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Implicit PV Cell Parameters Estimation used in

Approximated Closed-Form Model for Inverter

Power Control
Jose Aller∗† Julio Viola∗ Flavio Quizhpi∗ Jose Restrepo† Antonio Ginart‡ Andres Salazar§
∗ Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica - Cuenca - Ecuador -
† Universidad Simón Bolívar - Departamento de Electrónica y Circuitos - Caracas - Venezuela -
‡ Kennesaw State University - Deparment of Electrical Engineering - Atlanta - USA -
§ University of Georgia - Deparment of Electrical Engineering - Atlanta - USA -

Abstract—This paper evaluates the use of a Photo Voltaic which approximates the PV’s voltage and current dependence
(PV) parameter estimation method based on implicit optimization on solar radiance and temperature. As a result, this gives
algorithms and its use in power controller strategies by explicit important information for the PV plant sizing and requirements
model representation obtained with First and Second Order
Approximation Models (FOAM, SOAM). An explicit function for the power converter specification and selection for its
linking voltage, current and power of PV) cells is presented location. Since the work presents different explicit solutions,
using the parameters obtained during the implicit estimation. bench marks for the accuracy of the proposed versus traditional
The proposed method gives direct analytical solutions, resulting numerical solutions, over a wide range of temperature and
from a truncated Taylor series for the single diode PV-model. solar radiance, show their usefulness.
The analytical equations are easier to put into practical use
and give solutions with an equivalent precision similar to the The equations developed in this paper produce useful PV
numerical method (Newton-Raphson Method) for the PV’s cell voltage expressions that depend mainly on radiance and tem-
voltage produced under particular conditions of temperature perature figures and are easy to extract from the manufacturer’s
and solar radiance. The main benefit of this set of equations, data-sheet. [12]. The methods introduced by [9], [10] give
useful also for optimal voltage estimation, is that offer an a reference for an accurate estimation of the PV model’s
accurate and simple determination of the voltage profile using the
manufacturer’s data-sheet and PV plant’s location for an specific parameters, extracted with a nonlinear optimization.
design. The verification of the proposed method uses information This model and a truncated series expansion allow develop-
from the manufacturer’s datasheets of 12 different PV cells. The ing a matching closed-form expression [13], [14], [15], [16].
comparison of the results, for the analytical expressions versus This also helps in the design of solar generation systems by
the Newton-Raphson solution, validates the proposed method. incorporating important information that can help in obtaining
Index Terms—PV model, parameter estimation, closed-form
representation, Taylor expansion, no-linear optimization.
the right solution to the application at the best cost without
affecting the injected power. This solution can offer a direct
method to sizing the PV field according to its location or
improve the control function and its stability. Furthermore it
Solar energy is the most available renewable energy source allows using this information to define the inverters better
today and its popularity comes mainly from the investment suited for this application. Last, it offers a tool useful in
return versus power produced. In the last decades, PV and education of PV technology as it highlights the dynamics of
semiconductor technological advances have pushed down the PV physical behavior.
cost of solar equipment, making this technology more afford- The proposed approach starts with an accurate parameter
able to more users. In the typical case, a string of series estimation for the one diode model of the solar PV array using
interconnected panes makes up a grid connected PV, with the standard data obtained from manufacturer’s cells [17]. With an
capacity to supply enough voltage and current to an inverter accurate off-line parameter estimation method, an approximate
(DC-AC converter). The inverter can optionally have a voltage model is obtained for the single diode model truncating the
booster stage (DC-DC converter) and an end-grid connection higher terms of the Taylor’s series [18], [14], [16]. The
that uses a transformer sometimes included in the inverter. [1]. term associated to the PV’s internal series resistance is the
There are several studies of solar panel models showing one needing a Taylor’s series expansion, which has a slight
how they behave with surrounding temperature and solar influence in the solution. This gives a satisfactory solution and
radiance [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. In general complexity reduction in evaluating the system. The proposed
those models need the use of nonlinear numerical methods to method accurately works by considering only a first or at most
provide possible solutions [11]. The use of numerical methods a second order polynomial approximation [19]. A simplified
imposes a high computational load that could limit their use equation based on the characteristic shape of the current and
in field applications. This work proposes an explicit function voltage in a PV cell gives its PV approximate voltage. Also,

978-1-5090-6678-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

the power converter is assumed to work using the classical Voltage Voc , the voltage and current at maximum power Vmp
MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm, since this and Imp . The following nonlinear equations can be obtained
is the most widespread method in modern PV solar plants. using the manufacturer data sheet [9], [10],
This relation gives the maximum power voltage Vpm in  Rs Isc  R I
a PV panel using the MPPT algorithm and its temperature s sc
Isc = f (0, Isc ) = Iph − Io e Vt Ns − 1 − , (5)
dependence and solar intensity in a compact way. The output Rsh
power maximization has been throughly discussed since the
 Va  R I
early 60’s [20], [21], [22], [23], [24] and has become a 0 = f (Voc , 0) = Iph − Io e Vt Ns − 1 −
s a
, (6)
standard for the PV manufactures. The expressions obtained Rsh
in this work are fast to evaluate with enough accuracy for
the voltages and currents in the PV solar panel as function of 0 = f (Vmp , Imp ) − Imp =
radiance and temperature, using only manufacture’s datasheet.
 Vmp +Rs Imp  V +R I
mp s mp
II. ACCURATE PV CELL MODEL 0 = Iph − Io e Vt Ns −1 − − Imp . (7)

Two additional equations are needed to obtain the five model

(Vmp , Imp ) = 0, (8)

dIa df (0, Isc ) 1

(0, Isc ) = =− . (9)
dVa dVa Rsh

Equation (8) results from deriving p = Va Ia =

Fig. 1: One diode PV cell model Va f (Va , Ia ) in the maximum power point pmax = Vmp Imp ,
where dp/dVa = 0. From (5) and (6) [10],
Fig. 1 shows a single diode model of a PV cell [17]. The  
Isc (Rs + Rsh ) − Voc Voc
implicit current expression for this model is, I0 (Rs , Rsh , Vt ) = e Vt Ns , (10)
 Vd  Rsh
Id = I0 e Vt − 1 , (1)
Isc (Rs + Rsh )
Vd = Va + Rs Ia , (2) Iph = . (11)
Vt = , (3) Replacing (10) and (11) in (7), (8) and (9), three nonlinear
equations depending on Rs , Rsh and Vt are obtained. Using a
Vd nonlinear solver equation like fsolve in MATLAB® these
Ia = f (Va , Ia ) = Iph − Id − = parameters can be accurately obtained [26]. After that, (10)
 Va +Rs Ia  V +R I and (11) must be used to obtain I0 and Iph respectively.
a s a
= Iph − Io e Vt Ns −1 − . (4) Once the five parameters are obtained, the radiance G and
temperature T effect could be considered using the following
Where A is the diode non ideality coefficient, k is the expression [12], [19],
Boltzmann constant, q is the electron charge, T is the absolute
temperature in K , Ns is the number of series elements G
Isc (G, T ) = Isc (ST C) (1 + ki T ) , (12)
conforming the cell, the irradiation current Iph , the diode GST C
black current I0 , and finally Rs and Rsh , series and parallel
resistances respectively. G
Equation (4) is an implicit model representation Ia = Voc (G, T ) = Voc (ST C) (1 + kv T ) , (13)
f (Ia , Va ) with five unknown parameters: Iph , I0 , A, Rs
and Rsh . This model can be expressed in explicit form where GST C is 1000 W/m2 , T = T − TST C = T − 25°C,
Ia = g (Va ), or Va = h (Ia ) using the Lambert function ki , kv are the coefficients for current or voltage change
[25]. Nevertheless a parameter estimation can be done using respectively due to thermal variation.
the implicit model and the data given by the manufacturer, If changes in radiation G, or temperature T it happen during
obtained with STC (Standard Test Conditions), which refer to operation the model parameter could change and the nonlinear
a cell temperature of 25 ◦ C and an irradiance of 1000 W/m2 estimation is needed but the least square algorithm used by the
with an air mass 1.5 (AM1.5) spectrum. The manufacturer’s classical method is too slow to be run online. An alternative
data sheet have the Short Circuit Current Isc , the Open Circuit procedure will be introduced ahead.

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Va  Va 
TABLE I: Errors for FOAM and SOAM of the exponential
c= + Io e Vt Ns − 1 − Iph
function Rsh
According to [9], an additional simplification can be ob-
z ez F OAM † error† SOAM ‡ error‡
tained neglecting Rsh when the Series Parallel Ratio SP R > 1
0.001 1.0010 1.0010 0.0000% 1.0010 0.0000%
0.01 1.0101 1.0100 0.0050% 1.0101 0.0000% , and the series resistance Rs when SP R < 1,
0.1 1.1052 1.1000 0.4679% 1.1050 0.0155%
1.0 2.7183 2.0000 26.42% 2.5000 8.0301% SP R ≡ (1 − γi ) er , (22)
r= ; γi = ; γi = .
Equation (4) can be rewritten as, γv (1 − γi ) Isc Voc
 Va Rs
 V +R I When SP R > 1, the series resistance Rs can be approxi-
a s a
Ia = Iph − Io e Vt Ns e Vt Ns Ia − 1 − , (14)
Rsh mated by [9],
The term e Vt Ia can be expressed in Taylor’s series as, Voc (1 − γi ) ln (1 + γi ) + (1 + γv )
≈ , (23)
 n Isc (1 − γi ) ln (1 + γi ) + γi
∞ Rs
Vt Ns
For SP R < 1, the parallel resistance Rsh is approximated
e Vt Ns Ia = (15)
n! using the Lambert function W [9],7

For the series truncation at n = 1, the expression can be ∗ Voc λ2 W −SP R λ1 e−λ1 + λ1
approximated as, Rsh ≈ , (24)
Isc W (−SP R λ1 e−λ1 ) + λ1
Rs Rs
e Vt Ns Ia ≈ 1 + Ia + · · · (16) where,
Vt Ns
1 − γv 2γi − 1 γv
Using a second order approximation, with n = 2, λ1 = ; λ2 =
1 + γ i γ i + γv − 1 1 − γi
Ia Rs 1 Rs With Rs and Rsh , the parameter estimation can be done
e Vt N s ≈1+ Ia + Ia + · · · (17)
Vt Ns 2 Vt Ns using (5), (6) and (7). Resistances Rs and Rsh or their sim-
Replacing the approximations (16) or (17) in (14), a closed- plifications Rs∗ and Rsh∗
selected considering SP R indicator,
form can be reached. In table I, the error using the approxi- are virtually constant for radiance or environment temperature
mation (16) or (17) are shown for several arguments of the changes. Iph is very close to Isc (G, T ) obtained in (12).
1 The thermal voltage Vt , results from (3) while considering
Vt Ia ≤ 10 , the first
exponential function. For arguments R s

or second order approximation is good enough for practical parameter A, nearly constant with radiance and environment
purposes with errors under 0.5% and 0.015% respectively. temperature variations for a specific PV cell [19].
Using the FOAM (14) becomes, For known values of Iph (G, T ) ≈ Isc (G, T ), Voc (G, T ),
    A, Vt (T ), using the simplifications, Rs∗ and Rsh∗
, a truncated
Va Rs Va + Rs Ia Taylor’s series expansion depending on the SP R gives an
Ia ≈ Iph − Io e Vt Ns 1 + Ia − 1 − ,
Vt Ns Rsh explicit PV cell model.
For SP R > 1:
Solving (18) for Ia ,
Iph − Io e Vt Ns − 1 − RVsh a
Ia (G, T ) ≈ Iph (G, T ) − Io (GST C , T ) × · · · (25)
Ia (Va ) = Va , (19)    
∗ ∗2
1 + VR s
I e Vt Ns
+ Rs Va R 1 R
t s
0 R sh × e Vt Ns 1 + s
Ia + s
I2 − 1 ,
Vt Ns 2 Vt2 Ns2 a
and for SOAM,
which can be written as,
Ia ≈ Iph + · · ·
    a Ia2 (G, T ) + b Ia (G, T ) + c ≈ 0, (26)
Va Rs 1 Rs2 2
· · · − Io e Vt Ns 1+ Ia + I − 1 + ···
Vt Ns 2 Vt2 Ns2 a where,
Va + Rs Ia
···− , (20) 1 (Rs∗ )2 Va
Rsh a= 2 2
I0 (GST C , T ) e Vt (T )Ns ,
2 Vt Ns
a Ia2 + b Ia + c ≈ 0, (21)
Rs∗ Va
b=1+ I0 (GST C , T ) e Vt Ns ,
where: Vt (T ) Ns
1 Rs2 Va Rs Va Rs  Va 
a= 2 2
I0 e Vt Ns ; b = 1 + I0 e Vt Ns + ; c = Io (GST C , T ) e Vt Ns − 1 − Iph (G, T ) ,
2 Vt Ns Vt Ns Rsh

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I (G ,T)
Io (GST C , T ) =  sc ST C  , 8
Voc (GST C ,T )
exp Vt (T )Ns −1 6

Ia [A]
then Ia (G, T ) can be directly obtained by the quadratic 2
formula as, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

−b + b2 − 4ac 400
Ia (G, T ) = . (27)
2a 300

Pa [V]
If SP R < 1 the approximate model is given by,

Ia (G, T ) ≈ Iph (G, T ) + · · · 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

error Ia & Pa [%]

Va 0.1
−Io (GST C , T ) e Vt Ns − 1 − ∗ , (28) −0.2
Rsh −0.4
and the explicit solution for Ia (G, T ) is directly obtained in a −0.8
simpler way because the series resistance Rs can be neglected −1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
in this case. Va [V]

IV. PARAMETER E STIMATION C OMPARISON Fig. 2: Results obtained by the exact and approximated (mark
x) model for PV panel (2) E20327, case SP R < 1, Rs ≈ 0
A set of different models has been used to evaluate the
proposed parameter estimation method for PV cells. Table II
shows the main manufacturer’s data of twelve cell at STC. 8
Using this data, acurate parameter estimations described in Ia [A] 6
section II are presented in Table III. 4
The results shown in Table III give some important facts, 0
the photo emitter current Iph is in practice equal to the short- 0 10 20 30 40

circuit current Isc , this parameter can be used directly. Most of 300
the analyzed cell haveI a coefficient SRC > 1 and in this case
Pa [V]

Rs can be estimated by the asymptotic approximation give in 100
(23) and the parallel resistance Rsh could be neglected without
any significant error. In this case the parameters Vt and Io 0
0 10 20 30 40
error Ia & Pa [%]

can be obtained using the open-circuit and maximum power 0

conditions as,
Vmp − Voc + Rs∗ Imp
Vt ≈   (29)
I −I
Ns ln scIscmp −2
0 10 20 30 40
  Va [V]
I0 ≈ Isc exp − (30)
Vt Ns Fig. 3: Results obtained by the exact and approximated (mark
x) model for PV panel (12) GSPV250P, case SP R > 1,
When the coefficient SRC < 1 the series resistance Rs can
Rsh → ∞
be neglected and the shunt resistor Rsh could be obtained
approximately from (24). In this case the parameter Vt and I0
can be approximated as, Fig. 4 shows the results for case SP R > 1. The maximum
V − Voc errors between the nonlinear numerical solution (red line) and
Vt ≈ mp  (31)
Isc −Imp − Rmp

proposed close-form (blue dotted) are below 2%. Fig. 4a shows
Ns ln Voc
Isc − R
the I-V characteristic for changes in cell temperature, in (b)

sh is reported the same for variations in the radiation level.
I0 ≈ Isc − ∗ exp − (32)
Rsh Vt Ns
It was developed in this work the relation between the
Table IV shows the parameters obtained using the method theoretical behavior of solar cells and the data supplied by
proposed in this work. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the current the manufacturer. This is an approximate, simple and accurate
and power characteristic curves for two PV cells, the first one modeling of solar panels obtained from typical information
with SP R < 1 and the second for SP R > 1. In both cases provided by the PV manufacturers. The numerical method is
the error is under 2% using the explicit approximate solution precise but difficult to implement in real time applications that

and the asymptotic resistances Rsh or Rs∗ respectively. need its use for MPPT or any other real time control algorithm.

978-1-5090-6678-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

TABLE II: PV Manufacture Data Sheet at STC (25°C, 1000 W/m2 , 1.5)

PV Panel Pmax (W ) Isc (A) Voc (V ) Imp (A) Vmp (V ) ki (mA/°C) kv (V /°C) Ns
1 MX60 60 3.80 21.10 3.50 17.10 2.47 −0.080 36
2 E20-327 327 6.46 64.90 5.98 54.70 3.50 −0.186 96
3 MX60245 245 8.94 37.80 8.15 30.06 4.02 −0.186 60
4 9T6420 420 9.00 60.55 8.48 49.53 2.70 −0.121 96
5 YGE U72 305 8.87 46.63 8.25 37.00 5.32 −0.154 72
6 MVX72 290 290 8.56 44.60 8.08 35.90 3.85 −0.152 72
7 OPT60 265 265 9.12 38.30 8.64 30.70 4.29 −0.126 60
8 TSMPD12 305 305 8.75 45.40 8.25 37.00 4.03 −0.150 72
9 REC260PE 260 9.01 37.80 8.50 30.70 2.43 −0.091 60
10 STP30024e 300 8.83 44.50 8.36 35.90 5.92 −0.147 72
11 SW240Poly 240 8.44 37.20 7.96 30.20 6.83 −0.138 60
12 GSPV250P 250 8.82 37.00 8.25 30.5 5.73 −0.080 60

TABLE III: Accurate PV Model at STC (25°C, 1000 W/m2, 1.5)

PV Panel Iph (A) I0 (A) Vt (V ) A Rs (Ω) Rsh (Ω) SP R R∗s (Ω) R∗sh (Ω)
1 MX60 3.80 3.2976 × 10−7 0.0361 1.4037 0.1695 637.6 1.2093 0.1017 ∞
2 E20327 6.46 1.1229 × 10−7 0.0378 1.4739 0.0122 622.5 0.7585 0.00 651.1
3 MX60245 8.95 2.1385 × 10−6 0.0414 1.6096 0.1776 329.8 1.2587 0.1076 ∞
4 9T6420 9.00 4.5059 × 10−9 0.0295 1.1464 0.3454 8496.8 2.1753 0.3373 ∞
5 YGE U72 8.87 6.4054 × 10−8 0.0346 1.3448 0.3565 1971.0 2.2313 0.3381 ∞
6 MVX72 290 8.56 8.5764 × 10−10 0.0269 1.0471 0.3847 12599 3.3145 0.3816 ∞
7 OPT60 265 9.12 1.2211 × 10−10 0.0255 0.9924 0.3578 23043 4.5339 0.3568 ∞
8 TSMPD12 305 8.87 6.4054 × 10−8 0.03455 1.3448 0.3565 1971.0 2.2313 0.3381 ∞
9 REC260PE 9.01 1.8935 × 10−9 0.02827 1.1004 0.2607 7647.6 2.6720 0.2573 ∞
10 STP300-24e 8.83 2.4535 × 10−10 0.02542 0.9897 0.3856 21166 3.7728 0.3838 ∞
11 SW240Poly 8.84 1.9515 × 10−9 0.02794 1.0876 0.2739 7699.2 2.6561 0.2702 ∞
12 GSPV250P 8.82 6.0553 × 10−8 0.0328 1.2771 0.1263 1527.3 1.4126 0.1088 ∞

TABLE IV: Approximate PV Model at STC (25°C, 1000 W/m2, 1.5)

PV Panel Iph (A) I0 (A) Vt (V ) A SP R R∗s (Ω) R∗sh (Ω)

1 MX60 3.80 1.5662 × 10−6 0.0399 1.5516 1.2093 0.1017 ∞
2 E20327 6.46 1.2763 × 10−7 0.0381 1.4846 0.7585 0.00 651.1
3 MX60245 8.94 1.4064 × 10−5 0.0472 1.8351 1.2587 0.1076 ∞
4 9T6420 9.00 5.8271 × 10−9 0.0298 1.1603 2.1753 0.3373 ∞
5 YGE U72 8.87 1.1778 × 10−7 0.0357 1.3898 2.2313 0.3381 ∞
6 MVX72 290 8.56 9.9278 × 10−10 0.0271 1.0539 3.3145 0.3816 ∞
7 OPT60 265 9.12 1.3153 × 10−10 0.0256 0.9953 4.5339 0.3568 ∞
8 TSMPD12 305 8.75 1.1779 × 10−7 0.0357 1.3898 2.2313 0.3381 ∞
9 REC260PE 9.01 2.2847 × 10−9 0.0285 1.1098 2.6720 0.2573 ∞
10 STP300-24e 8.83 2.6949 × 10−10 0.0255 0.9935 3.7728 0.3838 ∞
11 SW240Poly 8.44 2.3696 × 10−9 0.0282 1.0972 2.6561 0.2702 ∞
12 GSPV250P 8.82 1.2267 × 10−7 0.0341 1.3267 1.4126 0.1088 ∞

Approximate and simple expressions extracted from Taylor’s approximated method is satisfies accuracy and is practical
series and several asymptotic approaches, and considering in considering ambient temperature and radiance variations,
first or second order polynomial series expansions, result using as a comparing pattern the implicit numerical solution
in a simple explicit function solution. The method uses the obtained with classic nonlinear methods. The results from
SPR indicator to approximate the model estimation using FOAM or SOAM are simple, stable and precise enough to
the series (SP R > 1) or shunt (SP R < 1) approximated be selected as analytical representation of PV power cell for
resistance. The proposed method gives a simple PV panel design, control or educational purposes.
representation, without using a value table or long solution
obtained by numerical calculation. The approximate model
obtained in this research was compared with PV cell data ACKNOWLEDGMENT
sheets from 12 manufacturers and the results have a good
match with numerical implicit calculations. The explicit for-
mulation derived using first or second order Taylor’s series The authors would like to thanks Universidad Politecnica
expansions give simpler solutions with errors under 2%. The Salesiana in Cuenca-Ecuador for the financial support to this

978-1-5090-6678-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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