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‘Constructing a universal passion for


Detailed Design Stage: North-South

Corridor – Northern Connector,
Stage 1 (South)

Universal Engineers Pty. Ltd.

Level 30, Westpac House, 91 King William St

Phone: (08) 8277 7411

Fax: (08) 8277 7412

‘Constructing a universal passion for


‘Constructing a universal passion for

1. Executive Summary
The Northern Connector is a solution to the increasing population growth in Adelaide.
It will be a section of the North-South corridor, a multi-laned motorway that extends
from Gawler to old Noarlunga. This project provides the missing link between the
Port Expressway, South Rd Super way and recent duplication of the Southern
Expressway. It is part of the 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide and will significantly
increase travel time and ease traffic congestion in the Northern suburbs. The existing
and forecasted traffic volumes, civil engineering options, safety and sustainability
have been the key points in the design of the Northern connector.

In the completion of a feasibility study, recommendations were made for the best
detailed design elements. This included practical and economical structural solutions,
such as Super T Beams in bridge construction, finding the preferred road alignment,
considered environmental features and industrial (and business) benefits. There will
be a swale along the road that will return water back into the local creeks and rivers,
and a detailed Environmental Management Plan that will protect the surrounding areas
rich ecosystem during all phases of construction and road use.

Universal Engineers have produced a detailed design report that is professional,

economically viable and environmentally sustainable. It successfully meets the
requirements for the client Department of Planning and Traffic Infrastructure (DPTI)
and the community as a whole.

Inclusive within this document are a number of other files that have been produced for
the detailed design. This includes a detailed construction methodology (where
applicable) that demonstrates the steps that need to be taken in the building stage.
And a costings section, that has a break-down of materials and quantities needed for
the detailed design stage. There are two separate documents that are also included in
the detailed design:

- Environmental Management Plan

- Detailed Drawings Booklet

These documents have been produced by Universal Engineers to provide an in depth

analysis of the Northern connector design requirements.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The total cost of the proposed design will be $93 085 000. A costings summary and
employee consulting fees can be found in Appendix A1 and A2.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Project Background .......................................................................................... 18
1.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 19
1.3. Project Funding ................................................................................................. 20
1.4. Project Goals and Objectives ............................................................................ 20
1.5. Further Reflection ............................................................................................. 22
1.6. Design Requirements ........................................................................................ 23
2. Transport Department ......................................................................................... 25
2.1. Road location .................................................................................................... 25
2.1.1. Local centre median widening for bridges ................................ 26
2.2. Radius and Superelevation of Horizontal Curvatures (corners) ....................... 27
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) ................................................................. 30
2.3.1. Variable Message Signs (VMS) ................................................ 30
2.3.2. Variable Speed Limit (VSL) ..................................................... 32
2.3.3. GE1-14 direction gantry ............................................................ 34
2.3.4. ITS Costing ................................................................................ 34
2.4. Signage ............................................................................................................. 34
2.4.1. Regulatory signs ........................................................................ 34
2.4.2. Warning signs ............................................................................ 34
2.4.3. Guide signs ................................................................................ 35
2.4.4. Speed limit signs........................................................................ 35
2.4.5. Other road signs in the project .................................................. 36
2.4.6. Emergency stopping Lane only ................................................. 38
2.5. Emergency Crossovers ..................................................................................... 39
2.6. Total cost of static road-side signs ................................................................... 40
2.7. Safety Phones ................................................................................................... 40
2.8. Lane markings .................................................................................................. 41
2.9. Proposed Interchange Globe Derby Drive ....................................................... 41
3. Geotechnical .......................................................................................................... 43
3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 43
3.1.1. Bore Log Analysis ..................................................................... 44
3.1.2. Explanation of Geological Profile: ............................................ 45

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.2. Consolidation .................................................................................................... 47

3.3. Consolidation Data Analysis ............................................................................ 49
3.3.1. Determination of Soil Characteristics (Cv, k, Cc and T50, STAGE 4)
3.3.2. Calculation of Compressibility Index of the soil (Cc) .............. 53
3.3.3. Calculation of Swelling Index of the soil (Cs) .......................... 54
3.3.4. Calculation of total settlement (H ) ........................................ 54
3.4. Bearing Capacity for Footing Design ............................................................... 58
3.4.1. Drained Solution ........................................................................ 58
3.4.2. Undrained Solution .................................................................... 59
3.5. Traffic Volume Count (for Pavement Design) ................................................. 65
3.6. Pavement Design: ............................................................................................. 68
3.6.1. Input for CIRCLY ..................................................................... 70
3.6.2. Output from CIRCLY ............................................................... 71
3.6.3. Report from CIRCLY ................................................................ 72
3.6.4. Design of the shared use path pavement thickness ................... 76
3.7. Embankment design ......................................................................................... 77
3.8. Slope Stability................................................................................................... 79
3.9. Earth works ....................................................................................................... 81
3.10. Construction Methodology ............................................................................... 82
3.10.1. Phase 1: Site Preparation ........................................................... 82
3.10.2. Phase 2: Reclamation Works (Consolidation) .......................... 82
3.10.3. Phase 3: Embankment construction and Slope Stability ........... 83
3.10.4. Phase 4: Pavement construction ................................................ 83
3.10.5. Phase 5: Disestablish site .......................................................... 83
3.10.6. Phase 6: Testing ......................................................................... 84
3.11. Costing .............................................................................................................. 85
3.11.1. Pavement Materials Cost: .......................................................... 85
3.11.2. Pavement and Bituminous Plant and Equipment costs: ............ 86
3.11.3. Earthworks costs:....................................................................... 87
4. Stormwater Design ............................................................................................... 88
4.1. Project Overview .............................................................................................. 88
4.1.1. General Considerations ............................................................. 89
4.2. Design Parameters ............................................................................................ 90
4.2.1. Assumptions .............................................................................. 90

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4.3. Open Channel Detailed Design ........................................................................ 90

4.3.1. Reason for Selecting Open Channel .......................................... 90
4.3.2. Construction Methodology for Designing Swale ...................... 91
4.3.3. Design Calculations ................................................................... 92
4.3.4. Design Calculations (Around Bridge) ....................................... 95
4.4. Stormwater Design Cost Estimation ................................................................ 98
4.4.1. Estimated Swale Cost ................................................................ 98
4.4.2. Estimation of Swale Maintenance Cost..................................... 99
4.4.3. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) ................................. 100
4.5. Future Considerations - Predicted Sea Level Rise ......................................... 101
4.5.1. Predicted Sea Level Rise ......................................................... 101
5. Structural Design ................................................................................................ 103
5.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 103
5.2. Load Cases ...................................................................................................... 105
5.2.1. Wind Loads ............................................................................. 105
5.2.2. Traffic loads............................................................................. 110
5.3. Load Combinations......................................................................................... 113
5.3.2. Guard Rail and Kerbing .......................................................... 115
5.3.3. Pavement Design ..................................................................... 116
5.4. Computer Analysis and Results ...................................................................... 117
5.5. Slab Deck Section ........................................................................................... 129
5.5.1. Determine Required Concrete Strength and Minimum Cover 129
5.6. Slab Deck Design ........................................................................................... 130
5.6.1. Bending Moment Design......................................................... 130
5.6.2. Shear Force Design.................................................................. 136
5.6.3. Crack Control .......................................................................... 137
5.7. Super T Girder Section ................................................................................... 142
5.7.1. Determine Required Concrete Strength and Minimum Cover 142
5.8. Super T Girder Design .................................................................................... 143
5.8.1. Bending Moment Design......................................................... 143
5.8.2. Shear Force Design.................................................................. 151
5.8.3. Check Web Shear: Centroid Axis ........................................... 153
5.8.4. Deflection: ............................................................................... 155
5.9. Headstock Reinforcement Design .................................................................. 158
5.9.1. Minimum steel calculations as defined in AS3600 Cl 8.1.6: .. 159

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.9.2. The bending capacity can now be calculated: ......................... 163

5.9.3. The bending capacity can now be calculated: ......................... 166
5.9.4. Check if shear reinforcement required: ................................... 167
5.9.5. Check if minimum reinforcement steel is satisfactory: ........... 168
5.10. Column ........................................................................................................... 170
5.10.1. Column Calculations ............................................................... 171
5.11. Summary ......................................................................................................... 176
5.12. Footing Design ............................................................................................... 178
5.12.1. Determine area of footing: ...................................................... 179
5.12.2. Determine qu: ........................................................................... 179
5.12.3. Check Punching shear: ............................................................ 181
5.12.4. Check bending moment at face of column, M*: ..................... 182
5.13. Exclusion ........................................................................................................ 184
5.14. Construction Methodology ............................................................................. 185
5.14.1. General construction method notes ......................................... 185
5.14.2. Activities pre-bridge construction ........................................... 186
5.14.3. Construction Sequence for 120m span bridge at Dry Creek location
5.14.4. Construction Sequence for 40m span bridge at Little Para River
location 191
5.15. Logistics .......................................................................................................... 195
5.15.1. Description of bridges ............................................................. 197
5.15.2. Construction type..................................................................... 198
5.15.3. Work Place safety policy ......................................................... 204
5.15.4. Acid Protection ........................................................................ 205
5.16. Costing ............................................................................................................ 207
5.17. Maintenance schedule..................................................................................... 215
6. Environmental .................................................................................................... 216
6.1. Purpose of the Environmental Management Plan .......................................... 216
6.2. Objectives of the Environmental Management Plan ...................................... 216
6.3. Issues identified in the EMP ........................................................................... 216
6.4. Air Quality and Emissions .............................................................................. 217
6.4.1. Issues ....................................................................................... 217
6.4.2. Mitigation Measures ................................................................ 217
6.5. Flora ................................................................................................................ 218

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.5.1. Existing Biodiversity ............................................................... 218

6.5.2. Impact of Construction on Site ................................................ 219
6.5.3. Mitigation ................................................................................ 220
6.6. Fauna............................................................................................................... 221
6.6.1. Existing Biodiversity ............................................................... 221
6.6.2. Mammals ................................................................................. 222
6.6.3. Amphibians and Reptiles......................................................... 222
6.6.4. Fish .......................................................................................... 222
6.6.5. Impact of Construction ............................................................ 222
6.6.6. Mitigation ................................................................................ 223
6.7. Noise ............................................................................................................... 224
6.7.1. During construction ................................................................. 224
6.7.2. Post construction ..................................................................... 224
6.8. Vibration ......................................................................................................... 225
6.8.1. During Construction ................................................................ 225
6.9. Water Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation .................................................... 225
6.9.1. Objectives ................................................................................ 225
6.10. Waste Management and Soil Contamination ................................................. 226
6.10.1. Considerations ......................................................................... 226
6.10.2. Management hierarchy ............................................................ 226
6.10.3. Construction waste: ................................................................. 226
6.10.4. Construction Waste management plan: ................................... 227
6.10.5. Green Waste Management ...................................................... 228
6.10.6. General Waste ......................................................................... 228
6.10.7. Hazardous Waste ..................................................................... 228
6.10.8. Soil Contamination .................................................................. 229
6.10.9. Acid Sulphate Soils ................................................................. 229
6.10.10. Mitigation ................................................................................ 229
6.10.11. Spills during construction ........................................................ 230
6.11. Fire .................................................................................................................. 230
6.11.1. Performance Objectives .......................................................... 231
6.12. Sediment Control ............................................................................................ 232
6.12.1. Performance Objectives .......................................................... 232
7. Urban Design Overview ..................................................................................... 233
7.1. Cultural Development..................................................................................... 234

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.1.1. Indigenous Heritage................................................................. 234

7.1.2. Information Signs .................................................................... 234
7.1.3. Indigenous Artefacts. ............................................................... 234
7.1.4. Action Plan .............................................................................. 235
7.2. Community Awareness................................................................................... 237
7.2.1. Community Newsletter ............................................................ 237
7.2.2. CLG Meetings ......................................................................... 237
7.2.3. Street Corner Meetings ............................................................ 238
7.3. Future Development ....................................................................................... 239
7.3.1. Project Area ............................................................................. 239
7.4. Planning, Zoning and Land Use ..................................................................... 240
7.4.1. Suburban Design ..................................................................... 241
7.4.2. Overpass Design ...................................................................... 242
7.4.3. Railway Design ....................................................................... 243
7.5. Construction .................................................................................................... 244
7.5.1. Construction Noise .................................................................. 244
7.5.2. Construction Site ..................................................................... 244
7.5.3. Design of the Construction Site............................................... 246
7.6. Noise Barriers ................................................................................................. 248
7.6.1. Noise Barrier Design ............................................................... 248
7.6.2. Material and Detailing: ............................................................ 251
7.6.3. Barrier Costing ........................................................................ 253
7.7. Shared Path ..................................................................................................... 253
7.7.1. Introduction ............................................................................. 253
7.7.2. Alignment Design and Access Points ..................................... 253
7.7.3. Shared Path Design ................................................................. 255
7.7.4. Horizontal Curvature ............................................................... 256
7.7.5. Gradient ................................................................................... 256
7.7.6. Path Width ............................................................................... 256
7.7.7. Crossfalls and Drainage........................................................... 256
7.7.8. Clearance ................................................................................. 257
7.8. Pavement Design ............................................................................................ 258
7.8.1. Pavement Marking................................................................... 258
7.9. Facilities and Amenities ................................................................................. 261
7.9.1. Lighting ................................................................................... 261

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.9.2. Fencing .................................................................................... 262

7.9.3. Signage .................................................................................... 263
7.9.4. Bench and Tables with Shelter ................................................ 266
7.9.5. Public Toilets ........................................................................... 267
7.9.6. Drinking Water Supply ........................................................... 268
7.9.7. Rubbish Bin and Dog Excrement Bags ................................... 269
7.10. Shared Path Costing........................................................................................ 270
7.11. Landscaping .................................................................................................... 271
7.11.1. Existing Landscaping .............................................................. 271
7.11.2. Landscaping Design ................................................................ 273
7.12. Educational Signage and Locations ................................................................ 279
7.12.1. Sculpture .................................................................................. 280
7.12.2. Playgrounds ............................................................................. 280
7.13. Landscaping Costing ...................................................................................... 281
Appendix A Project Management ............................................................................. 282
Appendix B Transport............................................................................................... 288
Appendix C Geotechnical ......................................................................................... 293
Appendix D Stormwater ........................................................................................... 301
Appendix E Structural .............................................................................................. 302
Appendix F Environment............................................................................................. 303
Appendix G Urban Design ........................................................................................ 304
8. References - .......................................................................................................... 320
8.1. Geotechnical ................................................................................................... 320
8.2. Water............................................................................................................... 320
8.3. Structural......................................................................................................... 321
8.4. Urban .............................................................................................................. 321
8.5. Environment ................................................................................................... 325

‘Constructing a universal passion for

List of Figures

Figure 1: List of priorities. ............................................................................................ 30

Figure 2: Depiction of the two frame message system. ............................................... 31
Figure 3: AD302 Variable Message Sign,
Brochure1.pdf ............................................................................................................... 32
Figure 4: Example of an overhand VSL gantry............................................................ 33
Figure 5 - Forward direction only sign, Image adapted from: AS1743-2001 .............. 36
Figure 6 - Direction signs, Image, in part, adapted from AS1743-2001 ...................... 36
Figure 7 - Prohibited vehicles on motorway Image from: AS1743-2001 .................... 37
Figure 8 - Emergency stopping lane only Image from: AS1743-2001 ........................ 38
Figure 9: Single posted VSL. ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 10: Geological Profile ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 11: Vertical Stress Diagram .............................................................................. 47
Figure 12: Generalized Vertical Stress Diagram .......................................................... 48
Figure 13: Consolidation Graph ................................................................................... 49
Figure 14: Compression- Recompression Curve .......................................................... 51
Figure 15: e vs stress graph .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 16: 4th Stage settlement .................................................................................... 56
Figure 17: Typical Pavement Cross-Section ................................................................ 68
Figure 18: Input for CIRCLY ....................................................................................... 70
Figure 19: Output from CIRCLY ................................................................................. 71
Figure 20: Output for CDF for CIRCLY ...................................................................... 74
Figure 21: Typical Cross-Section for Pavement .......................................................... 76
Figure 22: Typical Cross Section of the Embankment ................................................. 78
Figure 23: Output from Galena for slope stability ....................................................... 79
Figure 24: Average Road Profile Cross-Section .......................................................... 81
Figure 25: Cross section of Open Channel ................................................................... 94
Figure 26: Global Mean Sea Level Rise (Baseline 1961-1990, WMO standard) ...... 101
Figure 27: Virtual Flood Representation .................................................................... 102
Figure 28 - Location of Bridges for Structural Design .............................................. 103
Figure 29: M1600 dimensions .................................................................................... 110
Figure 30: Vehicle loading ......................................................................................... 110
Figure 31: Dynamic Loads ......................................................................................... 111
Figure 32 - Rendered SpaceGass Model of Bridge .................................................... 118

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 33 - Rendered SpaceGass Model of Headstock and Columns ........................ 118

Figure 34 RAPT Interaction Curve ............................................................................ 119
Figure 35: Space Gass Slab Deck Service Output...................................................... 120
Figure 36: Space Gass Slab Deck Ultimate Output ................................................... 121
Figure 37: Super T Girder Ultimate Output .............................................................. 122
Figure 38: Super T Girder Service Output ................................................................. 122
Figure 39: SpaceGass Super T Girder Output ............................................................ 123
Figure 40: SpaceGass Bridge Output ......................................................................... 123
Figure 41: SpaceGass Bridge Front Output................................................................ 123
Figure 42: SpaceGass Headstock and Column Output .............................................. 124
Figure 43:SpaceGass Headstock and Column ............................................................ 125
Figure 44:SpaceGass Headstock and Column Front View ........................................ 125
Figure 45:SpaceGass Column Max Axial Output ...................................................... 126
Figure 46:SpaceGass Column Max Bending Output ................................................. 127
Figure 47:RAPT Column Output ............................................................................... 128
Figure 48: SpaceGass Slab Section ............................................................................ 129
Figure 49: SpaceGass Super T Girder Section ........................................................... 142
Figure 50: Maximum Bending Moment ..................................................................... 158
Figure 51: Maximum Shear Force .............................................................................. 158
Figure 52: Bending Moment Vs Shear Force ............................................................. 176
Figure 53: Footing Diagram ....................................................................................... 180
Figure 54: Footing Critical Punching Shear ............................................................... 181
Figure 55: Stage 1 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge ..................... 186
Figure 56: Stage 3 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge ..................... 189
Figure 57: Stage 4 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge ..................... 189
Figure 58: Stage 5 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge ..................... 190
Figure 59: Stage 1 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge ....................... 190
Figure 60: Stage 3 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge ....................... 192
Figure 61: Stage 4 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge ....................... 193
Figure 62: Stage 5 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge ....................... 193
Figure 63:Dry Creek bridge construction site logistics plan ...................................... 196
Figure 64: Little Para River construction site logistics plan ...................................... 196
Figure 65: Incremental launching jack operation sequence (Source: AASHTO 2007)
.................................................................................................................................... 199
Figure 66: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1 (Sourced from Liebherr
2015) ........................................................................................................................... 202

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 67 Stages of Attack (Malik 2013, p.9) ............................................................ 206

Figure 68 - Map of Kaurna Region ............................................................................ 234
Figure 69 - Action Plan for Indigenous Artefacts and Sites....................................... 236
Figure 70 - Project Area for Potential Urban Design ............................................... 239
Figure 71 - Salisbury City Plan 2020 (City of Salisbury 2015) ................................. 241
Figure 72 - Overpasses within Development Area..................................................... 243
Figure 73 - Design Area by Universal Engineers (Google Maps 2015).................... 245
Figure 74 - Construction Site Access and Exit Points ............................................... 246
Figure 75 - Construction Site layout .......................................................................... 247
Figure 76 - Noise Barrier System (DPTI 2011) ......................................................... 248
Figure 77 - Effective Barrier system .......................................................................... 249
Figure 78 - Universal Column ................................................................................... 250
Figure 79 - section view of the noise barrier ............................................................. 250
Figure 80 - Northern Connector Barrier System in Solidworks ................................ 252
Figure 81 - Barrier System Alignment ....................................................................... 252
Figure 82 - Shared Path Alignment (Black Line) (Google Map 2015) ...................... 254
Figure 83 - Shared Path Alignment continue (Blue – Little Para bike trail)(Google
Map 2015)................................................................................................................... 255
Figure 84 -Magazine Road Location (Google Map 2015) ......................................... 257
Figure 85 - Asphalt paving Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015 ..... 258
Figure 86 - Continuous line marking.Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015 ...... 259
Figure 87 - Broken line markings.Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015
.................................................................................................................................... 260
Figure 88 - Give way marking. Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015
.................................................................................................................................... 260
Figure 89 - Solar powered lighting.Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015 ....... 262
Figure 90 - Selected fencing design.Esplanade, West Beach, Guanghao Li, 13th May
2015 ............................................................................................................................ 263
Figure 91 - Ring before passing sign. (Bicycle Network 2015) ................................ 264
.Figure 92 - Travel direction sign. Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 13th May
2015 ............................................................................................................................ 264
Figure 93 - Free standing give way sign. Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 13th
May 2015 .................................................................................................................... 265
Figure 94 - Information sign Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015 ................. 266
Figure 95 - Example bench chair with bike racks. Glenelg, Guanghao Li, 6th May
2015 ............................................................................................................................ 267

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 96 - Tables and chairs with shelter. ............................................................... 267

Figure 97 - Common Public Toilet. ............................................................................ 268
Figure 98 - Drinking water fountain. Glenelg, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015 ............. 269
Figure 99 - Wheelie bin. Linear Park Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015 ......................... 270
Figure 100 - Landscaping sections (Google Map 2015) ........................................... 272
Figure 101 - Revegetation Area (Google Map 2015) ................................................ 273
Figure 102 - An Example of Artificial Pond (Wagland Landscaping 2012).............. 274
Figure 103 - Greenfield Wetlands (Weekend NOTES 2015) ..................................... 275
Figure 104 - Educational Sign ................................................................................... 279
Figure 105 - Hatchet head (Anon. 1985) ................................................................... 305
Figure 106 - Flake tool (Anon. 1985) ........................................................................ 305
Figure 107 - Aboriginal habitation mound, Riverland, Murray Valley (Government of
South Australia 2015) ................................................................................................. 306
Figure 108 - Eroding hearth (ACHM 2004) .............................................................. 306
Figure 109 - Grinding stone workshop with broken grinding stone (Australian
Cultural Heritage Management 2011) ....................................................................... 307
Figure 110 - Collapsed Aboriginal dwelling (Pikusa, S. 1986) ................................. 307
Figure 111 - Shellpatch Bore gnamma hole (ACHM 2003) ...................................... 308
Figure 112 - Aboriginal canoe tree (Environmental Operations Unit 1999) ............ 309
Figure 113 - Aboriginal painted art (Tindale, N.B. 1974) ......................................... 309

‘Constructing a universal passion for

List of Tables

Table 1 - Road Segment Location ................................................................................ 25

Table 2: List of Australian Standards. .......................................................................... 33
Table 3: List of costing for ITS over the Northern Connector alignment .................... 34
Table 5 below details the location of each sign on the expressway also shown on
drawing T-009 Table 4 - Location of signs .................................................................. 39
Table 5 - Emergency crossover location ...................................................................... 39
Table 6 - Sign Costing .................................................................................................. 40
Table 7 - Safety Phone Locations ................................................................................. 40
Table 8: Costing of ITS for the proposed interchange. ................................................ 42
Table 9: Geological Model ........................................................................................... 45
Table 10: Table C3.5(b)(1) Cohesionless Soils ............................................................ 46
Table 11: Table D4, Soil Classification ....................................................................... 46
Table 12: Settlement in different stages ....................................................................... 50
Table 13: Settlement in soil for the project .................................................................. 54
Table 14: Typical mix sizes for various applications ................................................... 69
Table 15: Pavement thickness ...................................................................................... 74
Table 16: Typical Asphalt layer as per AUSROADS .................................................. 75
Table 17: Detailed Layout for Pavement...................................................................... 75
Table 18: Typical design batter slopes as per AUSROADS ............................................
Table 19: Geotechnical Costings .................................................................................. 85
Table 20: Estimate Unit Rate Construction Cost for Swales ....................................... 98
Table 21: Estimation of Cost of maintenance .............................................................. 99
Table 22: Wind Direction Multipliers ........................................................................ 106
Table 23: Cardinal Wind Speeds ................................................................................ 107
Table 24: Loads Conversion ....................................................................................... 109
Table 25: Bridge Loadings ......................................................................................... 118
Table 26: RAPT Vs Hand Calculations...................................................................... 176
Table 27: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1 (Sourced from Liebherr
2015) ........................................................................................................................... 201
Table 28: Summary of bridge construction costs ....................................................... 207
Table 29: Cost breakdown of North Arm Creek and Dry Creek bridge construction 208
Table 30- CLG Meeting Dates ................................................................................... 237
Table 31: Tolerances .................................................................................................. 250
Table 32: Terresterial Plants ....................................................................................... 276

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 33: Aquatic Flora .............................................................................................. 277

Table 34: Signage Quantity ....................................................................................... 279

‘Constructing a universal passion for

1.1. Project Background

The 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide has predicted a significant increase in
population in Northern Adelaide and its surrounding regions. The increase in
population is expected to increase in population by 33% by 2038, predicted by the
Department of Planning and Local Government in 2009.

This ultimately will increase the traffic volume in existing routes connecting the
northern and southern regions of Adelaide. Apart from the consequences that will be
brought up by the population increase in northern and southern region of Adelaide; the
other reason for the need of new road is to provide solutions to the congestion that are
experienced by the freight vehicles moving between Adelaide’s Northern and North-
Western industrial regions and within Adelaide’s Northern region. If not addressed
appropriately, existing routes such as Port River Expressway and Port Wakefield Road
connecting the above mentioned regions will become a ‘red spot’ in traffic
engineering jargon due to congestion.

The new 15.6 kilometre northern connector road connecting north-south regions of
Adelaide is a multi-million dollar project and the Government of South Australia will
be seeking Commonwealth funding to carry out the construction of this road.

The Northern Connector would specifically link the South Rd Superway with the
Northern Expressway to create a north-south freight route on parallel with existing
Port Wakefield Rd on its western side.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

1.2. Introduction
This reports details the technical and design requirements for the Northern Connector
Stage 1.

Universal Engineers have built on the findings and recommendations from the
feasibility study to complete a comprehensive detailed design report. This report has
been as inclusive as possible within the specified timeframe. The outcome of this
design is a forward thinking traffic solution that will successfully connect the people
and businesses of Adelaide.

The departments utilised in detailed design were based on the project’s needs. These

- Transport
- Geotechnical
- Water
- Structural
- Urban Design
- Environmental
- Project Management

Transport developed a superior road alignment; this ensures that the Northern
Connector will have minimal impact on housing and industries. The signage,
intelligent transport systems and lane marking has been detailed in the report.

The Geotechnical department provided a solution to building on an area susceptible to

flooding, by raising the road height. The soil characteristics for footings were also
detailed, and an effective road profile designed.

The structural design team determined the most practical and economical bridge
design in the feasibility stage. This has been designed for in the detailed design, and
consists of three lanes of traffic travelling in different directions.

Urban design has taken into consideration the traditional custodians, the Kaurna
community, and have management plan if artefacts are found during construction.
Traffic noise will be alleviated with the use of noise barriers, and a shared path has
also been designed. Environmental produced an extensive

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Environmental Management Plan that has provided a framework and guidance for the
project. The plan will ensure that throughout construction and the projects life all
environmental impacts are minimised or eliminated.

A superior quality management system report has ensured that the detailed design
stage has been kept on track. This has consisted of weekly meetings, timelines and
deadlines being met and design issues being dealt with effectively.

By Universal Engineers utilising a clear top-down management structure, extensive

engineering knowledge and proactive communication this has ensured all deliverables
have been met.

1.3. Project Funding

The Australian and South Australian Governments will be funding this project as
stated by the 30 year plan; it contributes to the continued development of the South
Road and North – South corridor. Both levels of government have needs for this
project to go ahead.

The Federal Government is funding the project in order to create a freight network
which easily links all around Australia; the State Government is funding this project in
order to fulfil the 30 year plan for South Australia and the plan for greater Adelaide.

The areas that future possible funding opportunities may come from are listed below:

• Local Government

• Private Sector

• PPP (Public-Private Partnerships)

1.4. Project Goals and Objectives

The goals of the detailed design remain the same as they have been throughout
this project:

• Ensure the National Network Transport Link (South Road) fulfils its role in
accordance with both State and National plans, and as a freight link as outlined in the
30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide

‘Constructing a universal passion for

• Support Adelaide’s future economic prosperity and liveability by ensuring efficient

and effective connectivity for people accessing employment, leisure and service
opportunities (both regional and local) and optimise the opportunity for integrated
land use outcomes

• Provide an integrated solution that directly and indirectly enhances transport system
safety for all road users (including motorists, public transport, pedestrians and

• Develop a corridor wide solution that makes the best use of both new and existing
transport network infrastructure, and is integrated with the broader multi-modal
transport network of Greater Adelaide

• Develop a sustainable solution that provides the optimal balance between economic,
social and environmental outcomes.

The objectives for this detailed design remain the same as they have been
throughout this project:

• To protect and provide freight priority consistent with a National Network Transport
Link between the Northern Expressway and Southern Expressway and commercial
centres consistent with Adelaide’s 30-Year Plan

• To improve travel time, reliability and vehicle operating costs in Adelaide’s north-
south corridor

• To improve accessibility to employment, leisure and service opportunities of

Adelaide’s North-south traffic

• To minimise greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality within the South
Road corridor

• To provide the best possible solutions that reduce, if at all, potential environmental
impacts that could occur.

• To reduce the incidence and severity of South Road crashes.

• To be as cost effective with costing through all relevant fields.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

1.5. Further Reflection

In developing the detailed design for the Northern Connector Stage 1 (South), the
following points were considered:

• Potential Developments within the Salt Crystallisation Fields

Transport modes (Rail, Vehicle, Pedestrian)

• Transport logistics for construction and access

Local Interchange at Globe Derby Park

• Environmental impacts and prospects

• Social impacts and prospects

• Existing site conditions

• Constructability and construction impacts

• Operation and maintenance requirements

‘Constructing a universal passion for

1.6. Design Requirements

 The expert feedback from the feasibility study and detailed design brief has
been utilised in the detailed design.
 The relevant Australian design codes have been followed and adhered to in the
Northern Connector Detailed Design stage. This has included:
 Austroads Guide to Road Design
 AS3600 Concrete Structures
 AS5100 Bridge Design
 Followed the ‘The 30 year plan for greater Adelaide’, from The Government of
South Australia, 2015.
 The road will be located 3m above the salt pans to reduce flooding.
 In the construction methodology there is a 12 months consolidation time for
soil the soil that will impact on the completion date.
 The swale slope has been considered as 2%.
 The site location is part of a salt pan and also next to the sea. The corrosive
eeffects of this environment have been taken on board for materials (such as concrete).
 The construction methodologies comply with the Occupational Health and
Safety Act 2012
 During construction there will be minimal disruptions to traffic. This is due to
the location of the work-site and effective timetables being kept by construction
 The project will a low environmental impact by taking into consideration the
wetlands area, and having a thorough Environmental Management Plan
 Detailed costings have been through industry quotes and Rawlinsons,
Australian Construction Handbook, 2015.
 A design solution that maintains the flexibility to have a railway line included
in the near future.
 A consultation was held with Desmond Khoo from Department of Planning
and Transport Infrastructure on 10/6/2015, and further design recommendations were
made. These have been detailed in Appendix A.3.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2. Transport Department
2.1. Road location
The Road is broken into 17 segments of varying length, each of these segments is
given a specified GPS start location and finish location. The GPS coordinate describes
the position of the exact centreline of the dual carriageway which is 16.825 metres
from either edge of the pavement (except at bridges), directly under the middle of the
concrete barrier. These segments are defined in Table 1 and shown in drawing T-012
and T-013 through T-013C.
Table 1 - Road Segment Location

Segment Start End Notes:

Number Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
1 -34.831649° 138.563268° -34.818860° 138.580387° R 700 bank req.
2 -34.818860° 138.580387° -34.824927° 138.575919°
3 -34.824927° 138.575919° -34.818860° 138.580387° R 700 bank req.

4 -34.818860° 138.580387° -34.814951° 138.580070°

5 -34.814951° 138.580070° -34.813706° 138.580059° R 700 bank req.

6 -34.813706° 138.580059° -34.811241° 138.579948° R 706.69 use

R 700 banking req.
7 -34.811241° 138.579948° -34.809858° 138.579704° R 700 bank req.
8 -34.809858° 138.579704° -34.795788° 138.578625°
9 -34.795788° 138.578625° -34.795176° 138.578545° *, R 1000 bank req.

10 -34.795176° 138.578545° -34.793016° 138.578746° *

11 -34.793016° 138.578746° -34.792243° 138.578903° R 700 bank req.

12 -34.792243° 138.578903° -34.792129° 138.578919° R 700 bank req.

13 -34.792129° 138.578919° -34.788410° 138.580396° R 700 bank req.

14 -34.788410° 138.580396° -34.786598° 138.582089°
15 -34.786598° 138.582089° -34.782903° 138.584186° R 700 bank req.

16 -34.782903° 138.584186° -34.781862° 138.584180° *, R 700 bank req.

17 -34.781862° 138.584180° -34.780430° 138.584153° *

1. *Up to 5m road width to be added in centre median to accommodate bridge, refer section 2.1.1

2. R 700 and R 1000 refer to the radius of the corner, refer to section 2.2 for details, and also note the development lengths
will overrun into the previous and following segments

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.1.1. Local centre median widening for bridges

Local centre median widening will start 100 metres before and after the bridge to
allow for a 5 metre gap between the structures. Drawing T-012 shows the approximate
location of median widening.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Subject: Radiuses and Superelevation of Horizontal Curvatures
Detailed Design
Job Number: Contract: Transport

Date: 1/06/2015 Prepared: Dylan McIntosh

Sheet: 1 of 3 Checked: 3/6/15

Client: DPTI Approved: M. Thompson

2.2. Radius and Superelevation of Horizontal Curvatures

The radii of the horizontal curves located on the road alignment are designed in
accordance with AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design. There
are eight horizontal curves located on the southern section of the Northern Connector
with the same radiuses being applied for seven of the curves and another radius being
used for one of the curves. All curvatures are designed with a designated design speed
of 120 km/h for safety. A 3% crossfall will be applied for the entire length of the
southern portion of the Northern Connector, except at the corners.

The maximum superelevation for the horizontal curves is emax= 6% (Table 7.7,
AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design).
Therefore, the maximum superelevation is given in mm.

, where 33,650 is the width of the road in mm.

The side friction for the Northern Connector is going be f = 0.11 (Table 7.4,
AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design). Using the maximum
superelevation and the side friction factor, the minimum radiuses for the curves will
be Rmin = 667m (Table 7.5, AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric
Design). Using this as the minimum, the two radii’s for the curves will be;

R = 700m and R = 1000m

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Subject: Radiuses and Superelevation of Horizontal Curvatures
Detailed Design
Job Number: Contract:

Date: 1/06/2015 Prepared: Dylan McIntosh

Sheet: 2 of 3 Checked: 3/6/15

Client: DPTI Approved: M. Thompson

These two radii’s were chosen for ease of design, requirements of client and for the
space available for the alignment of the road, Error! Reference source not found.
xplains how these radii are used.

The required superelevation, e1 for both radii is equal to

(Commentary 18. C2, AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design)

Therefore, the calculation of the two required superelevations is as follows:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

R = 700m

Therefore, the required superelevation for R = 700m will be 6%.

R = 1000m

Therefore, the required superelevation for R = 1000m will be 4%.

The superelevation development length adopted will be 130m for both curvatures of
radiuses 700m and 1000m. (Table C19.1 & C19.2, Austroads Guide to Road Design
Part 3: Geometric Design). The first 91m of the superelevation development length
will be the straight leading up to the curve, with the remaining 39m located on the
curve itself before reaching the required superelevation for the duration of the
horizontal curvatures. The same distances in the same sections will be applied when
returning from the required superelevation to the normal cross fall. Drawings T-006
through T-008 show a cross section of the curves at the maximum superelevation

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

The Northern Connector - South will consist of variable message signs (VMS),
variable speed limit signs (VSL) and lane direction signs GE1-14 (refer to Appendix
B.1) in accordance with Australian Standards.

Refer to drawings T-01 through to T-01-D for locations of all the intelligent transport
systems (ITS) along the alignment designed by Universal Engineers.

2.3.1. Variable Message Signs (VMS)

There will be one VMS system located 1000 metres after the Port River Expressway
interchange and a further two proposed VMS located 1000 metres either direction of
the proposed interchange at Globe Derby Drive, this distance will give motorists
ample warning and time to read the message presented. The VMS will have the
following message priorities listed in Figure 1.

Figure 1: List of priorities.

The VMS will be permanent and installed behind crash barriers on the verge of the
roadway with displays on both sides of the frame to enable motorists travelling from
either direction to read and understand the message being displayed, refer to drawing
T-05. All messages will be conveyed in two frames of the VMS, as this ensures that
all road users will be able to view and comprehend the message in the time it takes for
them in their vehicle to approach and pass the VMS.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

As each message can only be displayed in a maximum of two frames, each message
must be able to be understood in one frame, in the event that a road user only sees one
frame of the message. Figure 2 depicts the use of messages on a permanent VMS with
two frames and each frame being understood without the other.

Figure 2: Depiction of the two frame message system.

As the Northern Connector (South) is a 110km/hr roadway, the two frame message is
to be restricted to 3 lines of 18 characters with no single word greater than 15
Error! Reference source not found. below lists existing messages available for the
ermanent VMS located on the Northern Connector (South) and correct times they can
be displayed to road users.

Existing Messages Protocol

Never in peak periods in peak traffic flow
Never during protracted periods of slow
moving traffic.
Only on weekdays in the CBD VMS at
low traffic times.
On weekends no time restrictions.
On long weekends only where traffic
flows freely.
Never in peak periods in peak traffic flow
EVERY TWO HOURS Only during holiday periods and on
weekends, not normal weekdays.
SLOW DOWN IN THE WET During periods of heavy continuous rain
Displayed Monday to Wednesday only
ALL DRINK DRIVING MESSAGES between 6pm to 6am Thursday to Sunday
No restrictions

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 3: AD302 Variable Message Sign,

2.3.2. Variable Speed Limit (VSL)

The Northern Connector (South) will contain a total of five Variable Speed Limits
signs (VSL) which will double as Lane Control Signs (LCS) the first location will be
500 metres from the South Road interchange with the remaining four being evenly
spaced every 1000 metres along the proposed road alignment.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The VSL signs, selected are able to display to any speed and conform to all required
Australian Standards shown in Table 2.

Table 2: List of Australian Standards.

- AS 1742.2 - Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

- AS 1743 - Road Signs Specifications
- AS 1744 - Standard Alphabets for Road Signs
- AS 1939 - Degrees of Protection
- AS 3000:2000 - Wiring Rules
- AS/NZS 2144:2002 - Traffic Signal Lanterns

Figure 4 shows a VSL in use, the features include High brightness LED display, local
and remote (optional) programming, long life cycle, impact resistant polycarbonate
screen and facility key switch for road workers/police/emergency services. The added
option of having all the variable speed limit signs to be solar powered will be taken for
the Northern Connector. Refer to drawing T-003 for details regarding the designed
overhead VSL gantry for the Northern Connector.

Figure 4: Example of an overhand VSL gantry.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.3.3. GE1-14 direction gantry

One GE1-14 sign will be placed 300 metres from the interchange with the Port River
Expressway, refer to section 2.4.5 for signage.

2.3.4. ITS Costing

Table 3: List of costing for ITS over the Northern Connector alignment

Item Quantity Price Description

AD307 5 $275,000.00 Variable Speed Limit Sign -

Overhead Gantry
AD302 1 $130,000.00 Gantry Mounted LED Variable
Message Sign
GE1-14 Sign 1 $55,000.00 Freeway Guide sign Overhead
Total $460,000.00

2.4. Signage
Road signs play an important role in guiding road users in the safe and efficient
movement of traffic. The road signs will lose effectiveness if used very frequently
and unnecessarily, therefore accurate placement and type of road signs is very
important. The Australian Standards specify in detail the different type of
requirements for the permanent road signs, temporary road sign and the pavement

2.4.1. Regulatory signs

Regulatory signs are signs which use to reinforce traffic regulation. The speed limit
sign, parking sins and hazard marker all belong to this kind of signs and they are
placed at the beginning of the expressway.

2.4.2. Warning signs

The warning sign indicate hazards that are not quite obvious to the road users. These
kind of signs present as diamond shape with a black legend on yellow background.
These are not expected to be needed due to design.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.4.3. Guide signs

Guide signs present information include routes, direction and distance to destination,
interesting point and roadside facilities.

2.4.4. Speed limit signs

The speed limit will be shown to road users via the VSL signs, however in the event
of a black out or communications fault, a sign attached to the VSL sign will explain
what the speed limit is in the event of the sign being blank. There are expected to be
10 signs of this nature, 1 facing each direction on the 5 VSL gantries.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.4.5. Other road signs in the project

The following signs will be used to manage the traffic flow during operation.

Figure 5 - Forward direction only sign, Image adapted from: AS1743-


The sign shown above in Figure 5 is the no turn sign which used at intersections
where vehicles are prohibited from making turns of any description. The size of the
sign is 450 X 600 (mm) according to standard shown. In this project, the sign will be
used to help control the traffic when vehicle is moving with high speed.

Figure 6 - Direction signs, Image, in part, adapted from AS1743-2001

‘Constructing a universal passion for

There are many different types of direction signs used to help control the traffic, the
signs shown above are just a sample of direction signs which direct road user to their
termination. On the signs, it presents arrows of the direction to the destination, name
of the destination such as City, and the distance to termination with unit of kilometres.
The photograph is taken by the team and dimension for the signs are from AS1743-

Figure 7 - Prohibited vehicles on motorway Image from: AS1743-2001

The sign shown in Figure 7 above is warning road users that bicycle, animals and
pedestrians are prohibited beyond this sign. The location of the prohibition sign (R6-
13) is displayed on drawing T-009 and written in

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 4. The size of the sign is 1200 X 1500 mm and present as black letter and white
background according to AS 1743-2001.

2.4.6. Emergency stopping Lane only

The emergency stopping lane sign is normally placed the point at beginning of the
expressway where the emergency lane is first developed, the sign has to be repeated
along the expressway at intervals of about 1 kilometre which to notice road users. The
size of the sign is shown below.

Figure 8 - Emergency stopping lane only Image from: AS1743-2001

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 4 below details the location of each sign on the expressway also shown on
drawing T-009

Table 4 - Location of signs

From South to North Latitude Longitude

No turn: 34°49'51.71"S 138°33'47.84"E
No Animal: 34°49'50.64"S 138°33'49.37"E
Emergency stopping lane (1st) 34°47'59.26"S 138°34'42.51"E
Emergency stopping lane (2nd) 34°49'45.20"S 138°34'09.42"E
Emergency stopping lane (3rd) 34°49'32.44"S 138°34'13.29"E
Emergency stopping lane (4th) 34°47'36.65"S 138°34'34.22"E
Emergency stopping lane (5th) 34°47'00.61"S 138°35'00.68"E
Direction sign to Barossa: Mounted on Southern GE1-14
Direction sign to City:
2.5. Emergency Crossovers
The emergency crossovers are located at the positions described in Table 5, each
crossover is 10m wide. 100m before the crossover, a sign will be placed to alert
emergency vehicle drivers of its presence. A no U-turn (emergency vehicles exempt)
sign will be placed in the immediate vicinity of the crossover. Drawing T-010 is the
crossover design.

Table 5 - Emergency crossover location

Emergency Crossover and No U Location along road (metres from road start of
Turn Sign road segment 1)
1 600 m
2 1100 m
3 2700 m
4 3700 m
5 4200 m
6 4700 m

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.6. Total cost of static road-side signs

Costing for the static signs is below in Table 6

Table 6 - Sign Costing

Type of signs Price ($) Each Quantity Cost($)

NO Turn $380 1 $380
No Animal $600 1 $600
Direction signs $620 2 $1240
Speed signs $450 10 $4500
No U-turn (EVE) $200 6 $1200
Emergency X-over $200 6 $1200
Emergency stopping lane $450 5 $2250
TOTAL Cost $11,370
2.7. Safety Phones
Safety phones will be an off the shelf design, they are to be located at the positions
detailed in Table 7 and shown on drawing T-011. The cost for the unit and installation
will be $1000 each.

Table 7 - Safety Phone Locations

Safety Phone latitude longitude Price

1 34°49'53.99"S 138°33'48.66"E $1000
2 34°49'32.60"S 138°34'27.40"E $1000
3 34°49'11.01"S 138°34'49.81"E $1000
4 34°48'25.60"S 138°34'46.85"E $1000
5 34°47'48.02"S 138°34'43.44"E $1000
6 34°47'10.60"S 138°34'57.36"E $1000
Total $6000

‘Constructing a universal passion for

2.8. Lane markings

Lane marking to be done in accordance to DPTI’s Pavement Marking Manual. T-014
series shows the intended lane markings.

2.9. Proposed Interchange Globe Derby Drive

Drawing T-02 shows the proposed interchange at Globe Derby Drive that can be
constructed if the need arises. The construction of the interchange will require the use
of a further 4 single variable speed limits signs as road users enter the freeway, these
will be AD307 the same used in the overhead gantry VSL except will be single posted
as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Single posted VSL.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

A further two mounted gantry VMS AD302, will be placed 1000 metres in either
direction of the proposed interchange. Two GE1-14 signs will be placed 300 metres
from the interchange. A list of costing of the proposed ITS is presented in Table 8.

Table 8: Costing of ITS for the proposed interchange.

Item Quantity Price Description

Variable Speed
AD307 4 $28,000.00 Limit Sign

Gantry Mounted
LED Variable
AD302 2 $260,000.00 Message Sign

Lane Direction
GE1-14 Sign 2 $110,000.00 Overhead Gantry

Total $398,000.00

Please note these prices are subject to change in the future, further costing is required
when the need arises for the interchange.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3. Geotechnical
3.1. Introduction
Geotechnical engineering is an essential aspect in the design and construction of
expressway and the bridge in the Northern Connector project. Understanding the soil
profile and its characteristics and behaviour is very necessary to calculate the possible
settlement in the soil due to the future construction.

The bore logs of the soil near the alignment of Northern Connector produced by
Aurecon on their geotechnical report provided by DPTI showed that the project extent
includes the expansive soft soils in the soil profile. The structures constructed in the
soft soils should be given higher care in order to prevent any differential settlements
that can result in failure of the structures.

The geotechnical engineers in Universal Engineers have thoroughly studied the soil
profile based on the bore logs as well as the geotechnical report 1 and 2 provided by

In consultation with the traffic engineers in Universal Engineers, an appropriate

thickness for the expressway (freeway) has been calculated to ensure that the road is
able to sustain the expected traffic flows.

Geotechnical engineers have also considered the future possibility of a sea level rise.
A prospective wall design has been provided to mitigate the possible flood situation
that may be caused by the rise in sea level in future.

The soil profile is investigated to provide in-detail information for the soil
consolidation as well as calculating the bearing capacity of the soil. The ground
exposure condition will help to determine the steel or concrete piles required to
support the bridges as well as the time required for soil settlement

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.1.1. Bore Log Analysis

The road alignment has slightly changed from the one proposed as a concept design
during the tender stage. Due to this, the bore log data that was produced by Aurecon
differs in locality. The most critical and the deepest bore log was BH 129 and this has
been taken as soil sample for the project (Refer to Section 1.5.2 for more information) .
This bore log represents the soil profile throughout the project layout. To simplify the
soil profile, the layers with similar characteristics were put into the same category and
the layer that had negligible thickness was combined with the representative layer
above or below it.

As per the BH129, a simplified geological soil profile has been drafted as below:

Figure 10: Geological Profile

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.1.2. Explanation of Geological Profile:

The soil profile (Error! Reference source not found.0) is drawn to the scale of 1:100.
The generalized layers of the soil and types including the depth have been clearly
shown in the legend in the profile. From the bore hole data, it is shown that the soil at
depth 0-2.7m has been classified as Fill Sandy Clay, although there were 0.5m of core
losses in 0-0.5m and 2-2.5m length of the bore log. Sand occasionally does not stick to
the bore, this results in the small loss of sand data. This sandy clay was brown in
colour with low to medium plasticity and medium to fine grain size.
At the depth of 2.7m-4.2m, the soil sample is clayey silt, dark grey to black in colour
and increases moisture content with the increase in depth. Similarly, the bore log was
differentiated into various soil types and related with their properties in the
geotechnical model in Table 9.In accordance with the geological profile and
AUSTROADS Bridge Design Code, a geotechnical model has been drafted. The
property of the soil profile plays a critical role in calculating the strength of the soil.

Table 9: Geological Model

Cu Unit soil
Depth Soil type Consistency/Density Φ’ C' (kPa)
(kPa) density (γ)
Fill Sandy
0-2.7 L 108 29 5 18.75
2.7-4.2 Clayer Silt F 180 21 2.5 19.5
Silty Sandy
4.2-5.4 VS/F 192 21 2.5 20
5.4-11.5 Sandy Clay VST 100 _ _ 20.5
11.5- Slity Sandy
VST/L 192 21 2.5 19.5
12.4 Clay
Sand ST _ 35 5 21
14-14.4 Sand L _ 35 5 21
14.4- Silty Sandy
H/VST 192 21 2.5 19.5
18.0 Clay
Sandy Clay VS/MD 100 _ _ 20.5

‘Constructing a universal passion for

A simplified geotechnical soil model was drafted as shown in Table 9. The value for
the internal angle of friction (Φ) and unit weight of the soil (γ) were obtained from the
consolidated un-drained strength (Cu) for soil layers was calculated using the formula
shown below and average value was taken for each layers.

Cu= 6N

Where N= Number of blow counts in SPT

Respectively, cohesion (c’) was obtained from “Table D4, Soil Classification” from
AUSTROADS Bridge Design Code and average value for each layer of soil was

Table 10: Table C3.5(b)(1) Cohesionless Soils

Table 11: Table D4, Soil Classification

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.2. Consolidation
Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1
(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: H Kandel
Sheet: 1 of 9 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

Figure 11: Vertical Stress Diagram

In order to simplify the consolidating soil layer, the soil profile has been generalized
into two different layers by assuming the soil layer with similar properties as a single
soil layer. For the second layer of the soil profile, the unit weight has been considered
as 20kN/m3 as it is the average value for those combined soil profile. The total vertical
stress due to the soil layer has been calculated.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: H Kandel
Sheet: 2 of 9 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

Figure 12: Generalized Vertical Stress Diagram

The consolidation layer generally consists of sandy-silty clayey layers for which the
typical moisture content value is 0.44 (terra GIS, 2007)

Moisture Content of consolidation layer = w = 0.44

Specific gravity, G = 2.65

Void ratio at the end of odometer test for saturated soil (Das, Ch3)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: H Kandel
Sheet: 2 of 9 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.3. Consolidation Data Analysis

At this stage, the consolidation data of the soil for the given site is not available. Due
to the lack of data for this site, the consolidation data for Seaford Railway Extension
has been used. The data used is for the soil type found in the area. The graph below
shows the settlement that occurred for the soil core in a laboratory environment for
one of the sites in the Railway Extension area.

Figure 13: Consolidation Graph

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: 3 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
For each consolidation stage, e will be calculated by using formula,

ei 1  ei  e

e H

1 e H

The table below shows the settlement that occurs at the end of each stage and stress
gained by the soil.

Table 12: Settlement in different stages

Stages Change Change mv Void Change Stress Height Strain log10(  )

in in Ratio in Void (  ) (H) ( )
Stress Height (e ) ratio
(  ) ( H ) ( e )
0 0.000 1.535 0.000 10.00 19.25 0.000 1.000
1 12.5 0.208 0.000864 1.508 0.027 22.50 19.04 0.011 1.352
2 25.0 0.063 0.000131 1.500 0.008 47.50 18.98 0.014 1.677
3 50.0 0.714 0.000742 1.410 0.089 97.50 18.27 0.053 1.989
4 50.0 0.973 0.001011 1.294 0.116 147.50 17.29 0.110 2.169
5 150.0 0.800 0.000277 1.203 0.092 297.50 16.49 0.158 2.473
6 150.0 0.498 0.000172 1.147 0.056 447.50 15.99 0.189 2.651
Unloading -0.026 1.150 -0.003 202.50 16.02 0.188 2.306
-0.306 1.185 -0.035 10.00 16.33 0.169 1.000

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: 4 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
Based on the above result, the stress-strain curve is plotted as shown below. The graph
shows that the strain in soil increased with the increase in stress. However, when the
applied stress was released, there was a slight reduction in strain. The change in stress-
strain behavior results in volume change and causes the compression and
recompression of soil.

Compression-Recompression Curve
stress (kPa)
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00
Compression-recompression Curve

cumulative strain





Figure 14: Compression- Recompression Curve

The graph below shows the compression and expansion of soil before and after the
release of stress. The curved section of the compression-recompression line is the
region of normal consolidation and the linear section is the region of over
consolidation. The

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: 5 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
graph also indicates that the soil bounces back as soon as the stress is released, which
is a swelling region.

Figure 15: e vs stress graph

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: 6 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.3.1. Determination of Soil Characteristics (Cv, k, Cc and T50, STAGE 4)

As the ground water table is at 1m, it is assumed that the soil after consolidation
would become a saturated soil and the total stress would be equal to the effective

Since there is a ground water table as below as at 1m depth, the soil is saturated.
Therefore effective stress is equal to vertical stress due to soil.

Effective Stress,  v  139 kPa

This falls in stage 4 of the test data.

Therefore, final vertical stress =  v  85

= 224 kPa

Stress increment  (139  224) kPa

3.3.2. Calculation of Compressibility Index of the soil (Cc)

The compressibility index of the soil tells about how much the soil could be
compressed. The higher value of compressibility index indicates that the soil contains
large voids and moisture content and is highly compressible. This value can be
obtained from the graph of ‘e vs stress’ by finding the slope of compression curve in
the region of normal consolidation.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: 7 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

1.29  1.15
Cc   0.398
log( 450 / 200)

3.3.3. Calculation of Swelling Index of the soil (Cs)

Similar to the compressibility index, swelling index explains the expansive nature of
soil. The swelling occurs when the stress over the soil is released after compression.
The slope of the swelling curve in the above graph of ‘e vs stress’ gives the value of
the swelling index.

1.185  1.14
Cs   0.0272
log( 450 / 10)

3.3.4. Calculation of total settlement (H )

The stress increment on soil causes settlement. With the addition of surcharge loading,
the stress increases on soil. The increment of stress was applied in different stages and
the corresponding height change (settlements) were calculated as demonstrated below.

Stress increment = (139-224) kPa

Table 13: Settlement in soil for the project

Stress mv  (kPa) H (m)


‘Constructing a universal passion for

Stage 4 (139-147.5) 0.001011 8.5 8.8
Stage 5 (147.5-224) 0.000277 76.5 8.8

Consolidation in different stages

Stage 4:

H1  mv    H  0.001011 8.5  8.8  0.076 m

Stage 5:

H 2  mv    H  0.000277  76.5  8.8  0.186 m

Total settlement:
H  H1  H 2  0.076  0.186  0.262 m  262 mm

Time for 50% settlement

C v t 50
T50  2
H dr

T50  0.197

Rearranging the above equation,

0.848H dr
 Cv 
t 90

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala

Sheet: 8 of 9 Checked: H Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

Need values for 90% settlement time (t90) and the height of water drainage layer (Hdr)

Since, most of the stress increment (78-163) kPa lies in stage 4. Following
conclusions can be made to find the values of Cv.

4th stage (97.5-147.5kPa)
Total Height change, mm

0.0 5.0 1 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
(time, min)

Figure 16: 4th Stage settlement

From graph above, H  0.98 m

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Soil Consolidation
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Sheet: 9 of 9 Checked: H Kandel

Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

t 90  1.9

t90  3.61

Hence, the time required for 90% settlement of the soil sample in the laboratory
environment is 3.61 minutes.

H o  19.25 mm

H f  19.25  0.98  18.27mm

H ave  18.76 mm

H dr   9.38 mm (Double drainage layer)

0.848  9.38 2
Cv  90 dr   20.66 mm 2 / min  10.71 m 2 / year
t 90 3.61

Using the value of Cv calculated above,

H o  8.8 mm

H f  8.8  0.262  8.54mm

H dr  8.54  4.27 m (Double drainage layer)


T50 H dr 2 0.197  4.27 2

 t 50    0.33 years  4 months
Cv 10.71

Therefore the time needed for 50% settlement of the soil is 4 months. As the
consolidation varies negative logarithmically with time, for full consolidation, the full
consolidation is expected to occur in 12 month time.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.4. Bearing Capacity for Footing Design

In order for the structural team to be able to design the footings of the required bridges,
the bearing capacity for the proposed footing had to be calculated. The structural team
provided a basic size for the footing to be around a 3mx3m square footing as a starting
point. Owing to the soil profile, the depth for the footing to be constructed at was
decided to be 0m. This is due to the fact that until this point the soil layers are all
variations of soft clay and in order to reduce the likelihood of failure the footings have
been set within a layer of silty-sandy clay (11.5m-12.4m deep) that is stiffer than the
other layers.

For the calculation of the bearing capacity the below equation was used.

In this case the r and i values are not applicable and can be cancelled out resulting in
the following, slightly more simplified, equation.

This calculation is completed twice, once to find the drained solution and again to find
the undrained solution, after which the more critical value is used as the ultimate
bearing capacity.

From the Geological Profile the following values for the soil layer were taken to be
used within the calculation.

3.4.1. Drained Solution

Throughout the calculation of the drained solution and the different factors, the c’
value was used as c (c = 5kPa) and was used as the value. The bearing
capacity factor equations can be found below.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Using the values from the geological profile, the value was calculated to be
16.4kN, the value was found to be 27.9kN and the value was determined to be

The shape factors were calculated based of a square footing 3mx3m (i.e. B = L = 3m).
The shape factor equations can be found below.

Using the above equations, was found to be 1.6, was found to be 1.6 and was
found to be 0.6.

The depth factors were calculated based on a depth of 0.6m using the below depth
factor equations as .

Using the above equations, was found to be 1.06 and was found to be 1.42.

After inputting all of these values into the simplified bearing capacity equation the
ultimate bearing capacity for the drained analysis was calculated to be 779kPa.

3.4.2. Undrained Solution

Throughout the calculation of the undrained solution and the different factors, the
value was used as c (c = 108kPa) and was used as the value. For the case
where , the value is 1kN, the value is 5.14kN and is 0kN.

Using the same formulas for the shape factors as in the drained solution, was found
to be 1.2, was found to be 1 and was found to be 0.6.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Using the same formulas for the depth factors as in the drained solution was found
to be 1 and remains equal to 1. However, due to being equal to 0° throughout the
undrained analysis is used to calculate and was calculated
to be 1.07.

After inputting all of these values into the simplified bearing capacity equation the
ultimate bearing capacity for the undrained analysis was calculated to be 706kPa
which is the more critical of the two calculated bearing capacities and therefore the
one to be used to determine the value.

After determining the ultimate bearing capacity, the safe or allowable bearing capacity
can be calculated.

Therefore, the max bearing capacity that this proposed footing can safely apply
to the soil is 247kPa over a 3x3m area.

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Bearing Capacity
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Capacity

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Date: 02/06/15 Prepared: Lachlan Inglis

Sheet: Sheet 1 of 2 Checked: Bhola Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: Bhola Dhamala Bearing Capacity

Footing Design for 3 x 3 m 0.6m Deep Drained Solution

= 16.4kN

Shape Factors

= 1.6

 Depth Factors

‘Constructing a universal passion for

= 779kPa

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bearing Capacity
Job Number: G-001 Contract: Bearing Capacity
Date: 02/06/15 Prepared: Lachlan Inglis
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 2 Checked: Bhola Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: Bhola Dhamala Undrained Solution

Shape Factors


Depth Factors

= 718kPa

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Undrained < Drained therefore Undrained is more critical case


‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Traffic Counts
Job Number: G-003 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 2 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.5. Traffic Volume Count (for Pavement Design)

Since the thickness of the pavement depends on the volume of traffic expected to use
the expressway, the geotechnical division of Universal Engineers has calculated the
Design traffic in Equivalent Standard Axles for the Connector. This value will be used
in calculating the appropriate thickness of pavement using CIRCLY.

Using the data provided by DPTI in the nearby roads such as Port Wakefield Road
and Salisbury Highway

Design Traffic (NDT)

NDT = 365 (AADT DF) (%HV/100) NHVAG (LDF CGF)


AADT = Average Annual Daily Traffic count, from the provided traffic data.

= 64 900

DF = the direction factor, calculated from the traffic data

= 0.5

%HV = the percentage of heavy vehicles using the road.

= 13% (from traffic data)

NHVAG = the average number of axle groups per heavy vehicle.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Traffic Counts
Job Number: G-003 Contract: design
Date: 10-05-2015 Prepared: Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 2 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
Separate into axle groups:

2 Axle groups = 5181 Vehicles

3 Axle groups = 3250 Vehicles

4 axle groups = 1343 Vehicles

5 Axle groups = 236 Vehicles


= 2.66

LDF = Lane Distribution Factor

= 0.65 for left lane of three lane urban road.

CGF = Cumulative Growth Factor, to allow for traffic growth over the life of the road.

(1  0.01R)P  1 R = annual growth rate (2%)

P = design life in years (30 years)

= 30

NDT = 365 (64900 0.51) (13/100) 2.66 (0.65 30)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

= 79.6 106

DESA (Design traffic in Equivalent Standard Axles) is required for the subgrade

DESA = 0.9 NDT

= 71.66 106

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.6. Pavement Design:

Asphalt is widely used in the Arterial roads and the expressways in Australia. Because
of the durability, high skid resistance, noise reduction and reduced water spray, the
deep lift asphalt has been design for the detail design of the Northern Connector. The
Cross-section of typical deep strength asphalt according to DPTI pavement design is
shown as below:

Figure 17: Typical Pavement Cross-Section

Also, the table 2.1 from the Guide to Pavement Technology states the use of AC 10 or
AC 14mm as the wearing surface of the pavement. In this project, AC 14mm has been
used as the open graded wearing course.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 14: Typical mix sizes for various applications

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: G-004 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 15-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 6 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.6.1. Input for CIRCLY

The pavement type was chosen as Open Graded Asphalt pavement containing
unbound granular pavement/cemented soil layer as recommended in the feasibility
study and agreed by the client in the presentation.

To calculate the appropriate thickness of the pavement, the CIRCLY was set to the
required DESA value and the desired pavement type was selected.

Figure 18: Input for CIRCLY

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: G-004 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 15-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 6 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.6.2. Output from CIRCLY

Figure 19: Output from CIRCLY

After several initial trails for the thickness of the pavement, the final thickness of
40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 250mm were found to be adequate for Asphalt wearing
course, intermediate course, Asphalt base course and unbound granular base course
respectively. Calculate Damage Factors (CDF) need to be less than 1 as output from
CIRCLY to accomplish an adequate design for the pavement.

The strength of the unbound granular base course was set as 850 MPa. The CBR for
the existing soil is calibrated as 7 in majority and 28 for minority of the project land.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

After the consolidation, it is expected to increase. Hence CBR of 8% has been adopted
for all the locations for the calculations. As CDFs for all the material was less than 1,
the design is adequate for the number of traffic predicted for the expressway.

3.6.3. Report from CIRCLY

Below is the output that was generated by Circly in regards to road pavement design.

Open Graded Asphalt

Austroads 2004- Example 3- Size 14

Maximum damage values for each vehicle type


Vehicle Type Damage Factor Critical Strain

------------ ------------- ---------------

ESA750-Full .43765E-04 -0.26515E-04

Maximum of total damage= 4.3764874E-05

Austroads 2004- Example 3- Size 20

Maximum damage values for each vehicle type


Vehicle Type Damage Factor Critical Strain

------------ ------------- ---------------

ESA750-Full .93727E-03 -0.45161E-04

Maximum of total damage= 9.3727250E-04

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Austroads 2004- Example 3- Size 20

Maximum damage values for each vehicle type


Vehicle Type Damage Factor Critical Strain

------------ ------------- ---------------

ESA750-Full .91294E+00 -0.17885E-03

Maximum of total damage= 0.9129401

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: G-004 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 15-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 6 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

Figure 20: Output for CDF for CIRCLY

The final pavement design for Northern Connector as calculated by CIRCLY has been
tabulated below:

Table 15: Pavement thickness

Material Types Total Thickness

AC 14 40 mm

AC 20 50+100 mm

Granular (850MPa) 250 mm

Total 440 mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: G-004 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 15-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 6 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
After the thickness of the pavement was calculated, the layout of the different layer
compaction needed to be defined. Since ‘The Guide to Pavement Design -Table 2.2:
Typical Asphalt Layer Thickness’ limits the compaction layer for the asphalt in order
to ensure the proper compaction as shown in the table below:

Table 16: Typical Asphalt layer as per AUSROADS

The layout has been detailed as follows:

Table 17: Detailed Layout for Pavement

Material Types Layout Calculated Total Thickness

AC 14 1 x 40 mm 40 mm

AC 20 3 x 50 mm 150 mm

Granular (850MPa) 2 x 125 mm 250 mm

Total 6 layouts 440 mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: G-004 Contract: Pavement design
Date: 15-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 6 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell
In summary, the detailed design of the pavement based on the outcome from CIRCLY
and following the guide to pavement design by DPTI is shown below:

Figure 21: Typical Cross-Section for Pavement

3.6.4. Design of the shared use path pavement thickness

The shared use paths along the corridor are designed for 2.5m wide. Taking into
consideration the safety of the pedestrian and the cyclists, the wearing surface is
designed as sprayed treatment. According to DPTI Bikeway Pavement Guidelines
(Table 11.2), the minimum design for sprayed seal granular bikeway and moderate
strength soil strength (CBR≥5%) without traffic is 10/5 double seal (as the wearing
surface) and 100mm PM3/20 as the base course. This type of surface is selected as
referred by the urban design team to aesthetic reason of the surrounding as well as for
the economical prospective.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.7. Embankment design

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1
(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Embankment Design
Job Number: G-005 Contract: Earthworks
Date: 18-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 4 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

The natural topography of the project area along the proposed alignment typically
ranges between 0 to +2 m of the Australian Height Datum (AHD). Due to the earlier
mentioned sea level rise the road will need to be raised 3m in order to ensure that the
road doesn’t get flooded. This means that the whole project will mostly only require
fill to be completed. As such the only excavations that will be done within the project
will be due to footings, foundations and pipe work.

The construction of the embankments will be done using the select earth fill so that
the properties of the soil are good to have a stable slope. According to AS 4678-2002,
only the selected cohesion less granular fill can be placed in a controlled manner. As
the use of plastic cohesive fills such as clay can cause problems like shrink, swell and
soft soil during and after the construction, the fill soil has been chosen as per the
standard’s table D4 as:

Weak weathered rock, gravel and recycled concrete: c'=20 kPa and f'=40o

As per AUSTROADS-Geometric Design reference properly, the typical batter slope

for earth batter for fill is 6:1, it is common practice to flatten the batters beyond the
required slope for the improved appearance. Also the flatter slope will reduce the
severity of the accidents if occurred. Since the expressway will have high volume of
the trucks, the flatter the slope, the better it is and the lesser the risks are.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 18: Typical design batter slopes as per AUSROADS

Hence, geotechnical engineers suggested using the batter slope of 10:1. A slope
stability test was conducted for the embankments for the designed slope using the
software called Galena. The embankment is designed symmetrical in both sides for
better aesthetic purpose as well as ease of design. The restraints were applied on both
sides to determine the most critical failure surface.

Figure 22: Typical Cross Section of the Embankment

The soil properties for the layers used in Galena are listed as follows:

Weak weathered rock, gravel and recycled concrete: (g) = 23 kN/m3 c'=20 kPa &

Existing soil after consolidation: Unit Weight (g) = 18.95kN/m3 c'=10 kPa and f'=35o

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Embankment Design
Job Number: G-005 Contract: Earthworks

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Date: 18-05-2015 Prepared: Himal Kandel

Sheet: Sheet 3 of 4 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.8. Slope Stability

The stability of embankment was checked using a stability analysis tool called
GALENA. The model was designed and a circular failure surface was considered. The
model was run for analysis and a critical failure surface appearing in the figure below
was obtained. Using engineering judgement, the failure surface represented by a thick
red curve (in the figure below) is considered to be the worst failure that can happen.
The embankment and the respective factor of safety for this critical failure was
obtained to be 9.02 which indicates that the design of the embankment is fairly safe.
Thus the slope of 10:1 for the given dimension was adopted for the embankment

Figure 23: Output from Galena for slope stability

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The detailed output of slope stability from Galena has been attached in the appendices.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Embankment Design
Job Number: G-005 Contract: Earthworks
Date: 18-05-2015 Prepared: Lachlan Inglis
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 4 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.9. Earth works

As discussed earlier in the report there will be an embankment on either side with a
slope ration of 10:1 this has a height of 3m will result in a 30m length on either side as
can be seen in the figure below.

Figure 24: Average Road Profile Cross-Section

From this figure it can be seen that when the thickness of the road pavement is
considered the average cross-sectional area of the road profile is approximately 176m2.
This means that in order to construct the whole 6330 meter section of road, and ensure
that it is not susceptible to flooding due to rising sea levels; approximately 1.1 million
cubic meters of fill will be needed for the project.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.10. Construction Methodology

Based on the size, type and complexities of the project, various contractors and
delivery methods are required in the final construction stage. For smooth proceeding
of the project with minimum budget, the geotechnical work has been divided into
number of tasks split up into different stages and the sequence of these stages depends
on the priorities of the tasks.

Since the construction requires multiple contractors with their own specialties, each of
the contractors are responsible for determining their own construction method, overall
scheduling and timing. However, a frequent and enough inter contractor
communication is required for the effective and simultaneous proceedings.

The tasks, without which other tasks cannot proceed forward or proceed with less
efficiency, shall be staged out to be completed at earlier time. And the tasks which
could only proceed with the help of former one, will be put to start at later time. The
staging shall be prepared so that there won’t be any gap or delay between the
consecutive tasks. In this way, each of the construction phases will be staged out to
occur sequentially, however, some works could be undertaken during and before the
completion of other phases or both at simultaneous time.

3.10.1. Phase 1: Site Preparation

 Site visit
 Fencing of construction site to prevent public access and secure a site
 Appropriate signage display for wearing protective equipment such as hard hats,
steel toe shoes and high visibility vest at site entrance will be installed
 Supply water for construction, caravans and portable toilets and rest rooms
 Removal or proper mitigation of any trees that may have to be avoided if found
lying on the designed alignment

3.10.2. Phase 2: Reclamation Works (Consolidation)

Since this stage is a long process, the completion of the project on time depends
heavily on the results of this stage. Stripping of topsoil is done up to 150mm and the
top soil is stockpiled on site, which will be re-spread after the completion of project
over the project site. The stockpile will be regularly sprayed to prevent the dust being

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The ground treatment to improve the quality of the soil in the area will be done by
filling the site with the select fill and extra surcharge if required. The select fill used as
surcharge can further be used for the construction of embankment in later stages. The
time required for this stage is at least 18 months including the time to deposit the
surcharges, consolidation and removal of extra surcharge at the end.

Various construction vehicles and equipment used for this stage are graders, trucks,
excavators, Bobcat, forklifts, Loader Bucket, etc.

3.10.3. Phase 3: Embankment construction and Slope Stability

 Topsoil containing surface soils which have sufficient humus to support plant
growth shall be removed.
 The natural ground surface should be cleared of all artificial debris and
vegetation, either growing or in decay. It is advisable to take advantage of the tensile
reinforcement provided by a root system if the embankment is constructed over very
soft subsoil.
 Fill material should be placed systematically and in uniform layers to the
correct width and side slope in order to facilitate control. Care is needed to make sure
the edges are compacted well.
3.10.4. Phase 4: Pavement construction

 Compaction of the sub base granular materials with optimum moisture content
of 98%, each layer not more than 125mm at a time.
 Proof role the compacted layer with the water truck and verified by Project
 Paving of asphalt overlays will be conducted using two asphalt batching plant.
Sufficient raw materials will be stockpiled on the site to ensure that the plants are
running efficiently.
 The thickness of the pavement layer has to be verified either by the site
engineer or supervisor
 Various construction vehicles and equipment used for this stage are graders,
trucks, Bobcat, asphalt pavers and rollers.
3.10.5. Phase 5: Disestablish site

 Once the project is completed, the site will be disestablished involving the
clean up as well as removal of equipment, fences and plants.
 Various construction vehicles and equipment used for this stage are excavators,
trucks, cranes, dozers and rollers.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

3.10.6. Phase 6: Testing

 Prior to opening the expressway to public, the surface quality needed to be

tested for skid resistance, noise reduction and water runoff.
 Core samples needed to be cut and tested for density and strength of the asphalt.

The construction methodology timeline can be found in Appendix C.2.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Cost calculation
Job Number: G-003 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 21-05-2015 Prepared: Lachlan Inglis
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 3 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.11. Costing
As can be seen in Error! Reference source not found. the estimated amounts of
aterials required over the project can be seen in the third column, while the cost of the
material is in the fourth column. The prices used within the cost column are estimates
taken from the Australian Construction Handbook, (Rawlinson, 2014).

3.11.1. Pavement Materials Cost:

Table 19: Geotechnical Costings

of Total Volume Cost/
Material Cost ($)
road (m3) ($/tonne)
Fill 176.14 1114995 2675988 22 58871736
AC 14 1.35 8520.2 20448.5 180 3680726
AC 20 5.05 31950.8 76681.9 180 13802746
8.41 53251.3 127803 20 2556062

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Cost calculation
Job Number: G-003 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 21-05-2015 Prepared: H R Kandel
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 3 Checked: B Dhamala
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.11.2. Pavement and Bituminous Plant and Equipment costs:

Hour No. of Number Days

Plant and Labour Cost
Rate Hours/day Required Required
Labour 40 8 20 120 768000
Contract Backhoe 100 8 2 120 192000
Contract Bobcat 95 8 2 120 182400
Contract Tandem 80 8 4 120 307200
Contract Excavator 145 8 2 120 278400
Grader 140 8 2 120 268800
Roller Vibratory Double
Drum 28.85 8 2 120 55392
Caravan, light 4 Wheel 5.91 8 2 120 11347
Asphalt Paver 150 8 2 120 288000
Total 2351539

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Cost calculation
Job Number: G-003 Contract: Geotechnical
Date: 21-05-2015 Prepared: B Dhamala
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 3 Checked: H R Kandel
Client: DPTI Approved: R Beardwell

3.11.3. Earthworks costs:

Hour No. of Number Days

Plant and Labour Cost
Rate Hours/day Required Required
Labour 40 8 10 60 192000
Contract Backhoe 100 8 1 60 48000
Contract Bobcat 95 8 1 60 45600
Contract Tandem 80 8 2 60 76800
Contract Excavator 145 8 1 60 69600
Grader 140 8 1 60 67200
Roller Vibratory Double
Drum 28.85 8 1 30 6924
Caravan, light 4 Wheel 5.91 8 2 60 5674
Loader Bucket capacity 2.0
cm 45 8 1 48 17280
Fork lift (upto 2 ton) 6.29 8 1 30 1510
Total 530587

The total cost of the geotechnical section of the project came out to be $ 81,793,396
However, it must be noted that this cost is based on estimated material requirements
and the final cost could either be higher or lower depending on changes to these

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4. Stormwater Design

4.1. Project Overview

The proposed alignment for the Northern connector is in wide open space, due to the
salt plains ceasing operation. As a result of having this excess space available, the best
solution to the stormwater runoff from the road is an open channel (swale) system.
Open channels are an economical option where large flows are expected and space is
not a limitation. Large flows are expected around the bridge areas. The reason for this
is the water cannot directly flow off the bridge and is required to be diverted to the
ends of the bridge where it will be introduced back into the ecosystem. The advantage
of this kind of drainage system is that runoff collection would be continuous and also
shallow flow is the most likely outcome rather than more concentrated flooding at
upstream inlets of the closed drainage system.
If we did not have such a large area of land at our disposal, we would have looked into
alternative designs such as an underground pipeline system with pits situated at a
reasonable spacing alongside the motorway.

This open channel/swale system will run parallel with the connector on both sides; it
will be 4.5m wide in total and will have a maximum depth of 0.2m. Where the swale
is within 20m of the bridges, the cross section will be altered such that the overall
width is 3.7m. The reason for the change in cross section is to incorporate steeper side
slopes such that the swale does not overflow when coping with the excess stormwater
runoff from the bridges.

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4.1.1. General Considerations

For our open channel swale design we must consider the following:

1) Establish the ecological requirements for the channel

a) Determine the repairing management requirements
b) Stream bank erosion guidelines
c) Natural channel design requirements
d) Growing the possible plants along the channel
e) Use of the channel by Fauna
2) Consideration about most economical route with land use and topography
3) Design the slope to prevent erosion from the present high velocity
4) Determine the available area for an open channel in the drainage easement.
5) Assessment based on standards for erosion resistance including vegetation
6) Considering future maintainability
7) Calculate flow characteristics and designed based on major rainfall data
8) Safety assessments for cars passing along the road

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4.2. Design Parameters

1) Geological factors such as soil type and soil condition.

 The open channel was designed based on the existing soil, the main surface soil
type in the area is sandy clay which allows the small amount of water to penetrate to
the soil and also flow easily during the rain. Additionally the soil in the surrounding
area has a high salt content as a result of the pre-existing salt fields.
2) Hydraulic factors:
 Rainfall data were analysed and the channel were designed based on major
storm for 10 years.
3) Geometric:
 Channel slope and cross-fall values were taken from Australia standard to be
2% for channel slope and for the cross fall.
4) Vegetation which grows along or in the channel:
 Low line Scrub and different kind of bushes exist in the project area;
the salty soil has limited vegetation growth in the area.

4.2.1. Assumptions

There are a number of different types of flow and given that our design is an open
channel, the flow will be naturally occurring dynamic flow. This type of flow is hard
to analyse and model and as a result we must make some assumptions in order to
design the open channel:

 Flow assumed to be steady

 Uniform flow
 Velocity is averaged over the whole cross-section
 Flow is non-turbulent

4.3. Open Channel Detailed Design

4.3.1. Reason for Selecting Open Channel

Universal Engineers Water Design department decided to implement an open channel

alongside the motorway to deal with any stormwater runoff that the road may be

‘Constructing a universal passion for

subject to; an open channel was selected as a solution to this as it is a low maintenance,
environmentally friendly, highly effective and simple design. The open channel will
be include vegetation, it will act as a filtration device that will treat the water before it
flows back into the adjacent creeks thus reducing environmental impact from the busy
road on the local flora and fauna.

4.3.2. Construction Methodology for Designing Swale

 The swale is excavated to the depth of 200mm.

 The topsoil is stored separately.
 The width of the swale floor is made to equal the calculation the assumption.
 The side slope is designed for a ratio of 1 vertical to 10 horizontal; potentially
it could be a smaller slope if required.
 The floor of the swale is excavated to a further 150- 250mm depth and the
materials are excavated with the top soil.
 Trenches are excavated across the width of the swale for 200 mm deep and 3 m
 Confirm dam is constructed for 25mm- 150 mm grade broken stone to height
of 500mm above the floor of the swale.
 The side slope of the checked dam is built to a ratio of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal
 The side slopes and floor of the swale are grass with a mixture that requires
little maintenance and provides a dense well-knit turf. Apply the grass mix at about 24
grams .
 Fertiliser and/ or lime are applied to bring the topsoil nutrient content and PH
to the required limits.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4.3.3. Design Calculations

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Main Swale calculations
Job Number: SW001 Contract: Swale design
Date: 20/5/15 Prepared: Michael Pastore
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 4 Checked: Aluong Nyadit
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi Site characteristics:

Catchment Area:

 Roads & footpath

 Swale easement
 Total area

Overland flow slope:

 Total main flowpath length

 slope

Fraction impervious:

 Roads & footpath

 Swale easement

Estimating design flows:

50 years
6 minutes 144mm/hr

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Main Swale calculations
Job Number: SW001 Contract: Swale design
Date: 20/5/15 Prepared: Michael Pastore
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 4 Checked: Aluong Nyadit
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi
pervious runoff coefficient

year ARI 1 hour coefficient

fraction impervious
10 year ARI, 1 hour RI


Check 50 year flow rate:

We can now determine the slope by checking the velocity of the desired slopes and
ensuring it is not greater than .

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Main Swale calculations
Job Number: SW001 Contract: Swale design
Date: 20/5/15 Prepared: Michael Pastore
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 4 Checked: Aluong Nyadit
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi
The channel will have a cross section based on figure 1 below:

Figure 25: Cross section of Open Channel

Channel characteristics are:

 Adopted slope
 Manning’s
 Side slopes
 Area
 Wetted perimeter

 Hydraulic radius

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Main Swale calculations
Job Number: SW001 Contract: Swale design
Date: 20/5/15 Prepared: Michael Pastore
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 4 Checked: Aluong Nyadit
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi

Manning’s equation can be rearranged in order to calculate the velocity. In order to

do this we will adopt a 5 year ARI flow event where the following values have been

 Velocity capacity (5 year ARI)

 Wetted area
 Wetted perimeter

 Hydraulic radius

Therefore, the velocity can be calculated:

Therefore our channel is more than capable of handling the stormwater runoff
from the road and the design is conservative in order to accommodate for future

4.3.4. Design Calculations (Around Bridge)

The stormwater that is collected from the bridge will be collected into the open
channel that was previously designed. This channel will then disperse all water into

‘Constructing a universal passion for

the creek which the bridge spans across. It will be ejected into the creek via the open
channel, we will not utilise any pipelines to perform this function. This option is the
most environmentally friendly as the channel is vegetated with grass.

The side slopes of the open channel will be slightly increased within close proximity
(20m) to the bridges. This slope increase will cater for any additional water that this
section of the channel has to cope with. The adjusted cross section will have side
slopes of 1:8 and hence we must recalculate to ensure the velocity is still within our
acceptable range and does not exceed 0.5m/s.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Swale Calculations (Near Bridge)
Job Number: SW002 Contract: Swale design
Date: 20/5/15 Prepared: Michael Pastore
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 1 Checked: Aluong Nyadit
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi

Manning’s equation can be rearranged in order to calculate the velocity. In order to

do this we will adopt a 5 year ARI flow event where the following values have been

 Velocity capacity (5 year ARI)

 Wetted area

 Wetted perimeter

 Hydraulic radius

Therefore, the velocity can be calculated:

Therefore this swale design is satisfactory given the velocity of the flow is less than

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4.4. Stormwater Design Cost Estimation

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Estimated Unit Rate Construction Cost for Swales
Job Number: SS001 Contract: Stormwater
Date: 01/06/2015 Prepared: Aluong
System Nyadit
Sheet: 1 of 2 Checked: Michael Pastore
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi
4.4.1. Estimated Swale Cost

The construction cost for swales depends on the surface area/width, type of vegetation
and the gradient of the area. The essential unit rate construction for a nominal 3 metre
wide swale is summarised in Table 1.

Table 20: Estimate Unit Rate Construction Cost for Swales

Works Description Quantity Unit Rate Cost

Excavate and Profiling 3 2 6
Supply and Place Topsoil 3 7 21
layer (within 100m thick )
Supply and apply grass seed, 3 1 3
Total Length of the Swale 30*630
Total Cost = 189000
Based on the table 1, the unit cost is approximately $30/metre length of swale or
approximately $10/square metres of swale. For swales with an underlying subsoil
drain (i.e. for grades less than 2%), include an additional $30/m for the construction of
the subsoil drain, including excavation, perforated pipe, gravel and sand backfill and
geofabric surround. If rolled turf is used instead of seed, the estimated unit cost of the
swale would increase to approximately $18/square metres (excluding subsoil drain)
(Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, 2004).

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Estimation of Cost Maintenance

Job Number: SS001 Contract: Stormwater System

Date: 01/06/2015 Prepared: Aluong Nyadit
Sheet: 2 of 2 Checked: Michael Pastore
Client: DPTI Approved: Shayan Khatibi
4.4.2. Estimation of Swale Maintenance Cost

The maintenance objectives for a vegetated swale system include retaining the
hydraulic and pollutant removal efficiency of the channel, and maintaining a dense,
healthy vegetation cover. The table (2) below describe the cost of the maintenance for
the Northern Connector Swale Design.

Table 21: Estimation of Cost of maintenance

Swale size
Component Estimate 0.2m deep, 0.5m Comments
Cost bottom, 3m top width
Mow 2-3 times per
Mowing 264.6
Grass Maintenance
General grass care 297 area is top width +

Debris/ Litter Removal 170.1

Area revegetated x
Reseeding/Fertilisation 10.8 1% of maintenance
per area per year
Inspection and general Inspection once per
Administration year
Total 1164 per year

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Maintenance should include frequent inspection during the first few months to ensure
vegetative cover is establishing well. Once established, continue to inspect biannually
for signs of erosion. Weed control and periodic mowing of grass swales (typically
biannually), with grass never cut shorter than the design flow depth, are recommended.
Cuttings should be removed from the channel and disposed in a local composting
facility. Similarly, vegetated swales should be pruned and harvested in place of
mowing. Before winter and after major storm events, debris and blockages should be
cleared. The vegetation cover should be thick and reseeded as necessary. Swales will
be inspected regularly for pest intrusion such as mosquitoes. Vegetation
50mm to 40mm turf grass vegetation is required to cover the entire width of the swale
in order to have a water quality filtering function, rather than simply a conveyance or
infiltration function. For this swale design, a fine, close growing, water resistant grass
is selected to increase the surface area of the vegetation exposed to the runoff and
thereby improve effectiveness of the system. The dense form and height of the turf
grass will provide an aesthetically pleasing landscape feature.

4.4.3. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

The proposed stormwater system strictly adheres to the Water Sensitive Urban Design
requirements. With the introduction of swale systems, any collected water is
redistributed into the natural water systems via our channels besides the bridges. The
swales will be comprised of grass that will act as a filtration system such that the
stormwater runoff has minimal impact on the Little Para River and the Dry Creek

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4.5. Future Considerations - Predicted Sea Level Rise

As shown in the graph below, due to the expansion of the oceans and melting land
based ice the global sea level will increase each year (Baseline 1961-1990). According
to Australian online Coastal Information, in Adelaide region it is predicted that sea-
level rise scenarios of almost 0.5m is relevant for the 2050 period and 1.1m by the
2100 period.

Figure 26: Global Mean Sea Level Rise (Baseline 1961-1990, WMO standard)

4.5.1. Predicted Sea Level Rise

Figure 26 below is a virtual representation of what sort of flooding will be expected

with a future sea level rise of 1.1 meters using the bucket fill method; this method was
mentioned within the Feasibility study performed by Universal Engineers 2015. As we
can see from Figure 27, the entire low laying area would be completely flooded using
this prediction method. Therefore a future construction of a seawall is highly
recommended by Universal Engineers in-order to protect future developments.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 27: Virtual Flood Representation Construction of Seawall

According to the client (DPTI) the construction of seawall will be 4.5 metre high from
the sea level. Universal Engineers recommended a construction of the sea wall along
the coast which is shown in red by Appendix D.1. The construction of a 4.5 meter
seawall on the western side of the road corridor will protect future developments from
any future sea level rise.
Universal Engineers have been considering an alternative seawall that would align
with the proposed Northern Connector, the highway will work as a seawall, however
further investigation is required.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5. Structural Design
5.1. Introduction
There are currently no major bridge structures allowing transit over the two waterways
within the Northern Connector development area. These waterways, Little Para River
and Dry Creek, have spans of 40m and 120m respectively. The locations of water
courses and the corresponding bridges can be seen in Figure 28. In order to maintain
a constant traffic flow over these water bodies it is essential to design and construct
bridge structures to carry three lanes of traffic in each direction.

Figure 28 - Location of Bridges for Structural Design

The design and construction of these bridges is the main structural component of the
Northern Connector Project, which includes computer analysis, hand calculations,
construction procedure and relevant safety procedures during the construction phase.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Final costing’s of the structural component having also been considered, utilizing
subcontractors and material property guides.

SpaceGass is a proven and reliable structural analysis tool (SpaceGass 2015). The
primary use of SpaceGass in this design was to model the main superstructure of the
bridge including girders and deck and use simulations to apply combination load cases.
By using SpassGass and RAPT an accurate, efficient and thorough evaluation has
been achieved that satisfies the design brief in quality and aesthetics.

The following sections and subsections provide an in-depth discussion into the design
and detail of the bridges. For ease of installation and simplicity of design the bridges
have been designed and analysed in 20m sections, which can then be connected in
series to achieve the desired span of the bridges. Many other aspects have been
considered and will be further detailed throughout this report.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Wind load calculations for Bridge
Job Number: ST001 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 4 Checked: Peter Zafiris
Client: DPTI Approved: Abraham Kuer

5.2. Load Cases

5.2.1. Wind Loads

Wind load is an important consideration in bridge design due to the surface area of the
superstructure and the significant exposure. Both Little Para River and Dry Creek
bridges have very high wind exposure due to limited obstacles in the surrounding area.
The bridges are located on very flat terrain with few surrounding trees and no tall
buildings, allowing the bridges to receive the full impact of the wind pressure. Two
key wind loads have been considered in the following calculations including vertical
and transverse loads. Vertical load or uplift acts upward on the underside of the
girders, perpendicular to the horizontal decking slab and creates a bending moment on
the superstructure opposite to that created by the dead loads and traffic loads. The
transverse wind load acts perpendicular to the side of the bridge and creates bending
moment on the columns and bridge girders.

The wind loading calculations have complied with the Australian standards and
consider a wind speed ARI of 2000 years as specified in AS5100.2: 2004, clause
16.2.2. The design wind speed has been found by considering the maximum wind
speed applied to the bridge from wind speeds specific for the Adelaide area for each
cardinal direction. The wind speeds have been factored by values specific to the
conditions associated with the bridge locations and dimensions and loads have been
calculated for force analysis on the bridge superstructure.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Wind load calculations for Bridge
Job Number: ST001 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 4 Checked: Peter Zafiris
Client: DPTI Approved: Abraham Kuer Design wind speed:

 VR (Regional gust wind speed) = 48m/s from table 3.1, region A1 (1170.2:
2004) for 2000 year ARI as stated by section 16.2.2 in (AS5100.2: 2004)
 Md (Wind direction multiplier) for the 8 cardinal directions from table 3.2 for
region A1
Table 22: Wind Direction Multipliers
Direction Multiplier
N 0.90
NE 0.80
E 0.80
SE 0.80
S 0.85
SW 0.95
W 1.00
NW 0.95

 Mzcat (Terrain/height multiplier) = 0.99 from table 4.1 (1170.2: 2004) for
terrain category 1 with a height (z) of less than 3m

 Ms (Shielding multiplier) = 1 from Table 4.3 (1170.2: 2004), due to shielding

from trees or vegetation not being permitted and no buildings being located in
surrounding area a conservative value of 1 is adopted.

 Mt (Topographic multiplier) = 1 from section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 (1170.2:2004:

2004), due to Mt = Mh = 1 when H/(2Lu) <0.05 as there are no shielding hills in the
area, a value of 1 is taken for all directions.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Wind load calculations for Bridge
Job Number: ST001 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 4 Checked: Peter Zafiris
Client: DPTI Approved: Abraham Kuer
Cardinal wind speeds calculated from the known variables:

Table 23: Cardinal Wind Speeds

Direction Wind Speed (m/s)
N 42.8
NE 38.0
E 38.0
SE 38.0
S 40.4
SW 45.1
W 47.5
NW 45.1 Calculation of the transverse wind load (CL 16.3, AS5100.2.2004)

The ultimate design transverse wind load (Wtu) is given by the equation:

 u (Design wind speed for ultimate limit states). The bridge runs 20 degrees
East of true North longitudinally. Hence interpolation between North-West and West,
and South-East and East is required to calculate transverse direction. Linear
interpolation is used to calculate required direction:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Wind load calculations for Bridge
Job Number: ST001 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 4 Checked: Peter Zafiris
Client: DPTI Approved: Abraham Kuer

Hence the critical wind is 46.4m/s from the South-West.

 t (Area from the critical span of bridge) = depth x length = 1.1 × 20.0 = 22 2

 d(Drag coefficient) requires b/d ratio where:

- b (width of the bridge) = 15m
- d (depth of the bridge) = 1.1m

Hence b/d = 15/1.1 = 13.6

d = 1.3 from figure 16.3.3 (AS5100.2: 2004)

Therefore the ultimate design transverse wind load is

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Wind load calculations for Bridge
Job Number: ST001 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 4 Checked: Peter Zafiris
Client: DPTI Approved: Abraham Kuer Calculation of the vertical wind load (CL 16.5, AS5100.2.2004)

The ultimate design vertical wind load is given by the equation:

 Vu (Design wind speed for ultimate limit states) = 46.4m/s

 Ap (Bridge area in plan) = 15 x 20 = 300m2
 CL (Lift coefficient) = 0.75 (CL 16.5.2 AS5100.2.2004)

Therefore the ultimate design transverse wind load is:

Loads converted into pressure and UDL:

Table 24: Loads Conversion

Load UDL (kN/m) Pressure (kN/m2)

Transverse (Wtu) 1.85 1.67
Vertical (Wvu) 14.55 0.97

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.2.2. Traffic loads

The ultimate traffic loads considered to be acting on the bridge consisted of three class
M1600 vehicles travelling simultaneously across the bridge. Class M1600 is specified
in the Australian standards (AS5100.2-2004, CL 6.2.3) as moving traffic loads
produced by truck actions. By utilising the SpaceGass software traffic library, the
analysis of the worst case combination for traffic loading was achieved. The M1600
truck configuration data found in the SpaceGass library provided dimensions and
loads generated by each axle. In Figure 29 below extracted from SpaceGass,
illustrates the dimensions of the vehicle. The spacing between the individual wheels
horizontally is 1.25m. The spacing between the sets of axles is 3.75m, 6.25m and 5m
from front to back respectively.

Figure 29: M1600 dimensions

The vehicle library in SpaceGass also provided isolated wheel loading transferred to the
bridge from each vehicle. Figure 30 below extracted from SpaceGass illustrates the force
exerted by each wheel.
60 kN

Figure 30: Vehicle loading

‘Constructing a universal passion for

To generate the worst case loading combinations for the bridge, dynamic loads
produced from moving vehicles were analysed. Through utilising the SpaceGass
moving loads function, it was possible to generate the simulation of three concurrent
moving vehicles. In Figure 31 below, is extracted information from SpaceGass
illustrates the simulation of the vehicle tires moving from right to left across the


When analysing the dynamic loads it was essential to consider the effects of three
vehicles moving across the bridge. The bridge standards (AS5100.2-2004) require the
consideration of the accompanying lane factor when calculating the worst case load
combination. In accordance with AS5100.2-2004 (table 6.6) the three lane
accompanying factors are 1.0, 0.8, and 0.4 respectively. The specified values were
inputted as Figure 31: Dynamic Loads
the dynamic
load factors in

According to AS5100.2-2004 the dynamic load allowance must be calculated to find

the total traffic loading. To achieve this, an alpha factor must be calculated to
successfully model the dynamic effects of vehicles moving over the bridge while

‘Constructing a universal passion for

considering road surface irregularities. This value can then be applied in the worst
case load combination; this is calculated below in traffic loads below (ST002).

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Traffic Loads
Job Number: ST002 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 1 Checked: Marcus Kernahan
Client: DPTI Approved: Xiaotong Huang
Dynamic load allowance =

(AS5100 Cl 6.7.1)

Therefore the dynamic load allowance of 1.35 can be utilised in finding the worst case
loading combinations.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Load Combinations
Job Number: ST003 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 2 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Peter Zafiris

5.3. Load Combinations

The calculated loads must be combined in order to find the worst case loading
combination acting on the bridge. The loads are combined in accordance with the
bridge design codes AS5100.2-2004. The loads can be separated into dead,
superimposed and live loads. Superimposed loads

 Ultimate bitumen loads for removable structures = 2.0 (GB)

AS5100.2-2004, table 5.3

 Ultimate guard rail loads for removable structures = 2.0 (GG)

AS5100.2-2004, table 5.3 Dead loads

 Ultimate self-weight of concrete permanent structure = 1.2 (GC)

AS5100.2-2004, table 5.2 Live Loads

 Lateral wind load = 1.0 (WL)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Load Combinations
Job Number: ST003 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 2 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Peter Zafiris Dynamic live loads

 Ultimate load factor = 1.8 (AS5100.2-2004, table 6.10(A), M1600 moving

 Dynamic load allowance = 1.35 (calculated in traffic loading)


Dynamic scenario factor = 1.35 x 1.8 = 2.43 (QT) Total load combination

Total = 2.0(GB) + 2.0 (GG) + 1.2(GC) + 1.0(WL) + 2.43(QT)

These loads have been imputed into SpaceGass software.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Guard Rail and Kerbing
Job Number: ST003 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 1 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.3.2. Guard Rail and Kerbing Guard Rail and Kerb Calculations

The guard rail and kerb loadings on each side of the bridge were applied as a
combination to simplify the analysis. The self-weight of the semi rigid guard rail
system is 10.15kg/m and the concrete kerb dimensions were taken as 150 x 300mm.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Pavement Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 1 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Peter Zafiris

5.3.3. Pavement Design Pavement Calculations

The pavement loading applied to the bridge superstructure is calculated below. This
load was applied in a negative vertical direction as a uniformly distributed load on top
of the concrete slab. The thickness of the pavement is 95mm and the density of
bitumen is 22kg/m3.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.4. Computer Analysis and Results Computer Analysis
The two bridge structures spanning Little Para River and Dry Creek were modelled
and analysed through the use of computer software including SpaceGass and RAPT.
Both analysis programs allowed components of the bridge to be modelled with
specific material and section properties, and also accurate simulation of loadings were
achieved. Firstly, the super tee beam bridge was modelled and loads were applied,
including all live loads, dead loads and superimposed dead loads. The entire structure
was analysed under the worst-case scenario.
As the bridge design consisted of two different spans, the super tee beams were
considered in 20m spans and analysed as simply supported structures to be applied
over the water bodies at these intervals. The design of 20m spans for each bridge
allows for an ease of manufacturing and installation, due to consistency of section
detail and ability to incorporate repeatability into process. The installation and
transport of the bridge components is further discussed in the logistics section of this
report. SpaceGass Software

The bridge components were modelled using SpaceGass. This process involved
constructing the bridge using specific section properties, material properties and
dimensions. The various load combinations could also be applied which are shown in
Table 25 below. The values provided in Table 25 were found using hand calculations
specified in the Australian standards with the dead load due to bridge superstructure
being generated by the software. In Figure 32 and Figure 33 below show the rendered
models of the bridge and headstocks extracted from SpaceGass.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 25: Bridge Loadings

Load Title Load Notes

Traffic Loads M1600 Vehicle Critical moving traffic loads (120kN per
Axle - SpaceGass)
Lateral Wind Loads 2.89kN/m Critical lateral wind case for region
Uplift Wind Loads 12.35kN/m Critical uplift wind case
Self-Weight Calculated by Self-weight of structural components
Kerb and Guard Rail 1.2kN/m Load due to semi rigid guard railing and
Loads kerbing
Pavement Loads 2.1kN/m Load due to pavement atop decking

Figure 32 - Rendered SpaceGass Model of Bridge

Figure 33 - Rendered SpaceGass Model of Headstock and Columns

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ RAPT Software

Once the bridge superstructure had been designed, the worst case loadings transferred
to the headstocks and through the columns to the footing were determined. The
headstocks and columns were designed according to the critical loads calculated. The
computer software, RAPT, was utilized to determine initial column dimensions and
reinforcement detail, which was then confirmed with hand calculations specified in
the Australian standards. RAPT provides the bending moment, shear and axial
capacities depending on the input, therefore trial and error was performed using
SpaceGass and RAPT to determine the optimum design dimensions (See Figure 34

Figure 34 RAPT Interaction Curve

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Computer Results

The results from both SpaceGass and RAPT were checked by hand calculations
specified in the Australian standards (refer to column design section for calculations).
Output files and graphics from each software package has been included with the
relevant hand calculations in the bridge components section. SpaceGass Software

Below are the output files from Space Gass for the slab deck, super T girder and
headstock and column. Using the output files shown below the bending and shear
moments for the calculations can be obtained for both ultimate and serviceability load
cases. Using these values the various bridge components can be designed adequately
in their respective sections; slab deck, super T girder, headstock, column and footing

They are found in the Z-axis moment and Y-axis shear columns and as visible the
maximum positive and negative values have been labelled. The rendered images assist
in giving a visual representation of what the output files are linked to and what has
been tested in Space Gass to get these results. Slab output

Figure 35: Space Gass Slab Deck Service Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 36: Space Gass Slab Deck Ultimate Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Super T Girder Output

Figure 37: Super T Girder Ultimate Output

Figure 38: Super T Girder Service Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Super T output

Below is the graphical interpretation of the bridge that was modelled in Space Gass. It
will consist of three lanes of traffic and six supporting Super tees.

Figure 39: SpaceGass Super T Girder Output

Figure 40: SpaceGass Bridge Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Headstock and Column Output

Figure 42: SpaceGass Headstock and Column Output Headstock and Column

Below is the design of the headstock and columns that will be the supporting structure
at the beginning of each bridge.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 43:SpaceGass Headstock and Column

Figure 44:SpaceGass Headstock and Column Front View

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Column Max Axial

Below is a graphical representation of the maximum axial load that will be exerted on
the column.

Figure 45:SpaceGass Column Max Axial Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Column Max Bending:

Below is a graphical representation of the maximum bending moment exerted on the

Figure 46:SpaceGass Column Max Bending Output RAPT Software

Below is the output from the column that was placed into RAPT.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 47:RAPT Column Output

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.5. Slab Deck Section

5.5.1. Determine Required Concrete Strength and Minimum Cover

f’C=40MPa [AS 5100.5 Cl 1.1]

Exposure Classification: B1, Minimum Cover=40mm [AS 5100.5 Cl 4.10]

The Slab is modelled as 1m width strips and therefore has a Load Width (LW) =1m.

Figure 48: SpaceGass Slab Section

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 2 0f 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
5.6. Slab Deck Design
5.6.1. Bending Moment Design

M*Positive= 18.292 kNm [Refer to Figure 35]

M*Negative= -34.687 kNm [Refer to Figure 35]

f’c= 40 MPa [AS 5100.5 Cl 1.1]

fsy=500 MPa [AS 5100.5 Cl 1.1]

Ec=32.8 GPa [AS3600 Tb 3.1.2]

Es=200 GPa [AS 5100.5 Cl 6.2.2]

Exposure Classification: B1, Minimum Cover= 40mm

D=200mm [Refer to Figure 47]

Try N12 bars for top and bottom reinforcement

Bar Depth: d= D - Cover - (Bar Diameter/2)


Design for 1m wide strip, b=1000mm

ϒ = 1.05-0.007 * f’c [AS3600 pg 101 Cl8.1.3(2)]


‘Constructing a universal passion for

α2=1-0.003 * f’c [AS3600 pg 101 Cl8.1.3(1)]

=1-0.003 * (40)
therefore use 0.85 as 0.67<α2<0.85



‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser Minimum Design Bending Moment

Muo.min=1.2[Z(f’cf+ )+Pe]

Ast.min=0.0025 bd
=385mm2 Top Reinforcement (Negative)

=43.4 kNm > Muo.min

Z= 0.925d

Muo=Ast *fsy * Z
Ast=Muo/ (fsy * Z)
=43.4x106/(500 * 142.45)
=609.34 mm2

Try N12@175cts (Ast=629 mm2/m) [Arc Reinforcement Handbook]

=314.5 kN

C=T=0.85*f’c* ϒ*ku*b*d

‘Constructing a universal passion for


=0.08 < 0.36 This is OK, therefore ductile

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

Muo = T*Zu
=T(d-0.5(ku* ϒ*d))
=46.9 kNm

φMuo = 0.8(46.9)
=37.52 kNm > M* ok

Therefore adopt N12@175cts Bottom Reinforcement (Positive)

Muo = M*/φ
=22.865 kNm < Muo.min
therefore design using Muo,min = 30.4kNm


Muo = Ast *fsy * Z

Ast = Muo/ (fsy * Z)
=30.4x106/(500 * 142.45)
=426 mm2

Try N12@250cts (Ast = 440 mm2/m) [Arc Reinforcement Handbook]

=220 kN
C=T=0.85*f’c* ϒ*ku*b*d

‘Constructing a universal passion for

ku =

= 0.055 < 0.36 This is OK, therefore ductile

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
Muo = T*Zu
=T(d-0.5(ku* ϒ*d))
=33.2 kNm

φMuo = 0.8(33.2)
=26.56 kNm > M* ok

Therefore adopt N12@250cts

5.6.2. Shear Force Design

V* =11.829kN

Vuc = β1 * β2 * β3 * bv * d0 * fcv * ((Ast) / (bv * d))1/3 + V0 + Pv [AS3600 Cl pg


where β1 = 1.1(1.6 – (d / 1000)) [AS3600 Cl]

= 1.1(1.6 – 154 / 1000))
= 1.59 > 1.1
therefore use 1.59
β2 = 1 [AS3600 Cl Pure Bending]
β3 = 1 [AS3600 Cl]
fcv = f’c1/3
= 401/3
= 3.42 MPa < 4 MPa [AS3600 Cl]
therefore use 3.42 MPa

= 133.9kN

0.5φVuc=0.5*0.7(133.9)=46.8 kN > V*
therefore no shear ligatures required

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 6 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.6.3. Crack Control Shrinkage and Temperature

Minimum steel met in primary direction. Steel in secondary direction:

(6-2.5σcp)(bD)x10-3= (6-0)(1000*200)x10-3 = 1200mm

Use N12@75cts top and bottom (Ast = 146mm2/m) Crack Control for Flexure

Determine the stress in the steel assuming the section is cracked and top steel is in

Maximum Steel Stress: fscr=295MPa Positive:
n= Es/Ec

n*Ast1 = 6.1(629) = 3836.9mm2

n*Ast2 = 6.1(440) = 2684mm2

solve for dn:

1000dn(0.5*dn) = 2684(154-dn)+3836.9(40-dn) [Rearrange to solve for dn]

dn=27.8mm above top steel

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Icr =
= 4.5x107mm4

M*serv = 3.327 MPa

σst1 = My/Icr
= 9.02 MPa<295MPa

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 7 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

σst2 = My/Icr
= 9.33 MPa<295MPa

Therefore OK for crack control Negative:
N = Es/Ec

n*Ast1 = 6.1(629) = 3836.9mm2

n*Ast2 = 6.1(440) = 2684mm2

solve for dn:

1000dn(0.5*dn) = 2684(40-dn) + 3836.9(154-dn)

dn = 31.4mm above top steel

Icr =
= 6.04x107mm4

M*serv = -7.628 MPa

σst1 = My/Icr

= 1.1 MPa<295MPa

‘Constructing a universal passion for

σst2 = My/Icr
= 1.55 MPa<295MPa

Therefore OK for crack control.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Slab Design
Job Number: ST004 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 8 of 8 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser Development Length

Lsy.t =

= 45.45mm < 25*k7 *db

= 25*1*13
= 300mm

Therefore Lsy.t = 300mm

Lsy.c = (0.125fsy-22)db
= (0.125(500)-22)(12)
= 486mm = 500mm

Lap Length of two pieces of reinforcement to ensure a continuous line of

reinforcement is achieved

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
5.7. Super T Girder Section
5.7.1. Determine Required Concrete Strength and Minimum Cover

f’c = 65MPa

Minimum cover: 30mm [Super T Standards]

Super T section: T2, Load Width=2500mm

Figure 49: SpaceGass Super T Girder Section

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.8. Super T Girder Design

5.8.1. Bending Moment Design

M*serv = 2923.238 kNm [Refer to Figure 36]

M*G = 1220.895 kNm [Refer to Figure 37]

dc = 80mm [Super T standards states it is either 65mm or


Super T section [Refer to Figure 20]

A = 507600 mm2

Iy = 1.38x1011 mm4

Iz = 6.65x1010 mm4

Zz t= 1.26x108mm3

Zzb = 1.4x108mm3

Cb = Iz/Zzb
= 6.65x1010/1.4x108
= 475mm
Ct = Iz/Zzt
= 6.65x1010/1.26x108

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
= 527.8mm

e = Cd-dc
= 475-80

= 395mm

Super T with Deck

A = 907600 mm2

Iy = 3.96x1011 mm4

Iz = 1.55x1011 mm4

Zz t= 3.45x108mm3

Zzb = 2.07x108mm3

Cb = Iz/Zzb
= 1.55 x 1011/2.07 x 108
= 748.8 mm
Ct = Iz/Zzt
= 1.55x1011/3.45x108
= 449.3 mm
e = Cd-dc
= 748.8-80
= 668.8mm

An initial ductility value (ku) value is taken, ku ranges from 0.15-0.25. Therefore ku =
0.20 and the following steps are used to determine if this choice is sufficient.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

b = 2500mm

D = 1200mm [depth of slab and Super


φ = 0.8

f’c = 65 MPa

d = D-dc

ϒ = 1.05-0.007 * f’c [AS3600 pg 101 Cl8.1.3(2)]

= 1.05-0.007(65)
= 0.595 < 0.67
therefore use 0.67

α2 = 1-0.003 * f’c [AS3600 pg 101 Cl8.1.3(1)]

=1-0.003 * (65)
therefore use 0.85 as 0.67<α2<0.85

3.14 x 109 > 5.6 x 108 therefore ok

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser Stress in extreme fibres:
The girder is designed so that it can handle the loading G + Q (fully prestressed) and
not crack. For the uncracked section, the stresses in the extreme fibres are determined

At transfer the initial Prestressing Force (Pi) applies and n=1.

Zzt = 1.23x108 mm3
Ag = 507600 mm2
e = 395 mm
M*G = 1220.895 kNm [Self-Weight Bending
Top fibre stress: f’ci = 52MPa

σtop = 0.6(f’ci)0.5
= 0.6(52)0.5
= 4.33 MPa

Pi<4508.1 kN

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
n = 0.8 [Assume 20% deferred
Zzb = 2.07x108mm3
Ag = 907600mm2
e = 668.8mm
M*serv = 2923.238 kN [Service Load Bending
bottom fibre stress: f’c = 65MPa

σbottom = 0.6(f’c)0.5
= 0.6(65)0.5
= 4.84 MPa

Pi<2677.9 kN

Take the lowest Pi value, therefore Pi = 2677.9 kN

Under the fill service load, the Effective Prestress Pe applies, Assume 20 percent deferred
losses, so n=0.8.

Pe = 0.8Pi
= 0.8(2677.9)
= 2142.32 kN

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Extreme fibres stresses At transfer
At transfer the beam carries it’s self-weight only.

=6.6MPA < 0.5fcp

= 0.5*52
= 26MPa therefore ok

=4.11< 0.5(52) = 26MPa therefore ok

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 6 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser After all losses and under full service load

= 6.6 MPA < 0.5f’c

= 0.5*65
= 32.5MPa therefore ok

= -4.84 > 0.6(f’c)0.5

= 0.6(65)0.5
= 4.84 therefore ok

Accounting for friction in the ducts, the jacking force is:

Pij = 2677.9/0.943
= 2839.8 kN Breaking capacity of the tendon:

Limiting the stress in the strands to 80 percent of their breaking load, the needed
breaking capacity of the tendon is:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 7 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

Ppu = 2839.8/0.8
= 3549.8 kN

Therefore the number of 15.2mm diameter strands is: Assume that 7-wire ordinary is

Ppu/MBL = 3549.8/250
= 14 [Super T standards: strands placed 50x50mm pitch] Reinforcement required for Mu:

fpb = MBL/Anominal
= 250x103/143
= 1748MPa

fpy = Proof Load/Anominal

= 212x103/143
= 1482MPa

Apt = 14*143=2002mm2

σpu = fpb (1-k1k2/ ϒ)

find k1:
fpy/fpb = 1482/1748
= 0.85 < 0.9, k1=0.4

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 8 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
k2 = Aptfpb/(befdpf’c)
= (2002*1748)/(2500*1120*65)
= 0.019

σpu = 1748(1-(0.4*0.019)/0.67)
= 1728.17 MPa

Therefore use fpy

Mpu = Apt* fpy*Zp

= 2002*1482*1120(1-0.67*0.2*0.5)
= 3100.4 kNm

M*/φ = 2923.238/0.8
= 3654> Mpu therefore no tensile reinforcement is needed for strength

5.8.2. Shear Force Design Check Web Shear: Bottom Flange-web Intersection

Since this is a Super T beam, web shearing is more critical than flexural Shear therefore web
shearing will be looked as this is the critical case.

Vu c = Vt+Pv

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 9 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

=317.6 kN Second Moment of inertia of the Super T beam

= -17.76 MPa Find Vt: using Mohr’s circle

Q = (852*200)(748.8-75)
= 114.8x106mm3

bv = 852-0.5(7*50)
=677mm [Super T standards: strands placed 50x50mm pitch]

Vt = 3032.4 kN

Vuc = 3032.4+317.6
= 3350 kN

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Ф*0.5*Vuc = 0.7(0.5)(3350)
=1172.5 kN >V*
Therefore ok for shear, no shear ligatures required for strength.

5.8.3. Check Web Shear: Centroid Axis

Vuc = Vt+Pv

=317.6 kN Second Moment of inertia of the Super T beam

At centroid y = 0

= -4.7 MPa

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 10 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser Find Vt


= 481.3 x 106mm3

bv = 852-0.5(7*50)
= 677mm [Super T standards: strands placed 50x50mm pitch]

Vt = 438.7kN

Vuc = 438.7 + 317.6

= 756.3 kN

Ф*0.5*Vuc = 0.7(0.5)(756.3)
= 264.7 kN <V*
Therefore shear ligatures needed for strength

Vu,min = Vuc+0.10(f’c)0.5 bvdo>Vuc+0.6bvdo

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 11 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
= 821.1+0.10(65)0.5 * 677*1120 > 821.1 + 0.6(677*1120)
= φ612.1 > φ455.8 [φ = 0.7]

= 428.7kN > 319.06kN

therefore need to adopt Asv,min

Asv,min = 0.06(f’c)0.5 * bv(S/fsy.f) > 0.35 bv(S/fsy.f)

Asv.min/S =0.06(65)0.5 * (677/500) > 0.35(677/500)

=0.65 mm2/mm > 0.47 mm2/mm Determine Detailing for Ligatures

When choosing the spacing of the ligatures, take the minimum of 0.75D or 500mm.

Spacing= 0.75(1000) = 750mm

therefore use 500mm spacing

Try 2N16@ 500cts

Asv/S = 400/500= 0.8 mm2/mm

therefore ok so adopt 2N16@500cts

5.8.4. Deflection: Short Term Deflection under Worst Case Loading

f’c = 65 MPa
Ec = 37400 MPa
bef = 2500mm
dNA = 748.8mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Bridge Design: Super T Girder Design
Job Number: ST005 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 3/06/2015 Prepared: Peter Zafiris
Sheet: Sheet 12 of 12 Checked: Mitch Henderson
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
dp = 1200-80 = 1120mm

h = e = 668.8mm
Ag = 907600mm2
I = 1.55x1011
Pe = 0.8*14*212 = 2374.4kN

Prestressed Deflection- Short Term

= 11.41mm (upwards)

Under worst case loading, accompanying lane factor = 1 [Lane Factor:

AS5100.2 Tb 6.6]

Consider the following serviceability load combinations, PE + ultimate traffic load

PE =Super T and deck self weight + Bitumen self weight
=1*24kN/m3*0.9076m2 + 1.3*22kN/m3*0.095m*1m [Loads
Factors:AS5100.2Tb 5.2/ 5.3]
= 24.5kN/m

Traffic Load = Lane Load + Truck Load

= 1.3*6kN/m + 1.3*(720kN/25m) [Load Factors:
AS5100.2 Tb 5.5]
= 45.24kN/m

‘Constructing a universal passion for

UDLserv = PE + ultimate traffic load

= 24.5 + 45.24
= 69.74kN/m

DL+0.7LL = (5*UDLserv*L4)/(384*Ec*I)
= (5*69.74*200004)/(384*37400*1.55*1011)
= 25.1mm downward

Hence short term deflection

st = p+ DL+LL
= -11.41 + 25.1
= 13.7mm < L/800 = 25mm [span to
deflection ratio]
therefore ok for deflection

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.9. Headstock Reinforcement Design

Bending moments and shear forces obtained through conducting computer analysis
with SpaceGass are displayed below:

Headstock Positive Negative Figure

Bending 85.51 kNm 1038 kNm 1

Shear Maximum = 841 kN 2

Figure 50: Maximum Bending Moment

Figure 51: Maximum Shear Force

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

Width of beam = 1000 mm

Depth of beam = 750 mm

5.9.1. Minimum steel calculations as defined in AS3600 Cl 8.1.6:

Cover = 40mm (Class B1, AS3600)

Assume: N24 reinforcement bars

N12 ligature bars


‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson


Hence the minimum reinforcement required for the headstock is 1391 mm2

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

The maximum negative bending at the support M*-ve = 1038 kNm


Choose 10-N24 bars = 4500 mm2

4500 mm2 > minimum Ast

Spacing is satisfactory = = 10 bars allowable

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson Check strength:

Tension = compression therefore the ductility can be found:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 6 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.9.2. The bending capacity can now be calculated:


Hence adopt 10-N24 reinforcement bars in the top at supports.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 7 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

The maximum positive bending at mid span M*+ve = 85.51 kNm


Hence choose 4-N24 bars = 1800 mm2

Spacing is satisfactory = = 10 bars allowable

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 8 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson Check strength:

Tension = compression therefore the ductility can be found:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 9 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.9.3. The bending capacity can now be calculated:


Hence adopt 4-N24 reinforcement bars in the bottom at mid spans.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 10 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.9.4. Check if shear reinforcement required:

The maximum shear located at the support V* = 841 kN

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 11 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson


5.9.5. Check if minimum reinforcement steel is satisfactory:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Head Stock Design
Job Number: ST006 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Tyson Prosser
Sheet: Sheet 12 of 12 Checked: Aaron Brown
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

S = lesser of 0.5D or 300mm

Through rearranging:

Adopt 3 N12 legs = 330 mm2 as the minimum shear reinforcement

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.10. Column
The following section includes the design and calculation process for the bridge
columns. Column design is based on the RAPT software output, which includes the
calculated bending moment and shear forces. The column reinforcement has also been
provided by the RAPT output. The reinforcement layout provided presented variables
for the first design check using hand calculations.

The capacity of the column was determined using hand calculations using the
reinforcement and dimensions provided from RAPT and were compared with the
ultimate loads provided by the SpaceGass analysis. As conservative techniques are
used in hand calculations due to simplification of the member behaviour the column
capacity was expected to be greater using hand calculations compared with the RAPT
results. The following section includes the column design with bending moment and
shear force capacities.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Column design
Job Number: ST007 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 02/06/2015 Prepared: Xiaotong Huang & Kuer, Abraham Chol
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 5 Checked: Tyson Prosser
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.10.1. Column Calculations Definition of column

According to Australian Standard AS3600 Section 10 design of columns for strength

and serviceability 10.3.1(1)

Therefore this column is a short column

The reinforcement has been using in RAPT is 4N24

First trial Kud = 25mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Therefore N.A. is at 29mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Column design
Job Number: ST007 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 02/06/2015 Prepared: Xiaotong Huang & Kuer, Abraham Chol
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 5 Checked: Tyson Prosser
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson Muo calculation

The Muo has been calculated from RAPT is 159kN < 196.35kN, therefore Muo is
acceptable in this case. Balance failure

The Nub has been calculated from RAPT is 2152kN < 3210kN, therefore Nub is
acceptable in this case.

‘Constructing a universal passion for


Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Column design
Job Number: ST007 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 02/06/2015 Prepared: Xiaotong Huang & Kuer, Abraham Chol
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 5 Checked: Tyson Prosser
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

The Mub has been calculated from RAPT is 414kN<677.31kN, therefore Mub is
acceptable in this case.

At ku = 1


The Nu has been calculated from RAPT is 4543kN<6340kN, therefore Nu is

acceptable in this case.

H = 285.5mm

V = 200mm

Therefore e = 285.5-200 = 85.5mm

Mu = 6340.5*0.0855 = 542kNm

The Mu has been calculated from RAPT is 234kN < 542kN, therefore Mu is
acceptable in this case.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Column design
Job Number: ST007 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 02/06/2015 Prepared: Xiaotong Huang & Kuer, Abraham Chol
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 5 Checked: Tyson Prosser
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson
At Nuo

According to Australian Standard AS3600 Section 10 design of columns for strength

and serviceability

The Nuo has been calculated from RAPT is 5610kN < 9400kN, therefore Nuo is
acceptable in this case. Ligature calculation

According to Australian Standard AS3600 Section 10 design of columns for strength

and serviceability table

10mm diameter ligature should be use for N24 reinforcement bar.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Column design
Job Number: ST007 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 02/06/2015 Prepared: Xiaotong Huang & Kuer, Abraham Chol
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 5 Checked: Tyson Prosser
Client: DPTI Approved: Mitch Henderson

5.11. Summary
Table 26: RAPT Vs Hand Calculations

Variable RAPT Hand calculation

Muo (kNm) 159 196.5
Nub (kN) 3210 2152
Mub (kNm) 677.3 414
Nu (kN) 6430 4543
Mu (kNm) 542 234
Nuo (kN) 9400 5610






hand calculation
4000 RAPT




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Figure 52: Bending Moment Vs Shear Force

‘Constructing a universal passion for

When the results from the hand calculations are compared with the RAPT output for
bending moment and shear force capacities (Figure 52), the hand calculation results
are shown to be greater than RAPT output. Therefore using 4N24 reinforcement in
500mm x 500mm concrete column is acceptable in this case (refer to figure 7). In
addition, N10 ligatures will be used at 360mm spacing (refer to ligature calculations).
This reinforcement and ligature design has been applied to all bridge columns due to
consistent loads from all bridge spans being 20m.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 1 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser
5.12. Footing Design

The footing design is a critical element of the bridge superstructure. The footing
supports the entire structure including the piers, girders and bridge deck and must
transmit all construction and operational loads to the ground including significant
forces created by large freight vehicles. The footing supports the superstructure
including piers, girders and decking, therefore the maximum combination of
downward forces must be considered. The footing is also in contact with the
underlying soil and is subject to an upwards force created by the soil bearing pressure.
80 footing pads must be constructed as foundations for the 80 piers for the two bridges.
56 footing pads are required for the 120m Dry Creek bridge and 24 footings pads are
required for the 40m Little Para River bridge (see drawings: 120m bridge (ST002) and
40m long section (ST003)).

The site surface soil in the areas surrounding the bridges is described as stiff clay with
a normal range of allowable bearing capacity of 200-400kPa. (Foster, Et Al. 2007) The

geotechnical analysis performed by Universal Engineers has studied the soil at the
locations subjected to the footing loading and provided a critical allowable bearing
capacity of 247kPa. This critical bearing capacity has been used across all footing pad
locations for a conservative design approach.

Known variables:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 2 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.12.1. Determine area of footing:

5.12.2. Determine qu:

Determine M*, V* and depth d:

Bending shear – critical section is at ‘d’ from column face

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 3 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

Figure 53: Footing Diagram

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.12.3. Check Punching shear:

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1 (South) –

Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 4 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

Figure 54: Footing Critical Punching Shear

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) – Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 5 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.12.4. Check bending moment at face of column, M*:

‘Constructing a universal passion for

For the final footing design with detailed dimensions see drawing:
‘Pier Footing Design’ No. ST009 and ST010

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) – Detailed Design
Subject: Design of Bridge footing
Job Number: ST010 Contract: Bridge Design
Date: 2/06/2015 Prepared: Aaron Brown
Sheet: Sheet 6 of 6 Checked: Peter Zafirs
Client: DPTI Approved: Tyson Prosser

5.13. Exclusion

The inclusion of sound barriers was a late modification to the initial scope of design
and has been excluded from the presented design. The advanced stage of design at the
time of the addition, made the budget and deadline for the design infeasible. The
addition of sound barriers also posed logistical problems with future access for
maintenance. Future investigation into the operational traffic noise levels should be
performed to ensure noise guidelines are not breached. If sound barriers are proven
necessary, the conservative bridge design implemented will allow provision for extra
dead loads and live loads associated with the sound barriers but Universal Engineers
will not take responsibility of any additional expenses in modifications to the
superstructure if required.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.14. Construction Methodology

The construction method outlined is an assumed sequence of works to enable the
design of the girder bridge system to be built. If the contractor would prefer to use an
alternative method, approval must be sought from the consulting engineer.

For approval of a construction method that has minor modification to the provided
method or entails a significantly different sequence of works, the contractor must
develop a detailed construction methodology. The construction methodology must
include detailed calculations and drawings and is to be provided to the consulting
engineer for review.

5.14.1. General construction method notes

 All natural surface lines modified during construction to assist activities

leading to bridge erection must be returned to pre-construction grades unless required
for structural requirements or future access and maintenance. If the natural grades do
not get reinstated, approval must be sought from the consulting engineer.
 The contractor must adhere to the guidelines of the environmental management
plan for all construction activities. If the contractor must perform works that breach
the environmental management plan, approval must be sought from the consulting
engineer and the environmental committee.
 Construction works must only be performed during the hours specified in the
environmental management plan.
 The designed construction method assumes girders for both bridges (6 girders
each for North and South bound traffic flow) will be placed simultaneously in their
respective launching pit. The launching for each bridge is assumed independent
though due to resources.
 The designed construction method assumes permanent bearings are installed on
top of piers before girders are launched.
 The designed construction method uses a launching skid to decrease the weight
of the leading cantilever span and facilitate alignment of the bridge as it crosses the

‘Constructing a universal passion for

top of each pier. The launching skid uses a steel truss design to minimise deflection
but the contractor can gain approval of an alternative method by submission of design
to the consulting engineer.
 The spans launched are assumed to have all concrete forms complete and no
further dead or live loads added during movement across piers.
 The loads created from the movement of the girder spans across the piers are
assumed to be less than the ultimate design loads during service and therefore the
girder, pier and footing designs are assumed to be sufficient to withstand the imposed
forces during erection.

5.14.2. Activities pre-bridge construction

1. Construct site access roads to withstand loads specified in the logistics section.
Access road construction to consider future use as maintenance road.

2. Construct site office (see logistics section for proposed location)

3. Prepare site for commencement of bridge construction, including all general

grading requirements, construction of crane footing, and delivery and storage
coordination of plant.

5.14.3. Construction Sequence for 120m span bridge at Dry Creek location

Figure 55: Stage 1 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Stage 1
1. Perform rough grade work and prepare site to the requirements of constructing
piers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The site preparation works are to be within the guidelines
of the environmental management plan and any other special considerations outlined
in the design brief.

Note: The contractor must install temporary drainage and erosion control devices
immediately following rough grade work.

2. Construct cofferdam where required depending on water level of creek at time

of construction and remove water from construction zone. Perform rough grade work
within contained area.

3. Drill pile shafts for piers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 install reinforcement and place
concrete (see proposed drill pile method).

4. Construct footings for piers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Form footing, install

reinforcement and place concrete as specified in structural drawings.

5. Construct Piers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Form pier, install reinforcement and place

concrete as specified in structural drawings.

6. Construct headstocks for piers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Form headstock, install

reinforcement and place concrete as specified in structural drawings.

7. Perform static load testing.

8. Perform restoration works to achieve original grade lines.

9. Improve access roads used for pier construction for permeant access for future
maintenance of superstructure.

10. Prepare ground surface as outlined in the environmental management plan,

including installing permanent erosion controls and revegetation measures.

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Proposed drilled pile method

1. Using temporary casing and slurry, drill shaft to a depth of 12m to ensure stiff
clay is reached.

2. Fix permanent casing in place at bottom of hole and remove overburden within

3. Add water inside casing to replace slurry

4. Clean shaft and place reinforcement cage.

5. Pump concrete into shaft, using underwater techniques.

6. Install cofferdam to prevent seepage.

7. Perform excavation within cofferdam.

8. Grind surface of concrete pile to an even finish.

9. Install formwork for pile cap and construct.

10. Backfill and dismantle cofferdam.

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Stage 2
1. Excavate launching pit

Note: The contractor must install temporary drainage and erosion control devices
immediately following excavation. The contractor must also coordinate with the
subcontractors for the storage of materials for girder construction.

2. Install permanent bearing systems and temporary roller bearings and erection
frames on piers 1 to 7.

Figure 56: Stage 3 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge Stage 3
1. Build the reaction foundation at the Northern end of the launching pit.

2. Commence forming girders in launching pit.

3. Construct steel truss launching skid.

Figure 57: Stage 4 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Stage 4
1. Launch girders using span by span succession.

Note: Girder launching is only to be performed one span at a time to limit the time the
free cantilever is suspended. After each successive span is launched, the span is
lowered onto the permanent bearings but not fixed.

Figure 58: Stage 5 construction element set-out for 120m span bridge Stage 5
1. As the launching skid crosses the final span, the skid is dis-assembled in
2. When spans are in final position, the girder load is transferred from the
temporary roller bearings to the permanent bearings.
3. Restore the launching pit to previous grade through backfill.
4. Build abutments 1 and 2.
5. Install stormwater drainage system.
6. Erect the guard rails.
7. Hand over to road surface contractor to install pavement on bridge to required

surface grade59:
Figure and connect
Stage to existing
1 construction road surface
element on 40m
set-out for either sidebridge
span of the abutments.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.14.4. Construction Sequence for 40m span bridge at Little Para River
location Stage 1
1. Perform rough grade work and prepare site to the requirements of constructing
piers 1, 2 and 3. The site preparation works are to be within the guidelines of the
environmental management plan and any other special considerations outlined in the
design brief.

Note: The contractor must install temporary drainage and erosion control devices
immediately following rough grade work.

2. Construct cofferdam where required depending on water level of creek at time

of construction and remove water from construction zone. Perform rough grade work
within contained area.

3. Drill pile shafts for piers 1, 2 and 3 install reinforcement and place concrete
(see proposed drill pile method)

4. Construct footings for piers 1, 2 and 3. Form footing, install reinforcement and
place concrete as specified in structural drawings.

5. Construct Piers 1, 2 and 3. Form pier, install reinforcement and place concrete
as specified in structural drawings.

6. Construct headstocks for piers 1, 2 and 3. Form headstock, install

reinforcement and place concrete as specified in structural drawings.

7. Perform static load testing.

8. Perform restoration works to achieve original grade lines.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

9. Improve access roads used for pier construction for permeant access for future
maintenance of superstructure.

10. Prepare ground surface as outlined in the environmental management plan,

including installing permanent erosion controls and revegetation measures.

Proposed drilled pile method: See 120m span bridge method for details Stage 2
1. Excavate launching pit

Note: The contractor must install temporary drainage and erosion control devices
immediately following excavation. The contractor must also coordinate with the
subcontractors for the storage of materials for girder construction.

2. Install permanent bearing systems and temporary roller bearings and erection
frames on piers 1 to 3.

Figure 60: Stage 3 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge Stage 3
1. Build the reaction foundation at the Southern end of the launching pit.

2. Commence forming girders in launching pit.

3. Construct steel truss launching skid.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 61: Stage 4 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge Stage 4
1. Launch girders using span by span succession.

 Note: Girder launching is only to be performed one span at a time to limit the
time the free cantilever is suspended. After each successive span is launched, the span
is lowered onto the permanent bearings but not fixed.

Figure 62: Stage 5 construction element set-out for 40m span bridge Stage 5
1. As the launching skid crosses the final span, the skid is dis-assembled in

2. When spans are in final position, the girder load is transferred from the
temporary roller bearings to the permanent bearings.

3. Restore the launching pit to previous grade through backfill.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

4. Build abutments 1 and 2.

5. Install stormwater drainage system.

6. Erect the guard rails.

7. Hand over to road surface contractor to install pavement on bridge to required

surface grade and connect to existing road surface on either side of the abutments.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.15. Logistics
The scope of the key structural design is for two bridges that provide creek crossings
where the designed road alignment intersects. The two bridges for design include a
girder bridge over Dry Creek which has a span of 120m and a girder bridge over Little
Para River which spans 40m.

The construction site of each bridge requires preparation to ensure the key functional
elements such as the site office, storage areas, delivery areas and access roads are
adequate for the operational phase and to meet the environmental management plan
guidelines. This design has several recommendations for site logistics that align with
guidelines and have be deemed feasible for a safe construction phase. In Figure 63 and
Figure 64 shown, the recommended logistics plans for each bridge construction site.
The Figure 63 shows the access roads for the Dry Creek bridge construction site. The
access roads align with pre-existing maintenance roads created for access to the salt
fields and for local services. The main public roads that link to the access roads are
Globe Derby Road and Whites Road to the North and the Princess Highway to the
South. The Figure 64 shows the access roads to the Little Parra River construction site.
Again these access roads have been located to align with pre-existing service roads.
The public roads that link to Little Para River site are Hodgson Road to the North and
Whites Road to the South. The contractor can modify the recommended site logistics
plan but approval must be sought. The approval must include drawings of the
proposed site layout for the client to review to check compliance with the
environmental management plan.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 63:Dry Creek bridge construction site logistics plan

Figure 64: Little Para River construction site logistics plan

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.15.1. Description of bridges

The design calls for 2 bridges to be constructed, one bridge spanning 120m over North
Arm Creek and a second bridge spanning 40m over Dry Creek. The traffic lane
requirements are 3 North bound and 3 South bound lanes. To accommodate the traffic
requirements, each bridge will be broken down into 2 major segments, each
supporting 3 lanes of traffic, with each bridge 15m wide. Both bridges are planned on
a straight section of road which simplifies the design and construction process. As the
road elevation has been designed for 3m above surface level for flood mitigation, the
clearance achieved by the bridge continuing at this elevation is sufficient for future
creek level rises and no modification to the vertical alignment was needed. The main
structural elements of the bridges are girders which have a super tee design. The super
tees are reinforced concrete structures utilising post-stressing technology. For each
15m wide section, 6 super tees are used and this design has enabled the bridge depth
to be minimised. For both the 120m and 40m spanning bridges, piers have been
designed at 20m centres, giving a design span of 20m for design calculations. Materials
The construction of both bridges requires a variety of construction materials, primarily
concrete, steel, and formwork. To facilitate the coordination of material storage,
accurate design information for the key bridge elements which incorporate a
significant volume of required materials has been supplied. The volumes and
dimensions of materials along with the schedule of construction works should be used
to determine delivery schedules for materials to site to assist in efficient use of
available storage space. The contractor is recommended to only have materials
delivered to site on an as need basis. Storage
The site logistics plan provided shows a recommended area for storage facility
erection. The contractor must coordinate the storage of all materials, tools, equipment
and plant within designated storage areas. Plant requires special consideration for

‘Constructing a universal passion for

storage location due to heightened safety risk and soil bearing capacity. The
contractor must determine the storage space required and develop a material storage
and delivery plan for approval which includes layout drawings of major plant and a
risk assessment. The contractor must adhere to the environmental management plan
when preparing site for storage and implement controls to prevent environmental
degradation during construction.

5.15.2. Construction type

The bridge construction method uses incremental launching. The incremental

launching method involves the building of the bridge superstructure on one side of the
creek to be crossed, then incrementally moving the superstructure horizontally across
the support piers until reaching the final design position. The design uses a launching
pit to assemble a 20m span of the bridge girders before launching the segment to the
first pier, 20m from the initial point. This process is repeated in 20m segments and
moves from pier to pier until complete. The superstructure is launched using two
special jacking frames that can be seen in Figure 65. This also displays the operational
sequence that leads to the longitudinal movement of the bridge girders. To facilitate
the longitudinal movement, temporary roller bearings are placed on each pier at a
slightly higher elevation to the permanent bearings. Once the superstructure is in the
final position, it is lowered from the temporary roller bearings onto the permanent

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 65: Incremental launching jack operation sequence (Source: AASHTO 2007)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The specialty equipment required including jacking frames and temporary roller
bearings must be sourced by the contractor from specialty providers that sell or lease
the high capacity jacks and roller bearings. The capacity of the equipment must be
chosen to lift and move each span, without additional dead load or live load (loads are
available in the design calculation section).
The incremental launching method has both advantages and disadvantageous over
conventional construction techniques. Disadvantages include longer construction
durations and an increased cost due to longer durations and requirements for specialty
equipment, planning strategies and technical expertise. The advantages, leading to
incremental launching being chosen as the design method include, a minimised
disturbance to the sensitive surrounding environment, a smaller and more
concentrated assembly area and enhanced worker safety due to an increased scope of
work performed at ground level and not high elevations as with conventional

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Noise and Dust

The construction methodology recommended for erection of the girder bridge design
is likely to create noise and dust. The significant works contributing to the
environmental impacts will be site preparation and rough grading creating dust and
operation of large plant creating noise. The contractor must follow the recommended
construction methodology where viable and plan activities with minimal
environmental impact. The contractor must adhere to the environmental management
plan provided in the contract and provide an environmental impact report for planned
activities to be approved prior to commencement of works. Plant and Equipment

The largest item of plant onsite required for the incremental launching method is a
mobile crane. The mobile crane will be positioned adjacent to the bridge segment
assembly area, with the primary function to move materials from the delivery truck
into the launching pit. The mobile crane deemed adequate for the designed
construction method is sourced from Liebherr which can supply mobile cranes in
South Australia. The crane with sufficient capacity to lift the maximum bridge
elements is the LTM 1030-2.1. The main technical data sourced from Liebherr is
displayed below in Table 27: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1 (Sourced from
Liebherr 2015). The key information is the maximum capacity of 35 tons at 3m radius
and the operational weight of 24 tons.

Table 27: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1 (Sourced from Liebherr 2015)

Maximum lifting capacity 35 tons at 3m radius

Operational weight 24 tons
Telescopic boom 9.2-30m
Lattice Jib 8.6-15m
Length 10153mm
Non-operational Height 3600mm
Width 2550mm
Width with supports set 6000mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The lifting radius and associated lifting capacity of the LTM 1030-2.1 is shown in (Figure
66: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1 (Sourced from Liebherr 2015). The
maximum lifting capacity of 35 tons is only achieved at a height of 8m and a radius of 3m. If
the contractor choses this recommended mobile crane, a lifting plan must be made available
for review, along with a detailed list of significant lifts, including load, dimensions and
slinging details. If the chosen crane set-out requires a lifting radius and lifting height that
surpasses the allowable crane capacities the contractor will need to coordinate the hire of a
larger item and an investigation and report must be performed for site access road capacity
and safety.

Figure 66: Technical data for mobile crane LTM 1030-2.1

(Sourced from Liebherr 2015)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

This design does not include provisions for the foundation slab to support the mobile
crane during operation. The contractor will be responsible for sub-contacting the
temporary footing design and construction when planning of the cranes position is
finalised. The operation of
the crane must not proceed without risk assessment approval and a qualified crane
operator, certified slinger and supervisor present.

Other key items of construction plant are likely to include:

 Drilling rig
 Concrete truck
 Concrete pumping device
 Concrete placing boom
 Task lighting, tower light
 Compressor
 Generator

The contractor should only have plant delivered to site on an as need basis to facilitate
with efficient storage and worker safety. Local suppliers

As part of the 30 year plan for greater Adelaide, economic benefit to local suppliers
must be considered. As part of the construction contract the contractor must engage
with local suppliers where able to source materials to facilitate the development of the
local economy.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.15.3. Work Place safety policy

During the construction process of the bridge there are some safety factors would need
to be considered. The safety considerations include the risk management, WHS
training, and emergency management. Risk management

The risks identified onsite must be minimized. Safety signs will be placed around site
strategically to ensure they are visible to all persons onsite and everyone is aware of
the hazards and the site expectations. Anyone that has been granted access to site
through security protocol must wear the appropriate personnel protective equipment,
including safety boots, hard hats, safety glasses and high visibility clothing. Due to
works being conducted in an outdoor environment, long pants, long sleeve shirts and
hats must also be worn for sun protection.

There are two bridges that have been designed in this project. Both bridges pass over a
watercourse and therefore consideration must be given to the risk of working at
heights and the risk of falling into the body of water. Due to the presence of water on
the worksite, the risk of injury from electrical equipment is also heightened. Risk
assessments for works adjacent to water should be conducted prior to commencement
of operations. A safe work method statement should be produced that outlines the
controls to be used to minimise any identified risks.

There are many heavy machines, such as mobile cranes that are required in the
construction process. The site should be clear and access for large machines
delineated to ensure isolation from workers is achieved. When machines are in
operation an essential worker or spotter must always be present to identify any
ongoing hazards arising as work progresses. WHS training

All the workers, stakeholders and clients that have access to the construction site must
complete the workplace health and safety induction training before they can enter site.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Anyone who is working on the construction site should have completed the
construction “White Card” training before they start work. Any personnel operating
machinery such as cranes must have conducted the relevant training and hold the
required license. Emergency management

When a safety incident occurs onsite, it must be reported to the safety manager as
soon as possible for the appropriate action to occur. If any casualties occur during the
incident, an ambulance should be called and the incident must be reported to the
safety manager and project manager at once. All emergency situations must also be
documented for later investigation and to further risk prevention.

5.15.4. Acid Protection

The negative effects of acid on concrete, is a common problem in bridge construction

that must be addressed especially in a project environment such as the Northern
connector. Due to its alkaline nature concrete is susceptible to acid attacks as the
components of the cement paste break down during contact with acids (Concrete
Experts International 2006). Concrete preservation is important, as it protects the steel
reinforcement as well as providing structural stability. Due to the possible significant
negative impacts, an investigation was conducted to determine the extent of protection
requirements and what type of protection will be required.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The concrete being used for this design contains Portland cement which makes the concrete
highly alkaline with pH values normally above 12.5 (Malik 2013, p.4). There are many ways
the acid can attack concrete and to varying severity. As shown in Figure 67 Stages of

Attack (Malik 2013, p.9)it is dependent on the pH of the acid as to how much it affects the
concrete. The pH levels for the area are 8.46 meaning that the cement is susceptible to acid
attacks in this location. It is suggested that an Acid Resistant Epoxy Binder be used as it will
provide the affected portions of the concrete, especially the submerged portions like the
columns and footings with additional protection.

A suggested product for this could be EPIREZ Acid Resistant Epoxy Binder (133AR) as it is
well suited for many conditions including this and will not wash away or affect the local flora
and fauna through harmful chemical exposure (EPIREZ 2015). This product can be applied
over the footings and columns adding an extra layer that will protect them and can be re-
applied when it is washed or worn away (EPIREZ 2015).

Figure 67 Stages of Attack (Malik 2013, p.9)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.16. Costing
The cost for construction of the designed bridges has been estimated in detail in with a
summary of costs provided in Table 28. The overall cost has been displayed by construction
phase with prices shown for each major element for activities within each phase. The total
cost for the 120m spanning Dry Creek Creek bridge is $2 191 553 with the total cost of the
40m spanning Little Para River bridge being $999 318. Overall the structural component of
the Northern Connector is $3190871 for two bridges. The costing estimation provided is
based on prices sourced from (Rawlinsons 2015) and Bianco Precast construction (2015).
The prices estimated are subject to change through location and supplier price variation,
activity duration changes and construction methodology modifications.

Table 28: Summary of bridge construction costs

Item Cost
Little Para River $2191553
Dry Creek bridge (40m) $999318
Total bridge construction $3190871

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 29: Cost breakdown of North Arm Creek and Dry Creek bridge construction

Little Para River (120m span) cost breakdown

Construction Units/ Unit Item
Activity Days Hours Item
Phase Volume Cost ($) Cost ($)
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 12000
Access road Excavator (KOMASTSU
10 80 1 125/hr 10000
construction HB215)
Labourer 4 62/hr 9920
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 6000
Rough Grading of Excavator (KOMASTSU
5 40 1 125/hr 5000
Site HB215)
Labourer 3 62/hr 7440
Site Trowelling Machine 1 70/day 210
Vibrator 1 40/day 120
Footing for mobile
3 24 Concrete (Footing) 60cum 256/cum 15360
Steel 0.24t 2110/t 500
labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 3600
Rough Grading of Excavator (KOMASTSU
3 24 1 125/hr 3000
pier access HB215)
Labourer 3 62/hr 4464
Drill Rig 1 150/hr 16800
Pile Drill pile shafts 14 112
Labourer 1 62/hr 6944
1-7 Fix reinforcement Labourer 2 62/hr 13888
2 16
for piles Steel 34t 2110/t 71740

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Vibrator 2 40/day 160

Concrete 528cum 256/cum 135168
Place concrete for
2 16 Mobile crane with
piles 1 170/hr 2720
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Formwork 350sqm 92/sqm 32200
Form footing pads 4 32
Labourer 2 62/hr 3968
Fix reinforcement Steel 4.1t 2110/t 8651
3 24
Footing for footing Labourer 2 62/hr 2852
construction Vibrator 2 40/day 160
1-7 Concrete 175cum 256/cum 44800
Place concrete for
2 16 Mobile crane with
footings 1 170/hr 2720
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Form columns for formwork 224sqm 92/sqm 20608
7 56
piers Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Fix reinforcement Steel 5.45 2140/t 11665
7 56
Column for columns Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
construction Vibrator 2 40/day 240
1-7 Concrete 28cum 292/cum 8176
Place concrete for
3 24 Mobile crane with
columns 1 170/hr 4080
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Form headstocks formwork 210sqm 92/sqm 19320
7 56
Headstock for piers labourer 2 62/hr 6944
construction Fix reinforcement Steel 0.5t 2140/t 1070
1-7 7 56
for headstocks Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Place concrete for 3 24 Concrete mixer 1 30/day 90

‘Constructing a universal passion for

headstocks Vibrator 2 40/day 240

Concrete 210cum 292/cum 61320
Mobile crane with
1 170/hr 4080
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Perform static load Loading unit 1 500/day 500
Post pier 1 8
testing Labourer 2 62/hr 992
Ground restoration Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 4800
works 4 32
works Labourer 3 62/hr 5952
Excavator (KOMASTSU
Excavate launching 1 125/hr 4000
4 32 HB215)
Labourer 2 62/hr 3968
Install permanent Mobile crane 1 170/hr 9520
7 56
bearings Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Install temporary Mobile crane 1 170/hr 9520
bearings and 7 56
Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
jacking frame
Preparation Excavator (KOMASTSU
for bridge 1 125/hr 5000
assembly Drill Rig 1 150/hr 6000
Build reaction
foundation for 5 40 Labourer 1 62/hr 2480
launching pit Steel 0.1t 2110/t 211
Vibrator 1 40/day 200
Concrete 9cum 256/cum 2304
Mobile crane 1 170/hr 6800
Assemble launching
5 40 Labourer 2 62/hr 4960
Launching skid 1 20000 20000

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Full bridge span

Casting and super tee All materials and labour 1440m of
90 720 850/m 1224000
launching construction - Cast included super tees
segments 1-6 in launching pit
launch segment 1-6 90 720 Jacking frame 1 800/day 72000
Mobile crane 1 170/hr 2720
Disassemble skid 2 16
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Bulldozer (John Deere
Backfill launching 1 150/hr 3600
Post 3 24 650J LT)
launching Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
works Concrete 300cum 256/cum 76800
Build abutments 12 96
Labourer 3 62/hr 17856
Guardrails 480 195/m 93600
Install guardrails 3 24
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
TOTAL 2191553

Dry Creek bridge (40m span) cost breakdown

Construction Unit Item
Activity Days Hours Item Units/Volume
Phase Cost ($) Cost ($)
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 12000
Access road Excavator (KOMASTSU
10 80 1 125/hr 10000
construction HB215)
Labourer 4 62/hr 9920
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 6000
Rough Grading of Excavator (KOMASTSU
5 40 1 125/hr 5000
Site HB215)
Labourer 3 62/hr 7440
Footing for mobile 3 24 Trowelling Machine 1 70/day 210

‘Constructing a universal passion for

crane Vibrator 1 40/day 120

Concrete (Footing) 60cum 256/cum 15360
Steel 0.24t 2110/t 500
labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 3600
Rough Grading of Excavator (KOMASTSU
3 24 1 125/hr 3000
pier access HB215)
Labourer 3 62/hr 4464
Drill Rig 1 150/hr 16800
Drill pile shafts 14 112
Labourer 1 62/hr 6944
Fix reinforcement Labourer 2 62/hr 13888
2 16
Pile for piles Steel 10.2t 2110/t 21522
construction Vibrator 2 40/day 160
1-3 Concrete 158cum 256/cum 40550
Place concrete for
3 24 Mobile crane with
piles 1 170/hr 2720
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Formwork 350sqm 92/sqm 32200
Form footing pads 4 32
Labourer 2 62/hr 3968
Fix reinforcement Steel 1.23t 2110/t 2595
3 24
Footing for footing Labourer 2 62/hr 2852
construction Vibrator 2 40/day 160
1-3 Concrete 53cum 256/cum 13568
Place concrete for
3 24 Mobile crane with
footings 1 170/hr 2720
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Column Form columns for formwork 67sqm 92/sqm 6182
7 56
construction piers Labourer 2 62/hr 6944

‘Constructing a universal passion for

1-3 Fix reinforcement Steel 1.64t 2140/t 3500

7 56
for columns Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Vibrator 2 40/day 240
Concrete 12cum 292/cum 3504
Place concrete for
3 24 Mobile crane with
columns 1 170/hr 4080
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Form headstocks formwork 63sqm 92/sqm 5796
7 56
for piers labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Fix reinforcement Steel 0.5t 2140/t 1070
7 56
for headstocks Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Concrete mixer 1 30/day 90
1-3 Vibrator 2 40/day 240
Place concrete for Concrete 63cum 292/cum 18396
3 24
headstocks Mobile crane with
1 170/hr 4080
concrete boom
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
Perform static load Loading unit 1 500/day 500
Post pier 1 8
testing Labourer 2 62/hr 992
Ground restoration Grader (Cat 120H VHP) 1 150/hr 4800
works 4 32
works Labourer 3 62/hr 5952
Excavator (KOMASTSU
Excavate launching 1 125/hr 4000
4 32 HB215)
Preparation Labourer 2 62/hr 3968
for bridge Install permanent Mobile crane 1 170/hr 9520
7 56
assembly bearings Labourer 2 62/hr 6944
Install temporary Mobile crane 1 170/hr 9520
7 56
bearings & jacking Labourer 2 62/hr 6944

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Excavator (KOMASTSU
1 125/hr 5000
Build reaction Drill Rig 1 150/hr 6000
foundation for 5 40 Labourer 1 62/hr 2480
launching pit Steel 0.1t 2110/t 211
Vibrator 1 40/day 200
Concrete 9cum 256/cum 2304
Mobile crane 1 170/hr 6800
Assemble launching
5 40 Labourer 2 62/hr 4960
Launching skid 1 20000 20000
Full bridge span
Casting and super tee All materials and labour 480m of super
30 240 850/m 408000
launching construction - Cast included tees
segments 1-2 in launching pit
launch segment 1-2 30 240 Jacking frame 1 800/day 24000
Mobile crane 1 170/hr 2720
Disassemble skid 2 16
Labourer 2 62/hr 1984
Bulldozer (John Deere
Backfill launching 1 150/hr 3600
Post 3 24 650J LT)
launching Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
works Concrete 300cum 256/cum 76800
Build abutments 12 96
Labourer 3 62/hr 17856
Guardrails 160 195/m 31200
Install guardrails 3 24
Labourer 2 62/hr 2976
TOTAL 999318

‘Constructing a universal passion for

5.17. Maintenance schedule

It is essential for the bridge to be regularly inspected to ensure the structure remains
safe for all users. Any faults or defects could evolve into major structural issues and
therefore regular routine visual inspections will be required. Any identified defect will
be categorised under the severity of the damage. Any insignificant defect that does not
affect any structural component will be noted and checked at the next inspection. A
moderate defect that does not affect the structural integrity of the bridge will be
reported and fixed as soon as possible. In the event of a major defect that may create
any danger to the bridge users, then the bridge will be closed and the issue fixed

To identify any risks, the following inspections will be conducted:

 Biennial – As required for highway bridges, a visual inspection of all the

structural components will be conducted every two years. This inspection is also
required within the first 60 days of opening to traffic loads.
 Interim – Any identified minor defect will be visually inspected on the alternate
years to the biennial inspection, to ensure the defect has not evolved to be more
 Special – In the case of a severe storm or flooding event, the bridge will
undergo a visual inspection.

To avoid significant risks to arise to the bridge users, preventative maintenance

activities will be conducted to minimise any potential hazards. Such preventative
activities will include scheduled cleaning of the road surface, cleaning of the
stormwater system and sealing of concrete decks. Minor repairs will be conducted
when identified in the routine inspections to fix hazards such as replacing wearing
surfaces and resealing expansion joints.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6. Environmental
6.1. Purpose of the Environmental Management Plan
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) attached will provide guidance and
framework for the project. The EMP will help with planning for the construction
phase, allowing practical environmental management and ensuring that all
environmental impacts involved in the project life are minimised or eliminated.

6.2. Objectives of the Environmental Management Plan

To be effective and ensure that the EMP is enforced efficiently, Universal Engineers
have devised the following environmental management objectives;

3. To minimise or remove all environmental impacts that arise from the project,
whether on the work area or the surrounding environment
4. To provide, and adhere to the most effective environmental management
practises through efficient use of planning, continuous monitoring and improvement
5. Identification and control of potential environmental hazards and incidents by
using the management procedures defined in this document
6. Providing proper procedures and training to the taskforce to ensure that proper
handling of potentially hazardous substances is carried out
7. Provide proper training and safety inductions for all employees and
8. Define the monitoring and auditing procedures which will be used to ensure
that the required environmental outcomes are achieved, highlighting responsibilities of
employees to ensure that the EMP is continually improving
9. Introduce complaint and reporting records to respond to and manage complaint

6.3. Issues identified in the EMP

This section deals with the impacts and aspects identified in the Environmental
Management Plan. Each impact has a dedicated section, detailing the identified issues
and appropriate mitigation procedures. These procedures will aim to resolve issues in
an environmentally friendly way, reducing or minimising the potential impact.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.4. Air Quality and Emissions

6.4.1. Issues

Air quality and emissions need to be closely monitored in order to keep the project on
track and at the same time to ensure any possible contaminations are minimized. To
preserve air quality and reduce the air pollution/gas emission, the schedule for the air
quality inspection will be prepared and completed by the Environmental team day by

Dust emission during construction can cause health problems and reduce the visibility
and therefore safety. The critical areas, such as residential areas will be given priority
to avoid any problem which may arise.

Although the effectiveness of the project and the key benefit of stake holder is the
main priority, this management plan also will provide a safe working environment to
the company employees and contractors on site.

Any comment or recommendations from other parties will be considered and any
changes or action will be carried out as soon as possible to ensure that contaminations
are minimized.

6.4.2. Mitigation Measures

To ensure the environmental pollution is kept at a minimum level, regular inspection

towards the vehicle and machinery will be conducted. Should machinery and vehicles
be found not to comply with the requirement, they will be banned from operating until
further notice. Alternative roads will be in use in order to limit the movement of heavy
vehicle and at the same time reduce emissions. Long term operational air pollution
management policies will be implemented. These will be included in traffic
management system to reduce the congestion during peak hour.
Tree replanting in areas will occur in areas which were cleared during construction in
order to maximize air recycling and improve the air quality during and after
construction. This will also benefit the nearby residential areas and road users,
improving the aesthetic properties of the area.

Dust management plan will include:-

 Watering dry soil on construction road and stockpiles

‘Constructing a universal passion for

 Speed limit for vehicle movement on site

 Limiting cleared area
 Covering all truck loads with potential to create dust
 Truck wash station in every site exit
 Physical barrier
Once the open area will no longer be used for construction purpose, the vegetation and
grass will be replanted. This will keep the dust emission to a minimum level.

6.5. Flora
6.5.1. Existing Biodiversity

The ‘Project Impact Report: Technical report No. 3, (2011)’ prepared by the
Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI), provides an
understanding of the complexity of the area. It describes the existing area as primarily
under the control of the Parham Association (DTEI), this entails the area consisting of
a variety of tidal flats, dunes swamps and sandy beaches, all of which are protected by
a gently sloped plain. The sloped plain consists of mangroves, chenopod shrubland of
samphire and abundance of Coast Daisy Bush, Coast Beard Heath and Coastal Wattle,
these are all supported by grey non-cracking plastic clays, grey duplex soils, whitish
sands, grey calcareous loams, and greyish calcareous sands (Laut et al 1977). It also
describes the area as having 46.5% of the native vegetation cleared since European
settlement, the area is considered to have moderate native coverage, however
compared to most similar areas in South Australia, it is considered high. An estimated
1,698 ha of land (DEH 2002) is protected within the Port Gawler Conservation Park,
the Fort Glanville Conservation Park and the Torrens Island Conservation Park. It is
estimated that in these areas, 53.5% of vegetation is native (DEH 2002) the areas
vegetation distribution is demonstrated in Appendix F.1 (DTEI). In the area, eleven
vegetation associations were identified, six of which were considered to be native,
these included:

10. Grey Mangrove

11. River Red Gum
12. Samphire
13. Nitre Bush
14. Common Reed

‘Constructing a universal passion for

15. Flat-sedge/Water Buttons

The non-native species included:

16. Plantations consisting of eucalypt, wattle, paperbark, sheoak and saltbush

17. River Sheoak
18. River Red Gum
19. Planted Mixed Shrubland
20. Exotic Grassland
None of the existing associations are considered to be threatened ecological
communities by the ‘Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(EPBC Act)’ nor are any on the provisional list of state threatened ecosystems (DEH

6.5.2. Impact of Construction on Site

The project would heavily impact the area, as both native and non-native flora would
need to be removed, this however is the preferred route for the project as discussed in
the feasibility stage. The area has been heavily developed since European settlement,
this at least allows the project to contribute to existing infrastructure. Vegetation
clearance will lead to permanent modification of the landscape, the mangrove habitat
is also likely to suffer from this. Near the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant, some
trees have been able to reach the classification of ‘significant,’ in relevance to the
Development Act 1993. This marks the vitality of such trees to the local ecosystem
since the implementation of the planting programme 10 years ago, removal of such
trees will incur an increased remediation ratio.

The Southern section of the connector approximately 27.5ha of native vegetation, the
rest of the area for the development will cover already developed land (such as at
Globe Derby Drive) and land that is essentially barren, such as the salt crystallisation
fields and paddocks. While clearing native vegetation the Native Vegetation Act 1991
must be consulted. Removal of significant trees would incur remediation or the
incurrence of a levy in accordance to the Development Act 1993.

The project could produce the following risks to the local ecosystem:

21. Removal of native flora, this can include mangroves, samphire and cotton bush
(detailed in appendix F.1).
22. Introduction of pollutants and foreign flora species.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

23. Separation of the ecosystems, as they are divided on either side of the
24. Diversion of waterways, consequently erosion, loss of sea grass and salinity
changes may result.
25. The removal of some trees from the Bolivar plantation.
Vegetation is to be removed in accordance to the Department of planning, Transport
and Infrastructure Vegetation Removal Policy 2011. A replantation area at the Bolivar
Wastewater Treatment Plant, remediation is desirable and will follow the replacement
rates, following the Native Vegetation Act 1991. For all vegetation that cannot be
replanted, a levy is to incur, this will be detailed in the costing section of the EMP.

6.5.3. Mitigation

During construction no flora in the area is unnecessarily removed, the effects are to be
minimised and the correct procedures are to be followed.

This will entail:

26. The clear designation of the construction site and marking of all native flora
and significant trees (Development Act 1993).
27. Reducing vehicle access areas and worker walkways, as to minimise the spread
of weeds and pollutants.
28. Removing all dirt and debris from all earth moving equipment.
29. Chemical spills are to be contained and remedied.
30. All incoming equipment is to be inspected for evidence of foreign plant life.
31. All waste products are to be removed from the site.
32. Not allowing the removal of canoe or ‘scarred’ trees, or any other flora relevant
to indigenous culture, following regulations of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988.
33. Constant communication with the National Vegetation Council, to ensure
compliance of new site developments in relation to the National Vegetation Act 1991.
34. Removal policies are to be accordance to the Department of planning,
Transport and Infrastructure Vegetation Removal Policy 2011.

Post construction, the following implementations must be made:

35. Ensuring remediation practices as defined by the Development Act 1993 are
36. Maintaining vegetation in close proximity to the road, in compliance to Section

‘Constructing a universal passion for

26A of the Highways Act 1926 and the Local Government Act 1999.
37. Modify procedures if they interfere with the local environment in an unforseen
adverse manner.
6.6. Fauna
6.6.1. Existing Biodiversity

Over 2008-2009 the Environment and Biodiversity Services (EBS) conduced fauna
surveys of the approximate site area. The surveys included the identification and
population documentation of avifauna (birds), herptofauna (amphibians and reptiles)
and fish. It should be noted that according to the Northern Connector Technical
Report- Fauna, compiled by the DTEI, that the surveys were a significant distance
from the site as the sites location has changed compared to the intended route in 2009.
The full summation of the survey is available in the EMP. Data compiled in the
Northern Connector Technical Report- Fauna (DTEI), is also used throughout this

The EBS survey found that in the site area approximately 128 species of avifauna
inhabit the region, both in fresh and saline water conditions.

The key locations were the:

38. Barker Wetlands North, which hosted 29 freshwater species and 32 saline
39. Magazine Creek Wetlands, which hosted 28 aquatic and 13 terrestrial species.
40. Barker Inlet Wetlands South, which hosted 32 aquatic species.
41. Range Wetlands, which hosted 15 aquatic and 11 terrestrial species.
42. Supratidal samphire shrubland, which hosted 8 species in total, 5 were
43. North Arm Creek, which hosted 14 aquatic and 12 terrestrial species.
44. Greenfields Wetlands, which hosted a total of 45 species.
45. Bolivar Wastewater Plant, hosted 59 species in total.
The Barker Wetlands was noted to have a total of approximately 5,000 birds in
between 2009 and 2011. While the Bolivar Wastewater Plant had an estimated 9,000
birds. The salt flats however had almost no birds present, this is assumed to be due to
its hyper saline conditions.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.6.2. Mammals

In the EBS surveying area, sixteen mammal species were identified. Ten of which are
native, these mainly consist of varieties of bats and possums. There however is a
minimal population of mammals the area due to the locations heavily developed
landscape. Appendix 1 shows the compiled data from the survey (DTEI). Dolphin
presence is included in the ‘fish’ section following.

6.6.3. Amphibians and Reptiles

The EBS survey identified a total of 34 reptile and five frog species in the area. The
reptile presence during construction is expected as due to several species accustom to
such an environment, the others however are expected to vacate to more desirable
conditions. An abundance of reptiles is also expected to be in the wooded areas of the
site. The amphibious species are expected to adapt to the changing site, inhabiting
drains and waterways. It is also expected that the occurrence of amphibian presence
will change seasonally.

6.6.4. Fish

Under this category is the inclusion of dolphins, although they are technically
mammals. The Port Adelaide River also harbours the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary,
which is thought to have 30 Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tusiops Aduncus)
permanently residing in the area, with another 300 dolphins visiting the sanctuary. The
dolphin’s habitat requires the upkeep of seagrass, mangroves and tidal creeks. It is
vital that the sanctuary remains unhindered by the development.

6.6.5. Impact of Construction

The most vulnerable locations are the Greenfields Wetlands (Stages 1 and 3), the
Barker Inlet Wetlands, Chapman Creek and the Little Para River Woodlands (DETI).
It is of concern that with construction there will be a loss of habitat; there is likely to
be contaminants entering the habitats; new runoff may cause erosion; fauna may
become disturbed by the increased noise levels and increased human activity; vehicle
strike will cause loss of fauna; and the introduction of weeds to the area, by foreign
soils entering the site. All of these could cause fragmentation in the current ecosystem,
effectively forcing fauna out or genetically isolating populations. The primary area of
concern is the North Arm Creek, where the connector will connect to the Salisbury
Highway, this area hosts roosting areas, some fish species and a comfortable

‘Constructing a universal passion for

environment for amphibians, in this area 11.5 Ha of freshwater wetlands, 5.9 Ha of

marine intertidal wetlands and approximately 5 Ha of mangroves are expected to be
removed (total of 22.6 Ha) (DETI).

6.6.6. Mitigation

The majority of the development passes through the salt crystallisation fields, which
are essentially barren, this reduces the concern for the developments construction. As
time progresses the fauna in the area should continue to be studied, any indications of
adverse impacts on the varieties and populations of species should be combatted.

Removal of avifauna habitats should be conducted in the winter months of the year,
this will avoid disturbance of migratory bird species and this also will not interfere
with breeding cycles. The construction of artificial wetlands is also recommended, this
will encourage the return of local fauna to the area, hopefully even improving the
regional fauna habitat. Additionally the removal of mangroves and seagrass should be
negated by implementing artificial sanctuary sites to replicate lost areas. These should
be committed to year’s prior development, due to the long periods taken for the
artificial sites to become sufficient habitats. During operation the implementation of
artificial habitats (marine and terrestrial) are expected to compensate for losses in the
development area.

In order to minimise the construction impact on the fauna in the area the following
steps should be followed:

46. The clear designation of the construction site.

47. Reducing vehicle access areas and worker walkways, as to minimise the
likelihood of vehicle strike and fragmentation.
48. Chemical spills are to be contained and remedied, ensuring they do not enter
49. All waste products are to be removed from the site.
50. Ensuring contractors are inducted and educated to the relevance of the local
51. If threatened species are encountered or affected the DEWNR are to be
consulted with.
52. Any vehicle strike or deceased fauna are to be reported to the environmental
53. Ongoing surveys and audits are to continue monitoring the area, any excessive
degradation to fauna in the area is to be noted and action is to be taken to prevent

‘Constructing a universal passion for

further losses.

6.7. Noise
Noise pollution is a form of sound that is generally considered to annoy, distract or
harm other people. The source of noise pollution is generally found to be caused by
machinery, transportation and traffic, construction sounds or live music. High noise
levels have been found to contribute to negative negatively to cardiovascular effects,
cause rises in blood pressure, increase stress and can lead to permanent hearing loss.
The noise issues identified for this project will be as a result of construction noise.
Universal Engineers take responsibility to overcome this problem and will comply
with the required legislative requirements and policies

54. Environmental Protection Act 1993

55. DTEI Road Traffic Noise Guidelines
56. Environmental Protection Authority Draft Guidelines for the Assessment of
Rail Operations
57. DTEI Management of Noise and Vibration: Construction and Maintenance
Activities- Operational Instruction 21.7
6.7.1. During construction

Noise pollution on site is usually as a result of construction activity, such as

demolition, site preparation, construction vehicles, machinery operation and heavy
lifting. The noise pollution can affect the surrounding community having detrimental
effects. Noise target levels will be in accordance with legislation, differing for night
and day shifts. These levels will also be influenced by the proximity of local houses
and businesses. Work near the Globe Derby Park Race Track may need to be halted
during horse events if noise levels exceed requirements.

6.7.2. Post construction

Post construction the noise pollution will come from traffic noise. Sound barriers are
being designed which will reduce the effect of traffic noise on future residents.
Both of these time periods may have critical effects on the bird sanctuary in the area,
causing interruptions to sleep and mating rituals.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.8. Vibration
Vibration disruptions from construction activities may have a detrimental effect on
local residents and wildlife. The effect of vibration may cause disturbances to building
occupants and could negatively impact building structures.

6.8.1. During Construction

Residents and buildings within 75m of construction work may perceive vibration
effects due to pile drivers, bulldozers, hydraulic rock breakers and vibratory rollers.
Adaption of low vibration construction processes will be used where possible with
limitations of activities that will produce high vibration levels. Monitoring will be
undertaken to ensure that vibration levels are kept to a minimum and guideline levels
are not exceeded.

6.9. Water Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation

During the construction period there will be many hazardous chemicals, oils and fuels
used on the site. These materials have high potential of polluting the stormwater and
groundwater if they are not managed correctly. Ground and earthworks also have
potential to elevate levels of suspended solids and turbidity in the stormwater runoff.

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the contractors to ensure there are proper guides
on the existing bore quality, quantity and drawdown if there is groundwater
construction. It is compulsory for the contractor to consult and seek approval from
DEWNR regarding the extraction rates, licensing requirements, contamination
prevention measures and conditions of extraction for sourcing construction water from
underground water sources if applicable.

6.9.1. Objectives

58. Implement appropriate methodology on the drainage and pollution control

59. Minimise the impact of water movement for both on and off site as well as
mitigate any potential pollutions effects
60. Providing better or equal services for the existing users of current ground water
61. Full monitoring on the quality of surface runoff and groundwater from any

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.10. Waste Management and Soil Contamination

Waste management and soil contamination are hugely important aspects of the
environmental management plan. The wetlands located near the project site need to be
kept isolated from any construction activities, ensuring that these ecosystems remain
unaffected through the construction.

6.10.1. Considerations

62. Construction waste

63. Green waste
64. General waste
65. Hazardous waste
6.10.2. Management hierarchy

66. Reduce quantity of waste

67. Reuse/recycle waste where possible
68. Dispose of waste
The waste management hierarchy will be followed for all areas of waste with the aim
of having the minimum amount of waste going into landfill. By ensuring accurate
estimates of required materials and avoiding unnecessarily wasteful options, the
quantity of waste generated can be minimised. Where waste is unavoidably created
every effort will be made to reuse or recycle the material. Finally if no other option is
feasible then the waste will be disposed of in an appropriate manner.

6.10.3. Construction waste:

This includes all waste produced through construction processes:

69. Excavation
70. Asphalt laying
71. Wood
72. Concrete
73. Metal
74. Management of materials

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.10.4. Construction Waste management plan:


Excavated material will be reused as fill for the embankment or other DPTI projects if
it is deemed suitable by the geotechnical team. If the excavated material is found to
be of insufficient quality it will fall under the contaminated soils category.


Asphalt is a 100% recyclable material so any excess material can be taken to

RESOURCECO Wingfield for recycling. This is also applicable for when the road
requires resurfacing in the future.

Asphalt waste will be separated into clean and unclean Asphalt to be transported and
disposed of by RESOURCECO.


Wood may be used as a construction material throughout the project as formworks,

false works and hoardings, also through the management of materials such as pallets
and containers. In many cases wood will be reusable such as for pallets and
formworks, if it cannot be reused then it will be taken away to be recycled into wood
chips or particle board.


Concrete waste should be negligible throughout the project since there are no existing
structures that require demolition. The only source of concrete waste will be excess
from new constructions ie. Bridges, culverts and barriers, this can be kept to a
minimum by taking care during construction and accurately estimating the amount of
material required.

RESOURCECO is a company committed to resource recovery and recycling and have

a plant located at nearby Wingfield which creates an ideal opportunity for the waste
disposal from the project.

Concrete waste will be separated into clean and unclean concrete to be transported and
disposed of by RESOURCECO.


‘Constructing a universal passion for

Metal used throughout the project can generally be reused such as metal drums,
frames, hoardings etc., therefore there is unlikely to be any significant metal waste.
However if any metal waste is generated it will be separated from other materials and
taken to an appropriate recycling facility.

6.10.5. Green Waste Management

For Vegetation waste, the indigenous plants that must be removed for construction
purposes will be replanted in surrounding wetland. Replanting will contribute to
decreasing the contaminated soil production and help purify the surface water lending
to protection of groundwater sources. General cleared vegetation will be mulched and
recycled for new plant communities created for off-set purposes.

6.10.6. General Waste

General waste includes: plastics, cardboard, food packaging, food waste, glass and
small items of metal and wood. The procedure for the disposal of these waste
materials shall be as follows.

75. Bins shall be provided to separate waste into recyclable and non-recyclable
items, and will be located at site offices and lunch rooms.
76. Glass, Plastic and paper/cardboard will have separate bins.
77. Clear signage will show the recycling procedure.
78. Non-recyclable items will have a separate bin.
79. Waste will be frequently removed to the appropriate recycling or licensed
landfill facility.
6.10.7. Hazardous Waste

All hazardous waste will be handled based on material safety data sheets provided and
disposed of according to all relevant legislation. Efficient removal from site will be
enforced, with materials being transported to a suitable facility under the appropriate

Hazardous waste may include:

80. Paints
81. Chemicals
82. Fuels
83. Oil/lubricants

‘Constructing a universal passion for

84. Chemical binders

VEOLIA is a company that is able to provide drum and container collection services
for hazardous waste, complying with all relevant legislation. Any hazardous waste
generated on site will be placed in these drums to be removed by VEOLIA.

6.10.8. Soil Contamination

85. Localised contamination

86. Acid Sulphate soils
87. Storage
88. Management
89. Spills during construction
During the Northern Connector Project a significant amount of excavation will be
required this is likely to expose soil contaminants on the site. As mentioned in the
Aurecon soil data report for the Northern Connector study (2010) there are some
highly contaminated soil within the study area. Acid Sulphate soil is the greatest
concern for the site and will need to be treated with the appropriate consideration
during excavation.

6.10.9. Acid Sulphate Soils

Acid sulphate soils are naturally occurring waterlogged soils that contain pyrite or
other iron sulphide minerals. Usually this type of soil is found in low lying coastal
areas but can also be found adjacent to some wetlands or near salt lakes. Within the
Northern Connector project area, land has been previously used for salt crystallization.
These soils are harmless if they are not disturbed but if they have been exposed to air
by drainage or excavation, it will react with oxygen and form sulphuric acid or
sulphate minerals. Due to this, structural damage can occur due to formation of rust
which will reduce strength and ductility of the structure. (From Environmental Impact

6.10.10. Mitigation
Several key strategies will be followed to minimise the impact of acid sulphate soils,
they are listed in order of preference.

90. Avoidance – the first priority is to reduce the amount of disturbance to the soils
wherever possible, unnecessary or excessive excavation should be strategically
avoided through careful planning and supervision throughout excavation.
91. Neutralisation – this involves neutralising the acidity of the soil through the use

‘Constructing a universal passion for

of agricultural lime with not less than 95% fine grained carbonate. Treatment stations
will be set up to process and treat the contaminated soil by spreading the acid sulphate
soils in thin layers and spraying the agricultural lime then using mixing machines to
amalgamate the neutralising agent.
92. Storage – neutralisation is a time consuming and costly process so a secondary
option is available for the management of the acid sulphate soils. Strategic reburial of
the contaminated soil is a cost effective method that still minimises the impact of acid
sulphate soils. The contaminated soil can be placed under a permanent water table
before oxidisation occurs, preventing acid formation. Careful planning will be
undertaken when choosing the reburial location, and to reduce the amount of storage
and transportation for the soils to reduce the risk of oxidisation.
6.10.11. Spills during construction
To prevent spills of hazardous materials or liquids that may occur during the project
and lead to contamination of soil the following strategies will be implemented:

93. Inspection – designated personnel will be responsible for the daily inspection
of all hazardous materials on site to ensure proper handling and storage.
94. Maintenance – Storage of hazardous materials will be properly maintained by
users, as well as machinery equipment.
95. Designated refuelling areas – specific areas will be provided for the purpose of
refuelling vehicles and machinery.
96. Fuel and chemical storage areas - specific areas will be provided for the
purpose of storing fuels and hazardous chemicals.
97. Containment and remediation – if spills do occur, immediate action will be
taken according to the hazardous waste guidelines.

6.11. Fire
Universal Engineer’s have a legal obligation under the Workplace health and Safety
Act 1995 to ensure the health and safety of employees and anyone else involved in the
project. This involves ensuring that fire systems are provide onsite and properly
maintained, and proper training and site inductions are undertaken to ensure anyone
involved in this project is fully aware of their fire safety responsibilities. Fire is
identified as a considerable risk in any construction type. This Fire Management Plan
has been prepared to ease the process and appropriately manage the risk.

Fires can occur at any time, especially in hot/summer condition and it is very
important to avoid the threat of a fire and to mitigate any possibility of damage of the

‘Constructing a universal passion for

environmental ecosystem to the surrounding area.

6.11.1. Performance Objectives

98. To ensure an extensive fire risk management process is applied across the
involved area to ensure high level of safety.
99. To make sure that any problems related to fire that arise are instantly and
effectively contained and resolved.
100. To ensure that the company complies with all the regulation and legislation in
relation to fire safety.
101. Aim to provide appropriate training and site induction on fire safety to the
employees and contractor.
102. To avoid fire from occurring in any situation during the construction stage.
103. To limit the loss and damage of property and infrastructure.
104. To prevent or reduce impact of fire on critical environmental.
105. Reduce the incidence of late dry season fires, which are more damaging to
vegetation than early dry season fires
106. Protect archaeological and art sites from damage or destruction from fire.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

6.12. Sediment Control

Sediment control is important for any construction site. Loose soil and materials
onsite can cause serious environmental damage. Dust from loose soil blowing around
can be carried along distances, distributing potentially dangerous materials to workers
and passer-by’s. Stormwater pipes and culverts can become blocked due to sediment
deposition and this sediment can then enter local waterways.

It is important then, that the construction contractor has implemented adequate

sediment control plans.

6.12.1. Performance Objectives

The construction contractor will be required to:

107. Monitor and inspect the site

108. Allocate site officers responsible for maintaining safe environment
109. Identify any potential impacts
110. Report any possible contamination or spreading
111. Concrete wash out points
112. Waste management
113. Regular maintenance of control measures
114. Safe disposal of solids and liquids

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7. Urban Design Overview

It is important to ensure that the proposed route can cater for both residential and
commercial growth as the surrounding area on the salt pans will be developed. The
proposed project area is to be constructed on the land of the Kaurna community, the
traditional custodians of the Adelaide Plains region. If any ancient artefacts are
discovered during construction, this document will outline the correct procedure to
follow. To acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, informational signs
about the Kaurna community and history will be installed along the shared path. As a
part of the 30 year plan, urban design recognises future development will be impacted
by traffic noise and location of infrastructure. Noise created during the construction
phase will be managed and mitigated using normal procedures, including minimal
impact and good accessibility to the compound. It is recommended that noise walls are
installed along the Connector and low noise pavement designs should also be used in
designing the road surface. Commuting as a pedestrian/bicycle will be via a shared
path with possible future plans for overpasses over the north south corridor. There is
also a significant opportunity to incorporate the surroundings of the salt fields and
mangroves in the urban design and landscaping of the project. Incorporating these
features presents a chance to enhance the visual amenity of the area, create a scenic
view and local visual markers.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.1. Cultural Development

7.1.1. Indigenous Heritage

The North-south corridor project will be constructed on the land of the Kaurna
community. These people are the original inhabitants and occupied this region
between 24,000 and 7,500 years ago. The Kaurna region is now known as the
Adelaide Plains region and is shown in Figure 68.

Figure 68 - Map of Kaurna Region

(Wikimedia 2000)

7.1.2. Information Signs

To acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, informational signs about the
Kaurna community history will be created to highlight the cultural and indigenous
heritage of the site. A Statement of Acknowledgement by the Kaurna Elders can be
found in Appendix F.1. The statements will be included on all information signs and
these signs will be designed with help from a local elder allocated by the Kaurna
Elders Assembly.

7.1.3. Indigenous Artefacts.

Aboriginal Cultural heritage in South Australia is protected under the Aboriginal

Heritage Act 1988. This Act provides for the protection and preservation of

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Aboriginal sites, objects and human remains (including burials) (Cultural Heritage
Guidelines, Lance 1991, p. 5).

Aboriginal sites, objects and human remains must not be damaged or disturbed during
this project without the authority from the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs under
Section 23 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1988.

Detailed are some examples of what may be discovered throughout the North-south
corridor project:

115. Stone artefacts

116. Mounds
117. Hearths (earth ovens and fireplaces)
118. Tool-making workshops
119. Dwellings
120. Water sources
121. Scarred trees
122. Rock art
123. Burials
For a detailed description of artefacts and examples, see Appendix G.2.

7.1.4. Action Plan

An action is provided in Figure 69 to follow if an Indigenous site or artefact is

discovered throughout the planning or construction of the project. Any work affecting
the site must stop immediately. The Environmental Operations Unit and the Senior
Cultural Heritage Officer of DOSAA are be contacted on (08) 8226 8930. If human
skeletal remains are found, these must immediately be reported to the nearest Police
Station and DOSAA should be advised.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

If an Indigenous site or artefact is discovered

Call 08 8226 8930

Is the Site threatended?

Yes No

Consult with Aboriginal

community about sites threatened Use appropriate protection
by construction, their significance measures during construction to
and any mitigation measures ensure site protection

Consider project options to avoid

or minimise disturbance

Consult with DOSAA about

appropriate mitigation measures

If there is no alternative that will

avoid the sites, request
authorisation from the Minister for
Aboriginal Affairs to disturb the
site under Section 23 of the
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988

If site damage or destruction is

authorised, ensure that any
conditions of authorisation are

Figure 69 - Action Plan for Indigenous Artefacts and Sites

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.2. Community Awareness

A Community Liaison Group (CLG), will be established to provide the community
with information and forums for local residents and businesses to discuss and
exchange information about the North-South corridor project. This will be formed and
coordinated as soon as the detailed design has been approved, so the community and
public has an opportunity to provide feedback. Universal Engineers will be
responsible in conjunction with the client and participating councils to form the CLG.

The CLG will include ten members from the local community. These members will
represent local residents, businesses, council members, community/environmental
groups, and local government.

Any issues or concerns about this project will be discussed by the CLG and the project
team will be informed to help minimise any impacts of the project to the local
community and road users.

7.2.1. Community Newsletter

A community newsletter has been created to outline the information about the project
to keep to community updated. This newsletter can be found in Appendix G.3.

7.2.2. CLG Meetings

Meetings are to be held throughout the construction period to provide a forum for the
CLG to raise any issues or concerns from the local residents and business owners. The
project team will be present at all of these meetings to receive feedback from the
community provided to the CLG. These meeting dates are shown in Table 30.

Table 30- CLG Meeting Dates

Date Time Location

Thursday 9 July 2015 7.00pm – 8.30pm Project Site Office

Thursday 6 August 2015 7.00pm – 8.30pm Project Site Office

Thursday 3 September 2015 7.00pm – 8.30pm Project Site Office

Thursday 8 October 2015 7.00pm – 8.30pm Project Site Office

‘Constructing a universal passion for

The meeting agenda and minutes will be documented at every meeting and posted to
the project website and Facebook page.

7.2.3. Street Corner Meetings

A series of street corner meeting will be held to allow to community to express any
concerns to the CLG that can be brought up at the CLG meeting with the project team.
These meetings will be held on Wednesday between 2.00pm – 6.30pm at the
following locations:

124. Wednesday 8 July 2015 – Globe Derby Dr / Trotter Dr, Globe Derby Park
125. Wednesday 5 August 2015 – South Tce / Raffery St, Dry Creek
126. Wednesday 2 September 2015 – Kidman Rd / Vater St, Cavan
127. Wednesday 7 October 2015 – Magazine Rd, Dry Creek

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.3. Future Development

7.3.1. Project Area

The development area is situated approximately 12km north of the CBD in Adelaide’s
northern metropolitan area and the involves three council areas; City of Playford, City
of Salisbury and City of Port Adelaide Enfield. The project will pass through the
suburbs of Virginia, Waterloo Corner, St Kilda, Bolivar, Globe Derby Park, Dry
Creek, Wingfield and Gillman. The project has been divided into three sections for
better planning, design and assessment but the main focus of this detailed design is on
the southern section. This section, a part of the 30 year greater plan, will incorporate
potential mixed used development land (see Figure 70).

Figure 70 - Project Area for Potential Urban Design (Google Maps 2015)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.4. Planning, Zoning and Land Use

The North-South Connector design area has been identified to have the potential for
future development and must conform to the following plans and the associated

128. 30-year Plan for Greater Adelaide highlighted the design area to have the
potential for residential and commercial growth (DPLG 2010).
129. Port Adelaide Enfield (City) Development Plan, consolidated on the 23rd of
September 2010 (DPTI 2011), proposes the zone to be a multifunctional polis.
130. South Australia’s Strategic Plan (Government of South Australia 2007a)
131. Housing and Employment Land Supply Program (Government of South
Australia 2007a)
132. Strategic Infrastructure Plan for South Australia (Government of South
Australia 2005/06-2014/15)
133. Development of Horticulture Industries on the Adelaide Plains- A Blueprint for
134. The Playford Community Plan (City of Playford)
135. Salisbury City Plan 2020 (City of Salisbury)
136. Port Adelaide Enfield City Plan 2010-2016, including vision for 2020 (City of
Port Adelaide Enfield)
137. Heritage SA
138. Planning SA
139. Transport SA

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.4.1. Suburban Design

The salt crystallisation ponds will be a major land area for future residential and
commercial development. The alignment of the North-South Connector travels
through the middle of the development area and each side of the development area
will be connected via overpasses and turnoff lanes from the North-South Connector.
The development area is located in the City of Salisbury and is bordering the City of
Port Adelaide Enfield with the Barker Inlet Wetlands. Following the Salisbury City
Plan 2020, there are potential development strategy outcomes for residential and
commercial development in the surrounding areas, see Figure 71.

Figure 71 - Salisbury City Plan 2020 (City of Salisbury 2015)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

As a part of the future planning, there are objectives and targets to meet for the growth
and development for Greater Adelaide. The Plan is driven by 14 principles, as
illustrated on pages 57-59 of the Plan (Department of Planning and Local Government,
2010). These 14 principles are listed below:

140. A compact and carbon-efficient city

141. Housing diversity and choice
142. Accessibility
143. A transit-focused and connected city
144. World-class design and vibrancy
145. Social inclusion and fairness
146. Heritage and character protection enhancement
147. A healthy, safe and connected communities
148. Affordable living
149. Economic growth and competitiveness:
150. Climate change resilience:
151. Environmental protection, restoration and enhancement
152. Natural Resource Management
153. Community engagement
The urban design future plans for the North South Connector is to create an elegant
and unified design solution with an appealing experience for the communities and
road users by completely integrating the landscaping, wetlands environment, street
design with the infrastructure of the road and bridges.

7.4.2. Overpass Design

Based on the development act for the design area it is essential to consider both
residential and commercial growth. This impacts the design, as it would increase the
future requirement of both a pedestrian/bicycle and vehicle overpass. It would be
highly recommended for two overpasses to be built over the North South Connector
for ease of access and fluid movement of traffic in the development areas. A
conceptual design for approximate locations of the overpasses can be seen in Figure 72.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 72 - Overpasses within Development Area

(Google Maps 2015)

These overpasses will be a 60km/h two way road with a shared path next, including a
safety barrier. The detailed design for the project will not consider the overpass in the
scope of works; however it has been identified as a future requirement.

7.4.3. Railway Design

Between Virginia and Port Adelaide there is currently a 19 km rail freight line which
has 12 level crossings. Not having the new Northern Connector railway, the efficiency
of rail operations would decrease for freight movement and cause increased travel
times and travel costs. There will also be an increase of safety risks at railway level
crossings with increased train and vehicle traffic, which will lead to some level
crossings, especially between Port Adelaide and Dry Creek. These will require future
upgrades to separate the local traffic from the railway.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Therefore, without the rail component of the project there will be: (Northern
Connector project team, July 2011)

154. Continued traffic congestion at rail crossings

155. Reduced transport efficiency
156. Increased travel costs
157. Continued reduction of social and environmental conditions
158. Continuing reduction of road and rail safety along the existing rail freight line
from Virginia to Port Adelaide
159. Reduced and constrained economic development.

Railway alignment proposed will be in the same location as described by the DPTI.
The railway line will be elevated by a minimum of 3m from the current level to act as
a rising sea wall barrier and to also keep the railway line from being submerged.

The use of noise barriers will be aligned adjacent to the railway line on either side to
reduce the impact of noise pollution and disturbance to the environmental and urban

7.5. Construction
7.5.1. Construction Noise

The project area is isolated from residents’ area; therefore the noise pollution from
construction will have minimal impact to residents. The construction operations will
be within the normal EPA’s standard hours between 7am and 7 pm, Monday to Friday.
In case of any future construction within the area after residential development, an
endorsement must be obtained from EPA by the contractors. There must be a detailed
construction noise and vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) in place; this will
ensure section 21.7 of EPA Operational Instruction is met.

7.5.2. Construction Site

From the feasibility study the construction site was proposed to be established
northeast of the design area. Base on the evidences presented from the feasibility
report and through site visits inspections, the proposed location is suitable for the site
compound because it poses minimum environmental impacts. Added to that, there are

‘Constructing a universal passion for

existing roads would can be used as access points to the site. Figure 73 below shows
the location of the construction site.

Figure 73 - Design Area by Universal Engineers (Google Maps 2015)

The current location of the construction site enables the existing roads to be utilised
during the construction phase. The main access and exit points to the site will be by
Magazine road, see Figure 74.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 74 - Construction Site Access and Exit Points

(Google Maps 2015)

7.5.3. Design of the Construction Site

The area of the construction site is 200 metres square, it will have two access points
by the magazine road, see Figure 74. The construction site office will be located near
the main access point, to ensure it can be found by the visitors and stakeholders
(Figure 75). Also, it is easier for the workers to sign in/out and receive updates before
commencing work. For general functionality of the construction site, the temporary
power supply will be from generators. Water supply will be by water tanks.

In order to reduce the environmental impact on the site, the compound must comply
with the environment Operation Act 1997, and waste will be collected weekly. There
will be two industry bins on site at all times. Mandatory signs will be installed on the
main entrance and around the temporary fences to ensure that the site complies with

‘Constructing a universal passion for

the OH&S Act, Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and the Work Health and
Safety Regulations 2012 (SA).

The security measures undertaken will include installation of cameras to ensure the
site is protected and check in scanners to monitor unauthorized entry or exit. A
security contractor will be responsible for implementing the security procedures
including closing and locking of the gate after work hours and night patrol.

Figure 75 - Construction Site layout

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.6. Noise Barriers

The feasibility study of the Northern connector has highlighted the effects of traffic
noise on the residential area within a 200 metres zone from the Northern corridor
connector. Universal Engineers acknowledge that traffic noise can have negative
effects on the wellbeing of the residents both physically and mentally (DPTI, 2013).
Universal Engineers aim to take reasonable and practicable measures to minimise the
impact of the traffic noise for the residents affected. The Department aim to reduce the
noise pollution at the source. Some of the pre-treatments includes adjusting the
vertical and horizontal alignment, modification of road gradient and using low noise
pavement surface. These measures will be incorporated into the road design by the
transport department. In addition to that, noise barriers will be installed on both sides
of the Northern Connector.

7.6.1. Noise Barrier Design

The noise barrier will span along both sides of the Northern connector and follow the
vertical and horizontal road alignments. The design life of the barrier system is 50
years. The general barrier system layout is shown the Figure 76 below. The area
behind the barrier is to be transformed into a recreational area including a shared
footpath and new vegetation, which will be incorporated into the landscaping design.
The objective of having a vegetation and recreation area is to reduce the psychological
effects of the barrier on the residents and yield a successful aesthetic outcome.
Vegetation also makes a reduction to the overall noise and air pollution.

Figure 76 - Noise Barrier System (DPTI 2011)

When located closer to the source, the barrier is more effective and is able to reduce
noise by 15 dB or more. (DPTI, 2015) However, having a swale closer to the road
serves as a physical constraint. Factoring this constraint into the design, the barrier

‘Constructing a universal passion for

system will be located 7 metres from the roads shoulder to accommodate the swale.
Moreover, the height of the barrier will have to be increase as this will ensures that
noise reduction efficiency of the barrier is not affected.

The barriers will be continuous along the Northern Connector without any gaps
between the panels or on ground level. If there are gaps at the bottom of the barrier
system, it must be filled with concrete, to further increase the barriers effectiveness in
noise reduction ability. Added to that, the barrier is to provide 160 degrees of
protection to each property as shown on Figure 77 below. Currently, there are no plans
of having access through the barrier system to the properties from the highway.
However, for future development it might be needed. As indicated in the right side
image of Figure 77, there must be an overlapping walls 3 times the width of the break
in order to ensure the barrier’s protection is not compromised.

Figure 77 - Effective Barrier system

(DPTI 2011)

The higher the noise barrier system, the more effective the noise reduction. The
restriction is the benefit-cost ratio for the height of the walls. The elevation of the
project area is relatively flat, making installation relatively easy. The noise barrier will
have a minimum height 3.5 meters in height along the total length, on both sides.
Based on the feasibility study of the design area, the noise barrier is capable of
reducing the noise level by more than 70%. However, the height of the barrier may be
altered depending on the outcome of the community consultations.

The barrier system will be constructed using a series of panels. Each panel will be 4
metres tall and 6 m wide and have a thickness of 150mm. The panels will be
supported by 200UC46 grade steel posts with the depth between the flanges 178mm
(refer to Figure 78(d1)). The spacing between the posts (column) will be calculated to
hold the 6m wide panels including the thickness (tw) of the posts, with a 10 mm

‘Constructing a universal passion for

tolerance, refer to Table 31. The posts will be restrained by a bored footing with a
depth of 1.9m +/- 200mm, with a diameter of each footing bored hole of 450mm.

Figure 78 - Universal Column

(Onesteel 2015)

Table 31 below shows the tolerances which will be apply during construction phase of
the noise barrier.

Table 31: Tolerances

Criteria Tolerances (mm)

Bored footing Depth +200, -50

Posts (centre to centre Distance) +/- 10

Panel thickness +/-5

Steel expansion +/- 10

Figure 79 - section view of the noise barrier

Further calculations are shown in Appendix G.4

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.6.2. Material and Detailing:

Colour bond and corten steel were considered as noise barriers but due to the high
levels of salt in the area, concrete will be the preferred material for the barriers. The
noise barrier will be constructed using precast panels and installed with a franna crane,
using a spreader bar to reduce the manual labour needed for the construction. The
panels will be precast made in a workshop and transported to site during the
construction phase. There will be one thousand panels and one thousand and one
(200UC46) posts for this detailed design of the noise barriers.

Graffiti has a high probability of occurring and to minimise the maintenance cost, the
barrier system will be painted with an anti-graffiti coating in a dark grey colour. The
anti-graffiti coating prevents paint for bonding to the surface and saves cost in clean
up as well. This colour is more of a neutral tone to blend in with the surrounding
landscape. To aid the ease of clean up, the panels facing towards urban area will have
a smooth surface. This is to reduce the amount of time that would be required for
clean up if possible.

Stepping between each panel section for the noise barrier must be avoided. The height
of the barrier is to be consistent and no less than the minimum height. The top edges
are to be rounded in order to reduce the chance of people climbing the wall and this
will also assistance in the aesthetics. The posts will be coated with anti – corrosion
paint and anti-graffiti paint, to increase the lifespan and lower maintenance. The base
of the barrier must follow the ground level. If any gaps are formed between the panel
and ground, they must be filled with adequate materials, such as soil or concrete if
needed. Drainage points along the northern connector are being design by the
geotechnical department. The ends of the barrier system will have an arc formed in the
panel to introduce and end the noise barrier wall where needed. Figure 80 shows the
design of the noise barrier and Figure 81 shows the barrier alignment.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 80 - Northern Connector Barrier System in Solidworks

Figure 81 - Barrier System Alignment

(Google Maps 2015)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.6.3. Barrier Costing

The panels cost was calculated by consulting Bianco precast, they provided the quota
for the panels and also the transportation charges. The costs of the steel and concrete
were calculated through the Australia Construction Handbook (Rawlinsons, 2015), see
Appendix G.5.

7.7. Shared Path

7.7.1. Introduction

A shared path for pedestrians and cyclists will be developed on the eastern side of the
highway. The shared path is used for recreational and commuter purposes, the path
stretch adjacent to the highway, with access points for surrounding residents. The
shared path features different public facilities, such as lighting, signage, hand rails,
markings, etc. and will provide a safe and reliable pathway for the public. In addition,
the materials used for construction of the shared path and public facilities are aim to
be cost effective, environmental friendly and sustainable.

7.7.2. Alignment Design and Access Points

The shared path is designed to be a recreational pathway for public use, and will strive
to be a relaxing and enjoyable environment. The alignment of the shared path is
designed to follow the northern connector shown below (Figure 82), the black line
represents the shared path alignment.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 82 - Shared Path Alignment (Black Line) (Google Map 2015)

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 83 - Shared Path Alignment continue (Blue – Little Para bike trail)(Google Map

In Figure 83 shown above, the shared path alignment is designed to connect to the
existing little para bike trail as shown in Figure 83 represented as the blue line.

In this alignment, the shared path is constructed on the salt pans, the noise barrier will
separate the highway and the shared path. The surrounding landscape of the shared
path will be revegetated for aesthetic and environmental purposes, including
establishments of wetland like environments to be integrated into the surrounding

In the future, the exiting salt pans are expected to reform as a residential area in line
with the 30 year Greater Adelaide Plan. Therefore multiple access points could be
designed to link between the surrounding residents area to the shared path. At the
moment, the only access point is from little para bike trail from the north side.

7.7.3. Shared Path Design

There are few items needed for the design of the shared path, which includes
horizontal curvature, gradient, and width of paths, drainage, and clearance.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.7.4. Horizontal Curvature

The shared path will have a flat surface, and it is for commuting and recreational use.
The maximum design speed for cyclist is 20km/h, and therefore according to the table
7.1, section 7.3, Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist paths, the
minimum radius for horizontal curvature is 10 meters when the design speed is
20km/h (Austroads 2009). The horizontal curvature would only be designed for the
section of the shared path which connects into the little para bikeway to the north, and
the shared path that enters the wetlands towards the south.

7.7.5. Gradient

The shared path is a flat surface; therefore the expected gradients for the path will be
less than 3%.

7.7.6. Path Width

The location and the dimension of the shared path is important, because the shared
path is designed along the highway, and safety is paramount. According to the table
7.4, section 7.5.3, Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist paths, it
states that the desirable shared path minimum width should be 3 meter as DPTI stated,
also cost effective as cyclist volumes will be low (Austroads 2009).

7.7.7. Crossfalls and Drainage

All standards follow AustRoads Guide to Road Design - Part 6A, Pedestrian and
Cyclist Paths (2009). For crossfall and drainage he shared paths drainage gradient will
be designed to prevent any bodies of water pooling on the surface and keep debris
from being washed onto the path. Since the surrounding area of shared path is flat, the
straight section of the path will have crowning to shed the water to the sides of the
path. The normal cross fall of pavement on a straight alignment will be 2% to 4% on a
sealed surface. This design aims to be economic, low maintenance and aesthetically
fit into surrounding environment. The path will at least be elevated above the adjacent
ground with the path shoulders meeting the paths surface level. The paths shoulders
will have a suitable crossfall flatter than 1 in 8.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.7.8. Clearance

The cyclist minimum clearance height is 2.2 meters high as described in section 4.2.2,
Road design Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist paths (Austroads 2009), the clearance for
the cyclist should be a minimum 0.3 meters for the bicycle design envelope, therefore
any tree branches less than 2.5 meters vertically above the pathway should be trimmed

The salt pans area would not have this issue as there is no vegetation, however, the
Dry Creek wetlands near Magazine Road (Figure 84) could potentially have trees
branches lower than 2.5 meters, and the clearance clause will apply, and the designed
clearance for pedestrians and cyclists will be 0.5 metres.

Figure 84 -Magazine Road Location (Google Map 2015)

The safest distance from the path to the highway shoulder will be at least 3.5 meters.
In addition, a series of safety sound barriers will be constructed on the eastern side of
the highway to separate the shared path. The distance from the highway shoulder to
the sound barrier is 7 meters; therefore the safety distance from the highway shoulder
to shared path is met.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.8. Pavement Design

The feasibility study states the pavement material for the shared path is concrete but
under further investigation, asphalt over unbound granular base and sub-base will be
more suitable. Asphalt acts as a flexible pavement which has a smooth, non-slip
surface but a shorter life-span. It will be a more suitable material for the use on the
expansive soils with the aggregate size to be less than 10mm. It will provide a
smoother surface in possible future deformations from tree roots due to new
vegetation growth in the area. Construction of a concrete path will take longer,
requires expansion joints, expensive to construct and repairing deformed panels will
require complete replacement. Repairs for asphalt are cheaper and it is easier to
localise the damaged area. Some disadvantages is it susceptible to edge degradation,
grass or weeds growing through cracks in the pavement but regular maintenance can
help reduce these effects and prolong its lifespan. The benefit of asphalt is significant
with lower initial costs and construction time, easier to repair and safe skid resistant
surface. (Figure 85). All standards will follow AustRoads Guide to Road Design - Part
6A, Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths (2009).

Figure 85 - Asphalt paving Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

7.8.1. Pavement Marking

There are different types of lane markings for the shared path, such as broken line and
continuous line. Continuous lines will be painted along curves, and at corners of the

‘Constructing a universal passion for

pathway (Figure 86) to restrain and inform cyclists and pedestrians from overtaking.
The broken line painted along the straight section of the pathway (Figure 87) allows
cyclists to overtake other users when the opposite lane is clear and safe to do so.

Figure 86 - Continuous line marking.Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 87 - Broken line markings.Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

In the future, access points will be established along the alignment for entry and exit
points to the surrounding suburubs. Giveway markings are required at these
interescetions to inform users to give way on the shared path. Giveway markings are
shown in Figure 88.

Figure 88 - Give way marking. Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.9. Facilities and Amenities

7.9.1. Lighting

The Austroads Guide Part 6A and Table 2 of AS/NZS 1158.3.1 outline the lighting
categories for pathways and cycle ways. This path will also be a commuter’s path,
lighting after dark will provide a safe route and encourage more people to use the path
during dark hours. The lighting system aims to be sustainable and environmentally
friendly. Each light pole will be independent and self-sustainable by storing solar
energy during the day into batteries for use during the night. The lighting levels are
based on the objective of allowing the users to see other users and potential hazards.
Rider visibility is mandatory and it is illegal not to have a flashing or steady white
light on the front and red on the rear that is clearly visible from at least 200m (DPTI
2014). The lights used in the light poles, have to comply with the standards and
provide enough output lumens for the path. Urban pedestrian areas require 20 lux to
as low as 3 to 5 lux and the uniformity of lightings is also highly important. The ratio
of average illumination to the minimum illumination should be no greater than 6:1 for
low traffic areas. Therefore lighting on the path will be adequate to have the light
poles spaced out every 30m with the appropriate lumens for lighting. This will be a
more cost effective solution instead of installing the light poles every 12m as
previously required to provide a safe lit path for all users during the night. A
comparable example of how the light pole will look like from the linear park is shown
in Figure 89.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 89 - Solar powered lighting.Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015

7.9.2. Fencing

Fencing is to be installed where necessary along the shared path to ensure all users
safety. A fence will be needed to have a physical barrier of separation to a location or
place. Fences will have to be installed in areas in the wetlands near Magazine Road to
separate users falling into large water bodies. Extra fencing will be required in future
plans for perimeters of playgrounds and possibly near future suburban development.
The design of fencing will follow the materials shown in Figure 90, which will include
a metal finished handrail with timber poles strung with stainless steel wire. This
combination will give a great impression for the public, exhibiting a modern design
with natural materials such as timber.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 90 - Selected fencing design.Esplanade, West Beach, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015

7.9.3. Signage

Signage is another essential facility for a shared path, and will be placed in
appropriate locations to inform pathway users. The signage will include give-way
signs, pedestrian and cyclist signs, direction signs, information signs, warning signs,
etc. On Path Signage

There will be on path signage which is painted on the shared path to inform users of
exits/entry intersections, cautions and direction of travel. An example of on path
signage is shown in Figure 91 and Figure 92. On path signage will be installed at every
500 meter intervals.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 91 - Ring before passing sign.

(Bicycle Network 2015)

.Figure 92 - Travel direction sign.

Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015

‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Free Standing Pole Signage

Free standing pole signage will be installed to easily inform users of upcoming
intersections or cautions from a distance. Examples of a give way sign is shown in
Figure 93. These two sign would be placed at the shared path access points or exit and
entry points.

Figure 93 - Free standing give way sign. Mike Tur Tur Bikeway, Guanghao Li, 13th May

The Northern Connector information signs will be based on the signs located in Linear
Park. These information signs will feature current location, distances, drinking water
tap, toilet locations, resting areas, etc. shown in Figure 94.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 94 - Information sign Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015

7.9.4. Bench and Tables with Shelter

Rest areas and benches will be placed along the shared path for users during their
activities. Bench chairs are to be placed along the pathway every 1 kilometer, bike
racks are also recommended to install beside each bench chair. See Figure 95 for an
example of a bench and bike racks.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 95 - Example bench chair with bike racks. Glenelg, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

Tables, chairs and barbeque facilities are to installed under shelters near access points
to provide picnic areas for public use, and the shelter can alternatively be used during
rain periods for cyclists and pedestrians (Figure 96). These facilities will be installed
once residential development has occurred.

Figure 96 - Tables and chairs with shelter.

Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

7.9.5. Public Toilets

A common public toilet block is to be placed near the future picnic areas. These toilet
blocks will be connected to the mains power and sewer lines for the new residential

‘Constructing a universal passion for

suburbs for low maintenance. These facilities will be installed once residential
development is being developed. See Figure 97 for an example of a toilet block.

Figure 97 - Common Public Toilet.

(Editor 5/8/07)

7.9.6. Drinking Water Supply

The filtered drinking water fountain is shown in Figure 98, provides a water outlet for
water bottle refills and a drinking fountain outlet at the front. The drinking water refill
station will be placed every 2 km along the shared path.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 98 - Drinking water fountain. Glenelg, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015

7.9.7. Rubbish Bin and Dog Excrement Bags

To reduce the environmental impact of recreational use along the shared path, bins
and dog excrement bag dispensers will be placed every 2km along the shared path and
near seated or picnic areas to help reduce litter and encourage use. The bins are to be
secured to prevent litter spillage and vandalism. An example is shown in Figure 99.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 99 - Wheelie bin. Linear Park Guanghao Li, 13th May 2015

7.10. Shared Path Costing

The shared path costing has the total cost is $475,060 (excluding GST), and $522,566
(including GST). See Appendix F.6 for details of costing.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.11. Landscaping
Landscaping is important to allow people to interact with the place and adds a visual
feature of the area to live and visit. Each side of the North South connector road and
shared path will be revegetated with different plants that will be incorporated into the
surrounding wetlands environment. In addition, educational signage will be placed at
different location to provide information of the plants, wetlands, areas history, etc.

7.11.1. Existing Landscaping

The existing landscaping includes the Northern Arm Creek mangrove, wetlands at
Magazine Road, and Salt crystallization pans. However, due to the Northern
Connector (South) alignment selection, the highway is constructed at the centre of the
salt pans and the existing landscaping will have to be modified. The landscaping
section is divided into 3 sections, which have been labelled on the Figure 100 below.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 100 - Landscaping sections (Google Map 2015)

Section 1, at the start of the Northern Connector heading north, connects to the South
Road Super way and will be crossing the wetlands from Northern Arm Creek
mangrove. This is the first section of current landscaping that will be modified
surrounding the road and shared path. Following will be section 2 and 3 to undergo


JUNE 2015 272
‘Constructing a universal passion for

A simple revegetation map is illustrated in the Figure 101. The green colour boxes
indicated the areas that needs to revegetation to incorporate into the surrounding

Figure 101 - Revegetation Area (Google Map 2015)

7.11.2. Landscaping Design

The landscaping design will included artificial ponds, flora revegetation, educational
signage and visual markers.


JUNE 2015 273
‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Artificial Ponds

Artificial ponds are important in wetland landscaping and create a habitat to sustain
flora and fauna. The larger of the artificial ponds shown in Figure 101 will be
approximately 200m2, and the smaller ponds will be 90m2 each. An example of an
artificial pond is shown in Figure 102. They will also function as a detention basin
during rain periods throughout the year. These ponds will be excavated and the
correct basin soils will be implemented to ensure they are sustainable and
environmentally friendly.

Figure 102 - An Example of Artificial Pond (Wagland Landscaping 2012) Flora
Flora plays an important role in the landscaping for the northern connector because of
the future development of the suburb, the salt pans have to be sustainable,
environmentally friendly and inhabitable. Different kinds of plants will be used in the
revegetation program; these include native plants and non-native plants, terrestrial
vegetation and aquatic flora. There are 12 types of vegetation that will be used in the
Northern Connector, including 7 native and 5 non-natives. Some of these types are:

160. Grey Mangrove


JUNE 2015 274
‘Constructing a universal passion for

161. River Red Gum

162. Cottonbush
163. Samphire
164. Nitre Bush
165. Common Reed
166. Flat-sedge/ Water Buttons

A variety of these plants will be selected for the revegetation program and planted
throughout the entire length of the corridor. The landscaping of the wetlands will be
designed to continue the Greenfield Wetlands habitat is shown in Figure 103.

Figure 103 - Greenfield Wetlands (Weekend NOTES 2015) Terrestrial Vegetation

There are some terrestrial plants identified by the environmental team include
Cottonbush and Nitre Bush. These are shown in Table 32.


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

Table 32: Terresterial Plants

Cottonbush (BlogSpot)

Nitre Bush (The Atlas Of Living Australia)

Since the Northern Connector is constructed in the middle of the salt pans, Cotton
bush and Nitre Bush are the most suitable plants for this area and will be selected
plants for the revegetation program.


JUNE 2015 276
‘Constructing a universal passion for
engineering’ Aquatic Flora

There are five types of aquatic flora which are identified by the environmental team,
these include:

167. Samphire
168. Grey Mangrove
169. Common Reed
170. Flat-sedge
171. Water Buttons
172. Samphire, Common Reed, Grey Mangrove, Flat-sedge and Water Buttons will
be selected for the revegetation program, see Table 33.
Table 33: Aquatic Flora

Samphire (John, June 2012) Grey Mangrove (Avicennia marina)

(Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)


JUNE 2015 277
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Common Reed (University of Connecticut) Flat-sedge (Bryan Harry)

Water Buttons (Sunland-water-gardens) Planting Location

The aquatic plants and terrestrial plants will be planted within the allocated areas
shown in Figure 101. Wood chip mulch will place on the top soil in order to maintain
the soil moisture around the terrestrial plants.


JUNE 2015 278
‘Constructing a universal passion for

7.12. Educational Signage and Locations

Educational signage is important for the public to learn about the area and its value.
Past information of the salt crystallization pans, wetland information, flora and fauna
species information will be on display for the public. The signage will be placed in the
appropriate location and quantity along the shared pathway, see Table 34. The salt
crystallization pans history signs will be placed every 500 metres from each end of the
alignment, and midway, totalling in 3 signs. The wetland information sign will be
located in the southern section of the alignment near the wetland. The flora and fauna
species information signs will be placed at every 2 kilometres interval, totalling in 4.
Examples of educational signage are shown in Figure 104.

Table 34: Signage Quantity

Educational Signage Location Quantity

Salt Crystallization Pans Eastern side of the shared path 3

Wetland information In front of wetlands 1

Flora and Fauna species In front of pond and eastern side of the 4
information shared path

Figure 104 - Educational Sign

Linear Park, Guanghao Li, 6th May 2015


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7.12.1. Sculpture

A sculpture will be placed at the start of the northern end of the highway. The
sculpture design will be open for a future competition for the community and for local
artist to create a sculpture for the area. The competition will be conducted by the local
council once the alignment has been completed.

7.12.2. Playgrounds

As a part of the residential development, playgrounds and picnic areas will be further
developed as a stage 2 for the urban design shared path and landscaping. Areas
situated along the path will be recognised as suitable locations for the playgrounds in
relations to the design of the suburbs when they are being planned and developed.
Councils will contact the suppliers and manufacturers to find suitable playgrounds
which are both safe and suitable for the uses.


JUNE 2015 280
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7.13. Landscaping Costing

The total cost for the landscaping is $284,000 (excluding GST), and $312,400
(including GST). See Appendix G.7 for detailed landscaping costs.


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Appendix A Project Management


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix A1 - Summary of Costing

Department Item Cost

Structural Bridges $3,190,871.00
Geotechnical Pavement Materials $78,911,270.00
Bituminous Plant and Equipment $2,351,539.00
Earthworks Cost $530,587.00
Water Swale $189,000.00
Mowing Swale $1,164.00
Traffic Signs $11,370.00
Safety Phones $6,000.00
ITS $460,000.00
Urban Planning Shared Path $522,566.00
Landscaping $312,400.00
Noise Barrier Costs (Both Ways) $5,460,000.00
Project Management Employee Consulting Fees $301,550.00
Total $92,248,317.00


JUNE 2015 283
‘Constructing a universal passion for
Appendix A2 engineering’

Project Start
Project Finish

Department Members Hourly Rate Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Hours Worked Sub Total Amount
Project Managers $240.00 5 12 12 13 24 28 94 $22,560.00
Assistant Project Manager $220.00 4 12 5 7 18 27 73 $16,060.00
Transport Leader $180.00 11 13 13 9 20 66 $11,880.00
Transport 1 $150.00 3 12 16 20 10 61 $9,150.00
Transport 2 $150.00 3 6 13 13 7 42 $6,300.00
Transport 3 $150.00 7 10 13 13 14 57 $8,550.00
Transport 4 $150.00 4 8 5 5 10 32 $4,800.00
Urban Design Leader $180.00 6 6.5 8 10 15 10.5 56 $10,080.00
Urban Design 1 $150.00 15 15 20 20 25 95 $14,250.00
Urban Design 2 $150.00 19 17 19 17 6 78 $11,700.00
Urban Design 3 $150.00 15 12 14 17 12 70 $10,500.00
Environmental Leader $180.00 5 5 8 8 11.5 9 46.5 $8,370.00
Environmental 1 $150.00 6 26 8 11 51 $7,650.00
Environmental 2 $150.00 5 8 4 11 23 51 $7,650.00
Environmental 3 $150.00 6 9 12.5 10 37.5 $5,625.00
Environmental 4 $150.00 5 5 15 15 15 55 $8,250.00
Geotechnical Leader $180.00 15 15 15 22 21 88 $15,840.00
Geotechnical 1 $150.00 15 15 16 20 21 87 $13,050.00

‘Constructing a universal passion for
Geotechnical 2 $150.00 8 10 10 12 18 58 $8,700.00
Water Leader $180.00 5 9 6 12 22 7 61 $10,980.00
Water 1 $150.00 15 15 15 15 60 $9,000.00
Water 2 $150.00 0 $0.00
Water 3 $150.00 10 10 10 10 10 50 $7,500.00
Structural Leader $180.00 15 16 26 33 90 $16,200.00
Structural Leader $180.00 10 12 26 24 72 $12,960.00
Structural 1 $150.00 15 15 6 36 $5,400.00
Structural 2 $150.00 16 20 20 20 16 92 $13,800.00
Structural 3 $150.00 15 15 15 28 73 $10,950.00
Structural 4 $150.00 11 13 26 24 74 $11,100.00
Structural 5 $150.00 7 12 16 35 $5,250.00
1841 $304,105.00

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix A3

Considerations From Presentation with DPTI

Representative Desmond Khoo (9/6/2015)

In consultation with Desmond Khoo from DPTI, and drawing on his expert
knowledge of the project, it was found that some sections needed further
considerations. An investigation will be made into the following items below.


- The safety phones need to be located on either side of the road and more often.
Water and Geotechnical

- The design of a swale may create a large footprint with future developments in
the area. A new water drainage system may have to be investigated in the future.
- The sea wall design (future consideration) might not be practical as a structure
by itself. The alignment was chosen to ensure that as much land as possible isn’t
affected by sea level rise. In consultation with Desmond it was suggest that the road
alignment and the fact that it is slightly raised from the salt pans might be the best
- Consideration of bore log data, the other bore logs need to be analysed in order
to obtain a stronger bore log analysis.

- In the design methodology a cofferdam has been suggested to restrict river flow
and create a dry platform for construction. Through Desmond it has been suggested
that this is too expensive and an alternate method needs to be sought. Currently DPTI
are also aiming to come up with a solution to this problem.
- There are also environmental issues with constructing on a salt pan. Sulphuric
acid can occur through oxidisation of the sulphate soils, the pH level is 2 for sulphuric
acid, which is incredibly corrosive, and this can cause materials to be affected. Section
5.15.4 discusses acid protection on the structure; however an investigation will be
conducted with the Environmental department to investigate acid protection during the
construction phase.

‘Constructing a universal passion for

- The construction noise will affect the horses in the Globe Derby park area from
noise and vibration impacts, Section 6.7 and 6.8 discuss noise and vibration only on
residential locations.
Urban Design

- The bike path along the highway has to also be reconsidered. There were a
number of amenities mentioned in the report, however due to the location of the path;
they will probably not be needed. The path is not near high density housing and will
most probably only attract a small number of cycling enthusiasts. If a development
does not currently exist, then an in depth investigation should not be considered.
- Possible solutions to beautify the region such as lagoons, sculptures etc that
have been discussed. However they fall outside of DPTI’s scope for the project. This
will most probably be considered by a developer for the area in the future.
- Due to the location of the site, noise barriers will not have to be considered by
DPTI. This is due to the project being located away from residential housing. If
housing occurs on the site in the future than it is the responsibility of the developer to
- The Community Liaison Group needs to be redefined in terms of its available
times, need weekdays, weekends and morning/night etc.


- The environmental plan that has been proposed by Universal Engineers is a

broad plan and needs to be more sites specific in cases. Due to the nature of the
environment around the Northern Connector being unique there are a few updates that
need to occur.
o This includes more mention of the mangroves and local fauna
o Further impact analysis of the dolphin and bird sanctuary
o Impact analysis of horses in the globe derby park area


JUNE 2015 287
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix B Transport

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix B.1 – Lane Direction Signs


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix B.2 – Traffic Signs


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‘Constructing a universal passion for


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix C Geotechnical

Appendix C.1 – Galena Results

GALENA 6.10 Analysis Results Licensee: University of

South Australia
Project: embankment
File: F:\Design Projectt\Design Project\slope stability.gmf
Processed: 01 Jun 2015 17:19:20

DATA: Analysis 1 - Slope Stability

Material Properties (2 materials)

Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Existing Soil
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
10.00 35.0 18.95 Auto
Material: 2 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Select Fill
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
20.00 40.0 23.00 Auto

Water Properties
Unit weight of water: 9.810 Unit weight of water/medium above ground:

Material Profiles (2 profiles)

Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 1 - Existing Soil
-10.00 19.00 100.00 19.00
Profile: 2 (4 points) Material beneath: 2 - Select Fill
0.00 19.00 30.00 21.00 67.00 21.00 97.00 19.00

Slope Surface (6 points)


JUNE 2015 293
‘Constructing a universal passion for

-10.00 19.00 0.00 19.00 30.00 21.00 67.00 21.00
97.00 19.00
100.00 19.00

Phreatic Surface (2 points)

-10.00 18.00 100.00 18.00

Failure Surface
Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R
Intersects: XL: 0.00 YL: 19.00 XR: 30.00 YR: 21.00

Centre: XC: 8.42 YC: 118.64 Radius: R: 100.00

Distributed Loads (1 load)

Load X-Left Pressure X-Right Pressure
1 30.00 80.0 67.00 80.0

Variable Restraints
Parameter descriptor: XL XR R
Range of variation: 17.00 13.00 10.00
Trial positions within range: 10 10 10


RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Slope Stability

Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface

Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques

Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 23.73

There were: 1001 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles

Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 9.02


JUNE 2015 294
‘Constructing a universal passion for


Circle and Results Summary (Lowest Factor of Safety circles)

Circle X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right X-Centre Y-Centre Radius
1 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.90 112.20 95.00 9.015
2 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.85 113.34 96.11 9.078
3 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.66 112.42 95.00 9.097
4 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.80 114.48 97.22 9.140
5 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.60 113.56 96.11 9.160
6 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.75 115.62 98.33 9.202
7 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.40 112.62 95.00 9.207
8 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.55 114.70 97.22 9.232
9 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.70 116.76 99.44 9.264
10 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.34 113.76 96.11 9.270
11 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.50 115.83 98.33 9.287
12 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.65 117.90 100.56 9.325
13 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.28 114.90 97.22 9.333
14 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.45 116.97 99.44 9.346
15 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.11 112.82 95.00 9.349
16 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.60 119.04 101.67 9.387
17 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.23 116.03 98.33 9.395
18 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.39 118.11 100.56 9.408
19 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.06 113.95 96.11 9.410
20 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.55 120.18 102.78 9.448
21 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.17 117.17 99.44 9.457
22 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.34 119.24 101.67 9.470
23 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.00 115.08 97.22 9.471
24 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.81 113.00 95.00 9.490
25 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.50 121.32 103.89 9.508
26 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.12 118.30 100.56 9.518
27 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.94 116.22 98.33 9.531
28 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.29 120.38 102.78 9.532
29 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.75 114.13 96.11 9.545
30 -8.50 19.00 36.50 21.00 9.45 122.45 105.00 9.569
31 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.06 119.43 101.67 9.578
32 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.88 117.35 99.44 9.590
33 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.24 121.51 103.89 9.593
34 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.69 115.26 97.22 9.601
35 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.01 120.57 102.78 9.639
36 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.83 118.48 100.56 9.648
37 -6.61 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.18 122.65 105.00 9.654


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

38 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.63 116.39 98.33 9.656

39 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.04 112.37 95.00 9.675
40 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.95 121.70 103.89 9.698
41 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.57 117.52 99.44 9.712
42 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.77 119.61 101.67 9.714
43 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.65 113.21 95.00 9.718
44 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.98 113.51 96.11 9.742
45 -4.72 19.00 36.50 21.00 10.90 122.83 105.00 9.758
46 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.71 120.74 102.78 9.762
47 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.78 112.58 95.00 9.763
48 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.51 118.65 100.56 9.767
49 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.58 114.34 96.11 9.778
50 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.93 114.65 97.22 9.809
51 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.65 121.87 103.89 9.819
52 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.45 119.78 101.67 9.822
53 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.72 113.71 96.11 9.831
54 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.52 115.47 97.22 9.836
55 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.50 112.77 95.00 9.871
56 -2.83 19.00 36.50 21.00 11.60 123.00 105.00 9.874
57 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.88 115.79 98.33 9.875
58 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.39 120.91 102.78 9.877
59 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.67 114.85 97.22 9.898
60 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.46 116.60 98.33 9.904
61 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.33 122.04 103.89 9.931
62 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.45 113.91 96.11 9.937
63 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.83 116.92 99.44 9.951
64 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.40 117.72 99.44 9.955
65 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.61 115.99 98.33 9.966
66 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.20 112.96 95.00 9.983
67 -0.94 19.00 36.50 21.00 12.27 123.17 105.00 9.986
68 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.39 115.04 97.22 10.003
69 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.77 118.06 100.56 10.009
70 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.34 118.85 100.56 10.015
71 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.56 117.12 99.44 10.032
72 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.14 114.09 96.11 10.043
73 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.33 116.17 98.33 10.068
74 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.72 119.20 101.67 10.074
75 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.28 119.98 101.67 10.075
76 -0.94 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.88 113.13 95.00 10.079
77 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.51 118.26 100.56 10.098
78 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.08 115.22 97.22 10.104
79 2.83 19.19 36.50 21.00 14.64 113.45 95.00 10.111
80 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.27 117.31 99.44 10.132
81 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.22 121.11 102.78 10.135


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82 -0.94 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.82 114.26 96.11 10.140

83 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.67 120.33 102.78 10.140
84 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.03 116.35 98.33 10.163
85 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.45 119.39 101.67 10.164
86 2.83 19.19 36.50 21.00 14.58 114.58 96.11 10.179
87 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.15 122.23 103.89 10.195
88 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.22 118.44 100.56 10.196
89 -0.94 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.76 115.39 97.22 10.200
90 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.62 121.47 103.89 10.206
91 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.97 117.48 99.44 10.221
92 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.40 120.52 102.78 10.230
93 2.83 19.19 36.50 21.00 14.52 115.71 97.22 10.246
94 0.94 19.06 36.50 21.00 13.09 123.36 105.00 10.255
95 -4.72 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.16 119.57 101.67 10.259
96 -0.94 19.00 35.06 21.00 11.69 116.52 98.33 10.260
97 -8.50 19.00 35.06 21.00 8.57 122.60 105.00 10.272
98 -2.83 19.00 35.06 21.00 10.91 118.61 100.56 10.280
99 -6.61 19.00 35.06 21.00 9.34 121.66 103.89 10.294

Critical Failure Circle

Intersects: XL: -8.50 YL: 19.00 XR: 36.50 YR: 21.00
Centre: XC: 9.90 YC: 112.20 Radius: R: 95.00
Generated failure surface: (20 points)
-8.50 19.00 -6.15 18.57 -3.78 18.19 -1.41 17.88
0.97 17.62
3.36 17.43 5.75 17.29 8.14 17.22 10.53 17.20
12.92 17.25
15.32 17.35 17.70 17.52 20.09 17.75 22.46 18.03
24.83 18.38
27.19 18.79 29.54 19.25 31.87 19.78 34.19 20.36
36.50 21.00

Slice Geometry and Properties (40 slices)

Slice X-S ------------------- Base --------------------- PoreWater
Normal Test
X-Left Area Angle Width Length Matl Cohesion Phi Weight
Force Stress Factor
1 -8.50 0.13 -10.4 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 2.42 0.00
2.29 1.03
2 -7.32 0.38 -10.4 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 7.26 0.00
6.47 1.03


JUNE 2015 297
‘Constructing a universal passion for

3 -6.15 0.62 -9.0 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 11.82 0.00

10.30 1.03
4 -4.96 0.85 -9.0 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 16.01 0.00
13.90 1.03
5 -3.78 1.30 -7.6 1.44 1.45 1 10.00 35.0 24.71 0.00
17.46 1.02
6 -2.34 0.99 -7.6 0.93 0.94 1 10.00 35.0 18.72 0.57
20.47 1.02
7 -1.41 1.69 -6.1 1.41 1.42 1 10.00 35.0 32.03 2.77
23.02 1.01
8 0.00 1.32 -6.1 0.97 0.98 1 10.00 35.0 25.11 3.13
26.18 1.01
9 0.97 1.83 -4.7 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 35.11 5.02
29.69 1.01
10 2.16 2.04 -4.7 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 39.51 6.16
33.40 1.01
11 3.36 2.24 -3.2 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 43.63 7.13
36.72 1.01
12 4.55 2.41 -3.2 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 47.34 7.92
39.83 1.01
13 5.75 2.57 -1.8 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 50.78 8.54
42.57 1.00
14 6.94 2.71 -1.8 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 53.82 8.97
45.12 1.00
15 8.14 2.83 -0.3 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 56.53 9.23
47.27 1.00
16 9.33 2.94 -0.3 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 58.90 9.32
49.24 1.00
17 10.53 3.02 1.1 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 60.91 9.23
50.82 1.00
18 11.73 3.09 1.1 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 62.58 8.96
52.22 1.00
19 12.92 3.14 2.5 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 63.85 8.51
53.20 1.00
20 14.12 3.17 2.5 1.20 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 64.85 7.88
54.03 1.00
21 15.32 3.18 4.0 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 65.40 7.08
54.44 1.00
22 16.51 3.18 4.0 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 65.69 6.11
54.68 1.00
23 17.70 3.15 5.4 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 65.53 4.95
54.53 1.00
24 18.89 3.11 5.4 1.19 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 65.14 3.62
54.19 1.00


JUNE 2015 298
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25 20.09 2.68 6.9 1.04 1.05 1 10.00 35.0 56.55 1.95

53.51 1.00
26 21.13 2.62 6.9 1.04 1.05 1 10.00 35.0 55.73 0.65
52.72 1.00
27 22.18 0.71 6.9 0.29 0.29 1 10.00 35.0 15.16 0.00
52.22 1.00
28 22.46 2.86 8.3 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 61.58 0.00
51.26 1.00
29 23.65 2.75 8.3 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 59.85 0.00
49.81 1.00
30 24.83 2.61 9.8 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 57.54 0.00
47.96 1.00
31 26.01 2.46 9.8 1.18 1.20 1 10.00 35.0 55.13 0.00
45.94 1.00
32 27.19 2.10 11.2 1.08 1.10 1 10.00 35.0 47.94 0.00
43.64 1.00
33 28.27 2.29 11.2 1.27 1.30 2 20.00 40.0 52.66 0.00
40.24 1.00
34 29.54 0.78 12.6 0.46 0.47 2 20.00 40.0 17.89 0.00
37.38 1.00
35 30.00 1.44 12.6 0.94 0.96 2 20.00 40.0 33.15 0.00
112.55 1.00
36 30.94 1.24 12.6 0.94 0.96 2 20.00 40.0 28.62 0.00
107.82 1.00
37 31.87 1.25 14.1 1.16 1.20 2 20.00 40.0 28.78 0.00
101.86 1.01
38 33.03 0.91 14.1 1.16 1.20 2 20.00 40.0 21.01 0.00
95.31 1.01
39 34.19 0.55 15.5 1.15 1.20 2 20.00 40.0 12.75 0.00
88.16 1.01
40 35.35 0.18 15.5 1.15 1.20 2 20.00 40.0 4.25 0.00
80.97 1.01
-------- ------- ----------
X-S Area: 79.33 Path Length: 45.48 X-S Weight: 1646.26


JUNE 2015 299
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix C.2 - Construction Methodology

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix D Stormwater

Appendix D.1 – Predicted Sea Level Rise

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix E Structural


JUNE 2015 302
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix E1 – Member Forces and Moments

Appendix F Environment
Appendix F.1 – Vegetation Map


JUNE 2015 303
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix G Urban Design

Appendix G.1 – Aboriginal Welcome Message

The following Statement of Acknowledgement has been endorsed by Kaurna Elders

for use in metropolitan Adelaide1:

"We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands
of the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country.
We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide
region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still important to the living
Kaurna people today."

The following text is suggested for use/adaptation for events and gatherings that take
place outside of the metropolitan area2.

"We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are
meeting upon here today. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and
relationship of Aboriginal peoples to country. We also pay respects to the cultural
authority of Aboriginal peoples visiting/attending from other areas of South
Australia/Australia present here."

The statements above will be included on all information signs to acknowledge the
traditional custodians of the land.

Appendix G.2 - Indigenous Artefacts

Stone artefacts

1 Across Government Reconciliation Implementation Reference Committee

2 Across Government Reconciliation Implementation Reference Committee


JUNE 2015 304
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Stone artefacts are classified as any stone tools and waste material produced during
the manufacture of these tools. These artefacts are the most common surviving
artefacts located in Adelaide and the Kaurna area. These stone artefacts were made
from flint, quartz, chert, silcrete and volcanic rocks, see Figure 105 and Figure 106.

Figure 105 - Hatchet head (Anon. 1985)

Figure 106 - Flake tool (Anon. 1985)


As this site may have experienced seasonal flooding, there is a possibility of

habitation mounds to be discovered. These mounds are the result of sandy soil being
used to create camp site to artificially raise the ground level. These habitation mounds
may also contain stone artefacts, bones from birds and animals, shells, charcoal and
stone or baked clay heat retainers. The mounds are can vary in size from 4 – 5 meters
across and up to 1.5 meters high, see Figure 107.


JUNE 2015 305
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Figure 107 - Aboriginal habitation mound, Riverland, Murray Valley (Government of South
Australia 2015)

Hearths (earth ovens and fireplaces)

Hearths contain the remains of ancient campfires and earth ovens. Fire-shattered
stones and baked clay lumps were often used to cook food and can be exposed by
erosion. In some floodplains of the State’s north, shortages of stone led to the use of
other materials including pieces of termite mounds, see Figure 108.

Figure 108 - Eroding hearth (ACHM 2004)

Tool-making workshops

These workshops contain flaking debris from making stone tools and are often found
in areas where raw stone is abundant. The debris is the result of fragments of stones
being broken off during the tool-making process, see Figure 109.


JUNE 2015 306
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Figure 109 - Grinding stone workshop with broken grinding stone (Australian Cultural
Heritage Management 2011)


Dwelling made by the Kaurna people were often built from tree branches and sticks.
The most common structure were semi-circular windbreaks, which were used for one
or two night then abandoned. These structures are rare and they were quickly blown
away, burnt or decayed. More permanent structure has consisted of wooden frames
and the remains of these are more common, see Figure 110.

Figure 110 - Collapsed Aboriginal dwelling (Pikusa, S. 1986)

Water sources

As water is in short supply throughout parts of Australia, wells were an important

factor in the survival of the Aboriginal people. These wells were dug into dry river


JUNE 2015 307
‘Constructing a universal passion for

beds or along bodies of water to supply water. Natural rock hollows have also been
known to be enlarged to their capacity to collect water. These wells and rock hollows
were often covered with stones or branches to protect against evaporation or animals
fouling the water, see Figure 111.

Figure 111 - Shellpatch Bore gnamma hole (ACHM 2003)

Scarred trees

Bark from trees was used by the Aboriginal people for most of their implements, tools
and weapons. Removal of bark and timber has led to scars on trees that can remain for
years to come. The most prominent scaring of a tree is from the removal of bark to
form a canoe. Although these tree are uncommon in the project area there may be
some discovered as there is a body of water near the site. Scars were also formed from
toeholds used to climb trees to capture animals or gather eggs and honey see Figure


JUNE 2015 308
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Figure 112 - Aboriginal canoe tree (Environmental Operations Unit 1999)

Rock art

Aboriginal rock art can be found throughout all of Australia and are one of the most
common artefacts discovered. This art is mainly found in the sheltered walls of caves,
rock overhangs, in rock shelters and on the sheltered faces of large boulders, see
Figure 113.

Figure 113 - Aboriginal painted art (Tindale, N.B. 1974)


Burial is the most common method of disposal of the dead in South Australia by the
Aboriginal people. Shallow graves covered by logs or rocks to mark the grave and
keep animals out are the most common burial. It is of upmost importance not to
disturb burial sites and to use the action plan explained in this report, see Figure 69 -
Action Plan for Indigenous Artefacts and Sites, in 7.1.4 Action Plan.


JUNE 2015 309
‘Constructing a universal passion for


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‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix - G.3 Newsletter


JUNE 2015 311
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix G.4 – Noise Barriers Design Calculations

Project Title North-South Corridor – Northern Connector, Stage 1

(South) –
Detailed Design
Subject: Noise Barrier System
Job Number: Panel Structural Design Contract:
Date: 01/06/2015 Prepared: Kwai Guet
Sheet: 1 of 4 Checked: Aaron Brown
Callum La
Client: DPTI Approved: Dru
Flexural Design:

Ultimate design transverse wind load ( ) = 46.5 kN

Taking one meter strip of the panel:

UDL = 7.75 kN/m from the wind load calculations
Cover = 25 mm

Assumed N12 bar

Bending Moment and shear force:


JUNE 2015 312
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Bending Moment Capacity Check:

Design Steel Requirement

Actual capacity


JUNE 2015 313
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Checking for ductility:

Flexural Shear Design:

From the above calculations

Checking the concrete has sufficient shear capacity without shear reinforcement


JUNE 2015 314
‘Constructing a universal passion for

, hence no shear reinforcement is needed.

Deflection – AS3600
Lateral force is the critical factor for the noise barrier; so only the short-term deflection will
be calculate.
Allowable deflection = 25 mm


L = 4000mm

Based on the structural calculations, the current design of the noise barrier satisfy the
structural designs.


JUNE 2015 315
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix G.5 - Noise Barrier Costs

Items Quantity Cost ($)

Panels 2000 $2,200 per panel

Transport Panels Delivery to Site $ 180,000
Concrete for footing (V= 0.30m^3, for one footing) $222 Per volume

Posts (2002 columns) 223.4 tonnes $1275 per tonne

Total $5.46 million


JUNE 2015 316
‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix G.6 - Shared Path Costs

Shared Path Costing

Name Spacing each Unit Price($AUD) Quantity Total Cost

Pavement Marking Florescent Paint Full distance 18/ meter 5 kilometres 90000

Solar Powered Light 30 meters 760/set 160 121600

Fence N/A 14/meter 1 kilometre 70000

Pole Signage N/A 435 10 4350

On Path Signage 500 meters 400 10 4000

Bench Chair 1 kilometre 350 5 1750

Tables N/A 1000 2 2000

Shelter N/A 10000 1 10000

Public Toilet N/A 150000 1 150000

Drinking Water Fountain 2 kilometres 7000 3 21000

Dog Excrement Bags 2 kilometres 20 3 60

Rubbish Bins 2 kilometres 100 3 300

Excluding GST $475,060

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Including GST $522,566

‘Constructing a universal passion for

Appendix G.7 - Landscaping Costs

Landscaping Costing
Item Name Unit Price Quantity Total Cost ($)
Artificial Ponds 30,000 3 90,000
Cotton Bush 7 2000 14,000
Nitre Bush 6 2000 12,000
Samphire 6 2000 12,000
Common Reed 5 2000 10,000
Flat-sedge 5 2000 10,000
Water Buttons 6 2000 12,000
Educational Signage 3,000 8 24,000
Sculpture 100,000 1 100,000
Excluding GST $284,000
Including GST $312,400

‘Constructing a universal passion for

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