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Modern By Charles Rice
Editing: Artwork:
Chris Davis anthony cournoyer

Layout: Graphic Design:

Chris Davis David Jarvis
Paula Rice, Corey Hodges, Edward Lennon, David S. Gallant;

Special thanks to:

ashockney, azgulor, Baduin, beverson, broghammerj, Committed
Hero, direrodent, editorBFG, Father of Dragons, Fraser Ronald,
Greg K., HeapThaumaturgist, iwatt, Jackelope King, jaerdaph,
jonrog1, Kheti sa-Menek, Mokona, Mustrum Ridcully, Nuclear
Platypus, ogre, Psion, Salcor, Sketchpad, tinktinktink, Trevino
Anterlux, wedgeski, Wraithform
Speical thanks to the d20 modern designers:
bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grub, Rich RedMan, Charles Ryan,
christopher Perkins, Stan!
Open Gaming Content:
-All the text in this book is open content
-modern20 is product identity
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Characters 4 Brainiac 15

Ability Scores 4 Empath 17
Backgrounds 6 Star 17
Academic 6 Allegiances (Optional) 18
Adventurer 6 Reputation 19
Athlete 6 Wealth 22
Blue Collar 6 Action Points 22
Celebrity 6 Character Disadvantages 23
Criminal 6 Chapter 2: Modern Skills 27
Dilettante 7 Academics 29
Doctor 7 Acrobatics 29
Emergency Services 7 Art 30
Entrepreneur 7 Athletics 30
Law Enforcement 7 Business 30
Military 7 Chemistry 31
Religion 7 Computers 34
Rural 7 Crime 35
Student 7 Engineering 37
White Collar 7 Firearms 37
Occupations 7 Influence 38
Actor 8 Ki 39
Assassin 8 Leadership 39
Bodyguard 8 Legal 40
Boxer 9 Magic 40
Business Executive 9 Medicine 41
Con-Man 9 Outdoorsman 42
Dancer 9 Perception 42
Hunter 9 Psionics 43
Laborer 9 Read/Write Language 43
Martial Arts Instructor 9 Speak Language 44
Military Officer 9 Stealth 44
Mob Boss 10 Streetwise 44
Mobster 10 Unarmed 44
Musician 10 Vehicles 45
Negotiator 10 Weapons 46
Paramedic 10
Police Officer 10 Chapter 3: Feats 47
Politician 10 Chapter 4: Equipment 68
Private Investigator 10 Ranged Weapons 68
Psychiatrist 10 Targeting Systems 88
Reporter 11 Ammunition 89
Scientist 11 Explosives and Splash Weapons Table 90
Sniper 11 Melee Weapons 92
Soldier 11 Armor 95
Special Operator 11 General Equipment 97
Spy 11 Vehicles 100
Stuntman 11
Surgeon 11 Chapter 5: Combat 102
Technician 11 Turn Sequence 102
Thug 12 Important Attributes 102
Truck Driver 12 Condition Summary 107
Wheelman 12 Actions 109
Wrestler 12 Damage, Healing and Death 110
Hobbies 12
Character Classes 13
Chapter 6: Adventuring 113
Movement 113
Powerhouse 13
Environment & Hazards 114
Speedfreak 13
Tank 15

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Modern Mayhem and

Mystery to the 20th Power!
Welcome to Modern20 RPGObjects’ new modern RPG
of action and adventure. As a company, RPGObjects has
always been a strong supporter of modern and science-
fiction gaming. It’s in our blood. So you might be asking,
why a new modern system? The truth is there are a lot of
things that the modern core rules do very well. But other
things could be improved.

As a game master who has run modern d20 since before

the core rules were released (we were given a pre-release
copy of the rules) and as a long-time modern gamer
before that in point-based systems both generic and
heroic, I wanted to draw on that experience to create a
faster-playing, smoother, more action-packed modern
experience. At the same time, I wanted to streamline skills
and add depth to character creation, making it a richer
experience, while hopefully not a longer experience.

The result, after years of thought, hundreds of game

sessions, and a lot of discussion is the book you’re
holding now. We hope you’ll agree with us when we say
it’s modern to the 20th power.

What’s Different
Backgrounds provide a basic level in skills and a base
amount of Wealth.

Occupations can be changed several times over the course

of your career and provide Wealth, skill access, feat
access, improved feats and perks.
Many skill checks (such as for crafting) have been
Hobbies provide a basic level in a single skill.
completely eliminated. The skills themselves have
been folded into new skills. Your total ranks in the skill
Wealth still exists but is not used to roll wealth checks.
determines what you can and cannot build.
Basic, Advanced and Prestige Classes are gone replaced
Many feats have been eliminated, their place taken by new
with six Core Classes.
skills and perks.
Skills have been streamlined considerably and can be
Critical hits are gone. In their place is a hit location system
extensively modified by perks. Several skills have been
that modifies damage. Characters can also attempt targeted
changed or merged. Some new skills have been added.
shots to improve their chances of getting a hit on a vital
Opposed skill checks are gone, replaced with targeted

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Chapter 1: Characters
Characters are what bring a role-playing alive, especially in
a modern setting where the vast majority of the opponents
Ability Modifiers
Each ability score has a modifier that can be determined as
will be Non-Player Characters (NPCs), characters controlled
by the game master.
(ability/2)-5 [round down]
Character Creation This modifier is added or subtracted from d20 rolls in areas
modified by the ability score, as explained below.
Character creation consists of several steps to define your
character and determine what he knows and what he can do
in the game world. Creating a character requires the Using Ability Scores
following steps: Strength: Your Strength modifier affects melee
attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon
1) Generate ability scores damage rolls and the damage from certain
2) Choose a background archaic ranged weapons, most notably bows.
3) Choose an occupation and a hobby The following skills are modified by Strength:
4) Choose a character class Athletics, Unarmed and Weapons.
5) Select your character’s feats, skills and perks Dexterity: Your Dexterity modifier affects
6) Set the level of secondary characteristics ranged attack rolls, finesse melee weapon
such as Reputation, Wealth and Action attack rolls, Initiative, Defense and Reflex
Points saving throws. The following skills are
7) Purchase equipment modified by Dexterity: Acrobatics,
8) And finally, determine any starting Firearms, Stealth and Vehicles.
character disadvantages (optional). Constitution: Your Constitution
modifier affects hit points, Fortitude
saving throws and Recovery saving
Ability Scores throws. No skills are modified by
All characters have the following Intelligence: Your Intelligence modifier
six ability scores: affects skill points. The following skills are
modified by Intelligence: Academics, Chemistry,
Computers, Crime, Engineering and Legal.
Strength Wisdom: Your Wisdom modifier affects Will
Dexterity saving throws. The following skills are modified
by Wisdom: Medicine, Outdoorsman, Perception
Constitution and Streetwise.
Intelligence Charisma: The following skills are
Wisdom modified by Charisma: Art, Magic, Influence
and Leadership.
Changing Ability Scores
The normal human range of these ability As your character grows more powerful, his
scores is from 3 to 18. As heroes, the player ability scores will grow as well. There are two
characters, as well as important NPCs, might main ways to modify your ability scores:
have ability scores in excess of 18, running into Level Advancement: Every 4 levels, all
the 20’s. characters may increase one ability
score of their choice by +1.
Special Training Feats: At
levels 6, 12 and 18 there are special

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training feats available to characters that have spent a great players to be above average yet still have a significant
deal of time in one profession. chance for an ability score to be below average. This
Of course, it’s not all fun and games out there. Some nasty generates heroic characters that will have some weaknesses
bugs your character might encounter can temporarily lower but will still be a cut above the common men and women of
ability scores as well, especially poisons and some diseases. the world.
Finally, your ability scores are affected by your age as Why not do it? The only reason not to use this method
well. See the Character Disadvantage Age to determine if is if you want something more or less powerful, in keeping
your character’s starting age will affect his ability scores. with the campaign’s theme.

Generating Ability Scores Cinematic

Ability score generation can be done by one of several Cinematic characters are definitely larger than life heroes
methods. In fact, though we present several here, these who have few, if any weaknesses. As the name implies,
are by no means the only way to generate ability scores. this style of ability generation will typically allow players
Ability scores will affect how characters feel throughout the to create characters out of action movies who border on
campaign and the method of generating those scores should superhuman.
be carefully selected in keeping with the type of campaign Ability Generation: All abilities start 8. Roll 1d10 and
the game master wants to run. Are the characters ordinary add the result to the base ability score. Then place the scores
men and women thrust into extraordinary circumstances? in any order you chose.
Are they larger than life heroes who prowl the night? Why do it? If you want to run a campaign based on
Think about the type of campaign you want to run, and old serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon, where the
then talk it over with your players. Listen to their thoughts heroes are seemingly perfect, or a modern campaign where
on the sort of characters they want to play, then choose one a street level vigilante is able to wade through dozens and
of the methods below, use one from another source or create dozens of criminals without breaking a sweat, then this
one of your own. character generation method is for you.
Why not do it? Playing characters with weaknesses is
good for both players and the game master. For players, a
True Grit group of characters who each have a significant weakness
Life is cheap and short in this style of campaign.
forces them to work together for the common good of the
Ability Generation: Characters roll 3d6 for each ability
group. Having a weakness can also provide a player with
score and must use them in the order rolled (so the first roll
a role-playing “hook” to base his character’s personality
is Strength, the second Dexterity and so on).
around. For the game master, having characters with
Why do it? Use this ability generation method if you
weaknesses can provide a hook for staging an encounter
want the player characters to be ordinary men and women
around a character’s weak spot.
thrust into extraordinary circumstances. They’re not heroes
or specially prepared for what awaits them and it’s very
likely they won’t all come out alive. Point-Buy Character Generation
Why not do it? Chances are your players are ordinary Point Buy allows characters to set their ability scores within
men and women and play role-playing games to get as far reason. Each player is given a pool of points that they can
away from that mundane world as possible. Some players spend to raise their abilities and model them as they see
will also object to the dice determining their character fit. Though this provides the players with a great deal of
choices, as a character that rolls an 18 Strength and a 6 freedom in generating their characters, it makes character
Intelligence is not going to be an affective Brainiac. generation a longer process, since the player will (and
should) put a lot of thought into their character’s ability
This is the default campaign style of most modern games.
The characters are definitely above average but they are far Modern Point-Buy
from superhuman. In this system, the characters determine their ability scores
Ability Generation: Roll 4d6 for each ability score, but will likely have to set one or more abilities at below
dropping the lowest die and adding the three remaining dice average if they wish to have a truly exceptional ability score
together. You may place these scores in any order you chose. or two.
If your total ability modifiers add up to +0 or less, or you do Ability Generation: All abilities start at 8. Players have a
not have an ability score of 13 or higher, you may roll again. pool of 30 points to spend on ability scores.
Why do it? Use this ability score method if you want Raising abilities between 9 and 14 costs 1 point per ability

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point. For example setting an ability score at 14 would cost
6 points (14-8).
You were employed as a teacher, librarian or researcher
Raising ability scores above 14 costs 2 points per ability
before you became an adventurer.
point. For example, setting an ability at 16 would cost 10
Skills (choose two of the following): Academics, Art,
points (6 points to raise the ability to 14, then 4 more points
Athletics, Chemistry, Computers, Engineering and Legal.
to raise it to 16).
Base Wealth: 8
Why do it? Each player will have exactly the character
she wants. If the player wants to play a character that is
strong as an ox but dumber than a bag of hammers, she can Adventurer
do just that without having to rely on the right combination Your previous job before becoming an adventurer was…
of die rolls. well, you have always been an adventurer. Perhaps you were
Why not do it? Often times, a player doesn’t have a born into a family of adventurers or the desire to wander the
strong idea who his character is before he starts playing world has always been inside you.
him. Such players feel hemmed in by systems that force the Skills (choose three of the following): Acrobatics,
player to decide his characters strengths and weaknesses Athletics, Firearms, Outdoorsman, Perception, Stealth,
before hand. Streetwise, Unarmed and Weapons.
Also, some players like the randomness of determining Base Wealth: 4
whether or not their character will be a larger than life hero
or the larger than life hero’s bumbling sidekick.
You were a professional athlete of some sort. This doesn’t
Cinematic Point-Buy necessarily imply that you were a famous athlete, merely
In this system, the characters determine their that you made your living with your body.
ability scores and will be able to set several Skills (choose three of the following): Acrobatics,
scores to a high level without needing to worry Athletics, Outdoorsman, Perception, Unarmed,
about having a significant weakness. Vehicles and Weapons.
Ability Generation: This method works just Base Wealth: 4
like the Modern Point-Buy except the
players are given 45 points to spend on
their abilities. Blue Collar
Speaking of making a living with your body,
Elite Array this background is much less glamorous in
One final option for determining your scope. Perhaps you were an auto-worker
character’s ability scores is the elite or maybe you flipped burgers. Either way,
array. Under this method, all characters you were at the low-end of the employment
are equal, with ability scores of: 15, 14, scale.
13, 12, 10 and 8, arranged in any order Skills (three of the following): Athletics,
the player chooses. Outdoorsman, Perception, Streetwise,
Unarmed and Vehicles.
Base Wealth: 4
Your background represents what your You used to be famous. Maybe you still are.
character did before he became an adventurer. Skills (one of the following): Art, Influence
Backgrounds grant a character 4 ranks in and Perception.
one or more skills as well as a base Wealth. Reputation: +1
The additional ranks in a skill granted by a Base Wealth: 10
background must obey the usual level limit on
max ranks for skills.
You used to make your living outside the law.
Skills (three of the following): Athletics,
Crime, Firearms, Influence, Perception,

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Stealth, Streetwise, Unarmed and Vehicles.
Base Wealth: 4
You grew up in the back woods.
Skills (three of the following): Athletics, Firearms,
Dilettante Outdoorsman, Perception, Stealth, Unarmed and Vehicles.
You come from old money. Base Wealth: 4
Skills (one of the following): Art, Influence, Legal and
Base Wealth: 12
You have spent your time in the halls of an institute of
Doctor Skills (four of the following): Academics, Art, Athletics,
You have had medical training. Business, Chemistry, Computers, Engineering, Legal and
Skills (two of the following): Academics, Computers, Medicine.
Influence, Legal, Medicine, Perception. Base Wealth: 0
Base Wealth: 8
White Collar
Emergency Services You have worked in an occupation that requires technical or
You have had training as a paramedic, fire fighter or similar business savvy.
rescue service. Skills (two of the following): Academics, Chemistry,
Skills (three of the following): Athletics, Influence, Computers, Engineering, Influence, Legal and Perception.
Medicine, Outdoorsman, Perception, Streetwise and Base Wealth: 8
Base Wealth: 4
Entrepreneur While your background indicates things your character
You have spent time in the business world.
has done in the past, occupations represent the things your
Skills (two of the following): Academics, Business,
character currently does for a living. Occupations provide
Computers, Influence, Legal and Perception
three main benefits: salary, professional training and perks.
Base Wealth: 8
Salary: Salary is a bonus to your character’s Wealth
score. This bonus is variable and depends on the ranks
Law Enforcement you possess in the professional skills of your occupation.
You have spent time as a police officer or private detective. An occupation’s professional skills are the skills it offers
Skills (three of the following): Athletics, Firearms, professional training in (see below).
Influence, Legal, Perception, Streetwise, Unarmed, Vehicles Occupations will have more than one professional skill
and Weapons. but only the highest rated professional skill (in ranks) grants
Base Wealth: 4 a Wealth bonus. The Wealth bonus is equal to the ranks in
that skill divided by two.
An occupation also grants a Wealth bonus for selecting
Military the improved feats offered by that occupation. For each
You have served time in the armed forces.
improved feat that the character selects, he gains a +2 bonus
Skills (three of the following): Athletics, Engineering,
to his Wealth.
Firearms, Leadership, Outdoorsman, Perception, Stealth,
Professional Training: Occupations offer advanced
Unarmed, Vehicles and Weapons.
avenues for skill training. Characters gain 2 “phantom” skill
Base Wealth: 4
ranks in all occupational skills. These ranks can improve a
skill beyond the normal Level+3 skill limit.
Religion Improved Feats: Occupations offer a character a chance
You have served as a member (usually a priest or reverend) to select feats not normally allowed for his class. If an
of a religious group. occupation lists a feat, a character may select it regardless of
Skills (two of the following): Academics, Art, Influence, class, provided he meets all the other prerequisites.
Legal and Perception. Better still; feats offered by occupations are improved.
Base Wealth: 8 Because the character uses the feats every day in his

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occupation, he is more familiar with it and thus the feat
works better for him.
You are a working performer on the stage or screen.
Should a character leave a profession, he does not forget
Professional Skills: Art, Influence and Perception
or lose any feats selected, even if they are not normally
Improved Feats: Attractive: +6 bonus to Influence
allowed for his class. However, the feats are no longer
checks when dealing with your chosen gender; Banter:
improved; they simply function as they normally do.
your Charisma modifier is increased by +1 for purposes of
Perks: Finally, each occupation grants a character a
this feat; Endorsement Deal: your Reputation modifier is
certain number of perks. Most character receive two perks.
increased by +2 for purposes of this feat; Public Speaker 1:
Characters whose first level is in the Star class receive 4
+2 Charisma.
perks. A character can gain extra perks through the Career
Advancement feat. Perks can provide the following benefits:
Professional Reputation: granting the character an extra Assassin
Reputation bonus of +4. You kill for profit.
Professional Salary: granting the character an extra Prerequisite: Firearms 10 ranks or Stealth 10 ranks or
Wealth bonus of +4. Weapons 10 ranks, Sneak Attack, Critical Strike
Skill Modification: Many skills have additional Professional Skills: Firearms, Stealth and Weapons
uses that can only be accessed through perks. Improved Feats: Crippling Strike: your target suffers
Some occupations have unique perks as two points of temporary Strength damage; Critical
well, benefits that can only be accessed by a Strike: when you inflict bonus damage with this feat,
member of that profession. that bonus damage is increased by +3 points; Enemy
One of the advantages of perks is that a (target): you may treat anyone you were assigned or
character can change them several times over hired to kill as an enemy for purposes of this feat;
the course of his career. Anytime a character Sneak Attack: you inflict +1 damage per feat
advances in his profession, the character against flat-footed targets.
may change his perks as well. A character
is considered to have advanced in
his profession whenever any of the
following occurs: the character gains
You protect others, with your life if
ranks in one or more professional
skills; the character gains one or
Professional Skills: Influence,
more improved feats from his
Legal and Perception
occupation; the character gains
Improved Feats: Defensive
additional perks through selecting
Attack: your defense bonus is
the Career Advancement feat.
increased to 1.5 per –1 penalty you
A character can also change perks
take on your attack rolls (-1 attack for
by changing jobs, as described below.
+1 Defense, -2 attack for +3 Defense and
Changing Occupations: A
so forth); Die Hard: when you are reduced
character can change jobs many times
unconscious by non-lethal damage, you may make
over the course of her life (indeed some
a Recovery save in the minimum time (1 hour);
occupations require a character to be
High Pain Threshold: +3 bonus to Recovery
higher than first level and thus can never
saves; Human Shield: you may grant complete
be a character’s first occupation). In fact
cover to a target instead of partial cover, anyone
this is more the rule than the exception in
attacking the target must attack you instead.
the modern world. A character can change
jobs at any time, so long as she qualifies for
her new occupation.
When a character changes occupations,
he keeps his old perks for 30 days (think
of this as a severance package if you will).
After 30 days, these perks go away and
a character may select new perks in
keeping with his new occupation.

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Creating New Occupations

Creating new occupations is relatively simple and requires nothing more than some imagination and an eye toward
balance. Each occupation grants three professional skills and four improved feats. Use the occupations provided here as a
guide but there aren’t really any hard and fast rules for what makes a good occupation. Advanced occupations (those that
require a character to be higher than first level to select) are always better than standard occupations, and typically have
better occupation-specific perks.

Boxer Hunter
You make your living through the sweet science of boxing. When people need an animal tracked and/or killed, you’re
Professional Skills: Athletics, Perception, Unarmed the person they call.
Improved Feats: All-Out Attack: your attack bonus is Professional Skills: Firearms, Outdoorsman and Stealth
increased to 1.5 per –1 penalty you take on your Defense Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is increased
(-1 Defense for +1 attack, -2 Defense for +3 attack and so by +2 for purposes of this feat; Enemy (animals): you may
forth); Attack Focus: +2 attack rolls; Defensive Attack: your take this feat and apply it to any animal you have decided
defense bonus is increased to 1.5 per –1 penalty you take on to hunt; Far Shot: increase Range Increment by factor of 2;
your attack rolls (-1 attack for +1 Defense, -2 attack for +3 Talented (Outdoorsman and Stealth): +4 to both skills
Defense and so forth); Strength Training: +2 Strength bonus
Business Executive You are a manual laborer.
You make your living in the world of high finance. Professional Skills: Athletics, Outdoorsman and
Professional Skills: Business, Influence, Legal Perception
Improved Feats: Attractive (powersuit): you are Improved Feats: Die Hard: when you are knocked
attractive to both genders (your power suit looks fabulous); unconscious by non-lethal damage you may make a
Career Advancement: +2 perks; Public Speaker: +2 Recovery save in the minimum time (one hour); High Pain
Charisma; Tycoon: +1.5 Wealth bonus or penalty per feat Threshold: +3 to Recovery saves; Strength Training: +2
(+3 bonus for every two feats) Strength; Talented (Athletics and Outdoorsman): this feat
also grants a +2 bonus to Perception
You make your living tricking others out of their hard- Martial Arts Instructor
earned cash. You are a skilled teacher and mentor in the area of self-
Professional Skills: Influence, Perception and Streetwise defense.
Improved Feats: Attractive: +6 bonus to Influence Professional Skills: Influence, Perception and Unarmed
checks when dealing with your chosen gender; Fascinate: Improved Feats: Dedicated (martial arts students): +3
the DC of the Influence check is decreased to Perception or skill checks and saving throws; Defensive Attack: your
Will +5; Public Speaker: +2 Charisma; Suggestion: the DC defense bonus is increased to 1.5 per –1 penalty you take on
of the Influence check is decreased to Perception or Will +5 your attack rolls (-1 attack for +1 Defense, -2 attack for +3
Defense and so forth); Defensive Martial Arts: +2 to your
Unarmed skill for purposes of this feat; Mind Over Body:
Dancer your Wisdom modifier is consider +2 higher for purposes of
You make your living combining art and athleticism.
this feat
Professional Skills: Acrobatics, Art, Athletics
Improved Feats: Acrobatic Defense: your Acrobatics
skill is treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Military Officer
Acrobatic Feint: the DC of the Acrobatics check is The military has taught you how to lead men.
decreased to Acrobatics or Reflex +5; Agility Training: +2 Professional Skills: Firearms, Influence, Leadership
Dexterity; Cat’s Landing: the distance removed from a fall Improved Feats: Expert in your field (Leadership): your
is increased by +5 ft. Reputation modifier is treated as +2 higher for purposes
of this feat; Exploit Weakness: your Intelligence modifier

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is treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Public Professional Skills: Athletics, Medicine and Perception
Speaker: +2 Charisma; Teamwork: +2 Initiative bonus when Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is
working with your team. considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Empathy:
your Perception is treated as +4 higher for purposes of this
skill; Mind Over Body: your Wisdom modifier is consider
Mob Boss +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
You are a high-ranking figure in organized crime.
Prerequisite: Influence 10 ranks, Career Advancement,
Professional Salary perk Police Officer
Professional Skills: Crime, Legal and Influence You are an officer of the law.
Improved Feats: Career Advancement: +2 perks; Expert Professional skills: Influence, Legal and Perception
in your field (Influence): your Reputation modifier is Improved Feats: Dedicated (protect and serve): +3
treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Low Profile: bonus on skill checks and saves; Defensive Driving: your
you can take this feat to adopt a double life, reducing your Vehicles skill is considered +2 higher for purposes of this
Reputation with the media and law enforcement to 0 while feat; Moonlighting: police officers are highly sought after
maintaining your full Reputation when dealing with other as security, increase the Wealth bonus from your second
underworld figures; Public Speaker: +2 Charisma occupation by +4; Point Blank Shot: +2 attack rolls

Mobster Politician
You are a foot soldier of the underworld. You are a mover and shaker on the political scene.
Professional Skills: Crime, Firearms and Streetwise Professional Skills: Influence, Leadership and Perception
Improved Feats: Endurance Training: +2 Con; Enemy Improved Feats: Banter: your Charisma modifier
(law enforcement or rival family): +3 bonus to damage rolls; is treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Career
Move-By Action: when conducting a move-by attack from Advancement: +2 perks; Expert in your field (Influence):
a vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll; Point your Reputation modifier is treated as +2 higher for
Blank Shot: +2 damage purposes of this feat; Public Speaker: +2 Charisma

Musician Private Investigator

You make your living playing music. You make a living finding things out, whether people want
Professional Skills: Academics, Art and Influence you to or not.
Improved Feats: Endorsement Deal: your Reputation Professional Skills: Influence, Perception and Streetwise
is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Fascinate Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is
(Art): you can fascinate multiple targets, up 1 per rank in considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Expert in
Art; Lucky: your Charisma modifier is consider +2 higher your field (Perception): your Reputation is considered +2
for purposes of this feat; Public Speaker: +2 Charisma higher for purposes of this feat; Loner: +4 skill checks when
working alone; Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
You are an expert at getting parties to see reason and come Psychiatrist
to an amicable understanding. You are a medical doctor who specializes in treating the
Professional Skills: Influence, Legal and Perception mind.
Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is Prerequisites: Influence 10 ranks, Medicine 6 ranks,
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Empathy: Pharmacology perk
your Perception is treated as +4 higher for purposes of this Professional Skills: Medicine, Influence and Perception
skill; Expert in your field (Influence): your Reputation is Improved Feats: Expert in your field (Perception): your
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Fascinate: Reputation is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat;
the DC of your Influence check is reduced to Perception or Dedicated (patient’s welfare): +3 bonus on skill checks
Will +5 and saves; Fascinate: the DC of the Influence check is
decreased to Perception or Will +5; Suggestion: the DC of
the Influence check is decreased to Perception or Will +5
You rescue people from dangerous situations and transport
them to medical care.

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Reporter Spy
You specialize in investigative journalism. You are a paid government informant.
Professional Skills: Influence, Perception and Streetwise Professional Skills: Crime, Influence and Perception
Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is Improved Feats: Awareness: your Will save is
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Expert in considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat; Low Profile:
your field (Perception): your Reputation is considered +2 because you are under deep cover, you retain your original
higher for purposes of this feat; Self-Help: +2 Wisdom; Reputation under that identity and can reclaim it at any
Well-Informed: you gain 2 free skill contacts (2 RP each) time (though that essentially means giving up this feat), any
from this feat in addition to the usual benefits Reputation gains made after acquiring the Low Profile feat
go to your original identity; Self-Help: +2 Wisdom; Sneak
Attack: you inflict +1 additional damage per feat against
Scientist flat-footed targets
You make your living on the cutting edge of an academic
Professional Skills: Academics, Computers and
Perception Stuntman
Improved Feats: Book Learning: +2 Intelligence; You make your living performing dangerous stunts and falls
Career Advancement: +2 Reputation; Expert in your field on film.
(academics): your Reputation modifier is considered +2 Professional Skills: Acrobatics, Outdoorsman and
higher for purposes of this feat; Power User: you only need Vehicles
a single day to become a power user of a given item Improved Feats: Cat’s Landing: you subtract and
additional 10 ft. from the height of any fall; Defensive
Attack: your defense bonus is increased to 1.5 per –1
Sniper penalty you take on your attack rolls (-1 attack for +1
You are employed as the ultimate marksman.
Defense, -2 attack for +3 Defense and so forth); Defensive
Prerequisites: Firearms 13 ranks, Sniper Shot, Called
Roll: when an opponent strikes you, he thinks the blow
Shot perk
lands full force and believes he is inflicting much greater
Professional Skills: Athletics, Firearms and Outdoorsman
damage on you than he really is, and after any successful
Improved Feats: Accurate Attack: +1.5 attack bonus for
hit, you may “play dead”, requiring a Perception check of
every –1 damage bonus; Agility Training: +2 Dexterity;
20+ your Reputation for your opponent to realize you are
Attack Focus: +2 attack rolls; Far Shot: range increment is
not dead or unconscious; Dodge Focus: you may use this
feat normally for yourself (+1 Defense) but may also apply
it to any vehicle you are driving, at +2 Defense per feat
You serve in a military organization.
Professional Skills: Athletics, Firearms and Outdoorsman
You are a highly trained trauma specialist.
Improved Feats: Cover Fire: the Defense bonus
Prerequisite: Medicine 13 ranks, Surgery perk
provided by Cover Fire is increased by +2; Dedicated
Professional Skills: Academics, Medicine and Perception
(country of origin): skill check and save bonus increased to
Improved Feats: Career Advancement: +2 perks;
+3; High Pain Threshold: +3 Recovery saves; Teamwork:
Dedicated (patients’ well-being/Hippocratic oath): +3 skill
+2 Initiative bonus when working with your team.
checks and saving throws; Healer: +3 points of healing;
Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
Special Operator
You are an elite soldier.
Prerequisites: Firearms 10 ranks, Stealth 10 ranks
Professional Skills: Firearms, Stealth and Outdoorsman
You make things work and keep them running.
Improved Feats: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity; Attack
Professional Skills: Academics, Computers and
Focus: +2 attack rolls; Esprit de Corps: +2 bonus to all
saving throws when working with your team; Teamwork: +2
Improved Feats: Book Learning: +2 Intelligence; Expert
Initiative bonus when working with your team
in your field (Perception): your Reputation is considered
+2 higher for purposes of this feat; Talented (any two

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Professional Skills): +4 bonus to both skills; Walking
Encyclopedia: you may make a Research check in no time
Truck Driver
You make your living hauling goods on the open road.
twice per day without having to spend an action point
Despite its title, this occupation can also serve for long-haul
air delivery pilots, simply substitute the Defensive Driving
Thug improved feat for the Evasive Maneuvers feat (improved the
You make your living as muscle. This could involve same way).
anything from working as a bouncer to collecting debts. Professional Skills: Athletics, Perception and Vehicles
Professional Skills: Influence, Streetwise and Unarmed Improved Feats: Defensive Driving: your Vehicles
Improved Feats: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 attack skill is considered 2 ranks higher for purposes of this feat;
rolls; Defensive Attack: your defense bonus is increased to Endurance Training: +2 Constitution; Loner: +4 skill
1.5 per –1 penalty you take on your attack rolls (-1 attack checks when alone; Night Vision: you can drive a vehicle
for +1 Defense, -2 attack for +3 Defense and so forth); without lights at no penalty to your Vehicles skill checks
Endurance Training: +2 Constitution; Expert in your field
(Influence): your Reputation modifier is treated as +2 higher
for purposes of this feat
You make your living behind the wheel (or stick) of a
Professional Skills: Engineering, Perception and Vehicles
Improved Feats: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity;
Defensive Driving: your Vehicles skill is treated as +4
higher for purposes of this feat; Evasive Maneuvers: your
Vehicles skill is treated as +4 higher for purposes of this
feat; Move-By Action: when conducting a move-by attack
from a vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll

You make your living grabbing people and throwing them
Professional Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics and Unarmed
Improved Feats: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 attack
rolls; Improved Grab: the DC of the free grapple check
granted by this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed or
Acrobatics +5; Improved Trip: the DC of the free trip
check granted by this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed or
Acrobatics +5; Soldier On: you can use this feat twice per

Each character gets one hobby. Hobbies are activities your
character does in his “spare” time when not working or
adventuring. Hobbies grant a single skill of your choice at
4 ranks. Skills gained as hobbies still have to abide by the
normal level cap for skills.

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Table 1-1: Powerhouse

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 +1 4 Feats; Melee Master +0 +0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 +2 1 Feat +1 +1
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 +2 1 Feat +2 +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 +2 1 Feat +3 +2
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 +3 1 Feat +3 +2
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 +3 1 Feat +4 +3
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 +4 1 Feat +5 +3
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 +4 1 Feat +6 +4
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 +4 1 Feat +6 +4
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 +5 1 Feat +7 +5
11th +11 +7 +3 +3 +5 1 Feat +8 +5
12th +12 +8 +4 +4 +6 1 Feat +9 +6
13th +13 +8 +4 +4 +6 1 Feat +9 +6
14th +14 +9 +4 +4 +6 1 Feat +10 +7
15th +15 +9 +5 +5 +7 1 Feat +11 +7
16th +16 +10 +5 +5 +7 1 Feat +12 +8
17th +17 +10 +5 +5 +8 1 Feat +12 +8
18th +18 +11 +6 +6 +8 1 Feat +13 +9
19th +19 +11 +6 +6 +8 1 Feat +14 +9
20th +20 +12 +6 +6 +9 1 Feat +15 +10

Skill Points at 1st level: 4 + Int. modifier (x4)

Character Classes Skill points at each level: 4+ Int. modifier

Character classes represent your character’s adventuring Class Features

role. Powerhouse characters have the best Base Attack All of the following are features of the Powerhouse core
Bonus, while Speedfreak characters have the best Defense, class.
Tank characters have the most hit points, Brainiacs the most Feats: As indicated on the class table at each level,
skill points, Empaths the best all around saves and Stars the you may select a number of feats from the General and
best Reputation. Powerhouse feat tables. You may also select any feat listed
with your Occupation as an Improved Feat.
Powerhouse Melee Master: Only characters that take their first
Powerhouse characters are the enforcers, those who character level in the Powerhouse class gain this ability.
specialize in taking the fight to their enemies. In many You automatically inflict an extra die of damage with
organizations, Powerhouse and Tank characters comprise unarmed and melee attacks if your attack roll is a natural 20.
the “front line”, with Powerhouse characters specializing If you spend an Action Point, you gain a damage bonus
in expanding influence, while Tank characters specialize in on all unarmed and melee attacks equal to your Powerhouse
protecting and consolidating any gains. level for one round. You may choose to spend this Action
Point at any time before rolling damage.
Class Information
The following information pertains to the Powerhouse core Speedfreak
class. Speedfreak characters are combat oriented, but use their
Hit Die: 1d10 high Defense and enhanced mobility to great effect,
Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded attacking where their opponents least expect it.
down, every time the character gains a new level in this

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Table 1-2: SpeedFreak

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +2 +0 +0 4 Feats; Need for Speed +1 +0
2nd +1 +2 +3 +0 +0 1 Feat +2 +1
3rd +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 1 Feat +3 +1
4th +3 +2 +4 +1 +1 1 Feat +4 +2
5th +3 +3 +4 +1 +1 1 Feat +5 +2
6th +4 +3 +5 +2 +2 1 Feat +6 +3
7th +5 +4 +5 +2 +2 1 Feat +7 +3
8th +6 +4 +6 +2 +2 1 Feat +8 +4
9th +6 +4 +6 +3 +3 1 Feat +9 +4
10th +7 +5 +7 +3 +3 1 Feat +10 +5
11th +8 +5 +7 +3 +3 1 Feat +11 +5
12th +9 +6 +8 +4 +4 1 Feat +12 +6
13th +9 +6 +8 +4 +4 1 Feat +13 +6
14th +10 +6 +9 +4 +4 1 Feat +14 +7
15th +11 +7 +9 +5 +5 1 Feat +15 +7
16th +12 +7 +10 +5 +5 1 Feat +16 +8
17th +12 +8 +10 +5 +5 1 Feat +17 +8
18th +13 +8 +11 +6 +6 1 Feat +18 +9
19th +14 +8 +11 +6 +6 1 Feat +19 +9
20th +15 +9 +12 +6 +6 1 Feat +20 +10

Table 1-3: Tank

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +2 +1 +0 +2 4 Feats; Resilience +0 +0
2nd +1 +3 +2 +0 +3 1 Feat +1 +1
3rd +2 +3 +2 +1 +3 1 Feat +2 +1
4th +3 +4 +2 +1 +4 1 Feat +3 +2
5th +3 +4 +3 +1 +4 1 Feat +3 +2
6th +4 +5 +3 +2 +5 1 Feat +4 +3
7th +5 +5 +4 +2 +5 1 Feat +5 +3
8th +6 +6 +4 +2 +6 1 Feat +6 +4
9th +6 +6 +4 +3 +6 1 Feat +6 +4
10th +7 +7 +5 +3 +7 1 Feat +7 +5
11th +8 +7 +5 +3 +7 1 Feat +8 +5
12th +9 +8 +6 +4 +8 1 Feat +9 +6
13th +9 +8 +6 +4 +8 1 Feat +9 +6
14th +10 +9 +6 +4 +9 1 Feat +10 +7
15th +11 +9 +7 +5 +9 1 Feat +11 +7
16th +12 +10 +7 +5 +10 1 Feat +12 +8
17th +12 +10 +8 +5 +10 1 Feat +12 +8
18th +13 +11 +8 +6 +11 1 Feat +13 +9
19th +14 +11 +8 +6 +11 1 Feat +14 +9
20th +15 +12 +9 +6 +12 1 Feat +15 +10

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Class Information Resilience: Only characters that take their first character
The following information pertains to the Speedfreak core level in the Tank class gain this ability.
class. Once per encounter, you may make a Recovery saving
Hit Die: 1d8 throw (DC 15) to instantly heal an amount of non-lethal
Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded damage equal to your Tank level.
down, every time the character gains a new level in this If you spend an Action Point, you can convert an amount
class. of lethal damage equal to your Tank level into non-lethal
Skill points at 1st level: 4 + Int. modifier (x4) damage.
Skill points at each level: 4 + Int. modifier
Class Features Brainiac characters are thinkers. They are able to master
All of the following are features of the Speedfreak core more skill types than any other character class. Brainiac
class. characters are not great fighters but they aren’t completely
Feats: As indicated on the class table at each level, useless in a fight either.
you may select a number of feats from the General and
Speedfreak feat tables. You may also select any feat listed
with your Occupation as an Improved Feat.
Need for Speed: Only characters that take their first
character level in the Speedfreak class gain this ability.
You may double your movement for a number of rounds
equal to your Speedfreak level during an encounter. This
ability leaves you Fatigued for the rest of the encounter but
once you have had 10 minutes to rest, you are no longer
If you spend an Action Point, you suffer no penalties from
Multi-Attack for one round. This does not allow you make
any more attacks than you would normally be entitled to.
You may spend this Action Point at any time before rolling
your attack rolls.

The Tank specializes in sucking up damage. He can take hits
that would fell even other combat-oriented characters and
come back for more.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Tank core class.
Hit Die: 1d12
Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded
down, every time the character gains a new level in this
Skill points at 1st level: 4 + Int. modifier (x4)
Skill points at each level: 4 + Int. modifier

Class Features
All of the following are features of the Tank core class.
Feats: As indicated on the class table at each level, you
may select a number of feats from the General and Tank
feat tables. You may also select any feat listed with your
Occupation as an Improved Feat.

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Table 1-4: Brainiac

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +0 +1 +2 +0 4 Feats; Thinker +0 +0
2nd +1 +0 +2 +3 +0 1 Feat +1 +1
3rd +2 +1 +2 +3 +1 1 Feat +2 +1
4th +3 +1 +2 +4 +1 1 Feat +3 +2
5th +3 +1 +3 +4 +1 1 Feat +3 +2
6th +4 +2 +3 +5 +2 1 Feat +4 +3
7th +5 +2 +4 +5 +2 1 Feat +5 +3
8th +6 +2 +4 +6 +2 1 Feat +6 +4
9th +6 +3 +4 +6 +3 1 Feat +6 +4
10th +7 +3 +5 +7 +3 1 Feat +7 +5
11th +8 +3 +5 +7 +3 1 Feat +8 +5
12th +9 +4 +6 +8 +4 1 Feat +9 +6
13th +9 +4 +6 +8 +4 1 Feat +9 +6
14th +10 +4 +6 +9 +4 1 Feat +10 +7
15th +11 +5 +7 +9 +5 1 Feat +11 +7
16th +12 +5 +7 +10 +5 1 Feat +12 +8
17th +12 +5 +8 +10 +5 1 Feat +12 +8
18th +13 +6 +8 +11 +6 1 Feat +13 +9
19th +14 +6 +8 +11 +6 1 Feat +14 +9
20th +15 +6 +9 +12 +6 1 Feat +15 +10

Table 1-5: Empath

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 +1 4 Feats; Resolute +0 +0
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 +2 1 Feat +1 +1
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 +2 1 Feat +2 +1
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 +2 1 Feat +3 +2
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 +3 1 Feat +3 +2
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 +3 1 Feat +4 +3
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 +4 1 Feat +5 +3
8th +6 +6 +6 +6 +4 1 Feat +6 +4
9th +6 +6 +6 +6 +4 1 Feat +6 +4
10th +7 +7 +7 +7 +5 1 Feat +7 +5
11th +8 +7 +7 +7 +5 1 Feat +8 +5
12th +9 +8 +8 +8 +6 1 Feat +9 +6
13th +9 +8 +8 +8 +6 1 Feat +9 +6
14th +10 +9 +9 +9 +6 1 Feat +10 +7
15th +11 +9 +9 +9 +7 1 Feat +11 +7
16th +12 +10 +10 +10 +7 1 Feat +12 +8
17th +12 +10 +10 +10 +8 1 Feat +12 +8
18th +13 +11 +11 +11 +8 1 Feat +13 +9
19th +14 +11 +11 +11 +8 1 Feat +14 +9
20th +15 +12 +12 +12 +9 1 Feat +15 +10

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Multi-class Characters
At any time when you gain a new level, you can take a level in a new class rather than advancing one of your
previously chosen classes. For the most part, this works just like advancing a class you have previously, except when
you take your 1st level in a new class:
You do not receive the class’ signature ability. Only characters that take that class for their first class receive this
You do not gain x4 skill points, only the normal skill points granted by that class.
You do not receive 4 feats, you only receive 1 feat.

Class Information Class Information

The following information pertains to the Brainiac core The following information pertains to the Empath core
class. class.
Hit Die: 1d8 Hit Die: 1d8
Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded
down, every time the character gains a new level in this down, every time the character gains a new level in this
class. class.
Skill points at 1st level: 8 + Int. modifier Skill points at 1st level: 6 + Int. modifier
(x4) (x4)
Skill points at each level: 8 + Int. modifier Skill points at each level: 6 + Int. modifier

Class Features Class Features

All of the following are features of the All of the following are features of the Empath
Brainiac core class. core class.
Feats: As indicated on the class table Feats: As indicated on the class table at each
at each level, you may select a number level, you may select a number of feats from the
of feats from the General and Brainiac General and Empath feat tables. You may also select
feat tables. You may also select any any feat listed with your Occupation as an Improved
feat listed with your Occupation as an Feat.
Improved Feat. Resolute: Only characters that take their first
Thinker: Only characters that character level in the Empath class gain this ability.
take their first character level in the Once per day you may add a bonus to a saving
Brainiac class gain this ability. throw equal to your Empath class level.
Once per day you may treat a single If you spend an Action Point, you may treat any
skill you have ranks in as if the total failed saving throw as a successful saving throw.
number of ranks were the ranks in the
skill, plus your Brainiac class level.
If you spend an action point, you
Stars live the good life. They may not be a “star” in
may treat a single skill as if your total
the sense of a famous performer but wherever the Star
number of ranks were equal to your Brainiac
works, he is, well, a Star.
class level, whether you have ranks in the skill
or not.
Class Information
The following information pertains to the Star core
Empath class.
Empaths are always in touch with their Hit Die: 1d8
surroundings, making them excellent healers and Action Points: 6+ one-half character level,
outdoorsmen. They also have the best saving rounded down, every time the character gains a
throws of any class, because they are centered new level in this class.
and calm in the face of dangers of all types. Skill points at 1st level: 6 + Int. modifier (x4)
Skill points at each level: 6 + Int. modifier

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Table 1-6: Star

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Recovery Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +0 +1 +2 +0 4 Feats; Friends in High Places +0 +1
2nd +1 +0 +2 +3 +0 1 Feat +1 +2
3rd +2 +1 +2 +3 +1 1 Feat +2 +3
4th +3 +1 +2 +4 +1 1 Feat +3 +4
5th +3 +1 +3 +4 +1 1 Feat +3 +5
6th +4 +2 +3 +5 +2 1 Feat +4 +6
7th +5 +2 +4 +5 +2 1 Feat +5 +7
8th +6 +2 +4 +6 +2 1 Feat +6 +8
9th +6 +3 +4 +6 +3 1 Feat +6 +9
10th +7 +3 +5 +7 +3 1 Feat +7 +10
11th +8 +3 +5 +7 +3 1 Feat +8 +11
12th +9 +4 +6 +8 +4 1 Feat +9 +12
13th +9 +4 +6 +8 +4 1 Feat +9 +13
14th +10 +4 +6 +9 +4 1 Feat +10 +14
15th +11 +5 +7 +9 +5 1 Feat +11 +15
16th +12 +5 +7 +10 +5 1 Feat +12 +16
17th +12 +5 +8 +10 +5 1 Feat +12 +17
18th +13 +6 +8 +11 +6 1 Feat +13 +18
19th +14 +6 +8 +11 +6 1 Feat +14 +19
20th +15 +6 +9 +12 +6 1 Feat +15 +20

Class Features certain category of people doesn’t mean the character has to
All of the following are features of the Star core class. have that category as an allegiance.
Feats: As indicated on the class table at each level, you If the character acts in a way that is detrimental to his or
may select a number of feats from the General and Star her allegiance, the GM may choose to strip the character of
feat tables. You may also select any feat listed with your that allegiance (and all its benefits) and assign an allegiance
Occupation as an Improved Feat. more suitable to those actions.
Friends in High Places: Only characters that take their
first character level in the Star class gain this ability. Pledging Allegiance
You gain an additional two Perks from your Occupation. A hero’s allegiance can take the form of loyalty to a person,
Once per day you can add your Star level to any Influence to an organization, to a belief system, to a nation, or to an
or Leadership skill check. ethical or moral philosophy. In general, a character can
If you spend an Action Point, you can reorganize your discard an allegiance at any time, but may only gain a new
Resource Points and your Perks, changing your contacts and allegiance after attaining a new level.
followers on the fly. Having an allegiance implies having sufficient
intelligence and wisdom to make a moral or ethical choice.
As a result, a character must have Intelligence and Wisdom
scores of 3 or higher in order to select allegiances.
Allegiances (Optional) Allegiances include, but are not limited to, the following
A character may have up to three allegiances, listed Person or Group: This includes a leader or superior,
in order from most important to least important. These a family, a group of linked individuals (such as a band
allegiances are indications of what the character values in of adventurers or a cell of secret agents), or a discrete
life, and may encompass people, organizations, or ideals. unit within a larger organization (such as members of the
A character may have no allegiances (being either a free character’s squad or platoon, or individuals whose safety the
spirit or a lone wolf) or may change allegiances as he or she character is responsible for).
goes through life. Also, just because the character fits into a

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Organization: This may be a company or corporation, additional Action Points in play. If you find out an NPC who
a gathering of like-minded individuals, a fraternal shares the same Allegiance needs assistance, you and all
brotherhood, a secret society, a branch of the armed forces, fellow PCs who assist you gain an Action Point for going to
a local, state, or national government, a university, an their aid.
employer, or an otherwise established authority.
Nation: This may or may not be the nation that the hero
currently resides in. It may be where the individual was Reputation
born, or where the hero resides after emigrating to a new
home. Reputation measures your character’s influence in the wide
Belief System: This is usually a particular faith or world. While the actual Influence skill measures the force of
religion, but can also be a specific philosophy or school of your personality with those with whom you directly interact.
thought. Belief systems could also include political beliefs You gain Resource Points (RPs) equal to your Reputation.
or philosophical outlooks. Every time your Reputation score increases, you can
Ethical Philosophy: This describes how one feels about reallocate your RPs, meaning that some former contacts
order, as represented by law and chaos. An individual might only be friends.
with a lawful outlook tends to tell the truth, keep his Occasionally, the game master may work a sub-
or her word, respect authority, and honor tradition, plot into an adventure where your contacts require
and he or she expects others to do likewise. An assistance that only a band of adventurers can
individual with a chaotic outlook tends to follow provide. If the PCs feel they cannot go to their aid,
his or her instincts and whims, favor new ideas they don’t have to (this won’t cause you to lose
and experiences, and behave in a subjective your contact) but if you go to the aid of a contact in
and open manner in dealings with others. danger, all PCs that assist gain an Action Point.
Moral Philosophy: This describes
one’s attitude toward others, as
represented by good and evil. An
Downside to Reputation
While Reputation brings many benefits and
individual with a good allegiance
is generally considered a good thing, there
tends to protect innocent life. This
will be times when being well known will
belief implies altruism, respect for life,
make your life more complicated. Reputation
and a concern for the dignity of other
causes certain Character Disadvantages
creatures. An evil allegiance shows
to activate more frequently, especially
a willingness to hurt, oppress, and
disadvantages such as Enemy, Nemesis,
kill others, and to debase or destroy
Rival and Secret.
innocent life.
Other disadvantages can be modified by
Reputation at the discretion of the game
Allegiances and master. The game master shouldn’t feel
Influence too bad about using Reputation in
An allegiance can create an this way, since the character gains a
empathic bond with others of the same benefit (an Action Point) in addition
allegiance. With the GM’s permission, the to the complication.
character gains a +2 bonus on Influence skill
checks when dealing with someone of the
same allegiance—as long as the character has Access
had some interaction with the other character RPs can be spent to buy a character
to discover the connections and bring the special access to places, information or equipment.
bonus into play. This can make the character’s life much easier as
If you possess the Dedicated feat, this well as allow him to purchase restricted equipment
bonus increases to +4. without paying higher prices for buying that
If you have an Allegiance to an equipment on the black market.
organization, you may take a Supply contact Spending RPs on access grants a character the
(see Reputation) and gain the ability to benefits shown on the table below. A character
requisition equipment from that organization. receives all the benefits shown for his access
Protecting your Allegiances can earn you level.

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RP Effect Example Contacts

1 Restricted Licensed equipment and/or restricted There are two types of contacts: supply contacts and skill
Access information. Gaining access to restricted contacts. A character may call on each contact once per
information is not automatic but requires an week automatically. Calling on a contact a second time in
Influence check (DC 20).
the same week requires an Influence check (DC 15). This
1 Press Pass The ability to get into restricted events (such as DC increases by 5 for each additional time a character calls
press conferences). This can also allow access on his contact in the same week.
to celebrities and other public figures. Gaining
Further, getting in touch with a contact always requires at
access to prestigious individuals requires an
Influence check with a DC equal to 10+ the least one hour, plus one hour for each additional time that
Reputation of the person you wish to contact. week you have used that contact. Your contacts have lives
1 Licensed You have the right to prescribe a wide range of too and they’re your friends, not your employees.
Physician medicines, as well as legally perform medical Supply Contacts: Supply contacts can grant equipment
procedures; you can also book private time at a as if they possessed a Wealth score as indicated on the
hospital to conduct procedures under the best of table below. Supply contacts can also provide equipment
conditions. you couldn’t get access to yourself for an additional cost.
2 Confidential Restricted equipment, confidential information, Equipment provided by a supply contact is loaned to you,
Access access to sensitive non-military installations not given to you. You can have one item per RP spent on
(such as a nuclear power plant or a power the contact out on loan at any given time. Should a piece
station). Gaining access to confidential of equipment be permanently lost, you lose access to the
information or installations is not automatic but RP provided by the contact until your Reputation score
requires an Influence check (DC 20).
increases and you can re-allocate your RP.
3 Secret Military equipment, secret information, access
Access to non-sensitive military installations and RP Effect
equipment (for example the character could 2 Contact provides Wealth equal to Reputation +10
hitch a ride on a military transport to get almost
3 Contact provides Wealth equal to Reputation +12
anywhere in the world discretely and without
passing through customs). Gaining access 4 Contact provides Wealth equal to Reputation +14
to secret information or installations is not +1 Contact’s Wealth bonus increases by +2 for each additional
automatic but requires an Influence check (DC Resource Point spent on this contact
20). +1 Contact can provide licensed or restricted equipment
4 Top Secret Top secret information, access to sensitive +2 Contact can provide military equipment
Access military installations and equipment (for +3 Contact can provide illegal equipment
example the character could arrange a ride
on a submarine to get somewhere way Skill Contacts: A skill contact has ranks in the skill of
under the radar, or get a helicopter ride into your choice equal to your Reputation +3. Each additional
enemy territory, or get a tour of a nuclear Resource Point invested in this contact increases its ranks in
submarine) and so forth. Gaining access the skill chosen by +2 as shown on the table below.
to Top Secret information or installations
is not automatic but requires an Influence RP Effect
check (DC 20). 2 Contact has skill ranks equal to Reputation +3
5 Complete If the character needs a meeting with 3 Contact has skill ranks equal to Reputation +5
Access the President, it can be arranged. If the 4 Contact has skill ranks equal to Reputation +7
character wants to visit Area 51, he will be +1 Contact’s ranks increase by +2 for each additional
asked to give up any recording equipment Resource Point spent on this contact
and allowed in. Almost nothing is off
limits and even then it’s usually a question
of when not if a character will be granted Followers
access. Character can purchase Illegal Resource Points can also be used to recruit followers that
equipment. Gaining access to information will assist a character in combat. Followers are always
or installations is not automatic but ordinaries (see the Ordinaries section below). Ordinaries
requires an Influence check (DC 20). This also do not receive a feat at every level, but rather only 1
check may be retried in 1 month. feat per three levels.
The maximum level of a character’s followers is equal to

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his Reputation or his character level, whichever is lower. a character never had an allegiance to the agency, or loses it
Adding additional followers increases the effective level by constantly acting in violation of the agency’s code, this
of follower by +1 per additional follower. For example, if counts as a Secret Character Disadvantage, with a penalty
a character wants three 3rd level followers, he must be 5th that the character will be denied access to spending any RP
level. on privileges from anyone (the character has proven himself
RP Level
2 1 RP Privilege Example
4 2 1 Carry Police detectives, undercover operatives
6 3 Concealed and Federal agents have the right to be
8 4 Weapon armed at all times.
+1 Level per 2 additional Resource Points devoted to this 1 Police You have the right to enforce the law
+2 Powers, local in a limited jurisdiction, the size of an
American state, Canadian province or
Double the number of followers (2 followers for +2 RP, 4
+2 small to mid-size European nation.
followers for +4 RP, 8 followers for +6 RP, etc.)
2 Police You have the right to enforce the law
For example, a character could spend 6 Resource Points Powers, over a wide area, the size of the United
to gain one 3rd level Ordinary Powerhouse follower. The national States, Canada or Europe (being a
member of the FBI or Interpol for
character could then invest an additional four Resource
Points to increase the number of his followers to three.
+1 Police State Not all governments grant an equal
level of power to their police forces.
Privilege If you have extreme authority within
Privileges are similar to access, granting the character your jurisdiction, such as the ability to
additional rights and privileges. The difference is hold subjects indefinitely without trial,
that privileges are benefits in return for service to an torture subjects, and so forth, apply
this modifier to the cost of your police
organization or group. The character will occasionally be
called upon to perform services in return for his privileges.
This is similar to the normal process of working a contact or +2 Judge and If your police authority includes the
follower into an adventure except as follows: the character Jury authorization to act as judge, jury and
executioner, or otherwise summarily
gains no Action Points for assisting a privilege-granting
dispose of subjects, the cost of your
contact, as he’s performing a duty, not performing a favor police powers are increased even more.
(characters with no privilege from the organization in
question can gain additional Action Points for assisting 3 Diplomatic Your agency has issued you credentials
Immunity which will prevent another nation from
their comrade however); each time you refuse or are unable
prosecuting you for crimes. The only
to assist a privilege-granting contact, you must make an action that will be taken for breaking the
Influence check (DC 25) or have your privilege temporarily law is extradition to your home country
revoked, causing any RP spent on privileges from that (which might choose to prosecute you
organization to become unspent until your Reputation for those crimes themselves). However,
score increases, at which time you can reallocate the RP to you still must abide by your agency’s
anything you desire. code.
In addition to requiring service from a character, privilege 4 False Flag Your agency has supplied you with
places other restrictions on the character. The privilege- numerous cover identities while
granting agency will know everything there is to know removing your original, true identity. In
about your character, except for things covered by the Secret effect, no one but your agency will be
Character Disadvantage. able to determine you ever existed.
Second, most agencies have a code of conduct and will 5 Ghost As above, except no one has records
require a character to swear allegiance to uphold that code. of your existence any longer, even the
Failure to do so on a limited basis requires an Influence agency that you work for.
check (DC 20) to avoid code violations from reach
superiors. This can result in suspension from the agency
(losing the RP and privileges until RP can be reassigned). If

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2 Rank You have rank within a group or Occupation, and as your character finds or is paid Wealth
agency, granting you +3 effective RP Awards.
for that agency only (access, contacts In Modern20, Wealth checks are a thing of the past. Your
or followers are drawn from that character can either afford something or he can’t. If an item
organization and subject to the agency’s is equal to or less than your character’s Wealth, you can buy
code). Privileges themselves may not be as many of them as you want. It’s a common item for your
bought with rank RP. Wealth level. Similarly, selling an item of equal to or lower
4 Medium Rank You have an advanced rank in an than your Wealth level will never provide a bonus to your
agency, granting you +6 effective RP Wealth no matter how many you sell.
for that agency for access, contacts or If you buy an item with a cost higher than your Wealth,
followers. Privileges themselves may your Wealth will be permanently reduced (barring increases
not be bought with rank RP.
as described above by gaining skill or feats). How large
6 High Rank You have a high rank in an agency, a reduction will depend on the difference between your
granting you +9 effective RP for that Wealth and the cost of the item.
agency for access, contacts or followers.
If you sell an object or are given a Wealth Award with
Privileges themselves may not be
bought with rank RP.
a value higher than your Wealth rating, your Wealth will
increase. The increase depends on the difference between
+1 Rank+ +1 effective RP for your agency, your Wealth and the cost of the item.
representing mid-steps in rank
If you go on a spending spree, your effective Wealth is
temporarily reduced. After the first item, each item you buy
in a week reduces your effective Wealth by –5, meaning
Favors if you buy a huge number of items at once, you might end
Favors are just that: a debt the character has collected that up permanently reducing your Wealth by stretching your
he may call in at any time. Favors are RPs that the character finances too thin.
sets aside unspent. He may then call in that favor at any So the first item you buy in a week uses your full Wealth,
time, spending those points on contacts or followers like he the second item is compared to your Wealth –5, a third item
would when allocating his Resource Points. to your Wealth –10 and so forth.
The difference is that RPs spent to call in a favor only Wealth Difference Wealth Modifier
last for one use of that contact or follower (one Wealth or
0 0
Skill check for a contact, one encounter for a follower). RPs
1-3 +/-1
set aside for favors are cashed in at a two to one benefit. In
other words, if you set aside 4 RP for favors and cash all in 4-6 +/-2
at once, you treat them as 8 RP. 7-9 +/-4
After being used, RPs spent for a favor go away and 10-12 +/-8
cannot be spent for anything until the character’s Reputation 13+ +10*
increases and he can reallocate those RPs somewhere else
(perhaps right back into more favors). *This is only for selling items or gaining a Wealth Award
with a value of 13 or more higher than your current Wealth.
You cannot buy an item with a cost of 13 or more than your
Wealth current Wealth.

Wealth represents your total spending power, including cash

on hand, salary, credit and so forth.
Backgrounds provide your Base Wealth. To this you add
Action Points
one-half the ranks in the highest ranked Professional Skill Action Points are that certain something that makes a hero
of your Occupation, and a +2 bonus for each Improved Feat a hero. That spark that causes someone to go out of their
you selected. way to risk their life for their fellow man, whether fighting
Finally, add any miscellaneous modifiers such as bonuses terrorists, drug smugglers or creatures of the night.
for Perks and Feats. Action Points can perform the following functions:
This represents your character’s starting Wealth. • Automatically inflict maximum damage on a
As you play, your Wealth will rise and fall as you buy successful attack.
things, gain more skill ranks and Feats in your chosen • Add the result of your Action Dice to a single d20

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roll (attack roll, skill check, saving throw).
• Automatically stabilize at negative HP
Disadvantage Ratings and
• Grant you an extra action (move or standard action) Character Disadvantages
this round.
during play
If a disadvantage appears during an adventure, then you
The number of action dice you receive grows as your
immediately recover a number of Action Points equal to the
character gains in level as shown on the table below. All
DSR; however, you cannot ever have more Action Points
dice are rolled and added together.
than your current maximum (6 plus one-half your character
Level Action Dice level).
1-4 1d4 For example, your character has an addiction to a harmful
5-8 2d4 and illegal substance (cocaine). You decide the addiction is
9-12 3d4 mild and set the DSR of the disadvantage at 2. Each week
13-16 4d4 you try to avoid filling your addiction you must make a Will
17-20 5d4 save with a DC of 12 (10 plus the DSR). If you succumb to
your addiction you must make a Fortitude save with a DC
of 12 (10 plus the DSR) or suffer 1-2 points of temporary
Constitution damage (representing anything from bad
Recovering Action Points product, to a mild overdose, to the simple wear and tear on
Your total number of Action Points is equal to 6 plus one- your body of a harmful substance). Furthermore since the
half your character level. Each time you gain a level your substance is illegal, you must also roll a d20 and on an 18 or
Action Points reset to your new total. Action Points do not higher (a roll of 20 modified by the DSR) you are arrested
carry over from level to level. while attempting to purchase your drugs.
Between levels, there are several ways to recover Action Since the DSR is 2 each day you satisfy your habit you
Points including: going to aid of a contact or follower; gain two Action Points.
going to aid of an Allegiance; the activation of a character
Removing Disadvantages
As a hero rises in level, he might wish to reduce his flaws,
Character or even remove them entirely. A hero must announce
when he gains a level that he is attempting to remove a
Disadvantages disadvantage. To reduce the DSR of a disadvantage by
one, the character must then succeed at a Will saving throw,
Characters are not just a collection of abilities for attack and with a DC of 15 plus the DSR of the disadvantage he is
defense. Their flaws add to their appeal just as much (if not attempting to reduce. This saving throw receives a modifier
more) than their heroic deeds. A character with a newspaper of +5 to –5 depending on how well the reduction of the
editor hounding him, a sickly aunt, no love life, and the disadvantage has been role-played in the campaign.
worst luck imaginable is possibly the most recognized In special circumstances, where the GM feels the
character in the history of literature. Why? Because while reduction of the disadvantage is especially appropriate or
we can’t identify with being able to fly through the air or especially inappropriate, she may even declare the attempt
have bullets bounce off our skin, we can identify with sick automatic, or that the attempt is impossible. Remember,
relatives, late bills, and no date on Saturday night. The however, that this disadvantages system provides no “up
more we identify with the hero of a tale, the more engaging front” benefits. A character recovers Action Points equal
that tale becomes. to the DSR when a disadvantage appears in play, meaning
that if the DSR is reduced, the character will receive a
diminishing benefit. For this reason, the GM is encouraged
Maximum Disadvantages to be lenient when determining if a disadvantage may be
Although the GM can set maximum disadvantages at any reduced.
level she desires, some good guidelines are that no character
should have more than 10 DSR in disadvantages total, and
that no single disadvantage should be above 5 DSR. The Trading Disadvantages
reason for this is that at higher levels, the entire campaign In some cases, a disadvantage is simply not working out in
will revolve around one character’s disadvantages. the game. The Enemy a character chose for his character
doesn’t interest him, but another villain in the campaign has

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a real chemistry with the character, with verbal jabs hurled Vampire at the end of the adventure? Sorry kid, this place
back and forth when the two fight. In cases such as this, the serves alcohol. In addition to having to sneak in through the
GM should allow the character to trade in one enemy for skylight (always fun) the character would recover Action
another, at the same DSR. Points equal to his age DSR.

Disadvantages Allergic Reaction (Variable)

Following are some possible disadvantage options. You suffer damage from a substance that is not especially
harmful to normal people (such as a certain food or an insect
sting). You could even be allergic to a substance that is
Achilles Heel (DSR 3) beneficial to most, such as a type of medicine.
You have an extremely vulnerable spot that causes you great
If you are exposed to the source of your allergy during
harm when you are attacked there. When you select this
an adventure you must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC
disadvantage you select a number from 1 to 19. Any attack
15+DSR) or suffer one point of temporary constitution
that is a natural roll of that number is automatically a hit
damage per DSR.
and inflicts maximum damage. If the attack requires you to
If you are allergic to a medicine all Medicine skill checks
make a saving throw, you are –4 on the save attempt.
made on your behalf are penalized by the DSR. This
represents the inability of the physician to use all the means
Addiction (Variable) at his disposal to aid you. If you are incorrectly given the
You are addicted to a harmful or illegal substance. You medicine to which you are allergic you must make a save or
must make a Will save (DC 10+ DSR) each day or indulge suffer temporary Constitution damage as described above.
your addiction. If the substance is harmful, you must
make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 +DSR) or suffer 1-2 points
of Constitution ability damage each day you indulge your
Code (Variable)
You have a conviction about something so strong; you have
addiction. If the substance is illegal, each day you indulge
trouble violating it even under dire circumstances. Any
your addiction you must roll a d20, and on a roll of 20,
code must have a corresponding Allegiance. So if your
modified by the DSR of this disadvantage, you are arrested
character has a Code “will not lie”, then he should have an
attempting to acquire the addictive substance. It is possible
allegiance to truth. If your character has a code “will not
to take this disadvantage twice for the same substance if it is
kill”, then he should have an allegiance to defending life,
both harmful and illegal.
or perhaps to the law. The DSR of this disadvantage is
determined by how hard the code is to violate when your
Aging (Variable) character needs to. To violate your code, you must make a
Your age is sometimes a detriment to your life as an Will save (DC 10+5 per DSR of the disadvantage).
adventurer. In addition to the ability score modifiers listed
below, an age other than Adult will occasionally crop up as
a disadvantage. Need to get into that club to fight the big

Table 1-7: Aging Effects

Age/Category Disadvantage Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
10/Child 5 -6 -3 -6 -2 -3 -4
11/Adolescent 4 -5 -3 -5 -2 -3 -4
12/Adolescent 4 -4 -3 -4 -2 -3 -3
13/Teenager 3 -4 -2 -4 -2 -2 -3
14/Teenager 3 -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -2
15/Yg. Adult 2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2
16/Yg. Adult 2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1
17/Yg. Adult 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
18-35/Adult 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36-50/Middle Age 1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1
51-70/Old Age 2 -3 -3 -3 +2 +2 +2
71+/Venerable 3 -6 -6 -6 +3 +3 +3

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Dependant (Variable) the Intimidate skill use equal to the DSR. You receive
You have a loved one, a wife, a child, or even a sickly old double the DSR as a penalty to the Disguise skill use of
aunt, that you must care and protect for. On a roll of 20 crime. However, it’s not all bad for you: use the DSR of this
or higher on a d20 (modified by the DSR), the dependant disadvantage as a bonus to the Intimidate skill use.
becomes involved in the adventure, or otherwise demands
you take time away from the current adventure to provide Illness (Variable)
some care to the dependant. Characters investigating you You are afflicted with a chronic illness that occasionally
can also learn of your dependant with a Gather Information makes your life as an adventurer difficult. Every day a
check from the Streetwise skill (DC 25 – the DSR). character with this disadvantage must make a Fortitude save
(DC 15+DSR) or suffer the effects listed below.
Disability (Variable) DSR 1 (Minor Illness): Frequent colds and minor
You have a physical ailment that gets in the way of your allergies. When you fail your save against this illness you
adventuring. You may take the full disability value listed are treated as fatigued for 1-4 days. If a second save is failed
below, even if you have a means of compensating for during the course of this illness (since you must still save
the loss of movement or the loss of a sense, since your every day) your condition worsens and you are treated as
compensation means your disability will appear in the exhausted for 1-4 days.
game less often. When it does, however, you will likely be DSR 3 (Serious Illness): You suffer from a serious
entitled to the full award. chronic condition such as arthritis. This condition inflicts
DSR 1 (Mild Disability): -20 ft. to movement or -1 one point of temporary ability damage on you when the
penalty to skills based on one ability. For example, a save against the illness is failed. If the saving throw against
character with a very mild limp could move slower, but his this disease is failed on consecutive days then the character
Dexterity based skills would work just fine. does not heal ability damage from the previous day. So
DSR 2 (Pronounced Disability): -20 ft to movement and if a character with Arthritis failed two saves in a row he
-2 penalty to skills based on one ability. would be down two points of Dexterity and would not begin
DSR 3(Serious Disability): -30 ft. to movement, or –2 to healing until he successfully made a saving throw.
one ability score, or –4 to skills based on one ability. This The ability score affected should be worked out by you
level of disability represents a character that is crippled, or and the game master when this disadvantage is selected.
has a loss of limb, serious myopia, or serious hearing loss. DSR 5 (Major Illness): You have a terminal illness that
DSR 4 (Severe Disability): -4 to one ability score, or will eventually claim your life.
–8 to skills based on one ability. A multiple amputee, a Each day that you fail the saving throw against this
character who is almost completely blind or deaf, would all illness you suffer a point of permanent ability damage.
fall under this level of disability. This damage is spread equally between all three physical
DSR 5 (Crippling Disability): -8 to one ability score, abilities, all three mental abilities or all six abilities
or -15 to skills based on one ability. A seriously disabled depending on the nature of the illness. When any ability
person, including someone who is completely blind or deaf. score reaches 0 the character succumbs to his illness and
descends into a coma. At this point he loses 1 point from a
Enemy (Variable) random ability score each day until he passes away.
Someone is out to get you. Sometimes your enemy Since miracle cures are a common staple of fiction, it
will show up out of the blue (maybe you two run into is recommended that the character be able to remove this
one another on the street) looking for a little payback. disease during the campaign if he so desires. However all
Sometimes your enemy will ally himself with the main previous ability damage remains.
adversary of the adventure to make your life especially
wonderful. On a roll of 20 (modified by the DSR), your Jinxed (DSR 1)
enemy becomes involved in the current adventure. Your You cannot catch a break. If you win a waterbed in a
enemy always begins play at your level, and receives the contest it will spring a leak and flood your apartment while
enemy feat (for you) as a bonus feat, even if he does not you are out saving the world. Your girlfriend gets mono
meet the prerequisites. right before the romantic evening you’ve been planning
for months, when you were going to propose to her. Your
Hideous Appearance (Variable) best friend blames you for the death of his villainous father.
You are ugly, perhaps even terrifyingly so. You receive a Your luck never actually gets so bad as to make your
penalty to all Influence and Leadership skill checks except adventures more dangerous but your bad luck just makes

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everything around you more complicated, twisted, and If your rival has a Wealth of 20 or more you gain a +1 to
generally lousy. Hopefully you’re at least a happy-go-lucky, the DSR for the purposes of determining experience awards
friendly, neighborhood guy to make up for this dismal luck. from your rival (the chance of appearance does not go up
but since your rival can make things harder on you, your
Nemesis (Variable) experience award is increased).
Like Enemy, only worse. Your enemy has an intimate If your rival has a Reputation bonus of +10 or higher,
understanding of your skills and abilities, and receives the you gain a +1 to the DSR for the purposes of determining
Antithesis and Enemy feats as bonus feats, even if he does experience awards from your rival.
not meet the prerequisites. On a roll of 20 (modified by
the DSR), your nemesis becomes involved in the current Secret (Varies)
adventure. Your nemesis always begins play at your level. You lead a double life, hiding a secret that could embarrass
You receive an extra two Action Points when this or destroy you. The DSR of this disadvantage depends on
disadvantage appears during an adventure above and beyond the consequences of your secret being known to the general
the DSR, to account for the added difficulty of facing a public.
nemesis instead of a regular old enemy. On a natural roll of 20 (unmodified) your secret is
threatened. This will not involve a revelation of the secret
Obsession (DSR 5) but rather the idea that you are hiding something will
You are consumed by a goal, to the point that you will become known to one or more individuals. Finding out
do almost anything to accomplish that goal. This is not a your actual secret requires a skill check (usually Gather
particularly heroic disadvantage, and normally only villains Information) of 20+the DSR of the disadvantage.
will have this disadvantage. Code is a better disadvantage Action Points are awarded each time it is threatened
for a hero, since even a strong Code does not lead to whether the character successfully defends his secret or not.
the extreme solutions characters with this disadvantage If the secret becomes public then the character may either
will come to. An example obsession would be “stop the trade it for a new one or simply live with the revelation. In
ravaging of Earth’s ecosystem by mankind”. An example the latter case the character can either give the disadvantage
solution would be “reduce the human population of Earth by up (by changing his name or otherwise taking drastic steps
90%”. to start fresh) or carry on, receiving an Action Point award
each time the disadvantage hinders his adventures.
Phobia (Variable) DSR 1 (Embarrassing Secret):. This secret would cause
You have a deep, irrational fear of something, usually one of the following to happen: for one of the character’s
caused by a painful event in your past. How badly this contacts to sever ties (depriving the character the use of
fear will affect you is determined by the DSR of the those Resource Points until his Reputation increased and he
disadvantage. Make sure you select a fear that will actually could re-allocate them) or for the character’s Wealth to be
appear during adventures, or you will never get an Action reduced by –2.
Point award for the disadvantage. DSR 3 (Dangerous Secret): This secret would cause two
DSR 1 (Mild Phobia): When confronted by your fear you of the following to happen: for all of the character’s contacts
must make a Will save (DC 15) or Cower for 10 rounds (1 to sever ties, for the character’s reputation to be permanently
minute). The character may make a new saving throw every reduced by -3 or for the character’s Wealth to be reduced by
10 rounds. –6.
DSR 3 (Strong Phobia): When confronted by your fear DSR 5 (Explosive Secret): The kind of secret a man or
you must make a Will save (DC 20) or become Shaken. woman would kill to protect. If this secret is discovered the
DSR 5 (Severe Phobia): When confronted by your fear character’s Reputation is reduced by –6 and his wealth is
you must make a Will save (DC 25) or become Panicked. reduced by –12, and the character gains an Enemy at DSR 5.

Shady Reputation (DSR 2)

Rival (Variable) You have some skeletons in your closet. You suffer a –4
Someone is out to get you in a non-violent way. They will penalty on Influence checks when dealing with a single
use all non-violent means at their disposal to make your life Allegiance. This will make it much harder for you to
difficult usually involving the use of skills. On a roll of 20 get cooperation from the authorities. A villain with this
(roll d20+DSR) your rival appears during the course of the disadvantage has something in his past linking him to the
adventure and uses skills, wealth and reputation to make good guys, which frequently causes villains to shun him,
your life difficult. thinking him a plant or a mole.

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Chapter 2: Modern Skills

Each character receives a number of skills from his adventure. Making skill checks for these actions typically
character class, modified by her Intelligence. The skills accomplishes nothing other than bogging down the game.
character chooses begin with 4 ranks. As a character rises in For example, if your character needs to brew an acid to burn
level she will receive more skill points to increase skills. through a lock and fails his skill check, he’s either going
to try again, attempt to buy the acid, or steal it. But if the
players have a good plan involving the acid, they won’t
Using Skills abandon it because they failed a skill check (nor should
When you make a skill check, the game master will they). What they will do, is take much more game time than
determine the difficulty of the check before you the task likely calls for.
roll. Rolling a skill check is 1d20 Skill checks are still used when characters come in
plus your ranks in the skill, plus the conflict, such as sneaking up on a guard or picking a lock.
relevant ability modifier. Some When required ranks are called for will be detailed in the
skills can be used untrained; this skill’s description.
means you can make a check in
the skill even if you don’t have
it as a skill. In this case, since
Variable Time
Another thing required ranks are used with is the
you have no ranks, you roll
time required to make a skill check. If a skill has
1d20 plus the skill’s ability
both a required ranks listing and a time listing, a
character with greater skill can perform it in less
time or for less materials cost.
Maximum Skill For every additional 4 ranks a character has,
he can either cut the time or materials cost
Ranks required to build the device by one-half. A
You can have a maximum
character with 8 additional ranks can either cut
number of ranks in a
the time and cost required by one-half, or reduce
skill equal to your total
one to one-fourth and so on.
character level+3.

Required Ranks: Sample Difficulties

Here are some example skill difficulty classes to help the
When not to roll game master determine how hard a skill check should be.
a skill check Difficulty (DC) Example (Skill Used)
Modern20 attempts to streamline Notice someone standing in the
Very Easy (0)
your game by reducing the open (Perception)
number of skill checks you Easy (5) Climb a knotted rope (Athletics)
make in an average game. One Hear a loud conversation through a
of the ways it does this is by Average (10)
door (Perception)
eliminating many of the skill Escape from loosely knotted ropes
checks you used to make for Tough (15)
things like crafting items and Find an illegal gambling hall in an
knowledge skill checks. Your Challenging (20)
unfamiliar city (Streetwise)
character knows what he Formidable (25) Open a locked strongbox (Crime)
knows and can build what he
Leap across a 30-foot chasm
knows how to build and these Heroic (30)
things shouldn’t vary wildly
Track a group of soldiers across
from adventure to adventure. Nearly Impossible (40) hard ground after a heavy rain
Required ranks are used (Outdoorsman)
for things that typically don’t
involve the main action of an

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TABLE 2-1: SKILLS But what if I really, really like to

Skill Ability Untrained? Action
Academics Int No Varies roll dice?
Acrobatics Dex Yes Move If you’d rather roll for everything, simply make every
Art Cha No ---
skill that’s targeted (the DC determined by another
character’s skill) into an opposed skill, and add 10 to
Athletics Str Yes Move
the required ranks of a skill description and make that
Business Cha No --- the DC.
Chemistry Int No ---
Computers Int No ---
20 if the character was particularly lax or suffering from the
Crime Int No Move or Full
exhausted condition).
Engineering Int No ---
You might notice that this rule tends to favor player
Firearms Dex No Standard or Full characters over the traditional skill vs. skill opposed checks
Influence Cha Yes Standard or Full found in many d20 variants. This is intentional. The player
Ki Wis No Standard or characters are the heroes of the tale. They’re special.
Leadership Cha No Standard
Legal Int No ---
Assisting with a skill check
Magic Cha No Standard or Full Two heads are better than one. If a character is making a
Medicine Wis No Standard or skill check that will take longer than a minute to complete,
Special another character may assist so that the task will be
Outdoorsman Wis Yes Standard or completed faster. If the assisting character has at least 4
Special ranks in the skill being performed, the task is completed in
Perception Wis Yes Reaction or Full three-quarters the usual time. If the assisting character has
Psionics Wis No Move or Free 10 or more ranks in the skill being attempted, the task is
Read/Write NA No --- completed in one-half the usual time. Only one character
Language may assist in a skill check at a time.
Speak Language NA No ---
Stealth Dex Yes Move Example: Joe is a professional thief (12 ranks in the Crime
Streetwise Wis Yes Move or Special skill) and is attempting to pick the lock at the local check-
cashing place on Thursday, having heard there’s a good
Unarmed Str Yes Standard or Full
amount of cash there. The lock is High Quality and would
Vehicles Dex Yes Move or Full
normally take Joe 90 minutes to get open. Worried about
Weapons Str No Standard or Full being discovered, he invites his cousin Tommy along to
assist. Since Tommy has 4 ranks in the Crime skill, Joe will
be able to open the lock in three-quarters the usual time, or
Targeted Skills 67 minutes.
Sometimes success or failure with a skill is not set against
a static difficulty class but rather determined by another Perks
character’s skills. Modern20 eliminates opposed skill checks. Perks have been discussed some already in Occupations.
Instead only one character rolls and the target is equal to Since perks have a big impact on skills, we’re discussing
10 plus the opposing skill. Whenever possible, only player them here again. In many of the skills below, a use of
characters make skill checks. a skill will be listed as requiring a perk. Perks can be
For example, if a player character attempts to sneak up gained through an Occupation or selected through a feat. A
on a guard, the player would roll a Stealth skill check with character without the appropriate perk can still use functions
a difficulty class of the guard’s Perception plus 10 (plus of a skill listed as requiring a perk, but his effective ranks
20 if the guards were on high alert for some reason). If the in the skill are halved (that use of the skill is much less
player character was the guard, and someone attempted to familiar to the character).
sneak up on her, the player would roll a Perception check
with a difficulty class of the attacker’s Stealth plus 10 (plus

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breakneck movement +10) trying to make your way quickly
Skill descriptions to a rope down to the deck (half move +5), you would
The remainder of this chapter details each of the skills need to succeed at an Acrobatics check with a DC of 25
characters may choose to advance. (5+5+10+5=25).
To resist a trip attempt, you would need to make an
Academics Acrobatics check with a DC equal to the Unarmed or
Int; Trained Only; Requires Specialization Weapon skill of the attacker +10 (depending on whether the
You are intimately familiar with a field of learning. attacker was trying to trip you with an unarmed or weapon
Examples include: History, Law, Life Sciences, Physical attack).
Sciences, Religion and Tactics. This skill requires Escape: This use of the Acrobatics skill allows you to
specialization, meaning that one specialty must be chosen escape from a binding, squeeze through a tight space or
when this skill is selected. Additional specialties can be escape a grapple. To escape from a common or improvised
added through perks, or through selecting this skill a second binding (such as ropes, duct tape etc) you would need to
time. Areas the character has not selected a perk in can still make a skill check with a DC of whichever is higher: 20
be known to the character however, since the character still or the Weapon skill +10 of the character that bound you,
retains one-half his effective ranks (see the information on if the character is proficient with the binding implement
perks in the skills introduction above). as a weapon (ropes, chains and nets, can all be selected as
Depending on the character’s ranks in Academics, there weapons for example). To escape from plastic “zip cuffs”
are certain facts he will know off the top of his head. has a DC of 25 and to escape from metal handcuffs has a
What the character does not know, he can find out through DC of 30.
research. If the character has access to a computer, research Squeezing through a tight space has a DC depending on
time is reduced by one-half. how narrow the space is: Narrow (15), Very Narrow (20),
Extremely Narrow (25) and so on. Small characters subtract
Ranks Knowledge Research 5 from these DCs, while creatures Large or larger add +5 for
Level Time each size category.
2 Basic (Less than High School) 36 hours To escape a grapple, you need to make an Acrobatics
4 Introductory (High School equivalent) 18 hours check with a DC equal to the Unarmed or Weapon skill of
8 Intermediate (College equivalent- 12 hours the attacker +10 (depending on whether the attacker was
Bachelor’s Degree) using an unarmed grapple or a grappling weapon).
12 Advanced (College equivalent- 8 hours Parachute: This use of the Acrobatics skill allows you to
Advanced Degree) make accurate parachute jumps, hitting drop zones (intended
16 Cutting Edge (1-2 years away) 6 hours landing sites) with precision.
20 Next Generation (5-10 years down the 4 hours The DC of a typical parachute check, including HAHO
road, this will be the “next big thing”) jumps (High Altitude, High Opening) is 15, or 25 for
23 Almost Limitless 2 hours equipment. If this check is failed, the drop zone is missed by
50 yards for each skill point the check is failed by.
If a parachute check takes place in difficult terrain
(sometimes by necessity but usually because the drop zone
Acrobatics is missed), the DC of this check can be increased by an
Dexterity; Armor Check Penalty additional +5 to +10. If a parachute landing is attempted in
Balance: This use of the Acrobatics skill allows you difficult terrain, failing the check also results in damage, as
to balance on a precarious surface or resist trip attacks. explained below under HAHO parachute checks.
To walk on a precarious surface, determine the Difficulty This skill use also covers HAHO openings, typically
Class according to the table above. How narrow the surface only performed by professionals, including professional
is (narrow +0, very narrow +5 or tiny +10), how slippery skydivers, stunt performers or the military. The DC
(slippery +0, very slippery +5 or treacherous +10), whether of a HAHO check is 20 (HAHO may not be used for
the surface is moving or not (gentle movement +0, rolling equipment). Failing this check not only indicates missing
movement +5 or breakneck movement +10) and how fast the drop zone but also inflicts damage on landing.
you are moving (5 foot steps +0, half moves +5 or full The characters suffers 1 point of damage (to a random
moves +10) and whether or not you are fighting while Hit Location- see the Combat chapter for more information)
balancing will all determine the difficulty. for every point by which the Parachute check is missed.
For example if you were traversing the rigging of a ship A successful Reflex save (DC 20) indicates this damage is
(very narrow +5) during a storm (very slippery +5 and

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non-lethal, otherwise it is lethal damage. Base climbing speed is 5 feet per move action (you can
Tumble (requires perk): This use of the Acrobatics move twice this distance as a full-round action). If you have
skill is available only to characters that have ranks in the 8 ranks in Athletics your climb speed is increased by +5
Acrobatics skill. Tumbling allows you to move across feet, 16 ranks increases your climb speed by +10 feet and 23
difficult terrain at full speed. ranks increases your climb speed by +15 feet.
This use of the Athletics skill also covers rappelling,
which allows a quick, safe descent from a height.
Art Rappelling allows a character to safely descend at double
Cha; Trained Only; Requires Specialization
his normal climbing speed per round.
This skill represents ability at a fine or performing art
Jump: This skill use covers jumping over pits, chasms
such as writing fiction, painting, stand-up comedy and so
and other hazards that require you to (temporarily) defy the
forth. While any character may dabble in such an art for
law of gravity.
personal pleasure, only those trained in this skill may use
Base jumping distance is 15 feet for a running jump,
it to earn a living (such as using this skill as a professional
which is a full-round action. Vertical and standing have a
base distance of 5 feet and can be performed with a move
When selecting this skill, you must pick a specific art
action. If you have 8 ranks in Athletics your jump distance is
form. You may use a perk to extend this skill to multiple
increased by +5 feet, 16 ranks increases your jump distance
art forms or you may select this skill multiple times. For
by +10 feet and 23 ranks increases your jump distance by
example if you took this skill at 1st level for stand-up
+15 feet.
comedy, you could either select this skill again for acting,
These bonuses are applied to running jumps. They are
or use a perk to use your Art skill for both stand-up comedy
reduced to one-half for standing jumps (so the distance
and acting.
modifier for standing jumps is 2.5 feet, 5 feet and 7.5 feet)
Chameleon (requires perk): the Art skill grants you the
and to one-third for vertical jumps (so the distance modifier
Disguise skill use, normally associated with the Crime skill.
for vertical jumps is +1.5 feet, +3.5 feet and +5 feet).
Only available to acting specialization.
Run: This skill covers the basic moving around stuff.
Base run speed is 30 feet per move action (you can move
Athletics twice this distance as a full-round action). If you have 6
Str; Armor Check Penalty ranks in Athletics your run speed is increased by +5 feet,
This skill allows you to engage in feats of athletic 12 ranks increases your run speed by +10 feet, 18 ranks
prowess, such as climbing, jumping and swimming. The increases your run speed by +15 feet and 23 ranks increases
DC is based on the difficulty of the climb, the length of your run speed by +20 feet.
the jump or how treacherous the water is. If you remain in Swim: This use of the Athletics skill allows you to move
difficult conditions for a long period of time (climbing a in water.
mountain, marooned at sea) the game master may call for Base swimming speed is 10 feet per move action (you can
additional checks. Each additional check will increase the move twice this distance as a full-round action). If you have
difficulty by +5. How often checks are required depends on 8 ranks in Athletics your swim speed is increased by +5
the conditions. Being marooned on a calm sea might require feet, 16 ranks increases your swim speed by +10 feet and 23
a character treading water to check once an hour. Being ranks increases your swim speed by +15 feet.
marooned on the same sea during a hurricane might call for Endurance Athletics (requires perk): You can spend
a check every minute. one or more perks to increase your athletic endurance.
Bicycle: Any character on a bicycle gets a +5 ft. per round Spending a perk multiplies the time between checks by
bonus to movement. This bonus is increased by +5 ft. for your Constitution modifier (minimum of x2). For example
every 4 full ranks a character possesses in the Athletics skill if a character with an 18 Con took a perk in Endurance
(+10 ft. at 4 ranks, +15 ft. at 8 ranks and so on). Athletics, he would increase the time between checks by x4.
Any time a character is hit while riding a bicycle, an
Athletics check (DC equal to the attack roll) must be made
to avoid falling off. Mounting or dismounting from a bicycle
Cha; Trained Only
is a move action.
This skill represents the ability to buy and sell more
Climb: This skill use covers vertical movement. If you
efficiently. It combines an understanding of theoretical
need to go up or down, whether over a wall, up a cliff
business practices, practical applications and a keen
or down the side of the building, you use this use of the
understanding of human nature.
Athletics skill.

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TABLE 2-2: Acids and Bases

Hardness Ranks Required
Acid Damage Duration Materials Cost Time Required
Reduction (Base)
Mild 2d6 3 1 round 4 (2) 2 30 minutes
Potent 3d6 4 2 rounds 8 (4) 4 90 minutes
Concentrated 4d6 5 3 rounds 16 (8) 8 3 hours
Highly Concentrated 6d6 7 4 rounds 20 (10) 10 6 hours

Economics: This use of the Business skill indicates a

is involved, the amount of money can be divided up and
theoretical knowledge of economic forces and acts as the
“washed” more easily.
Academics skill for Knowledge Level and Research time.
The time required for this skill use is ideally a week. If
Embezzlement: This use of the Business skill allows you
less time is needed, the skill check goes up by +5 for each
to remove funds from an account without the transaction
day less than 7 needed to move the money.
being noticed. While this usually entails stealing those
funds, there might be other times when you want to remove
your own funds without drawing undue attention, such as Chemistry
when you intend to flee the country prior to being arrested Int; Trained Only; Requires Specialization
(emptying your bank account would definitely cause the This skill represents the ability to use chemistry for one of
police to arrest you now rather than later). four purposes: acids, explosives, pharmacology and poisons.
The DC of this check is equal to 10+ the amount of No matter which of these areas you specialize in, you
Wealth being moved. Moving large sums of money possess a thorough grounding of basic chemical knowledge
discretely is more difficult. Succeeding at this check and can make skill checks for chemistry and life sciences
indicates the transaction will go unnoticed for 1 week. Each questions as if you had the Academics skill (see below).
5 points by which the skill check exceeds the DC adds 1 This skill only covers one specialty of chemistry. If you
week to the amount of time the transaction can go unnoticed wish to be skilled at more than one application of this skill,
for. you may either select the skill multiple times or use a perk
The time required for this skill use is ideally a week. If to apply your ranks in this skill to one or more additional
less time is needed, the skill check goes up by +5 for each specialties.
day less than 7 needed to move the money. Acids and Bases: This use allows you to brew acids and
Haggling: This use of the Business skill allows you to sell bases. Acids will inflict damage on living targets or reduce
items for a higher price and buy items for a lower price. The the hardness of inorganic targets. A base will neutralize an
DC of this skill check is 5+ the cost of the item in question. acid of equal or lesser strength. The ranks required to make
Success reduces the cost of an item being bought by –2 or a base are half that required to brew an acid but the cost and
increases the value of an item being sold by +2. time are the same. These differences are noted on the table
This skill use is a full round action. below.
Money Laundering: This use of the Business skill allows Acids have a damage rating, a hardness reduction and a
you to conceal the identity, location, destination or source duration. The damage caused by an acid is that inflicted by a
of money. Usually this skill is used to make illicit funds splash or limited contact. Should a character be immersed in
appear legitimate, allowing a criminal to pose as an honest acid the damage is doubled and occurs each round until the
businessman. character manages to free himself from the acid. An acid’s
The DC of this check is equal to 10+ the amount of hardness reduction represents its weakening of inorganic
Wealth being laundered. If more than one shell company matter. If an object’s hardness is 0, either naturally or

Table 2-3: Explosives

Explosive Damage Radius Save DC Ranks Required Materials Cost Time Required
Improvised 1d6 5 ft. 14 4 2 30 minutes
Simple 2d6 5 ft. 16 6 3 90 minutes
Moderate 4d6 10 ft. 18 8 4 3 hours
Complex 6d6 15 ft. 22 12 6 6 hours
Powerful 8d6 20 ft. 26 16 8 12 hours
Devastating 10d6 25 ft. 30 20 10 36 hours

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Table 2-4: Drugs

Addiction? Ranks Materials Time
Drug Benefit Side Effect
(Will DC) Required Cost Required
Deliriant, Act randomly for one -2 ability damage to Con, Int, Wis
Yes (DC 10) 4 2 30 minutes
Simple minute or Cha (Fort Save 10)
Deliriant, Act randomly for 10 -2 ability damage to Con, Int, Wis
Yes (DC 15) 8 4 90 minutes
Modern minutes or Cha (Fort Save 15)
Deliriant, -2 ability damage to Con, Int, Wis
Act randomly for 1 hour Yes (DC 20) 20 10 3 hours
Advanced or Cha (Fort Save 20)
Medication, +2 bonus on next
None No 4 2 30 minutes
Simple Recovery saving throw
Medication, +4 bonus on next
None No 8 4 90 minutes
Modern Recovery saving throw
Medication, +6 bonus on next
None No 20 10 3 hours
Advanced Recovery saving throw
Pain Killer, Ignore all pain-based
None Yes (DC 15) 4 2 30 minutes
Simple penalties for 10 minutes
Pain Killer, Ignore all pain-based
None Yes (DC 20) 8 4 90 minutes
Modern penalties for 1 hour
Pain Killer, Ignore all pain-based
None Yes (DC 25) 20 10 3 hours
Advanced penalties for 3 hours
Sleep (Fort Save DC 15) for 1
Sedative, Simple Causes fatigue Yes (DC 10) 4 2 30 minutes
minute after sedatives are stopped
Sedative, Sleep (Fort Save DC 20) for 10
Causes Exhaustion Yes (DC 15) 8 4 90 minutes
Modern minutes after sedatives are stopped
Sedative, Sleep (Fort Save DC 25) for 1 hour
Causes Exhaustion Yes (DC 10) 20 10 3 hours
Advanced after sedatives are stopped
Cures Non-Lethal
(target recovers
Smelling Salts None No 4 2 30 minutes
non-lethal damage
immediately instead of in
one hour)
+1 bonus to a single -1 ability damage to the enhanced
Steroid, Simple physical ability score or ability score lasting one day (Fort Yes (DC 10) 6 3 30 minutes
+5 feet move for one day Save DC 15)
+1 bonus to a single
-1 ability damage to the enhanced
physical ability score
Steroid, Modern ability score lasting one week (Fort Yes (DC 15) 12 6 90 minutes
or +5 feet move for one
Save DC 20)
+2 bonus to a single
-2 ability damage to the enhanced
Steroid, physical ability score or
ability score lasting one week (Fort Yes (DC 20) 23 12 3 hours
Advanced +10 feet move for one
Save DC 25)
Removes one level of
Stimulant, -1 to attack rolls and skill checks
fatigue penalties for 10 No 4 2 30 minutes
Simple for 1 hour
Removes one level of Adds one level of fatigue (Fatigue
fatigue penalties for 1 to Exhaustion to Unconsciousness) Yes (DC 10) 8 4 90 minutes
hour (Fort save DC 10)
Removes one level of Adds one level of fatigue (Fatigue
fatigue penalties for 4 to Exhaustion to Unconsciousness) Yes (DC 15) 16 8 3 hours
hours (Fort save DC 15)

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TABLE 2-5: Poisons

Poison Initial Effect Secondary Effect Save Ranks Required Materials Time
DC (Anti-Venom) Cost Required
Mild 1 point of ability damage 1 point of ability damage to 14 4 (2) 2 30
to one ability (chosen by a different ability (chosen by minutes
the chemist) the chemist)
Potent 1 points of ability damage 1-2 points of ability damage 18 8 (4) 4 90
to one ability (chosen by to one ability (chosen by the minutes
the chemist) chemist)
Concentrated 1-2 points of ability 1-4 points of ability damage 22 12 (6) 6 3 hours
damage to one ability to one ability (chosen by the
(chosen by the chemist) chemist)
Highly 1-4 points of ability 1-6 points of ability damage 30 20 (10) 10 6 hours
Concentrated damage to one ability to one ability (chosen by the
(chosen by the chemist) chemist)

because an acid has reduced it to 0, the acid inflicts damage Overdoses: All drugs have an additional side effect:
on the inorganic object just as it would a living character. an overdose. A drug’s dosage can be increased by 50%
An acid’s duration is the number of rounds the acid inflicts to double its effectiveness or duration. If the dosage is
damage unless removed, either by washing the affected area doubled, both of these effects are increased. However this
with water or applying a base. also risks an overdose. If the drug’s dosage is increased
Explosives: This use allows you to make explosives. by 50% you must make a Fort save (DC 15) or overdose,
Explosives will inflict damage on everyone in an area, suffering 2 points of ability damage to Constitution. If the
though those in the affected area may make a Reflex save dosage is doubled, the DC of this Fort save is increased to
for one-half damage. The save DC for an explosive are 20. If a natural 1 is rolled on this save, the ability damage
the ranks required to make the explosive +10, which are is permanent, indicating that you have suffered permanent
summarized on the table below for convenience. physical damage, usually to the heart or circulatory system.
Pharmacology: Pharmacology allows you to live better Deliriants: These drugs cause you to see things that are
through chemistry. This use allows you to make drugs not there and perhaps interact with them. Many deliriants
that will temporarily boost your stats, remove fatigue and occur naturally in plant form and many of these are
gain bonuses to your saving throws. Pharmacology can completely legal. Despite this, deliriants have such serious
also make drugs that will knock a character unconscious. side effects that they are not popular as a recreational drug.
However, many of these drugs come with a price: whether There have been some experiments with using these drugs
that price is side effects, a chance for addiction or both as weapons by various military agencies however.
depends on the type of drug and the strength of its potency. Medications: These drugs cover a wide range of helpful
Mild drugs are generally plant-based, with little artificial substances that can help you recover from injury and disease
enhancement and have been available since the 19th century. faster. They provide a one-time bonus to the patient’s next
Modern drugs are either artificial, or plant substances that recovery check. Though medications have no side effects
have been chemically enhanced. These drugs begin to see and are not addictive, they can be overdosed, with the same
widespread use in the 20th century. Advanced drugs begin to penalties and dangers, as a standard drug. Medications may
appear in the late 20th and early 21st century. Advanced drugs only be administered effectively once every 24 hours.
are either artificial or highly enhanced plant substances, Pain Killers: These highly effective, though highly
often with multiple plants being used for a combined effect. addictive drugs can be a great aid to medical personnel
If a natural 1 is rolled on a Saving throw against a side if used cautiously. Their most common uses outside of
effect, that side effect is permanent. providing a local anesthetic for minor surgical procedures
If a drug user becomes addicted (fails his Will save), is to allow soldiers and professional athletes to continue to
he will suffer the following effects until he satisfies his function effectively while injured.
addiction: Day 1: Shaken; Day 2: Fatigued; Day 3 and Sedative: These drugs are primarily used to render
beyond: Exhausted. The victim suffers both the Shaken patients unconscious for major surgical procedures. Of
condition and either the Fatigue or Exhausted condition until course they also have more nefarious uses, as every 70’s
he satisfies his addiction and rests for 8 hours, or until he TV mook with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform can tell
manages to shake his addiction, requiring both a Fortitude you.
Save (DC 20) and a Will Save (DC 20). Steroid: These drugs can provide a temporary benefit to

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physical abilities. While these drugs have legitimate medical drug wears off.
uses, especially to enhance the body’s ability to withstand Powerful stimulants can also be addictive, and many
degenerative diseases, they have come into the public mild stimulants (such as nicotine and caffeine) can have
consciousness more through their abuse by professional long-term health risks if used regularly over a long period
athletes looking for an edge. of time. Note that though mild stimulants are certainly
Not only can steroids be addictive, their continued addictive, these are not considered addictions in game terms,
use will damage the body, actually lowering the ability where addiction means something much more serious,
score they were intended to aid for a time, while the body commonly associated with more powerful drugs such as
recovers and re-adjusts its chemical balance. As long as you morphine.
continue taking the steroid however, you can forestall the Poisons and Anti-venoms: Poisonous substances have
side effects, making these drugs even more tempting. The been used as weapons for thousands of years, making them
saving throw for side effects does not need to be rolled until the first chemical weapons. With men taking their cue from
you go off the drug. When that happens, either purposely or the poisonous animals around them, this is one of the oldest
accidentally (because a dose was missed), you must make and simplest forms of weapon technology.
the listed saving throw and suffer the ability damage for You can also use this use of the Chemistry skill to concoct
the entire duration the drug was used for. The default times anti-venoms. An anti-venom will neutralize any poison of
listed in the table below assume you take the drug once equal or lesser strength in the victim. While this will not
and then go off it. Because of the way these penalties are restore any lost ability damage, it can save a target from
structured, many users of steroids cycle their use, going on having to make a save against a poison’s secondary effect.
and off the drug, attempting to maximize the benefits while Anti-venoms are easier to concoct that poisons and
allowing their systems to recover. require half as many ranks to produce. However the time
For example, a character takes steroids to increase his and materials cost remain the same. These reduced ranks are
movement by +10 feet for one week. At the end of that noted on the poison table below for ease of reference.
week, he has two choices: he can either make a saving
throw to avoid suffering a –10 feet to his movement for one
week, or he can take another dose of steroids. If he takes
Int; Trained Only
the steroids again, he does not need to save this week. Next
In the modern world, computers are everywhere. Part of
week, his choice will be take another dose of steroids, or
the fear paranoia conjured up by the “Y2K problem” was
make a saving throw to avoid suffering a –10 penalty to his
the realization of just how many things had computers in
movement for two weeks and so on.
them, were computers or in some way relied on computers.
Smelling Salts: These simple irritants can clear a groggy
Though by no means intelligent, computers are the brains
head in a pinch. When used on a subject, the subject heals
of almost any modern electronic device, as essential as the
1 HP per level plus Con bonus of non-lethal damage
transistor once was.
immediately. Smelling salts can only be used on a target
While anyone can use computers with varying degrees
once per day.
of proficiency, this skill covers three basic uses, Computer
Stimulant: Mild stimulants rank as the most used (and
Modification, Computer Networking and Computer
abused) drugs in all of the modern world. These drugs can
Programming. It also covers three advanced uses (which
help you forestall the effects of fatigue. Eventually however,
require the expenditure of a perk to use with full effect):
you have to come down and if a powerful stimulant was
Cracking, Computer Engineering and Identity Theft.
used, or if you were already highly fatigued to begin with,
Computer Modification: Often just called “modding”,
this coming down can be a “crash”, resulting in several
this use of the Computers skill allows you to improve
hours of unconsciousness.
the performance of a computer’s hardware. This includes
Like steroids, when the drug’s effectiveness ends, you can
methods as simple as throwing in some extra RAM
forestall the side effects by taking another dose. However,
or memory at the lower levels and performing major
each time you do this, you add +1 to the saving throw
modifications at the extreme level.
difficulty against the side effects when you eventually come
off the drug. Also, fatigue penalties continue to accrue Modifica- Programs Memory Ranks Materials
normally, though you will not notice them. This could mean tion Required Cost
that, even though you were only fatigued when you began Mild 1 10 4 2
taking stimulants, if further activity has caused you to Major 2 20 8 4
become exhausted, you will eventually suffer the full effects Extreme 4 40 16 8
of exhaustion (and possibly even unconsciousness) when the

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Computer Networking: One of the advantages of the Complexity of Time to penetrate Time before Ranks
computer is its ability to network with other computers. This Security security discovery Required
is another way to make a simple computer more powerful, Primitive 6 hours 8 hours 4
since networked computers can share memory and divide Moderate 12 hours 16 hours 8
a task between them (essentially increasing the number of
Complex 16 hours 1 day 12
programs that computer can run simultaneously).
Highly Complex 3 days 4 days 16
Size of Time (per Ranks Materials Time Cutting Edge 4 days 6 days 20
Network day) Required Cost* Required
2 1 hour 4 None 30 minutes Computer Engineering (requires perk): This use of the
3-4 2 hours 8 None 90 minutes Computers skill allows you to construct a computer from
5-8 3 hours 12 None 3 hours scratch, as if you possessed the Electronics Engineering skill
9-16 4 hours 16 None 6 hours specialization. Note that this does not allow you to construct
17 5 hours 20 None 9 hours electronic devices generally, just computers.
*While this use of the Computers skill has no innate cost, you # of Base Ranks Materials Time
must acquire all the computers you intend to network. Programs Memory Required Cost Required
Computer Programming: This use of the Computer skill 1 10 4 2 90 minutes
allows you to write new programs, allowing a computer to 2 20 6 3 3 hours
perform a different task. The best computer in the world is 3 30 8 4 6 hours
worthless without the right program, so this skill is essential
4 40 10 5 9 hours
to get the most out of your computer hardware.
5 50 12 6 12 hours
Each computer program requires a computer to have
1 memory available to install the program. A computer 6 60 14 7 18 hours
can run a number of programs simultaneously equal to its 7 70 16 8 1 day
programs score. 8 80 18 9 4 days
9 90 20 10 10 days
Complexity Program Ranks Materials Time Re-
of Program Abilities Required Cost quired
Identity Theft (requires perk): This use of the
Primitive 4 ranks/+1 4 None 12 hours
Attack Computers skill allows you to perform identity theft as
if you possessed the Crime skill. See that skill for more
Moderate 8 ranks/+2 8 None 1 day
Attack information on how identity theft works.
Complex 12 ranks/+3 12 None 2 days
Attack Crime
Highly 16 ranks/+4 16 None 6 days Int; Trained Only
Complex Attack The Crime skill indicates a general proficiency and
Cutting 20 ranks/+5 20 None 18 days knowledge in the criminal world and various types of crime.
Edge Attack Like many skills in Modern20, some elements of the Crime
skill are unique to it, while others are criminal aspects of
Cracking (requires perk): This use of the programming other skills, available through a perk.
skill requires a perk to use and allows you to evade Disguise (requires perk): Disguise is the old school,
computer security. Once you have defeated any security low-tech version of identity theft and has been around since
on the computer, you can crash it, retrieve information or the ancient world. In most cases, disguise is a targeted skill
any other purpose a legitimate user could perform on that check (see targeted skills above) that either sets the DC of
computer. The more ranks you have in the computers skill, a Perception skill check or vice-versa, with an opponent’s
the faster you can defeat computer security. Perception skill setting the target for a Disguise check
Remember that with the Variable Time rule (see above), (remember only PCs roll, so in most cases there is only one
if you have more ranks you can perform a simple task in skill check involved).
less time. So if you had 12 ranks in Computers you could The DC of this check is equal to the target’s Perception
defeat moderate security in 3 hours, rather than 12. Note +10, unless the target knows either the person donning the
that the time before discovery stays the same, so continuing disguise or the person being impersonated, in which case the
the example above, you would still have 1 day before your DC is the target’s Perception +20. All Disguise check DCs
intrusion was discovered.

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are modified (made harder) by the Reputation of the person Specific: You can impersonate a specific individual of
being impersonated. Impersonating a famous celebrity is your race and gender, including voice. Alternately, you can
going to be harder than impersonating an unknown. In fact, adopt a general disguise of a different race or gender (but
one of the chief benefits of disguise is to gain the benefits of not both).
a high Reputation (at least for a short period of time). Extreme: You can impersonate a specific individual of a
More ranks in the Crime skill allows a character to adopt different race or gender (but not both). Alternately, you can
more elaborate disguises as detailed in the table below. adopt a general disguise of a different race and gender.
General: You impersonate a class of person rather than an Radical: You can impersonate a specific individual of a
individual- a “generic” cop or street denizen for example. different race and gender.
As with all skills that list a ranks required and a time
required, you can move up the ranks required chart to
reduce the time (see Variable Time in the general skills
section above).
Complexity of Ranks Materials Cost Time Required
Disguise Required
General 4 2 10 minutes
Specific 8 4 30 minutes
Extreme 16 8 90 minutes
Radical 20 10 5 hours

Embezzlement (requires perk): This use of the Crime

skill acts as the Business skill use of the same name and
functions identically.
Identity Theft (requires perk): This use of the Crime
skill is very similar to Disguise except that it allows the
assumption of the victim’s electronic identity, rather than his
physical appearance. This allows you to assume the target’s
identity as long as you are not in a face-to-face situation.
For example you could send e-mail as the person
you are impersonating with this skill but if a
physical meeting or even a phone call were
required, then disguise would come into
play rather than identity theft.
In many circumstances, this is more
desirable than physical impersonation in the modern
world. The DC of this check is equal to 10+ the Wealth and
Reputation of the person being impersonated.
As identity theft has increased, so have safeguards to limit
the amount of damage that can be done with a particular
identity. Every time you use the identity you have assumed
you must make an additional skill check with the DC
increased by +2.
Forgery (requires perk): Forgery allows you to create
false documentation. This could be anything from a forged
love letter to completely fake identity. The DC of this check
is equal to the target’s Perception +15. Every time your
documentation is examined again, you must make another
skill check.

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Lockpicking: Picking a lock requires a great deal of skill Complexity of Ranks Materials Cost Time Required
as well as a lot of time. As with all skill checks, a character Invention Required
with a high skill can pick a simpler lock more quickly. Primitive 4 6 90 minutes
The materials cost of picking a lock is equal to the ranks Moderate 8 12 3 hours
required to pick the lock. However, these tools need not be
Complex 12 18 9 hours
purchased again and so as long as a character does not lose
Highly Com- 16 24 18 hours
his tools, he would only need to purchase picks for a state of
the art lock or less a single time.
Cutting Edge 20 30 4 days
Complexity of Ranks Materials Cost Time Required State of the Art 23 35 10 days
Lock Required
Cheap 4 Special 10 minutes Mechanics (requires perk): This skill use represents
Average 8 Special 30 minutes the knowledge needed to build mechanical devices
High Quality 12 Special 90 minutes such as vehicles and firearms. Vehicles will often need
High Security 16 Special 3 hours guidance systems to function at full effectiveness, requiring
Ultra-High 20 Special 6 hours application of the electronics skill use as well. This use of
Security the Engineering skill uses the same table as electronics.
State of the Art 23 Special 12 hours Structural (requires perk): This skill use represents the
knowledge needed to build structures such as buildings and
Money Laundering (requires perk): This use of the armor. This skill also allows the construction of improvised
Crime skill acts as the Business skill use of the same name defenses such as foxholes and earthen dams. This use of the
and functions identically. Engineering skill uses the same table as electronics.
Security Systems/Procedures (requires perk): You Physical Science: This skill use represents a knowledge
know how to defeat all electronic security systems, of the physical sciences. When answering a question
including cracking pin numbers, bypassing cameras and about the physical sciences you act as if you possess the
up to laser security. The DC, ranks required, materials cost Academics skill.
and time required are all identical to those for picking a Repair: You can repair a damaged or malfunctioning
lock above. Note that bypassing security systems requires a device.
separate set of tools from bypassing locks. Severity of Ranks Materials Time
Finally, this skill allows a character to set up security Damage Required Cost Required
systems for an area, at the same cost, ranks required and Light 4 2 45 minutes
time required as defeating the same security system. Moderate 8 3 90 hours
However the cost of setting up a security system must be
Heavy 12 4 5 hours
paid each time a system is set up.
Extreme 16 5 10 hours
Steal: This skill allows you to take something off a target
unnoticed. If the item is visible, you can choose the item Severe 20 6 2 days
stolen. Otherwise, you have to pick an area to steal from Total 23 7 5 days
(pocket, purse, pouch etc.) and receive a random item. The
DC of this check is either 10+ the target’s Perception or 10+
the target’s Crime, whichever is higher. Firearms
Dex; Trained Only
Engineering The Firearms skill covers your level of proficiency with
Int; Trained Only firearms of various types. You are familiar with one specific
Electronics (requires perk): This skill represents the firearm for each rank you possess in this skill. The Firearms
knowledge needed to build electronic devices, including skill also covers various specialized functions of modern
such items as bomb detonators, surveillance devices and weaponry as detailed below.
computers. The higher your skill, the more complicated a If you use a firearm with which you are not proficient,
device you can construct. you suffer a –4 penalty to attack rolls.
Burst Fire (requires perk): When attacking with a
weapon capable of automatic fire, all characters may make
3 or 5 attacks per round (character’s choice) regardless of

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These attacks suffer an attack penalty of –5 per attack Firearms Second Third Fourth Fifth
beyond the first (so if the weapon is fired three times, the Skill Attack Attack Attack Attack
first attack suffers no penalty, the second attack –5 and the 2 -4 -9 -14 -19
third attack -10). This use of the Firearms skill negates some 4 -3 -8 -13 -18
of that penalty by an amount as shown on the table below.
6 -2 -7 -12 -17
Double Tap (requires perk): When attacking with a
8 -1 -6 -11 -16
weapon capable of semi-automatic fire, you may attack
twice in a round regardless of level. You suffer a –5 penalty 10 0 -5 -10 -15
to hit on the second attack. This use of the Firearms skill 12 0 -4 -9 -14
negates some of that penalty by an amount as shown on the 14 0 -3 -8 -13
table below. 16 0 -2 -7 -12
Firearms repair: This skill use allows you to repair and 18 0 -1 -6 -11
maintain weapons as if you possessed the repair skill use of 20 0 0 -5 -10
the Engineering skill.
23 0 0 -4 -9
Called Shot (requires perk): When you take a full
round to make an attack (precluding movement or multiple
attacks) you can negate the penalty for targeting a specific
area of the target’s body equal to your Firearms skill (see Influence
Hit Location in the Combat section for more information on Cha
targeting a specific area of your target’s body). This skill covers the ability to win friends and influence
This ability can never result in a bonus; it simply serves to people. It covers everything from the ability to tell a
negate any penalty. convincing lie to the ability to
treat mental illnesses through
applied psychology.
Bluff: This use of the
Influence skill allows you to
convince a target that a lie is true. In
combat, this skill use can be used to
perform a feint, which (if successful)
grants a bonus on your next attack
roll equal to your Charisma
The DC of a Bluff check is either
the target’s Perception +10 or the
target’s Will save +10, whichever
is higher.
Diplomacy: This use of the
Influence skill allows you to improve
a target’s attitude toward you by one
category, making the target more
helpful to you. The attitude categories
for this skill are: Hostile, Fearful,
Neutral, Friendly and Allied. Each use of
this skill can improve a target’s attitude by
one category, though the skill can be tried
multiple times. Allow a recheck at most
once a week, meaning to improve a target’s
attitude from Hostile to Allied would take a
minimum of one month.
The DC of a Diplomacy skill check is either
the target’s Perception +10 or the target’s Will
save +10, whichever is higher.

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Intimidate: This use of the Influence skill allows you The importance of Ki to the martial arts is shown not only
to reduce a target’s attitude toward to either Fearful (if the in the vast number of styles that teach the student to harness
skill check is successful) or Hostile (if the skill check is his Ki but also in the number of styles to which Ki is so
unsuccessful). A fearful target will do what you say in your essential it is a part of the style’s name, such as Aikido and
presence and generally try to avoid you if at all possible. Hapkido.
A Hostile target however, will try to do you harm at every Focus: Ki allows you to focus on a task to exclusion of
opportunity (often not through combat, though this is an everything else. This grants a bonus to a single skill check
option). as listed in the table below. Because of the total focus on
The DC of a Diplomacy skill check is either the target’s this one skill check you are flat-footed while making it.
Perception +10 or the target’s Will save +10, whichever is Meditation: Meditation allows you to reorder your body
higher. and spirit and bring them into harmony. While this can be
Psychology: This use of the Influence skill allows you used for a myriad of esoteric purposes, such as relaxation
to predict a target’s future behavior. At the beginning of an and getting in touch with the universe, this skill use also
encounter you may make a Psychology check to gain a +2 allows you to heal non-lethal damage at twice the usual rate.
bonus on Initiative rolls as a free action. If this check fails, The maximum number of hours you can meditate per day
you cannot use Psychology on the same target for the next is equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. Meditation is not a
24 hours, since the target is too hard for you to currently substitute for sleep (meaning you will still be fatigued if you
read. don’t rest).
This use of the Influence skill can also allow you to Slow Metabolism (requires perk): You have learned
diagnose mental trauma and illnesses and help a target how to use your ability to adjust your body’s energy patterns
change his behavior and/or recover from mental trauma and to slow your metabolism substantially. This allows you to
illnesses. hold your breath for twice as long as you would normally be
The DC of a Psychology skill check is either the target’s able to or to simulate death.
Perception +10 or the target’s Will save +10, whichever is Holding your breath with this skill use is automatic.
higher. Simulating death is a targeted skill check equal to Medicine
+10 of any character checking you for vital signs.
Speed Metabolism (requires perk): This use of the Ki
Ki skill allows you to use your Ki skill ranks in place of your
Wis; Trained Only
Initiative modifier. If you spend an Action Point, may use
Note: This skill first appeared in Martial Arts20. Campaigns
this ability to re-roll your Initiative.
featuring extensive use of Ki as a form of FX should consult
that book for feats that improve the limited abilities granted Ranks Bonus
by this skill.
4 +1
This skill represents the power of the spirit and is only
available to those who select the Initiate of the Inner 8 +2
Mysteries feat. You may only call on your Ki a number of 12 +3
times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you wish to
16 +4
call on your Ki more often you may spend an Action Point
for each additional use. 20 +5
Members of the Empath class can call on their Ki twice 23 +6
as often as other characters. This is considered part of the
Empath’s core ability in campaigns featuring Ki as a form of
FX (meaning you only gain this ability if your first character Leadership
level is in the Empath class). Cha; Trained Only
Ki is a part of every living thing. Though it is often You have a magnetic personality capable of inspiring
translated as an energy flow, Ki literally means “breath” those around you to things they never thought possible.
and everything that breathes, from animals and plants to the Leadership allows a non-combatant character to vastly
world itself (as felt on the wind) is a part of Ki. As such, Ki influence the outcome of a battle. Since most uses of this
is essential to all aspects of the practitioner’s life. Martial skill are standard actions, a character in the leadership role
arts and yoga teach the student to channel Ki through is not normally an active participant in the battle.
meditation and deep breathing exercises. Feng Shui arranges The DC of a Leadership skill check depends on how many
a living space to allow Ki to flow freely through everything characters you are attempting to lead. If you are leading a
in the room (including those who live there). number of characters equal to your ranks in Leadership or

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less, the DC is 20. If you are leading a number of characters those who enforce the law and those who break it walk
equal to twice your Leadership or less, the DC is 25. If you hand in hand (though not always in harmony), this skill
are leading a number of characters equal to five times your also grants a knowledge of several areas of criminal activity
Leadership or less, the DC is 30. otherwise covered by the Crime and Streetwise skills.
A group can only be inspired to a single emotion at a time. Criminology: You have a keen understanding of the
If you use the Leadership skill on a group already effected criminal mind. This use of the Legal skill allows you to act
by it, the new effect will replace the existing one. as if you possessed the Psychology skill use of the Influence
Crossfire: On a successful Leadership check you can skill when dealing with criminals.
allow those you lead to execute a precisely coordinated Drug Lore (requires perk): This skill use acts as
attack. This allows characters to flank a target with ranged the Streetwise skill use of the same name and functions
weapons, as well as inflicting bonus damage as listed on the identically.
table below. This use of the Leadership feat lasts one round. Evidence Gathering/Analysis: This skill use covers
Group Cohesion (requires perk): On a successful the ability to gather and interpret meaningful data from a
Leadership check you can allow those you lead to act as crime scene, including hair and fiber analysis, collecting
though they possessed the Teamwork feat. This use of the fingerprints and so forth. This skill use also allows you to
Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds equal to your one- examine a crime scene and body to determine a cause of
fourth ranks in this skill, rounded down. death.
If you use this use of the Leadership skill on a group that Gang Lore (requires perk): This skill use acts as
already possesses the Teamwork feat, that group acts as if the Streetwise skill use of the same name and functions
they possess the Esprit de Corps feat instead. identically.
Inspire Competence: On a successful Leadership check Law: You have a working understanding of the law and
you can grant those you lead a bonus on all skill checks as understand how to make motions during criminal and civil
listed on the table below. This use of the Leadership skill proceedings. This skill covers the ability to work in law
lasts a number of rounds equal to your ranks in this skill. enforcement, as a lawyer or as a judge.
Inspire Courage (requires perk): On a successful Use the table in the Academics skill to determine how
Leadership check you can grant those you lead a bonus on obscure your knowledge is and the amount of time required
all attack rolls and Will saving throws to resist fear as listed to research information you do not know off hand.
on the table below. This use of the Leadership skill lasts a Security Procedures/Systems: This skill use acts as the
number of rounds equal to one-half your ranks in this skill, Crime skill use of the same name and functions identically.
rounded down.
Inspire Ferocity (requires perk): On a successful
Leadership check you can grant those you lead a bonus on
Cha; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty [Spellcasting
all melee damage rolls as listed on the table below. This use
perk only]
of the Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds equal to
You have an understanding of the occult, including the
one-half your ranks in this skill, rounded down.
ability to cast spells (if allowed in the campaign by the game
Rally: On a successful Leadership check you can remove
master- check with her first before taking the spellcasting
any penalties from those you lead due to fear or fatigue.
perk for this skill).
This use of the Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds
Arcane Lore: You are familiar with mystical lore.
equal to one-half your ranks in this skill, rounded down.
This skill use allows you identify magical rituals and
Ranks Bonus Granted spellcasting. On a successful skill check, you can determine
4 +1 the specific spell cast in an area by its after-effects. You can
8 +2 also identify a cult by its altars or sacrificial remains.
Use the table in the Academics skill to determine how
12 +3
obscure your knowledge is and the amount of time required
16 +4
to research information you do not know off hand.
20 +5 Monster Lore: You know a great deal about mythical and
supernatural creatures. You can use this skill to determine a
creature’s weaknesses (if any). You also understand monster
Legal psychology and can use this skill like the Psychology skill
Int; Trained Only
use of the Influence skill when dealing with monsters.
The Legal skill indicates knowledge of the Byzantine
Spellcasting (requires perk): You know how to cast
world of the legal system as well as law-enforcement. Since
a single spell. This perk may be taken multiple times, up

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to your ranks in the Magic skill. Each time it applies to a Life Science: You have a detailed knowledge of biology,
different spell. anatomy and other aspects of the life sciences.
The maximum spell level of a spell you can learn is Use the table in the Academics skill to determine how
determined by your ranks in the Magic skill as shown in the obscure your knowledge is and the amount of time required
table below. to research information you do not know off hand.
When casting the spell, the saving throw DC for the target Long-term care (requires perk): You can help a
to resist that spell is equal to your ranks in the Magic skill patient’s body recover on its own. This is vital for coma
plus 10. patients and situations where surgery has failed. When
Your magic caster level is equal to one-half your ranks in rolling a Recovery saving throw, patients under your long
the Magic skill, rounded down. term care treat their minimum roll as your ranks in the
Each time you cast a spell, you must make a Will save, Medicine skill.
with a DC equal to 20 plus the spell’s level. If you fail If assisted by 2-4 trained assistants (who also possess
this saving throw, you become fatigued until you rest for ranks in the Medicine skill) you can provide long-term care
one hour. A second failed saving throw will render you
exhausted and unable to cast any spells until you rest
for 8 hours (in addition to the normal penalties for being
Ranks Max Spell Level
4 0
8 1st
12 2nd
16 3rd
20 4th
23 5th

Wis; Trained Only
You are a skilled non-magical healer.
First Aid: This use of the Medicine skill allows you to
heal a small amount of non-lethal damage immediately, or
stabilize a dying a patient.
If used to heal, you heal an amount of non-lethal damage
as indicated on the table below. This use of the Medicine
skill can only be performed on a target once per day and
only on a target whose hit points are 1 or above.
If used to stabilize a patient in a coma (a character whose
hit points are –1 or lower), the DC of this check is 15.
Ranks Damage Healed
4 1d4
6 1d6
8 1d8
10 1d10
12 2d6
16 2d8
20 2d10
23 2d12

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to a number of patients equal to your ranks in the Medicine Ride: This skill allows you to ride a mount in combat and
skill. avoid being dismounted. If you are attacked while mounted
If working alone, you can provide long-term care to one- you must make a Ride check to avoid being knocked off
quarter that number (rounded down). your mount. The DC of this check is equal to the attack roll
Pharmacology (requires perk): This skill use acts as of the attack that hit you +10.
the Chemistry skill use of the same name and functions Stealth- forest (requires perk): This skill use acts as the
identically. Stealth skill when you are in forest terrain.
Surgery (requires perk): This use of the Medicine skill Stealth- desert (requires perk): This skill use acts as the
allows you to heal lethal damage. The DC of this skill check Stealth skill when you are in desert terrain.
is 20 +1 per 10 points of lethal damage your patient has Stealth- amphibious (requires perk): This skill use acts
suffered. as the Stealth skill when you are in water, beach and swamp
If this check is successful, 1d6 points of lethal damage terrain.
per rank in the Medicine skill is healed. Surgery can Stealth- jungle (requires perk): This skill use acts as the
be performed on the same patient once per day, but the Stealth skill when you are in jungle terrain.
maximum a doctor can heal is 6 points of damage per rank Survival: This skill use allows you to find food, water
in the Medicine skill. Once this amount of damage is healed, and shelter in the wild, as well as protect yourself from
the patient must heal naturally to full hit points or seek environmental damage.
another doctor. A doctor of equal or lesser skill cannot heal To survive on the land, requiring no food and water
that patient until his hit points are restored to full by some supplies requires a DC 10 Outdoorsman check. You can
means, and he is damaged again. move up to half speed while doing this.
If this check fails, no damage is healed and surgery cannot To gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against
be performed on this target again until some lethal damage environmental while moving at one-half speed requires a
is healed naturally (through a successful Recovery saving DC 15 skill check. If the character is stationary, the saving
throw). throw bonus increases to +4.
Surgery cannot be performed on targets that are in a coma Tracking: This skill use allows you to follow tracks for
(hit points reduced to 0 or less from lethal damage). one mile per skill check. The DC of a tracking check is
equal to the Stealth +10 of the target you are tracking. This
DC is increased to Stealth +20 if there has been at least one
Outdoorsman hour of rain or snow since the tracks were made.
Wis; Armor Check Penalty [Stealth perks only]
You are knowledgeable of nature and animals and can
survive in wilderness areas effectively. Perception
Animal Handling: You are a skilled animal trainer and Wis
can teach animals between 3 and 6 tricks based on their The Perception skill is a very important skill, despite the
Intelligence (3 for animals with an Intelligence of 1 and fact that Perception checks themselves are rarely called for.
6 for animals with an Intelligence of 2). Typical tricks for Instead, the Perception skill serves as a “defense” of sorts
an animal to learn are: attack a target, come when called, against all other types of skills that try to trick or beguile
defend a target, seek an object or substance, track a target the character. This skill sets the DC for Forgery, Stealth and
and so forth. You may create new tricks with the game Bluff checks.
master’s permission. However, since players make all targeted skill checks,
The DC of this skill use is 15 for commonly domesticated there will be times when the player makes Perception
animals (dogs, horses, etc.) and 25 for difficult to checks because someone is attempting to get the drop on
domesticate animals (tigers, wolves, etc.). him. In this case, the DC is equal to the opposed skill +10
Teaching an animal a trick takes three days, though the (Crime +10 for a Forgery attempt, Stealth +10 if someone is
character can do other things while teaching the animal. attempting to surprise the character and so forth).
Navigate: The navigate skill use allows you to reach Evidence Gathering/Analysis (requires perk): This
your destination more quickly and avoid getting lost when skill use acts as the Legal skill use of the same name and
traveling. With a successful skill check, you can complete functions identically.
a journey in 10% less than the usual time or find your way
when lost.
The DC of this skill use is 15 in calm weather, 20 in rough
weather and 25 in extremely bad weather.

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Psionics Read/Write Language

Wis; Trained Only (None) Trained Only
Note: This skill first appeared in Modern Dispatch #116: The Read/Write Language skill doesn’t work like a standard
The Hunters. Campaigns featuring high-powered psionics skill.
as a form of FX should consult that issue for more feats that You automatically know how to read and write his or her
improve the limited powers granted by this skill. native language; you do not need ranks to do so.
This skill represents the powers of the mind and is only Each additional language costs 1 rank. When you add a
available to those who select the Wild Talent feat at 1st level. rank to Read/Write Language, you choos a new language
Unless specifically indicated in the text, Feat-based Psionic that you can read and write.
powers do not require a Psionics skill roll; they manifest You never make Read/Write Language checks. You either
automatically, and succeed or fail based upon a related know how to read and write a specific language or you
Skill check (e.g. making a Perception check to see with don’t.
Clairvoyance), or a target’s Saving Throw result. To be able to speak a language that you can read and
Using psionic abilities is taxing. Each time you use an write, you must take the Speak Language skill for the
ability granted by this skill, or a feat that requires this skill, appropriate language.
you must make a Will save with a DC of 15 plus one for You can choose any language, modern or ancient. (See
each previous saving throw that day. Failing this saving below for suggestions.) The GM might determine that you
throw results in you suffering 1d6 points of non-lethal can’t learn a specific language due to the circumstances of
damage. This damage is physically evident and may allow the campaign.
your use of psionic abilities to be detected. Possible physical
manifestations of psionic damage include bleeding from Language Groups
the nose, eyes or ears or unexplained bruises that manifest There are thousands of languages to choose from when you
spontaneously. buy ranks in Speak Language or Read/Write Language.
Precognition (requires perk): This use of the Psionics A few are listed here, sorted into their general language
skill allows you to use your Psionics skill in place of your groups.
Initiative modifier. You may either use this skill at the start A language’s group doesn’t matter when you are buying
of an encounter (when initiative rolls are normally called ranks in Speak Language or Read/Write Language.
for), or during an encounter to re-roll your initiative. This list is by no means exhaustive—there are many more
This skill use is a free action that you can perform once language groups, and most groups contain more languages
per round. than those listed here.
Telepathy (requires perk): This use of the Psionics skill Algic: Algonkin, Arapaho, Blackfoot, Cheyenne,
allows you to detect the general emotional state of your Shawnee.
target. Thus you could detect nervousness, anger, fear and so Armenian: Armenian.
forth. This ability has a range of line of sight and the target Athabascan: Apache, Chipewyan, Navaho.
of this ability may make a Will save to resist attempts to Attic: Ancient Greek*, Greek.
detect her emotional state. The DC of this Will save is your Baltic: Latvian, Lithuanian.
ranks in the Psionics skill +10. Celtic: Gaelic (Irish), Gaelic (Scots), Welsh.
If you successfully read a target’s emotional state, you Chinese: Cantonese, Mandarin.
may add half your ranks in Psionics to a single Influence, Finno-Lappic: Estonian, Finnish, Lapp.
Leadership or Perception check when interacting with that Germanic: Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English, Flemish,
target. German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Yiddish.
This skill use is a move action. Hamo-Semitic: Coptic*, Middle Egyptian*.
Telekinesis (requires perk): You can move a weight of Indic: Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit*, Urdu.
10 lbs. per rank in this skill, you may hold this weight aloft Iranian: Farsi, Pashto.
for up to one minute and can move the full weight five feet Japanese: Japanese.
per round. Korean: Korean.
You cannot effectively move this weight swiftly enough Romance: French, Italian, Latin*, Portuguese, Romanian,
to damage a person. Even moving the object above a target Spanish.
and dropping it, you can move objects so slowly that an Semitic: Akkadian (aka Babylonian)*, Ancient Hebrew*,
aware target could avoid being caught underneath an object Arabic, Aramaic*, Hebrew.
being moved with this ability. Slavic: Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Russian,
This skill use is a move action. Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Ukrainian.

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Tibeto-Burman: Burmese, Sherpa, Tibetan.
Turkic: Azerbaijani, Turkish, Uzbek.
Wis; Armor Check Penalty [Stealth perk only]
Ugric: Hungarian (aka Magyar).
You are skilled at surviving in an urban environment
*This is an ancient language. In the modern world it
that can be as hostile to the uninitiated as the most desolate
is spoken only by scholars or in some cases by small
populations in isolated corners of the world.
Drug Lore: You are familiar with the world of illegal
narcotics. You know how and where to buy, how to sell,
Speak Language how to set up labs, street distribution, the works. This skill
(None) Trained Only can be used in place of the Influence skill when dealing with
The Speak Language skill doesn’t work like a standard drugs, allowing you to better lie, negotiate or intimidate
skill. dealers and users (as the Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate
You automatically know how to speak your native skill uses), as well as granting you contacts within that
language; you do not need ranks to do so. world (as the Networking skill use).
Each additional language costs 1 rank. When you add a Gambling: You are skilled at competitive games of
rank to Speak Language, you choos a new language that you chance. When playing against another person, the DC of this
can speak. skill (which indicates a win) is equal to your competition’s
You never make Speak Language Gambling or Perception skill, whichever is higher.
checks. You either know how to Gang Lore: You are familiar with the world of gangs and
speak and understand a specific can interpret gang signs, spot gang colors and territory and
language or you don’t. so forth. This skill can be used in place of the Influence skill
To be able to read and write when dealing with gangs.
a language that you can speak, Gather Information: You are good at scaring up
you must take the Read/Write information and leads, even from total strangers, piecing
Language skill for the together disparate facts to come up with a needed clue.
appropriate language. The time it takes to generate this lead is equal to research
You can choose any time found in the Academics skill above. If you spend
language, modern or ancient. Wealth equal to your ranks in this skill, you can cut the
(See the table accompanying time to generate a lead by one-half.
Read/Write Language Stealth- urban (requires perk): This skill use acts as
for suggestions.) The the Stealth skill when you are in jungle terrain.
GM might determine
that you can’t learn a
specific language due to
the circumstances of the
You are a skilled unarmed combatant. This skill
influences both your ability to attack without weapons, as
well as your ability to defend yourself in unarmed combat.
Stealth Damage inflicted by this skill is non-lethal (it cannot
Dex; Armor Check Penalty inflict injuries - see the Combat section for more
You are skilled at surprise information).
and can often get the drop
Ranks Unarmed Damage
on your opponents. The
DC of this skill is equal to 0 1d2
your target’s Perception +10, 4 1d4
unless the target has a reason 6 1d6
to be especially wary (such as 8 1d8
an alarm sounded in the area, 10 1d10
or you have already attacked 12 2d6
from your current position), in 16 2d8
which case the DC is +20.
20 2d10
23 2d12

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Disarm: You force your opponent to drop the weapon he punch.
is carrying. The DC of this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed Precision Strike (requires perk): When you take a full
or Weapons skill (whichever is higher) +10. round to make an attack (precluding movement or multiple
Instead of forcing your opponent to drop his weapon, you attacks) you can negate the penalty for targeting a specific
can instead attempt to take it from him. In this case, the DC area of the target’s body equal to your Unarmed skill (see
of this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed or Weapons skill Hit Location in the Combat section for more information on
(whichever is higher) +20. targeting a specific area of your target’s body).
Fast Punch (requires perk): When you perform a This ability can never result in a bonus; it simply serves to
fast punch you reduce all damage inflicted this round by negate any penalty.
unarmed attacks to the minimum that can be rolled (so if Push: Same as trip, but you push your opponent 5 feet
your unarmed damage is 2d12, each successful attack would plus 1 foot per point you exceed the DC check by in a
inflict 2 points plus any bonuses from Strength or feats). direction of your choosing.
Your minimum attack roll this round is equal to your ranks Reactive Stance (requires perk): While in a reactive
in the Unarmed skill. stance you can only attack after an opponent attacks you.
Flurry (requires perk): When you multi-attack an Your minimum attack roll is equal to your opponent’s attack
opponent (see the combat section for more information on roll, or your Unarmed skill, whichever is higher.
multi-attack) you suffer a reduced penalty to additional Trip: You trip or throw your target, rendering him prone.
attacks as shown on the table below. The DC of this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed skill
+10 or your opponent’s Acrobatics skill +10, whichever is
Unarmed Skill Second Attack Third Attack Fourth Attack
4 -4 -9 -14 Unarmed Parry: This skill use allows you to use your
8 -3 -8 -13 Unarmed skill +10 as your defense rather than your class
12 -2 -7 -12 defense bonus +10. This defense only works against
16 -1 -6 -11 unarmed attacks. If you are using this defense and are
20 -0 -5 -10 attacked by a weapon, you use your class defense bonus +10
23 -0 -4 -9 as normal.

Grapple: You can grab another target and hold him Vehicles
motionless. The DC of this skill is your opponent’s Dex
Unarmed skill +10 or your opponent’s Acrobatics skill +10, You are an expert with many types of vehicles.
whichever is higher. Drive: You can drive one class of ground vehicle per 6
Joint Lock (requires perk): By attacking the extremities ranks in the Vehicles skill. The classes of ground vehicles
of your opponent, you can hinder his performance for the are: motorcycle, heavy wheeled and tracked. Note that all
rest of the battle. characters with this skill are skilled at driving normal cars.
If you successfully make a targeted grapple attack with Force Stop (requires perk): When you sideswipe
this perk (the attack must target a specific hit location rather another car, you can cause the driver to lose control. The DC
than a randomly rolled hit location) the hit location suffers of this check is equal to the opposing driver’s Vehicles +10
a minor injury. This perk can be selected even if injuries are or Reflex +10, whichever is higher.
not normally used in the campaign (though the GM might Helmsman (requires perk): You can drive one class of
disallow this perk if he wants combat to run quicker). water vehicle per 4 ranks in the Vehicles skill. The classes of
This ability can only cause mild injuries. water vehicles are: sail boat, speed-boat (including jet-skis),
Injuries caused by this ability are not true injuries and will small ship (such as a cutter or cruise ship), medium ship
heal after one hour. The injury is just a strain and its effects (such as a destroyer), large ship (such as an aircraft carrier)
will fade once the character has had a chance to stretch out and submarine.
the effected area. Navigate (requires perk): This skill use acts as the
Power Punch (requires perk): By taking a –4 penalty on Outdoorsman skill use of the same name and functions
all attacks this round, you inflict bonus damage equal to the identically.
amount by which your attack roll exceeds your opponent’s Pilot (requires perk): You can pilot one class of air
defense. The maximum additional damage is equal to your vehicle per 5 ranks in the Vehicles skill. The classes of air
ranks in the Unarmed skill. vehicles are: small plane, large plane, jet fighter, spacecraft
You also add 1.5 times your Strength bonus (if any) to (this class of vehicle will only be available at the game
all unarmed attacks on a round you are performing a power master’s discretion) and helicopter.

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Vehicle Repair: This skill use allows you to repair and Aggressive Stance (requires perk): By taking a –4
maintain vehicles as if you possessed the repair skill use of penalty on all attacks this round, you inflict bonus damage
the Engineering skill. equal to the amount by which your attack roll exceeds your
opponent’s defense. The maximum additional damage is
equal to your ranks in the Weapon skill.
Weapons You also add 1.5 times your Strength bonus (if any) to all
Str; Trained Only
damage inflicted with a one-handed weapon, and 2 times
You are skilled with a variety of weapons. You are proficient
your Strength bonus to all damage inflicted with a two-
with one specific non-firearm weapon for each rank you
handed weapon while in an aggressive stance.
possess in this skill.
Precision Strike (requires perk): When you take a full
If you use a weapon with which you are not proficient,
round to make an attack (precluding movement or multiple
you suffer a –4 penalty on your attack rolls.
attacks) you can negate the penalty for targeting a specific
Proficiency in this skill also involves training in the
area of the target’s body equal to your Weapons skill (see
most efficient ways to dispatch an opponent, resulting in a
Hit Location in the Combat section for more information on
damage bonus. This damage bonus applies with any melee
targeting a specific area of your target’s body).
weapon attack, and all non-firearm ranged weapon attacks
This ability can never result in a bonus; it simply serves to
within 30 ft.
negate any penalty.
Ranks Weapon Damage Bonus Reactive Stance (requires perk): While in a reactive
4 +1 stance you can only attack after an opponent attacks you.
8 +2 Your minimum attack roll is equal to your opponent’s attack
roll, or your Weapons skill, whichever is higher.
12 +3
Shield Training (requires perk): You gain a Defense
16 +4
bonus equal to your Weapon damage bonus as long as you
20 +5 possess a shield.
23 +6 You may only use a shield against melee attacks and only
in situations where you would not be denied your Dexterity
Disarm: You force your opponent to drop the weapon he bonus.
is carrying. The DC of this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed Using a shield to protect yourself is a move action, though
or Weapons skill (whichever is higher) +10. a shield can be used with the Armed Defense feat as a single
Instead of forcing your opponent to drop his weapon, you move action.
can instead attempt to take it from him. In this case, the DC Two-Weapon Fighting (requires perk): When fighting
of this skill is your opponent’s Unarmed or Weapons skill with a weapon in each hand, you can make one more attack
(whichever is higher) +20. than you are normally entitled to when using multi-attack
Flurry (requires perk): When you multi-attack an (see the Combat section for more information). However,
opponent (see the combat section for more information on when using a weapon in each hand, all attack penalties from
multi-attack) you suffer a reduced penalty based on your multi-attack are increased by an additional –10 penalty (-10
Weapons skill. for the first attack, -15 for the second attack and so forth).
Weapon Skill Second Attack Third Attack Fourth Attack
Your ranks in the Weapons skill can negate this penalty,
meaning at 10 ranks and above you suffer no additional
4 -4 -9 -14
penalty for two-weapon fighting (though your attacks do
8 -3 -8 -13 suffer the usual multi-attack penalties).
12 -2 -7 -12
16 -1 -6 -11
20 -0 -5 -10
23 -0 -4 -9

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Chapter 3: Feats
Feats combine many abilities from standard d20 games
into one category. In a more traditional d20 game, feats are
Acrobatic Defense
there to help differentiate classes, for example, allowing one
Your ability to flip and tumble can make you a maddeningly
Fighter to be different from all the other Fighters. Then you
difficult target to hit as long as you can stay away from your
have talents, introduced in the modern core rules, which
allow classes to be customized. Modern20 combines both of Prerequisite: Acrobatics 4 ranks
these game elements into feats, effectively allowing classes Effect: You may use your Acrobatics skill +10 as your
to be built from the ground up from general feats and class- Defense against ranged attacks, rather than your class-based
specific feats. Defense bonus (this is in addition to any other modifiers that
may apply such as the Dodge feat).
Acrobatic Defense may only be used against ranged
Feat Descriptions attacks and may only be used in situations where you would
Here is the format for feat descriptions. not be denied your Dexterity bonus.
Using this feat is a move action.
Feat Name
Prerequisite: A minimum
ability score, another feat or
feats, a minimum base attack
bonus, and/or the minimum ranks
in a skill that a character must have
to acquire this feat. This entry is absent if
a feat has no prerequisite.
A character can gain a feat at the same level at
which he or she gains all the prerequisites.
A character can’t use a feat if the character has lost
a prerequisite.
Benefit: What the feat enables a character to do.
Normal: What a character that does not have this
feat is limited to or restricted from doing. If there
is no particular drawback to not possessing the feat,
this entry is absent.
Special: Additional facts about the feat.

Accurate Attack
You sacrifice damage for accuracy.
Effect: You may subtract up to 5 points from your
damage rolls, gaining a similar bonus to your attack roll.
The maximum attack bonus you can gain from this feat
is equal to your Base Attack Bonus. You cannot reduce a
weapon’s maximum base damage to less than zero through
this feat (so an attack with a weapon that inflicts 1d4
damage cannot take more than –3 to damage, making its
maximum damage 1 point).

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Effect: You may use the Influence and Leadership skills
Acrobatic Feint on animals.
Your constant tumbling and flipping in combat make it
difficult for your opponent to determine where your next Antithesis
attack is coming from. Powerhouse
Effect: You can render your opponent flat-footed to your You really, really hate your enemy.
next attack with a successful Acrobatics skill check. The DC Prerequisite: 9th level, Enemy (same Allegiance)
of this check is equal to your opponent’s Acrobatics +10 or Effect: Your skill and damage bonus are increased to +4.
Reflex +10, whichever is higher.
You may attempt to feint more than once in the same
encounter but your opponent’s guard will be tougher to
Armed Defense
bring down. All subsequent attempts to feint (whether or
You are extremely adept at using your weapon to defend
not the first attempt was successful or not) have a DC of
Acrobatics +20 or Reflex +20.
Prerequisite: Weapons 4 ranks
Effect: You may use your Weapons skill +10 as your
Agility Training 1 Defense against melee attacks, rather than your class-based
Speedfreak Defense bonus (this is in addition to any other modifiers that
You have worked hard to increase your speed and flexibility. may apply such as the Dodge feat).
Prerequisite: 6th level Speedfreak Armed Defense may only be used against melee attacks
Effect: +1 Dexterity and may only be used in situations where you would not be
denied your Dexterity bonus.
Using this feat is a move action.
Agility Training 2
You have worked hard to increase your speed and flexibility. Armor Training
Prerequisite: 12th level Speedfreak General
Effect: +1 Dexterity You are practiced with moving in heavy armor.
Prerequisite: Athletics 4 ranks
Effect: Your Strength is considered 2 higher for purposes
Agility Training3 of an armor’s Strength minimum.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its
You have worked hard to increase your speed and flexibility.
effects stack.
Prerequisite: 18th level Speedfreak
Effect: +1 Dexterity
Attack Focus 1
All-Out Attack You have specialized in one attack.
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus with a single attack. This
You throw everything you have at your opponent,
attack can be a weapon, firearm or unarmed attack.
sacrificing your own safety to put him down.
Effect: You can take up to a –5 penalty to your Defense
bonus, gaining a similar bonus to your attack roll. You Attack Focus 2
cannot reduce your Defense bonus below zero with this Powerhouse
feat, nor can you gain a bonus larger than your Base Attack You have specialized in one attack.
Bonus. Prerequisite: Attack Focus 1
Effect: You gain an additional +1 bonus with the attack
chosen for Attack Focus previously.
Animal Empathy
You have an uncanny ability to communicate (non-verbally) Attack Specialization 1
with animals. Horse whisperers, elite animal trainers and the Powerhouse
best animal psychologists all demonstrate this ability. You inflict increased damage with a single attack.

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Prerequisite: Attack Focus
Effect: You gain a +2 damage bonus with the attack
chosen for Attack Focus previously.
Your constant movement makes you a hard target to pin
down in combat.
Attack Specialization 2 Prerequisite: Athletics 4 ranks
Powerhouse Effect: Whenever you move 30 ft or more in a round, you
You inflict increased damage with a single attack. gain a +2 Defense bonus.
Prerequisite: Attack Focus 1, Attack Specialization 1
Effect: You gain an additional +2 damage bonus with the
attack chosen for Attack Specialization previously.
Body Block
You are skilled at making sure no one gets past you.
Attractive Effect: One opponent you designate each round must
General end his movement in your square. If you are ahead of that
You are extremely attractive. opponent in the initiative order, he is effectively prevented
Effect: You gain a +4 bonus on the Bluff, Diplomacy, and from moving.
Networking Influence skill uses when dealing with persons
of one gender of your choice (this does not have to be the
opposite gender). You may take this feat twice, in order to
Book Learning 1
apply its benefits to both genders.
You spend a lot of time with your nose in books with few
Awareness Prerequisite: 6th level Brainiac
Empath Effect: +1 Intelligence
You are in touch with your surroundings.
Prerequisite: Perception 4 ranks
Effect: You add your Will saving throw to your
Book Learning 2
Perception skill checks. If a skill’s DC is based on your
You spend a lot of time with your nose in books with few
Perception, you add your Will save to the DC.
Prerequisite: 12th level Brainiac
Banter Effect: +1 Intelligence
Your non-stop chatter makes it more difficult for your
opponent to concentrate on stomping your annoying ass into
Book Learning 3
the dirt.
You spend a lot of time with your nose in books with few
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Effect: You gain a bonus to your Defense equal to your
Prerequisite: 18th level Brainiac
Charisma modifier.
Effect: +1 Intelligence

Blind-Fight Brains over Brawn

Your other senses are so sharp you can function relatively
Your intelligence is an asset in combat.
well when your vision is impaired.
Effect: When fighting an opponent whose Intelligence is
Effect: Whenever you miss in melee combat because of
lower than yours, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls.
concealment, you may re-roll the miss percentage. You also
take less of a speed penalty for poor visibility, with your
movement being reduced to two-thirds normal, rather than Brand Loyalty
the usual reduction to a speed of one-half normal. Star
You are extremely brand conscious and have a definite
preference for the types of gear you like.

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Effect: You treat all items of one brand as if they were You may not move before making this free attack and you
masterwork. You have spent a great of time and enthusiasm must make it with the same weapon and at the same attack
learning all the strengths and weaknesses of your favored bonus as the attack that took out your foe. For example if
brand and can get the most out of it. You also believe with you take an opponent down with a multi-attack that has a
every fiber of your being that your brand is the best. –10 penalty to the attack roll, your free attack would also
Since masterwork items can be improved in more than suffer a –10 penalty to hit.
one area, this works on masterwork items as well, it just You may only make one such free attack per round.
improves a different aspect of the item’s performance.
For example, you might have a preference for Glock
pistols, believing them to be the finest weapons ever made.
Cleave 2
Since Glocks already are masterwork, granting a +1 bonus
You are able to take down a series of opponents with
to hit, they might also gain a +10 ft. bonus to the range
frightening speed.
penalty when used by you. Every Glock you use would
Prerequisite: Weapons 10 ranks or Unarmed 10 ranks
gain this bonus and you will likely regale anyone who will
Effect: This feat functions similarly to Cleave except that
listen about how the range of Glock pistols is woefully
you may take a 5’ step after downing an opponent and there
underestimated by the mainstream media.
is no limit to the number of free attacks you may gain in a
The area improved by this feat must be chosen when the
round with this ability. However, you may not take more
feat is selected.
than one free attack on an opponent per round from this feat.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each
time it affects a different area of the brand in question. You
cannot apply this feat to multiple brands, as you can only be Combat Martial Arts
truly invested in a single brand to this degree. General
You have trained to become a living weapon.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 4 ranks
Career Advancement Effect: Your unarmed attacks can inflict injuries as
though you were armed with a blunt weapon (if your
You have climbed one rung up the company ladder.
damage exceeds your opponent’s Constitution score that
Effect: Your occupation grants you +1 additional perk.
damage is considered lethal).
This feat also grants you a +1 Reputation.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects
stack. Contemplative Master
You channel your inner harmony during combat.
Cat’s Landing Prerequisite: Unarmed 4 ranks or Weapons 4 ranks,
Wisdom 13+
Like a cat, you know how to fall without injuring yourself.
Effect: You modify your melee attack rolls by your
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 4 ranks
Wisdom rather than your Strength. You gain no Strength
Effect: You subtract 5 ft. effective distance from a fall
bonus or penalty to melee damage when using this feat.
for every 4 ranks you possess in the Acrobatics skill. For
example if you possessed 20 ranks in Acrobatics and fell 50
feet, you would only suffer damage as if from a 25 ft. fall. Cover Fire
You can use a weapon to provide cover fire for your allies,
Cleave 1 hemming opponents in and making it hard for them to get a
clear attack.
You are able to take down a series of opponents with
Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks
frightening speed.
Effect: You can grant an ally a Defense bonus by making
Prerequisite: Weapons 4 ranks or Unarmed 4 ranks
an attack with a firearm (this attack is essentially intended
Effect: When you take an opponent down with a melee
to miss and so has no chance to damage anyone- its purpose
attack that inflicts lethal or non-lethal damage (knock the
is to make them think about ducking rather than attacking).
opponent out or put him in a coma) you may immediately
This Defense bonus is listed below. You may divide this
make another attack against a different opponent as a free
bonus between multiple allies if you desire.

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Firearms Ranks Defense Bonus normal range of ability. Any time you roll a natural 1 when
4 +1 using the item, it is destroyed, requiring 16 ranks in the
Engineering skill to repair.
8 +2
12 +3
16 +4 Damage Reduction
20 +5 Tank
You shrug off damage that would hurt an ordinary man.
23 +6
Prerequisite: Diesel
Effect: You gain DR 1 against all non-firearm attacks.
Crippling Strike Special: You may select this feat up to three times. Its
General effects stack.
Your damage to critical areas impairs an opponent greatly.
Prerequisite: Critical Strike, Sneak Attack, Stealth 8
Dead Aim
Effect: When you successfully damage a target that is
You are trained to take careful aim in the heat of combat.
flat-footed with a melee attack, you also inflict 1 point of
Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks or Weapons 4 ranks
temporary Strength damage on the target. Your opponent
Effect: You take a full round to make a ranged attack and
can make a Recovery saving throw once each day to recover
gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll. You are flat-footed for
a lost point of Strength.
the entire round, so this feat is best used from behind some
sort of cover. This feat can be used in conjunction with the
Critical Strike called shot perk and Sniper Shot feat. It cannot be used in
General conjunction with any other feats or perks.
You deliver vicious hits when your target is most vulnerable.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, Stealth 8 ranks
Effect: When you successfully attack a target with a
melee attack denied his Dexterity bonus for any reason,
Your devotion to a cause is a source of great strength to you.
you inflict bonus damage equal to the amount by which
Prerequisite: one Allegiance
your attack roll exceeds your opponent’s defense. For
Effect: When interacting with your Allegiance you gain a
example if you attack a flat-footed target whose defense has
+4 bonus on all Influence skill checks.
been reduced to 10 and roll a 19, you would roll damage
When protecting your Allegiance, you gain a +2 bonus
normally, then add nine to the result.
on all skill checks and saving throws. Should some force
Special: The bonus damage granted by this feat stacks
seek to compel you to betray your Allegiance, you gain a +4
with that granted by the Aggressive Stance use of the
bonus on saving throws to resist that effect.
Weapon skill. In other words, if you possess that Aggressive
If you spend an Action Point to aid an attack while
Stance perk and this feat and take a –4 to hit when attacking
defending your Allegiance, that die roll is automatically
a flat-footed target, you inflict +2 points of damage for
considered a 20. The game master determines when this
every point by which your attack roll exceeds the target’s
is appropriate. For example, you could claim you are
defending America while shooting at Japanese aircraft
during the battle of Pearl Harbor but not while fighting a
Custom Tweak mugger in Central Park.
You can make some aftermarket modifications to items you
own but the items in question tend to develop little glitches.
Defensive Attack
Prerequisite: Engineering 4 ranks
You have learned to fight cautiously.
Effect: You can make an item masterwork after you
Effect: You can take up to a –5 penalty on your attack
buy it by making some custom modifications. The cost of
rolls, gaining a similar bonus to your Defense. You cannot
these modifications is 10+5 per aspect of the item you wish
reduce your attack bonus to less than zero, nor can you more
to improve. Consult the Master Craftsman feat for more
than double your Defense bonus.
information what areas of an item can be improved.
An item improved by this feat is operating outside its

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Defensive Driving Diesel 2

General Tank
Your control over a vehicle makes it hard for enemies to get You are tough to put down.
a good shot off. Prerequisite: 10th level Tank
Prerequisite: Vehicles 4 ranks Effect: You gain +1 additional hit die.
Effect: You may use your Vehicles skill +10 as your
ground vehicle’s Defense, rather than your class-based
Defense bonus.
Diesel 3
Defensive Driving may only be used in situations where
You are tough to put down.
you would not be denied your Dexterity bonus.
Prerequisite: 15th level Tank
Using this feat is a move action.
Effect: You gain +1 additional hit die.

Defensive Martial Arts Dodge Focus

You have learned advanced defensive techniques for hand-
You are extremely adept at avoiding attacks.
to-hand combat.
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your Defense.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 4 ranks
Special: You take this feat up to five times. Its effects
Effect: You may use the Unarmed Parry skill use against
all melee attacks.
Using this feat is a move action.
Elusive Target
Defensive Roll You take advantage of the confusion of combat to make
yourself a harder target.
By rolling with a blow you can blunt its force.
Effect: When you are fighting in melee, you increase the
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 4 ranks
normal penalty for firing into melee by –4, increasing it to
Effect: If you are hit in combat, you may make an
Acrobatics skill check to remove all bonus damage due to
Strength from the damage. The DC of this check is equal
to the attack roll of the successful attack. You may make Empathy
more than one Acrobatics check for a Defensive Roll each Empath
round as part of the same move action, but each check after Your natural ability to sympathize with others is useful for
the first suffers a cumulative –5 penalty (-5 on the second gaining their trust.
check, -10 on the third and so on). Prerequisite: Perception 4 ranks
Using this feat is a move action. Effect: If you spend time with a target, you gain a sense
of his personality and can interact with him better. After one
minute, you can make a Perception check (DC the target’s
Die Hard Perception +10 or Will +10 whichever is higher). If this
check is successful, you may use your Perception skill as if
You are extremely resilient.
it were the Influence skill when dealing with your target for
Effect: When you are reduced to negative hit points by
the next hour.
lethal damage, you automatically stabilize.

Diesel 1 Endorsement Deal

You’re recognition makes you an ideal spokesperson for
You are tough to put down.
products of various kinds. The more well-known you are,
Prerequisite: 5th level Tank
the more lucrative these offers become.
Effect: You gain +1 additional hit die.
Prerequisite: Career Advancement
Effect: You gain a bonus to your Wealth equal to your

Page - 52
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Its effects
Evasive Maneuvers
You are an excellent pilot and can squeeze every ounce of
Endurance Training 1 maneuverability out an aircraft.
Tank Prerequisite: Vehicles 4 ranks, Pilot perk
You have trained to increase your endurance and stamina. Effect: You may use your Vehicles skill +10 as your air
Prerequisite: 6th level Tank vehicle’s Defense, rather than your class-based Defense
Effect: +1 Constitution bonus.
Evasive Maneuvers may only be used in situations where
you would not be denied your Dexterity bonus.
Endurance Training 2 Using this feat is a move action.
You have trained to increase your endurance and stamina.
Prerequisite: 12th level Tank Executioner
Effect: +1 Constitution Powerhouse
You deliver devastating, precise blows with melee weapons.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 10 ranks or Weapons 10 ranks,
Endurance Training 3 Precision Strike perk
Effect: You inflict +2 damage on successful attacks when
You have trained to increase your endurance and stamina.
using the Precision Strike perk. You may take this feat
Prerequisite: 18th level Tank
multiple times, its effects stack.
Effect: +1 Constitution

Enemy Expert in your field

You are a well-known expert at one field of endeavor.
One group of opponents is anathema to you.
Prerequisite: Reputation 3+
Effect: Choose an Allegiance. When fighting opponents
Effect: You gain a bonus to one skill equal to your
that you know serve this Allegiance, you gain a +2 bonus
on all skill checks and a +2 damage on all successful melee
attacks and ranged attacks made at a range of 30 ft. or less.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each Exploit Weakness
time it applies to a new enemy. Brainiac
You use your brains when you fight.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+
Esprit de Corps Effect: After one round of combat you can make an
(specific team)
Intelligence check (DC 15) to find a way to use your brains
You and your team work together like a well-oiled machine.
to your advantage. If this check is successful, for the rest
Prerequisite: Allegiance (specific team), Teamwork, 9th
of the encounter you modify your attack rolls by your
Intelligence rather than your Strength or Dexterity.
Effect: When you work with your team, you gain an
additional +2 bonus on all attack and skill checks.
Far Shot
Evasion You are an expert long-range marksman.
Effect: Whenever you use a firearm or ranged archaic
You have a knack for getting out of the way of stuff that
weapon, you multiply the range increment by 1.5.
goes boom.
Effect: When you succeed at a Reflex save against an
area effect, you suffer no damage. Fascinate
You are able to completely capture the attention of another.
Prerequisite: Influence 4 ranks or Art 4 ranks

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Effect: By making either an Influence or an Art skill
check (chosen when this feat is selected) as a standard
Flying Tackle
action you may capture and hold the attention of a target for
You launch yourself at your opponent in an attempt to take
an entire round. You can maintain this effect for a number of
him down to the ground.
rounds equal to your ranks in the skill affected by this feat.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 4 ranks
The target has a –4 penalty on Perception skill checks while
Effect: You inflict +2 damage on unarmed charge attacks.
focusing on you but any overtly hostile action noticed by the
If you successfully hit with a charge attack, you may make
target will instantly break the fascination.
an immediate Trip attack against your opponent as a free
The DC of the skill check to successfully use this feat is
action. If your opponent is successfully tripped, you are
the target’s Perception +10 or Will +10, whichever is higher.
rendered prone as well. If your opponent is not tripped, both
you and your opponent remain on your feet.
Fast Mover
You are extremely fast.
Great Fortitude
Prerequisite: Athletics 4 ranks
You are extremely hardy and strong.
Effect: You gain +5 ft to your movement. You may select
Effect: +2 on Fortitude saving throws
this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Feint Guru
You have an instinctive affinity for one skill.
You can use your wiles effectively in combat.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13+
Effect: You can render an opponent flat-footed to your
Effect: You gain a bonus to a single skill equal to your
next attack with a successful Influence skill check. The DC
Wisdom modifier or your Empath level, whichever is
of this check is your opponent’s Perception +10 or your
opponent’s Will save +10, whichever is higher.
You may attempt to feint more than once in the same
combat but your opponent’s guard will be tougher to bring Hail of Bullets
down. All subsequent attempts to feint (whether or not the Speedfreak
first attempt was successful or not) have a DC of Perception You release a swath of fire on your opponents. It might be
+20 or Will +20. overkill but sometimes more bullets are better.
Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks, Burst Fire perk
Effect: You expend 3 bullets per target when making
Finisher an attack with an automatic weapon. Each target you
successfully hit suffers an additional +2 damage.
You take your opponents down with terrifying ferocity.
Normal: Normally only one round is expended per attack.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 10 ranks or Weapons 10 ranks,
Effect: When you take down an opponent down with Healer
lethal damage in melee combat, all allies of that opponent Empath
who can see you are Shaken (see the Condition Summary You have a natural gift for healing the sick and injured.
for the effects of being shaken). Prerequisite: Medicine 4 ranks
Effect: Whenever you heal damage, you heal an
additional +2 points of damage. This damage can be lethal
Fire Inside or non-lethal damage, but you can only heal lethal damage if
you have the Surgery perk.
Obstacles make you more determined to succeed.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to melee damage for 1
effects stack.
minute (10 rounds) after failing a saving throw.

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High Pain Threshold Improved Initiative

Tank General
You recover from serious injuries with surprising ease. You are lightning fast.
Prerequisite: Con 13+ Effect: +4 Initiative
Effect: +2 bonus on Recovery Saving throws. You also
heal an additional point of lethal damage on a successful
Recovery saving throw.
Improved Grab
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its
You attempt to injure your opponent and immobilize him at
effects stack.
the same time. This could represent a full nelson, bear hug
or several other combat maneuvers.
Hit and Run Prerequisite: Unarmed 6 ranks
Speedfreak Effect: If you strike an opponent with an unarmed attack
You are most dangerous when attacking on the move. (inflicting damage normally), you may make an Unarmed
Prerequisite: Move-By Action check to grapple your opponent as a free action. You may
Effect: When using the Move-By Action feat, you either only make one such attempt each round.
gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls (melee or ranged) or a +2
bonus on melee damage.
Improved Trip
Home Schooled You put your opponent on the ground forcefully. This could
Brainiac represent a hip throw, body slam or several other combat
You have taught yourself one skill to a high degree of maneuvers.
proficiency. Prerequisite: Unarmed 6 ranks
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+ Effect: If you strike an opponent with an unarmed attack
Effect: You gain a bonus to one skill equal to your (inflicting damage normally), you may make an Unarmed
Intelligence modifier or your Brainiac level, whichever is check to trip your opponent as a free action. You may only
higher. make one such attempt each round.

Human Shield Intelligence Analyst

Tank Brainiac
You use your body to protect another. You have a keen eye for the weaknesses of an enemy.
Effect: You provide partial cover to a single target you are Prerequisite: Academics (Intelligence Analysis) 10 ranks
protecting (+4 Defense and +2 on Reflex saving throws). If Effect: By studying an enemy (this requires research
an attack misses a target being protected with this ability, it and takes the usual amount of time that research using the
hits you instead. Academics skill requires) you gain a bonus to Initiative,
Leadership and Perception skill checks against that
opponent equal to your Intelligence modifier or one-half
Improved Disarm your Brainiac level, whichever is higher.
You attack and disarm your opponent in one smooth motion,
inflicting damage and (possibly) relieving them of their Intimidating Presence
weapon. Tank
Prerequisite: Unarmed 6 ranks or Weapons 6 ranks You size makes it harder for people to ignore you.
Effect: If you successfully strike an opponent with an Prerequisite: Influence 4 ranks, Constitution 13+
unarmed or armed attack, you may make an Unarmed or a Effect: You gain a bonus on all Influence skill checks
Weapons check (your choice) to disarm your opponent as equal to your Constitution modifier or your Tank level,
a free action. You may only make one such attempt each whichever is higher.

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Investment Portfolio Logistics Expert

Star Star
You have some cash set aside for a rainy day. You know how to squeeze every ounce of equipment from a
Prerequisite: Business 4 ranks supplier.
Effect: This feat grants you a Wealth bonus that increases Prerequisite: One supply contact
over time, the longer you go without using it. The bonus Effect: The Wealth bonus granted by a supply contact is
starts out as +2 to your Wealth to purchase a single item. increased by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier or
Every time you gain a level without using this feat to boost your Star class level, whichever is higher.
your Wealth, the bonus increases by +2.
Once you use this feat to boost your effective Wealth for
purchasing an item, the bonus drops back down to +2.
For example, if you took this feat at 1st level but did not
You prefer to work alone.
use it to boost your Wealth until 4th level, your Wealth would
Effect: When you are working alone (with no ally within
be increased by +8 for that one transaction. This bonus
60 feet of you) you gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls and
would then revert to +2.
skill checks.
You may use this feat to increase your Wealth once per
Special: You cannot have both this feat and the Teamwork
feat. Also, you do not benefit from the Leadership skill. You
just aren’t enough of a team player to “buy in”.
Iron Will
You have an extremely strong mind and psyche.
Low Profile
Effect: +2 bonus on Will saving throws
You prefer living off the grid and you’re good at it.
Effect: Your Reputation is permanently reduced to 0. You
Light Sleeper gain no Reputation bonuses as you rise in level and lose all
General previously earned benefits of Reputation.
You sleep like a cat, always ready to spring into full
Effect: You suffer no Perception penalty while sleeping.
Normal: A character normally has one-half the effective
The fates have a habit of smiling on you.
Perception while asleep that it does while awake.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Effect: You gain a bonus on Fortitude, Reflex and Will
Lightning Reflexes saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier.
You are extremely agile.
Effect: +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws
You are extremely accurate with one type of weapon.
Linguist Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks or Weapons 4 ranks
Brainiac Effect: You gain +1 to attack rolls with one category
You have a knack for picking up new languages. of ranged weapon (archaic ranged, pistols, rifles, sub-
Prerequisite: Academics 4 ranks machineguns or heavy weapons). You may select this feat
Effect: Whenever you encounter a new language, you multiple times, either to apply it to a different category or
can make an Academics check (DC 20) to understand it. the same category. If applied to the same category a second
A successful check indicates that you needed to pick up a time its effects stack.
rudimentary understanding of the language as part of your
studies. This check indicates only an ability to puzzle out
rudimentary communication. You are by no means fluent
Master Craftsman
and would never be mistaken for a true speaker of the
You combine art and science in your building projects.
Prerequisite: Engineering 10 ranks

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Effect: When building an item with the Engineering skill, Effect: You can successfully stabilize a patient that has
you may choose to build a masterwork item, granting a been clinically dead for 1 minute per rank you possess in the
+1 bonus to one aspect of the item of your choice (attack, Medicine skill. This patient is restored to negative hit points
damage, DR, Strength minimum, armor penalty and so on). one higher than his Constitution score, meaning a patient
This triples the time required to build the item and increases with 10 Con would be restored to –9 hit points.
the cost by +5.
If you wish, you can create an item of even greater
craftsmanship, adding a +1 bonus to two aspects of the item.
This quadruples construction time and increases the cost by
You work two jobs.
Effect: You may select a second occupation. This second
You may continue in this fashion until you have improved
occupation grants you half the Wealth bonus of a standard
every aspect of the item.
occupation and you may only select two of the occupation’s
Improved Feats.
Master Plan
You have a knack at coming up with solutions to any
Mounted Combat
You are skilled at guiding a horse through the heat of battle.
Effect: If you have an opportunity to prepare for an
Prerequisite: Outdoorsman 4 ranks
encounter (at least a few minutes) you can formulate a plan
Effect: You may use your Outdoorsman skill +10 as your
to deal with it. This grants your allies a bonus depending on
Defense against while mounted, rather than your class-based
the results of an Academics skill check. On a roll of 10-14
Defense bonus (this is in addition to any other modifiers that
you grant your allies a bonus of +1, +2 on a roll of 15-19,
may apply such as the Dodge feat).
+3 on a roll of 20-24 and a +4 on a roll of 25+.
Both you and your mount may use this defense but only
Any Academics skill will do for purposes of a Master
while working together.
Plan, but the description of the plan should vary depending
Mounted Combat may only be used against melee attacks
on the skill used. Perhaps you remember an obscure
and may only be used in situations where you would not be
military tactic of Hannibal (History), or your knowledge of
denied your Dexterity bonus.
apocryphal scrolls lets you come up with a way to handle
that mummy wandering around Egypt (Religion). Be
creative! Move-By Action
You are good at getting things done on the move.
Melee Smash Effect: You can move both before and after an action.
The total distance moved still cannot exceed your normal
You hit hard.
movement rate.
Prerequisite: Unarmed 4 ranks or Weapons 4 ranks
Effect: You inflict +1 damage with all successful melee
attacks. You may take this feat multiple times, its effects Night Vision
stack. General
Your eyes adjust well to the dark.
Effect: You see twice as far as a normal person in low-
Mind over Body light conditions. You are still blinded by complete darkness.
The mind can heal the body.
Effect: You modify your Fortitude and Recovery saving Photographic Memory
throws by Wisdom instead of Constitution. Brainiac
You can quickly familiarize yourself with a skill.
Effect: You may designate Brainiac level +3 skill points
Miracle Worker as “short-term memory” and use these skill points to quickly
familiarize yourself with a subject, which can be any skill.
You are a brilliant physician.
Max skill ranks due to level still apply to this skill normally.
Prerequisite: Medicine 10 ranks
If you have 4 hours to familiarize yourself with the
subject, you gain the full effects of the skill points. If you

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have 2 hours to familiarize yourself with the subject, you Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each
only gain half benefit from the skill points. Finally, if you time it applies to a different item, or a different category on
only have 1 hour to familiarize yourself with the subject, the same item.
you only gain one-quarter benefit from the skill points.
If you go a week without using the skill in a stressful
situation, the skill points revert to short-term memory and
Precise Shot 1
you must familiarize yourself with the subject again.
You are accurate enough to safely fire weapons in crowded
A character with this feat may also use his unspent skill
points to quickly commit data to memory, spending 1 skill
Effect: When firing a ranged weapon into melee, you
point to memorize one page of information.
ignore the usual –4 penalty.
Example: Sgt. Rossum (a 6th level Brainiac) is a brilliant
Special Forces soldier with a knack for picking things up
quickly. Suddenly he is ordered into Viet Nam. On the Precise Shot 2
flight there, which takes 2 hours, he studies some language General
manuals and “refreshes” his previous experience in the You are an extremely accurate shot.
language, gaining full proficiency by allocating 2 skill Prerequisite: Precise Shot 1
points to speak the language (since he only gains half Effect: You ignore any cover less than total cover and any
benefit with 2 hours study). concealment less than total concealment.

Point Blank Shot Pressure Strike

General Smart
You are especially dangerous up close. You have detailed knowledge of the most vulnerable areas
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls of your opponents.
with ranged weapons attacks at ranges of 30 feet or less. Prerequisite: Academics (life sciences) 4 ranks
Effect: When attacking in melee you may use your
Academics skill as if it were the Weapons skill for
Poise determining bonus damage.
Your unflappable nature allows you to better defend
yourself. Prone Fighting
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13+ General
Effect: You gain a bonus to your Defense equal to your You are skilled at fighting when combat goes to ground.
Wisdom modifier. Effect: You suffer no attack penalties for being prone.
You can also crawl at one-half your normal movement rate,
rather than the usual 5 ft. per round. Opponents still suffer
Power User the usual –4 penalty to hit you with ranged attacks.
You get to know all the ins and outs of your favorite toys.
Effect: You may treat a single item you have owned for a Public Speaker 1
week or more as a masterwork item. The item is not really Star
masterwork and does not change; you simply have learned You are a skilled public speaker and almost never lose your
all its quirks and can get the most out of it. This ability only composure.
works for a single item at a time. You may spend a week Prerequisite: 6th level Star
learning the intricacies of a different item, transferring this Effect: +1 Charisma
bonus from one item to another over time.
You decide which area of the item is improved.
This ability will work on a masterwork item, since items
Public Speaker 2
can have bonuses in multiple performance areas. An item
You are a skilled public speaker and almost never lose your
may not have more than one bonus per area. Consult the
Master Craftsman feat for more information on masterwork
Prerequisite: 12th level Star
Effect: +1 Charisma

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Effect: If you succeed on an Influence check against an
Public Speaker 3 attacker, and that attacker’s next attack misses you, you can
redirect it against an adjacent enemy. The attacker must
You are a skilled public speaker and almost never lose your
make a new attack roll against the target you choose with all
the bonuses on the attack against you.
Prerequisite: 18th level Star
Effect: +1 Charisma
Quick Draw Your banter is even more annoying than most mouthpieces.
Prerequisite: Banter
When danger threatens, your weapons seem to leap into
Effect: By directing your verbal ire at a single opponent
your hands.
you cause him to suffer a penalty to melee attack rolls equal
Prerequisite: Weapons 4 ranks
to your Charisma modifier. That opponent also gains a
Effect: You can draw your weapons as a free action.
+2 bonus to melee damage rolls against you. The damage
Normal: Drawing a weapon is normally a move action.
applies only against you.

Quick Reload Scientific Improvisation

You are extremely skilled at reloading a firearm.
You can quickly construct passable tools out of ordinary
Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks
Effect: You can reload a firearm as a free action provided
Prerequisite: Engineering 4 ranks
you have a fully loaded clip.
Effect: You can temporarily construct a tool out of
Normal: Reloading a firearm is normally a move action.
ordinary items with a successful Engineering skill check
(DC 20). This tool lasts for one use of the skill it was
Quick Wit constructed for.
Your clear thinking under stress allows you to react faster.
Effect: You gain a bonus to Initiative equal to your
Self-Help 1
Wisdom modifier.
You’ve worked hard to become more enlightened and self-
Rapid Dominance Prerequisite: 6th level Empath
Speedfreak Effect: +1 Wisdom
You come at your opponent so fast and hard his ability to
defend himself is reduced.
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative
Self-Help 2
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against any
You’ve worked hard to become more enlightened and self-
opponent who comes after you in the initiative order.
Prerequisite: 12th level Empath
Reciprocity Effect: +1 Wisdom
You strike back with surprising force against anyone who
comes after you.
Self-Help 3
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against anyone
You’ve worked hard to become more enlightened and self-
who has attacked you in the last minute (10 rounds).
Prerequisite: 18th level Empath
Redirect Effect: +1 Wisdom
Sometimes those intending to attack you end up attacking
someone else instead.
Prerequisite: Influence 4 ranks

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Sharpshooter Soldier On
Speedfreak Tank
You are deadly when making called shots. You shrug off damage and keep going.
Prerequisite: Firearms 10 ranks, Called Shot perk, Sniper Effect: Once per day you can make a Fortitude saving
Shot throw (DC 20) to reduce the damage from any attack to
Effect: You inflict +2 damage on called shots with minimum damage.
firearms. This feat may be selected multiple times. Its
effects stack.
Shoulder the Load You are especially good at a narrow field of expertise.
Empath Effect: You gain a +6 bonus to checks involving one skill
You can help your comrades bear their burdens. use.
Prerequisite: Perception 4 ranks, Empathy
Effect: On a successful Perception skill check you can
grant your comrades a bonus to Fortitude, Reflex or Will
Speed Dial
saving throws equal to +1 per 4 full ranks in the Perception
Your contacts want to get back in touch with you.
skill (+1 bonus at 4 ranks, up to +5 bonus at 20 ranks). This
Effect: You can reach contacts in half the usual time. On a
bonus lasts for 1 minute per Empath class level.
successful Influence check (DC 20) you can reach a contact
You may use this ability grant bonuses to a different save
in no time, provided it is the first time that week you have
category but the previous effect immediately ends, replaced
called on that contact for aid.
by the first effect.
The DC of this check is 10 +5 per ally you wish to
inspire. You may not use this ability on yourself. Stoic
You have an amazing ability to tolerate pain.
Smart Defense Effect: You gain damage resistance to Bludgeoning
attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier for the next minute
Your intelligence helps you defend yourself.
(10 rounds). Using this feat is a free action that can be
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+
performed once per round.
Effect: You gain a Defense bonus equal to your
You may use this feat once per day.
Intelligence modifier.

Sneak Attack Street Howitzer

You are deadly with the shotgun up close and personal.
You take advantage of any lull in your opponent’s defenses.
Messy but effective.
Prerequisite: Stealth 4 ranks
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
Effect: When attacking a target denied his Dexterity
Effect: When making an attack with any shotgun at point
bonus, you gain a +2 to all attack rolls made at a range of 30
blank range (30 ft. or less) your opponent must make a
ft. or less.
Reflex saving throw (DC 10+ your Powerhouse level) or the
Special: You may take this feat up to five times. Its
lowest damage die is converted as a 10. For example, if you
effects stack.
were using a Mossberg shotgun (3d10) and your opponent
failed your saving throw, a damage roll of 1, 7 and 8 would
Sniper Shot be treated as 7, 8 and 10.
Prerequisite: Firearms 10 ranks, Called Shot perk
Effect: When attacking a target with the called shot perk,
Strength Training 1
you inflict bonus damage equal to the amount by which
You have spent long hours in the gym to improve your
your attack roll exceeds the target’s defense.
Prerequisite: 6th level Powerhouse
Effect: +1 Strength

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than your opponent. Equipment damage goes from Light
Strength Training 2 (-2 attack and damage), Moderate (-4 attack and damage),
Heavy (-6 attack and damage), Extreme (-8 attack and
You have spent long hours in the gym to improve your
damage), Severe (-10 attack and damage) and Total (weapon
is completely unusable).
Prerequisite: 12th level Powerhouse
Weapon damage lasts until repaired (see the Engineering
Effect: +1 Strength
skill for more information on repairing items).

Strength Training 3 Suppression Fire

You have spent long hours in the gym to improve your
You spray bullets at your enemies to pin them down.
Prerequisite: Firearms 4 ranks, Burst Fire perk
Prerequisite: 18th level Powerhouse
Effect: You may attack up to three adjacent squares. If the
Effect: +1 Strength
enemies in those squares remain standing, you may make
an attack at each of those enemies with no penalty to your
Suggestion attack roll.
Star If the enemies in those squares drop prone, they may not
Your powers of fascination are such that those under your be attacked by you at all this round. This feat has no effect
spell tend to believe what you say. on prone targets or targets behind cover.
Prerequisite: Influence 4 ranks or Art 4 ranks, Fascinate Using this feat expends 5 rounds of ammunition per
Effect: You can plant a suggestion in the mind of square Suppression Fire is used on. So using this feat on
someone you have fascinated. For example, instead of three squares expends 15 rounds of ammunition every
simply distracting a guard, you might suggest he walk over round.
to the window with you, away from the panel of security Special: This feat always affects the nearest target to you,
monitors he is supposed to be watching. whether friend or foe. In other words, you cannot use it if
This suggestion cannot be anything completely someone is between you and your intended targets.
outlandish, but it could be something quite improbable. For
example, you could not convince a guard that you were the
President of a major corporation, but you might be able to
suggest that you work for him, and he’ll be very upset if
You have a natural gift for two related skills
you aren’t allowed to step into an office real quick and get
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on two related skills. Skills
something for him.
that share a skill use or that are based on the same ability
The DC of the Influence check to make a suggestion is
score are always considered related for purposes of this feat.
the target’s Perception +10 or Will save +10, whichever is
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each
time you select this feat it applies to two different skills.

Sunday Punch Target Acquisition

You deliver a massive, reckless punch.
You are skilled at quickly using a targeting device such as a
Prerequisite: Aggressive Stance
Effect: When using the Aggressive Stance perk, you can
Effect: You may use a scope as a Move Action.
choose to reduce your Defense by –4 in order to gain a +6
Normal: Using a scope is normally an Attack Action.
damage bonus on all melee attacks for that round.

Sunder Team Player

You are the glue that holds your team together, allowing
You attack your opponents equipment, reducing its
them to suffer tremendous hardships and come through
Prerequisite: Unarmed 10 ranks or Weapons 10 ranks
Prerequisite: Teamwork
Effect: On a successful melee attack, you may choose
Effect: You and your entire team gain a +2 bonus on
to damage a weapon being held by your opponent rather

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saving throws in addition to the standard +2 bonus to attack come up with a creative explanation for the trick based on
and skill checks. the specific Academics skill you used to execute the trick
but this is not required.
(specific team) Two-Weapon Defense
You and your team work together like a well-oiled machine. General
Prerequisite: Allegiance (specific team) You may use a weapon in your off-hand to defend yourself.
Effect: When you work with your team, you gain a +2 Prerequisite: Weapons 4 ranks, Two-Weapon Fighting
bonus on all attack and skill checks. perk
Effect: You may use your off-hand weapon as a shield
(see the Weapons skill for more information on shields). You
Think Tank may only gain this bonus against melee attacks and only in
situations where you would not be denied your Dexterity
You are able to work very effectively with a team to solve
complex problems
You may not gain this bonus in a round where you attack
Effect: When using an Intelligence-based skill, a partner
with your off-hand weapon.
adds his ranks to yours for purposes of how difficult the
Using this feat is a move action.
tasks you can perform are. This partner still counts as an
assistant for purposes of an aided skill check (see the Skills
section for more information). Tycoon
Example: Joe realizes that with his cousin Tommy’s help Star
he could tackle even more difficult locks than before. Joe You are an extremely talented financial negotiator.
has 4 ranks in Crime and Tommy has 4, meaning with his Prerequisite: Business 4 ranks
help, Joe can tackle locks requiring 16 ranks in the crime Effect: When you make a Business check for Haggling,
skill to pick, while Tommy will also reduce the time it takes the cost increase/decrease of an item is increased by +1 or
to open those locks to three-quarters of the usual time. –1 (your choice, depending on whether you are buying or
Special: You may select this feat more than once, its
Trackless effects stack.
You are especially adept at hiding your tracks.
Prerequisite: Outdoorsman 4 ranks Uncanny Dodge 1
Effect: When someone is tracking you, the DC of their General
Outdoorsman check is based on your Outdoorsman skill +20 Your reflexes are incredibly sharp.
rather than your Stealth skill +10 (or +20 if there has been Effect: You maintain your Dexterity bonus in situations
recent rain or snow). when you would normally be flat-footed.

Trick Uncanny Dodge 2

Smart Speedfreak
You use your wits to strike your opponent when and where Your reflexes make it almost impossible for an opponent to
he least expects it. box you in.
Prerequisite: Academics 4 ranks Prerequisite: Uncanny Dodge 1
Effect: You can render an opponent flat-footed to your Effect: You cannot be flanked.
next attack with a successful Academics skill check. The
DC of this check is your opponent’s Perception +10 or your
opponent’s Will save +10, whichever is higher.
Unstoppable 1
You may attempt to feint more than once in the same
Getting hurt just makes you mad.
combat but your opponent’s guard will be tougher to
Effect: When your hit points are below 50 % you gain a
bring down. All subsequent attempts to feint an opponent
+2 bonus to all melee damage rolls.
(whether or not the first attempt was successful or not) have
a DC of Perception +20 or Will +20.
Like with the Master Plan feat, you are encouraged to

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favored weapon.
Unstoppable 2 Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+
Effect: You use Dexterity rather than Strength for all
Getting hurt makes you really mad.
applications regarding one melee weapon. Attack bonus and
Prerequisite: Unstoppable 1
damage bonus become Dexterity-based rather than Strength-
Effect: When your hit points are below 50% you gain
based and the weapon’s Strength minimum is treated as a
a +2 bonus on all saving throws (this is in addition to the
Dexterity minimum.
effect granted by Unstoppable 1).

Unstoppable 3 Well Informed

You have an uncanny nose for picking up information.
Getting you mad is a really bad idea.
Prerequisite: Streetwise 4 ranks
Prerequisite: Unstoppable 1, Unstoppable 2
Effect: You make all Gather Information checks in half
Effect: When your hit points are below 50% you gain a
the usual time. If you spend Wealth equal to your ranks in
+2 bonus on all attack rolls (this is in addition to the effects
Streetwise, you can make Gather Information checks in one-
granted by Unstoppable 1 and Unstoppable 2).
fourth the usual time. If you spend an Action Point, you can
make a Gather Information check in no time.
Voice of Command
You are a natural leader.
Well-Oiled Machine
Prerequisite: Leadership 4 ranks
You are the glue that holds your team together, allowing
Effect: You may make Leadership checks as a move
them to work together and react more quickly to adversity.
action. You may still only make one Leadership check per
Prerequisite: Teamwork
round but this feat allows you to make a Leadership check
Effect: You and your entire team gain a +2 bonus on
and take a standard action in the same round.
Initiative in addition to the standard +2 bonus to attack and
Normal: Normally a Leadership check is a standard
skill checks.

Voice of Command 2 Whatever Doesn’t Kill You

Pain is just motivation.
You are a brilliant leader.
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to melee damage for 1
Prerequisite: Leadership 10 ranks, Voice of Command
minute (10 rounds) after suffering damage.
Effect: You may make Leadership checks as a free action.
You may still only make one Leadership check per round.
Normal: Normally a Leadership check is a standard

Walking Encyclopedia
No one wants to play trivia games against you. Ever.
Prerequisite: Academics 4 ranks
Effect: You conduct all Research in half the usual time. If
you have access to a computer, you can conduct research in
one-fourth the usual time. If you spend an Action Point, you
remember the information you need immediately as if you
had successfully conducted your research.

Weapon Finesse
You use agility rather than brute force when fighting with a

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Table 3-1: Feats

General Feats Summary
Accurate Attack +1 to attack rolls for every –1 damage
All-Out Attack +1 to attack rolls for every –1 Defense
Animal Empathy Use the Influence and Leadership skills on animals
Armor Training +2 Strength for purposes of Armor Strength minimums
Attack Focus +1 attack rolls with a single attack
Attractive Bonus to Influence skills when dealing with one gender
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses due to concealment in melee
Career Advancement +1 perk, +1 Reputation
Combat Martial Arts Unarmed attacks can inflict lethal damage
Cover Fire Firearms can provide defense bonus
Crippling Strike Inflict ability damage on sneak attacks
Critical Strike Inflict bonus damage on sneak attacks
Dead Aim +2 ranged attack on full round
Dedicated You gain bonuses when interacting with and protecting one allegiance
Defensive Attack +1 to Defense for every –1 to attack rolls
Defensive Driving Use your ranks in the Vehicle skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus for ground vehicles
Defensive Martial Arts Use your ranks in the Unarmed skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus against melee attacks
Dodge Focus +1 to your defense
Esprit de Corps Additional +2 attack and skill bonuses when working with your team
Evasive Maneuvers Use your ranks in the Vehicle skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus for air vehicles
Far Shot Increase the range of ranged attacks by 1.5
Great Fortitude +2 Fortitude saving throws
Improved Disarm Free disarm check after a successful unarmed attack
Improved Initiative +4 initiative
Improved Grab Free grapple check after a successful unarmed attack
Improved Trip Free trip check after a successful unarmed attack
Iron Will +2 Will saving throws
Light Sleeper No Perception skill penalty while asleep
Lightning Reflexes +2 Reflex saving throws
Loner +2 attack and skill bonuses when working alone
Low Profile Reputation reduced to 0
Lucky Bonus on all saves equal to Charisma modifier
Moonlighting One additional occupation with partial benefits
Mounted Combat Use your ranks in the Outdoorsman skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus for mounts
Move-By Action Move before and after an action
Night Vision See twice as far in low-light conditions
Point Blank Shot +1 attack and damage within 30 ft.
Precise Shot 1 No penalty for firing into melee
Precise Shot 2 No Cover or Concealment penalties for less than complete Cover or Concealment
Prone Fighting No penalties for being prone
Quick Draw Draw a weapon as a free action
Quick Reload Reload a firearm as a free action
Sneak Attack Gain a +2 attack bonus against a flat-footed target
Specialist +6 to a single skill use

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Talented +2 bonus on two related skills

Target Acquisition Use a scope as a Move Action
Teamwork +2 attack and skill bonuses when working with your team
Trackless Attempts to track you have a DC of Outdoorsman +20
Two-Weapon Defense You may use your off-hand weapon as a shield.
Uncanny Dodge 1 You retain your Dexterity bonus when flat-footed
Weapon Finesse You use Dexterity in place of Strength when wielding one weapon.

Powerhouse Feats Summary

Antithesis Additional +2 skill and damage bonus against your enemy
Armed Defense Use your ranks in the Weapons skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus against melee attacks
Attack Focus 2 Additional +1 attack bonus with one attack
Attack Specialization 1 +2 damage bonus with one attack
Attack Specialization 2 Additional +2 damage bonus with one attack
Cleave 1 Gain one additional attack when you take down an opponent in melee combat
Cleave 2 Gain an additional attack each time you take down an opponent in melee combat
Enemy +2 skill and damage bonus against one Allegiance
Executioner +2 damage on Precision Strikes
Finisher Cause opponents to become Shaken when you take down an opponent in melee combat
Flying Tackle +2 damage on unarmed charge attacks plus free Trip attempt that trips you and your opponent
Melee Smash +1 damage on melee attacks
Opponent must make a Reflex save or the lowest die of a shotgun attack at point blank range is auto-
Street Howitzer
matically treated as maximum damage.
Strength Training 1 +1 Strength
Strength Training 2 +1 Strength
Strength Training 3 +1 Strength
You may choose to suffer a -4 Defense penalty when using Aggressive Stance for a +6 melee damage
Sunday Punch
Sunder Damage your opponent’s equipment, imposing attack and damage penalties

Speedfreak Feats Summary

Use your ranks in the Acrobatics skill in place of your class-based Defense bonus against ranged at-
Acrobatic Defense
Acrobatic Feint Use your Acrobatics skill to feint
Agility Training 1 +1 Dexterity
Agility Training 2 +1 Dexterity
Agility Training 3 +1 Dexterity
Blur +2 Defense bonus when moving 30 ft. or more in a round
Cat’s Landing Use your Acrobatics skill to reduce falling damage
Defensive Roll Roll with an attack, reducing Strength bonus to damage to 0
Elusive Target Penalty for firing into melee increased by –4
Evasion No damage on successful Reflex saving throw
Fast Mover +5 ft. movement
Hail of Bullets You fire 3 bullets per target when using Burst Fire, inflicting +2 damage per successful attack.
Hit and Run You gain a +1 to attack rolls or +2 melee damage when using Move-By Action to attack.
Marksman +1 to attack rolls with one type of ranged weapon (archaic, pistol, rifle, SMG or heavy weapon)
Rapid Dominance +2 bonus to attacks rolls on targets after you in the Initiative order

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Sharpshooter +2 bonus to damage on Called Shots

Inflict bonus damage on called shots equal to the amount by which your attack roll exceeds the target’s
Sniper Shot
Uncanny Dodge 2 You cannot be flanked

Tank Feats Summary

Body Block Target must end movement in your square
Damage Reduction DR 1/ballistic
Die Hard Automatically stabilize at –1 hit points
Diesel 1 +1 hit die
Diesel 2 +1 hit die
Diesel 3 +1 hit die
Endurance Training 1 +1 Constitution
Endurance Training 2 +1 Constitution
Endurance Training 3 +1 Constitution
High Pain Threshold +2 Recovery saves; +1 hit point of natural healing
Human Shield Protect an ally with your body
Intimidating Presence Gain a bonus on Influence checks equal to your Constitution modifier or your Tank level
Soldier On Make a Fortitude saving throw once per day to suffer minimum damage from a single attack.
Suppression Fire Force targets to suffer damage, go prone or stay pinned behind cover
Unstoppable 1 +2 melee damage when hit points below 50%
Unstoppable 2 +2 saves when hit points below 50%
Unstoppable 3 +2 attack rolls when hit points below 50%
Whatever Doesn’t Kill You +2 melee damage for 1 minute after suffering damage

Brainiac Feats Summary

Book Leaning 1 +1 Intelligence
Book Learning 2 +1 Intelligence
Book Learning 3 +1 Intelligence
Brains over Braun +2 to attack rolls against targets with lower Intelligence
You can modify items to become masterwork after purchasing them off the shelf. Modified items have
Custom Tweak
a chance to glitch and become damage.
Exploit Weakness Use your Intelligence modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity
Home Schooled Bonus to a single skill equal to your Intelligence modifier or your Brainiac level
Intelligence Analyst Gain bonuses to Initiative, Leadership and Perception by researching a target
Linguist Make an Academics check to converse in a language you don’t speak
Master Craftsman You can build masterwork items of extremely high quality
Master Plan Make an Academics check to gain bonuses for one encounter
Photographic Memory Leave Brainiac +3 skill points unspent, temporarily allocate the skill points through study
Power User You can treat an item at a time as masterwork after 1 week of getting to know all its intricacies.
Pressure Strike Use Academics (life sciences) in place of Weapons skill for bonus damage
Scientific Improvisation Create a temporary tool out of common items with an Engineering skill check
Smart Defense Add your Intelligence modifier to your Defense
Think Tank Add your ranks to a partner’s for Intelligence-based skills
Trick Use your Academics skill to render a target flat-footed
Walking Encyclopedia Your research time is reduced
Empath Feats Summary

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Awareness Add your Will save to your Perception skill

Contemplative Master Use your Wisdom instead of Strength to modify melee attack rolls
Empathy Use your Perception skill in place of Influence
Fire Inside You gain +2 bonus to melee damage for 1 minute after failing a saving throw.
Guru Bonus to a single skill equal to your Wisdom modifier or your Empath level
Healer +2 points of damage healed
Mind Over Body Modify Fortitude and Recovery saves by Wisdom
Miracle Worker Stabilize patients dead for 1 minute per rank in Medicine
Poise Add your Wisdom modifier to your Defense
Quick Wit Add your Wisdom modifier to your Initiative
Self-Help 1 +1 Wisdom
Self-Help 2 +1 Wisdom
Self-Help 3 +1 Wisdom
Shoulder the Load You can grant your allies a bonus to saving throws with a Perception skill check.
Stoic Gain Damage Reduction equal to your Wisdom against bludgeoning attacks for 1 minute, once per day
Team Player You and your team gain +2 on saving throws when working together
Well Informed Make Streetwise checks to gather information in less time
Well-Oiled Machine You and your team gain +2 Initiative when working together

Star Feats Summary

Banter Add your Charisma modifier to your Defense
Brand Loyalty You treat all items of one brand as masterwork items.
Endorsement Deal Gain Wealth equal to your Reputation
Entourage +6 RP for followers
Expert in your Field Bonus to one skill equal to your Reputation
Fascinate Use your Influence or Art skill to hold the attention of another
Feint Use your Influence skill to render a target flat-footed
Investment Portfolio Wealth bonus that increases the longer it is left untouched.
Logistics Expert Add your Star level to the Wealth granted by supply contacts
Public Speaker 1 +1 Charisma
Public Speaker 2 +1 Charisma
Public Speaker 3 +1 Charisma
Reciprocity +2 attack rolls against anyone who has attacked you in the last minute
Redirect Redirect a missed attack to an adjacent opponent with an Influence check
Opponent suffers penalty to attack rolls equal to your Charisma, gains +2 melee damage bonus against
Speed Dial Get in touch with your contacts faster
Suggestion Make a suggestion to a fascinated target
Tycoon +1 bonus or penalty to increase or decrease Wealth when Haggling
Voice of Command Make Leadership checks with a Move action.
Voice of Command 2 Make Leadership checks with a Free action.

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Chapter 4: Equipment
In this chapter we discuss the basic equipment characters thing to fire a M-60 on a tripod than it is holding it).
will need for modern gaming. For more information on Damage (Type): The amount of damage the weapon
purchasing equipment, consult the Wealth rules, found in the inflicts, followed by its damage type. The damage types
character creation chapter. available for modern gaming are: ballistic, bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing. Weapons that inflict ballistic,
piercing and slashing damage always inflict lethal damage
Ranged Weapons automatically. Bludgeoning weapons inflict injuries on
These weapons allow a character to project power at range attack rolls that exceed the target’s defense by 5 or more
and have defined warfare almost from its inception. In if the target fails a Recovery saving throw (see the combat
general terms the combatant with the better range on his section for information on lethal and non-lethal damage).
weapons tends to be the combatant who wins. Range Increment: When firing at targets past this
distance, a –2 attack penalty is incurred. For each further
Name: The name of the weapon. multiple of this distance an additional –2 penalty is incurred.
Strength Minimum: The minimum Strength score Firearms have a damage bonus that also decreases at
required to use the weapon effectively. If your range. Decrease a firearm’s damage bonus by –2 for
Strength is below the minimum, you suffer the each range increment until the bonus is reduced to 0.
following penalties based on the weapon type: Once the damage bonus is reduced to 0, no further
• -4 penalty to attack rolls (all weapons) reduction occurs.
• No Strength bonus to damage (melee, For shotguns, this is more dramatic. Shotguns
thrown and archaic ranged weapons). do extreme damage but lose one die of damage
Strength penalties to damage still per range increment.
apply. Rate of Fire: Firearms and archaic ranged
• Range increment reduced by one- weapons have a rate of fire that determines how
half (thrown weapons) quickly they can be fired.
• Unable to reload weapon (archaic Modern firearms have three rates of fire:
ranged weapons) single, semi-automatic and automatic.
All penalties that apply stack. For Firearms with a rate of fire of single can be
example, if a character tried to use a fired once per round.
thrown weapon for which he did not meet Firearms with a rate of fire of semi-
the Strength minimum, he would suffer
a –4 to hit, gain no Strength bonus
to damage and the weapon’s range
increment would be reduced by one-
A character can reduce the Strength
minimum of a pistol or melee weapon by
–5 by wielding it two-handed.
If a character’s Strength is 3 higher than
the minimum, it is considered a light weapon,
suitable for two-weapon fighting (melee
weapons and pistols only).
If the weapon is a firearm, its Strength
minimum is increased by +5 when firing it
on full-auto.
If the weapon is a firearm and it is
braced (lying on the ground, on top of
a wall, on a bipod or tripod) the
weapon’s Strength minimum is
effectively 0 (it is a far different

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automatic can be fired multiple times per round if the
character is eligible for multi-attack (see the combat section Autofire and Restriction
for more information). Weapons with Autofire have their Restriction level
Firearms with a rate of fire of automatic can be fired five increased to Mil (+3). A character can buy a Semi-
times per round, regardless of the attacker’s level. However, automatic only version of the weapon at the normal
each attack after the first suffers a cumulative –5 penalty Res (+2) restriction level. Such a weapon can then be
(-5 on the second attack, -10 on the third attack and so on). illegally modified to restore its Autofire capability by a
Firing a weapon in full auto also increases the Strength character with 8 ranks in the Engineering skill.
penalty by +5 which may cause additional penalties.
The Compound Bow is an exception to the rules presented
above. A bow may be fired multiple times each round using Access section under Reputation, above.
the Multi-Attack rules, as if it were a melee weapon (see the Year: The year the weapon is first widely available for
Combat section for rules on Multi-Attack). purchase. Weapons are often found on the market long after
Magazine: The weapon’s magazine capacity and type are this date and many popular models, such as the M-1911
given in this column. The amount of ammunition a weapon are still produced in the 21st century. It is also worth noting
carries, and hence how many shots it can fire before needing that many WWII firearms were produced by the millions,
to be reloaded, is determined by its magazine capacity. How meaning tens of thousands are likely still in service.
the firearm is reloaded depends upon its magazine type. The Finally, many manufacturers off the beaten track
number in this entry is the magazine’s capacity in shots; (especially in the 3rd World) make generic “knock offs” of
the word that follows the number indicates the magazine older weapons. In short, it is safe to assume a weapon is
type: box, cylinder, or internal. A fourth type, linked, has an still available anytime after the year in which it was first
unlimited capacity; for this reason the entry does not also manufactured if a PC really wants one.
have a number. Weapons with a dash in this column have no Note: Firearms technology has advanced considerably
magazines; they are generally thrown weapons, or weapons over the last 100 years. Realistically, older weapons should
(such as bows) that are loaded as part of the firing process. do slightly less damage than their modern counterparts.
Box: A box magazine is any type of magazine that can be However, since this is a game, and owning an antique
removed and reloaded separately from the weapon. weapon could be cool, the damages are not adjusted. If you
Cylinder: A revolver keeps its ammunition in a cylinder, wish something more rigorously realistic, reduce the bonus
which is part of the weapon and serves as the firing chamber damage of all weapons made before 1950 by –2.
for each round as well. Unlike box magazines, cylinders
can’t be removed, and they must be reloaded by hand. Single-Shot Pistols
However, most revolvers can be used with a speed loader.
Using a speed loader is much like inserting a box magazine
into a weapon. Without a speed loader, a firearm with a
CIA Deer Gun
Using a similar principle as the FP-45 Liberator, these
cylinder magazine must be loaded by hand.
weapons were issued to Vietnamese forces by CIA agents
Internal: Some weapons keep their ammunition in an
prior to the Viet Nam War. They came with only three
internal space, which must be loaded by hand. This is the
rounds, again stored in the handle and were produced in far
case with most shotguns, as well as some rifles.
lower numbers than their WWII counterparts.
Linked: Some machine guns use linked ammunition. The
bullets are chained together with small metal clips, forming
a belt. Typically, a belt holds 50 bullets; any number of belts Derringer
can be clipped together. In military units, as the gunner fires, This pistol breaks open at the breech like a double-barreled
an assistant clips new ammunition belts together, keeping shotgun. The two-shot weapon has one barrel atop the other
the weapon fed. and is barely 5 inches long, making it easy to conceal.
Cost: The weapon’s cost. Compare this to the purchaser’s
Wealth to determine if he can afford this weapon (see the FP-45 Liberator
Wealth section for more information). This extremely cheap, simple pistol was made in great
Restriction: The restriction rating for the weapon, if any, numbers during WWII and issued to Chinese and Filipino
and the appropriate black market cost modifier. Remember resistance fighters. The weapon had to be reloaded after
to apply this modifier to the item’s Cost (making it more every shot, had a poor range and came with 10 rounds,
expensive to purchase on the black market). For more stored in the handle. The idea of the weapon was for a
information on buying restricted equipment legally, see the resistance fighter to kill an enemy soldier and upgrade to his

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Table 1: Single-Shot Pistols

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
CIA Deer Gun (9 mm) 10 2d6+4 20 ft. Single 1 int. 9 Lic (+1) 1962
Derringer (.45) 11 2d6+4 10 ft. Single 2 int. 14 Lic (+1) 1866
FP-45 Liberator (.45) 11 2d6+6 20 ft. Single 1 int. 10 Lic (+1) 1943

S4M MR-73
This French weapon is a powerful, accurate revolver,
This weapon is essentially a Derringer, fitted to fire the
assembled by hand to exacting specifications. It is the
7.62mm Soviet rifle cartridge and comes with a built-in
sidearm of choice for French special operations personnel
sound suppressor, requiring a Perception check (DC 20) to
who have great affection for these weapons.
detect while firing. It was intended for close assassinations.
The MR-73 Revolver is a masterwork weapon, granting a
+1 bonus on attack rolls.
Nagant M-1895
Colt Python A uniquely designed 7-shot revolver, the Nagant had a status
The Python has a well-deserved reputation for accuracy. with Soviet military forces equal to that of the M-1911
Due to its high quality of manufacture, the Colt Python is and the Tommy Gun among American forces. Although
always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a primarily a police weapon, some of the M-1895’s design
+1 bonus on attack rolls. features made it popular among frontline soldiers, especially
those serving in recon capacities. It was also popular with
Enfield Revolver the dreaded NKVD, the Soviet secret police, who were fond
Adopted for military use in 1932, the Enfield revolver saw of using the weapon for assassination.
use with British and Commonwealth forces throughout The revolver’s unique features increased its muzzle
World War II. Since it was cheap, easily concealed and velocity substantially (reflected in the weapon’s damage).
relatively effective it was also issued in great numbers to the The primary reason it was preferred by recon and secret
French Resistance, who called it the “Enfield Commando”. police forces was that the weapon could be fitted with a
suppressor, while most revolvers cannot.
Koishikawa Type 26 Unfortunately, the unique features that allow suppressors
A 9mm Japanese revolver that saw service in the Russo- to be fitted and increase the weapon’s muzzle velocity bring
Japanese War and WWII. Although originally designed as a a drawback as well: the M-1895 requires twice the reload
cavalry sidearm, the Type 26 saw extensive action in WWII time of a normal revolver (two full rounds instead of one)
because weapons of all types were in short supply. and a speed loader cannot be used to reduce reload time.
Being presented with a specially made M-1895 embossed

Table 2: Revolvers
Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Colt Python (.357 ) 13 2d8+4 40 ft. S 6 cyl. 19 Lic (+1) 1955
Enfield Revolver (.38/200 ) 9 2d4+2 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 12 Lic (+1) 1923
Koishikawa Type 26 (9 mm ) 10 2d6+4 20 ft. S 6 cyl. 13 Lic (+1) 1893
MR-73 (.357 magnum ) 13 2d8+4 40 ft. S 6 cyl. 19 Lic (+1) 1973
Nagant M-1895 (7.62x38 mmR ) 14 2d8+2 30 ft. S 7 cyl. 13 Lic (+1) 1895
Pathfinder (.22 ) 8 2d4+2 20 ft. S 6 cyl. 14 Lic (+1) 1964
Ruger Service-Six (.38S ) 9 2d4+4 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 13 Lic (+1) 1971
S&W M10 (.38/200 ) 9 2d4+2 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 12 Lic (+1) 1899
S&W M27 (.357 magnum ) 13 2d8+4 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 13 Lic (+1) 1935
S&W M29 (.44 magnum ) 14 2d8+8 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 15 Lic (+1) 1955
Webley Mk. VI (.455 ) 10 2d6+2 30 ft. S 6 cyl. 14 Lic (+1) 1887

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with a red star is one of the highest honors a Soviet military
officer of the WWII-era can receive. A weapon presented for
Automatic Pistols
such a purpose should be considered masterwork.
Beretta 92F
The standard service pistol of the United States military and
Pathfinder many American law enforcement agencies.
The Pathfinder is a high-quality weapon used as a concealed
backup weapon by police officers or for personal defense.
The Pathfinder is typical of a number of short-barreled (3 Beretta 96
inches) small-caliber revolvers. This is a modified Beretta 92 that fires the .40 S&W round.
Ruger Service-Six
This revolver, designed specifically for police use, Browning Hi-Power
fires the .38 Special round. It was very popular with This weapon was used both by the Allies and the Germans
United States police forces prior to the increasing use of in WWII and was designed by legendary gunsmith John
autoloaders in recent decades, and is still in service with Browning, inventor of the M-1911 Colt .45. Manufactured
many police forces today. in Belgium, this weapon first saw service with the Belgium
military, though it was also manufactured and carried by
Canadian, British and American forces. Following German
S&W M10 occupation of Belgium in WWII, the German Army also
began to carry these weapons.
These weapons were made by the hundreds of thousands
during WWII (570,000 to be exact) and had the “V” affixed
to their serial number for victory and were provided to Colt Double Eagle
British and Commonwealth forces under the American lend- Based on the M1911 mechanism, this pistol is an updated
lease program. They were chambered for the less powerful civilian version that fires a 10mm round.
.38/200 round, not the more powerful .38 special round
because the .38/200 was in widespread use among British Colt M1911
and Commonwealth forces. This .45 semiautomatic pistol was used by the United States
military for decades until it was recently replaced by the
S&W M27 Beretta 92F. Manufactured at three locations in the United
The Smith & Wesson Model 27 was the original .357 States alone, the M1911 can be found all over the world,
magnum revolver. Even though this revolver was introduced and is still in use in several other military forces.
during the Great Depression and was quite expensive, it was
popular enough that it was on backorder for several years. It Colt Super Auto
was produced until 1990. The Colt Super Auto was the official FBI sidearm from
1929-1958 and was the first semi-automatic pistol to be the
S&W M29 official sidearm of the agency, supplanting the revolvers the
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum revolver fires agents had carried until then. It saw heavy use during the
one of the most powerful pistol cartridges in the world. The Prohibition crime waves combated by the FBI.
M29 is known for its deafening sound, bright muzzle flash,
and powerful recoil. Desert Eagle
Manufactured by Israeli Military Industries, the Desert
Webley Mk. VI Eagle is the king of large-frame, heavy-caliber autoloaders.
Although the Enfield Revolver was the standard issue The version on Table: Pistols fires the massive .50 Action
sidearm for British and Commonwealth forces during Express round. The Desert Eagle also comes in .357
WWII, there was a constant shortage of weapons throughout Magnum and .44 Magnum models.
the war, especially prior to the American lend-lease
program. This caused many older, out of service weapons Glock 17
to be issued to soldiers. One of these, the Webley Mk. VI, The Glock is typical of 9mm self-loading pistols carried by
which had initially been issued in 1899 during the Boer many police officers and military personnel.
War was extremely popular with soldiers, especially those Due to its high quality of manufacture, the Glock 17 is
fighting in the Pacific because of the added stopping power always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a
of its .455 round. +1 bonus on attack rolls.

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Table 3: Automatic Pistols

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Beretta 92F (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 40 ft. S 15 box 16 Lic (+1) 1975
Beretta 96 (.40 S&W) 12 2d6+6 40 ft. S 15 box 17 Lic (+1) 1975
Browning Hi-Power (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 30 ft. S 14 box 13 Lic (+1) 1921
Colt Double Eagle (10x25 mm) 12 2d6+6 30 ft. S 9 box 16 Lic (+1) 1989
Colt M1911 (.45) 11 2d6+6 30 ft. S 7 box 15 Lic (+1) 1911
Colt Super Auto (.38/200) 9 2d4+2 30 ft. S 9 box 13 Lic (+1) 1929
Desert Eagle (.50AE) 15 2d10+4 40 ft. S 8 box 18 Lic (+1) 1979
Glock 17 (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 30 ft. S 17 box 18 Lic (+1) 1980
Glock 20 (10x25 mm) 10 2d6+6 40 ft. S 15 box 18 Lic (+1) 1980
Glock 21 (.45) 11 2d6+6 30 ft. S 13 box 19 Lic (+1) 1980
Glock 22 (.40 S&W) 12 2d6+6 40 ft. S 13 box 20 Lic (+1) 1990
Glock 25 (.38) 10 2d4+4 30 ft. S 17 box 16 Lic (+1) 1990
HK Mk. 23 SOCOM (.45) 10 2d6+6 40 ft. S 12 box 22 Mil (+3) 1990
Luger (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S 8 box 20 Lic (+1) 1904
Makarov PM (9x18 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S 9 box 14 Lic (+1) 1950
MEU(SOC) (SOC ) 11 2d6+6 40 ft. S 7 box 20 Mil (+3) 1985
Nambu Type 14 (8x22 mm) 10 2d4+4 20 ft. S 8 box 12 Lic (+1) 1925
Nambu Type 94 (8x22 mm) 10 2d4+4 20 ft. S 6 box 11 Lic (+1) 1934
Pistole 35(p) (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S 8 box 21 Lic (+1) 1935
Sauer 38H (.32) 9 2d4+4 30 ft. S 8 box 13 Lic (+1) 1939
SITES M9 (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 30 ft. S 8 box 15 Lic (+1) 1990
TT-33 (7.62x25 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S 8 box 14 Lic (+1) 1930
Walther P-38 (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 30 ft. S 8 box 13 Lic (+1) 1939
Walther PP (.32) 9 2d4+4 30 ft. S 9 box 13 Lic (+1) 1929
Walther PPK (.32) 9 2d4+4 30 ft. S 7 box 15 Lic (+1) 1931
Welrod (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+2 30 ft. S 5 box 17 Mil (+3) 1941

downside is the reduced magazine capacity when compared

Glock 20 to its 9mm cousins. Due to its high quality of manufacture,
This slightly larger version of the Glock 17 is chambered for the Glock 22 is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As
the slightly more powerful 10mm round. such, it grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Due to its high quality of manufacture, the Glock 20 is
always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a
+1 bonus on attack rolls.
Glock 25
This Glock fires the less powerful .38 ammunition. This
model is good for users who want a high-quality firearm
Glock 21 with a large magazine but who can’t handle the more
This Glock fires the more powerful .45 ammunition for powerful models (perhaps due to low Strength). Due to
situations where extra stopping power is needed. The its high quality of manufacture, the Glock 25 is always
downside is the reduced magazine capacity when compared considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a +1
to its 9mm cousins. Due to its high quality of manufacture, bonus on attack rolls.
the Glock 21 is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As
such, it grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
While most pistols are considered defensive weapons by
Glock 22 military personnel, the Mk 23 was designed from the ground
This Glock fires the more powerful .40 S&W ammunition up to be an offensive close-combat weapon for special
for situations where extra stopping power is needed. The

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operations forces. The United States opened this weapon Nambu Type 94
up for any company in the world to submit weapons for but An extremely small pistol made of plastic to be cheaper and
only two did: Colt and Heckler and Koch. The Colt weapon lighter, the Type 94 was constructed for air and tank crews,
used a Knight fire-suppressor and in the end, though the where space is at a premium. It was used in large numbers
HK pistol was selected it was paired with the Knight fire- throughout WWII.
In addition to the built-in silencer the Mk 23 also includes
a built-in laser sight (see targeting equipment below).
Pistole 35(p)
The official sidearm of the Polish military in WWII, the
The Mk 23 is a masterwork weapon, granting it a +1
Pistole 35(p) is one of the finest handguns ever designed.
masterwork bonus to attack rolls.
Though rare, these weapons are either encountered in the
The Mk 23’s state of the art flash and sound suppressor
hands of Polish resistance fighters or German soldiers who
requires a Perception check (DC 20) to locate the source of
took one as a trophy.
the shooter.
The Pistole 35(p) is a masterwork weapon, granting a +1
bonus on attack rolls.
The Parabellum-Pistole P08, far better known by the name
of its designer, Luger, was the official German sidearm of
Sauer 38H
These weapons were primarily used by German police
the First World War. Despite being incredibly well made
forces during WWII. Occasionally a Nazi officer would be
(the service life of a Luger is over 100 years with proper
presented with one of these weapons as a gift, though such
maintenance) these pistols were phased out for the Walther
weapons were specially made and featured very expensive
P-38 in WWII because of the cost and time required to
additions such as gold-inlay handles. If an officer carries
manufacture them. Many officers who can afford one of
such a weapon it is almost always a masterwork variety of
these legendary pistols (or who inherited one from a military
the standard Sauer 38H.
relative) carry these.

Makarov PM SITES M9
The compact SITES weapon is very narrow, making it easy
The Makarov replaced the TT-33 as the official sidearm of
to conceal.
Soviet military and police units from 1950 until the fall of
the Soviet Union.
A sturdy, reliable, semi-automatic pistol, the TT-33 was
MEU(SOC) produced in great numbers during WWII where it saw
Though the M1911 has been slowly phased out as the main
extensive use among Soviet officers, tank crews and air
pistol of American military forces in favor of the M9, the
crews. Known for a long lifespan and the ability to take a
Marine Corps elite Force Recon unit decided that a more
tremendous amount of abuse while maintaining reliability,
lethal firearm was required. The MEU(SOC) is a M1911
the TT-33 was still never able to totally supplant the M-
completely rebuilt by the USMC Precision Weapon Section
1895 revolver. As a testament to the fine construction of the
in Quantico, Virginia.
weapon, it is still produced commercially in China today.
The MEU(SOC) Pistol is a masterwork weapon, granting
a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
This weapon comes equipped with a Laser Sight, included Walther P-38
in the price. A sleek, modern semi-automatic pistol, the P-38 was the
official sidearm for German military forces in WWII. It
was designed to replace the expensive Luger. It was used
Nambu Type 14 primarily by German forces throughout the war, though late
A common sidearm among Japanese officers during WWII,
in the war French resistance fighters used many captured
the Nambu was sold at Japanese officers’ unions. Since
Japanese officers were required to buy their own sidearms
however, many Japanese officers of means bought imported
Western firearms which were frequently more powerful or Walther PP
more reliable (or both). A gun designed from the ground up for the needs of
policemen, the Walther PP (police pistol) and Walther
PPK (police pistol, detective model) were popular among

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Table 4: Machine Pistols

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Beretta 93R (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S,A 20 box 18 Res (+2) 1975
MAC Ingram M10 (.45) 11 2d6+6 40 ft. S, A 30 box 15 Res (+2) 1970
Skorpion (.32) 10 2d4+4 40 ft. S, A 20 box 17 Res (+2) 1960
Stechkin APS (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S, A 20 box 14 Res (+2) 1950
TEC-9 (9x19 mm) 10 2d6+4 40 ft. S or A 32 box 14 Res (+2) 1985

soldiers and resistance fighters as well (though most of these

weapons were in fact carried by German policemen). The Stechkin APS
PPK is the more popular model because it is small and easy This machine pistol saw extensive use by Soviet Spetznaz
to conceal. special forces throughout the Cold War, usually with flash
and sound suppressors attached.
This weapon, also known as “the assassin’s pistol” was TEC-9
used by British and American special operations forces as The Intratec TEC-9 is an inexpensive machine pistol
well as irregular and resistance forces during WWII. It was popular with criminals because it can be modified by
extremely quiet, with a built-in sound suppressor (included those trained in Engineering (4 required ranks) to fire
in the weapon’s cost), requiring a Perception check (DC on automatic. The pistol only works on semiautomatic
20) to hear the weapon when fired. The Welrod also had fire or, if modified, only on automatic. Once modified to
fluorescent sights which reduced penalties for firing in fire on automatic, the TEC-9 cannot be changed back to
darkness by one-half (-1 penalty in moonlight, -2 penalty in semiautomatic.
pitch darkness).
Submachine Gun
Machine Pistols
Beretta 93R The Heckler & Koch MP5 family of weapons is among
This close relative of the Beretta 92F looks like a large the most recognizable in the world. Many different designs
autoloader but can fire on automatic. It sports a fold-down exist; dexscribed here is the most basic model.
grip in front of the trigger guard, an extendable steel Due to its high quality of manufacture, the MP5 is always
shoulder stock that is attached to the butt of the pistol, and considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a +1
an extended magazine. bonus on attack rolls.

MAC Ingram M10 HK MP5K

No longer in production, about 10,000 of these small A radically shortened version of the MP5, this weapon is
submachine guns were made and supplied to United States optimized to be concealable. The steps taken to reduce the
police forces, the U.S. Army, Cuba, and Peru. Light pressure weapon’s size and weight negate the benefits of the parent
on the trigger produces single shots, while increased weapon’s extraordinary quality, and as a result the MP5K is
pressure brings automatic fire. not a mastercraft weapon.
The M10 accepts a suppressor without modification. Although it comes with a 15-round magazine, the MP5K
can also accept the same 30-round magazine as the MP5.
The CZ61 Skorpion is a Czech machine pistol seen MAT-49
increasingly in the West since the collapse of the Soviet This French submachine gun saw extensive use by the Viet
Union. Originally intended for military vehicle crews who Minh insurgents against their French adversaries following
don’t have space for an unwieldy longarm, it was widely WWII. When the Americans took the Europeans’ place,
distributed to Communist countries and in central Africa, these weapons were used against them as well.
and can now be found anywhere in the world.

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Table 5: Submachine Guns

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
HK MP5 (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 50 ft. S, A 30 box 20 Res (+2) 1966
HK MP5K (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+2 40 ft. S, A 15 box 19 Res (+2) 1966
MAT-49 (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. A 36 box 17 Mil (+3) 1949
MP-18 (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. A 20 box 17 Mil (+3) 1918
MP-40 (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S, A 32 box 18 Mil (+3) 1939
Owen Gun (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S, A 32 box 17 Res (+2) 1939
20 box, 71
PPD-40 (7.62x25 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S, A 22 Res (+2) 1935
35 box, 71
PPSh-41 (7.62x25 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. S, A 16 Res (+2) 1941
Sten (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 30 ft. A 32 box 16 Mil (+3) 1941
Sterling (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S, A 34 box 16 Mil (+3) 1945
Suomi M-31 (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. A 71 drum 18 Mil (+3) 1931
20 box or 50
Thompson M-1921 (.45) 11 2d6+6 40 ft. S, A 23 Res (+2) 1921
or 100 drum
20 box or 50
Thompson M-1928 (.45) 11 2d6+6 40 ft. S, A 20 Res (+2) 1928
or 100 drum
Thompson M-3A1 “Grease
11 2d6+6 30 ft. A 30 box 17 Mil (+3) 1942
Gun” (.45)
Thompson M1A1 (.45) 11 2d6+6 30 ft. S, A 30 box 18 Res (+2) 1938
Type 100 (8 mm SMG) 11 2d4+4 30 ft. S, A 30 box 17 Mil (+3) 1942
Uzi (9x19 mm) 11 2d6+4 40 ft. S, A 20 box 18 Res (+2) 1948

MP-18 Originally designed to fire a .22 caliber round which was

One of the first submachine guns in the world, the German rejected as too light the Australian Army, the designers
MP-18, designed by Theodor Bergmann, saw limited use at finally settled on a 9mm design. Originally used by the
the end of WWI. This weapon was also used by the Weimar Australian forces fighting the Japanese in New Guinea, the
Republic between the world wars and was used extensively Owen was extremely popular due to its extreme reliability.
by Nazi forces during WWII. This weapon also saw use It was also ordered by the United States and New Zealand.
in China, where Chinese forces used it to inflict heavy
casualties on Japanese invaders in the build-up to WWII. PPD-40
An influential design, almost all the submachine guns that An excellent Soviet SMG with a large ammunition capacity,
would be produced by the millions in WWII were at least the PPD-40 was too expensive to be mass produced by the
partly based on this design. Soviets during WWII and was relatively rare, despite its
many excellent qualities.
The standard-issue German submachine gun, the MP-40 PPSh-41
was a highly regarded weapon. In limited use during the One of the most widely produced weapons in all of WWII,
invasion of Poland, these weapons were mass produced and this Soviet SMG was simple and cheap to produce and its
issued widely through the war, with over a million units chrome-lined chamber and bore made the weapon virtually
seeing service in German military hands before the end of maintenance free. Despite how cheap and easy they were to
the war. make, the quality of these weapons were attested to by their
frequent use by German soldiers who captured them.
Owen Gun
The only Australian-designed weapon used during WWII, Sten
the Owen was a 9mm submachine gun that was extremely Although the British military was buying Thompson SMGs
reliable and sturdy, due to its streamlined, simple design. as fast as American factories could produce them, there was

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always more demand for the weapons than America could efforts was the M-3A1, colloquially known as the “grease
produce, even after its entry into the war in 1942 and the full gun” because it resembled one. These weapons were made
war mobilization of the American economy. With the Battle in General Motors plants and were largely stamped metal
of Britain looming, the British government ordered the with as few moving parts as possible, all to reduce cost and
design of a cheap alternative that could be produced simply construction time. The M-3A1 was a cheap, no-frills SMG
and quickly in British factories. The result was the Sten gun, that could only be fired on full auto. These weapons enter
which saw extensive use by British and Commonwealth service late in the war, not being widely issued until the
forces throughout the war. invasion of Normandy in 1944.

Sterling Type 100

This weapon replaced the venerable Sten Gun as the main Not introduced until 1942, the Nambu Type 100 served well
SMG of British forces from 1953 to 1988. Though it throughout Japan’s defense of its Pacific holdings and was a
would not replace the Sten until after WWII, some of these well-made, if unspectacular SMG.
weapons were pressed into action as soon as they were
ready and saw action among British paratroopers in the final Uzi
battles of 1945. These weapons can use Sten Gun cartridges Designed in the 1950s for the Israeli army, the Uzi has
without difficulty. become the most popular submachine gun in the world. It
features a collapsible stock, making it extremely compact.
Suomi M-31
This Finnish weapon is considered one of the finest
submachine guns ever produced and was a large reason why
the Russians had such a hard time with the Finns during the
“Winter War” campaign of WWII. Benelli 121 M1
The M31 is a masterwork weapon, granting a +1 bonus on The Benelli 121 M1 semiautomatic shotgun is reliable,
attack rolls. simple, and sturdy, with one of the fastest shotgun actions in
the world. Many military and law enforcement agencies use
this or similar weapons.
Thompson M1A1
The Thompson was inspired by the trench warfare of WWI
and was intended to be a hand-held machine gun. It was one Beretta M3P
of the very first true submachine guns and certainly one of Designed for police and security work, the M3P can fire
the most popular. Although it was finished too late to see either single shots or on semiautomatic. The M3P comes
service in WWI, it was named the Thompson SMG and equipped with a tubular steel stock that folds over the top of
marketed to civilians at an extremely high price, where its the weapon to form a carrying handle, and its ammunition
use in bloody gang warfare made it infamous in the 20’s and feeds from a box magazine—an uncommon feature in a
30’s. shotgun.
Two versions of the Thompson saw action in WWII, the
M1A1 was smaller and more compact, with a folding stock Browning BPS
and used a 30 round box for ammunition. The larger M- This heavy longarm fires the largest shotgun round
1928A1 had a longer barrel and could use either a 20 round available, the 10-gauge shell.
box or ammunition drums that carried either 50 or 100
rounds. Double-Barrel Shotgun
The M1A1 was used by the United States Army while the This weapon is cheap and easy to find and can fire twice
M-1928A1 was used by the United States Marine Corps. before needing to be reloaded.
Through lend-lease these weapons also saw service in the
hands of British Commandos and French Resistance fighters
in Europe and by Australian forces in the Pacific (though
(Modular Accessory Shotgun System)
Australians preferred the Owen Gun).
With American forces engaged in urban warfare and
While the M1-A1 reduced the cost and construction time
house-to-house fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the need
required to make the Thompson, it was determined that
for a weapon system that would allow the versatility of
an almost entirely new design was needed to reduce the
an assault rifle with the close-quarters ability of a shotgun
construction time and cost even further. The result of these
was needed. These weapons are also highly valued for

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Table 6: Shotguns
Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Benelli 121 M1 (12-gague) 11 3d10 60 ft. S 7 int 17 Lic (+1) 1985
Beretta M3P (12-gauge) 11 3d10 30 ft. S 5 box 16 Lic (+1) 1980
Browning BPS (10-gauge) 11 4d10 30 ft. Single 5 int. 16 Lic (+1) 1977
Double-Barrel Shotgun (10-
11 4d10 30 ft. S 2 int. 15 Lic (+1) 1875
M-26 MASS (12-gauge ) 11 3d10 60 ft. S 5 box 18 Mil (+3) 2003
Mossberg (12-gauge) 10 3d10 30 ft. Single 6 int. 15 Lic (+1) 1961
Sawed-off shotgun (12-gauge) 11 4d10 10 ft. S 2 int. 15 Illegal (+ 1875
USAS-12 (12-gauge) 13 3d10 30 ft. S, A 20 drum 20 Mil (+3) 1992

their use in breeching doors and because they can fire “less for attacking bunkers, fortified positions, less heavily
lethal” ammunition such as as bean bags, so targets can be armored vehicles (such as trucks) and of course individual
apprehended alive for interrogation. soldiers. These weapons saw service with British, American,
The M-26 is being issued in low numbers to soldiers Australian, Canadian and Finnish forces. The German
fighting in Afghanistan and can be fitted to any weapon military captured some of these weapons after the British
capable of mounting an under-barrel M203 (the C7, M4, evacuation at Dunkirk and these were put into service as
M16 and Galil). The weapon can also be fitted with a well.
removable, collapsible stock and used standalone. The Boys ignores the first 3 Hardness of an object,
vehicle or building struck.
The Mossberg Model 500 ATP6C is a pump-action shotgun FN-49
designed for military and police work. This semi-automatic rifle, in development during WWII,
saw extensive use in countries around the world from 1949
Sawed-off shotgun and was still being produced into the late 1980’s. Almost
This is a 12-gauge, double-barreled shotgun with the stock 200,000 of these weapons were produced in total, many of
and barrels sawed short. All that’s left of the stock is a pistol which are still in service. The FN-49 was used in Argentina,
grip, and the barrels are roughly 12 inches long. Sawed- Belgium, Brazil, Congo, Egypt and Venezuela and is often
off shotguns are generally illegal; most are homemade by encountered in Africa and South America into the 21st
cutting down a standard shotgun. century.
If this weapon if fully-loaded, a character can fire both
barrels at once. This works as if the character possessed Gewehr 43
the Double Tap perk (see the Firearms skill for more As the war progressed, it became clear to Germany that a
information). semi-automatic rifle was needed to replace the bolt-action
rifles commonly issued to German soldiers at the start of the
USAS-12 war. Especially when faced with Russian semi-automatic
This Korean-made weapon, which bears a passing rifles and SMGs, a weapon with a faster rate of fire was
resemblance to the M16A2, is capable of semi-automatic or needed. Production of the Gewehr suffered numerous
fully automatic fire. problems and these weapons were rare until quite late in the
war (in 1944 these weapons become somewhat common and
are not common among German soldiers until 1945).
Boys anti-tank rifle M-1 Carbine
The M-1 Carbine was constructed for soldiers who needed
Although designed as an anti-armor weapon, the Boys was
something in between the standard M-1 and the many SMGs
rarely used in that capacity as armored vehicles became
used by American forces during the war. The M-1 was too
more and more formidable throughout the war. However
large and bulky for soldiers where weight and space was at
it was sometimes used in that capacity (usually when
a premium, especially paratroopers but also soldiers forced
nothing else was available) and was an excellent weapon

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Table 7: Rifles
Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Boys anti-tank rifle 14 2d12+12 110 ft. Single 5 box 24 Mil (+3) 1937
FN-49 11 2d8+8 60 ft. S 10 box 18 Lic (+1) 1949
Gewehr 43 (8 mm ) 11 2d8+4 60 ft. S 10 box 18 Mil (+3) 1943
M-1 Carbine (.30-06) 11 2d8+8 50 ft. S 15 box 20 Mil (+3) 1942
M-1 Garand (.30-06 ) 11 2d8+8 70 ft. S 8 box 20 Mil (+3) 1936
M-3 Carbine (.30-06) 11 2d8+8 50 ft. S 15 box 25 Mil (+3) 1945
M1903 (.30-06 ) 11 2d8+8 60 ft. Single 5 int. 17 Mil (+3) 1903
MAS-49 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 70 ft. S 10 box 16 Lic (+1) 1951
Mauser Karabiner 98K (8 mm ) 11 2d8+4 70 ft. Single 5 int. 16 Mil (+3) 1935
Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30
12 2d8+8 80 ft. Single 5 int. 15 Mil (+3) 1891
(7.62x54 mmR )
Remington 700 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 80 ft. Single 5 int. 17 Lic (+1) 1940
Remington M81 Woodsmaster
12 2d6+6 80 ft. S 5 box 15 Lic (+1) 1936
(9x19 mm )
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield
11 2d6+4 60 ft. Single 10 int. 15 Res (+2) 1907
Rifle Mk. III (.303 )
Simonov SKS (7.62x39 mmR ) 11 2d8+4 80 ft. S 10 box 14 Lic (+1) 1946
SVT-40 (7.62x54 mmR ) 12 2d8+4 60 ft. S 10 box 18 Res (+2) 1940
Type 38 Carbine (6.5x50 mm) 12 2d6+6 40 ft. Single 5 int. 15 Res (+2) 1906
Type 99 Rifle (7.7 mm ) 11 2d8+2 70 ft. Single 5 int. 17 Res (+2) 1939
Winchester 94 (.444 ) 13 2d10+10 90 ft. S 6 int. 15 Lic (+1) 1894

to carry other equipment such as medics and engineers. On M1903

the other hand, most SMGs did not have sufficient range Springfield Rifle
for military encounters during the war outside of an urban The standard service weapon of American forces during
environment. The solution to these problems was the M-1 WWI, the M-1903 continued to see extensive use during
Carbine, a modified M-1 with a folding metal stock a larger WWII. Early in the war, the M-1 could not be produced in
15-round box clip. sufficient numbers and soldiers had to use the M-1903 until
production caught up with demand. Marines especially used
M-1 Garand the M-1903 during the earliest campaigns of the Pacific
The first semi-automatic service rifle issued to any army in theater.
the world, the M-1 was the standard service weapon of the Later in the war, the M-1903 continued to see service with
United States infantry from 1936 to 1957. Although the “en grenadiers, who used these weapons with rifle grenades
bloc” magazine system is primitive by today’s standards, the and as the main weapons issued to Free French forces after
appearance of a large number of semi-automatic, clip-fed 1943.
rifles in 1936 altered the scope of the war and many of the The M-1903A4 was also the most common sniper rifle in
Axis powers spent the entire war trying to design a rifle to use during the war among American forces. Because of the
match the M-1 with little success. scope placement, the M-1903A4 cannot use a stripper clip;
it must be reloaded one shell at a time.
M-3 Carbine
A radical experiment with early night vision scopes, the M- MAS-49
3 is equipped with an enormous active infrared scope that This French battle rifle served that nation as a battle rifle
grants the wielder Low-light vision provided he sights the from 1951-1979. The MAS-49 saw service in extremely
target through the scope (requiring an attack action). Only harsh conditions in Viet Nam and Africa, gaining a
3,000 of these were constructed during the war though an reputation for extreme reliability even in conditions of poor
improved (and much lighter) version of this weapon saw maintenance.
action during the Korean War.

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Mauser Karabiner 98K SVT-40

The standard rifle of the German Army, the Karabiner 98K Introduced in 1939, this Tokarev design was so radically
was known for its deadly accuracy and superior range. different from other Russian rifles used during WWII that
These rifles were often fitted with scopes, increasing their Red Army soldiers had a hard time warming to the rifle
range even further. despite its much higher rate of fire from the other standard
issue rifle of the war, the Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30. Over
Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30 the course of the war, production of these weapons actually
An upgraded modification of a weapon first introduced diminished in favor of the Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30 and
during 1891, the Mosin-Nagant was the standard bolt-action cheap, easy to maintain SMGs. Russian soldiers were used
rifle used by Soviet forces throughout WWII. An astounding to durable weapons with low maintenance requirements and
number of these cheap, sturdy and reliable weapons were the relatively high-maintenance SVT-40 was not popular
constructed, with 17 million being made in the Soviet Union with them.
during WWII alone and with production continuing in Over a million of these weapons were captured by the
Eastern Bloc countries into the late 1990’s. Germans during the early, disastrous days of Operation
Many of these rifles were converted to sniper rifles Barbarossa and it is sometimes estimated that more of
(listed separately on the table) and these were considered these weapons were used by German soldiers than Soviets,
some of the finest sniper rifles made by any nation during since the Germans had no semi-automatic rifle and greatly
WWII, inflicting terrific casualties on German forces during appreciated the qualities of the SVT-40.
the Battle of Stalingrad but also the many other urban
campaigns of the Eastern Front. Type 38 Carbine
For a time the standard issue rifle of the Japanese military,
Remington 700 the Type 30 was reliable and accurate, with a good range.
A bolt-action rifle with a reputation for accuracy, the Despite these qualities, it was determined to have too little
Remington 700 has been popular with hunters and target power to be a front line rifle. The rifle was made in several
shooters since its introduction in the 1940s. variations including a carbine, originally designed for
cavalry that was much shorter than the standard infantry
version. The carbine variation of the Type 38 was carried
Remington M81 Woodsmaster by non-frontline soldiers throughout WWII, including
This excellent long-range rifle was used by various law- engineers and quartermasters. Another popular variation of
enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the Texas this rifle encountered during WWII was the Type 94 carbine,
Rangers as a sniper rifle from the 30’s through much of the identical to the Type 38 except for a built-in bayonet that
Cold War. could be folded back when unneeded.

Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifle Mk. Type 99 Rifle

III Based on the Type 38 but employing the more powerful
This iconic weapon is one of the most widely-produced 7.7mm round, the Type 99 was intended to completely
rifles in history and saw extensive use in WWI and WWII. replace the Type 38. The outbreak of the war prevented this
Most of these weapons saw action in the North African, from ever being completely done however so both weapons
Burmese and Pacific theaters. India and Australia retained were encountered in the hands of Japanese servicemen
the SMLE as their standard issue rifle throughout WWII during the war.
because it was reliable and could be produced cheaply.
Winchester 94
Simonov SKS The Winchester Model 94 Big Bore is a lever-action rifle
It was thought that this carbine would become the standard- typical of big-bore hunting rifles found around the world.
issue Soviet rifle after WWII. However, this weapon was
quickly overshadowed by the AK-47’s superior quality. This
weapon did see service in the Korean War and saw heavy Assault Rifle
use in Soviet satellite countries, including use by the Viet
Cong. AK-74
This assault rifle has gradually replaced the venerable
AK-47 as the main assault rifle of Russian military forces

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Table 8: Assault Rifles

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
AK-74 (5.45x39 mm ) 10 2d8+2 80 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Res (+2) 1974
AKM/AK-47 (7.62x39 mmR ) 11 2d8+4 70 ft. S, A 30 box 15 Res (+2) 1949
C-7A1 (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 80 ft. S, A 30 box 17 Res (+2) 1984
C-8 Carbine (5.56x45 mm) 10 2d8+2 60 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Res (+2) 1984
DeLisle Carbine (.45) 11 2d6+6 50 ft. S 11 box 15 Lic (+1) 1941
FAMAS (5.56x45 mm ) 11 2d8+2 70 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Res (+2) 1979
FN FAL (7.62x51 mm) 11 2d8+8 80 ft. S, A 20 box 18 Res (+2) 1950
Galil (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 70 ft. A 35 box 16 Mil (+3) 1967
HK G3 (7.62x51 mm ) 13 2d8+8 90 ft. S, A 20 box 19 Res (+2) 1958
Howa Type 89 (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 70 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Mil (+3) 1989
10 2d8+2 80 ft. S 30 box 21 Mil (+3) 2004
(5.56x45 mm)
M-2 Carbine (.30-06) 11 2d8+8 50 ft. S, A 30 box 22 Mil (+3) 1945
M14 (7.62x52 mm ) 12 2d8+8 80 ft. S, A 20 box 19 Res (+2) 1959
M16/203 (5.56x45 mm / 40
11 2d8+2/Vari 80 ft. S,A/Single 30 box/ 1 int. 21 Mil (+3) 1970
mm grenade)
M16A2 (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 80 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Res (+2) 1961
M4 Carbine (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 60 ft. S, A 30 box 16 Res (+2) 1994
M4 SOPMOD (5.56x45 mm /
11 2d8+2/Vari 60 ft. S, A 30 box/1 int. 23 Mil (+3) 1994
40 mm grenade)
M4/203 (5.56x45 mm / 40 mm
11 2d8+2/Vari 60 ft. S,A/Single 30 box/1 int. 21 Mil (+3) 1994
Steyr AUG (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 80 ft. S, A 30 box 19 Res (+2) 1978
Sturmgewehr (8 mm ) 11 2d8+4 50 ft. S, A 30 box 19 Mil (+3) 1944

and saw extensive use in the Russian’s Afghan War. This C-7A1
weapon remains in service in the 21st century and is also The C-7A1 is a variant of the M-16 and is the standard-issue
widely used by Russia’s military allies. Many of these assault rifle of Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands. The
weapons are also found in Germany, as they were the main C7-A1 is also used by British special operations units, the
assault rifles of the East German military forces. After Iceland Crisis Response Unit and Army Ranger Command
Germany reunited, these weapons were removed from of Norway. Each C7-A1 comes standard equipped with a
service. The AK-74 can also be found in large numbers x4 targeting scope (included in the weapon’s cost), which
among Afghan guerillas, who captured the weapons from may be removed, allowing a different type of scope to be
Russian forces during the Afghan War. mounted, such as a Laser Sight. The C7-A1 can mount the
The AK-74 also sees a great deal of use by special M203 grenade launcher or M-26 MASS.
operations forces, mostly due to its small size and low
weight. Despite having the hitting power of a full assault
rifle, the AK-74 has the size and weight of a submachine C-8 Carbine
gun. The C-8 is the carbine variant of the Canadian C-7A1 and is
closely modeled after the American M4 Carbine. Each C-8
Carbine comes equipped with a x4 targeting scope (included
AKM/AK-47 in the weapon’s cost), which may be removed, allowing a
This assault rifle of the old Soviet Union is one of the most different type of scope to be mounted, such as a Laser Sight.
popular firearms in the world, having found common use in The C-8 can mount the M203 grenade launcher or M-26
scores of bush wars and insurrections—on all sides of such MASS.
conflicts. The AKM is a slightly more modern version of the
AK-47, but functions essentially the same.

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DeLisle Carbine Designated Marksman lays down quick, extremely accurate

The Delisle is something of a “Frankenstein” weapon, made fire at long range. Unlike a sniper however, the Designated
from parts from the British SMLE and American Thompson Marksman is part of a regular infantry squad or platoon.
SMG. Due to its built-in flash and sound suppressor, The SAM-R/SDM-R is a masterwork weapon and grants
requiring a Perception check (DC 15) to detect fire from this a +1 bonus to all attack rolls.
weapon, it was popular with special operations and partisan The SAM-R/SDM-R comes equipped with a x4 targeting
forces during WWII. scope, included in the weapon’s cost.
Though these weapons are always issued as semi-
automatic rifles, it is possible for a character with 8 ranks in
FAMAS Engineering to modify the weapon to a fully automatic rate
The FAMAS has been the main service rifle for the French
of fire. This will remove the weapon’s masterwork quality.
military since the late 70’s. It saw use during the First Gulf
M-2 Carbine
Not introduced until the end of the war, the M-2 Carbine
FN FAL enters service in early 1945 and features selective fire, either
This Belgian weapon was adopted by many NATO countries
semi- or full auto and a larger 30 round magazine.
as a main battle rifle early during the Cold War. Like its
Soviet counterpart, the AK-47, it was produced in very
high numbers, not only by NATO countries but by satellite M14
nations around the world. This weapon was an improvement over the M-1 garand
it replaced as the standard battle rifle of the United States
military forces after WWII. It was in turn quickly replaced
Galil by the much more versatile M-16. This weapon saw much
The primary Israeli assault rifle throughout the Cold War,
more extensive use (in a modified form) as a sniper rifle by
these weapons are still in frontline service today. These
American military forces during the Viet Nam War.
weapons drew a great deal of inspiration from both the
Though these weapons were usually issued as semi-
AK-47 and M16 assault rifles. This weapon was produced
automatic rifles, it is possible for a character with 8 ranks in
in large numbers and can be found throughout the world
Engineering to modify the weapon to a fully automatic rate
including Columbia, the Dominican Republic (where it is
of fire.
used by that nation’s elite anti-terrorism forces), Mexico and
South Africa. Sniper variants of the Galil are also in use in
Estonia and Mongolia. M16/203
Sniper variants of this weapon would be semi-automatic These weapons turn every rifleman into a grenadier by
only masterwork weapons with a mount for a scope. mounting a M203 grenade launcher to the underside of a
M4 or M16. Of the two, the M4/203 is preferred because of
the weapon’s lower weight and folding stock, allowing the
HK G3 weapon to function better in close quarters.
The G3 fires the powerful 7.62mm cartridge, a round used
in many light machine guns but increasingly uncommon in
assault rifles. At one time, over sixty of the world’s armies M16A2
used this rifle. Typical of the assault rifles used by militaries around the
Howa Type 89 world, the Colt M16A2 is the current service rifle of the
This assault rifle is the main battle rifle of the Japanese United States military, and is common with other armies and
military (including Japanese Special Assault Team). It in the civilian world.
was used by Japanese forces in Iraq. Due to Japanese laws
forbidding sale of firearms abroad, this weapon is very M4 Carbine
difficult to obtain outside of the Japanese military. This is a cut-down version of the Colt M16A2, shortened by
M-16A2 SAM-R/SDM-R about a third by means of a telescoping stock and a shorter
These heavily modified M-16s are known as the Squad barrel.
Advanced Marksman Rifle (SAM-R) by the United
States Marine Corps and Squad Designated Marksman
Rifle (SDM-R) by the United States Army. They are
The SOPMOD, or Special Operations Peculiar
used by Designated Marksmen, who are a stepping stone
Modification, is a modular customization kit for the M4 for
between the standard rifleman and a full-fledged sniper. A

Page - 81
use by special operations forces. This version of the M4 has members of a standard infantry unit that provide fast,
a detachable M203 grenade launcher that can be mounted accurate fire at ranges beyond the accurate range of a typical
beneath the barrel, or quickly removed when it would be rifleman.
clumsy or inconvenient. The C-7CT is a masterwork weapon and grants a +1
It also has a top mount for a scope and the weapon comes bonus to all attack rolls.
equipped with several items that can be attached to this top The C-7CT comes equipped with a x4 targeting scope,
mount: a x4 targeting scope with Nightvision, , a laser sight, included in the weapon’s cost.
an infrared illuminator, a reflex sight, and a flashlight. Though these weapons are always issued as semi-
automatic rifles, it is possible for a character with 8 ranks in
M4/203 Engineering to modify the weapon to a fully automatic rate
These weapons turn every rifleman into a grenadier by of fire. This will remove the weapon’s masterwork quality.
mounting a M203 grenade launcher to the underside of a
M4 or M16. Of the two, the M4/203 is preferred because of Dragunov SVD
the weapon’s lower weight and folding stock, allowing the This Soviet Red Army sniper rifle of the 60’s was an
weapon to function better in close quarters. excellent military weapon. It was also popular with Eastern
Bloc hitmen.
Steyr AUG The Dragunov SVD is a masterwork weapon, granting a
An unusual and exotic-looking weapon, the bullpup AUG +1 bonus on attack rolls.
is the standard rifle of the Austrian and Australian armies. The Dragonov SVD would have been issued with a x6-
Its completely ambidextrous components make it equally x8 scope when it was a standard-issue field weapon. An
convenient for left- and right-handed users, and it features a assassin wielding one of these weapons today would equip
built-in optical sight. it with the best scope he could afford. Any scope used with
this weapon must be purchased separately.

Sturmgewehr HK PSG1
A very effective German weapon, designed to combine
This high-precision sniper rifle, based on the design of
the best qualities of the rifle and SMG and given the name
the HK G3, has a fully adjustable trigger and stock for
“storm rifle” for propaganda purposes. When translated into
individual users. The PSG1 comes with a standard scope.
English, this weapon became known as the “assault rifle”,
The HK PSG1 is a masterwork weapon, granting a +1
the name by which all weapons of this type are known
bonus on attack rolls.
today. Fortunately these deadly weapons did not enter the
The HK PSG1 usually comes with a x10 scope with
war until 1944, too late to change the course of events.
Rangefinding and Nightvision when issued to military units.
If this weapon is bought on the black market, a scope must
Sniper Rifles be acquired separately (it is not included in the purchase
Barrett Light Fifty
The heavy but rugged Light Fifty is an incredibly powerful M-1D
weapon for its size. Although it’s a sniper rifle, it fires a .50- Like all sniper rifles of the WWII era, the M-1D is a
caliber machine gun bullet, a round much more powerful modified standard service rifle. It comes equipped with a
than any other rifle ammunition. scope and is a masterwork weapon. The M-1D also comes
The Barrett Light Fifty is a masterwork weapon, granting equipped with a flash-suppressor, requiring a Spot check
a +1 bonus on attack rolls. (DC 15 modified for range) to notice the location of the
The Barret Light Fifty usually comes with a x10 scope attacker, even at night. While it was produced and used
with Rangefinding and Nightvision when issued to military during WWII, the M-1D does not become a standard-issue
units. If this weapon is bought on the black market, a weapon for all snipers until the Korean War.
scope must be acquired separately (it is not included in the
purchase price). M21
This modified M14 served as the primary sniper rifle of the
C-7CT American military forces from 1969-1988. Officially it has
Designated Marksman Rifle been replaced by the M24 and M40A1, though many of
The C-7CT, or custom tactical rifle, is the weapon of the these weapons remain in active service into the 21st century.
Canadian military’s Designated Marksmen, specialized The M21 is a masterwork weapon and grants a +1 bonus

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Table 9: Sniper Rifles

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Barrett Light Fifty (.50 ) 15 2d12+12 120 ft. S 11 box 22 Lic (+1) 1989
C-7CT (5.56x45 mm ) 10 2d8+2 80 ft. S 30 box 21 Mil (+3) 2004
Dragunov SVD (7.62x54 mmR ) 14 2d8+8 100 ft. S 10 box 21 Mil (+3) 1968
HK PSG1 (7.62x51 mm ) 14 2d8+8 100 ft. S 5 box 22 Lic (+1) 1973
M-1D (.30-06 ) 11 2d8+8 70 ft. S 8 box 24 Mil (+3) 1944
M1903A4 (.30-06 ) 11 2d8+8 60 ft. Single 5 int. 21 Mil (+3) 1903
M21 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 90 ft. S 20 box 20 Mil (+3) 1969
M24 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 100 ft. Single 5 int. 22 Mil (+3) 1988
M40A1 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 110 ft. Single 5 box 25 Mil (+3) 1971
Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30
12 2d8+8 80 ft. Single 5 int. 19 Mil (+3) 1891
(7.62x54 mmR )
Parker-Hale M82 (7.62x51 mm ) 12 2d8+8 100 ft. S 5 box 23 Mil (+3) 1982
Type 97 (6.5x50 mm) 12 2d6+6 60 ft. Single 5 int. 22 Mil (+3) 1937

to all attack rolls.

The M21 can mount a scope, which is not included in the Parker-Hale M82
cost of the weapon. This weapon was the standard sniper rifle of British military
Though these weapons are always issued as semi- forces during the 80’s.
automatic rifles, it is possible for a character with 8 ranks in The M82 is a masterwork weapon, granting a +1 bonus on
Engineering to modify the weapon to a fully automatic rate attack rolls.
of fire. This will remove the weapon’s masterwork quality. The M82 is equipped with a mount for a scope, which is
not included in the purchase price.
M24 Type 97
This weapon is a heavily modified Remington 700 and is Like most sniper rifles of the WWII era, the Type 97 was
the current sniper rifle of choice for the United States Army, a standard infantry weapon worked for greater accuracy
Israeli Defense Force and American S.W.A.T. units. and fitted with a scope. In this case the Type 97 is simple a
The M24 is a masterwork weapon and grants a +1 bonus modified Type 38.
to all attack rolls.
The M24 usually comes with a x10 scope with
Rangefinding and Nightvision when issued to military and Machineguns
police units. If this weapon is bought on the black market, a
scope must be acquired separately (it is not included in the Bren Gun
purchase price). Adopted in 1935, Brno-Enfield, commonly referred to as the
“Bren” was the standard British and Commonwealth light
M40A1 machinegun through the Second World War. A modified
The M40A1 has been the official sniper rifle of the Czech design, the British version was modified to fire the
United States Marine Corps since the Viet Nam War. The standard .303 rifle round, not the 7.62mm Mauser round
M40A1 is an even more heavily modified Remington 700 fired by its predecessor. The weapon was typically carried
than the M24 used by the U.S. Army. The result of these by a two-man crew, a gunner (who carried the weapon) and
modifications is that the M40A1 is one of the most accurate a reloader who carried ammunition and barrels (the barrel of
weapons at range in the world. the Bren Gun became so heated it needed to be periodically
The M40A1 is a masterwork weapon and grants a +1 swapped out).
bonus to all attack rolls.
The M40A1 usually comes with a x10 scope with
Rangefinding and Nightvision when issued to military units.
Browning M-1919
These reliable and powerful medium machineguns were
If this weapon is bought on the black market, a scope must
operated throughout WWII by two-man teams, a gunner
be acquired separately (it is not included in the purchase
who fired and carried the weapon and a reloader who carried

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Table 10: Machineguns

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
30 box or 100
Bren Gun (.303) 16 2d8+8 70 ft. A 21 Mil (+3) 1938
Browning M-1919 (.30-06) 17 2d10+4 80 ft. A 250 belt (linked) 20 Mil (+3) 1919
DP-28 (7.62x54 mmR) 16 2d8+8 60 ft. A 47 drum 18 Mil (+3) 1928
DShK 38 (12.7 mm) 21 2d12+6 120 ft. A 50 belt (linked) 23 Mil (+3) 1938
Lewis Gun (.303) 14 2d6+4 60 ft. A 47 or 97 drum 19 Mil (+3) 1919
M-1917A1 (.30-06) 21 2d10+6 100 ft. A 250 belt (linked) 22 Mil (+3) 1917
M-1918 (.30-06) 15 2d8+8 60 ft. A 20 box 22 Mil (+3) 1918
M-249 SAW (5.56x45mm) 15 2d8+6 90 ft. A 200 box 20 Mil (+3) 1980
M240 (7.62x51 mm) 17 2d10+6 100 ft. A Linked 22 Mil (+3) 1977
M2HB (.50) 22 2d12+12 110 ft. A 250 belt (linked) 22 Mil (+3) 1921
M60 (7.62x51 mm) 17 2d10+4 100 ft. A Linked 21 Mil (+3) 1957
50 drum, 75 drum,
MG 34 (8 mm) 17 2d10+6 80 ft. A 50 belt (linked), 23 Mil (+3) 1935
200 belt (link
50 belt or 250 belt
MG 42 (8 mm) 22 2d12+12 90 ft. A 24 Mil (+3) 1942
(both linked)
Mk-48 (7.62x51 mm) 16 2d10+6 90 ft. A Linked 22 Mil (+3) 2003
RPD (7.62x39 mmR) 15 2d8+6 80 ft. A 100 drum 20 Mil (+3) 1946
RPK (7.62x39 mmR) 15 2d8+6 90 ft. A 100 drum 22 Mil (+3) 1974
Type 11 (6.5x50 mm) 15 2d6+6 60 ft. A 30 drum 18 Mil (+3) 1922
30 drum (able to
Type 92 (7.7 mm) 17 2d8+6 80 ft. A 23 Mil (+3) 1932
be linked)
Type 99 LMG (7.7 mm) 15 2d8+4 80 ft. A 30 drum 22 Mil (+3) 1940
Vickers Gun (.303) 16 2d8+4 80 ft. A 250 belt (linked) 22 Mil (+3) 1912

the tripod and ammunition. These weapons were also

mounted on vehicles, especially trucks, jeeps and ships. Lewis Gun
A revolutionary weapon when it was first introduced in the
First World War, the Lewis light machinegun continued to
DP-28 see extensive use in WWII because it was readily available
This Soviet machinegun was cheap and easy to make. It and cheaply manufactured (though the vast majority of these
consisted of no more than 80 parts and could be assembled weapons used in the war were holdovers from WWI). The
by untrained laborers. The DP-28 also possessed excellent Lewis required a two-man crew, a gunner who carried the
stopping power and was extremely reliable. In fact a weapon and a reloader who carried ammunition. During
(possibly) ironic anecdote about the DP-28 was that it WWII this weapon was rarely carried, being seen as
actually fired better if some sand was thrown in the firing obsolete as a squad automatic weapon. It was frequently
mechanism. While this is likely not true, the weapon was mounted on vehicles for defensive purposes however.
incredibly sturdy and reliable.
DShK 38 Used in WWI, WWII and the Korean War, this heavy, water-
An enormous weapon designed for anti-aircraft fire, the cooled machinegun was usually vehicle mounted because of
DShK was also adapted by the Red Army as a heavy its weight. Powerful and extremely reliable, the M-1917A1
machinegun, though its enormous size caused it some was used by American forces throughout WWII and also by
difficulty in that role, since moving the weapon was a time the British through lend-lease.
consuming process. The DShK was very often mounted on
vehicles, where its weight was less of a disadvantage.

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M-1918 weapon during the war and was known to Allied soldiers
Browning automatic rifle as “Hitler’s buzzsaw” or “Hitler’s zipper” because of the
A compromise that satisfied no one, the BAR was an distinctive report of the weapon. German soldiers called it
attempt at an early “automatic rifle” (what we would “Hitler’s scythe” or simply “the bonesaw”. The weapon was
today refer to as an assault rifle). It was too heavy for that so intimidating and dangerous that Allied armies developed
role and so saw extensive use (with bipod) in the light training films to deal with the psychological effects of
machinegun role, where its 20-round magazine made it the weapon. After the war, the MG 42 was influential on
inferior ammunition wise to most true machineguns. Still, every subsequent machinegun design. Unfortunately for
the weapon was powerful and reliable and saw extensive use the Germans, like many of their military advances, the MG
in WWI, WWII, Korea and Viet Nam war (only very early). 42 didn’t enter the war until 1943 and was never able to be
manufactured in sufficient numbers to supplant the MG 34.
M-249 SAW
The Squad Automatic Weapon is the primary light machine Mk-48
gun in use by American military forces. This portable This weapon is a 7.62x51mm version of the M-249 SAW.
weapon provides an excellent rate of fire and high lethality Being larger, heavier and packing more punch, it is used
and also offers a versatility lacking in many machine by special forces personnel when “punch” is desired over
guns. If a force needs to be on the move, the SAW can be maneuverability.
equipped with 30, 100 or 200-round box ammunition, while
if a force needs to defend a stable location the SAW can RPD
accept linked ammunition for extended automatic firing. This Russian light machine gun was designed in the final
days of WWII but entered service too late to see action
M240 in that war. The weapon saw service in Russian military
The M-240 is the frontline medium machine gun of the campaigns throughout the Cold War and was also sold in
United States military and has largely replaced the M-60. great numbers to friendly nations, including China, Egypt,
North Korea and North Viet Nam.
This heavy-duty .50-caliber machine gun has been in service RPK
since World War II, and remains a very common vehicle- This Russian light machine gun was developed concurrently
mounted military weapon around the world. by Mikhail Kalashnikov along with his legendary AK-47
assault rifle. The two weapons hare many design similarities
M60 and have a high degree of interoperability. The RPK can use
Introduced in the Vietnam War era, this medium machine any ammunition cartridge for an AK-47 and the weapons
gun is still in widespread use with the U.S. military and that share many parts in common. This weapon has seen heavy
of several other armies. Since the 70’s it has been slowly use throughout the Communist world and is still a mainstay
being replaced by the M-240. of the Russian military into the 21st century. These weapons
were sold in great numbers to friendly nations, including
China, Egypt, Iraq and Iran.
MG 34
The standard issue German squad machinegun of WWII, the
MG 34 was also the standard defensive weapon on German Type 11
tanks and aircraft. The weapon typically required a crew of One of the oldest weapons to see service in WWII, the
two if used in the light machinegun role (fitted with a bipod) Type 11 (Japanese weapons of the period are named after
and three if used in the medium machinegun role (fitted the year in which they entered service recorded by the
with a tripod). Like many German weapons, scopes were a beginning of the current reign i.e. the Meiji Dynasty, so the
popular (though optional) addition to these weapons. The Type 11 entered service in the 11th year of the Meiji) faced
main drawback of the MG 34 was its expense, especially as the same basic problem as the Type 38 rifle: its 6.5mm
the war dragged on and steel became more and more scarce. cartridge didn’t pack enough punch. Compounding these
problems was the Type 11’s small ammunition reserve (for a
machinegun), allowing positions to be overrun while it was
MG 42 reloading.
One of the finest weapons designed during the WWII, and
certainly the best squad-level medium machinegun of the
war, the MG 42 had the highest rate of fire of any automatic

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Type 92 WWII and remains in use to the present day (despite the
An overall excellent weapon, the Type 92 saw extensive popularity of disposable rockets).
usage throughout the Pacific theater during WWII.
Despite its weight, it could be carried fully assembled Flamethrower
and thus change position somewhat faster than other A flamethrower consists of a pressurized backpack
heavy machineguns which could only be moved when containing fuel, connected to a tube with a nozzle. It shoots
disassembled. Although the weapon’s ammunition size a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line of flame that deals 3d6
was still only 30 rounds, it was an open “hopper” design points of fire damage to all creatures and objects in its path.
allowing ammunition to be fed into the hopper by a reloader No attack roll is necessary, and thus no feat is needed to
for continuous fire. operate the weapon effectively. Any creature caught in the
line of flame can make a Reflex save (DC 15) to take half
Type 99 LMG damage. Creatures with cover get a bonus on their Reflex
The Type 99 solved one of the problems of the Type 11 save.
LMG, namely the use of the 7.7mm cartridge to increase the Any creature or flammable object that takes damage
power of the weapon. However it still used a small 30 round from a flamethrower catches on fire, taking 1d6 points of
drum rather than the 200-round belts that could be linked fire damage each subsequent round until the flames are
for continuous fire commonly found in the machineguns of extinguished. A fire engulfing a single creature or object can
other powers during this period. be doused or smothered as a full-round action. Discharging
a fire extinguisher is a move action and instantly smothers
flames in a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
Vickers Gun A flamethrower can shoot 10 times before the fuel supply
The Vickers was the standard British medium machinegun
is depleted. Refilling or replacing a fuel pack has a cost of
as well as the standard vehicle-mounted machinegun of
the First World War. Because of the weapon’s power and
extremely reliability (firing 1,000,000 rounds without
a single misfire was not unheard of) it continued in the M32
infantry as a medium machinegun through WWII. In aircraft This grenade launcher can hold 6 grenades at a time and fire
it was replaced by the Browning .303 machinegun in WWII. them without interruption. These weapons are currently in
Because of it’s large size and heavy weight (ground-based use by the United States Marine Corps in Iraq.
versions were water-cooled) the Vickers was operated a
crew of 6: 1 gunner, 1 reloader and the rest of the team M72A3 LAW
helped carry the weapon, extra barrels and spare parts. The LAW (light antitank weapon) is a disposable, one-shot
The weapon could only be fired effectively from a fixed rocket launcher. It comes as a short, telescoped fiberglass
position (including vehicles) and had to be disassembled to and aluminum tube. Before using the weapon, the firer must
be moved effectively more than a few yards. Disassembling first arm and extend the tube, which is a move action.
or reassembling a Vickers Gun requires 1 minute (10 When the LAW hits its target, it explodes like a grenade
rounds) with a full crew of 6. If less than 6 crewmen are or other explosive, dealing its 10d6 points of damage to
available, this increases the time by 1 minute per missing all creatures within a 10-foot radius (Reflex save DC 18
crewman (so a team of 4 would require 3 minutes to for half damage). Because its explosive features a shaped
disassemble or reassemble the weapon). charge designed to penetrate the armor of military vehicles,
the LAW ignores up to 10 points of hardness if it strikes a
Heavy Weapons vehicle, building, or object. However, this only applies to
the target struck, not to other objects within the burst radius.
The M72 has a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against
Bazooka a target closer than 30 feet away, it does not arm and will
Named after a musical instrument it resembled to soldiers,
not explode.
the Bazooka was first demonstrated to American military
forces by its inventor, famed rocket scientist Dr. Robert H.
Goddard at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds during the First M79
World War. As fate would have it, WWI ended 5 days after This simple weapon is a single-shot grenade launcher. It
this test and the weapon was shelved for a time. With war fires 40mm grenades (see under Grenades and Explosives,
looming on the horizon work began again and the weapon below). These grenades look like huge bullets an inch and
became one of the most effective anti-tank weapons of a half across; they can’t be used as hand grenades, and the

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Table 11: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Str Min. Range ROF Magazine Cost Res Year
Bazooka (rocket) 14 5d6 150 ft. Single 1 int. 25 Mil (+3) 1942
Flamethrower (backpack) 13 4d6 (fire) 20 ft. 1 10 int. 17 Mil (+3) 1911
M32 (40mm grenade) 11 Varies 60 ft. Single 6 cyl. 22 Mil (+3) 2005
M72A3 LAW (rocket) 13 10d6 150 ft. 1 1 int. 15 Mil (+3) 1963
M79 (40mm grenade) 11 Varies 70 ft. 1 1 int. 14 Mil (+3) 1961
Panzerfaust (rocket) 15 5d6 60 ft. 1 1 int. 17 Mil (+3) 1943
PIAT (rocket) 15 6d6 50 ft. 1 1 int. 23 Mil (+3) 1942
PTRD 41 (rocket) 14 4d6 90 ft. Single 1 int. 22 Mil (+3) 1941

M79 can’t shoot hand grenades. When the PIAT hits its target it explodes, damage
Attacking with an M79 is identical to throwing an everything in a 10-foot radius (Reflex save DC 16 for one-
explosive: you make a ranged attack against a specific half damage). The PIAT ignores the first 5 Hardness on a
5-foot square (instead of targeting a person or creature). vehicle, building or object directly struck (not against things
The differences between using the M79 and throwing an in the blast radius).
explosive lie in the range of the weapon (which far exceeds
the distance a hand grenade can be thrown).
A single shot Soviet anti-tank rifle, the PTRD fired a
Panzerfaust 14.5mm tungsten core shell and could penetrate the side
The first disposable anti-tank weapon ever designed (like armor of German tanks early in the German invasion of the
the modern LAW), the Panzerfaust was able to defeat most Soviet Union. Although not particularly effective once the
armored vehicles of the day, could be easily carried and was Germans began reinforcing the side armor on their tanks, the
extremely cheap and quick to manufacture. These weapons PTRD was the only squad level anti-tank weapon available
destroyed countless Soviet tanks, especially in the final to the Soviets before American bazookas began arriving
offensive push of the Red Army into Germany, since the through lend-lease.
weapons could still be manufactured even in cities destroyed The PTRD 41 ignores the first 3 Hardness of an object,
by enemy aircraft and bombs and wheeled to the front in vehicle or building struck.
When the Panzerfaust hits its target it explodes, damaging
everything in a 10-foot radius (Reflex save DC 15 for one- Other Ranged Weapons
half damage). The Panzerfaust ignores the first 5 Hardness
of a vehicle, building or object directly struck (not against Compound bow
things in the blast radius). Bow hunting remains a popular sport in North America. A
character’s Strength modifier applies to damage rolls made
PIAT when using this weapon.
(Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank)
The PIAT was developed in 1941 and arrived in time for Crossbow
the invasion of Sicily in 1943. It was based on the Blacker A crossbow requires two hands to use. Pulling a lever draws
Bombard, an experimental attempt to develop a direct the bow. Loading a crossbow is a move action that provokes
fire mortar in WWI that was never used operationally. attacks of opportunity.
The mortar shell was replaced with a HEAT round (high
explosive anti-tank). This weapon could be fired prone and Javelin
in enclosed spaces, and left little smoke or flame to mark This light, flexible spear built for throwing can be used in
the location of the firer, all significant advantages over the melee, but since it’s not designed for it, characters using it in
bazooka. However, it had a much shorter range than the this manner are always considered nonproficient and take a
bazooka and other anti-tank weapons, meaning this weapon –4 penalty on their melee attack rolls.
was most useful in close quarters situation where armor or a
fortified target needed to be taken out. Thus it was used for
the most part in urban warfare campaigns.

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TABLE 4-12: Other Ranged Weapons

Strength Range Rate of
Firearms Damage Magazine Cost Res.
Min. Inc. Fire
Compound bow 12 1d8+ Strength (Piercing) 40 ft. M --- 10 ---
Crossbow 10 1d10 (Piercing) 40 ft. 1 1 int. 9 ---
Javelin 8 1d6 (Piercing) 30 ft. 1 --- 4 ---
Pepper spray 5 Special 5 ft. 1 1 int. 5 ---
Shuriken 5* 1d2 (Piercing) 10 ft. 1 --- 3 ---
Taser 5 1d4 5 ft. 1 1 int. 7 ---
*This weapon has an additional ability requirement. See the weapon’s description for more information.

Pepper spray also routinely equip their forces with low magnification
A chemical irritant that can temporarily blind a target, scopes as a standard practice. While the American military
pepper spray comes in a single-shot container. To use has yet to issue these devices to common infantrymen, many
it, make a ranged touch attack against the target. The soldiers buy their own and bring them when deployed.
target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) or be Using a scope requires an Attack Action, unless the
blinded for 1d4 rounds. Pepper spray is limited to 5 range wielder possess the Target Acquisition feat.
x2-x10 Scope
Shuriken These devices provide a bonus to attack rolls that only
A shuriken is a thrown, star-shaped projectile with four to serves to offset the penalties imposed by range. Only one
eight razor-sharp points. A character may draw a shuriken as scope or Laser Sight may be attached to a weapon at a time.
a free action. A scope also provides a bonus to Perception skill checks and
may be used for this purpose even if it is not attached to a
weapon (though using the scope to gain a Perception bonus
Taser still requires an Attack Action).
A taser uses springs or compressed air to fire a pair of darts
at a target. On impact, the darts release a powerful electrical
current. On a successful hit, the darts deal 1d4 points of
Infrared Illuminator
This device comes with two settings, a narrow beam and a
electricity damage and the target must make a Fortitude
wide beam. The narrow setting functions as a Laser Sight
saving throw (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.
that can only be seen while wearing Nightvision Goggles.
Reloading a taser is a full-round action that provokes attacks
The wide setting functions as a flashlight, which again can
of opportunity.
only be seen while wearing Nightvision Goggles.

Laser Sight
Targeting Systems This device improves the accuracy of a firearm. This device
Various targeting sights can be used to enhance the accuracy grants a +1 bonus to a normal attack roll or a +2 bonus when
of ranged weapons (even bows and crossbows can have making a Called Shot, reducing penalties when targeting a
targeting devices fixed to them). If a weapon is listed as a specific area of the body.
sniper rifle, assume it comes with a mounting to allow a It can be used with the Called Shot feat normally as a Full
scope to be fixed to it. Other weapons have to be modified Action.
to accept a scope, requiring 4 ranks in the Engineering skill.
In the past, military forces only issued scopes to snipers, Nightvision
assuming the common soldier would be ill-suited to use the This device, which must be built into a scope when
devices, which require additional aiming time as well as purchased, eliminates penalties to attack rolls from darkness
being bulky and fragile. However, more military forces are and effectively grants the wielder the Nightvision feat. A
seeing the advantage even a low-powered scope (x2 to x4 scope may have both Nightvision and Rangefinder devices
magnification) can bring to common soldiers. The Israeli built in.
military (and their Palestinian rivals) are beginning to use
scopes more frequently as a standard weapon attachment.
Austrian, Australian, British, Canadian and German forces

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TABLE 4-13: Targeting Systems Table 4-14: Ammunition

Attack/ Ammunition Type (Quantity) Cost
Targeting Systems Cost Res.
Perception Bonus 5.56mm (20) 4
x2 Scope +21 14 Lic (+1) 6.5 mm (20) 3
x3 Scope +31 16 Lic (+1) 7.62mm (20) 4
x4 Scope +4 1
18 Lic (+1) 7.7 mm (20) 5
x6 Scope +61 22 Lic (+1) 8 mm (20) 4
x8 Scope +8 1
26 Lic (+1) .30-06 (20) 5
x10 Scope +101 30 Lic (+1) .303 (20) 5
Infrared Illuminator +22 15 Mil (+3) .40 caliber (20) 5
Laser Sight +1/+22 14 Lic (+1) .444 caliber (20) 6
Nightvision --- +4 Lic (+1) .455 caliber (20) 6
Rangefinder +21 +4 Res (+2) .50 caliber (20) 6
Reflex Sight +1 14 Lic (+1) 9mm (50) 5
1Attack bonus only to reduce range penalties. 10mm (50) 5
2Attack bonus only applies while making a Called Shot. .22 caliber (50) 4
.32 caliber (50) 5
Rangefinder .38 special (50) 5
This device, which must be built into a scope when .357 caliber (50) 5
purchased, further increases accuracy by helping the .44 caliber (50) 5
attacker determine the range to his target. .45 caliber (50) 5
.50AE caliber (50) 6
Reflex Sight 10-gauge buckshot (10) 5
A reflex sight aids aiming by providing an illuminated 12-gauge buckshot (10) 4
red-dot reticle. This aids in aiming, granting a +1 bonus to Shotgun Bean Bags (10) 5
attack rolls.
Arrow (12) 8
Crossbow bolt (12) 7

Ammunition 10-gauge Buckshot, 12-gauge Buckshot: Shotgun

Ammunition for firearms and other ranged weapons is cartridges, also known as buckshot, are sold in boxes of ten.
covered on Table: Ammunition.
Bean Bags: These “less lethal” rounds are used in shotguns
5.56mm, 7.62mm, 7.62mmR, .444, .50: These calibers for riot control and situations where apprehending a suspect
of ammunition are generally used in rifles, assault rifles, alive is preferable to a more lethal response. A shotgun
or machine guns, and are sold in boxes of 20 bullets each. loaded with this ammo inflicts one less die of damage
The 7.62mmR is used in the AKM and other ex-Soviet but the damage is non-lethal. So a shotgun that normally
weapon types, and is not compatible with the larger 7.62mm inflicted 3d10 lethal damage would inflict 2d10 non-lethal
cartridge. The .50 caliber is a huge cartridge generally fired damage when loaded with this ammunition.
from heavy machine guns, but also adapted to a few models
of powerful sniper rifles. Arrow: Arrows come in quivers of 12 and are used with the
compound bow and other types of archery weapons. These
9mm, 10mm, .22, .32, .38 S, .357, .44, .45, .50AE: These missile weapons consist of a slender shaft and a pointed
calibers are generally used in pistols or submachine guns, head.
and are sold in boxes of 50 bullets each. The .50AE pistol
round is not compatible with the much larger .50 rifle- Crossbow Bolt: A shaft or missile designed to be shot from
caliber cartridge (see above). a crossbow, bolts come in quivers of 12.

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TABLE 4-15: Explosives and Splash Weapons

Weapon Damage Damage Type Burst Radius Reflex DC Cost Restriction
40mm fragmentation 3d6 Slashing 10 ft. 18 — 16 Mil (+3)
C4/Semtex 4d6 Concussion 10 ft. 21 — 12 Mil (+3)
Det cord 2d6 Fire See text 15 — 8 Res (+2)
Dynamite 2d6 Concussion 5 ft. 18 10 ft. 12 Lic (+1)
Fragmentation 4d6 Slashing 20 ft. 18 10 ft. 15 Mil (+3)
Smoke grenade — — See text — 10 ft. 10 —
Tear gas grenade See text — See text — 10 ft. 12 Res (+2)
Thermite grenade 6d6 Fire 5 ft. 15 10 ft. 17 Mil (+3)
White phosphorus 2d6 Fire 20 ft. 15 10 ft. 15 Mil (+3)
Splash Weapons Damage/Splash
Acid, mild 1d6/1 --- Acid — 10 ft. 6 —
Molotov cocktail1 1d6/1 --- Fire --- 10 ft. --- ---

Explosives and Splash Range Increment: If the weapon can be thrown, its range
increment is shown in this column. Explosives with no
Weapons Table range increment must be set in place before being detonated.
Cost: This is the cost of the weapon, compared to the
Explosives and splash weapons are described by a number purchaser’s Wealth. This number reflects the base price and
of statistics, as shown on Table: Explosives and Splash doesn’t include any modifier for purchasing the weapon on
Weapons. Explosive weapons are small enough to be used the black market.
by anyone and do not have a Strength minimum. Restriction: The restriction rating for the weapon, if any,
Damage/Direct Hit Damage: The primary damage dealt and the appropriate black market cost modifier. Remember
by the weapon. For explosives, the Damage column shows to apply this modifier to the cost when making a Wealth
the damage dealt to all creatures within the explosive’s burst check to acquire the weapon on the black market.
radius. For splash weapons, the Direct Hit Damage column
is used for a target directly struck by the weapon. Attack with Explosives and
Burst Radius/Splash Damage: Burst radius works like a
Range Increment, except that it takes effect from the point Splash Weapons
where the weapon explodes rather than from the attacker’s Explosives and splash weapons attack a square (5 feet
position. Creatures and objects within this radius take full by 5 feet) not an individual. A square has a Defense of 5,
damage from the explosion. For each burst radius beyond modified by the range modifier of the weapon and any cover
the first, remove one die of damage and reduce the DC of or concealment modifiers. In the event the attack misses the
the Reflex save required for one-half damage by –2. target square, it moves one square in a random direction for
Splash damage inflicts the listed amount of damage on each point bywhich the attack missed.
all adjacent targets (everyone in the squares surrounding the
target square). Grenades and Explosives
Damage Type: Damage from explosives and splash Many explosives require detonators, which are described in
weapons is classified according to type: energy (of a Weapon Accessories.
specific type) or slashing.
Reflex DC: Any creature caught within the burst radius of 40mm Fragmentation Grenade
an explosive may make a Reflex save against the DC given This small explosive device must be fired from a 40mm
in this column for half damage. grenade launcher, such as the M79. It sprays shrapnel in all

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directions when it explodes. It’s possible to wire together several sticks of dynamite
The 40mm fragmentation grenade has a minimum range for even greater explosive effect. Doing so requires
of 40 feet. If fired against a target closer than 40 feet away, training in the Engineering skill (2 ranks required + 1 per
it does not arm and will not explode. stick). Doing causes the damage or the burst radius of the
The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades. explosion increases by 50% (the character’s choice).
Dynamite is sold in boxes of 12 sticks. It is considered to
C4/Semtex be a simple explosive for the purpose of using the Chemistry
So-called “plastic” explosives resemble slabs of wax. Hard skill to manufacture it.
and translucent when cold, these explosives warm up when To set off dynamite using a fuse, the fuse must first be
kneaded, and then can be coaxed to take various shapes. lit, requiring a move action (and a lighter or other source
The information on the table represents a 1-pound block. of flame). The amount of time until the dynamite explodes
Additional blocks can be wired together, increasing the depends on the length of the fuse—a fuse can be cut short
damage and burst radius; each additional block increases the enough for the dynamite to detonate in the same round
damage by +2d6 and the burst radius by 2 feet, and requires (allowing it to be used much like a grenade), or long enough
training in the Engineering skill (4 ranks required) to link to take several minutes to detonate. Cutting the fuse to the
them. appropriate length requires a move action.
Although the damage statistics on the table represent a 1-
pound block, C4 is sold in 4-block packages. The cost given Fragmentation Grenade
represents a package of 4 blocks. The most common military grenade, this is a small
C4/Semtex requires a detonator to set off. It is considered explosive device that sprays shrapnel in all directions when
to be a moderate explosive for the purpose of using the it explodes.
Chemistry skill to manufacture it. The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades.

Det Cord Smoke Grenade

Det cord is an explosive in a ropelike form. Technically, det Military and police forces use these weapons to create
cord doesn’t explode—but it burns so fast (4,000 yards per temporary concealment. On the round when it is thrown, a
second) that it might as well be exploding. Normally used to smoke grenade fills the four squares around it with smoke.
string multiple explosive charges together for simultaneous On the following round, it fills all squares within 10 feet,
detonation (allowing a single detonator to set them all off), and on the third round it fills all squares within 15 feet.
det cord can also be looped around a tree or post or other The smoke obscures all sight, including the darkvision
object to cut it neatly in half. ability granted by night vision goggles. Any creature within
The information on the table represents a 50-foot length. the area has total concealment (attacks suffer a 50% miss
A length of det cord can be spread out to pass through up chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target).
to ten 5-foot squares. When this is the case, it deals the It disperses after 10 rounds, though a moderate wind (11+
indicated damage to all creatures in each 5-foot square mph) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds and a strong wind
through which it passes. (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round. Smoke grenades are
It can also be doubled up; for each additional 5 feet of available in several colors, including white, red, yellow,
cord within a single 5-foot square, increase the damage by green, and purple. As such, they can be used as signal
+1d6 to a maximum increase of +4d6. devices.
Det cord requires a detonator to set it off. It is considered The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades.
to be a simple explosive for the purpose of using the
Chemistry skill to manufacture it. Tear Gas Grenade
Military and police forces use these weapons to disperse
Dynamite crowds and smoke out hostage takers. On the round that
Perhaps one of the most common and straightforward it is thrown, a tear gas grenade fills a 5-foot radius with a
explosives, dynamite is very stable under normal conditions. cloud of irritant that causes eyes to fill with tears. On the
A stick of dynamite requires a fuse or detonator to set it following round, it fills a 10-foot radius, and on the third
off. Additional sticks can be set off at the same time if they round it fills a 15-foot radius. It disperses after 10 rounds,
are within the burst radius of the first stick, increasing the though a moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 4
damage and burst radius of the explosion. Each additional rounds and a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round.
stick increases the damage by +1d6 (maximum 10d6) and A character caught in a cloud of tear gas must make a
the burst radius by 5 feet (maximum 20 feet). Fortitude save (DC 18) or be nauseated. This effect lasts as

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long as the character is in the cloud and for 1d6 rounds after hit is dealt an additional 1d6 points of fire damage in the
he or she leaves the cloud. Those who succeed at their saves following round and risks catching on fire.
but remain in the cloud must continue to save each round.
A gas mask renders the target immune to the effects. A wet
cloth held over the eyes, nose, and mouth provides a +2 Melee Weapons
bonus on the Fortitude save. These weapons magnify the force of a character’s melee
The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades. attacks and can provide a well-trained combatant with a
potent offense and defense.
Thermite Grenade
Thermite does not technically explode. Instead, it creates Name: The name of the weapon.
intense heat meant to burn or melt through an object upon Strength Minimum: The minimum Strength score
which the grenade is set. Military forces use thermite required to use the weapon effectively. If your Strength
grenades to quickly destroy key pieces of equipment. is below the minimum, you suffer the following penalties
The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades. based on the weapon type:
• -4 penalty to attack rolls (all weapons)
White Phosphorus Grenade • No Strength bonus to damage (melee, thrown and
White phosphorus grenades use an explosive charge to archaic ranged weapons). Strength penalties to
distribute burning phosphorus across the burst radius. Any damage still apply.
target that takes damage from a White Phosphorus grenade • Range increment reduced by one-half (thrown
is dealt an additional 1d6 points of fire damage in the weapons)
following round and risks catching on fire. • Unable to reload weapon (archaic ranged weapons)
In addition, a WP grenade creates a cloud of smoke. All penalties that apply stack. For example, if a character
Treat a white phosphorus grenade as a smoke grenade (see tried to use a thrown weapon for which he did not meet
above), except that it only fills squares within 5 feet of the the Strength minimum, he would suffer a –4 to hit, gain no
explosion point. Strength bonus to damage and the weapon’s range increment
The cost given is for a box of 6 grenades. would be reduced by one-half.
A character can reduce the Strength minimum of a pistol
or melee weapon by –5 by wielding it two-handed.
Splash Weapons If a character’s Strength is 3 higher than the minimum,
Many splash weapons, such as Molotov cocktails, are it is considered a light weapon, suitable for two-weapon
essentially homemade devices (improvised explosives). fighting (melee weapons and pistols only).
The cost given in Table: Explosives and Splash Weapons If the weapon is a firearm, its Strength minimum is
reflects the typical cost of the necessary components. increased by +5 when firing it on full-auto.
See the Chemistry skill for details on making improvised If the weapon is a firearm and it is braced (lying on the
explosives. ground, on top of a wall, on a bipod or tripod) the weapon’s
Strength minimum is effectively 0 (it is a far different thing
Acid, Mild to fire a M-60 on a tripod than it is holding it).
A character can throw a flask of acid as a grenadelike Dexterity Minimum: Some melee weapons require as
weapon. A flask is made of ceramic, metal, or glass much grace as power (if not more). This functions as a
(depending on the substance it has to hold), with a tight weapon’s Strength minimum, except that the penalties apply
stopper, and holds about 1 pint of liquid. This entry unless the wielder’s Strength and Dexterity are above the
represents any mild caustic substance. Acid may be amounts listed. If a weapon’s Dexterity minimum is higher
purchased in many places, including hardware stores. than its Strength minimum, the wielder may choose to
modify attack rolls with that weapon by her Dexterity rather
Molotov Cocktail than her Strength. This only applies to attack rolls, unless
A Molotov cocktail is a flask containing a flammable the character has the Weapon Finesse feat with the weapon
liquid, plugged with a rag. A Molotov cocktail is easily (see that feat for more information).
made by hand (Chemistry 4 ranks). The cost given is for the Damage (Type): The amount of damage the weapon
components. To use it, the rag must first be lit, requiring a inflicts, followed by its damage type. The damage types are:
move action (and a lighter or other source of flame). The ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing. Weapons that
cocktail detonates in 2 rounds or on impact with a solid inflict ballistic, piercing and slashing damage always inflict
object, whichever comes first. A target that takes a direct lethal damage. Bludgeoning weapons inflict injuries on

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Table 4-16: Melee Weapons

Strength Dexterity Damage Damage Range
Weapons Cost
Min. Min. Type Inc.
Simple Melee Weapons
Brass knuckles 8 --- +1 Bludgeoning — 5
Cleaver 8 --- 1d6 Slashing — 5
Club 6 --- 1d6 Bludgeoning 10 ft. 4
Metal baton 6 --- 1d6+1 Bludgeoning — 8
Pistol whip 3 --- 1d4 Bludgeoning — —
Rifle butt 5 --- 1d6 Bludgeoning — —
Sap 5 --- 1d6 Bludgeoning — 2
Stun gun 3 --- 1d3 Electricity — 5
Melee Weapons
Bayonet (fixed) 8 --- 1d6 Piercing --- 7
Hatchet 6 --- 1d6 Slashing 10 ft. 4
Knife 5 10 1d4 Piercing 10 ft. 7
Longsword 10 --- 1d8 Slashing --- 11
Machete 7 --- 1d6 Slashing --- 5
Rapier 5 10 1d6 Piercing --- 10
Spear 10 --- 1d8 Piercing --- 6
Straight razor 5 10 1d4 Slashing --- 4
Sword cane 5 10 1d6 Piercing --- 9
Tonfa 6 10 1d4 Bludgeoning 10 ft. 6
Exotic Melee Weapons
Chain 10 13 1d6 Bludgeoning --- 5
Chain saw 18 --- 3d6 Slashing --- 9
Kama 5 10 1d6 Slashing --- 5
Katana 16 --- 2d6 Slashing --- 12
Kukri 5 10 1d4 Slashing --- 5
Nunchaku 5 13 1d6 Bludgeoning --- 3
Three-section staff 8 13 1d10 Bludgeoning --- 4
Whip 5 10 1d4 Bludgeoning --- 6

attacks that deal more damage than the target’s Constitution Brass Knuckles
if the target fails a Recovery saving throw (see the combat These pieces of molded metal fit over the outside of a
section for information on lethal and non-lethal damage). character’s fingers and allow him or her to deal additional
Range Increment: When firing at targets past this damage with an unarmed strike as listed on the class table.
distance, a –2 attack penalty is incurred. For each further
multiple of this distance an additional –2 penalty is incurred. Cleaver
Cost: The weapon’s cost. Compare this to the purchaser’s Heavy kitchen knives can be snatched up for use as weapons
Wealth to determine if he can afford this weapon (see the in homes and restaurants. These weapons are essentially
Wealth section for more information). similar to the twin butterfly swords used in some kung fu
Simple Melee Weapons Club
Generally inexpensive and light in weight, simple weapons
get the job done nevertheless. Simple weapons do not count Almost anything can be used as a club. This entry represents
against the number of weapons a character knows how to the wooden nightsticks sometimes carried by police forces.
use (see the Weapons skill for more information).

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Metal Baton Longsword

This weapon can be collapsed to reduce its size and increase This classic, straight blade is the weapon of knighthood and
its concealability. A collapsed baton is concealable but can’t valor.
be used as a weapon. Extending or collapsing the baton is a
free action. Machete
This long-bladed tool looks much like a short, lightweight
Pistol Whip sword.
Using a pistol as a melee weapon can deal greater damage
than attacking unarmed. No weight or cost is given for this Rapier
weapon, since both vary depending on the pistol used. The rapier is a lightweight sword with a thin blade.

Rifle Butt Spear

The butt of a rifle can be used as an impromptu club. This primitive device is a reach weapon. A character can
strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but can’t use it against
Sap an adjacent foe.
This weapon is essentially a smaller version of a club.
Straight Razor
Stun Gun Favored by old-school organized crime “mechanics,” this
Although the name suggests a ranged weapon, a stun gun item can still be found in some barbershops and shaving
requires physical contact to affect its target. (The taser is a kits.
ranged weapon with a similar effect.) On a successful hit,
the stun gun deals 1d3 points of electricity damage,(do not Sword Cane
add the character’s Str bonus) and the target must make a This is a lightweight, concealed sword that hides its blade in
Fortitude saving throw (DC 18) or be paralyzed for 1d6 the shaft of a walking stick or umbrella.
Melee Weapons This is the melee weapon carried by most police forces,
Most of these weapons deal damage by means of a blade used to subdue and restrain criminals.
or a sharp point. Some of them are moderately expensive,
reflecting their archaic nature in modern-day society. Exotic Melee Weapons
Most exotic weapons are either atypical in form or improved
Bayonet (Fixed) variations of other melee weapons. These weapons typically
The statistics given describe a bayonet fixed at the end of a demand more from their users and require higher ability
longarm with an appropriate mount. With the bayonet fixed, scores to use properly.
the longarm becomes a double weapon—clublike at one end
and spearlike at the other. A character can fight with it as if Chain
fighting with two weapons, but if the character does so, he Also called the manriki-gusari, this is a simple chain with
or she incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with weighted ends. It can be whirled quickly, striking with hard
fighting with two weapons (see the Weapon skill for more blows from the weights. One end can also be swung to
information on two-weapon fighting). entangle an opponent.
The chain can be used either as a double weapon or
Hatchet as a reach weapon. A character can fight with it as if
This light axe is a chopping tool that deals slashing damage fighting with two weapons (see the Weapons skill for more
when employed as a weapon. information). In this case, the character can only strike at an
adjacent opponent.
Knife If a character uses the chain as a reach weapon, he or she
This category of weapon includes hunting knives, butterfly can strike opponents up to 10 feet away. In addition, unlike
or “balisong” knives, switchblades, and bayonets (when not other weapons with reach, the character can use it against an
attached to rifles). adjacent foe. In this case, the character can only use one end
of the chain effectively; he or she can’t use it as a double

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This weapon is especially useful for disarming or tripping Three-Section Staff
an opponent and reduces the DC of disarm and trip attempts Originally a farm implement for threshing grain, this
by 5. Also, a character proficient with a chain may make trip weapon is composed of three sections of wood of equal
attempts using her Weapons skill, rather than her Unarmed lengths, joined at the ends by chain, leather, or rope. The
skill. three-section staff requires two hands to use.
The three-section staff is a double weapon. A character
Chain Saw can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons (see the
Military and police units use powered saws to cut through Weapons skill for more information).
fences and open doors rapidly. They are sometimes pressed
into service as weapons, often by people who watch too
many movies. Armor
Armor can be the difference between life and death,
Kama especially when fighting a heavily armed opponent. If
A kama is a wooden shaft with a scythe blade extending at a you’re going into battle against an opponent with a firearm
right angle out from the shaft. Kama are traditional weapons and you don’t have any modern armor, you’d best find some
in various styles of karate. deep cover and hope for the best.

Katana Name: The name of the armor.

The katana is the traditional Japanese samurai sword. For Strength Minimum: The minimum Strength required to
most wielders, this weapon must be used two-handed, wear the armor without increased penalty. Wearing armor
though some wielders (strong ones) can use it as a one- for which you do not meet the Strength minimum imposes
handed weapon. the following penalties on the wearer: penalty to attack rolls
and defense equal to the armor’s armor penalty; increase of
the armor’s move penalty by –10 ft.
Kukri Damage Reduction: The damage subtracted from every
This heavy, curved dagger has its sharp edge on the inside
successful attack on the wearer.
of the curve.
Vulnerability: Damage of this type is not affected by the
armor’s damage reduction.
Nunchaku Armor Penalty: A penalty applied to the following skills:
A popular martial arts weapon, the nunchaku is made of two Acrobatics, Athletics, Magic (Spellcasting perk only),
wooden shafts connected by a short length of rope or chain. Outdoorsman (Stealth perks only), Stealth and Streetwise
(Stealth perk only).


Strength Armor Move
Armor DR Vuln. Cost Res.
Min. Penalty Penalty
Leather jacket 3 1 Ballistic –0 -0 10 ---
Leather armor 8 2 Ballistic –0 -0 12 ---
Light undercover 5 2 Piercing –0 -0 13 ---
Pull-up pouch vest 7 2 Piercing –1 -0 12 Lic (+1)
Undercover vest 6 3 Piercing –2 -0 14 Lic (+1)
Concealable vest 8 4 Piercing –3 -5 ft. 15 Lic (+1)
Chainmail shirt 11 5 Ballistic –5 -10 ft. 18 ---
Light-duty vest 10 5 Piercing –4 -5 ft. 16 Lic (+1)
Tactical vest 13 6 Piercing –5 -5 ft. 17 Lic (+1)
Special response 14 7 Piercing –6 -10 ft. 18 Lic (+1)
Plate mail 17 8 Ballistic –6 -10 ft. 23 ---
Forced entry unit 15 9 Piercing –8 -10 ft. 19 Lic (+1)

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Light Armor
For the character who doesn’t want to be bogged down by
more cumbersome armor types, a leather garment or some
sort of concealable armor is just the ticket.

Leather Jacket
This armor is represented by a heavy leather biker’s jacket.
A number of other impromptu armors, such as a football
pads and a baseball catcher’s pads, offer similar protection
and game statistics.

Leather Armor
This archaic armor consists of a breastplate made of thick,
lacquered leather, along with softer leather coverings for
other parts of the body.

Light Undercover Shirt

Designed for deep undercover work in which it’s critical
that the wearer not appear to be armed or armored, this
garment consists of a T-shirt with a band of light protective
material sewn in around the lower torso.

Pull-Up Pouch Vest

This garment, consisting of a torso apron of light protective
material held up by a loop around the neck, can be stored in
an innocuous fanny pack. Deploying the apron is a move
action. This garment provides no protection (and has no
armor penalty or Minimum Strength) when undeployed.

Undercover Vest
Covering a larger area of the torso, this vest provides better
protection than the light undercover shirt—but it’s also more
easily noticed.

Medium Armor
Most medium armor (except for the archaic chainmail shirt)
is not terribly heavy, but nonetheless provides a significant
amount of protection—at the expense of some speed.

Movement Penalty: A penalty applied to all movement Concealable Vest

types (climb, jump, run and swim). If a character’s Standard issue in many police forces, this vest provides
movement is reduced to 0 or less he cannot use that form of maximum protection in a garment that can be worn all day
movement and any armor check penalty related to that form long under regular clothing.
of movement is doubled. For example, if a character with
a climb speed of 0 ft. or less needed to make an Athletics Chainmail Shirt
check to arrest a fall by grabbing a rope, he would suffer This medieval-era armor is a long shirt made of interlocking
double the armor check penalty to that skill attempt. metal rings, with a layer of padding underneath. It’s heavy,
Cost: The cost of the armor. making it uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Restriction: Any licenses required to purchase the armor,
along with the cost increase for purchasing the armor on the
black market.

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Light-Duty Vest Equipment Tables

A lightweight tactical vest designed for extended use by Equipment is described by a number of statistics, as shown
riot police and forces on alert for potential attack, this on Table: General Equipment.
armor sacrifices a degree of protection for a modicum of Cost: This is the cost for a Wealth check to acquire
comfort—at least compared to other tactical body armors. the item. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t
include any modifier for purchasing the item on the black
Tactical Vest market.
The standard body armor for police tactical units, this Restriction: The restriction rating for the object, if any
vest provides full-torso protection in the toughest flexible and the appropriate black market cost modifier. Remember
protective materials available. to apply this modifier to the cost when making a Wealth
check to acquire the item on the black market.
Heavy Armor
For the best protection money can buy, go with heavy
armor, but watch out for the armor penalty.

Plate Mail
This medieval-era armor consists of metal plates that cover
the entire body. It’s heavy and cumbersome compared to
most modern armor, but it does provide a great deal of

Special Response Vest

Built like the tactical vest, but incorporating groin and
neck protection as well as a ceramic plate over the chest,
this armor provides additional protection in battles against
heavily armed opponents.

Forced Entry Unit

The most powerful protection available is built into this
suit, which consists of a heavy torso jacket with ceramic
plates over the chest and back, neck and groin guards, arm
protection, and a helmet. Heavy and cumbersome, this
armor is generally only donned by tactical officers heading
into a dangerous assault.

General Equipment
This section covers the wide variety of general gear
available to adventurers of all sorts.
Many of the objects in this section are battery-operated.
Any device that uses batteries comes with them. As a
general rule, ignore battery life—assume that heroes (and
their antagonists) are smart enough to recharge or replace
their batteries between adventures, and that the batteries
last as long as needed during adventures. If battery life
is important in the game, roll 1d20 every time a battery-
operated item is used. On a result of 1, the batteries are dead
and the object is useless. New batteries have a cost of 2 and
can be changed as a move action.

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Table 4-18: General Equioment Digital audio recorder 10 —

Object Cost Restriction Modem
Bags and Boxes Broadband 6 —
Aluminum travel case Cellular 6 —
10 lb. Capacity 10 — PDA 16 —
40 lb. Capacity 11 — Portable satellite phone 17 —
75 lb. capacity 12 — Portable video camera 16 —
Briefcase 7 — Printer 12 —
Contractor’s field bag 6 — Scanner 12 —
Day pack 5 — Walkie-talkie
Handbag 4 — Basic 7 —
Range pack Professional 15 —
Standard 7 — Surveillance
Oversized 9 — Black box 4 Illegal (+4)
Patrol box 9 — Caller ID defeater 5 —
Clothing Cellular interceptor 23 —
Clothing outfit Lineman’s buttset 13 Lic (+1)
Business 12 — Metal detector 11 —
Casual 8 — Night vision goggles 17 —
Formal 15 — Tap detector 7 —
Fatigues 9 — Telephone tap
Uniform 9 — Line tap 13 Lic (+1)
Ghillie suit 6 — Receiver tap 3 Res (+2)
Outerwear Telephone line tracer 23 —
Coat 8 — Professional
Fatigue jacket 7 — Bolt cutter 6 —
Overcoat 9 — Caltrops (25) 5 —
Parka 9 — Chemical kit 16 —
Photojournalist’s vest 9 — Demolitions kit 13 Lic (+1)
Windbreaker 6 — Disguise kit 12 —
Tool belt 9 — Duct tape 3 —
Electronics Electrical tool kit
Camera Basic 14 —
35mm 17 — Deluxe 21 —
Digital 14 — Evidence kit
Disposable 4 — Basic 7 —
Film 3 — Deluxe 15 —
Film developing (roll) 3 — Fake ID See text Illegal (+4)
Cell phone 9 — First aid kit 5 —
Computer Forgery kit 12 —
Desktop 22 — Handcuffs
Notebook 23 — Steel 7 —
Upgrade See text — Zip-tie (25) 6 —

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Instrument, keyboard 12 — Tent

Instrument, percussion 14 — 2-person dome 11 —
Instrument, stringed 13 — 4-person dome 12 —
Instrument, wind 8 — 8-person dome 13 —
Lockpicks Trail rations (12) 5 —
Car opening kit 6 Lic (+1) Weapon Accessories
Lockpick set 9 Lic (+1) Box magazine 4 —
Lock release gun 12 Res (+2) Detonator
Mechanical tool kit Blasting cap 4 Lic (+1)
Basic 13 — Radio controlled 10 Lic (+1)
Deluxe 20 — Timed 7 Lic (+1)
Medical kit 15 — Wired 6 Lic (+1)
Multipurpose tool 9 — Holster
Pharmacist kit 17 Res (+2) Hip 5 —
Search-and-rescue kit 12 — Concealed carry 5 —
Spike strip 13 — Illuminator 7 —
Surgery kit 16 Lic (+1) Speed loader 3 —
Survival Suppressor
Backpack 10 — Pistol 12 Mil (+3)
Binoculars Rifle 14 Mil (+3)
Standard 7 —
Rangefinding 15 —
Electro-optical 16 —
Chemical light sticks (5) 2 —
Lifestyle items include travel expenses, entertainment and
Climbing gear 11 — meals beyond the ordinary, and housing, for those characters
Compass 5 — interested in buying a home rather than renting. Lifestyle
Fire extinguisher 8 — items are shown on the table below.
Flash goggles 15 —
Table 4-19: Lifestyle Items
Housing Cost
Penlight 3 — Small condo 28
Standard 4 — Large condo 30
Battery flood 6 — Small house 30
Gas mask 13 — Medium house 32
GPS receiver 15 — Large house 34
Map Mansion 36
Road atlas 4 —
Tactical map 3 — Entertainment Cost
Mesh vest 8 — Movie ticket 3
Portable stove 9 — Theater ticket 7
Rope (150 ft.) 5 — Sporting event ticket 7
Sleeping bag 9 —

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Meals Cost Police officer 10

Fast food 2 Legal services 10 + lawyer’s Legal ranks
Family restaurant 4 Medical services
Upscale restaurant 7 Long-term care 10
Fancy restaurant 9 Restore hit points 12
Surgery 15
Transportation Cost Treat poison/disease 10
Domestic, coach 14
Domestic, first class
International, coach
Following is a small sampling of vehicles.
International, first class 22 Crew: The standard number of crew. In most cases,
Car rental only one person is needed to drive the vehicle; other crew
members serve as gunners or copilots.
Economy car 6
Passengers: The number of passengers (in addition to
Mid-size or truck 8 the crew) the vehicle is designed to carry. Vehicles that
Luxury 10 carry passengers can use that space to carry additional cargo
when passengers aren’t present. Each unused passenger
Lodging Cost slot allows the vehicle to carry an additional 100 pounds of
Budget motel 7
Cargo Capacity: The amount of cargo the vehicle is
Average hotel 9 designed to carry. Many vehicles can carry extra passengers
Upscale hotel 11 instead of cargo, but doing so is usually a cramped,
uncomfortable, and often unsafe experience for those
passengers. As a rule of thumb, one additional passenger can
be carried for each 250 pounds of unused cargo capacity.
Services Top Speed: The maximum Speed in MPH.
The broad spectrum of services available to characters is Cost: This is the cost for a Wealth check to acquire
only represented in overview here. Services are identified on the item. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t
Table:Services. include any modifier for purchasing the item on the black
Table 4-20: Services Restriction: The restriction rating for the object, if any
Item Cost
and the appropriate black market cost modifier. Remember
Auto repair to apply this modifier to the cost when making a Wealth
1 to 10 hp damage 15 check to acquire the item on the black market.
11 to 20 hp damage 18
21 to 30 hp damage 21
30+ hp damage 24
Towing 8
Bail bonds
Property crime 13
Assault crime 16
Death crime 22
Bouncer 6
Bureaucrat 10
Informant 7

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Table 4-21: Vehicles

Name Crew Pass Cargo Top Speed (mph) Cost Restriction
Civilian Aircraft
Bell Jet Ranger (helicopter) 1 4 250 lb. 136 39 Lic (+1)
Bell Model 212 (helicopter) 2 13 5,000 lb. 143 45 Res (+2)
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (prop plane) 1 3 120 lb. 144 36 Lic (+1)
Learjet Model 45 (corporate jet) 2 10 500 lb. 500 40 Lic (+1)
Civilian Cars
Acura 3.2 TL (mid-size sedan) 1 4 300 lb. 145 29 Lic (+1)
Aston-Martin Vanquish (sports 1 1 175 lb. 200 36 Lic (+1)
BMW M3 (sports coupe) 1 4 200 lb. 143 30 Lic (+1)
Chevrolet Cavalier (economy 1 4 275 lb. 120 26 Lic (+1)
Chevrolet Corvette (sports coupe) 1 1 250 lb. 198 30 Lic (+1)
Dodge Neon (economy sedan) 1 4 275 lb. 124 26 Lic (+1)
Ford Crown Victoria (mid-size 1 5 425 lb. 129 28 Lic (+1)
Jaguar XJS (luxury sedan) 1 4 275 lb. 153 32 Lic (+1)
Lamborghini Diablo (sports coupe) 1 1 100 lb. 205 37 Lic (+1)
Mercedes E55 AMG (luxury sedan) 1 4 325 lb. 155 32 Lic (+1)
Volkswagen Jetta (mid-size wagon) 1 4 275 lb. 87 28 Lic (+1)
Civilian Motorcycles
Ducati 998R (racing bike) 1 0 0 lb. 170 27 Lic (+1)
Harley Davidson FLSTF (street 1 1 0 lb. 94 26 Lic (+1)
Yamaha YZ250F (dirt bike) 1 1 0 lb. 90 23 Lic (+1)
Civilian Trucks
AM General Hummer (SUV) 1 3 1,000 lb. 83 34 Lic (+1)
Chevrolet Suburban (SUV) 1 8 500 lb. 99 30 Lic (+1)
Dodge Caravan (minivan) 1 4 325 lb. 120 28 Lic (+1)
Ford Escape XLT (SUV) 1 4 300 lb. 90 29 Lic (+1)
Ford F-150 XL (pickup) 1 2 1,700 lb. 140 28 Lic (+1)
Civilian Water Vehicles
Bayliner 1802 Capri (runabout) 1 5 2,100 lb. 175 28 Lic (+1)
Fairline Targa 30 (cabin cruiser) 1 3 2,100 lb. 40 32 Lic (+1)
Sea-Doo XP (personal watercraft) 1 1 60 lb. 52 24 Lic (+1)

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Chapter 5: Combat
Sometimes you just gotta hit somethin’. One of the things
that make role playing games such a compelling diversion
is the percentage of problems your character can solve by
At the start of every combat, each character rolls initiative.
punching something in the face. This section details how
This determines the order in which each character (both PC
you do that.
and NPC) take their actions.
One of the key differences between Modern20 and most
modern d20 games is the way injuries are handled. While Initiative = d20 + Dexterity modifier + miscellaneous
you only have one pool of hit points, lethal and non-lethal modifiers
damage are recorded separately and heal at different rates
(though both types of damage subtract from the single pool
of your hit points).
The effect damage will have on your character is affected
by the type of attack that inflicted damage and whether
that damage is lethal or non-lethal. When your hit points
are reduced to 0 by non-lethal damage, for example,
the result is unconsciousness. If your hit points are
reduced to 0 by lethal damage, it could result in a
coma or death.

Turn Sequence
Combat in Modern20 is turn-based, meaning everyone acts
at a specific time each round. Once everyone has taken an
action, the turn sequence begins again. Ordinarily, a turn is
sequenced as follows:

1. All combatants begin flat-footed. Once a combatant

has taken an action, she is no longer flat-footed.
2. The game master determines if the combatants
are aware of each other, calling for Perception
and/or Stealth checks as necessary. If some, but
not all combatants are aware of each other, combat
begins with a surprise round, a round in which only
those aware characters may take an action. Aware
combatants roll initiative in the surprise round,
unaware combatants wait until next round.
3. All remaining combatants roll initiative, acting in
order from highest to lowest.
4. After all combatants have taken a turn, the action is
reset, with the highest initiative roll taking a second
action. This continues until the combat ends.

Important Attributes
The following traits are used to determine your character’s
success (or defeat) in a combat situation.

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imposes a cumulative –2 penalty to hit.
Attack Bonus For example a weapon with a 40 ft. range increment
would suffer no penalties to attack rolls at ranges of 0-40
This attribute determines the accuracy of your character’s
ft., a –2 penalty to attack rolls at ranges of 41-80 ft., a –4
attacks. When making an attack, roll 1d20 and add your
penalty at ranges of 81-120 ft. and so on.
total attack bonus. This is compared to your target’s
Defense. If your attack roll is equal or higher than your
target’s Defense, you hit. Defense
Your defense determines the target number an attack roll
Melee Attack Bonus = Base Attack Bonus + Strength must exceed to score a hit. This is the same way targeted
modifier + miscellaneous modifiers skill checks work. Your defense is calculated as follows:

Ranged Attack Bonus = Base Attack Bonus + Dexterity Defense = 10 + Dexterity modifier + Class-based Defense
modifier + miscellaneous modifiers - range modifiers bonus

Base Attack Bonus There are several feats that allow you to use a skill for
This is determined by your class and level. Consult the class your Defense target number instead. However, these active
tables earlier in this book to see the Base Attack Bonus for forms of Defense require your character to use a Move
each character class. Action, only work against certain forms of attacks and can
only be used when your character is able to actively defend
Miscellaneous Modifiers (they may not be used when your character is flat-footed).
These modifiers are added or subtracted as called for.
Attacker is… Melee Ranged At the beginning of every combat, during surprise rounds
and other times, your character is flat-footed. This means
Crowded -4 -4
your character cannot actively defend with feats or skills
Flanking target +2 ---
and does not gain the benefit of his Dexterity bonus to
On higher ground +1 +1 Defense. Class-based Defense bonuses are unaffected by
Prone -4 * being flat-footed.
Shaken or frightened -2 -2 There are several feats that allow a character to render an
*The only ranged weapons that may be used while prone are the aware target flat-footed during the course of a battle. See the
crossbow, shuriken and firearms. feats section for more information on these feats.

Defender is… Melee Ranged Cover

Behind cover +4 +4 Characters can hide behind objects and gain defense
bonuses. A character hiding behind an object for cover (but
Blinded -2 -2
not completely protected by that object) gains a +4 bonus
Crowded -4 -4
to defense and a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws. If a
Flat-Footed * * character is completely concealed behind an object, he has
Grappled * * complete cover and cannot be attacked.
Kneeling or sitting -2 +2
Prone -4 +4
Stunned -2 -2
Concealment poses a miss chance, determine on percentile
*Defender loses any Dexterity bonus to Defense dice (d%). Like cover, concealment comes in two strengths:
partial and total. Partial concealment grants a 25% miss
Range Penalty chance. When making an attack roll, if you hit your target,
All range attacks have a range increment, a distance in roll percentile dice, if this roll is 25% or less, the attack is
which they are most accurate. If the distance between you automatically counted as a miss. Total concealment, such as
and your target is equal to or less than this range increment granted by complete blindness or invisibility, doubles this
(as shown on the weapons table in the equipment chapter), miss chance to 50%.
you suffer no range penalty. Each multiple of this distance

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Table 5-1: Hit Location

Damage Attack
D20 Location Possible Injuries
Modifier Modifier
1 Foot X½ -12 -5 ft. move (mild), -10 ft. move and knocked prone (serious), -10 ft. move, knocked
prone, 1d4 Dexterity damage and mild bleeding/bruising (extensive), broken leg and
serious bleeding (traumatic), foot loss and serious bleeding (severe)
2-5 Calf X1 -12 -10 ft. move (mild), -15 ft. move, knocked prone and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
-15 ft. move, knocked prone, 1d6 Dexterity damage and serious bleeding/bruising
(extensive), broken leg and serious bleeding (traumatic), leg loss and severe bleeding
6 Knee X1 -14 -15 ft. move (mild), -20 ft. move, knocked prone and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
-20 ft. move, knocked prone, 1d6 Dexterity damage and serious bleeding/bruising
(extensive), broken leg and serious bleeding (traumatic), leg loss and severe bleeding
7-10 Thigh X1 -12 -10 ft. move (mild), -15 ft. move, knocked prone and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
-15 ft. move, knocked prone, 1d4 Strength damage and serious bleeding/bruising
(extensive), broken leg and serious bleeding (traumatic), leg loss and severe bleeding
11 Groin X1½ -16 Fatigued (mild), Exhausted, knocked prone and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
Exhausted, knocked prone and serious bleeding/bruising (extensive), Exhausted,
knocked prone, 1d6 Strength and Dexterity damage and serious bleeding/bruising
(traumatic), shock and severe bleeding/bruising (severe)
12-14 Arm X½ -12 Drop weapon/disarm (mild), drop weapon and mild bleeding/bruising (serious), drop
weapon, mild bleeding/bruising, 1d4 Strength and Dexterity damage (extensive), drop
weapon, broken arm and serious bleeding (traumatic), hand loss and serious bleeding
15-16 Stomach X1 -14 Fatigued (mild), Exhausted, nauseated and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
Exhausted, nauseated, 1d4 Strength and Dexterity damage and serious bleeding/
bruising (traumatic), shock and severe bleeding/bruising (severe)
17-18 Chest X1 -12 Fatigued (mild), Exhausted and mild bleeding/bruising (serious), Exhausted, 1d8
Strength damage and serious bleeding/bruising (traumatic), shock and severe
bleeding/bruising (severe)
19 Throat X2 -18 -4 Influence skill (mild), -8 Influence skill, voice loss and mild bleeding/bruising
(serious), -8 Influence skill, voice loss, 1d4 Charisma damage and serious bleeding/
bruising (traumatic), shock and severe bleeding (severe)
20 Head X2 -18 Dazed (mild), -4 Perception skill, concussion and mild bleeding/bruising (serious),
-4 Perception skill, dazed, 1d4 Intelligence and Wisdom damage, shock and mild
bleeding/bruising (traumatic), blindness or deafness (50% chance of each), coma and
severe bleeding (severe)

Hit Location the possible injuries column on the hit location table above
can be ignored.
When your character makes her attack roll, the natural If game master is using injuries, any attack roll 5 higher
(unmodified) result of the d20 attack roll will determine than that required to hit the character is a possible injury.
where the attack hit as shown on the table below: If the attack is 5+ higher than that needed to hit, the target
must make a Fortitude saving throw. The DC of this saving
throw is the attack roll of the attack that inflicted the injury
Injuries (Optional Rule) +10. There are five levels of injury for each location: mild,
Injuries is an optional rule that makes combat more serious, extensive, traumatic and severe.
interesting but also much, much more deadly. If the game Injury Save: If the character succeeds at the injury
master wants to run a cinematic campaign, this aspect of hit saving throw, the character has suffered a mild injury. If the
location can be ignored entirely. In this case, hit location character fails the saving throw by –1 to –5, the character
will simply modify the damage inflicted by an attack and suffers a serious injury, by –6 to –10 an extensive injury, by

Page - 104
–11 to –15 a traumatic injury and by –16 to –20 an intensive Groin, Stomach, Chest: After successfully grappling your
injury. target, you may make a Strength vs. Strength check to throw
Healing Injuries: Injuries last until they heal or until they the target, inflicting 1d4 damage or your base unarmed
are treated by a physician. Mild injuries always heal in one combat damage, whichever is higher. This Strength check is
day. Serious injuries have a Recovery save DC of 15 which optional, but if it is attempted and fails the grapple is treated
the character can attempt after 1 week of bed rest, extensive as a failure.
injuries have a Recovery save DC of 20 which the character
can attempt after 2 weeks of bed rest, traumatic injuries 25 Arm: The grapple affects either the left or right arm of your
which the character can attempt after 3 weeks of bed rest opponent (attacker’s choice). Your opponent cannot attack
and intensive injuries 30 which the character can attempt with a weapon held in the affected arm or gain the defense
after 1 month of bed rest. If the character fails her Recovery bonus of a shield held in that arm.
save, the condition is permanent until successfully treated Any attack with your opponent’s other arm suffers a –4
by a physician. penalty to hit because of the grapple.
The DC of any Medicine check to treat an injury is At the start of every round, the grapple check is re-rolled
equal to the Recovery saves listed above. If the injury is as normal to maintain the hold. If this check fails the target
successfully treated, the patient must still rest the amount has wriggled free.
listed with the injuries above.
If a character suffers an injury and the Medicine check Throat, Head: The grapple renders the target flat-footed for
to treat that injury fails, the character may either choose to as long as the hold is maintained.
select a new character disadvantage to represent his new At the start of every round, the grapple check is re-rolled
condition in consultation with the game master, or he can as normal to maintain the hold. If this check fails the target
continue seeking treatment from more skilled physicians has wriggled free.
(characters with more ranks in the Medicine skill) until his
injury is successfully treated.
Depending on the realism level of the campaign, being
Cover and Hit Location
successfully treated may just be a matter of time, or a (Optional)
character might be permanently injured if a physician Hit location can also be used in conjunction with cover. This
with 23 ranks in the Medicine skill fails to treat his injury makes characters and game masters pay close attention to
successfully. the environment during combat, since not only the type of
cover but also the hardness of that cover will be important
during combat.
Grappling and Hit Location Since hard cover could provide the same effect as
(Optional) expensive body armor, a character might even choose to
Hit location can effect grappling in interesting ways. Using kneel or lay prone, to gain more protection from low cover.
these optional rules, a grapple will have a different effect A kneeling or prone character is flat-footed, only gaining his
based on the location of the grapple. If an attacker desires a class bonus to his Defense.
specific effect, he can either trust to luck or target a specific Effects of cover: Rather than provide a Defense bonus,
area of the body. these alternate cover rules instead provide Damage
Reduction to the affected areas equal to the hardness of the
Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh: Your opponent must make an object providing cover.
immediate Acrobatics check (DC equal to your Unarmed Human shields: Cover as hit location also includes the
check) or fall prone. possibility of someone using another character as a human
At the start of every round, the grapple check is re-rolled shield. This requires the subject be successfully grappled
as normal to maintain the hold. If this check fails the target or otherwise coerced into submission (such as having a gun
has wriggled free. pointed at their head).
If this check is successful, and the target is not already Human shields do not provide Damage Reduction.
prone, the target must make another Acrobatics check to Instead, attacks striking the cover (the person being used as
avoid falling prone. a shield) inflict one-half damage to the human shield and the
If the target is already prone and the hold is maintained, remainder to the target. The hope is that the attacker will be
the target cannot stand until he manages to wriggle free unwilling to inflict damage to another in order to strike his
from the hold. target. If the attacker has no compunction against hitting the
human shield, such protection is less useful than hard cover.

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Three-quarter Cover (standing): Protects locations 1-11
One-quarter Cover (standing): Protects locations 1-6 and 15-17 (foot, calf, knee, thigh, groin, stomach and lower
(foot, calf and knee). chest).
Example: Standing in a ditch or in front of a very low Example: Standing in a very deep ditch or foxhole,
wall, kneeling behind a moderate wall. kneeling behind a car door or moderate wall or laying prone
behind a low wall. An adult used as a human shield can also
One-half Cover (standing): Protects locations 1-11 (foot, provide this amount of cover.
calf, knee, thigh and groin).
Example: Standing in a deep ditch or in front of moderate Three-quarter Cover (standing, alternate): Protects
wall. locations 1-9, 11-12, 15-17 (foot, calf, knee, partial thigh,
groin, partial arm, stomach and partial chest).
One-half Cover (standing, alternate): Protects locations Example: Firing around a corner.
5-11 and 15-18 (partial calf, knee, thigh, groin, stomach and
Example: A child held off the ground used as a human
Armor and Hit Location
A game master wishing to provide more variety to body
armor can use the hit location rules to provide different suits
of armor, from light suits, to partial suits, to full suits of
armor. This will allow a character to
heavily protect certain parts
of the body. As with
all optional rules, this
makes combat more
complex and even in
campaigns using this
alternate rule, the “default” is to full
suits of armor for mooks and henchmen.

Note that these rules assume that all armors affect the entire
body, even those explicitly listed as “vests” in the core rules.
This might require the game master to describe suits slightly
differently. Alternately, the game master might only allow
this variant with the heaviest armor, the forced entry unit.

Full Suit: A full suit armor protects the wearer from head to
toe. While not realistic in anything short of a science fiction
campaign, this is the simplest and thus standard option that
requires the least amount of book keeping.
Locations: All hit locations protected.
Strength Minimum: No modifier.
Armor Penalty: No modifier.

Three-Quarter Suit: A ¾ suit of armor affords slightly

better mobility and reduced weight by removing or using
lighter protection around the wearer’s joints. This leaves the
feet, knees, groin, elbow and neck vulnerable.
Locations: 2-5, 7-10, 12-13, 15-18, 20 (calf, thigh, partial
arm, stomach, chest and head)
Strength Minimum: -1 (minimum 3)

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Armor Penalty: +1 (maximum 0) a Recovery check (DC 20) for the bleeding to stop on its
own. Any conscious character can prevent this damage if he
Half Suit: A ½ suit of armor offers less protection to the does nothing but apply pressure to the wound, preferably
legs and arms. This affords the wearer more mobility. with some sort of cloth.
Locations: 7-10, 12, 15-18, 20 (thigh, partial arm,
stomach, chest and head) Bleeding, Severe
Strength Minimum: -2 (minimum 3) Your character has suffered a deep wound from a slashing,
Armor Penalty: +2 (maximum 0) piercing or ballistic weapon. Your character loses 1d6 hit
points per minute (10 rounds) until the bleeding is stopped.
One-Quarter Suit: A ¼ suit of armor protects only the Bleeding can be stopped by application of the Medicine
critical areas of the stomach, chest and head, leaving the skill. Once per minute (10 rounds) your character may make
arms and legs completely exposed to attack, in return for the a Recovery check (DC 25) for the bleeding to stop on its
maximum amount of mobility. own. Any conscious character can prevent this damage if he
Locations: 15-18, 20 (stomach, chest and head) does nothing but apply pressure to the wound, preferably
Strength Minimum: -3 (minimum 3) with some sort of cloth.
Armor Penalty: +3 (maximum 0)
Condition Summary Your character has suffered a deep wound from a blunt
A number of adverse conditions can affect the way a weapon. The damage from this injury is treated normally,
character operates, as defined here. If more than one but heals at a slower rate, at the rate of 1 hit point per day,
condition affects a character, apply both if possible. If not rather than a character’s normal healing rate.
possible, apply only the most severe condition.
Ability Damaged You can’t see at all, and thus everything has total
Your character has lost 1 or more ability score points. concealment to you. Your character has a 50% chance
The loss is temporary, and these points return at a rate of to miss in combat. Furthermore, you have an effective
1 per evening of rest. This differs from “effective” ability Dexterity of 3, along with a –4 penalty on the use of
loss, which is an effect that goes away when the condition Strength-based and Dexterity-based skills. This –4 penalty
causing it goes away. also applies to Perception checks and any other skill
checks for which the GM deems sight to be important. The
Ability Drained character can’t perform any activity (such as reading) that
Your character has lost 1 or more ability score points. The requires vision.
loss is permanent.
Broken Arm
Bleeding, Mild This condition persists for 1-6 weeks, minus one week per
Your character has suffered a deep wound from a slashing, point of the character’s Constitution modifier, minimum 1
piercing or ballistic weapon. Your character loses one hit week. If a character has a broken arm that is not set, the
point per minute (10 rounds) until the bleeding is stopped. character may use that arm normally, but suffers a –2 to all
Bleeding can be stopped by application of the Medicine actions performed with that arm, and must make a Fortitude
skill. Once per minute (10 rounds) your character may make Save (DC 15) or suffer 1-6 points of damage when using
a Recovery check (DC 15) for the bleeding to stop on its that arm. A character with a First Aid kit may make a
own. Any conscious character can prevent this damage if he Medicine check (DC 15) to set a broken arm. This reduces
does nothing but apply pressure to the wound, preferably the penalty to –1, and the character suffers no damage from
with some sort of cloth. using the limb. Once an arm is set, only the –1 penalty
applies until the condition is healed.
Bleeding, Serious
Your character has suffered a deep wound from a slashing, Broken Leg
piercing or ballistic weapon. Your character loses 1d4 hit This condition persists for 1-6 months, minus one month per
points per minute (10 rounds) until the bleeding is stopped. point of the character’s Constitution modifier, minimum 2
Bleeding can be stopped by application of the Medicine months. If a character has a broken leg that is not set, the
skill. Once per minute (10 rounds) your character may make character may stand on that leg, but suffers a –4 penalty to
Defense, and must make a Fortitude Save (DC 15) or suffer

Page - 107
1-6 points of damage each round the character stands on Entangled
that leg. A character standing on one leg is flat-footed, but An entangled character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls in
does not suffer damage. A character standing on one foot addition to a –4 penalty to Dexterity. If the entangling bonds
or on a broken leg that is hit in combat must make a Reflex are anchored to an immobile object, the entangled hero can’t
save (DC 15 if the character is placing weight on the broken move. Otherwise, the character can move at half speed, but
leg, or DC 20 if the character is standing on one leg) or be can’t run or charge.
knocked prone. A character with a First Aid kit may make a
Medicine check (DC 15) to set a broken leg. Once a leg is Exhausted
set, a character suffers a –2 penalty to Defense as long as the Characters that are exhausted move at half speed and
condition persists. cannot jog, sprint or charge. Furthermore, they take a –6
penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete,
Concussion uninterrupted rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued.
This condition persists for 2-12 days, after which it will heal
naturally. A character with a concussion will often appear Fatigued
perfectly fine, but will occasionally suffer dizziness, see Characters that are fatigued can’t charge and take a penalty
spots, and in rare cases may even believe he is somewhere of –2 to Strength and Dexterity. After 8 hours of complete,
else, or become extremely confused. A character with uninterrupted rest, a fatigued character is no longer fatigued.
this condition can only use half his ranks in any skill. A
character who succeeds at a Will save may make a skill
check with his full number of skill ranks, but the character
A character that has not yet acted during a combat is flat-
must make this save again each time he makes a skill check
footed, not reacting normally to the situation. A flat-footed
as long as this condition persists.
character loses his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense.
Coma Grappled
Your hit points are reduced to zero. Once each day, your
When grappled, a hero can’t undertake any action other
character must make a Recovery saving throw (DC 25) or
than attacking with his or her bare hands, attacking with a
lose one additional hit point. When your negative hit points
light weapon, or attempting to break free from his or her
equal your Constitution, your character is dead.
opponent. The character loses his or her Dexterity bonus to
Defense, except on attacks from characters with whom he or
Cowering she is grappling.
Your character is frozen in fear, loses his or her Dexterity
bonus, and can take no actions. In addition, your character
takes a -2 penalty to his or her Defense. The condition
Paralyzed, sleeping, or unconscious characters are helpless.
typically lasts 10 rounds.
A helpless character has an effective Defense of 5 + size
modifier. An attacker can attempt a coup de grace against a
Dazed helpless character.
Unable to act, you can take no actions, but still gets the
benefit of your normal Defense. This condition typically
lasts 1 round.
Characters who are nauseated are unable to attack or do
anything else requiring attention or concentration. The only
Dead action such a character can take is a single move action per
Your character dies when his or her hit points drop to a turn.
negative number equal to his Constitution, or when his or
her Constitution drops to 0.
A panicked character flees as fast as possible and cowers
Deafened (see Cowering, above) if unable to get away. The character
Your character can’t hear and takes a –4 penalty on initiative defends normally but cannot attack.
and Perception checks.

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Paralyzed In general, your character can take one full action, or one
Heroes who are paralyzed fall to the ground, unable to move and one standard action (also commonly referred to as
move (they have an effective, but not actual, Dexterity and an attack action) in the course of a round. Each of these is
Strength of 0). They are helpless. described in more detail below.

Pinned Full Action

A pinned character is held immobile (but not helpless) A full action takes your entire round. Typical full actions
in a grapple. The character takes a –4 penalty to Defense are: multi-attack, charge attacks and certain skills.
against melee attacks and loses his or her Dexterity bonus to
Defense. Multi-Attack
Sometimes you just need to punch (or shoot) someone in the
Prone face. What could be better than that? Doing it multiple times
An attacker who is prone (lying on the ground) takes a –4 of course! Unless you’re very good at what you do however,
penalty on melee attack rolls and can’t use bows or thrown attacking multiple times might result in you flailing about
ranged weapons. The character gains a +4 bonus to Defense wildly and not hitting anything. Quality is better than
against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to Defense quantity. Of course, if you do happen to be very good, you
against melee attacks. don’t have to choose, you can have both.

Shaken Multi-Attack with archaic weapons: A character armed

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving with an archaic weapon may attempt more than one attack
throws, and skill checks. per round as a full-round action, up to his character level
divided by 5 (two attacks at 10th level, three attacks at 15th
Shock level, four attacks at 20th level).
A character that has gone into shock can only move 5 ft. When a character attempts multiple attacks, his second
per round. Each minute, a character in shock must make a attack in the round suffers a –5 penalty to the attack roll, his
Recovery check (DC 20) or slip into a coma. third attack a –10 and his fourth attack a –15.

Stable Multi-Attack with modern weapons: A character with a

A stable character is no longer dying, but is still semi-automatic weapon may make two attacks per round as
unconscious. a full round action.
A character armed with a fully automatic weapon may
make five attacks per round as a full round action.
Stunned When a character attempts multiple attacks, his second
A character that becomes stunned loses his or her Dexterity
attack in the round suffers a –5 penalty to the attack roll, his
bonus, drops what he or she is holding, and can take no
third attack a –10 and his fourth attack a –15 and his fifth
attack or move actions. In addition, the character takes a –2
attack a –20.
penalty to Defense. The condition typically lasts 1 round.

Unconscious Charge Attack

A charge attack allows you to combine movement with an
An unconscious character is unable to defend him or herself.
attack. A charge attack requires you to move, in a straight
The character is helpless and typically falls prone.
line to your target. When you reach your target, you end
your movement and make a melee attack roll. In order to
Actions count as a charge, you must move no less than 10 ft. but you
may move up to twice your total movement rate.
A charge attack grants a +2 bonus to the damage you
As mentioned above, combat in Modern20 is rigidly divided inflict but imposes a –2 penalty on your Defense until the
into rounds. Actions are the maximum number of things start of your next action.
your character can do in one round before your turn ends
and the initiative passes to the next person in order.

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The Move-By Action feat grants your character more Non-lethal damage heals at a rate of 1 HP per level plus
versatility when making charge attacks. This feat allows you your Constitution modifier every hour.
to move, make a normal attack and move again. It may also If you are reduced to 0 HP by non-lethal damage, you fall
be combined with the charge action however, allowing you unconscious for 1-4 hours. After this time, you may make
to move to your target, make an attack roll with the damage a Recovery saving throw (DC 15) to regain consciousness.
and Defense modifiers described above, then continue to If this save succeeds, you wake with a number of hit points
move up to twice your normal movement rate. equal to your level plus your Constitution modifier.
If this save fails, you remain unconscious for an additional
Skills hour at which time you can make another saving throw to
Certain skills require a full action to use. See the skill regain consciousness.
descriptions for more information on these skills and their
effects. Lethal Damage
Lethal damage is much more serious than non-lethal damage
Attack Action and even a small amount can lead to death without proper
An attack action can consist of a single attack or a skill medical care. All ballistic, piercing and slashing damage is
check. An attack action can also be used as a move action, lethal damage. Characters with blunt weapons and unarmed
performing any action that a character could undertake attacks can also inflict lethal damage if their attack roll
during a move action. exceeds the target’s defense by 5 or more (though attackers
Unless a character possesses the Move-By Action feat, using these methods may always choose to inflict non-lethal
his round ends after performing an attack action. In other damage).
words, you must make any move action first. Lethal damage requires a Recovery saving throw to heal.
Once per day you may make a Recovery save to heal lethal
damage equal to your level plus your Constitution modifier.
Move Action The DC of this saving throw is 20 +1 per 10 points of
A move action allows a character to move up to his full damage you have suffered.
movement rate, or perform certain skill checks. A character If this saving throw fails, not only does your character not
can forgo attacking and perform two move actions in a heal any damage that day, he also suffers an additional 1-4
single round. points of lethal damage plus one point of damage for each
However, a character cannot trade a move action for point by which the save was failed.
another attack action. If you want to attack multiple times If your character is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by a
in a round, use multi-attack as described under full-round lethal attack, your character falls into a coma. Once per day
actions. you must make a Recovery saving throw (DC 25) for your
condition to stabilize. If this saving throw fails, your slip
deeper into a coma and lose an additional hit point.
Damage, Healing and When your negative hit points equal your Constitution,
your character is dead.
Death Once your character has stabilized, he may make a
Recovery saving throw each day (DC 25) to heal one point
Damage is the unfortunate consequence of combat. Damage of damage. Once your hit points have risen to 1 or higher,
in Modern20 is broken down into two types: lethal and non- he can begin to heal normally (though failed saving throws
lethal. These two different types of damage have different to heal lethal damage might push your character back into a
effects and heal at different rates, as described below. coma).

Non-lethal damage
Unarmed attacks and blunt weapons inflict non-lethal Attack an Object
damage most of the time. Blunt weapons can inflict lethal Sometimes you need to attack or break an object
damage if the attack roll is five higher than that needed to
strike the target. Unarmed attacks can inflict lethal damage Strike an Object
as a blunt weapon if the attacker has the Combat Martial Objects are easier to hit than characters because they usually
Arts feat. Attackers using these methods may always choose don’t move, but many are tough enough to shrug off some
to inflict non-lethal damage. damage from each blow.

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Object Defense and Bonuses to Attack: Objects are harder Immunities: Objects are immune to non-lethal damage.
or easier to hit depending on their size and whether they Saving Throws: Unattended objects never make saving
are immobile or being held, carried, or worn by opponents. throws. They are considered to have failed their saving
The base Defense of objects is shown on Table: Size and throws. An object attended by a character (being grasped,
Defense of Objects. touched, or worn) receives a saving throw just as if the
character herself were making the saving throw.
Size (Example) Defense
Colossal (jetliner) –3
Gargantuan (army tank) 1
Breaking Objects
When a character tries to break something with sudden force
Huge (typical car) 3 rather than by dealing damage, use a Strength check to see
Large (big door) 4 whether he or she succeeds. The DC depends more on the
Medium-size (dirt bike) 5 construction of the object than on the material.
Small (chair) 6 If an object has lost half or more of its hit points, the DC to
Tiny (laptop computer) 7 break it decreases by 2.
Diminutive (paperback book) 9
Fine (pencil) 13 Repairing Objects
Repairing damage to an object is covered under the
If a character uses a full-round action to make an attack Engineering skill.
against an inanimate, immobile object, the character gets an
automatic hit with a melee weapon or a +5 bonus on his or
her attack roll with a ranged weapon.
Hardness: Each object has hardness, a number that
represents how well it resists damage. Whenever an object
takes damage, subtract its hardness from the damage. Only
damage in excess of its hardness is deducted from the
object’s hit points (see Table: Substance Hardness and Hit
Points and Table: Object Hardness and Hit Points).
Hit Points: An object’s hit point total depends on what it
is made of or how big it is (see Table Substance Hardness
and Hit Points and Table Object Hardness and Hit Points).
Substance Hardness Hit Points
Paper 0 2/inch of thickness
Rope 0 2/inch of thickness
Plastic, soft 0 3/inch of thickness
Glass 1 1/inch of thickness
Ceramic 1 2/inch of thickness
Ice 0 3/inch of thickness
Plastic, hard 2 5/inch of thickness
Wood 5 10/inch of thickness
Aluminum 6 10/inch of thickness
Concrete 8 15/inch of thickness
Steel 10 30/inch of thickness

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Table 5-2: Object Hardness and Hit Points

Object Hardness Hit Points Break DC
Cheap 0 1 10
Average 3 5 15
High quality 5 10 20
High security 10 120 35
Ultrahigh security 20 150 40
Manufactured objects1
Fine 0 1 10
Diminutive 0 1 10
Tiny 1 2 10
Small 3 3 12
Medium-size 5 5 15
Large 5 10 15
Huge 8 10 20
Gargantuan 8 20 30
Colossal 10 30 50
Firearm, Medium-size 5 7 17
Rope 0 2 23
Simple wooden door 5 10 13
Strong wooden door 5 20 23
Steel door 10 120 35
Cinderblock wall 8 90 35
Chain 10 5 26
Handcuffs 10 10 30
Metal bars 10 15 30
Figures for manufactured objects are minimum values. The GM may adjust these upward to account for objects with more
strength and durability.

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Chapter 6: Adventuring
Adventuring covers all the parts of, well, adventuring that you jogged. You suffer a further 1d6 points of non-lethal
don’t fall under the heading of combat. These are the things damage every 30 minutes you continue to walk, until you
that can kill your dude that aren’t other dudes. Simple huh? have rested for at least 8 hours.
Simple and deadly!

Your character’s base movement rate is 30 ft. per round.
This can be modified up by your Athletics skill and down
by Character Disadvantages. There are several other factors
that modify movement detailed below.

This is the equivalent of taking a move action every round.
Over long distances this is the equivalent of walking.
Your walking speed is approximately one mile per hour
for every 10 ft. you can move in a round. So for a typical,
unencumbered human this would be 3 mph while for a well-
trained athlete it would be more.
Under normal conditions, you can walk for 30 minutes
times your Athletics skill (remember the Athletics skill can
be used untrained) with a minimum of 30 minutes. After this
amount of time you must make an Athletics skill check (DC
20) or become fatigued. This does not affect your walking
speed, though you do suffer all the normal penalties for
being fatigued.
You continue to save each 30 minutes times your Athletics
skill, until you have failed twice and become exhausted. At
this point, you can continue at half speed but must make an
Athletics skill check each hour or suffer 1-6 points of non-
lethal damage.

Your character can forgo combat and take two move actions
per round. This effectively doubles your speed and over
long distances is the equivalent of jogging. Your jogging
speed is approximately two miles per hour for 10 ft. you can
move in a round, or 6 mph for the average human.
Under normal conditions, you can jog for 15 minutes
times your Athletics skill (remember the Athletics skill can
be used untrained) with a minimum of 15 minutes. After this
amount of time you must make an Athletics skill check (DC
20) every 15 minutes or become fatigued.
Once you are fatigued, you must make an Athletics skill
check every 15 minutes or become exhausted and suffer
from cramps and pain. This forces you to walk and inflicts
1d6 points of non-lethal damage for every continuous hour

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Sprinting Catching on Fire

If your character desperately needs to get someplace right Heroes exposed to open flames might find their clothes,
now he can sprint. This quadruples your speed. Sprinting hair, or equipment on fire. Heroes at risk of catching fire are
cannot be effectively performed over long distances. allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) to avoid this fate.
Under normal conditions you can sprint for one round If a hero’s clothes or hair catch fire, he or she takes 1d6
times your Athletics skill (remember the Athletics skill points of damage immediately. In each subsequent round,
can be used untrained). There is no minimum sprint time the burning hero must make another Reflex saving throw.
(meaning if your Athletics ranks plus your Con modifier are Failure means he or she takes another 1d6 points of damage
0 or less, you cannot engage sprint). that round. Success means that the fire has gone out. (That
Once you have sprinted as long as you can, you must is, once the character succeeds at the saving throw, he or she
slow to a walking speed for at least one hour. You must also is no longer on fire.)
succeed at an Athletics check (DC 20) or be fatigued. A hero on fire may automatically extinguish the flames
While sprinting, your character loses all class-based by jumping into enough water to douse him or herself.
Defense and Dexterity modifiers to Defense. If no body of water is at hand, rolling on the ground or
smothering the fire with blankets or the like permits the hero
another save with a +4 bonus.
Environment & Hazards
Starvation and Thirst
Darkness and Light Sometimes heroes might find themselves without food and
It’s a rare mission that doesn’t end up in the dark water. In normal climates, heroes need at least 1/2 gallon of
somewhere, and heroes need a way to see. See Table: Light fluids and about 1/4 pound of decent food per day to avoid
Sources for the radius that a light source illuminates and the threat of starvation. In very hot climates, heroes need
how long it lasts. two or three times as much water to avoid dehydration.
A character can go without water for one day plus a
Item Light Duration
number of hours equal to his or her Athletics skill ranks.
Candle 5 feet 12 hours After this, the character must make an Athletics check each
Torch 20 feet 2 hours hour (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points
Halogen lantern 40 feet 24 hours of damage.
Flashlight 20 feet* 6 hours A character can go without food for three days, in
*Creates a beam 30 feet long and 5 feet high. growing discomfort. After this, the character must make
an Athletics check each day (DC 10, +1 for each previous
check) or sustain 1d6 points of damage.
Damage from thirst or starvation cannot be recovered
Heat and Cold until the hero gets water or food, as needed. Even magical
Heat and cold deal damage that cannot be recovered or psionic effects that restore hit points cannot heal this
until the character counteracts or escapes the inclement damage.
temperature. As soon as the character suffers any damage
from heat or cold, he or she is considered fatigued.
A character not properly equipped to counteract the heat Suffocation and Drowning
or cold must attempt a Fortitude saving throw each hour A character in an airless environment (underwater, vacuum)
(DC 15, +1 for each previous check). Failure means that can hold his or her breath for a number of rounds equal to
the character loses 1d4 hit points. Heavy clothing or armor his or her Athletics skill ranks. After this period of time,
provides a –4 penalty on saves against heat but grants a +4 the character must make an Athletics check (DC 10) every
equipment bonus on saves against cold. A character gains a round to continue holding his or her breath. Each round, the
bonus of +1 per 3 ranks in the Outdoorsman skill (rounded DC of the Athletics check increases by 1.
down) on this save. When the character fails one of these Athletics checks,
Searing heat or bitter cold (desert or arctic conditions) he or she begins to suffocate or drown. In the next round,
forces a character to make a Fortitude save every 10 the character falls unconscious with 0 hit points. In the
minutes. Failure means that the character loses 1d6 hit following round, the character drops to –1 hit points and
points. Appropriate clothing and successful use of the is dying. In the third round after failing the check, the
Outdoorsman skill can modify the save, as noted above. character dies of suffocation or drowning.

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Table 6-1: Damage from Falling Objects

Object Size Examples Initial Damage Reflex Save DC Strength Check DC
Fine Penny 0 n/a n/a
Diminutive Paperweight 1 0 n/a
Tiny Wrench 1d3 5 n/a
Small Vase 1d4 10 5
Medium-size Briefcase 1d6 15 10
Large Garbage can 2d6 20 20
Huge Oil barrel 4d6 25 30
Gargantuan Piano 8d6 30 40
Colossal Vehicle 10d6 35 50

Smoke noted on Table: Damage from Falling Objects.

Characters breathing heavy smoke or similar toxic gases Objects deal the initial damage given in Table: Damage
must make a Constitution check (DC 10, +1 for each from Falling Objects if they fall 10 feet or less. An object
previous check) each round or spend that round choking and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 10-foot
coughing. Characters who choke for 2 consecutive rounds increment it falls beyond the first (to a maximum of 20d6
take 1d6 points of damage. points of damage). Objects of Fine size are too small to deal
Smoke also obscures vision, giving one-half concealment damage, regardless of the distance fallen.
(20% miss chance) to characters within it. A successful Reflex save indicates that the target takes
half damage. The size of the falling object determines the
save DC.
Strangulation If the save fails by 10 or more, and the object is at least
When a character is strangled by an instrument or an
three size categories larger than the character, the character
attacker, use the rules below.
is pinned under the fallen object. A pinned character
To begin the choke, the attacker must succeed at an
cannot move but is not helpless. The character can make
Unarmed skill check for grappling. If the grapple succeeds,
a Strength check to lift the object off him or herself or an
the attacker can choose to deal normal unarmed damage
Escape Artist check (DC 20) to get out from underneath.
as well as choke the target. The target can hold his of her
The GM can modify the DCs for these checks based on the
breath for a number of rounds equal to his or her Athletics
skill. After this period of time, the target must make an
Athletics check (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) every
round to continue holding his or her breath. The target Poison
begins to suffocate on a failed check (see Suffocation and When a character takes damage from an attack with a
Drowning). poisoned weapon, touches an item smeared with contact
If at any time the target breaks free or slips free of the poison, consumes a poisonous substance, inhales a
grapple, the stranglehold is broken (although any damage poisonous gas, or is otherwise poisoned, the character
that was dealt remains). must make a Fortitude saving throw. If the character fails,
he or she takes the poison’s initial damage (usually ability
damage). Even if the character succeeds, he or she typically
Falling faces secondary damage 1 minute later. This secondary
A character takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet
damage also requires a Fortitude saving throw to avoid.
of a fall, to a maximum of 20d6 points. If the character
Poisons are detailed in the Chemistry skill description.
succeeds on a Reflex saving throw (DC 10, +1 for each 10
Poisonous liquids are usually administered through
feet fallen), this damage is halved. If the saving throw fails,
injection or by application to a weapon. Poisonous gases
full damage is applied.
must be inhaled to be effective. Poisonous solids are usually
ingested with food or drink.
Falling Objects
Objects that fall upon characters (or creatures or vehicles)
deal damage based on their size and the distance fallen, as

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Table 6-2: Diseases

Disease Type Incubation Period Initial Damage Secondary Damage
Anthrax Inhaled/Injury DC 16 1d2 days 1 Con 1d4 Con*
Small pox Inhaled/Contact DC 15 2d4 days 1 Str and 1 Con 1d2 Str and 1d2 Con
Pneumonia Inhaled DC 12 1d4 days 1 Str 1d3 Str and 1d3 Con
Hantavirus Injury DC 14 1 day 1d2 Str 1d2 Str* and 1d2 Con*
Necrotizing faciitis Contact DC 13 1d6 days 1 Con 1d3 Con*
West Nile virus Injury DC 12 1d4 days 1 Dex and 1 Con 1d2 Dex and 1d2 Con*
Salmonellosis Ingested DC 13 1 day 1 Str and 1 Dex 1 Str and 1d3 Dex
*If damage is sustained, make a second saving throw to avoid 1 point being permanently drained (instead of damaged).

Perils of Using Poison Secondary Damage: The amount of damage the hero
A character has a 5% chance (roll of 1 on 1d20) to expose takes one day after taking initial damage, if he or she fails
him or herself to a poison whenever the character applies a second saving throw. This damage is taken each day the
it to a weapon or otherwise readies it for use. Additionally, saving throw fails.
a character who rolls a 1 on an attack roll with a poisoned
weapon must succeed at a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) or Acid
accidentally poison him or herself with the weapon. Corrosive acids deal damage each round of exposure. The
amount of damage varies depending on the acid’s strength,
Disease as noted below.
When a character is exposed to a treatable disease, the Acid Strength Splash Attack* Total Immersion*
character must make an immediate Fortitude saving throw.
The victim must make this roll when he or she comes into Mild 1d6 1d10
contact with an infectious carrier, touches an item smeared Potent 2d6 2d10
with diseased matter, consumes food or drink tainted with Concentrated 3d6 3d10
a disease, or suffers damage from a contaminated attack. If *Damage per round of exposure.
the character succeeds, the disease has no effect on him or
her—the character’s immune system fights off the infection. Acid damage from an attack reduces hit points. A
If the character fails the save, he or she takes damage after character fully immersed in acid takes potentially more
an incubation period; once per day thereafter, the character damage per round of exposure than a character splashed
must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw to avoid secondary with acid.
damage. Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that The fumes from most acids are inhaled poisons. Those
the character has fought off the disease and recovers, taking who come within 5 feet of a large body of acid must make
no more damage. a Fortitude save (DC 15) or take 1 point of temporary
The characteristics of some treatable diseases are Constitution damage. A second save must succeed 1 minute
summarized on Table: Diseases. later to avoid taking another 1d4 points of Constitution
Type: The disease’s method of delivery—ingested, damage.
inhaled, or via an injury—and the DC needed to save. Some
injury diseases can be transmitted by a wound as small as
an insect bite. Most diseases that are inhaled can also be Electricity
ingested (and vice versa). Electrical hazards come in many forms, including stun
Incubation Period: The amount of time before initial guns, downed power lines, and electric security fences.
damage takes effect (if the victim fails his or her Fortitude Table: Electricity Damage gives damage values for various
save). electrical hazards based on relative voltage. A character can
Initial Damage: The damage the victim takes after the make a Fortitude saving throw to reduce the damage by half.
incubation period. If that character is not grounded or is otherwise insulated
from the current, a successful save indicates that no damage
is suffered.

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Type Examples Damage Fort DC penalty to Defense and a –3 penalty to the following skills:
Jolt Car battery, stun gun 1d3 10 Acrobatics, Athletics, Magic (Spellcasting perk only),
Outdoorsman (Stealth perks only), Stealth and Streetwise
Low voltage Fuse box, electrical socket 2d6 15
(Stealth perk only).
Medium Industrial transformer, electric
4d6 15 Heavy Load: If your character is carrying this amount
voltage fence
of weight he suffers a –10 ft. movement penalty, a –6
Power line, electric chair,
High voltage 8d6 20 penalty to Defense and a –6 penalty to the following skills:
Acrobatics, Athletics, Magic (Spellcasting perk only),
Outdoorsman (Stealth perks only), Stealth and Streetwise
(Stealth perk only)
Terrain Max Load: If your character is carrying this amount of
Terrain can affect your character’s maximum movement weight his maximum movement is 5 ft. per round. Your
rate. In ideal terrain (road, highway, sidewalk, track) your character is also considered flat-footed and has a maximum
character can move at his maximum speed. Defense of 10. Also, your character cannot perform any of
In moderate terrain (muddy road, rain-slick track, hilly the skills modified by a heavy load.
terrain, during a storm) your movement is reduced to three- Push/Drag: Your character can push or drag this amount
fourths of its maximum. of weight with a movement penalty of –10 ft. per round,
In difficult terrain (swamp, mountainous terrain, during a modified by terrain.
moderate storm) your movement is reduced to one-half of
its maximum.
In extreme terrain (trackless jungle, during a severe Experience
storm) your movement is reduced to one-fourth of its
maximum. Modern20 uses a free-form experience system. Players gain
levels when they achieve major campaign objectives, as
determined by the game master.
Lifting This not only removes a great deal of micro-managing,
How much a character can lift is dependent on his Athletics
table searching and record keeping from the game (for
skill. The table below lists the maximum amount a character
players and game masters) but it also allows the group to
can move or lift. How much weight a character is hauling
spend more time gaming in the levels that are the most fun
around will also affect his movement and/or defense, as
for them.
explained below.
For those who prefer a more traditional approach, the
Light Load: Your character can lift and carry this amount
experience system from your OGL game of choice will
of weight without penalty.
serve just as well.
Medium Load: If your character is carrying this amount
of weight he suffers a –10 ft. movement penalty, a –3


Athletics skill Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load Max Load Push/Drag
-5 3 lb. 6 lb. 10 lb. 20 lb. 50 lb.
-4 6 lb. 13 lb. 20 lb. 40 lb. 100 lb.
-3 13 lb. 26 lb. 40 lb. 80 lb. 200 lb.
-2 20 lb. 40 lb. 60 lb. 120 lb. 300 lb.
-1 26 lb. 53 lb. 80 lb. 160 lb. 400 lb.
0 33 lb. 66 lb. 100 lb. 200 lb. 500 lb.
4 43 lb. 86 lb. 130 lb. 260 lb. 650 lb.
8 58 lb. 116 lb. 175 lb. 350 lb. 875 lb.
12 76 lb. 153 lb. 230 lb. 460 lb. 1,150 lb.
16 100 lb. 200 lb. 300 lb. 600 lb. 1,500 lb.
20 133 lb. 266 lb. 400 lb. 800 lb. 2,000 lb.
23+ 173 lb. 346 lb. 520 lb. 1,040 lb. 2,600 lb.

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Appendix 1: Example of Character Creation

Appendix 1: Example of
Character Creation
Putting it all
To illustrate how all the options of character creation works,
we’ll now build a sample character, using all the rules
described thus far.

Bob decides to run a campaign about aid workers caught

in a South American drug war. Paula decides to make her
character a former Army medic who is now a reporter
and has been sent into the region to cover the action.
After hearing that Bob is using the “elite array” method to
generate ability scores, Paula assigns her ability scores as
follows, Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8:

Paula’s PC (): HD; HP; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 11,
touch 11, flatfooted 10 (+1 Dex, +0 Class); BAB +0; Atk +1
melee (by weapon+1, weapon), or +1 ranged (by weapon+0,
weapon); SQ ; AL none; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2, Rec
+2; Rep; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8.
Occupation: Perks
Wealth: 4

Next Paula selects her Background and in keeping with

decisions she has already made about her character, she
selects Military for her Background.

This gives Paula 4 ranks in three skills, subject to her level

maximum (4 ranks) from the Military list and a base Wealth
of 4. Paula selects Athletics, Firearms and Stealth for her
three Background skills:

Page - 118
Appendix 1: Example of Character Creation

Paula’s PC (): HD; HP; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 11, Now Paula selects her class and decides to go with the
touch 11, flatfooted 10 (+1 Dex, +0 Class); BAB +0; Atk +1 Empath class. After picking her skills and feats, Bob
melee (by weapon+1, weapon), or +1 ranged (by weapon+0, reminds Paula to modify her Wealth appropriately based
weapon); SQ ; AL none; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2, Rec on her Occupation. Finally, now that she has selected her
+2; Rep; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8. skills from her class as well, Paula decides to pick her
Background: Military hobby, selecting Vehicles. This gives her 4 ranks in that skill
Occupation: Perks subject to her level maximum. Finally, Paula now knows
Hobby: enough about her character and her skills to select her perks:
Skills: Athletics 4, Firearms 4, Stealth 4 Medicine (Surgery) and Professional Reputation.
Access/Contacts/Followers: Paula’s PC (Empath 1): HD 1d8+2; HP 10; Init +1; Spd
Wealth: 4 30 ft; Defense 13, touch 13, flatfooted 10 (+1 Dex, +2 Wis,
Possessions: +0 Class); BAB +0; Atk +1 melee (by weapon+1, weapon),
or +1 ranged (by weapon+0, weapon); SQ ; AL none; SV
Now Paula selects her Occupation and chooses Reporter. Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4, Rec +3; Rep +4; Str 12, Dex 13,
This will add two ranks each to the following three skills as Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8.
long as she stays in the Occupation: Influence, Perception Background: Military
and Streetwise. These skills, along with the Occupation’s Occupation: Reporter: Influence, Perception and
improved feats will grant Paula’s character additional Streetwise; Perks (Surgery, Professional Reputation)
Wealth. Her Occupation will also grant her two perks, which Hobby: Vehicles
Paula decides to choose later: Skills: Athletics 4, Firearms 4, Influence 2, Medicine 4,
Outdoorsman 4, Perception 6 (+12), Read/Write Language
Paula’s PC (): HD; HP; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 11, (English, French and Spanish), Speak Language (English,
touch 11, flatfooted 10 (+1 Dex, +0 Class); BAB +0; Atk +1 French and Spanish), Stealth 4, Streetwise 6, Unarmed 4,
melee (by weapon+1, weapon), or +1 ranged (by weapon+0, Vehicles 4
weapon); SQ ; AL none; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2, Rec Feats: Awareness, Empathy, Poise, Well-Informed
+2; Rep; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8. Access/Contacts/Followers: Confidential Access, Skill
Background: Military Contact: Academics (current events) 7 ranks, Skill Contact:
Occupation: Reporter: Influence, Perception and Chemistry 7 ranks, Supply Contact (Wealth 14)
Streetwise Perks (2) Wealth: 10
Hobby: Possessions:
Skills: Athletics 4, Influence 2, Firearms 4, Perception 2,
Stealth 4, Streetwise 2 Now all Paula needs to do is pick her equipment and she’ll
Feats: be done. She can use her supply contact once before play
Access/Contacts/Followers: begins but otherwise she will be restricted to her Wealth of
Wealth: 4 10.

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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NO-
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this License. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content. Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing origi- Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
nal material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,
rights conveyed by this License. John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. Advanced Player’s Guide, Copy-
right 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Page - 120
Blue Rose, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy
Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchoir, and John

Future: Heroes -- Cyborgs, Copyright 2004, Philip Reed. Published by

Ronin Arts.

Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Foundation, Copyright 2005 The

Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Rodney Thompson, & JD

Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Hero, Copyright 2005 The Game

Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer, Rodney Thompson,
& JD

Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Evolution, Copyright 2005 The

Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer, & Rodney
Thompson. Future Player’s Companion (Print), Copyright 2005 The Game
Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer, Rodney Thompson,
& JD Wiker.

Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, Copyright 2005, Monte J. Cook. All
rights reserved.

Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author

Steve Kenson.

The Psychic’s Handbook, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing; Author

Steve Kenson.

Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Col-
lins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.

True20 Adventure Roleplaying, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing;

Author Steve Kenson.

Caliphate Nights, Copyright 2006, Paradigm Concepts; Author Aaron


Lux Aeternum, Copyright 2006, BlackWyrm Games; Author Ryan Wolfe,

with Dave Mattingly, Aaron Sullivan, and Derrick Thomas.

Mecha vs. Kaiju, Copyright 2006, Big Finger Games; Author Johnathan

Borrowed Time, Copyright 2006, Golden Elm Media; Authors Bruce

and David Bolack

Modern20, Copyright 2007, RPGObjects; Author Charles Rice


Page - 121
Benelli 121 M1 76 Cleave 2 50
Index Beretta 92F 71 Club 93
Beretta 93R 74 Code 24
40mm Fragmentation Grenade 90
Beretta 96 71 Colt Double Eagle 71
Ability Damaged 107
Beretta M3P 76 Colt M1911 71
Ability Drained 107
Bleeding, Mild 107 Colt Python 70
Ability Modifiers 4
Bleeding, Serious 107 Colt Super Auto 71
Ability Scores 4
Bleeding, Severe 107 Coma 108
Academic 6
Blind-Fight 49 Combat Martial Arts 50
Academics 29
Blinded 107 Compound bow 87
Access 19
Blue Collar 6 Computers 34
Accurate Attack 47
Blur 49 Con-Man 9
Achilles Heel 24
Bodyguard 8 Concealable Vest 96
Acid 116
Body Block 49 Concealment 103
Acid, Mild 92
Book Learning 49 Concussion 108
Acrobatics 29
Boxer 9 Condition Summary 107
Acrobatic Defense 47
Boys anti-tank rifle 77 Contacts 20
Acrobatic Feint 48
Brainiac 15 Contemplative Master 50
Actions 109
Brains over Brawn 49 Cover 103
Action Points 22
Brand Loyalty 49 Cover and Hit Location 105
Actor 8
Brass Knuckles 93 Cover Fire 50
Addiction 24
Breaking Objects 111 Cowering 108
Adventurer 6
Bren Gun 83 Crime 35
Agility Training 48
Broken Arm 107 Criminal 6
Aging 24
Broken Leg 107 Crippling Strike 51
AK-74 79
Browning BPS 76 Critical Strike 51
AKM/AK-47 80
Browning Hi-Power 71 Crossbow 87
All-Out Attack 48
Browning M-1919 83 Custom Tweak 51
Allegiances 18
Bruising 107 Damage, Healing and Death 110
Allergic Reaction 24
Business 30 Damage Reduction 51
Ammunition 89
Business Executive 9 Dancer 9
Animal Empathy 48
C-7A1 80 Darkness and Light 114
Antithesis 48
C-7CT 82 Dazed 108
Armed Defense 48
C-8 Carbine 80 Dead 108
Armor 95
C4/Semtex 91 Dead Aim 51
Armor and Hit Location 106
Career Advancement 50 Deafened 108
Armor Training 48
Cat’s Landing 50 Dedicated 51
Art 30
Catching on Fire 114 Defense 103
Assassin 8
Celebrity 6 Defensive Attack 51
Assault Rifle 79
Chain 94 Defensive Driving 52
Athlete 6
Chainmail Shirt 96 Defensive Martial Arts 52
Athletics 30
Chain Saw 95 Defensive Roll 52
Attack Action 110
Changing Ability Scores 4 DeLisle Carbine 81
Attack an Object 110
Character Classes 13 Dependant 25
Attack Bonus 103
Character Creation 4 Derringer 69
Attack Focus 1 48
Character Disadvantages 23 Desert Eagle 71
Attack Focus 2 48
Charge Attack 109 Det Cord 91
Attack Specialization 1 48
Chemistry 31 Diesel 1 52
Attack Specialization 2 49
CIA Deer Gun 69 Diesel 2 52
Attractive 49
Cinematic 5 Diesel 3 52
Autofire and Restriction 69
Cinematic Point-Buy 6 Die Hard 52
Automatic Pistols 71
Civilian Aircraft 101 Dilettante 7
Awareness 49
Civilian Cars 101 Disability 25
Backgrounds 6
Civilian Motorcycles 101 Disadvantages 24
Banter 49
Civilian Trucks 101 Disease 116
Barrett Light Fifty 82
Civilian Water Vehicles 101 Doctor 7
Base Attack Bonus 103
Cleaver 93 Dodge Focus 52
Bayonet (Fixed) 94
Cleave 1 50 Double-Barrel Shotgun 76
Bazooka 86

Page - 122
Downside to Reputation 19 Gewehr 43 77 Law Enforcement 7
DP-28 84 Glock 17 71 Leadership 39
Dragunov SVD 82 Glock 20 72 Leather Armor 96
DShK 38 84 Glock 21 72 Leather Jacket 96
Dynamite 91 Glock 22 72 Legal 40
Electricity 116 Glock 25 72 Lethal Damage 110
Elite Array 6 Grappled 108 Lewis Gun 84
Elusive Target 52 Grappling and Hit Location 105 Lifestyle 99
Emergency Services 7 Great Fortitude 54 Lifting 117
Empath 17 Grenades and Explosives 90 Light-Duty Vest 97
Empathy 52 Guru 54 Lightning Reflexes 56
Endorsement Deal 52 Hail of Bullets 54 Light Armor 96
Endurance Training 53 Hardness 111 Light Sleeper 56
Enemy 53 Hatchet 94 Light Undercover Shirt 96
Enemy 25 Healer 54 Linguist 56
Enfield Revolver 70 Heat and Cold 114 Logistics Expert 56
Engineering 37 Heavy Armor 97 Loner 56
Entangled 108 Heavy Weapons 86 Longsword 94
Entrepreneur 7 Helpless 108 Low Profile 56
Environment & Hazards 114 Hideous Appearance 25 Lucky 56
Equipment Tables 97 High Pain Threshold 55 Luger 73
Esprit de Corps 53 Hit and Run 55 M-1917A1 84
Evasion 53 Hit Location 104 M-1918 85
Evasive Maneuvers 53 HK G3 81 M-1D 82
Executioner 53 HK Mk. 23 SOCOM 72 M-1 Carbine 77
Exhausted 108 HK MP5 74 M-1 Garand 78
Exotic Melee Weapons 94 HK MP5K 74 M-249 SAW 85
Experience 117 HK PSG1 82 M-26 MASS 76
Expert in your field 53 Hobbies 12 M-2 Carbine 81
Exploit Weakness 53 Home Schooled 55 M-3 Carbine 78
Explosives and Splash Weapons Table 90 Human Shield 55 M14 81
Falling 115 Hunter 9 M16/203 81
Falling Objects 115 Illness (Variable) 25 M16A2 81
FAMAS 81 Important Attributes 102 M1903 78
Far Shot 53 Improved Disarm 55 M21 82
Fascinate 53 Improved Grab 55 M24 83
Fast Mover 54 Improved Initiative 55 M240 85
Fatigued 108 Improved Trip 55 M2HB 85
Favors 22 Influence 38 M32 86
Feat Descriptions 47 Infrared Illuminator 88 M4/203 82
Feint 54 Initiative 102 M40A1 83
Finisher 54 Injuries 104 M4 Carbine 81
Firearms 37 Intelligence Analyst 55 M4 SOPMOD 81
Fire Inside 54 Intimidating Presence 55 M60 85
Flamethrower 86 Investment Portfolio 56 M72A3 LAW 86
Flat-Footed 103 Iron Will 56 M79 86
Flat-Footed 108 Javelin 87 Machete 94
Flying Tackle 54 Jinxed 25 Machineguns 83
FN-49 77 Jogging 113 Machine Pistols 74
FN FAL 81 Kama 95 MAC Ingram M10 74
Followers 20 Katana 95 Magic 40
Forced Entry Unit 97 Ki 39 Makarov PM 73
FP-45 Liberator 69 Knife 94 Marksman 56
Fragmentation Grenade 91 Koishikawa Type 26 70 Martial Arts Instructor 9
Full Action 109 Kukri 95 MAS-49 78
Galil 81 Laborer 9 Master Craftsman 56
General Equipment 97 Language Groups 43 Master Plan 57
Generating Ability Scores 5 Laser Sight 88 MAT-49 74

Page - 123
Mauser Karabiner 98K 79 Photographic Memory 57 S&W M10 71
Maximum Disadvantages 23 PIAT 87 S&W M27 71
Maximum Skill Ranks 27 Pinned 109 S&W M29 71
Medicine 41 Pistole 35(p) 73 S4M 70
Medium Armor 96 Pistol Whip 94 Sample Difficulties 27
Melee Smash 57 Plate Mail 97 Sap 94
Metal Baton 94 Pledging Allegiance 18 Sauer 38H 73
MEU(SOC) 73 Point-Buy Character Generation 5 Sawed-off shotgun 77
MG 34 85 Point Blank Shot 58 Scientific Improvisation 59
MG 42 85 Poise 58 Scientist 11
Military 7 Poison 115 Secret 26
Military Officer 9 Police Officer 10 Self-Help 59
Mind over Body 57 Politician 10 Services 100
Miracle Worker 57 Powerhouse 13 Shady Reputation 26
Mk-48 85 Power User 58 Shaken 109
Mobster 10 PPD-40 75 Sharpshooter 60
Mob Boss 10 PPSh-41 75 Shock 109
Modern Point-Buy 5 Precise Shot 58 Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk. III 79
Molotov Cocktail 92 Pressure Strike 58 Shotguns 76
Moonlighting 57 Private Investigator 10 Shoulder the Load 60
Mosin-Nagant M-1891/30 79 Privilege 21 Shuriken 88
Mossberg 77 Prone 109 Simonov SKS 79
Mounted Combat 57 Prone Fighting 58 Simple Melee Weapons 93
Move-By Action 57 Psionics 43 Single-Shot Pistols 69
Movement 113 Psychiatrist 10 SITES M9 73
Move Action 110 PTRD 41 87 Skills 110
MP-18 75 Public Speaker 59 Skill descriptions 29
MP-40 75 Pull-Up Pouch Vest 96 Skorpion 74
MR-73 70 Putting it all Together 118 Smart Defense 60
Multi-Attack 109 Quick Draw 59 Smoke 115
Multi-class Characters 17 Quick Reload 59 Smoke Grenade 91
Musician 10 Quick Wit 59 Sneak Attack 60
Mystery to the 20th Power! 3 Ranged Weapons 68 Sniper 11
Nagant M-1895 70 Rangefinder 89 Sniper Rifles 82
Nambu Type 14 73 Range Penalty 103 Sniper Shot 60
Nambu Type 94 73 Rapid Dominance 59 Soldier 11
Nauseated 108 Rapier 94 Soldier On 60
Negotiator 10 Read/Write Language 43 Speak Language 44
Nemesis (Variable) 26 Reciprocity 59 Spear 94
Nightvision 88 Recovering Action Points 23 Specialist 60
Night Vision 57 Redirect 59 Special Operator 11
Non-lethal damage 110 Reflex Sight 89 Special Response Vest 97
Nunchaku 95 Religion 7 Speedfreak 13
Obsession 26 Remington 700 79 Speed Dial 60
Occupations 7 Remington M81 Woodsmaster 79 Splash Weapons 92
Outdoorsman 42 Removing Disadvantages 23 Sprinting 114
Owen Gun 75 Repairing Objects 111 Spy 11
Panicked 108 Repartee 59 Stable 109
Panzerfaust 87 Reporter 11 Star 17
Paralyzed 109 Reputation 19 Starvation and Thirst 114
Paramedic 10 Required Ranks 27 Stealth 44
Parker-Hale M82 83 Revolvers 70 Stechkin APS 74
Pathfinder 71 Rifle 77 Sten 75
Pepper spray 88 Rifle Butt 94 Sterling 76
Perception 42 Rival 26 Steyr AUG 82
Perils of Using Poison 116 RPD 85 Stoic 60
Perks 28 RPK 85 Straight Razor 94
Phobia 26 Rural 7 Strangulation 115

Page - 124
Streetwise 44 Uzi 76
Street Howitzer 60 Vehicles 45
Strength Training 61 Vehicles 100
Strike an Object 110 Vickers Gun 86
Student 7 Voice of Command 63
Stunned 109 Walking 113
Stuntman 11 Walking Encyclopedia 63
Stun Gun 94 Walther P-38 73
Sturmgewehr 82 Walther PP 73
Submachine Gun 74 Wealth 22
Suffocation and Drowning 114 Weapons 46
Suggestion 61 Weapon Finesse 63
Sunday Punch 61 Webley Mk. VI 71
Sunder 61 Well-Oiled Machine 63
Suomi M-31 76 Well Informed 63
Suppression Fire 61 Welrod 74
Surgeon 11 What’s Different 3
SVT-40 79 Whatever Doesn’t Kill You 63
Sword Cane 94 Wheelman 12
Tactical Vest 97 White Collar 7
Talented 61 White Phosphorus Grenade 92
Tank 15 Winchester 94 79
Targeting Systems 88 Wrestler 12
Target Acquisition 61 x2-x10 Scope 88
Taser 88
Teamwork 62
Team Player 61
Tear Gas Grenade 91
TEC-9 74
Technician 11
Terrain 117
Thermite Grenade 92
Think Tank 62
Thompson M1A1 76
Three-Section Staff 95
Thug 12
Tonfa 94
Trackless 62
Trading Disadvantages 23
Trick 62
Truck Driver 12
True Grit 5
TT-33 73
Turn Sequence 102
Two-Weapon Defense 62
Tycoon 62
Type 100 76
Type 11 85
Type 38 Carbine 79
Type 92 86
Type 99 LMG 86
Type 99 Rifle 79
Unarmed 44
Uncanny Dodge 62
Unconscious 109
Undercover Vest 96
Unstoppable 63
USAS-12 77

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