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Social Media Marketing


Website Maintenance Proposal

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Cover Letter
Hello Arthur

Thank you for considering RCT Solutions ltd for your social media marketing needs. I’m
glad we had the opportunity to connect so that my team and I could get a clear
understanding of your social marketing expectations.

By using social media strategies and implementing procedures based on the results of
extensive analysis, study of social media trends, and application of specifics unique
to International Institute Of Health Sciences Jinja , we are confident in delivering
effective results within your social media channels.

We believe our proposal provides a complete social media marketing strategy which will
culminate in highly successful results for your business.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My contact information is

Thank you.



Table of contents
Social Media Marketing ............................................................................................................... 1
Website Maintenance Proposal ................................................................................................. 1
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
Why Social Media?.......................................................................................................................... 4
Our Social Media Status .................................................................................................................. 5
Peer Pages ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Website Improvements .................................................................................................................. 5
iihs Social Media Goals.................................................................................................................... 6
# 1- Drive People Back to Our Site .................................................................................................. 7
#2- Connect with new prospects/students..................................................................................... 7
#3- Stay in Touch With Current Stake holders /Alumni .................................................................. 7
#4- Maintain an Active Conversation ............................................................................................. 8
Content Strategy ............................................................................................................................. 8
Types of Content ............................................................................................................................. 8
Post frequency ................................................................................................................................ 9
Contributors .................................................................................................................................... 9
Tracking progress .......................................................................................................................... 10
Facebook Insights.......................................................................................................................... 10
Google Analytics............................................................................................................................ 10
Contingency .................................................................................................................................. 10
Best Practices ................................................................................................................................ 11
Pricing............................................................................................................................................ 11

Why Social Media?
We can use social media to complement our website
Do we really need to be on Facebook and engage with the rest of the stake holder in a
Or Twitter?’’ meaningful way. The platforms can be used to
Yes. organizations should care about promote health workers and students’ standards,
Social media. promote our school information, share information
and ultimately direct individuals. The key to achieve
our objectives and reaping the benefits of a social
Fifteen years ago, non-profits were
media presence will be to set goals and monitor
asking same thing about websites.
‘’Do we really need one?’’
‘’ I isn’t this just a flash in the pan?’’

The reality is that if we can increase our website traffic, we will be more attractive to potential
students and partners in turn. To increase traffic to our website we must draw in our audience
from other areas of the web. We can successfully use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other
platforms to create exposure of the school. As a school this increased exposure is integral to the
development of our partnership, public image/brand and increased awareness of public about
our school.

Social media will not only bring more traffic to our website, and to provide a more attractive
incentive for partnership, but it can be used as a secondary venue for recruiting students.
Twitter and Facebook are ideal for posting media and promotions coupons. These platforms
will become integrated in our partnership packages incentives. As we market ourselves around
the web on different social media platforms, we also provide greater marketing reach for

Our Social Media Status
We currently have a presence on social media Facebook (only). With no social media use, we
have no connections with social media users. Our presence on the web is limited to our
website. It is necessary that a strategy be developed in order to determine how a presence on
social media will benefit our organization.

Peer Pages
An investigation of what our peers are doing online reveals that there is a huge presence on
social media platform for schools. The web of our peers is in most cases is not limited to an
official website only. This means we have under utilized the potential of the internet.

Website Improvements
An analysis of the existing pages of our peers- in most cases an official Website –lends insight
into what features are attractive, how information is organized, and how we may improve our
own presence and setup. The majority of our peers are using Websites powered by word press
so we should have same capabilities. Which we do

Organizing the content of our web site in a meaningful and clear way will help our members
find the information they are looking for more readily. And this is not a one time job, its one of
those jobs that is done on a continuous basis and we are more than happy to take over that
role to relive the IT staff to do what they do best. “Teach”

IIhs Social Media Goals
we have built quite a big following on face book over the recent years and we should be proud
of that. With a following of 1900 followers and a reach of over 6300 people who get our feeds
on their time line and 173 of those view what we post every month. Our audience is growing
every day as we had 38 new followers last month.

However, we also get of a lot of questions through face book which go unanswered or half way
answered and that damages our public relations and our image as a school. We intend to work
hand in hand with the concerned authorities on this issue provide the answers where we can to
make sure there is a seamless information flow.

we also keep in mind that this project is about archiving great for the school, settting desired
goals for growth based on a numerical baseline concerning certain department will be done
regularly and then time allowed for implementation. Developed set of goals to attain should be
focused on page hits, followers,’ likes’, shares, traffic etc. These goals can be set for attainment
for 3months after the platforms are launched. With goals set every 3 months following this
point we can monitor our progress in a measurable way on a monthly basis in a meeting.

launch check progress & set new goals check progress & set new goals

3months 3 months 3 months

As we grow our social media presence, we can also set goals for our desired number of weekly
or monthly posts or updates. It is important that our goals for social media relate to our overall
goals for our organization. A key to this endeavor will be to increase our traffic and in turn
provide us with a better platform for partnership, student enrollment as well as a more
informed membership and public image.

# 1- Drive People Back to Our Site
While we want to connect with as many people as possible on each social media site, we want
to be sure to direct them back to our own sites as often as possible.

When we engage with other social media users through posts or updates we can find
opportunities to get them to share the information we are providing, but it is all for the purpose
of driving people back to our school’s website. This will help us grow our alumuni and well-
wishers membership list and this is a potential source of partnerships and engaged stake

#2- Connect with new prospects/students

The second main activity we want to conduct on social networking sites is connecting with new
prospects .The best way to do this is to get our current members, supporters and followers to
`share ‘.We want to post such interesting, entertaining or compelling items on our social media
sites that people want to share it with their own followers and friends .This will help us grow
our presence on the site and will encourage new prospects to not only follow us but seek more
information about us hence, more students, improved public image.

#3- Stay in Touch With Current Stake holders /Alumni

The third main goal of our social network activity is to stay in touch with current parents
/students to be unobtrusively stay ``front of mind’’ with them. By sharing content on these sites
on a regular basis, our stake holders will have a constant reminder of our work and their
commitment to be part of our team.

As well, it reminds our alumni of the social networking events we hold, and the reach that we
have .They can then see what we are trying to archive but majorly keep in mind the core
objectives of the school.

#4- Maintain an Active Conversation
Social media presence will provide a valuable way to ‘’keep our ear to the ground’’ and see
what people are saying and thinking . It also provides us with a means to distribute information
quick and a bridged way. We can do things as simple as posting a notification when something
has been up dated on the web site, when a notice has been posted, or to update our members
on our progress regarding a particular deadline.

If the public shows interest in something we can take the steps through social media platforms
to appropriately:

 Drive more traffic to a specific landing page on our website.

 Solicit photos and /or videos taken at an event.
 Publicize new or available information.
 Link to peers’ websites.

Content Strategy
A Comprehensive content strategy for our social media campaign is important so that we may
determine how we wish to use social media, and how we wish to monitor our presence.

Types of Content
 What type of content we need intend to post and promote via social media?
 Photos, event information, deadline updates, partnerships.
The content that we choose to post will be created in order to build relationships, answer
questions, share information and ultimately create an online presence that increases
awareness of our organization . Our social media will not simply be an add-on for
communicating the same information that is posted on our website- it will be a means to
communicate new information and build a social network by sharing information created by
relevant sources, following or subscribing to our supporters and partners, and connecting with
their audiences. We can smartly look for new connections, and push people back to our site
using the content that we choose to post and promote.

Post frequency
 How often we will post the comment

As part of our content strategy, an editorial calendar may prove to be our best planning tool. It
will list the dates we intend to post content. This must also involve creating posts in advance to
be posted later.

The school’s relevant departments shall be responsible for creating content with our guidance
of course of how to have it drafted in the best way possible

Some of the ways we are looking at are;

 Using the student’s articles from students’ publications

 Administration announcements
 National announcements including public holidays
 And many more as management deems fit.

 Active participants in conversation, commenting, liking, and sharing posted information
and their options (which is always filtered).

Platforms Metrics

Twitter Followers

 Promote content  Mentions

 Share information  Rewets
 Retwet relevant information  Tweets
 Listen to relevant conversations
 Build Reputation

Facebook Metrics

 Share a mix of relevant links and  Likes

engaging content  Posts
 Share photos  Shares
 Promote upcoming events and
 Mentions
create them in the events tab

Tracking progress
A side from checking the metrics outline in the previous section, checking our analytics
frequently will allow us to see our campaign is performing.

Facebook Insights
On Facebook we can use Facebook insights to find out when our fans are online, how many are
seeing our posts and who’s sharing or responding.

Insights provide measurements on our page’s performance and are available after at least
30people like our page.

Google Analytics
 Google analytics can show us who is viewing and engaging with our web page
 These analytics will be matched with our goals in order to measure specific progress
towards our objectives.
 Generates detailed statistics about a website’s traffic sources. Google Analytics can
track visitors from all referrers, including search engines and social networks, direct
visits and referring sites.

 Once we have a social media campaign started we will resolve to do more of what is
working and revise things that are not working. Our strategy will need to continuously
be developed using analytics to guide our next steps throughout our social media

Best Practices
 Be genuine: Social media is all about people connecting with people. Remember to
humanize your social media interactions.

 Be truthful: Make sure you have all of the facts before you post .Cite and link to sources
whenever possible to help build a community.

 Be respectful: Respect for the dignity of others and to the civil and thoughtful discussion
of opposing ideas is critical. We do not propagate online confrontation.

 Be positive: A good rule of thumb is that if you would not say it in person, do not say it

 Allow comments: encourage thoughtful discussion with the understanding that all
comments must be civil, respectful, and appropriate for your audience.


Billing and Scheduling

RCT Solutions Ltd will collects payments on a monthly billing cycle. Here is an outline of our
pricing and services

Name price QTY Subtotal

Website maintenance ugx 150 000 UGX 150000
Social Media management ugx 200 0002 UGX 200 000
TOTAL UGX 350 000

Note: Social media management includes:

 Creating content in the best format i.e. graphics designing and simple slide show videos
 Posting and following up on conversations
 Answering up on questions asked about the subject in play
 Monitoring the engagement
 Analytics and reporting

Prior to a contractual agreement, elements of this proposal may be amended upon

collaboration with International institute of Health Sciences Jinja, and RCT solutions ltd.


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