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aren't you just sick of hearing German

success stories they always win the

football they're the first on the beach

and while Britain faces cutbacks and I

Walter Annette doesn't look how well the

Germans are doing we need frankly to

have a more generic approach employment

is at record levels and it's a

world-beating exporter what's more the

Germans earn more than us and work fewer

hours so how do they do it

I'm Justin roller a journalist and I'm

fearow laps a writer and we're on a

mission to discover the secrets of

German success we're taking the kids

with us and we're going in

yes they'll be beer and sausages but

this is no holiday we're going to work

number one pet live it's too loud what

we are to learn your clothes and play

just like average ordinary Germans

because our challenge is to become I

live in North London with my wife B and

our four children they have socks in

Germany do they they probably have you

know better socks than we've got there's

quite a kind of tradition of you know

two world wars from World Cup you know

that kind of attitude to Germany and

Britain and I think it'd be quite

interesting to see what the Germans

think of us you know I mean we've

obviously suffered terrible industrial

decline since the Second World War the

Germans have done you know pretty well

there's still a major industrial nation

and it require interesting to see what

they think of Britain thank you I'm

actually half German but I never grew up

there I grew up in this country and my

dad's generally but my parents separated

when I was little I don't want to be

disloyal you know there's nothing wrong

with being half German so it's not a


but maybe there is a car no there are a

few kind of sort of Teutonic qualities

that she has I can't believe I'm saying

this I quite like sitting on the toilet

with the door open and I'll just you

know have a merry exchange with anyone

who passes by and just to think that's

really German I just think that's the

way I grew up

what's also really German is small

families the German birth rate is low

and falling just one point four children

per couple so the first step in making

us German is to leave our eldest to Eva

and Zola at home

granny I'm gonna miss them this quite

nice have a break sometimes from all the

loudness and everything I think it's

gonna be brilliant and I'm not gonna

miss them at all first often we need

somewhere to live we've moved to

Nuremberg in the heart of Bavaria it's

famous for its gingerbread its sausages

and it's Nazi history

hello are you mrs. fuller yes we've

rented a flat from mrs. Haller we Brits

may be obsessed with buying property but

Germans aren't more than half of them

rent compared to just a third of us


and I can see it means the Germans don't

saddle themselves with huge debt in

Britain the average family owes 53,000

pounds including mortgages in Germany

it's just under 30,000 pounds the kids

are making themselves at home and I'm

expecting our first German visitor hi

I'm PJ is an advertising guru his ad

agency specialises in knowing exactly

what the average German does every

minute of every day we did quite a lot

of research on how the typical German

lives typical German in this area

damn it off D doesnít story and

according to the film that typical

German is called moola the nation's most

common surname and lives in a 1970s

apartment unlocked Mueller like this a

flatus just like ours


Motors Urbina mula Sabina is the most

common female name so that's me and

here's me Thomas Muller is the most

common male mayor's is the whole fist to

determine f1 the mullahs only have one

child unlike us that the door-to-door

schnitz Familia as Wien and zoom German

certainly get up early 20 minutes

earlier than the average brit often

borden tonight let's talk about tomorrow

morning are you prepared to go a bit

earlier than than usual I don't know

6:23 you have to get up and then good

thing is you can take a bit of time in

the bathroom the video goes into

extraordinary detail no surprise that I

pee standing up but then I sit down and

read the sports section of the paper

German men sit on the loop for twice as

long as German women and when it comes

to loo paper

the Germans are Fuller's not Crumpler in

fact I get 924 six minutes and I get to

sleep a bit longer and spent 28.1

minutes in the bathroom with two little

children being being in the family and

not in school

the typical German wife would not go to

work actually really spend time at home

with the kids doing you know house but

also to teach the kids proper table

manners there's a certain certain amount

of good behavior and how you do things

in a certain structure in order so it's

very important

PJ gives us a German rule book which he

wants us to follow a checklist telling

us everything from the amount of

housework to our daily pork intake I

just don't believe that most women want

to do 4 hours and 11 minutes of cooking

washing and cleaning I'll give it a go

I'll definitely try I'm gonna do my best

you get to sleep and then you get to go

out and eat loads of potato pot white

cheese and you get the so I get brown

bread and you get white bread oh you get

the same amount of pork same amount of

potatoes that's very easy but your life

looks normal to me that just doesn't

look like a normal life but that could

be that you know I'm not typical we've

rented an average German car a VW Golf

was right there bang in the middle of

what the Germans would drive it's kind

of rock solid it's not flash but it's

kind of well made and of course they

bind you which is quite interesting

isn't it Germany has one of the most

successful car industries in the world

and here success certainly starts at


two-thirds of all the cars on the road

are German well Cheers an egg this one

yours Elsa

time to discover a bit more about

Nuremberg history it was one of medieval

Germany's most important centers but

most of the old city was destroyed by

Allied bombing during the war since then

the city has been rebuilt and many of

the ruined buildings restored really

sharp rows other day the city was a

center of the Nazi regime the Nazi mayor

called it Germany's most German city and

it is here that Hitler held his infamous

Nuremberg rallies we meet historian

hands Christian hybrid we are on the

former Nazi Party rally grounds a huge

area covering some 11 square kilometers

it was created in 1933 even Hitler

designed Nuremberg as the city of the

party rallies the higher-ups the leaders

of the yes we party would be here

yeah looking out on this ground I'm

standing yes

I want to look at this because obviously

it's partly a lorry parka snow and I

wonder whether that doesn't reflect the

kind of ambivalence about what you do

with a historical site right there this

is not a memorial site now the the whole

grounds in the last decades have always

been used and for most profane profane

purposes for example parking lorries

here racecars are touring around here

they have festivals what billion have

been playing here and the Rolling Stones


in Britain we still seem to be obsessed

by our victory in the Second World War

it's so interesting to see here at the

rally ground how Germany is still

wrestling with the ghosts of its past

you can't help but feel that losing the

war meant Germany had to pull together

as a nation to rebuild it couldn't be

complacent and while Britain's economy

has faltered Germany's has thrived


the wild things will live like the

Mueller's after our daily limit of 0.2 7

litres of beer we're tucked up in bed at

exactly 11:15 for a bit of average

German sleep I'm working two German

timetables now it's progress though I've

got to eat 1.1 kilos of pork a week

nuremberg is an important manufacturing

center the Siemens the electrical

company added us and Puma churning out

trainers I'm going to be a trainee

supervisor at Father Castel the world's

oldest pencil manufacturer it produces

its sixth of the world's pencils

small and medium-sized businesses like

Farber Castel are the backbone of the

German economy employing almost

two-thirds of the German workforce

they're known as the Mickler stunt and a

mostly family-owned the average German

starts work at 7:49 already I'm below


hello Justin you yeah very good I'm

you're late

I know ambitious baked fish in speed and

British but hey I'm very sorry I had to

catch public transport and I got kind of

fun a bit lost

I'm doing an eight-hour day and that

includes an hour for lunch that's almost

an hour at less than we Brits work how

come they work less than us yet are more

productive okay where do we where do I


shop for you is to check if those fences

might have made stick together are there

okay this one back and green button okay

now your job is just to keep an eye on

the pencils and the machine I work in

the lacquering Department my job is to

watch over the machines in case

something goes wrong got to stay focused

best buddy moves to help us but if I

don't leave until unknown then they pour

you a basket so what so

it's making 336 pencils a minute I mean

already I'd Maggie I've made 1,500


it's all going quite smoothly although

it seems I'm not paying enough attention

yeah I see it yeah you know and

normally normally

we'll go around

okay please Sedona no you don't rest you

know you're here to work and you should

be sweeping the floor he said if I see

you doing that I'll just give you

another machine and then you'll be

really busy he's doing well but he is a

bit slow but I think he will run into

trouble there's a lot to do right now he

isn't doing much snowing

unlike Justin I've had a bit of a lie-in

some hot milk the average German mother

with children under three is a

stay-at-home mum my task is to become

more like mrs. Muller the average

housewife she does precisely four hours

in eleven minutes of housework er days

this is very different to my London life

and tomorrow's four hours of housework

is a lot should i be sort of hoovering

the ceiling or something to teach me

some of the tricks of becoming a german

housewife I've got someone from the

house file front coming round the German

version of the Women's Institute oh yeah

to be honest I'm I'm a little bit on the

defensive I'm expecting to be judged

so anyway too late to words or anything

about all our booze hello very nice to

meet you nice night B this is a big bag

yes for all the things we need to cook


German meal the English says to the

Chairman the crowds the crowds yeah this

hell house yes we cook crowd all right

my name is Eva perón and I am

a master yes of housekeeping detail to

manage yes time minute you correctly yes

Buchi so planning money so first you

climb that your time

yeah then you plan your budget and your

money yeah right plan them bill plan

learn the cooking for a week or for one

day wizzy for a week for a week you plan

your career for a whole week ahead yeah

I'm learning how to make a local noodle

dish efficiently excellent I like this

machine shall appeal it will be tight

e-visa Toby - Lord I'm not much of a

domestic goddess but I'm happy to learn


I didn't see it I'm almost to score I

noticed a big difference down in the

canteen all the meals are subsidized my

labor case are only cost is like a

whipped pork I'm discovering that

building staff loyalty generating a

sense of common purpose is the important

part of the Mittal stand I sit next to

Teemo who's 22 apprentice yeah you

started to only to learn to learn yeah

so is this a good place to work very

good players how long have you been

doing 10 years so you're quite an expert


when Timo and Danny were 15 years old

they went to Abu Ruth Shula an

apprenticeship school in Britain the

emphasis is on going to university but

manufacturing skills are highly regarded

in Germany and more than half of young

Germans join an apprenticeship scheme

most young trainees will land a job in

the Mittal stand often for life


kind of found an industry this emphasis

on training for industry certainly seems

to work Germany is the world's third

biggest exporter after China and the USA


this factory is a case in point I'm

amazed that Germany can still leave the

world in a technology as simple and easy

to copy as the pencil

Oh like a this fucking fool I can feel

it my legs you know standing up the

whole time yeah I really felt that

people come in and work hard there was

very little chat and what there was when

they talk to each other it's always

about work it's always about what and

really really focused

on my way home I meet the current head

of the family pencil dynasty he is the

graph of a direct descendent of the

founder I stick to handheld products

whatever has to do with manufacturing

computers would be suicidal because we

medium-sized smaller company and we

should focus on the traditional products

where we are really good at so it's a

secret of these German businesses that

they focus on one tiny bit of business

but do it on the world exactly that's

typical for Middle Eastern companies

that they don't stick only to the German

market they transfer their nior into

other markets and they try to act

properly the little stunt philosophy

seems to pay off the crafts business is

doing well and I get to go home early


it's nice to have more family time so

listen babe how much housework have you

done housecleaning

better get cooking I've invited the

neighbors around for some German

hospitality I'm trying out a German menu

nürnberg sausages and my granny's potato

salad Jostens nipped out with the kids

and this is the annoying thing justice

really good at cooking much better than

meat normally if we were entertaining

having actual people run especially

people we don't know he would do all


I don't come head and come in our guests

are our landlady Frau hala and her

partner Verna who's a decorator

there's granny known as Armour hello hi

Justin Jurgen a policeman higher and

students Tania and Alex would you save

that Nuremberg is a kind of typical

German city kind of a neighborhood is

this it seems good I like it it's

difficult there are many different

cultures where do they come from

Turkish market a great finish and why is

that not make it difficult living here a

little bit but it's not a problem

can I ask what do you think of Brittany

you know is it doing well and how

successful is dancing it's raining and

pouring you don't you don't hear

anything about sometimes she was in the

hospital that's right that's right

what about things like hard work do

germans work hard yes so we work the

same hours as you but we're not

assistance more yeah yeah we weren't

more hours and we produce less what we

do I wasn't English for an exchange

exchange yeah and I was in the office

and the people are talking all the time

about the private things

so also thingy yes

did you ask a week and oh what's the

plan for tonight and all the time and

drinking coffee in Britain it's quite

common for people to be doing Facebook

in the office Tania was obviously

horrified when she'd come on to Britain

to see how the little British people

work in the flat narrow on Facebook and

they're kind of texting their friends

emailing their friends you know one

making personal phone calls from work

that she clearly thought that was really

bad discipline and that was you know I'm

very good to meet ordinary Germans I

just hear what they have to say at work

I'm checking out the German attitude

towards texting and cause

Justin doesn't need to care for your

work look for your cell phone rings your

phone no just one text no no sorry no no

I need to work

no nothing a bubble pencils not for the


anyone pack

I've managed to find Elsa who's six a

place in a vault kindergarten just

outside Nuremberg it's a forest

kindergarten a particularly German

approach to education it's gonna be

acceptable in a German kindergarten one

thing German success is not based on is

hot housing young children German kids

don't even have to go to school until

they're six hours are mostly in class by

fall and what time do the children

arrive from 8 o'clock they arrive 8

o'clock yeah so they have lunch here

yeah and it's all outside and listen

yeah there are no primary school SATs

here children spend the day out in the

forest whatever the weather and even go

to the toilet in the woods toys are

banned and children create their own

games and interact with nature this is

just great for Elsa she won't want to go

back to a normal centrally heated

classroom I love a tree full of children

it's fantastic how much does it cost for

a child to come to Vout kindergarten the

prize in the month is 159 euros every

day coming every day but for a British

person that's astonishingly cheap

that's the interaction of what we pay

for nursery for private nursery fees

half just over 25 pounds a week I'm

beginning to see a definite upside to

life here

good morning hello I'm Justin the money

yes so you're gonna give me a checkup

if it hurts you tell me please this

morning I'm reporting to the company

doctor for a health check no it's okay

hope so yeah now I want to look at your

legs very cool this you don't have I

love our gooses you don't have no it's

okay well it's a girl they are not yet

there but could you try yeah is it

possible that your left leg is a little

bit shorter no no do you smoke no and

how is it was I good

it's good yeah do you drink it every day

probably every day most days not every

day but mostly I drinking probably too

much everything I did was okay

okay thank you very much indeed thank

you doctor thank you that was much more

thorough than I expected then I'm

reporting to HR to discuss my salary all


so Justin if you look here you can see

your basic salary it's around about two

thousand two hundred fifty years mm-hmm

transport allowance and money for

working in shifts mm-hmm all in all it's

two thousand eight hundred two euros

it's you that's a month which just

happens to be the average full-time

salary in Germany so on bang on the

average and how much holiday holiday

about you thirty days thirty six weeks

six weeks holiday that's very weird I

say this tax here so we've got what

first of all you have to pay income

taxes health insurances pension

insurance and unemployment insurance and

this fear of flavor for the human means

nursing Claire in truth that seems quite

a good package to me I pay less tax

because bees not working and because

we've got kids and there's a decent

pension and nursing care when I'm old

you were receiving additional bonus but

depends on the performance of the entire

production team

I wonder if this is part of that Mikkel

stunt communal ethos collective

responsibility rewarded with a shared

team bonus William and I have been

invited to a mother and toddlers group

by one of the moms at nursery I want to

understand why so few mothers with young

children here work thanks for having us

here this is really nice and can I ask

do any of you work at all do any I think

it's um German mothers don't want to to

give their children in mercenaries or

kindergartens for the whole day all


they want to keep them at home in

Germany two thirds of mothers with

children under three a stay-at-home mums

compared to a third in Britain friends

of mine who don't work who are mums in

in the in Britain have sometimes said

that when people are you know that they

hate the question also you know what do

you do because they feel that saying oh

I'm a mum is not enough of a family and

this is is a hard job so you're gonna go

oh just a moment

no I know yeah it's great that

motherhood is a source of pride here in

Germany but there is a stigma attached

to being a working mother

they're called harbin mutters Ravin mums

that neglect their young the German

school day doesn't help working moms

either it's not school starts at 8 o

clock and three times in the week she

comes back at a quarter past 11

seriously hard work part time and that's

not nursery that's school let's all

visit there's a big contrast with with

Britain but actually financially it's

much better not to work as a

here than in Britain you get good tax

breaks and you get benefit when I go to

work you have hope pay so much tax that

it's nothing at the end of months - yeah

in my hands there's nothing left no

nothing left yeah really laughs so as I

stay at home and be with my kids that

kindergarten is amazing but there's

something that's still bothering me and

it's a German women on what specifically

German mothers aren't getting back into

the workforce they work less than all of

their European counterparts and even

more alarmingly I've read that a

boardroom at CEO level representation of

women is 2% in Germany I mean in Britain

we manage I think it's about 14% so I

find that really shocking and I think

that whatever the push-pull factors are

that keep women at home be it financial

incentives or the strange German school

day that starts only but finishes at

lunchtime Germany needs to address this

so that women can can have a fulfilling

career to keep up with Sabina Muller

I've still got three of my four hours of

housework to do


Germans are well known for their

recycling half of all municipal waste is

recycled and twice as much as in the UK

the rule are a paper paper yes


I've just done a bit of hoovering and

chucked a few things on the sink i've

definitely humbled over four and a half

hours or four point two eight hours a

day not even close

so that's a big fat fail on the house

for our front it's tea time and I'm

already on my way home you can learn

quite a lot about a culture when you get

behind the wheel

it obviously is a new car and I'm a

little bit nervous and other drivers are

really on your case if you make even a

slight mistake you leave your indicator

on for too long they'll start beeping

their horns and telling you you know

which you know you don't want to read

too much into it I think says a lot

about the way that German society is

ordered you know if you if you

transgress if you make a mistake then

people will point it out to you and

that's one of the reasons why it works

so well you know there's a bit of my

anglo-saxon nature which doesn't want to

be told you know


because my challenge is to be more

German I've got to do what Germans do

and that means joining a club there are

over half a million of them across the

country I'm trying out one of the most

traditional a singing club I'm not a hi

I'm Justin I'm Justin thank you very

much for letting me join you tonight the

problem is I'm not much of a singer

Justin do we want to sing in the and the

bass sorry in the bus or in the Tipton's

or I think I'm probably a tenor Jana

wrong place




so how popular clubs like this a few one

here in the air by Newberg I see one

hundred a hundred Cubs just amazing just

around go home I go to bed and go to

work you go with the year and have some

fun and and also sing is good for the

feeding and it's nice you like it also

because there's something purpose what

about you're not just coming and having

a train call we have that anyway do that

any so you like the sense of purpose

communal purpose

it seems this is about more than just

singing I get the sense there's also

something about wanting to be part of a

community doing something together with

a group of like-minded people

Britain seems a lot less community

orientated much more individualistic

I hope my voice didn't ruin a great



to be honest I think um be skating about

and paranoid I mean normally the kids

have bit nursery and she wouldn't have

to look after them every day she

wouldn't have to do this four and a half

hours of housework and I think it's

getting a bit tedious I think she's

getting a little bored of it all and a

bit of night to be honest tensions are

rising in the role at family where

should I go which one which one for me

where should I work I do these two okay

just like at the choir the emphasis is

on the team not the individual and

they're giving me more responsibility

I'm now looking after three machines

under the supervision of Danny

it does give a sense of common purpose

and pride in what they do in a in a way

that you know DARS make it feel it makes

you want to work hard yourself you know

you don't want to let down you know

Danny and Brigitta by kind of slacking

because they're working hard and putting

a lot into it like mrs. Muller I'm off

to a discount supermarket Germany has

the tightest profit margins in the

retail trade Germany's relationship to

money has its roots in the past the

memory of post-war hardships lives on

and even now they're cautious about

spending the German word for debt is

sholden which means guilt so credit

cards aren't popular and most people pay

in cash and Germans save much more than

we do

ten percent of the family budget

compared to the one percent we Brits

manage that means German banks have more

capital more money to lend out to German

companies which has helped them invest

and expand over decades

well actually it was quite it was decent

value you know that's why things like

nappy using toothpaste but few beers as

well as a surprise

getting home early gives me plenty of

time to catch up with my TV quote


after bargain hunting in the shops

there's still work to do to meet those

demanding German targets for housework

it's time to check our guidebook we're

trying to be averaged Germans so how a

ver egde are we I'm gonna I cut no

absolutely I failed to spend four hours

11 minutes doin cooking washing and

cleaning I just don't see how anyone can

I mean there seems to be a real emphasis

on parent spending time with their kids

in Germany and that's you know I think

that's really impressive and that seems

to be encouraged by the states as well I

think they're encouraging mums to stay

with the kids not so much nice ice cream

especially ones but but that's you know

it's not a bad thing is it to offer one

in the choice not not to work and to be

at home it's about prescribing other

people's lives you clearly don't have a

problem with that because it hasn't

happened to you your life has not been

prescribed or dictated by someone else

or dictated by society so you seem quite

happy to impose that on others what I'm

saying is I'm not entirely convinced

that they all want to stay at home

some of them might don't if people

wanting us great go for it if you know

but can you see that if you provide the

money you'll turn really the support for

women by giving them money and

subsidized childcare and wholly open

their jobs

you give them freedom of choice so they

can choose that's what I'm saying it's a

freedom of choice you know coming from

you personal personal personal isn't it

from from that from the little boy who

said to his mother you're not as

important as daddy cuz daddy goes out to

work you said that's your own mum didn't

you Justin you just want someone else to

pay for it you think that's a Stoke page

fit and that's a good thing well you

know I I put it is that women should be

just fun plodding members of society so

probably no you know you're not good you

know you're not debating

Oh gross danke CERN it's time for me to

get personal with my colleagues - I want

to know how much they earn the German

economy is doing very well worldwide

compared to the rest of the world but

how a wage is what a wages won't care a

weight is going up rapidly as the German

economy grows and not really no no you

know it's roughly the correction of the

inflation right so no I don't know win I

don't see any success right now that's

true for most German workers the German

economy may be doing well

internationally but in real terms wages

haven't gone up in 20 years


one reason is reunification the West had

to bear the burden of modernizing the

economy of East Germany it affected

everyone in Germany often workers traded

wage increases for job security


now German taxpayers are picking up the

tab for the debts of the eurozone

ever since Danny came over from the east

he's had a steady job when did you come

here okay point not no money no no I

first know where the hundred marks

Thomas a hundred nine thousand super


the exact angle colleagues on Alpha

invest compared once they all watch a

lot wide-eyed I'll see you Korea

reunification is another example of the

Germans ability to overcome adversity

but it seems their sense of community

does not apply to all Germans we live in

Gaston HOF a trendy area of Nuremberg

that's often called Goho like Soho in

New York it's multicultural 40% of

residents here aren't ethnic Germans

there's been a lot of immigration to

Germany over the years nine point one

percent of the population are from

abroad compared to seven point six in

the UK most immigrants to Germany a

Turkish they first came over in the 60s

as gastar biter or guest workers when

Germany and a labor shortage

I'm meeting a Lev a local writer who was

born here two Turkish parents what was

the attitude when you look dude do Turks

I mean they're uneducated they don't

speak German very well

criminals lower class it was actually

pretty difficult because I was born as a

Turkish citizen because Germany didn't

claim I said tootanny only when I was

like 20 80 or so you're somebody's right

yeah despite being born in Germany

definitely so you have you didn't have

proper rights as a German citizen until

you're 28 years old

in Germany is is a country that's based

on this exclusion what do you mean by

the exclusion is in they'd like to

separate they'd like to select the best

but I mean it's German is a

multicultural society right I mean the

people are here we're here but are we

represented in top positions are we

represented in organizations are we

represented in politics absolutely not

we are excluded mass immigration has

been a challenge for many European

countries and it's certainly causing

tension here now it's my turn to do some

housework even Thomas Muller does an

hour a day I'm cooking one of Germany's

most celebrated national dishes no less

sauerkraut ready-made sauerkraut so in a

big gourmet cuisine andreas Falco is an

economist at a local university his wife

is a teacher I've invited them round

because I still don't fully understand

why German workers are so productive we

have some app statistics about Germans

and we learn how much pork and potatoes

Germans eat a kilo a week of each yeah

so we need to get our pork and potatoes

kind of industrial work I know that the

label made in Germany is not what it

used to be but in what I think many

people still have that image of

belonging maybe to a company that

produces something that is really good

and really competitive on the mark

they're proud of working there and other

people if the company has a good name

then they're proud to work for them we

look at the steady growth of the German

economy but that hasn't been reflected

in real incomes so ordinary Germans

haven't seen you know they don't feel

wealthy because in the end the ordinary

German would say I'm happy to keep my


you just have additional income maybe of

1% steadiness you know this is kind of

Germans want to have a steady calculable

but they won't go for for the 10%

security is important yeah I think

they'd rather go for the steady steady

accrue it's like in the companies no big

no there's no Apple there's no Amazon no

or Microsoft you have the Metall time

remember these are small businesses yeah

that do little things very well after

this this emphasis on on really quality

of things work but unfortunately

something isn't working my sauerkraut if

the sauerkraut is there a reason why you

started profit are you supposed to suck

a hot I don't know I I thought it was

supposed to be told it's the weekend I'm

beginning to get a handle on why the

Germans fetus in the workplace but what

about on the pitch

I'm off to Munich to watch The Footy

Bayern Munich vs. hammer I'm meeting my

workmates Dani and Timo at the match

German football is really interesting

because it's yet another German success

story look at this I've got tickets for

this big games 15 euros for really good

seats I mean that's way cheaper than

unlike the freewheeling world of the

English Premier League where anyone can

own anything the German Bundesliga is a

bit more restrained a bit like German

Mitchell stunt companies like Farber

Castel who owns the cockpit who owns

Baron I mean the the members - really I

mean it is possible to to sell shares of

the club but only to a certain extent

see we have the so-called 50 plus one

rule which means the 50% plus one share

have to be owned in by members of the

matter so if I ordinary fans so how does

that change the way you think that

decisions are made well I think things

like what's happening in Kenya English

football teams billionaire from Russia

or Vietnam Asia or wherever can change

everything about the football team it

has full control and internally this

isn't so easy to do for the people with

money and so it's more of a fan-based

structure so I've just got a Chile naka

it's like a chili sausage typical

football weather to be honest

cool exhausting ts foul told not be s


which support are you awesome

I have them very yeah uhm oh oh very


hey Danny what about the weather it's


it was a historic game nine to two

Bayern Munich


Sunday still plays a special role in

German life over half of Germans are

religious and according to German law

sunday is a day of rest and virtually

all the shops are shut

Jochen the policeman we had over to

dinner has come to call because I'm here

we have a little problem morning it's

too loud what we ought to Europe's loud

especially your children they will try

it was too loud the neighbour said to me

that she heard and all the time since 6

o'clock yeah well they did get up quite

heavy good they were just kind of

playing and jumping around yeah it's not

a problem that you don't understand me

for but it's a good behavior in Germany

on Sunday to be quiet because it's a

holy day and it offends other people yes

also of their rules that you aren't

allowed to to to words like drilling or

which make noise and also no house where

no cleaning cleaning us ok but you're

nothing which make noise some of them so

it's an offence in law do people really

observe it

yes people really really attention to

this really people you would be called

out as a policeman yes sometimes it

costs 50 euros until to 2500 years

really what said to you friendly yeah

yeah of course yeah yeah that's very

good advice but here in the city zero

how he said many foreigners and they

don't know sis law and they sometimes

conduct on closer as a neighbor and so

they don't care and improve whatever

they want

that must cause any trouble between

neighbors yes trouble begins with little

things like the kinder shouting or their

chopping of your also played it music

instrument it's a low level and it goes

escalates more and more so it's a

question of respect yes I'm just

respecting the traditions and

conventions yeah that sense that's okay

okay Jurgen thank you very much indeed

to keep the neighbors and the children

happy we're going to Germany's largest

amusement park Europa Park during my

time in Germany you know we've we

started with the kind of stereotypes the

average German and you know I suppose

the experience has been a move away so

it's quite ironic really that we've

ended up here at your OPA part which is

a celebration of European stereotypes

but brilliant wonderful and kind of

loving of Europe as well

there's an Easter egg hunt at a vault


I want to find out how else I got on I

would like to keep her here so happy it

makes me wish I was a child I think it's

really beautiful there's a strong

environmentalist message in this it's

about respecting nature so you know

there's no trace left behind they don't

drop it in any rubbish so I think that's

a very typically German thing and also I

think there's a sense of an idealized

version of childhood you know without

the being measured for their literacy

and their maths and without being you

know placed in a sort of artificially

lit flow enclosed environment that I

think is quite quite typical in Germany

it's my last day at the factory and time

to hang up my pencil so I've got quite

used to our french fire and you know I

can run three machines quite well so I'm

hoping that they're pleased with me the

only problem I think is being there

above an issue with punctuality it has

been quite hard to get here on time

sighs mama yeah

I think he improves we did well with

this three machines while he had lots of

help Danny Castellano Thank You Danny

thank you thank you it was really you

were so helpful yeah you are helping me

with the machine we have you go together

no it's good it's really good thank you

Alex how did I do was I okay yeah it was

okay really okay just before we leave PJ

the admin is back and he wants to know

how successful we've been at becoming

average Germans so the like the the big

goal in this behaving a bit like the

mullahs I didn't excel in the house for

our stakes

I like to go out and work you know I

find my work-life balance somehow I

don't think that really fits into the

mold house was set out to me did you

become Thomas snow you only have to look

at our diary of being a German to see

that we didn't achieve that I mean I'll

tell you the things that I managed to

achieve religiously without fail I hid

my pork quotas and I hid my potato

quotas and I exceeded my beer and wine

grosses good we're not quite the mullahs

yet but we have learned a lot about

being German about how their hard work

efficiency and orderliness spring from a

deep sense of community and

responsibility towards each other but

something else has really impressed me

too and this may be to do with their

country's history they don't take their

success for granted

and I think that's why the country is so

good at focusing on the long

we did it sunny did if you missed it

earlier tonight you can see horizons

insight into the boom of health related

phone apps with monitor me tomorrow

night at 20 past 11:00

here on bbc2


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