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Weekly Reading Report

This report should take no more than 10 minutes!

Title : Sense and Sensibility Author : Jane Austen

My Name : Siti Yulyanah NIM : 2223280045

Date : 21 April 2020 Number of pages : 464 pages

Fill in the table. Put an 'X' where you like.

the book was (X)_____________________________ the book

enjoyable was not

the book was fun (X)____________________________ the book

to read was not so
fun to read

the book was (X)_____________________________ the book

exciting was not

the book was easy (X)_____________________________ the book

to read was
difficult to

the story was easy (X)_____________________________ the story

to understand was
difficult to

the characters (X)_____________________________ the

were interesting characters
were not so
the vocabulary _____________________________(X) the
was easy vocabulary

I enjoyed it very (X)_____________________________ I didn't like

much the book.

What grade do you give the book (out of 10)? 8,5

 I would like to read it again sometime? No

My impression of the book .

Write a few words about the book and try to finish these sentences.

This book It's fun to read although in the early chapters it's quite boring

My favourite character is Elianor because she has a kind and compassionate heart

I didn't like Edward because he is too introverted and shy

The story was fun to read but many vocabularies are difficult

I really liked the writers of this novel because Jane Austen is very good at describing each
character of the characters

My report (50 words)

The main conflict in this novel is at a time when many people are more concerned with status and wealth
than true love, in fact these things always become an endless conflict at any time and anywhere but in this
novel is presented very well by Jane Austen. Jane Austen herself is one of my favorite writers.

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