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Instructions: Read the following instructions before you start this work.

A. The following questions are all essays. Please answer what is being asked.
B. There is no word or length requirement for each item. What is required is only that you give a
substantially correct answer. Trust me when I say that all questions can be answered in as low as three
sentences. You opt for longer answers if that is what you want.
C. EXPLAIN your answer even if the question does not specifically ask for an explanation.
D. When answering, please provide concepts and evidence for it from the readings/modules I gave you.
DO NOT CITE EXTERNAL SOURCES or other concepts I did not make available to you during the
semester. The questions are answerable without further research online. What you have now as
students of my class is sufficient.
E. The following criteria will be the basis of giving points to your answers:
Correctness/Conclusion- 20%, Evidence - 50%, Logical Flow from Question to Evidence to
Conclusion - 30%.
F. Use English only. Proper usage of grammar and spelling may be given additional points.
G. You are advised to use the three-paragraph structure in answering essays. The First paragraph is your
answer to the question. The second paragraph is your evidence that is applicable to answering the
given question. The third paragraph is the logical application of your evidence to the question. You may
use a different structure/style, but this form guarantees that I will easily understand your answer.
H. You may submit your work through direct message or file upload in messenger, or you may cleanly
write your work on pieces of paper, take a photograph of it, and send them to me in messenger. Submit
your COMPLETE work. Piece-meal submissions shall not be acknowledged.
I. If you are submitting through direct message, please indicate your Last Name and Section as the
topmost line of your message. If submitting through file upload, use your Last name and Section as the
file name. If submitting through photographs, indicate your Last name and Section at the top of the first
page of your work.
J. The deadline will be on May 15, 2020.

------------------------------------------------QUESTIONS START HERE---------------------------------------------------

1. Based on the story of Jonah, how would you state the core teaching or general principle that should be
followed by the Jews? Use the story to prove your answer.

2. Can the existence of God, our Christian God, be proven by any other means except by having faith?

3. Explain how Islam was founded in only five sentences. No need to explain.

4. Kaladin is a Jew, and is deeply dedicated to the teachings of Abraham and Moses. He lives in the
Philippines and loves to share wonderful stories of the prophets to little children in his barangay. He is
friends with other jews in the community, and they regularly meet to fulfill their duties to God under their

One day, Dalinar, his best friend, shared with their congregation that he wanted to migrate to
Israel/Palestine in order to live in the promised land given to them by God in the Old Testament Days.
he also invited the others jews to join him in his mission to go back to their Ancient Land, and
permanently lived there, justifying that their jewish heritage entitles them residence there. He added
that if the Muslims there would reject him, he would fight them, violently, until the Jews reclaim the land
for themselves. Kaladin objected to this suggestion, stating that they are happy as they are in the
Philippines. He said that worshipping God is not about the place of worship, but really is about the
people who love and follow God.

If you were a Zionist Jew, who would you agree with? Would Herzl agree with Kaladin or Dalinar?

5. It is an unfortunate fact in our contemporary period that muslims are usually discriminated by
Christians, primarily due to the belief’s association with Extremism and Terrorism. However, it is true
that majority international terrorist groups are usually motivated by Islamic doctrine. Explain why some
Muslims are inclined towards acts of violence and terrorism in order to support their religion.

6. Using the dimensions of religion provided for by Ninian Smart, give at least one similarity of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam for EACH dimension. Hence, you should have seven answers in this item.

7. Write a Christian Prayer for these difficult times due to the COVID19 pandemic. Obviously, there is no
need to explain your answer here.

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