Questions and Answers

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Q1. What are nutrients?

Ans. The ingredients which we get from plants and animals

contain some components that are needed by our body to
grow and survive. These components are called nutrients.
Q2. Name the major components required by our body.

Ans. The major components required by our body are:

I. Carbohydrates
II. Proteins
III. Fats
IV. Vitamins and minerals
V. Water
VI. Dietary fiber and roughage.
Q3. What is the importance of food?

Ans. It helps us to perform our daily activities.

I. It provides energy to the body.
II. It helps in growth and development.
III. It will keep us healthy.
IV. It will provide protection from various germs and
Q4. Why variety in food is important?

Ans. Food variety is important as each food item is usually

made up of one or more food ingredients which are obtained
either from plants or animals. These ingredients contains
special components for special purpose that are needed by our
body called nutrients.
Q5. Which food items are called ‘energy giving foods’?

Ans. The food items that contains carbohydrates and fats are
called energy giving food as these two nutrients provide energy
to our body.
Q6. Name the main carbohydrates present in the food items.

Ans. The main carbohydrates present in the food items are in

the form of starch and sugar.

Q7. Why rice is called carbohydrate rich food?

Ans. Rice is called carbohydrate rich food because it contains

more carbohydrate than any other nutrient present in jt.

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