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Correct answers are given at the end

1) A 6.0835 M aqueous solution of acetic acid (CH3COOH) has a density of 1.0438 g cm . The
molality (m) of the solution is:

A) 5.43 B) 7.25 C) 8.96 D) 11.72 E) 9.89

2) Concentrated sulfuric acid is a solution in water containing 96.5 mass % H2SO4. The density
of the solution is 1.83 g/mL. What volume, in L, of 0.1 M NaHCO3 solution in water would
be required to react completely with 50 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid? The unbalanced
equation for the reaction is:

H2SO4 + NaHCO3 → Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O

A) 10 L B) 18 L C) 4.9 L D) 9.1 L E) 20 L

o o
3) The vapour pressure of benzene is 1.34 atm at 90 C and its boiling point at 1 atm is 80 C.
Assuming that ∆Hvap is constant, the pressure at which benzene will boil at 0oC is:

A) 33.8 mmHg B) 22.2 mmHg C) 16.9 mmHg D) 44.9 mmHg E) 23.0 mmHg

4) Estimate the volume (in litres) of pure methane gas (at STP) that may dissolve in one liter of
pure water (density = 0.998 g/cm3) when the methane partial pressure = 1340 kPa. The
Henry’s Law constant of methane in water is 3.46 x 107 torr/mole fraction.

A) 0.05 L B) 0.36 L C) 0.23 L D) 0.66 L E) 1.17 L

5) An ideal mixture of liquid styrene and ethylbenzene at 90 C has a mole fraction of styrene
equal to 0.5. What is the ratio of the mole fraction of styrene to the mole fraction of
ethylbenzene in the gas phase in equilibrium with that liquid mixture?

Data: Vapour pressures of pure components at same temperature are

134 mm Hg (styrene) and 182 mm Hg (ethylbenzene).

A) 0.53 B) 2.5 C) 1.5 D) 3.3 E) 0.74

ChE102 Final Examination 2003

6) The following statements refer to a solute dissolved in a solvent to form an ideal solution.

i. The vapour pressure above the solution is higher than the vapor pressure above the pure
ii. The normal boiling point temperature of the solution is higher than the normal boiling
point temperature of the pure solvent.
iii. The osmotic pressure of the solution is higher than the osmotic pressure of the pure
iv. The freezing point of the solution is higher than the freezing point of the pure solvent.
v. The mole fraction of the solute in the solution is higher if the temperature is increased.

The number of incorrect statements is:

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5

7) The freezing point of a CaCl2 solution formed by dissolving 0.02 mol of CaCl2 in 1000 g of
H2O is – 0.0415 °C. The % dissociation of CaCl2 is:

CaCl2 ' Ca2+ + 2 Cl-

Data: Kf = 1.86 kg.K/mol

A) 10.2 % B) 7.54 % C) 5.78 % D) 6.34 % E) 11.55 %

8) A constant volume reactor is initially charged at 250 ºC with the following gases at the
designated partial pressures: PCl5 = 0.05 atm; PCl3 = 0.15 atm and Cl2 = 0.25 atm. What is
the partial pressure of the Cl2 once the system has reached equilibrium?

PCl5 (g) ' PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) Kp = 2.15 atm

A) 0.125 atm B) 0.177 atm C) 0.20 atm D) 0.277 atm E) 0.35 atm

ChE102 Final Examination 2003

9) Consider the equilibrium reaction:

3NO (g) ' N2O (g) + NO2 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic. How many of the following statements are true?

i. If temperature and volume are kept constant, addition of NO to the reaction after it has
reached equilibrium will change the value of the equilibrium constant.
ii. If the volume is kept constant, increasing the reaction temperature of the equilibrium
mixture will favour the production of N2O and NO2.
iii. Adding an inert gas to an equilibrium mixture, whilst maintaining a constant temperature
and volume, will have no effect on the equilibrium partial pressures of the NO, N2O and
iv. Selectively removing the product NO2 will cause an immediate decrease in the reaction
quotient Q but will not affect the value of the equilibrium constant.
v. At constant temperature, decreasing the volume of the system after it has reached
equilibrium causes an immediate decrease in the reaction quotient Q.

A) None B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

10) Cadmium is an extremely toxic metal that finds its way into the aqueous environment as a
result of many human activities. A major cause of cadmium pollution is zinc mining and
processing, because natural deposits of ZnS ores usually contain cadmium sulfide (CdS).
During the processing of these ores, highly insoluble cadmium sulfide (Ksp = 7.9 x 10-27) may
be converted into less insoluble cadmium hydroxide (Cd(OH)2) (Ksp = 7.2 x 10-15). What
mass of Cd(OH)2 will dissolve in 100 L of an aqueous solution?

Cd(OH)2 (s) ' Cd2+ (aq) + 2OH- (aq)

A) 1.21 g B) 0.177 g C) 1.46 g D) 0.281 g E) 2.01 g

ChE102 Final Examination 2003

11) Consider the following standard reduction potentials (ε°) at 25°C:

ε° (Volts)
2+ -
Pt + 2e ' Pt(s) 1.20
Ag+ + 2e- ' Ag(s) 0.80
Cu2+ + 2e- ' Cu(s) 0.34
Fe2+ + 2e- ' Fe(s) - 0.41
Zn2+ + 2e- ' Zn(s) - 0.76

i. Under standard conditions, the best reducing agent is Zn2+.

ii. When the 2 half cells involving Cu2+/Cu(s) and Ag+/Ag(s) in standard conditions are
combined to form a galvanic cell, Cu2+/Cu(s) forms the cathode.
iii. The standard cell potential for the galvanic cell formed in (ii) is 1.29 Volts.
iv. When the galvanic cell formed in (ii) reaches equilibrium, the cell potential at 25°C
becomes zero.
v. Under standard conditions, the best oxidizing agent is Pt2+.

The number of correct answers is:

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5

12) What is the maximum cell potential (in Volts) for the galvanic cell consisting of
Al | Al3+ || I2 | I- where [Al3+] is 1 x 10-3 mol/L and [I-] is 1 x 10-3 mol/L at 25oC?

Data: The standard reduction potentials (at 25oC) for the half-cells are:

I2 (s) + 2e- → 2 I- 0.535 V

Al3+ + 3e- → Al (s) -1.706 V

A) 1.24 V B) 5.01 V C) 2.48 V D) -1.17 V E) 0.001 V

13) It takes 74.6 seconds for a 2.50 A current (operating at 100% efficiency) to electroplate
0.1086 g of a metal from a solution containing M2+ ions. What is the metal?

M2+ + 2e- → M

A) Cd B) Zn C) Hg D) Cu E) Ni

ChE102 Final Examination 2003

14) The rate of oxygen consumption during the gas phase reaction,

2 NO (g) + O2 (g) → 2 NO2 (g)

can be represented by the following differential rate expression:

d[O 2 ]
− = k[NO]m [O 2 ]n

Consider the following statements about the reaction:

A. “m” and “n” are always integers.

B. The sum, “m + n”, is called the overall reaction order.
C. Although the balanced stoichiometric equation involves three reactant molecules, the
overall reaction order may not be three.
D. The reaction rate constant, “k” is a positive number.
E. If the reaction is first order with respect to NO (g) and zero order with respect to O2 (g) then
the proper dimension of “k” is “time-1”.

The single correct or the single incorrect statement is:

A) B) C) D) E)

15) The rate law for the decomposition of phosphine (PH3) is:

d[ PH 3 ]
− = k [ PH 3 ]

It takes 120 seconds for the concentration of PH3 to decrease from 1.0 M to 0.25 M. How
much time is required for the concentration of PH3 to decrease from 2.0 M to 0.35 M?

A) 95 s B) 300 s C) 525 s D) 352 s E) 151 s

16) The decomposition of N2O5 can be represented by the following reaction:

N2O5 → 2NO2 + 1/2 O2

The rate constant for this reaction is 4.9 x 10-3 s-1 at 65oC and 3.5 x 10-5 s-1 at 25oC. At what
temperature in oC will it take 10 s to reach a conversion of 75% N2O5?

A) Not enough information to calculate the answer

B) 72.8 oC C) 163.2 oC D) 98.7 oC E) 116.2 oC

Correct Answers: 1-C; 2-B; 3-A; 4-B; 5-E; 6-C; 7-C; 8-D; 9-D; 10-B; 11-B; 12-C; 13-A; 14-A; 15-E; 16-D.

ChE102 Final Examination 2003

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