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Episode # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Finale

Affiliation Marooning Swap Mutiny Merge Jury

Immune Sparrow Sparrow Barbossa Sparrow Barbossa Barbossa Barbossa Kevin Disc Ice SR Romey SR Kevin Ice

Eliminated Muse Lovelis Majestic Sabine Jess Haley Steven Jack Hutson Marina Disc Long Sass SR Kelsea

Vote 9-1 8*-1 2-7 3-2-2 4-3-1 6*-1* ?-7 --- 11-2 9-1-1 6-4* 6-3 7-1 5-1-1 3-2-1 0

Romey Muse Jack Jack Marina Disc Long Sass SR

Cascade Muse Jack Jack Kelsea Griff ??? Jack Marina Disc Long Sass SR
Kevin Majestic Romey Hutson Romey Sass Long Sass Cascade Romey
Ice Majestic Jack Ice Marina Disc Long Romey Romey
Kelsea Jess Jess Cascade Haley ----- Jack Hutson Marina Disc Long Sass SR Cascade
SR Majestic Jack Romey Disc Long Sass Romey
Sass Majestic Jack Marina Disc Long Cascade
Longnist Muse Jack Jack Romey Sass Sass
Dischead Muse Jack Kelsea Cascade Haley Jack Marina Sass
Marina Muse Jack ----- Jack Romey
Hutson ----- Jack Hutson
Griff Jess Jess Cascade Haley Jack Walked
Jack Muse Lovelis Long Jess Cascade Haley Romey
Steven Majestic Jess Cascade Haley ----- one
Haley Muse Jack Kelsea Cascade Disc vote
Jess Majestic Haley kevin
Sabine Muse Jack Long
Majestic Majestic
Lovelis Muse Jack

A mutiny
jump ship
to the
tribe. Jack,
Disc, and
Griff all
Sparrow Idols
to join played by
Barbossa. Kevin Romey,
Haley / Kelsea played Cascade,
Hutson Marina Romey Two idol and Romey the and Kevin
Sabine got an got a vote trip to the plays by Steven played Legacy resulted
gave jack immunity nullifier brig, Griff and competed the Brig Advantag in Kelsea
an idol idol from from the prisoners Cascade, in a Idol, no e, giving being the
that she the Brig, Brig, so dilemma leading to Hutson / firemakin votes for him only
got from so he did she did for brig no votes Griff to g Ice Self him immunity player not
Notes the Brig. not vote. not vote idol clue counting. the Brig challenge. Voted counted. at tribal. immune.

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