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Principle of Management in Wirkkala

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Principle of Management in Wirkkala

Table of Contents

Explain what challenges Wirkkala may face in maintaining the psychological


Career stage model and psychological contract perception.....................................3

Find the challenges and issues by Psychological contract theory...........................6

Discuss the options available to Wirkkala’s senior management in deriving value

from the data that the company possesses. This should include an evaluation of

current processes within Wirkkala for the collection, analyses, and management of





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Principle of Management in Wirkkala


The main purpose of this essay is to determine the principle of management within

the workplace of Wirkkala. The whole case study is based on their managerial work

and leadership activities. Psychological contract means several expectations and

promises which are needed to exchange among the parties such as mangers,

employers, employees, leaders and other colleagues within an employment

relationship. While maintaining and managing the psychological contract, this

company confronts several issues and challenges. On the other hand, Wirkkala is a

small and medium-sized enterprise and has 178 employees across three sections

which they maintained and these are Head office, factory, and warehouse system.

The information system is a process of processing, making, gathering, analysing and

retrieving the information. Therefore, all staff can collect all data like production,

customers, accounting and so on and then analyse and maintain them effectively.

After analysing them, knowledge has been built by utilising patterns of inference from

that information which provide huge value as well.

Explain what challenges Wirkkala may face in maintaining the

psychological contract.

Career stage model and psychological contract perception

The psychological contract implies the relationship between a worker or employee of

an organisation with its employer. The psychological contract of an employee refers

to his or her belief about what he or she has to offer to the organisation. In return, the

employee expects an outcome from the organisation (Laulié and Tekleab

2016, pp.658-698). The psychological contract is an effective way to approach more

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employees in the organisation. This contract will assist the employees to contribute

more to the company attractive inducement will be given in return to them. This

contract indicates a belief system. As per Mazumdar, et al. (2017, p. 15589) it is

individual beliefs. Every small and big business organisations expect some quality

contributions from its workers and the workers focus on the promises made by the

employers of the organisation. Several research studies have been made to examine

to what extent an employee can contribute to the organisation. The research tried to

examine the perception of the employees. 

The psychological contract theory also examined the perception of the workers. Like,

their perception of contribution, how much they are obliged to work, their willingness

to contribute to voluntary work. Studies have found that meeting the expectations of

the employees are connected with the employee work satisfaction. According to the

view-point of the psychological contract, the employees need to evolve with the

continuously changing circumstances. The employees of the Wirkkala Company

have the knowledge and training to evolve with the change (Deng, Mao and Gan

2018, p. 03051). The organisations need to have a good concept about the

requirements of the employees. This will enhance the mutual relationship between

the worker and the employers. Thus, psychological contract theory helps to improve

the strength of a company by enhancing the understanding of employee-employer

relations. The Psychological theory can help to understand the opportunities and

threats of Wirkkala Company. There raises the question about what helps to shape

the preference for the elements of psychological contract theory. The insight can be

found in the Career Stage Theory (Bordia, et al. 2017, pp. 1447-1471). 

In the career stage theory, each stage indicates an important segment of a career. This is

where the employees gain special attitudes towards the employee-employer relationship. The

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career stage model centred on two main characteristics of the attitude of employees, that

attitude is relevant to the career stage model.  According to, Low, Bordia, and Bordia (2016,

pp. 1457-1481) these two characteristics are the responsibility of the employees to the

organisations and their requirements and needs from the organisation. The career stage

model describes the responsibility or work-task an employee will take in various stages of a

career. The employees of the Wirkkala Company also go through these career stages in their

work-life (Hislop, Bosua and Helms, 2018). The model also states that the worker will go

through the career stages of learner or trainee, colleague, adviser, sponsor. In the stage of

trainee or learner, the worker will mostly do basic routine based work. The colleague stage

will provide them with the responsibility to handle much larger or valuable tasks. In the

mentor stage, the employees have to guide other workers while performing their own tasks. 

The sponsor stage employees will have bigger significance in influencing the organisations.

As the workers go through various career stages in their work-life they want to make

significant contributions to the organisation. As per, Kutaula, Gillani, and Budhwar, (2019, p.

100707) the career stage model implies personal concerns and aims related to improvement

among the employees. In various stages of the career model, the employees may go through

reconnaissance, formation, subsistence, and disconnection. The research on the career stage

model depicts that the employees have a keen belief about their requirements, attitudes, and

preferences. These attitudes may vary with different stages of career. This indicates that these

various stages of the career stage model theory may put a major impact on the psychological

contract theory. To link up a relation between the career stage model theory and

psychological theory the concept of socio-cognitive mechanism and role used. It illustrates

the requirements of the workers. The career stage theory is significant in shaping the belief

system of the employee and their attitudes. The idea of the career stage model is associated

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with the psychological contract of employees (Lepojevic, Djordjevic, and Ivanovic-Djukic

2018, pp. 215-225). 

The Wirkkala Company has mostly young employees. They are very keen to adapt

knowledge and clear about their requirements from the company. The company believes in

cultural training, which helps to attract new skilled employees. The company has the spirit to

empower its workers by maintaining a well psychological contract. However, because the

Wirkkala company only focusing on soft values it is facing certain problems to achieve more


Find the challenges and issues by Psychological contract theory

Psychological contract theory is a theory that describes the relationship between the

employee and the employer (North and Kumta, 2018). It is very much necessary to have a

good understanding of the employee and employer in an organization. It also consists of the

facts that can develop the relationship to a better position.

Communication is a key factor in every relationship. It is always recommended to

have a good relationship with an organization, for example like Wirkkala as well. It is

not only about language-related communication. It consists of behaviour and some

other facts. The HRM section does have a very basic topology in any organization

that they hire the most relatable and most effective person to the work they will

provide. The understanding between HR and the employee is the root of any

organization. They are mostly responsible for environmental management as well. It

is often observed that if the co-relation is very good in an organization no third party

issues can do any harm to the purpose that they are currently pursuing. It means

that the bonding is very strong (Wang, Yang, and Luo, 2017). The employer has a

belief in the employee and that is the ultimate expectation of the communication part.

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Understand is one kind of communication-related fact but it has a separate overview. The

inner meaning of understanding is different. It will be very easy to understand with an

example. Suppose in an organization work is given to the employee. It is very much

necessary to make the employee understand what the work is about and how to complete that.

If the employee doesn’t understand that very well then the employee can face organizational

difficulties afterwards. So that is how the understanding works. Also, there can be some

medical or personal issues of an employee. Sometimes it is also necessary to have that

essence of guidance in that situation. So these all terms consist of understanding. The

organization Wirkkala should realize this particular point and implement it to resolve the

problems (Pate and Scullion 2018, pp.1402-1425).

This straightforwardness is a very tough one but one should stand in this position to run an

organization perfectly. It is always being a psychological war against the soft hearted

mindset (Wellin, 2016). It is impossible to run an organization without getting the perfect

and clear view of the organization to the employee. It is one key point the company Wirkkala

should keep in mind.

Now the organization Wirkkala which consists of approx 178 employees on the current date

is continuously developing with its highest potential. But being a small to medium ranged

organization it is facing fundamental, legal and some organizational issues. Here are some

effective suggestions tapped from the psychological contract theory which can lead to a better

way afterward the application of it (Terera, 2019).

The company is facing fundamental issues and annual turnover issues. It is very much

recommended to grab the perfect employee for the organization. As it is an organization of

healthy juice and some other healthy food production, there needs to be specialists as well.

But there are some issues more effective specialists have the psychology of getting more

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salary by doing less amount of work. Here the theory says that if it is possible then try to find

the employees in a way that they have a very big necessity to work around as well as the

perfect mindset. So it will help the organization aspects and also help to resolve the problems

with funds. Also, the theory says that yes it is also possible that financial problems can

generate from the marketing competition as well. When this organization was started at that

time it was a very less amount of competitors for the healthy drinks provider purpose.

Afterward, the organization has more competitors who invest much more. So it becomes a

partial issue that generates the mindset to be down (Costa and Neves 2017, pp. 375-394).

The theory mainly focuses on the part of the employee-employer relationship, so it is very

much necessary to keep the best out of the best bonding among the employees. Being a 178

employee organization it should be much easier to maintain the relationship (Rai and

Agarwal, 2017 pp. 42-71)

Overall, the organization is not very new to the healthy drink manufacturing industry. It is

recommended to have a very brief bonding to overcome all the circumstances coming in the

way of development. The strength of any organization is relation and belief. If the employee

and the employer have a belief in each other than nothing can harm a little part of the

organization. Be together and supportive.

Discuss the options available to Wirkkala’s senior management in

deriving value from the data that the company possesses. This

should include an evaluation of current processes within Wirkkala

for the collection, analyses, and management of data.

Wirkkala, medium-sized organisation mainly offers natural fruit juice and fruit

smoothies. At Wirkkala, three information systems are available with limited

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interoperability (Nørreklit, Kure and Trenca 2018, pp.1-6). The first one is the Head

office which maintains several kinds of data including the whole HR information

system like employee data, accounting data, suppliers and wholesalers’ data,

customers and marketing data. The second system of this company is a factory that

operates operational and technical, production data. Besides that, the warehouse

usually maintains its own suppliers' database as well as distribution network control

data like scheduling tracking, planning and many more. With the help of this three

information system, Wirkkala can able to collect all of the data and information and

then analyse and maintain them in a proper way. In that case, each information

system should get proper feedback and get appropriate data (Cooper and Ezzamel

2016, pp. 201-230). Along with that, they have to follow some procedures, database

theory, and tools which help in gathering all data smoothly. For the purpose, the

company must follow decision-making procedures in order to build all necessary


Managers of Wirkkala follow the company prescribed rules to collect data. They

collect the data from the different sources inside as well as outside sources. After

collecting the data they keep the relevant data and spread out it out throughout all

the departments of Wirkkala.

To collect the data and implement the strategy they have to make a plan on how to

collect the data and what type of data. They have to make the plans regarding the

planning of the procedure of collecting the data (Wagner and Gillespie 2019). The

task is then properly organised into breaking down of works into subtasks and

deputed the right person to perform the job. Data is collected from inside as well as

outside sources. For synchronising the activities coordination among various

departments/sources of Wirkkala is very important. After collecting the data, the

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decision is taken regarding the relevance of the data. It is a very important process

since the future activities of Wirkkala are fully dependent upon the result of the

collected data. The next process is the proper implementation of the decision taken.

The process is implemented according to the decision was taken by Wirkkala and

control measure is introduced to check the deviation. In this way, the managers of

Wirkkala collect, analyse and manage the data throughout several departments.

Human resource management collects the data regarding employees from various

sources inside as well as outside sources. On the merit of these data HR of

Wirkkala decides to recruit people, asses productivity for promotion, staff salary, the

recommendation for training, etc. In this way, the HR department utilises data-driven

culture to run Wirkkala run more efficiently.

Data-driven culture is an operating system that can extract data whenever and

wherever required to gain maximum business efficiency. The data-driven culture

stands upon three pillars namely data governance, analytical capabilities, and

adoption of data. Data governance means the proper arrangement of data and the

recovering of data according to the requirement. The next process is an analysis of

the data of Wirkkala staff according to the requirement. After analysing the data, it is

checked whether data serves the right required information. If it meets the

requirement then the data is adopted and it is implemented. In this way data-driven

culture is built up (Ladley, 2019).

HR department collects the data from various sources and departments. The

authenticity of the outside is to be checked and the process is to be applied for the

inside data collection is to be examined. After that, the accountability of the person

for collecting the data is decided for the correctness of the data (Liebowitz, 2019).

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The collected data on the staff of the Wirkkala is stored in a central location in such a

way it is to be accessed in a very smooth way. Data is contained in every required

information. The staff data of Wirkkala is contained of experience, length of service,

extraordinary performances, etc. This is useful for promotion, incentives, training etc.

After the analysis, the final result comes out with the guidelines. The final result

coming out with the result of data analysis is within the prescribed parameter of

Wirkkala. It should be accepted unanimously and if any difference erupts, it is to be

mitigated. The control path is created to implement the result properly. In this way,

HR manages the process efficiently (El-Kassar, and Singh 2019, pp 483-498).

Knowledge management is the compilation of collective wisdom to increase

responsiveness and innovation. Knowledge management is very essential to provide

the right information at the right places to take the decision, to set the skill, to

achieve the goals. The HR manager of Wirkkala creates an atmosphere of trust

cooperation and unity (Garcia-Perez 2018, pp.87-93). Correct data collection is the

first step in knowledge management. The data is refined and become more useful

and structured. Then the data is showing more meaningful information in a concise

form which is useful for decision making and learning. When the data is applied for

decision making it is coming out with some result which helps us to gain some

experience. It is more informative to gather wisdom for further stages of action.

Wirkkala has to make several decisions based on data provided at different levels.

The base level of basic data is a transaction processing system and office data. Data

created at this level is arranged properly i.e. MIS and send it to the upper level. After

compiling all the information, the management of Wirkkala decides the future course

of action (Shortland 2020, p.21). The decision taken is to send the next upper level

for approval. This level consists of the person with specialised knowledge. The

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decision is checked here with consideration of its effect on the company. This mainly

consists of the board of directors and after checking it properly they will approve the

decision. Thus the data is collected and transferred into knowledge for better data


On the other hand, data is very important for the marketing of products since the

product is created according to the customers' taste, choice, preference, etc (Guillet,

and Shi, 2019). The marketing manager of Wirkkala can get the information by

survey, promotion and customer feedback with the help of several marketing tools.

After collecting the data it is to be arranged in a proper way to serve its purpose. The

work is to be subdivided to get the results more accurately. The success of the

product is depended upon various factors such as packaging, tastes of the product,

etc. Wirkkala is a food processing company and many departments are involved to

make a product (Berndtsson et al. 2018). The coordination among various

departments is required for the successful launch of a product and it is also

necessary to meet and implement the customer's feedback. To take action, Wirkkala

can track the status of the feedback. It can also create different channels for different

types of products and decides the key person for attending queries. Data should be

kept in the centralised system for easy references and analysis. Method of

analysing customer categorise the data according to the product, demography, etc.

The response is to be divided according to negative or positive or look at the root

cause of customers' dissatisfaction. Always check the market trend to meet the

preference of the customer and also develop the product according to the customer's

feedback (Stankevich, 2017).

The factory of Wirkkala mainly focuses on ensuring its financial stability for enforcing

the planning, monitoring financial discipline and operates financial budgets. This type
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of information system supports executing resource allocations, forecasting revenues

and handing all financial resources effectively. For measuring both operational

performances and financial operations, it is important for Wirkkala to use Balanced

Scorecard Model (BSC). Through this model, they can able to collect and analyse

the data in a cost-effective manner. This balanced scorecard model consists of four

aspects like internal business procedures, customer perspectives, financial

perspectives and learning perspectives which help in collecting and analysing

data (Weygandt et al., 2018). In this case, customers’ data is gathered from the

customers’ satisfaction level and their feedback regarding their current products.

Additionally, they also focus on building and maintaining a good relationship with the

users. By investigating the products if these are well manufactured. In the business

procedures, the operational management can be analysed by the employees of the

factory to keep tracking the delays, shortages, gaps, and wastages. Besides that,

financial data like income, sales, and expenditures are utilised to know the financial

performances. Their growth and learning perspectives are analysed by investigating

their resources and checking how well data is gathered and how well the employees

utilise them to gain a competitive advantage within the industry. Moreover, this

company also collects information about both previous and exciting employees such

as training, attendance, salary, performance rating which help to understand their

operational performances (Wellin, 2016). In this way, Wirkkala can know several

factors fostering their business performance and know the strategic changes by

predicting future scorecards. Along with that, a decision making procedure is needed

to be followed by them to analyse the financial statement. To analyse financial data,

some effective techniques should be implemented. Therefore, they have to prepare

a profit and loss balance sheet, income statement, average analysis, ration

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analysis, cash flow analysis and many more (Grover and Kar 2017, pp.203-229).

By measuring the profitability, they can determine that their business makes profits

or losses. From this financial statement analysis, it can also be known that the profit

or losses of this company are enhancing or reducing. If any losses have been faced,

then they have to overcome them as soon as possible.

As Wirkkala is a juice processing company, they have to manage the raw materials

of producing the juice  in their warehouse. They have to maintain the inventories as

well. In this case. They need to acquire several approaches by which they can

gather some important data about their inventories, shipping, packaging, order

management, production consumptions and many more (Wilson and Wilson, 2019).

The data should be reliable, relevant, accurate, updated and accessible on a real

time basis. They mainly utilise an automated data collection in their warehouse. The

warehouse management software helps them in collecting the automated data and

managing the data becomes more efficient. Along with that, they utilise barcode

systems to get accurate data about shipments, inventories and cycle counting. This

system is versatile and helps to collect their necessary data. However, they should

analyse the data to get the capability of their performance. They conduct warehouse

audits on a period basis to get accurate information about several activities

conducted by them in their warehouse. 


The psychological contract is an issue which makes a negative impact on the

business organisation. In this case, the employees and employers both face some

challenges to make a better psychological contract in a constant business changing

environment. Therefore, the organisation has to focus more on the good

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relationships between employees and employers. In this case, it is suggested that

the organisation should not do any fake promises to its employees. If the

organisation makes some potential promises to their employees, they should

execute these promises and it will motivate the employees as well as maintain a

good relationship. The managers of Wirkkala should follow situational leadership

theory to cope up with the changing business environment and manage their

employees in a better way (Crain 2018, pp.88-104). They can offer their employees

a co-operative and pleasant working environment. They have to make a good

communication strategy among their co-workers as well as they should cooperate

with their employees to accomplish their job. Apart from that, the managers should

look after the flexible working hours of their employees and give proper

compensation which can maintain a good relationship. On the other hand, the

employees should be loyal and should have some eagerness to perform well and

accomplish their work within the deadline. In this way, the psychological contract will

be maintained from both ends.

On the other hand, it is recommended to Wirkkala to utilise some latest technologies

like artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, and robotics to collect the data

more precisely. They can also analyse and manage their necessary data in a

systematic way with the help of these technologies.


This study provided a detailed explanation of the principles of management in

Wirkkala. This company is mainly providing various flavors of natural fruit juice and

fruit smoothies to potential customers. From the discussion of this study, it is

concluded that several challenges like understanding, trust issues, communication

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issues, a weak relationship between employee and employer have been confronted

by this company. Therefore, this study elaborated on some recommendations to

mitigate those challenges. By using the career stage model, this essay also

illustrated the perception of the employees in terms of psychological contracts which

will help in understanding the employees’ interest and enhance the employee-

employer relationship. By discussing several procedures and methods for collecting,

maintaining and analysing the data, Wirkkala becomes able to make a huge value in

the market and also predict future success. This will help them to expand their

business in a systematic manner.

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