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Project Risk Mgt Assignment for Junior


1- Write your correct name and registration number at the top of the cover
2- Make sure that your assignment s is your work.
3- Any type of plagiarism is not allowed (Plagiarism primarily takes one of two

i) students misuse of information from the web or other sources, where

they ‘cut and paste’ sections of text from these resources directly into
their assignments without acknowledging the original source;


ii) Students working too closely with one or more individuals to help
solve and/or answer an assessed task or question, resulting in the
production of a joint answer or solution (whether intentionally or not)
to gain an unfair advantage over others in their assignments. This form
of plagiarism is called collusion.


• Assignments provide a vehicle for assessing your performance during your work
and contribute to your overall work result.

• Assignments assist you in understanding your subject and aid your learning on
the work.

• When you attempt to use the ideas and terms of the work independently you learn
more thoroughly and develop your own writing style.

• You are likely to perform better in examinations if you have learned how to write
your own answers to questions in assignments.

4- Any submission behind the deadline will not be accepted

5- Any person who did not clear his/her tuition fee will not be allowed to

Submission Deadline------------------------------------- Monday, 25/5/2020

1- Discuss the risk utility function. Would you rate yourself as being risk-averse, risk-neutral, or
risk-seeking? Give examples of each approach from different aspects of your life, such as
your current job, your personal finances, romances, and eating habits.

2- What are some questions that should be addressed in a risk management plan?

3- Discuss the common sources of risk on projects and suggestions for managing them. Which
suggestions do you find most useful? Which do you feel would not work in your
organization? Why?

4- What is the difference between using brainstorming and the Delphi technique for risk
identification? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
Describe the contents of a risk register and how it is used in several risk management

5- Suppose your college or organization is considering a new project to develop an information

system that would allow all employees, students, and customers to access and maintain
their own human resources information, such as address, marital status, and tax
information. The main benefits of the system would be a reduction in human resources
personnel and more accurate information. For example, if an employee, student, or
customer had a new telephone number or e-mail address, he or she would be responsible
for entering the data in the new system. Identify five potential risks for this new project, and
be sure to list some negative and positive risks.

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