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Tight Gas Completions

Conference 2009

San Antonio, Texas, USA

16-17 June 2009

ISBN: 978-1-61567-235-6
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SPE 117538 Applying Science and Best Practices to Increase Production and Optimize Economics in a
West Texas Gas Field—A Canyon Sand Case Study .......................................................................................................... 1
Kelly Blackwood, Kaylene Williamson, Terry Palisch, Mark Chapman, Mike Vincent
SPE 119894 Modeling Flowback Behavior or Flowback Equals “Slowback” ................................................................ 11
James W. Crafton
SPE 125237 Characterization of Hydraulically-Induced Fracture Network Using Treatment and
Microseismic Data in a Tight-Gas Formation: A Geomechanical Approach ................................................................. 21
Wenyue Xu, Joël Le Calvez, Marc Thiercelin
SPE 125239 Integrating Microseismic Monitoring With Well Completions, Reservoir Behavior, and
Rock Mechanics ................................................................................................................................................................... 26
N.R. Warpinski
SPE Abstract 125244 A Study of Microseismic Monitoring of Stimulations in a Tight Gas Reservoir in
the Rocky Mountain Region ............................................................................................................................................... 39
A. Kazantsev, R. Kranz, T. Dombrowski, B. Suliman
SPE 125248 The Effect of Micro-Emulsion on High and Low GOR Gas Wells ............................................................. 40
J.W. Crafton, G. Penny, B. Burkett
SPE 125250 A Crosslinkable Synthetic Polymer System for High-Temperature Hydraulic Fracturing
Applications.......................................................................................................................................................................... 51
J. Holtsclaw, G.P. Funkhouser
SPE Abstract 125260 Finding Additional Resources in a Mature Field: Refracturing Engineering
Workfl ow for a Successful Campaign in Vicksburg Basin, South Texas ....................................................................... 62
D.Q. Flores, Anadarko Petroleum, S. Indriati
SPE Abstract 125261 Horizontal Plays in South Texas: Where are They and Why are They Successful ................... 63
E.A. Ejofodomi
SPE Abstract 125262 From Well Placement to Production Analysis: A Taylor Horizontal Completion .................... 64
T.S. Nemec, E.J. Reigle, A. Bagot, J.D. Baihly, G. Browne, R. Villarreal, M. Dardis
SPE Abstract 125263 Waterfracs: A Perspective of 8+ Years of Intense Study and a Review of 60+
Years of Field Experience of Treatments Conducted Throughout the World................................................................ 65
J.W. Ely
SPE Abstract 125264 First Steps: Applying a Practical Approach to Proppant and Fluid Selection on
a Deep South Texas Well With Extreme Pressure and Temperature ............................................................................. 66
E.R. Freeman, D.A. Anschutz, A.R. Rickards, M.J. Callanan, J.J. Blevins
SPE Abstract 125265 South Texas HP/HT Wells: Operational Issues and Considerations .......................................... 67
Z.J. Hart, J.J. Blevins
SPE Abstract 125266 Using Good SCADA Data With Nodal Analysis To Optimize Your Depletion
Plan ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
H.E. Tate, J.A. Laney
SPE Abstract 125267 Below Packer Annular Gas Lift With Velocity Enhancement for Gas Wells
With Long Completion Intervals........................................................................................................................................ 69
W.D. Holmes
SPE Abstract 125268 Program for the Benefi cial Use of Oil Field Produced Water .................................................... 70
D.B. Burnett
SPE Abstract 125272 Evolution of Completion and Stimulation Techniques in the South Texas
Edward Lime ....................................................................................................................................................................... 71
F.A. Mueller, C.P. Veillette, M.P. Loayza
SPE Abstract 125277 Chittim Ranch Redevelopment Case Study .................................................................................. 72
T.E. Bundy
SPE Abstract 125279 Rejuvenating “Marginal” Permian Basin Assets: Deploying New Tools in
Mature Fields to Unveil Hidden Potential ......................................................................................................................... 73
W.O Vargas
SPE Abstract 125280 Alternative Method to Accelerate Multistage Completions......................................................... 74
A.K. Schneider
SPE Abstract 125284 Multizone Completion System Enables Primary and Refracture Applications......................... 75
D.J. Fanguy, Baker Hughes
SPE Abstract 125335 Multistage Fracturing of Horizontal Shale Gas Wells Using >90% Foam
Provides Improved Production........................................................................................................................................... 76
H.D. Brannon, D.E. Kendrick, A. Stipetich, E. Luckey
SPE 125336 Optimizing Fracturing Fluids From Flowback Water ................................................................................ 77
S.M. Rimassa, P.R. Howard, K.A. Blow
SPE 125345 Integrating Solid Expandables, Swellables, and Hydra Jet Perforating for Optimized
Multizone Fractured Wellbores.......................................................................................................................................... 86
D.G. Durst
SPE Abstract 126033 Critical Velocity Reducing System: Process Check and Technology Update ............................ 96
S. Campbell
SPE Abstract 126132 Shale Horizontal Completions ....................................................................................................... 97
M.A. Martin
SPE 126164 Application of Relative Location Technique From Surface Arrays to Microseismicity
Induced by Shale Fracturing .............................................................................................................................................. 98
B.J. Hulsey, Leo Eisner, Michael P. Thornton, Dana Jurick
SPE 126606 Coiled Tubing Deployed Resin Treatment Remediates Proppant and Formation Sand
Flowback in High-Temperature Wells: A Field Study in South Texas ......................................................................... 103
M. Durkee, Z.T. Peak, M.B. Montes, P.D. Nguyen
Powerpoint 117538 Applying Science and Best Practices to Increase Production and Optimize
Economics in a West Texas Gas Field—A Canyon Sand Case Study ........................................................................... 113
Kelly Blackwood, Kaylene Williamson, Terry Palisch, Mark Chapman, Mike Vincent
Powerpoint 125237 Characterization of Hydraulically-Induced Fracture Network Using Treatment
and Microseismic Data in a Tight-Gas Formation: A Geomechanical Approach........................................................ 157
Wenyue Xu, Joël Le Calvez, Marc Thiercelin
Powerpoint 125239 Integrating Microseismic Monitoring With Well Completions, Reservoir
Behavior, and Rock Mechanics ........................................................................................................................................ 169
N.R. Warpinski
Powerpoint 125244 A Study of Microseismic Monitoring of Stimulations in a Tight Gas Reservoir in
the Rocky Mountain Region ............................................................................................................................................. 188
A. Kazantsev, R. Kranz, T. Dombrowski, B. Suliman
Powerpoint 125260 Finding Additional Resources in a Mature Field: Refracturing Engineering
Workfl ow for a Successful Campaign in Vicksburg Basin, South Texas ..................................................................... 208
D.Q. Flores, S. Indriati
Powerpoint 125261 Horizontal Plays in South Texas: Where are They and Why are They Successful..................... 229
E.A. Ejofodomi
Powerpoint 125262 From Well Placement to Production Analysis: A Taylor Horizontal Completion...................... 255
T.S. Nemec, E.J. Reigle, A. Bagot, J.D. Baihly, G. Browne, R. Villarreal, M. Dardis
Powerpoint 125263 Waterfracs: A Perspective of 8+ Years of Intense Study and a Review of 60+
Years of Field Experience of Treatments Conducted Throughout the World.............................................................. 280
J.W. Ely
Powerpoint 125264 First Steps: Applying a Practical Approach to Proppant and Fluid Selection on a
Deep South Texas Well With Extreme Pressure and Temperature .............................................................................. 322
E.R. Freeman, D.A. Anschutz, A.R. Rickards, M.J. Callanan, J.J. Blevins
Powerpoint 125267 Below Packer Annular Gas Lift With Velocity Enhancement for Gas Wells With
Long Completion Intervals ............................................................................................................................................... 342
W.D. Holmes
Powerpoint 125268 Program for the Benefi cial Use of Oil Field Produced Water ..................................................... 358
D.B. Burnett
Powerpoint 125272 Evolution of Completion and Stimulation Techniques in the South Texas Edward
Lime .................................................................................................................................................................................... 393
F.A. Mueller, C.P. Veillette, M.P. Loayza
Powerpoint 125277 Chittim Ranch Redevelopment Case Study ................................................................................... 422
T.E. Bundy
Powerpoint 125279 Rejuvenating “Marginal” Permian Basin Assets: Deploying New Tools in Mature
Fields to Unveil Hidden Potential ..................................................................................................................................... 446
W.O Vargas
Powerpoint 125336 Optimizing Fracturing Fluids From Flowback Water.................................................................. 468
S.M. Rimassa, P.R. Howard, K.A. Blow
Powerpoint 125345 Integrating Solid Expandables, Swellables, and Hydra Jet Perforating for
Optimized Multizone Fractured Wellbores..................................................................................................................... 484
D.G. Durst
Powerpoint 126033 Critical Velocity Reducing System: Process Check and Technology Update.............................. 505
S. Campbell

Author Index

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