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Weekly Reading Report

This report should take no more than 10 minutes!

Title : Fangirl Author : Rainbow Rowe

My Name : Siti Yulyanah My Student number : 2223280045

Date : 11 February 2020 Number of pages : 455 pages

Fill in the table. Put an 'X' where you like.

the book was (X)_____________________________ the book

enjoyable ___ was not

the book was fun (X)_____________________________ the book

to read ___ was not so
fun to read

the book was ________________________________ the book

exciting (X) was not

the book was easy ________________________________ the book

to read (X) was
difficult to

the story was easy (X)_____________________________ the story

to understand ___ was
difficult to

the characters (X)_____________________________ the

were interesting ___ characters
were not so
the vocabulary ________________________________ the
was easy (X) vocabulary

I enjoyed it very ________________________________ I didn't like

much (X) the book.

What grade do you give the book (out of 10)? 8

 I would like to read it again sometime? Circle one. YES

My impression of the book .

Write a few words about the book and try to finish these sentences.

This book was ...good enough to read....

My favourite character was .....Cath....., because.....I like her character......

I didn't like ....Cath's mother....., because ....leaving her husband and child....

The story was ....really fun and good.....

I really liked ...This novel make me imagination to be a Cath....

My report (50 words)

For this novel titled Fangirl, at the beginning of reading it I am very happy because I like the introverted
character of Cath. However, the longer I read it, I became bored because the story line was slow, but overall
this story is very good if read to the end.
Wall Charts Presentation.

Some teachers ask their learners to make wall charts or presentations explaining their books. Here
are some examples. Half the students can then stand by their posters spread out around the room
and explain their book with the other half walk around and listen making notes. Then the two groups
switch. The best posters can be used to decorate the library.

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