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Lively music saddens. Melancholy, with periodical attacks of mania.

Suicidal tendency; must exercise restraint. Inability to think.
Dislikes to speak, or to be spoken to.


Sadness; inclined to weep.Melancholy with periodical attacks of

mania.Timidity; weak; enfeebled.Satiety of life, suicidal; has to
use all self-control to prevent shooting himself. Mental results of
injury to head.Jaundice after anger.Melancholy and lachrymation,
esp. after hearing (lively) music.Cheerfulness, happy mood; after
loose stools.Ill-humor, with dislike to conversation, and laconic
mode of speaking.Quarrelsome humor, with gloomy aspect; <


Sensitive and suspicious. Sadness agg. music or subdued light;

sitting near a stained glass window. Fear of crowd, of evil. Suicidal
impulses; has to use self control to prevent shooting himself.
Melancholy. Cheerful after stools. Mental troubles arising from
injury to head or ill effects of falls. Intermittent attacks of mania.
Does not want to speak, and feels that nobody should talk to him.

Extremely irritable in the morning. Violent anger which is followed

by jaundice. Aversion to company. Dislikes to speak or to be
spoken to. Dullness of mind and excitability. Mental exertion brings
on mental symptoms. Mental troubles come, on from injuries of
the head. A young man became very sad and subject to attacks of
vertigo, and neglected his business after being hit on the side of
the head by a base ball. He was entirely free from all symptoms
after taking this remedy. Fear of a crowd; of evil; of people.
Forgetful, easily frightened, hysterical; indifferent; indolent;
insanity. She is oversensitive and suspicious. Starting from fright
or noise and in sleep.



Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc.

Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. Consolation
aggravates. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward,
hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter.


Melancholy sadness, which induces a constant recurrence to

unpleasant recollections, and much weeping; all attempts at
consolation < Obliged to weep. Hypochondriac, tired of life.
Joyless, taciturn.Great tendency to start. Hurriedness, with anxiety
and fluttering of heart. Prefers to be alone. Anthropophobia.
Anxiety respecting the future.Anguish, sometimes during a storm,
but esp. at night.Indifference, laconic speech, moroseness, and
unfitness for labor. Impatient precipitation and
irritability.Timidity.Hatred to persons who have formerly given
offence.Irascibility and rage, easily provoked.Inclination to
laugh.Laughs so immoderately at something not ludicrous that
tears come into her eyes and she looks as if she had been
weeping.Alternate gaiety and ill-humor. Laughs immoderately and
cannot be quieted.Difficulty of thinking; absence of mind.Weakness
of memory and excessive forgetfulness.Heedlessness and
distraction.Tendency to make mistakes in speaking and
writing.Brain-fag, with sleeplessness, gloomy
forebodings.Exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of
brain.Incapacity for reflection, and fatigue from intellectual labor.
Distraction; does not know what he ought to say. Awkwardness.


Hateful; to persons who had offended him. Detests consolation or

fuss. Sad : during menses; without cause. Reserved. Easily
angered agg. if consoled. Company distresses. Hypochondriac.
Weeps bitterly; or wants to be alone to cry. Weeps involuntarily,
without cause or can not weep. Cheerful, laughs, signs, dances,
alternating with sadness. Boisterous grief. Dwells on past
unpleasant memories. Anxiety. Apprehension. Fear or dreams of
robbers. Awkward; in talking; hasty; drops things from nervous
weakness. Absent minded. Scattered thoughts. Revengeful. Thinks
he is pitied for his misfortunes and weeps. Immoderate laughter
with tears. Abrupt. An idea clings, preventing sleep, inspires
revenge. Alternating mental conditions. Extremely forgetful.
Aversion of men (females).


There is a long chain of mental symptoms; hysterical condition of

the mind and body; weeping alternating with laughing; irresistible
laughing at unsuitable times; prolonged, spasmodic laughter. This
will be followed by fearfulness, great sadness, joylessness. No
matter how cheering the circumstances are she cannot bring
herself into the state of being joyful. She is benumbed to
impressions, easily takes on grief, grieves over nothing.
Unpleasant occurrences are recalled that she may grieve over
them. Consolation aggravated the state of the mind - the
melancholy, the fearfulness, sometimes brings on anger. She
appears to bid for sympathy and is mad when it is given. Headache
comes on with this melancholy. She walks the floor in rage. She is
extremely forgetful; cannot cast up accounts; is unable to
meditate; forges what she was going to say; loses the thread of
what she is hearing or reading. There is a great prostration of the
mind. Unrequited affection brings on complaints. She is unable to
control her affections and falls in love with a married man. She
knows that it is foolish, but lies awake with love for him. She falls
in love with a coachman. She knows that she is unwise, but cannot
help it. In cases of this kind Natr. mur. will turn her mind into
order, and she will look back and wonder why she was so silly. This
remedy belongs to hysterical girls. In a mental state where Ign.
temporarily benefits the symptoms, but does not cure, its chronic
Natr. mur. should be given. It is as well to give Natr. mur. at once
if there is an underlying constitutional state too deep for Ign.



Imagines, on waking at night, that pieces of furniture are persons;

that the hears footsteps in next room. Fear.


Melancholy, esp. after emissions.Despondent; could not study;

imagined he was going to have typhoid fever.Fears bad
news.Nervous fears on waking.Easily startled.Irritable.Memory

Mental weakness. Fear agg. at night; that something will happen.

Imagines that pieces of furniture are persons; he hears footsteps
in the next room. Nervous, forgetful. Sad from music. Indifferent
to everything; to his family. Sits quite still for a long time. Easily


Anger over trifles, and complaints from vexation. Anxiety and

night; in bed; before midnight; after eating; with fear fever; about
the future; about his health; on waking. Complaints from bad
news. Aversion to company. Concentration difficult. Confusion of
mind in the morning; in the evening; after eating; from mental
exertion; on waking. Delusions, frightful; thinks he sees dead
people; imagines; thinks he is going to have typhoid fever; hears
footsteps in the next room. Discontented, discouraged and easily
distracted. Dullness of mind while reading. Mental exertion brings
on many complaints. He is very excitable. Fear at night; of
impending disease; that something will happen; of misfortune; on
waking. Fears bad news. Forgetful. Easily frightened, and heedless.
She is hysterical, and in a hurry. No one works fast enough suit
him. Sometimes his ideas are abundant, and again deficient and
his mind grows sluggish. Impatience. He is indifferent to every
thing, even to his family. A gradually increasing indolence; a
mental and physical work. Irritability; in the morning menses;
about trifles. Memory weak. Times of mirthfulness. GREAT
PROSTRATION OF MIND. Restless and anxious, evening and night.
Sadness in evening, after emission, during fever, and from music.
He is extremely sensitive to music and noise and to his
surroundings. He grows serious and silent, and sits by himself
quite still for a long time. He is easily startled, from fright, from
noise, on falling asleep, and during sleep. Spells of stupefaction
creep over him. His friends call him suspicious. Indisposed to talk.
His thoughts wander. He is growing timid and bashful. Weeps
easily. Mental work becomes impossible and he seems to be
approaching imbecility.



Imagines, on waking at night, that pieces of furniture are persons;

that the hears footsteps in next room. Fear.


Melancholy, esp. after emissions.Despondent; could not study;

imagined he was going to have typhoid fever.Fears bad
news.Nervous fears on waking.Easily startled.Irritable.Memory


Mental weakness. Fear agg. at night; that something will happen.

Imagines that pieces of furniture are persons; he hears footsteps
in the next room. Nervous, forgetful. Sad from music. Indifferent
to everything; to his family. Sits quite still for a long time. Easily


Anger over trifles, and complaints from vexation. Anxiety and

night; in bed; before midnight; after eating; with fear fever; about
the future; about his health; on waking. Complaints from bad
news. Aversion to company. Concentration difficult. Confusion of
mind in the morning; in the evening; after eating; from mental
exertion; on waking. Delusions, frightful; thinks he sees dead
people; imagines; thinks he is going to have typhoid fever; hears
footsteps in the next room. Discontented, discouraged and easily
distracted. Dullness of mind while reading. Mental exertion brings
on many complaints. He is very excitable. Fear at night; of
impending disease; that something will happen; of misfortune; on
waking. Fears bad news. Forgetful. Easily frightened, and heedless.
She is hysterical, and in a hurry. No one works fast enough suit
him. Sometimes his ideas are abundant, and again deficient and
his mind grows sluggish. Impatience. He is indifferent to every
thing, even to his family. A gradually increasing indolence; a
mental and physical work. Irritability; in the morning menses;
about trifles. Memory weak. Times of mirthfulness. GREAT
PROSTRATION OF MIND. Restless and anxious, evening and night.
Sadness in evening, after emission, during fever, and from music.
He is extremely sensitive to music and noise and to his
surroundings. He grows serious and silent, and sits by himself
quite still for a long time. He is easily startled, from fright, from
noise, on falling asleep, and during sleep. Spells of stupefaction
creep over him. His friends call him suspicious. Indisposed to talk.
His thoughts wander. He is growing timid and bashful. Weeps
easily. Mental work becomes impossible and he seems to be
approaching imbecility.



Nervous restlessness.Depressed, as if something

impending.Cannot concentrate mind; dull, listless; forgetful.


Anger at trifles; furious from contradiction; complaints are made

worse from anger. Anxiety in the evening in bed; at night in bed
apprehensive anxiety; during fever; on waking. Concentration of
mind difficult in the house, better in the open air; confusion of
mind in the evening. Conscientious about trifles. Discontented;
discouraged and, at times, in despair. He is easily distracted.
Dullness of mind, better in the open air. Easily excited, Mental
exertion makes the symptoms worse. Fear in the evening on going
to bed; in a crowd; of impending disease; of some evil; that
something will happen; of people. Easily frightened; forgetful; he
feels constantly hurried. Hysterical and her mind is very active;
ideas very active. Imbecility, irritability, impatience; indifferent to
all joy. Aversion to mental work and to business; aversion to
reading; indolence; memory weak. Lamenting, laughing, loathing
of life, loquacity. The mental symptoms are all mild. Mirthful,
hilarious; prostration of mind. She becomes quarrelsome,
Restlessness; nights, tossing, anxious restlessness. Sadness in the
evening; during fever. Sensitive to noise; startled easily, by noise,
on going to sleep, from sleep. Suspicious. Indisposed to talk;
disturbed by the conversation of people. Timidity with a vacant
feeling of mind. Weeping. Vertigo while walking. When the above
general symptoms are present in any considerable n

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