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Match It Up! Assessment

Directions: Match the word to its meaning. Write the letter of the definition next to the correct word.

metamorphosis_______ a. A series of physical changes that some

animals go through to become adults.
compound eye _______ b. The age f a ca e i a ife i ide
the chrysalis.
camouflage _______ c. L g a e dage a ached a b e f
head that help it to sense its environment.
antennae ________ d. Color and pattern on an animal that allow
it to blend in to its environment.
pupa________ e. A long, straw-like feeding tube that
butterflies use to sip nectar from flowers.
prolegs ________ f. Short legs with hooks found on the
abdomen of a caterpillar.
proboscis ________ g. The eye of a butterfly made up of
many individual lenses.

Write About It!






©2015 Linda Kamp
Label It! Label the parts of the butterfly.

wing legs
antennae proboscis
thorax abdomen
compound eye

Question It! Write true or false next to each sentence.

Butterflies lay their eggs on leaves the caterpillars will eat. ____________
Caterpillars hang in an S shape before they form a chrysalis. ____________
Butterflies drink with their proboscis. ____________
Eye spots help to protect a butterfly. ____________
Butterflies are the same as moths. ____________

Choose words below to complete the sentences.

Think About It!
The butterfly life cycle has four stages. After hatching from the ________
the _________________ eat the leaves their eggs were laid on. When the
caterpillar grows big enough it turns into a __________________. Inside,
it goes through a ______________________________ before emerging
as an __________________ butterfly. adult metamorphosis
egg chrysalis larva
©2015 Linda Kamp

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