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Entering the Room Going to the Restroom

- Please enter quietly - Give the hand signal

- Quickly take your seat - Teacher will either nod ‘yes’ or ‘no’
- Review the agenda on the board - If yes, quietly come to teacher with your filled-
out pass.
- Begin the warm-up
- You have three minutes
- When you return, silently return to your seat and
- The Warm-Up will be projected on the board continue working
Cell Phone + Personal Technology If You Are Tardy
- Not permitted in the classroom unless - Enter the room silently
permission has been granted - Hand teacher your pass
Sharpening Pencils - Go to your seat and begin working
- During Warm-Up Passing Papers
- During class if no one is teaching/ presenting - All papers should be facing the same way
Supplies - Papers should be placed at the end of the
- Notebook paper is available on the shelf table and someone will collect the stacks
- Crayons/ colored pencils/ glue/ scissors will Finishing Classwork Early
be passed out when necessary - Notify teacher
Gaining Attention - Talking and walking are NEVER acceptable
- Teacher will… - Read, draw, work for another class – as long
o Clap a rhythm or raise hand. Students as you are not distracting others
will copy Classroom Discussions
o Wait for quiet - Please, please, please participate
- Students will… - Make sure questions and comments are
o Raise their hand to be called on + wait relevant to the current discussions
for acknowledgment from teacher After an Absence
Moving Around the Classroom - Ask at least three peers what you missed
- You must ask permission to leave your seat - Go to the Make-Up-Work drawer to retrieve
- Throw away trash as you exit any handouts
- Do not ask during classroom discussion - You have 1 + # of days you missed to turn in
unless it is an emergency your missed assignments
Turning in Work
- All work, unless otherwise indicated, will be MAKE A CHOICE:
placed in your class period’s drawer Choose to Participate
- NEVER leave papers sitting on teacher’s desk - You will enjoy learning and everything that
Food + Drink + Gum goes with being a successful student!
- A water bottle can be kept at your desk Choose Not to Participate
- No eating without permission - Lay your head down, read, or draw at your
- Gum is NEVER EVER table.
Heading Papers - DO NOT disturb other students around you
- Name, Date, and Class period - If you choose not to participate in class, you
Leaving the Room are choosing not to participate in the fun
- You MUST have permission and a pass learning activities.

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