeer of the RCMP, he folowing 17.111, NNN vas wih Gabriel WORTMAN earlier (on Apr 118, 2020) and ne had a fle, 17.112, They were al Gabi! WORTMAN’s warehouse at 198 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scalia, twas confirmed that thace were fies al 136 Orchard Beach Orve, ll Orchard Beach Drive mMNMOrchard Beach Drive and 200 Poriapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Sota, Cl. Terry BROWN (Cst. BROWN), a peace officer and member of the RCMP, obtained a statement om NII on reported that she ‘aid the following: 17.1.1, [IEEE sac that Gabrie| WORTMAN had put a bunch ‘ef long guns into car that looked ike a RCMP ca, ES a] 17.133, MMMM escaped and ran into the woods and hid 1713.4 NNN went 10H Porapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scolia and called 811 Page 10027 17.14, Members ofthe Halifax Regional Police (HED) atendes and provides fecurly as Gabriel WORTMAN had not been localed 17.15, EINE 2c that Gabriol WORTMAN owned two Ford Taurus 215 and one looked ike a police ca wilh decals on it 17.18, Members ofthe Emergency Response Team (ERT) of the RCMP confirmed that they had lecsted two Fors Taurus cars thal were burned ‘when they were looking for Gabriel 'WORTMAN, One ofthe Ford Taurus cats was located at 200 Portapique Beach Road and the other was atthe warehouse located at 136 Orenard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia 1TA7. A female was located deceasea| ‘Wentworth, Nova Scotia and three (3) persons are unaccounted {or 17.18, Gabriel WORTMAN attended Il Highway 4, Great Vilage, Nova Scalia and atfempled to get into the residence but was unsuccessful 17.18, A female was located deceased in a vehicle near Hidden Hilton CCamppround on Highway 4 1720, ag M0, cen, Nova Sota ee were te ema to 17.201, Heather Elizabeth OBRIEN o eae ae! 47.202. Kristen N RODE Beene ai iil 17.20.3. Both females were VON nurses: 17.21. Near exit 9 on Highway 2, nea the EHS station, Cst, Chad MORRISON (Cot. MORRISON), a peace officer and member ofthe RCMP, was shot onto, 2020, eandutea sar on EI wh eset to "Ong, 2020, coneuied» use on EM wth ape 8 age 220127 MEME res, Col. NORRGON vas = HEE Cot MORRISON survived the shooting 47.22. At Highway 224, near Millord Sirel, Gabriel WORTMAN was involved in ‘some sort of accident wit the police car being operated by Cst. Held STEVENSON (Cat. STEVENSON), a peace officer and member ofthe RCMP, as both vehicles had Iront end damage. Both vehicles were on fie; 17.23, Cet, STEVENSON was located deceased and her firearm and two magazines were missing = Sn oe 17.25, Gabriel WORTHAN then took a grey tracker and went to civic Millon Highway 224 and parked the vehicle behind the residence; 17.26. One female was located deceased atch I Highvay 224; 17.27. Gabriel WORTMAN then travelled to the Iving Big Stop at Exit7, Enfield "Nova Scotia in a grey Mazda and pulled up to @ gas pum; 17.28 17.28, Atleast one firearm was observed in the backseat ofthe grey Mazda that Was operated by Gabi WORTMAN, inet en I a or BRINN eco ststeront ove he shone on Api 1, 2020 t0 Sarat Hct ARUANE (Cel. MacFARLANE) and Cat Mike NOOLCOCK (Cat WOOLCOGK) both peace offees and member of the ROMP, and sid Ne 184 5 a eres et en tog Page 120127 osr20/2028 as: 13 104, 188, 1811 1812, e078 en Maace ont race 14/42 1 look and the fire was huge, the flames were ever| Rouse so thoy called 81% and then got in the ear to check it out, As they drove dav the road there was 2 small blue house and in front of the house there was an RCMP car parked in the driveway with an oficer Init so we presumed they ware wailing for frefighters to gel there: {As they dove down the roa further thay saw that Gabe's whole garage ‘was engulfed by fire sa they called £17 and the eal taker had told them thal they were avare of the fe: “They dd a uturn and drove back up the road and while they were still on the phone with 214 stopped infront ofthe blue house, they noticed the \whole kitchen of the house was on fire and they could soe thatthe fre was ‘spreading super quick. They didnt know who fives thero but the RCMP vehicle was sil parked in the driveway and they notices the offcer was Just siting inthe police venicl infront ofthe house; (RI 0 know if twas actually a police officer but presumed that he was a poice officer because he was in a while Ford Taurus police vehice; ‘The police vehicle pulled around the driveway and pulled up beside them 0 he rolled down the window to talk to him but before he could say anything he pulled a gun out and started shooting at them through his passenger side window ino our diver side window, His vehicle was about 2 feet away from our vehicle; : (3 realized pretty quickly he was about o shoot us, MMI 43 anc ho hoard vo (2) or roe (3) bangs and wasn't even sure It he was shot atte lime but there were two oF three shots a vhich te IMilland they puled avy and went up Orohara Beach Road towards Portapique Beach Roa ‘As they tuned onto Portapique Beach Road towards the highway they saw the frst offcer arriving on scene with lights on and the door open; ‘They | pulled up beside him and explained to him that he had been shot and that there isa police car dawn there or a car thal looks Fike a police car that was shooting at them and it ooked Ike he was ligiting places on fre; Page 130127 18.13, 18.4 1016, 19.17 18.18 18.18. 1020, 1821 ‘A second offeer asked fora bt more deta! 2 TT os him that his rst suspicion vias hat It was INNIGbe because his bara was on fe and he had a look-a-tke Taurus tnat he was caling his potest abe ho bon wring on fo a long time butitwa Never badged itwas jus! always while. locked ike a ghost car but the one tha was saw parked was definitely badged, When he was siting onthe side of the highway waiting forthe ambulance bho felesomething i his coat and pulled out a bullet. was under his shit. He puttin his pant pockel but pulled i otto show comeane and is not ened to it afer that. He thought the bullet could be in his “The first house that they noticed was on fre was owned by a guy named Gabe. He couldn't remember his last name but he's a denturist in Dartmouth, Gabe has a few properties around there but he's go his big fun garage wit & bunch of motoreycies in there and aloft apartment. It was cool. It almost looked lke a bg barn but was a shop, (MRR 2! before Portaplque Crescent onthe left hand ‘side there Isa ile house, the anly house onthe left hand side, and that's the house they saw the RCMP carat, Further dawn the road onthe ight hand sige ig a ig brown barn with a black roof and a white square inthe 3 he roo is Gabe's big barn and tha isthe building that was really aid the car he was diving is almost identical othe police ears thal showed up on sceng, It didnt seem unusual in anyway, MME 2191 os cribe tne person that looked ke a police foffear bul said that he was a white man and his instinct fol him twas Al |Gabe but ne can' say for sure; He saw a gun and rust have duck and then there ware two (2) mare shots ater hat, one went through the car FE \When asked to expand onthe fist thought thal eame fo his mind was thal ‘twas Gate he sad, it was ust him puting things together. Gabe has a cavthat bos Inga ghana a Teun ace au whet and coe en n he thought hat Page 140127 a2 1823, 1624, 1825. 1826. 1027, 1028, sez, place is on fre, and then al of @ sudden there's this poice car that's nota police car lighting this other house on fire soit had to be Gabe; Gabe has a nce log home down on Portapique Beach Road, and he's got ‘his big fancy place that burnt sown tonight (the barn / workshop) and he likes to work on his properties, he buys up some ofthe properties around there as they become available; iia <—=_ MR 26 (hate right nave two (2) or Invea (3) ‘conversations with Gabe a year MEI 0055'¢ ko the name of Gabe's longtime gititiend Gabe was 50-55 with Fight haired, slim build, 6t with @ chiseled face. He can be found on Facebook Gabe ha a black Jeep Wrangler and the while Ford Taurus parked al his (ce VT Gabe also has 3 white Ford F 450 and his wife or gifiend had a while Mercedes: MRI ci n00 of any guns that Gabe may or may not have hag; sald thal Gabe's Facebook profile is Gabriel WORTMAN, shen 18, MEE provided a statement Dist anthony McGRATH (OICsL MeGRATH), a peace offcer and member of he Halifax Regional Police (HRP), and said the folowing: 194, 192, MR 121 acc! WORTWAN in 2011 he hasn't seen him (Gabr elght (@) mons; ape 1S0t27 193, 198. 196, 197, 198, 198, 19.18 ‘The garage on Portiand Street has an alc ees = ‘There is agafe in the house and isthe garage ‘warehouse’ There isa safe in the garage on Partiand St Gabriel WORTMAN hit Gabriel WORTMAN has police deals fora car and the an HRP uniform [Gabriel WORTWAN) had stockpile of Gabriel WORTMAN would speak of geting rd of bodies, burning, and chemicals; Gabriel WORTMAN was controling and paranoid Gabriel WORTNAN would te lilierent ways to get rd ofa body and had lime and muriatic acid onthe property. The barels for these would be undemeath the deck, There are video cameras at Potiané Street and Portapique addresses “ are 18.20, (NIN oroviced layouts ofthe property, 18.21. Gabriel WORTMAN isa licensed embalrar 1023, ‘asked if there vere booby traps on the property, WRN: 20 toto sunset ary ou gs pole shut ine power off as wouldn't put pas! label WORTMAN) after what unfolded today (April 18, 2020) Stoner | 20. REIN proved a statement to DIC, Susan LYNCH (DICet TYNCH) and Gst.D. PENFOUND (Csi. PENFOUND), both peace offcers and members of the HRP, and said the fllowing*: | es ea) 202, NI <2 hat Gabriel WORTMAN has been disturbed and Thal he was severely abused 2s a young boy. Mlsaid that Gabriat ‘AORTAN wa vay sacha wes ayhope ad abd 20.4. Gabriel WORTMAN owned there 07 cline ane I worked wth him 205. Gabriel WORTMAN had a mantal break down and lalked about the deed for property in Portapique| 206, MMII ic tnt rere were guns atthe warehouse and the ental office 20.7. Gabriel WORTMAN was paranoid about the pander: 0s Ap 9, 202, reviewed emai notes with repet tthe sere! A rowed on pi, 2520. age 17027 Kn 20.8, Gabriel WORTMAN talked about all ypes of guns, assaui ries, hand urs bt AI cic ot now where or how he gok tem: ” FEE ee ee] 20.11, Gabrie! WORTMAN colected police cars and bought the decals forthe cars and was going to use the car for downed officers 20.12, Gabriel WORTMAN would dress up as a police offcer and would roleplay Gabriel had a whole uniform wih a at, jackot and has a ves ‘ord Taurus 20.13, Gabriel WORTMAN bought four (4) ore (6) whi ‘used some for parts and had some of hem Insured sine Comman Law of Gabriel WORTMAN 21, NINN provided statement to Cet. Tomy BROWN (Cst, BROWN), a peace ocean member ofthe RCUP, on Api 18, 2020, nd athe ‘lewing aA they were just at he warehouse having inks. They weren marved But nad Face-timed fiends 22. "capri 9.2020 ened he ype othe tater tM exon Agr, synouswat reared by cp CONN who ees he usin! he HOME 214, 218, 21.10, att a2 2443 28 21.18, Gabiol WORTHAN poured gasoline al insise te cols tone war Inte the woods; Gabriel WORTMAN had put all the guns on the front seat of the car, Pe eee ee Gabriel VORTMAN had guns ike the miltary people have. He had ‘approximately five 3) gurs, two (2) handguns Jone ‘milla firearm | Gabriel WORTMAN had a white Ford Taurus police ca” tha looked identeal toa police car with ighis on i and RCMP decals; Gabriel WORTMAN poured gas on his Ford F150 truck, Diack Jeep Wrangler and another white Ford Taurus et the warehouse. He also outed gas on another while Ford Taurus atthe cottage: ‘She said thal ther is another Ford Taurus in the driveway at 193 Porland Sirect, Gable! WORTMAN only nad one white Ford Taurus that looked! ike a poles car, 21.16, III i in te woods all ight and then went to freer) 21.17. Gabriel WORTMAN doss not have a cal phone and smashed her cell phone and ein'thave aceees to any other cell phones 21.18, Gabrie! WORTMAN has II n the RCMP and had one of his uniforms bul it didn't ft Gabriel. He had a fuorescent yellow jacket and he would put inthe front Seat to make itlook tke he was a police officer 21.20, MN cai that Gabriel WORTVAN wasn'ta police offer ‘wannabe and di like police offcers and thought he was beter than them: 21.21, MNEs that when she was in the woods she heard a couple ‘of guys ata house onthe back road and then heard gun shots and then there was silence, The house want up in flames ater tha 2 (MMR 0 deca statement fo Cs, Jo" STEVENS (Cet. STEVENS), ‘a peace offeer and member ef te RCMP, and DICsI, Kristen BRADLEY (OIC&t BRADLEY), a peace officer and member ofthe HP, en April 19, 2020, and said the folowing” 22.4, Gabyie! WORTVAN |: Ione 222 KEINE ns boon at tne property on Portaplque Road bofore ‘and las 8 rge garage with rooms upstairs. There are lls of ‘motorcycies and an RCMP car tnat Gabriel was faxing up; 22.3, EEF 65 vot know nore Cabri! vas geting the decals tem that were the same as the decals on RCMP cars; 224 MN nou9t hat Gabe hada vest bali 225. Gabriel WORTMAN colectec 9.ns, age 200627 229. EEE Goes not know if any firearms are stored at the Dartmouth propery 2210. The garage was alarmed ard her a ls of camera ll oer he —: ars Were eae 22.11, Gabriel WORTMAN owns the denture eine in Dartmouth, the parking lo, ‘and another clinic in Halifax of of Novalea; 23 REE provided statement DiCst. Jennifer LAKE (DICst. LAKE), 3 Peace offeer and member of the HRP, on Apr 19, 2020, and sald the folowing’: a 252 I 000 ih ws 9 Pelure of her and Gabriel WORTHAN inthe warehouse around 6.00 pm: 233, went to Portland Street on April 19, 2020, and was met by the poi: 234, MINIM ais tnat Gabriel WORTMAN was a soconath sbusiv 235. Gabriel WORTMAN was a funeral director and embaimer, 236, (IMMIMIMIIBB nc trie! WORTWAN lived about the business on Por Steet and have snoter business in Halex 23.7, RII ns abrir WORTWAN havea log home anda garage in Porapiue, Nova Scotia. The main eottage is where they ined end re Page 21027 garage was where they would kegp stuf and they bult an apartment above the garage: 23.8, EE sais that Gabriel WORTWAN collected motorcycles and police cars and bought them for auctions. Gabriel WORTMAN talked ‘about having a police car thal had RCMP decals anit ° el 23,10. Gabriel WORTMAN also recently purchased a bunch of 23.11. Gabriel WORTMAN shoved SMM a oun and {was uncomfortable and deserved i as being ike a machine gun | ‘This gun was kept by the fire place inthe warehouse. 24 provided a statement on April 19, 2020, to Cst. Holly MURPHY (Cst. MURPHY) and Cet. Denis CHARTRAND (Csl, CHARTRAND), both peace officers and members ofthe ROMP, and eal the folowing? 24.3, Gabriel WORTMAN is very intaligont but paranoid Gabriel WORTWAN had a care modified to look Ike @ police car and twas a (lc his 245, Gabriel WORTMAN was wealthy 24.6. Gabriel WORTMAN recently bought $800 worth of gasoline; Gabriel WORTMAN showed here he kept a high powered rage220127 “ 249, 24.10 TE oo — ln sha of Cabrel WORTIAN residence in Dartmouth, a: the right side of a 2°0300 ieee yous ano MR 2 1 0F THAN Had a police 2 following 25.4 ovided a statement on April 19, 2020, to Cs. Steven ' peace officer and member of the HRP, and sald the {est WAC 252, MBL 2nc Gabriel WORTMAN ive above the dental cnc. They ave a cotage n Porapique and a warehouse: 253. A 285, 258 259. Years age Gabe! WORTMAN vas 2b. Gabriel WORTMAN talked about having guns: hes been inthe warehouse and there was lots of Secu, Gabriel WORTMAN had numerous police ears and you wouldn't know the diference: [Gare WORTMAN had a police uniform and aeadge about one year ago, A few weeks ago Gabriel WORTMAN bought S800 worth of gas and bought propane bolts: WMI 9s. Gatrie! WORTMAN had a Jeep, white Mercedes, {vee (3) ghost cars and some are parked atthe cline in Darmouth, 55,2029 1, Irvewed Can ey ering othe oer econ ar age 230f27 26, EEE oviced a siatement on Apri 19, 2020, to Sot. Brian FITZPATRICK, (Sei. FITZPATRICK), a peace offcer and member of the HRP. ‘and esi the folowing? 25.1, MII ends wih Gabel WORTMAN; 26.2. Gabriel WORTMAN is a denturist and has businesses in Dartmouth and Halifax 283, PRR 921 een at the log cabin n Pontapioue 264, Gabriel WORTMAN isa millionaire and very smart 26.6. Gabrie! WORTMAN had IN who Isa retired RCMP member and I Mil o2ve Cabrel pars of his uniiom. Summary 27. "On Api 18, 202, and Api 19,2020, Gabel WORTMAN went on a ling spree that resulted in more thar ieen (1) people bing ke, one of trem bang Gok. ed STEVENSON, and three °) pele who suvvee and Gat MORRISON, Gabriel WORTH cree ‘hl car ha resembled a police car, complete wih decal, Cabrel WORTMAN sta sho! angled al the ining Bg Stop In El, Nova Seo by pole tiers Gobi WORTAN showed compet isregard for haan fe 28 he fot at peopl sting intel cars, peope waking on hese of te oad and t people miner private homes. 28, Several witness statements were taken who describe Gabriel WORTMAN as a petson wi colected firearms, decommissioned police cas. and poles uniforms ‘and equipment, People also talked abost there bein; EM on his [ope ic: TTT 2 30 cated 3 the back ofthe property at 163 Porland Steel Dartmouth, Nove Scola. itis aso feported that here were INE in he warehouse al 138 Orchard {each Dive, Portapique, Neva Scotia. I's also reported that Gabi WORTMAN was paranoid and had several video cameras sel up on his properties, on gra, 2000 revewed he Can Say pera tothe sateen sorts a Page 24of27 arza/ze20 15:32 EN YER CRIME Past 25/a2 28, Gabriel WORTMAN was a denturit and ran two businesses, one located al 183 Porta Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and tne other on Novalea in Halifax, ‘Nova Scotia. I believe that Gabriel WORTMAN had access to computers In order to Keep track of his business dealings. Gabriel WORTMAN aleo collected firearms and 2rd | believe that he conductag research on thooe items My grounds fora Sealing Order pursuant to Section 487.3 of the Criminal Code {are 38 follow: 30, The investigation into the murders of more than fifeen (15) people and the allempted murder of three (3) persons is ongoing and ifthe information in this TO were to be disclosed af th’s point in time, il would compromise the ongoing Investigation. My grounds for an Assistance Order pursuant to Section 487.02 of the Criminal Code are as follows: Properties at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia, 200 Portapique ‘Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia and 287 Portaplque Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia 231, The properties identified above are large rural properties and two of them have structures that ae partially burned. | am requesting the assistance of excavation Felated companies fo assist in the fllawing ways: 31.1, Excavation offre scenes or other areas ofthe propery listed on the search warrants under the direction ofthe peace officers, 31.2, Nolo sisclose any information in regards lo these Search Wartanis or ‘any part ofthis investigation ta any persons named inthis application, the general pubic, persons claiming an interes, legal or benefcial, in the information hat is described in the Search Warrants and whichis fo be obtained by the execution ofthe Search Warranis, or memiers of the publi ‘My grounds for believing that it would be impracticable to appear personally before justice to make application for this warrant in writing areas follows: 32, Given the current health esis involving the Coronavirus in Nova Scotia al this {ime it has been requested by personne! at the JP Cente to submit judicial applications via telewarrant fr applications that can be obtained va lelewarrant ‘are no pravious attempts to receive a warrant in reapect ofthis investigation, Page 25 0f27 x i/2e/2070 15:32 sazesesa7s en eacR ons ‘My grounds in support of a warrant to be executed at a time other than by day are as follows: 33, The property at 193 Portland Steet, Dartmouth, Nova Scotais 2 large property which encompasses both a business an on. There is also informaton that In order to conduct a {thorough search BPN proper ve that wil take longer than one day and therefore | am requesting thal the search Warrant be vald for 3 period of ‘more than one dey, commencing on Apri 20, 2020, and ending at 2100 hrs on ‘Api 24,2020, 34, The properties at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, Pertapique, Nova Scalia, 200 Portapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scola and 287 Portapique Beach Road, Pertapique, Nova Scola ae large tural properties. Two of the properties Contain structures that are pataly burned to the ground and could requis the assistance of excavation related companies. In ofdet to conduct a Inoreugh ‘search of this propery, I believe that wil lake longer than one Gay and therefore | am requesting that ne search warrant be valid fora period af more {han one day, commencing on Apri 20, 2020, and ending at 2100 hrs on Apri 26, 2020, ''am requesting that tne search warrant be granted betveen the hours of 1600 hrs on the 20th day of Apri, 2020, and 2100 hrs on the 2aih cay of Api, 2020, for the property at 193 Portiand Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and between the houts of 1600 hrs on the 20th day of Api, 2020, and 2100 hrs onthe 2&th day of Apri, 2020, forthe properties at 136 Orchard Seach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scolia, 200 Porlapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia and 287 Portapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia WHEREFORE the informant prays thal a search warrant may be granted to search the said premises forthe ead things, Page 26 of27 verze/zeze 15:32 sozesesers EN wane cRINE pace 20/42 ‘Sworn fo oF solemnly affirmed by Tslgphone or other form of elecommunicalion a Nova Scotia on 20 betore me ‘Signature of nvormanh Designated Justice ofthe Peace Officer Declaration in leu of Oath pursuant to section 487.1(2.1) of Code 1S¢f Angela Halse, peace oftceramemberottne ACIP St Hut aster senate ROE Mota Sond is incmalen saa eo esas see this 20" gay Gh 4871(24) Criminal Code tion was received at ARIMELTH" Nova Scotia at_3:34 FY onthe Se 2030 i gace in and for Nova Seova Sing lceautoe tse * ren cae Pager ofr ‘canana Forms SrovinzeotProvines du Nova SeotanNoiwae conse WARRANT TO SEARCH Mandt de perquisiion ‘Tote Peace Offers in the Province Ave agents de apa dans i province othove Soot ‘chavo Ceorce WHEREAS tappoos on‘teontol ATTENDU quit sppen sur la fe du ‘Sergant Angola Hawise Sergeant Angola Hawi ‘Peace oftearand memteraf ine Royal_Un Agent dela pal et mente de a anata Mounae Paice miePromce Gendemese Foye Bu Conaca dt a Sire Seni Proves de Nawete-Seesse ‘Thal tore ate rensonatic grounds for Qui exsle des mots risomabe de pening than nfoatonprescrd apes gos prsonston en ptscroe eenaly and Py wing, ard ta ete une denonaaion ttle‘ des ols je ensonabl ground for blowing thal ‘aleswabar do cre Gus es chests tho along he canes Si SS EEE i Sein eects, Felovento th mestgaten ofthe Parent pour engute state eral 1) Murder catrary ta Section 236 ofthe Criminal Cod 1 Aitemptto Commit Warder eonvary to Section 239 of te Criminal Code fo botang Pat ese tampa S aama Gz ere que cat onnae ou aque bar atthe tt found in ha pare ante eles sn vowert rele fetmingbuting, epics or pace” bakes comanar ou eu san ‘The property of Gabriel WORTHAN locate at 290 Portapique Beach Rood, Portpige:Colhontr County, Novs Scotia inclding any outbulogs and ‘elas onthe property| eran uncer lard ss thepramies: lap {THIS IS, THEREFORE, to ahr and CELA EST DONC pour vous alors ot ‘Maule "you teen ls the sad sige que vou oie onsen a ek fferises no search for toe snd et smton ie choses len son as gi) undar the Towing toms and motaiin svar Upon cela the seach a cn A don parulon, disque cs Bie proce! but win porod nat oee fester re dae ey Sl pe ‘Perargsreap ae aeson Suna tava pion lve vata atoperaltamadetstbe oo manda un ropon ara preset 90 tk ofthe court pursan to sethon gata as tibunalconfrmdmen 8 78) athe Comal Gece tele 471) du Gade cel [ANDI 1S FURTHER ORDERED A RELATED ASSISTANCE ORDER (See 49702) ‘An Assane Orde for enployee of ecavaton ld compat eit inthe ‘along way ta gv alert othe Search Warn © nthe rare ce od nb ed Tn ta rec ¥ 1 Ntcose any infomation nga othe Vaan a any pt thie engi any rrr ie aplaion pr ane Berane ening ar Pro, yal or enema at = (evened nthe Warrant ana wha eto obtaneaby scion ene Warantormerber of hep ‘This warar_and related Assistance Ce mandal el oromnanca ¢asitance (Oder maybe executed betveet he pou aie cxdcls ents. les haves outer Eanes ‘Bawa 1600 hours on hth 200 day otfour de Apr, 2920 ane 2108 hours eth zat dy oour Se Ap 3020 ovine of Nova Sept on the 28h dy of Api, {lly Shannon Froscng Jef he Paaca nena irthe eso Nove Seca ‘the Province af Nova Seta TOTHE OCCUPANT: Thesonch __ALIOECUPANT Le présent mansat do want wa suey loon ot thar pogo see decené pr leshone Inees of lecormunietane ¥yuvieh apa aut moyen oe Chet ecm macaroni ie: van soved you ray apnyto he cn ot cpa learasons pour wana {hetcut foe ara dvsonin present mandats ai ace vee ‘which warartwas executed at power dora un exepae d ‘Snoresion aur comet au gai ‘tuna pura creroeepn rotate orumancata de execute nce Stot, Truro, Nowe Scala Fave Sa SD, Tara ‘endted aus ore, poor ober feliys ocbloina apy che tre cent dela dbnoreaton fe sos, "oration on eat. Yourayotan om | smn us pour olen cu get: ‘herr ofthe cout a copy ee reper | du ibaa ane eons dapper cope, ied nie praca afer who xceted | por agan Go wp us aeccle ce blo warant Tat ep wt eae the _| andl Co eppet laura es ings, any Wal were seized andthe | tai, eae shear Terr is Iseasnstnre hy ao bing el, edie Truro Provincial Court 54 Taveasihe fous eT ESOAM OT PPM. Monday oF. ecicing raeats é 20.8_20.0037 gamana ona a4 Province otProvinee du ‘Nova ScotaNouvee Esosse WARRANT TO SEARCH Mandat de perquisition ‘To.te Peace ofcors inte Province _ Aux agents dea pax dans te province Binora Seat ae Nouvebe Ecosse WHEREAS Itappens onthe oath ATTENOU qu sept tur a fo ou Sergeant Angi Howry ‘Sergeant Argel Haney ‘APsaco oct snd manber athe Reyal_Un Aganl Is pact membre dele inadanourse Paice nine Proce Guncaare Roybe Bs Conoe tae ‘thew Soot Proves de Nowe Benes That her ae wasonable gounds fr Qu eile des mols rasan de ‘sperung wh ap roman presrtad dapener Sea pccentton en sores Sarmabsaierta ensuites dune courant or woes geese al cae Relerantioteinesigaton ofthe Parner pour fenguele su Tate nna ‘Stoning naib oteres: nae 2} Merger contrary o Section 235 of the Cininal Code: Attempt to Comm Murder conary a Seaton 299 the Criminal Coe ANOTHATibaeararenconslegrounde ET QUIL eit dos mote rome ‘er baling at these tings at aome dz cise ees chose ov geaeas at of them ara fo be find nthe pare dente cies se vowen! dole ‘otonngbstng,recepace place” Elta carinan ox Feu ston Ths propety of Gabriel WORTMAW located 9 287 Portapque Beach Road Porapgus, Colhastr County, Nova Seats ncluding any subulaings aed ‘eles on he proparty how underrated ioas ne proms; c-aptt,slout THIS, THEREFORE, oauhaes and CELA EST DONC pour vous auorar et ragite "you Ao erie’ ina the. sale erg’ qn vous ees sane ts test fortes! and io search forthe sn a chores les chosen ees se at {hile under te owing ts and modales svt. Soedtone ‘pan compaton of he sarc ab scon A a fn do fs peruiiton, dt ave ela 101 rate but wn a pevd nel tre runaatas rise dota doa ne ‘oeaig seven days fer the execiton depasan pe episod exeaion Bftewaranareporwilbemadetsthe du manda in apr see stoi oo eth of he cour pursuant Te ecion grr au) kuna, conimcses °S ‘716 ofne real Cogs Fire a8) au Code cimine, ‘AND TIS FURTHER ORDERED & RELATED ASSISTANCE ORDER (Sec. 4872) ‘An Asiarce Order or emiayeso! excavation red companies to st inhe fotosing way to ioe the Sear Warn. 5) Exceaton of fe scans ox thar reso sropety ted on he Search Wirt dere recon - 1) Not coe ay Information negara hs Warn or ny gt of the !vasigatanto Sry persone naned mn tha apcaton he ger publ notes é fetton ain an naa og bereft ha leat that €eseibes nthe Waar snd wha ato be obisnad by excaton fe \larart er mortrs be ps ‘ewan ands askance oner Ce mandat pout Se exieué ee Ses stay be exacted betwoon tne hours of urs ania ‘enwven 2890s on teh 200 day offour de Apri 2020 ane 2400 hours ith day ofour de ari 020 tssuebat J the Province of Nova Sop onthe 2h day of Api, ‘aio at eQouyst -3:N e'leckinthe rf noon {oly Shannon icing sles of te Pee TOTHEOCCUPANT. Thiceoech | ALIOSCUPANT: Le présetmandet de \Watanl was oa by aphone ar clber parson a ue dice porta [nea cftcorniatone Wye with Bu parunaure moyen de ‘Ghnow he baton hehe waren” udcamancaton vous désez asia yeu ay appa creo! Sonera sons pour ksgues le tbe courtier discn'n'" Stas mardl i eens vous whlchte waranwas crested at bovvesdanderun exe cla ‘ronan save seman a rfier ‘runs sure seonecptin arta cblemardl te enaeue ‘Truro Provincial Court 540 Prince Sto, Truro, Nove Scat ee erie an (eto tore [Seer ttareimrece” fe aren cee lect were hy abana Pld." _| Son dea, resets uv ieee Guia] andes lst, pour ote Sno asi dala déranastr fate sue Seen. Vous over obtan dgefer ‘banal un cops du poor copes Fone | po.2. 20.0639 canna Form 51 Province ofProvines du Nova Scotaniswele Bosse WARRANT TO SEARCH Mandat de perquisition To tw Peace Officers nthe Province Aut agents de a pax dans la province ofhors Sect ae houenia Seance WHEREAS Itapocrs onthe cam ot ATTENDU ull appet sur Is fl ao Sopear Angas Hawk ‘Sergeant Ang amc Peace feet and manbercl ne Royal Un Agen des pat ot membre del GesadanWouniegPoiceintheProvice Gendamara Royal Du Canada dats i vm Sean Prouren ce Nowlle- Ecosse ‘Thal Mere are reasonable grounds for yt exe des otis resonate de <8eesing wih an nforaton presented Sepaner ca pocaniton on eters ‘sroraly ad in wing. apd tat there Sune denancaben te A dee ale ‘Sterazonale rounds orbaberg Wal aamneatin de Cte aus er ees thefobong eae stares a) =: Acquisition of firearms, ammunition, explosives, avaniothe vests che Prien purus iin 2 Murder contrary to Section 235 ofthe Criminal Cod 5) Attempt te Commit Murder contay to Section 239 the Crna Gece ANDTHAT hee arereosonablegrunde ET QUIL nll des ntfs sonatas {a being ha hace tiger some de cre qua cas chee ou reo Ban ol hem are io be Gund the parte Cane eles Se fewer! Sontie fatoung bling, ecepicl or ptace.” Batman cota ua suhan Portigun ‘Cunt Nova Seats ncecng any outubdingy and ‘whiees onthe property| Fran under fered 35 heres: chap eeu Tiss. THEREFORE, to auhorce and CELA EST DONC pou vous user fequee "you tb fur ib. teed saga que vss exec don ls a Heat arises end to ‘earch ior the sie hres le cloves dies ln os Ertl er te twig ome and oda none ‘pon elation of ne seach, a san Ai f dea perusion. dbs que cea bite pact! but hin peted not sare tales mae dana uy late ‘icenGngseven day fr the eocutonSepasantpa pou ts oxaston ite varan, araportilbemadets ed manga un post cera prseen ay tk ofthe cout pursuant fo sation getter ai Iba confrmemen'S {376 othe cma ose Fare 487 (8) Code ermine |AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED A RELATED ASSISTANCE ORDER (Se. 47.02) ‘As Assistance Ore for employees of xcavaton alae cmpares io oss n he Totonig wey og elect the Seaen Warn 9) Excoaon fe scenes or ote reas of he prope se on he Search ‘ora unde te een of peace fier Net case ay inirmatin in regard oh Wart any pas fi ‘svetgaon by parsons naan ba asleatan Sere outa, ‘ecr cling an erst ga er berehca ne een ene esered in bw Wert and whe eto be obra by exon oe Wisrantormemberat nape [Tis wavrare ang relied Assistance ce mandate erdomance dasssince Dee pay be executed elneen the aude’ endorse Set ates ean 2650 hourson hl 20 dy olor de A220 anda 2120 hour athe Heh dy jour de api Soe SS ened pe Province ove Spt. on he 2 yo Aah [2 silockin the Je: noon TOTHEOCOUPANT: Ths aah A OCCUPANT Le present mands do SHER ymin prea cn prions cre porte rears murcans you wish ou sr ate moyen se {ahnon te bass on hie the waren” carwncacon Sus ses as laued you nay api law oneal connate an asane pour osteo tre cout frie etal dion presen manda eG eon oe voice waar wes enecued at ewer gemanoran seers dea Sines sous serment au gif ‘burl oars onset eine blemnen sa exces Truro Province Court 50 Prince Street, Tut, Nova Scotia | SRR oO wom eae Saba ROT PU Montoya Fy ectsg | vended steer th pur aa falas neon scopy ie theton ea inonte te eran a oat Yau may San tom | sumer vaus pane etn fete etka cout scopy ofthe epan | debuna une cope oases tay te pace accrue eeecase prope aoe oa eee ‘navaran Tat potwieaitie | nd Coase ene things any al wae ated andthe” | succes Savant cheng locsicnwhereIneyarebeng hed _|2art den Tevep ‘cannon Province atProvince da Neva ScotNouvle Esosse poe BP WARRANT TO SEARCH Manda de perqusition (Pama sation 47 nel othe Peace Oicrs inthe Province sivora Seats [WHEREAS i appears on te cab at Sergeant gals Homyik ‘Peace fet and mbar fh Ray nasa MomiedSoice ne Proce ‘Now Sens ‘at hare ae reasonable gious fr {epetang wt an tnomaton precast Fertonaly and in wigan Wat tare Eee easonaole rounds fr etaing it Fe owing the 4) Elearms, ammunition, expose, ehemiea 5) Strvetance system Computers of any aier electronic ATTENDU qui appet cur a fe a ‘Sergeant Angle Hawk Un Agent an paix ol momb de 5 ‘Gtresmmee Royale Du Canacs dans Srovngs se NowalleBeeest Cit xe ce rot eiennalo do Spt de lapuniton pores fasonatia ce crave gus los chon eas eapaba of ong dts {Polen related clathing, sentfenton and equipment 2) Poles rated docs for crs 1 Documents relate to psn 1) Dosuments rates oS ora chemists Relevant the inestiaon fhe mass murder vents; mat rears, ammaniton, explosives, Purine pour Tenquet su Tate cial yp 1} Murder contrary to Section 288 ofthe Chnial Cade; 1) Atampt to Commit Murcer contrary fo Gustan 239 ofthe rina Code ANOTHAT nero arereatonabiegraunds ET QUIL xita des ms rsonaties {Sten at hae ng osome Se cule gun cov tose oy ae Faq ot hem ae fo be found he pare dene eis se vewent Bois fefonng bog, eceptacs or piace,” Eine cotenat euies soon i eiuing th commercial and essential ns, te caren oubulcings, and wehiele on the property hen under eed as he pemices; charts, estou: THIS IS, THEREFORE, Wo auborce and CELA EST DONG pour vous ate rage "you Yo one’ in he sol Seger a vous snes dana esc as art a tercie an cover Gs selon tigi) dr the Telowing lame and mals saree cali "= ‘non competion of he sarc, as soon Aa def pargusten, ds aus cae 435s practical tut win eparod pol ten foniabe Wis dosh ot ae ‘iceeing seven Gyn thaoxecatan dopauean pos Sen! furor execton fbewnirantaresorwllberacetothe amanda un ropa ser pesenis ay atk ofthe court pursuant seclon grater wna, conor! a ‘718 ofne Cima Cae, ice 4 (9) du Cede enn! ‘Thi waran may be exec babween Co manda prt 82 exces one ie okaue a ew emerns leer avenue Cretan ISSUED 2 Darhout, nth Province of Nova Sep, onthe 204 dey ofA, Kelly Shannon Presiding Justes a ne Peace ‘iibtez ofthe Peace n andor, nandiort the Province of Nova Sean °OV=® OF Nora Soong TOTWEOCCUPANT: This sich ALOSCUPANT Lo prison mandate want was sued by apo robe fradeion» dace perp [eae oltdeconmunicins yu wish Gu pat ur auermayen de (Shnoa he Sanson whch hs waren” deonmancabon i vous Gdstaz at esud ou sy spy otha canst caonive en sors sour esl o the courttr te rol dvisenin' posal mandala decor wasn fiche waran was rotted at Bouvts darander un example dea crcaon sur srt a rar bvlemandst 3 ae exes 2 ‘Truro Provineal Coun - 540 Prine Stet, Tuo, Nova Scotia Ties tahoe of C20 A Mw 850 — Ena BaD ERGO da PML: Wondsy toFrday,excudng | vend, nue ur da pou bei fatto aba aby fhe ‘ro cop dla anoncaton at sour fomatan en aah You may cian fom | semert Vava power oben du gf thelr to cout copy the oper. | aroun une conic rppot ease ‘ed ty fe pence fiesr he oxeces | parapet do as ‘ls maran That repr wil eeaie he | anda Camper er fog. any alee eozaand eso een trea, fer onh Iseen where neyare ogg," Sonatas pone { fSemne INTIALREPORTTOALUDGEOR "SSE sustice emcee cnet etme ett etn 9 preemies emma O peategecnionaee ee! O rperamescacaua cinema tnt re eens Operon tata esha etm atmain apiece artes nad eave 1 repseemcan nets ounce hae eee enh Oo 1 euarncon —___anacurercen —_ (erect) B eéel ings pation wart eue etn 7 he Criminal Cade PCS 2-68) 1D es ings prt a vararnie ines 302 Grrr Code 1 saa: a wari te ec 1) Coated gad wei rn are dig remedy 00) ee 1D we cia psu Conta Orage ae ubsonns Acts 1) ware sed at Stel Ri SP tas Gage and Sastre fet rapes ctc) sza vege pete ty saten 1) othe Conroe Dg and Subtinees At eget cranes 1 yea pnt oncaeid sc TH) © nu yey penta te Or nn nln Conte Oat 1 apace cin be tow sazes winat ware hinge party sets 48,2). (uate bint Goss 1 ape ae te) aed ingen yin 67-1 Ne Cea Cae \relgoncmestncas Deena pera ea ara esd ue een 0} Crimi Coe essa wnat sara pminto set 102 ef be Conia Code 1 ete ine puto ONA mr ron E75 rita Code sce ing uation Gene wri er ln 7.1 Crna Cade (enc ns punto rata oi: (seat ge pasando owe tums careot each. ‘hello gee soto ot ora ws ‘eegry Seca epee (eaten rg es apt onc some wna nat ‘ature pram nly oi osm ‘na nn enpont o anener ree ly apes ocr may rat hm suze pi to ‘repr f0012 of cra Coca ‘psa ng eat ih rey dre ‘Saran maar rma iene ‘Sepman oy ssom tear aes C1 Again gece ges homer sac Asean teeing hd ono secon a tbe ATED ___tmusa__ nove 320 fet suas -‘INTIALREPORTTOAJUDGEOR = “Srsuiid eUSICE | © iroamrsaeminmministanata aati tesa wane 1 raventer osname nine nan cl Ce tempest ee Sen ie ne met a lst 1 Spprancegsae rnp neat terme ie idence a rexperconmnena scree afer ¢i Ctaeg n co warrcomn suncye ores ___osnsasr nova cu 283 cro a0AD RSL HL ASCO _ (etek apn) sce ings punta award arson 8 Crimi Cade IPOH EBB) 1 ceee tings puerto warner scien 3029 Ginn! Cade 1 enc prt a erat s pmyei 94 1 wt etig prs na Cantons Drage ae Subsanes Aes i) Ware ed my cc ow Corres Grogs ae Susans fet 1 lap dng pent nsec 17). Contd Don 1 site ace santos Cana Aes 91) ware seed tpi yw ine nme (stan roy rsa Rear rar need nr acon 4 ot Conte rps ‘ed sualnces eran senene rst er pon, a 1 taper ton patti ase io wert ge pay eos 4829, (uth comin! Cote 1 papeze owns te se ings pared byscion 471 ra Cate pecmsmssncae 1 seers panne waa aves vse ecen 103) 6h ie Coo 1D seed tes wit wara pure scone rin Cate seca igs parton BNA waa nt soten 48706 Be Crk ade 1 esaxstings punto a Geral ara under seta 480 he Cia! Cade 1 sce tings par os wart near tafe 1 seas ng print a err our owe 4 ne coue ct vain tefuarg ge nr ocea7oR at ls (Geach ig sue) (esp teach nyse weer as ‘ese pevon riya pass, ‘anc can hen aa ached et ij sputce snc’ ey tent suze ‘Belrepry 1012) Ca ace yt aa wm acorn Stine tamer un ena pte ‘Beputaroy aon ban coed Peper Dapostion Tea ra uma 7A REP TS aa HT WRG EH PsA RH 1) radio ower ey Reuredio ower 3 ear RGR a cea SIL ieee nO DRG =H oa SS TAS 5 Ann Rouse TRG“ Pe a 5 Tan ue ne se Ta ROP Pa BW eam otenen al gs sted stashed roar seen 2031) sc nen dame reid aap once OG re arp TRURO___ Now Seta on e820 m0 SEhewum —-INMIALREPORTTOAJUDGEOR "=U sustiee schaanise) ta pcre carmen Bl tenia torneneretntaringprarce eat 1 1 eraser etnedynaantentnraman win inci catasac 1 ermpescns natant nee pier at tbe O parched rar Saracens ena ree ne teen 1 pseu ses arene pinamaneategeeno 1D repggemcavnten mca eter eee \ cesar eres apotinie) ls ings pram warts 8 he emi Code PCH 20400 + eae 1 esting pune ara sie une scten 3220 Crimi Code 1 gz prin aanernte s e Coane gs nd © posing pnt se ey sen Boer 1 wie sig panto a Contre Orage ae Suttanns Ae) man eens Sorninsy setan eh Cnbed Ore ae Susans et 1 ape oy eaned eng pee by scion 17 ee Conrad Dug nd Salincersctweamoerainess 1 scgpunetn cama et 9) wn ee eg pet she bart ns trout 1 erate i ew ase wth ara ge parison 59), (sri in! Cos 1 apart ten nnd igs prs 47 1 he iia Coe (Safonau ese tc uation wrasse ceo 0) Crmina Coee ss! cles wiht marnipanto sein 032 he Crm Cade 1 ow ings pasta SONA rane slo 467050 Cina Code (ene ra pu ena wate et 7. rime Cade 1 es ngs prs aor une alerct flus Cease atan et eames prio tn 0 8 1D Aceseto otal vm ing ed tes panto seon 401) one ‘Simi cose area s___raugo___ No Seta on _ ny __ a. Zs (Thane -‘INTIALREPORTTOAJUDGEOR = “SINE JUSTICE etenteas ec) 0 panera see O ertencetinetgm cranes erence 1 pngpancag a rman mye he Dies pds en sseeconnanse neater acon c csarrcoin, unc ocea « NOMTEAST NOVA 283 CoN A. IL NOVASCOTA te (etek apni) 1B sazstinge uu os wnt dr cect 4 ofthe rma Cae (IPC 2H + ese (sessing sein naar sie un sein 32029 Crimi Cae 1D ezettinge pana aaa sien ston 1) Canto Orgs an 1 eset on ig pert yo baer oe 1 wn cig psurto a contd Orgs and Subaanes Acts 1) wan seed ings Sovogysos ene Cnbed Bugs an Stsones Act epson aon 17 Cone rand 1 tsi pena ton Cannas Acts 6) ware sted irs same by secon 6 ayn py mon et Ose sc Wf Cane Be 1 apc eno pat tan at wnat mara ings Forme Scions 82, (n/sijane comin! Cove Gi apace opi ti wand ing party sein 487.1 le Cina Code heme 1 seen ce pursuit wa sd nr sates 103} Crm Code seen ta wnat sree psn seo 10% fh rnin Caée ese tings punta OMA waranndersao 487 58 Cin Code 11 sae ings pue ts Gord wareeander seta 4.0 We Cama C200 1 sd ge pmo raul: een hen pens carol son a owe 1. bacasaestsnrchey 200 P0RTAUE BEACH ROAD PORTAPOUE NOVASCOTA ‘helo gr re sosaTsa dan ows (eet ny ee (atte oa ‘nue nse a net sto aed at ‘ura pase ocr may retusa pi 2 ‘haragord tt a criminal eae 8 ages nt at ih corgi she (kivand ie nr ih crane a, {epee fara Se HREM DRE ETF BUS INS Te RE WET a BSS NS To ROP MET F iP Bp Ascent signet ch pea stn a TAs denn csome ons xancetpruer sn 88 DaTeot__1nuto_Novaeata en _ atv 0, 27 cx, ararreon) ROMP File Number: 2020-1499913 Base Court: Tro PROVINCE OF NOVA ScOTIA INFORMATION To OBTAIN A SEARCH WARRANT (Pursuant te Seaton 487.1 ofthe Criminal Code) and a related Sealing Order (Pursuant to Section 487.3 ofthe Criminal Code) This isthe information of Sal. Angola HAWRYLUK of Dartmouth, in the aid Province o Nova Scola, a Peace Officer and member a te Royal Canadian Mounted Palca, hereinafter called te informant. taken before me. The informant say thal she has reasonable grounds to believe and doce belive iat tere Is White 2013 Ford Tauris with Nova Scotia license plate GMKS05, VIN currently stored at RCMP HQ at 80 Gariand Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia White 2016 Mercedes with Nova Scotia license plate ENT378, VIN currently stored at RCMP HQ st 80 Garland Avenue, Darimouth, Nova Scotia ‘The following items (things, or some part of thom) Stored date ina white 2015 Mercodes with Nova Scotia liconso plate ENT378, whieh includes ing ‘Stored data in a white 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Scotia lloense plat which Includes the following: ciksos, Which islare (check as applicable) 1D anything on orin respect of which any fence against this Actor any other ‘Act of Parliament has teen or is suspected to have bean commited, ot anything that there are reasonable grounds to believe will afford evidence with respect tothe commission of an offence, or will reveal the whereabouts of ‘| person who i believed to have commilied an offence, agains this Act ot any other Act of Parlament, ot anything that thee are reasonable grounds fo believe I intondod to be used {or the purpose of committing any offence against he parson for Person may be arested without waran, oF D offence. ated property (as defined in the Criminal Code) ralovant to the investigation of the following INDICTABLE federal offences: ') Murder contrary to Section 235 ofthe Criminal Code; b) Attempt to Commit Murder contrary to Section 239 ofthe Criminal Code My grounds forthe belief thatthe alleged indictable offences have been ‘committed, that the listed items (things) wil be found in these locations (building, receptacle or place), and thatthe itams relate to the alleged indictable offences. are as follows: Introduction 1. This the informaton of Sgt Angela HAWRYLUK, a peace offcer and member of the Royal Canasian Mounted Poe (RCMP). Ihave personal mnowedge of {he information inthis Information fo Obtain Affdavi, except where olharvice saled. | believe all ofthe information in his affidavit tobe tue, Ihave been 9 ‘member of the RCMP for twenty-elght years. In June of 2019, | was transfered to the Legal Applcalions Suppor Tear (LAST), where lam curenty posted Pit to Being al LAST, | was posted tothe Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unt (CFSEU) fom 2018 to June ef 2018. The main mandate at (CFSEU deat wih Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMG) actvty and the primary sriinalty involved was the trafficking of egal controlled substances. From 203 to 2015 | was posted to Halifax Detachment RCMP a 2 general duty race ot32 eay2/20 ere investigator. Prior to that | was posted from 2000-2018 in federal units, where! became involved in Investigations involving offences pursuant to the Contoled Drugs ané Substances Act. | have conducts investigations pertaining fo, ‘offences pursuant to he Criminai Code, Cantralled Drugs and Substances Act Customs and Excise Act, and other federal and provncil acts. [have been lewolved in investigations where information i obtained by means of conventional police tectniques (such as survellanca, information om witnesses, information obtained asa result ofthe executon af jucical documents (such as ‘Search Warrants, Transmission Data Warrants, Tracking Warrants, General Warrants, and Preduetion Orders), information from forensic analysis, and Information fom conf ental intermants) and also wth te interception of private communications ang undercover operations. Dixing my career, | nave prepared General Warrans, Search Warrants, Tranamision Data Recorder Warrants, ‘Tracking Warrants, Production Orders and Part Vi Authorizations (oth fd party and One Party Consent). During my service withthe RCMP I have been Involved with the handling of confident informants Who provice information an the conltion of confidentiality. ‘The majority of my career has been in Federal Policing, predominant in rug Units investigating offences pursuant othe Centolee Drugs and Substances ‘Ac. Ihave Been involved in several project related investigation in roles such {8 Team Commander, Lead investigator, Fle Cootdnator andes an afiat (both for part Vjecicia applications and non-Part VI judeial applications). Some of these investigations have utlized undercover operators and police agents, | have been invelved in several investigations were private communsations were Inlercepied via Authorizations and have been responsible for listening to Ihe Infercepted communications to delerine partes involved in the commuriations ‘and to provide a synopsis ofthe conversation. Baeed on my involvement in these investigations | am familiar with street names. pricing from ste level 10 Imgortations, packaging, and distribution methods of legal controled substances. ‘have successfully competed courses which | believe assist in the preparation of Juicial applicators, which include, but not limted fo, the RCMP Interception of Private Communications Course in February 2003 and the RCMP Human Source Management Course in Decemiber 2004, Present, | am involved withthe facilitation of the RCM? Interception of Private Communication Gourse, and the ROMP Search Warrant Drafting Course Throughout his Aida, winere stale my bell, the bali is based on my ‘experienc as Sel out above and on the ether information in thi Aida ‘The manner in which | have obtained information includes: 5.41. Information obtained trom databases; page faa 52. Speaking personally with police officers andlor reviewing investigative reports andlor email who are invalvee with the invesigaton: 53. Conducting database queries on te follwing databases: 53.4, The Canadian Pole Information Canter (CPIC) is 2 computerized database repository maintained by the RCMP in (Otawa, Ontario It can be accessed through authorized and restricted terminals, by authorized personnal, and fs accessible by police and law enforcemant agencies thrauehout Canada, “This rapositary records information suchas missing or wanted persons, stolen goads, and erminalracords ef persons, CIC ‘accesses records from motor vehicle branches aeross Canada with regard to criverieanse information, diving records, dates (of bith, and motor vehicle information, 5.32, The Justice Enterprise Information Network, (JEIN), I a centralized computer aysiom maintained by the Provinial Department of Justice, n Halifax, Nova Scotia. The system Includes ofender database ane case tracking functionally for ours, Corrections, the Public Prosecution Servi, Policing {and Vicim Services, as wal as Inquiry access for ater Justice felaled agencies such asthe RCMP and Munich Police Departments, the Department of National Dafenee, Legal Aid ‘and the Federal Depariment of Justice. The JEIN system can bbe accessed across the province by Department of Justice \workers ta input and review records Information thats collected by the Department of Justice in relation to Information ‘associated wth court appearance, tems of custody, various ‘our orders and alisting fal charges pertaining fo charged individuals in the Province of Nova Scala, Police personnel maintain an aby to review such records, bul de Pet have input ‘200055 19 EIN. Acciona, Registry of Motor Vehicles information including driver's ieanses and motor vehicle ingufies can be oblained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (Gervce Nova Scotia) system which is ineraced with JEIN, 5.33, The Police Repoting & Occurrence System, (PROS), which is ‘2 computerized database repository maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Ottawa, Ontario, ean be ‘accessed through authorized and reticted terminal, by authorized personnel. This repository records Information that is collected through the normal course ofan lavestigation, Including the nature ofthe investigation, names, eadrosses, Vehices, bith dates, and vatious reports euch as exhibit and continuation or progress reports; Paget a2 534. The Nove Scotia Property Records Database (Nova Scotia Property Online) is a centralized computer registry for tha province of Nova Scotia controled by the Department of Housing and Muricinal Ais. Access is by ubscripton. A subsciter can search for propertas, propery ovine, and ‘ther nfermation. Recuits provide a map shaving the preperty, as vellas assessment infomation and an Invantay of ‘documents registered altho Lard Tilae Offces. Reference to thas esulls enables one fo determine who the regitered owner is ofa paula property, what deede or morgage ‘ex, where they are locale, and anyother relevant \ransactions concerning he property. Scanned coples of deeds an be viewes for mos! propertis. To view the aciul deeds or ‘merlgage documaats an investigator must atend the Land Ties Office forthe respective region, 535. The Nova Scotia Regisy of Joint Stack Companies (Nova Scola Joint Stocks) maintains a website maintained by te Nova Scotia government, This website fs avaliable fo the ‘general publc and provides information on business names Feqlstralion identiication numbers, the typeof business, the nature ofthe business, ie satus of he Business, the Jurisdiction ofthe business, the ragilered afics address and a ‘maling address ofthe business. The website aleo provides the names ofthe persons involved in Le business thelr position within the business and a evi address and mailing address for the person, Overview © On the night of Api 16, 2020 an Gabe! WORTMAN we thelr propery at 138 Orchard Beach Dive, Partapique, Nova Scat (he warehouse During the evening an argument ensued botvesn and Gabriel WORTWAN which rested being assau commission police car i abserve Gabriel WORTMAN pour accelerants inthe cotage (200 Portapique Beach Read) and the warehouse and observed tha there Were several reams on the font seat ofthe outef cammission slice ca WEBER rs2raged to 6520 AINE ax ran nic tho woods, where ‘he hid unt the esry moming hours of Apr $9, 2020, ‘On the nih of pst 16 205 and! Portapique, Nova Scotia were when they observed what appeared i be alarge structure fe “They drove othe area ofthe fre and noted thal a bung ‘W5 on fre ane mat tere was a “police car" parked ina driveway nt for fam te Pages of22 1 fre, They drove past this driveway and turned around and tha police car came, 1 Chenin rolled down fis window os he assume that was a pace officer wanting (0 talk fothem. Once the two vehicles were side by sid noted that the dever ofthe police car” had a firearm] rand hot at hin, Fsped away and we net by marked police cars who hed arrved an tha scene asa fesul of S11 cals or repets of several res and shots fred MEER 03 no: certain but trough he shooter was Gabre WORTMAN. Members of the RCNP responded fous 314 calls and located a residence ware there was a deceased mele nd a decoased forale ‘A the house next door, tere was a deceasat fem Members ofthe ROMP also spake to Clint ELLISON who stated that his brother Cory ELLISON had been shot and vos onthe beach, Inthe early morning hours of Apr 10,2020 I 7 out of the ‘woods and went to residence where she called 911 lo reprt he ncicent between her and Gabrie WORTMAN the right prot. She reported thal wile she ‘was hing inthe woods she heard male voices, then heard gun shots, and then Iwas sent afer that During the morning hours of Api 18, 2020, several reports of shots fred and ‘people being kiles Ware reclved inthe Colchester County area of Nove Scotia, This continued info Hanis East County and ended atthe ving Big Stop at Ext 7 Of Highway 102 In Enfield, Nava Scots where Gabrie! WORTMAN was shet and killed by police. Gabriel WORTMAN went on ailing spree and kilee mere than fieen (15) people during the right of Apr 1, 2020, and into the meming of Api 49, 2000. Police were engaged in a manhunt for Gabriel WORTMAN and in the ‘Shubenacadia area of Nova Scotia, Gabriel WORTMAN shot Get. Chad MORRISON, who survived, and then proceeded to kil Cs. Heidi STEVENSON. \Winess statements were oblained and Gabriel WORTNAN vas described as a man who colecied freams, dacommissioned police cars, pie uniforms and teauipment, was paranold and had security systems in place at his properties, Gabriel WORTWAN i the registered ower ofthe residence and business at 183 Portland Street, artmouth, Nova Scalia and property which Included a cottage land a warehouse in Porapique, Nova Scola, located at 136 Orchard Beach Brive, 200 Portapque Beach Road, and 287 Portapique Beach Road in Poriapque, Nova Scotia Page of * Re 13. Gabriel WORTMAN isa denturct who operates two clinics under the nama {tlalic Denture Cinic with locations at 183 Parland Stel Dartmouth, Neva Scola and 3542 Novalee Dive, Haliax, Nova Seats, Atanic Denlure Cnc has ‘an account with land Gabrie! WORTMAN isa person recognized by Stall as someone who attended the business and bought vny inorder mone Gegeteaseptcate an RCW? car. Gabriel WORTMAN did nol have an accoust at under his name, it wes under the business name ef Alanis Denture Cini, "4. The purpose ofthis ITO is to make application fora Search Warrant to search {he data onthe In-Vehicie Infotainment systems assocaled to a waite 2013 Ford ‘Raut with Nova Scotia icense pile GNIKSCS and & white 2015 Mareades wih Nova Scotia license plate ENT373. In-Vehisl infotainment System 15. Cpl, Duane Flynn (Cpl. FLYNN), a peace offcer and member ofthe RCMP, and Patt of the RCMP's Technolagical Grime Uni, tld ma the falling 15.1, _IncVehicie infotainment (Vi) systems in automobiles delver entertainment and information content tothe veieies occupants. vi systoms ate {rently avaliable in many automobiles fem manufacturers Ine Ford, Toyola, Kia Motors, and General Motors, IV yalome frequent lize luetosth technology andor smatshones to hep ative conte the ‘system with vice commands, touchserean input, or physial controls. 15.2. Each M1 system s erent typical tasks that canbe performed with anin- ‘etic infolainmant system inciuce managing and playing suelo content tiling navigation for driving, delivering rear-seat entertainment soon ox ‘Movies, games, socal networking, slering to Incoming and sending ‘uigoing SMS text messages, making phone calls and accessing Interneenabled or emarphone-enabled content such as rate onions, ‘Sporis scores and weather forocatis, Vehicle information and svonts, including vehicle VIN, doors epeningiciosing, and ghis onal may also be be, 155. IM systems are cortoied by operating systems similar to what is found ‘cu computers and smartphones fo store electtonic dala, When s vehiie (ecupant syns their electronic device with the vehicle IV ths dala car be Using software avalible tothe RCMP Technological Gripe Unt Depending onthe year, make anc mods! ofthe vehicle andthe VI system, deleted data may also be recovered imoaeing: 00 resend examen staced ican ema yet wth ese tohvide lnorment stem Page 022 (On April 20, 2020, Sgt, FLYNN wa si ‘a veh contain dat to farther the In 2d on the make and mace! ofthe vohiclo the RCMP, white 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova & GMASOS and white 2015 Mercedes with Nova S ENT378, the flowing system ia license pate ‘data may be available for extracion font 18.40 spar of an investigative team that executed a reel, Dartmouth, Nova Scatia, He k forensic software suila IVE thal could poesbiy vestigation, The vehicles that were seized ae cota eee eects 200, th VN TT ans Nove Scola icense lal ENTI7e 16.11. EIN chock shows the vehclais registered to Gabi WORTMAN, 1 Warrant at 188 Portland St es using Portland Street, Dartmouth, Nava Scotia 18.1.2. Data avalabe rom the vehicle could elude the Following 63 Indicated fom tne vehi e forensic software suite IVE: 181.24 16122 8.123, 16.124, 1.125, 18.128, Nila 2019 Fonda Pole Iercestor, th VIN MN 02 Scie eceee te cuxcos, 1821. JEIN check shows the vehicle is registered to Bere Sroman Corporation, 183 Parlane Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scola 162.2. Data avaiable rom the vehicle could include the ‘llwing 2s Incicated from the vahicle forensic software su IVE 16221 18222, 16223 16224, ‘17. ‘Bath vehicles are slored in the secure lt at RCMP HO located at 80 Garand ‘Avenue, Dartmouth Nova Seota, Gabriel WORTMAN (1968-07-05) "8. Gabrie! WORTMAN does not havea eriminal record but does have one Seinen for assault in 2002 according to his Offender Summary Revert on SEINE 18. Gabriel WORTMAN has ava Nova Scola driver cense wth an address of carenrniand Steet, Dartmouth, Nova Scata and has the folowing vehicles ith current registrations in his name’ 18.1. 2017 Ford Fis ‘vuck wth Nova Scotia license plate GDM 182, 2007 Jeep Wrangler with Nova Scotia license plate GNEPE6—O, 20. Gabriel WORTMAN has the folowing propartic registered in his name 2041. 199Postand Steet, Dartmouth, Nove Scotia; 204.1. Ost Kyle DOANE (Ost, DOANE). a peace officer ard member ofthe ROMP, was near 183 Poriand Steet on Ap 19,2020, and observed 2 white vehicle in tha driveway and a detaches Sarage al the rear ofthe propery, Cet. DOANE aia sated that 4202 conducted eon Cand J wh ep to sb WORTMAN, Sr see en NIE ihre aki WORT ho weep caesar teu on noe sete Pacer Gene mint Page ot32 the main stucture contains the business on the main level and ‘an upper feor appar tobe a residence! 202, 181 Pertand Street, Darmouth, Nove Scotia: 203, 189 Patiand Street, Gatmouth, Nove Scola; 204. 287 Pottapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia: 204.4. Cst. Dayle SURRIS (Cet. BURRIS), a peace offcer and ‘ember ofthe RCMP, went lo 287 Portapique Raad on Api 20,2020, and described the property as grassy property with ‘no visible stuctures from the oad. The propery contains lls of rece, 205. 200 Pottanique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scotia: 205.1. Op Matt CONN (Cpl. CONN), peace officer and member of the RCMP, vewed pholoslaken on April 18,2020, by dent of the property at 200 Poriapique Beach Road and ssid that there was @ burn out Taurus and the structure was burt down tothe foundation’ 20.8, 196 Orchard Beach Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia; 206.4. Cpl. CONN viewad photos taken on Api 19, 2020, by Ident of the property at 136 Orchard Beach Drive and sai hal there Was a burt out Jeep and Taurus andthe structure was burnt with most collapsed into the middle but there was spproximately ight (2) fet of watts 2 stancing, 21. On February 12, 2020, Gabriel WORTMAN was charged with epeeding on Fortspique Beach Road, Great Vilage, Nova Seotia and was operating s while 2013 Fora Taurus with Nova Scotia license plate GMKEOS! 21-1. Nova Scotia isense pate GNIK90S is revstered to Berkshire Bromen Gerreration of 198 Portiand Steet, Darimouth, Nova Seota and aiached to white 2018 Fora Taunust ——_____ ft 20 20 pte we Ck 008 rpg absent of 19 Pertan Suet DanmoWt, Koa Seatinon gr Som, pei. 20 ect wa Bubs wh ep ai taeeton ct 257 Paapee Ssh Ri, Petipa Now Sa one 20 1 get 2 23 ce cont esses nnn pts ken by Went op 18,2002 124 2 20 endced gun on Pos wheter ose Wotan "on ei, 20m etic aur an BN wah rape Seale ee le GDS Paget of 32 pevar/2eca asiss 3a58GRkOry 122 214.4, Nova Scotia Joint Stocks has Berkshire Broman Corporation in ts database withthe folowing information™= 211.44, ls a nontegistered company, 21.442. The jurisdiction is New Brunswick 214.43, The malng address ic 199 Portond Stee, Darimouth; Nova Seota; 214.44, Itwas registered on 2008-07-16; 211.48. ‘There are no people leted on fle, 21.2. The master number for Berkshire Broman Corporation ls B=RKSG020008 {and the company has the folowing while Ford Taurus cars registered fo im 21.2.4. White 2013 Ford Taurus with Nova Scotia cense plato GMKe05; 21.22. White 2013 Ford Taurus with Neva Scola cence plate Gases; 21.23. White 2017 Ford Taurus with na license plat attached tit 288 and one (1) while 2017 Ford Taurus registered tothe ‘compary. 22. Gabrie! WORTMAN was a dentutst and operated Atlantic Denture Cini, {tanto Denture Clinic has two locations in Nova Scala. One being at 13 Frotland Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scola and the other al 3542 Novica Dive, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22.1. As detaled above, 193 Portsnd Steet, Dartmouth, Nova Scot is ‘registered to Gabriel WORTMAN, 222, 3542 Novalea Dive, Halifax, Nova Scotia is regsiared to Novelea Holdings Limited, 22.2.4. Novalea Holdings Limtes doas not appear to be associated to Gabriel WORTMAN as he is not sted 25 a person holding any 2 Se or 39,200 conducted uty on Nor Sato std 3 Sn 20 conned ey on i pe oi Sea ee pl umber auteted to bere tren copente ‘5 Gt A2e121 8 conducted ey on Gol ith spe Ani Denve ine, neti 22 eotced eon rants Property igs 32H ei, Page tof 32 oura1/2029 18:44 gf the positons of Drecior, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Recognized Agent 2222. Cpl. CONN spoke to otNovaten Holcings Limited andl advised that 3542 Novalos Deve, Halifax, Nove Scotia leased ta a numbered compeny oct of WORTMAN. Frequented tha fosation daily 1 that Gabriel WORTMAN 22.23, Thi location has been subject lo overt poice survelance since ‘pt 18, 2020, and no persons have gone into Ue businecs, ‘since the poe arved on Apri 18, 2020, 23, Alun Deru Cine on Nova Sea Jt Soc bl te slats shows Teak ronment tt Gry ons eee ae ho TT! 224. Cpl CONN conducted a query on and noted a snapshot of dentureshafaxca on January 26, 2019, of a website ascecateo Allantc Denture Cinic which contained tye folowing inamaracrs 2244. 902-464-0808 was sted as the phone number 2242. 193 Portand Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scola and 3542 Novelea Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia were listed as locations Information ftom Cst. Shawn STANTON 75. Gn Api 182020, | spoke wth Ca. Shaun STANTON (Cet STANTON), a peace (tree and member ofthe ROMP. who i one ofthe investigators sasose ‘nvesigate his matter and leamed the folowing’ 284. 812205 brs on Api 18, 2020, muliple $11 cals were received wih patel to shols being fred and buldings on fir in the vllnty of Orchars Beach Drive, Portanique, Nova Seats, 782, Cet Deve ILL (Cet LILLY) and Gst. Chris GRUND (Cet, CRUND) attended Portaplgue, Nova Scota and the folowing rsnaptes, eee 22 contd ue on toa Sets Sac ntsc earn danas ay, a PWG. erg orton rm we ee 2324. A I 2 o:ispique, Nova Scotia located a female, deceased onthe property, 2322, Usa MeCULLY 35 shot and killed 2323 A II »:piau2, Nova Scotia located a CSSSSee DS levee tosses tees" i raza, Jamie BLAIR 2325, 23, ae fires were started on diferent properties on Orchard Beach Deve 234. _SISol. Stove HALLIDAY (SiSgt, HALLIDAY), « peace of ofthe RCMP said the fowing - weet ae 2342 a ‘rently unaccounted for, 235, <0 on Orchard Beach Dive and sow eascurca ee pulled into a criveway as he saw what appeared tobe a Police car coming towards thom believed the drivers be Gabriel WORTMAN and brie WORTMAN eired a hand I oy ‘et window to window and started to sieet em 237. |_| i drot gets Page t3ot32 20 inthe rea eo drive auay and eaw wo other police cars 238. Clot ELLISON rporied hat he was hing inthe woads tesause vhon he gins walang onthe beach wih his broticy Gory ELUGoMe ae a I os ies 2510, BLOBS rs on Ant 18, 2020 I nM Poesia Beach Road, Porapique, Nova Scotia and hades 1, MI sos cet ben Mactz00 (cs MacLEOD), a peace officer ‘and member ofthe RCMP, he zanna 2 wih Gabriel WORTIAN eavier (on Apri 1, 2020) and he had ie 2841.2. They were at Gabriol WORTMAN's warehouse at 136 Orchard each Drive, Portapque, Nova Scotia, GnRS Contirmed tha there were fires at 136 Orchard Beach Drive, ll {ehard Beach Orve, Ml Orchard Beach Orive and 200 Foraptive Beach Road, Partapaue, Nova Seota, 23.43. Gat Temy BROWN (Cst BROWN), a peace offcer and member of he ROMP, obtained a statement from| and reported that she sai the folowing 29191, MEI ic tyat Gabriel WORTMAN had put « bunch of long guns into acar that naked lke a RCM? ca 23183. (III espe and an nth woods nah 23.134, III vont to TW Ponapique Beach Road, Portapique, Nova Scolla and called $11 ™ eae 23:14. Members ofthe Halifax Regional Potice (RP) and provided security 2s Gabriel WORTMAN had nol been located: 2315, III nt Gabriel WORTMAN cunes two Ford Taurus ‘278 and one locked lke & pote car ith decals oni Page uot 32 236, aaa, 2a 238, 23.2, 23.24, 2322, ‘Members ofthe Emergency Response Team (ERT) of the RCMP Bute that they ha lealed vo Ford Taurus ears that neve pumed ‘Uhen they were looking for Gabriel WORTMAN. One af the hoe fois Gar was located at 200 Porapique Boach Road andthe othr ee stn warehouse located at 136 Orchard Beach Dive, Porapigue, Nove Sco A female was lated deceased ‘Wentworth, Nova Scotia and tree (3) persons are unacsour Sabre WORTUAN attended III Highway 4, Great Vilage, Nova Scotia and attempt to get inte the residance but was unevenssai ‘A female was located deceased in a vehicle near Hidden Hitop ‘Campground on Highway 4 nay Debert, Nova Scotia, there were two females shot 232024 23.203. Bath females were VON nurces, [ieat exit on Highway 2, near the EHS station, Cs Chad MORRISON {Csi MORRISON), ace ofa and rumor iba Ree EBPs, color sos mm t. st. MORRISON survived the shoot At Highway 224, near hilfrd Steet, Gabriel WORTMAN was invelved in ome sort of accident wih the police car being operated by Get, es STEVENSON (Cet, STEVENSON), a peace ofcer and member of he RCMP, as both vehicles had front end damage. Both vehicles wor n> fre, nag, 20 landed waver 0120 wt now seat ens tll “ented ey eth ea as Se Page 15 0F32 7525. Gat STEVENSON was located deceased and he ream and bo ‘magazines vere mise “ Beas. Fiapncl MORTMAN thon tok a ray asker and wen to chillllon Highway 224 and perked the vehicle behind the resco 22.28, One femate was located sed at cc Highway 224; 7827. Sabre! WORTMAN then traveled f the Ivng Big Stop at Ext 7, Enid Nova Scofa ina grey Mazda ana pulled up o's gos pang 23.28. 7528, Atleast one firearm was observed in the backseat o the grey Mazda that Was operated by Gabriel WORTMAN. Provided a statement over the phone on Api 18, 2020. to FOOL e eH NE Cet MacFARLANE) and et hike MODLEGSe ‘and members ofthe RCMP, and said the ou) a2 to leok and the fre was huge, house so they called 911 and then gotin ‘lames were over the cart check tout 745, they drove down the rnd there was a sal ue house arin font of initooine noe N38 an RCMP car parked nthe vena wit an eae init sowe presumed they were waiting for trafghlrs ts pot geen Bot 244 248, ra. 248. 248. 2410, zat 2412, 2418, 24.14, ros eptthe dum the road further they sw tht Gabe's whole garage thar petite by fee sa they called 911 ard te eal taker has eid ease that they were aware of he Tred tum and drove beck up the road and whie they were et on aplione with £11 stopped in ont ofthe sue house they nonce ne Srremgetaten ofthe house was on fre and they coud see tat he te nas sBrracng Super quick Thay sine know who hve ere but the Recah is ane Sil parked inthe driveway and they noticed the fhe ooo ‘st siting inthe police vehicle in front of he hess, cist know iit as actually a pace ofcer but ‘resumed that he was a poiveoffcer because he was ina we vod Taurus pace vehicle me peetee yehcle pul around the criveway and puled up beside them seygaled down te window to ake to him but betere he Cound ey saying he pulled a gun out and started shooting at hom ices his passenger side window nto our ever ede wind His vehicle was about 2 feet ay tom our vehicle _ =a relat prety quel) ee tt re fhe was shot a the tina kbare were two or three sats at which time! Hii 201 they pulled auay and went up Orchard Bese Read ovaras Portapique Beach Road, Siving hited ono Prapique Beach Road towards he hghvay they ‘saw ie fist oficer ang on scone with ighs on andthe doo: eoee 7h, pulled up beside him and explained to him that he had been thot cor tnt rats 3 Poko car down ere cra car tal loge ike een fie, Mt" shooting a nem anc it icoked ike he was ighins reson fire; second offeer asked fora bit mere detall an ‘lm that his frst suspicion was that twee because his pote oy mmm ad ok. Tours tat he ome courant pola ear. said that Gabe had been working on fora ratte Sut was never bacged was just sivays nae Peete a sTo8 car bute one that wae saw pated was dec padre ran age siting onthe deo the highway valing fr ihe ambulance heel something nhs coat and ples outa bute Ines eee ee Fe pu itn his pant pocket bu pulled it out fo show someone and is not NE what happened tit ater that. He thought tha baller coulage ne, jacket pocket which vias ins ea. 24418. The festhouse tat they noticed was on fre was owned bya guy named Gabe. He covlent remember his last name but he's a dering Partmouth. Gabe has few proparies arcund thee bat he's go is big {un garage with e bunch of molacycea in thare and a lotancirmers was coal Italmoet locked Ike abig bam butt wae a akon 24.16, MMOs jst vetore Porapique Crescent onthe aft hand ‘ide there i ate house, he only house on the lat har se, and trots the house they saw the RCMP car el. Further dowa ine road on ie rot hand sides big brown barn with a blac roof and white counts moe imide ofthe roots Gabe's big barn an tha Is ne bu on fie: 24.17. OMI the carne was driving is almost dentcal tothe Pole cars that showed up on scen.I'ént seem unusial ans 24-18, UMM ict describe the person that looked tke a police ices but sad that he was a white man and his neti! ald Ken i Gabe but he ean ay for sure; 24.18. He saw a gun and must have ducked! ond then there were two 2} more shots afr tha, one went trough tne cn 2420. When asked to expand on the st thought that came to his ind was thal {twas Gabe ha sai, was ust him puting things lagether, Gebe hex o (Br that looks lke a ghost cara Taurus with blacked out wheels ena blacked out gil 2421 ut then he thought tal Gabe's laces on fre, and then al os sudden there's tis pote car hate gota pole car lahtng this other house en fire soil had ta be Gate 2422, Gabe has ance log heme down on Porapque Beach Rose, and he's got this big fancy place that burt doum tonight in barn /workchon) nd {ies 10 work on his properties, he buys up some of ine properties aren peta 24.23, Gate has alongtime gitriend Pape or32 26:24, WII intro might nave tao 2 a comereatons yh Gate 2 yo mmm i 2425, III 0.50 in ams of abs egtine gions 7428, Gabo was 50-55 with light hard, slkm bud, GR witha chiseled face, He an be found en Facebook, 2427. Gabe hada bla Jog Vicor and he whe Ford Tous poked ats FR ee 150 and his wie or ofiend had a white Merceces 24.28 EI oi row of any guns that Gabe may or may nat ave had, 2429, MIMI stat cabs Faceoook prot ati! Orta Conon aw of Gabel WORTHAN 5 MI i otenen to ct Tory aR04N (ca axon cer and member ofthe RCMP, on April 18, 2020, and said ne following? I... Pika These nares Bu fe es ust atthe wore timed frends the sees on Ai 2230 The Page 190132 254. Gabrisl WORTVAN poured gasoline al inside the cotta casein sass we warehouse 60 Gabriel Getter 2s, - ee ea 2%, 258 Jescaped and 25.9. Gabriel WORTMAN had pu all the 2510, Ico 200 smoke 25.11. Gabriel WORTMAN had guns lary people have. He had ‘orem wees an a i i rr. 25.12, Gabriel WORTMAN had a white Ford T ldentca to # police car wit igh on uns onthe front seat of nd cd gun shots; faurus police car that looked and ROMP decals, 25.13. Gabriel WORTMAN poured gas on his Ford F160 ruc, black Jeep Wrangler and another white Ford Taurus athe warehouse. Tie seo Poured gas on another white Fer 25.18. Gabriel WORTMAN only h police car, 25.18, I ie woos st npn end nen went 2847, ad one white Ford Taurus tha locked ikea Gabriel WORTMAN does not have a hone and dint ha Phone and smashed ber cell }coass fo any ther call phones) Page 200F32 25:18. Gabyia! WORTMAN ras INI the RCMP and had one of his uniforms butt cant ft Gabriel. He had a fuorescent yotow achat and he ‘would putin the front seat to make it ook Ike he was apolce ffces 2520, MII stot Gabriel WORTWAN wasn'ta police of \wanrabe and Gin ke police offcers and thought he wea beer than thom: 25:21, MIEN that wnen sho was inthe woods che hear a couple ‘af guys ata house onthe back road and then heard gun shale and they there was silence, The house went upinfames ator tat. Statement of provided 2 statement to DICst Susan LYNCH (O/C: UWNCH) and Cst.D. PENFOUND (CsI, PENFOUND), both peace offcers and ‘embers ofthe HRP, and eaid te folowing™ “ ee a | 252, RII 3s 023: cabrie WORTWAN had been disturbed nd athe wes severely abused as a young boy said that Gaba). WORTMAN vas very smar, cheated, was = psychopalh and obvscd I aaa . ae a a] 284, VORTMAN owned a denture crc allied with him 285. Gabriel WORTMAN had a mental break down and talked about the deed 25.8, MMIII co 2t rere vere guns at the warehouse ane the dermal office: Gabvis se 12s paranold about the =e proncesan Aerts, 20 erect Ie Page iota JORTMAN taka about ll types of guns, aecault ie 25.11. Gabrie! WORTMAN collected palice cars and bough! he decals for he ‘ars and was going to use the car for downed officers 28.12, Gabriel WORTMAN would dress up as a police offer and woul oe play. Gabriel had a whole uniform wih a hat, jackel and has a ves 25.13. Gabriel WORTMAN bought four (4 of five (5) vite Ford Taurus cars and tsed some for parts ard had some of them insured > TT ea) 28.46, a #2 statement to Cst. Jeff STEVENS (Cst. STEVENS), eace office and member of tre RCMP, and Dist. Krsten BRADLEY (vicar BRADLEY), @ peace ofcer and member of the HRP. on Apel 15,2020. hd said the following 27) Goorel WORTH AN (I $5203 272, MMIII hs bon at the property on Porlapque Road before and thas a lage garage win rooms upsats, There aa Oko Motoreyetes and an RCMP car ha Gabriel was fain oe 273 MEE isnot know whore Gabriel was geting the decals trom that were the same as th decals on RCATE cas MM 60.35: 1 bres hac a vet aa 275. Cabrel WORTWAN cotectd 9 iI Pace eta 27.9, II coos ot know if any firearms are st Dartmouth property, 27-10. The garage was alarmed and there are lots of cameras el overt propery. alt that there were being ‘watched due tothe amount of cameras, 27-11. Gabriel WORTMAN owns the denture en in Dartmouth, the parking lt and another clinic in Halfox of ef Navalen, 28 Provided a slatermant D/Cst, Jennifer LAKE (OiCst, LAKE), @ Peace ofcer and member ofthe HRP, on Apri 19,2020, and ead ho following 202, ED coves tox iclure of her and Gabrie! WORTMAN Im went lo Potand Street on April 19,2020, and was met By ihe pote: 2 TT 3 235, 268, SURE onc Gabriel WORTMAN lived about the business on 1 business in Halifax, 267. MII os sabre! woRTAN have a log home and Portaplaue, Nove Scot. The min oatage Is where fy garage was where they would keep si above the garage: 228, I <3 ht Cobre! WORTMAN co Bole cars and bought them from auctions, Gabriel WORTMAN ies ‘bout having a police car that had ROMP cecals ont “ nib nin ada 2-98 9] 28.10. Gabriel WORTMAN also recently pu rage in 2d ond the and they bulk an apartment 2d motorcycles and rchased a bunch of gas; 2811. Cate WOR MAN 31 7 and llwas uncomfortable and described tas boing Ike a machine gun This gun was kept bythe fireplace inthe warehouse provided a statement on Api 19, 2020, to Cs. Holly VY (Cal. MURPHY) and Cet. Dens CHARTRANO (Cat. CHARTRAND) both peace offices and members of the RCMP, and sad the foloming™ 8 In pact 28.3. Gabriel WORTMAN i vey ineligent bt parancic 284. Gabel WORTMAN had ao: MB hat cdl: 28.5. Gabriel WORTMAN was wealthy, re modified to look Ike @ potee car and it w Gabrie! WORTMAN recently Bought $200 worth of gasoline Gabriel WORTWAN shoved lwhere he kept a high powered ele This occurred eight (6) years ago) 188 few years ago 290, I 0: wor Titan has 2 pote unter 30 Provided a stalement on Apsl 19, 2020, to Cl. Ste 'GG (Cal. WAGG). a peace offcer and member of the HRP, and said ne folowing? 204. 302, and Gabriel WORTMAN lve above the denial cinic. They havea cottage n Portapique and a warehouse, 80:3. Years ago Gabriel WORTMAN was abusive i 304, Gabrie! WORTMAN talked about having guns 205 MI boon inte warehouse snd tee wes ots of secur, 308. Gabriel WORTMAN had numerous police cars and you wouldn't know the difference; 507, MII oti) VORTMAN had a police uniform and ‘badge about one year ago, 30.8. A few weeks ago Gabriel WORTMAN baught $809 werth of gas end bought propane bottes; 209. EI ona abrie! WORTMAN had a Jeep, white Mercedes, {ree (2) ghost cars and some are parked al the elm in Dartmouth provided a statement on Apel 19, 2020, to Sgt Brian FITZPATRICK, (Sgt. FITZPATRIOM), a peace officer and member otf and said the filowng2. 311, EI os tends with Gobret TMA; 31.2. Gabriel WORTMAN isa centrist and has businestes in Dartmouth and Halifax, 313, have been at the log cabin in Portpique; 314. Gabriel WORTMAN is 2 milionaire and very smart “ hr ree 3 1.8. Gabel WORTHAN had IM who is a retired RCMP member and this |gave Gabriel pars of ns union resto orovided a statement DICst Anthony McGRATH (OiCst IEGRATH). a peace offcer and member of the Halfax Regional Polee (HRP), ‘and said the following 921, BB 2: cobs worrwan in 2014 32.2, hasnt seen him (Gabriel WORTMAN) in eight (8) months; 225. The garage on Portland Street has an alc onset 28 tm revved en Se prlong other en It ya pveton roge26 of22 328, Talos poise asa wo bay cnrace orate coccvcr A gy 827. Theresa s inthe house and in the garage warehouse" 32.8. There i 2 sate inthe garage on Portiand Siro 92.10, Gabe! WORTHAN has En 32.11. Gabriel WORTMAN has police deals for @ car and the an HRP uniform: 32.12, (Gabriel WORTMAN) had 2 stocksie of gure; 52.13, Gabriel WORTMAN weuld speak of geting rd ef bodies, buming, and chemicals; 32.14. Gabriel WORTMAN was controling and paranoid - ee ee | 32.47. Gabriel WORTMAN would tillilaerent ways fo gat rid ofa body and hag me and muratic act on the propery. The barrels for these would be undemaath the deck 32.18. Thera are video cameras at Poland Steet and Portapique addresses; 32.19, outs ofthe property; 3221. Gabriel WORTMAN Isa censed embaimer Eee Se 22.23. When ani lrthare wees booby traps on the property sald ttl wasnt avrare of any but suggested thal tho Police shut the power of acl woutdnt put itp WORTMAN) afer what unfolded tocay (Apt 13, 2am Statement of Employee of 33 proves a statement on Apt 20, 2020 to Cp. Dave LANE (Cpl LANE), a peace offcer and member of tha RCMP. and'eaid ie falowinoys (catrien 3a 332, BIBI heard on the news about Gabriel WORTMAN and recognized him as a cuore wha Nad purchased supgias lem hem 383, The name Gabe out and recanze hina he person who attended er MMM rc purcnoes Seopa ects ot i Feflecive ard sapphie busy 384. Gabi! WORTMAN tllfinat he hada poice crus tht he hough at an sucton and he wanee'0 co itu ke apace cat 335. [EBB od abot WoRTI“AN that he wouts goin trouble for dvng the car (with decals) and Gabriel eal that he kee ant yeu be egal 98.7, III sic that abrie) WORTMAN came back| sma 22'2) 20 Youg more matrsardred came was the emeloyee that dealt wih Gabriel n October 93.8 MII 2 ht Iw about te purchase in Ocicher 2 loaked up today (Apr 20, 2020), The purehase was on Octcber 18 (2016) and 7 yards of cao wrap im and 1 yard of Red Dragon es, purchased 399 II 66 that cobra WORTMAN's account with \as @ generic account, twas a cash account where you can pay wih edlldebt, and twas under Aantic Denture Clinic with an aadvena on Pleasant Street 5 (Sot. BLANCHE), a peace oficer and member ofthe RCMP. and eaidine folowing? | a a — a ae %3 Esc oa ran Carl WORTAAN made reer a en = 4, ez... that = Sold vinyl to Gabriel WORTMAN 345. looked up what Gabriel WORTMAN had purchased trom ll and he purchased te flloning 34.51. 220 Viny, sapphire blue for vohicles; 3452. Srefectve, white, green blue 3453, 1080 3M fie fre engine red viny Search of 183 Portland Steet, Darmouth, Nova Sootia 38 On Apsl 20, 2020, Justice ofthe Peace Kely SHANNON, a Justice ofthe Peace In and forthe Provines of Nova Scotia, granted @ Section 487 CC Search Warrant o search the property at 183 Poriand Steet, Dartmouth, Nove Scotia, 36. Cpl. dames SKINNER (Cpl. SKINNER), a peace officer and member ofthe RCMP was present during the execution of the Search Warrant at 19 Pevland Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on Apil20, 2020 and the flowing was coreat 3641, Tobisha laptop; 36:2. Verbatim SO card, 512 MB; 20 ree cn Sypera teen SarmevthiaSectisen pia. 2nan PH wes ose 29063 963. Tablet 38.4, Actiontec outer, 365. Mercedes car, Ford interceplor car Summary 37. On Api 18,2020, and Apri 18, 2020, Gabriel WORTMAN went ona Kling spree that resulted in more than fft2en (18) people being kiled. one of them belgg ber Heidi STEVENSON, and ree (2) paople who survived and Cst. MORRISON). ‘Gabriel WORTMAN Was operating a ‘white car that resembled a police car, complete with decals, Gabriel WWORTMAN, ‘tas shot and klled a the iring ig Stop in Enid, Nova Scotia by police pices, Gabriel WORTWAN showed a complete disregard far human Ife a | ‘Shot at peope siting in their cars, people walking onthe side ofthe road, and at people in thlr private homes 36. Several wines statements were taken who descite Gabriel WORTMAN as a ban wo calected teams, decommshionedpoesen seve ies anceupmrt. People alsa ated soot bor to Broan The poser 108 aia uc, Cadet arched on Apso 38 Biro repore that bee nee Srohare Bench Dive, Poranque, Nova Besta Gebel WEMEN ee parol and had several Veo cares ats tn tls 40, Gabriel WORTMAN went on aking spree that covered in excess of 59 kilometers and the navigation track logs could provide information whether Gabriel travels this route prior to Apri 18, 2020, I belcve thal te stored nthe n-Vehici Infetainment Systems associated to the vehicles seed fro 198 Pontand Street, Dermouth, Nova Scotia wil provide information toute the offences named in his 0. age 200f32 Poe ‘My grounds for a Sealing Order pursuant to Section 487.3 ofthe Crimi 27a. follows: I Coxe ‘41, The investigation into the murders of more than fifteen (18) people andthe ‘tempted murder of tree (3) persons i engelng and the nformaton in his [TO were tobe disclosed a this pont inti, t would compromise the ongoleg Investigation, My grounds for believing that Itwould be impracticable to appear personally ‘before justice to make application for this warrant in writing are as follos 42, Givan the current heath crisis invohing the Coronavirus in Nova Scotia, at this tine thas been requested by personnel at the JP Centr to suomi lice ‘sprlicatons via tetewarrant for apoictions that can ba obtared va lelewarrant My grounds in support of a warrant to bo executed ata time other than by day are 2s folaws 43. Sot FLYNN has other task other than this investigation and itis possible that he ‘may not be able fo conduct the searches ofthese two vehicis onthe same dey, {am requesting thatthe Search Warrant be vali from 1700 hs on Apel 21, £2020, to 2100 hrs an Apri 24,2020, ‘There are no previous attempts to receive a warrant in respect ofthis investigation, Pope ator 32 curziszo2e asses “gbpesesers Neu aac cma {am requesting that he search warrant be granted between the hours of 1709 hrs on the 217 day of Api, 2020, and 2700 he on the 24" day of Apr, 2020, WHEREFORE the informant prays that a e2arch warrant may be granted to search the ‘sid premises forthe sald things. | Sworn to or Sofemnly afimed by telephone or alhar form af acommunicalan —] at Nova Scotia on 20 before me (Sigratre oF nvormanty Designated liste of ha Peace OR Peace Officer Declaration in lieu of Oath pursuant to section 487.1(31) of the Criminal Code ifpgele Hewrl6 | peace officer, a member of te RCNP tt Daiere ct ie Pica of es Se do dese hat ‘aters contained ints ination ae te to my kode sh bela atTrare lnthecouny of COXeESET ig 24 aay otal fic, Lit hk a Pebce Oftcer Deparment CERTIFICATE -subsection 487.121) Criminal Code ‘cari that his jtormation was reesives at DART dU TIt_ Nova Scola att 2 sciockinthe 224 noon onthe 22 eayat PIC Noose” jen 5. [o> — Designate Listes ofthe Peace ana for Nova Seale ALLISON E. ROSE Presiding Justice of the Peace Inand forthe rage a2ot32 Provines of Nova Scalia Nova SeotaNowot cossa Forms WARRANT TO SEARCH Mandat ‘hat hare a essonsbie leu for peti wth a omatie prose 2) Stor ats na whit 2015 ENTSTB which nla a as perquisiion 1) Stored dat na white 2042 Far Tur wth Nova Soot eens plat Asevartotha ivengton ofthe atin our fens sr ate eral 2) Murder contrat to Saction 235 of the rina Ce: 8) Att to Commit turer contrary to Satin 298th Criminal ede ita 2013 Fonda with Nov Seta cose pate GHKSCS Birmout Nova Scots " snmmamemini 8272 Sc eons te e722 perenne herein nfo eered oor premises; capris feu ‘Ti 1, THEREFORE, fo ste nd CELA EST ONG poe usar et enises and la ‘sac fr he salle ei ns cies ti clon es ‘pn complaint search 8 aoa0 A af de ls persion, dts que exe SE's racic bt wan pra rete clsbl rss cara en Seah se Scoudngaevendaje afar toexeiten depasnn passe nus rte oseere Sfsovanen arepatwilteradeiatha du areal un avon teenie Ct ofthe cour, part te aacton grater nun, conomément 8 {857.6 orbs Canal Cede, Fare a7 (du Code rmne! ‘Toa waren maybe executed tetvon Co mandat peut endels enr les Beton 1709 hours on tha 238 yotour de April 2020 ane 2109 hours ‘onthe 2th dy offer de Apr, 20% "SUED a Dartmouth nthe Province of Nove Soot on th 2s dy of Ap iamatthehouref 55" otlockinthe 22” non, le uusoue. nose c Presiding Justis o tho Peace ‘inte o the Peazsin and for unter i ree toes aaa Provnas ot Nova Seals TOTHEOCCUPANT. mi seach ALIOCCUPANT.Leptsert mand! de worries ested by esos ot aerporqusin a te deme pa shone teas ofttecormaietane yu wah ou parun auterroyende {Biron he ues on whch ha ort wlgcreraneaion 8 ove désee rote yumay apayto haemo! comaaas ass pa eames le ‘het forbe oral Gvsionn present mancata ie core, vue ‘we warantwas exectee a four damander on erento dela ‘Srocsn ume ero hierar oi exaane ‘Truro Provincia Court 840 Prince Sart. Truro, Nova Sota etwen he howe 0830 AM 9 430 Ene Sh 1890, un au PM Moncey tory. excucng Yard sas per ober aly, obi ny ane ta copi In dnoralte far sous ‘ormaton on ea Youayebisi fom sama Neos poses een Se goer IReclakotthe cour sony othe pat detouna une cone deraper coer Sei terse cwrnoccies Suge deupaais tea {he waant Thal epor w Fane Carper uses ‘nga hat vereaaedand he abs cas Shcan etenohan as Iceatrunere thay seeing hd. Sonat $22 sae -“INITIALREPORTTOAJUDGEOR = "Zisusit ‘SUSTICE, cenimatan ec) © prasenisinmmmnncinaasatityeion sams macs sae tarmac tpmtv ee andy ra 1 eseramncnmaea nmap dc acuta aetna 0 peesrgetarctizm arate ernest 1 resin tc apnea eric rare 1 aparece sarin Gasser cant er marrcona aungaeorncen (etek apteati) sad ge sun oa wrap nrantn 47 Cn Code PCH 20.08 1 exe eget oa waar sete 32020 Crimi Coe 1D sa eggs 1) Comat and 1 shsacgmuontion re sso ing parma by etn Be) (6) ef 1D stig sunt onotad Org ana Suttons At 1() waa ens Meith one Conte rns an Susans Act 1 peti tes 17 Conta and nrg in ai ts) oe. sed ee ee en Seacrest gene nee 1 apn rer i ew what ras etd i OI pet oie ss eg ees 1D sxe punto mara nted ue seen 0) Crimi Coo 1 scence ou ran tt con 130) the emia Code ssn tinge parantos ONA warn nd sson 7 Oth Criminal Cse 1 sseud gs panto Ganesan uae sen 487 te Criminal Coe 1 secnd tings psu barat ander elt flows — ( sxcastng mart oar ee pom ons ieteeigeenes emer ipaosamemnnn eran Ere etaeranees Emevaniseass rama ea REP HEB PO OT NS Aces eon al ings seat stated uns sn 403 He 1 Aermogsnon tron eet ata pent sen 03) be DATED «rma —_ Nena et sone ‘020. TRERS RCMP File Number: 2020-1493913, Base Court: Truro CANADA FORM 5.003 Province offProvince du Nova ScotiaiNouvelle Ecosse INFORMATION TO OBTAIN A GENERAL PRODUCTION ORDER. DENONCIATION EN VUE D'OBTENIR UNE ORDONNANCE GENERALE DE COMMUNICATION (Pursuant to Section 487.014 (2) of the Criminal Cade (En vertu de Fartcle 487.014 (2) du Gade Criminal) anda ‘Sealing Order (Pursuant to Section 487.3 ofthe Criminal Cod/En vertu de Varticle 487.3 du Code ‘Criminal This Is the information of La présente constitue la dénoneiation de Sgt. Angela HAWRYLUK the informant. chapras appelé(e) le dénonciateur. ‘The informant says that they have Le dénonciateur déclare quil a des motits reasonable grounds to believe: ralsonnables de croire que ies conditions suivantes sont réunies that en offence has been or wil be tune infraction prévue & committed under: Murder contrary to Section 235 of the Criminal Code Attempt to Commit Murder contrary to Section 239 of the Criminal Code racenot39 A And that / et que i inthe possession orc Telus Communications Inc., 200 Consilium Place, Sulte 1600, Scarborough, Ontario and wil afford evidence respecing the ou sa disposition etfournront une preuv ommission of the offence, concernant a perpétration de infraction, The reasonable grounds are: Les motifs raisonnables sont les sulvants: 1. This s the information of Sgt Angela HAWRYLUK, a of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Ihave par the information inthis Information to Obtain (Afavil), exc slated. I beleve all ofthe information in tis affidavit to be nty-eight years, In June of 2078, | w pport Team (LAST), where | am currently post Prior to being at LAST, | was posted to the Combined Forces Specia| June of 2019. Tha main mandate at Enforcement Unit (CFSEU) from 2015 t CFSEU dealt with Outaw Motorcycle Gang (OMG) aetvty andthe primary criminality invoived was the trafficking of illegal controled substances. Fram 2013 t0 2015 | was posted to Halifax Ostachmen! RCMP as estigator. Pros to that | was posted from 2000-20153 inf became involved in investigations involving offences purst Drugs and Substances Act. | have conducted investigator offences pursuant tothe Criminal controlled Drug Customs and Excise Act, and other fedaral and provincial acs involved in investigations where information is abtalned ty means of conventional police techniques (such as survelance, information information obtained as 2 result ofthe execution of judicial document Search Warrants, Transmission Data Warranls, Tracking Warren's, Warrants, and Production Orders), information from forensic analysis, an ‘general dul al uni, where | 0 the Contralled faining to Substances Act, 23 information from confidential informants) and also wih the interception of private ‘communications and undercover operations, During my career. Ihave prepared General Warrants, Search Warrants, Transmission Data Recorder Warrants, ‘Tracking Warrants, Production Orders and Part Vi Autharizalions (both third pparly and One Party Consent). During my service with the RMP Ihave bean involved vith the handling of confidential informants who provide information on the condition of confidentiality. ‘The majority of my caraer has been in Federal Policing, predominantly in drug Units investigating offences pursuant o the Controlled Drugs and Substances ‘Act, Ihave been involved in several projact related investigations in roles such 1s Team Commander, Lead invesigalor, File Coordinator and as an affiant (both for part VI judicial applications and non-Part VI judicial plications), Some of these investigations have utlized undercover operators and police agents. | hhave been involved in several investigations where private communications were intercepted via Authorizations and have been responsible for listening to the intercepted communications to determine parties involved inthe communications {and to provide a synopsis ofthe conversation. Based on my involvement in these investigations! am familar with street names, pricing from street lava to imporitions, packaging, and distrbution mathods of ilegal contrlied substances, | have suecessfully completed coursas which | beliave assist inthe preparation of jucicial applications, which include, but not limited to, the RCMP Intercaption of Private Communications Course in February 2003 and the RCMP Human Source ‘Management Course in December 2004. Presently. | am involved with the faciltation ofthe RCMP interception of Private Communication Course, and the RCMP Search Warrant Drafting Course Throughout this Afcavit, where | state my belief, the belie is based on my experience as set out above and on the other information in this Afidavi. ‘The manner in which | have obiained information includes: 5.41. Information obtained from databases; 5.2. Speaking personally with police officers and/or reviewing investigative reports andior email who are involved with tha investigation; 53. Conducting database queries on the allowing databases: 5.3.1. The Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC)is a ‘computerized database repository maintained ay the ROMP in Cittawa, Ontario. Itcan be accessed through authorized and restricted terminals, by authorized personnel, and is accessible by police and law enforcement agencies throughout Canada, “This repository records information such as missing or wanted persons, stolen goods, and criminal records of persons. CPIC. Page of 29 532 533. 534 ‘accesses records from motor vehicle branches across Canada With ragard to driver license information. driving records, datos (firth, and motor vehicle Information: ‘The Justice Enterprise Information Network, (JEIN). is @ Centralized computer system maintained by the Provincial Depariment of Justice, In Halifax, Nova Scotia. The system Includes offender database and case tracking functionally for Courts, Corrections tha Public Prosecution Senvce. Policing, tnd Vielim Services, as well as inquiry accass for other Justice felated agencies such as the RCMP and Municipal Paice Departments, the Department of Natonal Defense, Legal Aid, ‘and the Federal Department of Justice, The JEIN system can bbe accessed across the province by Deparimant of Justica ‘workers to input and review records information that is collected by the Department of Justice in relat to information ‘associated with court appearance, terms of custody, various ‘court orders and a ising of al charges pertaining to charged Individuals in the Provines of Nova Scotia. Police personnal ‘maintain an ability to review such records, but do not have input ‘access to JEIN. Additionally, Regsty of Motor Vehicles information including driver's licenses and motor vehicle inquiries can be obtained from the Regisry of Motor Vehicles (Service Nova Scalia) system whichis inerfaced with JEIN; ‘The Police Reporting & Occurrence System, (PROS), which is a computerized database repository maintained by the Royal ‘Canacian Mounted Police in Ottawa, Ontario It can be ‘accessed through authorized and restricted terminals, by ‘authorized personnal. This repository recards information thats ‘collected through the normal caurse of an investigation, Including the nature ofthe investigation, names, addresses, Vehicles, bith dates, and various reports such as exhibit and continuation or prograss reports; ‘The Nova Scotia Property Records Dalabase (Nova Scola Property Oniine) is 2 centralized computer regis for tha province of Nova Scotia controlled by the Department of Housing and Municipal Affairs. Access is by subscription. A subscriber can search for properties, property owners, and ther information. Results provide a map showing the property, ‘as well as assessment information and an inventory of documents registered al the Land Titles Offic. Reference to these results enables one to determine who the registered ‘ovmer is of a paricuar property, what deeds or mortgages ‘exist, whare they are located, and any other ralevant transactions concerning the property. Scanned copies of deeds, Page 40139 st of Joint Stock Com ainlains a websila Nova Scotia government. This website is ava lable to th eral public and provides information on business nam eqjstralon identification numbers, ne ype of business, the ‘ature of the busines: us of the business, the iurisdiction ofthe business, the registered offce address and a railing aderess of the bu 0s involved in th ‘vie address and ma wabsila also provid business, their posto ade SE... c. Orchard Bes iol WORTM Drive, Portapique, Nova Scotia During the evening an argument abril WORTMAN which Jd observe Gabiiel WORTMAN ‘Beach Road) and the wareha, ur scoelerants In ‘and observ On henin. :; T I 25 280.2 Sci | ree oo MMS 192) 010 the area of ho fre and noted hata bulng was on fre and hal bere vas ap red in riveway not fr fom tr fre. They drove pas his driveway and tured aroun and tha police car" cama fom behind trem and then pulled up alongside of them rolled down his window as he assumed that was a pl waning 10 Lak tothem. Once the two vehi ce by