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1 Society of PetroleumEngineers I

SPE 24673

Case Histories of MWD as Wireline Replacement: An Evolution of

Formation Evaluation Philosophy
L.A. Cantrell, K.B. Paxson, and B.L. Keyser, Texaco E&P Technology, and Scott Ball,"
Sperry-Sun Drilling Services
*SPE Member

Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Peiroieum Engineers held in Washington, DC, October 4-7, 1992

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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ABSTRACT (MAD) were recorded for indication of relative

permeability and detection of moveable
Since its introduction in the late 197OYs, hydrocarbons.
measurement while drilling (MWD) technology has
evolved from an auxiliary directional drilling service Comparative evaluations proved conclusively that
to a fully integrated logging package for quantitative MWD could be used as a substitute for correlative
reservoir characterization. Many major and wireline logging suites where borehole size was not
independent oil companies are now re-evaluating a limiting factor. Texaco's recent experience with
traditional formation evaluation methods, commonly MWD has evolved from that of a "last resort"
utilizing MWD technology as a replacement for application toward that of a primary logging suite for
routine wireline logging services. formation evaluation. This philosophical change in
utilizing MWD has resulted in significant savings in
Recent MWD logging case histories are presented rig time and associated costs. Additionally, difficult,
from the Texaco operated Kilauea (Green Canyon well plans were drilled and evaluated with
Blocks 6 and 50) and Tick (Garden Banks Block confidence; geopressure was safely monitored; and
189) Projects from the Gulf of Mexico Flexure tops of conventionally cored intervals were selected.
Trend for the purpose of evaluating their utility for Geological interpretations and quality operational
quantitative reservoir characterization. Single and decisions were made before the wells reached total
multiple depth of investigation resistivity, formation depth, creating a more efficient business process.
density, neutron porosity, and dual gamma ray
MWD responses are compared and contrasted with INTRODUCTION
their correlative wireline counterparts. Petrophysical
evaluations are corroborated by conventional core Accurate formation evaluation is an important
data, borehole images, sidewall core, and production cornerstone of the exploration and production
data. MWD "nearffar" neutron count rate overlays industry. Historicdly, wiretine logs have provided
were employed for qualitative evaluation of the best indirect analyses of the subsurface and
hydrocarbon type. Measurements after drilling continue to be a major source of data for reservoir

characterization. A wide ranging host of neither then would an MWD log be an exact replica
stratigraphic and petrophysical properties can be of its wireline counterpart. MWD sensor
measured with wireline devices, and log capabilities for gamma ray, resistivity, and porosity
interpretation techniques are widely known. logging are well documented in the literature1.
Limitations on the wireline measurements are
typically related to invasion, hole conditions, A primary advantage of MWD logging is that its
rugosity, and shoulder bed effects. Acquiring measurements are sampled within tens of feet behind
wireline logs in high angle wells can prove to be the bit, such that responses are recorded from
problematic, and pipe-conveyance of the logging freshly cut formations. Invasion and hole washout,
tools is sometimes the only method by which the common problems encountered when wireline
wireline data can be obtained. Because pipe- logging, are dramatically minimized. Shoulder bed
conveyed logging is extremely time consuming, the effects are negligible due to the MWD's excellent
formation measurements can be very strongly vertical resolution, even in very high angle well^^.^.
affected by invasion and hole washout which While drilling is ongoing, MWD tools transmit a
progress with time. Until the advent of MWD portion of their formation evaluation data through
formation evaluation capability, there was no the mud column to surface computers, providing a
alternative for logging highly deviated wells. "real-time" log for reconnaissance. High resolution
MWD data is stored downhole in memory until the
The MWD tool was originally developed as a tool is brought to the surface and is the source of the
directional survey device which was placed in the final logs to be used for formation evaluation. It is
bottom hole assembly behind the bit. The first this type of detailed information which is more and
MWD logging tools included gamma ray and simple more frequently being chosen to replace equivalent
resistivity devices for correlation and pore pressure wireline services.
detection. MWD formation evaluation technology
has advanced rapidly within the past decade, now Limitations of MWD logging include variable
providing an accurate alternative to wireline logs. penetrationllogging rates, depths measured by drill
Because directional survey information is mandatory pipe alone, and availability of only limited types of
for drilling deviated wells, adding formation measurements. Although resistivity, gamma ray,
evaluation tools to the drill string results in only and neutron responses are overall very reliable,
incremental cost. Invoices for MWD logs are MWD density recordings can be adversely affected
usually comparable with their wireline counterparts by hole size and angle, sliding as opposed to rotating
but are dependent upon the total number of while drilling, and other environmental factors.
drilling/logging days. MWD tool design is dominated by structural
integrity requirements, and aside from a natural
MWD formation evaluation services include natural gamma ray device, slim MWD tools have yet to be
gamma ray, short-normal resistivity, two megahertz developed for hole diameters less than eight inches.
electromagnetic wave propagation resistivity, four Because the MWD logging environment is constantly
depths of investigation resistivity (EWR-Phase 4SM), changing, accurate records of pertinent drilling
neutron porosity, density, and ultrasonic caliper factors must be kept at the rig site and annotated
measurements (Figures l a and lb). The sensor onto the logs by the field engineer. These factors
systems developed for MWD formation evaluation must be taken into consideration when interpreting
differ from their wireline counterparts, and the logs.
therefore, the sensor responses or curves are
subsequently different as well. The fact that they In years past, Texaco has periodically utilized MWD
are different does not imply that one is more correct formation evaluation data as wireline log
than the other. Just as a laterolog and an induction replacement, but only in a "last resort" type of
log run in the same well would not be identical, application. If hole conditions were anticipated to be
extremely poor or hole angles were very high, then
MWD logs were seen as an economic alternative to
SM EWR-Phase 4 is a Service Mark of Sperry-Sun risky, time consuming wireline logging via drillpipe.
Drilling Services, Inc. Because MWD was a new, upcoming technology,

there was resistance in using it as a total replacement between 30" and 70" from the vertical, with
for wireline. Many recognized its potential but displacements up to 6,600' (2,012 m.).
wanted better repeatability, durability, and a proven 6). Lastly, both projects have utilized traditional
track record. Within one year, Texaco's attitude wireline and MWD logging for formation
toward MWD evolved tremendously. Case histories evaluation.
of wells logged by MWD as wireline replacement
exemplify the progressive turnaround in Texaco's MWD LOGGING AT GREEN CANYON
utilization of MWD technology. BLOCK 6 FIELD

BACKGROUND FOR CASE STUDIES At the beginning of the drilling program for the
Kilauea Project, all wells were evaluated with
Two recent Texaco-operated projects in the Gulf of traditional wireline logging suites which included
Mexico are the Green Canyon Block 6 Field induction, density, neutron porosity, gamma ray,
(Kilauea Project) and the Garden Banks Block 189 and sidewall core services. Sonic logs, dipmeters,
Field (Tick Project). These two platforms are and geochemical logs were run on select wells.
located 166 nautical miles (267 km.) southwest of After all of the field's pay sands were discovered
New Orleans, Louisiana and 130 nautical miles (81 and the structural geology and fluid contacts became
km.) south of Lake Charles, Louisiana, respectively better known, the focus of the project changed to
(Figure 2). The Green Canyon Block 6 "A" drilling shallow gas objectives and delineating
Platform, situated in 622 feet (190 m.) of water, was isolated oil rims. For the last four wells of the
installed in July, 1989 and finished initial drilling initial drilling project, MWD was selected as the
operations in late December, 1991. A total of 16 primary method of formation evaluation by the
wells and ten sidetracks were drilled, yielding 12 oil Kilauea lease development team.
completions and two gas completions. The Garden
Banks Block 189 "A" Platform, set in 720 feet (220 The first well at Kilauea to be fully evaluated with
m.) of water, was installed in August, 1991, and MWD was the #A-4 well. This shallow, high
exploratory and development drilling is anticipated displacement well was drilled with a maximum hole
to continue through spring of 1994 with 20 wells angle of 73" and targeted a seismic amplitude in an
planned. As of this writing, six wells have been untested fault segment. Due to mechanical risks
drilled, yielding five oil completions. associated with drilling and drillpipe-conveyed
logging, an MWD logging suite consisting of gamma
Despite their geographical separation, Kilauea and ray, resistivity, and neutron porosity was selected
Tick Projects share several common features: for formation evaluation. Drilling operations
proceeded smoothly with constant monitoring of
Both fields, located within the Gulf of Mexico geopressure, but the objectives encountered were
Flexure Trend, are comprised of Pleistocene wet. Due to rapidly obtained MWD real-time data,
pay intervals. Kilauea sands are Illinoian in the #A-4 well was immediately plugged and
age, while Tick sands are Yarmouth in age. abandoned, saving substantial rig time and additional
Both fields feature a series of fault traps which logging costs. MWD was selected again as the
are downthrown to major salt piercements. primary formation evaluation method for the next
Each producing property contains multiple pay well - the #A-16.
sands. Kilauea has two gas and ten
gas-associated oil reservoirs. Tick has eight oil CASE HISTORY NUMBER ONE - GAS ZONE
reservoirs with associated gas caps. DETECTION UTILIZING MWD RESISTIVITY
The fields share a common depth range for AND NEUTRON DATA.
their productive interval. Kilauea is productive
from 3,500' to 8,000' subsea (-1,067 m. to The #A-16 well was drilled through the 1-3 Sand
-2,439 m.). Tick is productive from 4,500' to with a maximum hole angle of 66". As an
9,000' subsea (-1,371 m. to -2,744 m.). alternative to pipe-conveyed logging, the well was
Most wells from both projects utilize evaluated with an MWD logging suite consisting of
directional drilling. Hole inclinations vary gamma ray, resistivity, and neutron porosity

measurements (Figure 3). Ideally, a density tool CASE HISTORY NUMBER TWO OIL ZONE -
would have been included in the tool string as well, DELINEATION WITH MWD TRIPLE COMBO
but the hole environment was not conducive to good LOGS.
quality MWD density measurements. For optimum
results, the density tool used at Kilauea required an Given the success of the MWD logging on the
8-112" hole size, but since the #A-16 well was #A-4 and #A-16 wells, the MWD resistivity/neutron/
drilled with a 9-718" bit, the density tool was not densitylgarnma ray (triple-combo) was used for
incorporated into the MWD assembly. evaluating the subsequent #A-5 sidetrack 2 (Figure
5). This well was drilled through the TA-2 Sand
Accurate hydrocarbon typing was accomplished in with a maximum hole angle of only 38". This sand
the 1-3 Sand by graphically and numerically was also encountered by the #A-12 well, a nearby
examining the raw measurements from the MWD offset evaluated by a triple-combo wireline suite
neutron porosity device. Hydrocarbon typing with (Figure 6). The indicated tops of the TA-2 Sand in
the "nearlfar" neutron detector count rate ratio these two wells were laterally 1,800' (549 m.) apart
technique, documented in the literatureg, proved to in a common reservoir. The interpreted gasloil
be extremely reliable at the Kilauea field. Nearlfar contact for the TA-2 Sand was at 7,568' TVD, and
neutron count rates, normalized in a fluid filled the oillwater contact was at 7,664' TVD as shown in
porous sand, showed characteristic curve separation both wells. Wireline sidewall cores were taken in
in gas intervals. The 1-3 Sand was also encountered the #A-12 well only.
in the offset #A-13 well which was evaluated with an
induction/density/neutron/gamma ray (triple-combo) In the TA-2 Sand, the #A-12 wireline suite identified
wireline suite (Figure 4). The indicated tops of the the gas cap with good neutronldensity cross-over
1-3 Sand in these two wells were laterally 1,100' effect. The #A-5 sidetrack 2 MWD logging suite
(335 m.) apart but were in a common reservoir. The also identified the gas cap, but the neutronldensity
top portion of the sand was tight in both logs, cross-over response was slightly suppressed due to
grading downward from a highly laminated to a shaliness in this portion of the sand. The wireline
more clean and massive sand towards the base. triple-combo log did not exhibit good cross-over
response either in this same interval, but did so in
Due to invasion and poorer vertical resolution of the the cleaner portions of the sand. The MWD logging
wireline induction device in the #A-13 well, suite exhibited good fluid filled porosity detection in
formation resistivity values were lower when the oil bearing zone, while the wireline logging suite
compared to the MWD responses in the #A-16 well. did not. Differences in porosity were attributed to
The MWD gamma ray character was comparable to reservoir heterogeneity.
the wireline gamma ray curve over select sand and
shale intervals. In the #A-13 well, wireline neutron1 Overall, MWD neutron and density porosities were
density "cross-over" was evident in the thick, well very comparable to wireline responses and offset
developed gas bearing lobes and became more subtle sidewall core data. Formation resistivities from the
in the more laminated sections. In the #A-16 well, wireline logging suite were significantly lower
the MWD near-far neutron count rate overlay relative to its MWD counterpart, due primarily to
exhibited good gas response in the clean,, thick shoulder bed effects on the induction log. The
portions of the 1-3 Sand, as well as in much of the gamma ray responses from the wireline and MWD
highly laminated intervals. In the more shaly sands, tools were comparable. Porosities from sidewall
hydrocarbon typing became more problematic. core data (Figure 6) and computed water saturations
were presented on the log examples (Figures 5 and
The MWD logging suite accurately identified the gas 6).
content of the 1-3 Sand. This sand will be an
important future plug-back objective for both the The TA-2 Sand in the #A-12 well was perforated
#A-13 and #A-16 wells. from 7,593' to 7,629' TVD for a single gravel
packed oil completion. After a clean-up period of
five days, this well flowed 789 BOPD, 1.436
MMCFGPD on a 22/64" choke. The TA-2 Sand in

the #A-5 sidetrack 2 was bypassed due to a as well as its MWD counterpart. The gamma ray
subsequent sidetrack for a deeper objective. curves for the two log types were comparable, with
the MWD AAPI values being relatively lower. This
MWD LOGGING AT GARDEN BANKS BLOCK was caused by spectral biasing due to the drill collar

Given the positive results from MWD logging at the A digital CBIL was also run through the YA-1 Sand
Kilauea Project, the Tick lease development team interval, and its images demonstrated the finely
decided to test the accuracy of MWD as wireline interbedded nature of the reservoir (Figure 8).
replacement by running both types of logs in the Individual sand stringers identified by the CBIL
same borehole. A conventional core, along with an varied between 6" and 2' (15 cm. to 60 cm.) with
acoustic borehole televiewer - the digital interbedded shales ranging from 1" to 1' (3 cm. to
Circumferential Borehole Imaging Log (CBILSM), 30 cm.). . These borehole images, along with the
were run to compare and contrast hole images with MWD gamma ray and resistivity curves from the
whole rock properties from the core. Since the Tick EWR-Phase 4 correlate extremely well for thin bed
Project was just beginning its field development and evaluation and resolution.
the geologic picture was far from complete, the use
of MWD as total wireline replacement was not seen When compared, the neutron curves of the MWD
as feasible until later in the drilling program. and wireline tools showed excellent agreement,
especially within the fluid filled portion of the pay
CASE HISTORY NUMBER THREE- sand (Figure 7, track 4). A gasloil contact was
COMPARISON OF MWD AND WIRELINE indicated at 5,754' MD by sidewall core analysis.
TRIPLE COMBO LOGS This contact was not resolved by either the MWD or
the wireline porosity responses. The highly
The first well drilled from the Tick Platform was the laminated nature of the sand and rugosity of the 9-
#A-4 well which targeted the YA-1 and YC Sands. 718" hole may have detrimentally affected the
This well was an S-shaped hole with a maximum porosity responses, preventing the typical gas effect
displacement of 1,362' (415 m.) from the platform from developing on either of the logs. This contact
and was near-vertical through its objective interval. was identified, however, by a subtle change in the
A comprehensive formation evaluation program was invasion profile of the EWR-Phase 4 (Figure 7,
designed for this well. Wireline services included track 2). Within the well developed lobe near the
resistivity, neutron, density, sonic, dipmeter, CBIL, top of the YA-1 Sand, all four resistivity curves
and sidewall cores. MWD logs included the separate due to gas effect on the invasion profile.
standard 2Mhz resistivity, four depth of investigation As the sand became more shaly with depth, the
resistivity (EWR-Phase 4), neutron porosity, density medium and deep resistivity curves separated from
porosity and gamma ray curves. one another in the gas cap, but began to more
closely overlay within the oil-filled part of the sands.
Resistivities from the EWR-Phase 4 device showed Computed water saturations from both MWD and
the highly laminated nature of the YA-1 sand, as wireline logs showed different results (Figure 9).
well as a detailed early invasion profile across the MWD water saturations were significantly lower due
interval (Figure 7, track 2). In contrast, the wireline to the better vertical resolution in the thinly
resistivities showed evidence of averaging between laminated intervals and less invasion effects on the
the individual sand and shale laminae, probably due MWD resistivities.
to invasion and shoulder bed effects (Figure 7, track
3). Overall resistivities from the wireline tool were The second objective for the #A-4 well was the YC
lower than the MWD responses, and did not appear Sand, and in addition to MWD and wireline
to have resolved the lower portion of the sand nearly services, a sixty foot section of conventional core
was cut in the upper portion of the sand. By closely
monitoring the real-time MWD curves, the team was
SM CBIL is a service mark of Western Atlas able to precisely pick the appropriate coring point.
International, Inc. Petrophysical examination of this sand showed it to

be an extremely well-sorted, fine to medium grained utilized at the Tick Platform.

sandstone with upward fining bedforms that range
from 2" to 15' (5 cm. to 4.6 m.). Average porosities CASE HISTORY NUMBER FOUR - GASIOIL
for the YC Sand were 32 percent, and air CONTACT DELINEATION - COMPARING
permeabilities ranged from 0.35 darcies to 14.24 MWD AND WIRELINE LOG DATA
darcies. Average air permeabil ities were 4.32
darcies. The CBIL tool was also run across the The third well drilled from the Tick Platform was
cored interval, and correlation with the MWD log the #A-5 sidetrack. This well was an S-shaped hole
was excellent (Figure 11). with a maximum angle of 45" and maximum
displacement of 2,500' (762 m.) from the platform.
The MWD resistivity in the YC Sand showed a The primary target, which was the YC Sand, was
superior response relative to its wireline counterpart, encountered nearly vertical.
exhibiting better vertical resolution and pre-invasion
measurements (Figure 10). The MWD and wireline MWD logging for the #A-5 sidetrack included
neutron porosity curves were quite comparable in the gamma ray, neutron porosity, and EWR-Phase 4
YC Sand. Both the wireline neutronldensity and the resistivity. Wireline services included density,
MWD near-far neutron logs showed crossover and neutron porosity, sonic, dipmeter, and sidewall
curve separation, respectively, as indication of gas cores. No wireline induction logs were required
effect. (Figure 10, tracks 3 and 4). Both log types because the EWR-Phase 4 responses were seen as
accurately identified the gasloil contact at 6,469' superior in nature to their wireline counterpart.
MD which was verified by sidewall core analysis. Both types of neutron logs were run once again in
MWD neutronldensity curves, while correctly this well to verify the MWD neutron responses in a
indicating hydrocarbon type, could not precisely 12-114" wellbore.
identify the gasloil contact due to the MWD density
being adversely affected by the large hole size and As noted earlier, the YC Sand contained an oil
tool precession in the near-vertical portion of the reservoir with an associated gas cap. Wireline
hole. neutronldensity crossover and the MWD nearlfar
neutron count rate technique both identified the gas
Since the YC Sand was gas bearing in the #A-4 well content of the sand and the gasloil contact at 7,500'
and a subsequent downdip well would target the YC MD (Figure 12). This contact was confirmed by
Sand oil rim, the YA-1 Sand was perforated from sidewall core analysis. Since the bit size for this
5,750' to 5,820' MD for a single gravel-packed oil portion of the well was 12 1/4", both the wireline
completion. Initially, the well flowed 270 BOPD and MWD neutron porosity measurements were
with only .034 MMCFGPD, and the well was adversely effected. The MWD neutron porosity
considered to be a candidate for gas lift. After a response, although influenced more by large hole
clean up period of 10 days, though, the well's rate size, correctly identified the hydrocarbon type and
increased and now flows at 800 BOPD and 3.5 gasloil contacts.
MMCFGPD. Invasion by mud filtrate and the
laminated nature of the YA-1 Sand may have In Figure 13, the MWD multiple resistivity curves
contributed to the initially low test rates. were contrasted with a measurement after drilling
(MAD) pass which was run 10 hours later, revealing
The Tick lease development team was extremely two high permeability zones located at 7,458' and
pleased with the success of the #A-4 well. As the 7,502' MD. These high permeability areas,
first well drilled from Texaco's deepest water indicated by curve separation, were confirmed with
platform in the world, expectations were great. sidewall core data. The EWR-Phase 4 MAD run
Production rates proved to be very respectable, and showed stronger invasion profiles (Figure 12) in the
MWD logging gave the team the data they needed. gas zone delineated by the MWD nearlfar neutron
The #A-4 well was one of the first in the Gulf of technique: The difference in the early invasion
Mexico to be logged by the EWR-Phase 4 tool and profile for the gas and oil zones was probably due to
the first in the world to be logged by the digital better hydrocarbon mobility in the gas cap and good
CBIL device. Both technologies are now regularly overall permeabilities. The change in profile of the

four resistivity curves over time was seen as a business process.

qualitative confirmation of the location of the gadoil
contact. Until recently, MWD was a technology which was
not adequately understood by most of Texaco's
The #A-5 sidetrack was perforated in the YC sand geoscience staff. An in-house study was conducted
between 7,442' and 7,516' MD for a single gravel in order to assess MWD formation evaluation
packed gas completion. After a clean up period of capability and to gauge competitor utilization of
14 days, the well flowed at a rate of 247 BOPD and MWD logging. In-house log examples of MWD
4.0 MMCFGPD on a 27/64" choke. data were examined, and an update on the
availability of MWD services was provided. The
CHANGE IN LOGGING PHILOSOPHY results of the study showed that while Texaco was
now just beginning to replace wireline logging with
In mid 1991, MWD was used twice as replacement MWD, major competitors such as Shell, Amoco,
for pipe-conveyed triple combo wireline services at and Exxon had already been doing so for field
the Kilauea platform. The Kilauea lease development since as early as 19847,9,10.
development team originally viewed MWD only as
a more economic, albeit less reliable option to time Two major benefits were cited by most operators
consuming pipe-conveyed logging. After reviewing who used MWD to replace wireline logs: confidence
the MWD logs and comparing them to sidewall core in the MWD's accuracy and realized dollar savings
data, the logs were seen to be surprisingly accurate in rig time and invoicing. These were the same
indicators of hydrocarbon type and gas-oil contacts. factors which initiated the change in Texaco's
MWD resistivities were less affected by invasion, offshore formation evaluation philosophy.
and overall vertical resolution was excellent. MWD
porosity measurements were in good agreement with CONCLUSION
sidewall core and offset wireline log data. A
comparative cost analysis was conducted by The shift in Texaco's attitude towards the use of
Texaco's rig operations team for these two wells' MWD formation evaluation can be attributed to:
costs versus typical pipe-conveyed. charges for accuracy of the data, increased mechanical
similar wells. It was calculated that roughly reliability, recent technological advances, a favorable
$300,000 in invoicing and rig time savings were track record, and realized economic benefits.
realized by using MWD in lieu of pipe-conveyed Recent experience from both Kilauea and Tick
logging on the #A-4 and #A-16 wells at Kilauea. Projects has helped foster a growing confidence in
MWD logging in the Gulf of Mexico. As of this
Recently, process maps were designed to analyze writing, every well drilled by Texaco in the Gulf of
activity flow for wireline and MWD logging in other Mexico since September, 1991 has utilized MWD to
wells which were not highly deviated and only fully or partially replace equivalent wireline runs
required triple-combo services (Figure 14). where hole size was not a limiting factor (Figure
Although a time scale was not incorporated into the 15).
maps, it was estimated that one full day of rig time
was saved by using MWD logging instead of This rapid change in formation evaluation
correlative wireline services. Conditioning trips, rig philosophy occurred shortly after self-driven cross
up time, time for recording down-logs, and actual functional teams were created and challenged by
logging time were considered as part of the management to maximize field value. These
wireline's overall rig-time duration. Furthermore, empowered teams are responsible for project and
rig operations were additionally delayed while reservoir management. Team innovation is
subsurface data was being evaluated and decisions constantly encouraged, recognized, and rewarded.
were made. By analyzing the real-time MWD data
before the well reached its total depth, This new way of doing business at Texaco has
recommendations and operational decision making provided a primary catalyst for the use of MWD
were expedited. Consequently, utilizing MWD logging technology. In today's business
logging was seen to have resulted in a more efficient environment, where value and quality of services are

paramount, MWD formation evaluation warrants Lithology Logging System", presented at the
more serious consideration. The MWD logging Canadian Well Logging Society Tenth Formation
technology, once seen as suspect, is now being Evaluation Symposiumheld in Calgary, Alberta,
selectively chosen instead of equivalent wireline September 29 - October 2, 1985.
logs, providing highly accurate and more economic
subsurface data for field development. Bittar, M.S., Rodney, P.F., Mack, S.G., and
Bartel, R.P., "A True Multiple Depth of
REFERENCES Investigation Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity
Sensor: Theory, Experiment and Prototype
Coope, D.F., "Gamma Ray Measurement Field Test Results", Paper SPE 22705
While Drilling", The Log Analyst, Jan.-Feb., presented at the 66th Annual Technical
1983, pg. 3-9. Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas,
Texas, October 6-9, 1991.
Coope, D.F. and Yearsley, E.N., "Formation
Evaluation Using EWR Logs", Paper SPE Simms, G.T. and Koopersmith, C.A.,
14062 presented at the International Meeting on "Hydrocarbon Type Identification Using MWD
Petroleum Engineering of SPE, March 17-20, Neutron Porosity Logging, a Case History",
1987, Beijing, China. Paper SPE 19620 presented at the SPE 64th
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Roesler, R.F., Barnett, W.C., and Paske, San Antonio, Texas, October, 1989.
W.C., "Theory and Application of a MWD
Neutron Porosity Sensor," Paper SPE 16057, Cantrell, L.A., "MWD as Wireline Log
1987 SPEIIADC Drilling Conference, New Replacement: Texaco's Changing Attitude in
Orleans, Louisiana. the Gulf of Mexico", presented at Texaco
Formation Evaluation Conference, Houston,
Paske, W.C., Roesler, R.F., Barnett, W.C., Texas, April 27-29, 1992.
and Rodney, P.F., "Formation Density
Logging While Drilling", Paper SPE 16756
presented at the 62nd Annual Technical ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX,
September 27-30, 1987. The authors wish to thank the management teams of
Texaco Exploration and Production, Inc. and Union
Koopersmith, C.A., and Barnett, W.C., Oil Company of California for their cooperation in
"Environmental Factors Affecting Neutron releasing logs and production data from both Green
Porosity, Gamma Ray and Resistivity Canyon Block 6 and Garden Banks Block 189
Measurements Made While Drilling", Paper Fields. Many special thanks to George Steinberger,
SPE 16758 presented at the 62nd Annual Terri Myatt, and Mike Lynds at Sperry-Sun Drilling
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Services, Inc. Their assistance in the preparation of
Texas, September 27-30, 1987. this publication is greatly appreciated.

I.M.S. - Eastern Hemisphere Technology

Committee, "Compatibility of Formation
Evaluation MWD Data and Wireline Log Data
(Guidelines to Optimise FEMWD Quality),
Thames Symposium, London, December,

Greif, M.A. and Koopersmith, C.A.,

"Petrophysical Evaluation of Thinly Bedded
Reservoirs in High Angle/Displacement
Development Wells with the NL Recorded

Figure 1A
MWD triple combo sensor configuration.

Figure 1B
EWR-Phase 4.




NG 16-4

- -

160 KM.

Figure 2
Location Map for Green Canyon Block 6 and Garden Banks Block 189 Fields.
68 P.U. 0

I of TA-2 Sand I

N onta

;( 29.5' GTY
L 1979FI'F'
'1 789 BOPD


Figure 5 Figure 6
Kilauea Well No. A-5 ST 2, MWD Triple Combo Kilauea Well No. A-12, Wireline Triple Combo data with
data with computed water saturation. sidewall core porosity (x) and computed water saturation.
PAPI HE 2 ----L!I!$I-.-. g. .Z OHH-n 20 , 1.65 M/CC Z.56
18 ' 1 0 tlUD GR
MIPI 1 1 0 . 1 DECIML 0:.5 0.0 DECIML 1
0 DECIlL 1 1 DECllL 8 .5
-----------------*----------------, DECllL 0.1 0

Figure 7
Tick Well No. A-4, MWD and Wireline data
Figure 8
Tick Well No. A-4, Acoustic Borehole Televiewer
Figure 9
Tick Well No. A-4, MWD and Wireline Water 1
comparison with sidewall core porosity. data showing sandlshale laminations. SaturationAnalysis. &
ohnn 2EE . 2 ohm 2EE .21EE counts 51EE -y--_p .u.
ohm -
2EE 425
counts 1425 68
p.u. E

o h 288 ....
68 .....
). P.U. E

,6E P.U. E

Figure 10 Figure 11
Tick Well No. A-4, MWD vs. Wireline data comparison with Tick Well No. A-4, Acoustic Borehole
sidewall and whole core porosity data. Televiewer Reflectance Data.
onnu ZBB .z OM-H ZBB




Figure 12 Figure 13
l3ck Well No. A-5 Sidetrack 2- vs. Wmline comparison with l3ck Well No. A-5, ~idetrack2,MWD and MAD ~easurement
MWD neutron neadfar counts utilized for hydrocarbon typing. After Drilling) comparison of EWR-Phase 4 resistivity data.
Drilling with Conventional Logging Program
Management Log

................................................~.......~.~mmm......~.~~~ml~m~~m~~~~~m~mmm~~~~m~~~~mmm~mm~m~ ......I ..a I ........... ..................

Evaluate Meke Obtain Glve
Technical + Logs a
'FF ' ation t o

.............................................................................. .....I........... ........................ ...a. I

+ &yk
Condition Log Well Pmceed w/
Dillling Rig + Drill Out of Surface M n g to TD Hole tor
Logging LCT"zsrsts
+ &
Fax Logs
_) Operations

Drilling with MWD Logging Program

u Management ation?

Next Activity

r Drilling Rig

Figure 14
Business process maps for conventional wireline and MWD logging programs.
(Note: Each symbol represents a single well.)




Figure 15
Frequency Plot of MWD as wireline replacement for
Texaco operated wells in the Gulf of Mexico.

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