SLP Entrepreneurial Competency

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I. Generate the following tables

1. Household head

Ho use ho ld He a d Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt
Fa th e r/ M o th e r 44 88.00
So n / Da ug h te r 2 4.00
Bro th e r/ Siste r 1 2.00
1 2.00
O th e r re la tiv e 2 4.00
To ta l 50 100.00

Table 1 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of

household head. Majority of the SLP respondents are father/mother with 88% in total. Only 2
SLP respondents categorized as son/daughter with 4% together with other relative that has only
4% in total.

Ag e Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt
18 – 24 1 2.00
25 – 29 1 2.00
2. Age
30 – 34 7 14.00
35 – 39 8 16.00
40 – 44 5 10.00
45 – 54 17 34.00
55 – 64 9 18.00
65 – 74 2 4.00
To ta l 50 100.00
Table 2 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of
age. Majority of the respondents are aged from 45-54 with 34% followed by 55-64 with 18%.
Only 1 respondent belongs to age bracket 18-24 and 25-29 with 2% of the total respondents.

3. Sex

Se x Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt
M a le (La la ki) 14 28.00
Fe ma le (Ba b a e ) 36 72.00
To ta l 50 100.00
Table 3 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of sex.
Majority of the SLP respondents are female with 72% and only 28% are male.

4. Educational Attainment

Table 4 above
shows the
15 30.00 household

30 60.00

5 10.00
To ta l 50 100.00
characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of educational attainment. Most of the SLP
respondents are high graduates with 60% while elementary graduates are 30%. It can be
noted that only 10% of the total respondents graduated from college.

5. Family Type

Fa m ily ty p e Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt

To ta l 50 100.00

Table 5 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of

family type. Majority of the SLP beneficiaries belongs to nuclear type of family with 82%.
Only 4% and 2% belongs to single-parent and extended family type respectively.

6. Family Size

Fa m ily Size Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt

2-3 me mb e rs 3 6.00
4- 6 me mb e rs 24 48.00
7 – 9 me mb e rs 21 42.00
10- 12 me mb e rs 2 4.00
To ta l 50 100.00
Table 6 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of
family size. Large percentage of SLP respondents has 4-6 members in the family with 48%
followed by 7-9 members with 42%. Only 4% of them has 10-12 members in the family.

7. Monthly Income

Inc o m e Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt
b e lo w P3,000 18 36.00
3,001 – 5,000 15 30.00
5,001 – 7000 8 16.00
7,001 – 9,000 6 12.00
9,001 to 11,000 1 2.00
a b o v e 11,000 2 4.00
To ta l 50 100.00
Table 7 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of
family income. Most of the SLP respondent’s income are raging below 3,000 with 36% followed
by 3001-5000 with 30%. Only 4% of the respondents has income above 11,000.

8. Number of years in Business

Ye a rs in Busine ss Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt
1-3 ye a rs 30 60.00
4-6 ye a rs 7 14.00
7-9 ye a rs 5 10.00
10 ye a rs a n d a b o v e 8 16.00
To ta l 50 100.00

Table 8 above shows the household characteristics of SLP beneficiaries in terms of years
in business. Majority of the SLP respondents has only 1-3 years in business while only 16% has
in business for more than 10 years. Further only 14% and 10% said that they are in business for
about 4-6 years and 7-9 years respectively.
2. Determine the entrepreneurial competencies

Le ve l Fre q ue nc y Pe rc e nt

50 100.00

To ta l 50 100.00

Table 9 above shows the personal entrepreneurial competency level of SLP beneficiaries.
It can be noted that 100% the SLP beneficiaries has moderate entrepreneurial competency.

3. Assess the business success in terms of:

3.1 Financial Performance

Ind ic a to r Me a n INT

Le g e n d s:
1.0-1.49 – Stro n g ly d isa g re e (SD) 1.5-2.49-Disa g re e (D)
2.50-3.49 Ag re e (A) 3.50-4.0 Stro n g ly Ag re e (SA)
Table 10 above shows the business success in terms of financial performance. It can be
noted that the SLP beneficiaries were agree with all the indicators provided in terms financial
performance with 3.39 mean.

3.2 Non Financial Performance

Ind ic a to r Me a n INT

3.46 A

Le g e n d s:
1.0-1.49 – Stro n g ly d isa g re e (SD) 1.5-2.49-Disa g re e (D)
2.50-3.49 Ag re e (A) 3.50-4.0 Stro n g ly Ag re e (SA)

Table 10.2 above shows the business success in terms of non-financial performance. It
can be noted that the SLP beneficiaries were agree with all the indicators provided in terms of
non-financial performance with 3.46 mean.
4. Use the multiple regression to determine whether entrepreneurial competencies affect the

financial performance of the Respondents

Ta b le 11

Te st m o d e l to d e te rmine e ntre p re ne uria l c o m p e te nc ie s a ffe c t the fina nc ia l p e rfo rm a nc e

o f the Re sp o nd e nts
Mo d e l
ANOVA Co e ffic ie nts
Sum m a ry
Pro b a b ility
Pre d ic to rs R Sq ua re F Ra tio t c o mp ute d Sig . Re m a rks
Va lue (Sig )
O p p o rtu n it y 0.9360 0.3550 No t sig n ific a n t
Pe rsiste n c e 0.8560 0.3970 No t sig n ific a n t
C o mm itme n t 0.5560 0.5810 No t sig n ific a n t
Risk -0.7360 0.4660 No t sig n ific a n t
De ma nd -0.0420 0.9660 No t sig n ific a n t
0.491273 3.7662 0.0013
Goa l 0.9560 0.3450 No t sig n ific a n t
In fo rma tio n 1.3830 0.1750 No t sig n ific a n t
Syste m a tic 0.2510 0.8030 No t sig n ific a n t
Pe rsua tio n -1.1070 0.2750 No t sig n ific a n t
Se lf 0.0240 0.9810 No t sig n ific a n t

Predictors: (Constant), se, dema, opp, info, sys, ris, go, pers, comm, per
Dependent Variable: financial
Table 11 above shows Test model to determine entrepreneurial competencies affect the

financial performance of the Respondents. Multiple regression was used to predict the value of a

variable based on the value of two or more other variables given.

Model summary showed 0.491273 R square or 49.13% of the variance in financial

performance can be predicted from the variables opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk,

demand, goal, information, systematic, persuasion and self.

Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance showed the difference between the means or

components through significant test along with personal entrepreneurial competencies and

financial performance. The generated F value is 3. 7662 while p value is 0.0013. Thus, the p

value were less than (p<) the level of significance at 0.05. It can be concluded that the personal

entrepreneurial competencies reliably predict the financial performance of SLP beneficiaries.

Coefficients showed that the generated p value for opportunity (0.355), persistence

(0.397), commitment (0.581), risk (0.466), demand (0.966), goal (0.345), information (0.175),

systematic (0.803), persuasion (0.275) and self (0.981) were all greater than (p>) the level of

significance at 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk,

demand, goal, information, systematic, persuasion and self were not all statistically significant to

financial performance of SLP beneficiaries. It can be also noted that the risk, demand and

persuasion has negative relationship with the financial performance.

5. Use the multiple regression to determine whether entrepreneurial competencies affect the

non-financial performance of the Respondents

Ta b le 12
Te st m o d e l to d e te rm ine e ntre p re ne uria l c o m p e te nc ie s a ffe c t the No n-Fina nc ia l
p e rfo rm a nc e o f the Re sp o nd e nts
Mo d e l
ANOVA Co e ffic ie nts
Sum m a ry
Pro b a b ility
Pre d ic to rs R Sq ua re F Ra tio Va lue (Sig )
t c o mp ute d Sig . Re m a rks
O p p o rtu n it y 1.2240 0.2280 No t sig n ific a n t
Pe rsiste n c e -1.1120 0.2730 No t sig n ific a n t
C o mm itme n t 0.2850 0.7770 No t sig n ific a n t
Risk 0.7150 0.4790 No t sig n ific a n t
De ma nd 2.7970 0.0080 Sig nific a n t
0.417897 2.7998 0.0103
Goa l 1.6830 0.1000 No t sig n ific a n t
In fo rma tio n 1.9150 0.0630 No t sig n ific a n t
Syste m a tic 0.2300 0.8190 No t sig n ific a n t
Pe rsua tio n -0.5660 0.5750 No t sig n ific a n t
Se lf 1.0500 0.3000 No t sig n ific a n t

Dependent Variable: nonfinancial

Predictors: (Constant), se, dema, opp, info, sys, ris, go, pers, comm, per

Table 12 above shows Test model to determine entrepreneurial competencies affect the

non-financial performance of the Respondents. Multiple regression was used to predict the value

of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables given.

Model summary showed 0.417897 R square or 41.79% of the variance in non-financial

performance can be predicted from the variables opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk,

demand, goal, information, systematic, persuasion and self.

Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance showed the difference between the means or

components through significant test along with personal entrepreneurial competencies and non-

financial performance. The generated F value is 2.7998 while p value is 0.0103. Thus, the p
value were less than (p<) the level of significance at 0.05. It can be concluded that the personal

entrepreneurial competencies reliably predict the financial performance of SLP beneficiaries.

Coefficients showed that the generated p value for opportunity (0.228), persistence

(0.273), commitment (0.777), risk (0.479), goal (0.100), information (0.063), systematic (0.819),

persuasion (0.575) and self (0.300) were all greater than (p>) the level of significance at 0.05.

Thus, it can be concluded that opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk, goal, information,

systematic, persuasion and self were not all statistically significant to non-financial performance

of SLP beneficiaries. But in terms of demand (0.008) the p value is less than the level of

significance at 0.005, it can be concluded that demand is statistically significant to non-financial

performance with positive relationship. Meanwhile, it can be also noted that the persistence and

persuasion has negative relationship with the non-financial performance of SLP beneficiaries.

6. Use the multiple regression to determine whether entrepreneurial competencies affect the

financial performance of the Respondents when profile intervenes

Ta b le 13
Te st m o d e l to d e te rmine e ntre p re ne uria l c o m p e te nc ie s a ffe c t the Fina nc ia l p e rfo rm a nc e o f
the Re sp o nd e nts whe n p ro file inte rve ne s
Mo d e l
ANOVA Co e ffic ie nts
Summ a ry
Pro b a b ility
Pre d ic to rs R Sq ua re F Ra tio Va lue (Sig )
t c o mp ute d Sig . Re m a rks
O p p o rtu nity 0.5170 0.6090 No t sig nific a n t
Pe rsiste nc e 1.0200 0.3160 No t sig nific a n t
C o mmitme nt 0.2610 0.7960 No t sig nific a n t
Risk -0.3820 0.7050 No t sig nific a n t
De ma nd 0.4490 0.6570 No t sig nific a n t
Goa l 1.3350 0.1920 No t sig nific a n t
Info rma tio n -0.3900 0.6990 No t sig nific a n t
Syste ma tic -0.7630 0.4520 No t sig nific a n t
Pe rsua tio n -0.4700 0.6420 No t sig nific a n t
Se lf 0.670963 3.5119 0.0011 2.3560 0.0250 Sig nific a nt
Ho use ho ld He a d -0.8080 0.4250 No t sig nific a n t
Ag e 0.3090 0.7600 No t sig nific a n t
Se x 2.8330 0.0080 Sig nific a nt
Ed u c a t io n a l Atta in m e n t -0.2020 0.8410 No t sig nific a n t
Fa mily Typ e 0.2560 0.8000 No t sig nific a n t
Fa mily Size 1.1480 0.2600 No t sig nific a n t
Mo nt hly Inc o m e -0.2900 0.7740 No t sig nific a n t
Num b e r o f ye a s in
b usine ss -1.6500 0.1090 No t sig nific a n t

Dependent Variable: financial

Predictors: (Constant), yrsbus, ris, educ, mi, sex, dema, hh, opp, age, pers, fs, info,
sys, comm, ft, go, se, per

Table 13 above shows Test model to determine entrepreneurial competencies affect the

financial performance of the Respondents when profile intervenes. Multiple regression was used

to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables given.

Model summary showed 0.670963square or 67.10% of the variance in financial

performance can be predicted from the variables opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk,

demand, goal, information, systematic, persuasion ,self, household head, age, sex, educational

attainment, family type, family size, monthly income and number of years in business.
Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance showed the difference between the means or

components through significant test along with personal entrepreneurial competencies and

financial performance. The generated F value is 3.5119 while p value is 0.0010. Thus, the p

value were less than (p<) the level of significance at 0.05. It can be concluded that the personal

entrepreneurial competencies and profile of respondents can reliably predict the financial

performance of SLP beneficiaries.

Coefficients showed that the generated p value for opportunity (0.609), persistence

(0.316), commitment (0.796), risk (0.705), demand (0.657), goal (0.192), information (0.699),

systematic (0.452), persuasion (0.642), household head (0.425), age (0.76), educational

attainment (0.841), family type (0.800), family size (0.26), monthly income (0.774) and number

of years in business (0.109) were all greater than (p>) the level of significance at 0.05. Thus, it

can be concluded that opportunity, persistence, commitment, risk, demand, goal, information,

systematic, persuasion, household head, age, educational attainment, family type, family size,

monthly income and number of years in business were not all statistically significant to financial

performance of SLP beneficiaries. But in terms of self (0.025) and sex (0.008) the p value is less

than the level of significance at 0.005, it can be concluded that self and sex is statistically

significant to financial performance with positive relationship when profile intervenes.

It can be also noted that the risk, information, systematic, persuasion, household head,

educational attainment, monthly income and number of years in business has negative

relationship with the financial performance when profile intervenes.

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