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Co-ordinated design of multimachine power system

stabilisers based on damping torque concepts

M.J. Gibbard, BSc, PhD

Indexing terms: Stabilisers, Design, Power system protection, Modelling

cedures [2]. Such procedures, however, considered the

Abstract: The paper, which employs damping PSS design for one machine at a time, and did not
torque concepts associated with frequency attempt to co-ordinate the stabiliser parameters for a
response analysis, considers the co-ordinated number of generators in the multimachine system simul-
design of power system stabilisers (PSSs) in multi- taneously.
machine power systems. It endeavours to extend Poor damping performance in a multimachine system
to the multimachine environment some of the power system is characterised by the lightly-damped
earlier work which was applied to the analysis of oscillatory modes in the responses of the generator shaft
the single machine case, and which provided an states. A number of papers have considered the problem
insight into the action of the stabiliser. The aim of of co-ordinating the settings of PSSs designed to improve
the proposed approach is to provide, through the the overall dynamic performance of the system. In partic-
action of the stabiliser, an electrical damping ular, the improvement in damping of the various inter-
torque proportional to speed perturbations, i.e. machine and interarea oscillatory modes has been of
Ape&) = Di BOAS). The stabiliser network is concern. These papers have discussed a number of
designed to compensate for the phase lag and gain approaches to the problem: eigenvalue analysis [3], iter-
in the machine/system transfer function ative calculations based on synchronising/damping
APei(s)/Auri(s).The stabiliser gain D i is co- torques concepts [ 4 6 ] , an iterative algorithm for eigen-
ordinated, in the first instance, so that the value assignment [7], a combination of sensitivity
damping effect is distributed among those analysis and linear programming [SI, and frequency
machines fitted with stabilisers in proportion to response methods [9-111.
their ratings. The damping performance of a The approach for the determination of the stabiliser
sample power system with PSSs installed is shown network parameters proposed in Reference 2 and devel-
to be comparable to that for a multimachine oped in References 12 and 13 for the single machine
system without PSSs in which a pure damping analysis is extended to the multimachine case in this
torque is introduced artificially in the transfer paper. An essential element in the earlier and in the pro-
function block representing shaft dynamics. posed approach is that, by developing a torque of elec-
Owing to machine interaction, however, an addi- tromagnetic origin proportional to and in phase with
tional left shift of certain oscillatory modes is speed, by means of the PSS, significant damping of the
shown to be due to an electrical damping torque oscillatory modes can be achieved. For the co-ordination
introduced on machine i through the action of the of PSS gain settings in the multimachine system, the net
PSS on machine j . positive damping torque coefficient on each machine is
adjusted to have the same value (on machine base) for the
range of oscillatory modes of concern.
1 Introduction The main aims of such an approach are (a) to distrib-
Much effort has been invested, in recent years, in the ute, in the first instance, the damping effort amongst
development of power system stabilisers (PSSs) for machines fitted with PSSs in proportion to their ratings
improving the damping performance of power systems. (rather than to determine PSS parameters to satisfy
The requirement for improved damping has arisen from a specified closed-loop eigenvalue locations) and (b) to
number of factors, including the development of high- employ a method that provides insight and understand-
speed excitation systems, the use of long high-voltage ing of the action of PSSs, to develop a more effective
transmission lines, and improvements in the cooling of design procedure.
turbo-alternators. The proposed method of analysis reveals the inherent
The earliest designs of PSSs were based on a single- damping torque characteristics of the generators, without
machine-infinite-busbar representation of the power PSSs, under closed-loop control of the automatic voltage
system [l]. The concept of synchronising and damping regulators. It does not require any stabiliser parameters
torques in such a single-machine model provided some to be set prior to the design procedure, and provides an
very useful insights for stabiliser design. These concepts understanding of the effect on the damping characteristic
were developed further and led to improved design pro- of machine i owing to interaction with machine j which is
fitted with a PSS.
Paper 6094C (P9, P1 l), received 10th July 1987 In the following, generator shaft speed is used as the
The author is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engin-
stabilising signal for illustrative purposes only; other
eering, University of Adelaide, G.P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, 5001, Aus- more suitable signals, or combinations of signals, may be
tralia employed in the proposed approach [14, 151.
276 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. C , No. 4 , J U L Y 1988
2 Transfer function (TF) of t h e power system ation at the shaft torsional modal frequencies, and to
ensure the resulting TFs are proper, both washout and
Let us assume each generator in the linearised represen- lowpass filters are added. The desired form of the ideal
tation of the multimachine power system is described, for T F for implementation in the design of the PSS is thus
illustrative purposes, by a fourth-order operational Di s T
impedance model (Fig. 1). Damping is effected through
- (1 + sTNl + sT,)(l + ST,) (5)

Hence, equating the TFs of eqns. 3 and 5, we can express

the T F for the PSS of the ith machine in the following
form :

In order to determine G,,(s) it is necessary to measure or

calculate the T F APei(s)/Ausi(s). The latter is the same as
the T F
machine 1 i l
' I
1 1 H A S ) = APPei(s)/Auri(s) (7)
which is measured from the voltage reference input
instead. The calculation of eqn. 7, as well as some other
relevant TFs, will now be considered.

3 Calculation of transfer functions

It is assumed that the following calculations are based on

a linearised model of a multimachine system such as that
U shown in Fig. 1.
machine n
First consider the T F H&), i = 1, . . . , n. To determine
these TFs, the speed (Amj) and angle (ASi) feedback
Fig. 1 Linearised model ofmultimachine power system signals must be disabled on all machines in the model of
the system. As was effectively proposed in Reference 2 for
the PSS by producing perturbations in electrical torque the single machine case, this can be implemented by
on the ith machine (APei) in phase with perturbations in setting the inertia constant H i to infinity on all machines
rotor speed (Ami). This contribution to electrical torque is (because speed and angle perturbations will be zero for
assumed and is designed to be significantly greater than perturbations in reference voltage). Alternatively, the
contributions from Amj through the second path, i.e. via same result is achieved if the block representing the shaft
angular perturbations ASi, the network and the other dynamics
machines. For purposes of analysis, two TFs between
speed and electrical torque perturbations (as input and
output variables, respectively) are given by
is disabled in, or removed from, Fig. 1. Under these con-
ditions it is apparent from the figure that the T F Huii(s)
takes account of the signal flow paths from the reference
for the PSS path, and voltage input on machine i through the network and
other machines, to the output AP,,, on that machine.
The removal of the blocks GSdi(s)from the system
model permits the injection of speed test signals to deter-
for the path via rotor angle perturbations, etc. mine the electrical torque response to speed pertur-
The former T F consists of two cascaded elements: the bations, i.e. TFs of the form APei(s)/Am,(s). In more
PSS, Gpi(s), and APpei(s)/Ausi(s) through the AVR and general terms, the electrical torque responses with shaft
excitation systems, respectively. We can express eqn. 1 as dynamics disabled can be written as
HPii(S)= -.-EL
1 P
~ u s i ( s Appei(s)
-- ~
Ami(s) Ausi(s)

where H,(s) and H,(s) are n x n T F matrices, and AP,(s),

(3) -
AW(s), and Au,(s) are vectors consisting of the n-
components ofperturbations in electrical torque, speed
However, over the range of modal frequencies of interest, and reference voltage, respectively. In particular the ele-
the ideal form of this T F is ments HOii(s)of the T F matrix H,(s) are given by

Hmii(s) = ffPii(s) + H,ii(s) (10)
(see eqns. 1 and 2). Clearly if the PSS is not in operation
where Di is a real gain expressed on machine base MVA. HPii(s)does not exist.
To avoid terminal voltage offset to steady-state devi- To derive an expression of the form of eqn. 9, consider
ations in system frequency, to provide adequate attenu- the state and output equations for a linearised model of
I E E PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . C , N o . 4, J U L Y 1988 211
the system, such as that shown in Fig. 1: From H,,(s) the response of the component of electri-
cal torque on machine i in phase with speed pertur-
bations on machine j can be calculated. If it can be
where established that for the oscillatory mode of interest
x(t) is a vector of system states consisting of (say) Adi,
- machines i and j swing in phase, then the torque com-
Ami, Avbi, A&, etc., i = 1, . . . , n ponent is a damping torque introduced on i by j.
u(t) is the vector of reference voltage inputs, Auri, i = 1,
. . ., n, and 4 Procedure for the design of multimachine PSSs
~ ( t is) a vector of electrical torque responses, APei,
i = 1, ..., n. A design procedure for a five-machine system will be
described in Section 5, to illustrate the method and the
The speed and angle feedback paths on each machine can nature of the results obtained. It is assumed that a state-
be disabled by removing the block representing the shaft space model of the linearised multimachine system has
dynamics (see eqn. 8). This is achieved by eliminating the been derived. The steps in the proposed procedure are:
rows in Am (i = 1, . . ., n), in the matrices A and C, and (i) Using eigenvalue analysis, examine the small-signal
transferring the columns associated with states Ami (i = 1, damping behaviour of the multimachine system at the
. . ., n), in these matrices to expanded B and D matrices, selected operating condition. In particular, identify the
to form a new set of state equations modes associated with intermachine or interarea oscil-
lations from the speed states in the participation matrix
[16]. Further information on the nature of the machine
interactions may be obtained from an analysis of the
speed right eigenvector for a specified mode.
(ii) Disable the machine shaft dynamics (see Section 3),
and form the matrices A , B , , B , , C, of eqns. 1 1 and 12.
where %(t) consists of the original states less the speed Calculate the frequency responses for the TFs HUii(jO)
states, and the matrices, modified as described above, are (eqn. 7) and H,,,(jn) (eqn. 2) over the range of modal fre-
given the subscript 1. quencies. From the frequency response plot of the latter
An advantage of this formulation of the equations is TF, the component of electrical torque, in phase with
that it permits evaluation not only of the T F H,,,,(s) = speed, yields the inherent damping torque coefficient for
APpei(s)/Auri(s),but also of the responses of the electrical machine i. Machines displaying a negative damping
torque to speed perturbations, Hmii(s),through either the torque coefficient at the relevant modal frequencies
angle or speed feedback path, or both, i.e. should be noted for consideration in Step (iii).
(iii) The T F to be implemented by the PSS, Gpi(s),is
given by eqn. 6. It is derived as follows for the PSS of the
ith machine.
through the angle path (without PSSs), (1) From the frequency response plots calculated in
Step (ii) for H,,,Gn), derive the parameters of the TFs
H,&) which model those plots.
(2) The lower corner frequency 1/T (of the washout
through the PSSs, and filter) and the upper corner 1/T, are selected to
provide the ideal gain Di over the appropriate range of
modal frequencies. Other considerations, such as the
need to avoid exciting the shaft torsional modes, will
through both paths. Furthermore, when PSSs are in also determine the corners 1/T, and l/T,.
operation, the electrical torque response on the ith (3) Initially, the gain Di for each machine is selected
machine to speed perturbations on the jth machine is of to be the same on machine base.
interest, i.e. (iv) Add the PSS networks to the linearised model of
the system, then
(1) Calculate the eigenvalues of the system with
PSSs, and assess the improvement in damping of the
From Haii(s)the inherent damping torque characteristic oscillatory modes determined in Step (i).
of the ith machine can be determined from the com- (2) Disable the shaft dynamics and form the
ponent of APei in phase with Am,. The existence of sig- matrices A , , B , , E , and C, (eqns. 1 1 and 12) for the
nificant inherent negative damping torques over the system with PSSs. For those machines exhibiting
range of modal frequencies may need to be taken into inherent negative damping torques (in Step (ii)), calcu-
account in the design of the PSS. late the frequency responses
The T F HP&) includes the T F of the PSS, the param-
eters of which have been selected to satisfy eqn. 6. Evalu-
ation of Hpii(s)therefore allows assessment of how closely
the desired TF, given by eqn. 5 , is matched through the (eqn. 13), and hence the damping component of electri-
PSS design. More importantly, we can examine the cal torque,
damping torque contribution from this T F (in contrast to
the ideal expressed by eqn. 4) to ensure that it more than
adequately offsets any inherent negative damping torques
over the range of modal frequencies. The effect of the negative inherent damping torque of
The T F HPdii(s)combines Hdii(s)and Hpii(s)(eqn. 10) these machines may also be apparent in the latter
so that the effects of both the inherent machine damping response. However, the level of positive damping
characteristics and the PSS may be assessed. introduced by the PSS gain Di (in Step (iii)3) should
278 1EE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . C , No. 4 , J U L Y 1988
swamp out any such effect over the appropriate range Table 1 : Modes of oscillation (no PSSs)
of modal frequencies. Mode Damping Interaction
(v) Repeat step (iv) with an increased but equivalent ratio
(say) level of damping gain D ion all PSSs. 1 -0.30 fj3.51 0.084 West/East
Following Step (v), a plot of the relevant eigenvalues as 2 -0.06 fj5.33 0.012 Central/rest
3 -0.38 fj7.20 0.052 East Metro/rest
the gain Di is increased provides guidance, either for 4 -0.80 fj10.66 0.171 West Metro/rest
selecting the final values of D ior, say, for fine adjustment
of Di on a particular machine. Other factors which must
be studied before the PSS design is completed, such as frequency responses of the T F Hdii(j12)from which the
the effect of PSS gain and limiter settings for large magni- inherent damping torque component APdi(jQ)/Awi(j12),
tude disturbances, are not considered here. for each machine is derived and plotted in Fig. 4b. Two

5 Example of design procedure 40r

The five-machine system on which the example is based
is shown in Fig. 2. West, Central and East represent

-60; IO 100
I East omega

West Metro East Metro

Fig. 2 Five-machine power system IO 100
machine groups which are each represented by an equiv- Fig. 3 Frequency responses for HUii(s)= AP,,As)/Au,~(s) (eqn. 7) for
alent machine for the purposes of this study. The param- the system without PSSs and with shaft dynamics disabled
eters of the machines and power system are given in ~ Central
-___ West
Appendix 10. __-___ West Metro
East Metro
5.1 Dynamic behaviour of the system without power . . . . .. . East
system stabilisers
The oscillatory modes associated with the machine speed machines (East and Central) exhibit negative damping
states, and the nature of the machine interactions, are torque components over the frequency range; the
shown in Table 1. damping torques on the other machines are positive, but
are small or negligible at the relevant modal frequencies.
5.2 TFs derived from the system model (no PSSs)
with machine shaft dynamics disabled 5.3 TF for the PSS, Gpi(s)
Assuming a sinusoidal reference voltage signal Auri(jQ) is The parameters of the TFs HUiXs)are estimated from the
injected into each machine, the frequency responses for frequency responses shown in Fig. 3. The resulting TFs
HUii(s)= APpei(s)/AurAs)are calculated for the frequency are given in Table 2.
range 1-100rad/s. The responses for the machines are The PSS gain D iis set to 20 (PA. torque/p.u. speed) on
shown in Fig. 3. In addition, in Fig. 4a are shown the machine base; the value DSi for each machine on system

Table 2 : Parameters of the PSS transfer functions, G.,(s)

West 132 3 0.05 0.01
1 +gs+(-&)2
West Metro 12 3 0.01 0.01

Central - 78 3 0.05 -
1 +s/l2
3.16(1 +s/14)
East Metro* 12 3 0.01 -
(1 +s/5.5)(1+s/27)(1 +s/60)
East 80 3 0.01 0.01

* The factor ( 1 +s/60) is ignored

IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. C , N o . 4, J U L Y 1988 279

base is shown in the table. The corner frequency 1/T of Table 3: PSSs in operation: Modes of oscillation f o r D,=
the washout filter is set to 3 rad/s, about a decade below 20, and shift in mode from case without PSSs (see Table
the lowest modal frequency. The corner frequency 1/T, of 1)
60r Mode Damping Mode shift Interaction
-1.66 ij3.20
1 0.460 -1.36 TJ0.31 West/East
(-0.30 iJ3.51) (0.084)
2 -1.51 ij5.49 0.265 -1.45 ij0.16 Central/rest
(-0.06 ij5.33) (0.012)
3 -2.83ij8.14 0.328 -2.45 ij0.96 East Metro/rest
(-0.38 ij7.20) (0.052)
10 100 4 -2.84 ii l l .01 0.250 -2.04 ij0.35 West Metro/rest
omega (-0.80 ij10.66) 10.171 1
- 40 ,...
II~ \

I~ , \ /',-\
-60[ .' ',


-I 60; m
10 100 15-
omega E
' -1 10 100
601 omega



10 100
b omego

Fig. 4 Frequency responses for the system without PSSs and with Fig. 5 Match between desired damping T F (given by eqn. 5 ) and that
machine shaft dynamics disabled deriuedfrom eqn. I
a Hb,, = Apb&)/AQj,b)16 (eqn. 2) ~ TF Hpii~)
b Damping components of electrical torques _ _ ~ _desired TF
~ Central . . . . . , , TF HPiAs)withzero at s = -60 on East Metro machine
~ _ West
_ ~ Upper graph: upper traces = East
- - _ _ _ _ West Metro lower traces = East Metro
East Metro Lower graph: upper and lower traces = East
. . . . . . . East middle traces = East Metro
Parameters for PSSs given in Table 2; shaft dynamics disabled. The match for
each of the West, West Metro and Central machines IS comparable with that for
the lowpass filter is chosen to ensure that, at the relevant the East machine
modal frequency, the phase lag introduced is minimal. In
this study the corner at 1/T2 is inserted into the T F of the APei(jQ)/Aoi(jR) I p Id plotted in Fig. 6a. From the latter
PSS so that it is proper. The values of the time constants responses the associated damping components are deter-
are listed in Table 2. mined (Fig. 6b). These plots show the influence of both
Based on the parameters for the PSSs given in Table 2, the PSS and the inherent damping characteristics of the
Hpii(s) is compared to the desired T F APei(s)/Awi(s)IDp machines determined earlier (Fig. 4b). Except for the East
given by eqn. 5, which includes the filter parameters. The machine, the damping torque component at the relevant
closeness of the match is shown in the frequency modal frequency is greater than the desired value DSi
responses of Fig. 5 in which the effect of ignoring the pole (given in Table 2), owing to the positive inherent
at s = -60 in the T F HOii(s)for the East Metro machine damping torque. However, for the East machine the posi-
is evident. tive damping torque introduced by the PSS swamps out
the negative inherent component.
5.4 Dynamic behaviour of the multimachine system
with power system stabilisers 5.5 Effect of damping gain D, on shifts in modal
The oscillatory modes associated with the speed states frequencies
are shown in Table 3 for the system with PSSs, the For the same damping gain Di on each machine, the
parameters of which are given in Table 2. shifts of modal frequencies over the range 0 5 Di I 40
Through the introduction of the PSSs the damping of are shown in Fig. 7.
the oscillatory modes has improved significantly through
the left shift of the real parts of the eigenvalues. For Di = 6 Discussion of results
20 the associated shift in the imaginary parts is small,
except perhaps for the East Metro machine. The shifts of 6,I Approximate speed eigenvalue shift with increase
the real and imaginary parts of the modes are discussed in damping gain Di
further in Section 6. For purposes of comparison with the results shown in
To investigate the damping component of electrical Fig. 7, the corresponding eigenvalue shifts are calculated
torques with PSSs in operation, the shaft dynamics are when the machine damping torques are introduced artifi-
disabled and the frequency responses HPdii(jQ)= cially, i.e. without employing PSSs. It is assumed the
280 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . C , No. 4 , J U L Y I988
damping torque is provided more directly on each for this simple representation is
machine through the feedback loop APdi = D i Ami
around the machine shaft dynamics block.

If the synchronising torque coefficient is k,, is assumed to

be constant, the real part of the speed eigenvalue will

-+- +- +-t 0
IO 100


20 xA-x-x

-301 X
I 10 100 I
0 ~ " " " " " " " "
Fig. 6 Frequency responses for system with PSSs and with shaft -8 -6 -4 -2 0
dynamics disabled real
a Hpaii(s) = AP,i(s)/A~i(s)
Ip la (epn. 13) Fig. 7 Shift in eigenvalues for the same damping gain D , on each
h Damping components of electrical torques machine, 0 5 D j I 40 on machine base
~ Central
West x-x mode 1
. _ _ West__ Metro
_ 0-0 mode2
East Metro *-* mode3
..... East +-+ mode4
shift left by -Di/4H, as Di is increased. The complex
With the additional feedback loops included, the mode itself, however, moves along a semicircle of con-
eigenvalue shifts for increasing values of damping gain Di stant radius J(wo k,,/2Hi). Assuming that, for Di = 0, the
will be examined based on (a) an eigenanalysis of the full radius is given by the magnitude of the eigenvalue in
multimachine system, and (b)a simple model for the shaft Table 1, the segments of the semicircular loci are shown
dynamics of each machine. as curves C in Fig. 8.
Case I : The value of the machine damping coefficient K i There is good agreement between curves B and C . This
is increased on each machine over the same range, i.e. on suggests that for this example the simple model provides,
machine base for the multimachine case 1, a satisfactory approximation
of the addition of the damping loop AP,, = Di Aw, within
K , = D i+ K O , 0 < Di I 4 0 (15)
the shaft dynamics block. In particular, the effect of
where K O ,models the inherent machine damping charac- machine interaction on damping torques is not signifi-
teristic (see Fig. 1 and Appendix 10). The associated cant in case 1.
eigenvalue shifts are plotted in Fig. 8, curves B, compari- When it is attempted, through the design procedure, to
son with those for the system with PSSs in operation implement the same damping effect by means of PSSs in
(curves A). the multimachine system, reasonable correspondence
between curves A and BfC is obtained for modes 1 and 2,
Case 2: Assuming that the ideal PSS introduces a pure and somewhat less for mode 4. For curves A, relative to
damping torque at the modal frequency, a simple and curves B/C, the modal frequencies for a given value of Di
approximate model for the shaft dynamics of machine i is are slightly higher (i.e. a vertical shift in the eigenvalue).
that proposed in Fig. 9. If the damping torque APdi The rise is partly due to an increase in the synchronising
without PSSs is assumed to be negligible, the effect of the torque component associated with the phase lag (ideally
ideal PSS on machine i is to introduce the damping zero) introduced in the implementation of the nonideal
torque loop APdi = Di Ami. The characteristic equation PSS (cf. eqns. 4 and 5; see Fig. 5). The major difference
I E E PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . C, No. 4, J U L Y 1988 28 1
between curves A and B/C occurs in the additional, and K i being set as per eqn. 14 (Case l), or by the simple
beneficial, amount of left shift of the eigenvalue, particu- model (Case 2). Clearly, in comparison with these two
larly for mode 3 and to a lesser extent for modes 2 and 4. cases, the PSS on machine j , through the T F HmiJs), is
instrumental in inducing the additional left shlft. A
similar observation is made in Section 3.3.2 of Reference
20 6.
For all PSSs in operation with Di = 20, the frequency
response for electrical torque perturbations on the East
C Metro machine owing to speed perturbations on the East
lot machine is shown in Fig. loa. The components of the
20 50r


1 IO 100
Lt ^ ^ 0 150r
. .... ....... .... ..... .....,.,, .. . . . , ,, ,
"... . .... ...
U ---______ *--.

d 0

* -6 -L
-2 0
2 -50
-1 00
-1 50'

Fig. 8 Shift in eigenvalues for the same damping gain Di on each
machine, 0 2 Di 2 40 on machine base
x-x model
0-0 mode2
*-* mode3
+ + mode4
Curve A : as for Fig. 7
Curve B : Case 1 ," -20
Curve C: Case 2
5- -30
IO 100
Fig. 10 Frequency responses for electrical torque perturbations on
- WO
East Metro machine due to speed perturbations on West, Central or East
s2 H
machines; PSSs in operation, shaji dynamics disabled

~ _ _ _West
. . . . . . , East
a If,,,&) = AP,Js)/Ao,(s) (eqn. 14)
b Contributions to the electrical damping torque of the East Metro machine by
the other machine
Fig. 9 Simple model for representing damping effects introduced by
PSSs East Metro torque in phase with speed perturbations on
the East, Central and West machines are shown in Fig.
These differences suggest that, when the PSSs are in oper- lob. Note the damping torque component due to speed
ation, an additional positive damping component of elec- perturbations on the East machine is negative.
trical torque is introduced through the interaction An examination of both the right eigenvectors associ-
('swinging') of machines at the modal frequencies. ated with speed states and the participation matrix for
mode 3 (-2.83 kj8.14) reveals that the East Metro and
6.2 Damping torques introduced through interaction the East machine swing nearly in phase-opposition. This
between machines with PSSs in operation is borne out by the Nyquist plots shown in Fig. 11 at 8.14
As a result of speed variations on machine j an electrical rad/s. As a consequence, both of the negative damping
torque component is developed on machine i. The trans- torque characteristic shown in Fig. lob, and of swinging
fer function H,,,(s) describing this relationship is derived out-of-phase, a positive damping torque is developed on
from eqn. 12 and given by eqn. 14. the East Metro machine at the modal frequency. In this
If machines i and j swing in phase at the modal fre- case the contribution to the damping torque on the East
quency, the component of APei in phase with Amj is also Metro machine is significant. For example, in Fig. 11 at
in phase with Ami. Hence, on machine i a damping 8.14 rad/s 1 AmEastMetro 1 2 2 1 AmEas,1 . The positive
torque is produced from the interaction. If the damping torque coefficient on the East Metro machine
latter torque is positive, such an interaction results in a for a sinusoidal excitation at this frequency, from Fig.
greater left shift of the modal frequency (or eigenvalue) lob, is thus 14/(2/cos 8)= 6 on system base or 10 on
than that predicted by the machine damping coefficients machine base. The latter value is comparable to that
282 1EE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. C , N o . 4, JULY 1988
introduced by the PSS on the East Metro machine, i.e. 8 Acknowledgments
D = 20. The damping torque contributions (positive or
negative) from speed perturbations on other machines at The studies described in this paper employed a com-
this modal frequency are relatively small. prehensive software package [171 which was developed
by Mr. B.R. Korte, now with the Electricity Trust of
South Australia; his contribution is most gratefully
to 10 acknowledged. Financial support was provided by the
Australian Electrical Research Board and the Electricity
Trust of South Australia.

9 References

1 DE MELLO, F.P., and CONCORDIA, C.: ‘Concepts of synchro-

nous machine stability as affected by excitation control’, IEEE
Trans., 1969, PAS-88, pp. 3 1 6 3 2 9
2 LARSON, E.V., and SWANN, D.A.: ‘Applying power system stabil-
isers. Parts I-III’, ibid., 1981, PAS-100, pp. 3017-3046
UNDRILL, J.M.: ‘Coordinated application of stabilizers for multi-
machine power systems’, ibid., 1980, PAS-99, pp. 892-901
4 GOOI, H.B., HILL, F.F., MOBARAK, M.A., THORNE, D.H., and
LEE, T.H.: ‘Coordinated multi-machine stabiliser setting without

8,: 8.50

Fig. 11 Nyquist plots of speed responses on East and East Metro

machines for a (sinusoidal) perturbation in reference voltage on the East
eigenvalue drift’, ibid., 1981, PAS-100, pp. 3879-3887
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by the action of the PSS on the East machine. inverse Nyquist array’, IEE Proc. C, Gen. Trans. & Distrib., 1980,
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With certain exceptions, the damping performance of 15 BAYNE, J.P., LEE, D.C., and WATSON, W.: ‘Power system stabili-
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comparable to that for a multimachine system, without ibid., 1977, PAS-96, pp. 1777-1783
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exceptions apply to any machine i which interacts signifi- 17 KORTE, B.R.: ‘An interactive software package for investigating the
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The additional left shift in the oscillatory mode is versity of Adelaide, 1987
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The method proposed is a direct approach, i.e. it does Dept. Elect. Eng., University of Melbourne, 1983
not rely on an iterative algorithm to determine the PSS
parameters. Hence, the method provides additional,
deeper understanding of the action of PSSs on multi-
machine systems. 10 Appendix: Five-machine p o w e r system
Although PSSs are fitted to all machines in the sample
system, the method can be applied equally well to The parameters of lines and transformers, together with
systems in which PSSs are fitted only to certain the steady-state operating conditions, are shown in Fig.
machines, or in which fixed-parameter stabilisers already 12. The machine and excitation system parameters are
exist. given in Table 4 [181.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. C , No. 4, J U L Y 1988 283
OJ Central Table 4: Machine and excitation system parameters (in per
L o r n unit on loo0 MVA)

- 0
> P198
4 East
West West
Central East East
’Do Metro Metro

0 1.12 7

” 132
0 4 0 + ~ 305
70+]53 2

1 + J 97 e II

> ~ 3 7 5 Number
0 l+j2.7 1 5 2 0.1+~3.3
0 5 +129 3 0 4 * ] 37 1 (MVA)
Kd 18.650 1.690 11.020 1.690 11.300
P70 P35 H 20.460 1.660 14.890 2.810 13.36
0 0 0 0 0

West Metro


P,Q in per unit

East Metro
0 > ‘fd
‘fd 0.327 4.420 0.287 4.120 0.442
K.3 200 200 150 150 200
T,, 0.20 1.00 0.01 0.01 0.20
Fig. 12 Five-machine power system; transmission system parameters
and steady-state operating conditions

284 ZEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. C , N o . 4, JULY 1988

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