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StartUp Level 1  Inductive Grammar Worksheet  Unit 4, Lesson 1


PART 1  Questions with when + be

Study the Examples
Read the questions with when + be and the answers.
Q: When is her birthday? A: It’s in August.
Q: When is our meeting? A: It’s at 2:00 p.m.
Q: When are your office hours? A: They’re on Monday afternoons.
Q: When are his classes? A: They’re from noon to 4:00 p.m.

Figure Out the Rules

Look at the examples again. Complete the rules. Circle the correct answer.
1. Use when to ask about time / place.
2. Use when are with singular / plural nouns.
3. Use when is with singular / plural nouns.

PART 2  Prepositions of time

Study the Examples
Read the statements with prepositions of time.
I have a lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon.
Our meeting is on Monday at 9:30 in the morning.
My daughter’s birthday is in May. It is on the 16.
The conference is in 2019.
We don’t have meetings in the evening or at night.
They have a big conference from Monday, Jan. 15, to Thursday, Jan. 18, 2019.

Figure Out the Rules

Read the examples again. Complete the rules. Check (✓) the correct column(s) in the chart.

morning /
Times Days Dates Months Years / evening Night
Use at with…
Use in with…
Use on with…
Use from … to …

Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted. StartUp Level 1, Inductive Grammar Worksheet
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StartUp Level 1  Inductive Grammar Worksheet  Unit 4, Lesson 3


Study the Examples
Read the affirmative and negative imperative statements.
Walk to the corner and cross the street.
Stop at the traffic light.
Don’t drive fast.
Don’t turn right. Turn left.
Go east. Don’t go west.
Take a cab. Don’t walk.

Figure Out the Rules

Look at the examples again. Read the rules. Write True or False.
1. You can start a sentence with an imperative.
2. You can end a sentence with an imperative.
3. Add -s to imperative verbs.
4. Do not use a subject with an imperative.
5. Use don’t + base form of a verb to make a negative imperative.

Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted. StartUp Level 1, Inductive Grammar Worksheet

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